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Friendly Endeavor, February 1937

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Volume 16, No. 2 PORTLAND, OREGON February, 1937

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BEFORE I was born MY CHURCH gave to my parents When my heart was seamed with son'ow, and I thoug ideals of life and love that made my home a place of strength the sun could never shine again, MY CHURCH drew me and beauty. the Friend of all the Weary and whispered to me the hop In helpless infancy MY CHURCH joined my parents in of another morning, eternal and tearless. consecrating me to Christ. When my steps have slipped and I have known the MY CHURCH enriched my childhood with the Romance bitterness of sin, MY CHURCH has believed in and religion and the lessons of life that have been woven wooingly She called me back to live within the heig s into the texture of my soul. Sometimes I seem to have myself. forgotten and then, when else I might surrender to foolish Now have come the children dearer to me than and futile ideals of life, the truths MY CHURCH taught and MY CHURCH is helping me to train them for all J y become radiant, insistent, and inescapable. and clean Christly living. In the stress and storm of adolescence MY CHURCH heard the surge of my soul and She guided my footsteps by MY CHURCH calls me to Her heart. She asks and my loyalty. She has a right to ask it! I lifting my eyes toward the stars. her to do for others what She has done for me. i When first my heart knew the strange awakenings of place in which I live, I will help Her keep a a love MY CHURCH taught me to chasten and spiritualize my aloft the torch of a livmg faith. affections; She sanctified my marriage and blessed my

home. —William Henry Boddy. D. D. {

THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR Page Two February, 1937 February, 1937 THE FRIENPLY ENDEAVOR Page Three

EVERYBODY BEAD THIS his sons for food into . When they got there Joseph recognized his brothers. But The Friendly Endeavor his brothers did not recognize him. He said, HOLY BOLDNESS " G O D ' S C R U C I B L E T E S T " 1937 A n d h e r e ' s t h e J u n i o r " L i f e S t o r y o f B y G l a d y s C o o k "Who are you and where did you come B y P A U L C A M M A C K Published Monthly at 5327 S. E. Morrison St. Joseph!" Who wrote it? Well, I'll tell you. f r o m ? " T h e y a n s w e r e d , " F r o m C a n a a n . " T h e F r i e n d l y E n d e a v o r s t a f f w i s h e s y o u I'd like to put three whole stories into the Portland, Oregon, by The Christian Endeavor "You may have some grain. But bring Boldness in speaking for the Lord is one of could sense the enthusiasm with which it Union of Oregon Yearly Meeting of Friends. Friendly Endeavor, but the Editor says, "No." the great needs of our present day. Of the your youngest brother with you next time or But friend, you pro faces. 1937. This Februarj- issue is a sample I received from Elizabeth Delano a very neat of what is going to come into your home you will not get any grain." So they went many characteristics of the Apostolic days mised God that you Subscription Price, per year 75c which Christians might well emulate, we each month if the whole-hearted support of s t o r y a n d i t w a s e x a c t l y r i g h t i n i t s d e t a i l s . home and told their father. He said they would make those It was written interestingly too, so that any consider this one of paramount importance. each Society is given The Friendly Endeavor. Entered as Second-Class Matter, Feb. 8, 1928, could not take Benjamin. But when they were wrongs right immediate one would like to read it. Then there was It was holy boldness that characterized the The staff wishes to thank Prune Hill for at the Post Office at Portland, Oregon, under nearly out of food he said they could l y — t h o s e w r o n g s t h a t another story written by Robert Armstrong the Act of Alarch 3, 1879. take him. Joseph got so he told his name was disciples on the day of Pentecost and after you had committed rallying to the cause showing other societies which I liked very much. I hope these two wards; it was this trait that caused men and what it has in mind in combining parish Joseph and the brothers wept before him against others while you FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR STAFF stories will be printed later, because they are v;omen of humble origin to stand forth as and told Joseph they wei^e sorry they did were in sin. What? papers with The Friendly Endeavor. It is written so well. But this story that follows Christian stalwarts; this same impelling force Editor in Chief Mildred Hadley h i m t h e w a y t h e y d i d . You say that you fixed urged that Societies having parish papers w a s w r i t t e n b y E l e a n o r S t r o u d f r o m R o s e - caused them to declare the Word of God un combine with The Friendly Endeavor oc 3815 S. E. Main St. Portland, Ore. And Joseph forgave them. everything up with the dale. I am proud of all three of you—Eliza flinchingly. casionally for the mutual benefit of both. Associate Editor Frederick Baker excjption of just one Two pages wiU be allotted to any Society for 3530 S. E. Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, Ore. beth, Robert, and Eleanor. You did well. That such holy boldness is needed today wrong? And now you Circulation Manager Frederick Baker There will be chances for some more fun March to December—months of complete is an uncontroverted fact. We fairly breathe a s k m e w h y y o u d o n o t $9 an issue. 3530 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, Ore. soon. —Phyllis Macy, Junior Supt. F. E. enjoyment if you're a paid-in-fuller. the atmosphere of compromise and doubt. h a v e c a l m a n d j o y i n It is strongly urged that each Society do its utmost to raise their 1937 quota. The Church Window Editor ...... C. A. Hadley Raise yoiv 1937 quota during Friendly En To many, the word 'culture' is synonymous y o u r h e a r t . staff has set its goal to keep the size of the 3270 S. E. Salmon St., Portland, Ore. T H E L I F E S T O R Y O F J O S E P H d e a v o r W e e k . with the word 'compromise.' It is considered Listen, I took—no I B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r F r a n k L . C o l e crude to give a positive testimony to the truth paper to at least six pages, instead of four B y E L E A N O R S T R O U D s t o l e — t h r e e p i e c e s o f 5327 S. E. Morrison St. Portland Ore. and power of God's Word. On the other hand as it had to do last year. If possible, raise B O I S E Q U A R T E R G O E S I N T O A c a n d y o n c e . F o r o n e Jacob had twelve sons and the youngest many who are hungering for a satisfying por y o u r q u o t a d u r i n g F r i e n d l y E n d e a v o r w e e k S o c i e t y N e w s M i g n o n M a c y was Joseph which he liked best and dressed 'HUUDLE' year those three peppermints obscured the S c o t t s M i l l s , . O r e . tion in their lives, find only questions and a n d e n j o y a y e a r o f f r e e d o m f r o m q u o t a him a lot better than the rest. It was not Saviour's face when I would kneel to cry B y C l a y t o n S . B r o ^ v n uncertainty around them. Against such a worries. The most enjoyment comes from best for Jacob to do this becatise it made the out my nightly prayer. When I saw my HOW MANY CANDLES ON YOUR CAKE? background, today, christians must live and soul slipping into perdition over three something that has been paid for. o t h e r b r o t h e r s a n g r y a t h i m . witness for their God. To do this successfully F r a n k C o l e In spite of below-zero temperature, about lumps of sugar, I mailed a letter contain When Joseph was seventeen years old of demands holy boldness. B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r . twenty Quarterly meeting church leaders met ing a coin for payment. God asked me to Everyone, old and young, likes to be remem age, he was in the field with his brethren at Boise January 12th, for prayer