To: The Scientific Panel

I’m highly concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following reasons.

Environment: – WA’s vital water resources are at risk of contamination and depletion from fracking operations due to water and chemical use, and wastewater production[1]. – Our unique flora and fauna are threatened due to habitat fragmentation, wastewater leaks and accidents during transportation. – Current, weak WA fracking regulations[2] don’t limit pollution or make mandatory independent, long-term monitoring of environmental factors like water and air quality.

Health: – Serious health effects have been experienced by communities living near gasfields in the USA and QLD following the commencement of unconventional gas operations—including respiratory ailments; nose, throat and eye irritations; and neurological illnesses[3].

Climate: – Unconventional gas mining and fracking leads to large, deliberate and fugitive methane emissions, which dangerously contribute to climate change[4] and increase local community fire risk.

Community: – Landholders and Traditional Owners don’t have the legal right to lock the gate and refuse access on their land to oil and gas companies in WA. – Research in Queensland has shown[5] that the industry has led to a reduction in community wellbeing and social cohesion. It has also caused a deterioration in local skills and infrastructure, fewer additional local job opportunities, and limited economic benefit to the wider community.

Due to the unacceptable risks that the onshore unconventional gas fracking industry poses to a community’s rights to water and health, I urge the Inquiry to recommend a complete ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities across Western Australia.

References: [1] Vogwill R (2017) Western Australia’s Tight Gas Industry - A review of groundwater and environmental risks. Last accessed: 22/1/2018 [2] DMP (2015) Guide to the Regulatory Framework for Shale and Tight Gas in Western Australia, Last accessed: 22/1/2018 [3] Haswell M, Bethmont A (2016) Health concerns associated with unconventional gas mining in rural Australia. Rural and Remote Health 16, 1–36. Last accessed: 22/1/2018 [4] TAI (2016) A review of current and future methane emissions from Australian unconventional oil and gas production. australian-unconventional-oil-and-gas-production/ Last accessed: 22/1/18 [5] TAI (2015) Be careful what you wish for: The economic impacts of unconventional gas in Queensland and implications for Northern Territory policy makers. 0.pdf Last accessed: 22/1/18

Additional comments to the Wilderness Society Proforma Submission

These comments have been displayed exactly as they were provided. A total of 39 comments have been removed as they were crude, vulgar or used abusive language.

PLEASE stop pumping the planet full of poison!!!!!

No more ripping up and destroying our beautiful country. Renewable energy and less invasive practices are a must.

Franking is dangerous to the water table, the environment and people and animals in the vicinity. NO FRACKING

As a beef producer in the beautiful and fertile SW of WA I'm highly concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia. I believe that there is sufficient evidence (as set out below) of adverse outcomes both in Australia and overseas for WA to impose a total ban on fracking. Why take such a risk? Let's look for renewable & cleaner energy sources.We have such limited capacity to produce food in WA and anyway and our south west is an international tourist drawcard. No-one in their right mind would want to destroy that. But apart from anything else, as a rural resident and farmer who loves their land and community and has spent a lot of time and resources caring for them and helping them more sustainable, I am deeply concerned about the likely social impact of fracking in our rural communities.

Landholders and Traditional Owners don't have the legal right to lock the gate and refuse access on their land to oil and gas companies in WA. I am unable to imagine what it would feel like to have my farm INVADED by this industry!

I am an ex oil field worker and having seen or heard of so many covered up accidents in the industry plus the fact no one will personally guarantee there will not be a contamination of our water then I say that we cannot afford to place gas or oil ahead of water. We can’t drink oil or gas

I didn't realize how dangerous this practice is to the water supply around it. Stop it already! People matter morethan profit.

I’m very concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia. I don’t want it contaminating our water table - and for the following sound reasons. Do not ignore them! They matter enormously for our State”s future. Tourists come here because we’re clean and safe with unique plants and animals. Please don’t f- it up!

I am not a great letter writer but I agree with the submission above in regards too the operation of fracking in our wonderful country de we need to lose any more of our Fauna/Fauna and polution of our under ground water supplies it has been shown where this fracking tales place how much damage is created to our wildlife wildflowers and water supply Please take a step towards keeping our country as it is we can no longer allow this fracking to continue and destroy what we have Thank you Will your name be honoured and remembered as one who uses science to create a sustainable natural world reducing the need for harmful chemicals and practices or one who ignorantly or knowingly, goes along with allowing fracking in WA because of financial gain or fear of being bullied and ostracised? So be brace, be strong, because we depend upon you to do what is right and protect our natural world. It is all we have. Once it is destroyed by greed and pollution...that is it. All over red rover, because we don't have anything else.

So please, once again, read the following :

To whom it may concern, which is EVERYONE,

1.Projects such as Santos' Narrabri gas project in NSW have been plagued by an alarming number of accidents and breaches. From just 56 'test' wells at Narrabri there have already been 20 reported spills or leaks of toxic coal seam gas water, including one that poisoned an aquifer with heavy metals including uranium.

2.Fracking is already destroying farmers' livelihoods and depleting natural resources around Australia.

3. Texan's who have experienced fracking are shouting from the rooftops DON'T DO IT!!

4. For all you pro-fracking people keep trying to push through a 'yes', the answer from the MAJORITY is NO.

5. It is NOT WORTH THE RISK, however unlikely you claim a risk might be, the bottom line is...


7. Water not only to drink, but to irrigate our crops & keep our dairy & meat industry alive...... Spraying with contaminate water = NO FOOD & NO DRINKING WATER.


9.WHY are you even considering taking that risk with people's health & maybe life, all for gas & money.....?

I support a nation wide ban on fracking. i support 100% renewable energy. our wilderness and water is too precious to risk

All of Australia should take Victoria's lead. Wa does not need this it's going to cost our future too much. There is alternatives. Please save our country from the rest of the worlds hungry energy needs!

Fracking is madness. An environmental catastrophe. The world over it has ruined the areas where it is carried out. Don't do it in WA!

Fracking is an environmental disaster. Wateris life and fracking destroys water. This is all about money and profit not the good of human beings or Mother Earth . Wake up and value what is truly valuable. Mother Earth, Water, the environment and all of humanity.

So sick and tired of abuses to our environment. Money is not going to sustain the welfare of the people in future generations. Stop fracking now!

The potential damage from fracking in Western Australia outweighs any potential benefit.

It might be easy to put a dollar value on the damage when it has been done - but it's not easy to put a dollar value on what you have protected.

Please don't burden future communities with more failed well-intentioned decisions of the past - like DDT, human climate damage, asbestos disease.

I want to add my voice to others who are also highly concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following reasons

WA is the driest state in this country and we can’t afford to risk the contamination of what little ground water we have. Please ban all fracking from WA. For all our sakes.

Based on critical scientific research, gas fracking is attractive from a short term financial perspective, however from a triple bottom line perspective, it should not be employed at all, as it is environmentally unsustainable and the short term financial gain will not offset the long term ecological pain.

I’m really concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for environmental, health and social reasons.

Environmentally, WA is one the driest parts of the driest inhabited continent on the planet and the amounts of water required to frack are unsustainable and should be reserved for crop production. The risks of contamination from fracking are also significant, putting existing industries at risk.

The risks to people’s health from fracking are also well-documented.

The impacts on local traditional owners will also need to be taken into consideration.

Please do not support fracking or unconventional gas mining in Western Australia.

We are moving back to WA from Victoria this year. Please follow Victoria's lead and protect all our land and water from the risks of fracking

I am extremely concerned about any form of onshore fracking taking place in Western Australia. We cannot afford to allow corporations to destroy our water and the environment for profit in an outdated fossil fuel industry that has already created massive problems in the USA.

– Where fracking has been allowed in Queensland research has shown that the industry has led to a reduction in community wellbeing and social cohesion. It has also caused a deterioration in local skills and infrastructure, fewer additional local job opportunities, and limited economic benefit to the wider community. Additionally, corporations often employ sub-contractors to carry out the fracking, who take no responsibility for ensuring the environment is not destroyed simply capping wells and leaving them to rust and pollute aquifers.

Wherever fracking has occurred there have been negative outcomes. There is not enough openness on the process and as a member of the public I oppose it.

Please permanently ban fracking from Western Australia. It is widely acknowledged by scientific and conservation circles to have way too much potential to pollute groundwater supplies for 100s of kilometres, meaning environmental catastrophe for the areas involved. Just because they may be out of the publics eye does not mean they aren't important to the plants, native and farm animals, and farmers who rely on these areas to live.

Given the water situation in Cape Town you can see that Perth could be in the same situation but is sitting pretty. Why would you risk that for short term gain?

For years we have seen the damage done elsewhere so we don't want our pristine lands ruined.

Environment: For the past TEN years, I have made numerous submissions to the W.A. Government and Water Corporation requesting information on from whence the water would come from for the proposed fracking. To this date, I have received no answer, or even a responce.

Om top of that, I have requested information on the disposal of the heavily contaminated water created from Fraking. Water that can be contaminated with heavy metals that is impossible to ever remove and even radiation making such water impossible to ever treat. Again, no responce whatever. It would appear the questions raised by the community seem to be of no consequence, despite being very valid. Together with the above, we have the W.A. Planning Authority stating publicly their intentions to increase the population of Perth to 4 Million people, but no suggestion is ever made, as to where the water will come from to service such a number.

And here we are, proposing to CONTAMINATE and WASTE perfectly good water for the interests of International Corporations who's aim is top strip the maximum profit from our resources at minimum costs, then charging Australians exhorbitent fees for any gas dervide from such activities, leaving us with a more scarce water resource then we've ever had before. We cannot drink compressed gas derived from such sources.

Health: There are antedotal evidence of such activities in the U.S. where this contaminated water was allowed to evaporate in ponds, then when dried out, winds spread the contaminated dust everywhere, contaminating everything within the range of said winds.

These ponds also demonstrated the stupidity when floods occured and destroyed the ponds washing away the contaminated water into rivers and then contamination everything within reach of the waters of those rivers.

On top of that, we have states within the U.S. reporting Earth Quakes where there is no history of ever having earthquakes. What's changed ? Simple, these states have prostitued themselves for the sake of a quick buck and allowed the drilling of wells to allow the disposal of such waste water to be injected into the ground, thereby upsetting the geological strata and causing earthquakes. Who will be accountable for damage sustained to homes and building caused bu such activities ??

It is out natural environment that makes me proud to be Australian, don't take that away. The wildlife and natural wonders attracks our tourists, it brings them back over and over. They tell their friends and they come. Keep Australia alive and healthy.

We are home to 1000s of unique animals, that can only be found here. They need and deserve our protection, not to have their home destroyed. I won't to be able to visit WA manyh more times in the future and see the environment thriving not dying.

Fraack off

WY does wanting clean drinking water make me an activist and why do I need to fight you Retain this basic human right.

I believe there are better avenues to take than gas mining and fracking. We need to stop scarring this planet for our own financial interests and find better more environmental ways to sustain our current living standards. Stop selling our country off to these big corporations to profit from. One of the reasons Australia is so beautiful is because we don't have enough people and corruption to rip the natural environment to pieces yet. When all the resources are taken away and the mine closes we will only be left with destruction and pollution of a once thriving ecosystem close to the mine and further reaching due to how deeply waterways effect the survival of living organisms. The desert may seem like a barren wasteland to be exploited but every natural environment is unique and in some way essential in keeping it as pristine as possible. It's a slippery slope and it's obvious whose profitting from it- not the people or the environment. The traditional owners of the land have little or no sway in this matter.

What does it say about our society when a person who is directly effected by decision making is swept under the mat of opposing opinion. Fracking is like getting a hammer and smashing up someone else's house- smashing their refrigerator and plumbing system, kicking over religious objects and family heirlooms so they have nothing to pass on to their children then killing the dog and any other pets in the house and putting the trees around up in flames. A truly violent act in regards to our people, environment and future

These are my strong held beliefs but in order for change and I hope you see more people don't want this than do. Speak for the majority not minority who hold the purse strings

As a woman I am very conscious and concerned about what has been done to Mother Earth. I say Mother Earth, because we so easily disconnect ourselves from her body by calling her plant. She is our home and our Mother, and we have not cared, loved or looked after her. I am absolutely convinced that fracking causes earthquakes and volcanoes to erupt, and probably weather changes as well. It stands to reason that if you are taken things out of the land miles down, something is going to move to take its place. I believe without a doubt that when they have trashed the Mother and we are living precariously waiting for the next disaster to happen, like cigarettes and other substances, we will find out that fracking has caused it, and the people responsible have got away with it, because of the financial benefit to many people with an interest in fracking for money. If you began sticking things into skin and moving them around, you will finish up with damage and infection and scarring. I believe the same thing happens with fracking. Stop it now before you all damage the mother so much that she cannot sustain us anymore.

Fracking is just dangerous - it poisons the environment, and I want a safe place for children and animals to live.

Environment: – The aquifiers in the Kimberley in particular have not been mapped adequately, or in many cases at all, in order to make even them most basic of guesses about the impact of fracking operations on these vital resources. at a subsurface level, the risk of cross contamination of groundwater is very significant. In the North West in particular, the risk of surface flooding due to the natural weather pattern of heavy rainfall and that will cause containment dams for the toxic fluids used in fracking to break or overflow, is extreme. Discharge from these dams will then inundate highly sensitive water systems.

–The scale of imact of fracking operations on the surface of the land is often underappreciated. In order to be effective, fracking wells need to be drilled at regular intervals - often less than 2kms apart. The roads, working areas and discharge ponds that need to be constructed to service each well are extensive and need to be bulldozed through pristine country. Each well will involve substantial damage to the environment, and thousands of wells are required for each gas field. The scale of destruction of habitat is huge. The risk of leaks and contamination from each individual well site is significant, and when multiplied by the many thousands of wells per field, is completely unacceptable. The environment will take generations to recover from the damage that will be done by a single gas field, if it recovers at all.

Industry Participants - Many of the companies that are seeking to engage in fracking operations are small and poorly capitalised. They lack the financial resources to monitor for, or respond effectively to leaks, spills and environmental damage. They will say that they operate in accordance with "international best practice", but that is a meaningless standard and one that has been demonstrated to be inadequate to protect the environment, or the community.

- As has been demonstrate many tijmes over in the context of conventional mining operations, the regulatory authorities do not have a good track record of policing rehabilitation requirements from mining operations, and the security deposits that are retained are totally inadequate to fund clean up and rehabilitation.

Impact on Tourism - Western Australia's tourism industry relies heavily on the State's reputation as a pristine environment. The fracking industry puts this reptation, and the very areas that are so importatant for the tourism industry, at serious risk. The long term financial and societal benefits to the economy and the community from tourism far outweigh the short term financial gains from the fracking industry.

The governments need to protect our fragile environment!

It's not worth the risk!

Food & Water Watch maintains that the fracking process, from constructing well sites to managing toxic fracking waste, is too risky to be regulated. Regulations can never make fracking safe. Fracking also prolongs our dangerous dependence on fossil fuels, delaying policies that will bring us truly clean, renewable energy.

"In addition to water quality issues, fracking wells release compounds into the air, such as benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene and n-hexane; long-term exposure to these has been linked to birth defects, neurological problems, blood disorders and cancer. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has found that workers may be exposed to dust with high levels of respirable silica during hydraulic fracturing. These findings were shared after NIOSH studied 116 full shift air samples at 11 hydraulic fracturing sites in five states.

Benzene, for example, is a known carcinogen, according to the American Cancer Society. In 2012, researchers from the Colorado School of Public Health released a study showing that air pollution caused by fracking could contribute to immediate and long-term health problems for people living near fracking sites. Research by over 150 studies suggests that chemicals released during natural gas extraction may harm human reproduction and development. A 2016 study also found that living near a fracking site might increase a person's risk of developing mild, moderate or severe asthma."

The financial impact of ozone smog caused by fracking on public health has been estimated at $1,648 per ton of nitrous oxide (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

The waste fluid left over from the fracking process is left in open-air pits to evaporate, which releases dangerous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the atmosphere, creating contaminated air, acid rain and ground-level ozone.

A recent study by researchers at Johns Hopkins University found that homes located in suburban and rural areas near fracking sites have an overall radon concentration 39 percent higher than those located in non-fracking urban areas. The study included almost 2 million radon readings taken between 1987 and 2013 done in over 860,000 buildings from every county, mostly homes.

A naturally occurring radioactive gas formed by the decay of uranium in rock, soil and water, radon— odorless, tasteless and invisible—moves through the ground and into the air, while some remains dissolved in groundwater where it can appear in water wells. It is the second leading cause of lung cancer worldwide, after smoking. The EPA estimates approximately 21,000 lung cancer deaths in the U.S. are radon-related.

"Silica can impede breathing and cause respiratory irritation, cough, airway obstruction and poor lung function," according to Environmental Working Group. "Chronic or long-term exposure can lead to lung inflammation, bronchitis and emphysema and produce a severe lung disease known as silicosis, a form of pulmonary fibrosis. Silica-related lung disease is incurable and can be fatal, killing hundreds of workers in the U.S. each year."

Fracking can undercut the long-term economic prospects of areas where it takes place, harming worker productivity and whole industries like farming, real estate, and tourism.

Fracking proponents point to the fact that it produces natural gas and jobs; indeed takes credit for boosting the economy during the recession. But at what cost to public health and the environment? And can the true cost be known when there is a lack of transparency in the fracking industry? I’m highly concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following reasons also. I'm Disgusted....

We All have a Duty of Care to Each other...


There is no Duty of Care when it comes to Governing...!...

Please make fracking permanently banned in Western Australia. It is simply too risky, accidents and breaches pollute groundwater making land unusable for farmers or native bushland/habitat. I can't believe how it has been pushed through with such a dodgy track record elsewhere in the country, and around the world. We need to move away from fossil fuels, let's invest in more sustainable options and certainly say no to fracking.

Extreme greed is no excuse for vandalism !!

I find it hard to believe that in 2018, any government thinks that coal seam gas mining is a safe and worthy enterprise. How is it possible that the extraction of gas is more important than a supply of fresh water from artesian wells that will no doubt be poisoned by coal seam gas mining. I object to any coal seam gas mining projects. What kind of government bows to industry before the population? The future will shake their heads at our lack of foresight.

We got so much natural gas, but we are giving away nearly for free to Japan and China. LPG is a lot more environmentally friendly. Use it!

Water is an extremely important commodity for Australia.. Agriculture depends on quality water and we cannot risk allowing any industry that could damage our rivers and aquifiers.

This is a dangerous practice and should not be allowed in Australia!!!

From the documentaries that I have seen of mining operations in Australia and overseas that involve gas fracking they have shown that gas fracking industry has contaminated water supply, fragmented habitat and have caused community health problems. It has a detrimental effect on people and wildlife/flora. Humans need to live more sustainably. I would like my children and any future grandchildren to be able to grow up in healthy environment the same way that I have and see the same wildlife/flora that I have grown up with and not see wildlife/flora just in pictures and in captivity.

We have to keep this area safe.

Fracking is all about short term gain at the price long term cost. The damage to the environment can never be adressed. No one can what the degree of environmental impact will be.

Ban this dangerous activity.

It takes too much water, let alone all the chemicals used in the process. If you can't guarantee there will be no mistakes or deceptive company practises you can't risk OUR water.

Our continued destruction of our home that we all reside on. OUR HOME ONE HOME Planet Earth. As we have seen around the world massive climate events that will leave our planet Uninhabitable NOW we must say NO to the devastation that Yet another destructive FRACKiNG event will occur Arterial water contamination escapes of dire gases to once again to the environment & Country STOP this madness Go Clean green energy Or we All will be Doomed.

Fracking needs to be totally banned worldwide. The benefits of fracking are totally outweighed by the amount of damage it causes so therefore is not a viable option!

Over the last two decades, the gas fracking industry has left a legacy of water contamination, habitat fragmentation and devastating community health issues around the globe .Accidents happen. Don't let this happen to The Kimberley. Preserve it for now and future generations.

Living in regional rural WA & voncerned about the rights of mining companies totake control of our land, I support 'Lock the Gate'.

PS: I used to work with Ryan Vogwill's father (Richard) in the Geological Survey of WA. My job was then, as a geophysicist, to conduct seismic refraction surveys to locate groundwater reserves. When discovered, these reserves are exceedingly fragile and therefore precious beyond any monetary value. I wouldn't like to think that all my efforts in the Southwest and the Pilbara could end up counting for nought.

You must make the right decision. Fracking is only a very temporary money spinner. Groundwater is forever.

I write to support a permanent ban on frackng in WA. Our land and wild life is far too fragile for such a damaging process.

I’m very concerned about the possibility of fracking in Western Australia for the following reasons.

We have a responsibility to reduce our carbon impact on the world environment. As a nation we should be working towards reducing the greenhouse gases that we are emitting. Extracting shale gas from the earth is only going to increase emissions and should be avoided at all costs.

The government should be focusing resources on renewable energy sources.

No, please, No!

I am a father of two young children who, as a first generation migrant, am thankful for the relatively clean environment in my adopted home. I want my boys future to be secure with a clean environment where renewable energy sources as the only source of power.

Frack Off and leave WA frack free.

Cracking is unexceptable, always leads to some desaster or another, regardless of all care intension

Fracking is dangerous. It rips about our land and poisons everything including people. I know mining companies don't care.

Governments should care. That is your job. Stop fracking Australia. Green energy is the way forward.

When will you get with programme.

Think about the future

It is environmental crime .this government must be accountable for ..

Fracking is unacceptable- it’s time to move on from these types of fuels....!!!!

Fracking give big profits for a small number of people, but destroys the land for everyone

We know its wrong from other ecperiences. Lets not make the same mistake. Country before money

The concoction of chemicals are poison to the soil, water and all living creatures. Methane is the result, a greenhouse gas.

Fracking will kill the land and our future. It must be stopped now renewables are our future...

I am prepared to stop using gas altogether if it would help prevent fracking i feel so strongly and scared about it.

How will you feel and what will you say when your grandchildren and their children ask you why you choose $$$ over their health and clean drinking water?!?!


It is to precious and sacred

Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission to the fracking enquiry. I am very concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following reasons.

Environment: – Any accidents will threaten our unique flora and fauna. – Who will be responsible down the track for any problems arising?

Health: – Serious health effects have been experienced by communities living near gasfields in the USA and Qld following the commencement of unconventional gas operations—including respiratory ailments; nose, throat and eye irritations; and neurological illnesses.

Climate: We will all do better without methane gas emissions.

Community: – I understand research in Queensland has shown that the industry has led to a reduction in community wellbeing and social cohesion. It has also caused a deterioration in local skills and infrastructure, fewer additional local job opportunities, and limited economic benefit to the wider community. I want to stand to protect our natural resources.

I am opposed to fracking. I am particularly concerned for the watertable, aquifers and all that we dont fully understand about what goes on under the surface of our earth.

It is simply not worth it !!!!!!!

There is so much evidence world wide, of damage to water tables and basins from the dangerous chemical, used in fracking. The chemicals leak into these water sources. They can not be contained or guaranteed safe. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO WAKE UP. YOU WILL EVENTUALLY BE MADE ACCOUNTABLE, PERSONALLY, FOR THIS DESTRUCTION.

I have travelled in this spectacular region. It is unique, beautiful, raw, utterly powerful. It should be protected at all costs.

The driest continent on earth aside from Antarctica should be protecting its water supply. This industry is dangerous and has caused multiple serious heath issues. People should come before profit.

Please consider the damage that this dangerous extracting technique will do to our environment and the te processions it will have on guture generations.

For goodness sake, haven't we already done enough harm in Qld?? Think of our reliance on underground water and LEAVE WELL ALONE.

We need to realise the environmental, health, climate and community impacts! There is not enough scientific evidence to support fracking! Thank you for considering and acting on my concerns. As a West Australian who lives in the Southwest, I’m highly concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following reasons.

Learn from America tracking is not acceptable to our environment, our children and grandchildren need a future with clean water and a planet to live on. Get F----d on tracking.

Due to the unacceptable risks that the onshore unconventional gas fracking industry poses to a community's rights to water and health, I urge the Inquiry to recommend a complete ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities across Western Australia.

Please can we live from the understanding that Nature is NOT a backdrop for humanity, it is not a Resource for us to exploit. We are part of nature and we need to stop treating nature as a Resource for humans to exploit. We are on a course of destroying and polluting the earth for short term (questionable?) gains. This is NOT what we want our children to inherit

It's just not worth the risk...... to life and the planet.

Fracking is unacceptable for our children.

Please do not place our artesian water, rivers and farmland at risk from fracking.

Fracking for gas has already damaged the ecosystems and environments in other parts of the world, surely there is sufficient evidence available now to support the ban on fracking forever?

I am totally opposed on any type of fracking in WA. History and current examples show that it is a health risk to us and our environment. Please permanently ban fracking in WA.

This sacred land is too precious to destroy with gas wells. Plus we should be leaving fossil fuels IN THE GROUND and moving to renewable energy, for the whole earth's sake.

Totally against fracking...and I am a geologist!!

This disastrous method of obtaining gas is a crime against the environment and future generations. Stop it now.

After spending 5years travelling through W.A. and seeing some of the most amazing natural spaces I’m scared of what the future may hold.

With souch evidence demonstrating all the incredibly negative effects of fracking. I cannot believe this is still a debate! !! How can such selfish greed be allowed?

Can't beieve how long this contentious issue has remained unresolved. Just recognize the collateral damage fracking creates - the best qualified people to comment on this are the rural land-owners living with fracking impacting their lives as well as independent scientists. We all know the very simple answer is sustainable green energy. The alternative profits are good too.

Please conserve Australia ! Stop fracking and destroying the environment ..

We need the wilderness as it is. Surely the time has come where everything can't always be about the money. We are destroying everything in our path. Enough!

Why would we allow fraking when renewable energy is the way of the future and fraking causes so much damage to the environment. Ban fraking across Australia

Stop destroying the environment soon there will be nothing left for future generations.

Poisoning our water.Idiotic !

Stop fracking!

Considering ourselves as learned and reasoned people, we must realise that short terms gains at the risk of long term devastation is not one that we can conscionably undertake. The future of ur next generation is absolutely on the line: we just realise that the tipping point has come and passed. We are obligated to act in the best interest of our citizens, and we would not be acting this way for our children. Please think long term and do the right think and smartly about the best way to provide for an energy- future.

We just don't know enough about these practices to start them in the beautiful, u nique rdgion of the Kimberley. But we have heard enough about the damage caused in areas that have done fracking.

No Fracking once our water and soil is polluted it is gone for future generations.

No Fracking!!It's bad for the Earth and for us. Have respect for the Earth!

Fot all the above mentioned reasons and becausr greed is inmoral and has no limits. plain and simple.. wrong on any level..

No Cracking.


I am opposed to fracking in the Kimberley.

Say no to CSG and unconventional mining. Before it's too late. Please save the Kimberleys From devastation. Stop Fracking and save the water air and land.

Over the last two decades, the gas fracking industry has left a legacy of water contamination, habitat fragmentation and devastating community health issues around the globe.

Today, many of these cases have been documented scientifically, so we now have more evidence than ever to show that—no matter how well-regulated—accidents happen. It’s just not worth the risk.

I urge the Inquiry to recommend a complete ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities across Western Australia, where the industry is relatively new—yet there have already been serious gas leaks reported, well integrity issues documented, and a disrespect for community wishes shown.

We can live with less gas. We cannot live with less clean air and water. Please don’t gamble with our lives for a quick fix.

It's bad enough to consider the amount of damage that fracking may do the water table, rivers, the local environment and community, but when you consider the devastating damage to our earth's atmosphere and climate to allow fracking would in my opinion be a crime against humanity, particularly our children and their children. Just don't go there!

I think 'FRACK OFF' says it all

Wake up to yourselves, there's no use having all the money in the world if everything that is left is poisoned

Enough with the utilisation of fossil fuels; surely we need now to explore sustainable options.

Fracking is poisoning American Ground Water please DONT poison Australian Ground Water we have seen it in South Queensland where the water ignites with gas STOP IT and find Energy by other means.'

Australia continues to make decisions that harm our precious and fragile environments with no thought for the people, animals and plants that call these areas home.

This is State Capture! The community says NO!

Allowing fracking in the pristine Kimberly would be disastrous for the environment. Please don’t allow this to happen. We only get one earth

Leave this unspoilt amazing piece of our country alone. you Are just Greedy money hungry with no thought projection to long term damage.

It’s unsafe and destroying our environment

When will all our governments understand that fracking our country and risking our water will NEVER be acceptable to ordinary Australians?

The health of the land, the water and the air is inextricably linked to the health of the people. The health of the people is the highest priority of a nation. Not the wealth of a few. NO FRACKING.

Everyone has seen people lighting up their water tap.when fracking has happened. It reeases methane into the water table. please, please do not sell our nature, wildlife to companies who destroy everything

We should be looking after our environment not destroying it! I'm disgusted that Australia fracks at all considering the damage it has done around the world! What fool agreed to do this in Australia?

No fracking. Protect the land and water, please keep it wild.

Please do not let water pollution happen. We might want a drink one day.

Fracking anywhere is so wrong on so many levels, but in the pristine, treasured Kimberley it is incomprehensible!!

The Kimberley is too precious to risk fracking for.

Constituents health and environmental protection on one hand or money on the other. It should be a no brainer. Sadly money generally wins. It's time for that to be changed.

The risk is too great. We need the water. We cant risk that at any price

Our future is with non polluting energy sources such as hydro. solar and wind.

We are a small family farm which my inlaws have owned since the convict era. I am worried that gas companies can enter our farm and drill for gas and we have no legal redress to stop them. We don't need this type of gas- WA should leave anywhere south of Exmouth clean and green for future generations and the environment and its people.

Ok hold strong people exploitation is a terrible problem, if the Kimberley gets fracked it will ruin everything for you the waters the land, it is protested all around Australia and the evidence is clear it is not a correct process, it is exploitation and these companies need to stop and stop now, change their mining concept and leave the Kimberley alone, they can transform their businesses or dismantle no more exploitation of the Kimberley or anywhere else I want fracking to be made illegal for it is an abomination / and should be deemed a criminal act. That's my opinion and I don't stand alone in it.

I observed in France how fracking is devastating life for a purpose of energy and money. There is no doubt that this industry should be avoided and prohibited. By using our conscious to balance our actions with the consequences of our actions, I ask you to stop any project using gas fracking. I want a future for all, not just the gas miners!

Short term economic benefits for a minority shoild not be allowed to create long term problems for the majority.

We need to cease this destructive carbon based source of energy .Western Australia can be a powerhouse of energy by relying on sustainable carbon free energy.

Fracking has an appalling record. The problems are no longer just anecdotal, they have been well- documented. Even where legislation requires rehabilitation of sites, companies are prone to crying bankruptcy and shirking their responsibility to make good. The risks to human health, both mental and physical, and the ruination of habitat for wildlife are unacceptable. We all know this. Don't let quick profit override common sense.

I am very concerned about unconventional gas mining and fracking here in WA. I am concerned about the threat to our vital water sources through contamination, the serious threat to the health of communities near this activity (as already seen in the USA and Qld), the high levels of methane that this activity produces, the threat to the rights of the land-holders and to the traditional owners and to our unique flora and fauna. I would urge to Inquiry to introduce a total ban on unconventional gas mining and fracking in WA.

Fraking is the most ineficient and distructive way to obtain energy. Drilling through water reservoirs and injecting poison in the ground will one day be a crime against humanity and nature, we the people will hold them accountable.

Save out water from fracking contamination. This is a dry land don't add to its water issues.

Stop it! We don’t need it we don’t need it! Its our world too snd more important and precious than your profits.

Fracking is the worst possible method of extracting gas. The environmental implications are severe and the long term outcomes significant. It's time for governments to make responsible environmental decisions in relation to the long term outcomes of the ignorant and dodgy fracking methodology.


Please don't contaminate our life giving water

We are very against W.A. rushing into this dangerous practice of fracking. Agricultural areas are the backbone of this state and must not be jeopardised.

Fracking = bad economics and bad government...let’s find a better way to power our world!

Ban fracking. It causes earthquakes

Get the Frack out of the Kimberley

Why are you fracking my country i don't think you know what you are doing to the land it will be pointless I want the land as it

Stop fracking in WA! Evidence both nationally and internationally fail to provide any serious advantage to support this dangerous practice. Selfish, greedy corporate dollars show no regard to quality farming properties, the contamination of our decreasing ground water reserves or the potential for employment growth. The profit motive for overseas corporations goes beyond W.A.'s already significant contribution to gas mining. It is time to look toward the security of the HOME, and not so much to the International Institution.

Please have more respect for the future . This is disgusting . Please stop!!

How do you see our country in 100 years from now if we continue to plunder this fragile planet and its ecosystem? We have seen the destruction and degradation caused throughout America and in our own country particularly in Queensland.

Save and conserve our precious country!

Stop natural resource extraction!

Wake up Australia just look at the damage done internationally to other countries water tables..

There ia clear evidence that fracking is harmful to the environment and in particular our most precious resource, our waterways. Nothing is more important than protecting the water in this dry country. Fracking must be banned.

Fracking is too unpredictable to be used in a water poor country like Australia. For this reason alone I don't approve of Fracking.

Due to the unacceptable risks that the onshore unconventional gas fracking industry poses to a community’s rights to water and health, the ongoing damage to the environment and the fact there is no long term monitoring I urge the Inquiry to recommend a complete ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities across Western Australia.

Respect the future & the environment.Community of WA does not want this .RESPECT THEIR WISHES

No fracking!

There is only VERY limited short term economic benefits for the few, and MANY short and long term environmental and human damages, with regards to fracking. There ARE alternatives without the damages which are known and of benefit to bith the few and many. Fracking will only damagr Australia's future. So lets not frack.

No need for this..focus on future and sustainable industry

Stop being greeding to the point where the planet that we all share is risked. Just stop it. Find another way to make money that is positive.

Based on all of the evidence, Fracking will permantly ruin the environment. We will be left with the fallout when it all goes wrong and the people funding it will make their money and disappear with no accountability just like the politicians who let it happen. It is only take one catastrophy and it will all have to stop. Only a mattet of time.

No fracking in the Kimberley

One on top of all, how the action of establishing and running the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry could not significantly impact matters of national environmental significance such as a water resource.

Water has been, is and will be an absolutely vital source of life for every living creature on earth. We unfortunately have already extensive evidence of the catastrofic effect that these practices have on our environment, particularly on water ways and although scientific research is not able, in some instance, to provide the adequate evidence of the impact that any action related to fracking industry can have, it should always be considered that the absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence.

More in detail.

Don't the learn from past's so bad for the world

Our future depends on NOW. Do not destroy it. Our young ones deserve it.

I strongly oppose the proposed unconventional gas extraction projects in Western Australia. This industry has promised jobs and wealth, but delivers environmental destruction, health problems and reduced productivity for existing industries. This has been the overwhelming outcome for the Queensland communities impacted by this toxic industry.

Western Australia has some of the oldest pristine cultural and environmental regions on the planet. These should be preserved for humanity, given their potential to provide scientific research such as cures for diseases.

To allow gas fracking to endanger these national treasures against the overwhelming wishes of the majority of the people is outrageous. The Kimberley must be protected.

This needs to be banned asap it's devastating our beautiful country

Risk not worth the reward, please don’t ruin our land and environment for our children and their futures

Fracking is unacceptable environmental destruction in the name of a quick dollar for the rich, selfish few who are well aware of the risks to nature and the surrounding communities, but choose to ignore them anyway.

Why are our governments so intent on stealing all that is naturally of so much long term value to give themselves only financial gain and bet their chest on achieving revenue and don’t give one once for thought about the environment , so valuable, so precious

No fracking. Weigh up the environmental impact against the economics of it. Then try holding your breath while you count your money. Don't frack.

My earth, your earth needs to heal, not be torn apart. Heartbreaking that we would choose to frack our country simply because we are too lazy to find better ways to get our energy needs met.

It is just to risky to our water supply

No fracking in Australia at all...EVER

Fracking is out of date, solar is here.

Stop cracking. I'm for renewables

Please leave this beautiful area untouched.

Stop fracking now before it’s too late

Fracking isn’t just about large companies making money it’s also about people and animals that live there,

No fracking

Don’t destroy our land.

I am against fracking in the Northern Territory - Western Australia and North Qld.

Fracking is unacceptable in todays society. Spend more money on renewables, not continuing to destroy the planet we live on for greed.

I have MS and you don't want to inflict anything like that on anyone nor have the extra pressure on the hospital or health system illnesses like neurological and other illnesses bring with it

No way will you do this to our planet if you want a fight you got one

The distraction of the environment and source of water should be take as first priority

Wake up, look at the mistakes made in the past.


It’s time to rise up and make change!

My reseach has shpwn that the risks of fracking are too high on many environmental levels. We are heading towards a carbon free economy and fracking is not part of the equation.. We should be promoting renewable energy sources. Look to the future not industries that threaten our future. Please make a decision that supports that future.

The environment is more important than the greedy humans who want to destroy the sacred land & all her creatures wake up gas fracking is not wanted in Australia !!!!

This is a disaster waiting to begin.... we need to take full note of the destruction this has caused elsewhere and stop making the same mistakes others have already made. We need to protect our precious lands, water and our unique and wonderful environment for now and future. We have to stop gathering $$$$$ by creating long term damage and start planning long term health and well being for our peopke, our lands, our water, and our future in THIS OUR COUNTRY.

Leave our land and water alone ...... please!!!!

Fracking is not acceptable any where!

Please don't risk damaging these wonderful wilderness areas. No-one can "fix" it if fracking goes wrong. In any Risk assessment - even if you think the risk is low, but the consequences are extreme and irreversible - then it should NOT be done.

Fracking is a disgusting and absurd way to make money.

We only get one shot at keeping this great land of ours pristine! Please don't Frack It Up. Remember that our children's children also have to have a future and be able to enjoy life as we still know it.

In today's world there is no need for fracking.

Many nations in the worldwide have banned CSG . so should we . our water is too precious to pump toxic chemical's into .

This is such a huge mistake, in the end they will see! To bad that people have to suffer because of greed and ignorance!

Please ban fracking. You know it is risky and really unnecessary to look for more fossil fuels when the world is turning away from them. We have enough supply now to keep us going until renewables come in completely.

Fracking is a case where our ways of dealing with political and scientific questions have not changed much over the decades.

BUT out technology has changed. The damage we can cause is measured in geological timing, not just a 3 year electoral cycle or the life time of a societal committee or something similar.

