Let's Eat Vegetables Every Day

Item Type text; Book

Authors Gibbs, June C.

Publisher College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ)

Download date 06/10/2021 21:19:50

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Let's Eat VEGETABLES Every Day

By June C. Gibbs Extension Nutritionist The University of Arizona

Does your family like to eat vege- Arizona produces an abundance of tables? beautiful, nutrition-packed vegetables. It is possible to buy a variety of high quality vegetables in most Arizona Many homemakers ask for informa- communities the year around. tion on the preparation of vegetables that have eye appeal, nutritional value You can offer your family a variety and originality to inspire their families of vegetables served in many different to eat and enjoy them. ways. By developing a skill in select- ing, preparing, and serving vegetables, combinations, new seasonings, and a you can be assured that your family variety of methods of preparation. It will eat these health giving foods. is also fun to serve these vegetables It is fun to try new vegetable attractively.

Vegetables Are Importaint!

The "vegetable and fruit" group opment of bone formation and of con- makes up one-fourth of the food nective tissue. Vegetables and fruits guide, "Food For Fitness." It is neces- are the main source of vitamin C. sary to feed your family vegetables The diets of people living in Ari- every day to assure each member zona are often low in vitamin A and plenty of vitamins A and C, plus many C. To assure your family of an ample other vitamins, minerals and other supply of these nutrients, serve a nutrients. variety of three to five vegetables Vegetables are recognized as one of each clay. the outstanding sources of vitamin A Prepare these vegetables in a and C. Vitamin A is essential for variety of ways such as raw, cooked proper growth and aids in eye func- and in combination dishes. Remem- tioning such as dark adaptation. ber, one-half cup of cooked vegetables Plenty of vitamin A lowers the possi- is considered a serving. bility of infection. Here are recommendations that can Vitamin C is equally important as help you in planning the daily vege- it assists in blood regeneration, main- table needs of your family: tenance and strength of blood vessel walls, development of the teeth, devel- One or more servings of green and yellow vegetables rich in vitamin A such as: Green asparagus Broccoli A Daily Food Guide Greens Green, red sweet peppers MEAT GROUP Pumpkin 2 or more servings Green snap beans

Beef, veal, porK lamb, Brussels sprouts poultry, fish, eggs Leaf lettuce VEGETABLE As affernates- Spinach FRUIT GROUP dry beans, dry peas, nuts Squash 4 or more servings 4- include- BREAD Green lima beans citrus fruit or other fruit or vegfable Green cabbage important for vitamin C CEREAL GROUP dark-green or deep-yellow vegetable 4 or more servings Green peas for vitamin A other vegetables and fruits Whole grain, enriched, or restored./ Carrots including potatoes Sweet potatoes Two or three servings of vegetables Rutabagas rich in vitamin C, if you depend on Corn vegetables for vitamin C: Head lettuce Beets Parsnips White cabbage Summer squash Cauliflower Cucumbers Celery Mushrooms Radishes Turnips

Select, Store and Prepare Vegetables Carefully

There is nothing better, or better 3. Wash fresh vegetables that wilt for you, than fresh vegetables that or spoil easily as soon as they come have been picked from the garden from the market. JUST before cooking. These days, though, you probably are buying your 4. Rinse head vegetables, such as lettuce and cabbage, under running vegetables from a store, rather than water. Take care to keep the heads growing them yourself. intact. Drain thoroughly. Store in a You can get more for your food hydrator or other moisture-proof con- dollar when you buy vegetables at tainer in the refrigerator. Pile loosely the market or produce counter by the to keep from crushing. standards listed below. 5. Cut tops off root vegetables such as carrots and beets before you wash Select and store them. Leave about 1 inch 1. Buy only really fresh vegetables. of stem. They should be firm or crisp in tex- ture and bright in color. Don't buy 6. Keep tomatoes at room tempera- vegetables that are over-ripe, wilted, ture until fully ripened. Then put decayed, blemished, bruised or dirty. them in refrigerator. 2. Buy vegetables in season when- ever possible. They have better flavor Prepare and usually cost less than out-of- General Principles of Preparing season foods. 1. Do not peel or cut up vegetables before storing. Vegetables cut or Store chopped ahead of time lose food value 1. Store long-lasting vegetables, more quickly than whole vegetables. such as onions, potatoes, turnips, and 2. Cook vegetables in their skins winter squash in bins or ventilated whenever you can, or pare very thin. boxes in a cool, dry place. Do not A good vegetable brush will save time wash before storing. and energy. Slicing or dicing pared 2. Do not shell peas or lima beans vegetables will shorten cooking time. until you are ready to use them. If It may increase the loss of vitamins you buy them shelled, store them in and minerals, though, if poor cooking a covered container in the refrigerator. methods are used.