and a dis The question then arises: how may one bered on their birthdays whether they wiU and feeding and herding the flock. Jacob "square up" so that I could look the world 1937 QUOTAS cussion of projects to be attempted early this possess this essential characteristic? To help in the face. admit is or not. Since birthdays are annual loved Joseph more than all of his own dear us in our study, let us take the fourth chap childi'en and he also made a coat of many year. Five pastors met in the morning and It is bitter. " It takes grit. The devil events, instead of weekly ones, often quite l a i d p l a n s f o r a s e r i e s o f c h i l d r e n ' s r e v i v a l ter of Acts. There we have the account of the contests in one and says, "Never mind, The following is a list of quotas assigned large celebrations take place in their honor. colors for his son Joseph. When his brethren Societies for the year 1937. The staff ask that Not only do people celebrate birthdays but saw that Jacob liked Joseph best his brethren meeting with Josephine Flch, evangelist, to witnessing of Peter and John, immediately that is just a little thing" . . . but satan be begun as early as her schedule will permit. after the healing of the lame man who lay wants you to be lost . . . make it right if each Society make its drive during Friendly also do great business organizations, charities, began to hate him. They could not speak at the gate Beautiful. Then, as now, many Endeavor Week, the first week in February. nice to him at all. One night Joseph dreamed Lunch was enjoyed together at the parson you would have spiritual poise. and groups of various kinds. One of these were grieved that these two disciples wit QUARTER QUOTA a dream and he told it to his brothers and age even though .some of the brethren had a I know young people trying to be Chris groups is Christian Endeavor. Do you know strong leaning toward Boise's famous Mech- nessed the i>ower of Christ; so those in au t i a n s w h o h a v e a s h i g h a s f o u r t h i n g s Newberg Quarter: how old the Chi-istlan Endeavor will be this they hated him all the worse. "We were Newberg $47.50 anafe. thority forbade their preaching in the name which they have neglected, after conver month? The date is February 2nd, 1881. binding sheaves and all of a sudden my In the afternoon Quarterly Meeting depart of Jesus. Sherwood 2.50 Now count it up. sheaves arose and the sheaves stood around sion, to make right with their fellows. Middleton 3.50 ment superintendents presented plans which Let us first notice the significant words with Promise? Yes, they promised God to do Many and sundry are the ways of celebrat about." And he dreamed another dream. "I C h e h a l e m C e n t e r 1 1 . 0 0 have dreamed that the sun and the moon and include a series of stewardship addresses to which Peter and John answered this com that, but they have failed and have be ing bu-thdays. How will you celebrate the be presented by Chester Hadley, and a three- mand: "Whether it be right in the sight of come thin-blooded, anemic Christians. S p r i n g b r o o k H - O O founding of the first Christian Endeavor the eleven stars made obeisance to me." weeks alcohol education program to be pre Borse Valley Quarter: And his father said, "Do we have to bow God to hearken unto you more than unto God took you at your word when you S t a r 2 3 . 0 0 Society by Dr. Francis Clarke? Will you 1st sented by Harold Mills, Yearly Meeting down to thee?" A little while after his God, judge ye. For we can not but speak the pledged to make restitution. Now go and this week of bountiful blessing to young do it like young men and women fit to be Boise 15.00 brethren went to feed his father's flock in superintendent of Temperance. things which we have seen and heard." There Riverside 6.50 people pass by without time to praise the Another project launched by the Bible is one reason for the remarkable boldness of called followers of Christ. Pay money. Shechem. Greenleaf 52.50 Lord for what it has meant to your own so these ignorant men. They knew that of which Ask forgiveness. Fulfill jobs. Confess ciety or, will you do something to show your He said to Joseph, "Go and see if thy Department, was a speaking or dramatic Melba 1700 brethren are doing well with the flock." He contest for our young folks, using selected they spoke. There was no uncertainty, no cheating. Uncover lies. Return stolen. appreciation? Bible chapters and portions graded suitable Woodland 4.00 met a man on the way and talked with him question. They had had a contact with Christ Away with this "pansy" religion that does Peeling that all Oregon Yearly Meeting for three different age groups. The contest that was vital, that had changed their lives; not make one straighten up his past. S a l e m Q u a r t e r Friend's Endeavorers will want in a tangible a l i t t l e w h U e . A n d t h e m a n s a i d t h a t h e Rosedale 12.00 heard them say that they were going to is to be conducted along lines similar to and they knew whereof they spoke. In this I found sky-blue peace and joy, you will way to express their appreciation of the bene silver medal contests which the W. C. T. U. S c o t t s M i l l s 1 0 . 5 0 Dotham and feed mors flocks. Joseph finally present time, there is a crying need for men too, after passing victoriously "God's cru fits of the Christian Endeavor organization, sponsors for young people and is to be parti and women to have a positive Christian ex cible test"—complete restitution. Highland 25.00 the FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR STAFF have got there. The brethren saw him and said, S o u t h S a l e m H - O O "Let Us slay him and put him into a pit." cipated in by pupils in each Sunday school perience. Many times people declare it is Marion 6.00 set aside the week of January 31 to February the winners to meet in a Quarterly meeting impossible for them to witness for Christ. 7 a.S FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR WEEK. At this Reuben said, "Let us not kill him." When Portland Quarter: contest. A l t h o u g h t h e y g i v e m a n y r e a s o n s f o r t h e i r together in a prayer meeting, for we are fac time it is hoped that each society will raise Joseph came unto them they stript him. Then Sunnyside $57.50- they put him into the pit and there was not In the evening the C. E. Executive Commit inability, yet deep In one's heart one wonders ing a crisis. What is the burden of our pray its quota for 1937. In the last issue you will tee met and outlined the Quaker Hill Con if they are settled in their own expsrience, ing? Are there tears of self-pity for the L e n t s 2 3 . 0 0 find plans outlined by the business manager a n y w a t e r i n i t . Piedmont 14.00 They were sitting and happened to look up ference progi-am for 1937. The complete pro if they have seen the Lord in His beauty, if injustice shown us? Do we plead with God which will give suggestions to help raise your for deliverance? Do we cry for vengeance on V a n c o u v e r 5 . 5 0 and saw some Ishmaelites coming on their gram, with some interesting changes, will be they have heard His voice speaking to then- Prune Hill 4.00 quota. Here is another plan you might like announced at the Conference banquet to be soul. Young people, if you lack this boldness our persecutors? Is there a single pl-ea for to try. Have a birthday party when each camels from Gilead into Egypt. And one of Ta.coma Quarter: them said, "Come let us sell him to the Ish held early this spring. in witnessing, first of all search your own more boldness in witnessing for our Lord? member will bring a penny for every candle heart with these questions: Have I seen in Tacoma 14.00 on his last birthday cake. Perhaps some cele maelites," and they all agreed. And then The disciples, on that memorable day, QuUcene 3.00 Christ my own personal Savior? Have I then revealed the deepest desire of their hearts. brated without a cake, they should pay a for Joseph was drawn from the pit and sold to SOCITIES—•-aise your 1937 quotas during received from His hand the gift of the Holy B e t h a n y 5 . 