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Sceye PDF-File ~8 - ~z I-Ll QUARTERLY E B U SUPPLIES- CATALOGUE AND REVISED PRICE LIST Ali t~ m~ listed may be purchased by affiliated clubs and mdtv•dual members of E B.U. from : SALES DEPT., 158 HIGH STREET, THAME, OXON. BRIDGE STATIONERY E.B.U. 1 TRAVELLING SCORE SLIPS (18 pairs) •.. £2.20 per 1,000 E.B.U. 2 TRAVELLING SCORE SLIPS (32 pairs) £2.10 per 1,000 E.B.U. 5 INDIVIDUAL TRAVELLING SCORE SLIPS £3.60 per 1,000 E.B.U. 3 CURTAIN CARDS (se of 4-perforated) £5.30 per 1,000 E.B.U. 10 TABLE SLIPS • £2.00 per 1,000 E.B.U. I RESULTS CHARTS (18 pairs) £1 .10 per 100 E.B.U. 23 RESULTS CHARTS (30 p Ira) £2.75 per 100 E.B.U. 28 RESULTS CHARTS-VERTICAL ADDITION £1 .10 per 100 (32 pairs 32 board ) E.B.U. 14 RESULTS CHARTS (Te ms) . £1 .30 per 100 E.B.U. 11 SCORE CARDS (Folding) BOARDS 1-48 £8.70 per 1,000 N/S and E/ W In Two Colours E.B.U. 12 SCORE CARDS (S ngle Sheets) BOARDS 1-48 ... £6.90 per 1,000 Two Colours (for slralght matches) E.B.U. 13 SCORE CARDS (Single Sheet Unnumbered) £8.10 per 1,000 (for 45 boards) Two Colours (for Swiss Teams) E.B.U. 20 E.B.U. CONVENTION CARDS (Single Sheet) 40p per 100 E.B.U. 21 SCORE CARDS.CUM·CONVENTION CARDS £8.70 per 1,000 Boards 1-40 (Folding) N/ S and E/ W In Two Colours E.B.U. 29 SCORE CARD (old type) with Simplified Convention Card (Folding) BOARDS 1·32 Two Colours £8.70 per 1,000 E.B.U. 7 SWISS TEAMS RECAP. CHARTS .. £2.50 per 100 E.B.U. 8 SWISS TEAMS ASSIGNMENT CARDS £3.50 per 1,000 (4 Colours) E.B.U. 9 SWISS TEAMS TABLE CARDS £2.00 per 100 E.B.U. 25 SWISS TEAMS ASSIGNMENT CARDS (LARGE) £10.00 per 1,000 E.B.U. 15 SWISS TEAMS CAPTAINS' CARDS £6.75 per 1,000 PLASTIC SLEEVES FOR E.B.U. 20 (6" X4" ) . 70p per doa. HOWELL MOVEMENT CARDS (new, attractive design) : Complete set of Howell cards for 3 to 8 tables: £1 .95 Complete ut of f cards for 6 to 12 tables (26 boards): £3.40 Single movements : 6p per card TABLE NUMBERS (sets of 1·15, 16·30) 1p each RUBBER BRIDGE SCORE CARDS (E.B.U. 31) ... ••• £4.50 per 1,000 ,_ te 1 All Prlc:et und r this bud are exc:luslve of V.A.T. and of pae n carriqe/PQ5ta t, whkh will be addtd. They will apply for the minimum quantltl and ..-o rata for any tllce • maller quantltle of any one Item will be ..- rata Phil IS%. u... r ..a Ill adloa O"'ll.Y-a dlseount of S% will be alnn on all ord rs o er OS. ( .a.-When orderln1 pit Identify all Item by the rtal numbers CARDS and WALLETS All prl undrr thi h d are e cl I of V A.T. and p cit n • Ill be dd.,d. A. WADDINGTON'S CROWN or NO. 1 £3.20 per doan B. CASINO ' 300 ' . • • £2.50 per doan C. BUTTERFLY • • £1 .10 per dozen DE LUXE PLASTIC WALLETS (White, Light Tan, Mid-Brown, Chocolat Brown, Vartoua Red• and Plwt) £16.00 per ut, lOp Hdt BOOKS Laws of Duplicate Bridge (NEW nd rev ed 1975 Edition) .. • £1 .10 F. Fanln9fon: Dupllcat Bridge Mov m n ••. ... ... £3.10 (New reviled 1978 edition) (H remitting wHh order for boob only plea add 20p for Introduction to Dupllcat Bridge • .. • • 15p Ndl (£1 .50 per doa.) PLEASE DO NOT END REMITTANCE WITH ORDER H FFICI L P BLIC HE E GLI H BRIDGE Edited by HAROLD FRA KLI ••••••EDITORI L 2 3 E. D- L 10 0 At a meetin of the Council on 12th Jul were eJected to the Selection Comm1ttee : G. G. Endacott, M. J. Flint, E. C. Miln , W. J. P ncbarz, R. A. Prida , H. Scull , P. F. purwa . T OT Despite man rem nders there are till tho e member who addr bu ine correspondence to the pr• ate ddre of Dr. and Mrs. Sta ele and bo name one of them a the payee when tthn E.B.U. accounts b cheque. Smce the Stavele are leaving the di trict in the near future, it i unlike) that any corre pondence addressed to their private addre will reach the E.B.U., while cheque made payable to them will be unca hable. Plea note that all E.B.U. corre pondence (except on Law and Ethics and Teachers' A sociation matter ) should be addressed to the E.B.U. o11ices at lSB Hlah tn t. THAM , 0 on and that all cheques hould be made payable to the Enall h Brldae UnJon. TOU R ME T DIRECTOR ' R On October 7th- th, 1978 the Engli h Bridge Union propo to run a wee - end seminar for tho who may be inter ted in tournament direction at County and/or tiona! level. This will be run at the Grand Hotel, Birmingham, under the direction of the Union's Chief Toum ment Director, Harold Franklin. Information on the programme of in truction and details of fee and hotel charges can be obtained from the E. B.U., 158 High Street, Thame, 0 on. It would be helpful if those wishing to attend would give details of their exper­ ience when ma in their application and, if po ible. provide some evidence of endor ment by their Count Association. The course fee will be £5 .00. Hotel £6.50 per d y room and breakf 2. 