Arxiv:2101.12000V1 [Math.CO] 28 Jan 2021 Problem 1.0.1

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Arxiv:2101.12000V1 [Math.CO] 28 Jan 2021 Problem 1.0.1 EXCLUDING A LINE FROM C-REPRESENTABLE MATROIDS JIM GEELEN, PETER NELSON, AND ZACH WALSH Abstract. For each positive integer t and each sufficiently large integer r, we show that the maximum number of elements of a simple, rank-r, C-representable matroid with no U2;t+3-minor is r t 2 + r. We derive this as a consequence of a much more general result concerning matroids on group-labeled graphs. 1. Introduction A matroid is a pair M = (E; r), where E is a finite `ground' set and r : 2E ! Z is a `rank' function for which 0 ≤ r(X) ≤ jXj for each X, and r is both nondecreasing with respect to set inclusion, and submodular: that is r(X0) ≤ r(X) for each X0 ⊆ X ⊆ E, and r(X)+r(Y ) ≥ r(X[Y )+r(X\Y ) for all X; Y ⊆ E. These objects were introduced independently by Whitney [40] and Nakasawa [28, 29, 30] as a combinatorial abstraction of rank functions as they arise in linear algebra. Indeed, the most natural examples of matroids come from matrices; if A is a matrix over a field F with columns indexed by E, then the function r : 2E ! Z defined by r(X) = rank(A[X]) gives a matroid on E. Such a matroid is F-representable. The rank r(M) of a matroid is the rank of its ground set, r(E). The size jMj of M is the cardinality of its ground set E. This article concerns the natural problem of bounding size above by a function of rank. In his seminal 1993 survey paper [25], Kung phrased this as follows: arXiv:2101.12000v1 [math.CO] 28 Jan 2021 Problem 1.0.1. Let M be a class of matroids. For each positive in- teger r, determine the maximum size of a rank-r matroid in M. When M is the class of all matroids, this problem is not meaningful, since a rank-r matroid can have arbitrarily many elements. For exam- ple, for each integer a ≥ 0, the rank-a uniform matroid Ua;b, defined by jEj = b and r(X) = min(jXj; a) for each X ⊆ E, exists for all b ≥ a. Date: January 2021. 2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05B35. Key words and phrases: matroids. 1 2 GEELEN, NELSON, AND WALSH For many classes, however, the size of the matroids in the class is bounded by a function of their rank. A matroid M = (E; r) is simple if r(X) = jXj whenever jXj ≤ 2. If M is represented by a matrix A, then simplicity is equivalent to the assertion that the columns of A are nonzero and pairwise non-parallel. For this reason, it is easy to argue that, if GF(q) denotes the q-element finite field, then a simple rank- qr−1 r GF(q)-representable matroid has size at most q−1 , since a rank-r matrix over such a field with pairwise non-parallel, nonzero columns qr−1 has at most q−1 columns. A GF(q)-representable matroid attaining this bound is a rank-r projective geometry, denoted PG(r − 1; q). In fact, a similar upper bound applies under a much weaker hypothe- sis than representability, where we simply forbid a certain substructure from M. Given an element e of a matroid M = (E; r), we can delete e from M to obtain the matroid Mne = (E−feg; r0) where r0(X) = r(X) for each X ⊆ E − feg, or contract e from M to obtain the matroid M=e = (E − feg; r00), where r00(X) = r(X [ feg) − r(feg) for each X ⊆ E − feg. A matroid obtained from M by a sequence of dele- tions or contractions is a minor of M. Kung [25] showed that size is bounded above by a function of rank in any simple matroid omitting a fixed rank-2 uniform minor. Theorem 1.0.2 (Kung). For each integer ` ≥ 2, each simple rank-r `r−1 matroid M with no U2;`+2-minor satisfies jMj ≤ `−1 . This upper bound is best-possible in the weak sense that any upper bound must be exponential in r; if q is a prime power with q ≤ `, then the rank-r projective geometry PG(r − 1; q) has no U2;`+2-minor and qr−1 has size q−1 . In fact, for large r these projective geometries are the unique tight examples [10]: Theorem 1.0.3 (Geelen, Nelson). Let ` ≥ 2 be an integer, and let q be the largest prime power not exceeding `. Then, for all sufficiently large r, each simple rank-r matroid M with no U2;`+2-minor satisfies jMj ≤ qr−1 q−1 . Moreover, equality holds only if M is isomorphic to PG(r − 1; q). This result is surprising in that the purely combinatorial hypothesis of excluding a rank-2 uniform minor