NON PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID RAPTOR VIEW RESEARCH INSTITUTE PERMIT 536 MISSOULA, MT 59801 2015 Raptor View Research Institute P.O.Box 4323 Missoula, MT 59806 the A Newsletter of The Raptor View Research Institute P.O. BOX 4323 MISSOULA, MT 59806 (406) 258-6813 We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We hope that you will consider us for a tax-deductible contribution. Your support is needed and ensures the continuation of our research, conservation and education programs. Thank you.
[email protected] Message From The President Swainson’s Hawk Nesting Project Welcome to Raptor View Research Institute’s (RVRI) annual newsletter. It has been eleven years since our During the 2015 breeding season, with much help from Ken Furrow of Furrow Productions, and numerous landowners, we inception – where does the time go!? In 2004, we formed RVRI to pursue our migratory Golden Eagle research conducted our 10th survey for Swainson’s Hawks (SWHA) nesting in the Missoula Valley. along the Continental Divide near Lincoln, Montana. Back then, we were a handful of extraordinarily dedi- cated volunteers working tirelessly to learn all that we could and succeed on that single project. However, first Overall since 2005, we have identified 17 SWHA territories (areas where one or more adults are observed throughout a we had to become skilled at capturing migratory Golden Eagles, which was not…how should I say, unprob- breeding season). Within those territories, we banded 62 individuals and marked 51 with uniquely color-coded leg bands. lematic. Our first banding season in 2001 was dismal, as we captured only four Golden Eagles.