
Downloaded from http://perspectivesinmedicine.cshlp.org/ on October 4, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Diversification and Specialization of Touch Receptors in

David M. Owens1,2 and Ellen A. Lumpkin1,3

1Department of Dermatology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York 10032 2Department of Pathology and Biology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York 10032 3Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York 10032 Correspondence: [email protected]

Our skin is the furthest outpost of the and a primary sensor for harmful and innocuous external stimuli. As a multifunctional sensory organ, the skin manifests a diverse and highly specialized array of mechanosensitive with complex terminals, or end organs, which are able to discriminate different sensory stimuli and encode this information for appropriate central processing. Historically, the basis for this diversity of sensory special- izations has been poorly understood. In addition, the relationship between cutaneous me- chanosensory afferents and resident skin cells, including keratinocytes, Merkel cells, and Schwann cells, during the development and function of tactile receptors has been poorly defined. In this article, we will discuss conserved tactile end organs in the and hair follicles, with a focus on recent advances in our understanding that have emerged from studies of mouse hairy skin.

kin is our body’s protective covering and skills, including typing, feeding, and dressing Sour largest sensory organ. Unique among ourselves. Touch is also important for social ex- our sensory systems, the skin’s nervous system change, including pair bonding and child rear-

www.perspectivesinmedicine.org gives rise to distinct sensations, including gentle ing (Tessier et al. 1998; Feldman et al. 2010). touch, , , warmth, and cold. These dis- Infants deprived of touch stimuli display devel- tinct percepts are initiated by an impressive ar- opmental and cognitive deficits (reviewed in ray of somatosensory neurons, whose sensory Kaffman and Meaney 2007; Ardiel and Rankin , called afferents, densely innervate the 2010). For example, premature babies show de- skin (Fig. 1). We rely on sensory inputs from layed development and growth but this can be the skin to interact with objects in our environ- improved by 45 minutes of daily touch stimula- ment and to avoid harm. tion. Cognitive deficits in touch-deprived rodent Our of touch enables us to perform pups persist through adulthood, highlighting numerous behaviors that rely on fine motor the importance of touch during development.

Editors: Anthony E. Oro and Fiona M. Watt Additional Perspectives on The Skin and Its Diseases available at www.perspectivesinmedicine.org Copyright # 2014 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a013656 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2014;4:a013656

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D.M. Owens and E.A. Lumpkin

Receptor anatomy Neural signal Percept

Guard/ tylotrich Aβ Touch dome RA Zigzag Slip, vibration, hair movements Epidermis SAI Shapes, textures, steady pressure Merkel cells Aδ Aδ-LTMR Hair movement ? AM Fast prickling pain C fibers Dermis C- Slow burning pain, C-LTMR itch, sting Brushing

Figure 1. Touch receptors of hairy skin. A diverse group of mechanosensory afferents innervate the hairy skin of . The schematic depicts anatomically distinct end organs (right), which give rise to neural signals with distinct patterns of activity (center). These different classes of sensory neurons initiate the of different cutaneous sensations (left). Ab afferents (blue shades), which have thick sheaths, are gentle-touch receptors that display rapidly adapting (RA) or slowly adapting (SA) responses to touch. In hairy skin, RA afferents form lanecolate endings around hair follicles. Slowly adapting type I (SAI) afferents innervate Merkel cells (yellow) clustered in touch domes. Ad afferents (green shades), which have thin myelin sheaths, include Ad low-threshold (LTMRs) and A-mechanonociceptors (AM), whose morphological end or- gans have not been identified. C-afferents (magenta shades) include C-LTMRsthat innervate hair follicles as well as pruritoceptors and that innervate the epidermis. (Modified from Bautista and Lumpkin 2011.)