So, a total ban on fracking over the entirety of land over which we have jurisdiction is the only acceptable outlook. And the only acceptable way to handle the issue of fracking.

The stakes are higher than most if not all of us here at present in our cities, regions and even remote areas can conceive.

We need to give ourselves TIME to realise the value of our country, our land, just the way it is.

A TOTAL BAN is the only possible stance for the present.

I agree not worth the risk!

We need to stop poisoning our planet.

The scientific evidence shows that, no matter how well regulated the industry is, accidents happen. And those accidents have unacceptable consequences for our water, wildlife and health.

Fracking permanently damages the geological underpinnings of WA's rural economy. In doing so it also harms the basis for present and future job generation. The large scale misuse of chemical compounds that are poisonous as well as anonymous causes unacceptable and widespread toxic pollution of groundwater and surface water alike. All these hazards and liabilities are forced on the public who must both endure the harms they cause (up to and including death) and pay the costs of losses caused to public and private property for many generations if not in perpetuity. The gas generated (and wasted directly into the atmosphere) is a major cause of climate change, being around 22 times as damaging to earth's atmosphere as carbon dioxide per tonne. The gas that is extracted and trapped for use is of little commercial value to WA or Australia, as royalties charged are pathetically low by world standards. This gas is used to generate electricity which costs up to 100 times as much as that produced by new build solar energy, which has negligible impact on our climate crisis and generates around 5 times as many jobs for Australians as fossil fuels liked fracked gas do.

Fracking should be prohibited as it has no genuine benefits for WA or Australia (either compared to renewable energy sources or in an absolute sense) and it causes massive and irreparable harm, and therefore extreme economic losses, to WA and Australia. The fact that it has the potential to create a few millionaire cowboys who will pay little or no tax is insufficient reason to continue to allow these individuals to wreck WA for the rest of us, including generations yet unborn. Economically, environmentally and socially, fracking is the equivalent of burglary, vandalism, and manslaughter, and should be legislated against accordingly.

Please for gods sake !! We need to help conserve our wildlife as much as we can , too much decamation of natural habitats is going to kill us all!! the residue kills everything in its path. don't do it.

The consequences of fracking are indisputable. Don't leave the apologies for the next mob.

No fracking whatsoever. Fracking is an uncertain methodology, and has tremendous potential for causing major and irreparable damage. We are on the verge of a major shift away from big oil and dirty coal, and encouraging the relevant companies to do "more of the same" by even worse methods CANNOT be justified.

Fracking has a dreadful environmental and social justice record in many parts of the world already, including Australia. The risks posed to underground aquifers are way too big to countenance the development of a CSG industry in WA.

Need Laws to STOP Fracking, causes earthquakes and property damage and wildlife damage !!

Fracking is dangerous. I don't want my water to become combustible. We must take action for the betterment of mankind, without delay.


We can't take any risks that would harm the only planet we we have.


The world cannot afford to lose more wildlife and habitat. Use resources wisely to produce sustainable energy and let the world breathe

Save the planet. !!!!!!

Please withdraw from fracking. Every human deserves to know their water is safe and clean. Mother Earth is watching and waiting.

Whilst I may not live in WA, I strongly support the residents of WA, in their objections to gas fracking in the Kimberley (or anywhere else in Australia).

There are far too many risks for the water supply, gas leaks and general environment risks for man and nature.

Please continue the moratorium on this risky venture in WA, showing the rest of Australia, that you are paying heed to the scientific evidence against this practice and that you value the health of the people and land more that the interests of foreign (or even Australian) companies, looking to make money, regardless of costs to the community and its health and risks to the environment. The future is renewable energy (WA is doing well with this, including wave energy).

The earth is our home not to be contaminated, so would you like the same for where you lay your head at night. No, didn't think so!

Please protect the past, the present AND the future - ban fracking now.

Please stop fracking for ever in WA. Once the country is fracked, its fracked forever. Preserve our heritage.

I am totally against fracking. It is time to end this practice.

Why give approval & a green light to an unsafe industry that has disastrous effects on the surrounding environment....common sense needed!

Fracking is dangerous for the environment as it interferes with the health of our waterways. Please ban this in WA as other states have already done.

Once it's gone, it's gone... there is NO coming back and even regeneration and clean up is never the way it was.

Is a short term profit worth the risks and consequences? The answer is NO!

It is not worth the risk.

Fracking is an industry which is too risky to contemplate. The health of the land, water and communities is not worth jeopardising.

Frackng supports outdated methods of energy supply. We have access to modern technologies such as solar power which does not pollute or damage our water supply. - there is no need to damage our environment to provide energy. We want clean, sustainable energy please. - the owners of this land should be allowed compensated for any damage to clean water sources. Fracking puts water and the environment at risk due to spills and also increases the risk of earthquakes. Stop fracking!

It's just not worth the risk- NO TO FRACKING!

Fracking is the worst possible thing that can be done to a natural resource like water. Water is worth more than any other resource. Food security is more important than anything else so why destroy the main resource that you need to create food????

Ban fracking.

I do not believe in Fracking in WA or any other state in Australia, there are just too many risks.

Fracking should not be considered, it contaminates water, destroys land and leaks methane which is a worse greenhouse gas than CO2 and contributes to climate change.

Such short-term thinking. And who is going to benefit?

Fracking is insane ! the fact that most of the gas is sold cheap overseas while we pay extreme prices is insult to injury. This country has never been so messed up

Fracking poisons our water supply and is unacceptable in such a dry country, Frack off.

Fracking is unsafe for all concerned.

In business where the public is involved we must follow comprehensive risk assessment protocols before we proceed. If a risk assessment was carried out with regards to fracking it could never proceed as it is not without serious risk to the health of the environment and all it's collective inhabitants.

People over profits. Treat mother nature with respect, she will balance the books with natural disasters.

Fracking defies common sense, our priority should be clean food and water, lots of plain common sense evidence shows us that fracking contaminates our water. Safe secure food supplies are far more important than the profits of mining and resource Companies. Come on Australian Governments get your priorities right.

The gas fracking industry has left a legacy of water contamination, habitat fragmentation and devastating community health issues around the globe. don't do this to Australia

Like so many other things done in this country, it's all about short term quick buck actions that don't have real long term considerations for the environment and the local businesses, farmers, and well being of the people in general. Part of the reason we are one of the highest taxed countries in the world, is because these badly thought out short term ideas, end up costing more in the long term.

Fracking has no place in Australia.

Please consider cost/benefit for fracking. The cost: our first people's care of country/culture precious water flora and fauna & endangered species adverse climate issues for planet health of all inhabitants affected farming tourism irrepairable destruction jobs lost (LIVES have been lost, too)

The benefit: profits of corporations. jobs gained - relatively short term

Fracking industry is not worth the future health of life on earth.

The science is here for solar, wind & battery storage. Isn't the science there, too for zero emission (Japan, France) clean, green gas and power production from mountains of waste in Australia also? Perhaps our taxes could provide suitable sites or these corporations could build plants on their own land for their gas or power to make their profits for the good of the planet instead of destroying ancient aquifers, our precious flora and fauna endangered species, people and our climate.

Whilst the economy is important it does not sustain life on earth. Environmental protection must be the number one priority in political decisions ahead of economy, every time. If we continue to put the economy first we are short sighted and setting ourselves up for early extinction.

Fracking is an irresponsible and destructive practice. Short term gains pale in comparison with the environmental and health risks. Australia can not afford to put precious and limited water resources at risk. One need only look at the terrible environmental outcomes in the US in states like Oklahoma which now has earthquakes and tremors by the hundreds and polluted ground water. Australia can make the right choice and ban this irresponsible practice.

Stop focusing on archaic technologies which cause pollution and destruction. Put your research and funding into renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. One Tesla Gigafactory could supply WA's power needs indefinitely. No more fossil fuel or fossil politicians needed.

I DO NOT SUPPORT FRACKING in WA or in any part of Australia or the world. Stop fracking now! it has been proven this is a dangerous practice please stop!!

It's time people came first, their human rights, their health and their community well-being as well as the integrity of the environment they live in.

Please stop destroying our precious environment before it's too late. Look at what we have & save it for the animals & humans. This is the only earth we have. Cherish it.

Hi. My name is Amanda and I am extremely concerned about the effects of fracking on our natural environment and the impact it has on our health, climate for future generations. My concerns include:

– WA’s vital water resources are at risk of contamination and depletion from fracking operations due to water and chemical use, and wastewater production[1]. – the unique flora and fauna are threatened due to habitat fragmentation, wastewater leaks and accidents during transportation. – Current, weak WA fracking regulations[2] don’t limit pollution or make mandatory independent, long- term monitoring of environmental factors like water and air quality.

– Serious health effects have been experienced by communities living near gasfields in the USA and QLD following the commencement of unconventional gas operations—including respiratory ailments; nose, throat and eye irritations; and neurological illnesses[3].

– Unconventional gas mining and fracking leads to large, deliberate and fugitive methane emissions, which dangerously contribute to climate change[4] and increase local community fire risk.

As I person with a background in public health, health promotion and the environment, I am deeply concerned. BAN all fracking now PLEASE.

With a recorded history of contaminated water, destruction of habitat for our flora and fauna, together with the associated health issues, fracking for gas is patently unacceptable on all those fronts. The risks are too great and we cannot afford any more destruction

Fracking is bad news for water, land and people; we don't want it anywhere!

The calculations have been completed, climate scientists have confirmed that we cannot afford to open up any new reserves of fossil fuels, we cannot even afford to burn all of the reserves already being mined. Fracking is not only dangerous to the health of those close by it is dangerous for the planet as a whole.

This is a risk you shouldn't be taking. Learn from past mistakes.

Fracking is hazardous to our health and the environment, and should not be allowed to continue.

Please protect our environment- there isn’t a second chance to save flora and fauna for now and future generations- and our own survival.

The amount of water that is required for fracking is much too great and in a country which has drought conditions at times, the very last sort of mining that is needed!!

Fracking is a dangerous practice for the environment. We need our underground water supply uncontinated by this practice with the possibility of damaging leaks. This is just one very important reason that fracking is a bad idea. DONT ALLOW IT!!!

Please don't allow fracking in the W.A. bush.It has been proved to cause lasting pollution and damage.

Fracking comes with risks to water and land that are unacceptable. renewable and benign sources of energy exist. Use these and put the fracking gear back on the truck. Common WA, you are better than this!

Fracking is a uncontrollable style of mining. Unforeseen leakages cause dangerous contamination to water and atomosphere. Stop fracking.

Not for Australia.... research has proven it contaminates water and is devastating for flora and wildlife let alone human communities and human lives could be put at risk. It should be banned throughout all of AUSTRALIA

Fracking is not acceptable. The scientific evidence shows that, no matter how well regulated the industry is, accidents happen. And those accidents have unacceptable consequences for our water, wildlife and health.

Jobs and Growth will not fix society if it costs us the health of the Earth that sustains society. Wake up.

Please don't allow fracking for gas in WA


I’m deeply saddened by the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia

Please put the environment and our water first before profit. No fracking No risk.

FRACKING is UN acceptable. abolish this envronmemtal destructive practice. RE new laws to stop this fracturing of liquid aquifiers whixh is water destroying. and polluting our earth.

Fracking has been a disaster in the USA. Same thing will happen in Australia.

We've had enough of fracking in Canada and the US - there is nothing good I can say about it. If you love this planet, then say 'No' to fracking.

All this while we are trying to combat clinate change?? And when gas prices are tanking?? Any kind of gas extraction is a losing proposition sooner or later.

I’m in support of banning fracking across WA. The gas fracking industry has left a legacy of water contamination, habitat fragmentation and devastating community health issues around the globe

This has to be stopped now.

Hi, fracking at it's very best provides low grade oil while at the same time putting water supplies at risk. As the 'driest country' in the world we should be prioritizing water over oil. We can survive without oil but not without water. There are so many alternative energy options than never seem to be mentioned, like solar thermal, which is proven technology and ideal for Australian conditions. We don't need and don't want dirty oil that pollutes water supplies. water is our most valuable resource and must be protected

Water is FAR more valuable than coal. Please do not be shortsighted.

Please stop this madness. Stop fracking in WA.

Amongst many others, I’m very concerned about the economic and health impacts of fracking in Westen Australia. We desperately need to stop this practice, please help us!

What man is doing to the environment is criminal. What future is there for generations to come if man commits this environmental vandalism for profit and only “they” benefit from their spoils.

Lets get into Renewables rather than exploiting the environment extracting fossils fuels and creating climate change.

Stop the fracking!

I’m highly concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry all over Australia, and including Western Australia for the following reasons that I have found in summary and cannot improve upon, therefore I present them here as I found them:

I am deeply concerned re the effects of fracking on the health of our precious environment. I plead with you to ban this practice.

You cannot & must not keep raping the land that provides everything we need, you cannot keep destroying Mother Earth she is a gift that we should protect & cherish not destroy & plunder into irreversible damage & destruction.

Though I'm not a WA resident my feelings against fracking are boarder-less.

The Andrews government put up a ban here in Victoria and I think it was one of the smartest and most sensible decisions they made. This protects our scarce water resources from contamination and keeps the rights of land owners safe from unwanted invasion and uncertainty.

Please stay the path and increase the non fracking area to include all of WA

Australia is an ancient land. Full of iriplaceable areas & animals. Once they are ruined or gone, it is forever. Do something you look back on with pride for saving or protecting, not shame that you were involved in its destruction. This is not a rehearsal. We have to get it right. The dollar will always have a voice. But right is right.

Just one small mistake will cause a disaster. No thanks. No fracking.

This activity is just too potentially hazardous to entrust our precious resources to. Please enforce a ban on the fracking, thank you, zalan glen

Please consider that water is essential to our existence, anything that potentially impacts the quality or has any rchance of contaminating water must be seriously! What are we doing to the planet we live on and for future generations, please be on the right side of history. Thank you

Please stop fracking in Australia. All the world over it has been proven that it is a toxic, complicated manner in which to source energy.I’m highly concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following reasons.

Dear Commissioners,

It is now blatantly obvious that fracking poisons the water, the earth and creates unstable conditions. Plus the corporate push for this insanity plays out the colonial attitude that the indigenous people don't count and are in the way.

The evidence is everywhere where fracking has occurred. The proponents of fracking are only interested in short term profits an lie about the need/shortage of gas.

We actually don't need any gas. We have plenty of alternatives now. The reason Santos et al want fracking is so they can make immediate profit. They freeze it and export it. Allowing corporations to POISON our country needlessly for profit is totally unacceptable. Ask the farmers in Queensland and elsewhere in the world, whose rights have been trampled on with convenient 'laws', just how good it isn't!

Do the right thing by the economy, the environment, the indigenous people, the farmers and the future generations of Australians (who will face an unthinkable problem and cost) and BAN fracking PERMANENTLY.

Squeeze out the globe to maintain a questionable lifestyle and social inequality? Are we really so much poorer than our ancestors? All we need to resolve our energy problem is more thought and less inertia!

Why would anyone consider allowing fracking when the side effects / consequences are so huge!?

Environmental: There is a potential risk of contamination and of depletion of vital water resources in WA from fracking operations due to the use of industrial chemicals and the large volumes of wastewater produced [1]. WA's unique flora and fauna would be threatened should habitat fragmentation, leaks of wastewater and accidents occur during transport.

Current, weak fracking regulations [2] fail to limit pollution or require independent, long-term monitoring of water and air quality.

Unconventional gas extraction and fracking often lead to large methane emissions, both deliberate and fugitive, that contribute disproportionately to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change [4].

Health: There is the potential for adverse health effects on communities living near unconventional gas operations—including respiratory ailments, irritation of the throat, nose and eye, and neurological illnesses [3].

Community: In WA, landholders and traditional owners of land have no legal right to refuse access to oil and gas companies.

Research showed [5] that, in Queensland, the incoming industry led to a reduction in community well- being and social cohesion. It also caused a deterioration in local skills and infrastructure, fewer additional local job opportunities, and limited economic benefit to the wider community.

For fracks sake, don’t frack. We are very concerned about the very real climate change we are experiencing here in South West WA. We should be getting into renewable energy, not the methane releasing and more expensive fossil fuels from fracking.

We are very concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following reasons.

Environment: – our water resources risk being contaminated and depleted by fracking operations due to water and chemical use, and wastewater production[1]. – Our special animals and plants are also threatened by habitat fragmentation, wastewater leaks and accidents during transportation. – Current, weak WA fracking regulations[2] don’t limit pollution or make independent, long-term monitoring of environmental factors like water and air quality compulsory.

Health: – Serious health effects have been experienced by communities living near gasfields in the US and QLD following the commencement of unconventional gas operations—including respiratory ailments; nose, throat and eye irritations; and neurological illnesses[3].

Climate: – We are very worried about climate change, which we are experiencing ourselves here in Perth. Unconventional gas mining and fracking leads to large, deliberate and fugitive methane emissions, which dangerously contribute to climate change[4] and increase local community fire risk.

Community: – Landholders and Traditional Owners don’t have the legal right to refuse access on their land to oil and gas companies in WA. – Research in Queensland has shown[5] that the industry has led to a reduction in community wellbeing and social cohesion. It has also caused a deterioration in local skills and infrastructure, fewer additional local job opportunities, and limited economic benefit to the wider community.

Due to the unacceptable risks that the onshore unconventional gas fracking industry poses to a community’s rights to water and health, please recommend a complete ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities across Western Australia.

Australia has the second worst record in the world for loss of flora and fauna due to activities of European people. We never learnt from the Aboriginal people who had loved and cared for this land for at least 60 million years. Please do not make it no. 1.

Environment: We have lost a huge numbet of species since Europeans have been here, in fact Australia is second in the world for loss of spp. No doubt soon to be the worst, not a record to be proud of.

Take care of our land that can sustainability support future. Generations and stop lining the pockets of a few.

Any idiot willing to frack the earth evidently doesn't like our mother or her occupants.

Said individuals certainly don't have any place in politics… We can have regulated rules applying to gas fracking but scientific evidence shows the process has often devastating affects via accidents and so affects our health our water our earth and our wildlife. Australia is such a beautifull fragile place. Lets look after our childrens precious heritage.

Pl.ease do not allow fracking to take place anywhere in WA. We have evidence from the E. States about the permanent damage that is done to underground water resources, resulting in poisoned land and water; the death to all species of wild life and the destruction of Aboriginal sacred sites and areas of sacred significance, destroying Culture and breaking hearts. The fact that no permission is ever asked and no one is consulted with makes fracking even more lethal.

What will we be leaving our grandchildren and generations to come?

Please help to preserve the wonderful countryside and animals we have been blessed with. They need protecting from the huge dangers that fracking would pose; pollution of air, water and land that can NEVER be put right again. Please do the right thing and BAN FRACKING. Thank you

I am totally opposed to fracking and the devastating effects it has on the water table and the land. The gas companies never clean up and stay accountable for the dammage they cause. Immediate bans across WA need to be put in place.

I would sincerely appreciate these power - hungry environmental vandals simply putting their energies into conservation instead of destruction for a change !!!

It Has to STOP!

Life on the land is hard enough. Resources are scarce, and what agriculture there is, requires safe, accessible water.

To introduce fracking would ruin all there is to the hardworking people who maintain the land, as well as the land itself.

There are other, more effective, efficient and *SAFE* energy sources available. We do not need gas wells!

“Fracking” not a natural event. Do we need to do this? There are more environmentally safe ways.

It is too late to apologise for stuffing up the environment once it has happened - there is nothing positive about fracking!

Gas fracking is not sufficiently researched and so far has only produced pollution of water and land. Until this does not occur it needs to be banned.

This country cannot afford to have any of its water contaminated. There is no benefit that risks one ounce of our precious water.

I visit WA frequently and would hate to see WA’s vital water resources at risk of contamination and depletion from fracking operations due to water and chemical use, and wastewater production[1].


I’m highly concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following environmental reasons.

Future generations of West Australians will judge us on the environmental decisions we make today.

Leave mother Earth alone

I do not support fracking of any kind.

We cannot afford to have our water contaminated by fracking it will destroy our livelihood & we will end up a 3rd world

Our fresh water is too precious to risk with this type of mining. We gave other ecologically sustainable options for power available-not uranium though!

I am extremely concerned about fracking as it is a process that can never be repaired. and may even affect the quality of the groundwater already there.

– In addition to being environmentally devastating, it's also MUCH more expensive both to implement & maintain medium-term.

- Green Energy is also of course the fastest growing new job creation industry in the US & other OECD countries, and will continue to remain a high-growth sector over the next century! – Australia also has an important responsibility to lead other nations by example into a sustainable- energy future - in which everyone prospers, but at no-one else's expense - & in which Australia could easily become a global leader in manufacture & supply of both green energy technologies & equipment and of massive quantities of wind-, solar-, geothermally- & tidally-generated power, within less than 20 years!

I support animals and the environment, and I want neither of them to suffer due to gas fracking.

Fracking must not be allowed to go ahead. Third Energy have been trying here in England and our community has been ripped in two. The contamination risks are too great- global evidence proves this. The industry is not properly regulated and numerous health and safety breaches have already happened here. Renewables have to be the way forward. Its is simply morally wrong.

Please consider the long term future of our country and planet - consider our children and generations to come. Please say no to this dangerous, damaging industry and take a stand. Please consider the long term, not the short term, and make a decision with a strong positive legacy.

I would like to raise my concerns about unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia. My key concerns are:

– water resources are at risk of contamination and depletion – flora and fauna are threatened - potential serious health effects

Fracking pollutes water. Our Environment is something we should cherish and protect for future generations not exploit for our own temporary gain.

When we refuse to learn from those who have gone before us and fail to heed the example of their experiences, most especially any negative outcomes, on a community's health and welfare, the environment and climate, then we are destined to reach the same end result. The definition of INSANITY is repeating the SAME THING over and over, yet each time, expecting a DIFFERENT RESULT!!

Has the greed of the W A government become so shameful? Why would anyone in their right minds allow this Fracking into our amazing country? I say HELL NO to FRACKING in my country.

Don't put water supply at risk. There is an alternative to fracking, but there is no alternative to water.

It's about time to stop supporting fracking. It is polluting our precious water supply. If the government thinks fracking is "safe" why don't they drink the water they are forcing onto farmers to drink.

Fracking in America has had incredibly disastrous impacts upon the water tables and in polluting the top soils too as it leaches up through the ground. Even on the Mainland of Australia it has already begun to do the same things in agricultural areas where they promised that there would be no impacts, which goes to prove that the companies involved definitely failed the due diligence test, let alone their promised integrity in having done the proper scientific research and investigation analysis.

Fracking has proved to be a farce where ever it has been implemented and that is why it has been banned in the European Union, as they learnt fast, which is seems Australia does not and will not, even refusing to acknowledge the scientific evidence as is often the case within Australia.

Big Corporations shouldn't be allowed to carry out projects that are going to have negative consequences, however this far in Australia this behaviour appears to be condoned by the Federal and State Governments as their influence and decision making can be bought, it appears. Please do not allow Fracking as it is proven to be deadly and destructive where ever it has been implemented, in most scenarios.

We are looking for a clean energy future not a more destructive one. It is clear that we can not sustain the damage we are causing on this planet let alone add to it. Please stop.


Even though i do not live in WA I hate the environmental damage caused by fracking.

Stop destroying the environment!

I do not live in WA but I firmly believe fracking should be banned in every state of Australia. It poses far too many risks and dangers to our water tables and to our environment in general.

This may be a pro-forma email, but I really can't express my concerns more articulately or succinctly, so please take this submission seriously.

Frack OFF !!!! leave the water alone ..

WA’s Environment: – Unique flora and fauna are threatened due to habitat fragmentation, wastewater leaks and transportation accidents. – Current WA fracking regulations [2] are weak; Do not limit pollution Do not make independent, long-term monitoring of environmental factors like water and air quality mandatory.

This deleterious practice must stop. Please legislate against it and be a good leading example to other states in Australia.

I’m very concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia. The risks are well established and no matter what industry spokespeople say about adequate safeguards, accedents will always happen with irreversible far reaching consequences.

Please chose to appose fracking in WA THANKYOU

End all fracking!

Dear panellist I highly consent of the impact of Fracking and ask to be banned from WA. Common sense and evidence of effect of hydraulic fratture with use of chemical without any restriction in insane! Everything that go in the ground and below soon or later will effect water, land air .

The evidence of such pollution had been evidenziate by investigating journalist and many other entity. Europe had mostly banned the practice, consider dangerous for possibile causing earth quake, high emission of gas disperse in the atmosfere, chemical use to fracking pollution of land and water. In many place including Queensland had suffer negative impact.

WA monitoring of existing fracking is not good enough and EPA also is to much influence in their decision by the political force and are not reliable so the WA health government that always is influenced by political will.

This panel should look at the danger that is well recognise as the gas industries clearly cannot guarantee the safety and future damage to environment.

I like to point out that in WA current legislation is not protecting land owner from the industries of gas and mining as they cannot refuse access even like in this case the risk is very clear. At least exploration and extracting company should be asked to deposit and guarantee to cover for damage, but that is not working as they can close bankrupts. leaving behind a disaster area that will reduce the land to value to zero!

Just look at this link how many countries had stopped such practice, Italy is not enclose but had also stop such activity in line with EU directive! wa?utm_source=breaking_news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=wa&utm_content=link1 Is not point to me to give you scientific evidence as you can found them very easily by yourself. I wondering if the current WA government had a real intention to stop such dangerous industrie or for short term benefit will keep the issue be discuss and in practice allow more damage to occur. The short term economical advantage should not be consider as the cost of the environment damage and to the health of citizen is much high and probable astronomic.

Also Sink Hole can be also connected with such practice. Please note this few point: keep the frack off the land

Save WA from fracking. Make WA safer.


The precautionary principle when it comes to the environment was long ago seen as a necessary and important part of all environmental decision making. If you don't know the true extent of what the impact will be on the environment, do not take the risk!

No fracking !!! Read the unbiased reports please!!


Stop poisoning our water and stop ruining habitat!!

Please do Not allowing fracking in Australia as it is dangerous for the environment, the communities, human health and all the animals. We can make better use of sustainable, renewable energy in the 21st century instead of resorting to high-risk dangerous methods of obtaining fossil fuels. Decision makers, I plead with you to please listen to the voices and cries of Australian people and what their needs and wants are in this 21st century. Do Not destroy the Earth on whom we rely on for our very existence. Please STOP fracking practices in Australia. Thanking you for your time and consideration.

Ban Fracking. I vote for renewable energy sources.

Fracking is too dangerous for the environment- the water table and agricultural land.

Fracking must be banned in WA and Australia

Fracking inevitably leads to the pollution of ground water and aquifers, making wells useless and dryland salinity even more toxic. And periodically they have serious accidents and directly poison the land. It is such a dumb idea it angers me it is even considered. No short-term economic benefit is worth polluting our water for - the water is far more valuable.

Why is Australia still dealing in coal and fracking. Get with the times, get renewables.

The science is in - this is dangerous and must stop

Your stand against fracking is pathetic and full of misrepresentation of the process and a typical example of socialist, ;liberalist and green ideologies whose ssole purpose is to support your political careers and not the well being of the public. You are the disgusting ones and not the frackers.

Please stop the idea of fracking. I t is not acceptable to run an industry which contaminates our water, cause fragmentation of habitat and effecting on health. It’s just not worth the risk. Than you

Stop the lunacy!!!!

Please just please no fracking.

Please preserve our planet for our children and grandchildren and put an end to fracking.

No fracking way. Protect our ground water for future generations.

Please stop wrecking our planet.

Fracking is a short sighted activity that has serious, long term consequences for the land it's undertaken on. Australia's water tables are the most valuable assets around, worth more than profits from coal seam gas worth more than jobs. There is no undoing contamination of the scale seen in similar circumstances overseas. It cannot go ahead. There is no future for it.

I am extremely concerned about fracking in WA.

Water supplies are not sustainable with fracking. Our country will die if fracking is permitted.

Please don't allow the same mistakes in WA that happened in Queensland! Protect our environment and our farming families by banning gas fracking in WA.

It does not benefit the environment in any way and the evidence is in. Ban it in WA and also Australia countrywide.

Due to the unacceptable risks that the onshore unconventional gas fracking industry poses to the environment and to a community’s rights to water and health, I urge the Inquiry to recommend a complete ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities across Western Australia.

Overwhelming evidence shows that fracking causes the following harms:

I am highly concerned about the risks of contaminating waterways.

In a country as dry as Australia, we shouldn't be messing with the water table in this way.

This is not why I voted for you !

Fracking is pointless when we are moving so quickly to renewables. And it contaminates water.

Having visited this amazing part of Australia with the Wilderness Society last year, it is imperative that there be NO FRACKING anywhere in Western Australia, or in Australia, in fact!

Stop fracking our future away.

We have only one chance to preserve our environment, once it is compromised we loose bits of our wonderful country forever.

We need to protect our enviroment.

I am very concerned about these issues. The survival of many species and people depend on the wonderful clean water and environment we must protect at all costs. Please stop this needless destruction.

Once the landscape is destroyed by fracking, there is no bringing it back. Nothing is worth that. It is the most obvious thing in the world that fracking is completely unacceptable and should not even be vaguely considered.

Clean water is more important than fracking gas.!!.

Damage to the only home we have.

Environment: In a dry and fragile environment such as Australia, the risks to the environment cannot be overestimated. We need to ensure that the decisions we take today improve the environment rather than risk further degradation. For the sake of generations to come, we need to spend more time managing our fragile ecosystems to ensure those generations have every chance to live a full and healthy life. – Our unique flora and fauna are threatened due to habitat fragmentation, wastewater leaks and accidents during transportation. Every time we change the environment, and break up the habitats for our flora and fauna into ever smaller chunks, the risk of losing more of our native plants and animals increases.

Climate: – Unconventional gas mining and fracking leads to large, deliberate and fugitive methane emissions, which dangerously contribute to climate change[4] and increase local community fire risk. Climate change is real. Our challenge is to minimise the change so that future generations live in a sustainable environment that is not subject to ever increasing risk of fllod, fire and violent storms.

Don't risk polluting the groundwater.

Before the WA state election last year, I had the opportunity to talk with candidates. I was appalled to discover, when I talked with the Liberal candidates for Midland, that they did not in understand the process of fracking at all. One even said to me and the group I was with, that fracking was harmless to the environment because the explosions fracking caused underground would not affect the water table, since they fractured rock that was beneath that level. She believed this meant that all the fracturing of rock would happen below the pressure site, and that no movement of rock would take place above it. When asked if she didn't get that the rocks would fracture in all directions, and that the results of the process could be unpredictable in terms of damage to the rock that underpins the water table, she looked at us blankly and said she was sure that the water table was safe. Her concept was a bit like believing that if you shot someone the damage would only be above the wound, not around it or below it. My main concern is that decisions about fracking are being made with so little scientific information or understanding because politicians, in general, have little knowledge in science.

It's NOT just that "accidents happen". It's that the effects of fracking on the water table and the quality and availability of water in this very dry state are NOT REALLY KNOWN.

I also understand that fracking in the USA, where it has been allowed to proceed more or less without restraint, has not produced useful quantities of gas in any one site and money has not been made nor commercial quantities of gas produced for the long term. Seems like a destructive waste of everyone's time and money and a horrendous threat to agriculture and the environment. WHY? We have an abundance or wind, wave and solar in WA. If Ireland and other countries can abandon fossil fuels, (with their meagre sunlight), then certainly it can be done here.

Ban fracking as the consequences for the water table are too risky

Yes over fracking is not a long-time solution? If everyone conserves electricity? Maybe one day it may be 100% renewable? Fusion power grids or something to more to build up on. This may create less cyclones? Time is not up!

The earth is already heavily polluted and Australia is one of the last pristine places left. The long term pollution problem far outweighs the short term economic benefit.

Time to think about life and sustainability

No fracking in the Kimberlys! Keep this priceless Jewel untouched from fracking fracking is environmental suicide. Stop! Don't start.

No gas fracking in WA and our nation!

Preserve our health and that of our waterways and habitats.

We cannot risk contaminating our precious water. Once it has happens you cannot undo it.

This is aboriginal land , always was and always will be. The Australian Government cannot make decisions as they illegally occupy this country in international law. The decision is with all of the Aboriginal people to make a unified decision to frack or not to frack. The decision to frack undermines the lore and culture of this country and effects all of aboriginal Australia. The compensation for the damage that the Government will have to pay back if fracking was to be moved forward is enormous, not a smart investment for Australians at all.

I am terribly concerned about the gas mining and fracking industry in WA. I am worried about the effects on the environment, flora and fauna and the health of communities in the area as well as those on the overall climate. Traditional owners of the land should have a right to be heard. The government should listen to its people and ban fracking and gas mining not only from WA but from the whole of Australia.

Given the risks of climate change, water contamination, habitat loss, food security and community health, why would we even consider fracking? Incentives to support the increase in development and uptake of clean, renewable energy are the way forward, for families, communities, businesses and our future

It is ludicrous that a responsible government would allow such an environmentally damaging process to commence given the irrefutable evidence that the process contaminates ground water supplies. It is just wrong wrong wrong!

Our underground water is too precious to risk contaminating particularly at a time of diminishing rainfall in the south west of tne state.-

Fresh water is a precious have no right to pump chemicals into the ground...look up above your where the best energy source is found !

We are getting less and less water in our drinking dams, why wont we wake up to the greedy people who wish to make money on systems that cause far more damage than good to our already dying planet.

I support the ban of fracking in WA and Australia wide. Protect our environment - it is not worth the risk.

Stop the contamination of our poor depleted soil. We need it to survive, and with renewable energies investment, we can have healthy soil, no more fracking and jobs creation.

This method of mining has been proven permanently destructive to land and human health. Future generations will suffer serious repercussions if this goes ahead.

I cannot see any significant reasons to continue with the above industries and don't believe that our general energy situation requires such extreme processes.

While I do not believe I could support fracking under any circumstances, I think it is important BEFORE any approval for even exploration for full set of baseline studies to be undertaken. Monitoring of existing air quality and water resources and acquifer and existing community health. It is of utmost importance that baseline data is known prior to any commencement of a project.

Other issues include:

Environment: - Strengthen EPA powers and ability to recoup costs of baseline studies, with EVERY exploration application being assessed.

Health: – Serious health effects have been experienced by communities living near gasfields in the USA and QLD following the commencement of unconventional gas operations—including respiratory ailments; nose, throat and eye irritations; and neurological illnesses[3]. Baseline studies will prove whether a rash of say nose bleeds occurred prior to fracking project.

So much of our wilderness has already been ruined by fracking, development, drilling, pollution, mining, and logging. Enough is enough!

The wilderness is supposed to be a place of peace and quiet for us, and the wildlife which live in it! The animals are running out of places to live and be safe. Our wildlife are under threat from so many angles. They desperately need to be protected, mainly from humans. Life is hard enough for people, let alone the animals.

Can't we please offer them some much needed help?! PLEASE save the wilderness for all future generations before it is permanently ruined. Some damage cannot be undone!


The Kimberley is an unique environment, with much to reveal about our past and much to contribute to our future. Fracking is short-term and destructive. Don't do it.

Please think about our Australian citizens and the our future generations. Please leave the gas where it is and let’s concentrate on lowering our emissions with renewable resources instead. Its the way the majority of the world is headed and we don’t want to be left behind still clinging to these old polluting methods

Instead of ruining what little is left of our natural landscapes & destroying precious ecosystems for future generations, why not support alternative, renewable energy sources. BEFORE ITS TOO LATE

Fracking is never good. Find another way please. fracking is a disaster to the environment and anyone with a concience would not favour it, only the greedy moneyhungry ones who never get out of the city to see the damage it can cause

And more salt? And filthily contaminated salt at that!

The disastrous effects that fracking can have on the health of people, water and wildlife are evident! It is NOT WORTH the risk to our beautiful country if accidents happen and we know they do! I submit my request to allow no fracking to occur at all in W.A.

Let's find ways to use renewable energy so that fracking won't occur and cause the environment any harm.


The environment is what everyone and everything in it relies on to exist. The evidence is clear that accidents happen and irreversible damage to everything in our environment remains. There are more important things than short term monetary gain for big companies.

I’m highly concerned about the gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following reasons: No matter how well-regulated—accidents happen. It’s just not worth the risk. There is a high likelihood of groundwater contamination caused by poor wastewater disposal and management practices.

The impact of large withdrawals of water from a watershed can have an adverse impact on this area. The unique flora and fauna will be threatened due to habitat fragmentation. Serious health effects have been experienced by communities living near gasfields. No consideration for Traditional Landowners.

Fracking is/ will continue to DESTROY OUR BEAUTIFUL LAND !!! smarten up and go green !!!!

You must ban fracking it is insane

I believe the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia will cause long term harm for the following reasons.

No fracking in NSW or anywhere on our beautiful continent! when the ground water is compromised from csg mining , there is no going back, the people, wildlife, vegetation, crops, stock are all affected , i am at a loss to know how anyone can take that risk

Save the environment. Do something worthy!

I've watched documentaries and read a lot about fracking and I believe that anyone who did the same would agree with me that we can't allow fracking anywere in the world and definitely not in WA. not in my backyard? but imagine if.. you would decide in a different way, and you would do everything to protect your place to life - your home, the home of all the beauties of nature living in, children, friends and the wonder of life. please dont destroy life, protect it, heal it - you will be welcome to live in! :)

I am concerned that animals are not considered and Australia is slowly killing it's wildlife and habitats. Stop the carnage now!

My family and friends have reported the health impacts documented here, and living depending on bores and seeing how they are impacted by the salt content and realising everything that happens to the underground water will quickly become part of the rain, I know we will all be impacted sooner or later - we need to stop the stupidity now before it's too late!

Please remember it is your job to protect our country & our environment. It is not your job to protect big corporations & their profits regardless of the impact they have on our land/environment/health etc.

It is us, our country, our land that's in your hands.


It's time to put our environment first

Life is much more important the Greed and Wealth

It,s simlp i wont a country that my Grandchildren,s kids will be able to live a Healthy life in . Just the same as any person that has Desendents . As fare as i,m concerned any other way is an act of Tresion

Fracking needs to end now!

Fracking has caused so much waste, pollutants and damage to the natural environments of WA and to Australia.

It's time to stop this industry and ban is state wide.

We must all we can to save and protect our planet not contaminate and pollute it.

