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Home of the New, All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes

Vol. 32- No. 49 EntHe4 as Seeond C~ ltattc-rat tbe GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, DECEMBER 9, 1971 Uc Per Copy 28 Pages- Two Sections-Section One ------_.POll Olllee at De,roll. M1c~n __ ._------M.OOP.rV ....

Plan Fought HEADLINES MSU Alumni Club Helps Three Worthy .O~ganizations Edison Explains (Jf the By Residents WEEK OfOldbrook I A, Compiled bU the Its Position In Council Tells Adjacent Gro,,. Point, NelM I Property Owners to Set. i Rate Hike Fight tie Argument With De. Thursday, December Z vfll:>per Palombit IN AN INDIRECT SLAP AT THE PAY BOARD, the Price Municipalities Band Together to Oppose Proposed By Kathy Daff I~ Commission announced Wed- nesday it bad approved a pat- Increase in Costs of Street Lighting; Oldbrook lane residents, -setting col:1-price increase Would Raise Taxes who are concerned over that would absorb less than By Pepper Whitelaw the possible redevelop- two-thirds of the rer'!nt 15 per. ment of the old Wood- cent wage hike for miners. tDuring the past week,' four of the five Pointes house estate property, at. While carefully avoiding any have entered into an administrative action against tended the regular meet. critical comment of the wage the proposed hike in street lighting requested by the ing of the Farms council control panel, Price Conll'nis. Detroit Edison Company. They joined dUes, villages Monday, December 6. sion Chairman C. Jackson and townships throughout Edison's service area in this .The Woodhouse estate had Grayson made clear that his action including Livonia, Harper Woods, Troy, High. been bought several years ago group is going to use the Pay land Park, Farmington, Royal Oak, Dearborn, Plym. by a develope(, Rudolph Pa. Board's 5.5 percent plly boost guideline in determing price outh and Monroe. ~ lombit, who first intended to increases. Participation in this action C,hr:Qtmas divide ,the land into five lots. .1 .. (II • '$ involves each of the IOC81units '" J,O Since Oldbrook lane is a agreeing to share in all costs, 'private street, .the residents EARL L. BUTZ, 62, who I which inClude the legal servo Takes Over have to 'provide their own servd as Assistant Secre- ices of Bodman, Longley" street pavmg and drainage ! tary of Agriculture under Bogle, Armstrong and Dahling system, and they were eon- th~ Eisenhower administra.' tion. was confirmed by the and the accounting expertise The Pointe eerned that the five proposed I of the firm of Larkin, Chapski lots would overburden the Ie. Senate Thursday as President and Company. cluded lane. The residents Nixon's new Secretary of Agri. culture. Butz was confinned .Proportioned costs will be Young and Old Busy: would not s~gn the agreement by a slim margin of 51.-44, determined by the ratio of the Merchants Helping Make necessary for Mr. Palomblt to and was sworn in as the suc- city's DetroIt Edison street. subdivide' the estate into fin cessor ui Clifford :\1. Hardin. lighting charges for the, year The Season Bright lots. Photo ~ Eddle McGralh, Jr. ended June 30, urn, and each Cut Down to 'I1lree (0 0 (0 The Michigan State University Alumni Club, FLEe; MRS. ALEXANDER GOVuSTES, Founda.' portion Is not to exceed $3,000. By Pepper WhItelaw' Currently, the redeveloper is Friday, December 3 in keeping with the holiday spirit of giving, has ciOll for Exceptional Children; MSU Alumni Ciub The Woods, Farms aM Park Christmas Street is open attempting to subdivide the HOUSE AND S E N ATE presented three worthwhile area organizations with president JOHN STRONGMAN; (sitting, left to resolutions include the $3,000 In.the.Village. T win k I e estate into three loti. One