YoutR Program Pays Tribute to Dr. King

STORY, PAGE 3 The Weather Sunny, mild today and tomor- THEDAILY FINAL row: I f EDITION Monmoufh County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 24 PAGES VOL.95 NO. 137 RED BANK, N.J. TUESDAY, JANUARY 16,1973 TEN CENTS MiniiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiimiiimuHiiiniiiniiiuiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiMiiiiiimiiMiim^ CNJ Commuters Get Two-Month Reprieve NEWARK (AP) — The Central Railroad of New Jersey, U.S. Dist. Court Judge Anthony T. Augelli extended the negotiations, further subsidies and further extensions of the under its $5.2 million subsidy contract with the slate. The whose passenger service had been scheduled to end Jan. 21, railroad's life yesterday after the state agreed to turn over the March 23 deadline may be sought. $470,000 represents one-sixth of the annual loss. will be in operation for two more months and state officials $470,000 subsidy to reimburse the Central for its anticipated Augelli said a consolidation of the three lines would be .are indicating that a longer extension of service may be pos- passenger service losses during the two months. "the best hope for everyone," and urged all three to reach an The state Legislature does not have to approve the $470,000' sible. grant because it is taken from t $2 million subsidy fund. The When the state decided in December not to continue its agreement. $470,000 is in addition to the amounts being given under the A meeting to discuss consolidating the line with two other subsidy to the railroad, Augelli gave the line authority to ter- "I'm sure if the trustees get together and meet in the right contract. New Jersey railroads to keep the Central railroads to keep the minate its commuter service. Augelli is overseeing the rail- spirit and negotiate in good faith, something will eventuate," Central running past the latest deadline is planned for tomor- road's operations during bankruptcy. Augelli said. Kugler said the Cahill administration's decisions on for- row. "There simply isn't enough business to keep them all go- warding more money to the Central would be based on the ne- The state reversed its decision to end the subsidy, accord- gotiations. A grant of $470,000 from the state is expected to keep the ing to Atty. Gen. George F. Kugler Jr., because the railroad ing," Augelli said. bankrupt line running through March 23. has agreed to discuss consolidating services and facilities with If the negotiations collapse and the Central finally ends its "We can get an agreement, or they can come back and Representatives of the Central and two other bankrupt the two other bankrupt lines, the Reading Railroad and the commuter service, plans are being considered for transporting say it's hopeless," he said. New Jersey railroads are expected to meet in Philadelphia to- Lehigh Valley Railroad. its 15,000 daily passengers on alternate routes. The state has said it favors total merger of the facilities morrow with representatives of the Interstate Commerce Kugler said the plans include bus service and additional and management of the three lines into one railroad. Officials Commission and the New Jersey Department of Trans- Earlier, the state had said further subsidies would be a cars on Penn Central trains that operate service parallel to waste of the taxpayers' money. of the three carriers have indicated in the past they favor con- portation to discuss consolidation efforts, according to a CNJ routes. solidation of services and equipment where they are dupli- spokesman for Gov. William T. Cahill. Kugler said that if progress was made in the consolidation The railroad is losing an estimated $2.8 million annually cated, but retention of a corporate Identity by each line. . ' Gen. Haigr Thieu Confer On Proposed Peace Pact SAIGON (AP) - Gen. Alex- Nixon's action, which the ress" and Kissinger would re- sions of the revised dralt pro- ed up to 5,000. Thieu was seek- ander M. Haig Jr. conferred Florida White House termed a turn to Paris "in the relati- posal being scrutinized by ing even more. for 214 hours with President "unilateral gesture," gave vely near future." Thlcu and Haig is one calling Nguyen Van Thieu today on momentum to new peace Basic Agreement Seen for an international force.of The South Vietnamese the latest draft peace terms hopes and came amid a host U.S. officials in Washington about ,'l.OOU men to supervise a sources indicated Thieu would worked out by Henry A. Kissi- of reports that an agreement said Nixon's order indicated cease-fire. accept a "tacit under- nger and Le Due Tho in Paris. to end the war would be that Kissinger and Tho standing" on troop withdraw- Official sources said North signed soon. reached basic agreement Hanoi, according to Kissi- al In the peace agreement Vietnam and the United The White House refused to •gain during their intensive nger, was demanding a force providing the withdrawal States had agreed on the size discuss the reports of an talks last week. of only 251) men when the ne- would be spelled out in an ac- of an international force to su- agreement, saying instead South Vietnamese sources gotiations broke off Dec. IS, companying technical .proto- pervise the cease-fire. that "negotiations are in prog- said that among the provi- while the United States want- col. South Vietnamese sources said the new draft still left un- OBJECT TO TRADITIONAL PAY POLICY — Assemblymen H. Donald resolved such basic Saigon de- Stewart, Francis J. Gorman, and Kenneth A. Gewertz, left-right. Demo- mands as the withdrawal of crats from Gloucester and Camden Counties, display in Trenton yesterday all North Vietnamese troops checks in excess of S500 which represent a month's pay for each lawmak- Senator Would Sue to Get from South Vietnam and res- er. The three have objected to the traditional policy of paying legislators toration of the demilitarized for a full year on the first day of the session. A year's salary is $10,000 zone between the North and , and the take home pay is roughly $6,000. South. But progress toward agreement was reported on Better Mental Health Care . those also. The U.S. Embassy indicated By DORIS KULMAN profits as "an outstanding ex"- mental health and civil liber- transfer it to a proposed De- there would be further meet- ample" of what he said is offi- ties organizations brought ac- partment of Human services, Engineers Still Think EATONTOWN — State Sen. cial unconcern for the men- tion to force therapy for pointed out that I&A has left ings between Haig and Thieu and said the schedule of Pres- Garrett W. Hagedorn last tally ill. patients in state hospitals its Division of Mental Health ident Nixon's special emis- night threatened he will haul Only $12 million of the more there. without a director "for four sary was "open-ended." the state into court unless it than-$150.4 million harvested A federal district court, long years." Long Branch Is Best Nixon Letter Rumored acts this year to provide prop- in the first three years of the holding that the patients' con- Salaries Too Low er therapeutic care for lottery has gone for state in- stitutional rights were being He said that state salaries (Related Stories, Page 2) The three sites were chosen measures are needed to make There were unconfirmed re- patients in its mental hospi- stitutions, despite pre-lottcry violated by denial of "such In- are too low to attract enough ERMA (AP) - A site in the with "efficiency and econom- a deepwater port environmen- ports from Vietnamese ics" as criteria, according to tally feasible. sources that Haig brought a tals. pledges to use the money for dividual treatment as will competent personnel and Atlantic Ocean 13 miles off give each of them a realistic charged that overworked phy- district Army engineer Col. Nearly all officials, groups personal letter from Nixon to He disclosed that he will in- educational and institutional Long Branch is the most fea- troduce legislation on Monday needs, he said, "and that $12 opportunity to be cured or to sicians in its Inadequately sible for construction of a Carroll D. Strider. and individuals opposed the Thieu. But political sources in port in its entirety. Only two Saigon and Washington in- requiring one-third of themillion.represents only the improve his or her mental staffed hospitals treat the deepwater oil tanker port, ac- "The most environmentally condition," set stringent stan- mentally ill with sedatives in- acceptable and logical site persons, both associated with dicated that the halt in all at- state lottery earnings to be al- normal increase in their budg- cording to the Army Corps of located for state institutions, ets for increased salaries, in- dards for hospital facilities stead of psychiatric therapy Engineers. would be located in the Atlan- Intercontinental Pipelines tacks on North Vietnam which bogan yesterday was not only above their annual budget in- creased operating ex- and staffing. "to alleviate the pressures on The corps revealed its pref- tic Ocean off Long Branch or Co., which hopes to build the a sign of good faith to Hanoi crease. penditures and inflation." Alabama is appealing the themselves." erence at a public hearing Cape May Strider said. port, spoke in its favor. but also a message to Thieu The Bergen County Republi- Alabama Case Cited decision. Sen. Hagedorn cited testi- here last night, explaining A port off Long Branch for Officials from resort com- that Nixon considers a just can addressed the annual In vowing legal battle un- Sen. Hagedorn, sponsor of a mony by a former Grcystone that the Long Branch site New York "refineries and a munities told the Corps that a agreement is within grasp and meeting of the Monmouth less New Jersey acts this year bilj, that would pull responsi- State Hospital patient before would best accommodate su- port off Big Stone Beach or deepwater oil port anywhere he is determined to conclude County Mental Health Board. to provide proper medical bility for mental health in- the Senate Institutions, Health per tankers — vessels larger Cape May for Philadelphia near the Jersey Coast would ruin the area's tourist ori- it. Blaming executive and leg- treatment for its mentally ill, stitutions and programs out of and Welfare Committee. That than 500.000 tons. refineries would be the most committee, which he heads, is economic arrangement if ented economy. Nixon ordered all offensive islative disinterest for "the Sen. Hagedorn cited the case the state Department of In- Two other sites were named stitutions and Agencies and See Senator, page 2 smaller ships were involved, They cited the possibility of military operations across the deplorable conditions" in New of Alabama, where several as possible deepwater port lo- Jersey's mental hospitals "and cations: one is in the Atlantic the Corps found. oil spills and claimed the entire territory of North Viet- Last night's meeting, at- heavy industry associated nam halted last night, citing the frightful increase in sui- Ocean 38 miles east of Cape cide" among their patients May and the other is in the tended by about 500 persons, with the port would ruin a progress in the negotiations was held to obtain the view of multi-million dollar resort between Kissinger and Tho last year, Sen Hagedorn cited Delaware Bay five miles off distribution of the lottery Big Stone Beach, Del. local residents as to what business. last week. Rumson Girl to Be Charter Pilot By BETTE SPERO reer that, even in these wom- will be her vocation.when she ing "a token female," she her- skirts.and slack suits in the en's liberation days, is not assumes the dual post of flight self found the going relatively cockpit, enjoys cooking, sew- RUMSON - "I think in considered typically feminine. instructor and charter pilot "easy." ing, reading and water spoils. most respects I'm a very typi- Miss Smith is a pilot, an in- for Skyways Company, Day- That's if you can call fly- "At the beginning women's cal female," comments 22- teresting avocation in itself ton, Ohio. ing a plane out of Washing- liberation was pretty good. 1 year-old Victoria Laureen for a woman, she admits. She will be the second wom- ton's National Airport for the agree with the part about Smith as she embarks on a ca- But starting Saturday, it an pilot employed by Sky- first time, an easy job inter- equal pay," she commented. view assignment. The plane "But the rest of it is a lot of DMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII mum iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini i ways. Her duties, in addition to teaching flying, will entail was larger than any Miss baloney." charter flights that carry pas- Smith had flown, and the air- "They have carried it too sengers and cargo. port a lot busier than the Red far. Now people look upon the The Inside Story Rare Breed Bank Airport with which Miss movement either with con- Smith was more familiar, but Club for film makers is formed Page IS Miss Smith, daughter of Mr. tempt or as a joke," the and Mrs. Richard W. Smith, she flew a Skyways executive young woman decried. Engagements are announced Page 17 to Ohio and back again to CBA cruises past Mater Del Page 18 Tulip Tree Lane, graduated "People can accomplish more last month from Embry- Washington after her inter- on their own, as individuals." Red Bank's Boynton swings in ring Page 19 view was over. 'Two-Ton' Tony sports new look Page 19 Riddle Aeronautical Univer- Learns About Engines sity, Daytona Beach, Fla.. Equal Pay, Status In accomplishing her goal. DAILY REGISTER with a degree in aeronautical Such interviews are de-Miss Smith recalled taking Bridge Advice 22 PHONE NUMBERS science. She is the second dis- signed to separate the men Classified...) 2«,21 such courses as "Recipro- Main Office 741-M10 taff graduate to actually pur- from the boys, so to speak. cating Engines " Comics 22 Classified Ads 741-6980 sue flying as a career. Of And speaking of men, Miss Contemporary Life 16,17 "I hadn't the vaguest notion Legal Adv 741-0010 about 1,900 students, 10 were Smith said she will be paid the about what made such things Crossword Puzzle..... 22 Display Adv 741-0010 women but most of the latter same salary, figured on a Editorials C work," she said. "I wasn't Circulation Dept 741-3330 pursue careers in aeronautic- commission basis, as the male used to working around with Entertainment 23 Sports Dept .». 741-0017 al management rather than in pilots and instructors at Sky- financial 12 Contemporary Life 741-0010 car engines, like the boys flying, Miss Smith said. ways. were." Horoscope 22 Accounts Payable 741-6010 Though she believes in Movies 23 Accounts Receivable...741-0010 She was a little surprised, Speaking of the boys, most she recalled, at how quickly equal pay, and the right to were very amiable to their fe- OWtaarles 4 Middletown Bureau.....(71-2250 pursue such a male domi- Sports 18,19 Freehold Bureau 4(2-2121 she got a pilot's job. Though male counterparts at Embry- she thinks some airlines don't nated profession, Miss Smith Riddle and often acted as Television 23 Long Branch Bureau...222*010 is hardly a fledgling feminist. •IHIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIII liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimuimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii want women pilots at all, and "big brothers' to them. Miss others might consent to hav- The five foot, four inch pilot Smith jokes about being a fra- Rosle O'Grady's Fresh smoked Whiting, 89c a who wears her brunette hair Party of the Year. See our ad pound. Bayshore Fishery, Red shoulder length and wears ternity "brother," for she is a page 23. (Adv.) Bank. (Adv.) Doetors Recommend member of Alpha Eta Kho West Bend Humidifiers. Beck- Sullivan's Lodge (Greek letters for aer, which Regliter staff pnolo The Drapery Nooke Uniform Sale er Hardware has the biggest Ken Davcrn's Fifth Ave. means "air"), a national, pro- DISTAFF PILOT — Miss Victoria L. Smith of Rumson, a recent graduate Shrewsbury, introduces the Now in Progress. Shirley stock and lowest prices. Four, Wed., Fri., Sat., at 9 fessional aviation fraternity. of Embry-Rlddle Aeronautical University, has been hired as a pilot by Senior Citizens Discount. Shop Broad St., Red Bank. Phone 747-0465. Open Sundays, p.m.. Sun. at 5. Spring Lake. She wore the AER pin, Skyways«of Dayton, Ohio. Here she examines a weather chart. Model nexf (Adv.) (Adv.) closed Tuesdays. (Adv.) 449-9000. (Adv.) See Rumson, Page 14 to her is'a Fokker Triplane. 2 Tie OaOy Register, Red Bank-MfcMfctow*, N.J. Tuesday, January If, 1173 Senator Would Sue to Get Better Mental Health Care (Continued) mental health institutions, and Ma'ny of the mentally dis- $243,993 in per capital state holding public hearings on sui- programs. The Legislature or- turbed can be treated on an aid for mental health pro- cides in state hospitals. dered the APA study three out-patient basis at commu- grams this year, and.will get She testified: a patient is years ago in the wake of a nity mental health centers. about $4,000 more in the 1974 lucky, to see a psychiatrist scandal involving sexual ab- Sen. Hagedorn said. He said fiscal year which begins July once a month; lesbianism is use of child patient's in dreys- that a network of such centers 1. rampant; young girls are put tone. in California has cut the popu- Not even a doubling of that in wards with the senile; 111 Sees Continual Scandals. lation of that's stale's mental will bring in federal funds for patients are herded into show- But "we'll have scandal af- hospitals from 37.000 to 7.000. community mental health ers designed for two and giv- ter scandal" so long as we Will Seek Increased Funds centers because the President en rags instead of towels: continue to "drop patients like Sen. Hagedorn said he also has completely cut off mone;i there is filth mixed with the junk" into large mental hospi- will introduce legislation to in- for that program. However food; patients are punished, tals, isolated from the com- crease the amount of money "the county would use the usually by being strapped into munity. Sen. Hagedorn as- the state contributes to each money for setting up new and chairs, when they complain serted. Calling for estab- county for meptal health pro- needed programs, such as about dehumanizing treat- lishment of community men- grams from the current 50 emergency and crisis inter- ment by attendants. tal health centers where cents to $1 per capita. He vention centers," John Car- Because her condition was patients can be treated voiced hope the additional men, county Mental Health ' misdiagnosed, that patient close to home, he said the funding would encourage Board administrator, said. was given 12 different drugs, fact that there are only 10 counties to .begin setting up "I'm inclined to endorse- all wrong, while in Greystone, such centers operating in New community mental health that," Freeholder Director Jo- but improved enough to be Jersey, instead of the prom-- center programs that would, seph C. Irwin, who introduced discharged and to hold a job ised SO, is additional evidence in turn, attract federal match- Sen. Hagedorn at last night's within a few months after ad- of the lack of commitment to ing funds. meeting, said of the proposed mission to the New York Hos- the mentally ill. Monmouth County is getting bill increasing per capita aid. pital-Cornell Medical Center psychiatric center. Sen. Hage- dorn said. Regular Sloll Photo Don't Do As I Do ... He charged that the state Middletown to Decide MINDFUL OF MENTAL HEALTH — State Sen. Garrett W. Hagedorn, R-Bergen, second from right, featured speaker at last night's annual meeting of the AAonmouth County Mental Health Board, at Old has exempted itself from the Orchard Inn, Eatontown, was introduced by Monmouth County Freeholder Director Joseph C. Irwin, regulations it has set for pri- right. With them, from left, are AAonmouth County Freeholder Albert E. Allen; Or. Chester Trent, vate and non-profit hospitals. Ocean Township, president of the N.J. Neuropsychiatric Association; and Benjamin Ashin, Little Sil- "If the state had to meet its .9 Million Question ver, Mental Heolth Board chairman. own regulations, Greystone wouldn't be putting patients MIDDLETOWN - What has expressed unanimous sup- Voters in polling districts 1, into basement rooms com- price good education? port for the $10 million proj- 22 and 31 will vote in Middle- parable to dungeons," he de- About $9.9 million, says the ect, Democrats and Republi- town Village School. Those in clared. Board of Education, which cans alike recognizing a need districts 2 and 29 will vote in Averring that the problems urges township voters to ap- tor more space in township Navesink School. District 3 Apy Opposes Port Plan prove its school construction schools. residents will vote in Belford can be traced to lack of lead- imposition of such a standard ership, Sen. Hagedorn said program at the polls today. Unexpected support was of- School. Voters in districts 4, 9. RED BANK — After read- well on behalf of the other Assembly District 5B having Voters will approve or re- fered by Andrew J. Praskai, and 24 will vote in Leonardo ing all reports prepared by millions of New Jersey, New refining plants or pipe or stor- of absolute liability will dis- that by his own admission courage the private devel- I&A Commissioner Robert ject a single resolution which president of the East Keans- Elementary School. Those in the Army Corps of Engineers York. Pennsylvania" and oth- age facilities asking local offi- provides for construction of a burg Betterment Association, districts 5, 19 and 25 will vote on the deepwater port facility ers who enjoy the state's cials to amend zoning ordi- opment of any offshore facil- Clifford spends 46 per cent of ities, while at the same time his time and effort on penal new high school of about 107 who urged an affirmative vote in Lincroft School. proposed for the New Jersey shore resorts. nances to specifically prohibit classrooms to house 1,875 stu- at last week's public* hearing Voters in districts 6 and 211 coast, and after attending the To permanently bar such a such facilities:. providing protection for our problems. I&A also is respon- citizens from damage sus- sible for the state prlsions. dents for 18,735,000, addition on the referendum question. < will vote in Port Monmouth last public hearing on the deepwater unloading facility — Introduce a bill to "make to Bayview School of six Dwight E. Richardson, new- School. Those in districts 7,17 port, Assemblyman Chester from state waters, Mr. Apy oil companies and carriers ab- tained from oil spills." The Bergen legislator em- Mr. Apy concludes that it is phasized that creation of a classrooms at a cost of ly elected chairman of the and 27 will vote in East Apy, R-Mon., has declared will tell the Corps he will: — solutely liable, irregardless of 1425,000, addition to New Mon- Planning Board, has warned Keansburg School. Those in himself "completely and Cosponsor Assembly Bill 200,'i, negligence or 'acts of Hod' for his responsibility, "with the separate Department of Men- facts before me, to do every- tal Health was the prime rec- mouth School of eight class- that defeat of the school con- district 8, 18 and 28 will vote unalterably opposed" to such which will specifically prohi- any damage caused within the rooms at $425,000 and addition struction proposal would se- in Fairview School. Voters in a facility. bit an offshore port and allied state" or in waters far off- thing within my power to stop, ommendation of the American a deepwater port off our Psychiatric Association's to NutSwamp School of six riously upset township plan- districts 10,12 and 20 will cast In a letter he will read into onshore facilities. shore as the result of trans- classrooms at a cost of ning. ballots in River Plaza School. porting oil. "Hopefully, the coastline." $56,000 study of the state's the record at tonight's second — Write to each town in his $375,000. Township Committeeman Voters in districts 11 and 14 public hearing on the port, set Construction will be fi- Wilford L. Wisner, a Demo- will vote in the high school. for 7:30 p.m. in the Middle- nanced by a bond issue in the crat, seized the opportunity to Those in districts 13 and 23 town High School, Mr. Apy amount of $9,960,000 if voters jab at State Sen. Joseph Azzo- will vote in Bayview School. questions the thesis that such approve. lina, local Republican leader, Those in districts 15,16 and 26 a port is needed to ward off a Rumson Petition Hits Port Only two organizations — but both expressed strong sup- will cast ballots in Harmony future energy crisis. the Middletown Jaycees and RUMSON — Two Rumson session Saturday. port of the school bond issue. School, and those in district 30 To "proceed with the pro- council will take a position on might cause oil spills are only Concerned Citizens of Middle- women, annoyed by the The petition urges council to Polls will be open between 2 will vote in Thompson Junior posals you have put forward," the proposal. speculation. town (CCM) — have publicly borough's^ failure to take a voice a negative concern on and 9 p.m. High School. Mr. Apy's letter states, "It's still in the discussion opposed the proposal. The stand on the proposed behalf of Rumson residents to Mr. McCartor said the coun- "would be to put the cart be- stage," he said. Jaycees believe it ill-con- deepwater port, have present- the adverse ecological, aes- cil is not opposed to con- fore the horse." Mr. McCarter said that his- ceived and say it takes in- ed a petition to the Borough thetic, and economical as- servation or unaware of eco- •'No one has to date shown torically Rumson has never sufficient account of alterna- False Information Council. pects of a deep water port. logical problems: He also said clearly — least of all con- jumped on a bandwagon just tives. They also allege the clusively — that such a crisis Mrs. James H. Smith of 86 The council, last week, de- because it is the popular thing that Rumson's position on the clined to take a stand on the port wouldn't tip the scales ei- public has been inadequately exists," Mr. Apy continues, Kumson Koatl, said she and to do. informed. Charge Ordered "or that permitting super- her neighbor. Mrs. Dean Gil- deep water port because it Ho said the borough offi- ther in favor or against the The Concerned Citizens, RED BANK — An 18-year- "1 don't remember much," tankers to onload oil off our lette of 84 Rumson Road, col- said no consensus has been cials recognize that an energy project. He noted that prac- though they profess concern old Belford youth, a principal he said, "1 was in pretty low coastline is essential to meet lected 257 names on a petition reached by its members. crisis faces the nation and tically everyone has voiced an' wh*h was presented to the Councilman Francis K.I'. that while the crisis is real 'objection to the construction for overcrowded township witness in a liquor sale viola- condition " our energy needs." schools, are more concerned tion hearing last night, faces The assemblyman points council at its informal work McCarter, a Newark lawyer, and is here today, the objec- of a super port off the coast of Mr. Helen Grover. whose said he isn't even sure the tions that a deepwater port New Jersey. about impecunious taxpayers. charges of giving false infor- husband is a vice president of out that Gov. William T. Cah- Besides the Board of Educa- mation to police. ill specified in his message to the corporation which owns tion itself, enthusiastic sup- Mayor Daniel J. O'Hern, the liquor store, said she was the Legislature last week that Corps Plan port for the building proposal who presided over the hear- he will appoint a committee to working at that time. has been expressed by the ing, said the youth, Steven She testified that she study the alleged energy County Planners Renew committee for Establishing Johnson of 215 East End Ave., crisis. Is Opposed doesn't recall selling the beer School Priorities (ESP), will be charged with giving to the youth. Even if oil imports must be whose volatile president, false information to police. During the brief hearing. greatly increased in coming By Williams Lawrence Kom, has warned The defendents in the case. decades, Mr. Apy will testify. Opposition to Oil Port Philip Auerbach, attorney for CAPE MAY (AP) - U.S. that "the fate of 14,000 school Eiffel Liquors, 184 Monmouth the store, three times offered New Jersey offshore ports children is in our hands. We Sen. Harrison A. Williams, D- FREEHOLD - A super said that the Long Branch site St., were found innocent of to plead guilty if the council pose too great a hazard to tanker facility should be built ecologically sound sites for a cannot fail them and continue selling beer to the minor. permit their use. N.J.. said last night he will op- and one off Cape May would deep water port, observed Mr. was going to believe the writ- whore "things are already to face our consciences." The incident happened Oct. ten statement of the Johnson "A single major oil spill pose construction of a be the most economical and Hiltbrunner. polluted." said Monmouth The Township Committee 24 when the Johnson youth, youth. Each time, the council could produce havoc and wipe deepwater oil tanker port off County Planning Board Chair- who was 17 at the time, was declined to accept the plea. out the use of our beaches and the New Jersey coast until "environmental and social man E. Donald Sterner yes- arrested for drinking beer waters for months with untold terday. with two companions under At one point, Mr. Auerbach millions of dollars lost and threats associated with it are resolved." Mr. Sterner said the Rari- Red Bank Gets Application the New York & Long Branch told the council that the felt livelihoods of thousands of our tan and Arthur Kill waters Railroad bridge. the testimony of the Johnson 'families taken away." Williams said an environ- "are not fit for fish." let alone Police said the Johnson youth was "evasive and not "Why on one hand," he mental report on the project forthright." prepared by the Army Corps human beings. He said the U. youth later said he had bought asks, "should we proceed with For 134 Town House Units After a short recess, the of Engineers indicated con- S. Army Corps of Engineers the beer at Eiffel Liquors, and the development of the Ga- RED BANK - Mayor Dan- mation of the borough in- fill facilities. council said it found the store struction of the facility would should put a proposed iel J. O'Hern said last night cinerator. Introduced were ordinances signed a statement to that ef- teway National Park as Presi- deepwater port in those areas innocent of the charges, but involve massive industrial de- the borough has received an The borough decided to pro- providing that master plumb- fect. dent Nixon has proposed and or in the polluted Delaware that since the Johnson youth velopment. application for a town house ceed with extensive repairs to ers licensed by the state need However, under questioning then on the other hand make Bay area instead of off Mon- has recanted his statement, "Such development," the development on the former the incinerator as being the not be licensed by the by Municipal Prosecutor Mar- such a park worthless by de- mouth County. he will be prosecuted for giv- stroying the very waters and senator said, "would be dis- Eisner tract off Prospect Ave. most economical means of borough; banning the parking tin Barger, Mr. Johnson said The county Planning Board he didn't remember where he ing false information to po- environment leading to its astrous to the seashore vaca- The tract, located on the solid waste disposal. The in- of motor vehicles, boats, or lice. tion industry." directed Mr. Sterner to again east side of Tower Hill, is one bought the beer, didn't re- creation?" cinerator has been closed for trailers in a front yard; a gen- The Johnson youth also Mr. Apy states that while Williams made his comment oppose the corps' proposal for of the last large undevelop- six months on orders from the eral anti-litteringban, and al- member if he had bought in a telegram to Col Carroll a deepwater port 13 miles off ment areas of tho borough. beer; didn't remember if he faces a juvenile court hearing major opposition to the port state and the borough has lowing the sale locally of alco- in Freehold for possession of D. Strider, a corps officer, as Long Branch at-tonight's 7.:ill Mr. O'Hern said the appli- had written the statement, or if comes from the shore area di- been paying New Shrewsbury holic beverages to 18 year- alcholic beverages on Oct. 24, the corps was about to start a hearing at Middletown High cation for development of the he was under the influence of rectly affected, "We speak as $500 a month for use of land olds. police said. new round of public hearings School, Tindall Road, Middle- 14-acre site was made by Pe- alcohol. here on the project. town. ter DeNigris, .a Red Bank Anliport Bill In the wire, Williams said One of the major concerns, builder. his "serious reservations" said Mr. Sterner, is that a su- The development would Is Introduced pertanker could break loose Ocean Twp. Readies Proposed about the project has consist of 134 units with an av- . WASHINGTON — Rep. prompted him to introduce a during a northeasterly storm erage density of 10 units per James J. Howard, D-N.J., in- bill that would give governors and cause an oil spill which acre. troduced legislation that of coastal states the final would devastate the shoreline. 1 Mayor O'Hern said he had Revisions of Zoning Ordinance would prohibit the construc- word on off-shore projects. Assistant County Planning ' no further information on the tion of a deepwater port off "As 1 have said previously, Director Kenneth K. Hiltbrun- application which has been re- OCEAN TOWNSHIP - near township hall on Mon- Amodio of Wanamassa. an As- 1970 state swimming pool the coast of any state if that 1 shall strongly oppose such a ner said a report received ferred to the Planning Board Mayor Joseph A. Palaia last mouth Road. bury Park florist, to a five- code. It was explained that state's Legislature passes a project until the environmen- from the Army Engineers in- for review. Final approval night said that revisions or the Mayor Palaia said the "pa- year term as a member of the the 1965 state code was in bill opposing the port. tal and social threats associ- dicates that the superport will rest with the governing local zoning code will be com- per street" will be turned iocal Sewerage Authority. Mr. force here and that the later Howard's proposal was ated with it are completely re- would generate development body. pleted prior to the Feb. 5 over to the congregation for Amodio replaces John Con- code upgrades the prior mea- prompted by last week's rec- solved." Williams said. of 70 square miles of land for In other business, the coun- Township Council meeting use as an expansion area for over on the panel. Mr. Con- sure. ommendation from the U.S. "To this end. I have in- shore facilities and would cil authorized the drafting of and that plans for airing the its proposed parking lot. over's term expired last The ordinance, according to Army Corps of Engineers that troduced in the Senate a hill create an estimated l.'IK.ullt) plans for renovation and auto- proposal will be announced at Council also approved the month. the mayor, applies to public a deepwater port be con- that would give governors of jobs by l'JKO. that time. appointment of Peter J. Council also adopted the and club swimming pools. structed off the New Jersey coastal states a veto over con- Monmouth has 5:iS square Police Arrest 3 Stanley Benn, a local resi- coast, preferably near Long struction of off shore facilities miles and nearly 500.001) On Drujj Charges dent and a Perth Amboy at- Branch, which is part of the that might be a threat to then- people. torney, called on the mayor to School Fund Adopted In Sea Bright LONi; BRANCH — Two congressman's district. slates." The Army Engineers have plan for an extension of the SEA BRIGHT - A $225,050 by the Board of Education including purchase of a school county men, arrested on nar- present site plan moratorium, school budget, up $23,470. was last night. bus. cotics charges, face a prelimi- which expires March 1, in the adopted after a public hearing Main areas of increase in nary hearing before City event the zoning code changes No member of the public at- tended the hearing. the budget are in instruction Weather: Sunny, Mild Court Judge Jacob Rand are not completed and ap- salaries, $117,500, up $8,780, Tuesday. proved by that time. Pick Fire Chief On an estimated enrollment Rockies, but most areas were with other instruction costs up Partly sunny today with Junction, Colo., to till at Key Charged with possession of The mayor said that the OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Je- or 145 pupils, same as in 1972- $375; transportation costs, high in the mid 50s. Clear above freezing and clear skies West. Fla. heroin and possession of nar- code is now being finalized. rome Smith has been named 73. elementary education will were abundant. $7,500 for replacement of dis- tonight, low around 40. Fair TIDES cotics paraphernalia were He said that it should be aired chief of the Wanamassa Fire cost the community $155 per trict owned buses and $2,000 tomorrow, high in the mid 50s. Dense fog blanketed the Sandy Hook Gregory B. Register. Ti. of 27 and adopted before the March Department and Marshall pupil, up $16 over the $139 per for curricular expenses; oper- Thursday partly cloudy with western Gulf Coast, and there TODAY - High 5:48 p.m. Grant St., here, and Edward 1 deadline. In the event of Conklin, president. pupil cost for this year. ation costs up $350 and admin- little temperature change. were patches of fog in the and low 11:47 p.m.' R. Hubbard. 22. of T'i Park possible stalling action, he Also elected were James Se- The amount to be raised by istration costs up $275. TOMORROW - High 6:10 In Long Branch, the high Plateau region. Light rain fell Ave., Keansburg. added, the council will be pre- rano, deputy chief;- Stanley taxation is $187,486. up $16,232. The board authorized the a.m. and 6:41 p.m. and low yesterday was 43 and the low, from the northern Rockies to Both are being held in J71K) pared to extend the site plan Lcitstein, captain; Clifford The board has appropriated school secretary to advertize 12:41 p.m. 27. It was 37 at « p.m. The the central Pacific coast, and bail pending the court hear- moratorium beyond its Miller, first lieutenant; Lewis $10,000 from surplus and ex- the school board election to be For Rod Hank and Rumson ' overnight low was 29 and it clouds covered the Pacific ing. present deadline. Evans, second lieutenant, and pects to receive $27,314 in held on February 13, and des- bridge, add two hours; Sea was 33 at 7 a.m. today. Coast states and the north- They were apprehended in a The governing body also John O'Donnell, foreman. state aid. ignated the Sea Bright Public Bright, deduct 10 minutes; A January thaw warmed al- eastern quarter of the nation. parked vehicle in a Cooper tentatively approved the va- Richard Hughes was named Board members said the School, 4 River Street, as pol- Long Branch, deduct 15 min- most the entire nation today. Ave. parking lot by Patrolmen cation of a portion of Herbert vice president. James Filippo budget increase is due to in- ling place, with polls to be utes; Highlands bridge, add 40 A pocket of subzero weather Temperatures before- James E. Covle and David Ave., which abuts property is secretary and Ernest Daley crease's in salaries for teach- opened from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. minutes. was trapped in the central dawn ranged from -1 at Grand Smith. owned by Temple Beth Torah is treasurer. ers and transportation costs on the date of election. •Ott Daily Register, Bed Bank-MMdletown, N.J. T«esday, January 1«, im 3 iWORLD Red Bank Regional By the Associated Press School Budget To Fighting Heavy in South Vietnam Raise Tax Rates SAIGON - Sharp fighting was reported today in contested BED BANK - Borough tax- taxpayers would pay at the areas at both ends of South Vietnam as Saigon's forces and the payers will be faced with a 26- rate of 89 cents for each $100 Communists battled to gain or hold territory in advance of a cent increase in their tax rate of assessed valuation. cease-fire. under a proposed $3,031,011 However, Mr. Toscano • U.S. air support for South Vietnamese ground forces con- budget of the Red Bank Re- noted that the estimated tax tinued after President Nixon's order suspending all bombing gional Board of Education. rates are based on 1972 as- and other offensive operations against North Vietnamese terri- Little Silver and Shrews- sessments, and probably will tory. bury, the other municipalities be lower when the 1973 assess- U.S. planes also continued combat operations in Laos and in the regional high school dis- ments are applied. Those as- Cambodia, the U.S. Command said. trict, would also have increas- sessments are not yet avail- South Vietnamese military spokesmen reported a slight in- es, but substantially less than able. crease in Communist attacks in the 24 hours'ending at 6 a.m. Red Bank's. The board, in a prepared but there was also a significant quickening of activity on the Little Silver taxpayers statement, blamed most of part of Saigon's forces, military sources said. would pay an additional 16.7 the tax increase on the loss of cents for each $100 of assessed tuition from Holmdel stu- valuation, while Shrewsbury dents, who have been phased Russia Puts Vehicle on Moon taxpayers would pay 6.3 cents out of the high school since it MOSCOW — An unmanned Soviet spaceship made a soft more. became regionalized. That landing on the moon today and put out a 1,848-pound moon ro- The estimated tax rates loss ol revenue is placed at ver that sent television pictures back to the earth, Tass an- were provided in a tax break- $131,600. nounced. down by Michael Toscano of In addition, the board, cit- The Soviet news agency said the spaceship, Luna 21, land- Red Bank, the board's ac- ing low surplus accounts, ap- ed.on the eastern fringe or the Sea of Serenity, inside the Le- countant, in advance of a pub- propriated only $54,952 from mognier Crater, at 1:35 a.m.. or 5:33 p.m. EST Monday. lic hearing on the budget surplus toward the budget, The self-propelled Lunokhod 2 rolled down the gangway to scheduled for tomorrow at 8 leaving taxpayers to raise the lunar surface at 4:14 a.m., Tass reported. Lunokhod 2 Rtglittr Stall Photo' p.m. in the Red Bank High $2,739,522, with the rest com- moved about, its running gear and control systems were FUN AND GAMES — Dancing and listening were part of the youth festival yesterday at Red Bank Re- School cafeteria. ing from various state and checked by the ground crew, and "television pictures of the gional High School honoring the memory of the lafe Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. But students didn't The total tax rate, based, federal sources. • landing stage and the lunar landscape were received." Tass forget his crusade for a more equal society In the discussions and films that were also featured. however, on 1972 assessments Of that amount, $2,649,477 said. in the member towns, is $:<.56. will go for current expenses, Lunokhod 2 will continue the work of Lunokhod 1, a 1,663- This rate is then apportioned and $90,045 for payment of the pound moon vehicle that spent 10 months exploring the lunar among the three member mu- board's debt. The board is not surface in 1970-71, Tass said. Lunokhod 1 was controlled by a' nicipalities according to as- appropriating any money for five-man crew on the earth and moved about doing mapping Youths Honor Dr. King sessed valuation. capital outlay this year. and analyses of moon dust. Thus, Red Bank, with the The amount of the increase RED BANK — It was largest assessed valuation, is nearly 5.5 per cent over last youth's turn to remember the would pay the largest share or year, with most of that ac- 2 Remain in Watergate Trial late Dr. Martin Luther King an estimated $1.57 for each counted for by salary hikes. WASHINGTON — A college student who once served as a Jr. yesterday. $100 ot assessed valuation. The biggest increase is in Mormon missionary in Brazil has told the Watergate case jury At Red Bank Regional High Little Silver residents would teachers' salaries which rose he stopped working as a Republican spy in the Democratic School, representatives from be taxed at $1.09 for each $100 from $1,691,712 to $1,803,405, camp after a close shave in an effort to bug the headquarters seven area high schools joined of valuation, and Shrewsbury an increase of $111,693. of Sen. George McGovern. in a youth festival in the slain Thomas Gregory resumed testifying yesterday after a black minister's honor. four-day pause during which four more defendants pleaded A Black Arts Festival fea- guilty. The plea changes make it unlikely that the trial will turing poetry, dance and mu- Holmdel Creates produce the full story behind the break-in and bugging of sic opened the festival. It was Democratic party headquarters last summer. followed by films, discussion Seven men were charged in connection with the break-in groups and black-white role • but only two remain on trial: U. Gordon Liddy, former counsel playing, in which young New Voting Area to President Nixon's campaign finance committee, and James people from the invited high H o L M D10 L — At ihe has been no positive response W-. McCord Jr., security chief for the Nixon campaign. schools helped make their request of the County Board from Colts Neck. Yesterday, the sixth day of the trial, U.S. Dist. Court contributions to the day. of Elections, Ihe township has After calling the proposed Judge John J. Sirica accepted the guilty pleas of four Miami The festival was organized created a new voting district. dcepwater port off Long men after questioning them at length and saying at one point by John Hird, an English The present District 2 which Branch potentially "the most i to their unrevealing answers: "I'm sorry. I don't believe you." teacher at Red Bank, and co- includes everything cast of dangerous source of pollution The judge refused to declare a mistrial, requested by at- chairman of the event with the Garden State Parkway ex- in the entire history of the torneys'for Liddy and McCord. They argued that the sudden Hosie Scott and Mary Jane cept the Old Manor subdivi- state," the committee absence of five defendants would give the jury the impression Sheehan. sion will be split into two ap- adopted a resolution opposing that the five had pleaded guilty and that the remaining two also Students from Christian proximately equal districts. such a port anywhere otr the were guilty. Brothers Academy in Lincroft The district contains about state or in Sandy Hook Bay, Charges against the seven include conspiracy, burglary discussed white attitudes to- 1,000 voters. The committee also adopted and illegal wiretapping. Register Staff Photos ward blacks, Matawan Re- The new District 6, starting a resolution opposing termina- Sirica set bond at $100,000 for, each of the four. BLACK JADES — The Black Jades Band of Red Bank was one of the gional students presented a from the northern border with tion of passenger service in groups that performed at the Black Arts Festival honoring the birthday skit, and groups from Red Hazlct, will run cast to Cen- March by the Jersey Central Convicted Man Gets Option yesterday of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Also featured were poet- Bank Catholic and Rumson- tcrville Hoad, down to Taka- Kailroad and asked state offi- ry, talk and role playing as students sought to come to grips with today's Fair Haven high schools led lusa Brook, west across to cials for prompt action to MIAMI, Fla. — A judge has given a black man convicted avert any stoppage by Jersey of assaulting a policeman a choice of going to jail or recruiting problems. discussions. Telegraph Hill Koad and then Shore Regional and Henry along that road south to Hol- Central or any other line. blacks to be tested for sickle cell anemia. A new lease with the I'ostal "I helped you, now it's your turn to help your people," Hudson high schools were the land Road and west to the other high schools that sent parkway along Holland Koad. Service was authorized by the Criminal Court Judge Alfonso Sepe told Joe Louis Wilcox yes- committee. The 55-year lease terday. Plan Squad Changes; representatives to participate Boundrics Outlined in the events which took place Its eastern border will be will permit the I'ostal Service "You will recruit black married couples to be tested for to build a new post office on sickle cell anemia. I want you to recruit them by the hundreds in classrooms in the new wing the township line. of the high school. The new district will include property adjacent to Town- to determine if they are carriers of the disease." ship Hall. The action nullified Wilcox, 40, had pleaded guilty to resisting arrest and as- But probably the most fun Country Woods, Holland To Discipline Member Hidge, Holland Woods, Indian previous lease which author- was had at the Black Arts saulting Miami officer Antonio Prieto while Prieto was trying ized a third party to build the to arrest Wilcox for disorderly conduct. The charge carries a The employe involved was Squad, as many others, does Festival in the old cafeteria, Hill Hoad, and Maurice Man- KKD BANK — An in- or. facility. maximum prison term of five years. vestigation into the circum- identified by the council as not normally provide trans- which opened the day. It fea- The 6-foot-2, 295-pounder bowed his head after he admitted Cornelius A. Verrey, borough portation calls which are not tured among other attrac- Voting will probably be at The committee adopted a stances surrounding the the Intermediate School. the felony, then begged Sepe for mercy. apparent refusal of the First electrician. of an emergency nature. tions, dancing and listening to resolution authorizing Ihe The chain of events was de- However, (he council ruled the music of the local Black Those remaining in the trun- township administrator, John Both Prieto and the prosecutor recommended probation Aid Squad lo respond to an cated District 2 will continue emergency has resulted in scribed by Dr. Galassi at an that in this case "there was Jades Band. .1. Coughlin, to be zoning offi- for Wileox. The program closed at 1 tn vote from Ihe Indian Hill cer. He was appointed to the Announcing his decision, Sepe placed Wilcox on probation changes in operating proce- earlier council meeting. an apparent emergency when He said the infant was the call was made for the am- p.m. with a brief sermonette School. job Jan. 5. -for two years and then appended the requirement that Wilcox dures and ordered dis- The redislricting will not af- ciplinary action against a brought to his office in the bulance." and a performance by the Mrs. Margaret Teller was aid in the search for young blacks who have sickle cell high school choir, a fitting fect the Board of Education anemia. borough employe. morning and was diagnosed The council further ruled reappointed police matron as suffering from a heart con- that the death of the girl. Syl- tribute on Dr. King's birth- elections in February. It will The incident happened Dec. take effect lor the June H pri- Vincent 1'omarico was ap- 8 when Dr. Mario Galassi was dition. via Jones, daughter of Mrs. day. pointed registrar of vital sta- Greater Use of Coal Sought He said he instructed his Patricia Jones of 150 W. Ber- Other events com- maries. refused an ambulance to The Township Committee al tistics, and Mrs. Lorraine WASHINGTON — The Nixon administration is considering transport a four-week old girl nurse to call for an ambu- gen PI., "was not caused by memorating Dr. King sched- I'arker, deputy registrar, both encouraging the states to ease their application of some secon- lance. The call was placed to the failure to dispatch an am- uled this week include a 7:30 its mooting last night author- to the hospital for treatment ized application to HUD for for three-year terms. dary antipbllution standards in a move to promote greater use of a serious heart ailment. Police Headquarters and the bulance to Dr. Galassi's of- p.m. service Sunday at the of coal to meet the country's energy needs. police transferred the call to fice. .." Methodist Church, at which planning funds lo study long- Gets CSA Certification The girl- later died alter re- term solutions to sewer prob- Alfred M. lleyer was ap- Coal has received new attention from the administration ceiving emergency treatment the First Aid Squad where The council also ruled that Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker will because of delays and lagging production of other energy Mr. Verrey happened to be Mr. Verrey had "failed and speak lems on the South Slope. Ac- pointed a permanent heavy at both Monmouth Medical tion was taken now because equipment operator after re- sources. Center, Long Branch, and a working. refused to identify himself lo The A.M.E. Zion Church is The Office of Emergency Preparedness has released a - Dr. Galassi said Mr. Verrey Dr. Galassi when specifically also holding an arts and crafts HUD will accept no new appli- ceiving Civil Service ccrtiflc- New York city hospital. exhibit in its basement later cations after Jan. Tl. Thecalion. study concluding that "selective and temporary relaxation" of Both Dr. Galassi and the had told his nurse the squad asked to (lo so by the doctor secondary antipollution standards would permit substantial would not provide trans- over the telephone. . ." this week to honor Dr. King. township can reject any grant The committee changed one council said the death of the if it contains undcrsirable re- substitution of coal for petroleum. infant was not caused by the portation. The doctor said he In its recommendations, the. of its appointments to the Zon- Elmer Bennett, an assistant director of the OEI', said that then called himself and was slrictions. ing Board of Adjustment, delay in transporting her to a council said that in all calls Troop Completes The committee will notify while states may be encouraged to slow down application of hospital. told the same thing. The child made to the first aid squad reappointinn .Hussell Mai- more stringent secondary standards aimed at preventing envi- was subsequently taken to the Two (jampouts Colts Neck and Marlboro lalieu to a three-year term. However, the council found headquarters by the police Townships of the application ronmental harm, he doubts the administration will ask Con- that the incident pointed up hospital by private vehicle. desk officer, the officer will HAZLET - Boy Scout By mistake, at Ihe Jan. 5 or- gress to roll back existing clean-air standards. In its findings, the council Troop 136, led by Scoutmaster The three municipalities have ganization meeting. Ihe com- the need for clarification of ask the person answering Ihe discussed a regional associ- He said in an interview yesterday {that coal would still be standard operating proce- said that "Mr. Verrey may phone whether or not he is a William Burket, participated milte had reappoinled Warren largely unwelcome in areas struggling to meet the national have understood that the in two winter campouts at ation to bring sewerage from liaumgartncr. instead but Ins dures, and further that the ac- member of the first aid squad Ihe South Slope basin to the "primary standards" adopted to protect human health. tions of the man who handled request was for an ambulance and the same will be recorded Forestbui-g Scout Reservation term hadn't expired. In recent years, the coal industry — once the giant of Am- for transportation as dis- in New York. Middlctown system. Ihe call were "inconsistent by the police. Anxious to Proceed The commiltcc will hold its rican energy - has been eclipsed by oil. natural gas, the with the employee's fluty and tinguished from an ambulance Also, that all calls to the po- promise of atomic energy, and the restrictions of antipollution Marlboro is anxious tn pro- next public meeting Wednes- responsibility to the for an emergency." lice for first aid assistance LEGATNOTTCE" day, Feb. 21. since its regular standards. The Ked Bank First Aid NOTIC*. ceed with a cooperative ef- borough-" will be determined first by the It! SOLUTIO3LUTI N R-1-71 fort, according to Mayor Da- meeting dale is a national ho- WHEREAS, thtrc exist a need for police as whether they arc of oudlt services, legal services, enolnter- vid Cohen, but so far there hdav. Ing tervlcei ond medical services, ond Industrial Production Soars an emergency nature of not. WHEREAS, funds are available for If it is an emergency, the po- these purposes, and WASHINGTON — A Federal Reserve Board report shows WHEREAS, the Local Public Con- Shot Five Times, lice will immediately alert the tracts Low (N.J.S.A. 40A: 11-1 et seq.) that industrial production in 1972 increased 7 per cent over requires that the resolution awarding squad members and dispatch contracts for professional services with- 1971, making its best showing in six years. out competitive bids must t>e publicly The board said yesterday that its index measuring output its members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- of the nation's factories, mines and utilities gained by a solid Woman Is Critical "We further find." the coun- SOLVED by the Township Committee of th« Township of Holmdel that Joseph X. 0.8 per cent in December alone. HOWELL TOWNSHIP - A of Asbury Park, remains in cil said, "that Mr. Verrey, a Seaman it hereby appointed os Town- ship Auditor, s. Thomas GoqMono Is Not since 1966. when the increase was 9.2 per cent during young woman remained in critical condition at Jersey borough employe, admittedly hereby oppolnted os Township Attorney, failed and refused to state his Leon 5. Avokion ti hereby oppolnted os and economic boom, has the nation's industry produced at critical condition today at an Shore Medical Center. Township Engineer, Richard M. Schuli name when specifically asked Is hereby appointed os special engineer? such a clip, said a spokesman for the President's Council of unidentified hospital after Miss Willis, who lives at a Ing consultant to the Township, ond Dr. motel in Neptune Township, is tn identify himself by Dr. Ga- M. Crlstoforo Is hereby oppolnted as Economic Advisers. being shot five times on a Township Physician. All of the afore- street corner yesterday morn- awaiting trial on charges of lassi. . , . mentioned appointments ore for a peri- Industrial production usually increases between 5 to 6 per od of or\9 year beginning January 1. ing here. pushing heroin in Ked Bank. "We find." the council said, 1973. The persons hereby oppolnted 01 cent each year. Township Auditor, Township Attorney, Marguerite Willis, 26, wasShe was acquitted of similar "that such action and conduct Township Engineer* Engineering Con- niiniiunniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iniiiiii iniiuiiiim sultant and Township Physician art a first taken to Freehold Area charges last February. by a borough employe is in- Registered Municipal Accountant, an Attorney, a Licensed Professional Engi- Hospital but was later trans- consistent with the employe's neer, a Licensed Professional Engineer, WEDAILY duty and responsibility to the and o Doctor of Medicine, respectively, BEGISTER ferred elsewhere because po- all recogniied professions licensed and New Licenses citizens ol the borough, We regulated by low, ond II Is not possible lice feared her assailant to obtain competitive bids, ond CHESTNUT"T!NREDFBAN:K. N.J. 07701 might try lo kill her. She is therefore determine thai dis- BRANCH OFFICES: Now Available BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tt.ot a under police guard at the new ciplinary action be taken by copy of this resolution shall be pub- <» RT. J5. MIDDLETOWN, N.J., 07MI llshed In The Dolly Register as required 10 EAST MAIN ST., FREEHOLD, N.J., 07731 location, authorities said. MIDDLETOWN - The Di- the borough's personnel offi- 'ry low within to days ol It* powoge. J7» BROADWAY, LONG BRANCH. N.J., 07740 MOTION to odopt resolution mode by An All Points Bulletin has vision of Health reminds dog- cer." Mr. Porker, ucondtd by Mr. Jannuno Estobllitied In !I7I by John H. Cook ond Henry Cloir owners that January is the ond carried on roll colt vote: Ayes: been issued for Horace L. The personnel officer is Krl- Messrs. Bcgglo* Cohen, Jormuiio. Pork- PUBLISHED BY THE REP BANK REGISTER er. White: Nays: None. Member of the Associated Press-Tht Associated Pr»« I month to license their pets. win Lomerson. borough asses-1 l«i'jXi"id In this Gadson of Newark in con- CERTIFICATION .Cluslvely to the use forrepytlllcollonol oil Ihe tnrol All 1972 dog licenses expired I, John P. Wodlnpton, Clerk of the newspaper as well os all AP news dispatches- nection with the shooting. sor and treasurer. Township ot Holmdef, do hereby certify Jan. 1. New licenses are avail- I'nder the personnel ordi- that the attached ll,« tuii copy of a rat class DOStaae paid ol Red Bonk. N.J. 07701 ond ot odditlonol Gadson is said to be a suspect Resolution odop*ed afa Reorganization OT,,,.,.* o»lcis. "uWsheil dally. Monday through Friday. Mull subicrip- in the New Year's Eve shoot- able at the township health of- nance, disciplinary proceed- meeting ot the Township Committee of •Ions payable In advance. the Township of Holmdel In the County -•---•*. 6 Months ' Teor ing of a security guard at an fice, 78 Kings Hwy., between 9 ings can result in reprimand, of Monmourfi held on January J, l»73. CENTRAL JERSEY BAM a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday JOHN P. WADINGTON Asbury Park tavern. suspension with or without Clerk Home Oellvery by Carrier -50 Cents a week Single copy ot counter, 10 Cents. The guard, Robert Baldwin through Friday. pay. or dismissal. Jon. It IH SO 4 The Dally Register, Red Bank-Mlddletown, NJ. Toesday, January 1«, 1I7J MiuiuiiiiiuuuiiiitMiniiiiiMiiiiiiiiniuiiiiHtiniiwMWiitHiiiwiiwiiiiiiliiimiiJiliiimimiiimmmmHMmiii iiiiiintniwi Soldier Go&s on Trial in Slaying •* degree murder conviction, al- Defense attorney William J. O'Call. about 2:30 a.m., he coming at him, that gun went Obituaries By HALLIE SCBRAEGER off," related Mr. Gearty, who leging that Spec. 6 William G. Gearty of Spring Lake said was "inebriated ... he had illiniliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimniiimtiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirHiniiiiiiiiii FREEHOLD - A defense Tack, 31. of 15 Lippincott Tack started riding his motor- had Approximately three or said it is "uncertain" how the attorney asserted yesterday Ave., Long Branch, deliber- cycle early in the evening and four beers. shooting actually happened. Charles L. Kortenhaus ately killed Martin Gonzalez. stopped in four different bars "He came out and his mo- He said there is a "void" in MORGANVILLE - Charles that his client, a Ft. Mon- Mrs. E. Demarest, mouth soldier charged with 52 Fourth Ave., outside the along the way. torcycle' was missing. Two of the chain of circumstances L. Kortenhaus, 80, of 3 John murdering a 17-year-old Long Port O" Call, 43 S. Broadway. the people there taunted him. which the defense is unable to St. died yesterday in Bay- "The evidence will be un- Branch youth last July 30 out- Testimony was to begin They were laughing at him... fill. ' ' , •.•:<'•'•'-•• shore Community Hospital, side a Long Branch tavern, clear about what he had to He didn't do a very reason- Assistant Prosecutor Mi- Holmdel. today, the second day of Tax Collector Dies was drunk and fired the fatal Tack's trial before County drink," Mr. Gearty told the able thing. He called home chael D. Farren told the Jury EATONTOWN - Mrs. Elsie borough's Overseer of Wel- Mr. Kortenhaus was bom in' shot either by misadventure Court Judge Thomas L. jury- and (told) his wife to bring the state will prove a case of A. Demarest, a longtime fare. Cliffwood and was a lifelong or in self defense. Yaccarino and a jury of seven He said when Tack came him his gun." "willful, deliberate, pre-. borough official and active Mrs. Demarest was a mem- resident of this area. He was The state is seeking a first men and seven women. out of the fourth bar, the Port meditated murder" against member of many area organi- ber of The United Methodist retired from the Karl F. Heu- He said Tack didn't want Tack. zations, died Sunday at Mon- Church and treasurer of the ser Co., a civil engineering the gun to kill anyone with, He said the state will prove mouth Medical Center, Long church's Women's Society For firm in Matawan. but "because of the condition beyond a reasonable doubt Branch. Christ Service (WSCS). Mr. Kortenhaus was a mem- of his mind, he attempted to that Tack thought about what Mrs. Demarest, 78, of 158 Other local affiliations in- ber of the United Methodist County Planners OK find out the thief himself," he was going to do, that he South St., was the widow of cluded membership in Chap- Church in Cliffwood and was GiaWeatOH called his wife and ordered Ward Demarest. o ter 266 of the Order of the a former member or the Mr. Gearty said Tack or- her to bring him his XL cali- . At the time of her death, Eastern Star, of which she Matawan Township Board of, dered one man at gunpoint to ber rifle and that he tried to she served as borough tax col- was past grand officer; Lau- Education. Expressway Alignment get into his car, which Mrs. fire it several times before he lector. She was a member of rel Chapter of the Rainbow Surviving are a son, J. Tack had driven to the bar. fired and killed Martin Gonza- the Monmouth and Ocean Girls, having served as moth- Lewis Kortenhaus, here, and Mr. Halsey told the plan- study an alignment change in "His thought — if yqu can lez. Counties Tax Collector Asso- FREEHOLD - The Mon- er adviser; Pride of Crescent two grandchildren. mouth County Planning Board ners yesterday the Turnpike Freehold Township. The call it that — was to arrest The youth was pronounced ciation and a treasurer of the Council, Sons and Daughters The Bedle Funeral Home, Authority has clarified its po- alignment was moved farther him," Mr. Gearty contended. dead at Monmouth Medical organization. did a turnabout yesterday and of Liberty, and The Eaton- Matawan, is in charge of ar- agreed to accept the northern sition on an interchange at Rt. west around the Battleground Center with a bullet through Mrs. Demarest served as The defense attorney said town Leisure Club. rangements. alignment of the Gov. Driscoll 520 in Middlesex County. He Golf Course. the heart, Mr. Farren said. custodian of school monies for that Tack's "mind wandered Mrs. Demarest, daughter of Expressway proposed last said the proposed interchange Mr. Halsey stated that he Tack's 29-year-old wife, the Eatontown Board of Edu- from that" and that he just the late Howland and Annie Frederick F. Zeller week by the New Jersey would be north of the James- was concerned about the ac- Frances, charged with aiding cation. walked away, left the man Reynolds, was a lifelong resi- RED BANK - Frederick F. Turnpike Authority. burg Home for Boys, not cess to the proposed spur and abetting her husband in She formerly served as the and went toward a crowd of dent of Eatontown. Zeller. 63, of 28 Union St., died County Planning Director south, as was indicated on the from Rt. 33. some 20 people, arguing with the alleged murder, is to be Surviving are an aunt, Mrs. Sunday at Riverview Hospital Robert D. Halsey initially op- alignment map. The board adopted two reso- them about the return of his tried separately! _ Joseph H. Schultheis after a long illness. Jennie C. Wortman, who lived posed the alignment because He said the authority also lutions in connection with its motorcycle. LOTTERY NUMBER EAST KEANSBURG - Jo- Mr. Zeller was born in with Mrs. Demarest; an it provided only one county in- plans to provide a feeder road application for recertification "When these people started Mon.. Jan. 15:10716 seph H. Schultheis, ,65, of 69 uncle, Frank A. Dangler Sr. of Brooklyn and had lived in terchange, at Ht. 33 in Free- to Rt. 520. by the federal Department of Passaic St. died Sunday in Neptune, and five cousins. Newark before moving here hold Township. The planners agreed to Housing and Urban Devel- Riverview Hospital, Red The Robert A. Braun Home 12 years ago. opment (HUD). Bank, after a short illness. For Funerals, here, is in He had been employed as a One recognizes the Tri-State 4V*% INTEREST Mr. Schultheis was born in charge of arrangements. third mate on various mer- Seniors Want Board Regional Planning Commis- ON PASSBOOK SAVINGS Newark and lived here for the chant ships for the past two sion as an umbrella review PAID DAY OF DEPOSIT past 20 years. He was em- years. Formerly, Mr. Zeller Mrs. George F. Miller agency and accepts Tri- TO DAY OF WITHDRAWAL ployed as a security guard in had been employed by the To Lift Smoking Ban State's water, sewer and open the Foodtown Supermarket, OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Mrs. United States Lines, Sealand space plans. Port Monmouth. He was a Dorothy H. Miller, 69, of 1504 Inc., and the Thetis Lines as a MARLBORO - The Free- ing in the senior lounge at The other endorses the non- member .-.of the Keansburg N. Wanamassa Drive, died vessel master. hold Regional High School Freehold Township High discriminatory hiring prac- Pentecostal Church. Thursday at home. He was a member of the In- Board of Education last night School. tices of Civil Service and • Surviving are his widow, She was born in Atlantic ternational Organization of was requested to allow smok- The request was made by states that there will be no Mrs. Peggy Wolf Schultheis; City and had lived here since Master Mates and Pilots. four seniors attending the discrimination in hiring FDIC two sons, Joseph R. 1945. There are no known survi- school. Board President Don- against anyone. Schultheis, here, and the Rev. Surviving are her husband, vors. Clarify Vote ald Nash acked Acting Super- James Schultheis of Keans- The Worden Funeral Home intendent of Schools Bernard burg; a brother, Raymond George F. Miller; a brother, Vern Headley of Pleas- of Red Bank, is in charge of By Board On Lyons to schedule a meeting Schultheis of Leonardo and arrangements. between himself, the students, seven grandchildren. antville, and three sisters, Mrs. George Van Dyke of Shop Center and the school principal, Wal- The Scott Funeral Home, Wall Township, Mrs. Louis T. • Miss Phebe White ter J. Zuber. .; Belford, is in charge of ar- Brody of Baltimore, Md., and RED BANK - Miss Phebe HAZLET — Planning Board Eric Colby, a student, asked rangements. Mrs. Edward Seitz of Fol- White, 92, of 22 Tower Hill Chairman Harry Greene an- that the smoking be limited to croft, Pa. Ave.. died yesterday in King . nounced a site plan appli- seniors, and extend through a D. Hayes McMHIen The Richard C. Hoidal Fu- •James Nursing Home, Middle- cation for a small shopping trial period of approximately NAVESINK - D. Hayes neral Home, Oakhurst, was in town, after a long illness. center at Rt. 36 and Union one month. McMlllen, 60, died Saturday at Ave. has been approved. Maureen Kondrup, another Play Today charge of arrangements. Miss White was a member his home on Osborne Ave. of the Red Bank Chapter, Or- Questions arose after last senior, said this would be a He was an Army veteran of der of Eastern Star. week's Planning Board meet- good opportunity to allow the , World War II and had retired Mrs. Maria Soldo She is survived by five ing as to whether the appli- seniors to handle responsi- as an employe of the N. J. Bell RED BANK - Mrs. Maria nephews, Edgar V. Denise of cation had received a major- bility. Telephone Co. He was born in Soldo of Wallace St., died yes- Fair Haven, John White of ity vote. Mr. Colby added that the West Bolivar, Pa., and had terday in Riverview Hospital. Fair Haven, Dr. Ensley White Six votes were cast, three smoking in the rest rooms Win Today. lived in this area many years. Bom in Italy, she had lived of Fair Haven, Charles A. affirmative, two in opposition would decrease. Surviving are a brother, in Jersey City before moving White of Little Silver, and, Dr. and one abstention. Board member Robert Man- Glenn McMillen of Sidney, here 17 years ago. William A. White of Rumson, It was the abstention which tei said the policy would be N.Y., and a sister, Mrs. Ruth The widow of Frank P. Sol- and two nieces, Mrs. Dorothy caused controversy as to the discriminatory to the under- B. Smith of Fern Park. Fla. do Sr., she was a commu- Adams of Red Bank,, and Mrs. vote's status. Questions in- classmen. He said that smok- The William S. Anderson nicant of St. Anthony's Catho- volved just how the vote ing requests have been made Cash-inTodav! Kenneth Altreuter of Fair Funeral Home, Red Bank, is lic Church, here. Haven. should be counted or if it to the board for the past four should be counted at all. years.and have been rejected. In charge of arrangements. Surviving is a sister, Mrs. The Worden Funeral Home 1 Theresa Sedutto of Cranford. of Red Bank, is in charge of Mr. Green said the board's In addition, Mr. Mantei said Dwth Notices The John E. Day Funeral arrangements. final determination is that the policy would be dis- ARMENTI — Leo. on U. 1973, ot Home is in charge of arrange- "the abstention is excluded criminatory to non-smokers. m$Msirt&tf!PB2tf2 ments. Mrs. Jamie Caglc from the total vote count ac- He said that the smoking in oMlrw {m Norton), dtor lottwr of Lee, cording to the Planning Board the rest rooms would in- Stioron. KothlMn. Slwllo, brother of Mrs. RED BANK - Mrs. Jamie Marli Poaalollr Mrs. Oorothy Rogazio, Death Notices by-laws." A legal ruling was crease, because the room Mn. Ann Joyce, William Armtnti, Catti- CAGLE — Jomle, of 87 Bank St., Red Cagle, 69, of 87 Bank St., died there vacated by the seniors •rlnt, Dortn. Helen Podolskl, Josiph Ar- Bank, on Sot. Devoted wife of Mr. Elle not necessary, he said. mtnti. Birnlce Walsh. Relatives ond Coglt. Loving ount of Mrs. Lillian Saturday in Riverview Hospi- would be taken over by the friends art Invlttd to attend the funerol at Spratley ond William Sprotley. Funeral The application was made Wltllom Schlemm, Inc.. Funeral Home, service. Wed. 11 a.m. of the Shrewsbury tal. by Anthony Ginesi and Vin- lower classmen. Btravn and Harrison Ave.. Jersey City, AME Zion Church, Red Bank. Rev. An- Mrs. Cagle was born in Cal- ONE OUT OF EVERY TWENTY-SIX Thursday. January II, 7:30 a.m. Funtrol drew Mockey officiating. Interment, Mon- cent Vacarro of Clark. In other action, the board MOM, St. Bridget's RC Church, jersey mouth Memorial Pork, New Shrewsbury, land, Va., and had lived in the City, 10 a.m. Interment Holy Cross Ceme- Affirmative votes were cast agreed to pay Mr. Lyons an "DAILY" LOTTERY TICKETS ftry. North Arlington, visitation. 2-3. 7-10. Friend* may call at the church Tuei, eve- Shore area 55 years. Parking on premises. ning 7-9.__ by Mr. Greene, Eugene Ba- additional $300 for each month IS A CASH WINNER! TICKETS -DEMAREST — Elite A. (nee Reynolds), WHITE-Phebe, age 92, of 22 Tower Hill She was a member of the Of 1st South St., Eatontown on Sunday, Ja- Ave., Red Bonk, on Monday, Jon. is, 19/3. lestriere and George Pater- he serves as acting superin- nuary 14. at Monmouth Medical Center. Aunt of Edgar V. Denise, John White, Dr. , AME Zion Church of Red Win from $2.50 to $2,500 every dayL Funeral services Thursday, January 18. at Enslev White, Charles A. White. Dr. Wil- son. Thomas D'Arcangelis tendent. He was named to the 7 p.m. of The United Mttbodlst Church or liam White. Mrs. Dorothy Adams, and Bank, and was the organizer If you win Today... Eotontown, Wyckoff Rood; Friends may Mrs. Kenneth Altreuter. Funeral services and David Kaufman opposed temporary post when Dr. Wil- 11 a.m. Thurt. ot the Worden Funerol of the church's flower club, coll ot the Robert A. Broun Home For Fu- Home, 60 E. Front St. Red Bank. Inter- the application^ Com- liam R. Satz resigned in No- You get PAID Today! nerals. 106 Broad St., Eatontown Wednes- the junior usher board, and Benefits Education & Institutions day 3-4 and 7-9 p.m. ment Fair view Cementery, Mlddletowa mitteeman Stephen J.' Filardi vember to become Holmdel Friends (nay call ot the funeral home 7-? the Zion travelers. SOMERMAN — Mary. Beloved wife of p.m. Wed. abstained. school superintendent. the late Abraham, devoted mother of SSell- mo MMommtn , AnitAita Newman and Nor mo ZELLER—Frederick F., oge 43, ot 28 She is survived by her hus- Ptttrmon. Dear slater of Ben Maulte, Union St., Red Bank, on Sunday, Jan. U. band, Elie Cagle; a niece, Anno PII urns eerr onondd BerthBertha MarcuMarcuss . 1973. Funeral 2 p.m. Wednesday at the AdAdored d grandmothedth r and great grandd- Worden Funerol Home. 60 E. Front St.. .Mrs. Lillian Spratley of New mother. Services ond Interment. were held Red Bonk. Inttrmtnt Folr View Ceme- For 1wlhl infrfltInformoilol n tery, MlcWIetown. Friends may call ot the York City, and nephew, Wil- 3Miih funeral homt 7-9 p.m. today. liam Spratley of New Shrews- bury. The Chads Funeral Home of Red Bank, is in charge of ar- rangements. Enters Guilty Plea mostly 2.0% to. 50* off FREEHOLD - An East Or- mens, boys & womens wear ange man has pleaded guilty to failing to pay a $3,646.69 at the Holiday Inn, Monmouth Parkway and Broadway, West Long Branch, during June, July and August, T971. Richarg Maglione will be SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS ON: sentenced Feb. 9 for obtaining money under false pretenses. He pleaded guilty before • MEN'S SUITS AND SPORT COATS County District Court Judge BY HICKEY-FREEMAN, George A. Gray. SOUTHWICK, LEGAL NOTICE GRAHAM & GUNN; : NOTICE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND • MEN'S OUTERWEAR, SLACKS, SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 6, "BOARD OF HEALTH," OF THE OR- SHIRTS, SWEATERS, NECKWEAR. DINANCE KNOWN BY ITS SHORT FORM TITLE AS "REVISED ORDI- • BOYS'AND YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHING, NANCES OF U6I." ADOPTED JJNE i. IMI. FURNISHINGS AND SPORTSWEAR. The obove ordinance wos introduced at the regular meeting ot the Red Bonk • WOMEN'S WEAR. Boord of Health on[>ecember M, KJ2 EMERALD SHAPE ond palled tlnol reading at the regular meeting of the Red Bonk Board or Heolth on January 11, 1973. The obove Men's Imported Ribbed Shetland Sweaters