— 5 — 3. Wash vegetables quickly, never cooking. Remove bruised or spoiled soak. Lift them from the water to parts. free from sand and grit. 8. Use a sharp knife when cutting 4. Place cauliflower, broccoli and vegetables to avoid bruising. Bruising brussels sprouts in cold salted water speeds up the loss of nutrients. for a half hour before cooking to draw 9. Wash vegetables to be eaten out any foreign matter present. raw and fix carefully. Place them in the refrigerator in a moisture-proof 5. Freshen wilted vegetables by container to crisp. putting them in cold water for a shoit time. Drain well. 10. Use the correct tool to work with vegetables such as a sharp paring 6. Prepare only the amount of vege- knife, vegetable peeler, grater, vege- tables needed for one meal. table brush, chopping board, kitchen 7. Prepare vegetables just before scissors and others.

Cook Correctly

Vegetables add a bright note to our To decide how much water to use, meals. They give us their best in consider the color and flavor of the color, food value and flavor when they vegetable to be cooked. The size and are properly prepared. shape of the pan, length of cooking Often we can prevent the loss of period, and the use of a cover are also vitamins, minerals, and flavor by important. Quick cooking vegetables cooking vegetables in only a small need only a small amount of water. amount of salted water; there should Starchy vegetables, such as pota- be no liquid left in the pan after they toes, need longer cooking and require are cooked. You may need to take more water. Other vegetables can be off the cover at the end of the cooked in a moderate amount of cooking period to concentrate the water, enough to cook the vegetable extra liquid. completely. Remember that valuable vitamins Vegetables should be cooked in the and minerals are dissolved in this shortest possible time. Bring the water cooking liquid. to a boil before adding vegetables. Try to cook vegetables so that color Then bring the water quickly to a remains bright, and strong flavors do boil again with the vegetables. not develop. Sometimes the same cooking method serves both purposes, Reduce heat and boil g&ntly until but not always. You may have to the vegetables are done. Season in a sacrifice one for the other. variety of ways and serve attractively. The main goal is to serve vegetables that look and taste so good that your Keeping Colors Bright family will always enjoy them and ask The method of cooking depends for more. General cooking principles upon the color and flavor of the and methods are discussed under the vegetable. Vegetables fall into four headings, "Keeping Colors Bright/' on color groups—green, yellow, red, and page 6; and "Cooking Strong-Flavored white. Each color must be considered Vegetables," page 7. by itself. Green Vegetables tables turn dark. Cook until just tender 1. Cook in as little salted water as to keep them white. You can add a necessary. little acid (Y> teaspoon of lemon juice 2. Cook with the lid off the first or vinegar, or % teaspoon of cream few minutes—to let mild acids escape of tartar, to each cup of cooking with the steam. These acids sometimes liquid) to help keep the vegetables cause discoloration. white. 3. Cook as quickly as possible. 4. Do not add acid, such as lemon Cooking Strong-Flavored juice or vinegar. Acids turn green Vegetables vegetables a disagreeable brown. 5. Do not add baking soda. Soda Onions lose flavor with long cook- destroys vitamins and flavor, and it ing. Other vegetables develop strong gives an undesirable texture. flavors. To prevent strong flavors from developing when cooking fresh cab- Yellow Vegetables bage, cauliflower, broccoli, brussels 1. Cook in enough salted water to sprouts and turnips, follow these sug- prevent scorching. gestions: 2. Cook with the lid on. (However, 1. Cook in enough water to thor- if the vegetable is strong-flavored, oughly steam the vegetable. leave the lid off for a portion of the 2. Remove the lid during the first cooking time.) part of the cooking time. Then the 3. Do not over-cook. The vege- substances that cause strong flavors tables may darken if you let the can go off with the steam. natural sugar in the juice caramelize 3. Cook until just done and NO through over-cooking. LONGER. Strong flavors increase with long cooking. Bed Vegetables 1. Cook in a moderate amount of salted water. Basic Vegetable 2. Cook with the lid on. Cooking Methods 3. Cook only until just done. Boiling Fresh Vegetables • Beets—peel after cooking except 1. Use only the amount of salted when baking or panning. water necessary. Generally % to 1 • Red cabbage—add a little vine- inch of water in the pan is plenty. gar, lemon juice or slices of tart apple Some vegetables may be cooked with- to help keep the red color. out added additional water. White Vegetables 2. Bring the water to a boil. Add 1. Cook in enough salted water to V-i to % teaspoon salt for each pound cover the vegetable. of vegetable. Add the vegetable and 2. Cook with the lid on. If the vege- bring the water quickly to a boil again. table is strong-flavored, cook with the Lower the heat and cook gently. lid off. 3. Use a heavy pan with a tight- 3. Cook until just tender. fitting lid to keep the steam in the pan. Long cooking and the minerals in 4. Cook only until tender crisp. some water can make white vege- There should be no liquid left in the