lot NEGOTIATORS, convinced checks for $100 each. They include the Northeast -right), are MRS. GEORGE CRANE, Northeast Guid- limitation, however. the City r ht klin 0 would eontain the old Wood. that 'President Nixon would Guidance Center, Family Life Education Council ance Center and MRS. JAMES GOTHAM, vice. altered the resolution to read 19 s are spar g n. house mansion, while, two new veto a tax bill carrying any (FLEC) :md The Foundation for Exceptional Chilo president MSU Alumni Club. Any:graduate of MSU "not to exceed $1,000." The the-Hill. Win do w s are lots would be apportioned, campaign fun d provisions'l dren. Pictured at the presentation are, (standing interested in joining the Alumni Club should con. Shores received the proposed ablaze- with the ,message However, several different ~~~~i~e Tr::Sd:ill t~s~po~:~ left to right), WILLlAM~PORTER,president of tact Mr. Strongman at 889-0800. resolution at its last reg'.tlar of Christmas. Merchants faetions of Oldbrook lane were meetlng and placed it. on file, have outdone themselves present at the Farms CouncU any campaign financing plans ' J taking no action. this year with their color- meeting to ,'{:10testthe aetlans. P~~~i::~~r ~to~97~ ~~C~i~~:~ Goodf,ellows. EdllOli Contaeted ful .reminders that there Phil Gralews~, a resldent Thieves Take 'Living Civics' Teaches The NEWS contacted Detroit are only 16 more shupping of OJdbrook, even though his of the compromise tax 'bill, . . .. '.' . .' .,' .' d . . .. . house hal~ .. L,.lr.u~a~. 1-"'~~ ':m~~.~~lt;l:.~~~tD~m:~~~~ $30,000 Loot Student.s How to.&l~-_ ,8oL1~Pa;pe~"."...~rJ~,.!~i~r~~~ l:n: With.'~:atJis' adom:~ ~~e:m:r:~~ th~\~~b,~~ • tic party leaders. h-ad de\llsed F 'H A R ihI C.. h f bU ff. id each lamp -t. '!be tradJtioa. the s ~ c q n.d redevelopment ~e campaign funding provi. rom Olne s. espons e ItlZens S 1 M da ~:{~~e~ J~he\n~r:~~:' ~:re al red halJ.gingll'a. plan. He Clall11ed that)sehad Slon, whIch would amount to a e on V beIb-~e t a treasury-paid campaign fund ------.. t d tr t li htln '11 cIously on the lug!,! tree iD not e.v~n seeD the apeeml'.n gran e , s ee. g g .WI front of Wright Kay's In-the- descrIbIng Palombit. plans. of as much as $20.4 million J.oseph A. Schoenith Resi- Panels of Experts, Discussions and Special Informal Lions Conduct Annual still be two.and-a.hallpereent Village whlcb required that aU the next year. The Democratic Features Employed; One Participant Writes . below other services, ill' Edi. " 'Oldbrook residents sign lJefore party is currently carrying a dence ill Lakeshore Rd, Grateful Letter Campaign to Raise Funds son's rate structure, He said San~ Claus has th~ key.to any redevelopment eouId eom- $9 million deficit left over S~ene of Robbery; to Help Needy; Woods that the increase should have the Ctty of Groslle Pomle I1V- mence from. the 1968 presidential ,Safe Carted Away ,By Pepper Whitelaw Has Own Drive been requested long before ('u to him by City Manager He Pointed out that he will electton. C" I h h d T d t d t this, since in fact street light. ~omas KrellS~ach on bls ar- be personally affected 'by any · .. . I -- lVlCS C asses ave c ange. a ay s u en s are ing for the suburbs has been rlval In-the.Village shopping redevelopmeDt, since his prop. Saturday, December , One of the biggest break. taught "living" civics. That is, not just what the rights By Roger A. Waha subsidized. He uld if the Pub. area, tucked neatly in his bag. erty carries an easement ulld THE DETROIT BOARD OF ing and entries in Grosse and duties of. citizens and government are, but how to Monday, December 13, IIc Se...vice CommIssion sees Mea'. Night Over as an access route 'to the EDUCATION recommended Pointe Shores history was i cope with these rights and duties as responsible