Annex to COLL00157: Werkgroep Kairos Photo Collection
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Annex to COLL00157: Werkgroep Kairos Photo Collection Detailed descriptions (from list Kairos; partly in Dutch, partly in English) When you are requesting photographs from the IISH reading room please only refer to the Collection number 00157 and the inventory number (not the number from the old Kairos system which feature in the list below and on the photographs themselves) to avoid confusion. SOUTH AFRICA Inv. Nr. 1-2. Deportations/forced removals A1-4 Verhuizende mensen (dragen huisraad). Oktober 1982. A5 Verlaten gebied. A6 Moeder en kind tussen huisraad. A7 Rivier. A8-10 Portret gebarende man. A11 Portret peinzende man. A12 Water halende vrouwen A13 Portret vrouw (2x). A14 Vrouwen met huisraad. A15 Portret vrouw. A16 Woongebied. A17 Bijeenkomst. A18 Begrafenis A19 Gedwongen verhuizing van Besterspruit. Foto: Ernest Cole (Camera Press). A20 Bijeenkomst. A21 Dorp. A22 Oude man in het dorp leest krant met transistorradio (2x). A23 Oude man achter piano. A24 Portret oude man. A25 Vrouw voor afgebroken huis. A26-27 Resettlement camp (tenten). A28 'Thuisland, kleuterschool in Nomzamo. A29 Squatters camp. A30 lnladen van een vrachtwagen. A31 Plastic tenten. A32 School van buiten. A33 Oude man met lamp. A34 Resettlement camp, uitzicht. A35 School van binnen. A36 Putlatrine. juli 1981. A37 Resettlement camp; opening van school in Rooigrond door Dr. Kistner van SACC. Foto: Gill de Vlieg. A38 Traditionele hutten. (Inv. Nr. 1-2 – continued) A39 Vrouwenonderwijs in de openlucht. A40-41 Vrouwen in 'thuisland' lopen kilometers voor water. A42 Man maakt kano van boomstam. A43 Oude vrouw NB. A43-63 waarschijnlijk (grotendeels) uit 1987. A44 Vrouw repareert huis. A45 Vrouw in oude bus. A46 Vrouw wachtend op de trein naar resettlement camp. A47 Bewoners resettlement camp wachten op nieuwkamers. A48 Squatter camp. A49 Toiletten op een resettlement gebied. A50 Squatter camp. A51 Moeder met kind in een squatter camp in Natal. A52 Moeder met twee kinderen. A53 Familie en kinderen bij een hut. A54 Twee vrouwen. A55 Moeder met kind. A56 Vrouw met haar kinderen. A57 lllegale drankverkoop (in shebeen). A58 Kind bij een kraan. A59 Vrouw met kinderen. A60 Kleurlingen familie. A61 Vrouw in haar eengezinswoning. A62 Kleurlingen familie. A63 Familie in een van de thuislanden. A64 Sada transit camp. Foto: John Seymour. Inv. Nr. 3. Forced removals (relocation) in KwaZulu and Transvaal Descriptive list 12 09 81 Nondweni, KwazuLu 1 Two families evicted from a farm in the Greytown district 2 days before these photos were taken in April 1981. They were each given a fletcraft hut but their belongings had to remain outside if they were to sleep inside. 2 they have to cook outside in the freezing cold (often below 0°C at night in winter) - there is nothing in sight 3 despair from a 6 year old - families belongings in the back ground 4 sitting in the shade of the hut wondering what to do - no money, no jobs, not even proper shelter 5 the farmer told this 28 year old he was too old for work and he must take his family and go. Two days later the GG trucks took them to Nondweni. They lost their cattle and goats (the farmer had them impounded). What does he do with his mother, wife, sisters and children? Labour tenancy has been outlawed by the government and that was the only system these people knew. 6 the young wife sits in the shade of the hut contemplating a blank future. This is the story of one family - thousands like it live in the huts in the background and all through the reserves of S.A. 7 the other young wife holds her baby - bottle full of watered down powered milk - they cannot afford to use the right consistency (Inv. Nr. 3 – continued) Ntambanana, KwaZulu 30Km from Empangeni - these people were moved in 1975/6 from Reserve 6 in the Richards Bay area. Those lucky enough to have jobs commute to Richards Bay 1 waiting - nothing to do 2 like all other relocation areas and bantustans in general, Ntambanana is a dumping ground 3 for the old, the young and the infirm. For those who can afford it, drink is the only escape. Mbazwana, KwaZulu 1 In a piece of KwaZulu on the way to the popular holiday resort of Sordwana Bay on the northern Natal coast is Mbazwana, a relocation area to which people from the Lower Mkuze area were moved in 1979. Some of the worst health problems in Natal are found here. Ngutu, KwaZulu 1 signboards showing the way to relocated areas outside the famous Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Wambonambi, Reserve 4 1 Children of Reserve 4 under threat of removal. Just north of Rich ards Bay, the decentralised 2 growth point of the northern Natal coast, the area is now wanted for expansion of the port and town (Reserve 6 on which the present town was built has already been removed to Ntambana) – the Chiefs are trying to resist removal along with the people. 