Instructors, Coordinating Adult Education with Other Community
noCitP41RNT RMIIM ED 030 427 X 690 200 By -Dames. C. Robert. Ed. Proceedings of the Annual Illinois Junior College Conference (3rd, Rockford, Illinois,October 24 -26. 1968). Illinois Association of Community and Junior Colleges, Chicago.; Illinois Junior Coll.Board, Springfield. Pub Date 1681 Note- I27p. EDRS Price MF -$0.56 FIC -$6.45 Descriptors -Conferemes. *Junior Colleges Identifiers -*Illinois Papers and addresses presented at this funior college conferenceincluded, the planning of statewide subject-are conferences, long-range masterplanning of curricula and campuses, workshop for admission officersand registrars, the use of advisory committees, uniform accounting practices. proposed statelegislation. community services, responsibility of the college tothe socioeconomically deprived, academic preparation of the faculty, a master of arts program inteaching for the instructors, coordinating adult education with othercommunity agencies. adult education as a challenge, relationship Of the junior collegeboard to federal and other state agencies, admission policies andpractices. an informative course-numberingsystem,thecounseling andtestingof part-timestudents, relationship of junior colleges to the extension divisionsof senior colleges and universities. accommodation (academic. residentialetc.) at the senior institutionsfor the growing number of transfer students. a unit-coststudy. student activities (intramural sports. newspaper. cultural series). student government,significance o'f student ID cards, relationship of state coordinating
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