0 0 feit of two cents for every candle which the Ishmaelites for twenty gold pieces. Then Friendly Endeavor Week. Dearer, than home and loved ones, dearer Entiat 4.50 they took Joseph's coat and killed some kids Spirit? Without these two essential experi than bodily comfort, more precious even than Send all payments to FYank L. Cole, 5327 should have appeared. ences. one has a fainting heart and a falter and dipped the coat in the blood and took it l i f e i t s e l f w a s t h i s h o l y b o l d n e s s f o r w h i c h S. E. Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. How many candles on your C. E. cake? to their father and said that was what they THE 1936 FINANCIAL "RECORD" ing tongue; with them one can 'speak the they prayed. Let all else go—^they must M. D. H. Word of God with boldness.' had found. "We do not know If it is our retain this! Why? Out yonder were souls brother's coat or not." And Jacob said, "It is There is yet another reason for this bold who had not yet heard the Good Tidings. The PAID-INFULLERS FOR 1936 HOW DO YOU LIKE IT? Outside of the listing the 1936 paid-in- ness which was manifested by the disciples. my son's coat, and the beasts hath devoured fullers, it is felt the less said about the 1936 disciples were custodians of this great mess him." Joseph was brought Into Egypt. Poti- They prayed. And what a prayer was offered age. It was their privilege and duty to teU Hats off to the following Societies! They financial "record' 'the better. It now being that day by that little group of believers! Many times the executive committee mem p h o r b o u g h t h i m f r o m t h e I s h m a e l i t e s . too late to drag up the painful past, the again and again that Christ Jesus was the raised their 1936 quotas and have that com Joseph was put into prison and several To me, there is no more sublime passage in Saviour of the world. They must witness fortable feeling of being "paid-in-fullers." i bers have sighed "If we could only have a writer remains discreetly quiet about who all of Holy Writ than the few words of that cover page! Then the Friendly Endeavor others and they had dreams which they could didn't do what, etc. Just these few figures boMly that He is the son of God! If they Chehalem Center, Riverside, Melba, High not understand and he explained it to them. will be given so that all Societies can under prayer. Here was a little handful of people. failed, souls would perish. Therefore, the bur land, Lents, Piedmont, Prune Hill, Tacoma, would be a real church magazine. But that They were in dire peril. Tliey had made en den of that prayer was "O, Lord, more bold is as far as the longed for-cover page ever Pharaoh had a dream, and seven fat cows stand why 1936 was merely a FOUR-PAGE Quilcene, and Entiat. ! were drinking and seven lean cows were year for The Friendly Endeavor: ONLY 58 emies of the religious leaders of the day. ness in witnessing!" They were hated by civic authorities. Suffer drinking. The seven lean cows ate the seven PER CENT OF THE TOTAL OF ALL 1936 We today stand in a similar position as that fat cows. Pharoah asked Joseph what it ing, imprisonment, and even death threat QUOTAS WAS PAID IN. One Quarterly ened them. And so, they prayed; and the little group of old We have heard the Good meant. "He said, "seven years of a lot of food Meeting only raised 22 per cent of its com News; we are custodians of the messag-s. If our heart experience. Then, let us pray con- will come and we will all have to gather up bined quotas. Sad picture this, but read the b m - d e n o f t h e i r p r a y e r w a s — f o r m o r e b o l d we fail in our witnessing, some—nay, many stantly, daUy and earnestly the prayer of the the food, and seven years of famine will miiowing article and learn that the Friendly ness! souls will be lost. How do we witness for disciples: "And now. Lord. . . . grant unto only ayyd twee o" Aslres, come." Endeavor staff has not given up yet but Let us, for a moment, imagine that we are Jesus Christ? Is it with uncertain tone and thy servants, that with all boldness they may you. Prune Hill, for satisiying _Editor. When the years of famine came Jacob sent plans better things for the future. in a similar situation. We have gathered questioning heai-t? If so, let us look first to speak thy word." February, 1937 PORTLAND, OREGON Page Five Page Four THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR February, 1937 T H E C H U R C H W I N D O W T H E E H U K C I N H O W Home Missons, Sunday, Feb. 7th. Home Mission, Sunday, Feb. 7th. Calendar of Outposts under the Evangelistic and Church Extension Boards. E d i t e d t h i s m o n t h b y F r e d e r i c k B a k e r Calendar of Outposts under the Evangelistic and Church Extension Boards. E d i t e d t h i s m o n t h b y F r e d e r i c k B a k e r

Quaker HUl Tabernacle at Payette Lakes, Idaho were gotten from the Woodland HiUs. CHESTER HADLEY ILL Chester A. Hadley, Yearly Meeting Super Attendance at Woodland Chm-ch for the intendent has been quite ill with a cold bor past few months has been between forty and dering on pneumonia, aggravated by a severe fifty according to the pastor who mentions h e a r t a t t a c k . M a n y r e q u e s t s f o r p r a y e r h a v e that the weather until recently has been very been made for our superintendent and many fine for Church attenders. prayers have ascended to the throne of grace, Of both local and Yearly Meeting interest comes the report that three weddings have asking God to interpose in his behalf. Ws are glad to report at this time that been performed by the pastor of the Wood Chester Hadley is much better, although it land Church since September first 1936. A was necessary for hun to be confined to bed y o u n g f a m i l y f r o m B a r c l a y , K a n s a s h a v e for a time. After reading this article, please moved in to the Woodland Community and read the message from the pen of Walter have built them a little home. The coming L-ee entitled, "A Modern Circuit Rider." of Mr. and Mrs. Weaver and then- four chil dren has been greatly appreciated by the con gregation. Woodland Church lias already raised its Fixed Exprnse apportionment for the Yearly Oscar and Ruth Brown and family Meeting. Birthday offerings and Sunday have chai-ge of the Ross Valley outpost Curtis and Margaret Morse and family seven mUes south of Kelso, Washington. are doing outpost work at Johnstown, Idaho. Eugene and Gertrude Hibbs and family, O s c a r w o r k s f o r t h e We y s r h a u s e r m U l . Services are heid in a country school house. recently from Nampa Friends Church are in Five acres have been purchased in Rose Their address is Greer, Idaho. charge of the Kelso Friends Church, 808 Valley and the Browns are erecting a Ayers Street, Kelso, Washington. Dillon and Fern Mills and family have parsonage at their own expsnse, to be given A MODERN CIRCUIT RIDER charge of the flock at the Woodland Friends to the Yearly Meeting. Address them. Route B y W a l t e r P . L e e about half of the traveling expense. Church, Woodland, Idaho. The article en 2, Kelso, Wash. titled, "Woodland Friends Church Plans New The salary of the Yearly Meeting Super Chapel" will tell you more about this growing some pastors and wives who are given four Day after day, week after week, mile upon intendent and his traveling expense comes work. sacks of apples when they have plenty mile, he travels from one place to another, from the Fixed Expense of the Yearly Meet- already, but who are entirely out of potatoes visiting a need here, encouraging there, in and meat. It will mean that meat and po in. This comes from the established Churches WOODLAND FRIENDS CHURCH FLANS spiring all as he goes. Weary and worn, throughout the Northwest as few of the out tatoes will be brought in when meat and burdened with problems of many he meets, NEW CHAPEL p o t a t o e s a r e n e e d e d . listening to calls for help, lending himself, posts