YoutR Program Pays Tribute to Dr. King STORY, PAGE 3 The Weather Sunny, mild today and tomor- THEDAILY FINAL row: I f EDITION Monmoufh County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 24 PAGES VOL.95 NO. 137 RED BANK, N.J. TUESDAY, JANUARY 16,1973 TEN CENTS MiniiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiimiiimuHiiiniiiniiiuiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiMiiiiiimiiMiim^ CNJ Commuters Get Two-Month Reprieve NEWARK (AP) — The Central Railroad of New Jersey, U.S. Dist. Court Judge Anthony T. Augelli extended the negotiations, further subsidies and further extensions of the under its $5.2 million subsidy contract with the slate. The whose passenger service had been scheduled to end Jan. 21, railroad's life yesterday after the state agreed to turn over the March 23 deadline may be sought. $470,000 represents one-sixth of the annual loss. will be in operation for two more months and state officials $470,000 subsidy to reimburse the Central for its anticipated Augelli said a consolidation of the three lines would be .are indicating that a longer extension of service may be pos- passenger service losses during the two months. "the best hope for everyone," and urged all three to reach an The state Legislature does not have to approve the $470,000' sible. grant because it is taken from t $2 million subsidy fund. The When the state decided in December not to continue its agreement. $470,000 is in addition to the amounts being given under the A meeting to discuss consolidating the line with two other subsidy to the railroad, Augelli gave the line authority to ter- "I'm sure if the trustees get together and meet in the right contract. New Jersey railroads to keep the Central railroads to keep the minate its commuter service. Augelli is overseeing the rail- spirit and negotiate in good faith, something will eventuate," Central running past the latest deadline is planned for tomor- road's operations during bankruptcy. Augelli said. Kugler said the Cahill administration's decisions on for- row. "There simply isn't enough business to keep them all go- warding more money to the Central would be based on the ne- The state reversed its decision to end the subsidy, accord- gotiations. A grant of $470,000 from the state is expected to keep the ing to Atty. Gen. George F. Kugler Jr., because the railroad ing," Augelli said. bankrupt line running through March 23. has agreed to discuss consolidating services and facilities with If the negotiations collapse and the Central finally ends its "We can get an agreement, or they can come back and Representatives of the Central and two other bankrupt the two other bankrupt lines, the Reading Railroad and the commuter service, plans are being considered for transporting say it's hopeless," he said. New Jersey railroads are expected to meet in Philadelphia to- Lehigh Valley Railroad. its 15,000 daily passengers on alternate routes. The state has said it favors total merger of the facilities morrow with representatives of the Interstate Commerce Kugler said the plans include bus service and additional and management of the three lines into one railroad. Officials Commission and the New Jersey Department of Trans- Earlier, the state had said further subsidies would be a cars on Penn Central trains that operate service parallel to waste of the taxpayers' money. of the three carriers have indicated in the past they favor con- portation to discuss consolidation efforts, according to a CNJ routes. solidation of services and equipment where they are dupli- spokesman for Gov. William T. Cahill. Kugler said that if progress was made in the consolidation The railroad is losing an estimated $2.8 million annually cated, but retention of a corporate Identity by each line. ' Gen. Haigr Thieu Confer On Proposed Peace Pact SAIGON (AP) - Gen. Alex- Nixon's action, which the ress" and Kissinger would re- sions of the revised dralt pro- ed up to 5,000. Thieu was seek- ander M. Haig Jr. conferred Florida White House termed a turn to Paris "in the relati- posal being scrutinized by ing even more. for 214 hours with President "unilateral gesture," gave vely near future." Thlcu and Haig is one calling Nguyen Van Thieu today on momentum to new peace Basic Agreement Seen for an international force.of The South Vietnamese the latest draft peace terms hopes and came amid a host U.S. officials in Washington about ,'l.OOU men to supervise a sources indicated Thieu would worked out by Henry A. Kissi- of reports that an agreement said Nixon's order indicated cease-fire. accept a "tacit under- nger and Le Due Tho in Paris. to end the war would be that Kissinger and Tho standing" on troop withdraw- Official sources said North signed soon. reached basic agreement Hanoi, according to Kissi- al In the peace agreement Vietnam and the United The White House refused to •gain during their intensive nger, was demanding a force providing the withdrawal States had agreed on the size discuss the reports of an talks