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HE Military Institute was established, and is supported, by the State of Virginia. It was organized in 1839,

^^jfS? as a State Military and Scientific school, upon the basis of the 9P^ United States Military Academy at West Point, and has been in successful operation for thirty-one years. The cadets admitted consist of two classes, State and Pay cadets. The Institute supplies to

the State cadet his board and tuition ; and in consideration thereof, he

is required to teach two years after graduation. The Pay cadet is at his own expense, which averaged before the war §375 per year, for every charge, including clothing. The State cadets are selected from those who are unable to bear their own expenses. The Institution has

always had as many pupils as its buildings would* accommodate, and. numbers now 36 State and 350 Pay cadets. Applications are made, by

letter, to the Superintendent prior to the first of July, each year, and appointments are made for both classes of cadets by the Board of Visitors. The State makes an annual appropriation for the support of Virginia Military Institute of $15,000. This sum supplies tuition and board, to the State cadets, without charge, and supports—by the aid of the tuition fees, and the income from vested funds—the faculty. In 1860, a dona- tion of $20,000 was made by Gen. Philip St. George Cocke, for the endowment of the chair of Agriculture, and in the same year, a donation was made of $11,800 by Dr. William Newton Mercer, of , to endow the chair of Animal and Vegetable Physiology, applied to Agri- culture. A donation was made at the same time by Mrs. E. L. Claytor, of Virginia, of $5,000, to erect a Sail of Natural Sistory. itself before the public, : The Virginia Military Institute had just placed as a General School of Applied Science, for the development of the agri- cultural, mineral, commercial, manufacturing, and internal improvement interests of the State and Country, when the army of Gen. Hunter

destroyed its stately buildings, and consigned to the flames its library of 4 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE.

10,000 volumes, the Philosophical apparatus used for 10 years by

"Stonewall" Jackson, and all its chemicals. The cadets were then transferred to Richmond, and the Institution was continued in vigorous operation until the evacuation of Eichmond, on the 3d April, 1865. On the 21st of September, 1865, the Board of Visitors met in Eich- mond to re-organize the Institution. The war had made sad traces on

the school, besides the destruction of its building, library and apparatus.

Three of its Professors, Lt. Gen. "Stonewall" Jackson, Maj. Gen. R.

E. Bodes, and Col. S. Crutchfield, two of its Assistant Professors,

Capt. "W. H. Morgan and Lieut, L. Crittenden, and 125 of its alumni had been slain in battle, and 350 others maimed. Considering, however, the great demand flowing from the general suspension of education in the South, and the special field of usefulness distinctly marked out for this School of Applied Science, the Board of Visitors proceeded with •energy and resolution in their work, and having elected Gen. G. W. Custis Lee and Col. Wm. B. Blair, distinguished graduates of the U.

S. Military Academy, to fill two of the chairs made vacant by the death of Gen. Jackson and Gen. Eodes, and at subsequent meetings appointed Commodore M. F. Maury, LL. D., late of the Observatory, Professor of Physics, and Superintendent of the Physical Survey of Virginia, and Capt. John M. Brooke, late of the Navy, to the new chair of Practical Astronomy, Geodesy, Physical Geography and Meteorology, the Vir-

ginia Military Institute resumed its accustomed work, amid its ruins at Lexington, on the 17th October, 1865, with some 50 cadets, organized

in four classes, and prosecuted its work with earnestness and effect, and on the 4th of July following, ten cadets, constituting the first class, who had borne the hardships and perils of the Institution, during the whole of the war, were graduated, having completed a course of scientific and general study, which will commend them to the confidence of the scien-

tific scholar. The Legislature of Virginia promptly responded to these evidences

of vitality on the part of the school, by providing for the payment of its

annuity and the interest on its vested funds. This provision enabled the Board of Visitors to appoint the State cadets required by law to be admitted, and arrangements were at the same time in progress to restore the buildings; and on the 1st July, 1870, they had the pleasure to report to the Governor the complete execution of this work, including a full equipment of the Laboratories, Engineering and Drawing Department of the Institution.. The Virginia Military Institute now numbers 670 grad-

. uates, 220 of whom were State cadets. There have been altogether 2700 matriculates, and of these 580 were State cadets. : :


The government of the Virginia Military Institute, although military

in its organization, is carefully arranged for the protection and develop- ment of the moral character of the cadets. Attendance on the public services of the sanctuary and regular Bible instruction on the Sabbath are positively enjoined by the regulations.

The following extract from, the report of the Superintendent to the Board of Visitors, of June 1859, will exhibit, in some degree, the influ- ence of the moral government

" There is no part of the duty of the Superintendent which weighs so heavily ivpon his mind and heart as that connected with the control and government of the moral conduct of those committed to his charge. No general idea of the wayward and depraved character of the human heart

is at all equal to that which experience of the follies and vices of young men makes known to the conscientious teacher."

The- great Head Master of Rugby School gives utterance to his expe- rience in the following striking language

"Undoubtedly, this place (Rugby School), and other similar places, which receive us when we have quitted, the state of childhood, and before our characters are formed in manhood, do partake somewhat of the

character of the wilderness ; and it is not unnatural that many should shrink back from them in fear. We see but too often the early beauty of the character sadly marred, its simplicity gone, its confidence chilled, its tenderness hardened. Where there was obedience, we find murmur- ing and self-will and pride. Where there was a true and blameless conversation, we find now something of falsehood, something of profane- ness, something of impurity. I can well conceive what it must be to a parent to see his child return from school, for the first time, with the marks of this grievous change upon him. I can well conceive how bitterly he must regret having ever sent him to a place of so much dan- ger; how fondly he must look back to the days of his early innocence.

And if a parent feels thus, what must be our feelings, seeing that this evil has been wrought here? Are we not as those who, when pretending to give a wholesome draught, have mixed the cup with poison? How can we go on upholding a system, the effects of which appear to be so merely mischievous?"

My own experience but too painfully confirms these honest and truth-

ful acknowledgments of Dr. Arnold ; and I have no doubt the testimony from every school in our land would, if honestly brought out, speak the same verdict. But this is only one side of the picture. Let Dr. Arnold present the other also, and show the results, as well as the encourage- — —


ments, of faithful effort in leading the young through the wilderness

which meets them on the threshold of academic life. "Believe me," he says, "that such questions must and ought to pre-

sent themselves to the mind of every thinking man who is concerned in the management of a school ; and I do think that we could not answer

them satisfactorily, that our work would absolutely be unendurable, if we did not bear in mind that our eyes should look forward, and not

backward if we did not remember that the victory of fallen man is to be sought for, not in innocence, but in tried virtue. Comparing onlv the state of a boy, after his first half-year or year at school, with his earlier state as a child, and our reflections on the evil of our system would be

bitter indeed. But when we compare a boy's state, after his first half-

year or year at school, with what it is afterwards; when we see the clouds again clearing off; when we find coarseness succeeded again by

delicacy ; harshness and selfishness broken up, and giving place to affec-

tion and benevolence ; murmuring and self-will exchanged for humility

and self-denial ; and the profane, or impure, or false tongue uttering

again only words of truth and purity ; and when we see that all these

good things are now, by God's grace, rooted in the character ; that they

have been tried, and grown up amidst the trial ; that the knowledge of evil has made them hate it the more, and be more aware of it—then we can look upon our calling with patience, and even with thankfulness.

We see the wilderness has been gone through triumphantly, and its dan-

gers have hardened and strengthened the traveler for all his remaining

pilgrimage. For the truth is, that to the knowledge of good and evil

are we born, and it must come upon us sooner or later. In the common

course of things, it comes about that age with which we are here most concerned. I do not mean that there are not faults in early childhood

we know that there are ; but we know also, that with the strength and

rapid growth of boyhood, there is a far greater development of these faults, and particularly far less of that submissiveness which belonged naturally to the helplessness of mere childhood. 1 suppose that, by an extreme care, the period of childhood might be prolonged conside-

rably but still it ; must end, and the knowledge of good and evil, in its full force, must come. I believe that this must be. I believe that no care can prevent it, and that an extreme attempt at carefulness, while it could not keep off the disorder, would weaken the strength of the con-

stitution to bear it," * * * * *

" Ignorance, absence of temptation, the presence of all good impres- sions, constitute much of the innocence of mere childhood—so beauti- ful while it lasts—so sure to be soon blighted. It is blighted in the first !


experience of life, most commonly when a boy final goes to school. Then his mere innocence, which, Indeed, he may be said to have wofh rather

instinctively than from choice, becomes grievously polluted. It is in-

deed a discouraging seasofiV-the exact image of the ungenial springs of our natural year. But after this, there comes, as it were, a second

beginning of life, when principle takes the place of innocence; when thought and inquiry awaken; when, out of the mere chaos of boyhood, the elements of the future character of the man begin to appear. Blessed are they for whom the confusion and disarray of their boyish life is quickened into a true life by the moving of the Spirit of God Blessed are they for whom the beginnings of thought and inquiry are the beginnings also of faith and love, when the new character receives,

as it is forming, the Christian seed, and the man is also a Christian.

And then, this second beginning of life, resting on faith and conscious principle, and not on mere passive innocence, stands sure for the middle and the end." I feel assured that the experience of Dr. Arnold, as to the results of

academic life, under faithful discipline and instruction, has also been happily exemplified in the history of this Institution; and that the change which he so strikingly depicts, as witnessed in his own pupils, may be traced in the progress of every class that has been subjected to

our discipline. I, too, have seen the modesty and the purity of inno-

cence gradually give way in the course of the first year, and changed into the roughness and waywardness and impurity which have marked the character of many a member of the third class. It has been at this critical culminating of the "knowledge of evil," that the discipline of the Institution has been most frequently exercised, and the patient labor

of the teacher most earnestly called into requisition. But I, too, have seen a change take place, as the second class year advanced. There has been a gradual return to the primitive delicacy and purity and truthful-

ness ; and these good qualities have not only matured in the first-class- man during his last year, but they have become " rooted in the charac- ter ;" the early habit of virtue has been replaced by the settled principle of virtue; and the dangers of the "wilderness," which he has triumph- antly passed through, have hardened and strengthened him for the

pilgrimage of life now lying ' before him. Look at the class now pre- senting themselves for the honors of graduates of the Institution, and contrast them as they now appear with what they were two or three

years ago ; or contemplate the large second class, and see the characters

it now presents, and remember what they were eighteen months ago, -and all familiar with them will testify to the accuracy of the statement 8 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE.

which I have made. But we have had more substantial grounds of en-

couragement still, founded upon considerations which have constituted the essential basis of the virtuous character to which I have referred. This Institution has graduated 522 members, exclusive of the present

first class, and not one graduate (exclusive of the first graduating class,

of which I cannot speak positively) has ever left the Institution, who was not, at the time of graduation, thoroughly convinced of the Divine Charac- ter of our Holy Religion. May we not hope that "the second beginning of life," to which Dr. Arnold refers, rested, to many of these, on faiths as well as on conscious principle, and that the Christian seed received here, has been since developed in the formation of many a Christian

character ? These facts are significant. They not only give encouragement and hope to those who have had, amidst such darkness and many clouds to struggle on in laborious duty of teaching and disciplining the young here, but they furnish the most satisfactory evidence of the soundness of

the system of discipline which characterizes this Institution ; and this

would be made still more apparent if an analysis were made of the

material of which it is usually composed. I am thoroughly persuaded that the system of government of a Military Institution, when com- bined with careful, systematic Bible instruction, furnishes the best possible instrumentality for the awakening and development of religious

character. The community of life and sentiment which peculiarly characterizes a Military School, furnishes a powerful bond of sympathy for good as well as evil, and no one, acquainted with the growth of piety

in military life, could fail to have noticed this. But the minute regula- tions of a Military School, which are so often objected to by some, serve to promote this end in a variety of ways. An eloquent divine {Caird) has said, that "one reason why the sinful man does not 'understand his errors' is, that sin can be truly measured only when it is resisted. It is impossible to estimate the strength of the

principle of evil in the soul till we begin to struggle with it ; and the careless or sinful man—the man who, by supposition, is not striving with, but succumbing to sin—cannot know its force. So long as evil reigns unopposed within the soul, it will reign, in a great degree, unobserved. So long as a man passively and thoughtlessly yields his will to the sway of worldly principles or unholy desires and habits, he is in no condition to measure their intensity—scarcely to discover their existence. For in this, as many other cases, resistance is the best measure of force." And a greater than Caird has said, that "by the law is the knowledge of sin." "I had not known lust, except the law had said, thou shalt not covet." VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. V

The vices, the irregularities, the follies and the errors of the young, are brought to light, made manifest to them in the forming period of their lives, by the regulations to which they are subjected, when opportunities and means may be availed of to correct them; and thus the regulation acts as a school-master, to discipline such before it is too late. AW .-<<• the wisdom of this provision in the experience of those families in which the restraints of parental authority are exercised; and while sinful pro- pensities arc manifested here, as in all other instances in which law operates, the contrast is no less striking as to the results of such a system and that of unrestrained indulgence. The parent in the latter case scarcely knows or is conscious of his son's danger. No law restraining him, the misguided youth is lost before he or his parents had realized that he was in danger. In the other case, the parent finds opposition and rebellion oh the part of his child—a constant disposition to substi- tute his own for the parent's will—frequent attempts to escape the penal- ties of established rules, by evasions or false excuses ; but he firmly, yet affectionately, enforces respect for his authority, and he enjoys, in after-

life, the satisfaction of seeing that the beneficial effects of his discipline have been to form the character of his son, and he realizes in his success " the fulfillment of the Divine promise : Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." The training may have exhibited the evil propensities—the wrong tempers of the child—but, by and by, when he is old, he will profit by it.

The System of Instruction and Government in the Virginia Military

Institute is distinctive, and is founded upon that of the United States Military Academy at West Point. As soon as a young man enters the Institution, it assumes over him an entire control, and not only directs his moral and intellectual education, but provides everything required for his personal wants or comfort. A cadet may, if his parents desire it, remain in charge of the Institution for the entire term of four years, as the system of government keeps it always in operation. The months of July and August, in each year, are devoted exclusively to Military Exercises. Furloughs are granted to those who may desire it. in turn, during this period. The cadets are 10 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE.

lodged and boarded in the Institution, their clothing, boohs, and other

supplies, being provided by the Quartermaster of the Institute, at cost. The sick are under the special care of the Surgeon, with Hospital and other facilities for nursing.

The energy, system, subordination and self-reliance, which the military government of the Institute cultivates, give a practical character to the

education which it supplies. The high reputation which its Alumni

have established for the School is the evidence of its value.

Attendance at Church and Bible instruction is prescribed for each Sabbath.

$0itef*fl $%fmm.

Tuition, $100 00 Board, $15 00 per month, 180

Washing, $2 00 per month, - 24 00 Fuel and Lights, $3 00 per month, 36 00 Surgeon's 'f; Fee, 10 00

Estimated College Expenses, - - - 350 00 Estimated annual cost for Clothing and incidentals supplied at the Institute, - - - 150 00

Total expenses, including Clothing, - - S500 00

This estimate is regarded as sufficient, but as cadets differ much in

the wear and tear of clothing and in the care they take of it, the Insti- tute does not bind itself that this estimate shall not be exceeded. It does bind itself to control, by all proper means, the expenses, and the average does not exceed the estimate. When a cadet leaves the Institute before the expiration of the year, the tuition fee and surgeons fee are required to be paidfor the whole year. A rateable deduction is made on all other charges. As the estimate includes clothing, the issues for the whole year are usually made within the first six months. Deposits are made with the Treasurer semi-annually, in advance. The quarterly Circulars give a statement of the current expenses of each cadet. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 11

Pocket money is allowed, at the discretion of the parent, not exceed- ing $5 00 per month, for which a special deposit must he made with the Treasurer.