Acute itch and pain are warning signals. ron et al. 2006; Liu and Ji 2013). These are Pain alerts us to noxious mechanical, chemical, prevalent complaints in developed countries. and thermal stimuli that have the potential to is estimated to afflict more than damage skin . Moreover, under conditions 30% of Americans (Johannes et al. 2010). More- of inflammation or injury, skin displays a hyper- over, unrelieved itch is one of the most common sensitivity to touch and temperature that en- reasons for dermatological consult (Summery www.perspectivesinmedicine.org courages us to protect injured areas. Although 2009). the evolutionary advantage of itch is not fully Among the skin’s protective functions, understood, this sensation might provide pro- our understanding of cutaneous sensations tection by alerting us to the presence of has lagged compared with barrier and immune that have the potential to transmit disease. Itch functions. Recent studies of mouse models have sensation involves complex signaling between advanced our knowledge of the interactions keratinocytes, immune cells, and sensory neu- between skin and the nervous system that drives rons that innervate the epidermis (Liu and Ji sensation. Here, we focus on two mammalian 2013; Wilson et al. 2013). skin regions that are specialized for conveying In chronic pain and itch, these unpleasant touch stimuli to the nervous system—the touch sensations persist beyond the threat of tissue in- dome and the hair follicle. For additional in- jury. These chronic states accompany numerous sights into mechanosensory transduction, no- pathophysiological conditions, leading to pain ciception, and itch, we refer the reader to excel- triggered by gentle touch (), enhanced lent recent reviews (Basbaum et al. 2009; Chalfie sensitivity to noxious mechanical or thermal 2009; Jeffry et al. 2011; Patel and Dong 2011; Liu stimuli (), and unrelieved itch (Gil- and Ji 2013).

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Sensory Functions of the Skin

MAMMALIAN SKIN IS INNERVATED BY ple, a surprising variety of rapidly adapting DISTINCT TYPES OF SENSORY NEURONS afferents innervate hair follicles to respond to brushing, stroking, or air movements (Li et al. Cutaneous sensory afferents display a diversity 2011). SA afferents respond to steady pressure of developmental programs, molecular recep- by producingdischargesthroughout skin stimu- tors, anatomical specializations, and neural sig- lation. The best characterized of these is the SA nals, which allow them to trigger distinct sen- type I (SAI) afferent, which forms complexes sations (Fig. 1). At the molecular level, different with Merkel cells located in the stratum basale classes of cutaneous sensory neurons are spec- of the epidermis. Other types of SA afferents ified by combinatorial expression of tran- also innervate skin; however, their end organs scription factors and distinct neurotrophin have not been identified in mice. Although the dependencies (reviewed in Liu and Ma 2011; correspondence between an end organ and its Lallemend and Ernfors 2012). Moreover, they neural firing pattern has traditionally been cor- express different receptors that can respond se- relative, recent studies have begun to identify lectively to chemicals, temperatures, or physical molecular markers that can be used to reli- forces (Lumpkin and Caterina 2007; Rice and ably distinguish afferent subtypes in mouse Albrecht 2008). When these sensory receptors skin (Loewenstein and Rathkamp 1958; Wood- are activated, they lead to bury and Koerber 2007; Bourane et al. 2009; Luo changes that trigger discrete neural signals in et al. 2009; Seal et al. 2009; Li et al. 2011; Abraira the form of trains with unique and Ginty 2013). patterns of activity. These neural signals are then Cutaneous afferents can also be classified processed by and brain circuitry to based on the speed with which they conduct produce distinct percepts. action potentials, which is set by their degree Sensory afferents can be distinguished ana- of myelination (Brown and Iggo 1967; Rice tomically based on their sensory terminals, or and Albrecht 2008; Gardner et al. 2013). Ab end organs, in the skin (Fig. 1). Unmyelinated afferents are rapidly conducting fibers that afferents have free nerve endings that terminate have large axonal diameters and thick myelin in protrusions between epidermal keratino- sheaths. C fibers, which have thin, unmyelinat- cytes. These include pruritoceptors, which trig- ed afferents, are the slowest class. Ad fibers, ger itch; nociceptors, which evoke painful sen- which have fine axonal diameters and thin my- sations; and , which respond to elin sheaths, display intermediate conduction skin heating or cooling. In addition to their af- velocities. Although there are many exceptions, ferent function, many of these neurons serve an most nociceptors, pruritoceptors, and www.perspectivesinmedicine.org efferent role to modulate skin cells under con- thermoreceptors are classified as Ad or C fibers. ditions of inflammation or injury. When excited Most tactile afferents, or low-threshold mecha- by a painful or itch-producing , pep- noreceptors (LTMRs), fall into Ab or Ad cate- tidergic sensory neurons can release signaling gories. A notable exception is C-LTMRs, a class molecules, such as , calcitonin gene- of unmyelinated, LTMRs that abundantly inner- related peptide (CGRP), and inflammatory me- vate hairy skin and respond to gentle brushing diators, from their free nerve endings. Thus, the (Olausson et al. 2010; Vrontou et al. 2013). complex interplay of neurons and skin cells is an These afferents have been proposed to mediate integral component of skin function. social aspects of touch that contribute to pair Whereas nociceptors and pruritoceptors and maternal bonding (Olausson et al. 2010). have free nerve endings, most tactile afferents have terminal specializations that shape mecha- –NEURITE COMPLEXES nosensory responses so that different features of IN TOUCH DOMES a tactile stimulus are represented in their neural firing patterns (de Garavilla et al. 2001; Rice and Merkel cell–neurite complexes respond to pres- Albrecht 2008; Gardner et al. 2013). For exam- sure and encode an object’s spatial features,