Concerning fracking, it is known the horrific state land and water is subject to.. It is also known the Federal government is seeking access for selling gas to foreign nations. This is EXTREMELY woeful for WA state. As royalties will not be received by the state. Already it can been seen how the Federal government treats waterways, land, sea, the destruction is BEYOUND comprehension. Farmers have massive cost caring for their land and stock. The chopping of forests destroys fauna and wild life.

The only state that has a chance to survive the attack by federal politicians at this time is WA State. We expert our politicians to protect Western Australia from maurders. Yours sincerely, one who loves WA

Our beautiful and fragile environment can only be destroyed by fracking - and is lost FOREVER!

Requiring external fuel source tech, is the same suppressed medical tech darwin award for $ algorithm...

I understand that the number of earth tremors in Oklahoma increased from an average of one per year to over three hundred following the use of fracking.

Don't run the risk of turning the whole of WA in to a Meckering

The scientific evidence shows that, no matter how well regulated the industry is, accidents happen. And those accidents have unacceptable consequences for our water, wildlife and health. All the government needs to do is look at the mess fracking has created in the USA.

It's time to elect scientifically literate politicians so that these decisions are made based on the science and facts which demonstrate the huge negative impacts fracking has on our natural assets and environment - not to mention society and our economy in the long term.

I am a Victorian and I am involved with the Lock the Gate movement so that I could protect my farm and my neighbourhood. The Victorian State government finally saw the light of this unviable industry and had it banned.

Fracking is a dangerous practice for the environment and should never be allowed in ANY contry, state or territory.

For Frack Sake! Seriously! Talk about short term gain for long term pain! Here we go again - let's make $$$$ for big companies that don't pay taxes! Let's frack the underground water and leave the land fracked for animals and communities.

Governments need to stop supporting big business and start being the caretakers of their country - that's what they are voted in for!

No. I'm not a student, radical or professional demonstrator. I am a 65 year old woman who loves this country and would like to see it exist in its natural state for generations to come! Seriously!

It's hard to put that below in a better way than the Wilderness Society; so I'll just second thoughts and trust that all WA will end up free of fracking - and eventually become a completely renewables powered society. The dangers of fracking so far seem to make it unwise to conduct it at all. Thank you for your endeavours and please note how many folk share our fears.

Money is more important than the environment to our Government.

No fracking way! Land before profits. Life before profits.

PLEASE value the future of our land and the people who live here.....water is gold....wake up governing people

Green energy is the future! Fracking is dangerous to humans, animals and our environment. America should be moving forward as a leader in combating climate change and not going backwards with coal mining and oil drilling. It is shameful and embarrassing that America is lagging so behind in energy development.

I can understand the desire for generating power but the cost and destruction that goes with fracking is just DUMB. Stop killing the country and its inhabitants

Give the younger generation a future!! Please show leadership and stop freckling

Fracking is not the answer, the damage to people health,eater supply and environment is too high. invest in wave and wind power instead. Do not give in to the corperations for financial short term gain

Here’s all the political reasons below to ban fracking in WA but I say do the right thing over so called monetary benefits. You’re singlehandedly destroying the environment for my children’s children, just think of that when you deliberate.

I am a farmer and we must ensure that we leave the land in a better condition for future generations

Fracking - no way! There is no safe way to frack. It is short term gain for long term damage. I in no way support it.

Health: it's time to put the environment first & live sustainabily. The earth needs us to be the custodians/carers. Fracking is poisoning her. Stop it.

There must be other methods that will effectively retrieve gas.

I do not know why we are still having this conversation. The science is in and it's only greed that's driving this industry. Oh wait, now I know why we're still having this conversation…

Stop the fracking.

Please Do Not Risk our Future bt allowing Fracking! We Need Claen Water for us and our wild life we have the Largest Dry Country on Earth!

No matter what conditions are put on fracking it is also my concern that big business' are rarely brought to account over misdemeanours and that damage would be "swept a under the carpet" or the companies would would be "beaten with a feather duster". Therefore, I am concerned that big business, knowing this, would have reduced incentive to manage the risk factors involved as rigorously as would be needed to manage the risks outlined below.

Please protect the environment by not allowing fracking to obtain underground gas

Fracking is an abomination and I am disgusted that it is still a threat to our beautiful country. Most thinking people believe it is a huge threat to our water supply and it is not what the voting public want or will support so please help to make sure this never happens in our land.

Fracking is a dangerous and divisive practice. the WA Government recognised this in their responsible decision to ban fracking in Perth, Peel and South West regions of WA. The same commitment should be shown for other regions of the state.

Fracking poses dangers to the environment and the health of all living things. Their are hundreds of chemicals used in fracking fluids,many are known carcinogens and toxins such as Lead,Uranium,Radium,Methanol,Mercury,Formaldehyde,Hydrochloric Acid and Ethylene Glycol. Many thousands of litres of chemicals are used per fracturing. During the process of fracking, Methane gas and toxic chemicals leach from the system and poison local groundwater. More and more problems are being found around areas where fracking takes place. Often the toxic water used in the fracking process is not extracted and it seeps through the ground into Aquifers,Creeks,Rivers,Dams and even into the sea. U.S. studies have revealed up to 90% of the water used in fracking never returns to the surface. This water is lost from the natural water cycle, this is particularly bad news for drought-affected or water-stressed towns,cities and states.

The threat this poses to all living things is substantial and long term negative health effects are of real concern.

The fracking process can often release cancer causing chemicals such as Benzene and Methane into the air.

Fracking is a 24/7 process so noise and light pollution can be a horrible problem for people and animals living near fracking sites.

It takes on average 10 million litres of fresh water to complete each fracturing job. Can a dry state like Western Australia afford to commit to such a massive loss of it's precious fresh water? Although burning gas supposably does not produce as much greenhouse gas as burning coal or oil, it does still produce greenhouse gas. If we are really concerned about the hugely problematic effects human produced greenhouse gases are having on the environment and on all life on the planet, we should be investing in new, alternative energy sources that are clean and do not cause environmental damage.

Another danger associated with fracking is that we will delay looking for clean alternative energy sources. Instead, we will pump harmful chemicals into our environment and fail to slow the pace of warming.

Their are many other negative impacts of fracking: Waste water left in open-air pits to evaporate, releasing dangerous volatile organic compounds into the atmosphere,creating contaminated air,acid rain and ground-level ozone. Fracking sites have overall Radon levels 40% higher than non-fracking sites. The U.S. Geological Survey have released a report confirming what many scientists have long thought: The fracking process causes earthquakes.

The gas produced by fracking is mostly Methane,a highly potent greenhouse gas that traps 86 times as much heat as Carbon Dioxide. Also because Methane leaks during fracking, it may be worse than burning Coal.

Their are so many risks and unknowns with fracking that the only way to avoid the risks and eliminate the unknowns is to not frack at all.

JUST DONT. at some point you will go too far & you won’t be able to do anything. Can you , who makes the decision to start Fracking, really go home at the end of the day & look your children in the eye when they ask you what you did today.

Can you go into their school on parents day & proudly tell the class & other parents what you do. Don’t make your children ashamed of you.

The dreaded fracking is rearing its ugly head all over Australia. It is ruining the environment just to make profits for the amoral multinationals. We do not need a ruined lifestyle to make shareholders rich.

Western Australia is the driest state. It is not worth risking our water supply for this crazy fracking practice. We have enough solar energy to last us in perpetuity. Please protect our farmland and water from risky CSG.

Fracking is disgusting and Im deeply disapointed that the Government here is still allowing and accepting this to go on.

The Earth is our home and humans continue to pollute and take in such a monsterous way, without any care or consideration for the well being of the planet and all living creatures on it.

Will they keep taking and killing till there is nothing left?? Or Will they wake up and tune into some humanity and heart within, put a stop to this and start making amends?! I hope for the latter.

All the scientific evidence I have read and personal anecdotal evidence I have heard from people here and overseas indicates that unconventional gas fracking poses an unacceptable risk to our health, our environment and our climate.

The gas fracking industry, wherever it has fracked, left a legacy of water contamination, habitat fragmentation and devastating community health issues around the globe.

We do not want these disastrous epidemics and life-ending results in Australia!

Remember the unacceptable risks that the onshore unconventional gas fracking industry poses to a community’s rights to water and health.

Community: Landholders and Traditional Owners don’t have the legal right to lock the gate and refuse access on their land to oil and gas companies in WA which is an absolute disgrace, showing no respect or compassion towards these people.

I've added comment to the proforma under the section "environment. I concur with all the other statements in the proforma

Environment: I am particularly concerned about a population of dwarf miistletoes. THE ONLY POPULATION KNOWN of KORTHALSELLA ARTHROCLADA occurrs is in an area I believe is prospective for fracking. Any change to the hydrology is likely to eliminate the hosts and thus exterminate the species.Not only that but the area is also the only known location for an Eremophila species (located while surveying the Korthalsella). It also faces extermination from change in hydrology of the low lieing habitat.

I fully believe that WA should be leading the country through the investment and application of renewable energy. It is the last State to be developed and has therefore managed to avoid some of the disastrous development seen on the east coast.

I urge the WA state government to continue to demonstrate leadership in this issue by banning fracking in WA and protecting the welfare of our communities and wildlife for future generations.

Fracking is a NO GO area! It is extremely dangerous to be messing with the earth's underground systems with potentially non-reversible changes. It is destructive to say the least. water is precious, dont let frackers contaminate it.

It has destroyed water& killed animals. People cannot give their land away in Alberta, Canada. Don’t let this happen in your country

I support stopping this destructive and unnecessary practice. Underground water is vital to our agriculture and farms which 'feed' us. What is wrong with the politicians; the environment is our source of survival. Please wake up and listen to community concerns and not to big oil and gas companies. Surely our leaders care about their children and grandchildren.

Fracking is potentially dangerous to our Aquifers. Australia cannot afford to take ANY risks with water.he scientific evidence, including that of Australia's Chief Scientist, shows that, no matter how well regulated the industry is, accidents happen. And those accidents have unacceptable consequences for our water, wildlife and health

Be visionary, think into the future and please just ban fracking altogether. Extending the moratorium is minimalist but you need to be much, much bigger than that.

No tracking, for the sake of the planet my son and daughter would inherit

Please, stop fracking now. Not only is water he source of all Life, also new findings has shown that during the fracking process an unknown quattity of gas is spilled during the distribution-process and the gas is four ties worse than carbon. Before there is evidence of safe fracking and distribution we have to consider all othe alternatives. Think of our Childrens future. Thank you

Please stop putting money and greed before people and the environment.

Fracking achieves very little return in resources Long term , just look at the US Up to there armpits in environmental damage done By fracking and this damage can’t be turned around It should be band worldwide

I am writing to you to voice my concern at the fact that any government could even consider the idea of allowing fracking anywhere on the face of this planet.

You don't have to be a geophysicist to see what a destructive and dangerous practice this is. The mear fact that the company that supplies the chemical to frack the ground refuses to disclose what the components are in the solution on the grounds of commercial secrecy should be enough for anyone in their right mind to halt the practice.

There is absolutely no need for this practice to be used. Just in case no one has noticed the fossil fuel industry has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. You may may call me a conspiracy theorist but I am sure that there is a very dark reason for fracking and it's not to extract gas.

The argument that it creates jobs is an absolute Furfy. I have been on this earth for over sixty years and know for a fact that no buissness or corporation tries to make jobs. In fact the absolute opposite. This is not a threat but a promise if any government allows fracking I will be in the front line of protests.

Fracking is unsafe, once mistakes are made there is no possibility to resurrect the situation. The stakes are far too high to allow it. Food and health are more important than more climate change gas. It's a very clear choice.

The scientific evidence shows that, no matter how well regulated the fracking industry is, accidents will happen. And those accidents have unacceptable consequences for our water, wildlife and health. Put simply, fracking is too dangerous and anyone who truly loves our country would never allow it.

It's only a matter of time before irreversible damage is done to our waterways, environment and to our wildlife. No Fracking for Australia - full stop amen!

Stop thinking only about the money and start thinking about Australia, it's people, it's flora and fauna and the environment. Start doing the job you were elected to do!

With horrific fracking accidents around the world, the danger is too much, to risk damaging our unique Australian flora and fauna. Although our country is huge, damage to one part of the country diminished the safety of the whole..

Ban fracking in WA, for the safety of our whole country, the safety of our clean water and air, and protection of our unique wildlife, and Protect the Air Land and Water for the Kiddies.

In 2011, with two friends we criss-crossed WA with one who was expert on the remnant plants that existed (so much has been cleared it's staggering) Given that, as we wandered, and I was wring a world Heritage Cap - not mine) people said to me time and time again - I wish you (World heritage) were here. On the third independent enquiry I asked why? Fracking. It's destroying everything. Big call. So we watched and saw this invasion of the people who are prepared to wreck anything - a broad land being fracked to death.

One of the important questions that needs to be answered is how do you think residents of the area will like the earthquakes that will be generated by fracking. I think that the answer is they will not like living with frequent quakes. I hope you will not go forward with fracking plans.

Fracking must stop now, it will ruin our water supply and environment!

This must stop and it needs to stop NOW - immediately!!!

I vigorously oppose your fracking policies in WA on the basis of its proven damaging effects to the environment.

Please ban fracking now!

Fracking endangers the environment and water supplies, health the community and climate, as outlined below:

I and my wife have spent many tears in WA and visit from time to time.

It is a beautiful state and should not be spoilt by fracking. I say that not only as a citizen but also a person with a post graduate qualification in environmental studies as.well as an economics degree. thank you for considering my request

As one who studied Geology and worked in the Oil and gas industry, for 30 years, I have no illusions about the catastrophic effect fracking has on the subterranean structure and inherent risks of contamination of the various water systems

The entire reason for research is to learn and arrive at the best solution. There is now ample evidence to show fracking is an unnecessary short cut which only results in further problems for our environment. Please stop looking for short term solutions which result in massive issues down he line!

I am concerned about water security, mining to date can not account for water tablelands underground. Fracking in America has been associated with earthquakes also, Yes we as Australians need cheaper energy, but a focus on tourism and gourmet/boutique food is our best bets.

Australians want to protect their precious clean water. Its a resource we cannot afford to contaminate. There is no safe way to frack!!

Can't eat coal, can't drink gas. Climate change is happening, don't exasperate it by adding more fossil fuel by products to the environment. The only possible way to preserve what we currently have is to switch to renewable energy supplies. Every delay makes it more difficult, but someone needs to make these hard decisions now instead of kowtowing to the large self serving fossil fuel companies.

The risks associated with fracking gas extraction are too great - why spoil our water, environment and health when there are so many alternative options. We need to seriously address our energy useage and eliminate inefficiencies, stop subsidising high energy users, pay the true cost of energy and rapidly convert to renewables. Fracking should never be considered a viable option.

Stop thinking about money and start looking after our beautiful country. No more fracking!

No fracking.

We cannot risk our water supplies.

Health: - The amount of chemicals used that are not retrieved cannot be good for anyone or anything. There are so many toxins in our air, water and food now that recent studies are confirming to be the cause of many illnesses and causes cancer, if not directly then consequently. Toxins in our environment need to be reduced. not increased.

It also appears we cannot trust the Gas industry and our governments to do the right thing. It has not been throughly tested and it appears that the industry doesn't want to do this, that is very telling.

The gas fracking industry should be banned thoughout WA!

Compassion and love for our land and people will stand us in good steed.

Fracking is unacceptable it is harmful to our water, wild life and health. it is an outrage that you would allow this to happen. It will have devastating consequences these companies are in it for their greed and profits not the welfare of our waters.

Every plant has a spirit. Every living thing on earth has a life. think what you are doing to our pristine waters.

Renewable energies are much safer and cost effective so an immediate change is essential for the welfare of the economy and people.

There is a much safer and cost effective alternative in renewable energies so why are the not being used exclusively?

Water is our most precious commodity which sustains all life. I strongly oppose any fracking no matter which state!

Too often projects like fracking go ahead with the assurance to the public that it is a safe undertaking with no real concerns for the environment, flora and fauna, and humans. I beg to differ!

I am appealing to the powers that be...... No More Fracking, PLEASE!

Australia is our home, our beautiful brown land. Let’s keep it safe from contamination of our soil and waterways as a gift to future generations.

Just don't do it. It makes no real sense.

It is not worth the risk of contaminating life giving water.

Ban fracking now! It is bad for the environment, for health, for climate change. Do not take the risk that everything will be alright...accidents will happen. Please listen to those who will be most affected in the region. Fracking poisons groundwater and allows methane to discharge into the air. It's a stupid method. WA is the perfect place to use renewable energy.

Further to my submission- Instead of wasting time on another limited energy resource, we should investing in the future of sustainable energy resources I.e. Solar and Wind

Do not want to see Fracking in Western Australia.

Remember Pike River Coal mine in New Zealand and the 28 people who lost their lives and the anguish of their families that have not been able to get their loved ones bodies and give them a proper burial because it is impossible to enter the toxic site to retrieve them.

Fracking has already contaminated the water in other states. Don't do it in W.A.

I am highly concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia and anywhere because of the degradation to the environment and because of the serious health effects that have been experienced by communities living near gasfields.

I urge the Inquiry to recommend a complete ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities across Western Australia.

Please abandon any fracking operation & preserve the beautiful State of Western Australia, the future for the next generations.

Won't somebody please think of the children, and the animals, and the trees, and the water quality, and the environment and something else other than short term profits.

My family are fractavists and we say, SHUT the GATE and FRACK OFF! life on Earth cannot exist without water. contamination from fracking cannot be reversed.Say no to fracking..

There is no scientific safety guarantee for water which is the lifeblood of our nation, particularly our people and habitat.

The scientific evidence shows that, no matter how well regulated the industry is, accidents happen. And those accidents have unacceptable consequences for our water, wildlife and health.

I have young family living in WA. They do not want it and I do not want it for all the above reasons. A healthy future starts with clean air and clean water. My family and friends are acutely aware of these facts and will be voting accordingly!

I cannot believe anyone in this country would do ANYTHING to jeopardise our underground water. Even words like "best practise" and "world leaders" and "leading technology" are no safeguard for the inevitable pollution of our ground water. In a country where 98% of our water is underground, HOW COULD WE even contemplate such nonsense as fracking.

This is not a state issue, it is a federal issue. This is my country too.

It is political death to continue fracking. When will all this stupidity end?

Planet Earth has to last a long time into the future. How about we make use of what it has to offer that is replaceable like the sun, wind and water movement and keep our hands off the rest

I’m highly concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following reasons. Before I get onto these points I would like to highlight some of my own personal observations.

Observations: -I was told by the previous Liberal government during the last state election campaign that there would be no dangers or issues with fracking in Western Australia as it is "different geology to Qld" although I was not told why it was "safe". I would agree, the geology of WA is different to Qld. I have worked in both Geology and Geophysical Exploration all over WA, I have also been to Qld a few times over the years and have spent time on a station near Chinchilla, driven the entire length of the Bruce Highway and had a good look around Far North Queensland.

-I have also using Geophysical survey methods surveyed more than a few drill holes in Western Australia and in my experience it is quite common to experience broken ground and voids in drill holes. It can make downhole surveying difficult at times.

-I have worked on Diamond Drill Core as an assistant to a Geologist and one of my jobs was to count fractures in the rock and add this to the database. In my experience every drill hole I logged would have had some form of fracturing/faulting/folding over time. The Geologist I worked for would then have a better understanding of the geological history of the area.

-I have heard reports of farmers taking their own lives due to the Fracking industry poisoning their land and making farming unviable.

Therefore, I find it very hard to believe that it is a safe industry, especially after seeing reports of issues with fracking both overseas and in Australia.

Fracking for gas is an environmental disaster. It contaminates water, destroys and fragments habitats and triggers health issues. It is also an accident waiting to happen. Please ban gas fracking.

Once the fracking indistry starts polluting, that area will never be restored, especially by the profiteers who pollute it. There is evidence of this all over the world. They are not held accountable, and they know they can get away with it.

It is the same story with other mining industries, they leave the environment scarred and unfit to support life. More must be done to hold environmental vandals accountable for past transgressions and stop future damage before it happens.

Now that renewables and energy storage are so viable and compeditive, there is no need for greedy industries to push for these resources when they are at great expense to our natural world.

Fracking in Western Australia

The scientific community has clearly documented the harmful effects of greenhouse gases on the environment and the contribution of the process of fracking to the accumulation of greenhouse gases,to the risk of water and soil contamination, to harmful effects on Australia’s unique fauna and flora,to serious health deterioration of workers in the industry and communities located near the mining works.

At this time when there are so many alternative energy sources and job opportunities available in preserving Australia’s natural resources, I appeal to our scientific community to respond in a responsible manner and recommend the prohibition of fracking throughout Australia.

Vogwill R (2017) Western Australia’s Tight Gas Industry - A review of groundwater and environmental risks.

Haswell M, Bethmont A (2016) Health concerns associated with unconventional gas mining in rural Australia. Rural and Remote Health 16, 1–36.

Please do not allow our water ways to be poisoned.

Why is it Governments want to kill any beauty we have? In doing so they are killing our planet. It is bad enough the new subdivisions are so small that trees can't be planted to replace the ones that get knocked down.

Fracking needs to be stopped!

Why do these multi billion dollar mining companies need to use fracking to subtract gas & oil from the ground which is also damaging and poisoning the environment,when it is safer and cleaner to drill. I have a better solution just leave it in the ground and use renewable energy that might cost jobs but at least the planet will be better off.

Fracking destroys the environment. Examine other sources of energy.

Ban all gas fracking in WA

Gas fracking industry should be banned across WA not just in some areas because the effects are felt across the whole state when here are leaks. These effects are both economic and social in kind. I ask that the ban be extended for the safety and well being of the whole community.

Do your research, pumping thousands of litres of chemical, and water to "Fracture" the ground (what could go wrong with that?) polluting the water table, what for???? we dont need more oil mined, we need alternative electric energy, ever heard of Tesla? we dont want fracking!!

No Fracking !!

Please do not give permission to operators to do gas fracking in the Kimberley. It will ruin the land and water. They will say it is all safe and according to the rules, but if it goes wrong, they cannot be found. The company bankrupt and the directors having escaped to an overseas island where they cannot be touched.

Think carefully!!!!

I don't live in WA but I have visited your beautiful state and appreciate the beauty of the timeless landscape and the unique animals inhabiting it.

Thank you for your consideration!!!

I do not believe that the returns which will be obtained from gas fracking will outweigh the enormous costs that such activity will have on our environment and future generations. It is time to look into long- term consequences rather than short-term profits.

Vital water resources are at risk of contamination and depletion from fracking operations due to water and chemical use and wastewater production.

Unique flora and fauna are threatened due to habitat fragmentation, wastewater leaks and accidents during transportation.

Unconventional gas requires many wells, can require fracking, uses much water and pollutes precious groundwater. The multiple wells cause much disruption and damage to landscape, ecosystems, cultural heritage and farming. Studies are now showing that the many fugitive emissions from unconventional gas make it more polluting than coal. Even the financial viability of coal seam gas is now in doubt. Local and regional economies and social life have been seriously disrupted by CSG in the Darling Downs. What's more, after the gas company boom comes the community bust.

I commend you on the ban on fracking to date. Please introduce a permanent ban on unconventional gas and tight shale oil. Western Australia will be better off without this industry.

Ban gas fracking in WA to preserve the environment.

We can NOT allow fracking!! Water is more important than gas. Without water we die. Consider the future, there are alternatives to gas, but none for water. Please stop all fracking.

Fracking is simply not worth the risk. Fossil fuel is on the way out plus it risks damaging our vital water reserves. We need to put all our resources into renewables.

As a regular visitor to W.A., I am saddened to think that this government is even contemplating fracking in any area. There has been no good news from the land owners in QLD regarding fracking on their land and some horror stories of methane gas bubbling up in what used to be their usable waterways. Why ruin your beautiful state?

Hi I have read many articles with regards to fracking and earthquakes. Over time the fracking makes the structure of the earth unsound. How many dollars do we spend already on cyclones, fires, and anything else to do with an environment under threat.

Years ago these extreme environmental patterns did not exist. We need to start now to protect our home. The earth.

The fracking industry has been demonstrated to do irreparable damage to farms, forests and under ground water systems. The total value of all the gas that can be extracted will never cover the loss of our environment, which is what supports life on earth.

We have all seen the revolting effects of fracking in the poisoning of the earth and water. Now more than ever people want our earth restored, not destroyed. Listen to the experts, not the ruthless industry please. Death cannot be reversed.

Water is the most important resource rural Australia needs. Fracking is a direct threat to ground water systems. We live in country Victoria where the Lock the Gate movement stopped Fracking. Do not pollute your ground water for short term gains.

It is very clear that fracking damages our aquifers due to the toxic mix of chemicals used under high pressure to force out the gas. We must not continue to forfeit our future wellbeing for the sake of quick profits in the short term. Please stop it now.

I live in Victoria but I had done a lot of research regarding the fracking you are contemplating. I understand, without a shadow of doubt, that accidents do occur and that these accidents often cause irreparable damage. Fracking is far too risky! No one has the right to force farmers and any community to put up with such formidable and potentially disastrous effects.

Wildlife and habitats, and a clean, healthy environment, always take precedence over immoral corporate greed, destructive irresponsibility, and selfish profits.

Can’t eat coal, can’t drink gas. No more fracking in WA!!

Victoria has banned fracking, after an intense and focused grassroots campaign against it. But yours is a scientific panel consideration, so: 1. Can you name the 500+ chemicals used in fracking? 2. Have scientific studies been done to declare them safe? 3. What is your answer to burning rivers and water supplies as gas leaks into aquifers and groundwater? 4. How can you justify the health dangers to communities living around the fracking wells? 5. 6% of all fracking wells break down within the first year, but I guess you already know that! 6. Why even consider fracking when Australia has so much gas that we export most of. When is it enough? 7. WA is a prime state for renewable energy. Solar panels, wind turbines, tidal and wave generators, and the Tesla Powerwall storage in SA show you the future of energy generation.


No fracking in WA.

A healthy environment is not ours to take such huge risks. Fracking needs to come OFF the table.


I live in Queenslanď where fracking has already had adverse affects on our communities and environment. The evidence is that fracking can be very damaging and the risks unacceptable and some types of damage irreversible think underground water supplies. If our artesian basin were to be contaminated...doesn't bear thinking about! Fracking should not be allowed.

I along with ten, if not hundreds of thousands of concerned West Australian wish not for our State to go down the path of fracking for gas. It is unwarrented an not required an no amount of guarentees from the fracking industry will lesson concerns about damage to our under ground aquifers. I dont know If you are unaware that we have a drying climate an water is our most valuable commodity which must i say must never be ccompromised by anyone any industry an MUST be protected at all cost. Thankyoi.


We know way too much about Fracking to use it as a resource. The public says no. They are the voice of reason.

Please consider the human cost in this process. I lnow several farmers in Qld and NSW who have had serious health issues evolve due to the extreme stress involved in gaining access, use of, property and aniimal loss. Non of this has been compensated by the companies involved. In most cases selling out has been the only life saving action available. 12 to 15 years of ongoing harrassment, frustration and losses both personal and economic has been the end result. When top level managers come from the city for negotiations, they often have no idea of the real impact on land, habitat for all animals, or the families and communities affected by their decision. PLEAS STOP THIS PROCESS.

The environmental problems associated with gas fracking outweigh the benefits gained.

The environment must be respected.

Safe water is out life blood and profits cannot replace what Nature provides, only a facsimile. Time to stop playing God

Please don't frack. It ruins the land, lets of methane, uses your precious water resource and anyway the future is renewables, not gas and fossil fuels. So be the smart state and say NO to fracking.

Are you aware that escaping methane gas harms our solar protection layer.

How much is enough! When will people count more than money! When will you listen to the people who employ you!

Over the last two decades, the gas fracking industry has left a legacy of water contamination, habitat fragmentation and devastating community health issues around the globe.

Stop fracking around!!!

Please never let fracking happen. America has areas where underground water is contaminated and unusable- that is the end result - thank you

Frack off!!!...Water is life!!!...No water then no life!!!..IT COULD BE YOUR LIFE..DO NOT BE SO SHORT SIGHTED..

Once the damage from fracking is done, it cannot be undone. This assault on the under ground water supply will change the destiny of the Australian continent.

Unconventional gas fracking must not be allowed in WA or any or Australia. The full environmental impacts of this type of mining are not tested and the risks too great! We must not destroy land!

Fracking is a filthy, polluting and unnecessary practice! Time for renewable energy sources. Say goodbye to the extractive industries!

Fracking is clearly a massive destructive threat to the environment. Let's protect our groundwater, land and animals by not doing the WA cliche of digging everything out of the ground for short term profits, soon gone and leaving us nothing in return.

The clear majority of Australians are against unconventional gas mining. This country is supposed to be a democracy, yet you politicians carry on like you are our masters! Shame!

Fracking is dangerous for us all. It contaminates our water table and our air. People who live near sites are reduced to illness. There is no need for fracking. We have more sunlight than most of the world. We can power ourselves by sunlight and have clean air and water. The miners need to find alternate occupations. The mining companies need to invest in clean energy and be part of the solution not the problem.

SAY NO TO FRACKING The fracking industry has made too many mistakes, sometimes through sheer incompetence, sometimes blatant neglect. There is a history of fracking companies making great promises of employment for locals, which did not materialise. Australia cannot afford to allow fracking to contaminate our much needed water and fertile soil nor to poison small local communities. The effects of fracking on native Australian flora and fauna have been devastating.

When the only motivation for Fracking is profit (numerous sustainable alternatives are available) the industry cannot be trusted to regulate itself, numerous breaches and accidents are documented and the resulting harm scientifically quantified. Let’s abolish this outdated industry, time the companies were economically forced to diversify!

Contaminating and destroying the environment and its natural resources - water, flora and fauna, in order to exploit ONE resources out of many alternatives is not worth it. You are putting the lives of the people and the planet one step behind your own interests and that is unacceptable.

Fracking is only good for mining companies. It is terrible for indigenous people, farmers, land owners and residents. Please do not allow it in Western Australia.

Arable land and clean water are assets we should not be questioned for protecting.

For the well-known, and widely-known reasons, I am highly concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia.

Fracking is environmentally damaging and should not be permitted anywhere in Australia. In our dry state of W A water is so important and so is our farming and station country. Do not let the Gas Companies use fracking to wreck our country. cracking in Australia should not be permitted


Please dont take risks with our under ground water any where in Aust its just too risky. stop now


I don't know why nothing is being done. It's ridiculous that society is letting you know what to do for the better do something about this now before it's too late.

Fracking has serious consequences that cause pollution of underground basins and destabilisation of the ground structure. A very risky procedure. Please continue to block the fracking industry from damaging our environment.

The scientific evidence shows that, no matter how well regulated the industry is, accidents happen. And those accidents have unacceptable consequences for our water, wildlife and health.

Keep the gas fracking industry out of WA. Water contamination and land damage that have been documented elsewhere and in WA are not worth the risk .

Think long and hard on this one!!!

Please stop killing Australia.

Given the wide array of alternative energy sources do we really need more gas?

Politicians need to be honest and do their job which is taking care of the citizens of the United States & the enviroroment instead of their greed for power & wealth.

Stop fracking now; protect our environment now and for future generations.

All you have to do is look at the trouble in the U.S caused by fracking to understand what I'm saying, but just in case you haven't heard, here's some of the dangers..

Fracking is not a transitional fuel. It is an even more catastrophic climate disaster waiting to happen. Renewables are the only way forward for a sane, responsible, compassionate society. Let's be that. Thank you.

As an Australian citizen living overseas I am extremely concerned about fracking in Australia. Please respect the wishes of the community - and the many people worldwide who have directly suffered the negative consequences of fracking - and ban fracking across the state. for the welfare of future generations dont pursue fracking.

Don't do ANYTHING which damages the natural environment.

There are better ways to secure income and water Naturally.

Clean water is mandatory. stop fracking

Water is so precious in australia, I don't believe fracking is worth the risk to any of our clean water supplies.

Today, many of these cases have been documented scientifically, so we now have more evidence than ever to show that—no matter how well-regulated—accidents happen. It’s just not worth the risk.

It's past time to get rid of these outdated and polluting and damaging industries. Support renewables instead!

Western Australia can be devloped as a Tourism Hub. It will be more profitable and sustainable. We should be looking at sustainable energy not fossil fuels. The point is to create better lives . Fossil fuels of any kind destroys lives.

Please stop fracking with our environment and unique native flora and fauna.

My 40 years working in the Soils Engineering and testing work place including building large dams and tailing dams I can tell you FRACKING IS SO DANGEROUS TO OUR VERY SURVIVAL because of the Artisan Basin if this massive area is affected this country is in great trouble.

Please protect our environment now for the future!!!

We definitely need to look after what we have now or suffer the consequences in the future!

Please protect our environment now for the future!!!

Dear People who are deciding about Fracking in Australia.

I am totally amazed that fracking is still being thought of as a way to progress our environment and society.

You have got to be kidding?!

It is a no-brainer - disturbing the underground; allowing toxic gases to escape into water systems...affecting river life, fresh water for stock and humans? Madness.

The risk to health is too great.

If later it is realised that the fracking was wrong - it can never be undone. Once disturbed there's not enough concrete to pour down the fissures to re-stabilize it.


In your capacity as Scientists with access to all the documented data, evidence of global damage done already by underground mining of gas and oil, and the correct language to argue the case, please be the voice for the people, and stand up for what is RIGHT and SAFE for a CLEAN FUTURE FOR AUSTRALIA.

Do not let the short-term economic benefit of a few (big companies and their shareholders), nor the argument of 'Jobs Growth' sway you from this.

I am a member of Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) so I support all conservation projects Australia wide and particularly in Western Australia.

Please don't aloow fracking.

Fracking is toxic to your water! Do not frack! It creates earthquakes! Say, "No!" to fracking!

Once damaged by fracking, it can NEVER be Repaired and just for money !!!??? It’s disgusting & criminal!!!

Fracking is very bad for our environment . We should be looking for sustainable ways tprovide energy. Legislate a ban on “fracking” in WA. Don’t risk losing what scarce and precious fresh water WA has by introducing “Fracking” and gas mining. It’s a huge mistake to all ow this to occur.

I’m gravely concerned about the unconventional gas mining with particular emphasis on the “fracking” industry in Western Australia for the following reasons.

Environment: – It is unviable due to WA’s vital and limited water resources - WA’s water resources are at risk of contamination and depletion from “fracking” operations due to water, chemical use, wastewater production[1] and increases the risk when drilling through layers of the earths crust to allow sediment and toxins to be mixed into the fresh water pockets.

Climate: – Imminent risk of climate change as water poisoning potentially caused by gas mining and fracking leads to large, deliberate and fugitive methane emissions, which dangerously contribute to climate change[4] and increase local community fire risk, and kills flora and fauna.

Please listen to the Scientist that are payed to advise us! The scientific evidence shows that, no matter how well regulated the industry is, accidents happen. And those accidents have unacceptable consequences for our water, wildlife and health

Fracking needs to be stopped to conserve indigenous country, our native animals and the environment. FRACK OFF!!!!

For at least the last 20 years the damage done by fracking has been huge. US farmers have even visited Australia to warn all landholders of the appalling consequences if they were stupid enough to allow fracking on their land. They told of the totally destruction on their land and the complete contamination of their water supplies. They showed film footage of being able to set light to what was coming out of their taps in their homes. They showed leaking well heads and toxic water on their land and warned of the total lack of control concerning the consequences of what had occurred, and explained the huge amount of water required for fracking that would be taken out of the system and aquifers and that this could never be replaced. NO FRACKING - this is a short term get rich quick scheme with huge long lasting environmental consequences. This type of energy build is already yesterday's dirty technology. The energy sources of today and tomorrow are already here, with solar storage and other clean forms. The price for Solar is dropping faster by the minute . No one wants this dirty desperate last call by the last century fossil fuel addicts.

– Current, weak WA fracking regulations[2] don’t put strong limits on pollution

Fracking is not worth the risk anywhere. In Australia we have the highest rate of extinction in the world for the last 10 years and we are the driest continent in the world. These risks to land, habitat and water are unacceptable, particularly at a time when renewable energy is a safer and cheaper option. WA needs to ban fracking from the whole of the state.

Please don’t do this to our wonderful and fragile country. There are other cleaner ways to go.

Please ban fracking in the Kimberley, it’s the right thing to do for the traditional owners, water resources and the environment. Ban the fracking!

Fracking needs to be banned not only in WA but Australia wide. Water is more important than profits from fossil fuel for individuals.

I have been following the debate about fracking, and the letter I have written above is as best I understand it. Where there such significant problems have been documented, it is not worth taking the risk with our environment, heritage, health and communities in order to mine gas by fracking . There are other ways to deal with our energy requirements.

As a former resident of WA (and hopefully a future resident also), I am concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia because of mounting evidence that t should be banned:

Environment: – the risk of contamination and depletion of water resoiurces from fracking operations due to water and chemical use, and wastewater production[1]. – the threats to flora and fauna due to habitat fragmentation, wastewater leaks and accidents during transportation. – the existence, as I understand it, of weak regulation which do not limit pollution or require independent, long-term monitoring of environmental factors like water and air quality.

Community: – As I understand it, there have been a variety of problems within communities where fracking has occurred. As an environmental scientist and researcher I fully understand the social, economic and environmental dangers of CSG mining. CSG mining cannot occur without serious impacts on human health, the environment and the rural economy. This should be of concern for any politician claiming to represent rural areas.

Some of the impacts include: - *Human health - headaches, nose bleeds and cancers particularly for young children. *Subsidence of the land above the coal seam affecting roads, buildings and drainage. *Pollution of ground water with toxic drilling and fracking chemicals and toxins from the coal seam. *Air polluting of hydrocarbons and volatile organic compound affecting all within a radius of the well and processing plants. *Release of fugitive methane and carbon dioxide from fracking cracks which can penetrate all the way to the surface which has been proven by researchers from SCU. *High fugitive emissions and the high greenhouse potential of methane at 25 times that of CO2 resulting in CSG being far worse than burning coal in relation to climate change which the federal government doesn't believe in. *Mixing of aquifers due to an inability of sealing one kilometre deep wells with concrete due to voids, aquifers and debris between the well casing and the surrounding geology. *Lowering and contamination of the water table affecting farmers, springs, stock, native plants and animals and the environment as a whole. *Destruction of native bush and habitat by clearing for well pads, roads and pipelines which divide bush land areas into 500 -1,000 metre grids. *Weed and feral animal invasion into bush land from roads and pipelines. *Land values drop as very few people want to live near a CSG well. *Farmers and rural landowners are forced off their land due to ill health and economic concerns with little or no compensation and very large economic losses with serious mental health impacts. *Most gas produced is by offshore companies for export to China *Wells will be abandoned after 15 years leaving all the problems for thousands of years and the government will have to fund restoration efforts which usually happens following mining (privitise the profits and socialise the costs). *Government MP's can lose their seats which is what happened at Ballina and nearly happened in Lismore.