As the cadets wear a prescribed Uniform, it is only necessary to bring a full supply of under-clothing, with shoes, towels and bedding; or these articles may he obtained at the Quartermaster's store, at cost.

The Virginia Military Institute is prosecuting, under the general superintendence of Com. M. F. Mauri/, LL. I)., a Physical Surer// qf Virginia, in which great State work, Gen. G. W. C. Lee, Col. J. M. Brooke, and Col. M. McDonald will be associated with Commodore Maury. This work will afford an appropriate practical field of instruc- tion for the students of the school of applied science and the Alumni of the Institute, and the Board of Visitors earnestly ask the co-operation of the people of Virginia in this effort to prepare an accurate geographical map of Virginia, including its physical history. : :


Inspector, Ex Officio

His Excellency G. C. WALKER, .

toptrnvb of IJisftors

(Appointed by the Governor of Virginia.)

Hon. JOHN LETCHER, President of the Board, - Lexington.

Col. GEO. W. BOLLING-, - - - Petersburg.

WM. SKEEN, Esq. - Alleghany.

ZEPH. TURNER, Esq. - Rappahannock.

WM. L. OWEN, Esq., - Halifax.

RICHARD H. CATLETT, Esq., - - - Staunton.

- - - Col. WALTER H. TAYLOR, . Norfolk.

Col. EDMUND PENDLETON, - - - Botetourt.

Maj. Gen. WM. H. RICHARDSON, Adj't Gen. (ex officio.) VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 13

tzibtmit §iaff.

General FRANCIS II. SMITH, A. M., Superintendent and Professor of Mathematics and Moral Philosophy.

Colonel J. T. L. PRESTON, A. M., Professor of Latin and English Literature. Colonel THOMAS H. WILLIAMSON, Professor of Practical Engineering, Architecture and Drawing. Colonel WILLIAM GILHAM, A. M., Philip St. George Cocke—Professor of Agriculture. Colonel ROBERT L. MADISON, M. D., Mercer—Professor of Animal and Vegetable Physiology applied to Agriculture. Colonel SCOTT SHIP, Commandant of Cadets, Instructor of Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery Tactics, and Professor of Military History and Strategy. Colonel JAMES W. MASSIE, Professor of Mathematics. Colonel WILLIAM B. BLAIR, Jackson—Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy. General G. W. C. LEE, Professor of Civil and Military Engineering and Applied Mechanics. Colonel JOHN M. BROOKE, Professor of Practiced Astronomy, Geodesy, Descriptive and Physical Geography and Meteorology. Colonel MARSHALL McDONALD, Professor of Geology, Mineralogy and . Colonel M. B. HARDIN, Professor of General and Applied Chemistry. Colonel THOMAS M. SEMMES, Professor of Modern Languages. Commodore M. F. MAURY, LL. D., Professor of Physics and Superintendent Physical Survey of Virginia. Colonel WM. D. , Professor of Pine Arts. 14 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE.

assistant Srofcssors.

Colonel W. E. CUTSHAW, Assistant in Physics and Mathematics.

Captain J. H. MORRISON, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology.

Lieutenant J. H. WADDELL, Assistant Professor of Drawing and Physics.

Captain W. B. PRICHARD, Assistant Professor of Geography, Drawing and Tactics.

Lieutenant W. C. POWELL, Assistant Professor of Engineering.

Captain A. H. BISHOP, Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Tactics.

Captain JAS, L. FORD, Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Tactics.

Captain Ct. K. MACON, Assistant Professor of Ned. Philosophy and Tactics.

Captain L. N. BUCK, Assistant Professor of Latin and Tactics.

Lieutenant C. D. WALKER, Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Chemistry.

Lieutenant RICHARD BROOKE, Assistant Professor of French.

Lieutenant W. B. PAGE,

. Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Latin.

Lieutenant M. P. CARTER, Assistant Professor of Latin. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 15

Lieutenant J. C. EDMONDS, Assistant Professor of Mineraloyy

Lieut. PL W. BLAIR,

Assistant Professor of French.

Lieutenant J. CARMICHAEL, Acting Assistant Professot of Drawing.

Lieutenant J. B. MARVIN, Acting Assistant Professor of Clianistry.

Lieutenant ELLIOT H. BURWELL, Acting Assistant Professor of Latin.

Lieut. W. A. LANGHORNE, Acting Assistant Professor of English.

Lieutenant F. C. FISHER, Acting Assistant Professor of Drawing. 16 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE.

lilitarg Staff.

Colonel ROBERT L. MADISON, M. D., Surgeon.

WILLIAM B. SINCLAIR, M. D, Associate Surgeon.

Captain W. A. DEAS,

Acting Treasure)'.

Captain ROBERT J. WHITE, Quartermaster.

Captain SAM. TAYLOR,

Assistan t Quart'crm aster.

Captain JOHN T. GIBBS,

Commissary and Stcivarcl.

Captain FRANCIS H. SMITH, Jr., Adjutant.




"5. a o NAMES. o 2 STATE. '~f. c a "So • 5 5 S c m O 3 55

*1 L. N. Buck l 1 1 1 *2 R. M. Smith 4 3 3 3 3 *3 H. W. Blair 3 2 2 • 2 4 *4 6 5 6 •7 *5 ii 6 7 7 4 6 M. P. Carter ii 8 12 16 8 2 9 9 22 20 6 R W. B. Page 10 8 14 5 8 9 L. \V. Norris 7 4 S 7 9 10 W. G. Ghilds 5 17 6 9 12 11 13 22 11 16 15 1? S. H. Purcell 12 10 3 11 10 13 0. Tayloe 11 13 21 13 21 14 M. V. Scurry IC 19 19 33 12 24 15 II 37 32 17 24 20 Ifi II 23 11 19 14 19 I 17 R. T. 'Wilson 22 20 27 10 14 18 H. Smith 16 14 10 26 18 IP J. C. Spiller 15 5 12 17 13 ?n H. B. Kindred 14 46 9 IS 11 ?i J. P. John 24 25 IS 31 23 ?,fl F. B. Clark 20 16 26 21 31 fl,3 18 24 23 39 17 ?,4 F. G. Menefee 39 33 13 23 16 9,5 W. W. Smith 34 41 30 22 30 fl.fi II 25 39 20 27 25 9.7 F. C. Fisher 41 34 14 25 41 98 27 31 41 37 32 •?9 E. II. Burwell 17 23 40 15 27 30 J. H. Marable 32 40 29 33 34 31 II. B. Spiller 2S 3S 25 19 28 32 50 42 34 34 36 33 W. II. Talley II 3S 26 42 40 22 34 II 36 45 31 36 29 35 33 47 24 32 26 3fi 26 30 49 41 39 N. B. Noland 29 IS 31 30 49 38 46 21 35 49 38 39 C. Randolph 44 49 48 2S 37 40 35 51 43 46 42 41 II 31 28 37 29 40 42 T. J. Dabney 21 27 45 42 51 43 J. D. Barrett 45 29 36 45 33 44 49 35 52 50 44 45 J. M. Riley 47 15 88 4S 45 4fi N. B. Randolph .' 40 36 39 35 46 47 L. P. Rodes 30 44 46 43 43 48 C. M. Patrick' I. 42 37 28 3S 50 49 E. 11. Arthur 48 43 44 52 35 50 H. II. Epes 51 52 50 47 48 51 50 47 44 47 52 A. L. Barrett 43 4S 51 51 52

Names marked * are distinguished. 1



9 -3 -3 *a L o ^ 5 _ 9 P, xs _oO a, a o o<3 o >> •S gj a a >> o in ml Hi* REMARKS. o . ° £ to i » •= o o a a Si 3(5 o B a 5o a M O § M a a 53 a P

1 2 2 3 1 2 ;, 3 2 5 38 2nd Lieutenant! 6 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 3 4 60 2 8 20 1 7 o 15 4 8 21S 4 13 17 6 2 4 8 11 7 40 116 25 12 11 11 17 14 16 22 9 1 135 14 4 6 9 19 10 4 21 10 27 158 15 6 4 7 16 3 7 27 12 16 00 9 11 5 19 36 11 9 28 16 32 37 13 28 S 24 35 6 35 5 39 112 1st Lieutenant. 20 3 25 26 5 9 3S 36 18 44 113 16 5 15 5 33 22 10 10 20 36 110 23 34 10 20 9 13 25 9 19 26 169 1st Lieutenant. 17 10 27 47 4 12 26 32 5 10 76 27 15 3 10 15 7 o 7 7 47 186 24 7 13 12 14 18 6 1 10 33 00 Adjutant. 11 32 44 4 11 17 34 17 23 11 68 2nd Lieutenant. 37 9 7 8 44 27 11 24 42 21 168 3 44 21 15 8 S 41 33 37 9 267 5 30 30 37 23 16 42 39 1 25 425 2ml Lieutenant. 45 17 31 45 52 34 31 18 24 7 211 7 14 12 13 28 26 32 15 3S 42 115 22 20 18 38 22 29 45 25 10 6 49 8 22 9 30 25 15 12 37 27 50 131 44 19 24 29 18 38 20 6 12 46 153 Quarter Master. 38 21 39 25 42 25 3 8 33 22 145 28 24 19 15 48 32 21 12 15 17 547 21 18 47 IS 10 20 40 50 35 27 285 1st Captain. 31 37 40 31 29 41 27 14 27 2 21 10 27 49 40 43 19 19 19 35 35 633 35 31 16 22 21 31 39 35 20 31 99 2nd Lieutenant. 50 39 51 28 32 24 17 43 40 45 23S IS 20 50 35 12 30 IS 16 40 21 63 2nd Captain. 30 25 43 27 49 36 23 23 42 48 00 32 45 35 23 3S 40 37 49 3 12 73 4th Captain. 42 52 29 49 13 45 47 31 46 IS 219 47 33 14 34 41 37 14 29 44 29 339 40 49 32 36 30 28 44 45 4S 34 137

2a 43 33 52 . 6 23 24 42 29 13 240 3rd Captain. 41 23 22 14 40 42 33 20 32 49 208 34 40 34 50 24 21 13 13 50 3S 28 1st Lieutenant. 51 38 36 41 27 35 43 44 40 14 621 43 16 23 43 46 39 52 33 26 3S 613 19 35 4S 51 50 46 46 3S 44 30 215 30 36 28 17 45 43 36 40 14 43 10S 1st Lieutenant. 12 46 26 46 37 33 49 4S 4S 15 588 39 42 52 32 34 50 51 30 51 41 378 33 48 42 42 31 47 22 46 31 20 710 26 50 3S 33 47 44 •28 40 22 51 700 48 29 37 21 26 49 4S 51 34 37 574 46 47 45 44 39 48 30 52 37 19 225 49 51 41 39 51 52 29 26 52 52 344

1 1 52 41 40 4S 20 51 50 46 25 23 1 62S 20 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE.



M. A. Wilson S. Carolia, Sergeant. W. M. Jerdone Virginia, 2d 6rd. Sergeant. P. G. Halyburton.. Sergeant. J. S. Myrick N. Carolina. 4th Ord. Sergeant. M. McCormick Virginia, H. Baylor W. Virginia,

H. Bridgers , N. Carolina, Sergeant. John Sims Virginia, T. J. Frayser Q. M. Sergeant. J. A. Harris I. Wade Georgia, Sergeant. S. Grantland 62 Sergeant. N. Manson Virginia, 88 J. D. Glenn N. Carolina. 82 T. G.Baylor W. Virginia, 33 J. H. Morgan Alabama, 00 3d Ord. Sergeant. A. Hamilton N. Carolina. 24 Sergeant-. F. S. Boswell Virginia, 193 N. E. Young W.Virginia, 28 Sergeant. B. K. Kirkland Maryland, 189 J. M. Denham Florida, 109 F. Dubignon Georgia, 200 F. W. Pearson Alabama, 120 Sergeant. W. S. Mabry 00 1st Ord. Sergeant. J. Brewer Louisiana, 45 Sergeant. R. B. Pearson Alabama, 134 W. G. Kirk Virginia, 200 J. L. Legare S. Carolina, 47 H.Fairfax Virginia, 41 Sergeant. W. T. Shields 57 F. Syberg Arkansas, 200 W. W. Plattenbur Alabama, 00 J. M. Jayne Mississippi, 189 A. Denham Florida, 50 Sergsant. W. Wheatley D. Columbia. 1S9 T. C. Hardie Alabama, 88 A. L.Gardner A'irginia, 49 G. K. Camp Alabama, 198 J. Matthews Virginia, 137 W. Mitchell 200 J. H.Franklin Maryland, 189 T. Robinson Georgia, 168 J. Arthur S. Carolina, 55 Sergeant.

J. E. Ware , Alabama, 23 170 Sergeant. W. T. Balfour Mississippi, 45 182 J. F. -White Alabama. 26 I 78 Sergeant. W.W.Dancy N. Carolina. 42 200 F. W, Simmons ..., Virginia, 40 64 A. P. Davis Georgia, 43 73 R. II. Kello Virginia, 44 13S "W. J. Barksdale..., 51 20 J. D. McCanco 50 ! D VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 21



R. P. AW Morris.. Virginia, W. II. Wilson Maryland, C. P. Brady Virginia, Coporal. II. P.Bell M. L. Spotswood. Corporal. R. Harris A. R. Sullivan Corporal. D. B. Harris C. M. Collum Ohio, J. C. Cammack... Virginia. W. II. Murrell .... Corporal. 0. Williamson Tennessee, N. D. Hawkins... Virginia, Corporal. S. M. Taylor B. M. Rucker F. P. Damon Florida, Z. Taylor Tennessee, Corporal. G. W. Taylor Virginia, J. E. Dovo Corporal. T. G. Spady W. A. Rawles Florida, J.M. Tutwiler Virginia. A. P. Ferguson... II. G. Whitehead. A. L. Johnston... .1. M. Halsey Corporal. L. S. Crain Louisiana, W. E. Matthews.. Alabama, A. W. Harman... Virginia, Corporal. W. Nalle .T. B. S. Baugh.... S. Lawrason Louisiana, J. II. Patton Tennessee, W. J. Magrath.... S. Carolina, Corporal. J. II. Smith Alabama, W. G. Morrell.... Georgia, R. Fairfax Virginia, D. Murrell Corporal. G. W. Morgan.... Alabama, J. McA. Bilisoly., Virginia, W. P. Russell S. Carolina, N. Matthews Virginia, J. Printup Georgia, Corporal. E. Moore Alabama, J. Dall Maryland, E. T. Crump Virginia, J. M. Adams M.F.Hood Georgia, J. B. Tuggle Virginia,

J. Watson , W. Jett R.White Alabama, Rutherford, T W. Virginia, Absent—not examined. J. C. Printup Georgia, W. P. Batchelor.. N. Carolina, T. B.Clark Virginia, 22 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE.