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D.M. Owens and E.A. Lumpkin

such as shapes and edges (Johnson 2001). These et al. 2013). In adult mice, TDs are somewhat complexes are located in skin areas specialized smaller, containing 5–40 Merkel cells in a for high tactile acuity, including glabrous finger- cluster 100 mm in diameter (Lumpkin et al. pads, vibrissal follicles, and touch domes, which 2003; Lesko et al. 2013). Although the molecular are high-sensitivity areas of hairy skin (Fig. 2). and cellular basis for the designation and pat- In the hairy skin of rodents and , terning of touch dome cells during skin devel- touch domes (TDs) are specialized structures opment remains poorly understood, recent evi- in the epidermis that consist of unusual colum- dence shows that touch dome keratinocytes nar keratinocytes juxtaposed to Merkel cells share similar keratin markers with hair follicle (Fig. 2)(Pinkus 1902; Smith 1977; Moll et al. keratinocytes (Doucet et al. 2013), indicating 1996b; Halata et al. 2003; Reinisch and Tschach- that TDs may be designated in the hair placode ler 2005). TDs are asymmetric, crescent-shaped during morphogenesis. structures that are typically associated with The function of Merkel cells in the epider- tylotrich (guard) hair follicles. In the adult mis has been debated for decades. A long-held mouse, Merkel cell clusters are polarized to model posits that Merkel cells are mechanosen- the caudal side of tylotrich hairs and this polar sory cells that transduce touch and activate SAI organization has recently been shown to require afferents through synaptic transmission (Iggo Frizzled6 signaling (Chang and Nathans 2013). and Muir 1969; Tachibana and Nawa 2002; Hae- In skin, TDs are most abundant on the berle and Lumpkin 2008). Consistent with this trunk and about half are associated with hair model, several groups have shown that Merkel follicles (Orime et al. 2013). Histological studies cells are activated by mechanical stimuli, such as suggest that human TDs are innervated by mul- cell swelling and membrane stretch (Chan et al. tiple types of sensory afferents (Reinisch and 1996; Haeberle et al. 2008; Boulais et al. 2009). Tschachler 2005). A recent study found that hu- Moreover, parallels are notable between Merkel man TDs range in diameter from 50 to 500 cells and other mechanosensory receptor cells, mm and contain 65–265 Merkel cells (Orime such as hair cells of the inner . For exam-

TD Merkel ABSkin surface cells Touch dome

Hair shaft www.perspectivesinmedicine.org Epidermis

Columnar Merkel keratinocytes cell Dermis Sensory afferent

Figure 2. Position and structure of touch domes in mice. (A) Overhead view schematic illustrates that touch domes (TDs) are asymmetrical crescent-shaped structures that are polarized to the caudal side of tylotrich (guard) hairs in the pelage skin. (B) Sagittal view schematic illustrating the key cellular and structural elements of the touch dome including unusual columnar keratinocytes juxtaposed with mature Merkel cells, which are innervated by SAI sensory afferents.

