



By:- Ira Jain PG20101095 2010-2012


If words are consider to be signs of gratitude then let these words convey the very same. My sincere gratitude to INDIA for providing me with an opportunity to do summer training, and giving necessary directions on doing this project to the best of my ability. I would like to thank to mention my special gratitude to Mr.Rohit Saini, & Mrs.Priya Dubey, my reporting seniors for the much needed help and guidance during my stay in the company. I would like to extend my deep sense of gratitude towards Mr. Vikas Tiwari for his guidance and help in marinating excel sheets and presentations. I would also like to thank Mr Bhuvnesh Mahajan , Mr. Waris and Mr. Rajesh Kumar for their humble support.


I, Ira Jain of IILM INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION do here by declare that the project “INSTITUTIONAL/ CORPORATE SALES” is the project of my own knowledge and effort. No part of this report has been submitted to any one at time before. It is presented before the partial fulfillment of PGDM/20010-2012

Ira Jain PG20101095

Executive Summary

I did my summer project in Ferrero Rocher India. An attempt was made to learn the ways to make new corporate clients for long term relationships. In my two months summer training I got field experience where I got to interact with different corporate executives in Delhi/NCR and Noida and got a chance to use my marketing and selling skills to convince them to have Ferrero Rocher as their corporate gifting product. I was also given a chance to visit the various people linked with the distribution channel of the company with my mentor. This widened by knowledge about the working of the company. After the summer project I feel very energetic and enthusiastic as every part of it is filled with experience and learning. My summer internship project has increased my co nfidence levels and my understanding on how professional life is to be maintained. An important lesson learnt is how to deal with the customer and convince them. My internship taught me the different types of customers, their different requirements and ways to handle them, different ideas that can be used to convince the client and working of distribution channel. A questionnaire was made for the clients we met in the meeting to find the effectiveness of the program and for making the statistical and graphical representations.

Ira Jain



Theory alone can’t groom a management student to a successful manage. To being emerge as a winner in this hyper competitive environment one should have proper blend of both theory and experience. Summer training provides a student an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in to the practical world. All this helps him/her to expand his horizons of knowledge base. The objective of my internship was to look for the prospective corporate and MNCs clients in the market who undergoes corporate gifting, to contact them and finally to convince them to use Ferrero Products. This project was about doing corporate sales and learning the convincing and selling tactics. I was also made to learn the maintenance of data on Microsoft excel sheet. This is because my internship was not just a task for 2 months for the company instead it was an initiation step of their entrance into B-2-B sector, therefore I was also told to keep the record of all the companies I contacted and dealt with on an Microsoft excel sheet.

Brief History about

Confectionery history has a record of at least 4000 years. When Egyptians displayed their pleasures on papyrus. Sweetmeats were being sold in the market place in 1566 BC.Yet did not appear on the scene until the ancient Aztec and Mayan cultures discovered the value of cacao plant. It is reputed to have originated in the Amazon or Orinoco basin. Mayans and Aztecs took beans from the “cacao” tree and made a drink they called “xocoatl”.Aztec Indian legend held that cacao seeds had been brought from paradise and that wisdom and power came from eating the fruit of the cacao tree.

The word chocolate is said to derive from the Mayan “xocoatl”;cocoa from the Aztec “cacahuatl”.The Mexican Indian word “chocolate “comes from a combination of the terms Chocó (foam) and atl (water);early chocolate was only consumed in the beverage form. As part of a ritual in twelfth-century Mesoamerican marriages, a mug of the frothy chocolate was shared.

Chocolate was first noted in 1519 when Spanish explorer Hernando Cortez visited the court of Emploror Montezuma of Mexico. Prince Albert’s explosition in 1851 in London was the first time the united states was introduced to bonbons, chocolate creams, hand candies i.e. called “boiled sweets” and caramels. Daniel Peter of Vevey, Switzerland, experimented for eight years before finally inventing a means of making for eating in 1876.

Chocolate is created from the cocoa bean. A cacao tree with fruits pods in various stages of ripening. Chocolate comprises a number of raw and processed food produced from the seed of the tropical cacao tree. The seeds of the cacao tree have an intense bitter taste and must be fermented to develop the favour.chocolate contains alkaloids such as the bromine and phenethylamine,which have physiological effects on the body. Dark chocolate has recently been promoted for its health benefits, including a substantial amount of antioxidants that reduce the formation of free radicals. Chocolate has become one of the most popular flavors in the world. Gifts of chocolate molded into different shapes have become traditional on certain holidays: chocolate bunnies and eggs are popular on easter.chocolate coins on Hanukkah, Santaclaus and other holiday symbols on Christmas, valentine’s day, independence day, republic day, marriage party, marriage aniversery.chocolate is also used in cold and hot beverages to produce chocolate milk and hot chocolate

Ferrero Rocher

Ferrero Rocher is a spherical chocolate sweet made by Italian chocolatier Ferrero SpA, the producer of , and . Introduced in 1982, the chocolates consist of a whole roasted encased in a thin wafer shell filled with hazelnut cream and covered in milk chocolate and chopped .[1] The sweets each contain 73 calories, and are individually packaged inside a gold-coloured wrapper. Rocher comes from French and means "rock".