S STATE. >, REMARKS. s a ,5 A s u s "3 © o a u i-< N O a

J. M. Reynolds Alabama, 4 12 31 2 8 29 11

S. W. Washington VV. Virginia, 5 10 14 9 12 43 1 J. F. Ross Alabama, 8 3 3 20 2 62 192 J. D. Letcher Virginia, 7 2 29 8 33 33 43 P. B. McCutchon.. Mississippi, 20 5 1 18 4 68 C. G. Barney Virginia, 2 30 27 55 6 46 G. B. Lawrason.... Louisiana, 3 6 4 26 52 11 130 W. P. Tarns Virginia, 13 31 33 1 70 16 J. Bonham S. Carolina, 1 9 7 43 17 116 42 C. H. Hargrove.... Virginia, 15 48 19 35 11 22 42 W. N. Kidd Texas, 9 72 53 25 5 27 F. B. McCutchon.. Mississippi, 11 19 5 32 22 90 27

T. Cochran , Alabama, 32 7 15 13 16 19 55

J.G.Sloan , Virginia, 35 8 IS 15 21 84 E. Hawkins Mississippi, 17 1 25 39 3 140 33 R. G. Chandler Virginia, 24 40 61 27 51 32 23 T. B. Price " 19 64 43 6 35 70 49 L.W.Smith Tennessee, 14 95 39 45 7 50 34 S. M. Williams Virginia, 41 15 13 22 47 49 52 T. W. Butler Louisiana, 80 79 2 31 24 45 -7 J. W. Moore Alabama, 18 22 56 66 40 56 33 J. D. Johnston " 16 55 9 83 18 57 77 A.P.Gray Virginia, 10 14 28 37 57 141 73 R. S. Anderson Georgia, 21 60 23 3 81 82

W. Farrar , Louisiana, 36 23 10 38. 10 128 35 R.B.Matthews.... Mississippi, 6 11 12 61 55 89 20 J. D. Ragland Virginia, 58 18 16 91 JS.S. 53 55 J. B. Flowers Mississippi, 22 74 50 34 13 81 42 O.S.Allen Virginia, 26 49 59 81 48 42 T. Humphreys Kentucky, 49 59 60 20 26 11 J. M. Jackson W. Virginia, 29 16 49 79 9 87 55 E. D. McConnell.... Alabama, 34 36 17 28 65 92 76 O. J. Schoolcraft.... Virginia, 27 25 20 21 25 134 127 C. Fluker Loiiisiana, 23 20 24 42 69 121 112 J. W. Harrison N. Carolina, 33 34 51 124 3S 36 23 T. F. Masten Alabama, 50 21 32 94 44 13 27 W. Beverly Virginia, 52 56 44 10 110 18 34 K. McDonald " 31 41 m 33 66 3 S7 E. F. Jones Alabama, 44 4 n 7 46 94 200 L. B. Hanks S.Carolina, 45 57 35 64 93 25 34 C. L. Matthews Mississippi, 28 116 64 54 56 4S 33 J. Loney Maryland, 43 44 67 84 64 24 31 A. P. Jerrey S. Carolina, 39 58 22 29 34 37 199 J. H. Beverley Virginia, 42 43 58 SS 68 21 79 M. N. Harrison N. Carolina, 40 33 42 72 58 86 S9 E. D. Meredith Virginia, 38 26 30 57 23 93 200 A. W. Gregg Texas, 12 51 57 92 14 126 in; P. B. Lytle " 67 46 52 23 100 55 S.Giles Maryland, 63 28 8 19 50 144 141 D. C. Humphreys.. Kentucky, 65 13 6 16 1 146 173 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 23

FOURTH CLASS—(Continued.)



51 W. M. Sledge Texas. 39 133 52 E. W. Piatt S. Carolina, 61 9 74 53 R.O.Hggat Virginia, 67 15 52 54 R. Stribling U.S. 117 92 55 B.Bell Mississippi, 36 20 CO 56 J. M. McFarland 15 73 117 57 W. Hansbrough Virginia, 92 8 182 5S H. II. Burwell N. Carolina, 84 38 r,n 59 R. L. Burwell Maryland, 71 83 62 60 J. T. Beck Alabama, N.S. 30 13 61 J. A. Neal 101 N.S. 112 82 62 G. P. Williams Virginia, 45 76 78 121 63 W. J. Ward Maryland, 37 30 63 143 6-1 h. Graliam S.Carolina, 38 85 04 65 W. S. Campbell Virginia, 97 87 59 66 W. G. Stokes 91 77 51 15 67 L. Washington W. Virginia, 54 28 123 41 68 J. N.Walton Virginia, 47 45 80 20 69 G. E. Smith Mississippi, 62 82 60 79 70 W. A. Hankins Virginia, 89 102 39 85 71 J. Ilansbrough 112 85 6 189 72 E.Mastin Alabama, 94 lot 41 50 73 S.R.Radford Virginia, 81 59 69 S3 74 J. M. Douthat 82 91 100 94 75 L.Ellis Mississippi, 66 96 14 183 76 B. Scruggs Alabama, 63 D. 23 100 77 M. Gregory Arkansas, 103 94 65 S8 78 F.Wyatt Georgia, 46 54 40 198 79 W. S. Waters Maryland, 26 26 138 1S9 SO J. II. Iluck Texas, 34 42 77 200 81 T. Williamson Tennessee, 53 70 83 99 156 82 .T. D.Jordan Mississippi, 7* 96 63 34 101 83 J. II. Kimball Wisconsin, S3 6S 105 1 199 84 C. McCandlish Louisiana, 50 74 98 103 177 85 J. E. Longmoor W.Virginia 39 75 43 130 42 86 J. H. McRady Louisiana, 110 114 106 7 57 87 W. A. Jones Tennessee, 112 92 D. 88 179 88 R. C. Maclean Alabama, 99 79 53 74 10S 89 W. A. Taliaferro Virginia, 6S 80 D. 67 187 90 G. H. Allen 07 99 101 95 117 91 R. Battle Texas, 86 83 97 31 62 92 W. Richardson Mississippi, 132 90 D. 75 200 93 W. W. < laiborne Virginia, 105 100 108 04 94 A. Kirkland Maryland, 104 so 62 66 200 95 D. C. Overton Kentucky, 94 1122 113 D. 44 82 96 E. Barksdale Mississippi, 102 66 106 88 58 200 97 J. A. Bilisoly Virginia, 93 111 98 86 137 36 98 L. A. 31 125 Cheves Georgia, 101 | 62 102 . US 99 Alex. Harman Virginia, 96 107 105 D. 9S 55

100 W. Adams Mississippi, 104 I S7 73 D. 24 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE.

FOUETH CLASS—(Continued.)



St >-i & s

W. P. Gay Virginia, 91 131 107 195 E. B. Rainey Alabama, 87 abs abs 51 154 L. Rainey 100 abs abs 65 79

W. Fluker. , Louisiana, D. 1). no 128 122 193 R. Taylor Virginia, D. 27 21 95 145 184 W. P. Owens D. 125 B. 131 120 186 W. Rutherfoord D. 97 93 52 G. H.Newton... D. 75 88 62 17 90 W. E. Weigand Maryland, D. 85 85 86 12 20 A. B. Malone .... Alabama, D. 123 D. 133 102 39 CM. Fort Louisiana, D. B. 77 63 61 40 T. S. Woodward Texas, D. 106 B. 97 108 200 A. R. Carter Alabama, D. 114 B. 129 119 200 T. Graves Tennessee, D. 82 76 120 143 200 W. Riggs S. Carolina, B. 117 B. B. 127 192 W. J. McCall ... Tennessee, D. 126 B. 134 107 115 E. M. Phelps Virginia, D. 108 B. 113 114 127

L. W. Minor , B. 130 87 120 10 200 A. T. Lowman... B. 127 B. 118 135 200 G. W. Malone... Alabama, D. D. B. 135 47 109 F. Jordan D. D. B. 24 4 14S W. Graves Tennessee, SEX 71 41 136 131 168 T. W. Palmer..., Florida,' abs abs abs K 5 11 E.Bailey abs abs abs abs N.S. 25 R. Rutherford... W. Virginia, abs abs abs abs N.S. G. Robinson Georgia, abs abs abs abs N.S. 0. Metcalfe Mississippi, abs abs abs abs N.S. 47 H. B. Strange... Virginia, abs abs abs abs N.S. R. W. Carr Georgia, N.S. 103 109 110 115 J. Cochran Alabama, N.S. 101 69 49 109 200 E. C. Goss S. Carolina, N.S. 124 N.S. 137 N.S. 15

W. H. Roberts ., Alabama, N.S. 118 B. 109 106 199 L. D. Mayhew ... Missouri, N.S.i 119 B. 46 129 150 R. Bresou Virginia, N.S. 91 104 122 76 134 E. B. George Alabama, N.S. D. B. 98 132 143 A. W. Raht Tennessee, N.S. 128 B. 111 104 13S F.P.Dow N.S. B. B. 125 28 313 R. P. Goodloe.... Alabama, N.S 121 N.S. 121 110 86 W. S. Cocke Tennessee, N.S. 120 N.S. 112 111 50 F. Huck Texas, N.S. D. B. D. 101 200 J. Shackelford.., N.S. 129 D. B. 133 200 J. Sampson Virginia, N.S. 109 N.S. 119 136 55 T. M. McFaddin. Alabama, N.S. 115 N.S. 108 52 90 S. Ilunter S. Carolina, N.S. D. N.S. D. 125 W. S. Curran .... Arkansas, N.S. S9 B. 105 105 D. Patton Louisiana, NEX NEX N.S. N.S. 124 R. W. Vasser Alabama, NEX 81 N.S. 71 35

G. Vance , Tennessee, NEX 69 N.S. N.S. 113 T. A. Garrett .... Louisiana, NEX N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. M. C. Klein Mississippi, NEX NEX N.S. N.S. 139 :


fesplanation: of gonbnci Soil.

All offences against orders or regulations are recorded. These offences are divided into seven grades; each of which com- prises offences of nearly the same degree of criminality. The degree of criminality of offences of each grade is expressed by a number, as follows

Offences of the 1st grade by 10.

' 2d " 8.

' 3d " " 5.

1 4th " " 4.

' 5th " " 3.

' 6th - " 2.

' 7th " " 1.

For each year (after the first year) that a cadet has been a member of the Institute, his offences are made to count more, by adding to the number expressing the degree of criminality of each offence, one-sixth for the second class, and one-third for the third class,- and one-half for

the first class.

At the end of the Academic year, these numbers are added up, and the sum thus obtained is that found in the column of "demerit."

When a cadet has more than 100 demerit by the 1st of January, or

200 in one year, he is 'dismissed ipso facto. 26 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE.


Of the Corps of Cadets, for the year ending July 1, 1870, the names of those Cadets ivho have passed the xohole year without demerit Icing in-

dicated as an asterisk * as distinguished in conduct.


* i Brooke, R Strange, II. B 99 Malone, A 39 * 2 Blair, H. W Carr, R.AV 100 Fort, CM 40 * 3 Bridgers, J. L Vance, G.T 101 Fairfax, H 41 * 4 Buck, L.N Garrett. T. A 1112 Flowers, J.B 42 * 5 Childs, W. G Klein, M. C 103 Longmoor, J. E. 42 * 6 Edmonds, J. C Palmer, T.W 104 Bonham, J 42 * 7 Hopson,Ford Humphreys, T. S. 105 Hargrove, CH.... 42 * 8 Page, W. B Reynolds, J. M... 106 Scurry, M. V 42 * 9 Randolph, C. C Beck, J. T 107 Letcher, J D 43- * 10 Smith, H Taylor, G. W 108 Washington, L... 44 *11 Talley, W. H Goss 109 Wilson, W. n 45 * 12 AVaring, J. L Stokes, AY. G 110 Moore, E 45 * 13 Wilson, R. T Patton, J. H 111 Jett,W 45 * 14 John, J.F Smith. W. W 112 Brewer, J 45 * 15 Jerdone, W. S Clark, F. B 113 Barrett, J. D 45 * 16 Halyburton, P.G.. Weigand, W. E... 114 Watson, J 46 *17 Myreck, J. S AValton, J. N 115 Marvin, J. B 46 * 18 MoCormick, M Matthews, R, B.. 116 Metcalfe, O 47

* 19 Bridgers, H "Wilson, M. A 117 Rucker, B.M , 47

* 20 Frazier.T. J Tayloe, O US Fairfax, R , 47

* 21 Morgan, J. II Morris, R. P. AY. 119 Legare, J. L , 47 * 22 Mabry.W. S Harrison, J. W... 120 Price, T.B 49 * 23 Plattenburg,AV.... Chandler, R. G... 121 Matthews. W 49 * 24 Bell, R.P Hamilton, A 122 Gardner, A. L.... 49 * 25 Sullivan, A. P Carter, M.P 112:3 Denham, A 50 * 26 Spotswood,M. S.... Bailey, E. B 124 Mastin. E 50

* 27 Collum, CM Murrell, H 125 Cocke, S. W , 50 * 28 Cammack, J. C Damon, F. P 126 Williams, S. M... * 29 Taylor, S. M Norris. L 127 Fiff^at. R. C * 30 Rawls, W. A Butler, T. AY 128 Wade, J * 31 Printup, J Mastin.T , 129 Spady, T. G 53 * 32 Barman, W MeCutchon, F.... 130 Cochran. T 55 *33 Johnston, A L Young, N. E 131 Arthur, J 55 * 34 Hawkins, D Harris, R :.... 132 Ragland 55 * 35 Smith, J. II Loney, J , 133 Jackson, J.M 55 * 36 "Washington, S. W. Baylor, H. B 134 Barman. A 55 * 37 MeCutchon, P. B... Baylor, T. G 135 Sampson, J 55 * 38 Barney, C. G Hawkins, E 130 Crain, L. S 56 * 39 Tarns, AW P Moore, J W 137 Manson.M 57 * 40 Kidd, W. N Matthews, C , 13S Shields, W.P 57 * 41 Sloan, J. G Carmichael, J.... 189 McRadv J. A.... 57 * 42 Anderson, R. S Smith, L. W 140 Burwell.U.H... 60 * 43 Lytle.P. B Beverlev,AY 141 Bell,B 60 * 44 Allen, O. S Hanks, N.B 142 Hopson, J. W.... 60 * 45 Campbell, W. S..... Farrar, "W 14:'. Patton, D 62 * 46 Claiborne, W. AV. Noland, N 144 Harwell, R, L.... 62

* 47 Rutherfoord, W... Bilisolv, J. A , 145 Grautland, S 62 * 48 Rutherford, R Taylor, Z 140 Dabney, T. G 63 * 49 Robinson, T. Q Halsey, J. M 147 Battle. R 62 ;


ORDER OF MERIT—(Continued.)