AUDREY A. SENION Now 14.99 Secretory Men's Sport Coats Jan. 16 Now 49. to 169. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice Is hereby given that seated bid Boys' Doubleknit Blazers by Pierre Cardin proposal} will be received by the Mayor ana Council, Borough of Foir Hoven, New Jersey on January 32, Wi al 8:00 Sizes 8-12.. . Now 29. P.M. prevailing ttme of 0 regulor Coun- cil meeting to be held on that date at the Sizes 13 -18... Now 38. Borough Hall, 74B River Rood, Fair It flashes like a diamond. It's cut Hoven, Monmoulh County, New Jersey Ladies' Jack Clarke Coats and Suits ond opened immediately thereafter, for like a diamond ... but it cosls a supplying of dliposol facilities for gar- Now 154. fraction ol what you would pay booe, trosh, ond refuse, coming from ROUND BRILLIANT wiTnin the territorial limits of the for a diamond of equal size. See Borough of Folr Haven, In strict accor- II today. You'll be amazed. dance with the specifications on file In Large Selection the Office or the Borough Clerk. ol Alt pertinent documents con be ob- tained upon request from the Office of EARRINGS the Borough clerk ot the Municipol Building, 748 River Rood, Folr Haven, and New Jersey. The Borough ot Fair Hovtn reserves PENDANTS the right to relect ony and all bids, to waive ony Informalities or Irregularities In the bids received, to cccepf ony bid which may oppeor to be most tovoroble OPEN A REED'S to the Borough ond to award tht con- CHARGE ACCOUNT tract based upon alternate bids oi set OTS forth ond provided In the spec If (cations. JEWELER§ All ma|or credit Tht Borough of Fair Hoven further t*~ cards honored . serves the right to hold all bids tor ton- fin** DiomniitU Shirt* HM. sideratfon for o ptrlod not to exceed 60 Broad Street, Red Bank „ . - thirty (30) doys from the dolt of rectlv- u ing bids. 608 Cookman Ave., Asbury Park "I™" ™°- * KOVW. NELSON Borough Clerk summit red bank Jo*. 16 tr.75 Wednesday & liidav 'til 9 " 'A monday & thursday'til 9 Hw Dally Register, Bed Bank-MkMtetown, N.J. Tuesday, January IS, 1973 51 $300^000Minimum BudgetCut Set MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - cut to the'public. Line items payers may not realize is that todians for a school with 775 He added that the board? Township Council has not are to be cut about $122,000 the school budget, covering a students. should refrain from adding,: agreed to some 1202,000 cut by and $80,000 will be taken from fiscal year in 1973-74, will also "There's something wrong for instance, two adminis-: the Regional Board of Educa- surplus to ease the tax bur- raise 1974 municipal taxes a there," he said. trative secretaries at $11,000? tion from Us proposed $8.2 den. like amount. Mayor Powers also said the total salary, and might con-' million 1973-74 budget, reports Mayor Powers added that Areas in which budget, cuts board should take a stand sider taking a stand against to the contrary notwithstand- the board proposed to delete •might be made were sug- against further salary in- the Matawan Regional Teach- ing, Mayor Thomas J. Powers $80,000 provided in the budget gested by the mayor. He said creases for administrators. ers Association on teacher sal- said last night. for a new boiler for Cliffwood the proposed budget calls for "When a man is in the aries. He stressed that council will School and raise the funds in- as many as six custodians in a $20,000. bracket, he shouldn't "After all; a $300,000 cut in a? bold out for a £100,000 cut as a stead by a bond issue. school with an enrollment of necessarily get an increase budget totaling $8.2 jnillion is; minimum. "We're not happy "They're Just taking it from 570 students, and at the same • every year. Industry doesn't not too much," Mayor Powers with it (the $202,000 cut), but one pocket rather than the oth- time proposes only three cus- do that," he declared. stated. we won't comment on it until er," he said. the budget public hearing," The mayor declared council Mayor Powers said. will campaign against the The public hearing is sched- school budget if it is not cut School Budget Introduced uled Tuesday, Jan. 23, in the the minimum of $300,000 coun- MARLBORO - The Board and the debt service budget is count from the capital outlay cil insists is possible and nec- regional high school. of Education last night in- $380,010, a decrease of $10,110.. category. The mayor said he heard of essary. He said the governing troduced its 1973-74 budget of Higher Enrollment body has the support of Mata- Mr. Dugan said, in addition, the cut only last Thursday $4,056,045, an increase of Mr. Dugan said the increase the district will receive night from Dr. John K. Re- wan Borough Council in its $724,460. stand. in the current expense budget $447,453 in state aid to be ap- gan, regional school supcrin- ' The amount to bejaised by is due a 17 per cent increase "Mayor (Victor H.) Armel- plied to the current expense PLAN UNITY SERVICE — Churches in Rumson, Fair Haveir and Little tendent, at a school awards taxation is $;t,;i«,lWi, an in- in enrollment, addition of a iino told me they will hold out budget — the same as last Silver areas will observe Week of Prayer for Christian Unity with an dinner. Council has not met crease or $738,497. child study team, a supple- for $300,000, too," Mayor Pow- year. ecumenical service Sunday at 8 p.m. In the First Presbyterian Church, with the Board of Education Board Secretary-Business mental teacher, increased li- ers said. He said he was upset be- Rumson. Clergy who will take part include, from left, the Rev. G. P. Mel- since Jan. 4, and met with Administrator John A. Dugan brary services, and the cause the aid will remain the lick Belshaw, rector of St. George's Episcopal Church, Rumson; the Rev. only three board members JS-Cent Tax Hike Seen said the effect of the budget maintenance costs. same while the enrollment Foster C. Wilson, minister of the First Presbyterian Church, Rumson, and then, the mayor said. Uncut, the $8.2 million pro- on the lax rale has not been He said that $2,734,025 of the will increase 17 per cent. the Rev. Donald E. Hickey, pastor of Nativity Catholic Church, Fair "They were (Herbert J.) posed school budget would calculated. He said the budget current expense budget is car- "So, in effect, we will lose Haven. The Rev. Florian J. Gall, formerly of St. James Catholic Church, Feder (board president), raise the township tax rate is "tentative", and subject to marked for salaries, $ti8,400 in state aid we would Red Bank, and now serving in Trenton Diocese, will preach. Offering will (George W.) Connor and about 25 cents per $100 of as- change prior to the public The business administrator have had based on our in-, benefit victims of earthquake in Nicaragua. (Louis) Rainone. The figure sessed valuation; with the hearing Jan. ;il at 8 p.m. in said the drastic decrease in creased enrollment," Mr. Du- they gave then as a cut was $300,000 cut council urges, the the Central School. the capital outlay budget is gan said. about $225,000," Mayor Pow- increase would be reduced to The current expense cate- due to a state Department of ers stated. 12 or 13 cents, the mayor esti- gory is $:i,(i70,5:t5, up $818,020. Education mandate shifting Henderson Again Heads mated. Drug Addiction Problem? , The board has since an- The capital outlay account is allocations for new equipment He added that what lax- Call 988-8333. For Help Day of MatawanPlanning Board nounced the $202,000 budget $5,500, a decrease of $88,950, to the current expense ac- Night. . MATAWAN - At its first was reappointed clerk. a Jr. of Edgemere Drive a ma- regular meeting of the new Reappointed board attorney jor subdivision. year the Planning Board re- for one year was Thomas E. elected Howard Henderson Walsh at a retainer of $1,200. According to the appli- annual chairman. Arnold G./Taranto was ap- cation, Mr. Schock plans a Mr. Henderson said, "We've pointed to the position of two-lot subdivision on the east met with our planning con- board engineer at a retainer corner of Lakeside Drive. sultant at an agenda meeting of $2,500 for one year. This in turn would create a and come up with about 30 im- The board reappointed third lot on Crescent Place. Because the borough does not baby portant planning items. Now Planning and Design Associ- the board has to decide which ates Inc., with Joseph J. Carr maintain a paved street, or items will take priority in 1973. as borough planning con- sidewalk here, by ordinance I hope this year will be as sultant, to be retained for $250 the application must be con- fruitful as last year." a month, during 1973. sidered a major subdivision. week Mrs. Esther Rinear was The third Monday of each The board postponed deci- elected to the office of vice month at 8 p.m. in Borough sion on a subdivision appli- chairman for 1973. New board Hall, 116 Broad St. was set by cation by George Duncan of famous brands! members are Lawrence M. the board to be the time and 69,Ravine Drive. Mr. Dun- Walker and Councilman Rob- place for its regular meetings. can's request is being held fabulous savings ert V. Simons, Jr. The board classified the ap- pending receipt of proper Mrs. Charlotte A. Stames plication of Charles C. Schock* maps. WE GIVE TWIN INSURANCE. Expecting a baby? Come in and register for twin insurance. /teinboch If you have twins or triplets, we'll duplicate the layette you choose free!

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phone-ihop 24 houn a day toll tree from: • asburypark 774-4747 • brick town 892-4747 • elizabelh 351-4747 • manalapan 446-4747 • plainlield 757-4747 . • red bank 946-4747 More Watergate Intrigue

Established in 1878-Published by The Red Bank Register By JACK ANDERSON money for the defendants- but to the Defense Depart- were tunneled through Hunt. ment. u ARTHUR Z. KAMIN . We can now shed more light WASHINGTON He delivered part of the cash ZUMWALTO ELEPHANTS on the backstage efforts to to Bernard Barker, who dis- — Admiral Elmo fcumwalt, President and Editor persuade the Watergate de- SCENE tributed it to the, men he had the Navy chief, recently or- fendants to plead guilty and recruited for the' Watergate dered two ceramic elephants save the White House the em- misadventure. Hunt's wife delivered to turn from South Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor barrassment of a public trial. was carrying $10,000 in cash . Vietnam, The tiny pach- In return, the defendants when she was billed in a Chi- yderms were shipped free, of on Dec. 26, we reported hinted they might make some 6 Tuesday, January 16,1973 that the Justice Department, cago airliner crash. Pan Am. This happens to be embarrassing revelations if Footnote: At the outset of patently illegal. When we iiMWMiimiumMuiiiMiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiniiiiniHiitiiiiiiniitniifm. had discreetly sounded out they were abandoned. Some some of the defendants about the trial, the prosecutors asked the admiral's office indicated they might write made a remarkable agree- about this, they told us he Til Bet Nixon's Saving The Rest For Massachusetts.' entering guilty pleas. The books about their experiences, ANDERSON prosecutors were cautious in ment not to introduce the . would pay the shipping telling all. I most damning evidence the charge. The cost of shipping, their conversations with de- Hunt agreed to plead guilty, fense lawyers. But more direct FBI had dug up. This was a tary activities and peace pros- we have learned, is more than apparently with a tacit under- detailed diary that one of the pects in Southeast Asia. Not Zumwalt paid for the elephant messages were relayed standing that he wouldn't through E. Howard Hunt, the defendants, Eugenio Marti- reported, however, was the icons. have to spend too long in jail. nez, had kept. As a minor sweeping nature of the order. former White House aide and He urged the other defendants CIA veteran. functionary for the CIA, he American pilots flying combat ARMY ORIGINALITY — privately to follow his ex- was required by the CIA • to missions over North Vietnam, To boost morale, the Army At first, the defendants held ample. out for a softening of the keep a record of his activities. for example, were specifically Materiel Command recently CIA Visitors Those who have had access to prohibited from talking to held a contest to name its new charges. The five who were Some of the defendants, caught inside Democratic the diary, however, tell us newsmen. A special directive national headquarters. More who had been involved with Martinez, in true CIA fashion, stipulates: "The no comment than 524 names were sug- headquarters, for example, Hunt in the Bay of Pigs oper- wanted the break-in charge used code names to identify guidance specifically pre- gested, and the AMC's official ation, also received private all his contacts and associ- cludes interviews at all levels Contest Committee to Name reduced to illegal entry. This visits from some of their for- would have made their of- ates. Nevertheless, the diary and with air crews in par- the New Building solemnly mer CIA comrades. The vis- provides an excellent record ticular." Even the Coast studied the offerings. At last, fense a simple misdemeanor. itors brought expense money Any cutting back of the of the espionage operation at Guard, though it doesn't come Maj. Gen. Charles T. Homer, and also offered to make the Watergate. under Pentagon jurisdiction, the AMC chief of staff, an- charges, however, would have regular payments to the de- looked like a fix. So instead, Pentagon Pipeline submitted to the censorship nounced with pride; "The fendants' families. A $l,000-a- PENTAGON CENSORSHIP order. Admiral Chester Bend- name of the new AMC build- . the mystery men behind the month figure was mentioned. scenes used pressure and per- — The Pentagon has acknowl- er, the Coast Guard Com- ing is the AMC BUILDING." suasion. They also alternately Our sources could not, or edged that orders went out on mandant, ordered all his The lukcy winner, Francis Si- stopped and resumed the cash would not, identify the men Dec: 30 to all personnel, civil- people to report press queries korski, received $100 in appro- payments that had been behind the scenes. We can re- ian and military alike, to keep not to their superiors in the priated monies for his shrewd promised to the defendants. port'only that most of the their mouths shut about mili- Transportation Department suggestion. Russia's Patience Waning formation uncritically but in By MILTON VIORST • iiiiiiiiiiiiiltliNlliliinniii and into the Kremlin. No one does. But if you have enough conveying it to the world as if they knew something special. MOSCOW - In the past conversations with officials THE NEW Well, now they're not so year, the Soviet Union haste- and quasi-officials here, I sure about the war — and the come more dependent on the think you begin to acquire a POLITICS pro-Americans inside the United States than it has been sense of what's going on. leadership hierarchy are feel- on any country since the inn limit iiiiiiiiii illinium Trouble Brewing ing quite uncomfortable sit-, Lend-Lease days of World And one thing that's going ting but there on the edge of a* War ll. riously how much advantage on, I believe, is that the pro- very shaky limb. The Russians want Ameri- they will tolerate America's American clique inside the So- can technology to infuse some taking of their restraint be- viet establishment is in As long as there is a short- vigor into their lagging con- fore, by one means or anoth- trouble — maybe big trouble, age of grain, the Kremlin bas Tort's — And County's — Gain sumer production programs. er, they respond! maybe small trouble, but VIORST no choice but to be on its best Far more important, they 1 suspect their answer is trouble. behavior in dealing with the There's a proverbial thought that sev- of ECOM and Ft. Monmouth, said the sec- needed American grain last largely contingent on how the It is one thing for a member they had access to informa- United States. But the other tion to be moved here is the National In- year to avert the threat of grain crop goes this year. Re- of the Communist party hier- tion that no one else had. It elements of the spirit of de- eral writers of ages past, including Sha- tente, as the Kremlin sees it, ventory and Control Point. The plan, he famine created by a nation- cent reports indicate the archy to grit his teeth and to seemed logical to assume that kespeare, employed about it being a rare this information was coming are just optional. said, is to modernize, reorient and stream- wide crop failure. weather patterns throughout go to the USA for a grain hand- ill wind that doesn't blow to someone's Obviously, the Nixon admin- the country seriously threaten out. It is another for a mem- from their allies, the North It's true the leadership hier- profit. That fact was illustrated anew last line the Army's organization within the istration has understood this the winter wheat that was ber of the hierarchy to argue Vietnamese. archy would like to buy Amer- week with the announcement by the U.S. continental United States. dependency — and has taken sown last fall. that the Cold War is over, that But on the basis of conver- ican technology to pep up the economy. But the alternative Army that it is closing down the Elec- Although greater efficiency is the advantage of it, particularly If this crop fails, the Rus- friendly relations with the sations here, 1 suspect that is an erroneous assumption. The is equally palatable: Tighten tronics Command's Philadelphia in- main purpose of the change, it should also in the decision to mine Hai- sians will again have major capitalist world are necessary and that the USA is harmless. indications are that Ambassa- up internal repression to se? result in an annual saving of more than phong harbor, bomb Hanoi food problems — and will be stallation and moving it to Ft. Monmouth. and perpetuate the war in forced, whether they like it or Whatever strength the pro- dor Anatoly Dobrynin in Wash- that citizen discontent doesn'l That economy move will bring 1,217 $190 million when completed and $1 billion Vietnam. not, to return to the United American clique possessed ob- ington talked to Henry Kissi- get out of hand. In fact, there new jobs to the Monmouth County in- over the next five years, he said. The President took a calcu- States for more grain. viously was dependent upon nger, who kept assuring him are growing signs that this tightening-up is under way. stallation, and another 800 personnel will lated risk that the Russians But if the crop comes in as an end to Washington's in- that everything was under While the entire reorganization plan control — and that this was What I am saying is that, be moved here from Philadelphia to con- would not come to the assis- the Russians' hope, the Krem- volvement in Vietnam — and promises Ft. Monmouth a major person- tance of their North Vietnam- lin Will then have a freedom it is curious that for months the information he was cab- from here, it is apparent that tinue in their old jobs. That's a net gain for nel gain, a relatively small loss is also en- ese allies, and it turned out of action which was denied to official Russian circles were ling back to Moscow. Soviet-American detente, re-. Monmouth County of 2,017 civilian jobhol- tailed. that he was right. it throughout 1972. And if that proclaiming an imminent set- Victims of Deception mains a fragile thing. The ders, and another 52 military jobs which Obviously, the Russians are is the case, I believe there tlement in Vietnam with • I am convinced that the Russians, unquestionably, Being eliminated under the plan are prefer it to the old Cold War. will be added to the Ft. Monmouth not happy with the state of af- will be a significant cooling of greater certitude than one Russians — like the rest of us the Continental Army Command (CON- .— were the victims of decep- But wo should not forget there strength. fairs. And it is clear from con- the current spirit of detente. heard anywhere else. ARC), the Combat Developments Com- versations here that Soviet I don't pretend to have a se- In fact, so sure did the Rus- tion, or of wishful thinking, are limits to what they will. So the Army cutback which has ad- 1 pay for it. mand (CDC) and the Third U.S. Army. leaders are questioning se- cret pipeline over the wall sians sound that it appeared not only in accepting this in- versely affected the areas surrounding The CDC has a Communications-Elec- many military installations — and which tronics Agency here involving 60 civilian we have feared might have negative ef- and 73 military personnel. That agency fects on our own area whose economy has will transfer a significant element of its become heavily dependent on those in- A Growing Sense of Unease mission and function to the Army South- stallations — has proved to be, for the eastern Signal School at Ft. Gordon, Ga. A time being at least, to our advantage. By JAMES J. KILPATRICK <>•••• iiiiiiiuiiuuiiiiinuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiii most tangible pall over Wash- expect it not to be bush. small element of the agency's function will Personnel changes contrib- The addition of more than 2,000 active ington. Half a billion dollars be transferred to the Signal School here , A sense of unease is grow- spent, scores of airmen dead ute to the melancholy air. The wage earners to our community will be a CONSERVATIVE during the latter part of the transition pro- ing in Washington. If the or imprisoned, thousands of most respected statistician in major stimulant to local progress. And mood cannot be precisely de- government, Dr. Geoffrey cess. lives lost, whole cities shat- most significant is the fact that the move fined or wholly explained, it VIEW tered — and all for what? Was Moore of the Bureau of Labor will make available more than 1,200 new The plan also calls for elimination of can be clearly felt. It results iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiMiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii it to bring Hanoi back tothe Statistics, has been fired. 67 military jobs at the Army Air Defense from the pattern of the Presi- bargaining table? Granted The ablest man in the Cabinet jobs, some of which no doubt will be filled port behind his drastic mea- last year was Pete Peterson site at Highlands. dent's actions since his land- that the Communists respect by current residents of our area. Workers slide reelection two months sures in Vietnam. strength and treat weakness in Commerce. He dared to from other installations whose jobs have As for a timetable, Gen. Foster said it ago. Everything is sliding down- with contempt: Was this ter- rise above the herd. Off with' been moved or been abolished, will be giv- will be a matter of "a few months before Nixon always has seemed a hill. All the buoyant optimism rifying show of strength the KILPATRICK his head! With the exception of November now has washed of Rogers Morton in Interior, en preference, however. we can start moving anybody." But it is remote and indrawn figure. In one best road back to Paris? priated for the abatement of these past two months he has away. The collapse of a Viet- the new Cabinet will have not The action will help to restore Ft. Only the President can ex- water pollution — funds ap- estimated that the move will be completed become more remote and in- nam peace — the peace that plain; only he can justify. A a single member who has held Monmouth to something of its old status as propriated over his veto — before the end of the year, most of the ac- drawn than ever. He has once was close at hand — lies few days ago the adminis- could have been handled in elective political office.»A ma- an employer. The fort's work force had tion coming in the latter half of 1973. spent little time in the White at the root of the growing con- tration sent Adm. Tom Moo- ways that might ha*ve min- jor appointee, Roy Ash as di-" dropped in recent years from about 12,000 The local future of ECOM, for which a House itself; he has preferred cern, but that collapse in it- rer to the Hill. The chairman imized hostility on the Hill. rector of the Office of Budget self might have been accept- and Management, is in deep to just under 8,000. $25 million new office building is being the isolation of Camp David. of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is The President acted with a Except for a perfunctory ed. Henry Kissinger's account greatly respected, and he did trouble with Congress al- The Army should profit, too, it would erected by a private builder in New kind of imperious hauteur in- birthday interview, he has of the enemy's intransigence a respectable job; but he had stead. ready. seem, from the move which will consoli- was well received. Shrewsbury, seems bright. seen the press not at all. He to confess that he had not Relations with the press, al- Little or large, these things It is the bombing, the unex- date most of ECOM under one roof. Desir- There is. still, of course, much local has made no attempt, by pub- been consulted in advance of ways bad, have grown worse. form a pattern. It is an im- plained and unjustified bomb- ability of the action now to be imple- concern about the future of the-Signal lic explanation and per- the 12-day bombing. This was Last month's speech by Clay age, to borrow from Patrick suasion, to rally public sup- ing, that has created an al- Henry, that squints of mo- mented had been mentioned on a number School, and every effort must be made to the President's solo perform- Whitehead, director of tele- ance. narchy. And we are uneasy. of occasions before, each time eliciting communications, is widely in- preserve as much of that installation here Yet the mood cannot be ex- For some time the anti-Nix- something of an outburst of protest from terpreted as a further effort as possible. For the moment, what must plained in terms of Vietnam to intimidate the television on cartoonists have been de- the Philadelphia area. be something of a major loss for the Phila- alone. The President has networks. Liberals and con- picting the President, at the In announcing the change, Maj. Gen. delphia area will be a significant gain for failed- (and we have to assume servatives are equally scorn- start of his second term, as King Richard II. The carica- Hugh F. Foster Jr., commanding officer Monmouth. the failure is deliberate) to ful of the petty, petulant de- make even the most minimal cree that banned reporters of ture may be unfair, but the gestures of political accom- the Washington Post from so- pattern persists. The real modation to the Congress. cial functions at the White Richard II, a Plantagenet Superport Fight Not Yet Won These arc matters of grace, of House. As Peter Lisagor has king, came to an unhappy en- In view of the potentially disastrous nation, he said, the plans involving New form, of politesse. Mr. Nixon said, this was a bush-league ding. Mr. Nixon, beginning Term Two, has made an un- effects a deepwater port and its attendant Jersey are unacceptable to the people of has spurned them, His im- stunt; and whatever we ex- poundment of funds appro- happy start. pipelines could have on Monmouth County this state. pect of the White House, we and New Jersey, Gov. William T. CahilPs emphatic attack on the proposal last week Spills from the giant tankers that was heartening to all who have been would use the port, the governor said, watching developments in the superport "could wreck the marine environment of Today in History the Delaware and Raritan estuaries," and controversy with deep anxiety. By Tbe Associated Press Civil service was formed. "could devastate our ocean beaches." He Five years ago: In an econ- The Army Corps of Engineers last In 1893, United States ma- omy move, Britain ended its week filed a report on the superport siting added that the secondary effects of the su- Today is Tuesday, January rines landed in Hawaii to re- 150-year military role study it had conducted, which included lo- perports "may ultimately prove to be IB, the Kith day of 1973. There store order in a revolution in scrapped an order for United are 349 days left in the year. which the islands' monarchy cal hearings in which the plan for an in- more destructive of the environment than States bombers and cut social Today's highlight in history: was overthrown. services at home. stallation off Long Branch or in Sandy oil spills." On this date in 1920, the 18th In 1942, screen star Carole,. One year ago: President Hook Bay had been emphatically deplored The governor's attack may ultimately, amendment to the United Lombard and 21 others were Anwar Sadat of Egypt named by local authorities. That report noted States Constitution went into killed in a plane crash near •Dr. Aziz Sidky as premier to prove the broadside that scuttled the su- effect. Prohibition became three sites — including the Long Branch perport idea for New Jersey, but we can- Las Vegas, Nevada. head a new cabinet. one — as the most efficient and logical for law. Today's birthdays: Musical- not relax our vigilance. There is too much One this date — In 1971, the Swiss ambassa- the proposed port. comedy star Ethel Merman is at stake here, on both sides, for relaxation In 1778, France recognized dor to Brazil, Giovanni Enrico 64. Auto racer A.J. Foyt is 39. of opposition now. We can expect port the independence of the Bucher, was released in Rio* Thought for today: Prohibi- Unofficially, the corps was reported de Janeiro after being held by leaning to the Long Branch site. proponents to press the issue further, and United States. tion makes you want to cry In^ 1815, Portugal's South kidnapers for 40 days. Gov. Cahill's answer was unequivocal. we must just as diligently fight to protect into your beer, and American colony of Brazil be- Ten years ago; It was an- the beer to cry into - Don While he is completely aware of the energy our county and our state from an environ- And Here's The Gym, If You Feel Like came a kingdom. nounced that President John Marquis, American journalist crisis prospect facing New Jersey and the mental monstrosity. A Fnsl Workout" In 1883, the United States F. Kennedy would visit Italy. and humorist, 1878-1937. Flan Massive Effort -Mkldk town, N.J. Tuesday, January l«,l>73 7 Middletown Student Council Plea Middletown, N.J. School Issue the time is not ripe. The: tax and a class of 35 in Buriingtoo To Aid Mother Nature To the Editor: reform is coming up soon to County. . The following is an open let- . 9 Collins Ave. take some of the unfair bur- So you see, Mr. Fox Hill, Approximately one billion own continuous natural repl- houses, food packages and ter to the citizens of Middle- Port Monmouth, N.J. FROM OUR small trees, or five for every den off of the taxpayer all of you cannot blame my people anting via seedfall scattered thousands of other products. town Township: To the Editor: these years. So let's all pull in voting to save their homes American, will be planted in on the winds. AFI said the big In pulp and paper alone, ac- As the new year begins, it READERS the nation's forests this year, This letter is in response to together and wait a little long- and keep some food on the planting effort is carried on cording to AFI, each citizen is brings many new problems. the one from 44 Fox Hill er. I suggest that the people table. I fail to see how you or according to American Forest mainly because foresters are On Jan. 16,1973, you, the pub- •unMiuianinMUHiiiiiiitiimiiiiniiiiiiiMii Institute. currently using 570 pounds a Road, Middletown. who do not want to wait, that anyone else could live with too impatient to wait for na- year, 10 times the amount of lic, will deal with an old prob- First, I want to take this •side of the highway, These they enroll their children in a themselves if they voted to do , The gigantic planting re- ture's leisurely pace in getting individual wood use in 1900. lem that has confronted Mid- time to thank the Middletown people have more than done private school with marble this to my people. So let's all places trees that have been trees back into the ground The tree-planting effort is