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Sensory Functions of the Skin

ple, these cell types express a common comple- or enzymatic digestion have produced conflict- ment of transcription factors, including Brn3c, ing results, with loss of SA touch responses in Gfi1, Sox2, and mammalian atonal homolog 1 some studies but not others (Diamond et al. (Atoh1) (Xiang et al. 1997; Ben-Arie et al. 2000; 1988; Ikeda et al. 1994; Mills and Diamond Leonard et al. 2002; Wallis et al. 2003; Haeberle 1995; Senok et al. 1996a,b). Because it is difficult et al. 2004; Badea et al. 2012; Lesko et al. 2013). to completely ablate Merkel cells without also Atoh1 is required for developmental specifica- damaging sensory terminals with these meth- tion of both hair cells and Merkel cells (Ber- ods, other groups have turned to transgenic mingham et al. 1999; Maricich et al. 2009; Van approaches. In mutant mice lacking the p75 Keymeulen et al. 2009). A second hypothesis neurotrophin receptor, TDs have normal com- is that Merkel cells are accessory cells that serve plements of Merkel cells at birth but most are as mechanical filters or release neuromodula- lost postnatally. Electrophysiological recordings tors to shape the firing patterns of touch-sensi- showed that these mutants have touch-evoked tive SAI afferents (Gottschaldt and Vahle-Hinz responses similar to those of wild-type mice 1981). A two-receptor site model, which posits (Kinkelin et al. 1999), indicating that Merkel that Merkel cells and sensory terminals con- cells are not necessary to produce slowing adapt- tribute to different aspects of the SAI response, ing touch responses. One caveat is that the pres- has also to be proposed (Yamashita and Ogawa ence of TDs was not confirmed in the receptive 1991). Finally, the presence of noninnervated fields of these afferents; therefore, it is possible Merkel cells in some epithelia suggests that Mer- that these responses reflected the activity of SA kel cells might participate in neuroendocrine neurons other than SAI afferents (Wellnitz et al. rather than sensory functions (reviewed in Eis- 2010). By contrast, in Atoh1 conditional knock- pert et al. 2009). out mice, Merkel cells fail to form during de- Consistent with an active role in touch re- velopment but TDs are still innervated by sen- ception, a substantial body of histological sory afferents (Maricich et al. 2009). Merkel cell and molecular evidence indicates that Merkel knockout mice show a selective loss of SAI re- cells make synaptic-like contacts with sensory sponses in electrophysiological recordings and afferents (Haeberle et al. 2004; Hitchcock et al. a loss of texture preference in behavioral assays 2004; Nunzi et al. 2004). Moreover, Merkel cells (Maricich et al. 2009, 2012). Thus, these results have small dense-core vesicles that contain neu- suggest that Merkel cells play an integral role rotransmitters, including glutamate, ATP, sero- in touch-evoked SAI responses (Maricich et al. tonin, and a multitude of neuropeptides (Hart- 2009). Because Merkel cells never develop in schuh et al. 1979, 1983; Alvarez et al. 1988; these mice, these studies do not distinguish be- www.perspectivesinmedicine.org Gauweiler et al. 1988; Hartschuh and Weihe tween a developmental requirement, a mecha- 1988; Garcia-Caballero et al. 1989; Toyoshima nosensory function, or an accessory role. Thus, and Shimamura 1991; English et al. 1992; Fagan further studies are needed to define the function and Cahusac 2001; Tachibana and Nawa 2002; of Merkel cells in touch reception. Haeberle et al. 2004; Hitchcock et al. 2004). A Merkel cells express numerous neuronal direct demonstration that Merkel cells release proteins (Halata et al. 2003; Haeberle et al. these neurotransmitters to convey sensory infor- 2004), which is consistent with the notion that mation to SAI afferents is still lacking. Alterna- the developmental origin of the Merkel lineage tively, Merkel cells could release these substances is the . This idea was initially sup- in a paracrine fashion to modulate the develop- ported by cell-lineage tracing studies identify- ment or function of neurons, keratinocytes, or ing Wnt1-expressing neural crest stem cells as other skin cells. the Merkel-cell site of origin (Szeder et al. 2003). The requirement for Merkel cells in touch More recently, two reports comparing murine has been tested using transgenic mice and pho- lineage tracing models using a neural crest Cre toablation (Ogawa 1996; Halata et al. 2003). At- driver (Wnt1Cre) or an epidermal Cre driver tempts to remove Merkel cells via photoablation (K14Cre) indicated that Merkel cells are derived