Taylor.S 201 Ferguson, A. P lil'J 254 Hansbrough, J... 189 189 Graham, B 202 Denham, J. M 109 | 255 Waters, wTS Simmon, P. W 203 Harris, D 112 256 Kirklaii'l, 1! K... 189 201 112 257 Jayne, J. 189 Brady, C. P Fluker. C I M Morroll.W.G 205 Epes, II. II 112 258 Wheatley, W 189 j is I Smith, It. M 206 Nalle.W 113 259 Franklin. J. II... Cooke, A. 207 McCall, W. J 115 260 Ross, J. F 192 M j Spiller, II. U 208 McFarland,.! 117 201 Riggs.W 192 Camp, W 209 Allen,G. II 117 262 Boswell.T. S 193 193 Davis, A. P -in Pearson, W. J 120 | 263 Fluker, W

Harris, J 211 Williams, G 121 I 204 Gay, W.P 195 123 265 Barrett, A. L 196 Gray, A. P 212 Kindred, H. B i Magrath, 213 Cheves, L. A 125 266 Camp, G. K 198 "W. J | Piatt, E 214 Schoolcraft. O. J... 127 267 Tuggle,.T. B 19S Marable.J. II 215 Phelps„E. M 127 268 Wyatt, F 198 Randolph, N. B 2J6 Arthur, E 130 269 Jervey, A.P 199 Quarles, G 217 Lawrason, G 130 270 Kimball,.!. H 199 199 McConnell, E.D 21S Sims, J 130 I 271 Roberts, W. II.... Spiller, J. C 219 Hopkins, J. F 132 ! Patrick, C 199

Johnston, J. D 220 Sledge, W. M 133 I 273 Rodes, L. P 200 White, F 221 Breson, R 134 274 Riley, J. M 200 200 Beverley, J. H -22 Pearson, R. B 134 ! 275 Cochran, J Smith, G. E 223 Matthews, J 137 276 Shackelford,H.L. 200

j Rainey, L 224 Raht, A. W 138 ' 277 Huck, F 200 200 Overton, D. C Kello.R. H 135 I 278 Huck,.T.U Neal 226 Giles, S 141 279 Jones, E 200 Glenn, J. D 227 Ward, J 143 2S0 Richardson, W... 200 143 2S1 Kirkland, 200 Fisher, F. C 228 George, E. D I A 200 Radford, S. R 83 229 Baugh, J. B. S 148 ! 2S2 Woodward. T. S... Yasser, W.R 84 230 Jordan, J. D 148 2S3 Carter, A. R 200 Green, S4 231 150 284 Minor, L.W 200 J Mayhew, L. D | 200 Hankins, TV. A 85 232 Littlepage, J. C... 154 I 2S5 Lowman, A. F.... 85 233 154 Barksdale. 200 Dove, J. E , Rainey, E. B 2S6 E Goodloe, R.P 86 234 Williamson, T 156 ' 287 Barksdale, W. J. 200 McDonald, K 87 235 Langhorne, W. A. 162 288 Meredith, E. D... 200 200 Menefee, F. G S7 236 Matthews, , 163 289 Laurason, S N I Gregory, 8S 237 Robinson, T 16S 290 Whitehead, H G. 200 M | 200 , 238 168 291 Mitchell. W. H... Manson, N SS Graves, W I

I 200 Hardie, T. C , SS 239 Ware, J. E 170 292 Dubignon, F •Jit) Harrison, M 89 Adams, W 170 I 293 Kirk,W.G 200 II 90 241 Murrell, D 171 294 Svberg, F. V 290 Newton, G. | McFaddin, T. J 90 •J4J Curran.W. S 172 295 Dancv, W.W 200

Stribling, R 92 243 Humphreys, D.C. 173 I 296 fDow, F. P 313

I Douthat, J.M , 94 244 McCandlish.J.M. 177 297 fCrump, E. T D Russell, W. P 98 245 Burwell, E. H 177 298 fMcCance. J. M... D Anderson, .T.R 100 246 Jones, W. A 179 299 fllood.M. F D Jordan, J. D 101 247 Hansbrough, J W. 182 300 fDall,J D Williamson, 101 248 Balfour, J. T 1S2 301 fAdams, J.M D

Bilisoly, J. McA 105 249 Ellis, L 183 I 302 fWlute.R 1S4 Scruggs, B , 106 250 Taylor, R

Maclean, A 108 251 Gregg, A. W 156 I

Malone, G.W , 109 259 Owens, W. P 1S6

I Morgan, G. W , 109 Taliaferro, W. P.. 157 1


ovps of Qutireis

vt. _


For the Session 1870 and 1871, '

Commencing July i, 1870.



Arthur, J. P S. C. Jerdone, W. S Va. Balfour, l W. T Miss. Kello, E. H Va. D Barksdale, W. J Va, Kirkland, B. K Md. Baylor, H. B W. Va. Kirk, W. G Va. Baylor, T. G W. Va. Legare, J. L S. C. Boswell, T. S Va. Mabry, W. S Ala. Brewer, J La. Manson, 1ST Va. Bridgers, H N. C. Matthews, J Va, Camp, G. K Ala. Morgan, J. H Ala. Dancy, W. W N. G. Myrick, J. S N. C. Davis, A. P G-a. Mitchell, W. H Va. Denham, A Fla. Pearson, B. R Ala. Denham, J. M Fla. Pearson, W. F Ala.

' Dubignon, F. G „ Ga. PLATTENBURG, W, W Ala . Fairfax, H Va, Shields, W. T Va. Frazier, T. J Va, Sims, J Va. Franklin, J. H Mel. Simmons, F. W, .' Va. Gardner, A. L Va. Syberg, F. V Ark. Glenn, J. D N. C. Wade, J. T Ga. Grantland, S Ga, Ware, J. E Ala. Halyburton, P. G Va, Wiieatley, W D. C.

Hamilton, A N. C. White, J. F • Ala. Hardee, T. C Ala, Wilson, M. A S. C. Harris, J Va. Young, N. E W. Va. Jayne, J. M Miss. Total 49 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 29


Baugii, W.B.S Va. MORRELL, W. G Ga. Bell, R. P Va. Morris, R. P. W Va. Bilisoly, J. McA Va. Murrell, W. H Va. Brady, 0. P Va. Nalle, W. B. S Va. Cammack, J. C Va. PATT0N, J. H Trim. Grain, L. S La. Pawls, AV. A Fla. Damon, F. P Fla. Pucker, B. W Va. Dove, J. E Va. Russell, AV. P S. C. Fairfax, H. R Va. Smith, J. H Ala. Ferguson, A. P Va. Spady, T. S Va. T Halsey, J M Va. Spotswood, M. L A a. T Harman, A. W Va. Sullivan, A A a. Harris, D. B Va. Taylor, S. M Va. Harris, R Va. Taylor, Z Tenn. r Hawkins, N. D Va. Taylor, G. AV A a. Johnston, A. L Va, TUTWILER, J. M Va. r Lawrason, S La. AVhitehead, H. G A a. Magrath, W. J S. C. Wilson, AV. H Md. Matthews, AV. E Ala. Williamson, Tenn. Morgan, G. W Ala. Total 39


Abney, JG Texas. Clark, T. B Ya. Adams, AV Miss. Cochran, T. L Ala. Allen, 0. S ....Va. Crump, B. S Ya. Anderson, R. S Ga. Crump, E. T Va. Bailey, E. B Fla, Crump, M. H Va. r Barney, C. G A a. Douthat, J. M Ya. Battle, P Texas. Edmonds, E. S Ya. Bell, B Miss. Farrar, AV La. Beck, J. T Ala. Ficklin, AV. J Va. Beverley, J. H Va. Figgat, P. C Va. Beverley, AV Va. Fluker, C La. T Bilisoly, J. A Va, Gay, AV.P A a. Boniiam, J S. C. Giles, S Md. Brown, P. K Tenn. Graham, B S. C. Burke, P. B Va, Gray, A. P Va. Burwell, H. H N. C. Gregory, M Vrk. BURWELL. P. L Aid. Harrison, J. AV Va. Butler, T. AV La. Harrison, M. M Va. Campbell, AV. S Va. Hansbrougii, J Va. T Chandler, R. G A a. Hansbrough, AV Va. Cheves, L. A Ga. Hanks, L. B S. 0. r Claiborne, AV. AV A a. Hankins, AV. A Va. ..


THIRD CLASS—Continued.

Hargrove, C. H Va, Meredith, E. D Va, Harman, Alex Va. Moore, J. W Ala. Hawkins, E. K Miss. Nelson, J. W Va. Hubbard, H. S Va. Platt, E. D S. C. Huck, H. J Texas. Price, T. B Va. Humphreys, D. C Ky. Badford, S. E Va. Humphreys, T. S Ky. Eagland, T. D Va, Jackson, J. M W. Va, Eeynolds, J. M Ala. Jervey, A. P S. C. ElCHARDSON, W Mi.SS. Johnston, J. D Ala. Eoss, J. F Ala. Jones, E. F Ala. Eutherford, E. D W. Va. Jones, W. A Term. Sloan, J. G- Va. Jordan, J. D Miss. Smith, L. W Ga. Kidd, W. N Texas. Smith, G. E Miss. Kimball, W. D Wis. Stokes, W. G..- Va. Kirkland, A Md. Taliaferro, W. A Va. Lawrason, G. C La. Tams, W. P Va. Letcher, J. D Va, Taylor, T Va. Loney, J Md. Thom, W. A Va. Lytle, P. B Texas. Walton, J. N Va. Maclean, E. C Ala. Ward, J Md. Mastin, E Ala. Washington, L W. Va. Matthews, C. L La. Washington, S. W W. Va. Matthews, E. B La, Waters, W. S Md. McDonald, K Va, Williams, G. P Va. McConnell, E. D Ala, Williams, S. N Va. McCutchon, F. B Miss. Williamson, T Term. McCutchon, P. B Miss. Winston, Isaac Va McFarland, J. M Miss. Wyatt, Francis Ga Total 102


Barge, T. B Ala. Chamblls, W. H Va. Baxter, 0. F Va. Ciianey, H. M.I. Bidwell, A. G Texas Clarke. J. H Miss.

Bradley, A. H : Ala. Cocke, S. X Tenn. Bradley, J. C Ala. Cochran, J Ala. Brown, S. C Va. Cooke, J. W Va. Bruce, Thos .' Va. Cooke, L. E Va. Campbell, A. A Va. Cooper, H. G X. C Carpenter, P. H Ala. Craigmiles, W Tenn. Carr, E. W Ga. Crain, L. S La. Carrington, W Va. Creel. H. M Mo. Carter, A. E Ala. CULBERTSON, C. A..., Texas. Castleman, J. S Va. Cureax, W. S Ark. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 31


Davis, S. R Va. K ENMEDY, P Ala. Davis, M. P Va. Ketohum, W. H Ala. DeLeon, B. N S. C. Klein, M C Miss. Dulany, H.G Va. Langford, A. J S. C. Edmonds, J Va. Lee, J. W Ala. ErriNG, 0. A Ga. Ligiitfoot, P. H Va. EpriNG, H Ga. Lowman, A. F Va. Fairfax, J. W Va. Ludwigoen, D. H La. Ferrell, C. \V Ala. Mabry, J. W Ala. Fitzhugii, W. II Mich. Maddin, F. S Texas. Fort, C. M La. Malone, A. B Ala. Fluker, W La. Malone, W. G Ala. Gaines, G. .» Va. Martin, W Va. Garland, J. N Va. Marks, G. M Ala. Garrett, T. A La. Martin, F. S Ala. George, E. D Ala. Mathews, Luke Va.

Gilliam, H. J , Ala. McCall, W.' J Tenn. Goodloe, R. P Ala. McCallum, L. T Tenn. Graham, H. D Texas. McCue, H. McD Va. Grandy, C. D N.C. McFaddin, J. M Ala. Graves, T Tenn. McFaddin, T. J Ala, Graves, W Tenn. McRady, E. C La. Green, W. B Va, Minor, L. W Va, Green, W. H S. C. Moise,M S. C. Green, W. McA Va, Moseley, J Va. Hammond, W. S Va, Murrell, J. D Va, Harman, A. C Va, Nalle, Jesse Va. Harman, W. H Va. Nicholason, T. F Va. Keyward, T. R Ala. Osburn, H W.Va. Hodge, A. G La, Osment, H. C Tenn. Hoge, J. H Va. Owen, W. G Va, Hollow ay, R 111. Owens, W.P Va. Hubbard, C. D Va. Pannill, \V Texas. Huck, F Texas. , J. C Va. Hunter, S S. C. Patton, D La, Hurst, J. G W. Va. Patton, J. H Ala. Irwin, F Md. Pegram. J. W La. Jeffries, J. P Va. Perry, F. B Ala, Jeffress, T. W Va. Perry, W Texas. Johnston, J. L S, C. Pollard, R. L Ala, Jones, M Va. Porter, R. M Tenn. Jones, W. G Ala, Raht, A. W Tenn. Jordan, F Ala, Reeves, L. S S. C. Kearns, C. R Va, Richardson, J. P Miss. Keith, W. S Va. Richardson, P.J Va, Kelly, G.I Va, Riggs, W S. C. Kennedy, E. J Ala. Robinson, T.G Ga. 32 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE.


Robinson, C. E Ala. Vance, G. T Tenn. Roberts, W. H Ala, Vasser, AV Ala. RUTHERFOORD, W Va. Vassee, R.AV , Ala. Samuel, L. S N. Y. Walton, W. M Va. Sampson, J Va. Ware, 'J. AV Ala. Saunders, B. J Va. Ware, R. Y Ala. Shackelford, H. L. Texas. Waters, J Tenn. Sherrard, D. Gr Miss. Watkins, L. C Va. Smith, J. L Va. Watson, E. J Miss. Starnes, J. W Tenn. Watson, J. C Ala. t Stacy, J Miss. AA eigand, AV. E Md. Statham, W. W Va. AVells. C. AV W.Va. Taylor, G. G Tenn. West, J. A , Va. Taylor, R Va. Whiting, N. H Va. Thomas, J. S Mo. Wilcox, A. D Tenn. Thompson, D. S W. Va, Wilkes, Q K 0. Tipton, W.I Ala. AVlldy, J. H Miss. r Trigg, I. D Ark. AA ooDWARD. T. S Texas. Trippe, R Texas. Yandell, H. V Miss. Tyler, J. W Va. Total 157 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 33

Virginia 138 11 North Carolina 9 Tennessee 20 South Carolina 19 Georgia 13 Alabama 57

Florida , 5 Mississippi 19 Louisiana 18 Texas 15

Arkansas 4:

Maryland.... : 12 1 Missouri 2 Kentucky 2 District of Columbia 1 Illinois 1 Wisconsin 1 Michigan 1

Total 349

Total, including Special Students 362 34 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE.



H..W. Blair, of Virginia Graduated in Academic School, 1870- " " " J. C. Edmonds, of Virginia 1870. E. Brooke, of Virginia " " " 1870. " " M. P. Carter, of Virginia " 1870. " " " J. Carmichael, of Georgia '.. 1870. E. H. Burwell, of Maryland " " " 1870. W. B. Page, of Virginia " " " 1870. " " " W. A. LxInghorne, of Virginia... 1870. " " " F. C. Fisher, of Virginia 1870. " " " F.-H. Smith, Jr., of Virginia 1869.


H. W. Blair, of Virginia Graduated in Academic School, 1870. J. B. Marvin, of Florida... 1870. M. P. Carter, of Virginia. 1870. C. D. Walker, of Virginia. 1869. W. B. Page, of Virginia.... 1870. W. C. Powell, of Virginia. 1S69. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 35





From 8 A. M. to 10 A. M., daily, Applied Mathematics. Rankine's Applied Mechanics. from September to January.

Civil Engineering aud Archi- From 8 A . M. to 10 A. M., daily, Rankine's Civil Engineering, tecture. from January to July. Lectures and Drawing.

Paley's Moral Philosophy, But- From 10 A. M. to 11 A. M., Moral Science, Rhetoric and ler's Sermons on Human Na- alternately, one with another, Logic. ture, Blair, Whately, Hamil- from September July. to ton—Lectures.

From 11 A. M. to 1 P. M., daily, Murry's and Somerville's Physi- Physical Geography. from September to January. cal Geography.

From 11 A. M. to 1 P. M., daily, Dana's Mineralogy, Dana's Man- Mineralogy and Geology. from January to July. ual of Geology.

Benton's Ordnance and Gun- to 4 P. , alter- Ordnance and Gunnery, Mili- From 2 P. M. M nery, Lendy's Fortification, Du- nating, one with another, tary Engineering, Military Parcq'a Military Art aud His- to July. History and Strategy. from September tory. ;





Boucharlat's Mechanics ; Eart- From 8 A.M. to 10 A. M., daily, lett's Acoustics and Optics Natural Philosophy. from September to July. Bartlett's Spherical Astron- omy.