are able to help in this matter. Has soul and body, to bring that help, asking for your meeting paid its shai'e of the Fixed Ex Dillon W. Mills, Pastor of the Woodland The matter of wood cutting for the pastor pense up to date? Are you adding personal Friends Church announces that the winter was taken care of on Thanksgiving day at aid for others, yet never asking for himself, Woodland Community. Forty-seven people he can-ies on with never a word of com financial worries to an overloaded man? is being spent in getting lumber cut for a While we have felt the romance of our ate their dinner together that day, and plaint on his lips, yet sometimes forced to new Church Chapel. The Chapel will liter before and after meals sawed, split and piled wonder from whence will come his daily United Budget, making possible the outpost ally be cut out of the forest, for the trees are work at home and the foreign missionary to be felled, the logs bucked, haulpd to the wood. When dusk began to fall a large bon bread. lire was built and under the direction of the work in Bolivia, let us not forget that our mill, sawed into lumber and then left to sea Ah, 'tis the circuit rider of old! No, friends, Christian Endeavor Society a very interest it is not the circuit of old. This man has Yearly Meeting Superintendent has been son until next summer. keeping ever before us the vision of the home Woodland Church has been held in a ing evening was enjoyed with games and a visited more points in a month than the cir devotional service featured. There were cuit rider did in a lifetime. This man has and foreign field. school house for a number of yeai's. Since generous amounts of chUi soup and pumpkin visited more points in a month than the cir Seventeen years after rescuing a large the Church was started a new parsonage has number of people from drowning on the been built, and this last year, shakes for the pie served to all present as they gathered c u i t r i d e r e v e r k n e w . T h i s m a n s t a n d s b e a b o u t t h e w a r m fi r e . tween two continents to present the needs of Great Lakes, a man in California was asked o n e t o t h e o t h e r . T h i s m a n i s C h e s t e r A . what was the outstanding impression gained Hadley, Yearly Meeting Superintendent of Chester A. Hadley, General Superintendent f r o m h i s h e r o i c e f f o r t . H i s r e p l y w a s u n of both the Home and Foreign Work, Oregon expected, "none of the group ever thanked Yearly Meeting of Friends, embracing the m e f o r s a v i n g t h e i r l i v e s . " L e t u s n o t o n l y states of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, and show our appreciation for the work of our Bolivia, South America. Read the article superintendent by words, letters and prayers, entitled, "A Modern Circuit Rider." but by seeing that all Fixed Expense money Frederick Baker doss the secretarial work i s p a i d b y e v e r y e s t a b l i s h e d M o n t h l y M e e t f o r t h e Ye a r l y M e e t i n g a n d h a s t h e o v e r i n g m t h e Ye a r l y M e e t i n g sight of Prune HUl, Mt. Pleasant, West Mill Oregon Yearly Meeting of Friends. Plain Circuit. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Richey, Not long ago he was at yom- meeting as Miss Mary Allen, MUdred Hadley, Merle your Quarterly Meeting convened, encom'ag- Green and Glen Haworth are helping at ing you in the work, bringing reports of the these points. home and foreign fields, telling of the needs of these fields and urging you to help in their School Collections the fhst Sunday of the support, yet never a word did he say about month go to the United Budget program. his own need. Perhaps you did not realize The Church Offerings are divided, with the that when he asked for the financial .support pastor receiving 80%, the United Budget o f o u r h o m e a n d f o r e i g n w o r k h e w a s n o t 10% and the Church lighting 10%. sure of his modest support for the next Woodland Church has established a prece month. He has had to go unpaid at times and dent which might well be followed by every then borrow money with which to live. outpost. A systematic arrangement for the How pleasant it is to sit and look at the distribution of commodities to the pastor and pictures of the work which he shows. Those his famUy has been worked out. This means pictures were developed at his own expense James and Mildred Raymond and daughter that food and other supplies will come reg and much of the equipment was purchased Carol are conducting the outpost work at ularly and not in "spurts" at Thanksgiving, Allison and Inez Rogers are the new pastors with his own money. There are no Yearly Rostmers Friends Church, 3111 Y Street, Christmas, and New Years, but throughout at the Vancouver Friends Church. Their Lewis and Myrtle Russell and their Meetings appropriations for these things. Vancouver, Washington. James Raymond the entire year. Woodland Church is to be address is 708 W. 24, Vancouver, Washington. works in a Postal Sub-station on the East daughter Florence live at Northeast Tacoma, Of course, he must have a car in order to commended on this fine arrangement. It will They live along side the Church. Marietta side in Portland, Oregon. Cope makes her home with the Rogers. Wa s h i n g t o n . T h e i r a d d r e s s i s R t . 6 , B o x 4 0 0 . carry on his work. He drives this car manv Zenas Perisho and family are working in also eliminate the embarrassment coming to The Ru.ssell.s have charge of the North East thousands of miles a year. The Yearly Meet the field at Vale, Oregon where a new recla Tacoma Friends outpost. ing makes a small appropriation which pays mation project has been opened. Page Six THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR February, 1937 February, 1937 THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR Page Seven YOUNG PEOPLE interior of their church by lowering the ceil THE QUARTERLY MEETING PLAN ing and covering the walls with a light I was very happy to hear from one society plywood. With new fixtures, also, it shows Only two quarterly meetings availed them In response to the request that I made in The great improvement. selves of the Quarterly Meeting Plan by rais The operetta "An Old Kentucky Garden" ing three-fourths of their combined quotas. FRIENDLY JOURNAL Friendly Endeavor that all Young People's put on by the Greenleaf Academy students, Tacoma and Portland Quarters are the en and High School societies send me a list of December 4th, was a fine success. The atten t h e i r o f fi c e r s , o f m e m b e r s a w a y f r o m h o m e vied groups. Each will have a special edition "Along Where Rolls the Columbia" dance was two hundred and sixty-three, the of The Flriendly Endeavor dedicated to it. attending school, and any questions or prob sale of tickets netted forty-three dollars and lems with which they wanted help. Perhaps GET YOUR SPECIAL EDITION NEXT P R U N E H I L L C H U R C H W I N S A W A R D ; DOROTHY NICOLS SINGS; the rest have been too busy the past month, fi f t y c e n t s . I t w a s t h e fi r s t o f i t ' s k i n d YEAR. The offer is again extended that VISION REALIZED; PARISH PAPER Sermon of the Month F E B R U A R Y S E R V I C E A T P R U N E H I L L and So have forgotten. However, my request given by he Academy in all ifs history. any Quarterly Meeting raising three-fourths PUBLISHED A Lents special deputation team visited CHURCH still stands and I hope to hear from all the of its combined quotas will have an edition B y F R E D E R I C K B . B A K E R eighteen families in November, presenting a o t h e r s o c i e t i e s s o o n . o f i t s o w n i n 1 9 3 8 . As the first issue of the Parish paper brief service and asking for financial assis Isn't the Lord good to us? He gives us so Act immediately and raise your quota dur S I X T H I N G S A B O U T G O D Friends Prune Hill Church won the award enters your home the editor has the satisfac tance for the Christian Endeavor paper. The ing Friendly Endeavor Week, the first week for