Linear Response, Or Else
Linear response, or else Viviane Baladi Abstract. Consider a smooth one-parameter family t ft of dynamical systems ft, with t < ϵ. !→ | | Assume that for all t (or for many t close to t =0) the map ft admits a unique physical invariant probability measure µt. We say that linear response holds if t µt is differentiable at t =0(possibly !→ in the sense of Whitney), and if its derivative can be expressed as a function of f0, µ0, and ∂tft t=0. | The goal of this note is to present to a general mathematical audience recent results and open problems in the theory of linear response for chaotic dynamical systems, possibly with bifurcations. Mathematics Subject Classification (2010). Primary 37C40; Secondary 37D25, 37C30, 37E05. Keywords. Linear response, transfer operator, Ruelle operator, physical measure, SRB measure, bi- furcations, differentiable dynamical system, unimodal maps, expanding interval maps, hyperbolic dy- namical systems. 1. Introduction A discrete-time dynamical system is a self-map f : M M on a space M. To any point n → 0 x M is then associated its (future) orbit f (x) n Z+ where f (x)=x, and n∈ n 1 { | ∈ } f (x)=f − (f(x)), for n 1, represents the state of the system at time n, given the “ini- ≥ n tial condition” x. (If f is invertible, one can also consider the past orbit f − (x) n Z+ .) { | ∈ } In this text, we shall always assume that M is a compact differentiable manifold (possibly with boundary), with the Borel σ-algebra, endowed with a Riemannian structure and thus normalised Lebesgue measure.
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