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D.M. Owens and E.A. Lumpkin

from the proliferative keratinocyte layer (Krt14- the epidermis, indicating that the touch dome expressing) of skin rather than Wnt1 progeni- might represent a distinct stem cell pool in the tors in the neural crest (Morrison et al. 2009; interfollicular epidermis (Doucet et al. 2013). Van Keymeulen et al. 2009). In support of these Our understanding of the cellular basis for findings, conditional deletion of Atoh1 in the maintenance of Merkel cell homeostasis is K14Cre mice was shown to abolish Merkel cell highly relevant for two pathological skin condi- development, whereas the same mutation using tions: Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), which fea- Wnt1Cre mice had no effect (Morrison et al. tures an overproduction of neoplastic Merkel 2009). cells, and age-related loss of tactile acuity, which Although we understand very little about is associated with a loss of Merkel cells. MCC the signaling pathways that designate a Merkel is a highly aggressive tumor that arises in fate in keratinocyte stem cells, recent studies the skin (Toker 1972) and consists of neoplastic have begun to unravel transcription factors cells expressing neuroendocrine markers and other than Atoh1 that are required for Merkel transcription factors similar to those of nor- cell differentiation. Conditional deletion of Sox2, mal Merkel cells (Harms et al. 2013). Although a marker of Merkel cells (Haeberle et al. 2004; MCCs are relatively rare compared with other Driskell et al. 2009; Lesko et al. 2013), via types of nonmelanoma skin cancer, the inci- K14Cre mice leads to depletion of Merkel cells dence of MCC cases has tripled over the last in the epidermis (Bardot et al. 2013; Lesko et al. decade with less than half of MCC patients sur- 2013). Interestingly,Sox2 signaling appearsto be viving 5 years following detection of lymph upstreamofAtoh1andissuppressedbyEzh1and node involvement (Hodgson 2005). MCC inci- Ezh2 histone methyltransferase enzymes (Bar- dence is at least 10-fold greater in human immu- dot et al. 2013). nodeficiency virus (HIV) and organ transplant Because Merkel cells are postmitotic cells patients as well as patients exposed to ultraviolet (Vaigot et al. 1987; Merot and Saurat 1988; radiation (Lunder and Stern 1998; Penn and Moll et al. 1996c; Wooet al. 2010), an epidermal First 1999; Engels et al. 2002), indicating that progenitor pool would presumably be required immune suppression may be a critical risk fac- to maintain this lineage during epidermal ho- tor for MCC. A previously unidentified poly- meostasis. Indeed, a phenotypically distinct oma virus, Merkel cell polyoma virus (MCV), population of columnar keratinocytes residing was found in 80% of MCC cases (Feng et al. in TDs possesses bipotent progenitor capacity, 2008) suggesting that opportunistic MCV in- as evidenced by their ability to contribute to fection plays a causal role in the formation of mature Merkel and squamous epidermal line- MCC; however, the pathogenesis of MCC re- www.perspectivesinmedicine.org ages during homeostasis and under regenerative mains poorly defined. conditions (Woo et al. 2010). Recently, a mouse One issue clouding our understanding of model has been reported that targets touch MCC pathogenesis stems from conflicting re- dome columnar keratinocytes, while excluding ports addressing whether MCC actually arises mature Merkel cells, with a tamoxifen-inducible from Merkel cells that have undergone onco- Cre recombinase (CreERT2) under the regulato- genic transformation (Gould et al. 1985; Kani- ry control of the cytokeratin Krt17 locus (Dou- takis et al. 1998; Sidhu et al. 2005). Numerous cet et al. 2013). Lineage studies in Krt17CreERT2 neuronal proteins expressed by normal Merkel transgenic mice showed that Merkel cells are cells are also featured in MCC cells, supporting genetic descendants of Krt17þ touch dome the idea of a Merkel cell origin for MCC. On keratinocytes and that the pool of Merkel cells the other hand, Merkel cells are postmitotic cells in the touch dome is turned over every 2 months (Vaigot et al. 1987; Merot and Saurat 1988; Moll in murine skin during homeostasis (Doucet et al. 1996a) making them an unlikely candidate et al. 2013). Interestingly, there does not appear as a MCC cell of origin. In addition, the mature to be any remarkable overlap between the touch Merkel cell pool has a relatively fast (2 months) dome niche and other niches in the remainderof rate of turnover in adult murine skin (Doucet