-7 — Follow directions (at right below) when cooking canned vegetables

pan when the vegetable is cooked. Cooking Canned Vegetables Remove the cover for the last few 1. Drain the liquid from the canned minutes of cooking to concentrate the vegetable into a saucepan. extra liquid. 2. Boil the liquid until only half of the original amount is left. Cooking Frozen Vegetables 3. Add the vegetable and heat. In a Saucepan Frozen vegetables cook in about 4. Season and serve immediately. half the time needed for fresh vege- (It is wise to carefully read the tables. This is because they have been instructions for cooking and serving partially cooked before freezing. the vegetable that are given on the label.) 1. Cook in a small amount of salted water. Cooking Dried Peas and Beans 2. Follow the directions on the 1. Wash dried peas and beans package. thoroughly. 3. Try to cook so no liquid is left. 2. Soak overnight in 21/2 to 3 times as much water as vegetable. For a In an Oven quicker method, add the beans to Place frozen vegetables in a cas- boiling water and boil 2 minutes. serole with 1 to 2 tablespoons butter Remove from heat and let stand in and !/4 teaspoon salt. Bake covered the hot water for 1 hour before until tender. Approximate baking time cooking. is 45 to 60 minutes for most vege- tables. (Spinach and chopped broccoli 3. Cook the peas or beans in water should be cut into small pieces. Add used for soaking. approximately 4 tablespoons of water 4. Bring the water to a boil, add to lima beans.) seasonings and simmer until tender.

— 8 — That will take about 2 to 2*/2 hours. Baking Vegetables (Altitudes will affect cooking time.) Baking is a good way to cook See Circular 234—"New Ways of potatoes, squash, , tomatoes, car- Cooking Pinto Beans." rots, beets and turnips. You can par- Braising or Panning Vegetables tially cook them before baking, if you like. Try this method for cooking all kinds of greens, cabbage, celery, okra, very young green beans, or young How to Bake in a Casserole beets. 1. Slice or shred the vegetable into a casserole. 2. Add seasoning and a small amount of water. 3. Cover casserole tightly with lid and bake in a hot oven (350° to 400°F.) until tender. (If the casserole does not have a tight-fitting lid, aluminum foil can be used to cover top of casserole.) 4. Serve hot.

How to Bake a Potato 1. Choose baking potatoes of the same size. 2. Scrub with a stiff brush. Dry. Try "panning' vegetables Rub skin with fat. 3. Bake in a very hot oven (400° 1. Slice, dice or shred vegetables. to 450°F.) for 45 to 60 minutes, Remove coarse midribs and heavy (depending on size of potatoes). stems. 4. Test potatoes with a fork. They 2. Heat 1 or 2 tablespoons of fat in are done when the fork goes in easily. a heavy skillet or saucepan. Breaking the skin lets the steam escape and keeps the potato from 3. Add the vegetable and toss getting soggy. lightly in the fat. Season lightly with 5. Cut a cross in the top of the salt and pepper. potato with a knife. Squeeze until the 4. You usually don't need to add potato pops up through the slit skin. water. However, you may need to Season and butter, or top with a add a small amount to prevent spoonful of especially prepared dress- scorching. ing. Serve hot. 5. Turn the heat down to keep vegetables from burning. The pan Baking Stuffed Vegetables may be covered or uncovered depend- Stuffed Green Peppers ing on the vegetable. Wash the peppers and remove their 6. Cook until tender crisp. The tops and seeds. Parboil for 3 to 5 vegetable is best when it is still crisp minutes and drain. Stuff them with in texture. Season, garnish and serve one of the following fillings and bake at once. at 350° F. until done.

