Evolutionary History of Sabre-Toothed Cats Based on Ancient Mitogenomics

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Evolutionary History of Sabre-Toothed Cats Based on Ancient Mitogenomics 1 Evolutionary history of sabre-toothed cats 2 based on ancient mitogenomics 3 4Johanna L. A. Paijmans1,*, Ross Barnett2, M. Thomas P. Gilbert2,3,4, M. Lisandra Zepeda-Mendoza2, Jelle 5W.F. Reumer5,6, John de Vos7,8, Grant Zazula9, Doris Nagel10, Gennady F. Baryshnikov11, Jennifer A. 6Leonard12, Nadin Rohland13, Michael Westbury1, Axel Barlow1, Michael Hofreiter1 7 81. Institute for Biochemistry and Biology, University of Potsdam, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25, 14476 Potsdam, 9Germany 102. Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 5-7, Copenhagen, Denmark 113. Trace and Environmental DNA Laboratory, Department of Environment and Agriculture, Curtin University, 6102 12Perth, Australia 134. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University Museum, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway 145. University of Utrecht, Faculty of Geosciences, Postbus 80115, 3508 TC Utrecht, the Netherlands 156. Natural History Museum Rotterdam, Westzeedijk 345, 3015 AA Rotterdam, the Netherlands 167. Geological Museum Hofland, Hilversumseweg 51, 1251 EW Laren, the Netherlands 178. Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden, the Netherlands 189. Department of Tourism and Culture, Government of Yukon, PO Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada 1910. Institut für Paläontologie, University of Vienna, Austria 2011. Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab. 1, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia 2112. Conservation and Evolutionary Genetics Group, Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC), Avda. Américo 22Vespucio, 26, 41092 Sevilla, Spain 2313. Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA 02115, USA 24 25* Lead contact & Corresponding author ([email protected]) 26 27 28Key words: ancient DNA; mitogenomes; Homotherium; Smilodon; saber-toothed cat; scimitar- 29toothed cat 30 31Summary 32Sabre-toothed cats (Machairodontinae) are among the most widely recognised representatives of the 33now largely extinct Pleistocene megafauna. However, many aspects of their ecology, evolution and 34extinction remain uncertain. Although ancient DNA studies have led to huge advances in our 35knowledge of these aspects of many other megafauna species (e.g. mammoths and cave bears), 36relatively few ancient DNA studies have focused on sabre-toothed cats [1–3], and they have been 37restricted to short fragments of mitochondrial DNA. Here we investigate the evolutionary history of 38two lineages of sabre-toothed cats (Smilodon and Homotherium) in relation to living carnivores, and 39find the Machairodontinae form a well-supported clade that is distinct from all living felids. We 40present partial mitochondrial genomes from one S. populator sample and three Homotherium sp. 1 1 2 41samples, including the only Late Pleistocene Homotherium sample from Eurasia [4]. We confirm 42the identification of the unique Late Pleistocene European fossil through ancient DNA analyses, 43thus strengthening the evidence that Homotherium occurred in Europe over 200,000 years later than 44previously believed. This in turn forces a re-evaluation of its demography and extinction dynamics. 45Within the Machairodontinae, we find a deep divergence between Smilodon and Homotherium (~18 46million years), but limited diversity between the American and European Homotherium specimens. 47The genetic data support the hypothesis that all Late Pleistocene (or post-Villafrancian) 48Homotherium should be considered a single species, H. latidens, which was previously proposed 49based on morphological data [5,6]. 50 51RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 52Homotherium and Smilodon were large-bodied predators with widespread distributions. The 53Holarctic genus Homotherium has Old World origins, with Late Pleistocene forms in Eurasia 54generally assigned to H. latidens while those in North America to H. serum [7,8]. The New World 55genus Smilodon is thought to have evolved from Old World dirk-toothed cats of the genus 56Megantereon which may have dispersed into the Americas during the Pliocene (Blancan). Two Late 57Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Smilodon species are recognised, with S. fatalis confined to areas 58south of the continental ice sheets in North America, while the contemporary, larger, and more 59robust S. populator was restricted to South America. Despite their widespread occurrence, 60Homotherium and Smilodon remains are uncommon and generally fragmentary in the fossil record, 61except in rare cases, e.g. [9,10]. Homotherium in particular is generally only represented by isolated 62cranial or dental elements, leading to many uncertainties about their taxonomy, demography and 63extinction dynamics. Both Homotherium and Smilodon survived in North America until the Late 64Pleistocene, and went extinct alongside many other megafauna species on the continent (e.g. 65mammoth and giant sloth [11]). In Eurasia, however, Homotherium is generally thought to have 66gone extinct much earlier, during the Middle Pleistocene around 300,000 years ago [12–15]. To 67date, there is only a single dated Late Pleistocene Homotherium fossil recovered in Europe [4]. We 68used ancient DNA techniques to retrieve and analyse genetic data from this individual, and 69compared the specimen to two North American Homotherium and one South American Smilodon 70specimen, in order to investigate the evolutionary history of the Machairodontinae, and the 71taxonomy, demography and phylogeography of Homotherium. 