citi- is the day! fit to pel'mIt this kind of sub. "Men's Night" has come Woodhouse estate. Friday that suburban school reported to police on Wed- Izens. ~ . ,For early that morning sidizing Edison wili continue and gone and only the twinkle Cites P,.t ladcleatl districts be .included in any nesday, November 24, by The most recent example of fice' Charles Art, trainer for Grosse Pointe Lions will to do it but that Edison does in the eyes of the sales clerks Mr. Gralewski was also irate plan designed to desegrega!e Lee Schoenith. this "new" thinking is a BO~ber, the dog trained to mark their 42nd annual not have the prerogative to and the beauUf.a1ly wrapped over not being notified about the metropolitan De tr? It Schoenith told officers that seminar just completed !or detect drugs; Detective Earl Goodfellow newspaper sale :~~f:I~~~iS kind of subsidy gifts hidden in closets remain past activitles in Oldbrook schoo}s. ThiS recommendatlO~, sometime between November ninth grad~r~ at South HIgh Fields oC the Farms Police in the area. The NEWS then contacted a ~fn~at nIght when man was (CoIttlnued oa Page 2) submlttpd to Federal Jud"e 14 and November 24, someone School by ClVtcSteachers Burl Department, who discussed Stephen J. Rot~ only hours entered his parents' (Mr. and Von Allmen and Carl Lord. the drugs scene as viewed by "H a w k e r s" from the representative oC the Michigan Shoppers are buzzing around ------J:'eCorethe deadh!,e. set by the Mrs. Joseph A.) home at 585 The unit was on substance local police and who showed Lions Club, representing Public Service Commission who The Block and Fisher road Police Capture ~udge ~or submiSSion .of an ,Lakeshore, 'and removed a abuse and f~~ture~ prominent a display of dangerous drugs the Park, City, Farms, and said that it is true lhat for buying colorful "in" items for lnte~r~tlOn plan, co~tams no safe containing thousands of leaders famlhar WIth the drug and narcotics I Shores, and the Woods years street lighting has been those special people on their Wanted Fugithr e speCifiC plan. of achon. Th~ dollars worth of jewelry, 200 scene, who made presenta. A panel discussion featuring Lions Club, will sell their .r,ubsidIzed by other sources. lists. The Woods, Shore., recnmmendaho~ wa~ one 0 two-dollar bills and nine 100- tions to the students. The unit John Bruce of the Neighbor. wares tob e n e fit the (He mentioned commercial Farms, ?ark and CHy are SCh 1 . business). He said during the dressed in their Chrilltmas The combined efforts of City, ~hre~ ~PP!,o~e ih T f~ t to dollar bills Among the jewel- was conducted from Novem. hood Club. Father James needy . 1960' th .• i Park and Farms police on Sat. The LI'ons Club has set a s e commIeS on was reo finery d oa.rh .av~r~ d t~ lr~bufb:~ ry stolen ;'as a man's Patek ber 8 through December 1. Bates of St. Ambrose and d. D t 't Ed' '. . urday, December 4, resnlte, w~~OI I~i~tr~cts esi~ce .the Philippe watch which was en. Well.Rounded Panel STEM; Stewart Pullen, co. goal of' $6,OUO, while the ucmg e rOI Ison rates, Parties are in full swing, Woods r,ions have a target of an d .they knew at that tlme Local clubs have ver" special In the apprehensloO'l 01 20-year. ~~her two plans' provided for graved with the name Joseph The students heard speakers ordinator of rehabilitation at - th t th t l tr t II ht • old. John Emery, who was intel1ration of schools only .