3. 2. ) . 4. 4 Mike Swanson, who takes over from Anne Sta eley a E.B.U. · tant Secretary, wa born an London in 1951. He read Mathematics and Computer Science at Liverpool Univer ity where he took up competitive bridge, playing hi first repr ntati e match in 1970 and becoming the Univer tty Bridge Club Secretary for 1971-72. It was at the University Bridge Club that he met his wife Maureen, now a doctor in general practice and a keen bridge player. So great was Maureen's enthu ia m for the game that e followed Mtke a University Bridge Club Secretary. For the last four years Mike has been an Executive Officer in the Civil Service. For mo of this time he bas been in the Employment Service workin a an employment dviser in Liverpool Jobcentre, peciali ing in the hotel and catering industry. Since 1976 he has been actively involved in bridge dministration at both local and county level. He has been an area delegate to the .W.C.B.A. d also a member of the .W.C.B.A. Tournament Committee. Hew a member of the board of directors of Liverpool Bridge Club and wa also Chairman of tbe Club Tournament Committee. In addition both he and Maureen were joint cretaries of the erse · 'de Bridge League and Maureen was the Merseyside Area secretary to the .w.c.B.A. Mike's current rank is National Ma ter and most of his " green " points ha e come in the last two seasons when he ha performed creditabl in ational events. PPE LS OMMITTEE An Appeals Committee recent! con idered an appeal from E.B.U. Laws and Ethics Committee relating to a hand in a multi-team event in ich the decl rer played the band in a contract of 3 T doubled a a mi re and conceded a penalty of 1700 (9 down) when the defenders could not po ib h eta en an more than the first five tricks if the d clarer bad not di rded h · bigh rd winners. mon In this particular appeal th ppeal Committee took into ccount mlf tin circumstances and d cided th t the member con m ould be L. TARLO, nnan. 5 P Y HI BIDDl H arold frankUn (B courtes of the Bridge Magazine) The p chic b.d 1 a perfectly le itimate plo which add a p1ce of excitement for the adventurou I minded, which on occasion can create an element of urprise with dramatic effect. " urprise " is the effective word. All too often the victim i not t' tied that the " urpri •· is as eneral a the Laws require. Perhap a few definitions and illustration can help to iJJuminate me gre area . Law 40, under the heading Partner h ip Understandings, states : "A player rna make any call or play (including an intentionally misleading call uch as a 'p chic bid ', or a call or ploy that departs from commonly accepted or previou ly announced conventional practice) without prior announcement, provided that it i not based on a partner hip understanding." At fir t glance the Law would appear to permit too much latitude. A partner· ship agreement, dul tout on the convention card, may provide for a no-trump 12-14 in all po ition In practice the player may find it expedient to be minimum (or even sub-m lnimum) at favourable vulnerability, maximum at adverse vulnerability. Given that partner ha the minimum values for a border­ J:ne rai to two no-trump on the basi of a 12-14 no-trump, it would not be unnatural if hi deci ion were influenced by the vulnerability condition. And what of the opponent who mu t decide whether to compete 7 He urely should know whether at one moment 12-14 i likely to mean 11 or 12 and at another 13 or 14.
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