three months attendance at the Monthly many worthwhile things to do, and to say, t e a m w a s w e l c o m e d a t e a c h h o m e . T h i s c o l The first thirty four verses of the book of tion of knowing that a vision has been real and to think, and then to share with others. in February. Meeting of the Clark County Holiness associ ized. A vision according to the dictionary is lection, with another special one, composed Genesis mentions the word God thirty four- We need to take more time to let Him share ation on Tuesday, January 19 at the Orchards the creation of one's imagination; according the complete assessment. So the Lent's MISSING CHECKS different times; the word God is found in all Methodist Church, Orchards, Washington. On the things that He would with us so that we to the Indexed Bible it is the supernatural quoto for 1936 for The Friendly Endeavor is but five of these verses. The Bible starts out behalf of the Prune Hill Church, a piano might pass on to others the inspiration and B y W i l b u r N e w b y with the statement, "In the beginning God." presentation of scenei-y or events to a per all paid! lamp was presented to the pastor. help we have received. Lents Sunday School presented as a gift to Tire Bible ends with the statement, "And if son's mind while they are wide awake. The T h i s c l i p p i n g f r o m m y s c r a p b o o k h a s There are certain obligations that must be Winning the applause of the sixty people the missionaries at Christmas time the sum a n y m a n . . . G o d . " G o d i s m e n t i o n e d i n rugged prophet Joel mentions that there met in our Christian work as C. Eers, and im- present, little Miss Dorothy Nicol sang "We helped me to more rightly judge the value of of eight dollars. Genesis 1 as creating the heavens and the would come a time when old men would time and deed. Perhaps it wiU help you. Will Roll the Old Chariot Alonj;," and two The S. B. I., Salem Bible Institute, is to fortunately we sometimes are obligated in a earth; God is mentioned in Rev. 22:19 as dream dreams and young men would see " I s o m e t i m e s t h i n k w e a r e i n d a n g e r o f financial way. That is the present position other pieces. Twenty-two were present from warning man who had been created from the visions. In this instance a young man had a again hold forth weekly for twelve weeks at o f o u r Ye a r l y M e e t i n g C . E . T h i s i s j u s t a Prune Hill. The race was closest between being too busy to be really useful," said an the Highland Church, with about a two hour dust of the earth. From beginning to the journalistic vision. reminder! Did you make a pledge at con Prune Hill and East Mill Plain with Prune old lady, thoughtfully. "We hear so much schedule for each evening. Opening Jan end the Bible is a book about God. The first fruit of the particular vision in about making every minute count, and ference? Did you forget that you had made Hill having had an attendance of 75 for the uary 11th, the teachers were to be Paul The king of Syracuse demanded that Sim- mind was on December 2, 1934 when the a pledge and just let it slip by? If it's at all three months period and East Mill Plain always having some work or course of study Cammack, Edgar Simms, Clio Brown, and o n i d e s d e fi n e G o d . A f t e r w e e k s o f m e d i t a editor of this parish paper issued a smaU for spare hours, and having our activities all possible, let's send it in and make this a Methodist Church, 48. Tliere should be a Church Bulletin which was called "Friendly Lela Morrill, with classes on Bible and tion he answered, "the more I think of him record attendance for the February meeting systematized that there is not place left for banner year for our Christian Endeavor. Ad the more he is unknown." One Greek Journal." Ever since that time the editor has small wayside kindnesses. We go and see Evangelistic subjects. Begun last year as an dress your letters to WObur Newby, 408 South as it will be held at Prune Hill Church. The experiment, the school proved very success philosopher said that "God was fii'e," another been looking forward to the time when a the sick neighbor and relieve the poor neigh Howard Street, Newberg, Oregon. This does that "God was water," a third that "God was average attendance away from home has ful, with a beginning enrollment of seventy- been twenty-five. What will it be at home? larger printed paper could be published and bor, but, for the common, everyday neighbor, not include Friendly Endeavor subscriptions air" and it was said by one, "All eyes, all sent into every home in the communities who has not fallen by the way, so far as we five, and a continued interest throughout the or quotas. Those are taken care of by the twelve weeks. ears, all thought is God, the omnipresent served. With this issue that vision is realized. can see, we haven't a minute to spare. But Prune Hill Endeavorers are busy as can be publication. soul." How little we would know about God The editor trusts that the parish pa-irer w^ everybody who needs a cup of cold water with Gospel Band Meetings in various com Now society presidents, members and officere, today if all the conscious and unconscious be welcomed into your homes and that it will isn't calling the fact out to the world, and munities, socials and the regular Christian Many chart quotas have been coming in influence of the revealed Word of God to find appreciative readers wherever it goes. there are a great many little pauses, by the Endeavor work. Increased interest is evi but not as they should. Don't forget, fi man could suddenly be destroyed. The pur The idea of a Parish Paper may be new to way which are no waste of time." denced by increased attendance and faithful n a n c e s p l a y a s i m p o r t a n t a p a r t i n y o u r pose of this message is to outline six things some of you. The purpose is to bring to each A n o t h e r c l i p p i n g : p e r f o r m a n c e o f d u t i e s b y a l l o f fi c e r s a n d chart work as many other items. A delay that the Bible tells us about God. of your homes, once a month, a paper with "We are the only Bible the careless world committeemen. on your part may mean a lag and indebted "God is light." 1st John 1:5. This is a religious backgi-ound. but to also include will read; The work of the new High School society ness in our budget which should not happen. moral revelation of God. To understand this other items of interest throughout the neigh We are the sinner's gospel, we are the sin is of like character. Enthusiasm for all Let's get busy. We need the money and need revelation, roll a lai-ge rock on your front borhoods. When the first issue of the Church n e r ' s c r e e d : pnases of the work is continually increasing. it badly! Your chart quota is fifty cents per lawn in the summer time and leave it there Bulletin was mimeographed in , We are the Lord's last message, given in This is due entirely to the deep spiritual tone member in the Young People's society, for some time, then suddenly have it removed Prune Hill and Grass Valley were the only d e e d o r w o r d . prevailing in the Sunday evening prayer- twenty-cents in the High School and Inter and note the consternation as rays of sun communities served, but since that time the What if the type is crooked? meetings, and the evangelistic emphasis mediate society. This is based upon the mem light pierce into the hitherto darkened area. Gospel message has been given "Along where What of the print is blurred?" placed upon all the work of the societies. bership listed in the last (1936) record of the What sudden signs of activity as creatm-es rolls the Colubmbia" until now seven workers Are we as young people of Oregon Yearly Minutes of Oregon Yearly' Meeting. Let's of night scamper into their subterranean are engaged in Gospel work at Prune Hill. Meeting going to be so busy with our own VITAL STATISTICS get them-in as quickly as possible! channels! They love dai-kness rather than Grass VaUey, West Mill Plain and Mt. Pleas- activities and our own personal 'interests P R U N E H I L L C H U R C H Chart Quotas Rec'd Amount light. The bible tells about people who love that we will not have time to find a place B o i s e J u n i o r $ 5 . 