There is no gas shortage in Australia; twice as much is exported as is required for the domestic market. The so called gas crisis is solely because of greedy companies and slack governments that allow it to happen. Gas can also be easily obtained from sewerage treatment plants, piggeries, landfill and the electrolytic breakdown of water using solar PV.

In order to tackle climate change which is the greatest threat that humans have faced in the last 300 thousand years we must quickly move away from fossil fuels and establish base load wind, solar PV, solar thermal, stream, tidal and wave power plants in combination with storage using hydro, hot saline water, locomotive storage, battery and hydrogen produced from solar electrolysis and gas and crude oil produced from algae. With political will Australia has the potential to become the world leader in sustainability, not the current lager.

Governments should be looking after the community not big mining companies.

Fracking is dead end industry that provides short term profits with long term destruction of land and water.

The reasons for my opposition to fracking in WA are as follows: In NSW North Coast there was a win to prevent fracking on valuable farmland by the Lismore shire. Their points were valid children were getting sick in other Fracking areas. Children are our futuer wipe out that generation then you put areas of Australia in a population decline and a food source decline for feeding the millions in our cities. We need to sustain our local regional food industries not just the fruit and vegetables but the healthy bone s campaigns drink more milk since comtemination is liquid carried and held in suspension for the next unsuspecting conteminination consumer.

Without water, we are all dead. There is no way of ensuring the protection of clean water supplies during the fracking process. This fact alone is sufficient for me to oppose all fracking anywhere.

I know we need to think about our present comfort levels but what about the future these effects,bi products of fracking will stop future comfort levels and the present accidents that happen go beyond safe health effects for us and our wildlife. Yes comfort is important but at what cost? If weighed up I think you also will,like us want to ban fracking not just in WA but all over Australia.

No amount of possible money made from fracking is worth the risk of ruining the water all life depends on

We have a responsibilty to end short term extractive methods which have no envirinmemtal stewardship. We can NO longer put short termist economic gains ahead of the infinite in time environment. As a person of Aboriginal heritage I implore you to consider what I am saying as a matter of imperative - we have only one planet but many ways to create economuc systems which no longer need to cost the earth.

Fracking shouldn't be considered an alternative to oil for energy... go to true renewables and create sustainable energy and sustainable jobs

Absolutely NO fracking. It's just not worth the risk.

With all the evidence against it and the affects of pollution surely one year's profit against a lifetime of misery isn't worth it.

Please decide against it.

Please stop this filthy industry that not only can pollute its immediate environment, but will pollute our entire Earths atmosphere with Co2 to the detriment of all life on earth. Its simple. STOP extraction and use of ALL FOSSIL FUELS! there have been so many negative outcomes from fracking that the very special WA environment needs protection from it, not exploitation.

As a Tasmanian who never wants to see fracking occur here, I watch with interest & great concern the events occurring in W.A.

Ebenthough I live in NSW, fracking in any state is of concern to me: independent research has shwn that fracking is a most damaging and dangerous practice. There is no place for it in this century! We should be looking after the environment, safeguarding water and all ecological aspect for a healthy viable future. Fracking risks such a future in the extreme. Please ban fracking completely in your state.

PLEASE hold off fracking - unnecessary, contaminates water supply, kills the environment.

The evidence is clear. Fracking is not on - under any circumstance.

How is it possible that you politicians still fail to see what is plainly obvious to everyone else? Fracking is an unnecessary, risky and damaging process that nobody wants in their backyards. So listen to what we are telling you or you will be voted out at the next election.

Fracking os dead. Oil is dead. Time to engage in regenerative practices not destructive.

No fracking. It destroys lives, livelihoods and the future for a few pennies saved today and costs a fortune in the future to repair the incredible damage. Stand up and say no fracking, now or ever.

We need to stop this fracking now not when it's too late to do anything. Uncontaminated land should be of prime importance. Communities, farming land and even the natural habitat should not be put at risk and the NSW Government shouldn't think twice about at least committing to a moratorium. on fracking.

Make your message count! Type your own comments here. fracking is very harmful to the earth and poisons our limited fresh water supply.

Dear Sirs/Mesdames, it is a given that you understand the damage done by fracking from the example set before us by the USA.

The main difficulty with the practice is that control of fugitive emissions is all but impossible. As I understand it, the western USA is covered by a cloud of methane detected by satellite. The implications for atmospheric warming don't bear thinking about. Then there are the earthquakes and methane contaminated groundwater.

The second problem is control of the "industry", which routinely runs away with government, and which CANNOT repair the damage it does to water, air, earth or community.

To allow this industry a foothold would be foolish in the extreme. Chinchilla in Queensland displays the results of the fracking process which was to be the economic saviour of the district. Please have a careful look before making a decision.

Fracking is all about making money for the few at the expense of everything else, including common sense.

Please were sensible on gun control, please be sensible with fracking. You must show the US how to lead.

Fracking often pollutes underground water. Water is one of Australia's most precious resources & it's imperative that we do not pollute it . Our wildlife is very unique but because of our vaste spaces & often scarce vegetation our wildlife is easily devasted by man made changes in the God given natural environment. Please let nature care for itself as it gas for millions of years. We have many resources naturally without the chance of destroying what we have by fracking.

What would you truly wish to be remembered for in the now AND future . . . ? We know too much about different possibilities for benevolent business and the environment and civilization. Thank you . . .

I'd also like to add that it's time to turn to the natural energy sources like solar, wind and tidal power instead of extracting more gas or oil.

Once fracked, it can't become "unfracked" in the event of misadventure.

Please ban fracking in Western Australia

No fracking for Australia, the evidence is in at the damage it does to the environment just look at the US

The unconventional gas and oil industry is a terrible industry. They ask for so many concessions, it makes it lousy for the country and uneconomical for WA.

Just do the right thing by your children and others

Why are we still having to fight against these obviously destructive and negative industries!!! Wake up government -Say NO to fracking!!

Please I beg you to reconsider any thoughts you or any future governments may have on the idea of fracking in West Australia. I am 75 years old and probably would not see any results that fracking would have on our beautiful bountiful country, however I have 16 grand children and 8 great grand children who would be disadvantaged by this. The only ones to benefit would be foreign investors who have no interest in our living quality.

Australia: The driestinhabited country

Now we have many more viable energy alternatives, fracking is outdated, dangerous to the health and wellbeing of people, water sources, animals and the environment,and given that AU is the driest inhabited country on the planet, we should not be using precious water that can never be reused! Please consider the future generations and the impact fracking has.


As human beings we have a responsibility to future generations to leave the world in better shape than when we took over the stewardship of the earth. Fracking destroys the physical environment and it also contaminates the water reservoirs under the ground

As a government taking responsibility for the earth I would ask that all fracking be banned in WA

Please don't put our precious Mother Earth under any more pressure.

Why promote fracking, just because it's a cheap way of accessing our gas resources. We have careful water management plans, committed to replenishing our aquifers, yet you the government choose to allow these to be threatened by careless fracking of the same areas.

There is substantial evidence of damage to water sources, through fracking. There is now growing correlation or fracking and poor health of people and animals.

Please stop the trend of ignoring science, heath effects and other warnings to promote poorly investigated processes.

We need more care and scientific evidence based policies from you.

We've seen enough of this in Qld already.....FRACKING HAS NO PLACE IN OZ!!!!

PLEASE, Think further than the hip pocket. If our water is polluted we will not be able to grow food or drink water which constitutes 90% of the human body. We want to live not drown in a sea of pollution or starve to death. Safe guards are only that, accidents happen and the consequences are lethal. BAN FRACKING in W.A.

I wish to have my opposition to gas fracking anywhere within WA acknowledged.

Evidence internationally repeatedly points to the inherent risks of this system of mining. The catastrophic consequences are a gamble too large to take.

I am grateful that the WA Labour govt has previously seen fit to ban this method in some parts of the state. I urge them to go further and extend this state-wide.

The negative impacts of fracking upon water quality, indigenous and non-indigenous communities and the natural environment are a cost too high to justify.

Please bring an end to the devastation caused by fracking immediately!

Water is the life blood of our nation and facking distroys our underground water reserves. fracking has destroyed huge areas around the world - don't let it happen here

Furthermore you need to be completely open in the analysis, so that the “man in the street “ understands the issues being debated

We export untold volumes of gas at discounted prices, profits all lost offshore and tax--returns of the exploiting companies minimised, and you want to extend fracking across the country. Politicians are puzzled at the distain that society hold them in when they foster the situation for resource exploitation that we find ourselves in in Australia.! I hope WA will extend the fracking moratorium no fracking for W.A. I believe that our environment is just too important to put at any further risk and do not want to have any gas fracking.

I have seen the irreversible damage that fracking does, as my own mother lives in a fracking zone countries and regions have followed the precautionary principle of good government. i urge you to do the values have fallen drastically and where the water supply is contaminated. The risks are known and extensive. Sensible

How important to the long term survival of our species Is fresh clean water, how important to the evolution Of our children ( us) is an easily breathable atmosphere How difficult is it for us to use our skill in extreme to find Better ways once greed and self interest are put in back in their place, one world one choice.

The Fracking industry does not represent the peoples wishes, nor does it represent a energy solution in the short term or the long term. The fracking industry represents social, environmental and ecological disaster in the short term and the long term. The Fracking process and industry is not what we want in Western Australia.

Why must we employ such methods that harm our fellow Western Australians for the pursuit of profit for companies that probably take funds and jobs away from Western Australians.

My main concern is that any accidental contamination of the aquafer will have very far reaching affects. This contamination cannot be undone. WA is so dependent on our aquafers remaining clean.

Gas fracking is just not a sensible option with the associated pollution and health problems.

It is too late to regret decisions when irreversible damage has been done. Stop fracking and invest in sustainable energy solutions - be proud of your decisions for the future of all.

Fracking destroys good farmland and endangers our underground water supplies. Both of these are very foolish things to do when we live in the driest continent with the poorest soils.

Please, no fracking!!

Fracking contaminates ground water sources forever. We need to protect the great artesian basin. when will we stop putting the dollar before life quality. Take a taxpayer funded trip to the US and see first hand what this"safe" practise is resulting in. Who do I vote for next election if our present elected representatives do not have the wherewith all to stop this madness.

Fracking contaminates water and water is life. It's as simple as that.

Fracking should not be considered especially in light of the latest research in to the effect Fracking has on substrata rocks causing weakness and changes in subterranean water levels

No fracking in west Australia our state needs protection against it.nobody really knows what damage it can cause till it happens then its to late.

Please do not allow fracking. It contaminates water,fragments habitats and affects the health of community. You cannot guarantee against accidents and it should not be allowed. Because fracking is a new technique, not enough time has passed to learn the true dangers and long- term consequences that may occur. However, there have already been alarming reports from areas that have allowed fracking. Please make WA frack-free.

We need to preserve our environment....not destroy it with fracking.

PLEASE, the risks to our ground water are not worth the $$$ that this industry can bring in for our State... we implore You reconsider such. Please hear the few people who truly care for the land, above & below, on which we live... on behalf of the future, not for business deals now... thanking You

Water, wildlife and health must come before fracking. Fracking is not safe. In every location where this technology is used, there is water contamination and illness.

Please put people and place before profits.

The proceeds of fracking are transient The damage it can cause is forever. How can thee be any doubt about why fracking should be banned in sensitive areas?

No fracking way

CSG wells have poisoned water, ruined land values, released methane into an atmosphere reeling from carbon and destabilised the land. If we use only the fossil fuels already on tap we go way over the Paris agreement. Why are we doing this? The future is renewables & risking everything for a dying industry squirrelling billions away in tax havens is madness

Total ban, no need with all the other resources we have.

Fracking may bring money to the few but what large cost will it be for the flora and fauna and the West Australian people. Don’t make West Australians pay for the mistake of allowing fracking to occur in this state.

Please don’t do any fracking, it will cause so much damage

Fracking should be banned globally.

Watch Josh Fox's film Gasland'. Fracking has destroyed lives and the environment, poisoned the water across the US. It uses billions of gallons of water - can Australia possibly justify using water, that most precious of resources for such a filthy, destructive industry. NO. Fracking should be permanently banned throughout the world.

You know it is not in the interest of the people to allow big companies to Frack, destroying our land and water and animals in the process


Ban fracking in WA no, no,no

Water and the environment is more important than the poison from fracking Dear Sir/madam As a teacher of Earth and Environmenal science I am privileged to teach future generations about how we are conserving our natural resources for future use. A very important one of these is water.

Not enough is known about the effects of fracking on ground water, one our our very precious communities that, with global warming, will become even more important to sustaining life here in WA.

I urge you to use the precautionary principle here when considering lifting the moritorium on fracking and not to do so. Not knowing the negative effects should not be an excuse to go ahead anyway.

Be the govt that bans all fracking in WA and make history. What are mining companies thinking when the future lies in renewable energy ? Thank you Labor WA

The practice of fracking has proven to be a threat to the land, water, people, flora & fauna so this practice should be stopped before it is able to harm our envioronment

So glad there is a moratorium for Perth and Peel, howev er, please extend it to the rest of WA. Our water is tooprecious to even think we might be doing some damage if we start fracking. Regulations do not stop the accidents, they might have some punishment in place for non compliance, however that would not fix the water is it got poisoned. It really is not worth the risk....

No fracking way!!

RE: FRACKING HAS NO PLACE IN WA; it’s just not worth the risk!!

I have supported Micklo Corpus over the years in his bid to look after and defend his Country from fracking. I have "put my money where my mouth is", as they say, with several donations to his cause. I believe in what he is doing or trying to do.

So I’m highly concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following reasons:

Environment: We are crazy even to think of using water to frack gas in this country - the driest Continent on earth?? Water is so precious here, yet here we are considering it as expendable. I cannot understand the warped thinking.

– I am especially concerned that much of remote WA is home or potential habitat for the Critically Endangered Greater Bilby, Macrotis lagotis. Development of any sort is going to finish off the job we have started, and cause its extinction. Likewise all other endangered and critically endangered species, including the unique flora of WA, so diverse.

Climate: – Methane has 28 times the greenhouse gas potency of CO2, so it is crazy to let any of it go into the atmosphere, let alone deliberately create an industry that causes it. We must not do this!!

Fracking will seriously compromise the health of both people depending on water affected by fracking and the land surrounding all the areas where fracking is being done. Please don't allow any fracking to be done.

I am extremely concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia and all other States and Territories because WA’s vital water resources are at risk of contamination and depletion from fracking operations due to water and chemical use, and wastewater production. Furthermore The state’s unique flora and fauna are threatened due to habitat fragmentation, wastewater leaks and accidents during transportation. We expect our elected governments to act in our best interests by avoid such dangerous behavior that threatens the future of the people and environments they are responsible for.

Stupidly weak WA fracking regulations don’t limit pollution or make mandatory independent, long-term monitoring of environmental factors like water and air quality. I ask why. Do the companies conducting these operations have our government by the nobles?

Serious health effects have been experienced by communities living near gasfields in the USA and QLD following the commencement of unconventional gas operations—including respiratory ailments; nose, throat and eye irritations; and neurological illnesses. Do the royalties paid to government for such operations warrant the acceptance of such effects? I don’t think so and I bet an educated community wouldn’t either. A government supporting the companies engaged in this activity can only loose. Royalties won’t compensate you if you loose the next election.

Unconventional gas mining and fracking leads to large, deliberate and fugitive methane emissions, which dangerously contribute to climate change[4] and increase local community fire risk.

Landholders and Traditional Owners don’t have the legal right to lock the gate and refuse access on their land to oil and gas companies in WA. It is your job to protect your constituents from this kind of assault to their livelihoods. If you let these people down, you can be sure this movement will move to making sure the whole state knows it. Again it’s all about elections. Australians are becoming increasingly aware of being sidelined by multinational companies in deals with their governments.

Dear Government, Why not embrace renewable energies with no risk . Fracking is full of risks . Water is precious these days we need to protect our water. Even one catastrophe is to many . We must learn from Queensland and other countries . Thank You

Fracking will contaminate water & endanger health.

Fracking as been proved repeatedly ,to be unstable ,and a threat to the environment .If our government is serious about listening to people ,and protecting our environment ,then fracking should be off it's list of considerations

Please do not allow any type of fracking in Western Australia. Our very limited ground water supply is too precious to experiment on.

I have to join those expressing concern about the proposed gas mining and fracking industry within Western Australia, and ask for serious consideration for the following reasons. They all seem well founded in the light of scary, already established industries elsewhere.

Fracking will not be tolerated in W.A....we have seen the research and also listened to people on the land and know that this is unviable ....short term benefits are not worth the cost to the land .

Please don't allow fracking poisoning of our so limited and precious water Dear members of parliament, Please do NOT allow fracking in WA. This technology poses too many potential risks to groundwater and the environment in general. There is so much sunshine in WA! Surely solar and other renewables are the way of the future, and so much less risk is involved.

Please, I urge the Inquiry to recommend a complete ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities in Western Australia. Overseas communities have scientifically documented many cases of water contamination. devastating community health issues as well as Landholders/Traditional Owners land rights abuse and a disrespect for community wishes shown, to name a few. Due to the above my husband and I ask that all onshore unconventional gas fracking be banned in WA.

I live in Broome & am very concerned about the numerous aspects of fracking as listed below. The fact that there was quite a substantial leak from an old "abandoned " well @ Yullaroo Just outside Broome doesn't inspire confidence in the Science of the industry or in Buru's respect for the environment or for the wishes of the traditional elders .

I live in Broome & am aware of the fact that there was a substantial leak of an older well

I am outraged that our government is willing to sacrifice our land and water. I want them to stop letting big companies take our resources and use them for their own purposes. We have enough gas wells set up for Australia already. All the rest is being exploited for overseas benefits.

The disastrous effects of fracking have already been proven. Fracking requires massive amounts of water..something rare and precious in the north west of WA. Fracking is not a safe process by any means and there is zero evidence to prove otherwise. Stand up Australia, dare to say no to barbaric mining practices. Globally, this country is so far behind with the use of sustainable practices. Make the change now and leave a legacy for our future. Your constituents will reward you bravery in having the courage to say no!

Our land, our environment and Australia must come first, not money and overseas interests.

Fracking is NOT welcome in WA ! You will lose power if you give in to this insidious and unwanted disaster.

It is well known that gas fracking has and continues to cause serious issues the world over: environmental degradation, water depletion and contamination, human health issues, to name a few, and the situation in Western Australia would be no different. To allow a hazardous industry such as this to operate for the sake of short term profit is reckless and irresponsible and I urge the Inquiry to recommend a complete ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities across Western Australia.

Underground water resources are too precious to be left to industry to safeguard. Environmental regulation can assist the surface of what actually occurs, and that's just at the planning and running. Over the following decades any degradation of system infrastructure can have dire effects on human support systems, including water quality, rivers and creeks, and soils. Fracking is virtually invisible at the surface, yet can destroy the eco-systems, sygofauna, and water resources of future generations. Gas fracking should not be permitted in WA.

Lets keep our underground water safe forever. We have more gas offshore up North than we will ever use. We do not need to frac. Please ban it for ever!

To move forward we need to leave fossil fuels behind and in the ground!

I do not believe that we should be pursuing this fossil fuel for the following reasons.

– Current, weak WA fracking regulations[2] don’t limit pollution or make mandatory independent, long- term monitoring of environmental factors like water and air quality. They do not make the the operator accountable to our Members of Parliament even when operating in nature reserves.

The damage to the environment is far greater than the economic benefits. Funds expended on this can be best served for all concerned by developing further renewable energy. This is also old technology and past its used by date except for the destroyers of our future.

We know that fracking is bad for the environment , wild life , and more important the water . So please keep Western Australia fracking free . Thanks for the futur generation .

My theory is that if politician want to make there mate wealthy and or thank them for getting them the top job - them pay them to build hospitals and public education. There is no need to pillage the environment.

Fracking costs the earth - there are so many better energy options. Time for a change and leave fracking alone.

I say no to the gas fracking industry leaving a legacy of water contamination, habitat fragmentation and devastating community health issues around the globe.

Once the water is polluted, there is no going back.

Fravking sucks. Look at Oklahoma in the USA. poisened water, earthquakes where none had ever happened before. All brought to you by fracking.mlook at queensland poisened water. Dont bring fracking into WA IN, For the sake of our State's health - dont do it.

Every government office try to tell us fracking is safe, but having read what has happened in the past, the people of the earth are interested in keeping drinking water clean, cattle being able to walk free on THERE land with out any interruption, so in one word NO FRACKING ON OUR AND THE CATTLE'S AND FOOD PRODUCTION

Please ban fracking in our biodiverse state. Too much risk for not enough gain

Hasn't Australia suffered enough environmental degradation since white settlement in little over 200 years. Surely it is time to wake up and protect this great land for all its living creatures. Fracking is dangerous and shouldn't even be on the table of consideration.

Fracking has impacted the water resources of many countries. Water is life and we do not want to take a backwards energy step and sacrifice life for short term corporate gain.

Please ban gas fracking in Australia.

Please dont allow fracking in WA just so greedy companies can make more money with out paying tax.

Please ensure that our land and our farmers are safeguarded today and in the future. Please do not allow fracking to go ahead in our beautiful state. There are plenty of alternative green energy options available, let's invest in those. Thank you

Fracking has been shown to be extremely damaging to the environment elsewhere in the world. We need to sink our money into renewables right now. propping up the fossil fuel industry is pointless and harmful.

Fracking is unsafe and its risks not fully understood. We should be investing in clean safe energy not pursuing dangerous energy sources like fracking.

No fracking here in W.A.

Fracking damages the environment. To say it does not is not true. Please stop destroying our fragile and increasingly threatened environment. Once it has been destroyed it will be gone forever.

Absolutely against it has no positives at all didaster for the environment want no part of it!

Please do not choose profit over the health of the Australian people. You know this is wrong and our country is too unique to risk contamination. Please say no.

I’ve seen documentaries on fracking practices overseas and the outcomes land owners experience worries me. Contamination of the water table in particular. I don’t think this is a good way to generate power for environmental reasons it is detrimental to the health of our planet and therefore humans.

FRACKING CAUSES POLLUTED WATER AND EARTH.Its not intelligent. Keep our land Australia beautiful and livable

Please consider what fracking is doing to the environment

A special thankyou for the moratorium already in place to give time to assess this dangerous, damaging practice.

The mishaps that have already occured all around the world must be taken in to account when any assessment is made.

On behalf of the people whose health could be affected, whose environment will suffer and all those dependant on safe clean ground water, I urge you to face the problems squarely and submit all the scientific data available to in depth scrutiny.

This practice is NOT desirable, is not compatible with conservation of water and ground resources and needs to be banned permanently before WA faces the same problems already evident anywhere in Australia where this is already occuring.

Fracking no way Wa this filthy way of gas extraction has no place in our great state

Water is life, help us protect it!

I fully support the position that the anti-fracking case that following comments so strongly outline. Western Australia is a great state rich in natural resources and containing landscapes and wildlife areas so unique and important to the people of Australia and the world that a balance between these two important assets need to be carefully evaluated and balanced.

Fracking tips the balance. For all of the reasons given below fracking should be a no go option for the government of Western Australia. I urge you to maintain the moratorium ands then ban fracking from Western Australia.

Over the last two decades, the gas fracking industry has left a legacy of water contamination, habitat fragmentation and devastating community health issues around the globe. The gas fracking industry should be banned across WA.

We live in one of the driest countries in the world and WA can't afford to contaminate our precious underground aquifers. Fracking using many chemicals that can easily leach into and contaminate ground water. The huge amount of health issues that have effected thousands of communities around the world is something we don't want on WA. Fracking is a highly risky way of extracting gas from deep below the earths surface. It uses huge amounts of water and many toxic chemicals to extract gas from below the ground. accidents happen no matter how well the industry is regulated. It is not worth any risk as contamination of our ground water is irreversible!! In WA we should be focussing on clean green forms of energy production. We need to be investing in Wave, solar and wind energy not highly toxic fracking. WA needs to protect and preserve our unique habitats with rare and endangered species pf flora and fauna. Thanks to the courageous efforts of our new State Government fracking has been banned in the Peel, Metro and South west areas. Fracking should be banned across the state because of the dangers it poses to the entire state.

Please, please please: Let common sense prevail! Put our long-term future before short-term profits. Fracking has already caused too many problems world-wide, so the evidence is in. We cannot allow that to happen here, where water is in such short supply and the eco-system as well as our farm lands are so fragile. It is time to look toward a sustainable and environmentally/socially responsible future instead of continuing on this mad path of destruction.

Fracking must not be happening anywhere in Australia, nor anywhere else for that matter. Fracking is devastating to water, wildlife, and human health. We do not need gas for energy, we must speed ahead with renewables which Beyond Zero Emissions states we can do within 10 years!

Please don't allow fracking at all in Western Australia, we have a beautiful state but allowing fracking will change that. Accidents will happen as they have overseas and then it's too late to help our beautiful state.

Please do not frack in W.A. Think of our environment before the $$$$. There is a history of problems that we do not need to deal with. No fracking in Western Australia Please.

Please take the time to read my email. I voted for you, it was too dangerous to keep Barnett in power as he was a YES MAN to big corporations. You're in power because we wanted change, we believed in you, don't let us down!

I’m have immense concern regarding the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following reasons.

Environment: - we are a very arid state and water supply for the future needs to be managed carefully, not put at unnecessary risk, it's much better to manage with caution than to introduce an industry where the full risks areas yet unknown but the potential is very real and very worrying. - We already rely on the production of drinking water from sea water, it would be criminal to knowingly put our ground water resources at risk of contamination. -It has been touted previously that an irrigation canal could be built to carry water from our North where rainfall can be high in summer months to the South of the state which is already experiencing water shortages. Fracking puts this very concept at risk, all it would take is for one area which the canal passes through to be contaminated in the fracking process and the entire water reserve would be rendered unfit.

Health: – Serious health effects have been experienced by communities living near gasfields in the USA and QLD following the commencement of unconventional gas operations—including respiratory ailments; nose, throat and eye irritations; and neurological illnesses[3]. The ongoing effects of this are still not known; the life impact on health of children in those areas is still being discovered. To ignore these health facts is paramount to wilful neglect.

Climate: – There has been a significant number of non believers when the topic of climate change is raised, but global and local changes in weather patterns, intensity and consequent environmental, financial and health impacts have now reached a level where the truth can no longer be denied. We need to act urgently to minimise this, correct it where we can, and refuse permission for any venture which we know will increase climate change.

Community: - overseas investors are buying up Western Australian pastoral land as their 'future food bowl', it seems we allow other countries the foresight of caring for their populations and planning to provide for them yet we don't have the same foresight into the future needs of our own population. If governments allow our country to be sold to the highest bidder then any benefit to the government will be shortlived at best, and likely to fail if the land is contaminated in the fracking process, these investors don't want infertile land. i implore you, please, listen to your constituents. We, the people of Western Australia, say a very loud and very determined NO to fracking.

It's just no worth the risk.

The science says this is not a safe industry, no matter how well-regulated—accidents happen. It’s just not worth the risk. Over the last two decades, the gas fracking industry has left a legacy of water contamination, habitat fragmentation and devastating community health issues around the globe.

There is no place for any further fossil fuel industries in Australia. It is clear that the only sensible thing to do is to invest in renewal energy projects such as wind farms- solar thermal projects with battery storage etc.


The destruction of the land that is fracked, the toxic ponds left, the unsustainable use of huge amounts of water when the rest of us have to minimise our use of water, and the people who are made ill from the chemicals used which get into the water supply and air, all are not beneficial affects of fracking. Perhaps the government would like to have their land, homes and livelihoods taken away from them, as fracking companies are permitted to do.

Fracking is far too toxic and destructive to all life.

The risks with fracking are too great to not, at least, wait until the results of the independent scientific report are in. Water is a scarce enough commodity in WA, we can's afford to get it wrong. Please ban fracking across the entire state.

We are living on one of the driest continents on the earth. And you want to risk contaminating our most precious resource WATER. Try living without any water for only 1 week!! See what think after that. NO NO NO FRACKING.

The risks of fracking are serious - it has been proven to - contaminate water - wreck wildlife habitats and - cause devastating community health problems.

Serious gas leaks and spills have already been reported and interstate (and overseas) experience shows that gas wells fail over time. It would be foolhardy and at great cost to ignore this learning from elsewhere.

Fracking is simply unacceptable, and money should not be wasted on this form of resource extraction, especially when there are sustainable, environmentally friendly, community supported forms of energy that could flourish with money being spent on them.

I believe we should be expanding the current ban to cover all of WA (and Australia), rather than allowing more mining to be undertaken. I believe there are many issues and considerable

Ban all fracking!

Fracking has proven to irreversibly damage underground features and ruin good water, draining underground water aquafers, causes vegetation to die due to lack of water. This has a roll on tragic effect. Please do not allow fracking

While the following may be the same submission you receive from many I want to assure you I have read the attached references and have lived in communities affected deeply by the reckless and negligent behaviours of gas mining operators. The following truly represents my concerns about the gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia, for the following reasons:

Congratulations on your government’s ban on fracking in the southwest and the moratorium against fracking across W.A. Please extend the ban across the whole state. Out of sight should not be out of mind, and our water and habitats should be protected everywhere, including communities with less political influence than the relatively affluent south west. Your government has given us hope for a better future after years of environment disregard under the previous government. Stay strong.

I say "NO" to fracking. I'll support environment over dollars any day.

Can we really afford to take such a risk with our land and our people

Over the last two decades, the gas fracking industry has left a legacy of water contamination, habitat fragmentation and devastating community health issues around the globe.

Today, many of these cases have been documented scientifically, so we now have more evidence than ever to show that—no matter how well-regulated—accidents happen. It’s just not worth the risk.

Fracking is dangerous

Show a bit of foresight and steer away from carbon based fuels instead of sucking up to business and letting the fracking industry run riot over our beautiful country. Lets look at alternatives NOW !!!

Fracking causes water contamination, habitat fragmentation and devastating community health issues. Please protect our precious environment and ban fracking.

Frackng is not proven. The need for clean water is; it sustains life! So until the process of fracking is proved to be fool-proof, it cannot be allowed to go ahead in your state. Water belongs to us all; Australians, city and country, demand it to be protected from dangerous practices.

Please we beg you dont allow this to happen in WA.

Fracking is proved to contaminate the groundwater on which we all depend. Could there be a more obvious reason for not allowing it?

Instead of investing in dirty coal or fracking that is .killing the planet our air our water .productive farmlands .Displacing full communities ..LETS GET REAL AND INVEST IN NON INVASIVE TECHNOLOGY..that does.nt kill the planet or its peoples .Fracking should be banned and mining should be fased out and replaced with renewable energy FAR BETTER for the planet its peoples more job recreation and cost ,,,effective /..

I think it's a time we start making all decisons based on enviromental and helth benefits first and then follow up with financial ones. Not the other way as it is unfortunately done in most cases nowdays.

Ive seen whst fracking has done in texas its an environmental disster

Fracking is a environmental nightmare and must be stopped at all costs

Ban fracking in Australia!!

For a state with a tenuous water supply, it seems incredible that you'd threaten it looking for fossil fuels that will heat the planet even further. Please don't do it. the day of hydrocarbons is over

Hailing from Queensland, I have seen how the industry simply isn't safe, with numerous leaks and accidents damaging groundwater and producing dangerous fugitive emissions. Renewables are a safer, smarter investment to encourage.

Fracking is a well documented FAILURE of a means to extract gas from the earth. It is well document what is happening across America where they frack. How do you like to idea of your children and their children drinking contaminated water in the Kimberley in the future? It is well documented that water is to be a scarce commodity due to GLOBAL WARMING. It is well documented that fracking contaminates water and shall do this to our precious supply in the Kimberley. There is so much evidence that renewable energy sources WORK and are ATTAINABLE and why the heck is our Government not pro active on this??? is it blatantly obvious that our environment is being destroyed, as a Polly why are you not backing renewable energy and stopping this fracking business once and for all???

Pleae use your brain and power to be pro active for renewable energy. Do you stand for the Australian people or stand for personal gain and wealth???

Please don't make the same mistakes as the Eastern States

Learn from the mistakes of NSW, QLD and the rest of the world, there is no easy fix to polluted groundwater

I have seen to damage personally what fracking does, please stop it happing in WA.

We have heaps of gas near Barrow island stop selling it over seas, for cheaper than we get it here.

Please heed the scientific evidence to protect our wonderful land. The precious water involved is enough in itself to ban this practice.

There is no need to ruin further land to placate the large international companies whose only interest is to make as much profit they can and disappear when the damage has been done to ruin other areas of the country. There are plenty of new technologies that will power our world.

Renewable energy sources are our future.

- Renewable energy sources are a better option.

I urge you to NOT allow gas fracking in this state. The danger of irreversibly causing gas leaks, water contamination, environmental damage & health problems is too great. Renewable sources of energy generation need to be seriously taken up.

No no no fracking in wa or anywhere. It's a ll for profit

As an Australian citizen, I urge you to recommend a complete ban on gas fracking in Western Australia for the following reasons.

Environment: – risk of contamination and depletion of vital water resources from fracking operations due to water and chemical use, and wastewater production [1] – threats to native flora and fauna due to habitat fragmentation, wastewater leaks and transport accidents. – failure of current fracking regulations [2] to limit pollution or mandate effective monitoring of environmental factors including water and air quality

Health: – unacceptably high incidence of serious health effects in communities living near fracking sites in QLD (& USA), including respiratory ailments, neurological illnesses, and nose, throat and eye irritations [3]

Climate: – increase in methane emissions, contributing to climate change [4] and increasing local fire risk.

Community: – lack of autonomy from both landholders and traditional owners who have no legal right to refuse access to oil and gas companies. This pits people against their government and the extractive companies – demonstrated negative effects of the industry on community wellbeing and social cohesion, including deterioration in local skills and infrastructure, fewer additional local job opportunities, and limited economic benefit to the wider community, based on QLD research [5]

Due to these unacceptable risks, I urge the Inquiry to recommend a complete ban on gas fracking across Western Australia.

An intact bushland environment is far more important than a few more days supply of fuel - DO NOT allow fracking in W.A!

Why are we allowing all this gas fracking? Where is it all going? May 2017 University of Melbourne research ( found there is no shortage of gas supplies, but there is a shortage of 'cheap' gas. Why? In 2010, the CSG producers decided to build 6 gas liquefaction plants in Gladstone, Qld. Connecting pipelines were laid and thousands of CSG wells were drilled across Qld and NSW. In 2017 three times as much gas is exported from Gladstone than is used in all of eastern Australia. By 2015, even before the last Gladstone plant was complete, it was clear that the global oil and gas prices had come off their peak and plans for more CSG export plants were dropped. Japan decided it didn't want all the gas it had contracted to buy and now wants to sell it back. Counter- intuitively, as a result of supplying overseas customers with huge volumes of CSG, eastern Australia's domestic gas market was transformed. Domestically what had been a nuisance by-product became a hotly contested seller's market.Local consumers must now compete with real or perceived overseas buyers. Wholesale gas prices in eastern States doubled and doubled again and then went up some more. Claims were made about looming gas shortages but there is no shortage its just all being exported and the domestic market is expected to pay overseas prices.

So what is needed is to stop wrecking our whole country to supply overseas buyers while Australian consumers and businesses struggle to pay their gas bills.

The rest of the world is moving away from the use of damaging fossil fuels and suddenly there will be no market for gas at all and the Australian people will once again be left with the desecration on every level caused by this industry and the industry will just walk away and find some other way to make billions at someone else's expense.

Wake up WA you have to golden opportunity to stop this fiasco and not follow the Eastern States into their graves.

As a scientist, I have read widely on fracking and have followed what has been happening in Qld with exploratory and test drills. I have not heard of any good outcomes for 95% of Australians except that it may make a few more wealthy to the demise of the environment, agriculture and many peoples lives.

Fracking leaks toxins and pollutes our water. Invest in solar instead if you want to invest in energy supply!

Fracking should be banned through out Australia. Please make a start in the right direction by banning this destructive process in WA.

Fracking has been proven to contaminate water supply and negatively impacting on public health and loos of native flora and fauna.It is time to spot this practice.

Please commit to an indefinite ban on Fracking in WA.

Fracking has to stop. It has been proven time and time again here and oversees that it is a dangerous practice.There has to be better ways. Water quality, agricultural country, aboriginal lands, and wildlife reserves are all too precious to take the risks that fracking presents. Please stop this ridiculous practice, listen to the people and start taking notice of really matters.

Ban fracking by law. There is enough gas available from conventional environmentally acceptable sources..

Fracking has been proven to be disastrous for waterways, with methane and other gases entering rivers and streams. The fracking industry is infamous for having its companies seen as bullies, who are given the power to drill wells on private properties. This has birthed the strong anti-fracking movement Lock The Gate - which was born from frustrated and disempowered landholders. The entire industry is renowned as being callous, environmentally disastorous, immoral and unethical. No one I know has a good thing to say about fracking

Fracking has a history of water contamination, habitat destruction through fragmentation of bushland, and destroying the lives of families when fracking moves onto their property.

No way should any fracking be allowed in this state. Go renewable and leave the gs in the ground,

No fracking in this state. Fracking has a shocking environmental history. Leave the gas in the ground and move onto renewables Renewables are the future. WA can lead the rest of Australia.

Keep WA frack Free.Go for renewables.

Yes! No fracking way WA

I’m seriously worried about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following reasons.

Environment: - Ancient, valuable and highly sought after water resources are at risk if fracking goes ahead as planned - please prevent these problems by using your vote / decision making wisely

PLEASE: put the environment and people before profits!!! You CAN protect the land / environment for the future, instead of wrecking it for the present - PLEASE CONSDIER THIS ISSUE WITH YOUR EYES WIDE OPEN!

Yours sincerely (and with plenty of hope and good wishes),

Fracking in Western Australia, makes no sense. Water is our most precious resource. Why would you risk that most important asset by fracking for gas?

People have a duty to care for all the world.

