The Annual Parish Council meeting was held in the Village Hall, West Burton on Tuesday, 6 October 2020.

Present: Miss Jane Ritchie, Ms Beth Daley, Mr Andrew Landau and Mrs Sally Sahin Councillors, and Mrs Susan Ryding, Clerk

Also present: Councillor Yvonne Peacock of District Council and North County Council

1. Apologies Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor Rowland Dent.

2. Declarations of interest Councillor Beth Daley declared a personal interest in Item 8.

3. Minutes The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 7 July 2020, having been circulated to all Members, were confirmed as a true copy, and duly signed by the Chairman

4. Clerk’s Report The Clerk gave a verbal report on matters arising from the previous meeting.

The Council considered Planning Application R54/163/OH for the renewal of the overhead electric cable at Walden Head, the details of which had been circulated before the meeting. RESOLVED: That the Council supports the approval of this application

5. Arrangements for Bonfire Night and Christmas The Council consider the feasibility of some kind of celebration for Bonfire Night and Christmas in the light of the current coronavirus pandemic. RESOLVED: That all arrangements for Bonfire Night should be cancelled, but that the Clerk should order the Christmas tree and make the arrangements for it to be put up as usual. There would be no switch on event, but the Clerk was asked to put an item in the next Newsletter explaining the decision on both events and suggesting residents might like to display as many Christmas lights as possible

6. Half-yearly review of the budget The Council considered a bank reconciliation and supporting financial information which had been circulated before the meeting. The level at which the Precept should be set was also considered. RESOLVED: That the Council accepts the documents and the recommendation of the Responsible Financial Officer that the Precept should remain unchanged at £6,600.00

7. Consultation request on Council Tax reductions Councillors considered a consultation request from Richmondshire District Council on possible Council Tax reductions RESOLVED: That Councillors did not wish to comment at this time

4 8. Request to lay an electric cable across a track The Council considered a request from the owners of Mill House to lay an electric cable duct across the track leading down to the Waterfall in order to install an electric car charging point in their garage. RESOLVED: That the Council is happy to agree to this request

9. Richmondshire District Council Area Partnership fund The Council considered if there was any outstanding project for which a grant from the RDC Area Partnership would be appropriate and could be applied for. RESOLVED: That there is no project that needs extra funding at the present time

10. Invitation for Remembrance Sunday An invitation from St Andrew’s Church was considered for a representative of the Parish Council to take part in a Remembrance Sunday service on 8 November. RESOLVED: That the Council thanked the organisers of the event for their kind invitation, but was planning to hold their own small remembrance event on 11 November. The Clerk was asked to reply accordingly

11. Water tap near Cote Bridge Councillors received a report from the Chairman that the water tap that had been located near Cote Bridge had been removed and re-sited within the Cote Bridge Caravan Park. The Chairman explained that this tap had been designated in the Emergency Plan as the emergency water source for West Burton. The Council considered whether or not an emergency tap was needed and if so where it could be sited. RESOLVED: That an emergency tap would be useful and that the Chairman would consult with the owners of Cote Farm for a possible location

12. Congestion near the access to Cavey Garth Councillors considered reports of congestion near the entrance to the road to Cavey Garth that had prohibited vehicles from gaining access. In particular it was reported that the refuse collection vehicles could not reach Cavey Garth if cars were parked on the road near West Burton House. The Council also considered the idea of a temporary car park in a field near the village to alleviate the parking problem during the main tourist season. RESOLVED: That the Clerk should contact the Highways Department with a proposal that yellow lines should be installed near West Burton House to allow free access in the area to larger vehicles. The Clerk was asked to include an item in the Newsletter asking if any landowner would be willing to provide temporary car parking during the summer months.

13. Parish Clerk’s salary and hours The Council considered the recommended increase in the Clerk’s salary from the National Associated of Local Councils for the financial year 2020 to 2021, and whether the Clerk’s contractual hours of 220 per annum were appropriate. RESOLVED: That the Clerk’s hours should remain at 220 per annum, that her salary should remain as Scale Point 20 and that the hourly rate should be increased from £13.15 per hour to £13.51

14. Items for the Newsletter Councillors discussed items that should be included in the next Newsletter which is due later in October. RESOLVED: That the Clerk should duly take note of the items to be included.


15. Invoices A cheque for the following invoice was signed. • J W Alderson & Sons - £80.00 (VAT £13.34)

16. Notice of meetings and reports of meeting attended Councillors noted the dates of future meetings and received a report on a virtual meeting of the Richmondshire Branch of the Yorkshire Local Councils Associations from Councillor Beth Daley.

17. Circulation of documents Councillors noted that circulation of documents is not recommended practice at this time.

18. Items for the next agenda RESOLVED: That in addition to any matters mentioned above, there are no additional items that should be brought forward to the next agenda.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.45 pm

Date of the next meeting, Tuesday, 3 November at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall.

Chairman: J O Ritchie

Date: 3 November 2020