Ferrero History

The driving force behind the global development of the Ferrero Group is . With his energy and passion for creating new products using avant-garde ideas and technologies, Mr. Ferrero has revolutionized the eating habits of millions of consumers the world over.

Thanks to the continued and valuable support of his wife Maria Franca, Michele was the first postwar Italian entrepreneur to open offices and manufacturing plants abroad, transforming an Italian company into a true multinational conglomerate.

The roots of this success can be traced back to the 1940s, when Michele’s parents, Piera and , succeeded in turning their pastry shop into a factory. This first turning point was achieved thanks to products “invented” by Pietro Ferrero and his young son Michele using locally grown hazelnuts; and to the successful sales talent of Giovanni Ferrero, Pietro’s younger brother.

Ferrero is now in its third generation. Michele and Maria Franca’s sons, Pietro and Giovanni Ferrero , head the Group as Managing Directors; and the company continues to grow under their guidance.

Today , Ferrero remains a solid family owned company; and behind the brands, the balance sheets and the growth of a multinational company, lie the past, the present and the future of an ingenious and tenacious family from the Piedmont region of .

The great leader of the Group’s development is Michele Ferrero. With the desire to make and create new products with state-of-the-art ideas, he has revolutionised the food habits of millions of consumers.

Thanks to his consistent and efficient partnership with his wife Maria Franca, he was the first Italian manufacturer after World War II to open production sites and offices abroad in the confectionary sector, turning the Company into a truly international Group. We have to return to the ‘40s to discover the roots of this success. These were the years when Piera and Pietro, Michele’s parents, transformed a pastry shop into a factory. These first and decisive steps forward were thanks to the products “invented” by Pietro Ferrero and his son Michele, who was then very young. Another key to success was the effective sales network organised by Giovanni, Pietro’s brother, who died in 1949. And now Ferrero’s story has reached the third generation. Pietro and Giovanni Ferrero, sons of Michele and Maria Franca, worked together at the top of the Group as Managing Directors for more than 10 years. In April 2011, Pietro Ferrero Jr. tragically died in South while working on a humanitarian mission, inspired and driven by him, that aimed to extend the Ferrero Company Enterprises.

Today, Giovanni Ferrero continues to run the Company successfully, aiming to reach even more ambitious goals and ensuring that the company inspiration and motivation that was so strongly shared with his brother stays alive. Today, just as yesterday, it is a structure based on solid family values. In short, behind the trademark, the turnover and the expansion of a multinational company, there is the story of a brilliant and strong-willed Piedmontese family that gathers its extraordinary strength for growth from the Ferrero Foundation’s motto: “Work Create Give”.

Ferrero Mission

High quality, crafted precision, product freshness, careful selection of the finest raw materials, respect and care for our consumers. These are the Ferrero “key values” which have endeared our products to millions of consumers all over the world.

Ferrero products are the result of unique and innovative ideas that become part of everyday traditions and, in most countries, are considered true icons.

Ferrero also means caring about food safety, the environment, social issues within the local country where it operates and commitment to its own human resources throughout the world.

Today, many Ferrero products are “global”, making Ferrero the fourth largest confectionary company in the world.

Ferrero’s distinguished characteristic is its “glocal” approach (think globally, act locally); that is a Company vision focusing on international development yet adapting to local traditions and needs and giving back to the local community.

Ferrero is also very committed to consumers and their needs. Over the years, Ferrero has built a mutual relationship based on trust, experience, “feeling” and insight; an enduring loyalty that joints Ferrero with all its consumers worldwide. It is this relationship with consumers that has been the core of our success.

Ferrero Varities

A range of Ferrero chocolates benefit from the advertising of the Rocher type. These different chocolates are sold separately, and also as boxed collections of mixed types.

Ferrero Rocher – a whole hazelnut, coated in milk chocolate, surrounded by 'Nutella' filling, and encased in a nut croquante.

Ferrero Rondnoir – a 'pearl' of dark chocolate, surrounded by a dark chocolate cream, encased in a croquante and encrusted with dark chocolate Sprinkles.

Ferrero – a half almond, surrounded by meringue and milk cream, encased in coconut wafer coated with coconut flakes.

Ferrero Garden (Coconut) – a half almond, surrounded by coconut cream, encased in wafer coated with coconut flakes, and topped with white chocolate icing cap.

Ferrero Garden (Lemon) – as above, but with lemon cream centre and flavouring, and lemon icing cap.

Ferrero Garden (Forest Fruits) – as above, but with strawberry & raspberry cream centre and flavouring, and strawberry icing cap.

Ferrero Garden (Pistachio)[3] – as above, but with pistachio cream centre and flavouring, and pistachio icing cap.

Ferrero Garden (Almond) – as above, but with almond cream centre and flavouring, and almond icing cap.

Ferrero Garden (Hazelnut) – as above, but with nutella-type centre, and a white chocolate icing cap.

Ferrero Giotto – a chocolate cream centre, within a wafer sphere coated with hazelnut pieces.

The Rocher always bears a golden coloured wrapper, the Rondnoir a dark brown wrapper, and the Garden a silver wrapper with an illustration of the flavour under the name tag—for example, a strawberry, or a coconut.