Land is for food production and wildlife.Energy must now come from sustainable methods. I

I have worked in the oil and gas industry for over thirty years and seen the misinformation and deceit that large corporations use to justify the damage caused by their actions. Fast tracking, personnel errors due to unrealistic schedules and an overall profit at all costs attitude has resulted in serious jnrepairable damage to the environment which the ordinary tax payer has had to bear. If these procedures are so safe then I suggest the government ministers, the corporate directors and shareholders put up theirs assets in escrow as collateral. If you are so sure all will be okay then “put your money where your mouth is”.

Fracking is not a nessesary practice that needs to exist in WA. It’s a short term gain by a few people and a long term pain for west Australians.

Please do not frack. We do not want and do not need this in our country. Many thanks.

Please no Fracking We have been led to believe Australia has enough Natural Gas for hundreds of years, and that is without the basin off Bunbury etc. Even IF Fracking was safe there is no need for Australia to be involved. Add to this the move to renewables, which is inevitable if we value our planet, WE DO NOT WANT OR NEED Fracking.

These practices pose unacceptable risks to the community’s basic rights to water and health. Putting our basic life-giving precious natural resources of air and water at risk is just not worth it. Because once they're gone, they can never be recovered.

For this reason, and the reasons outlined below, I urge the Inquiry to recommend a complete ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities across Western Australia.

Environment: Fracking operations pose a high risk of contamination and depletion of WA’s vital water resources due to water and chemical use, and wastewater production[1] and also threatens tour unique flora and fauna due to habitat fragmentation, wastewater leaks and accidents during transportation.

Please don't allow fracking in WA.

Why would anyone in their right mind with a conscience say yes to fracking!! It is poisonous! and will contaminate the earth in a way never before seen. It's time for the decision makers to really stop thinking about profits and thinking about protecting what we have for future generations

Fracking has been shown to contaminate water and water is our most precious and ssential commodity. It seems mad to continue with it and it seems completely sensible to use renewable, clean energy instead, which is the way the rest of the world is moving,

The onshore unconventional gas fracking industry poses unacceptable risks to a community’s rights to water and health, I urge the Inquiry to recommend a complete ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities across Western Australia. While there is a risk of unintended consequences from fracking, which have been well documented in many instances, I would urge that you continue the moritorium on fracking and extend it across the state. How terrible it would be if a long term disaster should occur. Already WA has suffered serious and long term environmental degradation from the consequences of deforestation, I beg you to exercise your discretion to preserve our environmental integrity for future generations.

I live in NSW but am very concerned by the news that Western Australia is considering fracking.

Even with the most careful approach and practice, accidents occur and can have devastating consequences for water resources, plant and animal life - not to mention the direct and indirect effects on people.

No to fracking!!!

Please stop destroying live, buy start investing into renewables.

I have watched the video on fracking. It's a disgrace to nature and people. A clean environment is the birth rite of all people . So is clean water.

Fracking is completely unacceptable and we must put more research into renewables so we don't have to wreck out land or water supplies and sending out emissions. As an Australian concerned about both future biodiversity and the planet the next generations shall face, I’m extremely worried about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia. My reasons for this concern can be found below:

1. Environmental Risks Australia overall is an arid continent and WA’s vital water resources are at risk of contamination from fracking operations because of the water and chemical use involved. The volumes of water used in fracking are massive and the chemicals contaminate the underlying land, often spreading into the water tables. The wastewater production is large and polluting[1]. If fracking occurs, the unique flora and fauna of WA will become more threatened due to habitat fragmentation and wastewater leaks, as well as from accidents during transportation. Australia already has an appalling record with regard to its natural heritage - fracking risks making it even worse. This is particularly the case since the current, weak WA fracking regulations[2] don’t limit pollution or require mandatory independent, long-term monitoring of environmental factors like water and air quality.

2. Human Health: Empirical evidence already exists that serious health effects have been experienced by communities living near gasfields in both the USA and QLD once unconventional gas operations begin. These health effects include respiratory ailments; nose, throat and eye irritations; and neurological illnesses[3]. Despite these health (and other) concerns, landholders and traditional owners don’t possess the legal right to lock the gate and refuse access on their land to oil and gas companies in WA. Moreover research in Queensland indicates that the industry has led to a reduction in community wellbeing and social cohesion, alongside reduced local skills and infrastructure, fewer additional local job opportunities, and limited economic benefits to the wider community.[5] Environment: – WA’s vital water resources are at high risk of contamination and depletion from fracking operations due to water and chemical use, and wastewater production[1] caused by fracking operations and practices. – The current, unacceptably weak fracking regulations[2] in Western Australia do NOT limit pollution or make mandatory independent, long-term monitoring of environmental factors like water quality and air quality.

Health: – Serious health effects have been experienced by communities living near gasfields in the USA and QLD following the commencement of unconventional gas operations—including respiratory ailments; nose, throat and eye irritations; and neurological illnesses[3]...etc.

Climate: – Unconventional gas mining and fracking leads to large, deliberate and fugitive methane emissions, which dangerously contribute to climate change[4] and increase local community fire risk, inaddition to contributing to adding further permanent damage, toxic/hazzardous contamination and alteration to the earths atmosphere and air quality.

Community: –It has also caused a deterioration in local skills and infrastructure, fewer additional local job opportunities, and a decline in economic benefit to the wider community.

Due to the unacceptable high risks and toxic/hazzardous contamination that the onshore unconventional gas fracking industry poses to a community’s rights to 'safe' clean drinking water and health, I urge the Inquiry to recommend a complete permanent ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities across Western Australia.

Please look at the Scientific facts that Fracking is devastating to our Western Australian environment. Thank you.

It is of great concern to know that unconventional gas mining and fracking has been allowed in parts of Western Australia. The risks and damage to environment, health and community have already been experienced in Queensland. Such negative effects should not be allowed to occur in Western Australia. Details of these negative effects follow:-

No to fracking in W.A.

I am requesting that the Scientific Panel recommend a State-wide ban on fracking and unconventional gas mining in Western Australia. Having seen in person, as well as in documentary evidence, the deleterious impact of these activities on the environment in other parts of the world, I strongly feel that this should not be allowed in WA. I understand that we have energy needs, but feel that resources, intellect and effort should be focussed on developing renewable energy sources and driving energy efficiency.

I strongly feel that the risks to public health and to pollution of the pristine environment make this technology a negative impact on Western Australia.

Fracking is to risky, this country needs to embrace renewables instead, its the only sensible energy option

Stop selling the future of ordinary Australians to big business! The Australian government does not own Australia it is supposed to be the custodian for all of us & it is failing dismally

The Risk Is Too Great

NO FRACKING in WA. Please concentrate on solar and wind energy and make this a clean and safe place to live. Show the world that we understand how to live sustainably, and be proud set a great example.

Cannot believe the human race has become so greedy that companies are planning to exploit gas reserves that are not needed . Gas fracking is a cheap alternative for small companies to make big profits and destroy underground aquafers without even realizing they have compromised the water table .Surely there is enough information about fracking for governments across the planet to see what damage has been caused over the last 30 years due to ground fracture drilling . So they say this is the decade of social media and we all know the risks and results of fracking why is it even being considered ?? Or is it all just about money shame on you all .

I am so glad that the WA Government put a ban on Fracking in WA. The damage to our environment and health are serious consequences for our community. While we need the money that fracking brings in, fixing the long term consequences of fracking will eat up any profit made by the state. Gas and oil company’s don’t pay to fix the problems they cause, we do. We need to stop looking at short-term gains for the economy and look at the long-term consequences and benefits. Fracking may help dig us out of the hole we’re in now but it creates a deeper and bigger hole that there’s no getting out of.

Over the last two decades, the gas fracking industry has left a legacy of water contamination, habitat fragmentation and devastating community health issues around the globe. It’s just not worth the risk.

I do not agree with the practise of fracking and think that the risk is too great to our underground aquifers and the damage to the landscape and soils is disruptive. Underground water is a precious asset that is a necessity in the light of climate change; to risk it's security is madness. Australian ecosystems are fragile and nutrient poor. To disrupt ancient ecosystems and desecrate large gridded areas through this practice is abhorrent. there needs to be a ban on fracking at least until there is further tests that can ensure the security of our underground water.

In Australia we have natural beauty and biodiversity like nowhere else on earth. As climate change advances stresses are being places on the very systems that support our unique biodiversity and us. We know that sustainable sources of energy are affordable and do able.

There is no really convincing argument in environmental and species survival terms for fracking anywhere but especially in the Kimberley Region. This is an area of natural beauty that is relatively unspoiled and needs to be conserved.

To frack for the short term gain of resources companies at the cost of the natural environment for all time is not only unconscionable it is criminal.

We know from the American experience that fracking destroys whole environmental systems in ways that are permanent and irreversible.

Fracking must be banned, especially in the Kimberley region.

Please don't go ahead with any more gas fracking - its not safe, its not worth it. Don't do it!! Take a look around the United States for the answer; this practice is calamitous will effectvdrinking water and degrade the environment. Please think seriously on this decision because you and yours have to live here into the future.

We want a frack free future

Fracking should never be acceptableunder any circumstances.

I am opposed to unconventional gas extraction, including the process of hydraulic fracturing, for a range of reasons: - uncertainty of the risks it poses to aquifers and local geology - fragmentation of the surface environment through construction of roads and pipelines - huge increase in emissions associated with leaky systems and transportation of the product

I listened to a world expert who said that, theoretically, it can be done safely, but practically it cannot. Because of the complexity and scale of the mechanical systems involved, and the small number of high quality, committed, focused technicians it would take for proper oversight, the risks are very high.

Ther have been so many cases world wide where fracking accidents have resulted in devastating and permanent destruction of water and land resources in spite of assurances from the industry that Fracking is perfectly safe that it is imperativer we adopt the precautionary principle and ban this practice here on WA.

It's just not worth the risk. I think we stand to lose more than we will gain.

Apart from the obvious evidence that fracking is no good for any nation and absolutely detrimental to aquifer water, I would suggest Australia also wakes up to the long term economic sink hole that fracking is. While the rest of the developed nations are phasing out their fossil fuel industries and investing heavily in renewable technologies that offer long term employment for their people, our country is being bullied into making deals that will hold it back economically/ecologically in the long term. South Africa is now facing a major water crisis and Australia, being a dry continent already will follow suit if the nationwide aquifer water grab isn't curtailed. Rainforests could disappear, weather cycles may never recover and Australia will end up buying water from those same multinationals that ruined its natural supply. When are we going to protect our island from ruin. A few mining dollars is a short term cop out by governments that are either too lazy, stupid or corrupt to find sustainable solutions that benefit everyone. At some point, not too far off in the future, this nation of people will find a way to hold everyone who has sold them out personally accountable. Which side of history do you want to be on! fracking poisons the water table and the air with the leakages that occur ,100 percent of fracking wells leak ,it is a known fault in this way of extracting gas ,clean water and clean air is what we need more of in the future for our kids and grandkids.leave it where it is and concentrate on renuable resources for the future .

No fracking water is too valuable to be put at risk by fracking. Evidence has shown that fracking is dangerous to groundwater. No water no towns no cities.

I hope that WA will ban gas fracking in the state. No matter how well regulated the industry is, accidents regularly happen. It is just not worth the risk for WA to allow it's underground water resources to be polluted.

Do you really know what is at risk? Over the last two decades, the gas fracking industry has left a legacy of water contamination, habitat fragmentation and devastating community health issues around the globe.

Today, many of these cases have been documented scientifically, so we now have more evidence than ever to show that—no matter how well-regulated—accidents happen. It’s just not worth the risk.

You must stop fracking and destruction of our environment and ground water. It is irreplaceable. you are not.

Over the last two decades, the gas fracking industry has left a legacy of water contamination, habitat fragmentation and devastating community health issues around the globe.

Today, many of these cases have been documented scientifically, so we now have more evidence than ever to show that—no matter how well-regulated—accidents happen. It’s just not worth the risk.

In Western Australia, the CSG industry is relatively new—yet there have already been serious gas leaks reported, well integrity issues documented, and a disrespect for community wishes shown. Please rule out CSG and fracking for WA.

Stop Fracking! Look after our Environment Health & Climate instead!

We need gas, but fracking is too unpredictable at the moment. More research into making gas extraction safe is needed. The time taken to investigate is nothing compared to the harm which can be done by using unsafe methods. A little time now can save the environment and the WA Government money and the problems associate with cleanups. Water, especially, is too precious to risk for the sake of waiting until gas extraction can be done without any risk to the water reserves needed not only for other industries especially agriculture.

Also, to top it's NOT economically viable! It's a Ponzi scheme designed to fleece investors (including the Government) out of money while dumping the "clean up costs" onto the public purse. Don't fall for it.

Please keep WA free of gas fracking.

Impact of climate change is bad enough without more damage to environment and water.

I strongly think Fracking should not happen in WA. This is not a small issue. time is of the primordial scale. We should check it out for at least 2 more generations of our society, and take proper notice of all the results. Meanwhile, we should leave the country alone, and not frack it.

People from various sources can SAY that there will be no damage, etc., etc., and that fracking has worked well here and there, BUT there are many instances where fracking has NOT worked well and has done damage - whether it is denied or not, the damage is there. There is FAR from a 100% clean and clear record.

There have been hardly any of the Big Intrusions that have not led to difficulties in some country or another. Western Australia is a marvellous, ancient-world environment. It should not be changed on what, in proper time scale, is a whim, of a generation not yet aware of the relationship we could have to the Country, and yet all too eager to steal from future human and animal generations.

Fracking the Kimberley is NOT demonstrable as a good plan. Fracking by its application ANYWHERE in Australia, has demonstrated that its unwanted effects are being experienced.

Don’t allow the greed destroy the life on our earth


I do not support in any way fracking or anything of that nature. The risks are all there, and our water is our everything. My whole family opposes fracking and anybody who understands the process understands what is at stake. Please think of the future of our country over what other countries are taking from us & leaving for us to clean up. We lose in so many ways.

Please focus on encouraging Research & Capital into developing environmentally friendly energy industries which don't threaten water & land: NO to fracking the Kimberley. YES to sustainable industry.

Please refrain from allowing tracking in WA. Tje risk to our aquifers from chemical contamination is too great. The industry is long on assurances and short on monitoring and reporting. Not worth the risk!

Fracking is a last ditch attempt by unscrupulous people to bring civilisation to an end. Development of sustainable power generation is the common sense way forward. Invest in solar farms instead of fracking.

In Australia we have the scientific knowledge and economic resources to be leaders in environmental sustainability. We have beautiful natural environments in WA that we need to look after. If we don’t do it we will lose it which will have dire consequences not only for Australia but the global community. Please listen to the evidence below.

Fracking is so DANGEROUS. So TOXIC. So WRONG for pur precious and ONLY Earth.

Some shareholders and corporate bosses will be richer - sure. But THAT DIDN'T MAKE IT RIGHT.

Earth is delicate. CARE FOR OUR EARTH.

Fracking os blatantly WRONG.

It MUST be OUTLAWED for all time, not just one election cycle.

Experience with fracking overseas has shown that it is an unacceptable form of mining. It is dangerous, not only to the environment, but to flora and fauna also, not to mention to humanity. When is Australia going to learn from mistakes made overseas? Let's show the rest of the world that we have what it takes to be world leaders in the protection of our wonderful country.

Please ensure that Fracking is banned in order to safeguard the wellbeing of all forms of life in W.A.

Please ban all gas fracking.

Stop that.

Fracking is causing huge damage in the U.S. It must be stopped pronto.

Fracking has to stop!!!!!

Its just not worth the risk.

Our future, our water, our life. BAN fracking NOW!

Fracking is clearly a serious danger to our very limited water resources and has no place here in WA. We have made a lot of mistakes with water in the past and I implore you to act now and prevent further damage.

WE DO NOT want FRACKING in our state OR COUNTRY this is bad for mother earth please make it clear any political party that agrees with this will NOT have our vote well ALL 4 family members

Please consider that to stop runaway climate change we Must stop using fossil fuels. This has been established as true by recent runaway climate change events in the Northern Hemisphere and is what the scientists told us would be the case. Thank you. hi, there is scientific evidence, that all over the world , there has been water contamination, and damage to mother earth, we should not exploit her , when we have other green options, such as solar and wind power, and sea water power and river power, all used around the world and in nsw s,,germany has a very high solar usage,, and theres hardly any sun,, what the govts excuse,, we have heaps of sun,, the aboriginal elders respected our land for 50 000 years, we have a duty of care, , to stop cutting down millions of old growth trees and killing millions of poor animals,, do it for the next generation, we have made such a mess, but everyone of us can make a difference,, starting today,, we just have to care about our land, and start protecting her and all the animals and beautiful old growth gumtrees,, once they are gone,, thats it,, what about the next generation, it is not fair to them,, we cant be greedy and selfish anymore, or it will be too late,, australia is a very rich country ,, we have heaps of green energy,, there is no excuse,, thank you for listening,, i am from germany,, but i know that aust has the best land in this world and the best animals,, please respect them,, petra

Please ensure our Australian environment - our unique wildlife, landscape and lifestyle are maintained. Do not allow the greedy insatiable appetite for energy by foreign countries to cause the destruction of our beautiful country. Say "No" to gas fracking in WA.

Please don't ignore the scientific evidence and just leave the environment do what the environment does. Take care of itself without altering the natural state of things. Scientific studies as well as plain old common sense and history show the damage caused by interfering and altering an environment. It's about Life, not Money.

I’m highly concerned about the unconventional gas mining industry (incorporating hydraulic fracturing) in Western Australia for the following reasons:

Environment: – The state's unique flora and fauna are threatened by habitat fragmentation, wastewater leaks and transportation accidents. – Current, weak regulation of fracking[2] does not limit pollution or mandate independent, long-term monitoring.

Health: – Serious health problems have been suffered by communities living near gas fields in the USA and Queensland after unconventional gas operations started — including respiratory ailments; nose, throat and eye irritations; and neurological illnesses[3].

Climate: – Fracking causes huge methane emissions, both deliberate and fugitive, which contribute to climate change[4].

Community: – Landholders and Traditional Owners don’t have any legal right to refuse access to oil and gas companies. – Research in Queensland has shown[5] that the industry has led to a reduction in community wellbeing and social cohesion. It has also caused a deterioration in local skills and infrastructure, fewer local job opportunities, and limited economic benefit to the wider community.

Due to the unacceptable risks that the onshore unconventional gas (fracking) industry poses to a community’s rights to water and health, I urge the Inquiry to recommend a complete ban on all unconventional gas mining activity across Western Australia. to whom it may concern(it concerns us all)i am absolutely against fracking.what would it take for our government to protect us from non sustainable and human and environment harming practices?

I’m highly concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the reasons detailed below. I believe that WA would benefit from banning fracking as have other jurisdictions, like Victoria and France.

There are other, better ways to supply energy to the state, including solar power. For example, Spain operates solar power stations 24x7 during summer. Surely WA has at least as many W/M^2/day as Spain if not more? Would it not make more sense to move down this path rather than the demonstrably risky route of unconventional gas mining?

Join Victoria, France and other places in turning away from this dangerous energy source to cleaner ones.

The massive emissions that resulted from the Aliso Canyon accident in California at the end of 2015 had global consequences [6]. From the start of 2016 there was a very significant and consistent step increase in average global temperature.

Science (2016) Methane emissions from the 2015 Aliso Canyon blowout in Los Angeles, CA. Please move away from fossil fuels completely - fracking has no place in our future energy supply which needs to be sustainable, and the risks to the environment are too great.

S. T. O. P. F. R. A. C. K. I. N. G. !!!!!!!

Keep it sustained naturally(where more possible?), there's no other planet to sustain!

Please no fracking

End Fracking now

Stop poisoning our own human population for money!!!!!!

No amount of money is worth the price of the damage that fracking does

Please forget Fossil fuels and establish green and clean energy urgently so that our Grand children may have a chance.

Gas Fracking is unsafe for the enviroment!

No fracking ever!!!!!

Western Australia has huge natural resources and many of these are easily accessible. The potential dangers that tracking poses to WA's water is extreme. It is not worth the risk of damaging the water table. WA is already exporting huge amounts of gas from offshore facilities, why risk the water table to export a bit more. If we damage it then we will have ruined it forever.

Frack off! it’s not okay


We dont want this here think about our kids do they want to live in a poison land where they have to drink bottle water and can't swim in the local rivers

Any investigation proves fracking is dangerous for our water resources, caused earthquakes in the US, don't let it happen here

There is no way back from fracking our land. Just don’t do it in the first place. NO FRACKING!!!

Environment: Australia’s vital water resources are at risk of contamination and depletion from fracking operations due to water and chemical use, and wastewater production[1]. – Current, weak Australian fracking regulations[2] don’t limit pollution or make mandatory independent, long-term monitoring of environmental factors like water and air quality.

No to Fracking

Its wrong. We don’t need it. We don’t want it. Frack NO!

Please rethink this! It's NOT all about money. There are people who care more about our country & our environment than jobs. The kind of people who think it's good for the economy don't realise what's at stake, until it's too late

Please stop fracking, we do not want this industry in WA. I have lived in WA all my life and do not want this industry as part of our economy or environment

Please stop the fracking for our children's future!

Frack off!

You people in power KNOW it’s toxic for mankind and the planet we live on. Stop being blinded by greed and make the rigth decision before we all reap the world wind.

I grew up in W.A, please do not destroy it’s beautiful landscapes, animals and heritages!

Dont ruin our planet anymore

Please consider the environmental future of our beautiful state and the deep concern that the vast majority of the community have in regard to this issue. I believe we have this once chance to get this right for future generations.

We need to protect our environment. Clean water is vital for all life. There is no place for fracking in WA

It's bad for the people and land

I am really concerned about the type of future we are handing over to our children all the while ignoring serious environmental issues that could be addressed and changes made for a better future.


How dare you put your own personal profits in front of a clean, safe, world for all of us living on it. You are destroying this plant along with other corrupt governments and should be ashamed of yourselves.

Please do the right thing.

We all need to think about what we're doing to the environment, big and small. I'm very worried about the levels of health and cleanliness of this planet and what the future has in store for not only is, but also the generations to come...

Fracking in my opinion upsets the natural environment no matter how “safe” you make it. Surely by now we know the future is in conservation and preservation, and tourism.


Thank-you. So much. Just because.

Fracking poisons our environment! Those who do it, do it for greed and have no respect for the environment or for the health of the communities, present or future.. Stop the fracking!

Choose our long term environment over short term profit to greedy corporations!

Not necessary in our state - stop with the greed!

This industry is not worth the risk, given the current gas market. Please ban from WA.

Is money really worth more than everything else? I dont think so and hope neither do you please we have other options we have a responsibility to not look the other way in the name of greed and profits - there ARE alternatives

Start looking to renewables, it is an absolute travesty that is not already happening at a large scale in government.

I do not consent to any fracking in this beautiful state of ours... not now, not ever!!

LISTEN to the PEOPLE who actually care about our PLANET!!

Please please consider our future. This will only give short term gains for terribly long term outcomes we simply cannot afford. Please think with your heart, on behalf of us all. We need clean water. Desperately!!!

I stand as an educated scientist and mother of two, fracking is not in the short term interests of Western Australians, let alone the long term interests of anyone on the planet. I support renewables and the preservation of ALL water sources. This is a risk we can not afford to take for the future health of our children and grandchildren. Don't allow the greed of a few override the inconvenient truth that fracking is more than purely a bad idea, it is reckless.

Please don't let them track our country,save it for our grand children

This is the most noxious toxic type of mining- haven’t we learnt that from QLD and the US? frack off

The world is changing! Progressive new technologies, which are sustainable, are currently available! INVEST IN SUSTAINABLE RESOURCES! Australia, use our national capital to invest in the future! Don't be left behind burning pathetic coal when the world has moved on! Look to nations around the world that are progressive and take note! We have a strong economy now, yes, but if we continue to sell our country to overseas investors we will have nothing left! Have some foresight and foresee a future for our nation which is sustainable, progressive and moreover is owned by Australian people not overseas investors!!!!

NO FRACKING!!!! keep WA clean for the future

Please just ban this practice across the board!! It's ridiculous to be such vandals in our own planet! Thank you We, the people, say NO to fracking!

Earth is worth more than money

Fracking ruins societies and cultures, is harmful to the substructure of the earth, causes earthquakes and tremors, is unnecessary and is Neanderthal in "logic!"

I am opposed to fracking because of the damage it can do to the environment

Fracking forever taints water, poisons land and ruins our future!

Please ban gas fracking

Look at what is happening around the world where fracking is allowed. Forget today's dollar and look to our children and grandchildren's future

When are we going to learn? Australia does not have the best reputation for this sort of thing. And yet it seems totally Unaustralia

Fracking is poisonous to our planet and every living thing on it!!!!

Let's get our energy from more environmentally sensitive sources

Stop Posioning our Water and Land.. Stop Frack our Land, water is Life.

What's happened along the Delaware River in the USA should be a warning to us all. Wake up Australia and stop being a sheep!

Fracking for the low quality gas is of no use and not financially viable when considering the effects of water pollution and other health costs to the community after the fact. Please do not go ahead.

Let's stop graving before it begins!

Fracking for fossil fuels is totally un necessary in WA when there are so many options available for low carbon options. Climate change should be fully considred in this decision.

BAN fracking all across Wast State!!!

Fracking is just too dangerous to the environment...... dangerous leaking gases happens where ever fracking is done....please no more of this dangerous damage to our land…

No Fracking,please! We need to protect NATURE!!!

Although the Chemistry of gas reovered from fracking enables the Industry to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide per unit of generated energy, there is a tipping point where leakage of the gas balances out the reduction of carbon dioxide. This tipping point is about 3%

Despite unmeasured industry claims that the leakage is about 1%, acutal independent tests in the USA have shown that leakage from fracking can be as high as 17% and the lowest measured was 4% - i.e. worse than using coal!!!

Add that disaster to the hidden (ah la cigarette industry) effects on groundwater and other disruption caused by fracking it is clear the whole industry should be banned.

The same investment in renewables such as the Kidston Solar Project ( ) would be far more cost effective and directlly reduce the impact of green house gases.

IN the town I live in we had a gas works it closed when I was 18 and I am now 80 years and they have never been able to build on that land because of contamination. Hence they have now built a multi story car park on the land as it doesn't look good having vacant land so close to our main street.

Please do not undertake any fracking in WA, this has been proven to contaminate the ground water and it is critical to ensure the quality of our water for future generations.

Note too, that geology is not a science with necessarily low risks, as fracking in the mid west of the USA illustrates. Even the best science can make errors, and no risks should be contemplated where it involves the water table, on which so much of Australian agriculture and the human water supply is dependent.

Fracking is like a war on the environment and the people who live there. It should be banned Australia wide.

I have seen the damage that fracking has caused in NSW. Please consider and investigate before giving permission to Frack in WA. Please

A person doesn't need to obtain local evidence regarding damage done to the land with fracking. Just look at the U.S. The question is: Why do we need to follow the malpractices of other countries? Why can't we be the LEADERS of clean, green, pristine ENVIRONMENTAL policies? Aussies, stop following the trail of greed and start following the trail of green!!!! We destroy our environment and leave nothing but mess to the generations after. GAS FRACKING contaminates the surrounding water, the surrounding environment, spreading poison all around. Like the indigenous people, we're supposed to be custodians of the land. The environment is our life. Don't let industry and profiteers destroy our heritage! BAN FRACKING!!!!

Enough is enough - fracking is destroying our planet

I have seen the devastation coal seam gas fracking has caused in the United States and NAW and Queensland - toxic rivers, rivers on fire Indigenous and rural communities suffering from the pollution and toxic water. In some places in the US all water must be trucked in. Don't let these huge magnates mess up our environment for their short-term gain.

There is enough known about this reckless form of extraction to ban it all together, it’s clearly profits over people and nature and has to stop.

Please ban fracking in WA

Fracking is the death of our farming and clean water supply to those farmers . Renewable energy such as CCE ,Carnegie Clean Energy wave power, along with wind and solar in all it's form's will delete the need for fracking.

I urge you to permanently ban fracking. Not only does fracking raise the possibility of degradation of our fresh water supplies and raise other local environmental and cultural issues, but it just results in yet more CO2 emissions. Surely we do not want more environmentally destructive behaviour, especially in WA with its vast potential for both solar and wind energy resources.

Fracking is simply a crime against humanity.

We have so many other ways of generating energy yet the only ones we're offered ask us to destroy our the very water that allows us to live. Asks us to destroy our life giving habitat, like there will be any use for the gas without it.

Fracking is so obviously about corrupt individuals wanting money for themselves, why do they have any say at all one would wonder?

Other than the fact that fossil fuels are so last Century, the experience of contaminated, dropping water table & earthquakes in the gas fields in USA one would have thought that fracking would not be attempted by any company that wished to have a social licence.

With the risks inherent in fracking, wouldn't it be more prudent to invest in renewables and battery storage? A simple risk assessment, which businesses do routinely, would indicate that the logical pathway is to stop all exploration and investment into fossil fuels and invest in the future.

I urge you to stop this irresponsible industry. I say irresponsible because it leaves a trail of destruction behind it and has no accountability. Who will clean up the mess, the community that doenst want it. This is not triple bottom line industry. Why does Australia continue to support industries that are not financially viable in the long run if you take into consideration all the 'actual' costs. Who is benefiting? Not the community that you represent. Australians are becoming increasingly frustrated with government decisions. You can turn this around with this decision.

It is so not worthit for all the reasons mentioned. We need to make a stand against these industries that harm our planet, communities and people giving little back but profit for themselves and their shareholders and next to nothing to your government. Rape and pillage and then run. Dont fall for it. There is too much to lose including making good people give up the fight to try and save this planet for future generations to enjoy, not endure!

For the sake of our children & our children's children #protectcountry

I urge the Inquiry to recommend a complete ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities across Western Australia for the sake of our children & our children's children. Protect country.

Doesn’t Australia ever learn from disasters already encountered with fracking and other environmental issues elsewhere across the world?

Fracking has to stop anywhere in Australia. They have already destroyed enough of nature.

As a student studying Conservation Biology I believe it is of utmost importance to make decisions regarding our environment with long-term goals in mind. Gas fracking is unsustainable and potentially devastating on human lives and the environment.

Fracking is proven to be an environmental disaster and is not required. Embrace WA's abundant renewable resources and forget about the gas.

Fracking is environmentally dangerous and the damage it causes is irreversible. It should be banned, completely, with no exceptions.

Water is life for Australia, Solar is the route for energy freedom, no pollution, no fuel transportation and available everywhere

Please consider the impact to our countries unique wildlife and to everyday Australians who will be put at risk.

Please work it out and make it safe. Don'tbe messing with our already incredibly fragile planet

I would like to record my opposition to the practice of gas fracking. I believe this is bad for the environment and destroys land and the water table. Please do not support this industry, it is bad policy.


Our water is too precious to be risked with fracking just look at south Africa's water problem.

I make this submission in agreement with the concerns expressed in the text prepared by the Wilderness Society. I could edit it to express my concerns in my own words but the intent would remain the same. It is not worth destroying habitats, bodies of water, risking community health and well being etc for short term gain. I support a complete ban on fracking and would like to see this country pursue long term, sustainable renewable energy options.

Let's respect our earth and leave something for future generations!

Miners should be banned from fracking anywhere in Australia. There is plenty of CSG in coal seams below the sea under the continental shelf, which typically goes out 200 miles from the Australian coastline. No farmers rely of fresh water aquifers for their livelihood way out there. Few people would complain if CSG was mined over the horizon out of sight of land. We should do this before China claims it as theirs.

Ban Gas fracking in W.A and all of Australia There is so much proof of fracking ruining water supplies habitat devastation causing health issues making voters angry and deviding communities Western Australia leaders , spend more of your time creating renewable and recyclable and pollution free methods and stop living in the dark ages looking for a quick fix .We are not that desperate in need of fracking , we still have plenty of gas , find an alternative and look toward developing for the long term... the future not just the present time .

No fracking in Australia (or anywhere else), the environment is more important.

Lets preserve what we have left of our environment!! The dangers of fracking are obvious and undeniable. Common sense before profit.

When the groundwater is contaminated the food-chain is contaminated.

Please ban fracking for gas. It is too risky. Let us support development of sustainable energies that will not pollute our environment.

This is a terrible mining practice, one day people will wonder how we could have been so ignorant and greedy

Please consider the wealth of the Australian environment! This big country has got an unique and amazing nature well worth preserving!

Our people, animals and planet are more important than profits. Ban the detrimental gas fracking industry from ruining our beautiful country!

Why do you persist with extremely detrimental methods of fracking.

No matter how many environmental protections you write into a work method water contamination will continue to occur and these companies pack up and leave devastated communities.

There is absolutely no need to frack. We have sustainable energy from the sun, but you cannot personally profit from that can you. You will be accountable for your dark decisions whilst in government, you will pay with your soul.

We are fighting this filth in the eastern states as well. The risks to the landscape and water, both above and below ground level, are not worth it. Have a look at an image of the Sonora,Texas gas field if you want to see the long term appearance of the landscape. Governments should be looking at encouraging consumers to use less energy and to use more renewables. The chemical contamination risk to the environment, posed by fracking, is just not worth it! If indigenous communities have survived here for tens of thousands of years, let's not be the ones remembered for destroying our nest.

Please stop this industry from causing further damage to our unique land.

Thanks for the opportunity to make a submission on fracking in WA. I live near the Queensland coal seam gas industry and have been following closely the results of this industry on our once beautiful area and all inhabitants. I am extremely concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry worldwide and I would strongly suggest this industry does not gain traction in Western Australia for the following reasons.

Environment: - The future planning for environmental protections following the extinction of the industry remain unresolved in my opinion. The responsibility for cleaning up appears to be left to the future generations and not the responsibility of the companies who gain financial benefits. - The huge saline deposits that are a byproduct of this industry must be stored somewhere and will invariably impact on the environment now and into the future

Health: – Serious health effects have been experienced by communities living near gasfields in the USA and QLD following the commencement of unconventional gas operations—including respiratory ailments; nose, throat and eye irritations; and neurological illnesses[3]. - I have witnessed and experienced some of these medical issues when I have visited the gasfields. I believe this will be an enormous impact on future medical funding obligations and as such do not stack up as a fiscal benefit to the State or Australia.

Community: - Short term gains from the 'boom' phase of the industry now appear outweighed by the ongoing 'bust' phase. The local communities face huge rises in Council Rates, water costs, property prices, rents and community cohesion.

Stop poisoning the water and killing everything!

I know below is a genetic email, however, I am not genetic and I feel very strongly about what is written below by people who are far more knowledge about the danger of fracking then either me. People who I trust and who have our environment interest at the heart of their war against this evil and that equals 'us' in my books. Who have only the $ signs Infront of their eyes.

This is my concerns when it comes to fracking

Considering the issues listed below along with the potential of renewable energy sources I can only see fracking as a very short sighted money grab by short sighted investors in league with short sighted politicians hoping for an easy vote grab from short sighted ill informed electors.

I do not understand why the government will allow mining practices that are dangerous to the local community. There is widespread and deadly contamination of water by the poisonous byproducts of fracking. Fracking leaves a visual mess of the countryside. Many farmers have been ruined because the water is not safe. Please stop this fracking nonsense

Please stop this. It's just not good!!! I'm hoping this government can be a strong leader in the things that matter to the future, our kids and grandkids PLEASE STOP THIS!!!

We already know that world wide the fracking industry is a longterm threat to our water, habitat and community health. In WA there have already been serious environmentally damaging issues reported, The gas fracking industry should be banned across WA.

There are other, less desperate measures for our energy needs. Fracking is sloppy and cannot be contained.

Make your message count!

Fracking is well-known to poison the land, aquifers and nearby water sources with the salt water and chemicals injected into the coal seam to crack it. Improper disposal of this water has recently occurred in Gloucester NSW where it was released into the sewage system which was then released into the river full of its chemicals, as sewage treatment does not remove fracking chemicals. Fracking operations have since been shut down and the companies involved are facing litigation. If you proceed with fracking in Western Australia you will undoubtedly face litigation yourself and its accompanying voter backlash. Eco tourism is a burgeoning industry in Western Australia and will bring in 100s of millions of dollars and provide widespread employment. Land and water sources damaged by fracking are tourism dead spots. Also, local communities who depend on underground aquifers may lose their only water source as aquifers are drained for fracking and may not recharge for hundreds of years if ever. Do not put Western Australia's economic, social and environmental sustainability at risk. Instead invest in renewable energy sources which do not contribute to global warning. The use of coal will be phased out as global warming worsens. When your mines are shut down you will have nothing left but an environmental wasteland to remind everybody of your ruthless disregard for the environment, local communities and the billions of tourists who would have liked to see it before you destroyed it. The days when the government and companies could trash the environment with impunity are over. Please set an example we can all respect and vote for.

Fracking Destroys Under Ground Water

Please don't allow any Fracking to occur in WA. There is now many documented cases of scientific evidence on numerous accidents and environmental damage and contamination not just in Australia but worldwide. We simply cannot afford to pollute our water supplies, damage the environment, poison local fauna and flora not to mention the knock on health effects to local people. Please don't take the risk for our communities and our water and environment, once it's damaged and poisoned we cannot fix it, it would only take one accident or human error to occur and it could be a tragedy, don't let this happen please.

Ban Gas Fracking Immediately

Hello, Because of the risk of water contamination it is not worth the risk to allow gas fracking WA.

Please stop fracking. Its damaging out earth. Kook at the evidence here and in the USA

I respectfully call on the WA Government to ban the gas fracking industry which has left a legacy of water contamination habitat fragmentation and devestating community health issues.

Stop fracking and make better more environmental decisions for our future

Please preserve the environment and local communities, both human and wildlife.

To: The Scientific Panel

I’m highly concerned about the potential (indeed, inevitable) effects of unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia, as outlined below.

Coal seam gas (predominantly methane, a potent greenhouse gas) will be an environmental and climatic disaster if unleashed by fracking. Fracking technology itself is full of risk, with its own set of health and environmental impacts on ground water, for example.

Rather than pursue this non-renewable fossil fuel, Australia as a whole, and WA in particular (enjoying as it does a windy, sunny, tidal environment), should get fair dinkum about making better use of these renewable energy sources.

There are a few jobs in the unconventional gas industry, but there would be many more jobs in renewables. Make Australian manufacturing great again!

Encourage governments everywhere to maintain moritoria and preferably to impose bans on this dangerous and misguided technology.

Fracking is a last desperate effort of the fossil fuel industry to claim non-renewable resources for their own profit, and runs contrary to the needs and wants of the people.

