[email protected] Does God Reside in a Particular Space?: The Philosophical Problem of Holiness 1) Why did God command us regarding the construction of the Mishkan saying 'I shall dwell among them' as if he were a defined corporeal being limited in space when the exact opposite is true? - For He is not corporeal, nor a material force, so how did they ascribe to Him a place. Did not God say of Himself, 'The heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool: where is the house that you would build for Me, and where is the place of My rest?'" (Isaiah 66:1). Abarbanel (Born in Spain 1437, died in Venice,1508) 2) הִ ֵנּ ה הַ שָּׁ מַ יִ ם וּ שְׁ מֵ י הַ שָּׁ מַ יִ ם, ל ֹא יְ כַ לְ כְּ לוּ�-- אַ ף, כִּ י-הַ בַּיִת הַ זֶּה אֲשֶׁ ר בָּנִיתִ י. מלכים א' – פרק ח, פסוק כז 2) The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built. Kings 1 – Chapter 8, Verse 27 3) אֶ שֶׂ ר קְ דֻ שּׁ וֹ ת הֵ ן, אֶ רֶ ץ ִ י שְׂ רָ אֵ ל מְ קֻ דֶּ שֶׁ ת מִ כָּ ל הָ אֲ רָ צ וֹ ת. וּמַ ה הִ יא קְ דֻשָּׁתָ הּ, שֶׁ מְּ בִ י אִ י ם מִ מֶּ ָ נּ ה הָ ֹע מֶ ר וְ הַ בִּ כּ וּ רִ י ם וּ שְׁ תֵּ י הַ לֶּ חֶ ם, מַ ה שֶּׁאֵ ין מְבִיאִ ים כֵּן מִ כָּל הָאֲרָ צוֹת : מסכת כלים – פרק א, משנה ו 3) There are ten degrees of holiness.