\. Schoenith. John Kendall. Youth Service Marine Hospital and Sam $3,500. I a he rdaebe°r s ee g - aflairs for young and old. And wanted for attempted breaking within the Detroit city limits. Also taken was a 19-inch, Division's liaison officer to Macy, pharmacist at Cottage All mone" received is used ng soul incrpased but Santa and hIs helpers are very 10 bring Christmas,, cheer to Ie, It th at It could not. JUS t'fI Y much in evidence. and entry of a Farms home • • • RCA portable color televIsion South High, who spoke on the Hospital, was also presented. rat' i 'th t £ tr t II ht on Wednesday, December 1, the unfortunate and to con. s ng I e cos o. s ee g - Traditionally Pointe hom~. Sunday, December 5 set, one Breath.oC-Spring mink drug scene as it relates to Informal Fealures duct throu ..l1bout the rest of the in-g when It was at that time owners have had outstanding Emery was flrst spotted by GE~ERAL :\10TORS COR- stole and a black diamond South; Ronald Marshall of Special informal features of year a program for numerous reducl'ng the cost 0f 0th er IIght - decorations. ThIs year will be Park Detectlve S erg e ant PORATIO~ announced Satur- mink jacket. It is estimated Project Headline, who p,.... the seminar were "rap ses- Ing James La Pratt and patrolman day that it is recalling 6,682,- that over $30,000 worlh of sertted the multl.media presen. slons" where students ex- agencies and community pro. , . no exception If tM beglnnlnp Charles Petri,; on Lakeland 000 Chevrolet passenger cars valuables were stolen. t~ti,on f~o~ "Governor Milli. pres;ed their altitudes on the jects., Power Demand COmbs arc any indication of what's avenue. La ,Pratt radIoed City and trucks, in response to the The thieC or thieves appar. km s offtce, Any Drug Pro. drug scene to Father Bates, Fred Vente, Lions' president, Wllliam G. Meese, presiden! yet to come. Giant evergreen of Grosse Pointe police for 88. has again appointed Walter H. and chief executlve officer of )n Lakeshore lawns are be. SISt8nCe. cpt Edmund Ben. National Highway T r a f fie eoll:: entered the house through gram That Only Talks Abou~ Sister Sean Martin of Center Breyer the chairman in charge the Detroit Edison Company, lecked with myriad eolorful h II H Safety Administration's charge the auxiliary kitchen window. Drugs Is at Best a Waste;' Point YSD detective John f h. 'I Ph'li J thuys answered t e ca. e that 1965-1969 Chevrolet ve- Shores police ask anyone Probate Court Judge. GeorgI! Kend~ll, .Fran French and o l IS year s sa e. I p ed' in an earlier release pointed ights. Likenesses of Santa 'AW Emerv com1nq sOllth on M~barak is co-chairman. Fr out that the demand for elcc- Claus adorn at least one home the sidewalk, on the east sIde hicles with V-8 engines had with information on any of Bashara, Jr., who dIscussed Father M 0 r r I s Hauge, of MIchael. and Marty Iannace tric power is at r('cord levels ,n every block. of the street. faulty engine.mounts. The re- these items to caLI Det('ctive the judge's role on the drug Christ Church. Martha Brown call, whose expense is esti- Sergcant Frank Mus t a z z a, scene; Officers Al!red James and Davkl Murlarski both of a~() chalrm.en for thc Woods and climbing. He said Edison Schools Bursting When Emery saw the scout mated at $37 million, will be TUxedo 1-5MO, wh,) is handl. and Allen Wallace, undercover Project Headline. LIOns. now has 250,000 more custom- The schools too are bursting CQr he ran north through the To Provide Baskets I (C tl d P 6) d f 584 J kId Of the largest and most costly in ing the investigation. agents from the SherifC's Of. The students gathered Cor Around 50 faml'!IR."wI'11re- (ContllJued on Page 2) on nue on age side yar 0 ,a e an. . the five.year hislory of safet,\' ------these sessions :.:t Millcr Hall co ------ficers from the Farms, Park ceive Christmas haskets in the and City JoIned In the foo~ recalls under the NHTSA. in Christ Church. F II F. S f H. Grosse Pointe area. said chase 'whIch took them through Class dIscussions, individual 19 T ff. Cases Heard Montiay•, De•cember• 6 0 OW "re a ety./ r.nts Breyer. The' h

