PRESENT: Cllrs. A. Irish, D.C. Griggs, T. Elmer, Mrs L. Williams, Mrs. K. Whordley, R. Debenham. Mrs D Griggs (Clerk)

53 APOLOGIES: Cllr. D. Page, Ccllr. R. Kemp, Dcllrs. S. Plumb and M. Holt.

54 TO RECEIVE COUNCILLOR’S DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ANY ITEM ON THE AGENDA: Application No. DC/02885: Harrow Green Site, Harrow Green: Cllr. R. Debenham declared an interest. Application No. DC/03245: land to the south of Beechwood House, Bury Road. Cllr. R. Debenham declared an interest. Cllr. DC. Griggs declared an interest in Finance Minute 58: Clerk’s salary.

55 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING HELD ON 8TH SEPTEMBER 2020. The Minutes were agreed and signed.

56 REPORTS: Crime report: As per the Police website: 6 crimes reported August 2020: On or near Brighthouse Farm, Melford Road: 2 crimes: violence & sexual offences. On or near: Lambs Lane/Churchill Close: 2 crimes: anti-social behaviour. On or near: Straight Road/Whepstead Road: 1 crime: Burglary. On or near: Donkey Lane: 1 crime: violence & sexual offences. Ccllr. R.Kemp report: circulated to Cllrs. Information included in this report: Electric charging point. As instructed the Clerk will make contact re: stating that Lawshall P.C. is interested in the electric charging point project. Boundary Review: Due to Covid 19 any boundary changes will not be implemented until the 2025 elections. A new phone number 0800 068 3131 is now available to help people across , access information or support relating to debt, benefits, Dcllrs. S. Plumb, M. Holt: circulated to Cllrs.

57 MATTERS ARISING: Sign at Crooked Wood: Mr Nigel Hughes: Information received for the new sign to be erected directing residents to Crooked Wood received from Mr Nigel Hughes. This matter was discussed, and the Councillors approved this sign. Proposed by Cllr. A. Irish seconded by Cllr. D.C. Griggs, all in favour. NHPlan update: no plans for this at present. Tree/s at needing attention: The clerk will contact Mr Nigel Hughes asking for a quotation. Missing post box at Lawshall Green: to date no information has been received about replacing this post box. Flooding at Bury Road: we have been informed that some remedial work has been carried out. Cont…

-2- LAWSHALL PARISH COUNCIL 58 FINANCE: Donation requests from: Citizens Advice Bureau and Headway Suffolk. The Councillors decided that a donation of £25 would be sent to Headway Suffolk (to include on November agenda). No donation to Citizens Advice Bureau at present. Invoices passed for payment: Clerk’s Salary & Expenses: £336.49 E. Markell: £240.00 (grass cutting P/ground 7/9 & 9/10/20 & B/Ground 10/9/ & 8/10/20) Community Action Suffolk: £558.00 (3year long term agreement Insurance 2021). (Cllr. A. Irish proposed to take advantage of this offer, seconded by Cllr. Mrs L. Williams, all in favour.) Community Action Suffolk: £60.00 (host website). LB Engineering: £80.00 (mending fence in playground) R. Debenham: £348.00 (grass cutting x 3) Babergh D.C. Final payment Precept: £4290.50 paid in 29/9/20) Babergh D.C. Recycling: £238.82 [paid in 28/9/20) The following balances were reported @ 15/9/2020 £13.23 Chq dated 11/8/20 (R.Debenham) for £96.00 paid in on 2/10/20 leaving a debit balance. The Clerk transferred £90.00 from the Business account on 2/10/2020 to cover deficit. Community account: 2/10/2020 £13.23 Business account: 2/10/2020 £8704.91 Cllr. A. Irish proposed that £1627.00 is transferred from the Business account into the Community account, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. L. Williams, all in favour. Clerk’s Salary: (Cllr. D.C. Griggs and Clerk had declared an interest and left the meeting). The information received from N.A.L.C. for the National Salary Awards to be implemented from 1 April 2020 was discussed by the Councillors. It was agreed that the Clerk’s salary would now be increased as per the NALC guidelines. This was proposed by Cllr. A. Irish seconded by Cllr. Mrs L. Williams, all in favour. New salary to start in November 2020 and to be backdated to Apl 2020 as stated in the guidelines. The Clerk’s Contract will be updated. To be signed by the Chairman.

59 PLANNING: Application No. DC/20/02885: Harrow Green site, Harrow Green: Application for approval of reserved matters following grant of outline planning permission DC/17/06174 - Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale for erection of 5 dwellings. DISCHARGE OF CONDITIONS: Application No. DC/20/02180: Land south of Appleberry House, Folly Lane: Application No. DC/019/05767: Condition 9) Refuse & Recycling bins), Condition 10 (Surface Water Discharge), Condition 11 (Parking & Manoeuvring), Condition 13 (Phase 2 Investigation), Condition 14 (Soft Landscaping Scheme), Condition 15 (Landscape Management Plan). PLANNING PERMISSION GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: Application No. DC/20/02735: Land to the south of Bury Road: creation of new vehicular access to replace temporary access to field and change of use of field from agricultural to domestic in connection with Plot 5 of planning permission DC/19/05806. Application No. DC/20/03245 Land to the south of Beechwood House, Bury Road: erection of 5 dwellings erection of 5 dwellings and creation of associated single access. Cont…. -3- LAWSHALL PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING Cont… *Application No. DC/20/03418: 1-2 Waldegrave Cottages, Lane: erection of 1 dwelling (following demolition of existing dwellings and outbuildings). Erection of 3 bay garage, construction of swimming pool, stabling/tack room. landscaping and creation of new vehicular access. Note: The Clerk was instructed to contact Babergh D.C. Re: Planning Permission* DC/20/3418: Telephone call received 22/10/2020 from Planning Officer Jasmine Whyard starting that the NHPlan Policies/Laws are always taken into consideration when decisions regarding Planning Applications are made. Councillors can always contact the relevant Planning Officer with any questions on any planning application. Application No. DC/20/02452: MGT (Suffolk) Ltd, Corner Farm, Lawshall Road: use of land as transportation and storage yard including creation of attenuation basin and hardstanding.

60 CORRESPONDENCE: MGT (Suffolk) re: Application No. DC/20/02452: : The Councillors instructed the Clerk to contact Mr Gregory, now that permission has been granted for his planning application DC/20/02452, to remind him of the promise he made regarding the flooding on the bottom corner from Corner Farm to correct this problem, ,that no more lighting would be used on the premises, nor more trucks would be needed and that no more than half the meadow area would be made as hard standing. Babergh D.C. info received re: Tree planting fund: The Clerk will contact BDC to register the P. C’s interest in tree planting. Email from Mr Busby: The Chairman will contact Mr Busby. Sign at Hall Mead: This sign has been damaged and has been removed for repair.

61 ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Email from Mr R. Livall: request to be considered in the future NHPlan team update is recorded. Email from Mr R. Livall: various questions re: NHPlan update. The Clerk has sent Mr Livall a comprehensive reply. Trees/hedges at Lawshall Row needing attention: The Clerk will arrange a meeting with Bradnams Tree Services to meet with Cllrs at Lawshall Row to discuss work required and Bradnams will provide a quotation.

Next meeting: Tuesday 10th November 2020. Venue to be decided.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9pm.

These Minutes will be emailed to the Councillors for their approval.

…………………………………………………………… …………………………………….. Chairman Date

A hard copy of the Minutes was delivered to the Chairman prior to the meeting and were approved and signed. Also approved by the Councillors at the Remote meeting on 10th November 2020.