Fracking has gone far enough, there is enough evidence of the harm done to humans and animals. This must stop

Innappropriate technology. The expense would be better put towards research and development of sustainable non intrusive energy sources. Damaging to the environment and to the atmosphere.

Gas freaking all over the world has been linked to water contamination, habitat fragmentation and health issues for nearby communities. WA is one of the most beautiful places on earth and its just not worth the risk to destroy this beautiful environment. Other solutions do exist.

Save our environment for the future don't be greedy corrupt politicians

Water is the most precious resource we have in a dry continent. It can not be risked. Our generation must not make decisions that risk the future.

I’m totally opposed to the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following reasons.

There's lots of evidence from countries such as the USA that fracking has dangerous and unexpected impacts on the environment. Please help Australia avoid these.

There are other renewable energy resources that should be utilised before even contemplating fracking. The health of the environment and the local communities should be put first, because we have no planet B. Surely the proven disasters of fracking in QLD are enough to demonstrate why fracking should not occur. I agree wholeheartedly that gas fracking industry should be banned across WA! Poisonous habitats are un Liveable. I dont want cancer producing toxins in my water supply. Frack No

Please ban all fracking in WA. Our children and grandchildren will thank you for it!

When the Last Tree Is Cut Down, the Last Fish Eaten, and the Last Stream Poisoned, You Will Realize That You Cannot Eat Money!


Water is life Ban gas Fracking

Make your message count!

We live in a symbiotic relationship with out Earth - the only place we can survive - change one thing and there is a domino effect of often catastrophic proportions !! . Why is there such wanton destruction. What legacy are we leaving for future generations ?

Clean water is a precious and vital resource. Don't put t at risk by allowing gas fracking in WA.

Ban Gas Fracking FOREVER. We have only one earth and we need to protect it better.

Fracking is not worth the risk, when it has been proven that it causes environmental damage, health risks, water table pollution, climate damage. We are tipping the planet towards irreparable damage, with this type of activity. We only have one place to call home, isn't that reason enough not to exploit it any further?

Fracking is not needed and is damaging to the environment. With support renewable energy will replace fossil fuels in a relatively short time. Only those who would benefit financially would support fracking and then only for selfish and careless ends!

Fracking is unnecessary ad riddles with negative outcomes for all but a few wealthy fossil fuel companies. Please end fracking once and for all.

Evidence from here and overseas demonstrate that accidents happen and that the industry has the following potentia,l and actual, negative impacts:

Please consider this for the sake of us all and don't bow to falsecompany promises that will aim to reassure that there will be no ill effects of fracking.

Any pursuit of it is false economy and a poor investment for all Australians. I strongly urge and request the Inquiry recommend a complete ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities across Western Australia.

Wakey wakey hands off

With Global warming and Capetown out of water, we need to conserve our precious water. Use renewables and batteries for electricity and stop fracking!

Fracking should be banned. It is unviable economically, environmentally and it is especially dangerous to the health of those living in close proximity.

# With Global warming awareness, it would be far better to leave fossil fuel in the ground until we can find an efficent way of removing CO2 from the air. # Many countries have found that "Fracking" ruins underground water which makes huge areas unsuitable for living on and farming.. # We leave the coming generation with no resources and a poluted environment just for short term (dubious) economic gain. * I therefore join other countries and my country in asking for a TOTAL BAN of FRACKING in WA and AUSTRALIA.

I have seen what the process of fracking can do to pollute our environment and I am horrified that our government would even consider such practices. Of course, I understand that in our world financial considerations far outweigh any thought of preserving public health.

I know I dont live in WA but the ramifications of this industry will be felt far and wide if they aren’t stopped. The end result will be catastrophic. We live in one of the driest countries in the world and the willful destruction of the water tables all over Australia through fracking practices must stop before it is too late. It boils down to the greed of a few versus the survival of the many.

Fracking destroys our water table and cannot be safely regulated. Water is a far more critical resource than gas. Please BAN fracking in Western Australia.

Fracking is dangerous on environmental health and human heath reasons. Don’t allow this to occur in WA.

Save our water and environment!

Over the last two decades, the gas fracking industry has left a legacy of water contamination, habitat fragmentation and devastating community health issues around the globe.

Today, many of these cases have been documented scientifically, so we now have more evidence than ever to show that—no matter how well-regulated—accidents happen. It’s just not worth the risk.

To all those who would destroy our future: STOP ALL FRACKING NOW

We must stop fracking: It took millions of years to form and stabilize our earth.Do we really want to cause serious damage to our ground water and deastate the earth surface for the very short lived profit of some ruthless profiteers??

Clean water is about to become one of the most scarce resources of our planet.. We owe it to our children to save it.

Unconventional gas and fracking is a major threat to the our water resources, the environment and the health, well being and economic prosperity of people living in those areas. The disbenefits of turning forests and pastoral land into vast industrial gas fields vastly overshadows any financial benefits, especially when most of the revenue goes offshore, little taxes are paid on profits and rehabilitation is unlikely to be adequate.

Fracking and unconventional gas will be seen by future generations as an absurd and unavoidable social and economic tragedy. Let's take action to stop it now and protect our water and countryside and preserve it for our children and their children.

Would you Frack in your own backyard? If your answer is yes you really deserve to have your backyard Fracked!

Water and environment are the natural resources we need to protect. The health of these is vital, and too important to risk. Fracking is not acceptable and is far too damaging and risky. I do not support fracking in WA.

There is plenty of evidence and even a movie called "Frackman" to demonstrate how unacceptable fracking is to the environment and especially to our ground water. PLEASE EDUCATE YOURSELF TO BOTH SIDES OF THE QUESTION and act to sustain life. Who owns Australia? Don't let corporations dictate policy!

I thought we all understood how dangerous fracking is for our lands and waters....BAN gas fracking everywhere in this case's all my country

Lock the gate!!!

Anything that threatens the water table threatens the lives and health of all the living entities that rely on it: human, animal, plant, microrganisms. Like clean air, clean water truly is life.

Fracking is destructive and dangerous. Money is NOT a good enough reason for allowing the future of our beautiful and special environment to be damaged any further!

Fracking pollutes water resources. Water keeps us alive. There's no decision. Water must prevail.

I'll make this quick. If fracking did no ecological damage I would have no problem with it, but it does. It pollutes underground water storage and makes agriculture in affected areas impossible. You can only sell the gas once, but agriculture can be sold year after year. Water is life out there, don't ruin it for future generations.

The impact on the environment will be irreparable and devastating.

No regard has been given to th serious proven health effects on the local communities living near gasfields as evidenced in the USA and QLD following the commencement of unconventional gas operatios this iincludes such issues as :respiratory ailments, nose, throat and eye irritations; and neurological illnesses.

Above all the continuous lack of acknowledgment to the Traditional Owners and Landholders who don’t have the legal right or funding needed to fight this at the Supreme Court, to lock the gate and refuse access on their land to oil and gas companies in WA.

No fracking thankyou!

I'm originally from the Northern Rivers NSW and they wanted to frack there.

The environmental side effects are too severe to even contemplate the option.

Please no fracking - consider our environment and generations to come - not just profits!

Gas fracking is not worth the risk!

There is no Planet B!

I have moved back to NSW to be near my children. For many years I was engaged in the groundwater industry in W.A., as a principle of Australian Groundwater Consultants - I found and developed water supplies for Tom Price, Paraburdoo, Newman and Western Mining's Nickel and gold mines IN THE Kambalda Area as well as Norseman and many other projects. I initially trained as a mining engineer before developing an interest in Hydrology and Geo Hydrology.

The problem with fracking is that one has no precise idea where the fracture goes and if the formation to be fracked over or under lies a fresh water aquifer the fractures can connect the formation to be fractured, which often contains saline water to the aquifers.

Fracking has no place on the Australian Landscape. It is not a long term viable solution to our energy supply. I am for removing all fracking and replacing the industry with a naturally sourced energy supply. Will you part of the problem, or be part of the revolution that is renewable energy? Your children and there children are the ones who will have to live with your decisions. Make them with an open heart, and with the environment in mind. Not your greed.

I believe that we cannot take the risk of an accident even with strict regulations in place. With an unknown climate change future, any possible threat to our water supply or ground contamination needs to be eradicated.

I support banning fracking in WA, I dont live there but have visited and would hate to see problems there due to fracking. In Qeensland there are areas where fracking has or is going on and people and animals have much higher than normal levels of certain health problems.Water contamination is a big possibility. Where i contaminated water reached and spilled on the ground in the Pilliga area of NSW some years ago, it left a number of acres useless for years. The quantity of fracking points where it goes on means land is unusable too.

Fracking....not worth the risk.!! Environment in general and water in particular are far more important than unconventional gas!

We can't trust fracking companies to make adequate and independent assessments of potential water and environmental damage

Please weigh up the monetary gain versus environmental, personal and community based costs of this dangerous practise. Look at the evidence in international and local footage and listen to the experts who have no bias or monetary gain for their findings.

Fracking is one of the worst excesses of mining - the impacts are little known and understood - what we do know is bad for water resources and landscapes of the future. We disturb water tables at the risk of the land being able to sustain itself. No fracking at all should be allowed.

NO Fracking in WA

Ban gas fracking in WA!

No more devastation to our unique country. So many native animals habitats have been destroyed. Future generations have the right to admire and respect her beauty. Stop the destruction now...

Let's together show the world that our government along with all Australians are concerned about our environment and the native animals who belong here with us. No more destruction by risking unnecessary actions including fracking.

Fracking damages our unique eco-system - just ban it.

Fracking is of great concern and poses a great threat to Australia, surely the many existing examples here and overseas are reason enough to stop this practice.

Fracking is equivalent to defecating in our own nest as it poisons the water and the land. Why should we be doing this to ourselves? We don't need fossil fuels THAT much. Say NO to fracking!!

Over the last two decades, the gas fracking industry has left a legacy of water contamination, habitat fragmentation and devastating community health issues around the globe.

Today, many of these cases have been documented scientifically, so we now have more evidence than ever to show that—no matter how well-regulated—accidents happen. It’s just not worth the risk.

In Western Australia, the industry is relatively new—yet there have already been serious gas leaks reported, well integrity issues documented, and a disrespect for community wishes shown.

It will contaminate the WA water system which is vital to our fauna and the community. It's has serious effects on the community's health.

Also the methane emissions which contributes to climate change which is already occurring. Therefore we should ban all kinds of fracking gas in Australia to save our environment for the future generations to come.

Please do not allow fracking! The risks, pollution and destruction of our lands is wrong!!! We need to preserve it for our generations!

There is no safe way to conduct fracking. Our groundwater and crops are of priceless value and we should protect them at all costs.

It is not right or acceptable to pollute the air, land & water that God created for human kind

Clean water is vital. Gas is not! ban fracking in the USA.

Fracking uses precious water. Enough said.

Not a WA resident but I believe fracking to be detrimental and unnecessary anywhere. Put the resources into renewables.

The scientific evidence shows that, no matter how well regulated the industry is, accidents happen. And those accidents have unacceptable consequences for our water, wildlife and health. It can't get more clearer than that, it's not worth the risk, think of the generations to come.


Fossil fuels, and that includes both coal seam and natural gas, are not the future. Fracking is a dangerous process with many negative outcomes I oppose it strongly (and I am a geologist). We need to ban it.

This gas mining and fracking industry needs to stop immediately as it is putting our planet and us all at risk. Time and Time again will MAN ever learn from his mistakes!!!

The overall decision needs to be made across both Liberal & Labour and put a stop to this Gas Mining fiasco as it is so destructive to the environment and to our planet and health.

We the PEOPLE who elect you ask you to put a stop to this GAS & FRACKING MINING fiasco as we have had enough of the Merry Go Round. "A BAN NEEDS TO BE PUT ON ALL GAS & FRACKING Mining in Australia immediately"

YES ALL THE ABOVE IS TRUE!!! But think about this for a moment??? CLASS LAW Suits of Billions of Dollars is coming its way to Gas mining companies and to the Fracking Industry!!! That wont be making you much profit now will it.

It's time to stop wrecking the environment for short monetary term gain.

Too much farm and grazing land has already been lost in WA. We must rebuild out valuable land-base- not risk further degrading it.

I am a resident of Broome in the Kimberley region of WA, and I do NOT want fracking in WA. I honestly don't care what the potential economic benefit would be, in my opinion these benefits are far outweighed by the following points;

As a citizen I’m highly concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia

When will you start looking after Australia and the rest of the planet and stop ruining it. We have more knowledge now than ever so stop being greedy or pleading ignorance.

Let's keep all of Australia free of fracking and protect our environment, our water, our climate, our health and our communities.

Stop polluting our precious land and go with futuristic solar, wind power. Enough is enough. Thank you.

I cannot emphasise in words with enough weight the sheer and weighty treasure our earth and water are. What is the point of all our learning and technology if we poison ourselves?! There are better ways to provide energy to our homes, cities and industry. Please look at those alternatives The Climaye Council can provide you with trial working examples please consider these and so no to gas.

Fracking in Queensland damaged aquafers , made a few farmers richer but left the rest destitute. No one will buy a property close to a 24/7 coal seam gas operation.. NSW belatedly has stopped Pilliga from proceeding under SANTOS. Water is life and destruction of aquifers is fatal. Short term concepts must be denied.

Water is pricelee in this country and there are too many unknowns in fracking to risk using the fracking method. Could mean short term gain at the cost of long term disaster.

The kind of damage this causes can never be undone, please act to ensure this never happens here.

Please do not allow any fracking in WA it is not worth it for the contamination it causes to the ground water . protect our basic water resources STOP Fracking.

Fracking should be banned in WA for good.


The majority of people don't want fracking in Australia.

Dear Sir, I assume you people know the consequences of fracking, you shouldn't need to be told again and again. I would like to think you have done your own research and not relied on party lines to make your vote. It's time to wake up, you probably have many years left on this earth and will need to realize, fracking is not good for, farming, aboriginal land rights, environmental issues and protecting this counrty for the people you leave behind when your time is up. It's time to think of the welfare of the country.

Over the last two decades, the gas fracking industry has left a legacy of water contamination, habitat fragmentation and devastating community health issues around the globe.

Today, many of these cases have been documented scientifically, so we now have more evidence than ever to show that—no matter how well-regulated—accidents happen. It’s just not worth the risk. The gas fracking industry should be banned across WA.

Thank you for your consideration of this very important matter. Fracking is a method of short term gain at long term expense to land and water resources, and people's livelihood.

It is also about the continued use of fossil fuels which are seriously damaging our present and future prospects on this planet.

Western Ausralia must not be part of this vandalism.

Stop killing our earth and risking our childrens future

Fracking is the last thing when need, given that we need to move away from fossil fuels and fracking is only too self evidently extremely dangerous as there is no possible way that it can be done safely, given that you can never direct exactly what happens when fracking, with clear evidence already that it cause the release of gas in an uncontrolled manner and uncontrolled places as well no regard for the underground water systems that are vital for the environment and would be without doubt severely polluted if and when penetrated.

Fracking has been a major issue in my region and a combination of local residents, conservationists and farmers sent the frackers off in no uncertain terms It is a filthy industry potentially destroying productive farmland and subterranean water Go wind and solar and as political guides GROW UP

Fracking has no place in our state!

The future is green.

Australia, and that includes WA, needs to ensure water and land is clean and healthy for this generation and for those to follow. Let's make certain we are able to live and grow in clean and healthy surroundings.

Fracking threatens our environment in a multitude of ways. It is no longer necessary. Renewable energy sources are filling our energy needs.

Over the last two decades, the gas fracking industry has left a legacy of water contamination, habitat fragmentation and devastating community health issues around the globe. Today many of these cases have been documented scientifically so we have more evidence than ever to show that no matter how well regulated accidents happen. It's just not worth the risk.

Please vote against fracking. I concur with the science that finds that any fracking would be unacceptable and may destroy the underground water table. This would be devastating to those who live off the land and may also effect the primary industry. It may also cause distributors to source food from other countries where protection is not provided on some products.

Please do not let fracking destroy our land, fracking uses huge amounts of water, and leaves toxic ponds behind , destroying habitat for animal life and not to mention damage to humans' livelihood when their property is taken over by multinational companies who have no concern for humans, only money. stop wrecking our water table and rivers,the multi national companies and big business do not care about our future ,or the future of our children and this great country

The risk of local pollution is too high. And the long-term pollution to the atmosphere, increasing climate change by burning the products, is a certainty. Please do not mine more fossil fuels if they are going to be burnt. why the fracking when theirs plenty of natural gas around. why risk our drinking water in the outer towns and the underground fresh water streams that run into the sea, and kill our marine life..... Lock the Gates!!!!!!!

I would like to take this opportunity to state my opinion on Facking. It is well known that this form of gas mining has serious consequences that can lead to health problems and environmental disasters. I am now in my midyears and have seen first hand the fragile and damaged state our environment is in and will be tireless in my fight to protect both human and native wildlife and the environment for our future generations.

Save Australia & the future of our environment. Protect our land and our future generations by STOPPING FRACKING NOW!

Don,t wreck our country for short term gains!

Dear Politicians, Yes please do get the message into your skulls, we, the majority of people in WA do not want fracking!!!!! So frack off! You are doing already too much damage logging and mining. While we're at it stop that too and start utilising the grey matter of the workforce!!!!

As an Australian I have watched the documentaries and videos from America by Americans who are now sick and dying from the contaminents in their drinking water. Companies responsible for the fracking create irreversible environmental disatsters and never, ever take responsibility for cleaning up their mess after they have made billions of dollars from human and environmental deaths. Do we as Australians want this scenario to happen here...NO! Stop the fracking before we have undrinkable water, dead forests, dead animals and people dying of numerous types of cancers whilst corporate America scratches their head and blames someone, anyone but themselves. I want to live in a clean country. Stop fracking NOW!

Please stop all fracking in WA. We all know the damage it causes to our waterways and land.

Fracking is an unacceptable mining method. I do not support its use in WA.

Australians need renewable energy and a renewable energy industry and renewable energy jobs. Old energy is obsolete.

I am asking the West Australian Government to totally disregard fracking due to the unacceptable risks involved. Time and time again we have seen "accidents" occur, which in the end affect the health of people.

Fracking is just not on .

Basically fracking is not good for people or the flora and fauna and our total enviroment that we depend upon. We dont need fracking to survive and as its not beneficial for all the reasons below, then please ban it.

Once it is ruined it can't be fixed

Fracking makes the quote SHORT TERM GAIN FOR LONG TERM PAIN come to mind

Ridiculous damage to people's lives and the environment when we have free power available from nature itself ie solar, wind, water. Utter STUPIDITY !!!

No water, no us, no animals, no plants.

Ban all gas fracking in WA.

Please let us not continue to wreak damage upon this beautiful country. These intrusive methods harm and destroy what is a justly famous natural environment that should be a world heritage site, untouchable by mining of any description.

Use common sense and listen to scientific evidence on this matter so the health of people and our environment.

There are too many unknowns to be using this extraction method. Rather, we should be speeding up the transition to renewables.

We do not want fracking anywhere in Australia. Water contamination , habitat fragmentation and community health issues are a huge concern. We banned it in East Gippsland Victoria. We do not need it.

Ban gas fracking in WA and the rest of Australia. It is destroying our beautiful country.

I’m very concerned about fracking being used in Western Australia.

I understand from experiences elsewhere where fracking is already being used that vital water resources are at risk of contamination and depletion from fracking operations due to water and chemical use, and wastewater production. [Ref 1]

I have been informed that serious health effects have been experienced by communities living near gasfields in the USA and QLD following the commencement of unconventional gas operations like fracking —including respiratory ailments; nose, throat and eye irritations; and neurological illnesses. [Ref 2]

It has been measured that unconventional gas mining and fracking leads to large, deliberate and fugitive methane emissions, which dangerously contribute to climate change [Ref 3] and increase local community fire risk.

On top of all this, it is appauling that Landholders and Traditional Owners don’t have the legal right to lock the gate and refuse access on their land to oil and gas companies in WA.

Keep going and you will destroy our world.

Do not disturb sacred sites or graves

I have travelled in the outback over the last 30 years and have seen the piles of earth left by mining and areas not cleaned up after mining. Fracking that allows gasses to escape cannot be cleaned up - they destroy. This should not be allowed for short term profit.

Please protect our great land from Fracking. Ban fracking now.

Our water resources are life-giving. and priceless. Especially in a drying climate-they must be protected at any cost..

Where is there any cost-benefit analysis which shoes fracking is safe and worthwhile?

Ecological disaster poses an existential risk in these times.

The energy industries have shown nothing but complete contempt for the people whose natural resources they've ruined. BP claimed that they saved the Gulf of Mexico, yet oceanographers have proven that over 90% of the oil spilled into the Gulf is still there. The heaviest crude sits in a pool at the bottom of the Gulf and lighter grades ride thermoclines at different depths depending on their viscosity.

Exxon has not paid a penny of their fines for the Valdez fiasco. Before departing to Alaska, the crew was reduced by 50% and told to work double shifts. The pilot who sailed her out of the bay was a third mate - hardly qualified to pilot a 300-metre ship out of a bay that was known for its shifting reefs and sand bars.

Fracking uses an industry-private solvent to drive the gas upwards. They will not say what is in this solvent, but one known chemical is benzene, a known carcinogen that is water soluble and highly toxic, ruining entire water sources and unmovable from the ground once forced into the soil. It ruins wells and therefore destroys farms and homes because the water is undrinkable. Also, benzene burns at 3000 degrees and, under certain conditions, firefighters are advised to simply withdraw and let the fire burn.

Fracking is the worst possible thing that could happen for Western Australia's clean green future. Our future lies in ecotourism and clean green agricultural industries, not destroying the State, to our childrens' disgust.

I’m against unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following reasons.

Environment: - It is NOT just the issue of WA, but of the entire Planet.

I expect that, having been hounded out of the Eastern States, the frackers will target WA bigtime. WA depends on underground water even more than the east.

Water is rare. Sunshine, wind and tides and waves are plentiful.

Fracking is destructive of water tables increases greenhouse gases - we do not need to continuing doing it and future generations will thank us for not doing it

I'm definitely against gas fracking and once they have contaminated everything they will take their money and run and leave devastation behind. keep wa frack free and our water clean say no and close the gate on fracking

Ban fracking,Australia wide !!

Only the most short-sighted fool would consider fracking gas a good exchange for the aquifer

Its clearly documented that fracking is disastrous for the environment and humans. Water contamination, gas leaks, destruction of the environment to name a few consequences of fracking. No life on a dead planet.

Ban all fracking, please!

Gas fracking causes too many environmental problems - it cannot be allowed in WA

Fracking is risky and must be banned.

Not everything is about money. There comes a time when we have to do what's best for Mother Earth, not fracking her. Stop the insanity and do the right thing.

As an artist I have made many trips to the Kimberley and South West WA to paint the stunning scenery and enjoy the natural environment. It would be tragic if fracking was allowed and the environment was contaminated, habitat fragmented and community health affected.

I do not wish to continue to insult Mother nature. It is not worth the risk to follow the un-intelligent path of fracking.

THere is no such thing as safe Fracking. Ban Fracking !

With so much pressure on whats left of the natural environment, we cannot afford to impose further harm.

I dispare .. I can’t believe the ignorance .. fracking should be totally banned. Australia depresses me like never before .

Please do not permanently poison our underground waters or acquire rich agricultural farming lands for fracking. It is too risky. Think & plan for the well being of today's & future generations health, well being & abity to produce food & diary products to feed our Nation. Sincerely a very concerned mother,.

The destruction to the earth, the waste water that in a by product, the unknown damage to the subterrain and the countless other damages to flora and forna make fracking environmentally, ethically, morally unacceptable ways to source fuels. ESPECIALLY SINCE NEW TECHNOLOGIES ARE PUTTING FOSSIL FUELS OUT OF BUSINESS.

Listen to your constituents. Take the long view, the harm being done and the future damage must be avoided. Please do not cause irreversible destruction. Thank you

I hope that for our children and the generations to follow that the decision makers do not ignore the evidence which clearly shows the disastrous impact fracking has on our water table and the follow on damage to our environment. Please stop this destructive project.

Pumping Chemicals into the ground is not a good long term environmental policy

We do not want fracking in WA There is now plenty of evidence to show that fracking can leave a trail of damage.

I would like to know - Who actually benefits from this invasive procedure?

I am strongly of the opinion that gas fracking should be banned across WA.

Please apply the precautionary principle, if this project/s cannot benefit and repair the environment which supports us all into the future, then devise energy projects that do!

Over the last two decades, the gas fracking industry has left a legacy of water contamination, habitat fragmentation and devastating community health issues around the globe.

Don't upset the balance it has taken nature millenia to create.

Do you need anymore evidence to abort this madness ?

It's just not worth the risk.

Fracking not only creates water that will catch on fire, but also can create earthquakes. It MUST be stopped in Australia

You are in the unique and privileged position to truly make a difference.. The world is watching

If you are truly scientist then you must join me and many others in our concerns about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following reasons.

Fracking is a dangerous and controversial practice which is entirely inappropriate, both in a country like Australia where water supplies are a precious resource and should not be threatened, and in this day and age when we should be pursuing environmentally sustainable and non-polluting forms of energy.

Fracking is a dangerous and highly controversial practice which has resulted in disaster in other countries. It uses water that we cannot afford to waste, and threatens water supplies that are vital to our nation. It is environmentally unfriendly in the extreme, and dangerous to human health. Australia needs to abandon such practices and move to sustainable and environmentally friendly energy production. Fracking needs to be banned outright in Western Australia, for the following reasons.

Australia is an old continent, but it is also fragile. Water is a vital life source, without it there is no life. It is governments' responsibility to protect it from contamination now and for the future. I believe the gas fracking industry should be banned across all of Western Australia.

Everything I have read on fracking fills me with alarm, this is not what we need for our beautiful country, please consider natural sources for WA.

Fracking is ecologically and environmentally disastrous. We must not allow this practice to destroy any part of our beautiful country, to kill our wonderful wildlife or poison our precious water supplies. Please put an end to any proposals for fracking!

While gas is vital to the energy economy fracking and gas exploration is scientifically unsound and dangerous. Miners are only interested in profits and have no regard for the sustainability of groundwater and the environment and until it is 100% safe to find gas the present naive, greedy and dangerous process must be banned by governments who we elect to look after us. Please do not make the mistake of allowing fracking in your state- too many irreversible accidents happen which basically, permanently destroy important water supplies and other environmental aspects affecting our agricultural and natural habitats.

Our balance of Nature is easily disrupted, and all animals and humans do not need any upset to our well balanced state. Please be thoughtful and ban anything that will unnesecary change to the well balanced way things currently are

Look whats happened in the USA!! STOP Fracking and leave the world alone please.

Stop fracking across Australia.

I know what fracking has done to the waters of western queensland. When will you people learn that you cant drink gas or money. Wake up to yourselves and ban fracking for ever.

Don’t frack! How can we continue to live on our earth when you are ruining everything it gives us to live. Money & greed seems to be the way to go! Choose with your heart not ruled by money & power. Be the one to choose the right thing & make a difference!

Fracking by its very nature fractures the ground. Anyone who states that the chemicals and fuel extracted in the process, cannot leak into the ground water is either lying or incompetent. An unsafe process that damages the environment and should never be allowed.

In Western Australia, the industry is relatively new—yet there have already been serious gas leaks reported, well integrity issues documented,

Listen to the people who live on the land!!! The people are right Government must wake up and do the right thing for the preservation of healthy land water and air NOW. Please do the right thing. You surely do not want to go down in history as the ones who destroyed the environment.

Have a look at the impact that fracking has on water tables and the America! Just because there is designs for this destructive industry to Grab a hold of our beautiful outback doesn't mean that the people of Australia will turn a blind eye! Stop this now!

We need to protect the environment this includes the risk posed by Fracking

Fracking is a dangerous and utterly destructive procedure that does irreparable damage to the water table...

Fracking that could cause any damage at all should be banned, it is ignorant for you to think of short term gain when Australia has a natural beauty that we could all thrive off of through environmental tourism. This short term thinking is backwards and not sustainable. I ask that you reconsider and choose an option that will benefit all people not just the governments short term pocket lining plans.

Look to what has happened in the US - disaster. We do not need this - ever.

The damage cause by fracking is reversible. This is the only planet we have. Money is not a good enough reason for destroying it. There are better ways to produce energy. There really is no need for fracking. Not in Australia and not anywhere else.

Please stop this disastrous practise We do not want it

Fracking is destroying farmers properties. Draining their/our water and leaving behind pollution and a terrible mess. No more, it is unacceptable. Get out of National Parks and our struggling farmer's properties.

It's hard to believe that with so much evidence against it that governments can still condone fracking . There will be an accident as sure as eggs . Water will be contaminated . What then ? You can't just say oops ..sorry . It's time to stop . It's time to think of the future .

For the sake of our environment and our future please don’t frack!

Why can't you learn from what has in the USA and other parts of Australia.Fracking causes envronmental damage and human health problems

Water is Life! Keep our land and home free of harmful practices and capitalist greed.

Gas fracking in its current form and the processes involved in its extraction and storage in Australia and worldwide is clearly a dangerous and toxic legacy. Until other safer and environmentally sound processes are developed , these industries must be stood down, end of story. We as Nyungah Elders and Traditional Aboriginal Owners are highly concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia and proposed plans for further fracking, for the following reasons.

Environment: Also the current protection of our Ancient Land, of our Sacred Sites, of our Culture and of our Spiritual Beliefs in the Land is very weak and and hit and miss.

Aboriginal Community - The First People of the Land: – Landholders and Traditional Owners and Custodians are denied the right, don’t have the legal right to lock the gate and refuse access on their land to oil and gas companies in WA. This is not right, This is discriminatory.

Sacred Culture and Law of the Land: - As Traditional Owners we are duty bound to protect the Land of our Ancestors, and Sacredness of the Land and all the Life of the Land for the coming generations. IT IS OUR LAW. We are the carers and Custodians of the Land and all Waterways, including the Swan River, Bennett Brook, Susannah Brook, the Swan Coastal Plains, the Hills and Forests. We respect the Traditional Land and Law of all Aboriginal People in Western Australia, and in Australia as a whole, and we know their Elders would not freely accept fracking of any Land. It is our Law and must be respected. Our Land and Culture and Sacred Beliefs in the Land is our Life.

In our Culture, we as the First People of the Land, look after the Land, protect the Land. We are concerned about the effect of tracking on our Traditional Land and Sacred Places that have belonged to our People of the Swan River and Bennett Brook areas for generations before us, for thousands of years. Our Ancient Site at Upper Swan is dated at 30,000 years, where our Ancestors left their artefacts there to this day.

We don't accept any disturbance to our Ancient Land and Sacred Places in the Swan Valley, Swan River Area, and the Hills of the Darling Scarp, including Susannah Valley, just the same as Aboriginal People in other areas of Australia in protecting their Culture and Sacred Beliefs and their community's health.

Before any decisions are made by you we expect you to consult us the Swan River Elders on the Land in our area of the Swan River and Swan Coastal Plains and Darling Ranges and anywhere there is any threat or plans of fracking, and the same consultation for all Aboriginal Communities in Western Australia.

References: Fringedweller by Robert Bropho,1980 Nyungah Land by Bevan Carter, 2005 Report on the Owl Stone by Ken MacIntyre and Barbara Dobson, 2009

There is no proof that fracking is safe in the long-term, and in fact, there have been many instances where water sources have been contaminated. I urge the Inquiry to recommend a complete ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities across Western Australia.


Protect our precious water, fracking is totally unacceptable.

Protect the Kimberley - don't be stupid like Queensland - stand strong ans protect WA from Fracking

Australia is water starved! To endanger our valuable water supplies for those of greedy export dollars and no guarantee of secure gas supply for local use of that gas is absurd - to the point of being almost mentally deranged.

Gas fracking is not the way to go. You know it. Please protect our people and our environment.

Ban Coal Seam Gas and Fracking

Protect our country

Please consider not just our future, but also the futures of every generation after ours. The decisions you make today are incredibly important. Put political agendas aside, and do what is right.

Fracking has caused countless issues in both the USA and the UK. Why are we even considering it, and if we go ahead, what kind of Future are we leaving for our Childrens Children.

Fracking is a SHORT term solution with INFINITE Polluting future. It is just MADNESS to even consider it.

YEs it may give some people a job for a short while, but the KNOWN CONSEQUENCES far outweigh these.

Choose the right thing to do over the convenient way that's always been done

Just...... DON'T frack !!! You have all the info why not. Heed it !!

There is strong, clear and good evidence that gas fracking should be banned in WA until a public inquiry is held.

I was born in WA and retain a keen and anxious interest in what happens in that state. I visit regular and find is absolutely shortsighted and regrettable that tracking is even considered. So I want all tracking in the state close.

Having joined with local farmers, indigenous peoples and a wide cross-section of the community to stand against the coal seam gas frackers here in the NSW Northern Rivers, in the Pilliga Scrub and at Gloucester, please accept the following submission with which I am in full concurrence.

Environment:. – Across Australia our unique flora and fauna are threatened due to habitat fragmentation, wastewater leaks and accidents during transportation.

Fracking is dangerous and unneccessary. So many communities around the world want to ban it. Please do all you can to ban fracking in WA.

The people say no more fracking. It's bad for our land water & air. Plus very bad for us humans.

The eco system is fragile enough without adding fracking to the mix. Please think of our children's future!

Fracking is to the environment like poinson to a person. Deadly.

The column of water required and the subsequent pollution to the ground water and rivers that occurs is reason enough to ban it.

It shouldn’t need us to point out that fracking needs to be banned.

Omg governments should put nature first not greedy companies..we only have one earth,so we better take care of it

The land the water and the people are most important. It is already known the extent of the damages that fracking causes to the land , the water and to the people. Who is going to be held accountable when the water is poisoned , the land is poisoned and the people are poisoned. There is no going back and fixing up the mess when our planet , the earth is broken and there is no clean air ,water and food. It's insanity. Stop now before it is too late. Ban fracking in Australia. This is the lucky country where we are free to live in a safe and healthy environment.

I’m most concerned about the unconventional gas fracking industry in Western Australia.

Fracking represents a significant risk to the environment. WA’s limited water resources are at risk of contamination and depletion from fracking operations due to water and chemical use, and wastewater production. Our unique flora and fauna are threatened due to habitat destruction, wastewater leaks and accidents during transportation. Large, methane emissions are dangerous In that they raise emissions levels adding to climate change.

My main concern about fracking is that is likely to negatively affect groundwater, either through contamination or loss. And once the damage is done I don't think it can be put right again. Fracking is a very destructive process and definitely short-term thinking.

Surely the lawmakers have some sensitivity to the environment. Are dollars and greed the only guidelines. I urge you to read papers on how fracking contaminates and destroys plants and animals but, causes health problems for humans ad infinitum.

No matter how well regulated, accidents happen, witness Chernobyl. You, as lawmakers should be aiming to leave a pristine, clean environment for your children and their children's children to enjoy in our blessed part of the world.

Leave an honorable legacy!

We’ve known the dangers fraking causes for 50 yrs! Look at the sinkholes & Underground explosions and fires that have raged across some States as a result of such practices!

Fracking is toxic and will poison our groundwater where it is stored until it cycles back into the environment. Damaging our own water is a death sentence for us all. As it becomes apparent that renewable energy is viable and abundant the time for fracking is over. Invest our taxes else where do not sell off our country’s resources and our lives to anyone it is revolting it is even being considered.

Australia is the driest continent on Earth. To waste the massive amounts of water that Fracking requires is stupid in the highest degree. Forget it and keep Australia clean and green.

I live in the Swan Valley of WA. Unconventional gas Fracing in this area would destroy a thriving food, beverages andfarming area. This is totally unnecessary.

Please stop fracking in WA. We need to protect what we have in this great state for our future generations. I don't want my grandchildren exposed to fracking.

PLEASE don't introduce fracking. Our pkanet is already irreversibly damaged; we need to consider less harmful options.

What can one say to some one who believes that fracking is the answer to Australia's problems. Please do your home work and stop the Fracking NOW.

Keep your dirty hands of native land,

Please stop gas fracking in WA.

Protection of the Earth is paramount for our future generations to live. Wake up to renewable energy - it is so logical! But then it makes you big wigs no money. How are your children's children going to be able to survive? You can't eat money!

We need to think not about the present but what type of future we are leaving for our children. No fracking

A near sighted idea with dire consequences. it’s not worth it, don’t do it.

Please ban Fracking forever! We owe it to our Grandchildren and the generations after them!

Environmental abuse must stop. Condoning environmental destruction is allowing starvation, thirst, disease and murder. Look into a crystal ball and see what that gets you.

Too often there have been decisions made without the time required to understand the ramifications of those decisions. More than 10 years is often required to understand what damages can occur to the environment, humans and animals. When we introduce changes to the environment and introduce all manner of products consumed by millions of people we have to think long term - we can see the damage of not doing so already. We need to follow the Earth's natural process for the Earth provides all we need. Human behaviours have caused irreparable damage in chemicals of emerging concern in the water, growing non-biodegradable landfill and leachates, soil degradation which cannot produce enough to feed the Earth's population (think peak phosphate).

Earth's human carrying capacity must be acknowledged and dealt with. Sustainability must come before economy. Human behaviours must change. Over exploitation of non-renewable resources must stop.

Why do we have to fight our so-called Govt to stop the destruction of our water reserves? Why do politicians bow to Corporate pressure to Rape and Pillage our country, our planet and after fracking, leave a destroyed water reservoir.

We know from America experience what happens with Oil Gas exploration.

We must unlock the known free energy devices, locked away by patents for "National Security reasons" which is a lie in my opinion. It is controlled by Banker fraud & Military Industrial complex.

Your positive contribution to banning fracking in W.A. will greatly influence the rest of Australia, our Asua-Pacific neighbours, and we trust that the rest of the world's leaders come to their senses and listen to the people who voted them in &/or are the voice heart and mind of their people. NO MORE - PLEASE.

The quick buck you get from Fracking is far outweighed by the long-term environmental damage it causes. Please ban fracking it is horrible to the environment

No sane civilization poisons their own drinking water! WATER IS LIFE!


No Fracking have a look at the problems it has caused In America & Queensland.

The results are in. Fracking uses large amounts of water per well to produce gas. Each well is only viable for about 2 years. The residual is some chemicals and salt water.

It can't be reversed, it can't be repaired, It ruins the ground water ( a very precious commodity in Australia's arid environment.) It ruins Ground water destroys the ecology. and makes land useless for farming, Animals and Plants.