last week. of only 251) men when the ne- would be spelled out in an ac- of an international force to su- agreement, saying instead South Vietnamese sources gotiations broke off Dec. IS, companying technical .proto- pervise the cease-fire. that "negotiations are in prog- said that among the provi- while the United States want- col. South Vietnamese sources said the new draft still left un- OBJECT TO TRADITIONAL PAY POLICY — Assemblymen H. Donald resolved such basic Saigon de- Stewart, Francis J. Gorman, and Kenneth A. Gewertz, left-right. Demo- mands as the withdrawal of crats from Gloucester and Camden Counties, display in Trenton yesterday all North Vietnamese troops checks in excess of S500 which represent a month's pay for each lawmak- Senator Would Sue to Get from South Vietnam and res- er. The three have objected to the traditional policy of paying legislators toration of the demilitarized for a full year on the first day of the session. A year's salary is $10,000 zone between the North and , and the take home pay is roughly $6,000. South. But progress toward agreement was reported on Better Mental Health Care . those also. The U.S. Embassy indicated By DORIS KULMAN profits as "an outstanding ex"- mental health and civil liber- transfer it to a proposed De- there would be further meet- ample" of what he said is offi- ties organizations brought ac- partment of Human services, Engineers Still Think EATONTOWN — State Sen. cial unconcern for the men- tion to force therapy for pointed out that I&A has left ings between Haig and Thieu and said the schedule of Pres- Garrett W. Hagedorn last tally ill. patients in state hospitals its Division of Mental Health ident Nixon's special emis- night threatened he will haul Only $12 million of the more there. without a director "for four sary was "open-ended." the state into court unless it than-$150.4 million harvested A federal district court, long years." Long Branch Is Best Nixon Letter Rumored acts this year to provide prop- in the first three years of the holding that the patients' con- Salaries Too Low er therapeutic care for lottery has gone for state in- stitutional rights were being He said that state salaries (Related Stories, Page 2) The three sites were chosen measures are needed to make There were unconfirmed re- patients in its mental hospi- stitutions, despite pre-lottcry violated by denial of "such In- are too low to attract enough ERMA (AP) - A site in the with "efficiency and econom- a deepwater port environmen- ports from Vietnamese ics" as criteria, according to tally feasible. sources that Haig brought a tals. pledges to use the money for dividual treatment as will competent personnel and Atlantic Ocean 13 miles off give each of them a realistic charged that overworked phy- district Army engineer Col. Nearly all officials, groups personal letter from Nixon to He disclosed that he will in- educational and institutional Long Branch is the most fea- troduce legislation on Monday needs, he said, "and that $12 opportunity to be cured or to sicians in its Inadequately sible for construction of a Carroll D. Strider. and individuals opposed the Thieu. But political sources in port in its entirety. Only two Saigon and Washington in- requiring one-third of themillion.represents only the improve his or her mental staffed hospitals treat the deepwater oil tanker port, ac- "The most environmentally condition," set stringent stan- mentally ill with sedatives in- acceptable and logical site persons, both associated with dicated that the halt in all at- state lottery earnings to be al- normal increase in their budg- cording to the Army Corps of located for state institutions, ets for increased salaries, in- dards for hospital facilities stead of psychiatric therapy Engineers. would be located in the Atlan- Intercontinental Pipelines tacks on North Vietnam which bogan yesterday was not only above their annual budget in- creased operating ex- and staffing. "to alleviate the pressures on The corps revealed its pref- tic Ocean off Long Branch or Co., which hopes to build the a sign of good faith to Hanoi crease. penditures and inflation." Alabama is appealing the themselves." erence at a public hearing Cape May Strider said. port, spoke in its favor. but also a message to Thieu The Bergen County Republi- Alabama Case Cited decision. Sen. Hagedorn cited testi- here last night, explaining A port off Long Branch for Officials from resort com- that Nixon considers a just can addressed the annual In vowing legal battle un- Sen. Hagedorn, sponsor of a mony by a former Grcystone that the Long Branch site New York "refineries and a munities told the Corps that a agreement is within grasp and meeting of the Monmouth less New Jersey acts this year bilj, that would pull responsi- State Hospital patient before would best accommodate su- port off Big Stone Beach or deepwater oil port anywhere he is determined to conclude County Mental Health Board.
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