Stat 216 Excel/Phstat Homework Assignment #1
Stat 216 Excel/PHStat Homework Assignment #1 Please visit to learn how to start up Excel/PHStat. Tip: Read through this entire assignment before getting onto a computer. The data that you will need for this assignment can be found in the worksheet called cars. The worksheet contains on 80 different kinds of cars. From Motor Trend Car, we see that the variables include MPG, CYL (4, 6, 8), DISP (size), HP, DRAT, WT, QSEC, VS (=0, =1), AM, GEAR (3, 4, 5), and CARB (0, 2, 4, 6, 8). You will be obtaining a subset of this data. Every student will have a different data set. Directions for obtaining your unique data subset: • Go to and click on Winter 2002 link and HW Data link. • Choose Cars from the list of data sets. • Click on the Submit button. • Put check marks next to all the variables under Select variable(s) to be resampled. • Enter 50 for Sample size. • Enter the last four digits of your student ID for the PIN Number. • Click on the Submit button. • Follow the instructions on the page that comes up on your browser, which will tell you to click on the link provided. A text file containing the data will come up next, which you should download. Use a floppy diskette if you are on a lab PC. • Next, open the file into Excel. Choose Text files under Files of type. • Choose Delimited for the Text Import Wizard step 1.
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