— 9 — 1. One small chopped onion, 4. Fill onions with strips of nippy browned with one pound of ground cheese. Sprinkle chopped canned beef. Add medium tomatoes, chopped; mushroom pieces over the onions. IV2 cups of cut fresh corn; and salt Pour partially diluted cream of celery and pepper. Bake in the peppers for soup over top. 1 hour. Fills 8 peppers. 5. Seasoned, buttered bread crumbs 2. Cubed or ground leftover meat or poultry stuffing. mixed with bread crumbs, minced onion, dry mustard, salt and pepper. Baked Stuffed White or Moisten with melted butter or beaten Sweet Potatoes eggs. Bake 40 minutes at 350° F. Cut slice from the top of baked Serve hot. potatoes or cut large ones in half, 3. Whole kernel corn, well seasoned lengthwise. Scoop out the inside, with butter, salt and pepper. Bake 30 mash; add hot milk, butter and sea- minutes at 350°F. Serve hot sonings. Beat until fluffy; pile it lightly into shells. Do not smooth the 4. Spaghetti with meat sauce. Bake top. 35 minutes at 350° F. Serve hot. Arrange in shallow pan. Bake at 5. Spanish topped with grated 450° F. for 15 minutes or until deli- cheese. Bake 35 minutes at 350° F. cately browned. Serve hot. Variations Stuffed Onions Variations for baked stuffed white Parboill large Bermuda onions in potatoes: boiling salted water for 30 minutes 1. Sprinkle grated cheese on top of or until almost tender. Drain and cool. potatoes before returning to the oven. Slip out the centers and stuff the 2. Add 1 tablespoon minced onion onions with one of the following stuff- to each mashed white potato. ings. Cover and bake in a moderate oven (350°F.) for 30 minutes. 3. Add 2 tablespoons cooked ham or tuna bits, 1 tablespoon minced 1. Combine 1 cup of cooked rice, onion to each mashed white potato. one 4-ounce can drained mushrooms, x 4. Add 2 tablespoons chopped /2 cup chopped blanched pimiento to each mashed potato. and 2 tablespoons butter. Sprinkle 5. Add 2 tablespoons sour cream, 2 tops with grated American cheese. tablespoons crisp bacon bits, 1 table- Fills 6 onions. spoon minced onion and a dash of 2. Combine V2 pound ground beef, nutmeg to each mashed potato. % pound sausage, salt and pepper, Variations for baked stuffed sweet 2 tablespoons chopped onion centers, potatoes: and 2 tablespoons water. Fills 6 1. Top with a strip of partially onions. cooked bacon. Cook until crisp. 3. Combine ground cooked meat, 2. Substitute orange juice and chopped onion centers, minced green drained crushed pineapple for the peppers, finely chopped celery, dry milk when mashing potatoes. Top bread crumbs, salt and pepper. each sweet potato with several marsh- Moisten with melted butter or water. mallow bits. Brown lightly.

— 10 — Stuffed Tomatoes Scoop out the centers of the tomatoes. Stuff them with one of the following stuffings. Bake in a mod- erate oven (350°F.) for 30 minutes. 1. Seafood or chicken. Combine cooked and flaked shrimp, lobster, salmon, tuna, crabmeat, or cubed cooked chicken with buttered toast cubes and a few drops of onion juice. 2. Add enough water to form plenty Season. Moisten with undiluted cream of steam. Water should not touch the of mushroom soup. rack. 2. Onion, green pepper and corn. 3. Put vegetables on the rack. Brown 1 tablespoon each of chopped Cover the pan and let water boil onion and green pepper in 2 table- vigorously. spoons of butter. Add iy2 cups whole 4. Cook until just tender. kernel corn, 2 beaten eggs, */> cup 5. Season and serve at once. dry bread crumbs, and salt and pep- per to taste. Broiling Vegetables You can broil raw, cooked or left- Stuffed Acorn Squash over vegetables. Try broiling sliced Cook halved acorn squash in one potatoes, onion, eggplant and halved of the following ways: tomatoes. 1. Cut in halves and remove seeds, 1. Preheat broiler. season with salt, pepper and butter. 2. Put the vegetable on a greased Bake in hot oven, covered, until ten- broiler rack. Brush with butter. der, 30-60 minutes. Fill halves with 3. Broil about 3 inches below the browned sausage meatballs and cook source of heat. When tender, turn and 10 to 15 minutes longer. brush the other side with butter. Fin- ish broiling, season, and serve on 2. Fill uncooked squash halves with heated platter. sliced raw apples. Sprinkle with brown sugar and dot with butter. Pan-Frying Vegetables Cover with foil. Bake in moderate Pan-fry potatoes, carrots, rutabagas, oven (350°F.) for 40 to 45 minutes, parsnips and leftover or canned vege- or until apples and squash are tender. tables. Eggplant and summer squash Top with 2 browned sausage links. are best dipped in egg and bread crumbs before frying. Steaming Vegetables 1. Melt a small amount of fat in This method is often used by a skillet. Make a layer about Vs restaurants and institutions, but it can inch deep. be adapted for home use. It is a 2. Add the sliced vegetable. Season good way to cook white and yellow lightly. vegetables. 3. Brown on both sides. 1. Place a rack in the bottom of a 4. Cook until just tender. Serve pan with a tight cover. immediately.