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Sensory Functions of the Skin

et al. 2013), which raises the possibility that an healing. Recently, the hair follicle has gained epidermal keratinocyte stem cell pool may be an more attention for its role in touch sensation. origin for MCC. The displacement of hairs by innocuous me- chanical stimuli activates LTMRs housed in a piloneural collar that is located in the isthmus INNERVATION OF HAIR FOLLICLES and upper bulge regions of the hair follicle (Figs. Hair follicles are a major component of the pi- 1 and 3). The terminals of inner piloneural af- losebaceous unit, which performs a number of ferent populations align with the neck of the functions in the skin including production of hair follicle in a longitudinal direction forming hair fibers and oil, induction of angiogenesis, palisades of lanceolate nerve endings, and outer serving as a reservoir for pigment-producing populations innervate in a circumferential pat- and immune cells, and participation in wound tern (Munger and Ide 1988; Halata 1993).

Zigzag Awl/Auchene

Epi Epi

SG SG Fiber types: Bg Aβ, RA Fiber types: Bg Aδ, RA Aδ, RA C C HG DP HG DP


TD Epi

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Fiber types: Aβ, SAI

Fiber types: Aβ, RA DP HG

Figure 3. Schematic representation of the structural components of the piloneural collar . Sensory projections from dorsal root neurons innervate the isthmus/upper bulge region of hair follicles in the pelage skin in circumferential (CF) and longitudinal (LF) patterns. The terminal endings of these sensory afferents are tightly associated with the upward processes of terminal Schwann cells (tSCs; red). Both the fibers and tIISC processes are associated with the outer root sheath keratinocytes in the hair follicle. The four types of pelage follicles, zigzag, awl, auchene, and guard, and the accompanying afferent combinations are shown. Bg, bulge; CF,circumferential fibers; IFE, interfollicular epidermis; Is, isthmus; LF,lanceolate fibers; SG, sebaceous gland.

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D.M. Owens and E.A. Lumpkin

Whereas histological data indicate that at that each type of hair follicle represents a dis- least five distinct populations of sensory neu- tinctive mechanosensory unit equipped to se- rons localize to the piloneural collar (Millard lectively encode specific aspects of brushing or and Woolf 1988), recent studies using sparse stroking stimuli. These signals are then integrat- genetic labeling have revealed that the repertoire ed by spinal circuits to form a cohesive repre- of sensory receptors innervating mouse hairy sentation of touch (Li et al. 2011; Abraira and skin is even more complex (Li et al. 2011; Badea Ginty 2013). et al. 2012; Wu et al. 2012; reviewed in Abraira The palisade patterning of terminal nerve and Ginty 2013). For example, at least 10 mor- endings are a unique feature of the piloneural phologically distinguishable types of sensory collar receptor, which appears to be influ- afferents innervate mouse dorsal skin at postna- enced in part by the presence of type II terminal tal day 21 (Wu et al. 2012). Many of the senso- Schwann cells (tIISCs). A recent study reported ry neurons that innervate hair follicles express that tIISCs are required for maintenance of the transcription factor Brn3b and are derived mouse lanceolate endings and that these tIISCs from early Ret-positive sensory neurons during persist following denervation (Li and Ginty embroyonic development (Bourane et al. 2009; 2014). These tIISCs express Nestin and S100 Luo et al. 2009; Badea et al. 2012). In some and display long fingerlike processes that ex- cases, an individual sensory afferent innervates tend upward from tIISC cell bodies and inter- only a single hair follicle, whereas other afferents digitate with longitudinal fibers so that each innervate hundreds of hair follicles spanning a nerve ending is tightly juxtaposed on either skin area of up to 7mm2 (Li et al. 2011; Wu side with tIISC processes (Kaidoh and Inoue et al. 2012). The complicated composition of 2000, 2008; Woo et al. 2010). Electron micro- the piloneural collar might allow the hair follicle scopic studies have shown that N-cadherin- to discriminate between subtle differences in mediated adherens junctions are formed be- mechanical force or the duration of stimulation. tween outer root sheath (ORS) keratinocytes Adding to this complexity are the distinct in the hair follicle and either tIISC processes hair follicle types identified in murine skin— or the terminal nerve endings themselves (Kai- zigzag, awl, auchene, and guard—that can be doh and Inoue 2000, 2008). These data indicate discriminated based on hair shaft thickness, that the maintenance of this receptor might rely length, and the presence of kinks (Fig. 3) on communication between all three cellular (Schlake 2007). The discovery of selective mo- components. Support for this idea has come lecular markers for different classes of hair fol- from analysis of the skin of mice lacking Vglut2, licle afferents has enabled a systematic analysis a vesicular glutamate transporter that pack- www.perspectivesinmedicine.org of the pilonural collars of these different hair ages excitatory glutamate into exocytic vesicles. follicle types (Li et al. 2011). Piloneural lanceo- Tissue-specific deletion of Vglut2 showed that late endings are formed by at least three types -derived glutamate plays an essential of hair follicle sensory neurons: Ab-LTMR, role in the development, maintenance, and me- Ad-LTMR, or C-LTMRs (Li et al. 2011). Each chanosensory capacity of the piloneural collar of these subtypes reports hair movements but (Woo et al. 2010). These studies illustrate that they convey information to the central nervous terminal Schwann cells might have a key role system with different latencies. Moreover, Ab- in the function of somatosensory receptors by LTMR, Ad-LTMR, and C-LTMRsthat innervate facilitating the positioning of sensory end or- the same skin area display overlapping but dis- gans. Collectively, these results showed that tinct central projection patterns, suggesting that glutamate derived from sensory terminals is es- their inputs are integrated by spinal cord cir- sential for the proper development, mainte- cuitry. Remarkably, guard, awl/auchene, and nance, and sensory function of the piloneural zigzag follicles are innervated by unique com- mechanoreceptor (Woo et al. 2012). This is the plements of these sensory neurons in adolescent first evidence that excitatory glutamate derived mice (P14–P30) (Fig. 3). These data suggest from sensory neurons can regulate the differen-