gives an upper bound attained uniquely by nontrivial algebraic objects: projective geometries over finite fields. There is a natural additional hypothesis that drastically changes the flavour of the problem: imposing representability over a field of charac- teristic zero. One can show that nontrivial finite projective geometries are not representable over C (or, therefore, R or Q), and thus the bound EXCLUDING A LINE FROM C-REPRESENTABLE MATROIDS 3 in Theorem 1.0.3 can be strengthened under the hypothesis that M is C-representable. In fact, it can be improved rather dramatically. In [24], Kung showed the following: Theorem 1.0.4. Let ` ≥ 2 be an integer. If M is a simple rank-r C-representable matroid with no U2;`+2-minor, then `−1 `−1 r + 1 jMj ≤ `2 −1 − `2 −2 − r: 2 That is, the upper bound drops from exponential to quadratic in r. In turn, no bound better than quadratic in r is possible; there is a natural example showing this. Let t ≥ 2 be an integer, and let ζ 2 C be a (t−1)-st primitive root of unity. Let D = Dr;t−1 denote the C-matrix having as columns the standard basis vectors b1; : : : ; br, as well as all k vectors of the form bi−ζ bj, where 1 ≤ i < j ≤ r and 0 ≤ k < t−1. The matroid represented by D is called a rank-r cyclic Dowling geometry of order t − 1, and can be shown to have no U2;t+2-minor. The matrix r D has r + (t − 1) 2 columns, so the best improvement on the upper r bound in Theorem 1.0.4 that one could hope for is (` − 1) 2 + r, in which the doubly-exponential term in ` is replaced with a linear one. Our main result shows that this bound is correct for all large r. Theorem 1.0.5. Let ` ≥ 2 be an integer. If r is sufficiently large, and M is a simple rank-r C-representable matroid with no U2;`+2-minor, then r jMj ≤ (` − 1) + r: 2 Moreover, if equality holds, then M is isomorphic to a rank-r cyclic Dowling geometry of order ` − 1. If M is instead required to be R-representable, most cyclic Dowling geometries also cease to be examples; the only exceptions are those of order 1 or 2, where all entries of D are real. A rank-r cyclic Dowling geometry of order 2 has no U2;`+2-minor for any ` ≥ 3, and has size r 2 2 2 + r = r ; our second main result is that, up to a linear error term, this is the correct upper bound for R-representable matroids. Theorem 1.0.6. For each integer ` ≥ 3, there is a constant c so that if M is a simple rank-r R-representable matroid with no U2;`+2-minor, then jMj ≤ r2 + c · r. We prove both of the above theorems using a much stronger result, Theorem 1.0.9, that applies to all matroids, not just representable ones. 4 GEELEN, NELSON, AND WALSH Our theorem yields asymptotically best-possible upper bounds in a va- riety of settings where the extremal matroids are close to Dowling ge- ometries, and further gives exact upper bounds in cases where Dowling geometries are the tight examples. One such family of examples arises by imposing representability over fields of different characteristic. Let F× denote the multiplicative group of a field F. Theorem 1.0.7. Let F1 and F2 be fields of different characteristic, × × for which F1 is finite and F1 is a subgroup of F2 . If r is sufficiently large, and M is a simple rank-r matroid representable over F1 and F2, r then jMj ≤ (jF1j − 1) 2 + r. Moreover, if equality holds, then M is isomorphic to a rank-r cyclic Dowling geometry of order jF1j − 1. These hypotheses apply in particular if F2 = C, or if F2 is finite and jF1j − 1 divides jF2j − 1. This problem was previously open for all jF1j > 3; the best general result was due to Kung [24], who proved that jMj satisfies the bound given in Theorem 1.0.4, with ` = jF1j. Extremal Functions. In [25], Kung introduced a piece of notation to facilitate discussions of Problem 1.0.1: the extremal function. For a nonempty class M of matroids, the extremal function of M is the ≥0 ≥0 function hM(r): Z ! (Z [f1g) whose value at an integer r ≥ 0 is the maximum number of elements of a simple matroid in M of rank at most r. Much later, it was proved in [9] that, if M is closed under both minors and isomorphism (for convenience we use the term minor-closed to describe this property), then the extremal function of M has one of three behaviours: linear, quadratic, and exponential.
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