EFFECTIVE ANNUAL Many people say_try. the 12- YIELD on Regular Pass- month school plan first, then PEARL DROPS RISE OZONi book Savings Accounts let's see. It has been shown TOOTH POUSH SHAVE CREAM Balsam Rinse that this plan will only alle- E 2.75 oz. 1.5 oz. REG., COOL, ISoz. viate our overcrowding prob- LIME, MENTHOL 11 oi. Compounded continuously from Day of Deposit to Day of Withdrawal lem for approximately two LI when minimum balance of $10 is left in the account. years. Additional money 39 $139 would have to be added to the LI Dividends mailed monthly, on request, on all Time Deposit C budget to take care of addi- and Regular Savings Accounts when minimum balance of LI $2,500 is maintained. tional maintenance costs that 1 would be used to keep the LI I 94 Open your account now at any of our seven convenient offices, or use the coupon below. school open all year. 89 G Another thing which seems to have been overlooked by '0 some: the possible loss of the AMMENS UNITED STATES SAVINGS BANK high school's accreditation. FOOT COOLER wun mn This would mean that a high • niUHMJIrMb school diploma from Middle- SCORE NEWMK Main Office: 772 Broad Street, Franklin Office: 677 Broad Street. Ivy Hill Office: 72 Ml, Vernon PI., Seventh town High School would not • $129 3oz. NATURAL SPRAY KING Avenue Olflce: 121 Seventh Avenue, 0MN6E Half Dime Office: 356 Main Street, ROSEUND Roseland Office: 185 Elite be equal to the diplomas of 7oz. 4.5 oz. Rock Ave., CHATHAM TOWNSHIP Hickory Squire Oilier, 641 Shunpikt Rd. neighboring schools with ac- 6oz. 1 creditation. This would also UNITED STATES SAVINGS BANK mean it would be much hard- C C P.O. Box 986, Newark, N.J. 07101 er to enter college after grad- $167 Enclosed Is $ (Minimum $500) for Time Deposit Passbook Account. uating from our high school. 9oz. • 6% a year, guaranteed to: Please, on Jan. IB. 1973. go 1 (Please Indicate month and year of term desired) 79 83 97 out to the voting booths and D 5y4 % a year, guaranteed to: vote "yes" for the school bond (Please indicate desired month of maturity, from 12 to 23 months) issue. The budget has not been passed in eight years. POLIDENT TABLETS Enclosed Is $_ _($10 or more) for deposit in Regular Passbook Savings CUTEX CUTEX Account, paying 5% a year, Compounded Continuously, from Day of Deposit The students in the high NAIL POLISH REMOVER LEMON NAIL 26'S 60s to Day of Withdrawal, credited and withdrawable monthly. school need your "yes" votes. POUSH REMOVER Is one word (yes) too much to I wish to open my account at the ollico checked below: 3OI. $133 ask for, to alleviate an over- _ Main Office _ Franklin Office _ Ivy Hill _ Hickory Square crowded high school, with 35' 49' 79' 1 — Half Dime _ Roseland _ Seventh Avenue pending loss of accreditation, • In my name only • Jointly with and students being taught in CONDITIONER SI 19 closets? Vote "yes" on the ALBERTO BALSAM Reg., Super, Extra Body O In trust for /. school bond issue!.'! It is Soz. SOC. SEC. SOMERVILLE, 63 MAIN STREET 8IGN HERE .NUMBER greatly needed. MOHRISTOWN, 26 NO. PARK AVENUE ORANGE, 301 MAIN STREET Yours truly, HACKENSACK, 830 MAIN STREET UNION, 1028 STUYVESANT AVE. BERGENFIELD. 40 S. WASHINGTON AVE. RO MRS. • MISS D BLOOMFIELD, 23 BROAD ST. I RED BANK, SB BROAD STREET RINOT NAME HER• E Middletown Township /Vices c'leclve T/inj JAM 22. 71 rve the flight To Lin PRINT NAME HERE High School Student Council Enclose with check or money order. Andrew Praskai. L_ President ^ s/ 8 The Dally Register, Red Bank-MMfleUwn, N J, Tuesday, Jsuury If, W7J Board Hit On Spending Practices HAZLET - A four-plank platform has been outlined by Francis J. Kelly, candidate for a three-year term on the Rt. 35 M Patterson Av«., Shrewsbury (1OO Ft. North of Shop-Rite) 741-5019 Board of Education. Mr. Kelly, a resident here since 1961, wants to introduce "Where The Manufacturers Cut Out The Labels up-to-date financial practices and MR. LIQUIDATOR CUTS THE PRICES!" and participate in preparing "more realistic budgets which could save taxpayers thou- sands of dollars witheut sacri- ficing any educational needs." In addition, Mr. Kelly hopes to look into future expansion OVER 200 JUST BROUGHT IN FRESH of the school district's athletic "LOOK IN OUR QUEEN'S CORNER" programs and facilities, and seeks reasonable progress in LADIES'-JUNIORS' Famous Calif. Mfg. the educational system. SPRING SAMPLE PURCHASE" Mr. Kelly feels taxpayers could save money if the board ANKLE-KNEE LENGTH HALTER-SPORT operated its own private buses rather than contracting with outside'firms for this ser- DRESSES •TOPS* vice. He said his "preliminary WINTER COMES TO THE NAVESINK — Recent the ever-present gulls fill the foreground as fish- no m am/ nprn TROUSER-FLARE investigation in this area in- cold weather has put a substantial coat of ice on ermen probe the river bottom with forked spears dicated that, the board could the Naveslnk River and skaters, Ice-boaters ond seeking winter eels. • 2cSLACKSETS • SLACKS* now be spending thousands of eelers have taken over the frozen surface. Here . Reglittr Staff PholM dollars more than necessary." The candidate is a graduate • 21 SKIRT SETS • BLOUSES of Brooklyn Academy, and holds a certificate from the (EACH ONE OF A KIND DYNAMITE LOOK) American Savings and Loan Welfare Fraud Case Sentence Suspended Institute of New York City. FREEHOLD - An Asbury mouth County Welfare Board the woman, Cammie Bailey of Guys department store and Park woman has been given a of ¥580 Sept. II, 1971, in New Lincoln Village, on probation stealing a ladder valued at He is a senior officer with suspended indeterminate re- Shrewsbury. for two years. {100 belonging to Bird and the Clinton Savings and Loan formatory term for admit- County Court Judge Son. tedly defrauding the Mon- Thomas L. Vaccarino placed Judge Yaccarino imposed Association of Florham Park. sentences on persons who had Denise Lee, Ii;t7 Kirst Ave., pleaded guilty, as follows: Asbury Park, an in- In addition, Mr. Kelly is a determinate reformatory past president of the Rarjtan Republican Club Told Walter Chartier, Jackson, a term for distributing heroin in Hills Civic Association, and suspended one-year county Asbury Park Oct. 14, 1971, and 500 ZNATIQNALLY ADVERTISEO UP TO 32.00 GROUP treasurer of the Hazlet Bas- jail term, two years of proba- carrying a dangerous knife in ketball Little League. He was Of School Problems tion and a $200 fine for petty Freehold last June :<0. OVER 400 ALL NEW - JUST BROUGHT IN FRESH a Little League baseball MIDDLETOWN - "We when the first building pro- thievery and receiving stolen Joe L. Crews, Brooklyn, a coach for eight years and have no place to hide any gram was rejected, he said, property in Middletown Oct. suspended one-year county LADIES'-JUNIORS'Famous Name Brand served as head coach of more." "Today their kids are in sixth IB, 1971. jail term and a $100 fine for "DYNAMITE SPRING '73' L^OK' Keansburg Blue Jeans, Pop Thus Lawrence Korn, presi- grade, and face double session Chartier had admitted re- carrying a weapon without a Warner football^ for two dent of the committee to Es- in 1975 unless the new school ceiving $1,279 worth of Christ- permit April 15, 1972, in New MIX-OR-MATCH-EM' years. tablish School Priorities proposal is passed." mas toys stolen from Two Shrewsbury. Mr. Korn explained that ev- He and his wife. Jean, have (ESP), summed up the posi- tion of township residents vis- ery school in the system is im- two children, Barbara, 20, and »TROUSERS • SLACKS a-vis their overcrowded pacted by eight double ses- OK Hospital Unit Heads Brian, 16. schools. sions or excess class size. "If Speaking to the Middletown we break the space bot- RED BANK - The board of old Chafkin for medicine; Dr. May Convene Republican Women's Club, tleneck, every single school governors of Riverview Hospi- Albert J. Kolarsick for surge- • BLAZERS* Mr. Korn added, "We can of- will benefit from added tal, at a recent meeting, unan- ry; Dr. Harvey L. Marcellus In Long Branch fer excuses and build up false breathing room," he said. imously approved the appoint- (or obstetrics; Dr. Alice D. (BOLDEST PLAIDS AND SOFT PASTELS) hopes for easy solutions, but "The fate of 14,000 children ment of directors of medical Tyndall for pediatrics; Dr. SIZES LONG BRANCH — The the problem doesn't change. is in our hands. We cannot fail departments for 197;i. Andrew P. Dedick for radio- N.J. Exempt Firemen's Asso- There are too many students them and continue to face our Their action follows the rec- logy; Dr. Aldo G. Baldi for pa- $ ciation may hold its 1973 con- consciences," the ESP presi- ommendations of the execu- thology; Dr. Stephen J. Dubel to 00 in our schools. There is just vention and parade here next no more place to squeeze dent warned. tive committee of the medical for medical education; Dr. 15 NONE fall, according to state presi- them in without further dam- staff. Victor Siegel for out-patient HIGHER dent Edward Kennedy of services, and Dr. John Sinnott aging their chances for the Appointed as directors of IN GROUP Woodbridge. basic education they'll need Shapp Plans departments.were: Dr. Har- for emergency room. Mr. Kennedy said that he for the rest of their lives." NATIONALLY700*1 ADVERTISED UP TO 36.004 IF PERFECT has discussed the issue with A 12-month school program Mayor Henry K. Cioffi and is not the answer, the ESP To Protest OVER 500 JUST BROUGHT IN FRESH that negotiations may lead to president went on. Such a pro- GIRLS'-TEENS'-JUNIORS' Famous Make the annual event being held gram might solve the problem Shift to Fort here. in the elementary schools, but PHILADELPHIA - Gov. "SPRING'73" MIX'N'MATCH Edgar N. Dinkelspiel, an of- it would leave the high school Milton J. Shapp plans to meet ficer of the association, also on double sessions, he ex- today with city officials LIQUIDATORS said that Mayor Cioffi appar- plained. and members of the Pennsyl- • SLACKS* S ently has "given the Green Solution Not Cheap vania Congressional Delega- Light" to Mr. Kennedy to pro- "And it's not a cheap solu- tion in Washington to fight the ceed with plans for the annual tion, either. No school system planned shifting of the Army's WAREHOUSE • TOPS • conclave. has yet gone to all-year Electronic Command head- Newman The unit's executive com- schools without air condi- quarters here to Ft. Mon- iShrewsbury, NONE mittee will meet on the ques- tioning for the summer mou^th, N.J. , • JACKETS • HIGHER tion in Vineland May 5, he months. One expert estimate Transfer of the headquar- ISALE STARTS WED. Nat. Adv. up to 17.00 If perfect IN GROUP said. says this would cost Middle- ters involves 2,500 jobs. The town more than $1.5 million. • OVER 250 JUST BROUGHT IN FRESH command is now housed on Over 300 All New For that much money we Rittenhouse Square. Over 300 All New Over 200 All New could build a whole new ele- The delegation also plans to • LADIES-MISSES' JUNIORS' MISSES' Better JUNIORS' Better mentary school and not have fight elimination of about 500 • FAMOUS MAKER Famous Maker to disrupt family schedules," jobs at the Philadelphia Naval "SPRING '73" Mr. Kom said. • CORDUROY• Shipyard. • BRUSHED• He referred to parents who Transfer of the Electronic BLOUSES refuse to become concerned s DENIM • Command and shipyard job and "because my kid's only in the eliminations were announced 1 BLOUSE'QOO SWEATER third grade." last week by the Nixon Ad- NONE Pointing to those who made ministration. HIGHER the comment three years ago A spokesman for Gov. IN GROUP SHIRTS Shapp said the state is being "•RIOT ••«-• JEANS 1OO's OF STYLES and asked to absorb 18.4 per cent Nat. Adv. up to 21.00 IF PERFECT TOPS COLORS TO CHOOSE JEWELERS ^^ of the total Army cutbacks throughout the nation. Over 150 In Fresh Over 150 In Fresh Littmaifs He noted that many of the JUNIORS' Better MEN'S Better $400 NONE scoo NONE workers at the Electronic Cuffed & Straight HIGHER HIGHER HIGHER Command are from low in- IN GROUP come families and cannot af- IN GROUP IN GROUP Nat. 3Adv. to 2UJ0 IF PERFECT 5 ford to move to the Ft. Mon- Nat. Adv. to 16.00 IF PERFECT Nat. Adv. to 12.00 IF PERFECT mouth area where, he said, JEANS the only housing available JEANS runs from $20,000 up. LAST CHANCE NONE Metric System NONE $999 HIGHER WINTER WIPE-OUT!!! Discussion Set j HIGHER IN GROUP 'Nat. Adv. to 14.00 IF PERFECT 2 WEST LONG BRANCH — Nat. Adv. to 11.00 IF PERFECT Many times in our history, BROWN TAGS Congress has considered Z Over 150 All New ® Over 8,000 Yards (NO PINK TA£S) adopting the metric system as DECORATOR OFF I GIRLS'-TEENS' our standard for measure- and ments. Every other major na- r BRUSHED-C0T70N COSTUME CASHIER WILL DEDUCT YOUR i tion has already adopted the % OFF WHEN YOU CHECK-OUT! system or is committed to do Seih-Thomn so. The conclusion of the, re- OBVIOUSLY- ALL SALES FINAL TRAVEL cent study directed by Con- SLACKS YARD ALARM gress on the subject is that • SWEATERS • SLACKS • CLOCK the United States should care- fully make the conversion. 50 GOODS • JEANS • PALAZZOS • The Society of Manufac- s turing Engineers will present CA • ANKLE DRESSES & SKIRTS • a video tape, "Metric Ori- 3 J3 entation for U.S. Manufac- NONE HIGHER YD. • VESTS • BLOUSES • turing Industry" at a joint IN GROUP 25 $399 meeting with the Monmouth Nat. Adv. to 12.00 Nat.Adv.to6.9Byd. • TOPS • NECKTIES • Society of Professional Engi- neers tonight in the West End OVER 4,000 ITEMS TO CHOOSE • BODY SUITS • BELTS • Clocks-4O%off Manor, here. OFF • SHIRTS • JUMPSUITS • Our entire selection of clocks is on sale. Clocks • PANT SUITS • COATS • of every description for every room. Such fine Free Eye Test 0 FALL INVENTORY names as Caravelle, Sheffield, Elgin, MIDDLETOWN - A free " (NO PINK TAGS) • BLAZERS • CP.O.'S • just to name a few, are on sale fora limited eye testing program to detect tlmeonlyl glaucoma will be conducted ALL SALES FINAL • SKIRT SETS • ETC. Ojtn 1 Ultmin's Fit xl'Charie Account. Wi iccspt moil mijor chirie carei. two days a month in the CASHIER WILL 65 Broad Street Manalapan Mall Monmouth Board of Health office. 7H DEDUCT YOUR Red Bank m. 9 Freehold Shopping Center Kings Highway, for adult resi- SAVINGS... CHARGE IT WITH BANKAMERICARD OR Open Wednesday Mon - Sal Open Monday Thru dents of the township. Exam- MASTER CHARGE - OR USE OUR OWN and Friday 9 30 To 9 00 Friday Till 9.10 pm till900pm "' Salurdav 10 6 inations will be by appoint- NEW MERCHANDISE PUT OUT WEEKLY CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY ment only. (Srivict Belmar Man I& Burning of Cross Two Deny Manslaughter, Neglect Charges FREEHOLD - Mr. and death of their three-year-old and Nov. 7. his head, by striking said body, feet, legs, arms and EBEEHOLD — A Belmar Coalition; a civic group of As- Mrs. Prank S. Waits of HoweU son, Frank Barrett Waits. The The Monmouth ; County in- child on his hips and buttocks back to become covered with mao, convicted of burning a bury Park and Neptune. Township have pleaded in- child was pronounced dead at dictment alleged that they in- and. . . on his legs and open sores and blisters and cro^s on the lawn of a black Three codefendants who nocent to charges of man- Paul Kimball Hospital, Lake- flicted unnecessarily severe thighs." not obtaining medical assis- civic leader in .Asbury Park pleaded guilty to the charges slaughter, child abuse and wood, Nov. 7. suffering and pain upon their tance for her. has been sentenced to six were fined $500 each and child neglect arising from the son by "placing said child in a The indictment also alleged The Waitses also denied months in the county jail. placed on probation for two death of one child and the hos- They also denied neglecting refrigerator, by helping said that they exposed Cheryl Ann that they failed to provide the years! piUllzation of another. Frank B. Waits and Cheryl child bang his head against to unnecessary hardship, fa- children with a clean .and A'jury convicted Joseph . Superior Court Judge Pat- The Waltses, of 382 Oak Ann Waits, 1&, and being tigue and physical strain by proper home, clean clothes Kusch, 317 Fifth Ave., Bel- the wall, by striking said child rick J. McGann Jr. suspended Glen, denied causing the cruel to them between Oct. 1 with a closed fist to the side of allegedly allowing the entire and enough to eat and drink. mar, of burning and desecrat- indeterminate reformatory The Waitses were arraigned ing, a cross at the home of terms for Leonard Hurley, before Superior Court Judge Willie Hamm, Dunlewy St., 1760 Belmar Blvd., Wall Francis X. Crahay. Asbury Park, last Feb. 29 and Township; Joseph Thibault. conspiring to do so. 220 W. Sylvania Ave., Neptune Churches to Mark Week of Prayer Rescue Squad Mr., Hamm is president of City, and Richard Shafto, 81 lic Church, New Monmouth; the; West Side Community Fifth Ave., Neptune. MIDDLETOWN — Catholic from various churches will ron Jennings, King of Kings; Sunday. Jan. 21, in Kings of Picks Pauciello and Protestant churches in have an opportunity to engage the Rev. Donald Scofield and DIPLOMATE — Dr. the township will mark the Kings Lutheran Church, and MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - HiiiiiiiinmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiBHiiiiiuiiiuiimiiinKuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiinmix in dialogue. Martin Larsen, New Mon- Week of Prayer for Christian Wednesday, Jan. 24, in Old Joseph. Pauciello has been Michael Lichtig, a Offerings collected at the mouth Baptist Church; the Unity, Jan. 18-25, with three First Church. All services will elected president of the First member of the Medical services will be turned over to Rev. John E. Bates. Mrs. staff of Monmouth Me- ecumenical services. begin at 8 p.m. Middletown Helps Its Own. Aid and Rescue Squad. County Births Naomi Mardis and George K. Other officers are Joseph dical Center, Long Each service will be follow- Members of the planning Noack, Old .First Church; imHiiiiiifiiniiiimiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitmi 'Branch/ has been certi- Services will be conducted ed by an informal fellowship committee include the Rev. Kurek, vice president; Ronald RIVERVIEW HOSPITAL MONMOUTH MEDICAL Thursday in St. Mary's Catho- John E.Cann, Reformed Ilaspel Jr., treasurer, and fied as a dlplomate by meeting, where parishioners William Hanson and Mrs. Sha- Church; Edward Urob, Miss KedBaak LwgBraieb the American Board of Thomas Weldon, secretary. Ellen Urob and Wayne Mot- Line officers include Craw- Mr. and Mrs. Gary Asbell Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Moel- Ophthalmology, after sek, St. Clement's Episcopal ford Carey, captain; Richard (nee Marie Fletcher), 318 ler (nee Virginia Wall), 1609 successful completion School Bond Plan Backed By Council Church, Belford, and the Rev. Jackson, assistant captain; Vandermeer Road, Some- Monmouth Ave., Lakewood, of its examinations. A Leon Kasprzyk, Michael Co- William A. Schanck, Paul nine, daughter, Jan. 11. girl, Jan. 10. native of Rumson, Dr. MARLBORO — The Town- School, and a $117,600 cafe- Road to Freehold Township is rame. Miss Debbie Hart, Mrs. O'Shea and Edward Sver- Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry Carle Mr. and Mrs. Leon Washing- Lichtig received his ship Counciljias unanimously teria to the Central School. now South Main St; and Rt. 79 Anna May Hart. Mrs. Betsy causki, lieutenants; Robert (nee Marlene Vogel), 58 Cam- ton (nee Patricia Freeman), medical degree from given ltssupport to the In other action, the council from School Road to Rt. 520 is Mlkula, William Murtha, Miss Faberman, communications bridge Drive, Matawan, son, 1200 4th Ave., Asbury Park, Cornell University Me- Board or Education's $2,3 mil- also adopted an ordinance al- now North Main St. Louise McPartland, George officer, and Edward Halm, Jan, 12. girl, Jan. 10. dical College, in 1966. lion'referendum to finance lowing raffles and bingo on Also, Topanemus Road Lane, Joseph Quigiey, Mrs. chaplain. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fike new school construction. Sunday. from School Road West to Rt. Joan Fields, Mrs. Velma No- The unit responded to 955 (nee Jody Clowd), 1382 Ocean (nee Andrea Reynolds), 301 The referendum, on the bal- The council also changed 18 becomes Lenape Road; the lan, Miss Rita Quail, John calls during 1972,74 of them in Ave.. Sea Bright, daughter, West Sylvania Ave., Neptune, lot Feb. 17, includes a the names of six roads. A sec- smaller blocked portion of Admits 11 Scaliti, Cornelius Sweeney, December. Jan. 12. girl, Jan. II. $2,032,120 K-5 school on 17 tion of Wilson Ave. from Buckley Road becomes Mo- Miss Dorothy Rizzo, Joseph The squad's annual dinner Mr. and Mrs. John DiGr- Mr. and Mrs. David Farrell .acres next to the Robertsville -Greenwood Road to the Mata- hawk Drive, and the smaller Charges Of Russo and Miss Betty Walter. will be Saturday, Jan. 20, at 8 egorio (nee Arlene Unites), (nee Maureen Nichols), 199 School; a $132,850 cafeteria wan border is now Ticeton blocked portion of Moore St. Mary's. p.m. in the Colts Neck Inn. 345 Lorillard Ave., Union . Port Monmouth Rd., Port .addition to the Robertsville Road; Rt. 79 from School Road is now Mabel Place. Beach, son, Jan. VI. Monmouth, boy, Jan. 11. Entry, Theft Mir. and Mrs. Peter Ger- Mr. and Mrs. James Coch- FREEHOLD - Robert De- main (nee Gale Alexander), ran (nee Dorothy Schwear), Pasquale of 131 Hudson Ave., 63 -Kutiedge Drive, Middle- 13 West Jumping Brook Rd., Red Bank, has pleaded guilty town, son, Jan. 12. Neptune, boy, Jan. 11. to 11 counts of breaking and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mur- Mr. and Mrs. Guy Neal (nee entering and eight charges of Write phy (nee Patricia Fleury), 42 Carol Eckstein), 239 Hamilton larceny in Red Bank. Center St., Rumson, daughter, Ave., Long Branch, daughter, He admitted that tie broke Jan.13. Jan. 12. into the following offices and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pi- Mr. and Mrs. Warren • stole the items listed: Dr. Hel< your own loans ano (nee Suzanne Gannel), 239 McManus (nee Claudette Gar- • en Greenleaf, 95 Monmouth Spring St., Red Bank, daugh- tner), 1755 Raleigh Court, St., Nov. 26, $100 in cash; Har- ter, Jan. 13. Oakhurst, daughter, Jan. 14. vey Hartman, |S in cash, and : Mr. and Mrs. .Edward PJace Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Ge Dr. Allen Kendall, *35 in cash, (nee Josepha Fargis), 4 Bran- bert (nee Rosemary Pagan), both Nov. 29. The latter two don Road, Marlboro, daugh- Shrewsbury Ave., Highlands, offices are at 135 Maple Ave. ter, Jan. 13. son, Jan. 14. Also, the offices of Dr. An- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Josko FREEHOLD HOSPITAL son Hoyt, SO Wallace St., Dec. (nee Caren Walsh), 267A Rt. Freehold Township' 2,160 in cash; Dr. Edward AI- 516, Matawan.'daughter, Jan. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. legra, 282 Broad St., Dec. 6, --•*&: 13, Martini (nee Mary Conroy), 8 S65 in cash; Dr. Samuel Adler, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ea- Blenheim Road, EngHshtown, 229 Broad St., $10. and the of- ger (nee Susan Davidson), 8 daughter, Jan.7. fice of Dr. M. M. Rudnick, 206 Buttonwood Drive, Fair Mr. and Mrs. Charles JLiv- Broad St., Dec. 25, cash and Haven, daughter, Jan. 13. ezcy (nee Dorothey War- jewelry valued at $125. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel shany), 22 Harrison Ave., He also admitted that he Schussler (nee Phyllis Her- Englishtown, son, Jan. 8. broke into the apartment of man), 5 McCue Road, Mor- Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lus- Jennie Hugler and Fred ganville, son, Jan. 13. chinski (nee Florence Lorent- Krebs, 8 Maple Ave., and Mr. and Mrs. Francis zen), 15 Tarrytown Road, Ma- stole articles valued at $50.42. Prucha (nee Patricia Ann nalapan, son, Jan. 9. DePasquale also admitted Harper), IB Kenwood Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hollin- that he broke into Freedman's Matawan. son, Jan. 14. ger (nee Gloria Witkowski), Bakery, Broad St., Red Bank, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Le-- 26 Amhearst Road, Marlboro, Dec.. 17 and stole $300, and han (nee Christina 1). Grig- daughter, Jan. 9. that he broke into First gen), 35 Appleton Drive, Haz- Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Steiner Church Christ Scientist on let, daughter, Jan. 14. (nee Debra Phillips), 42 Fox Dec. 6. JERSEY SHORE; MEDICAL Drive, Jackson Township, Superior Court Judge Neptnfle daughter, Jan. 9. Francis X. Crahay accepted Mr. and Mrs. Davis Watkins Mr. and Mrs. James D. the pleas and set Feb. 2 for (nee Alison Mitchell), 81 Mit- Slaughter Jr. (nee Ann Bil- sentencing. chell Drive, Eatontown, son, liDgsley), 44 Center St., Free- George Taylor of 199 Bridge Jan. 11. hold, son, Jan. 10. Ave.; Red Bank, admitted two counts of forging checks, each for $85, Dec. 6 and Dec. 8, at Natelson's, Red Bank. He will be sentenced Feb. 9. Library Unit Post Given Mrs. May M1DDLETOWN - Mrs. Counties Mary Ann May has been elected president of the Li- brary Board. Trust Also elected were Dr. John M. Carr, vice-president; Wil- liam E. Schell, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Eileen Devaney, treasurer. The board will continue to Give Your Husband meet the second Wednesday Overdraft of each month at It p.m. in the library offices. a New Woman At the suggestion of Dr. Bernhard W. Schneider and for1973. Mr. Schell, the board will ex- Checking amine the current organiza- (He may give you a new man.) tion structure to see if a ra- tio between job categories can be established. There is When your budget needs a boost, that's the V There has never been a better time to join Weight Watchers* Now celebrating 10 years no present policy governing time for UCTC Overdraft Checking. We'll United Counties Trust Co. that changed the shape of the world. Let numbers of employes in each Marketing Department job category. establish a special cash reserve to back up 1221 Liberty Avenue our years of experience help you lose weight your UCTC checking account-$500 or more. and keep it off via the world's most advanced Until such a policy can be j Hillside, N. J. 07205 weight control program. established, the board voted j It covers checks written for more than your not to hold up pending ad- ! balance. Or, you can order up any part of Please send me details and an application vanccments since the affected-j your available credit (multiples of $50) when- for UCTC "Overdraft Checking", without employes have expectations obligation. in terms of past procedures. ever you wish. The money you use becomes Name:._ No mervatlon n tided, just joint a loan. As you repay, your reserve builds . Circulation figures for the back up for future use. Apply now at any (please print or type) month of December were MIDDUTOWN down over the previous month office. If you prefer, mail this coupon for Address:._ Se»" Roebuck because of the holiday season. complete details and an application. Rout* #35 City: State. -Zip Code: Monday 6:30 PM Circulation was 2U.8SI6 in all branches. Middletown circu- MO BANK Congregation Beth Shalom lated 18,061 books; Lincroft. 1(6 Maple Ave. 1.125: Port Monmouth. 908; Tuesday 9:30 AM and Navesink. 802. Tuesday 7:30 PM HIST KIANIBima Probation Set W. Keintburg Fire Co. 8th St. FREEHOLD - John V. united counties trust company Monday 7:30 PM Nelson of Oakwood Road, Tuesday 9:30 AM Leonardo, who had pleased where good things start to happen guilty to possession of heroin Member ol Federal Rosfirvo System • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporalion. Feb. 10 in Long Branch, was For Information can 3M-SS11 or Ziald Ucati&ni. in M&mmuth Gauidq, to- 6-e^ae q&u: Toll Free 800-242-5866 given a suspended in- determinate reformatory Belford Office EatonlowEtt n OffOffici e KeKeansbura g Aulobank Middletown Office term, placed on two years 45 Leonardville Road Executive Center. One Main Street 242 Main Street 857 Highway 35 probation and fined $250 by Port Monmouth Office WEIGHT^WATCHERS, Chapel Hill Office Keansburg Office Lincroft Office Superior Court Judge Francis 57 Highway 36 X. Crahay. 443 Highway 35 Church Street and Carr Avenue 600 Newman Springs Road II Tfce DaOy Raster, BedBvak-MiddletoMV, N J. Tteaday, Jtmwry U, vm County Cost$ for State Patients Listed NEW SHREWSBURY - ner which are maintained by 0 $94.92 and $88.34; N.J. Neuro- amounts determined by him patient to a "non-indigent" Robert 0. Wells, county ad- the state. Psychiatric Hospital, $126.07 during hearings which are classification. justor for Monmouth County, The rate decreases are at and $117,74; Hunterdon State conducted weekly based on An annual report for 1972 today released the table of Marlboro Psychiatric Hospital School. $81.83 and $74.69; guidelines set by the state. which outlines the activities*! costs to the county for Mon- where the 1973 rate is struck , Vineland State School. $62.30 the county adjustor's office is mouth County residents who' at $123.20 as compared to and $56.00; Woodbine State In some instances the costs being prepared and will be are patients in state in- $133.07 in 1972, and at the Bris- School, $68.04 and $59.50; New are not charged to the county made public in due course. stitutions. bane Child Treatment Center Lisbon State School. $48.58 and as the patient care is covered Mr. Wells, in addition to The table of costs reflects where the rate was reduced $46.62; North Jersey Training by some form of hospital in- serving as county adjustor, is the amounts billed to the from $70.42 to $64.75. School (Totowa), $61.25 and , surance such as Blue Cross. also director of the Monmouth county. A matching amount is The remainder of the cost $59.08; Woodbridge State This changes the status of the County Welfare Board. provided by the state toward table as set by Robert L. Clif- School. $82.60 and $78.68; the overall per-patient weekly ford, commissioner of the Johnstone Training & Re- costs. state Department of In- search Center. $74.13 and Pay Increases Are Sought Contributions made by kin stitutions and Agencies is as $66.57; Brisbane Child Treat- RUMSON - Borough Coun- hail per cent increase would of the patient to the county follows, the first figure being ment Center. $64.73 and $70.42. cil has accepted and be granted for each five years adjuster's office offset the the weekly billing rate for Reimbursement rates for held for study two requests of service, and extending up county contribution only. 1973, the second the rate for functional services in the pur- for pay increases froiftthe Po- to 20 years of service. lice Department and .from Street employes in a similar The table reflects two de- 1972. • chase of care program, under letter made identical requests creases among the costs Greystone Park Psychiatric Heyised Statute 30:4-165.2 are members of the Street De- partment. for pay increases. needed by the five hospitals Hospital. $83.58 and $75.67; $48.09 and $38.01. . Council approved the trans- for the mentally ill. seven Trenton Psychiatric Hospital, Figures do not include the In a letter to council, offi- fer of a liquor license from •Utf.Ur HtflPhoto schools for the mentally re- regular. $102.62 and 592.05. matching sums contributed by cers of the police department Jerry Goldstein, trading as HONOR DR. KING — Youngsters at the Red Bank Primary School staged tarded, the NeUro-Psychiatric and criminal, $82.11 and the state. requested a ID per cent pay "Charlie's Music Box," at 11 a special Martin Luther King Program during which they recited special Institute at Princeton and the $73.64; Marlboro Psychiatric Mr. Wells explained that le- increase for all members as West River Road, to Hook poems composed by them and set to music. Porrlsh Porte acted as the an- New Jersey Hospital for • Hospital. $123.20 and $133.07; gally responsible relatives of well as. a longevity program Chest Diseases at Glen Gard- Line and Sinker Inc.. trading. nouncer, introducing the poets, storytellers and musicians. Drummers for Ancora Psychiatric Hospital. the patients pay to his office under which a two and one ;as "Hook Line and Sinker II." the program were, from the left, Robert Dlckerson, 7, Dean Martin, 6, Ca- rol Patrick, 7, Jesse Harris, 6, James Brink, 6 and Alan Natanagara, 7. •••in Brookdale Sets Up Course BETTER HOUSEKEEPING For Municipal Officials LINCROFT — The Commu- The series is coordinated by Brookdale's Lincroft campus nity Education Department of attorney WiUiam Blair, who at 8:30 p.m. on five Tuesday Brookdale Community Col- serves as municipal attorney evenings, starting Feb. 20 and GRAND OPENING OF OUR lege is offering a seminar for for Rumsqn, Fair Haven and running through March 20. newly elected officials and is several other county munici- The starting hour has been set inviting both new officials and palities. to make it convenient for incumbents to participate. Lecturers for the programs commuters and those located The seminar is designed to include: A. A. Kerr Jr., at a distance from Lincroft to attend. Early registration is MIDDLETOWN STORE inform new members of mu- borough clerk administrator nicipal governing bodies, par- for the Borough of Rumson, suggested so that arrange- elarly of small municipal- who has held that post for ments may be made for as HIGHWAY 35 & HARMONY ROAD i, of the nature and extent more than 25 years; Armour many as possible to attend. of their duties and obligations. Hulsart, C.P.A., public school For further information, It might also be of interest to accountant and registered contact the community educa- those already serving or fu- municipal accountant for the tion department at Brook- ture candidates for election to County of Monmouth and dale's Lincroft campus. municipal posts. more than a dozen municipal- Highly qualified persons ities; Robert D. Halsey, direc- 1 City Firemen to Elect will present a series of lectur- tor of the Monmouth County 1k.- es and discussions on the fol- Planning Board; and Harold LONG BRANCH - The lowing areas: the mechanics Feinberg, municipal attorney Long Branch Exempt Fire- of administration, municipal for Belmar and Loch Arbour men's Association will meet financing,- municipal con- and.zoning and planning tonight to elect the unit's offi- tracts, municipal re-eval- board attorney in Brick Town- cers for the forthcoming year, uation, planning and zoning, snip. according to Raymond Cook, JWAYTA8SI and conflicts of interest. The seminar will be held on secretary. HURRY! RECKLESS BUY NOW CONSIDERING... DISCOUNTING & SAVE A Home Fire /Security System? THEN CONSIDER THIS! - INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST - BETTER HOUSEKEEPING Comes To MIDDLETOWN AFTER ALL IT'S YOUR LIFE and THE LIFE OF YOUR LOVED ONES As the years go by, the reputation of "Vanguard" continues to grow and has become the standard of quality in single-station mechanical home fire alarms. Interstate has yet to see a single-station mechanical heat detection alarm man- \ SALE MAYTAG ufactured in the United States that was not copied from or made in imitation of the "Vanguard" alarm. BEGINS WEDNESDAY, JAN. 17th Webster defines the word imitation as "something produced as a copy." For- tunately, the history of Interstate is essentially the history of the invention, de- velopment and manufacture of products and equipment that have earned the; title — "The Standard of Excellence." Have you ever taken the time to examine the many areas of Interstate and "Vanguard" 1hat have been copied by outside organizations? We always knew the products were the best... and to be constantly copies is the — PROOF. SPECIAL NATIONWIDE*INTEGRITY SERVICE ORGANIZATIoTT)

* A company (A-T-0 Inc.) that can truthfully state — "World's largest in- PRICE tegrated manufacturer ot fire protection equipment." • • A company (A-T-0 Inc.) that is rated No. 25fe of the 500 largest U. S. Indus- trial Corporations. REDUCTION * A company (American La France Division) that has built and has in service more fire apparatus than any other company in the business. American La France Division of A-T-0 Inc. continues today to manufacture products of highest quality and dependability for those thousands of public servants who proudly call themselves "fire fighters" and for everyone who must fight fire, which dates back to 1834. * A company (Interstate Division) that since 1937 has made history in numer- ous areas of science, engineering, production and sales. * Interstate took the time and spent the money to bring the consumer a "First" in Home Fire Protection. model * A company (Interstate Division) that has sold more home fire alarms than all A206 other U. S. manufacturers combined. 3 speed Automatic II * A company (Interstate Division) that has to date sold over 1,500,000 "Van- Washer guard" Alarms. II * A company (Interstate Division) with testimonials covering the saving of hun- PICK YOUR FEATURES: MAYTAG Automatic Washers. Family si» Tub Great for II dreds of lives which might have been lost had "Vanguard" not been present .growing families. • Power Fin Agitator • Safety Lid • Choice of Water Temps • Fabric Softener Dispenser II to sound an early warning. + ALL WE ASK IS THAT YOU SEE THE VANGUARD SYSTEM AT WORK. FOR MAYTAG AutOmatlC DryerS • Maytag Halo-of-Heat Dryers • Permanent Press Cycle • Full Opening Safety THIS COURTESY WE HAVE A LOVELY GIFT FOR YOUR HOME, OUR Door • Fine Mesh Lint Filter • Large Capacity Snag Free Porcelain Enameled Drum. COMPLIMENTS AND NO OBLIGATION OR HIGH PRESSURE METHODS ARE USED. THE DECISION IS YOURS. '34 YEARS »—— FILL OUT BELOW FORM AND MAIL TODAY ••-••»- WE MAYTAG built-in ' BIGGEST OF CONTINUOUS NAME PHONE. SERVICE DISHWASHER!- SELECTION SERVICE IN ST. ADDRESS CITY WHAT WE Maytag dishwashers have lots of CHECK ONE OF ALL MONMOUTH room (or families with lots of dirty SELL D CALL ME FOR DEMONSTRATION/INSPECTION MY HOME dishes. A unique racking makes CO. loading easy-increases capacity. • PLEASE SEND MORE INFORMATION (BROCHURE) Forget pie-washing because of D CONTACT ME FOR FREE USE PUBLIC RELATION Maytag's extra cleaning power. • FILM FOR GROUPS-ORGANIZATIONS-ETC. SALE PRICE EFFECTIVE IN ALL THREE STORES • NAME OF MY LOCAL AUTHORIZED DEALER. 46 MONMOUTH ST. """"""""""" U"L APPROVED""""""""""" fletter Opsn Wml and Fn Nightu 741-4310 ANY VANGUARD FAMILY PROTECTION UNIT INSTALLED IN THE MONTH OF JA- RED BANK Froi> P.irking Roiir of Stoin NUARY WILL BE GIVEN AT NO ADDITIONAL COST (ABSOLUTELY FREE) 1 HOME BURGLARY ALARM SYSTEM AMERICAN MADE & U/L APPROVED Housekeeping (Systems Price to Fit any Budget) HIGHWAY 35 O|)im Evory Night til 9 P M N.J. STATE VANGUARD ASSOCIATES mm EATONTOWN 542-J131 Factory Authorized Distributor HIGHWAY 35 and J943HWY.35 MIDDLETOWN HARMONYROAD I and Now in MIDDLETOWN OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'ill 9 . (Dealer Inquiries Invited) i ,\ TlH! Dally E«glst«r,E«IB«k-Mk«Det«w«,N.J.TB««l«y,J»B««ry II, im It Await County Oceanport Ave. Move By SHERRY CONAHAN The mayor said that he type road with a median strip Councilman George Barrett nally had been to accom- thought, in all probability, it was only one, of several differ- volunteered that there were modate three persons affected " OCEANPORT - For more would be wisest to proceed ent designs put forth by the two "good valid reasons" for by the change. He dropped than two hours last night, the along the lines proposed in the engineers as possible. the slight shift eastward in the request, however, when Borough Council — sitting as engineering plans but that ob- "It never was the county's alignment. He said this would Louis Sylvain, the urban re- the Local Public Agency jections voiced at the meeting intention to build a road with avoid any costly interference newal director, said the three (LPA) — listened as residents brought up "valid things to in- an island down the center," with either the large water persons now were satisfied of the urban, renewal area ex- vestigate." he said. He said the county main on the west side of the with the change. pressed their opinions and The LPA also approved the didn't want to build any wider bridge at Main St. or with asked questions about the pro- acquisition in this, the first a road than it had to because concrete structures on the posed alignment of the new year of the borough's urban that would involve a greater west side of the road at Ft. Check Case Oceanport Ave. renewal program, of six prop- expenditure. Monmouth when Oceanport When everyone, had been erties outside the road right of "The county's intention Ave. eventually is widened Hearing Set heard, LPA members voted way which had not been was, and is, to build two lanes north of the present project scheduled for acquisition until in either direction with a area. MIDDLETOWN - Patricia only to acknowledge receipt Marron, 26, of 186 Geary of the engineering plans show- the second year. The proper- white line down the center," Other council members said ties, all residences, are lo- he said. Drive, is in County Jail in lieu ing the proposed alignment — the shift was due primarily to of $5,000 bail pending a Munic- and not to endorse them — cated at 22 Willow Court and In reply to a question, he the fact the LPA had been at 4. 6.8. 8A and 10 Main St. ipal Court hearing Thursday and agreed to pass along all said the right of way likely working with borough tax on counts of forgery, con- comments from the public, The engineering plans with would remain at the 110 feet maps, which proved to be spiracy and contributing- to both pro and con, to county of- the proposed alignment of the proposed in the engineering slightly in error, before re- the delinquency of a minor. ficials for their consideration relocated Oceanport Ave. drawings. But, he added, the ceiving funds for official engi- before making a final decision through the urban renewal actual roadway would be con- neering surveys and draw- She was arrested at her on the route of the road. area were received by the ur- siderably less than that with ings. home yesterday by Detectives Mayor Elwood L. Baxter, ban renewal director a week the excess land used as a buf- Mr. Barrett's remarks, how- Leonard Moon and Richard acting as chairman of the ago. on Jan. 8, and were sub- fer zone on either side of the ever, caused Mrs. Adatr Con- Deickmann on a complaint LPA, the borough's official mitted to area residents that street. sidine, 7 Main St.. to question signed by Detective Edward urban renewal authority, same evening at a meeting of "If the right of way was whether the LPA had become A. Kryscnski, investigating of- pointed out it was the county the Project Area Committee. only 90 feet wide," he contin- more concerned about accom- ficer. and county money that would They showed a slight shift ued, "the same properties modating a water pipe and Police allege the suspect build the road so the county eastward in the alignment and would be involved." concrete Army buildings than wrote a check Dec. 4 on a 'would have the final say on indicated a wider road would Mr*Sommers also said, in local residents. closed account in the name of the road alignment. Until the be built than outlined in ear- response to another question, "What about the people?" James Clapman of 7 Oakwood lier plans, changes that Rogtiftr Staff Photo county makes that determina- that actual construction of the she asked. "The townspeople' Drive, Hazlet. tion, he added, the borough prompted a vote of protest at FINANCIAL PROBLEMS — Damage to AVCO Financial Services, 319 new road from Main St. to get their homes taken; their Detective Capt. Robert M. •Main St., Keansburg, is surveyed after car driven by Teresa McBride, 17, cannot begin acquiring prop- the PAC meeting. Port au Peck Ave. probably children live on the doorstep erty for the right of way. Letts said the $50 check was ; of. 220 Bay Ave., Highlands, crashed through window of building at about No Media* would begin in the spring of of a big highway. Even if cashed at the United Counties 8:30 last night. Miss McBride, charged with careless driving, told police "We can't do anything until At last night's LPA meet- 1974. He said the county had their home Isn't taken, their Bank and Trust Co. in Lin- she veered off road to avoid collision with oncoming northbound car on the county says, 'This is the ing. Councilman Clement indicated the project would go lifestyle is completely croft. The closed account, he Main St. No one was injured. Patrolmen Charles Hoff and George Hynes' roadway and these are the Sommers said there would be to bid at this time next year. changed." continued, was with Central investigated. boundaries,' " he told the ap- no median strip in the new Construction must begin no George Moffatt, 20 Pcmber- Jersey Bank and Trust Co. proximately SO persons who road as indicated at the PAC later than June 30,1974, in or- ton Ave., a member of the attended the meeting in the meeting a week earlier, lie der for the borough to qualify PAC executive committee, Capt. Letts said the minor Oceanport Firehouse on Main said a cross-section drawing for additional urban .renewal asked that the alignment be involved was a 15-year old girl Freehold Regional Budget St. on the plans'of a parkway- ."funds. shifted back to where it origi- from Belford. Indicates $1.2 Million Hike READY WEDNESDAY 10 A.M. MARLBORO- The Freehold The budget is expected to rent expense budget is due to Regional High School Board raise taxes an estimated five. the state mandate. of Education last night per cent in each of the eight' adopted its 1973-74'budget of The board anticipates towns in the district. $2,510,833 in state aid. The in- .111,897,244, up $1,268,486. Approximately 35 persons structional account is X. A total of .18,610,750 will''be attended the meeting. A show $6,532,830, up $1,025,006. raised by taxation, an in- of hands revealed that only crease of $650,751. Voters on- Acting Superintendent of Alexander two residents were at the Feb. 6 will be asked to ap- Schools Bernard T. Lyons meeting for the budget hear- said the instructional increase1 prove the expenditures of ing. $10,320,039 for current expense is due to the addition of 34 budget and $45,670 for capital The current expense portion teachers, three special .educa- outlay. of the budget is up. $1,616,911. tion teachers, six supportive • The amount to be raised by One reason for this increase is professional personnel and taxation is up 8 per cent .a state Department of Educa- three secretaries. white tion mandate that the pur- The capital outlay budget is despite an overall budget hike chase of new equipment, pre- of 11.9 per cent. It was ex- $45,670, a decrease of $311,130.' viously part of the capital out- This is due primarily to the goose plained that the board held lay account must be included down the tax increase by ap- state mandate transfers, ac- in the current expense cate- cording to Mr. Lyons. propriating $598,506 from sur- gory. plus. It also expects an in- The debt service budget is ' down & crease of $461,854 in state aid. A total of $185,480 in the cur- $1,531,535', down $37,295. feather cartoon print bed pillows percale sheets