The only real solution is to not do it in the first place. No matter the safeguards it is an accident waiting to happen. If you think it is safe try living next to a well, it will ruin you and your children's health. Be smart make decisions for the health of Australia's fragile environment and of future generations. DON"T even start Fracking . Just think of other ways to utilize the land and our ground water.

I firmly believe the scientific evidence which shows that, no matter how well regulated the industry is, accidents happen. And those accidents have unacceptable consequences for our water, wildlife and health.

Polluting our water sources is bad news for all walks of life.

Other than $'s, why would fracking be considered. Think again, SHAME!!!

Please it's not even worth the risk! There are so many other, more environmentally friendly, ways to produce the energy we need as a nation

To whom it may concern 5 years ago I watched a documentry (sbs) on the effects of fracking in America. It was very informative and at times horrifying to think a country would allow big bussiness to destroy enviroment, contamination of water and shocking health issues faced by families one family turned there tap on and with a lighter set the water aflame. I truly cannot believe we would let this happen in Australia. The people of Australia expect a DUTY OF CARE from those decision makers elected by the Australian people to act responsibly in all area .. Always. I can not believe I am having to write this message . Please find the time to educate yourselves and maybe find that documentry and watch it. Thankyou.

WATER ---- Irreplaceable Vital . More precious than life itself . Without quality water their is NO life . Let's make water the priority for quality of life in Australia . Let us NOT poison water . Let us NOT waste water . Let us embrace water as the giver , the very substance of life itself ------BAN FRACKING IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA

Too high a risk with fracking and I am sick to death of being face with road closures and keep our signs from foreign ownership. The quicker we can vote you people out the sooner this country will get back to normal FRACK OFF Ban fracking. Are we destined to make all the same problems fracking has caused in other countires? Can't we see what a mess this has made of communities? Destroying the environment and towns effected by fracking must be stopped.

No fresh, clean water, no life! No planet - NO Economy!!

Unacceptable.. all this fracking is destroying this country from the inside out .devastating. .. water is in short supply so why contaminate it

Please just don't allow fracking in Western Australia! It would be the worst outcome ever!

We don’t want or need fracking in WA. It destroys the ground water and will only destroy our unique and fragile ecosystems.


France has banned fracking completely but it is. of course, a country known for its civilisation and for maintaining a good standard of living for its citizens. We have to examine our priorities, here in Australia.

As a former resident of WA now living in Queensland, where there is already evidence of fracking,

No fracking WA, thank you ! please protect our environment.

Stop screwing with the environment! Once the water is poisoned, what is the point? Listen to the environment not your wallet


I cannot understand why this destructive method of sourcing gas is EVER even considered! It’s shows such a lack of foresight and such blindness to the already obvious dire consequences. PLEASE DON’T FRACK

We do not understand nor do we need Fracking anywhere let alone in Australia

Fracking is inherently damaging and dangerous

Fracking causes water contamination, air pollution, health issues ans can increase seismic activity. Renewable energy is safer, and better for people and the environment.

This is the time to step up and look after your country this is the time to step up look after the environment this is the time to step up and look after the people of Australia, At the very least you owe us that. You make sure this happens we will support you!

To the human being that is reading this.

You as an individual have the power to make a difference. Please use your position of power with diligence and respect to the greater good of all. Myself and the rest of the world will hold you forever in high esteem with great gratitude.

Water is a precious commodity, fracking wastes so much, and causes huge pollution to the dwindling water courses. Where's the sense in that? Use the Earth's renewable energy, sun, wind and wave power.

Government must stop this irresponsible destruction of the environmental infrastructure. History shows fracking leaves a devastating legacy.

Fracking is not worth the risk it poses on the health of the environment & people.

It’s just not worth the risk! Over the last two decades, the gas fracking industry has left a legacy of water contamination, habitat fragmentation and devastating community health issues around the globe. The gas fracking industry should be banned across WA.

My husband and I are highly concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following reasons.

There should be a total ban on Fracking! The risks are to great!

I support a frack free nation...matter how well regulated...the high risks of water contamination, community health issues and destruction and health of habitat are not worth it!

Frack off our land . Just think of the wildlife, people, the environment that we all call home. Stop being greedy and think about your pocket .

Fracking destroys the land for short term gain. Western Australia has so much wind and solar and pumped hydro storage opportunities that should make electricity virtually free and certainly free of the damage that fracking does to the water, land and atmosphere.

I urge the Inquiry to recommend a complete ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities across Western Australia. The long-term risks (and associated costs) far outweigh any short- term monetary gains.

The unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia is of great concern for the following reasons.

Water is Life and Life is threatened by fracking.

Its time to invest in renewable energy. Before its too late..

This is simply LUDICROUS




No fracking please, thank you,

The environment :Dxxx

I don't agree with the process of fracking in any part of the world.... potentially long term destruction is not worth short term monetary gain. We can survive without gas, but we can't survive without water.

I dont believe enough impartial research has been done to prove that fracking is not harmful to the environment money is not worth environment and ultimately lives of all living things

I have visited the beautiful kimberley region & am deeply concerned about the destruction that fracking will cause to this amazing part of not just our country, but the earth. Please don't destroy this beautiful area.

I often find my mind drifting off to the time I spent in Australia and the amazement of just how beautiful and biodiverse it is. And, then I am reminded of my time as a environmental foundraiser there and the constant battle between preserving it and building a strong economy, all the while asking myself “can’t the two go hand in hand”? Certainly the time of drilling, mining and fracking is coming to an undeniable end and we bare the scares of these techniques. True there is a darkness in our species that drives us to war and destruction it has always been that way, the underlying goal always power and dominance, but as citizens of this miraculous giant island, with an abundance of potential for natural, renewable resources I hoped and still hope now I am back in the UK that the people of Australia will someday stand up and take the lead in the future of energy. You as a country have the chance to carve a new way of thinking, a future where nature and economy can not only walk hand in hand but, thrive together. You are a nation of great pride, great lands and the world needs something to be proud of right now.

No more fracking! Are you fracking crazy? We need our water!

Fracking risks ruining the artesian water which Australians will need to rely on in future centuries. Cut down population growth if you want to keep energy requirements sustainable into the future.

Fracking is a crime against nature and the environment we don't need it as we have all the gass we need from the north west

I want a future for my grandchildren and I want our Earth and ecosystem to be cared for and protected.

Fracking is an unnecessary resource when we have renewal energy options that won't contaminate our world!! There is no such thing as "safe fracking" and I see this as an attempt for companies to make money over the future health of our planet. #KeepItInTheGround Our children's future depend on clean energy!!! #STOPtheMadness

The scientific evidence shows that, no matter how well regulated the industry is, accidents happen. And those accidents have unacceptable consequences for our water, wildlife and health.


Fracking is horrible and should be banned!!!

Please stop this for our children's future

Disturbing the environment with fracking will have many unforeseen consequences for our unique native flora and fauna. This environmental disturbance would be at a huge cost to nature with little or no benefit to locals.

One of the biggest problem facing Australia is environmental degradation and fracking increases the impact by polluting waterways and subterranean water sources.

No matter how well-regulated—accidents happen. It’s just not worth the risk. Ban gas fracking in WA

Ban fracking.

We need water to exist, water is life & must be protected at all cost. Fracking in WA will undoubtable affect the water basin. Contamination of our water systems would be catastrophic. BAN FRACKING IN WA.

Please? Don't! this is not the way to take our future

Fracking does not belong here in WA, it is not a forward thinking approach towards the quest for clean energy for the future. I’m deeply concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following important reasons.

- It's simply unacceptable to desecrate our environment in this high-risk manner, most especially in or around farming precincts – Precious water resources are at risk of long term contamination and depletion from fracking operations due to the release of chemicals, and from wastewater production[1]. – The currently ineffective WA fracking regulations[2] don’t limit pollution, which is unacceptable - mandatory independent, long-term monitoring of environmental factors like water and air quality should surely be set down squarely first.

– Unconventional gas mining and fracking leads to large, deliberate and fugitive methane emissions, which makes a mockery of climate change[4] science and its urgent goals. -These methane emissions also increases the risk of local community fires.

– Landholders and Traditional Owners presently don’t have the legal right to lock the gate and refuse access on their land to oil and gas companies in WA. – Research in Queensland has shown[5] that the industry has led to a reduction in community wellbeing and social cohesion. It has caused deterioration in local skills and infrastructure, fewer additional local job opportunities, and for all it's pitfalls, it has a limited economic benefit to the wider community.

Due to the unacceptable risks that the onshore unconventional gas fracking industry poses to a community’s most basic and inelienable rights to clean water and unharmed health, I urge the Inquiry to recommend a complete ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities across Western Australia.

Fracking has nothing good going for it. It leaves habitat and environment devastated from which there is no recovery. When will we consider our planet worth protecting for all life forms today and into the future worthy of urgent priority?

We absolutely need to protect our environment and all it includes.

Short term gains - motivated by GREED - will hurt the Land, the People, and the Country! You will NOT win any favors for IGNORING the CALL and NEEDS of the Land, of the People, and of the Country! STOP PROSTITUTING AUSTRALIA!

Fracking is not safe

Keep hands off the Kimberly's u environmental vandals

It is at present banned in Victoria. There is so little precious fresh water and fracking is known to pollute table water and water ways. Crazy WA is fresh water poor. I love the Kimberly and visit as a tourist. Tourist money could employ more local people.

The Kimberley region is one of the most beautiful places I've seen and should be protected

Protecting the beautiful environment for tourism is a much better move for WA. The potential tourism boom cannot be realised without a pristine environment.

Please have a heart and place economic gain behind careful ecological management and instead pursue sensible, innovative resource and energy development infrastructure. You don't need to do this. Put down the pump.

I'm concerned about the effect fracking would have on the environment

The communities around the Kimberley depend on Clean water, water is life and there is no way any government should be putting CSG before the life force that is WATER.

Am not happy about polluted water And chemicals Also worry about the threat of earthquakes due to fracking

Why contaminate our Land? I do not consent to corporations damaging our countryside. no short term profit for some at long term cost to the region

Totally disgusting that this type of mining is being put before our own people, future generations and the environmental impacts. Just goes to show that if you can wave enough money in front of Australian politicians you can do anything you like.....corruption in Austranian politics is as bad as any 3rd world Country and we are all delusional if we think it's not.

Gas fracking kills humanity & the ecosystem. Hence I fully support that the gas fracking industry should be banned across WA.

The amount of wells in this area is non sustainable and will definitely kill the environment. Then it will be left and the damage will never be able to be undone. No possibility of regeneration. Plus we will never be able to replace what has been destroyed.

I have read a lot about fracking and seen a lot on TV and online. Given what has happened overseas with this process, I can't believe that Australia would even consider going ahead with such a practice that has lifelong detrimental effects to communities and water supplies. Water - the one thing that is becoming more like gold every day. BAN FRACKING IN WA!!!

BAN FRACKING IN WA - after all that I have read and seen on this practice, I can't believe that Australia could even consider it. It is highly detrimental to communities and our precious water - this will have a lifelong effect. Water is more and more like gold - we need to protect it. BAN FRACKING

Fracking is an environmental disaster. No more short term fixes!!!! We want a sustainable, healthy future that looks after our environment and our health and society whilst resolving issues like energy. No more draining the land of its natural resources and damaging our precious water ways or forests. We need to work on sustainable energy like solar power.

Please learn from other areas mistakes and don't go down the fracking trail…

I have real concerns about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following reasons.

As a hydrologist/ environmental consultant I urge you to stop fracking plans which have potentially large risks to our aquifer and ecology.

Fracking has such such a short term gain, with such long term risks. Please don’t damage the environment on your watch.

Water us a precious resource as is our land .We must protect our lifelines.No fracking or anything to contaminate our water.

No fracking in WA, dont stuff Australia!

I was going to suggest fracking in Canberra but I've read the info and I wouldn't do it anywhere in the 'lucky country' especially in such a sublime area such as the Kimberleys and WA

Autralians do NOT want fracking done in OUR country . Do you so called decision makers have to destroy everything for your own greedy purposes? NOT IN AUSTRALIA!

Start treating the land we live on with respect!

Water is Life!

Ban fracking

This is totally unnecessary.

Stop fracking, it is totally unnecessary, there is more money in tourism and protecting this beautiful land, please stop this madness

Learn from the mistakes and environmental damage already done by fracking.

How much more risk to bore water, and with minimal tax revenue! Ban fracking!


This is also happening in other states.How about listening to the means no !

You are NOT elected to sell off OUR Country. The evidence about the damage fracking causes is no secret! Hands off!!

When our water becomes profit for only the rich then one needs to be concerned about when there is none left that is drinkable.....It is Prophesied in the Holy Bible that one third of the world's water will be undrinkable. With water now a commodity sold in bottles it will only be afforded by the rich. God help Australia cos I am Praying for our Leaders to have compassion and wisdom

Fracking is a devasting process and we should protect and preserve our precious country from it. The only people who want this are those who put financial gain above any other consideration.

Get gas from effluents from dairies, piggeries, poultry, million of tonnes all over Australia

It’s just not worth the risk.

Pease ,, water is life .

Fracking is a serious abuse of the land. If a misfortune occurs, there is no going back to remedy that situation. If fracking is allowed, accidents or errors will eventually occur. It is NOT worth the risk to damage our country this way. We should not proceed with any fracking gas projects in Australia. The risks are just too great.

'Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb' Rev 22.1.

This is really important. Franking is dangerous and the industry uncaring and exploitative.

We don’t need this. Think of the damage it will do

Short term gain with a long term loss is not economical sense.

Fracking creates Earthquakes Time we got to living simply

If there was no money involved, would it be worth it? How anyone can think this is a great idea, is just ridiculous!

When harm is done to the environment there is no turning back. Its only a few that gain from this assault.

I say no to fracking. water is life. Please keep our waterways and natural resources clean, safe and natural!

Fracking is dangerous and not good for the environment

When is the message going to get through?? No amount of profit from these industries will save the planet from disaster! We need to live more sustainably and stop destroying our world. Australia has so much land, so much sunshine, so much coast, so much wind... push the renewables. Become 100% green. WA could really lead the whole nation and set an example, set an example for the world that it can be done. And it can. Start investing in the right strategies to protect the future of our beautiful environment and its peoples' livelihoods. Stop sending landscapes extinct.. protect the little nature we have left. Stop the corporate greed and push consumerism to change habits.. quality of life is not about material goods, it's about living, learning, loving, enjoying the beauty of where we live and passing on knowledge to generations to come. Make a change and start leading. Reconnect modern day society with true values. When you lead ahead, you'll get support and others will follow. Do the right thing for humanity, not for the pockets of the energy corporations.

Hi, I'm extremely concerned with the allowance of fracking companies to frack anywhere in Australia. The certain detrimental effect it has on our environments future is catastrophic. Please think of your children and their children's future in this country when all our water is contaminated beyond repair. Thank-you for hearing me Last accessed: 22/1/18

Stop fracking, its no fracking good

Fracking involves pumping chemicals deep into the ground. If a person tells you that it is safe they are lying. Ask that person if they had to get those chemicals out of the ground how they would do it . Don't believe anything that person says because they have already proven themselves a liar and have no place in this debate. Ask yourself would it be possible to decontaminate multiple underground water tables hundreds of meters below the surface that reaches unknown boundaries ? If the answer to yourself is, there could be a way, you are now lying to yourself. I didn't study debating at school . Is lying in a debate acceptable ? What about when it is about getting away with poisoning the earth ? What about in 100 years time when all of the directors ,workers and shareholders of the gas companies aren't around to even attempt to clean up the impossible. Nor will the government policy and decision makers be around in 100 years time to help either , but they can help now . The decision on Fracking therefore is a very simple one.

Fracking is hazardous to land water and the atmosphere. Communities don't want it, so there is no reason for this toxic industry to be allowed anywhere in Australia. Current wells should be safely closed and remembered, and no further wellis commenced. This will safeguard our unique environment.

Fracking is unacceptable ANYWHERE. It is short term gain for long term environmental damage. We are already being impacted by past destructive human activity and this is one that should never be allowed. We do not need this fracked product or the income that is not a true indication of its real cost. When you factor in the environmental costs which in end up having economic costs the entire industy become unviable. FACTOR in the REAL costs not just the ones these businesses choose to acknowledge. As an Australian citizen I wish the Australian Government to to know it is my will that fracking be forbidden in and around Australia.

If you want to keep fracking you are signing all of our death wishes. Youre meant to better our lives not make them worse

No no no I say we the Francis family have traveled extensively across Australia and the real needs of the people across the country is water not gas i said WATER NOT GAS

Protect the environment the human species has raked the planet of so many of its natural resources already ... We have more than enough and it's time we put other species, our atmosphere, our oceans and our soils before ourselves. It breaks my heart every day, I am very passionate and will do anything I can to help a good cause, and fracking needs to stop not just in western Australia but all over the planet.

Please stop this absolute silly behaviour


Those responsible for Environmental Terrorism will be met with a life term imprisonment

Fracking simply unacceptable on all levels. Such little gain for such huge damage

One of the true heritage sites of the world... please don't wreck it with fracking!

Fracking is criminal and should be banned throughout Australia.

The long term impacts of gas fracking on our environment and health are too great a risk. I believe this type of unconventional gas fracking and mining must be banned. I am writing to you as I am extremely concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following reasons.

The science has long been in STOP FRACKING and transition rapidly to renewables or prepare to bury a dead planet

This our country! You have no right to make decisions that risk our quality of life

I am following this up with my own personal submission. This is just to indicate that I very much oppose fracking and value the preservation of our environment, water, farmlands and Indigenous country here in WA. Facking threatens all of these.

I live in Victoria but have family in W.A. I love our country and have always opposed fracking here and everywhere else on our planet. The reasons against it are stated and obvious. Greed will cost us all. Ban fracking. FULL STOP.

We must protect our environment, extinction of animals & irreversible damage is real,we just just custodians & MUST protect for future generations

No to fracking in Australia

Enough is enough no more fracking our country is on the brink of being ruined our landscapes , wildlife and waterways are being damaged and when it's gone there will be no coming back . Wake up Australia

What a disgrace. ..will industry not be happy untill aust is destroyed completely...... profits over quality of life....

This is not acceptable! Fracking will destroy waterwats, natural landscapes, kill thousands if not millions of native wildlife, and destroy protected land, even if its not being fracked. Fracking does A LOT more impact than just on the land being fracked, it ruins everything in and out of a 1000km radius.


I find it unbelievable that fracking can even be considered in the Kimberleys. Fracking has left a legacy of devastation throughout the world, water contamination, destruction of wildlife habitat, and the emissions of methane will contribute to health risks to locals and tourists. For such an iconic area to be fracked would be nothing short of "environmental vandalism"

What is the effect of chemicals used having long term effects on humans and animals and the vegetation. the gases that are permeating from fractured rock on the community and environment. there are results no starting to come out of America that are adverse to the environment and people and an increase in seismic earthquakes. Drill but no Fracking

Frack Free Kimberly

Wake up and move on to renewables.

Fracking will be the ruin of us all. Polluting the water and the ground i am opposed to fracking in the Northern Territory

I am opposed to fracking in Western Australia

Born in Bridgetown and still value my connection to the land.

I have a degree in Ecology and despair at the short sightedness of many in this industry. When will they realise we cannot drink nor eat oil or gas!

This industry had a permanent moratorium in Australia in order to sustain life for all future generations, the poisoning of all water systems, the known degradation of all life giving systems & continues to be an attack & act of war upon Australia by allowing this criminal industry to every operate. This industry is one industry only driven by threats & greed putting life last. Other states will not be lifting our moratorium/s & we are at the down Stream of that NSW poisoning, end of the attack. Australia must cut this dragons head off & permanently remove these operations forever.

Don't do the same as the Netherlands and regret it years later

The Kimberly Rangers are our legacy to keep for future generations. Not for greedy humans to destroy under false pretences. They are all Australians icon not just one states.

I’m sure you’ve heard the countless damaging effects and failure to adhere to epa regulations. Get off the old train and push the money into future technologies.

Fracking is death!

Our water is too precious to waste. This short-sited money-making business should be handled as a crime!!! Think ahead for the future of our children and the benefit for everyone.

We need water far more than gas, and the fracking has a high risk of contaminating water, and can't ever be undone.

Our unique flora and fauna needs habitat to survive, whereas fracking will fragment this, and wastewater leaks and accidents during transportation will damage it.

We should not ignore or pretend "controls" can solve the long term and area/cumulative effects. There is evidence of serious health effects experienced by communities living near gasfields in the USA and QLD following the commencement of unconventional gas operations—including respiratory ailments; nose, throat and eye irritations; and neurological illnesses

Due to the unacceptable risks that the onshore unconventional gas fracking industry poses to water and health, I urge the Inquiry to recommend a complete ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities across Western Australia until there is much better science on the effects and proven effective GUARANTEED safeguards

Fracking destroys water tables

Clean water is more important than fracking the gas out. Water is life;

I've lived in the precious Kimberley and know that it must be protected from this terribly damaging development. It is irreplaceable.

This is destruction of the environment with ongoing detrimental conciquences. Please stop.

Absolutely disgusting.

Fracking is too risky to the environment. Leave the gas in the ground, go for alternatives that don't contaminate. Ripping it out of pristine environments to sell overseas for profit is a short term gain for a much more dire cost in the future. STOP FRACKING!

This frackling needs to be stopped! We are going to end up like America and its a lose lose for everyone! No one wins! Think again if you think this isnt going seriously backlash and have devastating effects on the whole of the state! The fact this is even being considered is beyond me! Stop trying to ruin this beautiful country and currupt it! Us common folk arent stupid and we are not going to become another example of a poor, destroyed and ravaged land like America so think again..

Protect The Kimberley from fracking now. The money isn't worth the longterm damage to our environment.

Please let's not do this any where but especially the Kimberly region

The Kimberley region is one of the last unspoilt wilderness on the planet it needs to stay that way

It is outerly disgusting that they would go into a prestine wilderness like this one of the last natural wonders of the world !!! And FRACK it !!!!!!! Think of your Grandchildern there will be nothing left !!!

We must send a clear message for sure. Fracking is dangerous to the environment and to the precious resource of water. Do not put mining for resources before something as important as the protection of our valuable and essential resource WATER IS LIFE!

Please don't destroy the WA wilderness for money. Fracking is the worst thing!!

Don't mess with fracking. The data is telling us that it is a pretty stupid thing to do.

Frack off and leave the land free. Solar is the new way

Responsible management and governance... Fracking is not .

No fracking ever, anywhere. Don’t ruin our water table.

Ground water is essential for Australia. There should be absolutely no fracking or anything else which may have an impact on the water.

The DAMAGE that Fracking causes far outweighs any good that can possibly come from it. Forcing your way on to someone's own land is un-Australian and would be totally ILLEGAL in any other form. Our Governments must realise that the citizens they represent do not want this, at all, ever. Find another way!!! Protect our land, protect our water and protect our future generations, you are the Government, it's your job. Invest in alternative energy now, Australia is not a quarry.

It's not the right way to go.

Ban fracking

Don’t permit fracking in the Kimberley for the water and environment’s sake.

Fracking is short term gain with moor negative effects than good, it's pointless and destructive, and dose not value the earth witch it makes profit from.

Leave Our presous land allown! Hydraulic fracturing – is a highly destructive and dangerous process of drilling and injecting fluid into the ground at high pressure in order to “fracture” shale rock to release the natural gas inside. This extraction method poses incredible environmental and human health risks. In fact, chemicals used during fracking can leach out of the system contaminating groundwater and harming air quality – potentially poisoning nearby communities.

Fracking threatens the air we breathe, the water we drink, and endangers our communities. There is no such thing as “safe dangerous and a ban on fracking is the only way to protect our water, our air, and our communities. Stop Fracking Now.

The odds are reportedly small but the impact of failure is simply too great. Risk of damage to water, our most precious resource, is insane. Any such damage cannot be repaired and no level of compensation can ever make good.

Our ability to map geologic layers is good, but its not good enough to guarantee against cracked aquifers and permanent groundwater pollution. Don't do it.

Australians don’t need or want fracking on our pristine continent or planet for that matter.

Fracking needs to end. Face it and frack off.

Don't let it happen... fracking is the worst thing you can happen to this land

Please don't allow fracking in WA

Leave these areas alone. They are sacred beautiful places that should be protected and not destroyed.

I dont support fracking

The time is up for the careless leaders. The voters want their voice to be heard. You get paid by us so do things in our favor and not against it. Listen and serve. We DO NOT WANT FRACKING!!!!

I’m highly concerned about the current government being in charge for this matter without being concerned about their voters health and long term environmental interest. They should look at unconventional gas mining and fracking as what it’s been scientifically prooven. NO FRACKING EVER ..

When did the basic right to clean water become something we have to fight for? I know the greed of some seems to outweigh the needs of others but it does not mean it is right. We are ina time of change and it seems those with power are trying as hard as they can to bring about the change they want, is the change they want really right though? They even go against the laws of nature yet are allowed to continue. Only us, the littlw fish in this large see can change anything. Its not up to those in power, well it is,we just havent realised that the power lies with us, that it is always acheiveable to pverthrow a few with the power of many.

Stop fracking it is bad for our land! Find a rewnewable way!

Fracking is bad mmmkay...

Please stop Fracking in Australia!

I really do not believe that any form of onshore gas extraction can be done without irreversible environmental and social impacts. WA must be frank free.

The true environmental cost is devastating and we stand to loss more than we will gain.

I was raised in a rural north west coastal town, and after travelling across Europe I have seen and been educated about the detrimental effects of gas mining on our environment! I can’t understand how you, our leaders and experts, can continue to open up mines when it’s known to have such a negative impact on the environment and local communities. While I was in the Netherlands, there was an earthquake triggered by gas mining under the ice sheets in the north of the country which resulted in damage to many homes. Although we don’t have ice sheets in Australia, when there is so much evidence of the negative consequences of gas mining why are you wanting to open more mines? The Kimberley has a special place in my heart, and I’m sure many others in particular the traditional land owners. Please reconsider your decision.

It has been scientifically proven that Australia has been inhabited by the Aboriginal people for thousands of years. In doing so they lived entwined with the environment. In any other country such a culture - and its sites of importance- would be heralded as of having UNESCO World Heritage status. However, in just over 200 years this landscape has been abused and mistreated.

The recent calls to introduce a gas fracking industry to this state ignore alternative economic and culturally sensitive options.

The key and critical issue for you to consider are:

No fracking way!

The earth is a system that we don’t yet fully understand. Fracturing the bedrock is a ridiculous ideology when so many other power sources exist. We don’t get a second chance with such actions. We cannot undo them. Ban fracking to guarantee that no irreparable damage will occur.


Stop fracking. It's a blight. So are the companies and governments - local and federal - who do nothing to stop this terible practice. stop stop

Thank you Panel Members, for listening to the concerns of the ordinary people of WA.

I sold all my shares in a local gas mining company many years ago when they began delving into unconventional gas. At one AGM, I asked the Chairman of the Board "what is unconventional gas". His answer was "not conventional gas"! Guess he didn't want to divulge that, for all the reasons we now know. In the light of the mountains of information with which you have been presented, and to assist you all with your Enquiry, I would like to share a few quotes from our eminent Albert Einstein...

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it" "A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels" "Try not to become a man of success, but rather a man of value"

Aboriginal Elders who have maintained and lived within the knowledge of Creation Wisdom of Their Country do not want unconventional gas. Micklo has been standing guard, protecting his Traditional Country from unconventional gas exploration and wells for years, despite Native Title! In 2018, I believe it foolhardy to not heed Traditional Owner Wisdom. For tens of thousands of years, Traditional Owners have maintained harmonious coexistence with Their Country.

For a couple of hundred years, European Settlers have continued to cause environmental degradation of land, water, flora, fauna and social cohesion, health and well being. The future of 'this equation' is currently in your hands. I wish you all well in your deliberations, and look forward to news of your Panel recommending a healthy future for all.

We have to look further ahead and look after our land, our water, our air and our people. No fracking is wanted here or anywhere!

Have we really gone that stupid...

Why can't humanity realise mother nature needs protecting so future generations can enjoy all of her beauty.


Don't destroy the water, contamination is the last thing they want. That is for people & wildlife, also protect The Kimberley. Greed destroys many things. Do NOT take our earth for granted. The time is NOW to do the right thing.

Fracking is an outdated and damaging use of our precious Country. Please do not allow this to go ahead.

Fracking is unnecessary and unwanted. Invest in projects that protect our future. Please don't risk the destruction of our home.

This mining method is a proven polluter of the worst kind with scientific evidence to back up. Prudent avoidence is the only way to ensure the Kimberley remains the magnificent area that it is. Tourism is much more important for Australia's and West Australia's economic future. clean aquifers, clean unpolluted land is the way of the future. I urge the government to go with the science and ban fracking for all time in the Kimberley.

Say no to fracking, the environmental impact is too high, water and flora and fauna will be affected. Australia is tge driest continent we cannot afford to jeopardise any water or catchment areas, farming land is vital for our economy. Find an alternative.

For the love of God, it has been proven the damage gas fracking does!!!!

Isnt it time to consider our future generations? The impacts of decisions made now can have devastating future effects.

Ban fracking

Unconventional gas mining can threaten water supplies , and are a risk to the health of people and the environment.

Let's not make WA a gas welled wasteland like Queensland and New South Wales. We have the opportunity to avoid this path completely by investing strongly in renewable energy and ignoring the mining lobbyists.. Fracking is a very dangerous practice and I urge you to stop any possibility of this happening.

There is enough scientific evidence available for Governments and the public corroborating the need to STOP fracking. WA's vital water resources are at risk of contamination and depletion from fracking operations due to water and chemical use, and resultant wastewater production. Current, weak WA fracking regulations do nothing to limit land or water pollution from occurring depleting the states ever diminishing life blood (water).

I was also invited to Attend the well received Inquiry meeting at the Perth Convention Centre I have posted some further Comments along with some records of Industry Incidents via the postal service addressed to The Inquiry Panel . This Being my Written Submission

Don't be a party to an act of long term environmental vandalism.

Fracking;when is enough enough?What justification do the current generations have in leaving a ruin for those that come after,for a country that exports vast quantities of gas it’s insane to experiment with fracturing the earth.

Canada has had several significant problems with fracking and have halted any further use of this technique, perhaps we should research their findings before any irrepairable damage is caused to vital underground water resources.


Protect our environment from the potential serious consequences of Fracking. Put our land, animals and food production first.

Please ban gas fracking in WA. It has been proved there are Health risks, Climate Change risks, Fire risks, Our Vital Water Resources are at risk, Community risks, the list goes on PLEASE does anyone Care for Our Environment - ACT before it is too late. I urge the Inquiry to recommend a complete ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities across Western Australia.

One only has to look at the history and misadventures of fracking in USA to see that not only is it a bad idea in principle but also in practise

I’m one of the many people highly concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia.

Considering that there have already been serious gas leaks reported, well integrity issues documented, and a disrespect for community wishes shown, there should surely be no impediment to the Inquiry to recommend a complete ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities across Western Australia.

Please listen to the people. Please. Everything is at stake. stop poisoning the water ways now think of are childeren.It's not worth the risk

Why would we choose to put our scarcer and most precious resource, water, at risk?

Dead against any activity that is known to damage our environment.

This area is too amazing to place at risk. No fracking!

Digging into the bowels of the earth to extract its gas is fraught with dangers to big to ignore

Fracking is a disaster for people, for wildlife, for the environment, for everybody's future! Think of what is left behind … Please hear our concerns. We are very worried about the fracking industry and their practices - with valid reason!

We've seen the deleterious effects from fracking to rivers and wildlife and people's welfare in overseas locations. And already the fracking occurring in WA has had gas leaks, well integrity issues and disrespect for expressed community wishes.

The onshore unconventional gas fracking industry poses unacceptable risks to a community’s rights to water and health and to the wellbeing of the environment; so I plead on behalf of them and all of us: please recommend a complete ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities across Western Australia.

If you need further convincing, please read the documented issues below

I am amazed that options with so many negative possible effects are even still on the table. Create sustainable jobs with renewable energy, not fracking!

Water is precious in WA as everywhere on earth and fracking threatens this valuable resource. How could we contemplate contaminating it? Say no to fracking

My objection to fracking centres around my concern for the environment & especially the danger of pollution of our underground water - something that could never be reversed. This would have a terrible impct on our farming communities

Fracking & earthquakes go hand in hand! Everywhere in Us where fracking has happened, earthquakes have started happening! Fracking destroys water as well.

Fracking is terrible for the environment. It is time to ban fracking before anymore damage is done.

It makes no sense at all to damage or destroy the planet we live on.. to do this is insanity!!!!

Fracking leaves scars that don't heal, not just on the land but on the people. Ban fracking before it devastates WA communities.


Fracking must be banned world wide. There is no such thing as safe fracking. Our land and water is being polluted by this practice. Water is life.

We can't drink gas! We need our groung water clean.

Fracking is all about politics and not about science or about helping communities to get access to more energy. Fracking wastes energy and is not a self sufficient method to produce clean gas energy sources.

How can your company undertake this venture when there is so much concern for the environment? When our environment is destroyed we will all go together when we go. No amount of money that is made from this project can buy the environment back Kind regards and looking forward to a sensible decision for our Grandchildren.

I will add the following: Homo Sapiens have always come up with innovative ways to continue to exist. Religious people would say these solutions come from God, non-believers believe from science. We have now ways to de-salinate water, create power by solar and wind. Why on earth don't we dump fossil fuels which are so damaging and put all our energy into recyclable industries? They create jobs. Our ancestors did not hesitate to progress and embrace new technologies yet we are stuck in the past. If we don't protect the present we won't have any descendants. I guess we then won't have anyone to label us "The Great Destroyers!

I’m highly concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia & due to the unacceptable risks that the onshore unconventional gas fracking industry poses to a community’s rights to water and health, & the irriversable damage & ongoing effects to the earths core I urge the Inquiry to recommend a complete ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities across Western Australia.

I am surprised that you need to be told all the above. Either you don't know or you care more about receiving money than the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants.

Nothing more requires to be said... No Fracking!

Fracking causes earthquakes, pollutes groundwater and upsets the natural environment. Nothing good.

Profits from fracking are immediate and inequitably distributed. The costs will be for our daughters and sons to address.

Please save our precious environment form Fracking in Western Australia, it's not worth the risk !!

This is outrageous and another shame for this country. The north west of WA should be world Heritage listed/sacred ground forever. Come on Australian politicians for once do the right thing, this just shouldnt be allowed EVER. We are suppose to be caretakers of the land and sea, you are our leaders, you are leading in the wrong direction

I honestly believe that fracking poses an unacceptable risk to the environment and to the long-term well- being of people living nearby.

I believe that there must be a moratorium on unconventional gas mining and fracking in Western Australia for the following reasons.

Preservation over profit!!! U cant drink gass!!

WA uses and needs our ground water. With over 50% (and rising) of our drinking water being drawn from Aquifers in the Perth region and elsewhere any place not on the coast in WA, almost 100% of drinking water is from the Aquifers that Fracking threatens.

This is a unacceptable risk to WA now and in all the future. We have plenty of undeveloped gas fields off shore to secure gas for the future, and we in WA don’t have a future to use gas if we contaminate our water.

There is no 100% guaranty of not contaminating WA’s (and the Worlds) ground water with Fracking, so the answer is a big no to Fracking in WA.

I believe we should not even be using a drop of ground water because this is our future generations drinking water security if the environment does change like the scientific panel thinks it will. Please say no to Fracking

Unconventional gas extraction carries more risk than can be managed with the available skilled workforce.

Fracking is an environmental disaster.

Clean energy is the only future.

It is time to put the enviroment before money. Because we cannot support life with all the money in the world, once we contaminate our soil and watertables.

Be a leader, Australia and look to the future to sustain this planet with responsible action. Incredible that you would consider poisoning the Australian environment, in perpetuity, for FRACKERS! Absolutely disgusted that we should need to have this conversation when so much evidence alteady exists about the destruction of lives and environment caused by fracking. FRACKING IS A TREASONOUS CRIME AGAINST OUR COUNTRY. FRACK OFF!

Please do NOT FRACK Western Australia or any part of Australia. Fracking has no place in this country!

"Animals are the helpless victims of Power-Hunger, Greed, Corruption, Ignorance, Selfishness and Savage Cruelty .~IL. Australia’s shame! Animal Cruelty in Australia is a National Disgrace.

I am in full agreement with the Wilderness Society message above which I would like you to note is fully supported by references / evidence.

In closing to my submission, I would further add that I am appalled at the way the government and big business are allowing these risky and dangerous processes to occur and to impact the lives of Indigenous Australians without their consent as they are the custodial caretakers of this land.

Introducing fracking into Australia would negatively affect our entire country and it's future on many levels. It's time Australia became a model for the world in the use of solar and other of renewal clean energy sources so we are proudly able to hand the land onto the future generations who will come after us.

I’m highly concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following reasons which supported by a wealth of evidence based research that has shown how volatile, dangerous and unsustainable fracking is.

Stop this insanity now! Nothing but devastation will come from fracking in WA.

Fracking: Upside - cheap fossil fuel to help industry make a profit. Downside: Cheap fossil fuel to contribute to climate change. Then there's the risk to water sources, destruction of habitat, despoilation of agricultural land, destruction of communities, health risks to nearby communities... seems like a no-brainer, really!

Please have some comman sense. We cannot keep abusing our country like this.

Any Crown Land will be open slather for the miners. Private property will be put under pressure my mining companies, as has happened in Qld where I am. There is precious little water up there, and the CSG miners use a LOT.

– WA’s vital water resources are at risk of contamination and depletion from fracking operations due to water and chemical use, and wastewater production[1]. This is of particular concern because much of Western Australia relies on underground water sources for their drinking water. Since none of the technologies used in the fracking industries can guarantee that contamination will not occur the risk is just too great for the return.

Western Australia like the rest of the country should be looking towards a cleaner greener future where these mining practices are seen as the polluting industries of the past.

This is precious country. A gas well is only designed to last 20-30 years. Artesian water has been in place often for thousands of years, and yet it is irrevocably damaged. Gas wells also leak especially after the end of their life, causing harm to the climate. Fracking, along with the obvious and proven environmental damage to water quality, and wildlife, has also been found to have a high correlation with increased seismic activity. Renewable energy is not only available with technology for it increasing at a rapid rate, but is also the unavoidable future. Let's try to have a future.

We say No.

STOP FRACKING NOW and respect our land we dont want GAS or OIL running beneath our land as it can explode or leak and its not good for anyone ...

