Received: 11 June 2018 ( Accepted: 30 October 2018 DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13242 !"#"$!%&'$!()%*" !"#$%&'$()#%*()+,-.%"#/+$%**(-+*-%"01,-$%*#,"2+!34%*#/+ #"0(/*0+%0+%+0,4-/(+,1+$#/-,5#%&&6+5#,%7%#&%5&(+,-.%"#/+"4*-#("*0+ %")+("(-.6 Thomas B. Parr8 ( Krista A. Capps9:; ( Shreeram P. Inamdar8 ( Kari A. Metcalf< #Q*>,-16*310540R:,310,390D52:0 D.2*3.*B0S32T*-+2180540Q*:,U,-*B0V*U,-=B0 !50*-%/* Q*:,U,-* 1. Animal communities are essential drivers of energy and elemental flow in ecosys< ! Odum School of Ecology, University of 1*6+'0X5U*T*-B04*U0+1792*+0/,T*023T*+12;,1*901/*0473.1253,:0-5:*0540,326,:+0,+0 Georgia, Athens, Georgia sources of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and the subsequent utilization of that 3Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, Aiken, D571/0W,-5:23, DOM by the microbial community. CTetra Tech Inc, Portland, Maine 2. In a small forested headwater stream, we tested the effects of taxonomy, feeding Correspondence traits, and body size on the quality and quantity of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) J/56,+0N'0R,-- and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) excreted by aquatic insects. In addition, we Email:
[email protected] .5397.1*90+1*,98<+1,1*0+5:71*0,9921253+0150*+126,1*023+1-*,609*6,39045-0:,?2:*0W0 Present Address ,390.56>,-*902101501/*0W0*M.-*1*90?8023T*-1*?-,1*+' J/56,+0N'0R,--B0Q*>,-16*310540N25:5;8B0 Oklahoma Biological Survey, University of 3. Individual excretion rates and excretion composition varied with body size, tax< Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 535680,3904**923;0;72:9'0J/*0*+126,1*90,T*-,;*0.566732180*M.-*12530-,1*0U,+0 −1 −1 −1 <# 1.31 μg DOC· per mg insect dry weight (DW) 0/- and 0.33 μg DON·mg DW 0/- B0 =4")#".+#"1,-$%*#," + University of Delaware, Grant/Award and individuals excreted DON at nearly twice the rate of NH4 .