1st quality, no-iron cotton & polyesters in favorite famous cot- ton printsl ALSO: Matching Pillowcases. 2 for twin the first true 1.99 flat

The ultimate luxury in sleeping no-iron print percale sheets comfort! White goose down & feathers in density that w.Msut even most restless sleeper. twin 199 lull NO CHARGE Cotton ticking. Standard size. StocK-up at these almost unbelievable low prices for beautiful, brilliant percale prints. All, silken cotton-polyester assuring no-ironing ever. PERSONAL Slightly irreg., but flaws only affect prices! A'

dacron® fill decorator CHECKING bed pillows throw pillows Printed cotton tick, plumply fill- Wide assortment of shapes and ed with non-allergenic Oacron 59 sizes . . . colors and styles to ACCOUNT polyester! 21 x 27" cut size. 2 complement any decor!

absolutely. . . no minimum balance no charge for checks 1st quality, no-iron no service charges 10-ft. wide triple width and no fine print dacron® mediterranean-look woven printed curtains bedspreads drapes 9" I 11" 4.99 twin & full I queen & king 10.99 Lovely semi-sheer, no-iron Dacron Suitable for any bedroom! Heavy- polyestersKMt. wide to the pair! Elegant pinch pleated, allover prints jersey shore bank weight, richly fringed in many designs. are Washable Celanese* acetate! Asst. colors, 90" & 99" lengths. Machine wash-dryable cotton - or Beautiful colors, 90" & 99" lengths. ^555 OCEAN BLVD. WEST END •Reg I M DuPcnl Industrie! cotton-acetate. "• "LONG BRANCH 870-9000 OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 10 A.M. TO 9:30 P.M. NO MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS MEMBER FDM MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER—EATONTOWN, NJ. Yt Limited Vacation Budget 1 ~ By SYLVIA PORTER iiuiininiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiintm two-month second-class "Stu dates the p dent-Railpass" for only $130. Q — I cannot find the pur- SUCCESSFUL made. Your certificate will You're a young family on a YOUR MONEY'S All Eurailpasses must be chase slips on the few stocks provide the stock transfer limited budget — or a student bought in the U.S. In some that I own. In the event that I INVESTING date. The prices you deter- or just any person yearning cases, the pass entitles you to want: to sell them, how am I mine in this search will of for a great vacation in '73. WORTH steamship or bus travel too, to establish my cost figures course be only approximate Above and beyond the ob- either to facilitate surface pass may be used on the and work out my profits or and will have to be adjusted dustry in general as well as iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii losses? —E.E. haps your broker will be able for any subsequent stock vious, much-publicized jnon- connections or as an extra. Greyhound System where to supply the required infor- Continental's inability to gen-.. ey-savers, such as charter deal offered by a major club: For full details on the Eu- Trailways does not provide A — Your predicament illus- splits or dividends. Any odd erate new business (new pre- ' trates one of my often re- mation. You may also do lot fees and commission flights, what are your best J175-J26B for an all-expense railpass, ask your travel 'service and vice versa - but some research in your li- miiims increased only 2 per' ways to cut costs? paid week in the Caribbean is- agent or write Eurailpass, c/o y°u>11 be wise to buy your peated contentions: Investors charges would have to be cent year-to-year in the Sept., p brary's back newspaper files. added in order to establish Try to get an air ticket land of Guadeloupe, plus air pass from the line which should keep a^ written record 1972, period) and continued, French National Railroad, Gill of stock transactions in addi- your full cost. which entitles you to stop at fare. You can save as much . Fifth Ave., New York City serves your travel plans the losses from 88 per cent owned- additional cities (not shown as 50 per cent if you take full best. tion to saving their brokerage Meditation Theory Q — I would like your opin- Diners' Club. The sluggish; 10020, or Box 90, Lindenhurst, slips. These, slips are very on the ticket) either without advantage of available dis- N. Y. 11757. When you inquire about the Lectures Planned ion on Continental Corp. growth in new premiums is a^ charge or at a minimum ex- counts ranging from bargain Ameripass, you'll also find easy to, misplace. A written (NYSE) as a prospective pur- temporary situation, however,; Go by bus, using a special 'account.of all purchases and tra. cocktails to free use of the that Greyhound sells a 30- LINCROFT — Free com- chase. - R.B. reflecting sale of one subsi-"; type of bus ticket, similar to sales kept in a safe place is munity lectures on transcen- Investigate the "Vacation club's beach and cut rates on pound folding bicycle, com- A — This insurance holding diary and the merger of an-, car rentals. the Eurailpass,which will give plete with carrying case. It's added insurance against such dental meditation are sched- other. The Diners' Club situ- Exchange Club," affiliated you virtually unlimited bus a loss. company is trading at only 9x Student Rate made to store in the luggage uled for noon and 7:30 p.m. to- ation has improved with loss- with Pan American World Air- travel in the U.S. and Canada morrow at Brookdale Commu- projected 1973 earnings. The ways, which publishes direc- 'If you're a full-time stu- compartment of a bus, costs If your stocks were bought very modest evaluation ac- es pared substantially. Shares for 60 days. Greyhound calls under 1100 and could be just on separate occasions your nity College. tories each year of members dent, more than 12 years old, its version Ameripass and corded these shares reflects are rated a buy for income in the U.S. and Europe who get an "International Student the thing to extend your range canceled checks will provide Sue Morehouse of Rumson investors' attitude to the in- and safety. Continental Trailways calls of sight-seeing. the cost basis for your tax re- will present the programs in want to trade homes with oth- Identity Card" from the Coun- its ticket Eaglepass — but er members in other coun- cil on International Educa- Finally, there's hitchhiking turn. However, if these checks the Human Affairs Building's both cost about $150. This are no longer available or if Moot Court. She will begin tries. Members work out their tional Exchange, 777 U.N.. works out to just $2.50 a day — which is too adventurous own arrangements, pay $9.50 Plaza, New York City 10017 (dangerous) for me to recom- your securities were all teaching at the college in Feb- — a clue to how great a bar- bought at one time then per- ruary. dues per year. Address of ($2.00) Or from Student Travel gain these passes really are. •mend. There's the obvious VEC: 119 Fifth Ave., New Services, 500 Fifth Ave., New form of auto hitch-hiking and (As of May .31, these terms ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ~ York City 10003. York City 10020. This card may be changed moderately.) there's private airplane hik- Or, as a poor man's alterna- provides significant price re- ing. I've heard of one couple tive, get a copy of the "Trav- ductions in a variety of stu- Bus Fare who managed to hitch-hike What Do Many Doctors Use elers Directory," a listing dent hotels, restaurants, Your only limitation in us- from London to India via pri- Salt Hay throughout the U.S. and transportation, etc. ing either pass is that you vate plane. When They Suffer Pain abroad of hundreds of people Buy a cut-rate "Eu- may not take more than four And by all means, study the and places which will put you railpass" — giving you unlim- round trips between any two excellent available: guides to Of Hemorrhoidal Tissues? up for free (51-02 39th Ave., ited rail travel in 13 continen- points. More than 150,000 low-cost travel abroad. Most Exclusive Formula Gives Prompt, Temporary Relief Woodside. N.Y. 11377). You tal countries on Western Eu- miles of routes in 48 states are written especially for stu- In Many Cases from Such Pain. Also Helps Shrink . must offer your hospitality to rope's vast, subsidized and Canada are yours to dents but they're all useful to Swelling of Such Tissues Due to Infection. RED D. WIKOFF CO. others to get the directory and railway system. Cost of first- choose from and Greyhound's .. tourists of any age. From the In a survey, doctors were asked many cases from pain, itchinf* a "donation" of $3 is re- class railpass: $125 for three pass also gives you a variety Council on international Ex- what they use to relieve such in hi'iriorrhoirlal tissues. Arid it | quested to cover printing weeks to $250 for three of discounts up to 20 per cent change (address above), for painful symptoms. Many of the actually helps shrink painful 236 MAPLE AVENUE costs- months. An American under on hotels, car rentals, tours, instance, you can get "The doctors reporting said they swelling of such tissues when Join a travel club. A typical Whole World Handbook — Six cither use Preparation H them- infected and inflamed. Just sec • age 26 can get a 13-country, other services. Trailways' selves or in their office practice. if doctor-tested Preparation H" RED BANK 7414)554 Continents on a Student Budg- Preparation H gives prompt, doesn't help you. Ointment or et." temporary relief Xor hours in Klatsky Becomes Partner suppositories. In Red Bank Law Firm RED BANK - William I. then served a judicial clerk- Klatsky and William Himel- ship in-Freehold for M. Ray- man announce that Alan M. mond McGowan and Alton V. Klatsky, a former associate. Evans. Is now a partner in the? law Mr. Klatsky is a member or firm of Klatsky, Himelman & the Monmouth County Bar As- Klatsky with offices at 320 sociation, the New Jersey Broad St. State Bar Association and was Mr. Klatsky attended Red also admitted to the U.S. Dis- Bank High School where he trict Court for the District of was a member of the National New Jersey. He is a member1 Honor Society, In 1966 Mr. of the Mystic Brotherhood Klatsky graduated from Dick- Lodge of Red Bank and the inson College in Carlisle, Pa., Red Bank Kiwanis. where he received his bach- Mr. Klatsky is serving as elor of arts degree. He attend- acting Municipal Court judge ed law school at Rutgers Uni- in the Borough of Red Bank. versity, Newark, and gradu- He resides in Eatontown ated in 1969 and at that time with his wife, Maxine, and lie received his juris-doctor son, Brian. law degree. He is the son of Judge and At both high school and col-. Mrs. William klatsky of Red lege he was active in sports Bank. and played varsity basketball. Alan M, Klatsky He was also sports editor of the school newspaper, "The Dickinsonian," while he at' Crawford, Schaefer tended college. Mr. Klatsky ADMITS CHARGE FREEHOLD - Guy John- Form Law Practice son, 50 Beechwood Road, Lin- WANAMASSA - Dennis M. Mr. Crawford has been as- croft, has pleaded guilty to Crawford, 904 Deal Road, , sociated in the practice of law distribution of LSD Sept. 12 in Ocean Township, has become with Marvin E. Schaefer, 340 Middletown. County Court a partner in the law firm of Roseld Ave., Deal, since 1969. Judge Thomas L. Yaccarino Schaefer & Crawford, 1205 Rt. set Feb. 9 for sentencing. 35. A graduate of Asbury Park llllllllilllWiHIHIUlllllllllllltlHIIIUHIIIIIIIIU High School, Cornell Univer- sity and Rutgers School of Local Securities Law, Mr. Crawford. 31, was previously associated with the ^* Newark law firm of Vieser. Representative inter-.dtaler quotations at approximately 3 p.m Hoey and San Filippo. yesterday from NASD.- Prices do not include retail markup, He is former municipal mark-down, or commission. prosecutor for Ocean Town- BANKS ship, present township at- Div. M; AM torney, member of the state American Bancorp IX I ltt% and county Bar Associations Btlrtar-Wall National 70 75 and the N.J. Institute of Mu- Colonial First National Bank (x) gi^ 6^ nicipal Attorneys, former .Central Jersey Bank (x) ,...... '. jsy4 i6y4 Community State Bank Linden 55 571^ president or the Ocean Town- ship Republican Club, vice franklin State Bank. •« 3] First Merchants Nat'l Bank (x) 11% 11% president of the Cornell Club First Nat'l Bank Toms River (x) (x) 25 26"^ of Monmoutn-Ocean Counties First State Ocean County (x) 18>/2 19^ and belongs to the Ocean Jersey Shqre Bank 23% 25'/2 . Township Jaycees. Bank of Manalapan 25 New Jersey National Corp 32 32'^ Mr. Crawford and his wife, Ocean County Nat'l (x) 311^ 31% the former Margaret Sho- People's Nat'l Bank, Lakewood (x)....-. 75 mock, have a son, Douglas. 6. Shore National Bank 150 Trust Co. of Ocean County (x)....: jgi/ Mr. Schaefer, a graduate of United Counties Trust Co ' 57^ Monmouth College and John United Jersey Banks of N.J 57% Marshall School of Law. was (x) Pius Stock admitted to the N.J. Bar in INDUSTRIAL 1949 and has maintained law •M Aitm offices at his present location the painless way to lower monthly payments Aerological Research lc 5c for the past 17 years. Alkon Industries 4 5 Atlantic Appliance Co., Inc .- % W* fie is former commissioner Brockway 26 26& of the Asbury Park Housing The start of a new year is a good time to take a Compare these rates to what you're paying now Buck Engineering 6>£ 7'/i Authority, director of the close look at your financial condition. You may find Electronic Associates '. 8% 8% Middle Atlantic Conference of that the combined total of monthly payments on all Cash Finance Note Monthly No. of Annual Electronic Assistance 3 3'^ Housing Officials, Manalapan Advanced Charges Amount* Payments Payments % Rate Foodarama 4% 4% Township attorney, attorney your bills leaves little for other living expenses. If CibsonHomans... 9% > 97/j, for the Western Monmouth so, New Jersey National Bank has the solution—a $1500 $272.64 $1772.64 $ 49.24 36 11.18 Interdata 12'A 12& Utilities Authority, member of International Components Corp % 1% the American. N.J. and Mon- bill-killer loan. 2500 454.16 2954.16 82.06 36 11.18 King James Extended Care ty4 1% mouth County Bar Associ- Laird .' 6% 7% ations, member of the Ocean A bill-killer loan lets you consolidate your debts. 3500 635.68 4135.68 114.88 36 Metallurgical International V/2 8 Township Lions Club and 11.18 Midland Glass 11 11% Chamber of Commerce, mem- Just borrow enough money to pay off all those Monmouth Airlines % y8 ber of the Monmouth-Ocean Other Loans up tb $5500 'Creditor life insurance not included. Monmouth Capital 8% 9'/ small, nagging bills. Then you'll have only one pay- 4 Counties Economic Devel- ment to make each month. You can even spread Monmouth Industries i^ % opment Council and of the Na- Your all-around bank Monmouth Park 10% 11^ tional Institute of Municipal your payments out over a longer period and pay N.J. Natural Gas ..../, 18% 1914 Law Officers. He was admit- less per month than you do now! .Precision Optics.: % 7^ ted to practice before the Su- Radiofone Corp 3 3|£ preme Court of the United Rowan Controller 314 3^ States in 19b'(i. Visit any New Jersey National Bank office soon and Servomation 24% ask about a bill-killer loan. There's no red tape, as Southern Container. i™ ,7/ s Mr. Schaefer is married to Spiral Metal... ; V \Z the former Barbara Mooncy, our loan officers' make their own decisions. They'll U.S. Homes 21 .,.{* daughter of the late Clarence put an end to your monthly payment blues. Visit any of our United Telecontrol Electronics 35/ AU V. Mooney. former mayor of Walter ReadeOrganization, Inc ,/f ..„ Asbury Park. They have two 25 offices Winslow Tel ,* '| ; children, Steve, 20, and Don- tor quick loan service •HIiiiMiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHtiiiiiiiuiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiii na, II. Laudably Impartial Postal Service

By Tke Associated Press

Bill Requires Price Posting Delivers Its Own Mail Late, Too By DORIS KULMAN mailed Dec. 19. It arrived in trips; at that rate, it could that we review the report. It cation on Jan. S. It arrived in gratuiatory missive in ad- TRENTON - A bill to require furniture and appliance The U.S. Postal Service, the Daily Register office, have had the Turtle Back Zoo says that it will consider any The Daily Register office on vance for publication on dealers to post their prices on merchandise passed the State stamp-festooned and property story here in two hours. Okay, written statements or exhibits Jan. 10. Thursday, Jan. 4. It was Assembly yesterday. with admirable impartiality, delivers even its own mail addressed, 20 days later, on a little longer, allowing time we want to submit on the is- Not seriously at all — at mailed from the Red Bank The measure, which now goes to the Senate, was spon- Jan. 8. It is a story telling to replace the horses hit by sue — providing we get them Post Office. It arrived in the sored by Assemblyman Byron M. Baer, D-Bergen, who said it late. least, we're having trouble at children, and their parents, cars on the Garden State to the Authority's New the moment taking it se- Daily Register office on was designed to protect consumers who can be duped into pay- The Postal Service, which about the special delights they took over from the U.S. Post Parkway. Brunswick office by Jan. 2. riously — is the publicity Friday, Jan. S. ing higher prices. would find at that zoo during By mail? One of the first actions of Baer said that some furniture and appliance dealers put Office a year ago in a move More seriously, we have blurb from the U.S. Postal the Christmas school vaca- Service telling us how ef- the U.S. Postal Service was to ctide numbers on merchandise which correspond to a range of supposedly designed to lower tion. Well, as the Postal Ser- here mail from the N.J. Turn- We have here a serious costs and improve mail ser- ficient and reliable it is. increase postage rates. The prices. The assemblyman said that the salesman can charge a vice knows, Christmas comes pike Authority. It was mailed statement from the Long U.S. Postal Service has a higher price if he thinks the consumer will pay it. vice, recently sent out a publi- every year — there's always from New Brunswick, also on Branch Board of Education. city blurb patting itself on the The Postal Service tells us mandate to be self-sustaining 1973 if you miss 1972. Dec. 19. It arrived in the The board says it wants to that 94 per cent of the first- In 1984 (British author George back tor completing its first Daily Register office 10 days year in what it described as correct for the public what it class mall deposited by 5 p.m. Orwell predicted lots of other Banking Bill Vote Deferred Just by way of some small later, on Dec. 29. It includes describes as erroneous state- for local delivery is being de- more or less a blaze of glory. contrast,, the Pony Express interesting things would be TRENTON — The State Senate yesterday delayed action the report of the authority's ments it says were made livered the next day. It tells happening by that year, too), on a bill that would permit statewide banking by New Jersey Let us see. delivered mail 1,966 miles in consultants' study of the sug- about a recent state decision us that it has reduced the av- We have here a story from 10 days on its very first trip. and it just might have found banks and saving and loan associations. gested alternate alignments on the board's budget appeal. erage time for delivering let- the formula. The Pony Ex- The measure had been scheduled for a vote along with an- toe Turtle Back Zoo in West When the Pony Express really for the controversial Turnpike The board mailed its state- ters from 1.7 to 1.8 days. In got going, its riders could cov- press was speedy, and it con- other bill to establish a state excise tax on banks. Action was Orange. The postmark on the spur through Manalapan ment from Long Branch on large type, it tells us that we envelope fells us it was er 25 miles an hour on short sistently cut postage rates. It postponed when the Democratic minority asked more time to Township. The authority asks Jan. 6. It is marked for publi- are receiving its self-con- died broke. study the bills which have been before the Senate since last May 18 when the Assembly passed them. Three years ago the Legislature lifted a restriction limit- ing banks opening branch offices only in their home counties. •Instead the law was changed to create three banking districts Acquit Cantwell of Misconduct Charges in the state and banks were allowed to operate anywhere in the district in which their main office was located. TRENTON (AP) - Retired At the time the district banking measure was opposed by The trial lasted two weeks. In rebuttal to Cantwell's Maj. Gen. James F. Cantwell, smaller financial institutions which feared they would be Cantwell's defense consisted military character witnesses, head of New Jersey's Nation- unable to compete with larger banks and saving and loan asso- solely of the testimony of 12 Lucas told the jury, "Never al Guard for 16 years and ciations. character witnesses, Including mind about Vietnam. We're • once president of the National The banking measures were sponsored in the Assembly by former Democratic Gov. Rob- talking about 622 Latona Guard Association of the John Evers, the Passaic County Republican who has since left ert B. Meyner. Many of the Ave.," which is Cantwell's ad- United States, has been ac- the Asssembly to serve as a legislative advisor to Gov. Wil- other witnesses were military dress. quitted on misconduct liam T.CahUl, friends of Cantwell's. Cantwell Cantwell was first appoint- charges. The key change sought by the Evers bill would abolish the himself did not testify. ed Chief of Staff of the depart- A Mercer County Court de- three districts and allow any Mew Jersey bank or saving and In his summation to the ment in 1954 by Gov. Meyner liberated for five hours Mon- loan association to operate anywhere in the state. jury. Brown said there was no and served in that cabinet lev- day before deciding that Can- proof Cantwell ordered the el post through eight years of twell violated no law by hav- employes to do the work. He Meyner's administration and •Plan Freeholder Salary Hikes ing guard employes work on recalled that the witnesses eight more years of the suc- TRENTON — The Senate passed a measure yesterday his private home during their had said they did it out of ceeding Democratic adminis- that would allow the counties to increase freeholder salaries. normal state working hours. friendship for the general. tration of Richard J. Hughes. The measure would establish five categories depending on Two employes of the New Alluding to the many sensa- During his later years, Can- county populations for maximum freeholder salaries. Jersey Defense Department tional trials of New Jersey twell Was also president of the Counties with less than 100,000 population would be able to testified they worked on Can- public officials recently. National Guard Association of pay a maximum salary of $ 11,000 to their freeholders while twell's home from July, 1968 Brown said,- "It Is a great the United States. counties with a population between 100,000 and 170,000 could to April, 1970. The men testi- handicap to be in public office He retired in 1970 when the provide a freeholder salary of ?12,OOO. fied they built curbs, a side- today." newly-elected Republican Counties having a population of 200,000 to 400,000 would be walk, a driveway and carport As for the state's case, Gov. appointed Maj. Gen. WU- allowed a maximum salary of $14,000 for their freeholders and enlarged and modernized Brown asked rhetorically, Uem R. Sharp to his cabinet. while' those having between 400,000 and 600,000 presidents the kitchen on the general's "Where is the evil intent?" Tkree IidlctmuU (Monmouth County) would be authorized to provide a max- Cape Cod style home in That issue appeared to have Cantwell was named in imum of $15,000 annual pay for their county officers. nearby Ewing Township. swung the jury In favor of an three two-count indictments Tile highest authorized freeholder pay scale would range Following the verdict, Can- acquittal, for after 4% hours in August, 1970, charging him to a maximum of $17,000 a .year in counties with more than twell was so overcome with of deliberation the jury sent with misconduct and with ob- 600,000 population. '. emotion he had difficulty word to Judge Samuel U. Le- taining a thing of value not speaking. But he said the ver- nox Jr. asking for a definition due him as a public official — dict was "a tremendous re- of criminal Intent, a factor the the services of public employ* Suit Seeks Elections lief." state needed to prove in order es for private gain. TRENTON — A suit by the New Jersey League of Women "This has been hanging to win its case. The three latter charges Voters is prompting the Senate to reconsider its opposition to over my head for 2ft years," The judge drafted a reply were dismissed by Lenox be- proposed special elections to fill the vacant seats of two state Cantwell said. "I never be- which was agreed to by both fore trial but reinstated by the " senators who were elected to Congress. lieved there was anything attorneys, the message was Appellate Division of Superior The suit was fUed yesterday by the League of Women Vot- there." He said he harbored sent back to the jury and a Court. They were dismissed ers who contended that voters in Union and Morris Counties no ill feelings toward anyone verdict came within a half again after conclusion of the are not fully represented because of the two vacancies. because of the charges. hour. evidence along with one mis- Superior Court Judge Frank J. Kingfield said he would Asst. Atty. David G. Lucas, In his summation, Lucas ar- conduct charge. bold a hearing in the case Jan. 2«,, .'••;• ' ' . APWInpliW* . the state prosecutor, said, gued that Cantwell "must Cantwell is the third former THE GENERAL IS PLEASED — Retired Major General James F. Can- "The jury has spoken and we have known what was going Democratic cabinet officer to' Senate Majority Leader Alfred D.'Schiaffo, R-Bergen, said twell, former chief of staff of the New Jersey DefensI' Department and that fBe Se'nafe"rhigfit change its mind and approve special accept the verdict." on, had to know what was go- be indicted recently, Former head of the New Jersey National Guard leaves Mereer County Courthouse Difficult Ckaige ing on." Treasurer John Kervlck and elections after examining the legal papers filed by the voters' in Trenton last night after being found not guilty of misconduct In office, group. He said there would be a decision next week. Cantwell's attorney, noted "In this case, are we deal- former Secretary of State criminal lawyer Raymond ing with an arrogance of pow- Robert J. Burkhardt were Brown, agreed the mis- er?" Lucas asked the jury. charged with federal ex- Auto Dealer Standards Voted conduct charge might have Then, referring to the so- tortion and conspiracy viola- TRENTON — A bill sponsored by Assembly Speaker Matawan Twp. Plans been "extremely difficult for called free labor, Lucas said, tions. Thomas H. Kean, R-Essex, was introduced yesterday calling laymen to understand." But "In my brightest day, no one Burkhardt pleaded guilty to : for comprehensive advertising standards for auto dealers. he said the verdict was a just has paid me a tribute like one charge. Kervick has not Kean said the measure would prohibit misleading adver- that." yet pleaded. tising; such as devices which can obscure essential informa- tion; the offer for sale of any goods or services that the dealer Defender for Indigent does not intend to sell; advertisement of prices unless the MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - plans for the facility from the raised by Mr. Lumia on the dealer actually has the goods in stock; failure to state all es- Indigent defendants appear- DOT at a meeting a week ago. eligibility of 18-year-olds for sential information in advertisements, such as the make, year ing in Municipal Court will The depot, slated for con- appointment to the fire de- and model of the car. have the services of a public struction on Lloyd Road, partment, William E. Russell, Kean proposed that the legislation be enforced by the defender, if an ordinance in- would provide parking for township attorney, said state State Division of Consumer Affairs. troduced last night is adopted. 1,400 commuter vehicles, ex- statute takes precedence over Violators would be subject to fines of up to $5,000 after the "I'm proud to say Matawan pandable to accommodate 400 municipal ordinance. second offense. RED BANK, NJ. TUESDAY, JANUARY 16,1973 13 Township is the first township more. Construction is slated State law makes the 18- nnminniiiiiinninMiiiHinHnmiiniiiiiiiriiiiiiniiiiiiiiiimiiiiuiniiiiiin imniiHiKiiminmiTmiiuwmmiiiimiumi *'lt is our desire to assure the car-buying public that the in the state to appoint a public to begin in August or Septem- year-olds eligible for fire and advertisements they read or see are straightforward and hon- defender," said Mayor ber, Mr. Smith said. police appointments since the est and that the product advertised is sold on merit, not on Thomas J. Powers. Referring to a current first of the year, he explained. false and misleading information," Kean said. Township Council in- threat of suspension of com- Department by-laws may not troduced a measure providing Speakers to Register muter rail service, Mr. Lumia yet have been changed, but a public defender for those commented, "I hope there are 18-year-olds should make ap- Vote Appalachian Trail Fund genuinely unable to hire their some trains to serve it." plication notwithstanding, the TRENTON — The Senate yesterday gave final legislative own attorneys. Public hearing attorney advised. approval to a measure authorizing an appropriation from the Speaking of the present pub- of the ordinance, which con- lic parking lot for commuters License Bid Deferred For Hearing in Hazlet 1971 Green Acres bond issue to acquire the last 60 miles of the stitutes an amendment of the with valid stickers who park Action on an application by Appalachian Trail in New Jersey but remain under private township administrative code, Joseph Mancini, proprietor of HAZLET — Residents who Feb. 13 hearing. each person to speak only ownership. their cars in the railroad's wish to speak tonight at the is set for Monday. Feb. 5. "Freehold wye," Councilman Hub Cap Joe's, Rt. 35, for re- "Each public hearing will once... if there appears to be The measure passed the Assembly last April 17 and had first public hearing on the Mayor Powers said coun- Gumbs warned the Mass newal of a junk dealer's li- commence at 8:30 p.m. and no other speakers, a person been pending since then in the Senate. It passed yesterday 35- cilmen have agreed on Mata- cense was deferred. proposed zoning ordinance re- will terminate at 11 p.m.," the will be allowed to speak again Transit Advisory Committee vision will have to register to 0- wan attorney Louis E. Gran- has asked that vehicles A motion to grant the re- mayor said. "We will ask at the same public hearing." The bill would permit the Department of Environmental ata for the job. Mr. Granata newal was tabled when Coun- do so. parked there Ulegally be giv- Mayor Herbert J. Kupfer Protection to acquire the trail land in Passaic, Sussex and has agreed to serve as public en warning notices. If these cilman Froehlich commented Warren Counties in 500-foot strips. The 2,060 mile historical defender at one Municipal that operation.of the junk said a registry will be opened are ignored, he said, police at 8 o'clock tonight in Raritan pathway is almost entirely publicly owned except for the 60 Court session a month for a will tow illegally parked ve- yard "is not a desirable use" Action Is Urged High School auditorium. Per- miles in New Jersey. $50 monthly fee, the mayor hicles away at their owners' of the property and added The Appalachian trail runs from Maine to Georgia, after it said. A maximum of $1,800 that the establishment's "ap- sons signing it will be called expense. upon to speak In the order in leaves Warren County it passes into Pennsylvania. will be set in the municipal In answer to a question. pearance leaves much to be The bill would authorize the department to use money budget to pay for his services desired." which they have signed. On HUD Funds from the $80 million 1971 bond issue for the preservation of for the year. Mr. Smith was requested to A slot for comments will be OCEAN TOWNSHIP - borrowed $5,000 from Town- open spaces to acquire the land. The public defender will Pre-School have the premises inspected reserved for the Board of Mayor Joseph A. Palaia last ship Council as a deposit on Sen. Peter W. Thomas, R-Morris, said the measure antici- handle only those cases which for possible code violations Education, the mayor said, night said that "pressure" the property, Mr. Beekman pated a $1.6 million cost for the land acquisition but noted that can be disposed of at the mu- before council acts on the li- "since they have already said should be brought to bear on said. Receipt of the expected the federal government would pay half the total. nicipal level. Municipal Court Vision Tests cense renewal. they want to speak." the federal Housing and Ur- federal funds, he added, Judge Lloyd D. Elgart will be Also deferred pending in- A public hearing,originally ban Development agency to would have continued the pro- Legal Fee Review Approved responsible for assigning the Scheduled vestigation was renewal of a called for Township Hall at restore funds cut last week gram and repaid the funds defender. MATAWAN — A pre-school license for Keyport Pet Shop, 8:30 p.m. has been changed to which has stalled the senior borrowed from the council. WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to 'Pleasant First vision screeninK program will Rt. 35, Cliffwood. There have the high school auditorium so citizens Housing expansion allow a group of New Jersey lawyers to appeal to the federal "It's a pleasant first," com- been reports that pet food sold that an anticipated large plans here. While Mr. Beekman did not be held here through tomor- reveal the amount or funds courts in an effort to overturn the schedule of maximum legal mented Councilman Peter J. row, sponsored by the Mata- in the establishment is wormy crowd may be accom- The mayor said that "at fees that were imposed last year by the New Jersey Supreme Lumia, himself an attorney. and buggy, Mr. Smith said. modated. needed at present to continue wan Junior Woman's Club and least a portion" of the funds the housing program, he said Court. "I think we should stress the Bayshore Section of the Mayor Powers proclaimed To comply with the law, be- should be restored for avail- The short, unsigned opinion reversed a ruling by the U.S. that the public defender will cause the meeting was adver- the overall figure would total National Council of Jewish the week of Jan. 14 through 21 ability to elders' housing facil- about $4 million. District Court, which had dismissed the challenge on the not be available to those who Women inconjunction with National Council of Jewish tised to take place in Town- ities programs. The dollar cut ship Hall, Mayor Kupfer said grounds that the case should be heard in the state courts. are able to hire their own the pre-school vision screen- Women Week. was made on a national level. Mr. Beekman, a former The high court agreed that state courts should be given counsel," another attorney. ing program of the New Jer- Condemnation proceedings he will call the meeting to or- He added that 100 housing der in the municipal building councilman here, said that the first crack at determining the validity of the fee schedule, but Councilman Philip N. Gumbs, sey State Commission for the against three property owners units have been proposed for needed property would cost said the appeal could be carried to the federal courts after it put in. Blind. from whom easements are and adjourn immediately to addition to the Poplar Village the high school. about $100,000. "Seed money," has run the gamut of state tribunals. "It contributes to the con- The purpose of the program needed for the Cliffwood senior citizens complex at he said was expected to be re- The suit, was brought by the New Jersey branch or the cept of judicial home rule." is to discover pro-school chil- Beach shore protection proj- I O'CI«ck SUrt Roosevelt Ave., Oakhurst. ceived from the state Housing American Trial Lawyers Association, the Trial Lawyers of said Councilman Hans H. dren who may have am- ect were authorized. Proceed- The hearing is expected to The added units would aug- Finance Agency, the inter- Middlesex County and the Trial Attorneys of New Jersey. Froehlich. blyopia, "Lazy Eye," or other ings will be started against get under way at 9 p.m. ment the present 93 units, he mediary unit between the lo- State Atty. Gen. George F. Kugler had urged the U.S. Su- Councilman Lumia told his defects in eyesight and to Robert and Judith O'Kccfc, Mayor Kupfer laid down said. cal and federal agencies. preme Court to disallow the federal appeal on the grounds that colleagues and the public he alert parents to the need for $6,500; Giulio Turazza, $500, ground rules for the hearing John Beekman, president of the state has the power "to engage in economic regulation" of hopes a new railroad station an immediate professional and John A. and Marie Bend- last week. At least three hear- the township Housing Author- While the township's appli- various professions. promised by the state Depart- eye examination. er, $4,500. ings, including tonight's, are ity, said also that the unex- cation was not processed dur- The fee schedule prescribes maximum rates that at- ment of Transportation does The screening program will Proceedings were also au- expected to take place. Addi- pected spending cut has only ing the recent holidays. Mr. torneys can charge their clients. It was imposed after the not become "a Taj Mahal we be held in the Presbyterian thorized against the estate of tional dates are Jan. 30 and until July to purchase a 10- Beekman said, it was ex- State Supreme Court received reports that some lawyers were never get to use." Church, Hi. 1)4. during the Carrie Booker for a $513 ease- Feb. 13. If more public hear- acre tract for the planned ad- pected that the request would receiving up to 50 per cent of all damages recovered by their George E. Smith, township hours of 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. and ment to permit widening of S. ings are necessary, dates for dition to Poplar Village. be honored sometime this clients in civil litigation. manager, reported receipt of 1 to 3 p.m. Atlantic Ave. them will be announced at the The authority, he said, has month. 14 11K Daily Register, Hed Ba*k—MfckBetcws, N J, Tuesday, January if,MOT Rwnson Girl Will Embark On a Charter Pilot Career (Continued) Smith says she does not own ter let her do it," Mrs. Smith was to convince people she a pair of silver wings, atop a her own plane because they said. "Why should she go to was serious about it. vest, pointing to it with pride cost too much. college and study something "The initial reaction was, I as she reviewed the six years Spats Ctq»M she doesn't like when there is must be out of my mind," she of study in high school and During high school, she something else she does want remarked. college, through 350 hours of worked as a clerk at the Sea to do?" She dates mostly pilots and flying time, that led to her Bright Pharmacy owned by Miss Smith, a recipient of men affiliated with aviation current post. Studying flying Raymond Annacone in order the Amelia Earhart scholar- because of their similar inter- was not difficult, she said, but to pay for her lessons at ship given by the Zonta Club, ests and their ready accept- noted: Reading Air Service, baseu at worked as a dispatcher and ance of % distaff counterpart. "You'd most definitely have the Red Bank Airport, New assistant to the manager of "I have dated other people to be interested in it." Shrewsbury. Mr. Annacone flight operations during her who don't fly," she said. Interested in it, she might and his son Billy have since undergraduate days. Extra- "Their attitude has been, add, to the tune of about been up in a plane, with their curricular activities included 'Now that you've had your 120.000 in college courses. Get- ex-salesgirl as their pilot. such related endeavors as fling, what are you really go- ting a private license, her That initial interest was fos- sky-diving which she took up ing to do when you grow first step up the stratosphere tered by a coupon in The last Fall. up.' " ladder, cost about |800 to Daily Register which adver- "People study harder in Miss Smith was bom in Red $1,000 in lessons; her com- tised the first how-to-fly les- aviation," she remembered, Bank and has lived here since mercial license, about $1,500, son for $5. Miss Smith clipped "because if you don't, you can she was six months old. She and multi-engine license, the coupon and has been hurt yourself." has a sister, Mrs. William about $86.50 an hour, or $1,000 hooked ever since then. She said she is not afraid of (Gail) Blandeburgo, Little Sil- for the complete course. Mr. Smith, who owns the flying a plane and, in fact, ver, and a brother, Richard VarlwsRatlap X.S. Smith textile corporation never has been, except for ("Skipper"), 18, who is a busi- She holds a commercial li- in Eatontown and Lawrence, nervousness over such feats ness administration major at cense with instrument, multi- Mass., wasn't quite so enthu- as her first solo flight at age Nichols College in Massachu- engine and certified flight in- siastic at first. When bis 17. setts. HIGH HONOR —Harold P. Entin, left, holds ner in Berkeley Carteret Hotel, Asbury Park, are, structor ratings which means daughter asked to transfer, "Flying is not dangerous," Fluent in Spanish and plaque presented to him by Irwin Wiener, right, left to right, rear, Mortimer Zinn, dinner chair- she can fly sophisticated air- after her freshman year, from she said. "I would much rath- French, she was a National president of Joseph Flnkel Lodge, B'nai B'rith, man; George Jacobson, master of ceremonies, craft. the University of North Caro- er fly out to Ohio tomorrow Honor Society member and denoting Mr. Entln as lodge's Man of the Year. and Dr. Joseph Frank, guest speaker. "I can fly multi-engine plan- lina to Embry-Hiddle, he won- than drive out there in a car." National Merit Scholar while Looking on at ceremonies held at testimonial din- Utflr JtoM MwW es, but they're still considered dered: Driving, she finds, is a attending Rumson-Fair Haven 'small planes,' " she noted. "Why can't you transfer to chore, as is sitting as a pas- High School. While at Embry, r "I'd be interested in flying big a nice, all girls college in senger on a commercial air- she was a member of the jets, I think, but you have to Pennsylvania?" liner. school's sport parachute club take things one step at a He has since been quite con- and active in student govern- time." "Pilots are much more ner- verted, however, by Miss vous as passengers," she said. ment. She estimated lessons for a Smith, for her father now has "They can sense any slight Her only regret so far in her Lear jet. considered the sim- his own private pilot's license. deviation in an engine noise, flying experience is the elimi- plest in the jet range, would When Red Bank Airport was in ascending or descending. nation of Red Bank Airport be about $800 an hour. Most still operating, Mr. Smith fre- Most would rather be up front which was closed about two pilots work for corporations quently rented small planes with the pilot." years ago. She remembers that will foot the bill for such Sale and flew himself to business Miss Smith said the most flying along on mail flights lessons, she said, or try to conferences at his Lawrence difficult part of her pilot study "just watching the pilots in learn such skills in the mili- plant. order to get experience." The tary services. Her Choice airport, containing one of the Miss Smith is not interested Though Mrs. Smith hardly j largest air taxiing services in CUSTOM DEPARTMENT,Over 125,000 Yards in a military career, even ever expected to be the moth- j Eight Youths the country, was a vital link, though such branches as the er of a female pilot, she was she thought, in air traffic and' of Decorator Fabrics Reduced 20% to 50%. U.S. Navy recently opened up ultimately the one who per- Invited To schooling in this area. its pilot training programs to suaded Mr. Smith to let his Miss Smith's advice for any Dozens upon dozens of styles to choose from including elegant Antique Sa- include women. daughter go to flight college. Inaugural other- incubating, distaff pi- tins, washable Fiberglas, rich Damasks, durable Casement Cloths, plush Discussing the expense of "My feeling was, if this is lots, is simple. Crushed Velvets, unusual Designer Prints and many, many more. From these entering the flying field. Miss what she wants to do, we bet- MIDDLETOWN - Eight "Sticking with it is the big- outstanding fabric values our expert craftsmen will custom make your dra- members of the Middletown gest thing," she advised. "It's peries. . . , LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Teen Age Republican Club not the easiest thing in the (TAR) have been invited to the Nstict Is htrcby given to the l«wt voters of the SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE world to do." BOROUGH OP RED BANK, in tft* count/ of Monmotjth, and the Slate of New Jer- inauguration of President Draperies Custom sey, that o PUBLIC MEETING will be held In the Auditorium of the RED BANK PRIMARY SCHOOL, »2 River Street, Red Bank. New Jersey, at 1:00 PM, on Richard M. Nixon Saturday, Jan. 20. Man Recovers $050 A copy of tht Budget will be on Nit, ond made available for Inspection, be- Made, Lined or Un- tween tht hours of ?:M AM ond 4:00 PM, January 17, n, 19. 25. 21. 19)3 In tn« or. The TARS also received in- Per flet of rht Board Secretary. 7t Branch Avenue. Red Bonk. New Jersey. vitations to the Inaugural Panel EVERETT W. MONK, Secretary From Burns ReRdd BBonkk BBoard d of EducatioESllon Youth Ball, Gov. William T. LONG BRANCH - Alvin 76 BrancBrunch Avenue lined at One Low Price 2 Red Sonic New JeneJeri r O7701 CahUl's Ball, Vice President x Godschall of 157 Pavillion SCHOOL OI1THICT IUOOETT VSTATEMENT Our experienced craftsmen will custom make your draperies to your exact FOR SCHOOL VIAA** Spiro T. Agnew's reception Ave., burned in an explosion' and a salute to our American specifications. Each meticulously sewn with 5" bottom hems and weighted Boord of Education of Red Bonk in the Russomano Body Shop, County of Monmouth heritage at the Smithsonian Joline Ave., Wednesday, is in corners to hang gracefully. Draw draperies ARE included. (II (2) 13) Institution. (AC (Estimated) (Estimated) satisfactory condition in Mon- ROLLMENTS The young Republicans will mouth Medical Center. } I3» l<» 2 1 : be escorted to Washington by Police said Mr. Godschall S&8fia i \m ui: a group of New Jersey legisla- was burned about the face tors organized by State Sen. Custom Slipcovers: Sofa, Cushion Chair 197172 1972-73 1973-74 and arms when fumes from a (Actual) (Anticipated) (Anticipated) Joseph Azzolina, local GOP fuel tank he was working on Chair and 4 Cushions Reupholstered CURREMT EXP^EE leader. They will stay in the Appropriation Bolonce •1790.I5O.7I ignited. in Imported Cut Velvet Balanc* Appropriate 12/5,000,00 S22S,0O0.0O Shoreham Hotel with the New 1,11 1,391.319.00 1,631,41100 gf/5S'..S=== 266,094.00 266,300.00 264.12V.OO Jersey contingent. The body shop was de- Federal Aid 25.I3S.97 13,000.00 13,000.00 stroyed by the blaze, accord- Titltlnn 2.462.20 Attending the inauguration 50 Miscellaneous Revenue '.. 243.542.44 U5.OOO.0O 20S.OOO.OO will be Miss Laurie Eldndge. ing to fire officials, No other I Special Federal ond/or 50 State sponsored Proorams.. I0W45.6I TARS president; Miss Synda injuries were reported. About 50 firemen from five (A-ll TOTAL CURRENT EXP 12,547,9)9.00 }2,I47.689.00 S2,3SI.S40.OO Persson, vice president; Miss 119 1 Unanticipated Federal ond/er Stole Sponsored Progi ims Judy Azzolina; Miss Carol fire companies battled the fire CAPITAL OUTLAY Regularly $179.50 129 Appropriation Balance 047,041.01 Scaduto; Joseph McGrath; for about two hours, accord- Balance Appropriated Regularly S189.S0 Local Tai Levy - 12.330.00 James Price; Walter Cartier ing to Chief David Bilger. Stale Aid 47,349.29 There are over 200 exciting fabrics Have your old or worn chair trans- Federal Aid.. 500.00 and Joseph Levy. • to choose from. All are carefully tail- (BtlTOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY S94,«90.J6 112.330.00 S4,500.00 formed into a beautiful piece of Seniors to Serve ored with heavy duty zippers and furniture once again, upholstered * Reflects Actual Appropriations Bolonce July 1, 19/) DEBT SERVICE overlooked seams for longer wear. in plush imported cut velvet. Your Appropriation Balance •SI2I.739.I9I Hit by Car, Spaghetti Dinner Bolonce Appropriated s.2t,405.31 k choice of colors. Locol Tax Levy 259.I14.I0 189,208.69 21I.4S2.75 RED BANK - A spaghetti State Aid 8.699.00 10.736.00 10.736.OO Man Injured IC-II TOTAL DEBT SERVICE dinner will be served H227iii.7s LONG BRANCH - Robert Thursday night at Red Bank TOTAL REVENUE ALL ACCOUNTS S2.Ui,5t2.S9 12,310.369.00 I2,5IS,22>.75 M. Mayberry. 21, of 329 Fair- Regional High School to help Sew It Yourself Dept. Ready Made Dept. • Reflects Actual Appropriation Bolance July ). 1971 field Ave., was injured last raise funds for the senior APPROPRIATIONS 48" and 54" II) I?) 13) night when he was struck by a class trip to Mount Airey 1971-72 197273. 1973-74 Decorator Curtains J-l CURRENT EXPENSE Expenditures Apcrop. Approp car while crossing Second Lodge in Pennsylvania. Slipcover and ADMINISTRATION Salaries 112,702.11 160,132.00 M7.212.O0 Ave. The dinner will be served Choose from Pinch Contracted Services 35,865.14 13,000.00 26,000.00 Drapery Fabrics Another Expenses 13.697.71 15.550.00 14.130.00 Mr. Mayberry was taken to from 4:30 to 8 p.m. in the Pleated Shorty INSTRUCTION Monmouth Medical Center by There are literally Salaries 11,212,747.31 SI,429,740.0O 11,»3,2S8.OO school cafeteria. and Tier Styles. Textbooks..... 15,044. 59 15,40000 19,102.00 Sgt. Fred Karrberg for treat- thousands of yards ol full Libraries & Audio Vlsuol Mot 20,241.58 17,000,00 22,06).00 The class is trying to raise Teaching Supplies 36,311.94 30,000.00 38,900.00 ment. He was released after bolts to choose from All Other Expenses 14.034.76 13,000.00 20,125.00 $1,300 to cover bus trans- ATTENDANCE AND treatment. portation for seniors planning including unusual vat-dyed HEALTH SERVICES Police said he was struck by $199 Salaries — Attendance... 11,900.80 12.026.00 12,167.00 to go on the three-day trip. prints, smart woven plaids and Pair All Other Expenses — Attendance 52.40 200.00 200-00 a car operated by Miss Mar- Solorles — Health 33.969.69 41,023.00 50,511.00 The students will leave Feb. 5 j snappy tweeds. Alt Other Expenses — Health 3,400.33 . 5,800.00 6,300.00 cey Levin, 22, of Fort Lee. TRANSPORTATION and return Feb. 7. Salaries J4.uo.00 14.211.00 . 114,307 00 She told police Mr. Mayberry Contr. Serv. & Pub. Carriers 64,166.63 61,000.00 11.907.00 Activities on the trip will in- Replacement Dlst. owned Buses 5,500.00 stepped into the path of her clude skiing, ice skating, Insurance — Pupil Transportation 331.00 1,000.00 6W.00 car. She was issued a careless Curr. Activities 600.00 snowmobiling and horseback All Other Expenses 176.33 1,200 TO OPERATION 600.00 driving summons by Patrol- riding as well as indoor recre- Salaries J78.M3.24 581,00000 595,686.™ man Donald J. Pignitore. Heal! 35.725.94 31.000,00 37.000.00 ational activities. Matching valances utilities 21,961.eo 24,500,00 22.800.00 Supplies 5,060.BB 7,000,00 6.800.00 Another Expenses 4,323.58 2.350 00 1,000.00 MAINTENANCE Solorles S37O.83 1)1.500 00 111,500.00 Contracted Services 32.625.66 47,500 00 44,500.00 Quilted Throw Style Un-Quilted Permanent- Replacement of Equipment 15,120.00 li.OOOOO 16,900.00 Newer Additional Equipment 17.372.00 All Other Expenses , 2,657.95 6.800.00 Bedspreads In Press Bed Spreads • Includes Private School Transportolioi FIXED CHARGES Prints and Solids Employee Retirement Contrl 143.640.08 SS6.400 00 158.171.00 Washable for easycare... Insurance B> Judomenti 55,298.10 76,400 00 89.667.00 Rental of Lond & Buildings B,730.00 Twln e Tuition 36,005.74 27,500.00 45.000.00 Twin size, :i $798 SUBTOTAL SI,BB».146.09 12,127,439.00- 12,346,890.00 SUNDRY ACCOUNTS regularly $29.98 $16.98 M FOOD SERVICES Other Expenses 1,250.00 1.2S0.OO Expenditures to Cover Deficits 5,000.00 I6.000.OO 6.0O0.OO Full size STUDENT BODY ACTIVITIES Full size, $ | f|98 Solarles.. 11,675.00 11,500.00 12,900.00 Other Expenses.:'... 1.095.79 ' t,500.00 1,500.00 regularly $34.98 IU J-2 SPECIAL, PROJECTS