1.1.1 ~ ::{~ .. $::: in& demlnd, Ecl1:lon~.cr;:WIS plan. OPEN EVERY NIGHT, EXCEPT SATURDAY, UNTIL CHRISTMAS ::.: ••••• Dint a mJllsslve c:onltruction ..

II.i. ••' .••••yean and will include tens .:.~ I:.:.: ~~:t~~of mUlions of dollirs for elec- •

II:::: 0:',' .15~:r~~!~=of our .ir and' water. :::, :::~ EdJIoa Cotta Rise ::;:: ::~::I He said, "Besides the grow. :;:: ::::: log demand for power and the

.::.::.:.::: .. 1:::.:.:.::,:,.:: ::::::;::: sion,need risingto finlDcecosts andpianttheexpan.need ::::; for .this environmental control :::~ blve added more pressures." :::~ ::::: The effect~f these increases loolc 'orwClrei to the re~urn :.:.: ::* wlll be lhat cities wll1 be less ::::: ::;:: Ukely to instill new street 0' the real sport shirts ':1.:.:.::•.:.:.:~.,:: ~:~:::~ havelightingdoneas InreldilyU1e past,II theycer. :-;~ tain!y a minus factor for 10. ; on the resort scene ... those :::~ ~~ cal communIties which are trimly tailored, cut.and'sewn 1 :::i:1:l:: :.:.::.:, '\ :':e~r:.tm::~h I n c rea sed *~~ Thomal Ktessb.ch, manag. co~ton and Avril royon blend :~~ er of tile City of Grosse Pointe, :::;: :o:~ told the NEWS that homeown. short sleev.e shirts by ::;:: *~ers in the City will pay be...... !=::: tween $2D and $35 of their :::;: ~ tax yearly for street lighting., Mr. Henry who knows how .:.~ A ChriJtmaJ gift that can be wed Iht year round- ::~ He Indicated that this was

:,:.:.::1:••:,:, importont this 1972 casual the Hohkimr double.knit weatbercoat. 1t'J a ,",'n... :;::::::::IllrlyFolntes.represent8t1ve of all the :::;: (oat pluJ a Jhrino and 'ail toh(oat, :::::I ------N r b }I r ~ ~~ M fashion is. Red, blue or 1111 100% polyeJ/er. Zepe~ treated to mist botb rain :1~ ;:;:: and J/ain. And for the man who ',al/eb. it'J im- ~:~ Orolse brown patterns. S,M,L,XL. $12, r pOJJibleto wrinlt/(. Cam(1 Of navy. 80.00 r~Pointe News .~~.;.: ~~~f... ,.... EftrY' 'ftuaIay b,. ::;~: •••• All...... IDe

m1':::: ~i<~I/'~'~ e ~ ~;ji~1~~~.tet~Phone TU 2.6900 :::l 7I.J, :::: .... ct... PoItli,. paid It 0.-

1::.[.:.:;,.:;: 1900 since ~l~~ Colint,).:r~~~'::"o:.2°OJ'{v~;:: ;:;:! Kercheval at 51. Clair • Grosse Pointe ~~1~:, fw=J==~ JacobSonS ::':i ~::: It Klrch.nl, Gr_ Pel'" .._. ::j:l Open Week.day Evenin8s 'Iil rhriumas ~ .::l c:w:n ~ ~&fIc~ MEN'S STORE ~:~! ::~Tveeda)' DOOD to ~,~rttoDJ .";' , ,'.' .'.:;~~:;~~:;~:;~~:;=:;:;:~;:;:;:;:~~~~~:;:~;*;:;~~~~:-~~~:::;:;::;;:::;:::;:~:::::;~~~:~:::Z:::;?6~::-~~!::~=f~~:3:::;:~r:r:::$:::*z:::"

,,," K. a, I _ __-._. ._ • _ 0.- mr! _ ....; __

d ". zmrt f - - - -*~ • .' 1""