— 11 —

Try "golden broccoli" (see left below)

Golden Broccoli Escalloped Carrots 1 lb. broccoli Introduce your family to a new taste Vz teaspoon salt treat with this recipe for escalloped Dash pepper carrots. Arizona-grown carrots are 1 tablespoon lemon juice combined with onion, cheese and but- % (10-oz.) can cream of chicken tered crumbs in a creamy rich white sauce. soup V± cup grated Cheddar cheese 2 bunches (approx. 10 carrots of med. size) carrots, pared and Method-. Cook broccoli in salted sliced water until tender. Place in shallow 1 medium onion,minced serving dish. Sprinkle with lemon 3 tablespoons flour juice and cover with soup. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons butter or margarine cheese on top and place in broiler % teaspoon salt for 10 minutes or until golden brown. y± teaspoon dry mustard Makes 4 servings. Vs teaspoon pepper Vs teaspoon celery salt Note: Frozen broccoli may be 1 cup milk cooked and seasoned in the same 6 ounces of sliced Cheddar cheese manner. 3 tablespoons bread crumbs 13 — Escalloped carrots are easy to make

Method: Cook carrots until slightly best here in Arizona. To preserve tender and drain off any excess liquid. every bit of that sweetness and keep Saute onion in butter 2 or 3 minutes. their vitamin value, shell and wash Stir in flour, salt, dry mustard, pepper fresh peas just before cooking. For and celery salt; then blend in milk and extra flavor drop a few of the fresh, cook, stirring until smooth. (V± cup crisp pods into the peas while they of excess liquid can be added to this are cooking. Remove the pods before sauce.) In a 1-quart casserole, arrange serving peas. You'll need i/> lb. of layers of carrots and layers of cheese. fresh peas for each serving. Repeat until all is used. Pour sauce over all. Sprinkle with crumbs and Minted Peas bake at 350°F. for 25 minutes. Makes Shell and wash 2 lbs. fresh peas 6 servings. just before cooking. Cook only 8 to 12 minutes in a small amount of boil- Note: This same method can be ing salted water (about 1 inch of used to cook frozen or canned carrots. water in covered pan). Add several of the pea pods and sprigs of fresh mint while peas are cooking. Remove Peas pods and mint before serving. Season Fresh peas — green, tender and peas with butter or margarine and bursting with sweetness—are at their pepper. Serve at once while peas are

— 14 — Minted peas are "something special"

fresh and sweet and their color is a 4. After water starts boiling again, beautiful bright green. Makes 4 serv- cook approximately 8-10 minutes. ings. (The size of the corn kernel may vary this cooking time.) Corn 5. Serve piping hot with special Here is an easy-to-prepare vege- butter. (Note corn may be boiled in table that your family will consider sugared and salted boiling water. If a real treat. Serve fresh corn with so, add 1 teaspoon each of salt and a variety of delicious butters, flavored sugar to each quart of water.) with chili powder, , curry and onion. Chili Butter: 4 tablespoons butter or margarine Fresh Corn {/o teaspoon salt 1. Select fresh corn that has tender 1 teaspoon chili powder kernels. Dash of pepper 2. Just before cooking, remove husk Garlic Butter: and silk. 4 tablespoons butter or margarine 3. Submerge corn in boiling, salted !/> teaspoon salt water, 1 teaspoon salt to each quart Dash of pepper water. 1 teaspoon garlic salt

— 15 — Fresh corn, Always Welcome

Curry Butter: Method: Soften or melt butter, 4 tablespoons butter or margarine blend in remaining ingredients. % teaspoon salt Spread or brush on fresh, hot, corn- Dash of pepper on-the-cob. Makes enough for 4 ears. 1 teaspoon curry powder Onion- Butter: 4 tablespoons butter or margarine x/2 teaspoon salt Celery Dash of pepper Celery is just as good cooked as % teaspoon finely minced parsley it is fresh. Try combining celery with % teaspoon finely minced onion other vegetables, casseroles and meat.