Eroni 10 A. M. to 11 A. M., Physiology. alternating with Tactics, Lectures and Dalton. from September to July.

From 10 A. M. to 11 A. M., Upton's Infantry Trctics; U.S. Tactics. alternating with Physiology, Artillery Tactics. from September to July.

From 11 A. M. to 1 P. M., daily, Tacitus, Horace, Terence and Latin. from September to July. Juvenal.

2 P. M. to 4 P. M., daily, Bowman's Chemistry; Koscoe*s Chemistry. From from September to July. Chemistry. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 37




Gillespie's Surveying: Smith's Biot's Analytical Geometry; Smith's Descriptive Geometry; From 8 A. M. to 10 A. daily, Lectures on Shades, Shadows Mathematics. M., from September to July. and Perspective; Courtenay's Differential and Integral Cal- culus; Bledsoe's Philosophy of Mathematics.

From 10 A. M. to 11 A. M., alternately, from September • to July. The recitations on Physics. Physics being on the same Atkinson's Ganofs Physics. days with drawing; but on different days from recita- tions in Latin.

Bolmar's Levizaes' and Fas- From 11 A. M. to 1 P. M., daily, quelle's Grammars; Gil Bias' French. from September to July. Coriune: Collot's Dramatic French Reader; Picot, No. 5.

Bullion's Zumpt's, Harrison's From 2 P. M. to 4 P. M., alter- and Gildersleeve's Latin Gram- Latin. nating, daily, with Drawing, mars; Cresar, Arnold's Prose from September to July. Composition, Virgil, Cicero, Livy.

From 2 P. M. to 4 P. M., alter- Drawing. nating, daily, with Latin, Landscape, Mechanical Drawing. from September to July. —





Smith's Algebra, Smith's Legen- From 8 A. M. to 11 daily, dre's Geometry, Mathematics. A. M., Smith's Lefe- from September to July. bure, DeFourey's Trigonometry, Smith's Descriptive Geometry.

From 11 A. M. to 1 P. M., daihj, from September to January, English language. Kerle's Grammar. alternating, hourly, with Latin.

Prom 11 A. M. to 1 P. M., daily, Descriptive and Physical Ge- from January to July, alter- Maury's Geography, Maps, ography. 4c. nating, hourly, with Latin.

Prom 11 A. M. to 1 P. M., daily, from September to July, alter- McClintock's Latin Grammar Latin. nating, hourly, with English Caesar, Sallust, Virgil, Cicero. Language and Geography.

De Fivas', Bolmar s Levizae's and From 2 P. M. to 4 P. M., alter- Fasquelle's Grammars, Gil French. nating, daily, with Drawing, Bias, Charles XII., Picot's from September to July. No. 5.

From 2 P. M. to 4 P. M., alter- Pen and Colored Topography. Drawing. nating, daily, with French, Etching with the pen or seed, from September to July. 4c. — :


rptttnl §*lj0ol of ^pplicb 'jjbmntc.

The Special School of Applied Science, in the Virginia Military Insti- tute, is organized for the purpose of enabling the Graduates of the Institute to prosecute the various professional courses embraced in the applications of science. •

The Special School of Applied Science, in the Virginia Military Insti- tute, is arranged in the following Courses, which may be prosecuted separately or in combination

I. Course of Architecture. II. Course of Civil Engineering. III. Course of Machines. IV. Course of Mining. V. Course of Metallurgy. VI. Course of Analytical and Applied Chemistry. VII. Course of Agriculture.


Professor T. H. Williamson.

1. Drawing—Including pen and colored topography, mechanical, lettering and coloring. 2. Materials—Stone, brick, wood, mortars, mastics, glue, paints, &c. 3. Masonry—Retaining walls, walls of enclosure, edifices, ornaments, arches, stone-cutting. 4. Carpentry—Timbers, framing, beams, joints, floors, partitions, roofs, domes, centres, windows, stairways. 5. Foundations—In water, on land. 6. Classical Architecture—Orders, Egypt, Rome, Greece. 7. Design. 8. Romanesque.



Professor T. H. Williamson.

1. Drawing—Pen and colored topography, mechanical, &c. 2. Materials—Same as in Course of Architecture. 3. Masonry—

4. Carpentry— " " " 5. Foundations— 6. Surveying—Eunning lines and curves for common and railroads, canals, leveling, profiles, estimates, &c.

7. Bridges—Stone, wooden, iron. 8. Common Roads.

9. Railroads. 10. Tunnels.

11. Locomotives. 12. Canals. 13. Eivers, docks, harbors. 14. Mining.


Professor G. W. C. Lee.


Muscular Power—Power of men—Power of horses, &c. Water Power and Wind Power—Sources of water for Power. Water Power Engines in general. Water Bucket Engines. Water Pressure Engines. Vertical water wheels. Turbines. Fluid-on-Fluid, Impulse Engines, Windmills. Steam and other Heat Engines.—Relations of the Phenomena of Heat. Combustion and Fuel. Principles of Thermodynamies. Furnaces and Boilers. Mechanism of Steam Engines. Electro-Magnetic Engines. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 41


Professor M. McDonald.

Course of Lectures on Mining—Embracing prospecting, breaking ground, boring, blasting, tubing, sinking shafts, driving tunnels, venti- lating and lighting; the different methods of working mines; mining &c. the machinery ami motors, engines, horses, pumps, wagons, drums, ; dressing and concentration of minerals, crushers, stamps, washers, amal- this gamators, &c. quarrying and open workings ; details of mining in ; country and statistics of mining generally. Drawing— Geological maps and sections, coloring the same, and plans and section of mines, quarries and other open workings; mining ma- chinery and implements; plans of ventilation. V.—THE COURSE OF METALLURGY.

Professor M. McDonald.

Special Geology of Coal, Iron, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Salt, &c, with par-

ticular reference to N. A. localities. ores Metal- Metallurgy—Review of more important metals and their ; lurgical implements, structures and processes, crucibles, furnaces, blowing machines; details of the smelting and manufacture of Iron, Copper, Lead, Silver, Gold, &c. Drawing—Coloring of maps and sections; drawings of furnaces, re- finers, cokeing ovens; Metallurgical apparatus.


Professor M. B. Hardin.

In the Laboratory facilities are afforded for prosecuting the various branches of practical Chemistry. Each student will work independently of the others, receiving personal guidance and instructions from the Professors. In the last year the course may be varied according to the special object the student has in view.

The following is an outline of Systematic Course for Students in Min- ing and Metallurgy.

1. Qualitative Analysis—

2. Quayititative Analysis—

a. Analysis of substances of known composition.

b. Analysis of Ores, Slags, &c. 3. Assaying—Ores of Lead, Silver, Gold, Iron, Copper, &c. 42 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE.


1. Chemistry—General and applied to Agricnlture. 2. Mineralogy.

3. Histology.

4. Vegetable Physiology.

5. Agricultural Botany.

6. Zoology.

7. Civil Engineering—Applied to farm bridges, roads, drainage. 8. Rural Architecture.

9. Drawing. 10. Anatomy and Physiology of Bub-Kingdom—Vertebrata. 11. Human Physiology. 12. Hygiene and Dietetics. 13. General Botany. 14. Animal Toxicology. 15. "Veterinary Practice. 16. General Principles, Chemistry, Geology, Mechanics and Domestic Economy of Agriculture. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 43


i i t; r I s t . f r g> 11 1 a M i 1 i a y n 1 1 u 1 e r

Si?ice Us Organization in 7839.

Names of graduates, who have been killed in battle, or died in military service are printed in heavy-faced Italics, thus: Robert E. Modes. Names of graduates who are deceased, except those killed or died in military service, are printed in light-faced Italics, thus: Wm. D. Fair. Names of graduates marked * were most distinguished in their respective classes. The numbers following the names of graduates, indicate the graduation numbers, and are to be compared only with those of the same year, and vary from year to year.

S3 a «*-( o O _£ NAMES. <3? & REMARKS. d ft g CO C3 1 842. Wm. D. Fair Va. 1865.5 Lawyer. Mem. Sen. Cal. Wm. H. Henderson 1855.3 Lawyer. John IB. Strange 1828.6 Prin. Norfolk Academy. Col. 19th Va. Regiment. 1802.5 Teacher. 1791.7 Teacher. Lawyer. Col. J. T.B.Cramer 15th La. Reg. Mem. Ed. Pendleton Senate Va. Member of Board of Vis. Va. M. I.

J. H.Lawrence , 1776.4 Dentist. Adj. Ga. Batt. W. M. Elliott 1771.8 Editor. Lt. Col. Va. Batt. James IT. Jameson 1762. Lawyer. Capt. Va. Reg. C. P. Deyerie 1746. Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. • prior to 1861. John T.Smith 1735.4 Wm. Forbes 1721. Prof. Math. Clarksville College, Tenn. Colonel 14th Regiment. V. C. Saunders 1706.5 Teacher. J. W. Bell 1705.5 Farmer. 44 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE.

1 : a a CM o o >., o ^3 s NAMES. B S EEMABKS. p £ 35 o C3 1842. 14 0. M. Knight Va. 1699.3 Physician. Ass't Sur. C. S. A. 15 1616.3 Farmer. Capt. Va. Cav'y. Ifi Louis A. Garnett 1586.6 La'yer. Supt. Gold Mines Cal. 184:3. *17 N. H. Campbell 1839. Lawyer. Broker. *18 James B. Dorman 18345 Teacher. Lawyer. Mem. Va. Jjeg're. Mem. Va. Con. 1861. Maj.C.S.A. *19 John W. Wildman 1834.5 20 Howard T. Barton 1833.5 Physician. Surgeon C. S. A. Surg. Va. M.I. 81 W.J. Warden 1798.7 Clergyman. Lt. Va. Reg. 9? W. C. Jeffreys 1784.9 Lawyer. Capt. Va. Reg. 23 JohnC. Wills 1776. Ass. Prof. Va. M.I. Tea'r. Clergy'an. Prof. Math. R. M. College, and Pres. and Prof. Greensboro', Alabama, University. 84 V. H. Bodes 1757.6 Mercha't. Aid de Camp to Maj. Gen. Rodes. f>n James L. Bryan 1706.9 Teacher. Phys. Princ. Md. Mil. Acad'y, Ox- ford, Md. Clergyman. 26 Ed. Winston 1696.9 Teacher. Civil Engineer. :^7 Wm. 8. Beale 1652.8 28 John T. Washington 1625.9 Deputy Sheriff. 29 Geo. W. Williams 1621.4 Teacher. 30 John Echols Lawyer. Brig. Gen. C. S. A. Mem. of Legis. of Va. Mem. of Conven- tion of Va. 1861. 1844. *31 John H. Pitts 1775.5 Prin. Rumford Academy. *32 M. McKennie 1771. Physician. Bookseller. Surgeon C. S. A. 33 A. C. Cummings 1754. Lawyer. Maj . U. S. A. in Mex'n war, and wound- ed at Nat. Br'ge. Mem. of Legis. of Va. Mem. of Board Visi'rs Va. M. I. Col. Va. Regiment. 34 John A. Camnbell 1750.3 Va. Mem. Con. 1861.

i Col. Va. Regiment. 35 George A. Porterfield 1735. Teacher. Adjt. Va. Reg. Mexican War. Col. Va. Regiment 1861. 36 Jesse?. Burks 1695.5 Farmer. Mem. Va. Legis. Col. Va. Regiment 1S61. 37 Edmund Taylor 1678. Farmer. Lieut. C. S. A. .


NAMES. -2 REMARKS. 3 ,2 a a 3 O 2 2a o 1844. 38 Win. II. Richardson, Jr Va. 1617. Farmer. Ass. Prof. Adj.Va.M.I. Lt. Drill Master C. S. A. Physically disabled for active service in field. 30 J. B. Clemens.. 1568.3 Physician. 1S41 *40 Henry T. Lee.. 1886. Teacher. Clergyman. Chaplain C. S. A. *41 R. T. W. Duke. 1860.5 Teacher. Lawyer. Col. Va. Reg. Mem. U. S. Congress 1870. 42 J. B. Sherrard 1849. Merchant. Maj.Va. Reg. 43 It. H. Simpson 1827.7 Teacher. Maj. Va. Regt. 44 W. H. R. Wheelwright. 1827. Teacher. Clergy. Major Virginia Regiment. 45 II. B. Hill 1826.5 Teacher. 46 D. A. Langhorne. 1817.5 Phys'n. Lt.Col.Va.Reg. 47 Caleb Boggess 1801. Lawyer. Mem. Va. Con. '61. 48 W. H. Baker 1773.9 Lawyer. 49 R.M.Wiley 1714. Farmer. Mem. Se'te Va. 50 V. T. Churchman. 1664.5 Physician. 51 J. R. Cabell 1651.5 Physician. Maj. Va. Reg. 52 A, II. Powell 1651.5 Teacher. Clergyman. 53 H. W.Williamson. 1647.5 Civil Eng'r. Lt. Col.Va. Regiment. 54 J. B. Moorman. 1640. Captain Va. Regiment.

55 J". P. Mason 1634.6 56 W. H. Sfcith 1577.5 Teacher. Civil Engineer. 57 E. M. Anthony. 1529.5 Lawyer. 58 R. L. Walker... 1449 Civil Engineer. Brig. Gen. Artillery, C. S. A. 59 W. II. Harrison. Lawyer. Lt. Col. Staff, C. S. A. 1846. *60 T. Boiling Rohcrtson. 1879. Prof. Richmond College. *61 J. Q.Marr 1832.9 Assistant Prof. Va. M. I. Mem. of Con. of Va. 1861. Capt. Va. Reg. First bl'd of the war, '61. W. M. Nelson 1798.9 Teacher. Clergyman. R. E. Colston. 1759.5 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Prof. of French, Va. M. I. Brig. Gen. C. S. A. Sup. Mili'y Acad.,N.C. R. II. Keeling... 1743.5 Captain Alabama Reg. G. W. Bruce 1715.5 Phvsician. Surg. C. S. A. J. C.Portor 1713.5 Teach'r. Col. Art. C.S. A. John M. Patton, Jr. 1703. Lawyer. Col. Va. Reg. Mem. B'd V. Va. M. I. Edmund Goode. 1663. Teacher. Col. Va. Reg. 46 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE.

r^ a .