72 73Evolutionary history of Machairodontinae 3 2 4 74Mitochondrial genome data (mitogenomes) were generated for one Smilodon and three 75Homotherium specimens using hybridization capture, and assembled using both an iterative 76mapping approach using three different mitochondrial sequences as initial reference seeds, as well 77as regular read alignment approach (for more details see STAR Methods; Figure S1; Table S2). The 78Smilodon sample was collected in Chile, and is dated to 11,335 years (carbon dates are given as 79uncalibrated 14C years; Table 1). Two Homotherium fossils were collected in the Yukon Territory 80(northwest Canada), and both proved to be beyond the limits of radiocarbon dating (>50,000 years; 81Table 1; [3]). The European Homotherium was recovered from the North Sea, and is dated to 82~28,000 years old (Table 1; [4]). The recovered mitogenomes had an average depth of 19x (7 - 8335x), resulting in partial mitogenome sequences spanning 44.5 - 92.4% of the expected sequence 84length (Table S1). The recovered Machairodontinae mitogenomes were aligned with 22 additional 85carnivoran mitogenomes retrieved from GenBank and subjected to Maximum-Likelihood (ML) and 86Bayesian phylogenetic analyses (Table S3). The resulting ML phylogeny confirms the placement of 87Smilodon and Homotherium as sister lineages in the subfamily Machairodontinae with 94% 88bootstrap support (BS) and a Bayesian Posterior Probability (BPP) of 0.99, basal to all extant 89Felidae species (100% BS, 1.0 BPP; Figure 1; Figure S2). The mitogenome-based phylogenetic 90relationship between Homotherium and Smilodon data is in agreement with analyses based on 91morphological evidence [8], and shorter mitochondrial sequences [1,3]. We then used a time- 92calibrated Bayesian analysis to estimate divergence times on the ML topology with multiple fossil 93calibration points (Table 2). The estimated median time to the most recent common ancestor 94(tMRCA) for all Felidae was 20 million years ago (MYA; 95% credibility interval: 18.2 –22.0 95MYA). This is in line with earlier estimates of 14.5 to 21.5 MYA [3]. The tMRCA for extant Felids 96was found to be 14.2 million years ago, also similar to other estimates (e.g. 15.3 to 17.4 MYA [16]). 97The calibrated phylogeny indicates a deep divergence between Smilodon and Homotherium (18.0 98MYA; 95% credibility interval: 16.0 – 20.0 MYA, estimated sequence divergence ~11%), 99supporting an Early Miocene separation into the tribes Smilodontini and Homotherini, respectively 100(the latter is sometimes referred to as Machairodontini [17]). The oldest undisputed Homotherium 101fossils from Early Pliocene assemblages in Ukraine and Kenya suggest either a Eurasian or African 102origin of the genus, and a subsequent dispersal into America during the Late Pliocene (Blancan; 103[18,19]). Smilodon remains have only been recovered on the American continents, from the 104Miocene-Pliocene boundary to the Late Pleistocene, and have never been found in Eurasia [20]. The 105deep divergence inferred from our mitogenome data between Homotherium and Smilodon is 106congruent with the proposed evolution of these genera around the Miocene-Pliocene transition on 107separate continents. Within Smilodon there are currently two recognised Late Pleistocene species: S. 108populator, which has so far only been found in South America, and S. fatalis, the last surviving 5 3 6 109Smilodon species of North America [8]. The Smilodon specimen investigated in this study was 110recovered in Chile and is dated to 11,335 years before present (Table 1); it thus can be assigned to 111the South American Late Pleistocene species S. populator. The tMRCA of the three Homotherium 112individuals as inferred from the Bayesian analyses is 144,800 years (95% credibility interval: 11377,076 - 215,970 years, estimated sequence divergence 0.2 - 0.04%). This divergence date is 114relatively recent, and similar to that reported for other felid species (e.g. leopards from Asia [21]). 115 116Late Pleistocene occurrence of Homotherium in Eurasia 117Our genetic analyses corroborate published
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    SEAVR 2016: 72-74 ISSN : 2424-8525 Date of publication: 13 May 2016. Hosted online by ecologyasia.com Marbled Cat Pardofelis marmorata at Virachey National Park, Ratanakiri, Cambodia Gregory Edward McCann greg.mccann1 @ gmail.com Observer: Gregory Edward McCann (camera trap installer) Photographs by: Habitat ID (www.habitatid.org) & Virachey National Park staff. Subject identified by: Gregory Edward McCann. Location: Virachey National Park, Ratanakiri province, Cambodia. Elevation: 1,455 metres. Habitat: Bamboo-dominated forest on mountain ridge. Date and time: 24 January 2016, 13:29 hrs. Identity of subject: Marbled Cat, Pardofelis marmorata (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae). Description of record: A lone Marbled Cat was photographed by camera trap in Virachey National Park (VNP), on the summit of Phnom Haling, one of the highest mountain ridges in northeast Cambodia, in an area dominated by bamboo (Figs. 1 and 2.). Fig. 1 : Full frame camera trap image. © Gregory Edward McCann 72 Fig. 2 : Cropped camera trap image. © Gregory Edward McCann Remarks: The subject is identified as a Marbled Cat Pardofelis marmorata based on its fur patterning, which includes large, dark blotches on its limbs, and its stocky shape. In addition the 'cloudy' pattern of lines on its back distinguishes it from the larger Clouded Leopard Neofelis nebulosa. It appears to be an adult and, based on its posture and the condition of its coat, it seems to be in healthy condition. Preliminary results of an on-going camera trapping program in VNP (which commenced in January 2014) have, as of March 2016, also resulted in 13 other trigger events of Marbled Cat, from seven different camera stations.
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