Try Cooking Celery Spiced Celery Top with remaining toast cubes. Bake 3 cups celery, washed and cut at 350°F. for 30 minutes. Makes 6 diagonally servings. 1 teaspoon mixed pickling spice (tied in cheese cloth bag) Parsnips With Bacon Method: Place cut celery in sauce- 6 parsnips pan with bag of spice. Add water to 2 cups water Y2 teaspoon salt cover. Cook until celery is tender. x Remove bag of spice and serve celery /4 cup grated cheese hot. Makes 4 servings. 3 tablespoons bread crumbs % cup thin cream 3 slices bacon Onions Pare parsnips and boil in salted Onions are a very versatile vege- water until tender. Slice lengthwise table. They can be cooked in many and arrange in greased baking dish ways for variety and added meal in alternate layers with cheese and appeal. Serve your family scalloped bread crumbs. Pour cream over mix- onions often. ture. Cut up bacon and spread over top of baking dish. Serves 6. Scalloped Onions 4 medium onions, cut in ^4-inch pieces You'll like escalloped onions 2 green peppers, cut in rings Y2 lb. American cheese, cut in y2- inch cubes 4 slices buttered toast, cut in y2- inch cubes % cup butter or margarine x/4 cup flour 2 cups milk 1 teaspoon salt y2 teaspoon pepper Pinch cayenne 2 beaten eggs Method: Cook onions and green pepper in boiling water 10 to 15 minutes. Drain and place y2 in a 2-quart casserole. Add y2 of the cheese and toast. Repeat layers of onions and cheese. Melt butter, blend in flour. Stir in milk gradually. Cook, stirring constantly until thick. Add seasonings. Add a little of the hot mixture to eggs; gradually stir into hot mixture. Pour sauce over layers.

— 17 — These Special Salads & Dips Use Arizona Grown Vegetables

Many vegetables are just as inter- drained piece of lettuce will result in esting in salads as in cooked dishes. a wet, soggy salad and the good- And the nice thing about it is that flavored dressing will be diluted. they are easier to prepare, prettier to Remember, too, to thoroughly chill look at and interesting to eat, and lots your salad bowl or plates for a most more nutritious. Experiment with appealing salad. many different combinations of vege- tables, dressing, and accompaniments and Green Onion Dip to make a fine reputation for yourself 1 medium tomato, chopped as "expert salad chef." Remember the !/2 cup lemon juice four C's of salad making: 1/2 teaspoon salt C—Colorful !/4 teaspoon pepper C—Clean 3/4 CUP minced green onion C—Crisp 2 cups sour cream C—Cold 14 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce ^4 teaspoon sugar Lettuce ... A Favorite Salad Green Method: Marinate tomato in lemon Lettuce is without a doubt the juice, salt and pepper for 1 hour. world's most popular salad green. Blend with remaining ingredients. Of primary importance in preparing Serve as dip for celery, carrot sticks, salads is that greens are thoroughly cauliflowerets, and potato chips. drained and well chilled. A poorly After washing lettuce, be sure Tomato Avocado Dip it's thoroughly drained. 2 ripe avocados, peeled and pitted 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 medium tomato, peeled, chopped and drained % cup finely chopped onion % teaspoon Tabasco sauce 2^/2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Ys teaspoon pepper V2 teaspoon sugar Press avocados through a coarse sieve. Add lemon juice and vinegar at once. Then add tomato and blend. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Cover lightly and chill. Serve as a dip with vegetable sticks, crackers, tostados and other snacks. Makes 3 cups. Note: Mixture darkens when left uncovered for long periods.

— 18 — Confetti Snack Dip 1 package of prepared onion soup mix 1 pint sour cream y± cup finely chopped, pared cucumber y± cup finely chopped green pepper y± cup finely diced pimiento Combine all ingredients. Chill at least an hour to blend flavors. Serve as a dip with assorted crackers or other snacks. Makes 21/2 cups.

Caesar Salad Advance Preparation: Prepare gar- lic-flavored oil by cutting 3 or 4 cloves of garlic into 1 cup olive oil. Let stand for several hours at room temperature. Prepare 2 cups crisp croutons. (Tiny bread crumbs toasted in slow oven until browned.) Method: Over 3 quarts torn pieces Iceberg head lettuce in large bowl, pour y> cup each unseasoned salad oil and grated Parmesan cheese and y± cup Blue cheese. Add 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce, y2 teaspoon dry mustard, salt and pepper to taste. Break one raw egg over greens and pour in y2 cup fresh lemon juice. Toss very thoroughly so that every leaf is coated with egg, seasonings, and cheese. Dip croutons into garlic- flavored oil. Toss with salad and serve at once while croutons are crunchy. Serves 8.

Fresh Vegetable Platter A fall fresh vegetable platter is an ideal menu suggestion for the coming weeks. One combination that will add flavor, texture, color and good nutri- tion to your menus is this: Sprinkle a cooked head of cauliflower with nutmeg and slip almonds in among

19 — the flowerets. Place this in one corner Method: Prepare and cook the of a platter and then add buttered whole asparagus spears until tender. carrots and French-cut green beans. Chill. Fry the tiny bacon squares Just be sure that each of these vege- until crisp and brown. Remove tables is cooked, covered, and in a browned bacon and stir vinegar, sugar small amount of boiling water only and seasonings into the hot bacon fat. until crispy tender. Arrange chilled asparagus on lettuce- lined chop plate. Cover with the sliced eggs. Sprinkle with bacon and finely cut green onions. Pour the hot dress- ing over the salad. Serve immediately. servings.