sitors Va. M. I. ' Col. La. Regiment. 79 John P. Welsh ' " " 1991.5 Lawyer. Capt. Va. Reg. a K 80 H. B. Smith 1982. Teacher. 81 William Mahone ,i ;, 1974.3 Teacher. Civil Engineer. Pres'tand Chief E.Atl., Ohio and Miss. R. R. Major General C. S. A. 82 Samuel Magrew it 11 1955.5 Teacher. 83 B. L. Chrisman „ „ 1878.5 Physician. 84 John M. Clay tor „ ,, 1864.5 Civil Engineer. 85 Wilford Downs ,, ,, 1836. Teacher. Clergyman. 1848. *86 S. T. Pendleton ii ii 1986. Teacher. *87 J. C. Council „ ,, 1958.5 Teacher. Prin. \Iale.Axa- demy. Lt.Cof. Va.Reg. (i ii 88 J". If. Cary 1941. Teacher. 89 C. V. Winfree ,, ii 1934.5 Civil Engineer. Manu- facturer. Maj. Va.Reg. a u 90 C.A.Derby 1932. Teacher. Clergyman. Lt. Col. Alabama Reg. ii a 91 Alfred L. Rives 1930. Civil Eng'r and Architect. Lt.Col. Eng'rs.C. S. A. Chief Eng'r Mobile and Elerton R. R. 92 J. R. Jones it tt 1928.5 Tea'er. Brig. Gen.C.S. A. „ ,, 93 JoJm T. Ellis.... 1923.5 Merch't. Lt. Col. Va. Reg. 94 J. P. Beale ,, ,, 1916. » « 95 Robert E. Modes 1887. Ass. Prof. Va. M.I. Civil Eng'r. Chief Eng'r N. E. and S. W. Railroad. Prof, of Applied Me- chanics Va. M. I. Maj. Gen. C. S. A. 96 JolinS. Gamble • " 1865.6 Ass. Prof. Va M. I. Prin- cipal Norfolk Acad'y. R 97 " 1859. Manufacturer. Farmer. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 47


fc 6 1848. 98 0. W. Gary... Va. 1851.5 Physician. 99 W. H. Pryor. 1849.5 Civil Eng. Maj. Va. Regr 100 E.G. Wall.... 1833.5 Civil Eng. Maj. Ala. Reg. 1C1 N. Berkeley.. 1819. Farmer. Col. Va. Reg. Mem. Va. Con'n 18G1. 102 Geo. W. Robertson. 1803.5 Teacher. Civil Engineer. Maj. Alabama Brigade. 103 Joseph Jones. 1800. Teacher. Clergyman. 104 Nat, Tyler.... 1795.5 Lawyer. Editor. Lieut. Col. Va. Regiment. 105 J. G. Brodnax 1790. Physician. Surg. C. S. A. 106 Francis B. Jones. 1790. Farmer. Col. Va. Reg. S. A. prior to 107 Briscoe G. Baldwin... . 1781. Capt. U. 1861. Lt. Col. Ord- nance and Chief of Ord- nance Army of N. Va. Civil Engineer. 10S W. W. Finney.... 1748.5 Civil Eng. Lt. Col. Va. Reg. 109 R. C. Trigg 1624.5 Farmer. Col. Va. Reg. 1849. *110 John Lawson 2087.5 Teacher. Civil Engineer. Maj. Va. Regiment. *111 James W. Massie. .7 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Law- yer. Mem. of Va. Le- gislature. Lt, Col. Va. Reg. Professor of Ma- thematics, Va. M. I. 112 Samuel Garland.... 2079.2 Lawyer. Brig. Gen. C. S. A. 113 E. T. Fristoe 2057.7 Prof. Columbia College, D. C. Col. Mo. Reg. 114 James W. Allen 2051.2 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Far- mer. Col. Va. Reg. 115 Robert Gatewood 2046.2 Ass't Prof. William and Mary College. Clergy- man. Chaplain C.S. A. Prin. of Norfolk Acad'y. 116 Wm. J. Morrissett 2039.7 Prof. Mathematics, Alle- ghany College. Lt. Va. Regiment. 117 Thomas H. Carter 1996. Phvsician. Farmer. Col. C. S. A. Artillery. 118 Richard Pollard 1989. Merchant. Lt. C. S. A. 119 liichard Logan 1977.2 Civil Eng. Capt. Va. Reg. 120 Francis Lackland 1963.2 Civil Eng'r. Lt. Col. Va. Reg. 121 Kirkwood Otey 1960.2 Merchant. Col. Va. Reg. 122 J. H. Estes 1943.2 Physician. 123 Wm. Steenbergen 1942.2 Farmer. 124 P. B. Adams. 1935.9 Major Va. Regiment. 125 Ed. T. Bridges 1S96.7 48 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE.

a a . .2 u _3 CD C3 Jg CD NAMES. 3 2 REMARKS. CD s 5 O 1 849. 126 Fleet W Cox Va. 1867.7 Teacher. Lawyer. Lt. Col. Va. Reg't. Mem. Va. Legislature. 127 Wrn Byrd 1862.2 Lawyer. Col. Texas Reg. 128 1856.9 Manufacturer. 129 1850.7 Teacher. Propr'tor Stage- Line. Contractor Mail Route to Califor'a. Lt. Col. Va. Regiment. 130 George P Terrill 1844. Physician. ]31 1842.2 Farmer. Lieut. C. S. A. 132 J. B. Norvell 1758.4 Civil Eng. Capt. Va. Reg. 133 L P Thompson 1720.7 Lawyer. 1850. *134 Wm W. Gordon 2226.5 Lawyer. Col. Va. Reg. *135 Peter B Smith 2202.3 Captain Va. Regiment. 136 Wm. D. Stuart 2166.8 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Prin- cipal Richm'd Acad'y. Col. Va. Regiment. 137 2145.3 138 C. D. Rice 2136.3 Teacher. 139 T. 0. Benton 2126.8 Prof. Military Academy,

Arkansas. Maj . C. S. A. 140 2116.8 Civil Engineer. 141 Carter II. Harrison... 2110.2 Farmer. Maj. Va. Reg. 142 Da niel Truehart 2096.3 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Ass. Eng. U. S. Coast Survey. Maj. C.S. Art. Editor. 143 W B Littlepage 2069.7 144 J. B. Brockenborough 2060.3 Farmer. Col. Va. Reg. 145 W. H. Urquhart 1976.3 Farmer. 146 1966. Civil Eng'r. Supt. and Chief Eng'r Mobile and G. N. R. R. 147 Charles Smith 1957.7 Phvsician. Col. Va. Reg. 148 W.R.Terry 1957.5 Merchant. Brig. Gen. C. S.A. Mem. of Sen. Va. 149 A. C. Jones 1956.4 Lawyer. Judge of Pro- bate, Iowa. Brig. Gen. C. S. A. *150 Wm. Booton 194S.5 Captain Va. Regiment. 1851. *151 J. A. Marshall 2059. Lawver. 152 W.Y. C.Humes 2034.5 Law'r. Mai. Gen. C.S. A. 153 F. S. Bass 2002. Tea'r. Brig. Gen. C. S.A. 154 P. C. Gibbs 1974.5 Teacher. Merchant. 155 W. H. Burroughs 1972.5 Teacher. Lawyer. Capt. Va. Reg't. Judge of Norfolk. 156 J. T. B. Win free 1927. 157 John C. Page 1971.5 Far'er Lt. Col Va. Reg. 158 E. Poinsett Tayloe it 1955.5 Far'er. Lt. Col. Va. Reg. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 49


1851. 159 R. S.Burks Va. 1954. Teac'er. Lt. Col. Va. Reg. 160 Thomas' A. Harris. 1955. Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Phy- sician. Surg'n C. 8. A.

161 Charles Cooke , 1946J Farmer. 162 R. C. Whitehead.... 1946. La'yer. Lt. Col. Va. Reg. 163 Henry Carrington., 1945. Lawyer. Col. Va. Reg. 164 George G. Garrison. 1932. Far'er. A. A. Gen. C. S. A. 165 A. J. Vaughan 1929. Merc't. Brig. Gen.C. S. A. 166 B. T. Elliott 1925. Merc't. Brig. Gen. C. S.A. 167 W. A. Harris 1919. Clergyman. Prin. Female Academy. 168 II. T. Parrish 1893.5 Lawyer. Col. Va. Reg. 169 Jas. H. Johnston. 1877. Farmer. Merchant. 170 Henry Caperton.. 1874. Farmer. Physician. Aid de Camp C. S. A. 171 Thomas Upshaw. 1869. Civil Eng'r. Lt. Col. Va. Cavalry. 172 R. T. W. Morris.. 1856 5 Merchant. 173 Henry Gantt 1854, Farmer. Col. Va. Reg. 174 A. B. Jordan — 1852.5 Teacher. Civil Engineer. Capt. Va. Regiment. 175 W. A. Eiiason 1840. Civil Eng. Lt. C. S. A. 176 W. R. Whitehead. 1826. Physician. Surgeon Rus- sian Army. Crimean Camp'n. Surg. C. S. A. 177 A.F.Gooch 1821. Farmer. Teacher. 178 A. D. Colcott. 1758.5 Teac'r. Lt. Col. Va. Reg. 179 James Giles L736.5 Teac'r. Lt. Col. Va. Reg. 1852. *180 J. E. Blankenship. 2118.3 Prof. Mathematics. Capt. Va. Regiment. *181 George S. Patton. 2107.1 Lawyer. Col. Va. Reg. 182 Joseph Mayo 2054.7 Lawyer. Mem. of Board of Visitors Va. M. I. Col. Va. Regiment. 183 Wm. M. Gordon. 2054.4 Teacher. Civil Engineer. Prin. of Hillsboro', N. C, Military Academy. 184 W. 0. Yager 2052.2 Civil Engineer. Colonel Texas Regiment. 185 Henry A. Whiting. 2040.1 Teacher. Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Civil Engineer. Inspector Gen. G. S. A. 186 S. B. Gibbons. 1941.4 Civil Eng'r. Member of of Visitors i Board Va. M. I. Col. Va, Reg. 187 C. T. Mason 1854.9 Civil Eng. Mai. of Eng'r C. S. A. 188 John C. Mayo 1847.8 Physician. Surg. C. S. A. 189 T. R. Thornton... 1815.5 Teac'r. Capt. Art. C. S.A. 190 B. F. Hudgins.... 1777.S Farmer. Capt. Va. Reg. 191 John C. Gravson. 1764.5 Physician. Surg. C. S. A. 4 50 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE.


d3 1852. 192 M. P. Christian. Va. 1716.9 Physician. Ass. Surg. U. S. Navy prior to 1861. Surgeon C. S. N. 193 Thos. T. Munford.. 1715. Far'r. Brig. Gen. C.S.A. 194 N. H. Harrison 1707. 195 John G. Meem, Jr. 1662. Merch't. Aid de Camp C. S.A. 196 Cliarles B. Williams. 1636 Teacher. 197 M. B. Manser 1584 198 G. A. Goodman 1556 Teac'r. Lt. Col. Va. Peg. 199 James V. Hall 1542 Prin. Onancock Academy. 200 W. M. Waller 1426 Farmer. Capt. Va. Reg. 201 W. J. Preston 1340 Civil Engineer. 202 Jas. L. Ashby 1337 Farmer. Capt. Va. Reg. 203 M. F. Tutwiler 1277 Civil Engineer. 1853. *204 James T. Murfee. 2257.9 Prof. Mathematics, Uni- versity of Ala. Lt. Col. C. S. A. *205 William Silvester 2188 Teacher.

206 Peter S. Lewis , 2014 Farmer. 207 Walter W. Williams. 1959 Clergyman. 208 J. J. Phillips 1954 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Prin- cipal of Chuckatuck Acad'y. Col. Va. Reg. 209 Geo. H. Smith. 1952.5 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Law- yer. Col. Va. Reg't. Civil Eng. 210 Thomas G. Smith. 1899. Lawyer. 211 J.L.White 1791. Physician. Surg. C.S.A. 212 J. P. Hammet 1734. Physician. Surg. C. S.A. 213 J. D. Bruce 1681: Capt. Va. Regiment. Civil Engineer. 214 J. C. Ward. 1662. Teacher. Farmer. Capt. Va. Regiment. 215 Geo. Chamberlaine. 1658. Broker. Capt. C. S. A. 216 Gabriel Gray 1620. Teacher. Clergyman. 217 Win. Kemble 1570. Teacher. Phy'n. Surg. C. S. A. 218 J. R.Waddey. 1495.5 Teacher. Lieut. U. S. A. prior to 1861. Colonel Artillery C. S. A. 219 J. W. Cringan 1475. Merch't. Capt. C. S. A. 220 William F, Lee. 1407: Lieut. U. S. A. prior to 1861. Lt.Col.Va. Reg. 221 J. A. Turner 1365 Civil Eng'r. Maj. C.S.A. Francis Mallory. 1363. Lieut. U. S. A. prior to 1861. Col. Va. Reg. 223 Alexander Morson 1250, Civil Engineer. 224 H. B. Armistead 1215, Teacher. 225 Newkirlc Hammond. 119S, Farmer. Major Virginia Regiment. VIRQINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 51

a . O :-. "3-2 NAMES. 2. 3 a S REMARKS. nri-O a2 o 1853. 226 J. M. Lightner Va. 1139.9 Farmer. 227 W. E. Arnold 1133.9 Teacher. 228 T. J. Moncure 1099.9 Teacher. Capt. Va. Reg. 1854:. *229 Richard C. Taylor 1261.5 Teacher. Merch't. Maj. C. S. A. *230 James II. Lane 2007.2 Ass. Prof. V. M. I. Prof. N. C. Military Acad'y. Brig. Gen. C. S. Army. Teacher. 231 R. P. Carson 1774. Teac'r. Lt. Col. Va. Reg. 232 C. B. La uck 1676.6 Teacher. Physician. 233 James W.Humes 1666.8 Lawyer. Col. Tenn. Reg. 234 Wm. B. Botts 1526 Teacher. Lawyer. Maj. Texas Regiment. 235 Wm. E. Harrison 1486.7 Civil Engineer. Lt. En- gineers C. S. A. 236 J. L. Stephenson 1427.2 Farmer. 237 C. E. Lightfoot 1351. Prin. Culpeper Academy. Col. N. C. Regiment, 238 George B. Horner 1238.7 Lawyer. Capt. Va. Batt. 239 C. H. Riddick 1125.7 Farmer. Lt. Va. Cav'y. 240 John A. Marks 10G5.5 Farmer. Capt. Va. Reg.

241 Alexander Bruce , 999.8 Farmer. 242 Thos. Blackburn 1855. *24i Stapleton Crutchfield 2188.S Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Prof. of Mathematics Va. M. I. Col. Art. C. S. A. Prof. N. and Experi- mental Philosophy Va. M.I. *244 TV. Tazewell Patton. 2149.9 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Law- yer. Col. Va. Reg'nt. Mem. of Senate of Va. 245 E. V. Bargamin 74.1 Assistant Prof. Va. M. I. Physician. 246 Lewis B. Williams... 1953.2 Assistant Prof. Va, M. I. Lawyer. Col. Va. Reg. 247 George Buck 1936.2 Teacher. Lt. Va. Reg. 248 J. P. Wilson 1749.4 Farmer. Maj. Va. Reg. 249 W. T. Hardy 1741.9 Civil Eng. Capt. C. S. A. Teacher. 250 E. C. Sheppard , 1547.9 251 Robert C. Allen 1477.5 Lawyer. Col. Va. Reg. Reg. 252 E. J. Magruder , 1449.6 Far'er. Lt. Col. Va. 253 B. H.Todd 143S.9 Teacher. 254 W. Dupuy 1301.7 255 J. H. Waddell 1251.2 Teacher. Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Adjt. Va. Reg. 256 Wm. E. Fife 1214.9 Lawyer. Lieut. Col. Va. Reg. 25 H. W. Cox 1172.9 Miner. Capt. C. S. A. 52 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE.

o •_£ NAMES. EEMABKS. A g 3 C3 1855. 258 Edwin J. Harvie Va. Lieut. U. S. A. prior to 1861. Colonel C. S. A 1856. (No class standing.) *259 Francis W. Smith. 2412.4 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Prof. of Chemistry Military Academy of La. Elect- ed Sup't Military Aca-

demy of La. Lt. Col. - Artillery C. S. A.

