
The Coriolis and , and Geostrophic Balance

ATM 316 Dynamic I October 21 2014 1INTRODUCTION 2

Figure 1: Experiments with ball bearings and ‘pucks’ on a rotating . A corotating What we saw in the tank: summary camera views the scene from above.

We rolled a ball on a (approximately) parabolic rotang plate. The moon looks very different in the ineral (classroom) and rotang (video screen) frames of reference.

Figure 2: Trajectory of the on the rotating parabolic surface in (a) the inertial frame and (b) the rotating . The parabola is rotating in an anticlockwise (cyclonic) sense.

The moon is “really” just straight lines, with balls oscillang up and down the sides of the plate. But when measured with respect to the rotang plate, the moon appears as circles.

These are known as “ineral circles”. Example Video

• hp://www.youtube.com/watch? v=mcPs_OdQOYU 1INTRODUCTION 2

Figure 1: Experiments with ball bearings and dry ice ‘pucks’ on a rotating parabola. A corotating camera views the scene from above.

Coriolis force and

Figure 2: Trajectory of the puck on the rotating parabolic surface in (a) the inertial frame and ineral circles (b) the rotating frame of reference. The parabola is rotating in an anticlockwise (cyclonic) sense. • As we saw in the video, the moon always veers to the right when viewed in the rotang frame. • To account for this veering, we introduce an apparent force called the “” that always acts 90º to the right of the (relave) moon. • As we saw in lecture, the Coriolis force is really the “excess” centrifugal force associated with the relave moon of the ball compared to the rotang plate. • Most of the centrifugal force due to the rapid rotaon of the plate is balanced by . This balance occurs because of the parabolic shape of the surface. (True on as well, of we’d all go flying off the !) • Thus when we roll the ball across the plate, the only force acng in the horizontal direcon is the Coriolis force. This is consistent with clockwise circular moon – the balls are connually accelerang to their right. (Counter-clockwise/le in the .) Example- The • Hadley cell subtropical surface divergence moves to the right in

Example- The Hadley Cell • Hadley cell subtropical surface divergence moves to the right in Northern Hemisphere

Westerlies in Midlatudes Easterlies in Tropics Relang the rotang table to the rotang Earth Earth completes one rotaon per day, so the rotaon rate is Ω = 2π / 1 day = 0.73 x 10-4 s-1 V

r Each fixed point on the Earth (including us!) is moving in a circular, anclockwise path. a

φ The azimuthal due to Earth’s rotaon is V = Ω r = Ω a cos φ a Where a = 6373 km is Earth’s radius and φ is latude (the circles are smaller closer to the pole, where cos φ approaches zero)

Here in Albany at φ = 42.7ºN, this works out to a of V = 341 m s-1 = 763 miles per hour

We are all moving very quickly around circular paths!

The that we measure relave to the rotang Earth are usually much weaker. 4APPENDIX 10

The shape of rotang fluids: tanks and

Just as our surface acquires a parabolic shape when rotang, it turns out that Figure 6: A fluid parcel moving with velocity in a rotating frame experiences a Coriolis 2 the Earth itself also ,directed‘totheright’ofbulges out at the equatorif, as here, is upwards, corresponding due to centrifugal force. Rather than a to anticyclonic × - like that of the northern hemisphere viewed from above the north pole; for the southern hemisphere,perfect , Earth is an “ the sign of rotation is reversed and the deoblate spheroidflection is to the left. ”. The bulging is caused by Earth’s rotaon.


Figure 7: Water placed in a rotating tank and insulated from external (both mechanical and thermodynamic) eventually comes in to solid body rotation in which the fluid does not move relative to the tank. In such a state the free surface of the water is not flat but takes on the shape of a parabola given by Eq.(2).

