88Th Pennsylvania Infantry Soldier Roster
: Eighty-Eighth Regiment, Ol^T the 9tb of August, 18C1, George P. M'Lean, then Major of the Twenty- second Pennsylvania regiment, three months' service, received authority from the Secretary of War, Hon. Simon Cameron, to organize an infantry regiment, which was at first known as the Cameron Light Guards, subse- quently the Eighty-eighth. A camp was formed at Wissahickon, near Phila- delphia, recruiting actively commenced, and the regiment was scarcely filled before orders were received on October 1st, to report to General Casey, at Washington, for assignment to duty. The following were the field ofQcers George P. M'Lean, Colonel ; Joseph A. M'Lean, Lieutenant Colonel ; George W. Gile, Major, and Benezet F. Foust, Adjutant. Companies A, B, and H, were recruited in Berks county, and the remaining companies in Philadelphia. Immediately on its arrival in Washington, it was ordered into camp at Kendall Green. On the 12th of October, it moved to Alex- andria, Virginia, and was assigned to provost guard duty, in and around the city, relieving the Fourth New Jersey. Until this time (he command was without arras, having left Philadelphia but partially uniformed, and without equip- ments. The regiment here received the State colors, which were presented by Hon. Galusha A. Grow, Speaker of the House of Eepresentatives, and were received in behalf of the regiment by Hon. William D. Kelly, member of Con- gress from Philadelphia. Patriotic speeches were also made by Colonel M'- Lean, General Montgomery, in command of the district, and others. It was armed with the Enfield rifle. Guard duty was relieved of its monotony by company and battalion drills, and parades.
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