American Lumberjack March Association 2019 ALA Board of Directors Membership Dues! President: Eric Hoberg
[email protected] It’s back again! Incentive for paying your dues at the 406-360-1822 beginning of the year! If you pay your dues before the UofM ProAm, you are entered in a drawing to receive Vice President: Rob Waibel your 2019 membership for FREE! Payment must be
[email protected] 503-369-9910 RECEIVED by the Secretary prior to her departure for the competition, she is leaving April 24th and lives in the Secretary: Chrissy Ramsey boonies, so get that membership mailed in EARLY!
[email protected] 509-945-3350 The drawing will be held at the winter meeting. You do not need to be present to win. How it works: if you pay Treasurer: James Hartley a family, junior, college, or annual membership, then a
[email protected] 509-344-9951 single ticket will be placed in the drawing. If your ticket is drawn then you will receive your dues back. ($60 for Board Members: a family, $30 for a junior, $45 for an annual, or $35 for a collegiate). Reason enough to get those dues in early? Gordy Mauhl We hope so! 425-788-1201 206-669-0224c Cody Labahn
[email protected] 541-231-9659 The Spring ALA meeting will be held at the University of Trevor Baker Montana ProAm Competition at the end of April. The
[email protected] 206-713-3742 UofM has a new indoor training facility on their site and we will be using it to have our meeting.