By VIVIAN BROWN palled that her son, who had But, she might study. Their ex- gree" in America when he has ca and has lived in France since there," she explains. But moth- AP Newsfeatures Writer lived with an English family aminations are rugged and the received one in France. But like he was 4. but he is extremely er and daughter spend much France is a great place while attending school, "be- final one, at the end of the 12th many American mothers, Miss American-minded and sub- time together. for raising children "be- came involved." She sadly told year "is horrendous." de Haviiland says she doesn't scribes to two American news Gisele likes to cook. Most Miss de Haviiland "it has hap- "But at the end of that time know what her son is up to. weeklies. In fact he was so in- French girls enjoy the woman's cause it is 40 years behind pened." the times," in the opinion of many children are so well edu- '' I suspect he has made up his volved abroad in the recent role in the home. It may be Though they are behind "in cated, they need no more mind what sort of career he American elections, she says, because Maitresse de Maison actress Olivia de Haviiland, the ways" of American chil- schooling," she commented. wants, but he doesn't find it that when President Nixon was • who lives in Paris. Her children (mistress of the house) is such dren, they are more fluent in Gisele may be "too young In necessary to tell his mother," reelected, "I sent a wire of a nice sounding respectful title, are Benjamin Goodrich, 23, and languages — some study Latin spirit" even at 18 to cope with she observed. "However —- congratulations to Benj^Jjjtn." Gisele Galante, 16. one deserved by women, ob- and Greek for seven years. In American life and its schools, French children do not usually The two-time academy serves Miss de Haviiland. be- "A lot of people have the fact schooling keeps French she observed. "She has never treat their parents casually award winner, now 56, has the cause they are really "chief erroneous impression that the children so busy they have time been anywhere, not even a mov- same gracious manner and soft administrators of complex or- French are very sophisticated, for little else. ie, with a boy." She cannot guess how.long expression remembered by her ganizations — their homes." but they aren't really... In fact "Learning is the child's pro- But this summer she will French children will maintain earliest fans. She lives in a French' boys are terrified of take her on an educational tour, their lack of sophistication be- narrow "doll's house" with a She makes a big job of being fession" in the opinion of Miss mistress of her home, she says, English girls. When they are de Haviiland; who is in favor of ' of America, retracing its early cause "more French youths are few rooms on each floor and a development, beginning at being affected by traveling garden in back. Much of the and thinks "the Lib people in sent off to England to learn a the heavy emphasis ion school. America could work at wiping language they are warned the Gisele began school at 4 1/2 Jamestown and going on to visit American youths." American time now Gisele lives across Plymouth Rock, Sturbridge, youth with its mode of dress, the street with her father, out the word housewife," and girls are very precocious. At 16 years, and is at school six days its lack-lustre meaning. my sori.was telling me how fast every week at 8:10 a.m. and Washington and Philadelphia music and the type of cigarette Pierre Galante, magazine edi- the English girls were, and he doesn't return home until 5:30 before going West. smoked is leaving its stamp all tor, from whom Miss de Havii- "Running a house is an art has been leery even of having p.m. — with lots of homework. Benjamin still is studying — over Europe, she says. But land says she has been sepa- and a science if it is done well, his English cousins visit him. On Thursdays and Saturdays advanced math and physics — French youths have a long way rated 10 years. Gisele had to be and more women would enjoy it when I am not around." she has half-day school holidays at The Faculte des Science and to go to catch up. uprooted so often, it seemed a if they looked at it that way. A One French njotlier was ap- and might go horseback riding. plans to aim for a "high de- Benjamin was born in Ameri- good arrangement "to billet her new title would help." OUvU de HavUlHd Mr. and Mrs. Rassas Mark 50th Anniversary Helping,Battered Children ASBURY PARK - Mr. and Harold Rassas of Long Mr. and Mrs. Rassas were Mrs. Joseph Rassas of 686 Branch and Mr. and Mrs. Sid- married in Carmel on Dec. 31, -Morford Ave., Long Branch, ney Schlosser of Morristown, 1922. Mr. Rassas, a native of were honored at a dinner par- as well as their grand- Long Branch, operated the Jo- ty on their golden wedding an- children, Ellen, Richard and seph Rassas Auto Agency which is, of course, the result Glen Rassas and Judith, Alise here, retiring in 1950. Mrs. Dear Ann Landers: You did know how many little lives niversary at the Albion Hotel you might save if you in- of sick minds. For God's sake, here. and William Schlosser. Rassas was the former Rose more good than you will ever help those kids. Goldstein of Carmel. know when you printed a cer- formed your millions of read- More than ISO friends and ers that they need not stand Here are the proper steps: tain letter five years ago. The party was hosted by relatives attended the fete for Ann Landers by helpless while neighbors (1) Take the child imme- their children, Mr. and Mrs. the couple. Mr. and Mrs. Rassas are That letter, 1 am sure, saved lifelong members of Congre- and relatives beat and neglect diately to an impartial doctor many little lives. I enclose the Ann, print it again. The prob- ifornia Reader and abuse their, children? or to a hospital' tor exam- gation Brothers of Israel here. column which I have been lem of battered children is Dear Reader: Thank you Mr. Rassas is also a member Many cities and states have ination: Do not select your carrying with me ever since. getting worse. Thanks and for asking. Here it is: ordinances and laws to pro- family doctor or a doctor who of the Men's Club of the con- It is barely legible. Please, God bless you. — Eureka, Cal- gregation. He is a member of Dear Ann Landers: Do you tect children against cruelty is a relative or personal the Long Branch Chamber of friend. Commerce and the Joseph (2) If, after examination, Finkel Lodge of B'nai B'rith. the doctor says the child has He also is an honorary mem- Engagements Announced been abused or criminally neg- ber of the Benevolent Protec- lected, call a police officer tive Order of Elks. He was a and have the courage to sign member and served as trea- a complaint if you are asked surer of the Monmouth Coun- to do so. ty Automobile Dealers Associ- (3) If the child is of school ation. age, take Ann Landers' ad- vice. A teacher can be an ex- Mrs. Rassas is a member of cellent witness. Teachers see the Sisterhood of Congrega- these children day after day tion Brothers of Israel, the and they will know If the Long Branch Chapter of the youngster has frequent Council of Jewish Women, the bruises, cuts, or blackened Service League of Monmouth eyes. Medical Center, the Long These days so many people Branch Chapter of Deborah, are afraid to become in- and the Home for the Chroni- Miss Loversidge Miss Gorman Miss Wlerzblckl volved. They say it is dan- MR. and MRS. JOSEPH RASSAS cally Sick Auxiliary. gerous to poke your nose into West-Lbyersidge Deksnys-Gorman other people's business. Please, Ann, tell them a help- RED BANK - Mr. and Mrs. RED BANK - Mr. and Mrs. Education Association and the Jack Loversidge of 155 Spring less child is everybody's busi- Victorian His/Her Chairs Thomas J. Gorman, 54 Maida American Chemical Society. ness. — L.A. St. here announce the belroth- Ter. here have announced the Mr. Deksnys is a graduate If yoy've ever wondered why dining room chair sets made al of their daughter, Miss Pa- engagement of their daughter, of Villanova (Pa.) University Dear L.A.: Bless you for today so often have a larger chair with arms for the man of tricia Lovcrsidgc, to Warren where he received a Bachelor your letter. Often people need Miss Stephanie J. Gorman, to encouragement to follow their the house, it's a tradition that goes way back to the Victorian Lee West, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Deksnys, son of Mr. of Science degree in math- era. And if you think the "his and hers" treatment of other Warren C. West, 15 North St., better Instincts. You have giv- About Antiques and Mrs. John Deksnys of ematics. He is a management en it and 1 thank you. household items is a recent marketing idea, that too goes back Humson. Vineland. trainee with Prudential Insur- to the same period. One of the popular home furnishing Ideas The bride-elect graduated The bride-elect is a gradu- ance Co., Kort Washington, A smile Is a gently curved in both the United States and Canada throughout the Victorian Most leading chairmakers of the era produced lady's and from Red Bank Regional High ate of Red Bank Catholic Pa. line that has a way of setting era was chairs made in pairs and known as lady's and gentle- gentleman's chair sets, with the work of John Belter providing School and attended Brook- High School and she is a se- A July wedding is planned. things straight. man's chairs. Usually they would be arranged one on either outstanding examples. They are extremely popular on today's, dale Community College. She nior at Immaculata (Pa.) Col- side of the hearth, the bigger one with the arms being for the antique market, and while they may not often be found in is employed by Colonial First lege where she majors in father, the smaller, armless chair for the mother. pairs, a single chair, wjth its sturdy construction, will be a National Bank. Little Silver, chemistry. She is a member The fact that men tend to be bigger than women explained worthwhile discovery. Mr. West graduated from of the Pennsylvania State the difference in size; and it was also for a similarly practical Kumson-Kair Haven Regional reason — the long and bjllowing skirts of the day — that the High School and is employed Pizzulli-Rogers ladies' chairs were made without arms. It also provided more by Labriola Motors, Red WEST ORANGE - Mr. and freedom for the knitting and needlework which so many wom- Bank. Mrs. James H. Rogers of, 65 en did as a matter of course in those days, either as a necessi- Cherry St. here announce the ty to help clothe their families, or simply as a leisure-time Gannon- engagement of their daughter, hobby. Miss Roseann Rogers, to Earlier examples of these chairs were made with padded WierzbicHi Nicholas L. Pizzulli, son of seats, with springs becoming customary later on. Horsehair LINCROKT —Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Pizzulli was a popular upholstery fabric around the mid-19th century, Harry .1. Wileom, 91 Swim- of 37 Cornanche Drive, Ocean- but was replaced by red plush as the century progressed. ming River Road here, an- port. nounce the engagement of The bride-elect was gradu- their daughcr, Miss Marlene ated from East Orange Cath- E. Wierzbicki, to S. Gregory olic High School and attended Make A Date Gannon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Montclair State College. She Charles Gannon of Glen El- is employed by Marriott A paid directory of coining events for non-profit organiza- lyn. 111. Corp., Caldwcll. tions. Rates: ?2.00 for 3 lines for one day, $1.00 each addi- The bride-elect was gradu- Mr, Pizzulli was graduated tional line; $3.00 for two days, $1.25 each additional line; from Shore Regional High $5.00.for three to five days, $1.50 each additional line; $(i.00 ated from Red Bank Catholic- High School; Keystone Junior School, West Long Branch, for 10 days, $2.00 each additional line; $10.00 for 20 days, College, LaPlume, Pa.; and and Montclair State College. $2.50 each additional line. Deadline noon day before publi- Katharine Gibbs School, New He is a teacher at Red Bank cation. Call The Daily Register, 741-0010; ask for the Date York City. She is employed by Regional Hif,'ri School. Secretary. Bell Laboratories, Holmdcl. An August wedding is ooooocxx>ocoooa It's our way ol introducing our Adjusl-a- JANUARY IK Mr. Gannon graduated from planned. "Story Hour," Atlantic Highlands Library. Registration Take a load Glenbard West High School in drape 5-in-l drapery cleaning service. now! 4-5 year olds. Kirst session Thurs. Jan. IS, no repeats. Glen Ellyn; the University of EDITH'S Stories, games, fun! 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Illinois. Urbana, III.; and Stanford (Calif.) University off KNITTING NOOK I, Ad|ust -a-drape cleans JANUARY 21) where he received a Master of It's PREE. Come & See draperies Ircsh as new Planned Parenthood sponsors mi'clini! to discuss pro- Science degree, lie is a mem- your demonstration:, ol Brother 2 Draperies guaranteed lo he posed legislation regarding rights of minors. Speaker: As- ber of the technical staff of ' and Studio Knitting Mar.hin- Bell Laboratories. returned al e/.act length as semblyman Chester Apy. 10-12, "14'1 HnrlmaBodman l>I'l.l , ReKprdi HanBankk. received mind A June wedding is planned. JANUARY 21 JANUARY 19 & 20 3. Make^ hems perfectly even. Old Kirst United Methodist Church Museum, Locust Put your valuables, Active dry yeast stays fresh 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. -A Keeps lining0, in place important papers if stored in the refrigerator or 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. UJ Ave. W. Long Branch, Jan. 21. Concert: Greater Shore "also sales" Ii. Restorer beautiful colors Area Community Band, 2-:i p.m. followed by refreshments, inaC.F:,N.B. some other cool place, but the and decorator folds. 180 Franklin Ave Adjusl-a-drape guarantees exhibit old musical instruments to lXim's. Donation: $1. Safe Deposit Box expiration date on the package should be observed. Long Brandt drapery length. ond worry no more. JANUARY 28 - 27, FEBRUARY 2 • 3 Your draperies represent a considerable In- Wagon Wheel Playhouse: Ayn Rand's "Night of Ja- Cosls so little. ventment so trust them to our professionals. Save nuary 16th." Directed by Bob Clarke. The Barn. Kumson. 20% during this limited time oiler. Curtain 8:30. For reservations call 2e4-4:i4ti. TON-TERE JANUARY 27 |TONY) (TERRY) "Wine and Cheese Tasting Tarty," to benefit the Mon- That's our story Member F D I C mouth Civic Ballet. Saturday, January 27. $7,50 per person. TEAMWORK! , ^Get ihe only 5-in-1 drjpery cleaning service For reservations call: 229-4757. Ton Tere MARCH i:i FIRST Monmouth College "Gourmet Conking School." featur- NATIONAL millers <£>tv» ing James Beard, H p.m. Mar. 13, 2(1,27. Sponsored by Stein- Hairstylists BANK 52 THROCKMORTON ST. FREEHOLD baeh. Admission J10. Call Office of Community Relations COLONIAL^ 439 Highway 35 741-5600 Shrewsbury for enrollment information: 222-6600, Ext. 27ti. The bank that looks out (or sou 462-5000 FOR FREE ESTIMATES 18 The bally Raster, Kta Bwife-SmWIetowB, N.J. TMtday, Jainury |l. Can Be-Si] If Shula's Your Name LOS ANGELES (AP) - day's news conference Shula of Washington Coach Geroge back Jim Kiick is unhappy at hoping Garo would just fall on They won't have Don Shula to reluctantly gave somewhat of Allen, but took jabs at the eth- being alternated with Mer- the ball. Then I saw Garo run- kick around any more. a comparison between today's ics of the Redskin operation. cury Morris. ning with it, seemingly want- "After all my personal frus- Dolphins and the NFL wonder He pointed to the play where "I'm happy with the way ing to pass. I said: 'Fall down, trations, it's great to win theteams of the past, such as the lineman Harold McLinton was we've been able to utilize fall down.' But, I can guaran- big one," said the coach of the Green Bay Packers of the called for ticking the football Kiick and Morris," he said. tee you one thing, Yepremian world champion Miami Dol- Vince Lombardi Era. as Miami's center began his "One gives you a dimension will not be trying any more passes." phins. "1 don't think I could "In my mind, they're the snap to punter Larry Seiple in the other doesn't, Jim and I have stood for banquet em- best," he said of the unde- the early going Sunday. will sit down and talk if he After a victory party,' tht cees to introduce me by feated Miamians. "They ac- "The call I think, should wants it." Dolphins flew back to a thun- saying, 'Here's that .three- complished more than the have been unsportsmanlike If Kiick asks Miami to trade derous welcome in Miami, time loser.'" v Packers. Nobody ever did conduct," Shula said. Getting him, Shula said, "1 would knowing their 125,000 pay- For Shula, the morning af- what they have done, going back to Allen, he. said, "1 start looking for a Kiick-type checks for winning the confer- ter was super. 17-0. The record speaks for it- don't agree with how he'sto replace Jim. If I had only ence title and the Super Bowl His 17-0 Dolphins awoke self." done some things, I don't con- Larry Csonka and Kiick, I and their |3.000 championship with the realization that Sun- The only bitterness in this done them. But, it's his life." would then be searching for a rings wouldn't be far behind. day's 14-7 Super Bowl VII 43-year-old coaching genius Although dodging the ques- Morris-type. It's a perfect It was the Miami defense mastery of Washington.wasn't revolves around his associ- tion all week about last year's combination as it is." that so completely controlled a dream. Miami really was ation with Carroll Rose- Super Bowl disaster being a Shula admitted thinking < the Redskins, bottling up run- the first all-the-way perfect nbloom, former Colts owner special motivation for Miami. nasty things when placekicker ning Demon Larry Brown and team in National Football who now possesses the Los Shula finally said, "After you Garo Yepremaian made an causing Bill Kilmer to throw League history. Angeles Rams. get beat in this thing, you're abortive attempt to pass after three , safety President Nixon, a backer . reduced to almost having not a blocked field goal attempt. Jake Scott, with two inter- "His saying that I freeze up ceptions, was voted the most of the Super-Bowl losers, in the big ones is just another even been here at all. After Redskin safety phoned his accolade. in a three-year series of brut- it's over, there's only one stole the wobbling ball and valuable player by Sport "He just called to con- al attacks on me and my fam- team.the winner. Then, there went 49 yards for Washing- Magazine, but defensive gratulate me," Shula said of ily." Shula said. are the 25 other teams in the ton's only touchdown. tackle Manny Fernandez the Nixon call from the Flor- Shula continued his admira- league." "A lot went through my shared the glory in his team- ida White House. "He said tion for the accomplishments Shula is airfare that running mind, none of it nice. I was mates' eyes. some-personal things to me. No, he didn't Invite me any- place or offer a Cabinet job." Rtgllttr Staff Photo by Sltvt Croft Shula and pen pal Nixon HEADING FOR A REBOUND — Bob Roma (50) of Christian Brothers struck up a relationship after Par dee Plans to Retire Academy grabs one of his many rebounds in last night's game against Don's Baltimore Colts were Mater Dei. Going up with Roma is teammate Leon Simmons (42) and Ma- upset by the New York Jets in WASHINGTON (AP) — Jack Pardee, the Someone suggested that Redskins Coach ter Dei's Chris Ryan. (23). In the background is Mater Dei's Mark Kenney Super Bowl HI. Nixon, then 36-year-old mainstay of the Washington Red- George Allen might try to get Pardee to re- (5). President-elect, said he knew skins defensive unit, indicated he will retire consider when training camp rolls around in how it felt to be a loser. again, the Star-News reported yesterday. July, as he once did when both were with the Both Winers Los Angeles Rams. Pardee, according to the newspaper story Both are winners now—by "He built the club right," Pardee said. landslides—although Nixon from Los Angeles, has immediate plans to talk Colts Cruise to 11thadmittedly pulled for Shula's over his future with his family. "I'm not indispensible. He's got some young guys who'll be back here. losing Dolphins against Dallas "At this point, I doubt that I'll be back," in last January's Super Bowl the paper quoted him as saying. "Physically, 'Skiu No nuke as well as being in the de- I'm okay. I thank the Lord on my knees every "It's no fluke that this Redskins' team got At Seraph Expense feated Redskins' corner Sun- night for that. to the Super Bowl. It's a solid club, no flash in day. Hopes for Job the pan. I'm just glad I had a couple of years to be with a good team." : LINCROFT — Mater Dei The Colts scored their first and Brian Smith followed with "He didn't mention that," ''This isn't the first time I've evaluated the Shula said with a smile. came up against Christian two-pointer with just five sec- 14, while Roma accounted for situation but I doubt that I'll be back," the Pardee played his first 13 years'with the Brothers Academy on the onds gone in the opening peri- 11. Shula refused to talk about linebacker was quoted as saying, adding, "I Rams and came to Washington in one of the wrong day. od. Mater Dei quickly tied the Chris Ryan led the losers a possible "dynasty" with the first trades made by Allen when he became Dolphins. He said "coach- hope to stay with the Redskins in some capaci- The Seraphs, tabbed this score, but were never able to with 14 markers. Bill Devaney ty." head coach of the Redskins in early 1971/. pull to a lead. added 13 and Mark Kenney types don't usually discuss season as one of the Pardee no doubt would work as an assis- scrappiest teams around, Both teams shot well from contributed 11. such things with the com- Pardee, a 15-year veteran of professional were no'match tor the fired- the outside. CBA was 56 per The victory marked the 11th petition as great as it is in the football, commented after the Redskins lost 14- tant coach with the linebackers next season up Colts here last night. CBA cent, while Mater Dei just a straight this year — 19 going NFL." 7 to the Miami Dolphins in Super Bowl VII even if he did not retire. In Allen's scheme, the pounded out a 98-64 verdict, as shade above 50 per cent. back to last year's state Paro- Later, though, in Mon- Jack Pardee Sunday. linebackers are the core of the defense ' - Leon Simmons turned in one The Colts surged to a five- chial "A" championship — for of bis finest schoolboy per- point lead at the Close of the the Colts, who meet St. An- formances. first quarter and then broke thony's of Trenton at home on Pro Bowl Simmons scored 24 points the game wide open in the Friday. North Carolina State and shot for 65 per cent from second period to take a com- The Seraphs' record dipped othe floor. His best period was manding 15-point lead at the to KM. Not Super the third when the Colts half. CBA's junior varsity, led by poured in 30 markers. He But the best was yet to Mark Schroeder with 19 scored 11 in the session. come for the winners when points, handily defeated the Ends UCLA Monopoly To Landry Mater Dei just couldn't they scored 30 points in the Seraphs, 64-45. keep up with the fast-breaking third period to make it a ru- CIA (M> By The Associated Press The Bruins, unbeaten in 12 in the poll — slipped into third DALLAS (AP) — "After G F - games this season and unde- with 571 points. you've been to the Super Bowl Colts, who relied on Bob naway. Devaney Paterno • 4 20 North Carolina State broke Kcrmty Simmons II 2 24 feated in 57 games since an twice, you don't exactly relish Roma and Bill Patemo to pull Mater Dei's demise oc- Ryan 4 1 9 UCLA's monopoly on first- North Carolina, 13-1, BUyutt Holland 4 1 9 89-82 midseason loss to Notre the job," said Coach Tom down most of the squad's 43 curred under the boards. The Hammond Roma 5 I II place votes in the battle for climbed from seventh to Crosby Smith 7 0 14 Dame in 1970-71, remained the Landry of his Pro Bowl rebounds. Simmons was on Seraphs found the going rough Hford Some OOO major college basketball su- fourth. Long Beach State, 12- McCarthy Tollett 3 0 6 No. 1 team in the nation yes- duties. the other end of most of the against the 6-7 Roma and 6-5 Harrington McWeeney 0 3 3 premacy, but the Wolfpack 1, advanced from sixth to Whlpple 0 0 0 terday. But for the first time But Landry, of the deth- fast breaks. His accuracy Paterno. All the Seraphs could McDonald couldn't break the Bruins' fifth. Minnesota, 10-1, vaulted O'Brien 1 0 2 this season they were not a roned Super Bowl champion wasn't limited to the outside. muster in rebounds were 29. Wheatley 0 0 0 stranglehold on first place in from eighth to sixth. Mar- unanimous choice of sports Dallas Cowboys, got to work He scored a number of his Paterno was the second Totals n I 64 Totals ~a~i n this week's Associated Press quette, 11-1, which had its 81- points with baseline drives. Mater Del IS IS II 16—64 writers and broadcasters. with his National Football leading scorer with 20 points, CBA 30 25 30 22—91 poll. game winning streak at the UCLA, national champion Conference All-Stars yes- iiiiiiniiinimniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiir Milwaukee Arena broken by the past six seasons and eight Notre Dame 71-69 Saturday, terday minus a number of starters, including quarter- of the last nine, received 38 tumbled from fourth to sev- Dr. George A. Sheehan first-place votes and one sec- enth. back Bill Kilmer and wide re- ond.for 778 points. ceiver of Missouri, also beaten for the North Carolina State, 11-0 B'nai B'rith Washington's Super Bowl If the Name Fits... first time this season, 70-55 by Runners-up. through games of Saturday, Kansas State Saturday. Will l?(>ntlirf> garnered the other first-place The Pro Bowl players from vote and moved from third to plunged from fifth to eighth, rr III X KUlitlH while Providence, No. 9, and Washington and Super Bowl second place with 674 points. San Francsco, No. 10, each champion Miami were due to Maryland, 10-0 through Sat- Dr. Sheehan Wear It to the Game gained two places. arrive in Dallas late yes- urday but beaten 87-85 by MATAWAN - The annual terday and today to prepare North Carolina State Sunday The Top Twenty, with first-place Bayshore Lodge B'nai B'rith for Sunday's'4 p.m. EST game By CHUCK TRIBLEHORN of any athletic event, but severalschools are well prepared. votes In parentheses, season records — a game that did not count through games of Saturday and total sports breakfast will be held in Texas Stadium, the third Register Sports Editor Harold Frost is the soccer coach at Bergen Teach, and points. Points tabulated on basis of 20- U-16-I4-12-10-9-8-7-O-5-4-3-2I: Sunday, Jan. 28, at 10 a.m. at meeting between the NFC All- By a solid margin, Toms River South High School wins out Dwight Burr fills the bill as Caldwell track mentor. East Side the Srathmore Bowling Alley Stars and the American Con- didn't go quite as far when it selected its cross-country coach, TEAM W-L in my search to find the most appropriate and descriptive Coast Guard 1. UCLA (31 12-0 Restaurant. ference All-Stars. coaching names in the state. TRS gains the verdict on the Len Chill. Anything can happen when Tom Flud's Lower Cape 2. N. Carolina St. (I) H-0 674 Dr. George A. Sheehan, Red 3. Maryland 10-0 571 Landry, who has a 1-1 strength of'athletic director Don Musselman as wrestling May track team dives into the action, and the same for Norm 4. Nortorth CarolinCarolina 13131 Bank cardiologist, will be the Breaks Ice, S5. LonL g BeacBhh SStt 12-1 415 record in Pro Bowl games, coach and Steve Putts as the Indians' golf tutor. Winter's Piscataway wrestling team. Overbrook's Vic Falls, 6. Minnesota 10-1 376 principal speaker. Dr. Shee- already mentioned, also fits into the seasonal pattern. 7. Marquette 11-1 340 han's avocation is long dis- says "you don't coach too Several coaching "names" challenged Musselman and «. Missouri in 262 much in these kind of games. Putts for honors. Anthony Forty is the golf coach at Paramus On the brighter side, Art Meryweather is Boonton's soccer Races Called 9. providence 10-1 340 tance running. In addition, to 10. San Francisco 12-t 183 The main thing is to get the High, while Keith Post directs the basketball fortunes at Man- coach, while all's well at Glassboro High with Bob Cleary at LONG BRANCH - A re- 11. Alabama »l 177 His yearly participation in the the track helm. And Judy Sunski is the girls' basketball coach gatta for some 21)0 ice boats 12. Houston ,..:;>. 11-2 145 Boston Marathon and other terminology down. chester Regional. Bob Gut, ironically, is the tennis coach at 13. Southwestern Uo 10-1 121 John F. Kennedy or Paterson, and Kevih Hurt is the football at Sayreville. which the Long- Branch Ice 14. Kansas St 11-2 101 running events, Dr. Sheehan "You eliminate numbers Boat and Yacht Club had 15. Jacksonville 11-2 15 mentor at West Milford Township. Wrestling, naturally, is the Back on appropriate names, basketball coaches obviously 14. Indiana 10-2 »l writes a weekly sports column when you're calling a play. suited to their jobs are Richard Huff at Gloucester City, Lou planned to host this past 17. St. John's, N.Y 9-2 54 for The Daily Register. name of the game for Nutley's John Suffren. II Vanderbllt 11-3 40 The quarterback is descrip- Chasse at Hanover Park, Joe Walker at Higlitstown, Ed Block- weekend had to be moved to 19. Florida St '.....9-3 34 A short film, "A Season of tive in the huddle . . . like IIIBIIIIIIIINMIIIIIinilllllH Greenwod. N.J, after a Coast JO. Louisville 11-2 32 man at Morristown, and Bill Crane at Kingsway Regional. Others receiving votes, listed alpha- Pain," will precede Dr. Shee- sweep right. There's no hole Consider cross-country mentors Fred Mountjoy at Hill- Guard cutter broke up the ice betically: Brlgham Young; Manhattan; han's medical-sports talk. Memphis St; Michigan; Murray St.; numbering. You stay away The Chuck Wagon sborough, Jesse Bale at John F. Kennedy of Paterson and Ber- in the Shrewsbury River's New Mexico; Notre Dame; Oral Rob- Members are encouraged to from that.. I imagine they Pleasure Hay. erts; Penn; Purdue; St. Joseph's, Pa.; nie Bender at Passaic Valley. Bob Bender teaches his baseball Santa Clara; South Carolina; Ten- bring their sports age chil- •have their timing down pretty My survey also reveals that any number of coaches may pitchers how to throw the curve at Pennsvillc, while trimming James E. Harvey Jr., com- nessee; Virginia Tech. dren. well. be missing their vocations. For example, James Fife is the the roster down to size should be an easy chore for Harrison modore of the Long Branch Harrison High swimming coach when he would be perfect as baseball coach Phil Kutt. Ice Boat and Yacht Club, band director. Also appropriately enough, Jerry Lash and Fred Large which is located on Patten Wrong Sport coach golf and basketball, respectively, at Wayne Valley, Mit- Point said the cutter broke Camping Show Best Ever And would you believe that Rutherford's Rich Hitt doesn't zi Choppy is the girls tennis coach at Manalapan, and Charles the ice in the channel of Plea- coach baseball or football? He's responsible for the school's in- Lerch the football mentor at Kingsway. sure Kay on Thursday, leav- ASBURY PARK - The Jer- number of a year ago, and 120 "The enthusiasm the public door and outdoor track and cross-country teams. Rich Pool However, Sam Lobb directs the baseball team, rather than ing the club with no access to sey Coast Trailer and Camp- new vehicles were on exhibit, itself and dealers exhibited coaches basketball, not swimming at Hackettstown. tennis, at Kinnelon, and teachingmate Ado Bolles coaches the river for boats. .. ing Show last night completed topping last year's figure by proved one thing to me: ev- Keamy basketball coach Paul Furlong and Watchung Hills track rather than bowling. There's no hockey team at Midland He said the regatta had the best season in its five-year 32. erybody who is familiar with wrestling mentor Andy Furlong might do well to consider Park, so Frank Rinks settles on coaching tennis, and rowing been scheduled by the East- history by drawing more the camping scene will be ex- switching over to track or cross-country. And wouldn't Lake- people, more exhibitors and a McLaughlin said that sales has yet to come to Keyport High, so John Crews is content as ern Ice Yachting Association also were higher than a year pecting to see a lot more land's cross-county and baseball coach Diek Shutte be more Red Raider basketball coach. / for Saturday and that more greater number of recreation- people in motor homes, travel suited to basketball? al vehicles during the five-day ago, indicating the recreation- There's no love lost when Rudy Valentine puts his Liv- than 20U boats were expected al vehicle industry is expected trailers, tent trailers and oth- Attitudes have a lot to do with success in any sport, but ingston wrestling team into the mat wars, and Bill Savage lo participate. It WHS held, in- exhibition in Convention Hall. er types of campers this James J. McLaughlin, show to enjoy its biggest year in how do the cross-country performers at Ovcrbrook Regional works to keep his Rumson-Fair Haven Regional football squad stead, at Greenwood Lakiv history. year," McLaughlin said. and Nutley feel about having Vic Falls and Larry Jinks as aggressive. A spokesman for the Coast producer and director, esti- their tutors, or the Monmouth Regional wrestling forces about Rule Sticklers Guard at Sandy Hook said the mated the crowds for the five "Another thing I noticed in coach Dave Glum. Golf coaches Bill Law., Atlantic City, and John Law, cutter had gone up the days at 36,500 persons, easily Admiral Lasses the show this year was that On the other hand, Lower Cape May Regional's football 'Northern Valley Regional, are bound to be sticklers for the Shrewsbury River in response topping last year's previous people were buying the more team derives inspiration from Bob, Wunder, and Kearny's rules of the game, but North Hunterdon's fencing squad may to a request from the sewer record of about 30,000. Defeat Hornets expensive ~motor homes and baseball team is on the right track with Rob Wynne. Look for get off a bit easier with Jim Lawless in control. Speaking of plant which had asked lhat "We had a real good turnout HOLMDEL - Henry Hud- travel trailers, rather than the consistent improvement at Maple Shade with John Betterly as fencing, Fred Hackett is perfect for that sport at Morris ice in the channel to the plant Sunday, even though we hadson Regional's girls' basket- tent trailers," he said. wrestling coach. Knolls, and Harry Haak is suitable for tennis at Millville. be broken so that a barge to compete with the Super ball team handed Holmdel a McLaughlin also noted that Remember the "hair controversy" of a year or two ago? Ocean! Township's girls' golf team is in the swing, but could reach it. Bowl telecast in the after- 49-15 setback here last night a large number of exhibitors Hanover Park has the answer with soccer coach Al Hair, and safety precautions may be necessary with Carol Rippetoe The spokesman said the noon," McLaughlin said. He 'for its second win in five out- already have made plans to Audubon is right there in football with Bob Curley. Sterling coaching. personnel on the cutter, which estimated the show attracted ings. participate in the show in High's football team isn't far behind"with Jim Combs, but So it goes with the name game; some make it some don't. came from Governor's Island. about 22,000 on Saturday and The loss dropped the Hor- Convention Hall next Ja- Hanover Park may be concerned with the entire appearance Take Mr. Greenberg, the baseball coach at Audubon. His N.Y., probably had gone fur- Sunday combined. nets to 0-8. nuary. of its squad when it named Wendall Wear as its baseball first name's Herman, not Hank. ther up the channel than the Thirty-one dealers of recre- Jane Mullen led the Admi- coach. For the first time this year, But Cinnaminson is fortunate to have Tom Scave&on its sewer plant in an effort to do ational vehicles and 26 other rals with 10 points, while the show rented the arcade of The name game can take on a number of unique angles. coaching staff. a more thorough job and exhibitors of outdoor equip- Laura Decker and Nancy the beachfront auditorium to Weather, of course, can play a significant role in the outcome He coaches tennis! eliminate the likelihood of ment and activities partici- Dyer each canned four for the exhibit the additional ve- losers. nilllHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll being called back. pated in the show, double the hicles. The DtUy Register, Red Bank-Mkldletown, N.J. Tuesday, JanMary 1«, 1»73 If s Boynton BattlesWay Into Ring Career? Out of Trouble ByJONNIFALK track practice and patiently waited for him to Fred, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ably fight in the next two weeks. How he fares work out; He then drove him home again. Lucius Boynton, 128 West Side Ave., also sees in the tournament could have a lot to say about RED BANK - When most high school stu- Boynton tells the story pretty much the a need for more experience. He is currently his future. dents get into a fight, they get kicked out of same way. working on his footwork to improve it. "It's "If I win the state title, I.want to go to the school. When Freddie Boynton is involved in "I've been fighting ever since I came up better than last year," he noted. And hu is still Nationals in Boston," he said. And if he wins one, he gets cheers on his return to class. here in 1967," he said. "Up here, guys like to , learning ring strategy. the nationals, then he feels he might turn pro. Boynton, of course, is the schoolboy battler pick fights with you. I used to get in fights at "My right cross is my best punch," he "If 1 don't win, then 1 want to try again who won a Novice Class Golden Gloves cham- River Street School almost every other day. I said. "I use the jab a lot. If I see 1 can't get next year," he commented. "But I've also pionship as a lightweight last year, and this didn't like to be teased, and I had to prove my- the best of the guy in the first round, I use the been thinking of the 1976 Olympics." year he will be going for a title as a wel- self In the neighborhood." jab in the second to keep him backing up and Those Olympics appear to be out of reach terweight in the Open Class. He quickly adds that it was tougher in Kt. off balance. If I wen\ for KO's, I'd get over- for Boynton if he wants a pro career. Accord- The 17-year-old representative of tfie Mid- Lauderdale, where he was born, however. confident and throw wild punches. I'm bettor ing to Balbaeh, "He could wear himself out dletown PBA says he has been fighting for "The kids are meaner there," he smiles. off taking my time and beating him to the waiting for the Olympics. He would leave his most of his life — here or in Ft. Lauderdale, "1 never got whipped in street fighting," he punch." best fights behind him. That's happened to too Fla., — and that fighting could have led to continued, "so I thought I was good enough to Balbach and Boynton also agree on the many fighters. You only have so long." trouble for him if a teacher hadn't taken him be a boxer when Mr. Reed suggested it. I just value of conditioning. Balbach says that condi- ' Lmg Road Ahead in hand. love it. It's not hitting people though. It gives tioning is 90 per cent of boxing, and Boynton If he turns pro, the road is also a hard, Teacher Reed's Discovery me a career to look forward to. 1 want to turn calls it "the most important thing in boxing." long one. He would start out in small clubs — a It was Herb Reed, veteran track and assis- pro." In order to keep in condition, Boynton runs dying breed of which there are still a few — tant football coach at Red Bank Regional, who Reed and Balbach both agree that Boynton to his house and to his \4prkouts in Middle- and have to do considerable traveling. first brought him to the attention of Bill Bal- can make it as a pro. Both like his physical town. He has also run track in school and re- He wants Balbach and Sullivan to handle bach at the Middle town PBA. makeup. He is tall for his weight class, strong cently even took a fling at wrestling, sonie- him professionally, and Balbach is agreeable. "It started with Fred tussling in the class- and has good reflexes. thing that did not please Balbach. Whether it's the professional ring or the room," Reed said. "He was always arm wres- Balbach added, "He listens to coaching — "You use different muscles in wrestling. Olympics, it will be another turnping point in tling, and I could see that he was very aggres- at least he has until now. Any fighter who tries It's one of the worst things a boxer can do," the life of Fred Boynlon — a kid who could sive." to use his own head instead of coaching is go- Balbach snorted. have fought himself into a lot of trouble. • Reed, who did some boxing himself at Win- ing'to run into trouble. But this is only his sec- But Boynton doesn't let much interfere Reed says, "Boxing has quieted Fred ston-Salem College, noticed that Boynton han- ond year." he said, "and he has a long way to with his boxing schedule. He works out with down. He's no trouble now." dled himself well, so he asked him if he wanted go. He has to keep his nose to the grindstone." Balbach and Lou Sullivan at the PBA every Balbach also said that he has never had to box. Boynton has won 11 fights since Reed first night, Monday through Friday, and sometimes any trouble with the youngster. "Sure," Boynton answered anxiously. took him to Middletown. The first three of on Saturdays. But Boynton himself put it best. "Boxing So, for practically a whole month, Reed those were by knockouts; he has not scored a Boynton has not yet been scheduled in this has kept me out of trouble. That's why I'm Fred Boynton took Boynton to Middletown every day after KO since. year's Gloves competition, but he will prob- sucking with it." • *Two-Ton' Sports New Look By CARMINE BILOTTI ringsider when Chuck Wep- weight I decided to get me a first," replied Galento. Galento. "1 bet for the same ner. New Jersey's heavy- rug," he chuckled, "and it's When Certo said that Wep- assignment today I'd get Two-Ton-Now-Ono-Ton- weight champion from made me much prettier." jier received a purse of $5,000 $50,000." Galento kayoed Minus-One-Toe. Would you Bayonne, outpointed Johnny A crowd was gathering for the Closhessy fight, it Frankie Kitt and Joe Brown say it's an entry on a Chinese Clohessy of New York last around him and Tony has nearly sent the wig flying off each in a round and Paul menu? month. never been at a loss for Galento's pate. . Thierman in the third of that Definitely not. He was trim and wearing a words. "I could still knock out "I knocked out three fight- multiple-man battle in 1931. It's the new status of Tony toupee. "When I looked into' most of these young heavies ers in one night in Detroit and got a big |250 for all," said New Look 'Attractive' Galento, who brought fame to the mirror after losing all the around," he roared. "It would He kept referring to his new his native city of Orange be simple. I'd just take a little look. " Ain't I attractive?" he when he was left-hooking back step, feint and pow the asked, looking for affirmative heavyweights into oblivion in fight would be over in no time answers from the listeners. pre-World War 11 days. with this baby." He was point- "I'm going out to look for In a display of courage ing to his clenched left hand some acting work and for reminiscent of the days when that earned him 5U kayos en- some television commericials. he was the scourge of heavy- route to 90 victories in a 114- "I can speak as good and weights, (Jalento says, "I lost bout career that spanned better than some of those fel- a toe but won the battle." from 1929 to 1943. lows doing TV commercials "But at my age (Tony will now," he said. tialento, who came within be 63 in March) what commis- seconds of winning the world Galento will have to main- sion would give me a li- tain his present weight if he heavyweight boxing title cense?" when his thunderous left hook wants to stay healthy. "The He would even fight Mu- doc told me that 1 have to dropped Joe Louis in the sec- hammad Ali. "I could beat ond round of their Yankee watch my eating habits or the him in a four-rounder," he diabetes will knock me out Stadium battle in 1939, is said. home now and feeling chipper again. after a 25-day hospital siege. "You're not serious," inter- "No more lasagna, spaghet- jected Al Certo, a one-time ti and all those spicy meat- Sveltatm welterweight from . Se- balls. I'll have to cat plain No longer the roly-poly 255- caucus. "Well, let's put it this chicken or turkey when I go pounder of his fighting days way. Put Clay and me in a to Don's 21 (an Italian-Ameri- but a svett 193, Galento was a BEFORE room and see who comes out AFTER can restaurant in Newark) ONE MORE CONQUEST — Red Bank welterweight Fred Boynton stays that features Calabrian food on top of the action In his most recent bout last month in Hlghtstown. and drink only water." Boynton remained unbeaten by scoring a decision over Jim Richardson of Food's His Enemy Yardville. When Galento was in his IOC Has Four-City Choice hey-day, he was noted for his LAUSANNE, Switzerland emerging opposition in Salt The application of Tampere told Chamonix only a few consumption of spaghetti by (AP) — Salt Lake City; In- Lake City against being host arrived only Monday and may days ago it would back the ap- the pound at one sitting and ABA Calls Collegiates nsbruck; Chamonix, France, for the Games. raise some technical prob- plication only if the games guzzling dozens of bottles or and Tampere, Finland, for- Utah state groups have ob- lems. Finland has few high were reduced to "original beer. He recalled once eating mally have offered to stage jected on the grounds the mountain slopes and while Olympic simplicity." 52 hot dogs and drinking 2(( the 1976 Winter Games follow- Games could upset the re- Nordic skiing and skating The ever-growing Games glasses of sodas. "That was ing the withdrawal of Denver, gion's ecology and cabled the could easily be organized near have often been denounced in around 1930," he said, "and For Draft by Phone the International Olympic committee they would not be the town, Alpine ski races recent years for exaggerated the same night I knocked out welcome. might have to be staged as far pomp and lavishness requir- Ted Sandwina in two rounds." NEW YORK (AP) - The Among them were UCLA's year. If they are not signed by Committee announced yes- American Basketball Associ- Bill Walton, chosen by Dallas then, they would be eligible terday. Statements attributed to away as Sweden. ing immense funds not consid- "Food is my enemy now, Salt Lake City Mayor Jake The application of Chamo- ered in proportion with the not fighters, and 1 still say 1 ation held a secret draft by last year; Ed Katlcff of Long for the next regular ABA- The committee's nine-mem- Garn indicate there may be fi- nix replaces that of Grenoble, Olympic spirit. can lick all of today's young telephone yesterday of colle- Beach State, selected by In- draft, scheduled for April. giate basketball players. The Virginia Squires, ber executive board, headed nancial problems similar to site of the 1968 Games. It in- Innsbruck staged the 1964 boxers." diana last year; Dwight Jones of Houston whose rights are meanwhile, disclosed they by IOC President Lord Kill- those that led to Denver's cludes several other resorts of Winter Games and re-use of It may not be an idle boast. Two draft rounds were held, aniri of Ireland, will meet withdrawal last November. the Mont Blanc area south of with both seniors and under- owned by San Diego; Illinois had made George Geryin, for- the installations built then The quality and quantity of merly of Eastern Michigan, Feb. 4 and make the final Geneva. could help lower costs signifi- classmen selected, The Asso- State's Doug Collins, chosen Because of the high costs of today's heavyweights doesn't ciated Press learned, by Denver last year, and Da- their No. I pick in the secret choice. the Games, the Swedish Min- The offer is largely due to cantly. The Austrian govern- compare with the days when The terse announcement, as The names of only two play- vid Thompson of North Caro- draft and there was a report istry of Sports and the Swiss the initiative of the president ment apparently has not ex- Galento was boxing. Then the that the K-fnot-7 forward had the deadline for bidders repl- pressed the same doubts and ers picked in the draft were lina State, drafted by Ken- Olympic Committee already of the French Ski Federation, number of heavyweights were tucky a year ago. already signed. acing- Denver expired, merely have renounced. The Swiss Maurice Martel, who is also restrictions as the French, but in the hundreds and Galento immediately learned. named the four candidates city of Sion was in the running there has been little apparent The San Diego Con- mayor of St. Gervais, one of fought all the heavyweights Certain underclassmen The rights to those players quistadors, it was learned, and added: when Denver was chosen for the resorts. enthusiasm for getting the that other good heavyweights drafted last year were not in- remain with the clubs that the 1976 Winter event. games in Austria so far. drafted Marquette University "It should be noted that Salt But the French government feared to face. cluded in yesterday's draft. drafted them for one full junior Larr McNeill. Lake City's file is in- complete." San Diego, the ABA's new- It was not known whether est team, is supposed to get the phrase was a reference to two first-round picks in any Van Breda Kolff Returns to Princeton draft by the league. Gervin, who dropped out of Falcon First: PRINCETON (AP) - For- "Last year he was less cer- Currently a part-time com- while coaching at Princeton, States Basketball Writers As- school after his sophomore mer Los Angeles Lakers tain that he didn't want to go mentator for TVS basketball Lafayette and Hofstra. sociation in 1965 after guiding season last year, has been Coach Bill "Butch" Van back to the pros," Carrill ex- broadcasts, Van Breda Kolff He was named "Coach of the Tigers to a third place fin- playing for the Pontiac team FlipFreehold Breda Kolff, head coach of plained. accumulated a 307-111 record the Year" by the United ish in the NCAA tournament. in the Continental League in FREEHOLD — Monmoulh Princeton University's basket- Detroit, and was reported en Regional's wrestling team ball team from 19621967, has route to Virginia for a meet- won its first match in four rejoined the Tigers as a spe- Bruins' Esposito Ups Scoring Gap to Six ing today with Squires' owner outings here yesterday by de- cial assistant to Coach Pete Earl Foreman Carrill. feating winless Freehold fly The Associated Press gave him ;i .seven-point lead over Andre Lacj'uix of Phila- The Norfolk Virginian-Pilot Township, 33-18. Van Breda Kolff, who began delphia in WHA statistics released Monday. Lacroix has 27 reported it is believed Gervin the part-time job Jan. 1, re- The losers opened by win- Boston's Phil Esposito, winner of the National Hockey goals and 38 assists-for 05 points. already has signed with the ning three of the firs! four signed as coach of the Phoe- Ward's '!fi goals are tops in the league] while Quebec's .!.(,'. Squires. nix Suns early this season. League scoring title the past two seasons and three of the last matches, but the Falcons won four, has increased his lead to six points in this season's scor- Treinblay remains the leading pliiymukcr wilh 1X assists. Foreman made (he an- six of the final eight to clinch He coached the Lakers from ing race. nouncement following a meet- 1967 to 1971 and spent one the event. League statistics released yesterday showed that Kspci- Majestic Ties Crat<\s Bowlers ing of the Norfolk Sports Club Pin victories were regis- month as coach of the Detroit at which ABA Commissioner Pistons last year. sito, who had four goals and one assists in a 6-0 victory over tered by Falcons' Bob Cladd- Buffalo Sunday, had a total of 29 goals and 37 assists for lili Majestic Amusement has rolled the high average of.543, Bob Carlson was the featured ing (106), Mark Menzel (130), Bill Van Breda Koltf Back With Crony points. tied Crates Beverages for the and Maureen Dwyer of liayn- speaker. Carlson stood in a Mike Turndin (168) and Craig "Bill will help with recruit- Jacques Lcmaire of Montreal, the goal leader witli 32, and lead in the Friday Night tons Linoleum fired a 2()li for hallway while Foreman held Cornelius (178). Midcllolown Ix'aguo ing and scouting and coach Slan Mikita of Chicago, the assist leader with 40, wure tied for Ladies Scratch League lead the best game. an impromptu news confer- The Patriots' sole pin was the second team in practice," second in scoring with CO points apiece. at Sycamore Lanes. Both Montone's Sanitary Service ence. recorded by 141-pounder Mark To Hold Mooting Carrill, a longtime associate teams are 3414. added a little more daylight MIDDLETOWN TOWN- of Van Breda Kolff, said. "Its Next with 57 points each were Rene Robert of Buffalo and Mary Bailey of Majestic between itself and the rest of OPENS NEXT SATURDAY M—ffri»mnip mi FmtMMT«P. nil SHIP - The Middletown Soft- awfully tough to handle a full Bobby Clarke of Philadelphia. the league in the Airport M — Sttve Skrlpak IF) d. Leroy Wall- ball League will hold its first squad in view of the accelera- Montreal's goaltending trio of Ken Dryden, Michel Plasse Mercante Draws • Plaza Commercial League. 106'— Bob Gladding (Ml p. Ted Barry, meeting of the year, Wednes- ted pace of the game and all and Wayne Thomas continued to lead in the race for the Ve- The leaders have a li'/^game day, Feb. 7, at 8 p.m. at the the outside activities and it is zina Trophy, awarded to the team whose goalies produce the Frazier-Forcman margin over Colony Inn ll5 — Vlnct Downing (Fl d. Garner lowest goals against average. The Canaciiens' goalies have Votn. 7-4 Elks Lodge, here. my fervent hope that this gets KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP) Joe McLaughlin of Crosbics Sr Trailer Shot* 123 — John Wright IF) d. Gary Edgar, Any new team or player in- to be a permanent thing." allowed 2.21 goals per game. — Veteran Arthur Mercante, Marina had the best set of 6fi2 130 — Mark Memtl (Ml p. Ed Ford, terested in joining the league Van Breda Kolff was origi- Bryan Watson of Pittsburgh was the leader in penalty min- who refereed the 1971 heavy- with games of 246 and 236, and utes with 125. Jan. 20 thru Jan. 28 136 — Art Flecker (M) d. Rich Roopo, contact R. Arthur Corrigan, nally approached about re- weight title fight between Jack Defence of Colts Neck Ward Clings In WHA champion Joe Frazier and uir 12 noon 11 MI. . suwir 1 r.».-i r u 141 — Mark Long (Fl p. Mark Com- 36 High View Circle, here, or turning to Princeton last Inn rolled a 624 series and a , tewis im - CHIIMM inou I! f|tt efoto, 1:40 Raymond Brady, 209-B. Stony spring when the Tigers were There's always someone chasing Ron Ward's World Hock- Muhammad Ali, was named 141 — Don Klnney (F) d. Jon MocCol- 233 game. lum,6-0 Hill Road, Eatontown. searching for a new freshman ey Association individual .scoring mark, but the New York Rai- Monday to referee the Jan. 22 Herb Ringel of Flectwood 157 — Ashley Anthony (Ml d. Doug Wlttntandlty, 1M1 The league is expanding coach. At that time he said he der manages to hold 0/1 to first place. championship bout between Carpet scored a 237 game and 161 — Mike Turndin (Ml p. BOD Grot- would come back only if of- Ward scored three goals last week, lifting his total to 36 Frazier and unbeaten challe- |7t'— Craig Cornelius (M) p. John Bir- from its two division, 16-team Bill Bintliff of Montone's had madison square garden center pMv'ywtlahl — BUI Clorker IM1 d. Sob format. fered a full-time post. goals, 36 assists and 72 points through Sunday's games. That nger George Foreman. exposition rolunda" •.:'":'... Wllklni, to 234 and 235. 2ft The Daily rfgtster, Eed Banfc-flUddtetown, N.J. Tuesday, January if, Need a new... or not so new car? Check the buys in