4.2 The parabolic rotating table Figure 3: If a parabolaJust like in the water tank, Earth’s surface is aligned of the form given by Eq.(2) is spun at rate ,thenaballcarefullyplaced perpendicular to the vector sum of Suppose weonfi itlled at rest a does tankgravity not with fall in to water, (acts toward center of Earth) the center set but it remains turning at rest. and leave it until it comesand centrifugal force in to solid (acts radially outward from body rotation.2Experimentalprocedure We note that the free-surface of the water is not flat - it is depressed in the middle and rises up slightlyaxis of rotaon). There’s an “effecve gravity” which is slightly modified by Earth’s to its highest point along the rim of the tank, as sketched in We can now play games with the dry ice puck and study its trajectory on the parabolic Fig. 7. What’sturntable, going both on?rotaon. “Effecve gravity” points locally downward everywhere – but not exactly in the rotating and laboratory frames. It is useful to view the puck from In solid-bodythe rotating rotation, frametoward the center of Earth! (Otherwise, gravity would act slightly towards north.) usingu an= overhead0 and co-rotati so Eq.(13)ng camera. implies The following that are useful=0and reference so experiments: 22 1. set up the parabola on the rotating table= andconstant adjust the speed of rotation to match (16) 2 that which was used to manufacture it. The exact can be checked by placing a ball is just the modibearingfied ongravitational the parabola so potential, that is motionless Eq.(14).in the rotating We can frame determine of reference: at the the constant of proportionality‘correct’ by noting the thatball can at be made=0 motionless= (0) –,theheightofthe at which point the balancefluid of forces in asthe middle of sketched Fig.(3) – without it riding up or down the surface. In the laboratory frame the ball follows a circular around the center of the dish.

2. launch the puck on a trajectory that lies within a fixed vertical plane containing the axis of rotation of the parabolic dish. Viewed from the laboratory the puck moves backwards and forwards along a straight line (the straight line will expand out in to an if the frictional coupling between the puck and the rotating disc is not negligible -seeFig.2).Whenviewedintherotatingframe,however,thetrajectoryappearsas acircletangenttothestraightline.Thisistheexperimentfromwhichtheresults presented in Fig.2 are shown. These circles are called ‘inertial circles’ - see theory below. Compute the period of the oscillations of the puck in the inertial and rotating frames. How do they compare to one-another and ? Compute the trajectory of the puck by using the theory of inertial circles presented in Compare for two rotang planets: Bulge = radius at equator minus radius at pole (smaller means more circular) Earth (not to scale!)

Average radius: 6373 km Average radius: 69,000 km Rotaon rate: Ω = 2π / 1 day = 0.73 x 10-4 s-1 Rotaon rate: Ω = 2π / 9 hours = 1.9 x 10-4 s-1 Equatorial bulge = 21 km (0.3%) Equatorial bulge = 4640 km (6%)

Earth’s bulge is ny and not discernible by eye. Jupiter’s bulge is much larger, due to faster rotaon and much larger size … but sll barely enough to be seen by eye. When we write down our equaons of moon, we will combine the centrifugal force due to Earth’s rotaon (Ω2r) with gravity (g) into a single “effecve gravity” (g*).

Then we can mostly forget all about the centrifugal force!

The surface of the oblate is “horizontal” and “flat” in the same sense that our parabolic plate was “flat” for a ball at rest in the rotang frame. That is, the net force on a ball at the center is zero. (The object is at rest due to balance of centrifugal force and gravity.)

All that’s le to think about is the “excess centrifugal force” due to the relave moon of the air: the Coriolis force!

The Coriolis force is always present and always acts 90º to the right of the wind vector.

One consequence: if there are no other horizontal forces acng on a fluid on Earth, it should move in ineral circles, just like our ball! Ineral circles observed in the

Water parcels can somemes be observed to move in approximately circular paths in the ocean – just like the ball on the rotang plate.

Observaons like these need to made at depth (here 500 m below the surface) to get away from the direct effect of and other disturbances.

Ineral circles are rarely seen in the atmosphere. Why? We would need weak background winds that do not change for days at a me – this rarely happens.

However, the Coriolis force is incredibly important for understanding the atmosphere, as Marshall and Plumb 2008 we will see… maps (upper levels) show that winds are nearly parallel to isobars, with the low pressure to the le.

Why? Hint- it involves balance Geostrophic balance = balance between horizontal PGF (towards low pressure) and Coriolis force (90º to right of wind) L force tries to accelerate wind toward the low. Coriolis tries to accelerate the wind to the right. The only way for these forces to balance (net zero force) is if the wind H blows parallel to isobars as shown.

Geostrophic balance is a very central concept in dynamic meteorology.

We will spend much of the rest of the semester talking about it! Summary

• Coriolis force is the “excess” of centrifugal force, always acng towards the right in the Northern Hemisphere • Effecve gravity g* is an effect of Earth’s Equator bulge & acts downward everywhere by combining normal gravity and centrifugal force • Geostrophic balance explains upper level wind direcon by balancing pressure gradient force and Coriolis force Reminders

• Homework #5 due next Tuesday, October 28th • Prof. Rose will be back on Thursday to connue discussing concepts introduced today