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Sensory Functions of the Skin

tiation of glial cells in the skin. Importantly, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS these results confer an efferent functionality to The authors are supported by NIAMS R01 this population of glutamatergic sensory af- AR051219 (to E.A.L.), NINDS R01 NS073119 ferents in the skin. Glutamate release from (to E.A.L. and Gregory J. Gerling), and NIEHS exocytic vesicles has been observed following R21 ES020060 (to D.M.O.). Wethank Dr. Aislyn stretch activation of mechanosensory nerve ter- M. Nelson, Yanne Doucet, and Kara Mashall for minals innervating muscle spindles, providing assistance with manuscript preparation. The a precedence for this concept in other periph- authors declare no conflicts of interest. eral tissues. Moreover, -derived Shh ligands have been shown to modulate the ability of hair follicle stem cells to respond REFERENCES to skin wounding (Brownell et al. 2011). Abraira VE, Ginty DD. 2013. The sensory neurons of touch. Whether additional efferent factors released by Neuron 79: 618–639. sensory neurons influence skin or hair follicle Alvarez FJ, Cervantes C, Blasco I, Villalba R, Martinez-Mu- homeostasis or pathological skin conditions rillo R, Polak JM, Rodrigo J. 1988. Presence of calcitonin including cancer carcinogenesis remains poorly gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance P (SP) im- munoreactivity in intraepidermal free nerve endings of understood. cat skin. Brain Res 442: 391–395. Ardiel EL, Rankin CH. 2010. The importance of touch in development. Paediatr Child Health 15: 153–156. CONCLUDING REMARKS Badea TC, Williams J, Smallwood P, Shi M, Motajo O, Na- thans J. 2012. Combinatorial expression of Brn3 tran- We are witnessing an exciting period of rapid scription factors in somatosensory neurons: Genetic progress in the field of cutaneous neurobiol- and morphologic analysis. J Neurosci 32: 995–1007. ogy. The combination of modern mouse genet- Bardot ES, Valdes VJ, Zhang J, Perdigoto CN, Nicolis ics, neurophysiology, development, and stem S, Hearn SA, Silva JM, Ezhkova E. 2013. Polycomb subunits Ezh1 and Ezh2 regulate the Merkel cell differ- cell biology has shed new light on the com- entiation program in skin stem cells. EMBO J 32: 1990– plex interactions between the nervous system 2000. and skin cells, as well as the intricate neuronal Basbaum AI, Bautista DM, Scherrer G, Julius D. 2009. Cel- lular and molecular mechanisms of pain. Cell 139: 267– processes that underlie our rich sensory experi- 284. ences. Bautista DM, Lumpkin EA. 2011. Perspectives on: Informa- As highlighted above, fascinating ques- tion and coding in mammalian sensory physiology: tions remain unanswered. What are the signal- Probing mammalian touch transduction. J Gen Physiol 138: 291–301. ing mechanisms in keratinocytes and other Ben-Arie N, Hassan BA, Bermingham NA, Malicki DM, skin cell types that transduce efferent signals Armstrong D, Matzuk M, Bellen HJ, Zoghbi HY. 2000. www.perspectivesinmedicine.org from cutaneous sensory neurons? What are the Functional conservation of atonal and Math1 in the CNS developmental pathways that allow keratino- and PNS. Development 127: 1039–1048. Bermingham NA, Hassan BA, Price SD, Vollrath MA, Ben- cyte-derived Merkel cells to adopt a neuronal- Arie N, Eatock RA, Bellen HJ, Lysakowski A, Zoghbi HY. like cell fate? Do epidermal Merkel cells and ker- 1999. Math1: An essential gene for the generation of in- atinocytes play a functional role in sensory ner ear hair cells. Science 284: 1837–1841. signaling, as suggested by numerous anatomical Boulais N, Pennec JP, Lebonvallet N, Pereira U, Rougier N, Dorange G, Chesne C, Misery L. 2009. Rat Merkel cells and molecular studies? Moreover, little is known are mechanoreceptors and osmoreceptors. PLoS ONE 4: about how the nervous system adapts to the e7759. changes in skin structure and function that Bourane S, Garces A, Venteo S, Pattyn A, Hubert T, Fichard accompanies normal aging and environmental A, Puech S, Boukhaddaoui H, Baudet C, Takahashi S, et al. 2009. Low-threshold mechanoreceptor subtypes selec- exposures. For example, given that follicles can tively express MafA and are specified by Ret signaling. produce different hair types in adult hair cycles Neuron 64: 857–870. (Chi et al. 2013), do corresponding changes in Brown AG, Iggo A. 1967. A quantitative study of cutaneous receptors and afferent fibres in the cat and rabbit. J Physiol innervation occur when hair morphology 193: 707–733. switches? With modern tools in hand, the an- Brownell I, Guevara E, Bai CB, Loomis CA, Joyner AL. 2011. swers to these questions are now within reach. Nerve-derived sonic hedgehog defines a niche for hair