ANNOUNCEMENTS Autos For Sale Autos for Sale Autos for Sale Wanted—Automotive Help Wanted Help Wanted Help. Wanted Male and Female Male or Female Male or Female Lost and Found 1964 FORD WAGON — Country Soulr 1944 CHEVROLET BEL AIR — Automol Full power, olr. Good condition. JUNK CARS UNDER $500 transportation. 1250. Coll 741-9442 otler ft£WA~ftO — CosfSlock mini poodle, oi Call ©71-SHO after i p.m. PICKED UP *wers to "P.J." Lost seen Cherry Tree See our back row for Trans p.m. STENOGRAPHERS -Form Rd. Suffers from epileptic seliurei, 1949 VOLKSWAGEN — Good condttlo portotlon Specials and save1 1967 VOLVO 1HS — Black. Rodla. E Twinbrook Auto Wrecking DICTAPHONE NOTICE requires, medication. Two-year-old boy Automatic stick with radio, new tire cellent running condition. Good shapi Eatontown 542-223: 11000 llrm. Coll 7I743SI. now! throughout. U7S. Coll 741-9524. GET CASH FOR YOUR FOREIGN BOOKKEEPERS LOST — Vicinity Middle town. Fern aft AND SPORTS CARS AT MONMOUTI HELP WANTED READERS German Shepherd, seven months old- Al- WANTED 1964 VOLKSWAGEN BUG— NE MOTORS, INC., Hwy 35, Eotontown. 54: COMPTOMETER most alt block. Collar. REWARD! An- RASSAS TIRES, MUFFLER, BRAKES, FROM 2414. AND ADVERTISERS 1 Party who needs 100% financing, with ENO. REBUILT ENGINE. 1400. 741-4243. tweri to "Duchess.- 671-0274. PONTIAC TYPISTS money down, on o 1967 MUSTANG I IK Brood St. 741-5110 Red B 1945 RAMBLER — New brakes, clutc LOST — Male German Shepherd, beige 1795. For quick credit "O.K." coll OA! Eves, until 9 Auto Rentals CLERKS In compliance with 1h« New Jersey Law Against Dis- with block (oce. Mlllbrook Drive. Reward. MOTORS ot (201) 721-7100. transmission, tires and point. Excellent '4/1-5513. condition. AsklngUOO. Coll 542-4042. ALL OFFICE SKILLS URG6NTL crimination, all Help Wanted Advertising now appears un- AUTO CREDIT PROBLEMS TOAA'S FORD NEEDED NOW. IMMEDIATE OPEN der the combined "Help Wqnted Male or Female" column. LOST — Calico kitten, four months, an- OR NO CREDIT AT ALL? WANTED 1961 VOLKSWAGEN — Radio. Upho RENT A CAR INGS FOR TEMPORARY «W> PER SWtri to "Bingo" — East Keamburg Call 2«-47«> Party who need* 100% financing, with no stery, body, motor and tires like new con DAILY RENTALS ANDIEASING MANENT POSITIONS. REGISTER MON Reference to age, sex or marital status may not be ex- Oreo. 7*7-351». money down, on o 1941 MALIBU. auto dltlon. Shiny new point. Low mlleog TClHLER & BITTER UK. Coll 741-2322. 200 HWY 35 264.1600 KEYPOR THROUGH FRI. »-S. pressed, unless a bona fide occupation requirement exists. PLYMOUTH-CHRYSLER malic V~$ with power steering, for *995 ,3290 Hwy 35, Hoilet. JM-0198 "" quick crwM 'UK." coll O> IMJ GRAND PRIX Public Notices IS ot (301* Excellent transportation. *25O. BOATS AND Information regarding positions with possible bona fide oc- liii VOLKSWAGEN — Rebuilt engine. l«63 RAMBLER - Good condition S25O. Coll 173-1904 after A p.m. MANPOWER, Inc. PREGNANT? — Need Help? Adoption 1964 FORD Country Sedan, good condl. ACCESSORIES 4 w. Front Red sank 842-*M cupational requirements or clarification of the New Jersey Services. Pregnancy Testing, etc. Coll 1970 JAGUAR XKE COUPE — All options 312 Main Asbury Pork 776-557; Toll Free IOO-5J3-3430. Notional Fomlly Call 1724123 lion, t42S. 1961 FORD stotlon wagon. SI25. SPORTCRAFT-BOSTON WHALER Law Against Discrimination may be obtained by calling the 1 741-1391, 7 a.m. lo 10 p.m. Including air. Good condition. 13000. Coll GLASTRON-OMC-JOHNSON MERC Planning Council Ltd. 1946 PLYMOUTH — Fury III two-dODI 291-2163. New Jersey Division on Civil Rights, (201) 648-2700, or by hardtOD. Automatic. Verv reliable trans CRUS1ER-BOAT TRAILERS MAINTENANCE nrtotlon. Just tin. Coll 222-3106 onytlmi 1W9 CHEVROLET CAMARO — 350 cu. In 1963 BUICK LE SABRE —All power. FLAGSHIP MARINE writing to 1100 Raymond Blvd., Newark, NJ. 07102. after 5 p.m. motor, four barrel carburetor, three SI SO Municipal Marine Basin Travel—Transportation speed automatic transmission. Convert Atlantic Highlands 791-243* WAXERS-PORTERS 1969 CAMARO — Z2I. New tires, carbure- lole. Air conditioning, power steering, Can m-tas Help Wanted Help Wanted FLORIDA BOUND tor, rings ond valves. Low mileage. 47 disc brakes. Crogar wheels. Excellent 1949 VOLKSWAGEN — Sun root. Rod I PLYWOOD PRAM ROWBOAT — 125. FULL-TIME LARGE TRUCK GOING EMPTY. 1571. and radial snow tires. Excellent runnln 14' rowboat, $35. Male ond Female Male and Female INSURED! CALL7IMO9J. condition. Best offer. 516-5315 1701259 WANTED - Transportation to New Or. 964 CHRYSLER NEWPORT - Tur quolse, olr conditioned, power broki VOLVO 1963 — Good running condition. 1970 DELTA '»' — Good condition. Fu! 12' ALUMINUM BOAT — With five tip SALESWOMEN M/W teont for Moral Gros ond bock* snore oas Dependoble. S475. have experience In-store molntcnonce LABORATORY steering, all new fires. JSW. 172-1979. power. Air conditioned. Best otter. 74 motor. 1125. Good ttartlnq solory, plus many other and toll Mpenitl. 717-1063, II am-1 cm. Call 142-4159 between 5-1 p.m. 4064. , 560-1146. osk for Bill. TECHNICIAN ADVERTISING 1944 VOLKSWAGEN BUG — Clean, origi- compony paid benefits. Apply to Store 1944 OPEL KAOETT — In good condition Manager. ASCP. REGISTERED MONMOUTH RESIDENTS nal condition. 38,000 miles. Must sell Inv 1970 CUDA 340 — Headers, mogs. extn IING ICEBOAT - Gloss two-state AM/FM rodlo. Must sell. S225. Coll 911 tires and VO-10 front shocks. Call otter PREFERRED AUTOMOTIVE mediately. S70O or belt offer. Days. 54 3239. --kplt cover, cushion, boom cover. Sofa Excellent opportunity (or ASCP-reolsterec "1. Nights, 542-23S9. p.m. 7I7-345V - stad soil, oil Harklns blocks, wheel am technlclon with hematology txperlenc Become port of the exciting advertising Autos For Sale loot steering. Ice brake, trailer with pad TWO GUYS Excellent salary, comprenenslve benetl world. Permanent positions assisting MGB — 197). Two fops. Tonneou cove CADILLAC 1971 — Eldorado, mohogony 1971 SUPER BEETLE VOLKSWAGEN - Rt. 35 4 Twinbrook Rd. Mlddlelown, N J 1H3 MERCURY - Four-door sedan, pa Ansen sprint wheels. Many more extras 14,000 miles. Yellow. Radio, heater. Like ' bunks. All new. Must sell. 747-50317. including Blue Cross/Blue Shield. ma|oi tales manager of notional firm with tre- llh matching top ond leather, 1,311 An equol opportunity employer medical ond lite Insurance. mendous public relations compolgn, WV w steering, radio, heater. Good condition Call 229-3IM days ond 5423991 eves. Illei. MAC CADIOLOS 222-1234. . S16QG.t?9l-14tl otter 4:30 p.m. 'inow-free automatic rear window. S25r DN ICE BOAT — Two planks, trfo h< PORTER — CLEANING In your 1local area Interviewing merchants »I200». 1964 TRIUMPH TR-4 - S300 THE FINEST SELECTION — Ol new ond I960 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE — Excellent mets. New sail. All accessories. Read/ CONTACT PERSONNEL OEPT. and busJnessmenl . Doys only. Earning po- 1966 SIMCA - 1300 used cars In Monmouth County. Over 100 condition. 1965 Spitfire lor ports cor. Bolt go 462-5103 Or 547-D23B. Full time position for responsible perse tential from $700 to $1100 in six weeks pe- 1WJ CHEVROLET CAPRICE — Sedol Both In excellent running condition. olr-condltlonednewcors In stock. for 147J. Coll 541-3541. rlod. Paid training. In person interviews •724333 VcGLOIN BUICK-OPEL INC.. Shrews- ICE BOAT CABLE RIGGING who en|oys cleaning. Steady |ob with good 892-1100 four-4Joor. Full power plus air. Musi sell CADILLAC 1970 — New car due ne«l hours, oood salary ond many benefits. will be held locally. For appointment call Mokt offer. 717-6154. bury Ave., New Shrewsbury. 741-6200. Must be experienced and have N.J. driv- mairinn office coffee/: <20tl 489-0600 — Mr, 1947 WHITE MUSTANG 219 - Automatic wetk, must sell this week. Four-door BOATMAN'S SHOP POINT PLEASANT Man. olr conditioned, sports console, steel rodl- MONMOUTH AM/FM itereo, slx-woy seot, etc., etc New Jersey's Largest er's license. References required. Col ICUSQ. •. .. 1947 THUNOERBIRD — Red. Loaded Mr. Huber, 747 1800. M95. 1943 Fleetwood brougham, yellow, ols. Coll after 6 p.m. 142-1125. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH O19S. 5420033. Marine Supply House HOSPITAL Hwy 34 Eotontown 542-5500 24 Wharf Ave. 741-5760 Red Bon! loaded. M93. Good condition, will tlnonce. IMTbOOGE STATION WAGON - 1961 CHEVROLET VAN — Six months old, ROOTS- RED BANK Riverfront & Osborn Ave. Insurbncelnspectors 741-1124 days. Dodge Dort. In good condition. Call 495. RED BANK VOLVO I3.U0O miles. Excellent condition. VI 30- 1963 OWEN'S EXPRESS — Twin 185 Point Pleasont, N.J. Lorpe nation-wide compony hos full end 2191 orter 6 p.m. wman Springs Rd. Red Bonk automatic transmission. 12700. Must sef h.p. Fvliy •qufpped. S5SOQ ttrm. Coll $4. part-time openings In Monmouth County 1964 VOLVO P1M0 — Neeos work. Firs Call 9M-3239 or 542-2131. 77M otler 5 p.m. LIQUOR CLERK and In many other northern N.J. oreos. 1500 takes II "oi li." 1963 VOLKSWAGEN — Good condition. 741-5116 GUYS/VETS/GALS Must be experienced In all lines and able Call K2-5430. New seats, extra battery, snows, regular SEE A "RUSSELL MAN" — For the belt 1914 VOLKSWAGEN — Needs little work. 'ui your knowledge of wines and liquors to type own reports. Liberal fee basis or to work In the shore oreo'i finest liquor TRAVEL CALIF. tires. 1225. 7171793. cor buys. RUSSELL Oldsmobiie-Codiltac 1200. Neat, six tilflh school grads or better full tim* salaried positions available Im- Co., 100 Newman Springs Rd., Red Bonk. Coll otler 6 p.m., 747-0316. BUSINESS NOTICES ttore. Advancement opportunity, salary mediately. Coll 74J-0500. _^ 196V TEMPEST 1944 VOLKSWAGEN — Excellent running and full benefits. Apply In person. Training at company expense. Permanent, '41-O9I0. Free to trovel immediately. California, Four-door. An economical ti: condition. Hos 1944 engine. Body needs 1971 MERCURY CAPRI — Like new. c with outomotlc and power steer Best offer over 11400. Call lorlda and return; asslsf sates manager. some work. SI7S. Inquire ot 57 Throck- SCENIC CAR SALES ALTERATIONS DAVIDSONS LIQUOR'S Excellent salary, bonus" to start: trans A-l TEMPORARIES Ira. A reol buy. morton St., Eotonlown. Quality cars bought and sold. 741-2M4 Jormen, porches, stain, addition*, ~'~ 36 Broad St., Red Bank Ewy 36 Highlands 172-0221 : >or!otlon paid .ond company benefits All Skills Needed PLYMOUTHS, 1967, 1941, 19W 1970 DODGE — Challenger RT-440. Mag- rM •stlnrvates. Insured. Reasonable. Earn S17B-S32S weekly Far appoint men! REGISTER NOW HIGH RATES RASSAS AUTO CREDIT SHREWSBURY MOTORS num. Automotlc. Many, many extras. the ]ob myself. Call Jim, 7764764. EXPERIENCED coll Mr. Sender, 212-B&8-5BJ7, 9:30 a The best companies Coll A-l Assume payments on any of 100 cars In Shrewsbury Ave. Shrewsbury Needs body work. 11000. 291-1411 afle 1:30 p.m. 320 Broad St. Red Bank 741-2463 PONTIAC stock. Credit applications accepted by 4:30. SLIPCOVERS CARPENTER AND 195 Brood St. 741-5110 Red Bonk 741-1500 Sofa. WO. Chair, 122. You supply the fab- TRUCK DRIVER Eves, until 9 phone. All mokes ond models ovolloble. We Buy Used Volkswagens 1967 CHEVROLET IMPALA — Nine pas CARPENTERS HELPER Guaranteed credit. For 1 hour service col ric, we'll do the rest. Gurantted work- AVON Experienced driver on garbage truck. JEEPSALES AND SERVICE senoer stotlon wagon. Excellent condition manship. 471-2384. nterlar trim, doon, paneling, layout, 1943 BUICK RIVIERA our credit dfsk now. "luarantecd work we«k. AVON ASKS: CHILDREN BACK TO 264-4404 Twin Boro Motors, Inc. 1950. Coll 542-3541. SCHOOL — After the Holidays? Lonel* Good condition. 870-1700 131 E. Newman Springs Rd. Red Bank DISAPPEARING ATTIC STAIRS - Fur Cotl 7^1-1144 arter7 p.m. SALESPERSON WANTED —Women's Coll 142-0243 1970 MERCURY COUGAR — V-l, auto- nished and Installed for only S69.95. To or ond restless? Fill those spare hours with wearing apparel shop. Four doys a week. 1944 CHEVROLET MALIBU — Six cylln CALL NOW 7474040 motlc transmission, power steering, oil der, coll 349-0163. new frlcncjs and high profits by serving der, standard shift. Original owner. Coll CLERK TYPIST AVON customers. Coil Mrs. Word 741 Expelrence preferred. Apply In person. 1944 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER - Full WALL LINCOLN-MERCURY conditioning, vinyl roof, rodlo. Low mile Wantttt tor \oca\ insurance agency. NO PHONE CALLS, OONNA'5, 93 Broad powtr. Good tires. Excellent condition, otter 4 p.m., 544-2174. Shrewsbury Ave. dt Sycamore —. Good condition. *2000. 542-1973. EMODELING — Polntlnq. paneling, 4343, 442-3377 or 774-1220. Call 493-4003. sheetrock and taping, concrete block and "lease send resume or coll lar oppli- St., Red Bonk. 1969 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE — New top Shrewsbury, N.J. 1961 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE — Four tile work. Free estimates. 787-3721. 1944 THUNDERBIRD — ONE OWNER 29,000 mllti. Very good condition, ufo 747-5400 door hardtop. Automatic, power steering ASSEMBLERS NURSES' AIDE — Mature. 11 p.m. to 7 LOOKS AND RUNS VERY GOOD. 1375 firm. 671-INI. DDD JOBS — Additions, paneling. All o.m. Two nights per week. Coll Shrews- DATSUN ond brakes, radio, good tires, new sni— ULL OR PART-TIME — For general Electronic manufacturer has Immedlale bury Manor Nursing Home, 741-2059. CALL 741-4243. WASHINGTON'S AUTO SERVICE Very clean car. S675. Call 747-1532, types of masonry. Driveways. Call 495 fork In Colts Neck hardware store. requirement for assemblers. Major Me- ))i9 7SM4M, phone Mr. 8, JV-5SSS (closed Tuesdays). eprovidi WANTED ' 370 Brood St. 264-1323 Keyport 1967 FORD GALAXIE 500 — Green. Two- dical and life Insurance provided. Poid vo- SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS — For elemen- STRAUS BUICK-OPEL FOR ODD JOBS AND QUICK SERVICE Requirements one year college, am- cation and holldovs. G:al T 229-8; " " tary district. Regular and substitute posi- NINE ACRES ol New ond Used Cars Party who ntttfs 100% financing' with nn 1965 THUNDERBIRD — All white. Im door hardtop. Power steering, brakes. bitious. Must worl( weekends. tions. Top wooes ond fringes. For appoint- ;ulote condition. Asklno 11300. Automatic transmission. Very good condi- — Attics and cellars cleaned. Junk re- dustries. Hwy 34 Keyporl monty down, on a IW9 leMANS two-door moved, light houllno- No lob too small, ATTENDANT — For Animal Hospital ment callMr. Lamberson, 536-2140. - coup*. Automatic, V-l, bower steering. Phone 747-5354 tion. S900.142-2516. INSTRUCTORS — For School ot Nursing. ill 741-7633 between 3 ond >. BS degree In nursing required. Send re- Full-time. Reply to Box N-4, The \•My CONSTRUCTION (HEAVY) WORKER — 1942 DODGE POLARA — Custom paint JI295. For quick crtdlt "O.K." call OASIS 1969 VOLKSWAGEN BUS — Nlne-passen- 1961 FORD WAGON Register, Red Bonk. 1970 313 motor, dual f««f Hollcy. Posit MOTORS at (301) 721-7100. TREE REMOVAL iume To Box K-88, The Dally Register, With experience In carpentry, masonry, gcr. New valves, New radial tires. Call S5O ;ed Bank. An equal opportunity emp.oy- weld/no. Driver's license required. Coll -rocflon rear, olr shocks, four-speed trans- IMS FORD FALCON - Two-door. Auto 29-3477. 717-6241 SERVICE STOCK CLERKS — Full time wear-round mission, traction masters, ond needs hood Trees and stumps removed! No lob too work. Apply In person. Liquidators LTO otter 7 p.m. 222-9400 repaired. Asking 1250. Coll after 6 p.m., Evenings call 717-7211 1970 VOLKSWAGEN BUG 1971 TOYOTA 1600 — Standard shift. Ex TralH All work guaranteed. Coll for free EGAL SECRETARY — Experienced. 490 Broad SI., New Shrewsbury. MATURE PERSON — To deliver and «TJI»7 Good condition. Automatic. 11250. cellent condition. 19,000 miles. Snow tires. ittmote. $42-3272. Full time. Emphasis on Reol Estate. clerk In drug store. 9-5, Mon. thru Frl:rl. Ap- I9M CUSTOM IMPALA COUPE - Vinyl Call 741-1193 11395 or best offer. 495-1270. CASHIERS-PART-TIME — All shifts. Ap- roof. Automatic. Radio. Air condltionlned, URNITURE-ANTIQUES Stripping, Motawan area. For appointment call Mi- ply FOODTOWN, 1160 Ocean Ave.. Sea ply In person. Professional Pharmacyicy,, 134 1941 CHEVROLET 213 — Good running Brood St., Red Bonk. condition. Needs tires. (100. Coll 471-1145 power steering, v-t. Two-door- Exceffent 947 MERCURY COMET — Two-door. VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK — 1961. 'Inlining, restoring. No water ust_ito. .N -_o 1100. Bright, * condition. Cal'739-9067 or 741-0213, offer 4 .Ix-cyllnder, slondard shift. 291-1027 offer Excellent condition. 11.195. nrtdln_ Jngg needed.. SolSate for veneers,, inlaysinlays, bttwttn 5 and I p.m. 'ART-TIME — No Investments, no dellv- SECRETARY — For real estate orflce in DISHWASHER — And generol kitchen p.m. Coll 6713993 lue |0ln 15. SNYDER CHEM-CLEAN, 938- T!M, paid in odvonce. MANY EXTRAS. help. Apply In person, ROLLO POST ar needed. CALL NOW. 26*3967 Mlddletown, Good skills required. For In- MURPHY & DAVISON 1919 JEEP CJ5 — New canvas top, four 1V70 MAVERICK — With olr. terview call Mrs. Powers, 671-2300. HOUSE, Hwy 35, Keyport. Mercedes-Benz Sales ond Service new belted tires. 10,000 miles. 12000. Call ORD5, 1967, lWfl, 1969 Must sacrifice. TREE CARE AND REMOVAL -AUTO CREDIT DRIVER —Apply In person. MEN OR WOMEN —"TlMTper month- DISHWASHERS — MATURE PERSONS. Hwy 9 Peter at 542-5111 between 2:30and 4 p.m. Coll 222-oMO or 2771660 Professional complete tree care. Fully in Ben's Cor Wash ssum* payments on any of 100 cars In lured. Low winter rotes. 77S-5M9. National corporation needi candidates for APPLY IN PERSON; MARTINIS DIN- 1963 CADILLAC LIMOUSINE 1941 PLYMOUTH — Belvedere. Standard ock. Credit applications accepted by T966 FORD GALAXIE 500 Route 35, Middle town. management training. W08 salary It you ER. HWY 36, KEANSBURG. "As Is," 1200 Can be seen at 132 Shrews- trim. 45,000 miles. Good condition. Asking lone. All makes and models available. EQUIPPED HEAL ESTATE SALES — Licensed pre- qualify. For interview call 741-2071, 8 a.m. bury Ave., Red Bonk. 142-7575. 1700. Snows Included. Call 2642709 offer CALL 264-1021 LIGHT MAULING — Attics cleaned- REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON uoronteed credit. For 1 hour service. Furnlture moved. Junk removed, etc. ferred. Aggressive growing office re- to 12 p.m. Equal opportunity employer. Mole-female, full time, port-time, licensed 1:30 p.i " our credit desks now. 1967 KARMANN GHIA - Block. Good ro- Coll 495-1076 Or 495-2014. quires a large staff due to expansion pro- SECURITY GUARDS — .For large o> or willing to learn. Now that you've I960 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE - White. 870-1700 dlo. MOO or twit otter. ram. Only interested In salespeople* de- alked to the rest, come In and talk to the WANTED IOUSEPAINTING — Interior, exterior, Irous of earnho over 520,000 oer veor.. profit organizationorganiz . Variouous shiftshi s opepei 1 Porty who needs 100% financing, with no jood condition. Original owner. Rodlo. '67 MG MIDGET - 19,000 orloinol 142-9463 Jberal fringe benefits. SSubmiubmit resumresume to best. We seek competent ond ambitious :ullly undercmtedundcrcoated.. 471-"""671-155"4 evenings ond leosonobl* rotes. Free estimates. Call flce tcoaj, exlensfve advertising nation-1 money down, on a 1971 OODGE CHAR- lies. Nice Interior, new paint. Excellent 196t CHRYSLER IMPERIAL — Full now. 787-4598. l reterrdl service. Member of two MLS', Box LiL-i;Li;; , TheTh DiDailly RegRegisterRiister,, Red Bank people interested in earning a mlntmvm of GER. Air conditioned, 17,000 miles. 12595. kendi. unnlng condition. S495. inquire at 57 er, fully loaded, automotlc. Excellent con- An equoll opportunittnit y ememploytrp . 120,000 o year and In turn we offer com- PAINT REMOVED — Furniture strloolna training program. All replies hetd in strlc- j pony paid In depth training program, lib- For quick credit "O.K." call OASIS MO- 1970 OLDSMOBILE — II Royale. Ex- nrockmorton St., Eotontown. dition. >l7oo or best offer, coll 142-3965: test confidence. Send resume to Box G-77, BARMAID M/W — Over tB. NDCL TORS at (2011 721-7100. ctllent condition. Prlvatt owner. Power done by hand. No vats or dipping metrnyh The Dolly Register, Red Bonk. ! eral drawing account, 60% commission, 1965 PLYMOUTH WAGON jsed? Free pick-up and dellIveryv ry.. 48 hour perience necessary, will train. Apply In participating spec arrangements and TOlVj DATSUN 240Z - Silver gray. Air, windows, steering, brakes. Call 747-94B0 days. After 7 p.m. ond weekends 747-3961. GOOD CONDITION Trucks for Sale lervlce. 495-1076 or 495-2024.. person onl< no calls. Old Village Inn, more. Plus the opportunity for manage- ;AAVFM. Superb condition. S3495. Call 544- 739-0235 RN SUPERVISOR . W. Froi " " ment through a planned program of ex- 6S62. 1972 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE 1963 CHEVROLET — V3 ton pickup truck. 3D MURALS — For your home or office, (1 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift pansion. Why not call for a confidential r ODMOTHERS — 1951 Cadillac llm- hond painted with raised foreground. New DELIVERY — Nights. Apply In person af- 1949 CHEVELLE SUPER SPORT ull power, AM-FM stereo. Perfect cortdl- Dump body. $400. Ith full supervisory responsibilities for ter 4 p.m. LuloPsFomous Pizza, 477 ntervlew and talk to the company that Ion. Coll 516279S. uslne. 1350. Excellent running condition. Call 747-9742 alter t p.m. concept. Write for pictures and Informa- urslng home with total 147 beds. Ger I ot- 390 brand new 500 h.p. engine. ri-0093. tion: Under, P.O Box 21072, Phila- ic nurshlna experience necessary. Middle Rood, Hailet. sells a house every day. THE KIRWAN 25H52O . delphia, Pa. 19114. CO., Realtors, 75 Newman Springs Rd., 1972 CHEVROLET VAN - Shoft body. SALES MANAGEMENT TRAINEES - Red Bonk, N.J. 143-4350. 969 KINGSWOOD WAGON — Nlne-pa- Small VI. Three-speed outomotlc trans- 19M MERCURY MOHTEGO MX — Ma- WANTED •enger, fully equipped, factory olr, new LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE Earn SI2,000 Der year If qualified. Call roon. Power steering. Very good condi- Party who needs 100% financing, with no mission. Less than 13,000 miles. Full win- 8Y EXAMINATION CAREER OPPORTUNITY res. A-l condition. 11600. 747-9430 or daws. AM/FM itireo. Call 911-3231 or 542 ICE SKATES' Mi Strand. 264-9 W. tion. W9S. Coll MJS«». money down, on a 1949 FORD COUNTRY SHARPENED tl p.m. to 7 a.m. shift EXPANDING MOWMOUTH COUNTY SQUIRE STATION WAGON. 10-passen- 132. 2131. PBX OPERATORS — 3-11, 11-7 night REAL ESTATE FIRM — Seeks full time 1W* OLDSMOBILE 9» — Fully •quipped. ! Little Sliver Repair Center, 747-0573 ger, olr conditioned. S179S. For quick 6B CAMARO SS — 396375 h.p., Hurst 1961 DODGE VAN shirts, Including weekend openings. Full reol estate sales people (or our new of- oil power (Includes windows), olr. Best tedlt "O.K." coll OASIS MOTORS 01 IETJRED CARPENTER - Seeks smoll or port-time. Long term work. 74M700. fices. Licensed or unlicensed. If unli- otter. 717-ttSI. Good condition. 1400. ob to supplement Income — none too Call Mrs. Brandow 1201) 721-7100. lockers, lor Cragar magi, Taron 264-0SI2 censed, we will train and prepare through gll. Paneling ond cabinet remodeling HOLAADEL ENERAL INSURANCE M/W — With ex- our special school.- Unlimited potential. to manifold. SI400. 471-2344. pert. Shutterettes and locks ins rat let/, perience In rating ond wriflng. 9 to 5. Fivt 115,000-120,000 first year, possible man- t very oood condition. $900.' 1965 GTO — $200. 1972 PINTO 971 DODGE SPORTSMAN'S VAN — ree advice and estimates. Good work- CONVALESCENT CENTER 2»-4113ofter6p.m, , Tope, rodlQls ond mogs. 11950. iwy 34 946-4200 day week. Fringe benefits and profit shar- agement In near future. Draw available. 717-3644 utomatlc, with radio. Belt offer ovei tanshlp. Call any time. 229-5259. Holmoel Call Palace Realty Associates, (B8-4400 or 1600. Coll 264-5196 any time. Coll 172-1250 A FEW 1«72 MG'S LEFT — Hurry! A «. G AAA AUTO CREDIT ALUMINUM SIDING UTO MECHANIC - For large volum M4-5300. Ask for Mr. Steam. Motors, 12 S. Main St., Asbury Pork. 775- itsume payments on any of 100 cars In ORD — 1963 Folrlone 500. Two door, slx- I969WHITEFREIGHTLINER— 33S .eoders, gutters, paneling. Experienced. AA dealer. Must be experienced in a itock. Credit applications accepted by : BARMAIO M/W — Experienced. Nights ELEPHONE ORDER CLERKS — Part- 3413. yllnder. Standard transmission. Good Cummins engine, RTO-913 transmission, ree estimates. 495^2154. hoses of repair work. Top salary. 40 hour Call between 1-4 p.m. for Interview. 797- time evenings onfy, Guaranteed solar* •Done. All mokes and models available, onsportotlon. With snow tires. 1150. 264- (44 rears, five spare tires. 581-3346 or 364- «k. Paid vacation, hospttalliallon, ond guaranteed credit. Call for 1 hour ser- XPERT painting. Ceromlc, tile and por- and commissions. Work in Red Sank. Pri- 1329. lno.e benefits. Apply in person only, 6 vate desk ond telephone. For Interview J7200. BAILLY BROS. INC., if _. Ice. Boyshore Chrysler-Plymouth. jti flooring. Paneling, carpentry, ond all m.-5 p.m. Contact Bill Slutter, Servlci MEDICAL OFFICE SECRETARY — Mo- mon Springs Rd., Red Bonk. 747-O5M. 'RVETTE 1964 CONVERTIBLE _ Two 970 DODGE VAN — Rebuilt engine. tosonry work. After six, 787-4754 or 291- contact Mr.Seal, 741-3334 after 5 p.m. 25,000 miles. Must sell. Best otter. 741- ionager, McGloln Quick-Opel Inc., 681 hire, experienced. Red Bank orea. Write, CIRCLE CHEVROLET lops. Fuel Injected. Needs body work. Call Shrewsbury Ave.. New Shrewsbury. 741 stating particulars, to Box J-4], The Dolly HOUSEKEEPER — Five day week. Live- 964 VOLKSWAGEN - White. Rodlo, utter I p.m. 741-3412 325 Maple Ave. Red Bank PAINTING — Interior — Exterior r2O0. Register, Red Bonk. In. Nice room. Two In family. Slate refer- 741-3130 leotcr. Excellent mechonlcol condition. 749 DODGE POLARA STATION 1966 CHEVROLET VAN ences. Write Box N-5, The Dally Register, Just be seen. «75. 264-4155 after 6. New engine, mags, 1750. Good references. Frte estimates. SALES — Office supplies and equipment EXECUTIVE HOUSEKEEPER — For Red Bank. IAGON — Mechanically perfect. 12000 or Call 842-8622 modern hospital In Monmouth County, •TOP TRADE ALLOWANCE — Superb -"offer. Coll 142-6614 264-6171 Must have experience. Car essential. Solo service. DOWNES PONTIAC, 62 Lower 970 BARRACUDA — 340 tour speed. y, commission, expense and benefit: Must be experienced In all phases of hos- DENTAL CHAIRS1DE ASSISTANT — Ex- 31,000 miles, balance of warranty. 11S00 or PAINTERS — Interior painting and minor pital cleaning ond able to supervise and Main St.. Motawan. S66-2299. best offer. 717-231I. A GOOD SECOND CAR reoolrs. Odd lobs. Reasonable. Free estl /rite to Box K-83, The Dolly Reglste perience preferred bul not necessary. Ex- 1100 iuob :ed Bonk, N.J. oMlan staff. Send resume to Box J-42, The cellent hours and working conditions. F & H Motors Inc. mates. Coll B42-8912. Dolly Register, Red Bonk. Coll AI Mouroux -- (/ V06W Call 172-0065 Neptune Township area. Reply Box L-18, Authorized Dealers, ATCH PLASTERING — Inside ond out LEGAL SECRETARY - At least twi The Dolly Register, Red Bonk. Dodge and Dodge trucks 1971 IMPALA 1964 FORD STATION WAGON 1767 FORD SUPERVAN MEN AND WOMEN — With soles and CONVERTIBLE. V-l, automatic, side. Chimneys and ffreplotes. Also, tree years real estate experience. Salary open. Hwy 35 Enlontown, N.J. Needs transmission work. S125. Runs good. 1675. and stump removal. 741-2751. tttlce located in Red Bank. 747-3730. managerial qplllty. 112,000 income within ECRETARY — To the Administrative 5421111 power ilterlng. One owner. A &42-B484 or 229-1138 Call 291-4775 one year. If qualified. Secure your future Principal. Must be excellent typist. Office real buy. ENTAL HYGIENIST — Full or par with lifetime Income. For personal Inter- ir school experience preferred. Hours KITSON CHEVROLET CO. me, Freehold oreoqreo.Repl. Rer y Box M-BS", Th" i view call 741-42V8 after 5 p.m. ]'.30-4:3O. Salary 54,500 a year. Apply Hwy 34 Eatontown n TOYOTA 1600 — Excellent condition. EMPLOYMENT 5«l«» RASSAS ,000 miles. 21 M.P.G. Snow tires Includ- Motorcycles •ally Register, Red Ban' PART-TIME — Telephone sales from our ilghtonds Public School, Maveslnk Ave., 495-1270 or 495-1764. Help Wanted Ughlonds, N J. 07732. 872-147& KROLL MOTORS, INC. PONTIAC 1972 HONDA SL-115 "ENERAL"OFFICE WORKER -Son office. Morning, afternoon ond evening 1966 CHEVROLET IMPALX— Two-door, Excellent condition. BM keypunch experience necessory. Per hours available. Salary plus bonus. Home .SSISTANT — In professional office, 37? Broodwoy Lonj Branch IS Broad St. 741-5110 Red Bonk Male and Female program also available. Students accept- 222-3600 Evei. until 9 right cylinder. Good condition. U75. Coll Call 264-4614 rtanent position. Medical and retiremen 'art-time, three afternoons per week. -1347" reneflts. Apply Norwood Distributor] ed. Call 544-1334. Aust work well with children. Reply Box- 1972 HONDA 3S0 — In good condition, nc. 616 Broadway, Long Branch. 222- 120, The Dally Register, Red Donk. Autos For Sale Autos For Sale 969 OLDSMOBILE DELTA II — Four SSSO. PORTERS M/W — Full time positions Foor, vinyl top. Air conditioned. Power Call 264-1670 ASSEMBLERS available In modern grow Ina. hospital. More Classified Drokes and steering, stereo rodlo. Low 1972 KAWASAKI — 500 CC We hove Immediate openings In assembly iHEET METAL WORKER — Metal com Good salary, pleasant working conditions, mileage. Excellent condition. Coll 566-91 u 800 miles. $950. Hient fabrication from blueprints. Brai ond full fringe benefits. Apply in person, on Next Page otter 0 p.m. . work, wiring and soldering. conslcJfr your tu REAL ESTATE SALES - Commercial. lure! Call Angle Sharp, 747-112., snetllng ( TOM'S FORD )1 Induitrlal, and land only- Local estab- ond SneUIng, $4 Broad St., Red Bank. KEYPUNCH lished firm opening new office for this SCHOOL 'BUS'bRIVERS -""Futf oTpbTl" . Must have license and some ex- me. No experience necessary, will train, We've got what you want: r- lencft. Send resume to B K2S Th all Bennett Bros. Corp., 301 East Rd., Dolly Register, Red Bank. jelford, between 9 o.rn. ond 4 p.m. 7B7 OPERATORS EXPERIENCED WAITRESS M/W — 3380. Because we're NJ.'s most Please coll In person between 3-5 p.m. AFFORDABLE Good Income. Hoppy Apple Inn, Rt, 34 WAITRESS M/W POSSIBLE OVERTIME CQth Neck. CASHIER, REFERENCES. complete used car operation Martini's OJner, Hwy 36, Keonsburg. Service bureou experience |l SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS — No o desirable but nol mandatory pcrlence necessary. StartlnQ salary 52,5C SECRETARY TO SALES MANAGER - FORDS per hour. Apply In person to Mr. Michael of Reol Estate office located In AAatawan. 1 PiUD HOLIDAYS AMD VACATION . Gormley, Administrative Assistant, Hai Good skMli required. For Interview call CREDIT? 264-1609 let Township Board ot Education, 82 Beth- Mrs. Powers, 671-2300. SALARY COMMENSURATE WITH EXPERIENCE any Rd., Hailet, N.J. LEGAL SECRETARY — Law 1lrm In For fast easy credit approval GENERAL OFFICE WORKER — Some Mlddletown area. Experience desirable IBM keypunch experience necesiory. Per- but not required. Salary dependent on ex- L.J. GONZER ASSOC. manent position. Liberal benefits. Paid perience and ability. Sfnd resume to P.O. SAVINGS!! vocations. Coll 741-1123. Box 2S0, Mlddletown, N.J. 07748. 565 Rt. 35, Red Bank BOOKKEEPING, SELLING knowledge PIZZA PIE MAKER - For pUierla K We're Out To $$ Below Market Levels Reloll lewelriryy sstore. Steady, five-day cated In Monmouth County. Experience 042-3900 ' ~ ~ ids Jewelers, 40 Brood necessary. Verified references requested. Equal Opportunity Employer ' R«< Good/joy ti osiured. For Jnformotlon coif •71 MAVERICK ..$1395 T39-G0w, ond osk tor Philip, after 12 noon. Break 4-door, aufcinaMc transmission OUTSIDE MAINTENANCE WORKERS NEEDED — Good working conditions. HOUSECLEANER - One mornlna per '71 COMET $1395 Stcody year round work. Must be over 19 week. References, own transportation. 4-door, autoinolic transmission and hove N.J. driver's license. Apply Call 542-6716 United Advertising Corp., 142 Belmont 1 MACHINE OPERATORS All Sales Records '71 PINTO $1295 Ave., Long Branch -I to 10 a.m. and* 4 to 5 NURSES AIDES — Needed for 7 to3 p.m. except Tues. shift tor 150 bed facility, Excelleni salary Male, Female 1st ShiH,2d Shift Automatic Irammission, radio, dealer and benefits. Apply Red Bank Con- SHEET METAL MECHANIC — Fabric valescent Center, 100 Chopin St., Red (Trainees Considered) in January! '70 FORD $1395 otlon and Installation experience neces- Bonk. PLASTIC INJECTION AND Galaxic 500, 4-cloor, automatic I sory. Some development work, mostly custom and commercial. All benefits ond TRANSFER MOLD PRESSES '69 PONTIAC $1195 | high pay rate. Bay shore Heating & Air Help Wanted Conditioning Co., Inc. Oayi, 727-1360. Eve- Fabricaling components forfifecfronics industry uses. Bolh shills We Want Action. LeMons, 2-door, radio, heater nlnos 671-1979. Male and Female ELECTRONIC COIL WINDERS ROUTE SALESMAN M/W — For shore's First Shilt only, operalors lo make coils lor relay conlrol and elcclrical in- '68 OLDSMOBILE $1395 leading laundry ond dry cleaning plant. I Eornlngs approximately 110,000 a ye FACTORY dustry uses. '68 PLYMOUTH $1195 { 'ExcellenExcellent opportunity, steady pposlto l . I paimid vocationvocation,, frefree hospltolliallonhospltolliallon. . Apply GOOD STARTING SALARY, pleasanl surroundings and working condi- '68 PONTIAC $1195 Star Cleaners A. Launderers, 133 Myrlle JOBS tions on-the-job training provided Calllnci. air condilionco, automatic, power slffring I Ave., Long Branch. Plus - '68 FORD .$1195 NURSES' AIDES — Day shiftT coll Hill- pg Excellent benefits including Blue Cross/ Blue Shield. Major Medical insur-' II top Nursing Home, 671-0)77, for appoint- of our production ance, Lile insurance, paid holidays, sick leave, vacalions. Counlry Squire VVogort, outomotlc, power slcerlng ment. department), vVHI fir rrquirpf] to work Apply at Employment Department. '68 TORINO G.T $1095 WOMAN - HOUSEWORK — SALARY live doys. Mon Ic. ?-door, automatic transmission, power steering SI00 PER WEEK. HOURS 9 to 5:30, SIX AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, DAYS. OWN TRANSPORTATION NEC Grt t Equal Opportunity Employer M/F DOREMUS FORD Many more to choose from ESSARY.CALL 531-9047 AFTER 5:30 Authorized Ford Dealer P.M. j EAI • MOST AFFORDABLE FORD* MY EXPANDING BUSINESS — Allows 185 Monmoulh Parkway, West Long Branch, N.J. me to offer an opportunity with unlimited [YouKnow t potential to the right person. For oppolnt- r.*nt call /4l-1Krttttween 12 noon ond 5 TOM'S FORD INC. p.m. No obligation. Electronic Associates, Inc 90 Monmouth St. 741-6000 Red Bank. HWY 35 ORTHODONTIC ASSISTANT Hwy 35 2644000 Keyptfrf . 264-1609 KEYPORTJ Typing necessary. Pleat* phonC 232-1794 I Help wonted Htip Wanted For Sole Machinery tw Salt Apartments Dally Bglster, Red Bank-MWdletowu. N J, Tuesday, January 16,1973 21 Wale Mole end Female 11 AUTOMATIC COPIER KEYPORT tffAUTT" T lB IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Houses For Sale Houses For Sale Houses For Sole 4xt ponellnps for your den, living room tr CHIM. •otd proOlcoll' !^»!y new.MORRi'' PART-TIME DAYS basement, etc. Over 50 kinds in stoekl SH Studio II jDuriull size displays. Priced from 13.35 tq >ood pay1 , steady W.W ondup. So gimmicks. One-bedroom From U tree catalog ol modest homes, forms, po- wort. Hove cor. Call 947. ' _t**efcsonirooysull5 . : THE BERG AGENCY latlol Rumson Mtotes, waterfronts, «r«- '•MM. Merchandise Wanted Two-bedroom $221 REALTORS, age, lots, builnen opportunities. RESUMES PREPARED RED BANK LUMBER WANTED• Private entrances, Eai-ln Mtctwns! wall RAY STILLMAN TEHRAN CAREER COUNSELING »Wall street Red Bank 741 .ssoff Used Oriental Rugs A Division of Berg Enterprises Inc. Coll 7171M3 - Red Bank HOt WATER FURNACE - With built-in Chinese ond Persian KEYPORT GARDENS Realtor domestic hot water. Overhead garage , Also WalWalll TopestieTqpestl s 211 Atlantic 51 Ott Rt. 36 ••Our 54tn Year" •m writing art available. Our tutlneu DENTAL ASSISTANT - Mlddletown Superintendent on premises, Apt. 6 &4fi Hwy. 35 Shrewsbury area. Negt, personable, mature penon door ond lumber. 671-1675 eves- FRIEDMAN GALLERIES Phone IMtlMe-Ul] Itim-Spnu ONLY $28,800 Is built on our integrity through vw »uc- wonted tor general dentol practice. Dental PIANOS^RjlAN, ANTIQUES URGENTLY NEEDED cut. Co l.dgri, fi&ilngs. (orfree detain FEBRUARY 1ST OCCUPANCY — Unloi ari contltfirmai appointment. 7|7-344j. eKperljnce B necessity. Send resume to Used trade-Ins from - 'ehouse tar Fi/rhiture, pointings, cut glossss,. or BELFORD Box j-44. The Dolly Register, Red Bonk. Klmboii, Conn. Y ickering. Un- bronzes, clocks, Iain, ryas. Ji nlshct] tlve-room duple*, two baths. wo( SPACIOUS AND BEAUTIFUL _, ranch DO V*- ocre wooded lot. liitdI rentotlu ffrom W.Jg Srfrvelngf ththi'iome fomii NAMEY R PRI?E lewelry, to-wall carpeting, refrigerator, stove, ol Three bedrooms, two full baths, country REPAIRMAN M/W - Plumbing ond neat- 1 choose from over ISO units. 9-9 INTERNATIONAL•_ OALLERIE:._..£( S conditioned. Convenient Red Bank locc This home has a tremendous living room with kitchen wl*h dishwasher gnd G.E. self- LICENSED ng. Please contoct Central Jersey Plumb- FKtfEHOLO MUSIC 10RIVEERSIDE AVE. Mon. On* month's security ond reference cleaning oven, walnut den leading to deck, Irm 1 mating, Red Bonn. 747-O5M. CENT1R.4H-47M. required. No pels. Call 747-1681 lor fireplace, formal dining room, den, IV2 baths. ovtrsded oarage. WoM-to-woli carpeting • polntment. PRACTICAL NURSE RECEPTIONIST - Port-lime evenings. DANISH COUCH - With molctililnng choir, NAN JOHNSON Three bedrooms. In living room, dining room areas. One Mint type. Mature. Coll between 4-4 p.m. very good condition, its. Slack hhigh-baci k •UYS AND BUYS RED SANK — 2'i-room modern apoi ear old. Builders home. W7,500. Call 747- OBSTETRICS wooden choir, Japanese embroidered p.m. Full lime. Poslportim. Ex- Mter M/F pearanct and outgoing periengllrr a mint, dollor tor Lionel Trains "O" gouge. Ani An tqiKH opipertunlty employi A dream position for the right Derson ATTENTION IINTERION R DECORATORS Good tor storage and mony UJM. COLTS NECK IOR D age, any condition. 347-1445. «S month. 67W3709. WALKER & WALKER leply to Box A-121, The Dolly Register — To settle oonn eitotttt , ttpltce e hd THREE ROOMS AND BATH — Suitaol A REAL MCDONALD'S IS CASH FOR OLD TOY TRAINS - An' for two adults. No pels. 5125 plus ulllllie' Realtors moke or condition or will trade HO. 0V and securirlfyl , 7«7-Q]H. FAMILY HOME Hwy 35 6713311 Mlddletpwn YOUR KIND OF PLACE GIRL/GUY FRIDAY — Assistoccour.- O or wltftBOuge. 774-3710. : lant. Fomlllor with stocks ond bonds. CASTRO CONVERTIBLE HI-RISER -j, RED BANK — Penthouse wllh balcorr REAL ESTATE RIVER"OAK'S BEAUTTFUL GROUNDS — Have own car. willing lo travel withiri fK. Like BRAND•»ew. 9 COMBINATION SAFE — Floor model overlooking thme NoveslnknovesinK.. Twi wo Deoroombedroomi "our bedroom*. 3'^ baths, den and gome- MAINTENANCE-PORTER Monmouth County. Send resume of train- ined. Olye full details (size, weight, prlci two baths, ful FOR SALE Five lorge bedrooms oom in this definitely charming Colonial. .full dining room, carpeting ani S59.5O0, M/W Ing and experience and state salary deslr etc.) write Rax R-K, The Dolly Registei olr __ ._•"lllonlno' . BOOMA>5 ARM Houses For Sale__ Three full baths titla P.O. Bw WO, Atbvry Port, G.E. DISHWASHER -Electric range ond APARTMEENTS. 74^0516, coll 9 until nOOl POSITION AVAILABLE oven, sink. In goad working order. Mi. ond evenings. Family room with ELLEN S. HAZELTON TEACHER - Fully certified ipeclol *du ' 1-3W/. REMODELING OLD KITCHEN — Need Realtor Apply in person at LONG BRANCH — 3Vi room unfurnished ""RUMSON ~ fireplace 13 W. River Rd., Rumson M2-32OO cation teacher wonted, with experience 01 U.S. DIVERS 5CU»ATANK - Never kitchen sink In cabinet ond overhead cabl- Interest In teaching the emotionally dls nets. Neexl badly. 741-7157. opartment. Wall-to-wall carpeting, $48,500 Huge eat-In kitchen Member inter City Relocation Service turiecf child, for private school, Coll 172 used. Includes bockpock ond rubber boot. conditioned. Near bus stop. Call rft- ___„_-__ _ McDonald's Drive-In lot between i ond 7 p.m. 1100. MM47Jortir5:». BOTTLES - Historical flasks. or 2M-4MJ. Choice ronch. In perfect condition hot Thl^ expanded ranch tM Hwy 35 MkMletown . urols, sodas. Inks, early treeb- center hall, lovely larg« roomi, fireplace Is on an acre Split level. Three bedrooms, 3Vi bath*, EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE — LONG BRANCH — Luxury one-bedroor DRIVER — Monmouth ond Ocean Coun Condelabras, mirror s, dry sink, desk. lown bottles and lar«. Will bay or trade. In living room, screened porch and patio, recreation room, immediate occupancy. ties. Cylinders and welding supplies. Musi Highest prices paid, Please call evening: gorden apartments. Woll-to-wall carpel two-car attached garage, full botemtnt on a quiet street AlKIng $44,900. 847-375!. AUTO PARTS be In good health, over II, wltri good driv- chest. Coll 74I-W24. Ing, air conditioning, balconies. On nf-922-1443. ANP ctntrol olr conditioning. All this on Close to schools COUNTERMAN 'A' er record, Pree health and lire Insurance. WARMER MORNINO — Cos heoter, »50. month's free rent. Con between 9 ond beautifully landscaped plot In prime areo. _ . H LANDLOTJftT^'Two newly deco- uniforms! holidays, five day week, two Vlctorlon spindle rocker, S50, Portable DOG RUN WANTED 222-3374, weekends m-tm. commuting, shopping rated aportmenti. Lower apartment fea- weeks vocation. 774-5467. SHt*< tures living room, dlnlno room, kitchen, M/W •< electric heoter, *6.164 SMI otter 3 p.m. Approximately 7' x IS'. WATERFRONT APARTMENT Everything over-sized Experienced with CM line. Salary plus ^^ Coll 2M-6944 two bedrooms, oeramlc tile both, large commission Incentive for the right man ANTIQUE ORNATE «RASS DOUBLE Furnished three-room opartment. Fre and sparkling fresh basemen! with finished gomeroom. Upper The best benefits of any shop ot the Shore. Situations Wanted BED - Polished. 1350. COLLECTIONS — Of old guns and sword utilities. Weekly, monthly. No lease. Alv VAN HORN $65,000 apartment Is %tml-furnithed, conilsfs of Here's 0 chance to loin the winning team Call 531-2613 one or more -plus John Rogers group] one two-bedroom apartment. Nautllu living room, kitchen, ond bedroom. New Apartments. Sea Bright. U2-05OS. AGENCV — REALTORS ot Ing tyttem. lldlnp, and roof. An».OUS and inlay making money. Contort Andy Female PORTABLE DISHWASHER — S45. refrig- Marine. Service Director. Open 7 dayl. Coll 24 hourt a day, owner asking ilS.QOQ. CAMA59A IRONING DONE IN MY HOME erator s)0. range and wall-oven S2S. HIGHLANDS — Five-room apartment, REDDEN AGENCY AGENCY, Realtors Mt5, 4 Parker Ave., tall 671-5355 two bedrooms, unfurnished. Heot. hot wa. 747-4100 Realtors Little Slider. 74UJM. „ KITSON CHEVROLET Reasonable PETS ter supplied, S223/rno. Security ond refer 301 Maple Ave.. Red Bank 671-9133 LADY'S BLACK WOOL COAT - With KM Rlvir Rd. Folr Haven d lATONTOWN S42-10O0 enc*. inlUS tt^SOO- Sli yeor'ofd Lfd.ts.fvtT Co'o» RELIABLE PEOPLE NEEDED forge mink collar, slxe 10. Excellent con> AND LIVESTOCK A SMALL 741-9100 5 BABYSITTING — In my home. Ex lltlan. 150. 717-6669. AVON — Two-bedroom opartment, fui nlal offering five bedroomi, Schoolt, perlenced. Hot meals. Large ploy area COCKER SPANIBLPUPS - AKC. butt. nlshed, 1145, to May 30, 1973. Evening! 7J7-41M or U1V11 stores, and bus line arc |ust three block* PART-TIME — STEADY Hilton Park section ot Mlddltlown. 191 six weeks old. Con after 6, 9M-W27 or 74 CLOSE-KNIT TOWN GOOD PAY 'EASY WORK HEPPLEWHITE DRESSER - With mir- away. AH roorrti oreoversde. The kitchen ror, us. Wlna chair, S30. wicker settee, With top schools — that's Folr Haven! Be has a lorge eating oreo wllh boy window, RED BANK -~ Larae bedroom ond ful formal dining roorn, family room off the 7 to CONVENIEN9 a.m. and/or 2 tTo 4HOUR p.m. WSe will CHILD CARE »30, rug t». &-I5O4. GREAT DANE'POPPIES - AKC. Block port of Itl Mokt on appointment to see In my home — Leonardo. kltcKm. private bom. third floor. Slno Ml lovely tour-bedroom home featuring klfcncn, plus a den (or mom and dod. train you to drive o school bus. It Is OVAL BRAIDED RUO ~ gapdhu^oken»| or couple Some security. 74MUS. There's a separate entrance to a proles Scrttned porch. Call today. ROOER P. to learn but we will accept only good •7J-IM5 Brown and gold, 8x10 ftotely stone fireplace, formal dlnlno Sttned porch. Call toda ROE ~' nola 8x10, all wool, rever> room, ultro kitchen, finished basement pn slonal tulle with four offices and waltlnc COZENSCOZENS , RealtorRealtor . B133 R Rivei r Rd Fl art 31 or over. Stort ot once If olreody li- LOVING HAZLET MOTHER - Will care slbie, 950. Coll 741-om RCD BANK ^- three-room unfurnlshec room, ond q tine home for family llvinc Rd. ner employment ovollobfe If TWO TOY BLACK POODLES - AKC rtment. Suitable adults. Convcnleni 44 acre tot overiooklng lake. Asking H^VTM ner employment available I far children of working parents In my OK STEEL SAMPLE DOOR — Beoutllul. registered. Six weeks old. S65. 155,000, featuring three bedrooms, 7'/i baths, pan iply 9 to S, Murphy Bus Ser- 'transportation. Call offer 3 p.m eled den. fireplace In living room, sepa- home. Coll M4-401?. Will fit J2Vi«|0'/i opening. Mall slot, Coll 172-0723 U6.S00 - This new Folr Herven listing It' 135, MUdletawn. (ntar crest. rate dining room. BeoutlfuMy lands toped Ideql for thp growing fomiiy. it otters four WILL BABYSIT IN MY HOME — Fo handle, etc. *I00. Will deliver. ¥> LABRADOR RETRIEVER PUPPIE and In an eqiy to reach Red Bonk location working mother. References. HIGHLANDS — Two-bedrooedroom turnlshu i PAUL P. BOVA bedroom, piui alamliy roomi livinglivin PROWN'S — Block. Good water dogs, terrific with tmintft . Alll ulllllletilities IncludedIcludeIncl d .Ad Adul with no par kino problems, Excellent con- wllh fireplacereplace, fenced yard, aatt- Call between 3 and 4, 7414433. 741-7500 children, sio. call 671-3315T REALTORS dition. Juit lUtiV-JM.OOQ. J INVENTORY HELP 32 Brood St., Red Bonk r»d. No pets. II7S monlhmon . I/J-0J40. IS Cherry Tree Form Rd., Mlddlelown tachetaced apronsapro . Just two blocks to scliOQl. Coll now, ROGER F, COZENS, Realtor. Earn Extra money WASHERS AND DRYERS — 20 Duplex MINI.POODLE PUPPIES — AKC regls LONO& BRANCBRANCrHT HOWARD Coll now, ROGER F, COZENS, R 20-lb. washers, nine 50-lb, Huebsch dryers, SrSPMales and females. Reasonable. Five-rooroom aporaportment l ' 671-2544 813 RiveRi r RRd.d, PiPairr HiHnvinn. H)7mH)-7m. Situations Wanted Call J64-009S NOW Male Jotco boiler, change maker. <7I-IMP or . OR JUST OUT- •y helping us tok« o merchandise ln- 142-3746. FIVE COCKERPOOS - Moles, females RED BANK AREA — 4Viroom opar GENTLEMAN'S GROWING YOUR HOME?-Call or vtntory. Many days avolloble during the MAN 21 —With car, two years ot college, BEDROOM FURNITURE — Frultwood SJ5 each. Also, lour poodles, AKC, main, ment, suitable tor couple. Reference: FARM DEXTER wrlle for your complementary copy ot Ap-' month of January, No txptrlinct mcts- married. Interested In learning carpentry. resser, chest, night table, two twin beds females, black, M5 each. 787-1392 security. Coll between 3 ond », 747-100*. ASSOCIATES - REALTORS pleBrook'ft monthly Hornet for Living stor•orye. manootrWe will .train If qualified, Apply to Please call 747-1137. 1th Simmons mattresses ond springs. GREAT DANE — Two years old IN HOLMDEL 51 East Front St. Red Dank lint. Offers pictures, prfeti. dt- PRE5IOBNTIAL APARTMENT _,._,lons. APPLCBROOK AGENCY. mrtmuHS HAiNrEO — Work done Im H». Coll 4774642. 1175 to good home. Moving 1615 PARK AVE., ASBURY PARK Horje country, 4'/i acres. This ronch It pleturetqueiy located whh New Vork sky. Rtoftori, vSO Hwy. 35, Middletown. 471- TWO GUYS mediately. Reasonable. Reliable. H7O-I259 LUXUNOUI fwo.pedraom, two-bath 747-270] 2100. Rt. 35 I Twlnbrook Rd. FIREWOOD ment In modern hlgh-rlist building' neai Ine. You must tee this exquisite property. 747-4349 A'UTIPUL FEMALE TOY POODLE -: Asking UW.000. Mlddlelown. N.J. Coll 741-2919 Block, M0. Alia itud service, toy Doodle. oceon. Features Include central heouni FAIR HAVEN (TALL KROL ^For y"out/fio« eitatt ani sir conditioninglonlns, dlihwoihir, spoclou needt. Stcphin J. Krol, Realtor, Hwy 3i, TWO IVORY STATUES - Chinese pea- Result! guaranteed. VS. 172-1435. SPLIT LEVEL — Located In preitlge IMMEDIATE HIRE rooms, large cloicloiette , stcurlty lockei area. Three bedrooms, two lull bo,hi, maiCl.iriu operators sants, ll'/l" toll, heavy base. PAUL BRAGAR 11MS Comptometer 01 FINANCIAL 7»77i« FREE — Adorable kittens doors with intercot m In each opartmeipartmen large qgmeroom, living room with tire- dHARMINGrcXPE'COD~— Tn~Rlver Oak* 1 starts Feb. 2nd for "vHev dayl In Red Coll mony, mony more. Call for oupoln Realtor Bonkoreo. Business Opportunities .„...,. , more, coll « pJace, lormol dining room. eat-In kitchen, section of Fair Hoven. Two twin llltd DESKS. FILES, tables, chairs, adding ma- 747-1144 * -—,er management, 775 15 Rlvtr Rd. Rumson and centre, olr conditioning. In mint con- chines, typewriters, office equipment, etc. menf, Sylvan Co. 513 bedrooms plus two smalt bedroomf. NO FEE CAS STATIO)N —— In absolutely prime KITTENS — Adorable, eight weeks. lhr 7101, or nights, 776- dition. Priced at &49.900. HIGH RATES business tpcofitlon* . Serviced bf lorgu oil ot borgoln prices. New or used. AAC L Fenced-ln yord, screened porch. Beautiful, Coll collect for more information. )ESK OUTLET, 1709 Rt, 35, Ookhurst, males, one'female. Two mole tiger stripe GIVE A THOUGHT TO THE FUTURE - dogwood.. Many extras. Principals only. company, fr'omenaouc s opportunit1 .jnlfy fo...r cots. Coll 7471157 otter 7 p.m. riant party. Terms avaiIUB*l Builldlni g and Commercial Rentals 842-6020 Stop paying tthosh e high rents. Call us today 747-4318. ' TASK FORCE business-.USAXC.— -" *-• Coli'joc• k OeStefono at FOR SALE — All while German Shephen HOLMDEL to see thlslh_ hreebedroon m ranch, featuring CUSTOM HOME ~ Ltncroft's finest or to GARAGE SALES J gameroom, dlnlno room, full basement, 3e Linden Ave. Springfield, N.J. McGOWANI, RYAN REALTORS. 747-3000. will advise, price, ond If you wont, mon- puppies. AKC tcalstered. RUMSON, NEW JERSEY" Four bedrooms, three baths, walk-In ce- Oil 747-2214 EXPANDED RANCH and two air conditioning units. Asking dor closet, master bedroom. Ncwfy deco- KITCHEN — For lease. oge your sole. 747-5029. NEW STORE FOR RENT Natural cedar thakes compliment thlt 125,000. rated, carpeted Ihrouahoul. New Kitchen CASHIERS Also kitchen equipment for sale.. TYPEWRITERS, ADDING machines. All ADORABLE PUPS — Mixed breed, Irci IN MINI-MALL - four-bed room i H'/i-bath home. Fireplace? appliances, rircploce living room, paneled Call 73V-1MZ mokes new or used. Guaranteed Low asto good homes. 720 sq. ft. Ample parking. Naturally. Country kitchen, finished bast- dm, custom drapery; two chandeliers re- ftSSriLai.s^^rtS S25. Serplco's, 101 Monmouth St. Next to Coll 566-6406 S275 per month plus utilises. ment, centrally olr conditioned for com- moln, IV* acres wooded lot. A Showpiece! peramo. New Shrewsbury. BEAUTY SALON — Perth Amboy, eight theater. 747-0415. Collofter 6 p.m., Ml-2200, _ fort. All this on over an acre of land- ARMSTRONG Asking t;i,W0, by ownsr, MJ-67\b. stations. Good potential. Located In heart FOUR ADORABLE — Fluffy kittens. Frei scoped grounds. Belt buy ot W2.0W. AGENCY -REALTORS EXPERIENCED TV REPAIRMAN M/W to good homes. Please call 555 PrQlp«tt_Avl._ '<[•olly Register, Red flank. Replies con- study, or bedrooms, or a b)F ot both. SEA BRIGHT — three-bedroom houie^ Convenient size for flreplac* lighting dur- 7474573. fldentlot. MATAWAN Won't lost long ol Living room, kitchen, sun parlor. 6 New CRILLMAN (M/W) CAFETERIA - Free- Kno the holiday season, il.25 a large sock. NIKON MOVIE CAMERA — power REAL ESTATE St., Sea Bright. 1)9,V00. Call 842-3U0 or Mid Area Hospital, Mon. thru Frl. Good Cnormlng two family home with separate J36.5OO 541-63611, oft«r 6 p.m, opportunity for advancement. Call 431 zoom,» to 1, with 1.8 lens. 5250. FOR RENT Red Bonk -Eatontown Area entrances. Ctoie to schools- shopping and MfcEnt.JIJ. RED BANReKd BonLUMBEk 7*1-550R0 •42-3704 or 222-2274 on GARDEN STATE PARKWAY ol maior oil conveniences. Newly decorated, Car- . , I DO Ce'fO W N — New "bT-'l ev it l7four 'bed- BABY FURNITURE — Crib, excellent Apartments Interchange, near Rt. 3S, 36, 18 and For wr lot. Priced for a quick sale. S34,TOO. rooms, l'/i baths, torn My room, plus many FILE CLERK — High school graduate. BABY CARRIAGE-STROLLER — And Monmouth. Attractive 20,000 sq. It. oni ALLAIRE-FARROW txirov $3B,9OO, Call 741-6631 offer 6 p.m. condition. JSO. Carriage. US. High choir,; Realtor Five day week, full time position. Many cor-bed combination (Thoyer) $15. 1 sio. 542-0324 before 12 or after 5. KEANSBURG — Brand new thr«e-bed itory (con be expanded) with 17.000 sq. fl KIRWAN CO. weekday* or all day weekends. company benefits. M2-7S00. B43-I237 room, all-electric apartpient. Excellen Inlshed air conditioned ottlce space plus Reollor 2?4 Broad SI., Red Bank ,000 sa- ft. worehous* with 16' clear cell- WATERt=RON't""ifAN~QH*"—O"n tagoon CARE OF DOG AND LIGHT HOUSE- nelgnbrnood. 1250 mo. Security required. Airport Plaia 264-73OQ Hailcl BLACK LEATHER SOFA-BIED - 1100. FILL DIRT Coll223-0577 or I42-24M. • Ing. Two truck docks. 741-3450 wtth oororous view of Borneoof Boy, Pri- KEEPING — Five mornings I a.m. to 12Block recllner_.. , leather, S2S. Fashionable Call Anytime e Beach Club. Asking 157,500, 25M&03. noon. Coll after t. M1-JM7. dining room set, 5100. Mink stole, SIM. 741-4532 IDEAL BEACH — Four-room, furnished. RACHLIN & CO. 1973 CAPRI SNO MOBILE — And trailer. $48,500 M4.900 — Brand new Rumson Colonial of- PART-TIME — Evenings and some week Washing mochlne, »25. call before 4 p.m. • • rallablt Immediately. Coll 7 Academy St., Newark 622-ltW RUMSON Never used, won In rattle. Best otter. 741- i.m. Brokers protected fering four bedrooms, V/i baths. Choose ends. Must be over 21. work In Drug de- 6979. Three-bedroom ronth. Living room wllh NEW your own decorating. Holy Cross Parish. partment, selling and stocking. Ex- ELEGANT PLUSH MAROON CARPET KEANSBURG — Modern thros-bedroom CENl RAL NEW~JETSSEY ^*Hov» e> (replace. Full basement. Central olr, Bi-Lcvels And Colonials Just a short walk u> beach ond busline. perienced preferred Sun Ray Drugs, Mid. 9xt0ft. $30. CRAFTSMAN METAL LATHE — 7Vi".plus sstoragtorage aarearrea. . S26O per month plpluus cellent locations available for retail an Lov«ly lot. Be waiting tor the Eo.ter Bun- Very laro* living roomdlnlna room, huge dletown Shopping Center. 544-9534 Mony accessaries. MOO or best oiler, 787- utilitiesutilities . SecuritSecurity ond referencereferencess. Coll 787787. boutique stores In enclosed shopping mall SOME FROM $35,500 kttchen-tomlly roorroom, . .otlached garooe. 6760 alter 6 p.m. 1 OLSTEN — TEMPORARY OR G.E. PORTABLE DISHWASHER 5593. contact 811-4472. Three or tour-bedroom homes that feature Stort the new yeaITr rtghright.,, cal—l tooay,,. Hp ..-. fireplaces, stolned trim, ponalMJ recrea* &LH F. COZENS, Realtor. B13 River Rd, KEANSBURG — Three-bedroom opart- TWO-ROOM OFFICE - And private bath, tlon rooms, formal dining rooms, slate NEVER AI Call S42-SI57 after ». BOOKSHELVES ment, new two-family house. t26O month at 333 Brood St., Red Bonk. Fair Haven. 7417686. 117 Route 35. Ealonto re-cut genuine Idaho Pine with paneling plus security. 717-0393. foyers ond many more exciting feotu -—mtown HARDTOP TENT CAMPER Horry Orailn Realtor. 842-7900, Exclusive ooenls — coll us nowf RUMSON — Older four-bedroom, IV) bath TAXI DRIVERS - Part-time. A.M. or Sleeps eight. With hitch, S9S0. Buck. Choice of many sizes. Example: McCUE TivERs^n HIGHLANDS - Storoj oarooe, 5000 sq home. Completety remodelid. New car- P.M. For Keonsbura or Keyport area, 787- Phone 223-3152 M"x36",| 510.95. Cut and ready In 24 hours. HIGHLANDS — Four-room apartment. ft. Ottlce ond both. »!._per month. M peting throughout. All appliances. Princi -; 1231 between 9 o.m.v p.m. TWIN BED — With box spring and mot- Nurney, days 142.4200, oiftel r 6 p.m. 30 Ridge Rd. Rumson WILLIAMSBURG pal! only. Coll 74H53J. t46,500 firm. RED BANK LUMBER 77U. 142.3160 DOMESTIC NEEDED - To cleon house tress, *20. FOR SALE — Co-operative apartment. REALTY COMPANY EATONTOWN — Split-level. Three bed- one day per week In Atlantic Highlands. LONG BRANCH — From 12.70 per sq. ft, 1 Supply references ond expected salary. Two bedrooms, living room, kitchen 431-9100 rooms, I ,'] baths, den, utility room, living LAUTER — Grand plono. HAY. AND STRAW Shrewsbury Township. 642-4417. Ask fa Alt vttUtttt and nrvtctt Included. Imme "F"ATR"HAVEN RteM Coin Neck room wllh dlnlno areo, kitchen, mostly Reply to Box K-17, The Dally Register, Dimny. dlote occupancy. 222-3000. wall towoll carpeting. Two-car carport, Red Bank. S5O0 Phone 946-IM5 RUMSON AREA pool, screened pool ho me with furniture, W. LONG BRANCH — Furnllhtd, In- OFFICE SPACE — For rtnt. Three-room APPLEBROOKI SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT —, Coll 7471125 EXCLUSIVE BEDROOM — And living 160*401 lot. 549,000. HARRY S. ROW- BASEMENT SALE - Bicycle, drum set. oom sets. Radio with loudspeaker. cludes oil utilities, 1190 per month. Om suite In modern office budding, Downtown New morfcetlno. and mercfiondlilng prn- LAND SR., KEALTOR, 17 Broad St., £a Permonent position. No night work. Apply mile from Fort Monmouth. Single oi Freehold. Call 431-1440. orom for Rumson, Fair Haven, ond EXCLUSIVE Burdge's Garage, 597 Branch Ave., Little baby clothes, furniture, Jon. 19, 20, 9 a.m.- French serving table, marble pedestal. Lefferls built three-bedrooms, two full lontown. M2O22B 5 p.m. 72 Hillside St.. River Plozo. 56WJ660. couplt preferred. Call 542-066/ offer 4:30 Shrewsbury listings. Silver. p.m. Also many cchoicee homes ovolloW*. baths ronch with fireplace and formal din- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Five bed- CONTENTS OF ESTATE — Imported fur- 7' MEYERS SNOW PLOW Houses for Rent Ing room. High on a hid with beautiful HAIRDRESSER — Full-time, ex. KEANSBURG — Five rooms, new home! unobstructed view ot surrounding oreo. room*. Low toxps. Avnlloble how. Sacri- perlenced. Salary open. Call 7S7-7O96 for niture, clocks, paintings, china, crystal, Plowllghts ond undercarriage. fice. Principals only. Coll 77419)9. etc. 754-5269 after 9:30 a.m. Call 842-4940 CarpaUd. 1250 plus utilities. Suitable 1125 to 1350 Per Month Sterling Thompson Convenient to everything. 143,750. Interview. Victor's Beauty Salon, Keans- couple, one child. Leose. 787-098). THE BERG AGENCY purg. LSSOC! Heaitor "Gallery of Homes" LINCROfT — Three faedroom ranch, tire- SOLID OFFICE SIZED DESK — With 75 SHEETS MMddtvtown The place, porch, finished bosement, Mld-40's., glass top, 26 x 54. Five drawers each side. 4x8% Inch Mosanlte. S3 per sheet. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY - Unfur A71-.000 MEN/WOMEN — Fight water pollution 150. vinyl swivel choir, sio. Coll 291-4117. 2S4-O5I1 niifwd four-room, V/i-both apartment in 747-0900 74/-3M3. and earn extra cash. PART-TIME. Call two family house. Heat ana water fur' ED BANK — Immediate occupancy, Mon. thru Frl. 4 to 0 p.m. (201) 291-4737. THREE PAIRS MEN'S ICE SKATES — rlihed. S225 month. No pets. Lease re Three-bedroom houte. References, leote. Applebrook HAIR HAVEN — NAVESINK RIVER- One pair io&f'z, one pair skis with poles, HAMMOND ORGAN culred. Couple preferred. E.A. ARM-and security required. S25O per month RUMSON FRONT Ice skote, tlsh, moor boat off own ' LIGHT CLEANING never used. Call 741-1109. sandy beach. Large Victorian. Modern For house/office In Shrewsbury. STRONG AGENCY, R*altor,,SS5 Prospect ill after I p.m., 842-1773. CONTEMPORY Agency-Realtors Ave., Little Silver. 741-4500. eatl- -"n Kitchen, living roo m vWiwllh fireplacefireplace, 747-1500 FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR of A»burv Park IDE SELECTION OF RENTALS — Fur- 950 Hwy 35 671-2300 Middletown dlnlno room, twwo baths,. foufourr bedroombedroomss Excellent condition. S150. Brand new organ with Rhythm ilshed ond unfurnished, Immediate occu- Spectacular large ronch. 1.7 acres. Three ims third floor, Woll- NURSE'S AIDE — Or training proctlcol Call 7(7-3531 otter 5 p.m. KEANSBURG - Modern two-bedroom years old. Estate area, cul-de-sac. Four second tloor, four roorr.. . nurse to babysit weekends. Mlodletown apartment, ponsled throughout, tile both, pancy. SAMUEL TEICHER AGENCY, FAIR HAVEN'S FINEST , fo-woN carpeting, ru/(-'ba»emertf with bar, Immediate delivery. Bench, music and private entrance. Includes all utilities, >ceonport Ave., Oceonport. 542-3500. »ry large bedrooms, moiter t4 x 30, 3ViGreat area, |ust listed I Three large bed- IwO'Car detached garooe. Near schools, oreo. Salary open. Call 173-1564 anytime DINING ROOM SET - Table, six chairs lessons included. xceptlonal baths, living room 15 x 36 with 130, china closet, S30, aU-leafner operating J)65. Available Immediately. 3 Oceonvlew rooms, two full poihi, beautiful lorge den, shops, commuting, Principal* only. Own- ASSISTANT ENGINEER — For large Ave. 864-70O2. HOLMDEL — Five-bedroom, three-bath oor to celflnp white marble fireplace, full bosement, centrol olr, carpeted. er Diking M7.M0. CoH UJ-iSM. non-profit organization. Red Seal license barber choir, S30. All in oood condition, home. 4550 per month. Jan, 15 occupancy. oust completeletely \woll-to-woll carpeted. must be seen. 843-6539 otter 7 p.m. or oh Large living room with fireplace. A "must required. Excellent opportunity for right 775-9300 SEA BRIGHT — Studio efficiency. One Reference*. Lease ond tecurlty required. Central vocuuimr < '-'-tot_Joi l ' electri"c home*--—, hea-—t ' ieeP' Asking 149,900. InaTvlduol. Liberal fringe benefits. Submit weekends. Open dally 'III t Sol.'Ill 5 parson. Alt (/fJllflei. Furnished. Wo!)-to- Call Mr. ttyon. Mc&OWAN-RYAN, Real- jmp, humidifiers, electrostatic olr, fil- resume to Box K46, The Dally Register wel I corpet. S145 month plus security. No ers, air conditioned. G.E. Americana lelf Lots and Acreage GASOLINE GENERATOR — 110 Ond 220. SURFBOARD tors, 747-3400. Red Bank, N.J. An equal opportunity cm 3500 watt. Never used. pets. 447-980/ or 391-2375. cleonlng two oven range, Thermopone ALLAIRE-FARROW Rumson Wulerlront ployer. Hoble, 9'3", U5. EANSBURG — Seven-room house, fur- Coll 222-2882 78MUI LONG BRANCH — Furnished. One and iroughout. Full baiement. Immediate oc- Realtor ONL- ACRE PLUS -•- One of \a%i acre lots 1 shed, large yard. Wlfhln walking d's- jpancy. Prfncipoii only. U2-7939. 794 Brood SI., Red Bonk on wafer In Ryrrfpon. Lovely residential OTHERLESS HOME — Needs depend- HAMMOND ORGAN — Model B3. Four two-bedroom apartments. Heat and water lonce ot schools and center of town. 5300 SANOVOX — Five months old, with Les- supplied. Winter or yearly rentals. Call area. Cleared, high ground, regdy to >le person. Live In or out. Good solary. yeors old, like new. Added reverb unit lie hookups ond Leslie speaker. Coll til- r month plus utilities. One month's 741-3450 built), tnchontlna view ol protected bay, 222-6141 Leslie speaker also like new. 222-2892. tvenlngt. 339-1553. purify, one yeor learn. Catl 787-SB24. FAIR HAVEN SS20 after e p.m. Four-bedroom, J'/j-bath Cofonlol with den Call Anytime with octets to river ami ocean. Lots of INSURANCE AGENCY — Red Bonk. Sec- RED BANK iANCH HOUSE — Three bedroorm~b\g and gomeroom. Eat-In kitchen-/ centrol air booting at your door.. 300* on woter with retory, experienced only, rotlno ond oen- DOG HOUSES LUXURY HI RISE Lltchen, dining room, bio llvln! conditioning, wall-to-wall carpeting, flre- TO"P~6 F MOU NT AI N~ riparian rights. 533,000. Coll 741-7406, erol office work. Write qualifications to IBM TYPEWRITERS Rlvervlew Towers Four sizes. Quality construction. In- Rent with option to buy. S15 per mo. AM 28 Riverside Ave., Red Bank )ceon view with boat for fishing. ifoce ond dishwasher. Beautifully appoint- Heavily wooded oreo ond spectacular UATON7OWN "— TorgV '/* Vcr'e bulfdino' Box L-13, The Dolly Register, Red Bonk. sulated. Cedar wood. machines guaranteed. Portable repairs ill utilities, electricity, gat, water and sd house. S72.SOO, vlewj. Long low ronch only eight years lot. ISO' front. Will sell or build to sirlf AUTO PARTS JOBBER — Road sales- Overlooking the Naveslnk River. Spacious GREENBROOK FENCE CO. ond cleaning, %S. 872-0327. 1-2 bedroom apartments. Central air con* ewer. S350. everything Included. 1275 new. Three bedrooms, two deluxe baths, Coll S2V 1W2 _ _ j£ person for old established territory In U.S. Hwy tl 753-5323 Wotchung, N.J. Ifhout utilities month's iecurlly, The family, room 21x30, Iwo-car oarage with shore ar»a. Present salesperson relocat- COMPARE BEFORE YOU BUY — Solid dlttoning. 24-hour doorman, Indoor park- BAR SET — Rattan wood finish with vinyl siding doesn't dent like obsolete Ing, swtrn pool, morlno, TV security, ter- 1 Port MonmoMonmoutu h Rd._.., Port Monmouih huge work area, full basement, hot water ing. Must have background selling ports roces. Mr. Prlem (201) 741-1733. 12I-LO4-6W6, 739-1146. Michel. heat. A super home In mint condition, Sol- Commercial Property ond accessories to service stations, cor block vinyl padding. Included or* one 48" metol siding. Col) for free estimate, D. W, Id value at S£2,S00. Can't lost long. dealers, fleets, etc. Full benefits. Call In straight bar section, one 78" curved bar Barr Home Improvements. M2-2053. :EANSBURG — Five room house. One Applebrook CO/MAEUCiAi"dUILOING FOR SALE section/ ond lour swivel choirs. Coll 671- HARBOR VIEW — One-beoroom garden nonth security and pay own utilities, Call person only, 3 p.m. to 5:30. BELLMAN SEASONED FIREWOOD RUSSELL M. BORUS RU^A5ON ROAD AUTO SUPPLY, Rt. 35, galontown. 9607 apartment Total electric. Vi block from 95-1724. Agency-Realtors And too spilttlng services. Oceon, New York but or door. 671-5257, REALTORS (Across from Bendlxl ^ SELLING CONTENTS OF HOUSEHOLD toll M24046 GHLAND HILLS— Ranch, unfur- i? Ave. of Two Rivers M3-29O0 Rum ion MX) River Rd. Folr Hoven — Bedroom set, month old. Baby furni- FOUR -FIVE-ROOM APARTMENTS — PART-TIME DOCTOR'S ASSISTANT — BARCALOUNGER — Two antique wig With oceon view. Avonby-the-Seo, N.J. ished. Four bedroomt, two baths, living UNO bKANCH — O ok wood Ave. area, 747-J532 ture. Living room ieC TV. All kitchen ap- oom,paneled dining room, kitchen. ^tractive ranch, Beamed celling living ~WAT"ERFRON t C6HTEArtPORAf( Y" Red Bank. Coll Mon. 5-6 and 8-9 p.m. pliances, dishes, pans, glassware, small stands from VIQ. one antique loveseat Five miles from Parkwoy £xit 100-S. Call oom, poneled den and dining room, new Tues. 12-2 p.m. 747-2000. from 1880. Lounger needs some repair. 722-8778, 5-11 p.m. Seoutlful area. One or two yeor lease So unique! Spectacular river views 1rom illances, 164 Seeley Ave., Keonsburg. Call 842-1215. storting February 1st. 1325 per month plus Itchen, three bedrooms. Wooded (of. Ex- ihli five-bedroom, three-both (and two "HOUSES OR "LAND CAR WASITHETP — Full lime •2684 RED BANK — Unfurnished Greentre utilities. Security and reference required. ros. (39,900. Conventional financing. holf-bcths) home that's designed for low 671-5S5O MOVING OUT OF STATE — Home ond Apartments, 239 Spring St. Studio, om Finlay Agency. ftt-OIOQ, evenlnai 872-1756. upkeep ond family tun. Library, two fami- Bought tor cosh. For details coll . Country Sudser Cor Woih LUMBER CUT TO SIZE . bedroom ond two-bedroom available Im ALLAIRE-FARROW ly rooms, the lost word In kitchen., sun- porch furniture, two hammocks, lamps, For home and Industry RED BANK — Six-room house, newly, deck plus terrace. Several fireplaces and THE KIRWAN CO. tables, lawn mower, odds 'n ends. Good Open Saturday* until 5 pm. mediately. Catl for appointment, 741-3953. decorated. Neor bus and train. Inquire a! Realtor NEW AND USED CAR CLEAN-UP PER- r>t Brood St.. Red Bank air-condltloned. Mony beautiful oppolnt- SONS — Full time, 18 years ond over. Ap- condition. Reasonable. SM-93U PORT MONMOUTH — Three-room opart 153 Chestnut St. ments, Quest house too! 1220,000. 75 Ncwrnon Springs Rd. Red Bank, N J, ply In person, Werner's Automotive, Hwy MUST SELL — Household Items. Furnl. RED BANK LUMBER ment, unfurnished. Adults preferred. N 741-3450 », Belford. pets. Call 671-0628 after 6 p.m. WEST KEANSBURG — Five roomj, two 842-4350 fure, ffne glassware, china, Mfcnen Items. Wall Street Red Bank 741-5500 bedrooms, garooe, woll-to-wofi carpeting, Coll Anytime WALKER & WALKER .STOCK CLERK — With material controls KEANSBURG — 3 rooms, S150 month ' iced-ln lot. 495-2458. Reoltors WE'UUV"HOUSE'SKJB'YOP DOLLAR " OCIIIty. Knowledge of electromechanical ROYAL TYPEWRITER — And tODle, ^(ENGO FLORISTS Heot ond hot water furnished. Bus a HOLMDEL Hwy. 35 741-5212 Shrewsbury In any condition. FLOWERS AND PLANTS door. References, security. 7B7-W34. THREE-BEDROOM HOME — In Port components. Electro Impulse Lab Inc.,kitchen set with six chairs, golf clubs, bag Monmourh arta. Unturntihed. IJ45 o NEW "F0~U~R-BEDR~0bM"BI I.E!VE L — Phone 257-/828 116 Chestnut St., Red Bonk. An equal op- ond cart. 739-0235 81 Newman Springs Rd., New Shrewsbury $45,500 Fireplace In family room, txceltcnt buy L ISf m"Gvrg-MhS OF"B"ETT E R~H6ME'S:"— I^n KEANSBURG — One-bedroom opart month. Coll 495-0619 anytime. Keonsburp-MIUdlcJowAGENCYn .Hailet-Holmdel 737-0123. . portunity employer. ment. AM utilities included, nsopei ot 147,000. AOLKO r MUST SELL — Five-piece drum set with KROEHLER LAMP/END TABLE — TWO-BEOROOM COTTAGE — Middle Centrally air conditioned three bedrooms, CANDY ATTENb7kNT ^N"0*CASHIER — three cymbals and accessories. Best offer. Originally 169. Excellent condition. S30, month. 3 Oceanvfew Ave., Keonxburg. 495 town village, S200 plus ufifitfes. Lease and two Mi baftij/ paneled reaction, raised THRfcE-BEDRQDM RANCH — Wfll sllu Must be over 16 and oble to work Sot. ana 495-1574 1697. security required. Available Feb. V 671 patio, ottoched rwo-cor ooroge on lovely oted neor everything i3i,uO0. Sun, Apply In person: Town Theatre, Mid- landscoped lot. A rare ima in today's LEGAL NOTfCE MASSIVE UPRIGHT PIANO — Scnroe- KEYPORT — Three rooms, baThTTur 4870. cJletown. ANTIQUE DRIVEWAY GATES nlihed. All utilities. Adults preferred morket! TMREE-BfrDROOM RANCH - In flnc^i CORRECTION der Brothers ontl Excellent condition. NOTICE " CASHIER"— Weekdays. Best offer. 564 50: Security. No pets. Write Box L-15, Th orea. i48,M» Col> 671-5259 Call 542-0771 alter 4 p.m. Dally Register, Red Bonk. __ WantedJo^Rent r I*, hcrcb/ aivcn to Ihe legal Country Sudser Cor wash THREE OFFICE TYPEWRITERS SCHWINN CONTINENTAL BICYCLE — PAUL P. BOVA voier of the School Dislrlct of the FURNISHED ROOM OR SMALL APART- j BEALTOSS McAlister Agency U Three steel desks, three adding machines, 10 speed, one year old, like new. S75. Col FURNISHED — Two rooms("boTn7>7T uoftjuan ui 'jhrewsbury, in the Lountv NURSES' AIDES — Will De trained on the UOoplece. 291-0753. vale entrance. Air conditioned. Lovely MENT — In private home, for jingle man, ] 35 Cherry Tre« Porm Rd . MldtJI«lt)wi Realtor of Monmoutl. ond State of New Jersey, fob for 7-3 ond 3-D shifts ond earn top 842-6306. residential neighborhood. Suitable for ma 27. Coll S66-B146. Oik for BID. 109 F. River Rd , Hurrison 64J 1B9' that a public hpHring will be held ot the wage* during full time training. Alter GOLD NAUGAHYDE RECLINER CHAIR SMOKER — SIO. Dresser, ifl. Large wall ture Odultj. 747-\2Tt.^^ _ 671-2544 MATAWAN — Get oway from it off with- school hrjuu- ol IJ o'clock on the evening i w — 175. Bennlngton pine-type rocking WE NEED — Five or six, 3-3 bedroom short probationary period, *i°*P£, ;i «'i- mirror. J5. Bar stools, 12. Hand truck, i6. Rental Homes, furnished or unlurnlshed out going o«ay! *3V,V9o reod*. the price of Junuur/ Tl. V>!1 for fhp purpose of LUmal fringe benefits. DO NOT PHONE Chair, $75. 870-1259. Drum table, 110 Coffee table. 110. Night tog on this room/ ronch locoted In our fi- toriductlnij (j public hearing on the budg- GREENGROVJTGARDENS from M5 fo J3M per month for Incoming "FIREPLACE " 1 Apply In person weekdays only 10 a.m.-3 HOOVER WASHER - Portable spin-dry, table, S3. Oesk, S30. Books, trains, choirs, nest oreo. ThrcP tjtdroorm. two balh ,, et U,r the ittiaol year \9H//i Sm., Atlantic Highlands Nursing Home, 8 99 Greengrove Ave. Keyport, N.J. •personnel. THE BERG AGENCY, Rf. 35, automatic rinse, and companion dryer. tables, china, tools, 1000 other Items. Call 1-bedroom oportment %\?s monthly Middle town. 671-tooo. playroon^, rcntrol fjir. fenc^fJ In trcort Tf'f comQletc budget will be OVQIIOMP Middletown Ave., Atlantic Highlands^ Four months old. S195. 842-2733. SwIfty'S, 495-1076, 495-2024. FIVE BEDROOMS yard. Walk to uhoaK tjnd tron^prjriotlrjn. lor o/rjiriination by Ihe public at the 2 bedroom oportpnent t22S monthly Call today. school hou^e between the houri ol 9 fncludes'heoL bdf water o rn. ond i p rn. (exclDdmg joturdoys 2 blocks eait Rt. 34 and Middle Rd. one) ^unday^J trorn January 12lli fo Jn il^ii^S%- ^B^'^z^S KIRWAN CO. nixjry jjnd, 197J Phone 264-1846,_Mgr. Apt, 34 DOWINir I AfFRPA COUPLE IN THEIR 50S ter bedroom, )0 * 7) uMUJy -- Need two-bedroom house desperately. Bottrt plus '-'i bathi, full basement, erttuched Airport Plain ?iW-7?O0 Hozlft Bofird Jjpcretory THREE-ROOM APARTMENT — Unfur Please coll 566-5202 two-car garogt*, IS * 18 covered patio. •>hrr*sl.ury Uoro Board o! tdnrnlion CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY nftrtcd. All utilities. No pets- ParklnQ tot Quick occupancy. S3y,900. Welmed Realty, Little Silver - S36,000 VO Obrc Place two con. Coll otter 4, 542-700''. AP A R T W ENT~N^EDED — IFooV rooms. Realtors, 671-5650 Third-bedroom or A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR RED BANK — Attractively furnfshed 2',J Young business couple. Uotawan-Mlddle- 10O1 lot. Principals room aporfmenf. Private enfrofice, Tiiefl town-NavesInk area. References supplied. Jon, 16 JJ.75 MANY NEEDS Please coli 449-7224. ,NEW 33,900 UN900 — Call right away Ui fnipecr fri both. Single or couple prefer red. 842-9139 I Overslied tour-bedroom Colonial. 13 x 19npirv listing It ofteri a very pretty yai EATONTOWN ~ Three rooms neor ihop I master bedroom, t'-i bolhi, lormol dining wllh trees. Five minutes to train station PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE ping ond transportation. One year lease Furnished Room. s ! room, science kitchen Ooieboord heot "Jon* •• is hereby given Ihot tit B oo p m., or ov required. SUS, heat Included. Immediate — — | Gorage. Quick occupancy. Melmed soon fhererjffer as the matter may he V rot . . ._ . ... __ reached, on Thursday. Tcbruorv 1. Iv73, Adding Machines General Contractors Painting & Decorating occupancy, S42-33BA. _ ~A LPi'N WlA A NOR is ion possible. A per- .._t choice for your Ifrst home. Don't at the Mnlrndel irhool Adrnlnlstrotlon CARPENTRY — Remodeling, paneling, tM,POO — A tiue Early American Coioni/i building, located ui\ HHjcrcst HODCI. the •CAfcL fl- JONES - Painting and wollpo RED BANK —Three rooms. Reliable Motel and Hotel, Highlands. 8/2-1773 Holel with o view of the river In Folr Haven delay, call todfiy. ROGER F. COZENS, closets, doors, additions. Odd jobs. Rea- perlna. Fully Insured. For fret estimates, adults' preferred. Security. Ho pefj. Col' Reollor. 813 River Rd., Fair Hoven. /4t- Planning Board *hull conduf.t a public If^TiM- sonable rates. $42-43B!>. COD 259-3MJ. rooms, dally mold service, JK ond 125 per Easy to core for yard with lovely trees heorlnu on tfie opplicotlon of A. P. ADDING MACHINES - Typewrlier5 J41-443I . , ,: and shrubs. Center hall, living room with JfM Ousch, owner ot [ncornr Form Riding sold, rented, repaired, serplcoi. 101 Morv Pearl ond oceonfronl, daily maid service, S40 per flreploce, large dining room paneled NEW MOMMOUTH — 6110 fi c r e, we 11 - AccxJsmy Ifjcoiert on Hoi kind Pond and moutti St.. Red Sink. 747-OUS Commercial Rentals week. _^ | country kitchen with open hearth fire treed. Custom Cape, (our bedrooms, living Laurel Avenue, L«l 2 in Block 50 on the Limousine Service Bead Restrlnglng - » « r-1 * i 'Vr\ r~A i ' Pl°ce- den. 3"J tiolhi, fhrte bedrooms, roorn with flreplocc, dining room, eat-In Holmdrl Towoihip To* Mop. for 5ite A NEW IDcA! ! screened porch. See ft lodoy. ROGER F. Htchen, l"i bofhs, lull basement, exlros. Plan Approval (or (tip erection of fiorse ARROW LIMOUSINE SERVICE Expertly on braided nylon. Si.SO a itrand. Clocks and Codlllocs ond Chrystert for all occasions fear round living for Golden Aaes. Nice i COZENS. Realtor. 813 Rl^er Rd., F-otr 177,900. 671-374;. _^ __ stalls, obicrvotlon room anU (arm help 24 hr. service. 842 63*4. Sterling clasps from 75c. REU5SILLES'. ooms, ocean view, three home-cooked j Hoven. 74\-JfM quartern. Watch Repair 36 Brood St., Red Bank. CHOICE meals dolly, 34 hr. love ond attention. HOWELL'fOWNSHIP*-""HURRY i" Save The tollowInQ plant- ond documents You're not '• uit o name" here, in Aibury *•/. ACRE ESTATE tK&hcf Feel. Lorg*; three or four-bedroom Antique Clockl, watchel. line l'*^^ spill. Good condrtlon. Loaded with extros. will 6e coniidcrcd ut the hearing: Lei. nertft done. Don Pons Jewelen, m Roofing/ Siding Pork coll 775-S0O6, UO.000 ter opplrcntion deled January B, 197i, OFFICE SPACE : Sprowlfno ronch, n.uoted In horse coun- Must jell Reduced to (32,900. Coll 899- letter tfcited January 9. 19/3 from the Rd.. Folr Haven. U1-6W. Odd Jobs A Insulation URNISHED ROOM — Private bath 4A3-3. _ . Cooking focllltles. Private entrance. Suit- try, leoturei three bedroom), two lull Board of Htalrn; Plot Plan doled Octo- OLSON CO. — ROOFING AND SIDING 2200 Scj It. Heal, air condilionmg. able for woman. Call 671-2583. botht, 74x23 family room, two-car ot- R r V E R ffi'OU T —" A~g r o^ U>us~~c"o I on kil ber IB. 19J2. Floor Plan ond Holland cfeoned up. Pree estimates. 74; installed ond guaranteed for 10 years. 775- toched gorage. Full basement. 26x40 build- Road Elevation Plan dated October 27. 3 p.m. with sijK lorpe bedroomi, 4Vj baths, huge Commercial Art 07O3 -741-5616. .jamiorial service, private parking on LXRG~E~FURN~ISHECTSTUIDIo Ro6w"— ing con be used tor stable or nursery. living room, river room, ond dining room, 1972 o( proposed Addition fo fhc Arena paved parking lot. Convenient to all 'rlvote fullbo'th, entrance ond porhmg. Over 300 trees ond 3S00 shrubs. 12x40 two yeor nld eat-In kitchen. Deep water Building. Sold plani were prepared by GN LANGUAGE We mo jos, M749H SHW ROOFING 7< 1-6150 polio with built-in barbecue. Come on Boyken, Feuler and Cook Professional SIGN LANGUAGE - We mote public transportation. Will rearrange 1 Bonk vicinity. Suitable for lad/ 741- dock on Shrewsbury River. Location, Pintersnters, custom art ond livers InoInot speak Pointing & Decorating "Monmouth County's Live Wire Roofers" down ond Join the "Lond Socons " THE ml living can now be Association, Architects, Main Street, Special I it» — repafrt, shingle work. egant II Holmdel, NJ, Copies have been filed in fe?i?yoi . Colll 3W-W3WWI oorr "jl'jL INTERIOR PAINTING. PAPERING offices to tenanfs/equiremenis At- KfRWAN CO.,_Realtors, 787 W00. """ Coll today. RO- MAMMOUTH ROOFING AND SIDING N~TER RENTALS" R*oo7ni with pn jr»,ooo Rd., the ottlce o' the Township Clerk ond are Iraclive pnee Broker fate bath and weekly mold service. JJ5 available fpr Infection by the public 542-0779 Commerclol-resldentiol. Financing or- -LET0WAPDO — four bedroom, t*j\\ tioa- Fair Haven 74\ J6&6 ronoed. UZ-f»i or *9iU41. , per week. Wlnd|ammir, 344 Ocean Ave , ment Cope Cod. t:"' Nolobtoosmolf ptr*d cuthlen cov»n, expertly WUtii Call 7»7-*363 Central olr. 21' redwood deck. Custom GEORGE W. THOMAS, "let uirHtyleVm lor you personally, niched. Coll J001, «7iiXM rooms, l'>i bathi, baseboard heating, decorated. Mony extras. Close to ithooli, fteusslltes*. M brood St. FRANK E. WHITING 747-1100 fED BANK — Second floor next to semi; fenced yard. STERLING MC CANN, Real Porkwoy and railroad station. Mini condi- Secretory private bath and shower. One person. SI 10- Estate Broker, 566-9664 month. Also part security, 741-1855, tion. 149,900. Call 4/1-4250, Jon. 16 "-25 »22 Tie Dafly Register, Red Bank-MWdletown, N.J. Tuesday, January II, W73 Crossword Puzzle Snuffy- Smith 3„ 6 Destructiv— . _.._e 6£f0t LouI raidd sounsound 25Vto8fl"?* %* ACROSS progenitor insect 61 Mistake 1 f VOU SAID A 1 Culmination 27 Patty cash BALLS 0'FIRE!. 38 Sped 63 Dutch 5 Bundled receipt MOUTHFUL 39 Shred: Scot. weight TD I CLEAN FER60T 10 Ceremonial 28 Novelist's 40 Lukewarm 64 Seed ABOUT TH'BLESSIN'-- powder: output 41 Seashore covering India 29 Quarters feature 65 Sting 14 Wire spiral 30 Lassoed 42 Tenet 66 Grafted: 15 Came up Her. 32 Drill 16 Ocean 43 Forced 67 Switches 33 Pierce , movement through a 68 Locales 34 Terminated 17 Harmonize sieve 69 WWII gun 37 Is borne 18 Condition 44 Pungent DOWN along 13 Heraldic seasoning 1 Deeds 40 Indefati- figure 45 Annoy 2 Chicken gable 20 Small dots 47 Fated shelter 41 Fusiform 22 Relied upon 49 Submerged 3 Ore pieces 24 Row sand ridge source 43 Stagger 26 Dreamfully 51 Formed into A Balloting 44 Benumb muse threads process 46 Angles for 27 Dash man 52 Walked 5 Short- bluefish 31 Cuddle up leisurely legged 48 Sudden 35 Swindler 56 Neglected hunter surges THERE/ EVERYTHINS WIPE VOUR FEET Solution to Yesterday's Puzzle LOOKS NICE FOR MY SOOD AND STAY 6 Skill 50 Famous - LUNCHEON GUESTS. OUT OF THE 7 Burden physicist LIVING lana aaaao oaaaHi 8 Chemical 52 Baby oyster ROOM aaaa aana ana compound 53 Buddhist Boaaa aaaa unaa 9 Intensified monastery 'USAKAL,Ate.WILSON! uANTAK/wyt aaaa aasa aau 10 Expiates 54 Shower 1 H HUH anas aaaaaa 11 Flyer 55 Mild oath INTO BUYIM COLORTV,lllSTAY m&M'm&/m an aHDHDHaaa an 12 Indolent 57 Mole: dial. Children's Letter aanraas raaaa nun 13 Clarinet Eng. -: aaa nrjan aaan component 58 Eminence 21 Knotted 59 Paradise area 62 Native 23 Always metal