Dutch Asparagus Salad 2 lbs. fresh asparagus Y2 lb. bacon, cut into tiny squares Vegetables make fine appetizers 3 to 4 tablespoons wine vinegar 1 teaspoon sugar Salt Pepper, freshly ground, if possible Appetizer Time 2 hard-cooked eggs Beautiful appetizers are yours for 2 green onions the making when you use the abun- Western Iceberg head lettuce dance of fresh vegetables that nature

— 20 — provides at this time of year. These curls of carrot, snowy cauliflower crisp vegetable snacks will pep up buds, rosy red radishes, celery curls, appetities but not satisfy them too stuffed carrot rings, olives stuffed much. Important to weight watchers, with turnip sticks, and chilled arti- too, is the fact that most of them are choke petals ... a real favorite. low in calories. Cheese "dunking" mixtures, if used, Try some of these for your appe- can be placed in or ripe tizer tray: bell pepper strips, golden tomato cups.

Use Vegetables As Main Dishes

Vegetables can be used as main dishes, especially if they are combined with other foods. Many special recipes can add "extra goodness" to your nutritious and appealing menus.

Lemon-Herb Dressing for 8 cups dry bread cubes, finely packed *4 pound margarine or butter 1 cup diced celery Vi> cup chopped parsley IY2 to 2 cups water, milk or broth 4 tablespoons canned or frozen lemon juice 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning y± teaspoon rosemary Salt and pepper to taste

Method: Place bread cubes in a large shallow bowl; set aside. Cook the celery in the margarine several Use vegetables in turkey dressing seconds. Add the parsley and water or broth. Meanwhile, add the lemon stirring lightly. Add more seasoning, juice and seasonings to the bread if desired. Makes enough dressing for cubes. Add the celery mixture. Blend, 6- to 8-pound turkey.

— 21 — Stuffed peppers are a favorite

Stuffed Peppers pour in remaining sour cream mixture and top with cheese. Bake at 350°F. 6 green peppers for 30 minutes. Makes 6 servings. 3 cups cooked elbow macaroni 1 egg 1 cup sour cream 1 tablespoon prepared mustard V2 teaspoon salt Sukiyaki Dash pepper Japanese Sukiyaki offers a new idea 1 tablespoon finely chopped onion in foreign cooking that is easy to !/4 cup finely chopped celery prepare and serve, as well as inviting 1 cup grated sharp Cheddar cheese to the diners. It combines round steak, Method: Cut tops off peppers and mushrooms, western-grown celery, remove seeds. Parboil in salted water onions and spinach in a most delicious 5 minutes; drain. Stuff with half of sauce, served on a fluffy bed of rice. macaroni. Beat egg; add sour cream, 1% pounds lean round steak mustard, salt, pepper, onion and celery and pour over half of macaroni. % pound mushrooms, thinly sliced Sprinkle with half of grated cheese. (or 1 4-oz. can sliced mushrooms, Add remaining macaroni to peppers, drained)

— 22 — Sukiyaki calls for many vegetables

1 small bunch celery, sliced A Favorite Potato Soup 1 bunch green onions, cut in Potato soup is another favorite, 1-inch pieces using the old standby potato. Here is 2 onions thinly sliced a recipe quickly prepared: 2 tablespoons sugar % cup soy sauce 1 quart milk 1 chicken bouillon cube % cup grated raw potato 2 tablespoons grated onion V2 cup water (hot) 1 teaspoon salt 3 cups spinach leaves y± teaspoon pepper 3 cups hot cooked rice 2 tablespoons butter V4 teaspoon nutmeg Method: Cut round steak across the :1 grain into very thin slices. Heat heavy /2 cup chopped celery leaves skillet; grease lightly and brown meat Y> cup water well. Add mushrooms, green onions, Combine all ingredients except milk celery, onions, sugar, soy sauce, in a heavy saucepan. Bring mixture bouillon cube and hot water; mix to a boil and cook approximately 15 well. Simmer, stirring often until vege- minutes or until vegetables are done. tables are barely tender; add spinach Then add milk and simmer for 10 leaves; cook 5 minutes. Serve in ring minutes. Stirring often to improve of hot rice on heated platter. Makes flavor, allow soup to stand 15 to 30 4 servings. minutes, then reheat to serve. The

— 23 — soup is served hot, garnished with bits of bacon or ham, if desired. This receipe makes about 6 servings.