What are you doing chasing money again and have no respect for our land ... or anyone else …

Our planet, our children or health doesn't need it!

Please consider your planet's health for future generations. Fracking does not contribute in a positive way.

Anything we can do to reduce package we have a responsibility to do.

Please ban frackingbin WA completely so we do not risk envirnmenral damage and health risk to humans.

Please find an alternative to fas fracking which has too many risks involved.

I, Pat Seery, couldn't have written the above any better. I agree wholeheartedly - no fracking in WA please.

Preserve what we have. Water. Leave the land alone. Fracking, plus all Oil and Coal exploration are dying ways. Develop Renewables for the future.

Frack Off with the most polluting industry of the modern era.

Frack off

Stop fracking stop destroying our land for a bit of money

Tell industry to frack off, humans are coming back.

The facts are clear, there is no dispute that fracking is destructive. Destructive towards the earth, the water, the the earth around where the fracking occurs.

Save our country from environmental destruction for this heinous act of fracking

The Aquifers underneath Western Australia are huge, they are also potentially the best future water source for our great cities in the future and they must be protected from environmental impacts at all costs. We don’t need more Gas supplies in Australia what we need is a better negotiator selling our resources like Gorgon. Why is it that it’s cheaper for Australians to buy Gorgon Gas from Japan?

There's some pretty hard based evidence about suggesting how potentially dangerous to not only the environment but also to people, that fracking will do if implemented.

In 2018 when we have the technology to source energy from sustainable supplies at a fraction of the cost to the environment, it seems ill conceived and basically stupid, to go down the fracking road at the call of the green house producing energy industry and their lobbyists.

Let's call a spade a spade and keep fracking out of Australia.

Just stop these destructive practices...please...for the sake of the generations to come

What will you say to your great grandchildren when they have no clean water to drink. "Sorry kids we needed the money?"

BAN FRACKING! It's not worth the risk!

Ban Fracking everywhere in Australia. Everyone is entitled to clean un poisoned water. A Basic right. Fracking cannot be reverted.

PLEASE, we are begging you, do not continue with this. It's simply not worth the risks involved…

In this day and age, when we have the technology to make use of the abundance of clean, renewable energy available, there is absolution NO reason to continue with this nightmare of an idea.

We don't need gas, there are other much healthier ways!!!

Ban fracking in WA & throughout Australia. You are killing our citizens and poisoning the earth. STOP now.

Fracking ruins the environment and the health of children and people

The gas fracking industry is environmentally unsound and leads to community health issues, groundwater issues, and atmospheric pollution. Fugitive emissions from CSG mines are devastating in their impacts on climate change. Communities across WA have made it clear they don't want fracking. This must be respected. People will travel from NSW to prevent this - me among them. It must not even be considered.

We need to ban gas fracking now !! For our water and the environment. When will the Government the realize we can't eat money save our warer and our beautiful environment

Do not choose short term profits over our precious environment. Fracking does not stack up and there is way too much at risk.

There are other means to energy, power and money. We need to protect our land and water!

Don’t invest in old dangerous and unhelpful technology invest in new sustainable energy source which employ, empower and educate communities !! fracking needs to be out-lawed

Australia needs to last for the generations to come - creating barren land through destruction of the environment will only have a negative affect on the future of Australia. Flora and fauna is too valuable to risk losing.

Watch the film "Gaslands" and learn from the mistakes of USA who are 10 years ahead of us in CSG mining. It is disastrous. Don't let greed get in the way of sound judgement.

Fracking is too risky an enterprise and there are better options available for energy production. There needs to be a reversal of the drive to frack and an acceptance of the rights of the community to say NO to it occurring.

We need to protect this beautiful country, not destroy it. No cracking anywhere in Australia.

Please think ahead.

R u crazy ... planet .. quality of eater and life above short term thinking and profits

Water and clean air are a basic right, neither animals or humans can do without, plus you are destroying wildlife habitats. Please no fracking Western Australia

WA's most fertile and productive land is in the SW. Don't let fracking and other industrialisation destroy our clean ,green image for agriculture ,ecosystems and lifestyle.

I say NO to fracking

Let’s not turn into America

The dangers of fracking are not worth the environmental risk to our aquifers. The release of other gases, especially methane, creates far more dangerous greenhouse gases than offsetting of other fossil fuel use generates. Support base load renewables instead.

Water is more important for life than gas

As a Victorian who came from WA I would like to express my concern about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia. pursuing this path amounts to environmental vandalism.

We cannot risk contamination of WA’s vital water resources. Depletion of precious water resources from fracking operations cannot be justified. Please show respect for our unique flora and fauna which are threatened due to habitat fragmentation, wastewater leaks and accidents during transportation. Please strengthen regulations and maintenance requirements.

I think fracking should be banned across Australia, and the world. It has been shown to negatively affect our environment, pollute aquifers, and cause health problems. Water is life.

Fracking is History! Plan for a safe & sustainable environmental policy instead!

Stop fracking, we all know it's a fracking waste of time, and puts way too much at risk for limited benefit. Water is our lifeblood, lets protect and preserve it, and protect outback farmers and pastoralists also who's properties are also at risk.

Please ensure water and land protection by banning as fracking in WA

Save our ground water and native flowa and fauna by a simple ban on fracking.

It's just not worth it.

There can be no greater wake up call with regard to potential damage to our aquifers, than the RAAF’’s use of PFAS fire retardant. It is expected to cost in excess of $100 million taxpayer dollars to ATTEMPT to remediate the waterways around the Williamtown base. The township of Katherine has to drink bottled water after their aquifer became poisoned and it seems that this will remain the case for generations to come. Why would you risk similar outcomes across this state, by allowing fracking.

Consider the consequences of fracking instead of the money to those involved. Please ban fracking for all our sakes for the future of the whole national estate and it’s inhabitants, human, animal, plant and mineral. Leave something unspoilt while you have the opportunity.

We need to preserve our water source 70% desert the water table is sacred and not for exploitation wringing the sponge out of fossil based fuels ..renewable is clean and job creating ...Unfortunately the old jobs will need to change to the new climate of renewables. Please stop fracking

Yes, I'd like them to FRACK OFF!!

Fracking is not safe. It causes water contamination, habitat fragmentation and devastating community health issues which have occurred all around the globe. IT has no place in any area of Australia.

The risk of shocking community health issues, destruction of habitat & water contamination should make this fracking out of bounds.

Please ban hydraulic fracturing. It is not worth risking poisoning of the water table for. Nothing is worth that risk. Water is more precious than gold. Only short-sighted people would put Australia's water purity at risk and also people's health at risk. Serious risk. Please have the foresight and ability to see the big picture and don't risk our precious assets and the health of the population for this source of power. Use renewables instead and save our waterways and our health. It's basic and people's health is a basic right too.

Thank you for your consideration. See attached letter

I realise you will receive many of these similar letter. Mine varies in that I make three points.

1. I am a scientist who has worked in Water and Air quality. I have seen considerable evidence from USA and around new fields in Qld that there are rapidly rising levels of methane release across these gas field areas from fugitive emissions. I was planning to deliver a large scale monitoring program to monitor this (with Pissaro - real time equipment in aircraft) for the industry based on these emerging facts from scientific publications. Your aware CH4 has a Greenhouse effect ~30 x that of Co2.

2. I also found in my research that older wells in many abandoned fields in the USA had and were deterioration, with lots of uncontrolled emissions. Capping and grouting was failing - with grouting having a limited life. Even the most modern grouts are estimated to fail to seal and will deteriorate severely after 30-40 years. If the grout fails gas moves up around the sealed holes and piping - and into different aquifers and contaminates them and finds its way to the atmosphere via various routes (via water wells, other drill exploration holes or fractures and faults etc.) There are multiple papers on the issue.

3. Given we can develop many other forms of renewable energy sources over the next few decades that will be cheaper with lower consequences and 1. do not result in burning gas (Co2 emissions) 2. Result in fugitive Ch4 emissions from operations and closed fields ( for generations) 3. Potentially pollute one of the most important assets we have our groundwater. 4. Currently have massive emissions of Co2 from our current LNG gas fields, that have to be reigned in if we are to reach any hope of reaching Paris targets - why on earth would we wish to exacerbate our greenhouse footprint and impacts.

STOP FRACKING ANYWHERE IN AUSTRALIA!!!! protect our water and our wildlife

Fracking bleeds the earth to ruin

We currently have the opportunity to find sustainable and environmentally friendlier ways to fuel our lifestyles. Let's give companies the incentive to do that and prevent fracking from going ahead.

Fracking first and then check what damage it can do is just not good enough!

Stop sacrificing our grand children's quality of life to the short-term financial and political ambitions of 1% of the population - they are too greedy to live, too greedy to die.

It has polluted the ground water of many states in the US. We cant let that happen here. Who wants to be able to set fire to their water?

It doesnt make sense, value the earth our environment for all, keep in mind the big picture not short term gains.

CSIRO has found that often fracking with the fugitive gases produced can be worse in terms of carbon release than coal burning. Also, it has been well documented around the world that fracking has devastated rural communities with noise disturbance and water contamination as well as caused detrimental environmental impacts with habitat fragmentation. Please ban it in your state. The proven nastiness resulting from fracking is irreversible, and hence forces permanent contamination of the water sources for its victims. It's use is therefore unforgivable.

We want no fracking fracking

Fracking is without doubt the most destructive and invasive commercial practice I have seen. There seems to be an "out of sight, out of mind" view regarding the chemicals pumped into the ground and the effects they generate on the surface. The evidence seems fairly conclusive, but commonsense needs to prevail too - in the same way our air is polluted by vehicle and industrial emissions, pumping chemicals into the ground will leech its way into the surrounding environment.

Thank you for saving the environment and our future!

Please ban fracking!

I would like our descendants to be given the same opportunity as i have to experience the natural, and still HEALTHY environment of our country. Fracking in the natural environment and agricultural and farming areas must stop in Australia.

Why would you give sovereignty of your land over to multi international companies who don't pay tax, who ruin the environment while lying about it and who will not clean up their own mess. Companies need to be held accountable for what they do but instead they are trying to make governments liable by bringing TPA's that allow them to sue governments and the people they represent. All this from companies that refuse to do the research and investment necessary to get out of non- renewables which are dead end industries. Be sane. all the signs, information and ration t understandings of the future point away from fracking and toward solar, wind, and hope. allowing fracking is bad policy

Fracking ruins the land and water supply. It should be banne3d.

Please decision makers just look at the irreparable damage fracking has done in USA and Queensland. The water supply was so infected with methane gases that you could light up a tap at your kitchen sink. Look at the Condamine river now in QLD and see what's already happened with the ability to light up the river, flames covering the water' s surface. If you want to count yourself as environmental terrorists just continue to ignore the warnings and consider the short term money you think you need. The long term bad effects will cause untold financial chaos for generations. You have a beautiful state that should be dedicating itself to WA wildflowers production and long term production of rare aromatherapy oils such as Sandalwood, which used to grow there abundantly. There is a real need for it as production supply cannot be filled. Going with fracking you are not only creating long term economic collapse and environmental destruction you would be creating famine conditions. Please be aware you will be judged by a higher power for your decision today. Don't be blind.

BAN ALL FRACKING - the ridks from this process ae too great to our precious underground water supplies. WE DON'T NEED FRACKING.

Health: This industry directly contributes to global warming which will have a major impact on the health of all Australians.

With the development of renewable resources such as solar power and wind technology, there will not be a need to perform fracking now and into the near future.

In the driest state on the driest continent we can’t risk contamination to our water resources. Fracking and Uranium mining require water to extract the resource. We need to cost the financial risk to contamination and effective remediation. When this is done and reliably regulated we would not be having this proposal which risks the MOST VITAL element of life.

When we poison the water table we kill the land. Invest our money into renewables - listen to the voice of the people!

Stop fracking up our environment for short term unexplainable claims of gains .

Do not put water , wildlife and people's health at risk!! No fracking!

There are other ways of creating energy. This is not the one, lLet Australia be a leader in clean energy production

Please be aware that Australian tax payers are no longer prepared to sit bavk and watch the destruction of our lands, our health and communitues.

Fracking is a very destructive way of obtaining gas. It wreaks too much havoc in the areas where it is practiced to be used ANYWHERE!!

I've seen first hand what this industry can do. The industry tries to divide the community to get them fighting amongst themselves while the gas company goes ahead and infiltrates the country side and destroys the natural landscape. They pollute the air and all the local water both above and below the ground.

All this destruction on a planet that cannot take anymore damage. It's time to stand up to this insidious industry and the pollutitians that pretend to represent us.

Ban fracking. Water is Life!

Surely we can do better than depleting an ever diminishing resource? Fracking is no solution to our energy needs. We are ideally placed to work on renewables. I am hugely opposed to the pollution risk and damage to water and food security of Australia with the proposed fracking.

An ounce of prevention will avoid a million tons of 'cure', should a cure be possible at all.!

Please ban gas fracking as it has the potential to damage our water supplies which are essential through out the state. It seems fracking has gone ahead in areas where the locals are not in favour due to the damage to the land and water ways. Clear water is essential for lis STOP FRACKING in the state of W.A.

You cannot guarantee that this is a safe process. This risks are too great.

Humanity can, and should, be moving from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. Fracking is not only unnecessary, but potentially highly damaging to our fragile world environment. Short term, risky, versus wise long term strategy.

We have the science to prove that fracking is a horrendous practice on a multitude of levels. Common sense needs to prevail.

I’ve seen what the fracking industries in the US do to our water, let’s be smart and put water first, not jobs

Fracking is so dangerous to our natural resources. We have no right to destroy what the earth as provided to enable the survival of our current and future generations of all life on earth.

Please don't Frack!!!

Fracking in our country must STOP

Fracking should be banned Australia wide......

No short sighted mining for profits where the long term view includes far too many risks to make it viable. Sustainable alternatives must be sought. People not profits.

Frack off, big time !!!!!!!


Fracking has been proven to pollute underground water supply. If we do not protect the Kimberleys now, it is too late to try and rectify it later. We only get one chance with some of these environmental issues. Please do not throw it away.

Come on. Lets learn from the mistakes of others as in the USA. And QLD. Please ban it in the beautiful state of Western Australia for ever!@!

No more pollution of the earth.

I am writing to you today regarding the negative effects of fracking and gas extraction.

I’m very concerned about fracking in Western Australia. My reasons are

– Gas extraction using methods such as fracking can cause serious problems with groundwater. Our underground aquifers are important and I stress that they must be protected. – WA fracking regulations are week - thry don’t limit pollution or make mandatory long-term monitoring of water and air quality. – Serious health effects have been observed in various places, namely respiratory problems, nose, throat and eye irritations, and neurological illnesses. – Unconventional gas mining and fracking leads to large releases of methane emissions, which as you probably know, is a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. – Landholders and Traditional Owners don’t have the legal right to refuse access to their land. This is ridiculous. If you own a property, you should get a say on who can drill there.

Please don't sacrifice our land and water for overseas companies profit. Australians don't want any part of our beautiful country Fracked. Please BAN FRACKING AND ONSHORE UNCONVENTIONAL GAS AND OIL EXTRACTION IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA. FOR EVER.


Gas fracking is not needed, renewables and storage is the obvious solution.

Fracking has NO place in WA or Australia!

Australia is a beautiful country and the peoples many and varied. Please do not contaminate the precious water supply and cause untold damage to the environment just for a short-term financial benefit. This land is special to the Indigenous Community as well the people in rural areas. We must look after this planet now and think first and foremost of the climate change happening around the world and to our ecosystems. Fracking is shown to have massive destructive effects anywhere it is used. In the USA, whole areas have been destroyed from what I have seen on documentaries and news items. Please protect this wonderful country and stop fracking happening in Western Australia. I live in Rockhampton where we are so well aware of the risk to our Natural World Wonder, The Great Barrier Reef. At least now politicians are aware of the negative effects a huge coalmine will have on the Reef, as well as the effects on climate change. We must all stop these kinds of narrow minded and short-term financial gains, in order to keep our planet a safe place for all, animals, ecosystems and our children's future. Thank you for caring about this planet, it is all we have.

Water is our life. We cannot risk our life blood with fracking. Please ban it now.

Don't frack up the water supply for future generations.

Stop. Start caring!

The results in other countries speak for itself, we shouldn't even be thinking about allowing this!!!

As a public health doctor, this research study says it all:

"(There is an).. absence of a safe solution to the toxic wastewater management problems, air pollution, land and water competition, mental health and psychosocial wellbeing risks, fugitive methane emissions and lack of proven regulatory regimes.

Emerging epidemiological studies suggesting interference with foetal development and birth outcomes, and exacerbation of asthma conditions, are particularly concerning to rural families and livestock."

So, the potential risks to health and environment are too great: Don't frack.

Unacceptable!! As a proud holder of a Bachelor of Environmental Science (Environmental Management and Sustainability)

Please do NOT allow fracking to go ahed as W.A.'s vital water supply is at risk of contamination. Accidents do happen causing pollution to the precious water,the unique flora and fauna should be protected. Many tourists visit W.A. to see the wonderful wildlife and wild flowers. It is not worth the risk. Do not let fracking go ahed in W.A.

Two of my grandchildren are growing up in West Australia. They and all the children in that generation deserve to grow up in a healthy & diverse environment.

Gas fracking has been shown internationally to contaminate water and many communities have demonstrated health issues.

This is not just anecdotal, there is sound scientific evidence of the damage fracking causes, in the name of short-term energy gains.

This type of mining has already been shown to be so detrimental as outlined above. Please be of good conscience and keep the land and its life forms safe from these dangers.

Please - NO fracking ! It is NOT worth the risks!!

Fracking has been increasingly discredited all over the world. Few places that have experienced fracking want more of it. Contamination of water supply is almost a foregone conclusion as well as pollution to the environment. Western Australia should totally ban it and investigate and invest in renewable energy..

There is no need for gas fracking, there is too much risk of permanent or long term environmental damage. There are many other safer ways to supply our energy needs.


Unconventional gas mining and fracking has had a well-documented, terrible history in Australia and other parts of the world, notably in America. I believe that it would be a big mistake to allow these activities in Western Australia.

Franking poisons the water table and the great Artesian sea. Fracking is so clearly not safe, please act with some conscious for everyone's future and keep it out of Australia....surely we're smart enough to learn from the US's mistakes!!!

Fracking is bad for our nation! It is bad for the future generations as well. Please stop it now!

No fracking in Australia. Our water, our world is too precious to poison please stop the gas fracking! it damages our environment for animals and people

Fracking is a horrific assault on our land. Extracting gas by this means is horrific to our environment and is unneeded in a world in which environmentally sustainable energy is now completely viable. Reject fracking.

Want fire out of your taps not water? Then this is the way to go. You can-destroy the environment so quickly so easily and for a very long time. There one people who gain here are investors. Tell them to put their money in clean sustainable energy. This is a mugs game if you are not an investor. Land becomes unusable, rivers and streams no longer drinkable for man or beast. Have some foresight here for future generations.

Fracking is a dangerous practise that contaminates water supplies and pollutes the environment. Injecting a whole lot of chemicals into our environment makes no economic sense unless you count the environment as expendable. We owe it to future generations to protect what we take for granted today. Ban fracking today.

It is important that gas fracking industry should be banned across WA.

We don’t want fracking! You can’t survive on poison water

"The scientific evidence globally shows that, no matter how well regulated the industry is, accidents happen. And those accidents have unacceptable consequences for our water, wildlife and community health." Please ban the gas fracking process.

I do not want to see fracking occur at all in this country.

Firstly it is not suitable to our geological make up.

Secondly it is extremely irresponsible to risk our water supplies when water is such a precious resource here.

Thirdly we do not need to take these risks when we have such potential for renewables in Australia. Like many other citizens, I feel very strongly about this issue. Please do not risk our land and our water - it is not yours to risk.

Stop fracking and embrace the future which is renewables. Stop destroying the earth.

Lets think long term and look after what is essential. The damage is irreversible. There will be no way back. NO WAY BACK.

We're a long way away from each other - but where ever you are you breath the same air as I do and that means we are a team that needs to work together to put unjust and unsound practises on hold permanently! Good luck - I believe in you.

To The Marvellous and Learned Individuals of the Scientific Panel, I call for you to take very seriously and act on these inappropriate and unsound unconventional gas mining and fracking industry practices in Western Australia.

I am highly concerned that the these practices are quite clearly some thing that most of us would consider to be not something we'd want done anywhere near us or any other living thing. The rational logic then follows that if it is not good enough for it to occur in our own backyards then we are then compelled to make sure that it doesn't have to happen in or near anyone's home. These practices are a backward step and represent a desperate move on behalf of an industry that must invest in better and more progressive practices - a journey that is a long and important one.

From an environmental perspective: – WA’s vital water resources are at risk of contamination and depletion from fracking operations due to water and chemical use, and wastewater production[1] and this not only would rob the current users of this water but the generations to come - what would we be able to say to our grand children's children to justify such short term decisions???!!

– The unique flora and fauna are threatened due to habitat fragmentation, wastewater leaks and accidents during transportation and therefore again this shows a lack of integrity within the science behind the techniques.

– And the currently, ineffectual and weak WA fracking regulations[2] don’t limit pollution or make mandatory independent, long-term monitoring of social, cultural and environmental factors like community impacts, health outcomes, water and air quality. In fact there are serious health effects that have been experienced by communities living near gasfields in the not only the U.S.A. but within our own country in QLD both following the commencement of unconventional gas operations. These serious health impacts include respiratory ailments; nose, throat and eye irritations; and neurological illnesses[3].

And lastly from a climate perspective: – Unconventional gas mining and fracking leads to large, deliberate and fugitive methane emissions, which dangerously contribute to climate change[4] and increase local community fire risk - again it leaves me almost speechless when I see us blatantly heading in the wrong direction on these things and wish to whole heartedly encourage you to be courageous and take the necessary steps to help this industry to take the time and steps needed to totally rethink these methods.

Community: – Currently landholders and traditional owners don’t have the legal right to lock the gate and refuse access on their land to oil and gas companies in WA which is the craziest thing this side of California! Again would that be okay if it were yours or my backyard - no it certainly wouldn't! In the absence of any legal framework to do so, where does that leave the individual who has done thier homework and knows emphatically that thess processes will in all likihood devastate their home for thousands of years to come? No doubt you are all clever folk - time to get clever on how to right a historical wrong that continues to this day and in this instance is unjust. Then; as if these wasn't bad enough, – Research in Queensland has shown[5] that the industry has led to a reduction in community wellbeing and social cohesion. It has also caused a deterioration in local skills and infrastructure, fewer additional local job opportunities, and limited economic benefit to the wider community - things no WA communities should have to suffer.

The Western Australian fracking industry is relatively new, with just 12 wells being fracked across the state. Serious incidents from the fracking industry have already been reported around the country from a toxic spill the Pilliga Forest in NSW to gas leaking visibly into the Condamine River in QLD—linked to nearby fracking operations.

Globally scientific evidence shows that, no matter how well regulated the industry is, accidents happen with unacceptable consequences for our water, wildlife and community health. This is a risky industry. France ,Scotland, New York state and Victoria,Austraslia, have led in bans on fracking In WA we want a ban on fracking with the fracking ban extended across all of Western Australia.

I appreciate the pristine environment in Western Australia and am very concerned that fracking will contaminate water which is a vital and scarce commodity as well as fauna and flora particular to this region.

Fracking is one of the worst practices ever! Do not frack here.

I also urge the enquiry to also consider the fact that the vast majority of the population do not want destructive mining of this nature to occur in this fragile country. Recent protests elsewhere vindicate this and the will of the people should be paramount in any democracy.

It has been well established that fracking can have unintended consequences for the environment.

Solar and wind are the future energy sources

Iv seen water turn to fire, just by lighting a flame on water coming out of the kitchen sink. Maddes.!!! there are many ways we can obtain power. We don't need to be doing this. Please stop this......

What a ridiculous way to further destroy our resources! We must stop this!

Don't take the risk. Water is more important than the profits from an dangerous unsustainable industry. The WA govt need to facilitate all available effort and resources be invested into renewable energy.

Fracking is a really bad idea. No matter how well regulated, accidents happen, leaving a legacy of water contamination, habitat fragmentation and devastating community health issues. Already in WA you have had gas leaks and well integrity issues. Community concerns have been ignored. The gas fracking industry should be banned in WA. It is good for no-one.

I am a senior citizen who has become increasingly concerned about the damaging practice of fracking.It potentially contaminates our precious water supply, damages the habitat of our unique native flora and fauna, damages our health and contributes to climate change. I urge you to ban this dangerous and irresponsible practice

Clean water is our right!

No No No more fracking

Water is more precious than any other resource and its time governments and the toxic mining industry acknowledged and protected this fact

This is our country, let’s look after it and not put profits before the environment

Stop poisoning Ausstralia !

Learn from other's mistakes!!! No no no!!!

Fracking is a disaster ban it now.

No fracking full stop. we need our water to survive not gas. no fracking do it for our kids

Please don't endanger our water tables with fracking That water table cannot be replaced! Use alternative sources instead.

I strongly urge the WA government to ban gas franking in Wa. cientific evidence both in Australia and overseas eg USA show it can lead to contamination of ground water supply, an important souce of water for our agriculture and pastoralists and fragmentation of vegetation areas leading to loss of habitat for our wildlife with many species already under threat . Water is a most precious resouce. We cannot afford the risk of contamination of our groundwaters .

Ban tracking !!

I support fracking. There is no geological, technical, cultural, social or other reason to ban or restrict fracking in WA. There is however an enormously political and emotional campaign being run against this well-proven method of extracting oil and gas by organisations and individuals with a poor knowledge of fracking and no justifiable reasons to oppose its use in this state.

We need better solutions than this!

I wish to convey my high levels of concern about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following reasons.

Please stop fracking so that the Great Artesian Basin doesn't become polluted.

Please don’t ruin something beautiful for something ugly. It’s just not worth it. Honestly.

I have read much material about unconventional gas mining and the fracking industry across the world and in Australia. Studies and scientific investigations reveal evidence that these industries present too great a risk to global warming, habitat destruction, the environment, water supplies and health of communities to be implemented in this country.

Environmental studies around the world and in Australia show that water resources and underground aquifers are at serious risk of contamination and depletion from fracking operations due to water and chemical use, and wastewater production[1].

Despite regulations there have been serious accidents around the world and in Australia. Current, weak WA fracking regulations[2] don’t limit pollution or make mandatory independent, long-term monitoring of environmental factors like water and air quality. Rehabilitation requirements across Australia are weak, and some of the damage can never be undone. Our unique flora and fauna are threatened due to habitat fragmentation, wastewater leaks and accidents during transportation.

Studies into Australia's underground aquifer system, and its role in the water cycle in this country, are in their infancy, but many scientists have grave concerns about the effects of polluting this system.

There is ample evidence of serious health effects experienced by communities living near gasfields in other parts of the world and in Queensland following the commencement of unconventional gas operations. These include respiratory ailments; nose, throat and eye irritations; and neurological illnesses[3].

Unconventional gas exploration and mining and fracking leads to large, deliberate and fugitive methane emissions, which dangerously contribute to climate change[4] and increase local community fire risk.

Landholders and Traditional Owners don’t have the legal right to lock the gate and refuse access on their land to oil and gas companies in WA. Research in Queensland has shown[5] that the industry has led to a reduction in community wellbeing and social cohesion. It has also caused a deterioration in local skills and infrastructure, fewer additional local job opportunities, and limited economic benefit to the wider community. The effects on positive industries such as agriculture and food production are too great.

Other countries and Victoria have banned this industry due to the unacceptable risks that onshore unconventional gas fracking poses to a community’s rights to water and health. We should learn from their mistakes. I urge the Inquiry to recommend a complete ban on gas fracking and all unconventional gas mining activities across Western Australia.

Its just not worth the risk. These foreign companies just don't care if they damage our environment. They only care about their profits.

Enough is enough! Stop gas fracking in WA and destroying our precious environment, forever, for the sake of a few bucks. Money comes and goes. Morality come and grows. Please invest your money in environmentally-friendly energy sources and save our environment for us and future generations.

It's never been more important to protect our environment! Fracking is a threat to waterways, native birds and animals, farm land and humans. No More Fracking for Australia!!

What will it take for the people of this planet and this panel to begin to see human beings as the potential guardians and caretakers of this planet, not it's destroyers?! There is no Planet B and fracking is one of the worst ways to expose our planet and hence ourselves and the generations coming after us, albeit only for a short while at this fracking rate, to the worst climate and biosphere conditions seen in recorded history. The science and research development for alternative energy sources is already here, I sincerely hope we are not too arrogant and too close minded to use it!

Water is Life and Fracking is Death. Do not take the chance of polluting underground water tables because this action is irreversible!

Good morning,our family wants a permanent ban on fracking in wa. The mess and breaches abroad and in the eastern states that have ruined the water,the land and peoples livelihoods should not be allowed to happen in wa.Stand up for what is right and put this state and water security first .What is going to happen to everyone and everything out of the metro area where there is only bore or rainwater for livestock,people and crops ?thankyou

We don't need this industry. Government and business needs to get serious about solar/battery/wind/tide power to reduce the need for oil.

Please, please don't let greed allow this to continue - we are the caretakers of this beautiful planet and its inhabitants - us.

Looking at the degredation we have already done to our planet and our home, it is well into the time where we NEED our policy makers to be brave and make changes.

Be the govt that stood up for the environment and banned fracking in WA.

Water is what supports life, it is limited in quantity and irreplaceable. Why risk destroying it? Gasiaccelerates the level of climate change when good old sunlight will supply our energy needs without ill effects.

Save our water, our land and our air from this toxic industry.

No fracking for WA. Leave the gas in the ground. It is not worth the environmental risk

Please cease fracking! Once it's too late, it's too late, and our health, environment and climate will be destroyed!

The unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia is of great concern!!

Please take this opportunity to do something good for the country!!! Think long term and leave a positive legacy.

I still cannot believe how this government allows foreign companies to pillage our resources and pollute our most precious commodity: clean water. Absolute corruption.

I hope to travel the Kimberly’s by 2018. I hope fracking is stopped by then .

I’m strongly opposed to the creation of an unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following reasons. stop fracking and plundering our country. why don't you all wake up.

We need to protect our water from this toxic industry & conserve our most precious resource for future generations.

Solar forward Backwards -fracking/wrecking, long term destruction. Short term us, long time and long term earth. Mathematics tells of the infinate long term domino effect. So what?? You and your blood money earnt will ne long dead. Who cares?? Mother Earth, her earth spirits and custodians of this earth form called humans, always know and are saddened that the smartest earth form is actually the dirtiest, self focused evil and short memoried collection of chemicals ever concieved.

Bring on the black plague.

I have just holidayed in WA & it truly a magnificent part of the country...think outside if the mining square & do eco tourism promoting our ancient land instead if exploiting it! Please!!! Lets leave someting for future generations!

I believe that despite conditions and regulations given to the industry, the state based regulators (DWER and DMIRS) do not have the resources to adequately ensure they are complied with.

DO NOT FRACK the environment - the practice is not safe for the environment and precious water supplies !!

Fracking has proven to be not safe for the environment especially precious water supplies - DO NOT CONSIDER MORE FRACKING!!

I have been in this remote area of Australia. It is a wonderful place. Our aborigines hold it in very high regard. Kindly leave our natural spaces as they are. Put your Monety into natural powers from the sun, ocean rivers and wind.

Stop all fracking now

I am close to seventy years old. I have studied the coal seam gas industry as it has evolved aroud the globe. It thrives in states that are poorly regulated, poorly monitored and poorly policed. It struggles to get established in states that are alert and cautious to potentially serious and permanent negative environmental impacts. This is an insidious corrupt industry that has no moral justification to large scale destruction of the human right to clean water.

In America, it cost the Government millions of dollars to get water piped to a farms, after fracking completely wrote off their water supplies.

Doing the wrong thing ALWAYS has a cost that, sooner or later, must be paid. Stop fracking NOW, before its too late.

Fracking is not wanted not needed so frack off

Please protect this beautiful country

Polluting the environment for corporate dollars is totally unacceptable the aquifers containing our precious water should not be jeopardised by the dirty fracking process count the cost!

The hazards of gas fracking have been public knowledge for years, now. No community wants to be the next 'Gaslands', and our environment is too precious to gamble.

Consider the environment as you would your own home and backyard.

Nobody who is in their right mind would allow or take part in such an act of sheer disrespect and distruction of our planet Earth

Frack off!

Protect Australia for future generations Ban fracking all together, this is one of the dirtiest ways of extracting gas, wake up, one planet too many humans, renewables is our only hope.....

We need to do what Iceland did and storm these corporations and parliament.

Develop our future cleanly and stay away from fracking and risking our water sources. We can live without gas but not water.

Keep WA fracking free. It has damaged East Australia, USA. Seek alternate power from the sun, coast, using solar, tidal energy and wind. We have a plentiful supply. Offer and share knowledge we obtain from investment with the world.

Fracking is supporting the rape of natural resources that do not need be touched. Fracking is likely to support international company where profit is taken away from Australia.

Fracking is causing environmental and structural damage under ground. It maybe expressed that fracking is safe . This if only IF there is no leaking of gases. Hawkesbury river in NSW is flammable at sites from gas leaking from the rivers base.

Where else on planet Earth is there a coast line available for a country to study and return. Wind is plentiful, solar energy can be processed from an enormous area. Let us respect and follow the wisdom of South Australia and let nature supply risk free environment friendly energy.

The fracking industry poses serious harm to air, soil and water through contamination of toxic industrial wastes.


Greedy greedy fracking affects ALL of us. It is NOT needed so don't do it.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my submission. Your job is to enable sensible exploitation of the State's resources in a way that does not endanger the water supply and the atmosphere. It seems on current knowledge and experience that fracking may not be safe in terms of either the water or the air and neither is it safe for the environment in general.

Therefore, unless you are sure that these effects can be proven beyond reasonable doubt to be securely and reliably managed so that our grandchildren can live in this country in safety you should adopt the precautionary principle.

It is your responsibility to ensure our descendants will thank us not only for saving the environment in a state fit for the support of life in this country, but also for leaving some assets that maybe can be safely extracted with the development of bullet-proof technology backed by real knowledge of how systems interconnect and interweave instead of the "let it rip" attitude so evident today.

Earth care is of utter importance for our future generations. Please do not allow any fracking in our unique country.

Not to mention that the entire planet is at risk as a direct result of our use of fossil fuels as an energy source; we are blessed with abundant sun, wind and wave energy in WA; should be doing everything possible to transition to 100% renewable energy a.s.a.p.; anything other course of action is short-sighted madness.

Please consider that no amount of money can undo the damage of fracking. This is unjust and more needs to be done to protect our environment.

Please don’t make the mistake of fracking.

Never a good reasoon to frack

Australia gains frack-all from fracking. A few temporary jobs while the big profits go offshore along with the gas. Meanwhile domestic prices keep rising. Leave it in the ground - we don't need anything from it.

Very succinctly written on the Aboriginal flag that has been placed on the gate - Frack Off!

No Fracking! Save our fragile planet Earth from more abuse.

With what I have read I urge you got to go ahead with any Fracking programme

The sheer ignorance of companies NOT taking note of all the issues that arise from fracking is UNACCEPTABLE.

More should be spent on renewables

Environment is infinitely more important than constant striving for economic development. We have "enough" is simply needs to be distributed more equitably

With the emergence of renewable energy, fracking is an unnecessary and high risk practice that should not be permitted in Western Australia or anywhere else.

I oppose unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for the following reasons.

I want to express my deep concern about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia.

Regarding the environment: Our already-depleted water resources are at risk of contamination and depletion from fracking operations due to water and chemical use, and wastewater production[1]. We have only to look at what has happened elsewhere to understand what can happen, and what has happened in other places.

Our unique flora and fauna, already under threat from spreading residential development, will be further at risk due to habitat fragmentation, wastewater leaks and accidents during the transportation of gas.

Currently, weak WA fracking regulations [2] don’t limit pollution. Nor do they mandate independent, long-term monitoring of environmental factors like water and air quality. These regulations need strengthening -- or better, WA should ban fracking.

Regarding health: Serious health effects have been experienced by communities living near gasfields in the USA and QLD following the commencement of unconventional gas operations. These health effects have included respiratory ailments; nose, throat and eye irritations; and neurological illnesses [3].

Keep our water tables safe. We don't need fracking.

No way!!

Fracking is no future when hazard and carbon-free minimum renewable energy is technologically feasible. Renewable energy is the answer to providing energy and intelligent business people, not driven by vested quick money making interests, know this and are acting upon it. You know it makes sense.

I am writing to you as the newly appointed decision-makers of the Independent Scientific Panel Inquiry into Hydraulic fracturing in WA to call on you to expand the consultation for the fracking inquiry.

Thank you for your recent update—outlining the opportunity to feed into the lifecycle of development activities and issues associated with the unconventional gas industry.

Yet, I'm quite concerned about the limited time period over the Christmas holiday season for consultation from December until February [1]. Thus I am calling on you to use the leading practice for consultation outlined in the Aarhus Convention [2], and ensure a fair and robust consultation to communities affected by the unconventional gas industry by extending the meetings and timeframes for consultation.

A good example would be to extend the Kimberley community meetings for towns like the Fitzroy Crossing, Derby and Broome until the dry season from April to May.

With over 80% of the Western Australian community concerned [3] about the impacts of gas fracking on our precious water and climate, communities across WA deserve a fair chance to be consulted on the issues arising from gas fracking in their backyards.

I look forward to your response in terms of consulting with individuals of the community, like myself, by holding a series of public meetings in key regions and rolling out the most robust and democratic process possible on this important issue.

References: [1] WA Government Fracking Inquiry (Nov, 2017) inquiry [2] UNECE (March, 2017) The Aarhus Convention. Last Accessed: 09/10/2017 [3] WA today (March, 2017) Tim Winton speaks on gas fracking, WA's 'digging and dealing' economy'. Last accessed: 10/10/2017

Please do not be tempted to allow fracking in seemingly arid areas. The native wildlife need water also along with isolated towns. The aftermath of fracking in the USA reads like a horror story which I urge you not to repeat.

I’m highly concerned about the unconventional gas mining and fracking industry in Western Australia for a range of environmental and health reasons, including soil and water contamination, methane emissions, wildlife habitat fragmentation, wastewater leaks, accidents during transportation as well as the impact on the rights of Traditional Owners to access their land.

In areas of the US where tracking has been developed communities are suffering from high cancer rates. Furthermore, the water is undrinkable and farming has ceased.