*260 Edward L. Smith.... 2096. Teacher. 261 Francis M. Suddoth. 2089.3 Teacher. Adjt. Va. Reg. 262 P. B. Stanard 2085.3 Assistant Prof. Va. M. 1. Teacher. Major of Ord- nance C. S. A. 263 G. P. C. Eumbough. 2065. Civil Eng. Lieut, of En- gineers C. S. A. 264 George M. Edgar 2048.8 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Prof, of Chem. Oakland Col- lege, Miss. Lt. Col.Va. Battalion. 265 Joseph M. Carpenter. 2016.9 Teacher. Capt. Art. C. S. A. 266 Wm. M. Selden 2004.9 Civil Eng'r. Lieut. Eng. C. S. A. 267 J. L. Cross 1955.8 Prof. Mil. Academy, Flo- rida. Maj. Fla. Reg. 268 T. B. Kobinson 1941.8 Teacher. Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Capt. Va. Beg. 269 JET. Fowlli.es 1873. Captain Virginia Eeg'nt. 270 JB. M. McKinney. 1832.; Prof. Military Acad'y. N. C. Col. N. C. Eeg'nt. 271 W. Y. C. White.. 1740.1 272 W. S. Guy 1684.6 Lieut, Col. N. C. Eeg'nt. 273 M. N. Moorman. 1645.1 Merch't. Mai or Artillery C.S.A. 274 J. Lawrence Meem... 1625.1 Civil Engin'r. Capt. and A. A. General C. S. A. 275 F. liarshall Barton 1619.5 Farmer. Lt, C. S. Art'y. 276 Francis M. Boykin 1606.S Teacher. Lieut. Col. Va. Eegiment. 27 J. J. McAllister..^. 1561.5 Teacher. 278 Davidson B. Penn. 1545.1 Merchant. Brig. Gen. C. S.A. 279 W. J. Sergeant... 1535.9 Teacher. Capt, Va. Beg. 280 W. B. Claggett... 1503.5 Farmer. Lieut. Va, Eeg. 281 Charles S. Hurt. 1481.7 Teacher. Col. C. S. A. 282 E. H. Hooe 1481.5 283 J. F. Alexander. 1463.5 Merchant. Sup'nt N. C. Gold Mines. '284 J. Allen Gait, 14: 0.6 Farmer. Capt. and Aid de Camp C. S. A. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 53

a n . t«-i O o u o g 'JS Cj NAMES. -^ p •3 a REMARKS. cinz "3 a a «1 C/2 u o 1856, 285 John B. Cocke Va. L363.4 Farmer. Lieut, and Aid de Camp C. S. A. 286 J. G. Gittings 1223.1 Adjutant Va. Regiment. 287 Thos. II. Owen 121).-..:: Farmer. Col. Va. Cav'y. 288 F. H. Hannuni 1182.5 289 W. II. Hood 1168.6 Teacher. Capt. Va. Reg. 290 W. IT. Easley li n.<; Farmer. Capt. Va. Cav. 291 T.U. Ilalcomb 1039. Major Va. Regiment. isr>7. *292 John McCausland 2470. Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Brig. Gen. C. S. A. -293 R. M. Mayo 2173.4 Ass. Prof. V. M. I. Law- yer. Col. Va. Reg'nt. *294 Jaquelin J. Smith 2093.7 Merch't. Capt. C. S. Art. *295 A. M. Fauntleroy 2005.1 Physician. Ass. Surg. U. S. A. prior to i861. Surg, and Medical Di- rector C. S. A. *296 Robert B. Taylor 1988.7 Phys'n. Lt. Col. Va. Reg. 297 Alexander Rives 1978.6 Phys'n. Surg. C. S. A. 298 C. W. Hardy 1967.6 Merchant. Capt. C. S. A. 299 P. P. Slaughter 1965.4 Ass. Prof. Va. M.I. Col. Va. Regiment. 300 James Ker 1960.9 Merchant. Capt. C. S. A. 301 R. K. McCausland 1934.9 Physician. 302 Benj. F. Stewart. 1872.4 Teacher. Lieut. Va. Reg. 303 A. Fulkerson 1750.7 Teacher. Lawyer. Col. Tenn. Regiment. 304 Ileber Ker 1718.8 Lieut. Va. State Guard. Merchant. 305 J. A. UambricJc. 1637. Major Va. Regiment. 306 E. McConnell 1619.5 Captain Va. Regiment. 307 John M. Steptoe 1562.6 Teacher. Lt. Va. Reg. 308 JohnRcad 1533. 309 J. W. B. Bosworth.... 1478.7 Lt. Va. Reg. Physician. 310 John C. Hiden 1455.7 Clergyman. Chap.C.S.A. 31] J. II. Cameron 1455.7 Physician. Lt. Va. Cav. 312 S.G.White 1320.3 313 J. W. Keeble 1295.8 Teacher. Drill Master, C. S. A. Clergyman. 314 Waiter II. Taylor Merchant. Adj. General Army N. Va. Member of Senate of Va. Mem- ber of Board of Visitors Va. M. I. 1S58. *315 M. B. Hardin CI 2504. Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Maj. C. S. Art. Professor of Chemistry Va. M. I. *316 L. W. Reid... it 2-168.8 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Civil Eng. Lt. Col. Va. Reg. *317 L. L. Marks. 2319.2 Capt. Va. Reg. Merch'nt. 54 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE.

NAMES. s a REMARKS. ft £ £5 3 1858. 318 J.F.Neff... Va. 2122.9 Teacher. Lawyer. Col. Va. Regiment. 319 N. C. Wilson... 2096.9 Farmer. 320 W. E. Cutshaw 1977.7 Teacher. Lieut. Col. C. S. Artillery. Ass. Profr and Ass. Com. Cadets Va. M. I. Mining En- gineer. 321 G. E. Tayloe 1973. Far'r. Lt. Col. Ala. Reg. 322 J. M. Kincheloe 1754.5 Teacher. Adj.Tenn. Reg. 323 H. B. Meade 1738.6 Physician. Surg. C. S. A. 324 J. T. Hairston 1689.5 Farmer. A. A. General C. S. A. 325 E. C. Edmunds 1624.3 Teacher. Col. Va. Reg. 326 Thomas S. Taylor 1587.2 Captain C. S. A.

327 D. W. Flowerree 1536.3 Merchant. Maj . C. S. Art. 328 Thomas L.Pitts 1532.4 Captain Va. Regiment. 329 J. Armistead 1475.4 Private C. S. A. 330 J. B. Terrill 1442.9 Lawyer. Brig. General C. S. A. 331 Samuel Wilson 1441. Physic'n. Capt. Va. Reg. 332 H. L. Norfleet 1285.6 Farmer. 333 James Breckinridge 1211.3 Captain Va. Cavalry. 1859, *334 Wm. H. Clarke 2383. Teacher. Capt. Engineer C. S. A. *335 J. H. Chenoivith 2350. Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Pro- fessor of Mathematics Md. Agricultural Col- lege. Maj. Va. Reg'nt. *336 John W. Lyell 2341. Teacher. Lieut. Col. Va. Reg'nt. Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Prin. Danville- Academy. 337 Scott Ship 224S.5 Ass. Prof. Va. M.I. Maj. Va. Reg'nt. Com. of Cadets and Prof. Tac- tics, Va. M. I. 33S E. S. Hutter 2316.6 Capt. C. S. Art. Merch't. 339 C. Y. Steptoe 2170.9 Teacher. Capt. and A. A. G. Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Clergyman. 340 John W. Lewis 2145.9 Prof, of Mathematics, Ark. Mil. Academy. Capt. and A. A. Gen. C. S. A. 341 William Keiter 2064.6 Teacher. Capt. C. S. Art. 342 JohnF. Tyler 2051.1 343 W. H. Otey 2023. Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Lt. C. S. A. 344 J. D. H. Ross 1929.9 Assistant Prof. Va. M. I. Lieut. Col. Va. Reg'nt. Farmer. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 55

o -~ NAMES. d a REMARKS. •73 3 o 1859. 345 George Ross. Va. 1898.5 Physician. Ass. Surg. C. S. A. Abb. Surg, and Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. 34G Charles J. Green... 1842. Farmer. Mai. Va. Reg. 347 W. L. Wingfield... 1749. Lt. Col. Va. Regiment 348 T. M. Massenburg. 1717.2 Adj. Va. Reg. Teacher. 349 J. P. Minatree 1708.2 Teacher. Lieut. Col. Va. Regiment. Civil Eng. 350 Wm. B. Tabb... 1703.7 Lawyer. Col. Va. Reg. 351 A. Govan Hill. 1691.7 Teacher. Lieut. Va. Reg. Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. 352 John Ryland 1691.7 Teacher. Lieut. Va. Reg. 353 W. M. Palmer 1626. Teacher. Adj. Va. Reg. 354 J.H.Ham 1591.7 Teacher. Col. Va. Reg. 355 Giles B. Cooke 1516. Teacher. Major C.S. A. 356 Ed. C.Hill 1497.4 Teacher. Adj. Va. Reg. 357 Titus V. Williams. 1439. Teacher. Col. Va. Reg. 358 L. W. 3Iears... 1409. Teacher. Lt. Va. Reg. 359 0. C. Henderson.. 1383.1 Ass. Prof. Va. M.I. Capt. Virginia Battalion. 360 John W. Kerr. 1302.9 Ass. Adj. Gen. C. S. A. Merchant. 361 D. H. Hardaway. 1297.6 Physician. 362 Thomas M. Boyd. 1237.8 Capt. Va. Reg. Clergy'n. 1860 *363 Edward Cunningham. 2499.3 Ass. Prof. Va. M.I. Maj. C. S. Art. Prof. Mili- tary Academy, Ky. *364 Marshall McDonald. 2419.3 Ass. Prof. Va. M.I. Capt. C S. Art. Prof. Mine- ralogy and Geology Va. M. 1. *365 J.G.Miller 2338.3 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Tea'r. *366 Digges Poynor. 2262. Ass. Prof. University, Ala. Lawyer.' 367 S. T. Adams.... 2223 Lieut, C. S. A. Teacher. 368 James H. Morrison. 2212^5 Aid de Camp C. S. A. As- sistant Prof. University, Ala. Ass'nt Prof. Va. M.I. 369 Charles S. Lumsdens. 2102.5 Ass. Prof. University, Ala. Capt. C. S. Art. Insu- rance Agent. 1988.9 Lieut. Col. and A. A. G. 370 John M. Otey , C. S. A.

371 A. S. Scott ... 1974.8 Capt. Va. Cavalry. Ass. Prof. Va. M. I.

372 John P. Lynch ... 1974.1 Capt. Tenn. Battery. 373 Charles A. Davidson..., 1943. Capt. Va. Batt'n. Law'r. 374 James JR. Kent.... 1939. Capt. Va. Regiment. 375 Win. H. Morgan. 1927.4 Ass. Prof. Va. M.I. Capt. Va. Regiment. 56 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE.

NAMES. REMARKS. £3rO ft g \* O 1860. 376 Chas. F. Urquhart. Va, 1894.4 Lieut. Col. Va. Regiment.

377 J. R. Hutter 1859.9 1 Farm'r. Lt. Col. Va. Reg. 378 W. A. Brockenbrough 1849.9 Lieut, and Adjt. Va. Reg. Regiment. 379 W. G. Paxton 1829.7!Lt. and Adj. Va. Reg'nt. Manufacturer. 380 Cary Breckinridge. 1821.3 Lt. Col. Va. Cav'y. Far'r. Member Va. Legislat'e. 3S1 A. T. Walden 1819.8|Capt. Va, Regiment. 382 Thomas M. Semmes. 1779.9 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Lt. and Adj. Ark. Reg'nt. Prof. Mod. Languages Va. M. I. 383 0. II Beiis. 1 720.4 Lieutenant C. S. A. j 384 W. N.Otey. 1681.5 Lieut. Col. Va. Battalion. Merchant. 385 John M. Oliver, 1675.71 Captain Va, Artillery. 386 J.B. Cherry 1650.2: Captain N. C. Regiment. 387 J. T. Tosh 1628.9; Adj. Va. Regiment. 388 J, M. Marshall.. 1612.2, Teacher. Col. N. C. Reg. 389 N.C. Harris 1593.1 Major Art. C. S. A. j 390 W. W. Bentley 1582.4 Lieut. Col. Va. Regiment. Farmer. 391 J.B Baltzell 1581.8

392 H. H . Faun tier oy 1559.41

393 W. B. . Pentleton.... 1549.2|Capt. and A. A. G. C.S. A. 394 G. D. Parker 1523.1 Captain Va. Regiment. 395 J. B. Moseley Lieut. Col. Va. Regiment. 396 J. H. Hebard 1507.8 397 A. B. Paris 1493. Capt. C. S. Art. Lawyer. 398 W. F, Sydnor 1461. Lieut. Va. Regiment, 399 B.C. Wherry 1402.1 Lieut. Va. Battal'n. Ins. Agent. 400 J. W. McCarty. 1374.9jLieut. and Adj. Va. Cav. Planter. 401 V. M. Johnson. S. 1374.3 Teacher. , Capt, C. A. 402 W. Overton 1260.3 Capt, Va.'Batt'n. Far'er. 403 G. F. Norton... 1251.5 Maj.Va.Reg. Bookseller. 4861. *404 Henry W. Hunter 2535.9 Lieut. C. S. Ordnance. *405 R. L. Williams 2505.1 Lieut, and Adj. Va. Reg. Teacher. *406 IT. K, Burgivyn. N. C. 2497.2 Col. North Carolina Eeg. 407 Wm. E. Park Va. 2229.2 Lieut. Va. Regiment. 408 C. G. Lawson 2044.9 Capt. Va. Regiment. 409 E. M; Morrison 2044. Lieut. i Col. Va. Regiment. T6n.clicr 410 Thomas S. Galloway. N.C. 1897.4 Colonel N C. Regiment. Lawyer. 41 11 Win. E.Taylor Va. lS67.9lLieut. Va. Regiment.

* Prior to 1860 none but resident Virginians were admitted as Cadets. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 57

NAMES. -~ 3 3 S REMARKS. T3 3 p a

*18G1. 412 K. C. Coltrano... Va. 1861. Lieut. Va. Battalion. 413 W. II. Bray. 1839.7 Lieut. Va. Regiment. 414 Win. A. .Smith... 1779.5 Aid do Camp C. S. A. 415 T. E. Dunn 1718.2 Captain Va. Battalion. 416 W. R. Gregory... 1700.4 Lieut. Va. Regiment. 417 J. W.Houck 1591.5 Lieut. Va. Regiment. 418 John Heth.... 1496.8 Lieut. Va. Battalion. 419 T.G. Hart 1406.6 Lieut. Va. Regiment. 420 R. S. Majett 1252.5 Lt. Va. Reg. Farmer. Dec. 6 1801. *421 W, A. Obenchain. 1791.9 Capt. C. S. Eng. Prof. of Military Acad'y, Ky. *422 Wm.E. Hill... 1723.5 Maj. C. S. A. Clergy'an. -423 C. 0. Wight- 1577.5 Capt. Va. Reg. Teacher. *424 Waller Bowie. 1545.6 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Lt. G. S. A. Teacher. 425 L. Crittenden. 1526.5 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Lt. C S A 426 E. L. Yancey. 1493.8 Ass.' Prof." Va. M. I. 427 W. A. Harris. Mo. 1461.9 Captain C. S. A. 428 R. P. Chew.... Va. 1449.3 Lieut. Col. C. S. Artillery. Farmer. 429 IT. A. Wise, Jr. 1439.3 Ass. Prof. V. M. I. Lt. C. S. A. Teacher. 430 E. B. Goode 1433.9 Adjt. Va. Regiment. 431 C. F. Freeman 1433.8 Lieut. Va. Regiment. 432 A. A. Burgess... 1401.5 Private Va. Regiment. 433 J. A. Walthall. N. C. 1396.3 Adjt. N. C. Regiment. 434 W. B. Pritchard Calif. 1389. Capt. Va. Reg'nt. As3. Prof. Va. M. I. •435 F. M. Stafford. Ala. 1366.1 Capt. and A. A. Gen. C.S. A. Merchant. 436 R. G. Wharton Va. 1354.3 Adjt. Va. Reg. Teacher. 437 W. H.Gillespie, 1352. 438 J. L. Barks 1324. 439 E. H. Mohler 1305.6 Major C. S. A. Farmer. 440 F. Bishop 1301.5 Lieut, C. S. A. 4-11 W. H. H.Elgin Ma. 1297.6 Private Mo. Reg. Civil Engineer. 442 W. P. Robinson Va. 1289.6 Lieut. C. S. Art'y. Mer- chant. 443 S. P.Ker 1261. Capt. C. S. Art. Clerg'n. 444 J. D. Baird 1255.3 Manufacturer. 445 George A. Magruder.. 124S.7 Aid de Camp C. S. A. 446 T. Henderson Smith. 1235.6 Lieut. C. S. Art'y. Ass. Prof, and Adj. Va. M. I. Merchant. 447 T. Alexander 1184.5 Lieut, Va. Regiment. 448 Thomas C. Kinney. 1168. Lieut, C. S. Engineers.