1/16/73 r- 13- V 1 F r"VT"9 1 i2 iT" |15~ r 16 1 I.... 1ir 17 ITS" 1)9 "SOFT STILINEW MARV! WHAT A JOy TO FIND 1 AND THE NIGHT. SOMEONE EliE. WHO LOVED TH05t - 1 20 "HOW 5WE£T THE MOONLIGHT LIMES FROM "THE MERCHANT OF BECOME THE TOUCHES SLEEPS UPON THIS BANK.! VENICE" ENOUGH TO MEMORIZE. THEM! wI- 25 HERE WILL WE .^ ^ OF SWEET HARMONV-" 'AND LET THE. 5OUND5 OF MUSK P 28 30 E 33 1 CREEP IN OUR EARS:" 1 35 136 3B 39~ 140 141 - - - r .|44 1143 1 45 !1 50 IsT" F 53 54 P58 59 \ i \ 60 161 162 63 The Wizard of Id • 64 I IfiS lI 66 67 les LJ • 69 Your Horoscope, Birthday TUESDAY, JANUARY It any way possible — short of to the discovery of secrets. untried plans into action. — Born today, you are eager selling out yourself. Should you learn ill of others, LEO (July 24-Aug. 23) - for success — so much so that Whether man or woman, keep it to yourself. They may Turn your attention to the you are generally planning you will always find it diffi- do the same for you one day. person within. You may have years ir advance. Indeed, you cult to "play the field." Sin- PISCES (Feb. 20-March 21) been attempting to make an are very likely missing some gleminded and singlehearted — Perfection comes in very impression on another for too of the pleasures of the present when it comes to an affair of small packages today. Do long. Get back to basics. in your constant consideration the heart, you must see a your best to overlook the VIRGO (Aug. 24-Sept. 23) - A meee ARE WO SUORT DOE'S HETUIWKI'P of the future. Even as a child, relationship through to its per- flaws so easily observable in Don't be too eager to fathom HOW PO I 60 L - cure, wo...THERE | TUI6 you had your future in the manent end — whether that the larger events of the day. another's intentions. You may c ABOUT ARE MANY TUIN&6 6TUPIP BOX IP I forefront of your mind, wor- end be a happy or bitter one ARIES (March 22-April 20) be better off remaining in ig- MORE IMPORTANT rying not so much about how — before you are able to ex- — Whatever does not interest norance — at least for the ""KMEW? things were going at the mo- pand your, mind or heart to or attract you in some way time being. Keep alert to ment but more about how encompass further serious today, avoid. It isn't neces- moods. things would be going the next contacts with people. Such an sary for you to discipline month, the next year. Such attitude may limit your LIBRA (Sept. 24-Cct. 23) - yourself into activities you A day which may leave you care and consideration mean friendships — but only in dislike. that you laid the groundwork quantity, not quality. wondering before it's over. TAURUS (April 21-May 21) Keep to your own personal for success exceedingly well. To find what is in store for — A day for being gracious code of behavior, however, Whether you will enjoy suc- you tomorrow, select your and charming. Take care not and all should ultimately be cess when it comes is another birthday and read the corre- to overstep the bounds of well. story. sponding paragraph. Let your courtesy when in the business SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) birthday star be your daily You care very much what of correction and criticism. — If you insist on perfection, guide. Andy Capp others think of you. At the GEMINI (May 22-June 21) this will be a difficult day for same time, however, you find — Work with effort undimi- you. Take care that prepara- TAKE L/S'NIGHT, MftRV.1 l£T THETHEMM T1 Wednesday, January 17 MV TROUBLE iS it impossible to compromise nished toward goals of long tions are in order before be- STAr* UP ID WHICH THE WESTERERNN J standards and principles CAPRICORN (Dec. 23-Jan. ICANTSAVNO. 1 standing. You may be tempt- ginning new projects. ILETTHEBOVS AN COULBNT&ETTHEM UP merely to satisfy the image 20) — Make an independent jOft«00LT RIN' ' ed to give it up in the face of BOANYTHIN' others may have of you. You choice today. Otherwise, you new difficulties; persevere a SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23- THEY WANT- would rather suffer the col- will constantly be picking little longer. Dec. 22) — You may be jeop- lapse of relationships than to flaws in the situation or cir- CANCER (June 22-July 23) ardizing your favorable posi- maintain them and have to cumstances in which you — Work for the honor success tion in the community by go- suffer a guilty conscience. land. can bring you rather than the ing out on a limb for another. You are quite ready and will- AQUARIUS (Jan. 21-Keb. material rewards. An ex- Nevertheless, you must do ing to preserve friendships in 19) — A day which lends itself cellent day for putting old but what you feel is right. Sheinwold's Bridge Advice

