Basic Services Allowed As Others Stay Closed

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Basic Services Allowed As Others Stay Closed BUSINESS | Page 1 QATAR | Page 24 Capital Intelligence Thousands take part in affi rms QNB ratings; Qur’anic Botanic Garden outlook remains ‘stable’ Ramadan activities published in QATAR since 1978 WEDNESDAY Vol. XXXXI No. 11554 May 20, 2020 Ramadan 27, 1441 AH GULF TIMES www. 2 Riyals Get up to 2 GB bonus data with Hala from the safety of your home #Hadaya_Ooredoo *Terms and conditions apply PM directs extending Sheikh Joaan attends Olympic period of National Response Guarantee Basic services allowed Refuge Foundation meeting Programme HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdulaziz al-Thani has directed as others stay closed that the period of the National Response Guarantee Programme, which involves the provision of guarantees to local banks by Qatar he Ministry of Commerce and and provide basic services to citizens try of Public Health in this regard Development Bank, be extended to Industry (MoCI) has explained and residents, it has been decided to z Automobile sector become interest-free for a full year Twhich activities are exempted suspend all commercial and service 1. Fuel stations instead of six months. This comes in from the Cabinet decision on sus- activities during the Eid al-Fitr holi- 2. Vehicle maintenance workshops implementation of the directives of His pending commercial and service ac- day,” the notifi cation states. affi liated to agencies Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin tivities during the Eid al-Fitr holiday. The decision shall be eff ective until zOther sectors Hamad al-Thani to support the private On Monday, the Cabinet had is- 30, with the exception of the follow- 1. Factories in all industrial areas sector aff ected by the repercussions of sued a decision on closing shops and ing sectors and activities: 2. Contracting and engineering the Covid-19 pandemic, QNA reports. stopping all commercial activities z Food and consumer goods companies (allowed to operate at Also, HE the Prime Minister directed from May 19-30, except food and ca- sector: construction sites along with affi li- that the contracting and construction tering shops, pharmacies, restaurants 1. Outlets selling food products, ated engineering offi ces) sector be included in the beneficiary that provide delivery services, and consumer goods and subsidised sup- 3. Maintenance companies sectors, subject to the same controls any other necessary activities deter- plies (hypermarkets, supermarkets (plumbing and electrical services) and conditions. mined by the MoCI. and groceries) 4. Financial institutions, according The ministry then issued a notifi - 2. Shops selling vegetables and fruits to Qatar Central Bank’s circular More beds added cation on its social media pages with 3. Restaurants (allowed to operate 5. Telecommunications companies for Covid-19 care details of the decision and the ex- by processing delivery orders only) 6. Companies delivering orders emptions. 4. Confectionery shops through electronic applications The number of new hospital beds for “In line with the previous decisions 5. Bakeries 7. Companies operating in the hos- treating Covid-19 patients in Qatar and measures adopted by Qatar to pre- z Health sector pitality sector will reach about 3,500 in the next two vent and limit the spread of Covid-19, 1. Pharmacies 8. Logistics services companies/ weeks, said Dr Saad al-Kaabi, chairman and in order to protect the health and 2. Clinics, in accordance with fi rms operating at airports and ports of the Health System Committee for safety of all members of the society the decisions issued by the Minis- To Page 8 Accident Control at Hamad Medical Corporation. “There is no shortage of beds for Covid-19 patients who need hospitalisation, but members of the society must continue to act proactively to prevent the spread of the infection,” he pointed out. In all, E the President of Qatar Olympic Committee (QOC) Sheikh Joaan bin Ha- seven facilities are allocated for the mad al-Thani participated in the annual meeting of the Olympic Refuge care of Covid-19 patients. They are the HFoundation Executive Offi ce, held yesterday via video conferencing to dis- Communicable Disease Center, Hazm cuss a number of topics, including the Foundation’s activities during the past year Mebaireek General Hospital, Cuban and its priorities in the current year. Hospital, Mesaieed Hospital, Ras Laff an The Foundation had made remarkable progress during 2019 and launched many Hospital and Libsear Hospital and the programmes to support needy groups and played a pivotal role in coordinating the field hospital in the Industrial Area. formation of a sports coalition for refugees prior to the World Refugee Forum. During the meeting, the Foundation’s executive offi ce highlighted work priori- MoPH reports 5,634 ties in 2020, and the amendments that must be made amid the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) in the world, as the Foundation seeks to imple- Covid-19 recoveries ment a number of activities and programmes to protect young refugees aff ected The Ministry of Public Health by the coronavirus crisis, focusing on using sports to encourage them to adopt (MoPH) yesterday announced 1,637 Closed shops in the Old Airport area of Doha yesterday. PICTURE: Thajudheen healthy lifestyles.