0 0 darkness rather than light because their The editor has felt ever since he was call^ f o r C h r i s t t o u s e u s a s H E W O U L D U S E U S ? Larry Duncan Ross, Salem's first 1937 baby Highland Intermediate 4.00 deeds are evil. The whole basis of condem DOES IT PAY TO ADVERTISE? to the ministry that the trend of the age m Haven't you been surprised sometimes at the born at 1:05 a. m.. January 1, to Helen and S t a r 1 0 . 0 0 nation is founded on the above statement. neglecting the country communities with the fine things and the real friends you have Milo Ross at a Salem hospital. Melba 13.75 Light will do two things; it will melt candles Tire question that every business man Gospel message was entirely wrong. It has found, when you took time to be friendly to Beverly Belles born December 20th, to Mrs. C h e h a l e m C e n t e r 5 . 4 5 and harden clay. Are you a candle or a been said that three fourths of all Gospel someone. We need to be extremely careful and Mrs. D. N. Belles, members of Second R o s e d a l e S e n i o r 5 . 0 0 wants to know when approached about an piece of clay? workers and many from other prof^ionsm in this busy rushing world that we do not Fiiends Church, Portland. Prune Hill 4.50 a d d f o r t h e F r i e n d l y J o u r n a l i s w h e t h e r o r life come from the country communities. The "God is righteous." 1st John 2:29. not it will pay to advertise. For this issue b l u r t h e p r i n t o f o u r l i v e s . L e t u s t h i n k o f S p r i n g b r o o k 7 . 2 1 editor definitely felt that his particular work This is a governmental revelation of God. Christ, then think of others in our personal VISITORS Piedmont 11-50 thirteen adds have been secured. Twelve was along the Columbia river and m tne lives, oui- Christian Endeavor Societies' life Greenleaf 7.00 (Tod is righteous; God is holy, and He has hundred copies of the Friendly Endeavor will direct providence of God he w^ tJ^upv a n d i n o u r c h u r c h . M a y G o d b l e s s e a c h o f Edward Harmon came from Nampa, Idaho Boise 5.00 said, "Because it is written. Be ye holy; for be printed and 1,000 of them will be distrib open field at Prune Hill amd Grass you in your work for the new year as you and Frederick Baker from Portland, Oregon I am holy," 1st. Peter 1:16. This is a tre uted over the Northwest. Two hundred copies Since that time opportunities have com® ^ try to win OTHERS for Christ. May you to visit their families at Tacoma for the Total $78.41 mendous revelation of God. He is righteous will be distributed locally. If those of you and He demands that we be righteous or help in Gospel work at Mt. Pleasant and each be blest with the opportunity and privi C h r i s t m a s h o l i d a y s . who get this paper will cooperate by letting West Mill Plain. . holy because He is righteous and holy. We the advertisers know when you trade with lege of winning at least one soul to Christ in George Moore, pastor at Piedmont, joined H O M E D H S S I O N S S U N D A Y There are two things that makes it possible the coming year. his wife and small daughter in Pasadena, need to realize what He commands. He is them, it will do a great deal in lettiirg them to have this parish paper: one is t^ com- "For the Lord God will help me; therefore, able to perform. see that it pays to advertise in the "Fi-iendly California, at Mrs. Moore's parents, for the Sunday, , is Home Hissions Sun binbig of the local news with the Fi-ien^y shall I not be confounded: Therefore, have holidays, after which they returned to Port "God is Spirit" John 4:24. This is a meta Journal." Endeavor Publication which is a paper with day. The material in the Church Window physical revelation of God. We are not to T h e e d i t o r w i s h e s t o s a y t h a t t h o s e a p I set my face like a flint, and I know that I land. this month is prepared with the thought in a circulation of about 1,000 and which is^nt think of God in terms of 150 or 175 pounds, proached about ads have as a whole been shall not be ashamed." Isaiah 50:7. "For Arthur and Inez Roberts, and son Edwin mind of being adaptable to presenting the into Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. This for "God is Spirit." God is not a corporeal very nice and in return when trading with I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: visited at Canby, Oregon the latter part of work of the home field. There are many makes it possible to bring new.s of varied for it is the power of God unto salvation to December, at the home of Mrs. Robert's being, but an incorporeal one. God is not the advertisers remember that "You can interest The Friendly Endeavor is published othe - outposts, but only those are mentioned limited to time or space or walls or doors. smile when you can't say a word, you can every one that believeth; to the Jew first, sister. v/herein the outpost gets help dhectly or in bv the young people of the Friends denomin and also to the Greek." Romans 1:16. Journeying to Idaho for the Christmas The woman at the well of Samaria was both smile when you cannot be heard, you can ation in the Northwest. Miss Mildred Hadley —Eliabeth Ott Bishop directly from the Yearly Meeting. All points ered about her sins and began to argue about smile any time, any where." A druggist re season from Oregon were: Robert and Lela (ret direct help but Prune Hill and Rose worker at Prune Hill Church is editor in Morrill to Star; Forrest and Orpha Cammack where one should worship God, but she was cently said to me "I used to buy the Salvation chief of the paper. The editor of the local Albert and Ruth Cammack, Ann and Elaine Valley. told that it was not a question of being at Army War Cry from a young lady because paper and pastor of the Pi'une Hill CTiurch through the keyhole Settle, John and Alvin Roberts, to Greenleaf Jerusalem or in the mountains, but it was a she always had a smile, the lady who now is associate editor. Contributions are made enterprise Visitors to Portland were Walter and WOODLAND ACTIVE question of worshipping in spirit and in sells it to me, has no smile, I still buy, but by young people of the Northwest. The Friendly Chorus at Woodland is larger truth. it is out of a sense of duty rather than out About sixty-five young people of Salem Gladys Cook, pastors at Star, Idaho Carl Church window is edited by the Rev. Chester Voget, of Berkeley, California, spent ten davs than last year with twenty or more attend "God is love." 1st John 4:8 and 4:16. This of desire." It pays to smile and while doing A Hadley, superintendent of the FrieiKis Quarterly Meeting congregated at Highland in Portland, helping his many friends there ing. A Christmas program was given which is a personal revelation of God. The it- say, "I am from Prune.Hill, Grass Valley, work in the Northwest and also Bolivia, Fi-iends Church, December 30th, for a Quar celebrate the holidays. Virginia Heacock and was appreciated by the people of the com Greek philosophers thought of God as life, Mt, Pleasant or West Mill Plain." South America, The other thing that mak^ terly Meeting social. They socialized with Donald Mortimore, students at Seattle Pacific munity. and light and spirit, but it never entered into this paper possible is the securing of adver The picture of the pastor and his family is their thinking that "God is love." it took gaiZs and songs, and popcorn and apples Collsge, spent their vacations at home Action—then i-cst. .Don't drag your quota tisements from reputable business men m Scotts Mills Friends have remodeled the found on page five of this issue. calvary's cross and a drape over the sun to payments over the entire year. Raise it Camas. Vancouver and Washougal. Business (Continued to Page S) during Fiiendly Endeavor Week. (Contiiiuocl to Page S) February, 1937 THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR Page Nine Page Eight THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR February, 1937 P R U N E H I L L N E W S but we are glad that they are in a district All Day Meeting Held where it will be possible for them to attend MT. PLEASANT NEWS WEST MILL PLAIN NEWS The All Day Meeting of the Clark County s e r v i c e s r e g u l a r l y. Church Schedule Holiness Association will be held Tuesday, FRIENDLY JOURNAL Glen Hcsvorth, Corespondent Mary Allen, Correspondent February 16 at the Friends Prune Hill Church. Published at 5327 S. E. Morrision Street, Sunday School 9:45 A. M., Alvin E. Cadd, Gcsp:l Band Meetings Scheduled Three meetings will be featured at 10:30, Portland, Oregon. Sunday School, 10:00 Mr. R. W. Smith, Superintendent, Object talks every Sunday On the second Sunday of every month a 2:00 and 8:00. There wUl be a pot-luck Sunday School at 9:45, Mrs. E. E. Leidtke, Sunday School Superintendent; Unified Ser morning; Junior Church at 11:00, Miss Mil d i n n e r a t n o o n . Community Lunch is held at the Mt. Pleas Devoted to the spread of the Gospel, "Along Superintendent, Morning Worship at 11:00 vice with Object talk by Glen Haworth of dred Hadley, Leader; Morning Worship at where rolls the Columbia," serving Prune Hill, ant School house. Following the lunch hour with message by Merle Green, Supply pastor Portland Bible Institute at end of hour. 11:00 with expositional Sermons from the Grass Valley, Mt. Pleasant and West Mill there will be a Gospel Band Service con REPORT OF TREASURER FOR MONTH Plain Communities. from Portland Bible Institute. Gospel Band Evening Service of Song at 7:30 with mess book of Fu'st Corinthians. Ciu-istian En ducted by the two Gospel Bands of the Prune OF DECEMBER age by Glen Haworth. Friends Prune HiU d e a v o r S e r v i c e s a t 6 : 3 0 ; E v e n i n g h o u r o f Meeting from Friends Prune Hill Church Hill C. E. Societies. The meeting for Febru Balance on hand December 1, 1936 .. $16.54 PBIElTIJIiY J017B1TAI. STAPP held on Second Sunday of the month at 2:00 Gospel Band Meeting held on the second Song and Worship at 7:30 P. M. National Editor Bev. Pred'erick B. Baker o'clock. Prior to the meeting a Community Friday of the month at 7:30. Holiness Association Prayer Band on Mon ary will be held on at 2:00. O f f e r i n g s f o r D e c e m b e r $ 1 7 . 2 0 On the second Friday of every month a 3530 S. E. Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, Ore. lunch is held with members of the Prune day at 7:30 home of Mrs. J. Thomas Ai'm- Phone EAst 8750 PViendship Club has Meeting Gospel Band meeting is held at the West Total $33.74 Hill Gospel Band as guests of the Mt. Pleas strong; Cottage Prayer Meeting Wednesday T'he Friendship Club met at the home of Mill Plain School House. Both Gospel Bands How Apportioned Amount ant Church. at 7:30 home of Mrs. Lawrence La France. Correspondents Mrs. Peters on Thursday, January 15. Pot- will be in attendance for this meeting. The F r e d e r i c k B a k e r . $ 8 . 6 1 Ladies of the Mt. Pleasant Friends Church Women's Missionary Society on the first and M t . P l e a s a n t M i s s M a r y A l l e n . luck dinner was served at noon. A business Frederick Baker, Transportation ... 1.72 Rt. 2, Box 20, Camas, Washington. and community held a surprise party on Mrs. third Thursday of every month. Choir Prac meeting this month wil be held on Friday meeting was held at 2:00 o'clock. Those at 7:30 o'clock. Miss Mary Allen, Transportation ... 1.72 West Mill Plain Glenn Haworth. Sylvan Marble on FMday, January 22 at 2:00 tice at Miss Allen's home on Thursday at 5624 N. Borthwick Avei, Portland, Ore. present were Mrs. E. Coop, Mildred McCoy, 7:30 P. M. Gospel Band Meetings on Friday Other Gospel Band meetings will be held Reserve 1.72 P. M. Thelma Skogset, Mrs. Peters and Viola Smith. Phone WAlnut 5754 The regular meeting of the Ladies Auxilary evenings. Frederick B. Baker, Minister. during the month, but the places and dates Light 1.03 have not been scheduled in time for publi Fixed Expense 34 of the Friends Church 77111 meet on February A son was born on January 9 to Mr. and cation. S E R M O N O F T H E M O N T H 5 and 19th Jor the purpose of quilting. The F i - i e n d l y E n d e a v o r 1 7 Mrs. John Lewis. If a cradle roll has not February 7 Is Home Missions Sunday Ront 1,03 place of meeting wUl be announced in the been organized at the Church someone should The first Sunday of every even month is C u s t o d i a n s F o r M o n t h A p p o i n t e d Wood 86 (Continued from Page 7) weekly Church Bulletins. get busy and organize one for here is pros Home Missions Sunday; the Sunday School It is reported that Mr. and Mrs. H. L. p e c t n u m b e r o n e f o r 1 9 3 7 . Custodians for the month at Pi-une Hill bring people to realize that "God is love." offerings on this Sunday is given to help the Total $17.20 Rudiger are now on the road to recovery Home Missions work in the Northwest. Mrs. Friends Church wiU be as follows: February John 3:16 is known by many, but few people after a most impleasant attack of the flu. Evening Services begun at West Mill Plain E x p e n s e f o r E i e c e m b e r $ 1 9 . 0 3 Lawrence La France will have charge of know about 1st John 3:16, for people are will Mrs. Burt Ferguson has suffered a little On Sunday January 17, 1937 evening ser 7, Bernard Dorman; Februai-y 14 Frederick Balance on hand 14.71 about ten minutes of the Church hour dur B. Baker; Philip La FYance; ing to let God give, but are not willing to set back in health, but with good medical vices were begun at the West MUl Plain , Alvin E. Cadd. give themselves. The world will not believe care and the prayer of God's people we trust School House. About twenty-five were pres i n g t h i s S u n d a y a s s h e i s C h a i r m a n o f t h e $33.74 in a God of love unless they can see the she will soon recover. ent for the opening service. A special Evangelistic and Church Extension Depart ment of the Church. Intermediates To Have 0. E. Social love of God shining out through the lives of Mrs. C. Knepper has been visiting relatives feature of these services will be the evening Balance on hand January 1 .. $14.71 those who have accepted Him as their per in California and is expected to return soon. of song, followed with a message by Glen Announcing that the Intermediate C. E. sonal Saviour. The naive statement, "God is Mrs. Cory and a number of her family have Haworth. If arrangments can be made Object Lesson Speakers Cited Society is to have a C. E. Social on Satur Women's lllissionary Societies To Be Held love" is not a sentimental ignoring of sin, it been quite ill with the flu. Let us remember young people from the Portland Bible Insti An Object talk is given each week during day at 7:30 o'clock at the home At Millers and Andersons is an appeal to men and women to adjust them in prayer that they may soon recover. tute wUl be present to help in these services. the opening exercises of the Sunday School of Eleanor Mendenhall. The Women's Missionary Society meets, their sinful lives to the will of a holy God. Election of Officers Held a,t West Mill Plain Hour. The speaker for February 7 will be on the first and third Thursday of every " G o d i s l i f e . " 1 s t J o h n 5 : U - 1 2 . T h i s i s a At a recent election of West Mill Plain Mrs. Lawrence La Fi-ance, for February 14, Young People's C. E. Leaders Announced month. The first meeting wU be held on biological i^velation of God. No more im tact with some of the following people: the Sunday School the foUowing officers were Mrs. Frank L. Barber, for February 21, Mrs! The Leaders of the Young People's Society at the home of Mrs. Miller. portant words were ever written than those Rev. Frederick ' Baker, pastor of Friends elected: For superintendent, Mr. R. W. Robert O'harra for February 28, Mr. Alvin E. for the month of February are: February 7, Route 2, Camas, Wash. The meeting on in 1st John 5: 12. "He that hath the Son hath Prune Hill Church, Miss Mary Allen, Parish