Early Life/Marriage ), Rita set out to make During the years she spent in the convent, Rita peace between the families. She went to her prayed especially for her husband and her sons. St. Rita was born Margherita Lotti in 1381 in husband’s family and urged them to put aside The cold earth which held their mortal remains Roccaporena, near , . As a young their hostility. They were convinced by her had produced a sign of spring and beauty out of girl, Rita often visited the convent of the courage and agreed. The rival family, astounded season. So, Rita believed, God had brought Augustinian of St. and by this overture of peace, also agreed. A fresco forth, through her prayers, their eternal life dreamed of one day joining their community. depicting the scene of the peace embrace was despite tragedy and violence. She now knew However, her elderly parents had arranged a placed on a wall of Saint Francis church in that she would soon be one with them again. St. marriage for Rita, so at a young age, Rita Cascia, a testament to the widow whose Rita is often depicted holding roses or with roses obediently married Paolo Mancini, despite her forgiving spirit achieved the impossible. nearby. On her feast day, shrines of St. Rita desire to enter the convent. Her husband was provide roses to the congregation that are known to be a quick-tempered, immoral man, blessed by the priest during Mass. who had many enemies in Cascia. At age 36, Rita was finally accepted into the

Augustinian convent. She lived a regular life of Rita endured Paolo’s insults, physical abuse and prayer, contemplation and spiritual reading for 40 Death infidelities for 18 years. Through humility, years. Over the years, Rita’s austerity, Rita died of tuberculosis at the age of 76 on May kindness and patience, Rita was able to convert prayerfulness and charity became legendary. 22, 1457. Rita's final words to the sisters around her husband to renounce a feud between two her were, "Remain in the holy love of Jesus. families known as “La Vendetta”. Rita bore two The Gift of the Thorn Remain in obedience to the holy Roman Church. sons, Giovanni and Paulo, and brought them up Remain in peace and fraternal charity." A Fifteen years before her death, Rita had an in the Catholic faith which she closely followed. revered tradition records that the bells of the extraordinary experience. As she was meditating As time went by, the family feud became more before an image of Christ crucified, as she was convent immediately began to ring unaided by intense; and, Rita’s husband was murdered. accustomed to do, she was moved by a deep human hands, announcing the triumphant Although her sons were young, they were completion of a life faithfully lived. So many awareness of the physical and spiritual pain expected to avenge the murder of their father to people came to see her body that her burial had which Christ embraced out of love of her and of defend family honor. Rita, fearing that her sons to be delayed. Her body, which has remained all humanity. With a compassionate heart, she would lose their souls, tried to persuade them incorrupt over the centuries, is venerated today spoke her willingness to relieve Christ’s suffering from retaliating. She petitioned God to take her by sharing a small part of his pain. Rita’s prayer in a glass-enclosed coffin in the basilica of sons rather than submit them to mortal sin. Rita Cascia, which bears her name. was answered when a small wound appeared on was granted this grace when her sons died her forehead, as though a thorn from the crown of dysentery one year later, removing them from that encircled Christ’s head had loosened itself physical and spiritual danger. and penetrated her own flesh. For the next 15 St. Rita was canonized on May 24, 1900; her

years, until she died, Rita bore this external sign feast day is May 22nd. St. John Paul II called The Convent of stigmatization and union with the Lord. Rita an “expert in suffering.” She is considered After the deaths of her husband and sons, Rita the saint of impossible causes because of the turned to the desire of her youth of entering the The Rose trials she endured in the various stages of her convent in Cascia, but was turned away. life as wife, mother, widow and . She buried Rita was bedridden for the last four years of her life, Although the convent acknowledged Rita's good her family, helped bring peace to her city, saw consuming almost nothing except for the Eucharist. character and piety, the nuns firmly refused, her dreams denied and fulfilled – and never lost Several months before her death, Rita’s cousin citing that although Rita had forgiven her visited her and asked if she desired anything from her faith in God or her desire to be with Him. husband’s killers, her family had not. There were her old home. Rita requested a rose from her family members of the rival family in the convent; her St. Rita is the of impossible causes, garden. However, it was January. Upon her return presence would be detrimental to community sterility, abuse victims, loneliness, marriage home, the cousin passed Rita’s family garden and harmony. However, Rita was not discouraged, difficulties, parenthood, widows, the sick, bodily found to her astonishment a single fresh rose in the convinced that she was called to the ills and wounds. snow-covered garden. She immediately returned to contemplative community. Inspired by her three the convent where she presented it to Rita. patron saints (, Augustine and Prayer of Petition to St. Rita

Glorious St. Rita, patroness of those in need, your intercession with the Lord is most powerful. St. Rita of Cascia Through the favors obtained by your prayers, you have been called Advocate of hopeless and even impossible cases. St. Rita, humble and pure; patient and compassionate lover St. Rita Parish Prayer of Christ Crucified! I have confidence that everyone who has recourse to you, Lord, will find comfort and relief. Listen to my petitions and Thank you for the rich history you show your power with God on my behalf. have bestowed on our faith Obtain my petitions for me if they are for the greater honor of God, community. and for my own good. Blessed by your constant grace I promise, if my petitions are granted, to make known your favor, and the intercession of St. Rita, and to glorify God for His gift. We ask that you be present in our Relying on your power with the merciful Savior, parish and in our lives. I ask of you… (mention your request here).

Build us into a community of Obtain our request for us mercy, compassion, By the singular merits of your childhood… and forgiveness, By your perfect union with the Divine Will… “Saint of the Impossible” By your acceptance of trouble Canonized May 24, 1900 And send us out into the world in your married life… proclaiming the good news of By the anguish felt Feast Day: May 22nd at the murder of your husband... Christ crucified. By the surrender of your children, rather than have them offend God… By your miraculous entrance into the convent… Dearest St. Rita, By your daily penance and fasting… You became a rose By your courage and joy in bearing the mark in the garden of Christ of the Crucified Savior… By the Divine Love which consumed your life… because of your love for him By your devotion on the cross. in receiving the Blessed Sacrament… By the happiness you felt Pray for us, especially in times in leaving this life for union with Christ… of trial and anguish, By the example you have given to people of every state of life… that we always know God’s love. Pray for us, St. Rita, that we may be made Amen. worthy of the promises of Christ.