Blondic By ALFRED SHEINWOLD got the setting trick with the Perhaps we can draw a Soulh dealer MR.BUMSTEAP, IF I CAME HOME king of diamonds. moral from South's little tra- Norlh-Soulh vulnerable I'M SELLING THESE _-( THIS OME OMVOO WHAT DO VOU )_ gedy. Don't ask a question NORTH V_. AND SEE MOW ! VODLDM'T LET "How could I tell which fi- Took Wrong Finesse NSW MOD WI6S when the answer is useless. In AQ3 FOR MEN YOU LOOK nesse was going to work?" Both finesses lost, as it South asked after the play of turned out, but South should fact, a bridge player who asks 1096 today's hand. He was asking questions after the play of a AQJ 108 have made his contract. He o K5 the wrong question, for the made the mistake of taking hand that he has muffed may WEST * choice was very clear. More- the wrong finesse first. get an answer that he won't EAST over, an answer to his ques- like. 4 854 • 6 South should draw trumps O 52 tion would not have helped and try the diamond finesse to DAILY QUESTION him. As dealer, you hold: S-B H-5 O 7 5 O K64 2 begin with. If East slyly re- * 107632 • AQJ 984 Wcsl opened a club, and fuses the trick. South can 2 D-K 6 4 2 C-A Q J 9 8 4. What do you say? SOUTH South ruffed. Declarer drew abandon the diamonds and KJ 109 7 2 three rounds of trumps, en- just give up one heart trick. Answer: Pass. You would A K J X 3 ding in dummy, and led the If East lakes the first dia- bid this borderline hand if the 9 3 ten of hearts for a finesse. He mond with the king. South can long suit were a major or if it o None expected lo make his contract do without the heart finesse had one more high-card point Soulh West North East if either the heart finesse or altogether. He can get rid of in either of the long suits. 1 * Pass 2 O the diamond finesse worked. three hearts on dummy's good Some experts would bid one -1 C Pass •> • Pass West took the queen of diamonds and then his slam club with the hand as it 6 • Pass Pass Pass BETfgS IP I hearts, and East eventually contract is unbeatable. stands. Opening lead - Jf, 3 CDN'T TELI.


H6« The Phanloin Hectic Bailey JOE/ ANP 1 KJCKED JOEY AVHAK ATE MCRE THAN IN MAWIWAM, 1 Gor A JOB ' WHEII THE WPS FOUNP MCW WEAK THE WORLD WE COLUD EARN." A?, A TANNER «y FATHER'S JOE/ WAS... THEY'D TORMENT HIM... Me SAID I WAS ANP WHAT HE PUT ME ON FORAWHILE... IT'S TRADE.' , _, - 1 HAP TO PO SOMETHING." HARD TO GET JOBS EAT EAT THAT'S JUNCLt RUDOLPH TOO MOChi OF A PIP 6AR6B PERMANENT FOR A DWARF AND ALL VOU DO.' L0MEE AND CAN'T SAY? DUT/ A WEAK GIANT. E&TABUSMAI RELATIONSHIP Tte J>*ily Register, Bed Jtank-Mtddletown, N.J. Tuesday, January IS, 1973 23 in the Family' Paul of Tliebes was an early Televisioni Today Christian monk who lived in the Egyptian desert for 112 years in Heads Up Top 20 -,*, the 3rd and 4th centuries. DAYTIME MOVIES algned to Investigate a series of unsolved murders In Seattle. 9:00 O "Story of Ruth" ,/NEW YORK (AP) - The ter" both CBS; "Adam-12" IB GET SMART STRATHMORE 1:00 0 "Affectionately Ysuri" CBS Television networks "All Smart Mts out to ctplurt ths he*d of a K*ng! of and "Flip Wilson" both NBC, Q "I Cover thi Undwmrld" Jtwtl thieves. TWIN CINEMA 1 in the Family" show was the tied in ratings points; "The ID "Bella L. Grand" 0IIU MOYERS JOURNAL iSTRATHMORESHOPnHGPLAZft nation's highest rated pro- Orange Bowl Game" NBC 3:30 B "Heriow" *00 O THE IOLD ONES HIGHWAY 34, MAT AW AN •1:30 O "High Colt of Loving" •TTJ* Night Crawler." A psychotic voyeur Is deter- gram for the week of Jan. 1-7. and "The CBS Tuesday Mov- O "Four for T«KSI" mtiwd to assassinate Detective Hernandez because • ~. 583-4141 according to A. C. Nielsen fig- of Jtalouty involvinr Hern&ndCB' girt friend, ie" CBS. EVENING O MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE ALL ADULT ADMIS8WNS 51.50 ures made public today. "Ky« of the Cat" (1969) atarring Gayle HunnlcuU, Other winners were four «#> a a e NEWS Michael 8arraz.ii. A young man attempts to murder CINEMA I . The19 other winners, in or- S THE FUNTSTONES his aunt CBS shows, "The Mary Tyler "Samantha" O THE MAJOR OSCAR CONTENDERS der of their ranking, were: Moore show," "Maude," ' 13 THE BEVERLY HILLBILLIES Dick Slrout hosts this i[-.edal which features «x- dtlnr mtnts from the pictures which the film In* "Sanford & Son" and "Iron- "Sonny and Cher" and "Can- "Jethro's First Love" "OHICALCUnA" O GILUGAN-S ISLAND duatry considers the major contender* for Urt side" both NBC; Hawaii Five, Oacar. non," followed by "Marcus "Operation: Steam Heat" « IEHIND THE LINES O" CBS; "Walt Disney" and Welby" ABC, "Carol Burnett" IB HODGEPODGE LODGE 0_ THE CBS TUESDAY NIGHT MOVIE "FRITZ the CAT" "Sunday Mystery Movie" CBS, "The ABC Tuesday *:J0 0 I LOVE LUCY CINEMA II "Lucy Goes Wq the Hospital" •The Voyage of the Tea" starring- Desl Arnaz Jr., both NBC; "Bridget Loves Alike Bvans. Tvro teen-agers embark upon a drama- Movie" ABC and "The Bob Q HAVE GMN. WILL TRAVEL tic set journey that finds them battling; the forces "KING OF HEARTS" Bernie" and "Medical Cen- NewharfShow" CBS: •The Twins* • ' of nature and the complexities ot their own latent prejudices. PLUS %a BEAT THE CLOCK DASOLINIS ID YOUR RITtJRE IS NOW O BLACK JOURNAL 7.-00 8 CBS EVENING NEWS 10:00 O NBC REPORTS "THE DECAMERON" Q NBC NIGHTLY NEWS •The FVirbidden City." The city city, a gigantic 0 THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW fortress in Peking that housed emperors of Chins - from 1421 to 1D11, ia visited and the Peking of STARTS TOMORROW "Citizens Arrest" yesterday is contrasted with life in that city today. O ABC EVENING NEWS O IT TAKES A THIEF m to NEWS "Hans Across the Border" (Part I) Q MARCUS WELBY. M.D. O I DREAM OF JEANNIE "Who Are You. Arthur Kllinskl?" A grandfather, RICHARD'S •The Girl Who Never Had A Birthday" (Part I) his son and grandson learn respect for each other's AT SHANNON'S IS ERICA views of life when Ulricas draws them together. "Space Age Canvas" IE) CORONATION STREET 640 SHREWSBURY AVE. MEW SHREWSBURY 7:15 IB THEONIE Kna Shaprles' job at the Community Center is In "Spanikopitta" jeopardy. 842-8546 7:30 Q I'VE GOT A SECRET 10:30 (Q THE 5ltt STATE B POLICE SURGEON 11:00 O O O NEWS TRAVELING MAN - Jack Benny gets ready to B ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS "Assassin." When a former mobster is wounded by take a ride on a stage coach in his new comedy,. a would-be asssssui, Dr. Locke VMS psjrcbnlogy to "you Csn't Trust A Man" locate clues. O BORIS KARLOFF PRESENTS "RCA Presents Jack Benny's First Farewell Spe- ALLTHEANTIPASTO YOU CAN MAKE B THAT GIRL The Hollow Watcher" •' "Write Is Wrong" IS PERRY MASON cial," to be colorcast on the NBC Television Net- MECHANIC O SAFARI TO ADVENTURE "The Case of the Angry Mourner" work Thursday at 9 p.m. THREE BEAN SALAD. SICILIAN STYLE TOMAfof Si "Alaskan Bear" IB FILM ODYSSEY PEAS. SCALLIONS ID THE COURTSHIP OF EDDIE'S FATHER "Jules and Jim" "Guess Who's Coming To Lunch" 11:30 B THE CBS LATE MOVIE IB THE Slit STATE "For Singles Only1 (106S) starring John Saxon, 8.40 O MAUDE Mary Ann Mobley. Some madcap happenings occur ZUPPA DEL GIORNO in an apartment complex restricted to tenants who At the Movies O BONANZA are single. These schediles ire provided by 'The Hunter." An escape* from ft mental institu- O THE TONIGHT SHOW KEYPORT PLUS tion tells joe tit will rive him {our hours to ran 0 THE 11:30 MOVIE OK theater aid tke times are for STRAND- away before^ he hunts him down and Kills him. "Planets Against Us" (1061) atarring Jany Clalr, MajMly. Dees Throat 6:«S: ?:00; 11:15 150 Michel Lamolne. Planets form an alliance to destroy Love For Sole 7MS, 10:10 "Everyone Is A Brother In Law" RED BANK ALL THE SPAGHETTI YOU CAN EAT.. the earth. ENDS TODAY "Lady Sings The O TEMPERATURES RISING O WIDE WORLD OF ENTERTAINMENT CINEMA III— IIAZLET "How To Cure A. Doctor of Money." An ei-iiro Bh»»" ft "Bossmsiys Baby" "Frankenstein" (Parti) starring Robert Foxworth, Sounder 7:00; MS PLAZA- OR football players tries to intern at Capital Oeneia) Susan Strasberr. A terrifying monster Is brought to The Grotfuots 10:30 but hll former coach wants him tack. life by a mad doctor. EATONTOWN The Volochl Papers 7:15; 9:25 O BORIS KARLOFF PRESENTS 12:00 Q THF MIDNIGHT MOVIE 150 COMMUNITY- RT.» DRIVEIN- MANICOTTlw/TOMATO SAUCE •Tin Death Do Us Part- "Ghost or Frankenstein" (IMS) starring Lon Roiemory's Baby 7:00 ID NANNY AND THETROFESSOR Chaney. Jr., Kyetyn Ankers. Acrosl 110th SI. 2:O0; 7:15; 9:20 Lody Slnas trie Blues v:30 "Star Bright" ID THE BURNS AND ALLEN SHOW DRIVE-IN- MUTER MADE 0D REALIDADES 12:30 CD MIGHT FINAL ' Blaculo 7:00; 10:10 MATAWAN WEDNESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL ^ „« 8:30 B HAWAII FIVE-0 1:00 O NEWS Dr. PnlDet Rises Agoln IM CINEMA 34- TWATRES A psychiatrist Is ths victim of an extortion effort O THE ONE O'CLOCK MOVIE ASBUnY PARK Ulrano's Raid 7: IS; 9:10 ALL THE SPAGHETTI TWO O50 by a clever paranoiac found too disturbed to treat. EARLY BIRD "Full Hesrta and Empty Pockets" (1964) starring SAVOY- 0 THE MERV GRIFFIN SHOW Sent* Berger. Linda Christian. PBICE8 PEOPLE CAN EAT W Try and Moke Me 7:30; 9:00 G R A N T' S O ABC TUESDAY NIGHT MOVIE I OT & HOLLYWOOD'S FINEST I "The Night Strangler" starring Darren McCavin, "The Long Dark Hall" (1551) starring Bex Harri- LYBIC- Eggplant Parmigiana 3.50 Jo Ann Fflug. A transient newspaperman ia as- son, LUIl Palmer. Dtllvtranct 7:40; 9:40 mi IIIIIIII iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiuiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IUNNIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIII ST. JAMES- Blaculo 2:00; 7:00; 10:00 |WHITE STREET 1 At A111 Fresh Veal Parmigiana 4.95 Dr. Phltxt Rliet Again «;10 < "I) BANK /•1/-UJJJJ Shrimp-Scampi, Italian Style 4.50 NEPTUNE THE "QUIET" NEW Town East Doesn't Escape Type-Casting NEPTUNE CITY- Fresh Veal Cutlets..... 4.50 Soundir 7:30; 9:30 MOVIE THAT HAS Tender Steak Pizzaiola ...5.75 By JERRY BUCK was born in New York City can detective in an NBC pilot, OCEAN TOWNSHIP I TAKEN THE NATION EXCLUSIVE and raised there and in "Hernandez." The Volochl Papers 5:00; 7:25; 9:35 All with Spaghetti, of course BY STORM !! SHOWING HOLLYWOOD (AP) - Ac- Puerto Rico. Darrow said he has seen an FREEHOLD tor Henry Darrow changed In his first 12 years as an improvement in opportunities MALL1- The volacnl Papers 7:15; 9:25 "FIDDLER his name from Henry Delgado actor before changing his for Spanish-Americans in the ."SOUNDER" MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL MALL 2- about a decade ago to escape name he said he played only entertainment industry since NOMINATED BYfrlE NATIONAL ANTIPASTO-SOUP 150 FlddleronttieRoof t:00 BOARD OF REVIEW AS ONE ON THE ROOF" the Latin stereotype. one non-Spanish-type role. he left Puerto Rico with a NORTH OF RED BANK OF THE TEN BEST OF 1972. RAVIOLI "The pattern was when they Darrow thinks the irony of scholarship for the Pasadena ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS "CICELY TYSON1' cast a movie they'd look it is that since Anglicizing his Playhouse. ATLANTIC CINEMA- BEST ACTRESS 1972. down the list and see your name he has become best The only employment he . Everything You Wanted to Know THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL About Sex 7:00; 9:55 name and say, sorry, we don't known for his role as the de- found after graduating was What Da You Say to a Naked Lody? THE LIST OF RAVE Eatontown ANTIPASTO-SOUP MIDDLETOWN RECOMMENDATIONS AND DRIVC IN M21200 ' 150 have any Latin roles. They vilish Manolito Montoya on dubbing the English for Mexi- ACCLAIM FROM EVERY CRITIC, wouldn't consider you for any- TV's "High Chaparral" and is can movies. Then he did nine TOWN EAST— RELIQIOUS GROUPS. CIVIC Fiddler on the Rool t:00 ORGANIZATIONS, IS TOO LONG BAKED ZITI thing else," said Darrow, who films in Mexico. St. James now cast as a Mexican-Ameri- TOWN WEST- TO LIST. AU«k)7UU FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Four years ago he helped Oellverance7:30; 9:30 Ricardo Montalban organize THE FILM EVERYONE MUSIC -UST TIMES TODAY—1 ANTIPASTO-SOUP Nosotros and served as its IS TALKING ABOUT »75 "BLACULA"& | first vice president. Nosotros MAKERS "SOUNDER" LASAGNE tMESKCIAl THEATRES "IT IS A MISSING CHAPTER FROM DB.PHIBESHI8BABAW"| STUFFED operates an acting workshop C MADE WITH MEAT 'THE GRAPES OF WRATH' $«95 SHRIMP and works to improve the im- MONDAY K DATE NIGHT AND OF EQUAL STATURE." STARTS WED.! . FSESH FRUIT CUP, Soop do Jour. age of Spanish-speaking Mnry nf family rrtiil(^>ii>!ii|i. tlir Richard Di Flore, Restaurant Operator • Solod, Sniffed BoluJ Pololo, On- people within the entertain- rn i " ' I, ol| ftrt &'Collt« CINEMA 34 Mjitawan Irr-l.ii.'i "TROUBLE MAN' ment industry. W.J4, SU-MOO it «»l. ilv IV His Friends Call Him Mr. T.. SERVED NIGHTLY 5 P.M.IO 10 P.M. In "Hernandez," which airs •l-rl.V BURT LANCASTER His Enemies Call For Mercy) FRIDAY & SATURDAY UNTIL 11:00 P.M. tonight in place of "The Bold ll Wii,ri,-I,l llrnl papBBmSTONES il.iir (I-. - Plus - " Rte. 35 • Middletown One mile north of Red Bank Ones," Darrow said he tried Jiuirni CIIIM', iviiivrvl "AND HOPE TO DIE" TUESDAY NIGHT - ANTIPASTO'S NIGHT OFF to capture the same qualities ULZANA'S './ /: • '• . - 741-8344 WITH ROBERT RYAN that made Manolito a popular RAID "SOUNDER'' - character in "High Chap- EVERY NITE 7:00 t Bi45 'O]« arral." fjll. « SAT. 7100. a*5. 10:30 PLAZA Hazlef "He's light-hearted, fun-lov-' ITE.36IIMIDDKIID., 26(4(34 .Sat. & Sun. - 2 p.m Community ing, tough, but a family man pits UTI show cviiiy N!TE with a mother, a brother and IF YOU STEAL (HCUtAH ADMISSION PtlCC a steady girl," he said. 1300,000. FROM THE MOB, INClUDfj U1C !»OW I IT'S NOT ROBBERY, Other television shows in LAST TIMES TONITE IT'S SUICIDE the past have improved the image, such as "High Chap- Tlir iDUSTIN HOFFMAN ANTHONY QUINN YAPHET KOTTO arral" and "The Man and the lilt A ANNE BANCROFT City" in which Anthony IN Quinn played the Mexican- American mayor of a large EVEIV NITE 10:30 P.M "ACROSS Southwestern city. FBI, t SAT. 11 MIDNITE Darrow said if NBC picks 110THST." up the pilot as a series it will STARTS TOMORROW not. confine itself to the Span-1 WITH ANTHONY ERANCIOSA Rosie's Second Meet Rosie ish-American community. "FILUORE" "We're not going to be hit- ThlValachi Adult Entertainment Anniversary! ting just the ethnic thing," he ADMISSION ONLY in Person at. said. "Sure, we'll get in- Papers TO LATE SHOW volved, we'll make a point now and then, there'll be Town West slurs, but we're not delivering a message." NOW THRU THURSDAY In 1927, naturalists estimated that house mice in one section Lyric Albury P»rk 7/5 108B of Kern County, Calif., aver- aged 17 to the square yard or WHAT DID HAPPEN ONTHE 82,000per acre. CAHULAWASSEE FRIDAY, JAN. 19th RIVER! From Noon 'til Closing DORIS W ED INCOLOff 'DELIVERANCE" rpmrs • STARRING • Join The Ballgame XJk'niM'-tuJ ADULTS ONLY JOHN VOIGHT Beat this combination! : BURT REYNOLDS Prime Rib Free Hats! Music & WED. S THURS. HITE SPECIALS TONITE •EVERYTHING YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT SEX" of BEEF Anniversary Singing "WHAT DO YOU SAY TO A NAKED LADY- Circle Choice ol STARTS WEDNESDAY Cake for Bowl ol Clarn Chowder all day. or fruit cup FIRST RUN "THE EVERYBODY! Choice ol 12 noon til Shrewsbury River Steamers Served (drawn bullet & broth) VALACHI closing dozen clams in half shell From 5 P.M. Surprises Galore! THERE HAS NEVER BEEN "We're a new breed Choico of A MOVIE LIKE 1 doz. Ig. shrimp in the Rough . of cat baby!" PAPERS" (served cold with cocktail sauco) OR WITH 1 do/. Baltimore Style Shrimp (served hot with drawn bulter — CHARLES BRONSON you pee! your own) All Ihi5 with cheeso & crackers, AS JOE VALACHI Home-baked bread & creamy bulter, our famous colo slaw. ••***•******** coffee or lea. ST. JAMES Complete sealood Asbury Park menu available JANUARY 22nd Route thirty-five, Eatontown, N.J. DORIS 'IM' ED'S CLOSED CIRCUIT TV SEAFOOD RESTAURANT FRAZIER • FOREMAN phone: five, four, two - oh, ate, oh, oh! "HOUSE OF GOURMET SEAFOOD" CHAMPIONSHIP FIGHT 36 Shore Dr., Highlands Tickets Now pn 8ale at All, 872-1565 Waller Reade Theatres Cloud Every Mon. & Tuts. 24 The Dally Register, Red Bank-MMdtetown, N.J. Taesday, January K, 1973 Ocean Laser Expert Heads State Environmental Unit i OCEAN TOWNSHIP - The and environmental impact "With increasing population "Arid possibly we should "The New Jersey govern- tion. prizes for a continuing student has seven more pending, two ; new president of the Associ- statements required of all density in New Jersey, the have a state land use master ment deserves nigh praise for He hopes to encourage more environmental awards pro- of those involving water pollu- .atton of New Jersey Environ- projects," he said. , open land remaining is be-' plan in which certain lands, forward thinking in the area cooperation among the state's gram in township schools. tion monitoring systems. ; mental Commissions sees the Step Haphazard Growth coming too valuable for a de- because of the richness of of environmental legislation," 153 separate commissions by Planned in Ocean is an in- He is a member of the association's main goal as In the year he has served as veloper to use as he sees fit," their soil, are set aside per- Mr. Levy .said. "We're very holding sessions on a tri-re- novative tree-bank program, IEEE subcommittee on ther- "incorporating effective envi- charter chairman of thtv the new association head de- manently for farming. fortunate to have (Assembly gional basis, and offering where 20-to 30-foot high trees, mionics, the Arc Committee ronmental considerations in Ocean Township commission, clared. "We should not be using Speaker Thomas H.) Kean budget guidance for individ- slated for removal in devel- of the American Physical So- all state land use planning." the Planning Board has farmland for housing pur- and (Assemblywoman Jose- ual groups. opments, will be replanted ciety, the American Associ- Stephen Levy, a laser ex- agreed to require environ- In particular, he worries poses," be reiterated. phine S.) Margetts." The Ocean Township com- professionally, for a fee, in ation for the Advancement of pert, chairman of the Ocean mental assessment reports for about the vast amounts of At Saturday's session, Gov. High Praise mission used its initial $11,700 township residents' yards. Science and the New Jersey Township" Environmental every new project in the valuable farmland being sold William T. Cahill told associ- This is high praise from Mr. budget last year to fund drain- From »to 5, Mr. Levy is an Academy of Science. Commission, program chair- township. Mr. Levy thinks for commercial and housing ation members that he bad Levy, a native of Lynn, age studies for both devel- electrical engineer with the A resident here for seven man of Citizens Against Water that action has done much to developments. created by executive order a Mass., a state where the envi- opments and a basin area, ap- Ft. Monmouth Electronics years, Mr. Levy, his wife Su- .Pollution (CAWP), and chair- halt the undirected and hap- Tax Incentive new state planning council to ronmental commission move- praisals or the Deal Lake test Command, specializing in zanne, and sons Michael, 5%. man of-the Deal Lake Com- hazard growth occurring in "The present tax incentive guide future growth in the ment began and the shoreline site, a commission brochure, gaseous-electronic devices. and David. 2%. recently mission, was elected unani- that community in recent for farming obviously has to. state, a move Mr. Levy enthu- protection is cited as the ben- purchase of a camera for He has published seven publi- moved to a new home at 18 mously to the top state post years. be altered," Mr. Levy said. siastically endorses. chmark in protective legisla- commission studies, and cations, holds one patent and Tilton Drive. by more than 1,100 delegates" at the association's annual meeting Saturday in the Gov- ernor Morris Inn. Morristown. "1 hope to see environmen- tal considerations made a part of the master plans in ev- ery municipality in the state, Accountants' Tax Seminar On Tonight EATONTOWN - The North Jersey Shore Chapter of the National Association of Ac- •count ants will present itst traditional tax roundtable seminar at Iiosie O'Grady's here today. The social meeting will be* gin at 6 p.m. followed by din- ner at 7 p.m. The technical FURNITURE GALLERIES session will begin at 8 p.m. Heading the discussion will be Joseph T. Mouthe, tax manager in the Newark ac- counting firm of Peat, Mar- wick, Mitchell and Co. John J. AU HUM; TOP Ritz. associate professor at drobkdale Community Col- lege and former IBS agent in charge of the Asbury Park of- fice, will act as co-moderator. xvnoxu, The discussions will be a member participation activity focusing on the recent changes in the Internal Reve- BRANDS nue Code and concentrating on •matters pertinent to the up- coming tax season, Both Mr. Mouthe and Mr. Ritz are sea- soned veterans in the field of federal taxes but notably rep- resenting two different views of the code. The sessions tech- nical chairman will be'Gary Widmann of Wanamassa. The society invites all ac- countants interested in this meeting to communicate with Jerome Power of Freehold. TIIOMASYIIli: Woman Is Sentenced In Forgery FREEHOLD - Beverly Skinner, Parlin, has been sen- tenced to an Indeterminate re- formatory term for admit- tedly issuing six forged bank checks totaling $273.24. at- tempting to issue a forged MANYOTHER check for $11.16, and receiving six of the checks as stolen property, all during Novem- ber, 1971. in Hazlet. FAMOUS BRANDS Miss Skinner pleaded guilty here Dec. 1 to receiving six checks belonging to Carol Ha- gopian and issuing them to Pantry Pride, Rt. 35, Hazlet, between Nov. B and Nov. 29, ALL AT 1971. She also admitted trying to SELECT FROM issue a forged check for $1116 ALL NEW 1973 STYLES, to the Grand Union, Hazlet, Nov. 7. ALL NEW 1973 FABRICS ^^ Valmont Corbett, 610 Sewall HOST OF SIZES TO FIT EVERY ROOM AND BUDGET! Ave.. Asbury Park, was Everything about the Upholstery Sale at the Mart Furniture Galleries is big. placed on probation for a year for admittedly possessing he- It's big on quality, big on selections, and big on savings. Even the upholstery roin in Long Branch July 15. makers are the four biggest in the country! Drexel, Thomasville, Heritage, They were sentenced by Su- Selig, and many more famous names! Choose from love seats, sofas, custom perior Court Judge Patrick J. designed chairs. All at 20% off! this big upholstery sale will make a big differ- McGann Jr. ence in the way your home looks. Don't miss it! Driver Safely Class Slated M1DDLETOWN - A three- week course in defensive driv- ing, will be conducted in the Veterans of foreign Wars Post home. 1000 Hi. 35. begin- ning tomorrow night. Sessions will run from 8 to 11 p.m. lor three consecutive Tuesdays. The program is being spon- sored by the VKW. the Nation- al Safety Council and the New Jersey State Safety Council. . Graduates will receive a cer- tificate of attendance and completion. . A nominal fee will be charged to cover the cost of work books and materials. Proceeds will be donated to :thc Norma Jean Halvorsen Film Library for its child safety education program. Those interested in attend- ing should contact Lt. John B. (Jack) Kelly, post command- er and commander of the FURNITURE GALEEKIES township police department's Division of Traffic and Safety, ROUTE 35, MIDDLETOWN, N.L 671-0400 • ROUTE 22, UNION, N. J. 688-5500. between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at his office in police headquar- Excellent & Convenient Credit Terms available • Open Every Nite 'Til 9:30 Sat. 'Til 6:00 ters.