1300 Copperfield Avenue Joliet,


• 1300 Copperfield Avenue built in 2003 • Taxes - $1,434.64 (2016) PIN # 30-07-206-020, 30-07-206-022, and 30-07-206-021 • Primary access via Route 6 which has traffic counts of over 11,000 cars per day • Excellent public transportation available via PACE Line 508 directly to Joliet Union Station • Proximity to dense retail area on the south and east provides access to abundant local employee base

For more information Perry Higa 630 693 0684 [email protected]

©2016 NAI Hiffman All rights reserved. All information contained herein is from sources deemed reliable; however, no representation or warranty is made to the accuracy thereof. The City of Joliet, located in Will and Kendall Counties, is the fourth largest city in the state of Illinois with a population of approximately 150,000 residents. Joliet is the 3rd largest city in Illinois and one of the fastest growing communities nationwide.

Future growth projections indicate that Joliet will continue to enjoy above average population growth. Projections indicate an annual rate of growth of 1.23% per year, far outpacing state and national growth levels at 0.27% and 0.76% respectively. In addition to this impressive population growth, residents of Joliet also have median income levels far outpacing the national average. Currently, the average income in Joliet is $69,875, exceeding the current national average by nearly $10,000, with a projected 3% annual increase per year.

Located just 40 miles southwest of downtown Chicago, Joliet enjoys outstanding access to the Chicago Metropolitan Statistical area and is regarded as a significant transportation hub in the Midwest.

Chicago’s international airports are easily accessible from Joliet. O’Hare International Airport, the third busiest airport by passenger traffic in the world, is 45 miles from Joliet and Chicago’s Midway International Airport is less than 40 miles.

Effective Date Todos los autobuses están NewÊLenox August 25, 2014 equipados con racks para bicicletas. Route 508 \ El servicio de Pace es accessible para sillas de ruedas.

4 Gougar

Transfer at Jefferson/Chicago to/from Routes 501, 505, 507 and 509. TransbordeÊenÊJefferson/ChicagoÊa/deÊRutasÊ501,Ê505,Ê507ÊyÊ509. Bogdan Silver Cross Transfer at Washington/Scott to/from Routes 504, 511 and 834. H TransbordeÊenÊWashington/ScottÊa/deÊRutasÊ504,Ê511ÊyÊ834. Maple 5 Silver Cross Transfer at Scott/Jefferson to/from Route 832. Hospital TransbordeÊenÊScott/JeffersonÊa/deÊRutaÊ832.

Transfer point

PuntoÊdeÊTransborde Parkwood Briggs Belmont 3 Gompers Jr. High School Certain trips only. See schedule. To Chicago V.A. SolamenteÊciertosÊviajes.ÊConsulteÊelÊhorario. Clinic