- QNA confirmed new cases of Covid-19, and 735 new recoveries in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of recovered cases in Qatar to 5,634. Qatar sends medical aid to Afghanistan During the last 24 hours, the MoPH GCO terms HRW report on recorded 24 cases admitted to intensive care due to complications resulting from the infection, bringing the total number of cases receiving Qatar’s prisons ‘totally false’ care in the ICU to 163. Page 3 QCB announces QNA “The HRW account was based on Eid al-Fitr holiday Doha unfounded rumours and speculation from a small number of unverified Qatar Central Bank announced interviews, amplifying falsehoods” yesterday that the Eid al-Fitr holiday atar has totally rejected the allegations for the current year for all financial included in a report issued by Human The statement noted that the Human Rights institutions in the country (banks, QRights Watch of an alleged coronavirus Watch (HRW) account was based on unfounded exchange houses, insurance outbreak in Qatar’s Central Prison, affi rming that rumours and speculation from a small number of companies, finance, investment, this report is false. unverifi ed interviews, amplifying falsehoods and and financial consultants) will start The Government Communication Offi ce irresponsibly redirecting attention away from from Sunday, May 24 and will end (GCO) said in a statement yesterday the ongoing health response. on Thursday, May 28. All financial that there have been 12 confi rmed cases in Since mid-March, public health and secu- institutions return to work on the Central Prison and zero deaths. Those 12 pa- rity authorities have implemented strict control Sunday, May 31 of the current year. tients were transferred immediately to a secure, measures in the Central Prison to protect in- The bank said in a circular that all purpose-built medical facility operated on-site mates and limit the spread of the virus. Inmates financial institutions operating in the by Hamad Medical Corporation where they have have undergone regular health check-ups and a state must fully close all its branches In implementation of the directives of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad received, or continue to receive, fi rst-class medi- proactive testing programme has been carried during the vacation period. al-Thani, four shipments of urgent medical aid - provided by Qatar through the Qatar Fund for cal treatment. Two cases reached the acute phase out to monitor for new cases. Personal protective Development (QFFD) - were sent to Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and North of the illness and were transferred to a designat- equipment such as gloves and masks have been Call for sighting Macedonia yesterday. The medical assistance from Qatar comes in support of the efforts of ed off -site treatment centre where they received distributed to all inmates, and personal and com- friendly countries in combating the Covid-19 outbreak. Officials and dignitaries mark the arrival fi rst-class healthcare before being transferred munity spaces are sanitised on a regular basis, Shawwal crescent of a medical aid in Afghanistan. Page 24 back to the Central Prison once fully recovered. the GCO said. To Page 6 The Crescent Sighting Committee at the Ministry of Awqaf (Endowments) and Islamic Aff airs has called upon all Muslims in Qatar to sight the crescent moon of Shawwal on Friday evening, the 29th Ramadan HIA implements latest tech for post-Covid-19 travel 1441 AH, corresponding to May 22, 2020. Meanwhile, Qatar Calendar House said yesterday that, based on astronomical calculations, Saturday amad International Airport HIA will continue to conduct thermal bots are being deployed in vulnerable will be the final day of Ramadan with (HIA) has implemented the screening and disinfection procedures high passenger fl ow areas to reduce the Eid beginning on Sunday. Hlatest technologies to opti- for all staff and passengers. Travellers at spread of pathogens. mise passenger and employee safety in HIA will be screened using thermal and All passengers will be provided with RAMADAN THOUGHT preparation for post-Covid-19 travel, temperature screening. hand sanitisers readily available at key it was announced yesterday. The ‘Smart Screening Helmet’ is a locations. The airport will continue to The airport will be using robot- wearable intelligent helmet, which is maintain 1.5m social distancing across Allah is very Gracious and ics and advanced thermal screening portable, safe and eff ective, and ena- all passenger touch points around the Kind to His slaves. He gives helmets as part of the measures being bles contactless temperature meas- airport, through fl oor markings, sig- provisions to whom He wills.
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