Cadd. Bernard Dorman; February 14, Miss Rebecca will be held at the home of Mrs. Smith, for assistant superintendent, Mrs. Frank Anderson, Rt. 1, Camas, Washington. life: and he that hath not the Son of God worker for the different communities. Glen Jones, for secretary-treasurer, Mildred Morasch; February 21, Myron Clemmons; hath not Ufe." This teaches without question Haworth, Supply pastor from Portland Bible McCoy. Closely Graded Lessons Used at Church February 28, Alvin E. Cadd. that unless we have the Son of God we do Institute for West Mill Plain Church, Merle In line with the latest development in Mrs. Robert O'harra Pi-ayer Meeting Chair Sunday School Council Meeting not have life, we have never lived. It needs Because of the Gospel Band Meeting at the Green, supply pastor from Portaln(i Bible Patronize the advertisers and insure the Sunday School Teaching the Closely graded man. no commen, it needs naive obedience. Institute for Mt. Pleasant Chiuch, Miss Mil continuance c4 this parish paper. lessons are used in all classes at Friends Mt. Pleasant School House on the second "God is Christ-like." "I and my Father are dred Hadley of Portland, Oregon, worker at Prune Hill Church. The lessons published by Valentine Social Announced for February 14 Sunday of the month, the Sunday School one." John 10:30. This is a doctrinal revela Prune Hill Church and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Council is announced for the 21st of Febru tion of God. I call your attention to the Advertisers are business men or they would the Gospel Light Press of Hollywood, Calif There will be a Young People's Valentine Richey from Portland, workers at Mt. Pleas not spend money for ads, patronize them ornia are used. Tliese lessons are edited by Christian Endeavor Social held at the home ary at the home of Mr. Frank L. Barber at brevity used in the Bible in defining God. ant Friends Church. But more often everyone 3:00. Christ claimed that he was one with the that they might patronize us. the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood of Mr. and Mrs. John Nicol on Saturday, of you will be contacted by the latest addition California. February 13, 1937. The meeting will be held Father and for this the Jews wanted to stone to the Gospel force, "The Friendly Journal." htm to death. There is no higher revelation The lessons are adapted to different age at 7:30. Alvin E. Cadd is in charge of In Intermediate C. E. Leaders Given " P a i d - i n - f u l l e r " — w i s h y o u r S o c i e t y h a d groups and are thoroughly Bibical. vitations, Miss Rebecca Morasch of Refresh The Intermediate C. E. Leaders for the than this, for we know that God is a Christ month will be as follows: February 7, Miss like God if Christ and the Father are one. FOR LOVERS OF BEAUTIFUL PICTURES ithat title for 1937? Friendly Endeavor Week ments, Helen La France of Entertainment is the best time to get it. Master Sunday School Plan Produces Results and Mrs. Robert O'harra and Mrs. John Nicol Burden Knobel; February 14 Miss Betty Bar of Decorations. The monthly business meet ber; Februarry 21, Miss Margaret Morasch; VISION REALIZED; PAPER PUBLISHED The Vancouver Funeral Home at 12th and On the Master Sunday School Broadway, Vancouver, Washington has re Plan was adopted at Friends Prune Hill ing will be held during the evening. February 28; Miss Eleanor Mendehall. cently secured a beautiful picture of Christ. Church: for attendance thirteen consecutive Miss Rebecca Morasch, Social Committee Satisfaction — is the state of mind of a (Continued from Page 7) Chairman. paid-in-fuller. Friendly Endeavor Week is It is characterized by lifelike appearance S u n d a y s a p i n i s g i v e n ; f o r a t t e n d a n c e the ideal time to raise your 1937 quota. men expect to get results from ads inserted when the light is turned on. No matter from Vancouver twenty-six consecutive Sundays a book mark and they have a right to expect that they what part of the room one looks at the is given; for attendance for thirty-nine con Banquet Announced for will be benefited by such business relation picture the eyes seem to be gazing directly secutive Sundays another awai-d will be given The Cross Country race between the boys R . C . A . V i c t o r E a s y W a s h e r s ships. So when you trade with those who at one. The public is welcome to stop and Funeral and for those who attend for 52 consecutive and the girls is becoming more intense. For have given ads this month or who will give see this picture at any time. —The editor. Sundays a Bible will be presented on June 6, a time is appeared as if the boys would win Frigidau-es ads in the future, do not forget to smile and 1937. Attendance at other Sunday Schools or easily, but at the time of this writing the to let them know that you are from Prune illness permits one to be counted present. girls are making splendid headway. However BJUR ELECTRIC if the boys continue to win a few more times HUl, Grass Valley, West MUl Plain or Mt. Chapel N e a r l y t h i r t y p i n s a n d a b o u t t w e n t y - fi v e Pleasant. This will make it possible for the book marks have been awarded. the girls will be wearing the aprons on the STORE " W E D O N O T S E R V E B E E R evening of February 27 when the banquet paper to continue each month and to bring to will be held, with the loosing side in charge Phone 19 W. 315 Birch St. your attention items of interest which yOu FORMERLY KERCH FUNERAL HOME Juniors at Prune HiU Have Theiir Own Church Service of affairs. The banquet will be held at the Would otherwise not know about. OR WINES" Camas, Washington home of Mr. and Mrs. John Nicol at 7:30 At different times and on varied occasions Every Sunday morning at about 11:15 the P. M. the readers of this paper will come in con- Ronald E. Du Fresne Juniors in the Sunday School march down Embalmer and Funeral Director stahs to a well-heated room where Junior Church services are conducted by Miss Mil Hazel L. Smith, dred Hadley. It appeals to children of this A service to meet anyones requirement LUPTON'S and finance Licensed Lady Embalmer age to have a service of thii- own. This is a SERV-US [CAMAS FLORAL SHOP Florine Du Fresne, privilege that some of us who are older never STOLLER FUNERAL had. " Say It With Flowers" Harpist BARBER SHOP Ice Cream Shop CHAPEL Clarence Cadd Family Moves to Ridge field "Gold Fish and Supplies" CAMAS, WASHINGTON District Fred E. Stoller, Manning Bldg., N. E. 4th Ave. 213 4th Street CAMAS WASHINGTON Broadway at 12th Street It is with genuine regret that the an E. G. Baker nouncement is made of the moving of the Licensed Morticians Phone 98W Camas, Wash, C a m a s W a s h i n g t o n Phone 360 Clarence C. Cadd family from the commun Phone 133R ity: their going has left a gap in our midst. Page Ten THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR February, 1937

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215 SECOND STREET 208 N. E. 3rd Camas, Washington C o r n e r S a l m o n PORTLAND, OREGON P R U N E H I L L Y O U N G We give the best prices and service on Doors, Windows, Mill Work, Builders' P E O P L E ' S C H R I S T I A N Hardware, Paint, RoofiT.g, etc. We be lieve in Quaker honesty and fair dealing. ENDEAVOR SOCIETY STOLLER

Gospel Band Meetings, C. E. Socials, Interesting Meetings 6:30 Sunday Nights MOTOR COMPANY Banquet at the home of John Nicols McFeron's February 27, 1937

SERVICE Meat Market Quality Meats Only P H O N E E A S T 1 5 5 0 B E T T E R B O O K R O O M 5. E. Hawthorne Boulevard at 34th BETTER USED CARS Your Patronage will be R E L I G I O U S B O O K S A N D B I B L E S Appreciated 5706 N. Albina Ave., Portland, Oregon P h o n e 6 1 - D a y o r N i g h t COURTEOUS, PROMPT SERVICE Kenneth L. Eichenberger, Proprietor Camas, Washington

HAWTHORNE B E L D E N ' S P L A C E HARDWARE GAS - OIL - CRANKCASE SERVICE K. L. MENDENHALL 3590 S. E. Hawthorne Blvd., EAst 8522 Portland, Oregon SR miles west of Camas, Wash. Builders' Supplies Electric Supplies Paints, Glass, Roofing