Joliet Ridgewood Walnut

Chicago Cass

Metra Cass To Chicago Harrah's Joliet

Casino Eastern 1 Central

Ottawa Jefferson High School Will County

Washington Briggs

Courthouse Scott 2 Washington Joliet Union Station 2nd

Richards Boulder IngallsÊPark

PaceBus.com •042914rev•082014rev For commuters Joliet’s Union ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ(800)Ê439-2202 Ê (847)Ê364-PACEÊ(7223) Ê Ê IMPAIREDÊONLY)ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ(888)Ê847-0093 Ê TTY#Ê(PaceÊinformationÊforÊHEARINGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ throughÊFridayÊfromÊ8:00Êa.m.ÊtoÊ5:00Êp.m.ÊÊÊ Ê PaceÊCustomerÊRelations ,ÊMondayÊ ÊÊÊÊ TTY#Ê(ForÊHEARINGÊIMPAIREDÊONLY)ÊÊÊÊÊ allÊsuburbanÊareaÊcodes.ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 836-7000 dailyÊfromÊ5:00Êa.m.ÊtoÊ1:00Êa.m.ÊUseÊfromÊ TheÊRTAÊTravelÊInformationÊCenter ,ÊopenÊ IfÊyouÊneedÊtransitÊinformationÊpleaseÊcall: agÊdÊlÊrt, imrÊy uno eÊuÊlgr seguroÊ lugarÊ unÊ seaÊ cuandoÊ yÊ siempreÊ paraÊparar. ruta,Ê laÊ deÊ largoÊ alÊhacerleÊse–alÊalÊconductorÊenÊcualquierÊintersecci—nÊaÊloÊ AÊmenosÊqueÊseÊindiqueÊdeÊotraÊmanera,ÊelÊautobœsÊparar‡Ê fromÊdelayedÊtrainsÊorÊbusesÊorÊfailureÊtoÊmakeÊconnections. errorsÊinÊtimetables,ÊnorÊforÊinconvenienceÊorÊdamageresultingÊ subjectÊtoÊchange.ÊPaceÊdoesÊnotÊassumeÊresponsibilityforÊ TheÊschedules,ÊfaresÊandÊotherÊinformationÊinÊthisÊtimetableÊar eÊ ae, assÊrsrcinÊad diinl nomto. VisitÊ information.Ê loadÊvalueÊandÊpassesÊontoÊyourÊVentraÊCard. additionalÊ andÊ ventrachicago.com restrictionsÊ passes,Ê currentÊ forÊ fares,Ê GuideÊ FareÊ dutyÊ PaceÊ theÊ activeÊ SeeÊ andÊ uniform.Ê inÊ badge,Ê personnelÊ aÊ militaryÊ presentingÊ orÊ andÊ uniformÊ officersÊ fullÊ enforcementÊ inÊ lawÊ firefightersÊ adult),Ê payingÊ fareÊ perÊ childrenÊ (maxÊ twoÊ 7Ê underÊ childrenÊ toÊ offeredÊ areÊ ridesÊ FreeÊ fares.Ê reducedÊ andÊ Program.Ê atÊ RTAÊ FreeÊ theÊ RideÊ contactÊ RTAÊ PleaseÊ theÊ throughÊ freeÊ forÊ servicesÊ routeÊ fixedÊ reducedÊfare.ÊÊEligibleÊseniorsÊandÊpeopleÊwithÊdisabilitiesÊmayÊrideÊ RTAÊ validÊ AÊ fares.Ê reducedÊ ReducedÊFareÊPermitÊmustÊbeÊpresentedÊwhenÊusingÊcashÊtoÊpayÊaÊ forÊ qualifyÊ cardÊ MedicareÊ validÊ aÊ withÊ individualsÊ andÊ disabilitiesÊ withÊ peopleÊ older,Ê andÊ 65Ê SeniorsÊ days.Ê RidingÊ StudentÊ VentraÊ PermitÊorÊvalidÊschoolÊI.D.ÊbetweenÊ5:30amÊandÊ8:30pmÊonÊschoolÊ schoolÊ validÊ grammarÊ aÊ presentingÊ andÊ 12-20)Ê highÊ (agesÊ juniorÊ studentsÊ school,Ê highÊ andÊ 7-11)Ê (agesÊ childrenÊ forÊ availableÊ areÊ faresÊ ReducedÊ services.Ê routeÊ fixedÊ PaceÊ VentraÊ bankcard,Ê contactlessÊ Ticket,ÊRideÊFreeÊorÊReducedÊFareÊpermit,ÊorÊcashÊtoÊpayÊfaresÊonÊ Card,Ê VentraÊ aÊ useÊ mayÊ CustomersÊ Ê PERSONASÊCONÊPROBLEMASÊAUDITIVOS) ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ(800)Ê439-2202 TTY#(informaci—nÊdeÊPaceÊSOLAMENTEÊPARAÊ a.m.ÊaÊ5:00Êp.m.ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ (847)Ê228-3575 ServiciosÊalÊClienteÊdeÊPace ,ÊdeÊLunesÊaÊViernesÊdeÊ8:00Ê PROBLEMASÊAUDITIVOS)Ê TTY#(SOLAMENTEÊPARAÊPERSONASÊCONÊ c—digosÊdeʇreaÊenÊlosÊsuburbios.ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 836-7000 diariamenteÊdeÊ5:00Êa.m.ÊaÊ1:00Êa.m.ÊÊDesdeÊtodosÊlosÊ llameÊal:Ê CentroÊdeÊInformaci—nÊalÊviajeroÊRTA ,ÊabiertoÊ SiÊnecesitaÊinformaci—nÊparaÊusarÊelÊservicioÊdeÊtransporteÊ s‡Êsjts ÊcmisÊÊPcÊnÊaue laÊ asumeÊ noÊ PaceÊ Ê trenesÊoÊautobuses,ÊoÊelÊfalloÊalÊhacerÊconexiones.Ê horarios,Ê cambios.Ê losÊ enÊ inconvenienciasÊoÊda–osÊcomoÊresultadoÊdeÊelÊretrasoÊenÊ cometidosÊ aÊ horarioÊ erroresÊ esteÊ porÊ enÊ responsabilidadÊ sujetosÊ informaci—nÊ otraÊ yÊ est‡nÊ tarifasÊ horarios,Ê LosÊ culsÊpssÊrsrcins ÊprÊifrain dcoa. VisiteÊ adicional.Ê informaci—nÊ dineroÊyÊpasesÊenÊsuÊtarjetaÊVentra. paraÊ alÊ yÊ llameÊ oÊ ventrachicago.comÊ restriccionesÊ tarifasÊ paraÊ PaceÊ pases,Ê deÊ TarifasÊ deÊ actuales,Ê aÊ Gu’aÊ laÊ yÊ VeaÊ apropiada,Ê uniforme.Ê enÊ identificaci—nÊ militarÊ presentenÊ yÊ personalÊ queÊ polic’aÊ deÊ oÊ ni–osÊ oficialesÊ dosÊ uniformeÊ Ê (m‡ximoÊ enÊ aÊ edadÊ pagada),Ê bomberosÊ tarifaÊ deÊ conÊ Ê adultoÊ a–osÊ unÊ 7Ê porÊ deÊ acompa–adosÊ viajesÊ menoresÊ ofrecenÊ ni–osÊ SeÊ losÊ reducidas.Ê aÊ yÊ gratuitosÊ gratisÊ tarifasÊ sobreÊ informaci—nÊ m‡sÊ paraÊ porÊmedioÊdelÊprogramaÊgratuitoÊdelÊRTA.ÊPorÊfavorÊllameÊalÊRTAÊalÊ personasÊconÊdiscapacidadesÊpuedenÊusarÊelÊservicioÊdeÊrutasÊfijasÊgratis,Ê useÊ seÊ dineroÊenÊefectivoÊparaÊpagarÊunaÊtarifaÊreducida.ÊÊLosÊancianosÊelegiblesÊyÊ cuandoÊ RTAÊ deÊ ReducidasÊ TarifasÊ deÊ validoÊ permisoÊ unÊ presentarÊ LosÊ conÊunaÊtarjetaÊvalidaÊdeÊMedicare,ÊcalificanÊparaÊtarifasÊreducidas.ÊSeÊdebeÊ escolares.Ê d’asÊ losÊ duranteÊ 8:30pmÊ laÊ ancianosÊdeÊ65Êa–osÊyÊmayor,ÊpersonasÊconÊdiscapacidadesÊÊeÊindividuosÊ lasÊ deÊ yÊ v‡lidaÊ 5:30amÊ identificaci—nÊ lasÊ unaÊ entreÊ oÊ escuela,Ê VentraÊ deÊ validoÊ permisoÊ unÊ presentenÊ yÊÊparaÊni–osÊÊenÊescuelaÊprimariaÊyÊenÊ7¼ÊyÊ8¼ÊgradoÊ(deÊ12ÊaÊ20Êa–os),ÊquŽÊ paraÊni–osÊ(deÊ7-11Êa–osÊdeÊedad),ÊparaÊestudiantesÊdeÊescuelaÊsecundaria,Ê tarifasÊenÊlosÊautobusesÊdeÊrutasÊfijasÊdeÊPace.ÊSeÊaplicanÊtarifasÊreducidasÊ sin-contacto,Ê bancariaÊ tarjetaÊ Ventra,Ê boletosÊVentra,ÊpermisoÊdeÊtarifasÊreducidas,ÊoÊdineroÊenÊefectivoÊparaÊpagarÊ tarjetaÊ laÊ usarÊ puedenÊ clientesÊ LosÊ anyÊintersectionÊalongÊtheÊrouteÊwhereÊitÊisÊsafeÊtoÊdoÊso. UnlessÊotherwiseÊnoted,ÊbusÊwillÊstopÊuponÊsignalÊtoÊdriverÊatÊ TARIFAÊPARAÊRUTAÊREGULAR