*Prior to 1860 none but resident Virginians were admitted as Cadets. .



53 C5 C5 1861. 449 E. M. Dabney Va. 1154.2 Captain Va. Regiment.

450 R. D. B. Sydnor. . 1124.6 Lieut. Va. Regiment. 451 Samuel Downing, Jr... 1110.8 Capt. Va. Reg. Teacher. 452 J. R. Hammett 1110.4 453 John H. Cunningham. 1107.4 Lieut. C. S. Art. Teach'r. 454 W. W. Eevely 1103.5 Lieut. C. S. Artillery. 455 G. Y. Booker 1068. 1863. *456 .E. A. Crawford. 2557.6 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Pri- vate Va. Regiment. *457 J. E. Roller 2464.4 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Lt. Eng'rs C. S. A. Law- yer. Member of Senate of Virginia. *458 J. W. Beckham , 2177.3 C. S. Engineers. 459 W. W. Flannagan...... 2026.2 C. S. Engineers. Banker. 460 J. B. Prince 1974.6 Ass.Prof.V.M.I.C.S.Eng 461 W. P. Grigg 1848.8 C. S. Engineers. 462 R.H.Boyd 1830.9 C. S. Engineers. 463 A. Talbot 1820.9 C. S. Navy. 464 R. H. Chamberlayne, Jr. 1575.3 C. S. Ordnance. Merch't. 465 S. Hannah 1422.9 C. S. Cavalry. 1864. *466 Thomas D. Davis. 2037.7 Aid de Camp C. S. Army. Merchant. *467 C. W.Shafer 2034.1 Lieut. C. S. A. Professor Mathmatics Md. Coll- lege. *468 J. W.Wyatt 1875.1 Lt. C. S. A. Teacher. 469 S. S. Shriver 1707.8 Capt. C. S. A. Lawyer. 470 W.C.Hardy 1645.8 Lt. C. S. A. Merchant. 471 C. H. Minge Ala. 1563.2 Capt. C. S. Army. Mer't. 472 Levi "Welch Va, 1554.2 Lt. C. S. A. Merchant. 473 F. W. Claybrook. 1462.4 Lt. C. S. A. Lawyer. 474 Wm. Morson 1449.6 Lt. C. S. A. Farmer. 475 Albert Boggess.... 1439.3 Lt. C. S. A. Teacher. 476 G. W. Gretter 1436.4 Lt. C. S. A. 477 Cary Weston 1355.8 Lt.C. S. A. Merchant. 478 B. A. Colonna 1344.2 Capt. C. S. A. Teacher. Civil Engineer. 479 J. F. Hanna. D. C. 1343.9 Lt. C. S. A. Lawyer. May 12 *480 1864. Wvn. H. Cabell. Va. Cadet. *481 William Nelson Assistant Prof. Va. M. I. Lawyer. *482 William M. Patton. Ass. Prof.Va.M. I. Civil Engineer. 483 A. F. Redd Assistant Prof. Va. M. I. Clergyman. 484 G. Davenport. Broker. 485 A. Pizzini Merchant, VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 50

NAMES. REMARKS. ft rt 2^

1801. 486 H. W. Garrow Ala. Farmer. 487 W. F. Duncan Va. 488 William Martin N. C. Lawyer. 489 Geo. E. Woodbridgo. Va. Manufacturer. 490 Hunter Wood Lawyer. 491 0. M. Etheridge Teacher. 492 John A.Stuart 493 Erskine M. Rosa Merchant. 494 J. S. Bagnall Merchant. 495 A. A. Morson Farmer. 496 Wm. J. Hubard Teacher. 497 J. R. Echols Merchant. 49S Louis C. Wise Teacher. 499 J. Douglass Teacher. 500 O. P.Evans Lawyer. 501 W. B. Shaw N. C. Lawyer. 502 P. B. Hiden Va. Lawyer. 503 C. E. Wellford Merchant. July 1, 1S64. 504 J. W. Latimer. " Boy Major' Artillery C. S. A. 505 C. E. Ford Lieut. C. S. A. 506 W. B. Hardie 507 C. C. Flowerree Mo. Col. Va. Reg. Lawyer. 508 J, K. Thompson Va. Captain Va. Regiment. 509 W. A. Blankenship. Lieut. Va. Regiment. 510 G. W. Brown Lieut. Va. Regiment. 511 J. T. James Lieut. Va. R,egiment. 512 W. Y. C. Hannum.. Tenn. Captain Tenn. Regiment. 513 M. Rouse Va. Lieut. Virginia Regiment. Farmer. 514 A. Holt Lieut. Va. Regiment. Captain Va. Regiment. 515 . P. Mosely Lieut. La. Regiment. 516 Denegre , La. 517 B. Starke Adj. Va. Regiment. 518 R. Coleman Va. 519 W. Chalmers Civil Engineer. 520 A. M.Cally Ala. Lawyer. Capt. C. 3. A. 521 A. Broome Fla.

522 . P. Sydner Va. 523 R. Miller in Staff C. S. A. 524 . N. Mercer Otey. Tenn. Major Merchant. 525 J.F. Love Va. 526 J. W. Turner 527 E. M. McDonald. Ga. 528 G. J.Kollock 529 J. W. Burke Va. 530 W. L. Hopkins... Ala. Cant. C. S. A. 531 J. M. Love Va. 532 J. C. Leftwich.... 60 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE.


Julyl 1864. 533 J. M. H. Beale Va. 534 J. A. Segar. 535 0. S. Morton 536 R. ii. Chamberlaine... 537 W. H. Smith 538 J. E. Jordan Miss. 539 O. C. Tetway N. C. Col. N. C. Regiment. 540 W. S. Gibbon? Va. 541 G. S. Urquhart 542 S. P. Heath Ga. 543 W. T. Sheppard Va. 544 L. E. Harvie 545 G. O. Jordan Miss. 546 R. H. Cunningham Va. 547 W. B. Forman Fla. 548 A. W. Clopton Va. 549 A. Rennolds 550 A. 0. Beckham 551 J. Garnett 552 R. R. Breeden La. 553 W. M. Polk 554 J. H. Lionberger Va. 555 Peyton Johnston.. Lieut. Va. Art. Killed. 556 Smith S. Turner Lawyer. Member of Le- gislature. Capt. C.S.A.

-557 Otis A. Glazebrook. 1881.2 Clergyman. *558 J. G. James 1848. Prof. Mathematics Texas Mil. School. Teacher. *559 A. Marshall. 16S5. Ass. Prof. Va, M.I. Civil Engineer. 560 G. K. Macon 1662.8 Teacher. Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. 561 Frank T. Lee... 1374.2 Farmer. 562 J. A. Crichton.. 1181 Teacher. 563 A. W. Overton. Ky. 1174.2 Merchant. 564 W. G. Bennett. Va. 1107.4 Lawyer. 565 G. Spiller 1055.7 Farmer. Civil Engineer. 566 M.J. Ezekiel... 929.8 Artist. 1S67. *567 H. H. Dinwiddie. 2280.3 Prof. Texas M. I. Adjt. Va. M. I. 568 Patrick Henry Tenn. 180.3 Ass. Prof. Va, M. I. *569 Gaylord B. Clark. Ala. 2193.8 Lawyer. *570 R. H. Cousins Va. 2151. Ass. Prof. Va. M.I. Civil Engineer. 571 Thos. G. Hayes. 2067.9 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Pro- 1 fessor Kv. Mil. Acad'y. 572 E. M. Tutwiler. 1772.9 Teacher. Civil Eng'eer. 573 J. L. Tunstall... 14S8.3J Farmer. 574 N. J. Bayard...., Ga. 14S6.8|MiuiDg Engineer. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 61

a a . o •-

£ 2 a 3 REMARKS. "5 AS CO o 1867. 575 J. B. Gray.. Va. 1442. Farmer. " 576 H. W. Fry. 1273.9 Farmer. " 577 J. S.Webb. 1133.9 Tonnage Master. 1868. *578 F. W. James.. Texas. 2376.98 Prof. Texas Mil. Institute. *579 R. E. Nelson.,. Va. 2359.96 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. " *580 J. B. Purcell.. 2344.89 Druggist. " 581 W. H. Butler 2155.71 Assistant Prof. Va. M. I. Farmer. 582 A. H. Bishop. 1988.05 In service Dover Mines. Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. " 583 C. A. Ellett.... 1916.65 Adjutant Va. M. I. " 584 J. F. Tackett.. 1892.4S Manufacturer. " 585 E. B. Jones.... 1824.15 Ass. Prof. Md. M. I. 586 W. F. Wright. Ark. 1650.89 Planter. 5S7 F. G. Gibson... Va. 1449.97 Professor of Mathematics. " 588 M. I. Branch. 1075.66 Merchant. 1869. *589 C. D. Walker. 2665.3 Teacher. Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. *590 J. L.Ford 2650.0 Merch't, Ass. Prof. Va, M. I. " *591 W. C. Powell.... 2509.3 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. " 592 F. H. Smith, Jr. 24S7.6 Adjutant Va. M. I. " 593 Thos. Fairfax.... 2442.1 Teacher. " 594 J. E. Heath 2400.3 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. 595 C. E. Tackett.... " 2313.1 Merchant. 596 J. A. Marvin.... Fla, 2250.4 Merchant.

597 Clay Stacker , Tenn. 2171.1 Civil Engineer. 598 W. B. Denham.. Fla. 2122 2 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. 599 Thos. Withers..., Va. 2117.5 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Civil Engineer. 600 Ed. Mosby. Tenn. 1840.0 Merchant. 601 M. Palmer.. Fla. 1815.3 Ass. Prof. Va. M.I. Civil Engineer. 602 S. A. Withington. 1795.2 603 0. W. Anderson.., Ga. 1749.6 Merchant.

604 L. S. Jervey , S. C. 1707.4 605 C. P. Stokes Va. 1638.7 Merchant. , 606 0. J. Anderson...., 1621.0 607 P. E. Harris " 1619.9 Teacher. 608 R. Sample Miss. 1445.6 Lawyer. 609 S. H. Letcher Va. 1402.S Lawyer. 610 T. H. Wilkinson.. 1374.2 611 J. G. Longstreet.. La. 1222 4 United States Custom House, . 1870. *612 L. N. Buck Va. 2666.30 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. *613 R. M. Smith Md. 2620.90 Merchant. *614 H. W. Blair Va. 2504.34 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. " *615 J. C. Edmonds... 2474.19 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. *616|W. P. Howerton. " 2400.63 Teacher. 62 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE.


1870 617 M. P. Carter 2373.29 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. 618 J. L. Bridgers.... 2356.45 Lawyer. 619 W. B.Page 2326.22 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. 620 L. W. Norris..... 2304.29 Teacher.

621 W. G. Childs... . S. C. 2258.16 622 Ford Hopson.... Tenn. 2254.04 Civil Engineer. 623 S. H.Purcell Va. 2230.69 624 0. G. Tayloe 2167.01 Farmer. 625 M. V. Scurry.... 2160.73 Civil Engineer. 626 Richard Brooke. 2117.31 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. 627 M. S. Manson 211197 Teacher. 628 R.T. Wilson 2086,04 Teacher. 629 A. H. Smith W.Va 2035.92 Merchant. 630 J. C. Spiller Md. 2017.20 Civil Engineer. 631 H. B. Kindred... Va. 1995.52 Teacher. 632 J. F. John Ala. 1977.66 633 F. B. Clark 1974.10 634 J, B. Marvin Fla. 1967.65 Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. 635 F. G. Menefee.... Va. 1938.91 Teacher. 636 W. W. Smith 1855.90 Lawyer. 637 J. C. Littlepage. 1821.22 Teacher. 638 F. C. Fisher N. C. 1777.78 Civil Engineer. 639 J. L. Waring Va. 1763.29 Broker and Banker. 640 E. H. Burwell... Md. 1752.24 Act. Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. Civil Engineer. 641 J. H. Marable. Tenn. 1736.38 Civil Engineer. 642 H. B. Spiller... Va.- 1724.74 Civil Engineer. 643 Saml. Taylor... 1720.46 Ass. Quartermaster Va. M. I.

644 H.Talley , 1676.32 Teacher.

645 Carmichael.. , Ga. 1675.75 Act. Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. 646 W. Hopson Tenn. 1622.01 Civil Engineer.

647 , A. Langhorne. Va. 1593.5C Act. Ass. Prof. Va. M. I. 648 B. Noland 1592.94 Civil Engineer. 649 F. Hopkins Ark. 1591.21 Civil Engineer. 650 C. Randolph Va. 1585.74 651 R. Anderson, Jr. 1533.13 652 M. Cooke 1485.13 Civil Engineer. 653 J. Dabney Ga. 1464.33 654 D. Barrett Ky. 1443.01 Civil Engineer. 655 Quarles Ark. 1424.90 Civil Engineer.

656 M. Riley ... Mo. 1386.4 Civil Engineer. 657 B. Randolph.... Va. 1383.79 Civil Engineer. 658 P. Rodes 1379.54 Civil Engineer. 659 M. Patrick 1374.63 660 R. Arthur S. C. 1324.38 Lawyer.

661 . H. Epes Va. 1296.29 Teacher. 662 J. Green 1225.5 663 L. Barrett Ky. 1188.94 Civil Engineer. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 63

jrabiratts in IWi&I fl^oflls.


Walter Bowie, Virginia July 4, 1869.

Alfred Marshall July 4, 1869 Ass't Eng'r Mobile & Montgomery R. R. Died in service.

R. II. Cousins* July 4, 1869 Ass't Eng'r R. R. in Alabama.

A. F. Redd* July 4, 1869 Clergyman. W. M. Patton* July 4, 1869 Ass't Eng'r R. R. in Alabama.

C. 0. Vandeventer July 4, 1869 Assistant Engineer.


A. IT. Bishop* July 4, 1S70.

W. B. Denham* July 4, 1870.. .Assistant Engineer. M. Palmer* July 4, 1870.. .Assistant Engineer in Alabama. Tho. Withers* July 4, 1870.. .Assistant Engineer in Pennsylvania.

Harrison Alexander July 4, 1870.

Names marked * are also graduates in the Academic School.
