Amended Interim Designation of Agent to Receive Notification of Claimed Infringement Full Legal Name of Service Provider: Gannett Satellite Information Network, Alternative Name(s) of Service Provider (including all names under which the service provider is doing business):...::S:o..::e:....::e-=A-=.t=ta=.:c=h=ec...::; Address of Service Provider:_~..:....79"-'5:...!O:.....:J'-"o=n=es"-B=ra=n=ch=D=n:...:.·v-=.e,,,-,M=.=,.c=L=ea=nO>,.,-,V....:o..A.:..=c22::..:1"-,,Oc..:.,7__ Name of Agent Designated to Receive Notification of Claimed Infringement:_...;.M~a=rk",--,,=,E:!....""-.F=an,,-,"·::<..,s_______ Full Address of Designated Agent to which Notification Should be Sent (a P.O. Box or similar designation is not acceptable except where it is the only address that can be used in the geographic location): __Gannett Co., Inc. 7950 Jones Branch Drive, McLean, VA 22107 _________ Telephone Number of Designated Agent:_703-854-6847_______ Facsimile Number of Designated Agent:_703-854-203 Email AddressofDesignatedAgent:
[email protected]_____ Identify the Interim Designation to be Amended, by Service Provider Name and Filing Date, so that it may be Readily Located in the Directory Maintained by the Copyright Office: Gannett Satellite Information Network, Inc. August 9, 2006 cer or Representative of the Designating Service Provider: ---__ Date: September 13, 2011 Typed or Printed Name and Title: _~T",-,o,,-,d=d::....:A:....:::-.M:..:.=a:.,.L.y=m=a=n,,-,=S.:;.;"'-.,ryl-....-_____ bnn.d DEC 201011 OCT i.!