Centerpiece A rustic centerpiece is most appro- priate for the table. Make use of the fresh, beautiful vegetables which are so plentiful. What's more, they'll still be useful after the entertaining is over. This arrangement has combined the vivid colors of luscious red tomatoes, the velvety green of cabbage with the lighter green Iceberg lettuce, egg- plant's royal purple, the contrasting greens of bell peppers and summer squash all intensified with the sun- shine yellow of crook-neck squash. The litle figurines add a touch of life and happines. Use your collection of figurines in table arrangements. Your family will enjoy your little friends.

Vary Your Vegetables

Your family will enjoy vegetables Creamed: Add 1 cup of medium if they are properly cooked and you white sauce to each 2 cups of drained serve a variety. Season carefully. vegetable. Mix carefully. Serve hot. Usually, vegetables need just a simple seasoning. Scalloped: Put alternate layers of vegetable and medium white sauce in The vegetable flavor alone tastes a casserole. Bake in a moderate oven good. However, sometimes you may (350°F.). want to use a sauce on vegetables. Here are some suggestions for serving Candied or Glazed: Make a syrup appealing vegetables: using 2 parts of brown sugar (or half brown and half white sugar) to 1 part of water. Place vegetable in a Ways to Serve heavy pan or casserole and pour the Battered: Add 1 tablespoon of but- syrup over it. Bake at 350° F. until it ter to each cup of drained vegetable. is tender. Baste and turn occasionally. Mix lightly and season to taste. Serve An Gratin: Pour 3 cups of creamed very hot. vegetables into a greased casserole;

— 24 — sprinkle with a mixture of % cup of Easy Hollandaise Sauce: Thin ma- buttered crumbs and ^ to 1h cup yonnaise with lemon juice; add a dash of grated American cheese. Bake in of dry mustard and warm o\er hot a moderate oven (350°F.) for 20 water. (Ser\e on asparagus, broccoli minutes, or until brown. and cauliflower.)

Dutch Crumbs: Melt V2 cup butter Lemon Butter: Blend together V4 and add % cup dry bread crumbs. cup butter, 3 tablespoons fresh lemon Brown lightly. Use to garnish aspar- juice and Vo teaspoon of . agus, broccoli, green beans, or cauli- (Serve over freshly cooked asparagus, flower. Makes enough for 4 servings. broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower or arti- chokes.) Makes 4 servings. Easy Cheese Sauce: Melt V> pound processed American cheese in a dou- ble boiler. Slowly stir in Ms cup of milk. Pour over the freshly cooked Favorite vegetables. Makes 4 servings. (Try this on asparagus, cauliflower, broc- Vegetable Sauces coli and snap beans.) Medium White Sauce: Melt 2 table- spoons of butter; add 2 tablespoons of Butter: Melt V2 cup of flour and blend. Add 1 cup of milk butter in a heavy pan and heat care- and cook over low heat until thick, fully until golden brown. Add V2 cup stirring constantly. Add V± teaspoon toasted slivered almonds and 3 table- of salt. Makes 1 cup. spoons of fresh lemon juice. (Pour over cooked broccoli or cauliflower Cheese Sauce: To 1 cup of medium and serve at once.) Makes 4 servings. white sauce, add 1 cup of grated American cheese. Stir over low heat until the cheese is melted. Mock Hollandaise Sauce: Stir part of 1 cup of medium white sauce into 2 slightly beaten egg yolks; add this to remaining hot sauce, blending thor- oughly. Add 2 tablespoons of butter and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Stir Different well and season. Vegetable Combinations Hollandaise Sauce: Melt V> cup Combine two or more vegetables butter in double boiler. Gradually add after cooking. Season carefully. to 4 well-beaten egg yolks; stirring constantly. Add % cup boiling water, —Creamed potatoes and peas with a little at a time. Return to double some chopped onion. boiler; cook, stirring constantly until —Green beans with toasted almonds thick. Remove from hot water; add or sauteed mushrooms. slowly as you stir, 2 tablespoons lemon juice and *4 teaspoon salt. Cover and —Carrots with sliced onions, peas, place over hot water, but don't return diced celery, lima beans, green to the heat. Serve immediately. beans, or cauliflower.

•25 — -—Corn with lima beans, tomatoes, —Eggplant with tomatoes, green pep- green pepper, bacon or a combina- pers, mushrooms, or bacon. tion of pimiento, green pepper and —Summer squash with tomatoes, crumbled bacon. whole kernel corn, or sausage, green —Glazed parsnips and bacon bits. lima beans, green beans. — with celery, —Tomatoes with beans, onion, mush- onions, corn, okra, olives, zucchini rooms, corn, eggplant, green pep- or green peppers. pers, or okra. —Spinach with bacon or ham. —Green lima beans with cauliflower, —Peas with carrots, onion, celery or peas, slivered carrots, or diagonally mushrooms. sliced celery.

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