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Diversification and Specialization of Touch Receptors in Skin

David M. Owens and Ellen A. Lumpkin

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2014; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a013656

Subject Collection The Skin and Its Diseases

Melanoma: Clinical Features and Genomic Modeling Cutaneous Squamous Carcinoma Insights Development in the Mouse Elena B. Hawryluk and Hensin Tsao Phillips Y. Huang and Allan Balmain Wound Healing and Skin Regeneration Natural and Sun-Induced Aging of Human Skin Makoto Takeo, Wendy Lee and Mayumi Ito Laure Rittié and Gary J. Fisher The Dermal Papilla: An Instructive Niche for Advanced Treatment for Basal Cell Carcinomas Epithelial Stem and Progenitor Cells in Scott X. Atwood, Ramon J. Whitson and Anthony E. Development and Regeneration of the Hair Follicle Oro Bruce A. Morgan Immunology and Skin in Health and Disease Epidermal Polarity Genes in Health and Disease Jillian M. Richmond and John E. Harris Frederik Tellkamp, Susanne Vorhagen and Carien M. Niessen Desmosomes: Regulators of Cellular Signaling Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells in Dermatology: and Adhesion in Epidermal Health and Disease Potentials, Advances, and Limitations Jodi L. Johnson, Nicole A. Najor and Kathleen J. Ganna Bilousova and Dennis R. Roop Green Markers of Epidermal Stem Cell Subpopulations The Genetics of Human Skin Disease in Adult Mammalian Skin Gina M. DeStefano and Angela M. Christiano Kai Kretzschmar and Fiona M. Watt Psoriasis p53/p63/p73 in the Epidermis in Health and Paola Di Meglio, Federica Villanova and Frank O. Disease Nestle Vladimir A. Botchkarev and Elsa R. Flores Cell Therapy in Dermatology Diversification and Specialization of Touch Gabriela Petrof, Alya Abdul-Wahab and John A. Receptors in Skin McGrath David M. Owens and Ellen A. Lumpkin

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