3 Their lands are fertile, with heavy coastal rain. They are proud. that they have never had to go out and work, they are self-sufficiant and never had to become migrant labourers. They have built up viable farms, facilities and they are close to centres such as Empangeni. 4 All along the main road they sell the produce of their lands - huge avocado pears, paw paws, bananas - if they have to go to Ntambanana they will not grow anything (see above pictures), water has to be brought in by truck for diinking let alone cultivation, even if they had enough land to cultivate, and they will have no passing. market. They will be isolated; just 40Km from the coast, the rainfalf drops dramatically and the people would be suffering the same drought as the East of KwaZulu. Qwa Qwa 1 Labour bureau at Phatudichaba, capital of Qwa Qwa. Men register. 2 Men wait across the road from the labour bureau for weeks in vain – no jobs and what can they grow on small plots in thlis barren state of 45742 ha. Makgato, Northern Transvaal M1 The school which was destroyed in 1979 is being rebuilt by the people who have moved back to Makgato village. The chief had taken about 25% of his people with him to Kromhoek, the other 75% had moved in to the village next door. Then a year later in October 1980 they moved back and started to rebuild their houses. In July 1981 this was the state of the school (destroyed by officials of the Dept of Cooperation and Development) with its new roof and M2 new desks with sacking and cardboard to keep the freezing winds out. M3 About 60% of the town has been rebuilt - here a house that has not M4 here the proud occupiers of a newly rebuilt house (Inv. Nr. 3 – continued) M5 new hope and determination to stay in the place they own and occupy illegally in terms of the law M6 an old man demonstrates what will win - fight to rebuild together Motlatla, Western Transvaal L1 Under threat of removal as a black spot (one of the 3 in the W Transvaal left) Motlatla is a viable farming village with cattle in good condition L2 they sell grain to the local Lichtenburg Co-operative along with the white farmers in the area. They have their own equipment, water, schools L3 solid houses maintained well over the years since they bought the farm at the turn of the century L4 communal water supply (school in background on the left) L5 but they are to be moved soon - the buildings have all been numbered and the Pretoria officials are making the arrangements to move them against their wishes to a dry area on the Botswana border, near Ramatlabama in the 'independent' Bophuthatswana. Mogopa, Western Transvaal Another black spot undre threat of removal in the W Transvaal. G1 Mogopa has not had its buildings numbered, so the move is a bit further off. The community has been a bit more vociferious in its refusal to be moved, so it seems they will be left till later. It is rumoured there is gold and chrome in the area so 'the whites want it'. 'They want to send us to the dry stoney Pilansberg area. We will not go.' G2 Again they have a viable farm, selling grain and cattle products. They have schools, houses, equipment - what compensation will they get in an area too arid for ploughing, where they have to start from the beginning. Mathopestat, Western Transvaal Last black spot under threat is the most organised in its resistance - they are fighting legal battles and are prepared to fight other battles. T1 just off the main road to Johannesburg near Boons T2 again grain and cattle farming, a solid community TseTse, Western Transvaal S1 People moved from a large farm Pitfontein in the late 1970's to this closer settlement near Ramatlabama - just a plot, water for drinking at communal taps, a pit latrine and build your own house. Gannalaagte, Western Transvaal N1 One of the most depressing closer settlements in the reserves, near Sannieshof in the Western Transvaal. People from off the farms, out of small towns and from black spots have been here since the late 1970’s. (A wrecked car serves as an extra room in the house). Lonely Park, Mafikeng, Western Transvaal LP1 Even within the reserves people are forcibly removed - here the Bophuthatswana government moved three families to make way for an industrial area which, unless the Israelis, the Philippinos and the Canadians invest more, won't get off the ground anyway.