The Sigma Plan 3 integrated approaches 1 An integrated project The four principles of the Sigma Plan

Flood protection



Leisure The Sigma Plan

Scheldt estuary

Area covered by the Sigma Plan

Flood protection Good protection against flooding

Robust embankments and flood barriers

Flood control areas

Depoldering Flood control areas in the updated Sigma Plan

Polders of Kruibeke 600 hectare

Schouselbroek Polder van Lier Lier Potpolder IV 127 hectare 25 hectare 82 hectare

Tielrodebroek Oudbroek- Bastenakkers Temse Schellandpolder Anderstadt II en 93 hectare Lier 133 hectare 11 hectare 100 hectare

Bergemeersen Bovenzanden 40 hectare Willebroek Lippenbroek 33 hectare 10 hectare

Wijmeers 1 Grote Vijver Mechelen Grote Wal, 140 hectare 100 hectare Kleine Wal en Zwijn Hamme 145 hectare

Tien Zennegat Vierendelen Mechelen Willebroek 65 hectare Vlassenbroek 37 hectare Ham Paardeweide 240 hectare Wetteren Berlare en 23 hectare Wichelen 84 hectare Depoldering in the updated Sigma Plan Heights embankments updated Sigma Plan

ZONE 1 – 11,00 m TAW

ZONE 2 – 9,25 m TAW

ZONE 3 – 8,35 m TAW

ZONE 4 – 8,00 m TAW Proven effectiveness

Cyclone Xaver in 2013

Sigma project Kalkense Meersen Cluster (Paardeweide) Proven effectiveness

Storm surge in 2016 and 2017

Sigma project Dyle Estuary (Zennegat) Nature Sigma plan – objectives for favourable state

• Extra 500 ha mudflats, 1500 ha tidal marshes

• 500 à 900 ha marsh and reed lands

• Minimum areas of subtypes (8-12 ha of 3150) • 600 - 1200 ha qualitative grassland

• Minimum areas of 38 - 69 ha (6430), 232 - 476 ha (6510)… • 400 ha alluvial forest

• Viable populations of breeding species (both ‘European’ and ‘locally’ important species) …

• Minimum numbers of overwintering birds

• Chemical parameters: oxigen, silicate, ...

• ... Nature & flood control 645 kilometer of embankments

18 Large ‘space for water’ projects

260 km tidal river

900 MIO Euro

69 projects

Sigma in numbers 14 European + 3 regionally important habitats

37 European + 36 regionally important species

extra nature

5300 hectares total 1500 hectares ready 1800 hectares in realisation

together 14.000 ha nature 1 solution for 3 problems

elaborate nature restoration program

 higher priority

 more budget

 more cooperation and combined know-how

 more goodwill between administrations Issue 1 Integration = highly effective, but also slow and complex and only as strong as the weakest part Issue 2 Integration = open for new partnerships (leisure, tourism) 2 Integrated management How does a flood control area work? How doesOntpoldering depoldering work? How does a flood area with controlled reduced tides work? Flood control area and fish migration

Remove bottlenecks with

(tide semi-independent) fish-friendly locks and fish ladders Mud flats and marshes the river’s lungs (natural capital)

Carbon storage Habitat for birds

Protection against flooding

Spawning place for fishes

Higher percentage of oxygen

Exchange and in-take of nutrients and source of silicium


Climate proof against rise of sea level  No inudation of tidal marshes  No rise in dynamics (high food levels)

Climate proof against summer draught  Meadow birds

Fish nurseries Issue 3 Integration = answer to multiple management problems 3 Integrating your project Beautiful islands in a hostile environment … • No food in the surrounding fields, no marsh harrier…

• No connection, no migration, no mallow skipper … Issue 4 High quality nature can only fully function with a sound integration on a landscape scale