Station is the finalPara informaci—n sobre objetos perdidos (815) 723-3259 stop on REGULARÊFAREÊROUTE ForÊlostÊandÊfoundÊcallÊ(815)Ê723-3259 UseÊyourÊVentraªÊCardÊ COMPANIAÊDEÊTRANSPORTE ElÊConductorÊNoÊTieneÊCambio OPERADO POR: Pace Heritage CENTROÊDEÊINFORMACION OPERATEDÊBY:ÊÊPaceÊHeritage DriverÊHasÊNoÊChange INFORMACIONÊADICIONAL orÊexactÊfareÊinÊcash. oÊtarifaÊexactaÊenÊefectivo. ADDITIONALÊINFORMATION Ê the Metra rail lines running TRAVELÊINFORMATION UseÊsuÊtarjetaÊVentraªÊ CARRIERÊINFORMATION r callÊ orÊ Ê from Chicago, providing~ oÊmrÊifrain n freeÊ onÊ informationÊ moreÊ forÊ 836-7000 Ê 877-NOW-VENTRAÊ 877-NOW-VENTRA Ê direct access downtown' ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ (888)Ê847-0093 aa opaÊy a–adirÊ yÊ comprarÊ paraÊ Chicago seven days a week. andÊ purchaseÊ toÊ Ê

The property is then easily 836-7000 accessed via Pace Line 508. Ê MajorÊDestinations Metra Rock Island District Gompers Jr. High School 508 Monday - Saturday Service Will County Courthouse ServicioÊdeÊLunesÊaÊS‡bado Metra Heritage Corridor equipped with bike racks. with bike equipped DestinosÊmayores For more informationSilver Cross Hospital Joliet Union Station 25ÊdeÊAgostoÊdeÊ2014 wheelchair accessible. All Pace buses are AugustÊ25,Ê2014 Perry Higa All Pace service is 630 693 0684 East Joliet V.A. Clinic [email protected]