Cougar Stalks Deer
predators were aroundi" Science has produced an abundance of evidence that predation on prey, such as rabbits and deer, actually benefits the prey species as a whole by 1) keeping populations at a sustainable level for the amount of vegetative food and other resources in an area, and 2) improving the gene pool over time by preying on the weakest, and therefore ensuring chat the most 6t and survival-strong genes get passed on. Predation makes both predator and prey species stronger. Cougar Stalks Deer Animal Forms, Expanding the Senses, f0Rt R0uTmEs Questioning and Tracking, Listening for Bird Lang,tage tI Sneaking, Imitating Animals, Challenge .!er Mammals 7h Bt}t}K OF IIATURE Southeast: Activate, Southl Focus, Northeastl I{ATURAL CYCTE Open and Listen til0tcATR0s Aliveness and Agrlity, Quiet Mind, ()F AU{ARTilESS Common Sense Prirner Cougars hunt Deer by sneaking up from behind so stealthily that they remain unaware. A Cougar stalks slowly, moving low to the ground, making almost no noise as its hind foot lands exactly where its front foot had been. After a stalking Cougar gets close behind a Deer, they powerfully lunge onto the deer's back, biting into the neck. I bet you didn't know this: Cougars actually have nerve endings on the rips oftheir big canine teeth so that they can feel exactly where to put their teeth and bite, immediately severing the spine and killing the Deer quickly and painlessly. The only protection a Deer has from a stalking Cougar is its sensory awareness. If it hears something and turns to see the Cougar moving, the Deer can bound offeasily to safety and the hunt ends.
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