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Page Three Thursday, December 9, 1971 ------GROSSE POINTE NEWS ------,._-- station. South's Record NO'U)Available Fathel'tAcccpts Kid's Drinking At the Farms station, the Have You Mailed Your Letter To Santa? Cather apologized, Due to ~he Fanns pol1ceman,Otto Glan. son drl.nk1r,'l beer. Gianert age oC the boys, the pollee reo ert was on routine pAtrol at then asked the Cather and the le8sed the two youths into the 9 o'clock on Wednesday night. two youths to come to the custody oC their parents, Dec~mber 1. when he observed a 14.year.old boy drop a can ol beer in a residentiai area .. Spoiling a white spOrtscar parked nearby, Glanert in. ,Jl MARTY WALLACE ") vestigated the car and Cound narcotic paraphernalia which is pleased to announce belongt'd to the youth.s Criend. who was sitting in the front her association with seat. When the C8ther I)Cthe fLnt BEfORE AfTER vouth was summoned, he be. CHAFFEE.LANCASTER, TRAVEL CHIMNEY SERVICE came angry and told the 886.1805 377 FISHER (MEWS) Rebulll ' Repaired . Chimney Fanns policeman that there I Co .....ers . Incinerator Scr~en5 • was nothing wrong with his Vlolalloll.'l corrected Tuck PolJlUnc, Advance Mointenance 8S2.5$" .I,LL REPPER~1S DOWNTOWN I.mmmi Invites You To See Mario "Mike" Farmis For Your Next New or Used Car !'",il.< ... Pictured (left to right) are LIL box, in Jacobson's Toyl.md.' Letters • The Most Complete Facilities in the Detroit Area GULA, GUESS WHO?, JAN BEN. must be in the box by Thursday. De. • Rental and IAasing Programs cember 16, in order to get a reply, be- NET! and EMILY MARTIN, mem. • Chauffeur Servite to Your Downtown Office or bers of North Hj~h School's Office cause Santa will be mighty busy after Education Associahon, who are work- that Second floor supervisor Norman Mario ,"Mike" Farmis Downtown Shopping Area ing with Jacobson's In-the-Village and Kesman and Clarence Wascher, gen. Santa 10 answering letters Pointe eral manager, have also been helping A Good Man 1833 E. JEFFERSON youngsters have written Mr. Claus. Santa. Be sure those letters have a This is the third year the students return address on them. Stationery To Know WO 3..4700 have helped answer these letters, for "Letters to Santa" was created by which are deposited in Santa's mail- Jan Bennett. Car Daluages Wehave a coat collection IBro'wnell Yule [rom here to March. BELLE ISLE Concert Friday Vendolue Lawns Double-breasted and :Mrs. W. Howard Nurse, of single. Corduroy to The Br'lwnell Middle School 161 Vendome road, called the cashmere - twills, Music Department. under the Fanns police on Wednesday, direction oC Daniel Evola and December 1. to report that tweeds. camel hair. AWNING CO. Christina Judsol1, will present someone had driven over her lounge or jog in saxonys.suedes. and its 14th annual Christmas Con. lawn. The unidentified car was 1eathers in between, The cert on Friday eventng, De. traveling south on Vendome V ELV ET...SOFT Canvas • Vinyl • Acrilan • Dacron cember '10, beginning!t 8 when it drove up thf.!driveway one shown here is a fitted o'c1ock, in the school's gym- oCthe George Christiansen COTTON VELOUR nasium.a uditorium. coachman style in all- residence at 175 Vendome. Wonderfully sofe bru,:;hed cotton, chis ' BUY NOW-AVOID The orchestra will oPen the and then proceeded to drive wool herringbone [or SUMMER RUSH program with Mozart's "Alle- across three Vendome lawns. remarkable shiet can be machine $155. It.s just one o[ FREE ESTIMATES gro Brillante." Other numbers The car traveled. an off.street washed and dried and ie's r.cady to dozens you'll find. [rom by the 42.piece-orchestra will distance of 300 feet. put on. Hi.dJen zipper front and side Found near the tire tracks Serwillg Gross. Point, Since J93J include "Chaconne" by'Purcell, vents. ~Iue, Green or Burgundy. $135to $250. Come in and "Pizzicato Caprice" by Barnes, was an abandoned plaslic gar- try some on. Wepromise and "Dance-Ob, Dancla," by ment bag. The bag contained $1750 to kef;p you warm. LO 7-2293 • 7601 E, Jefferson Barnes. a grey suit and vest, a green Eighty m e m b e r s of the sweater, and several seats of Matching pants have box,:r se}'\c Seventh Grade Chorus will sing 'lDderwear, among other arti- f waistband, paech poc!:et on thigh ao,l cles of clothing, The articles two popular Christmas favor. a stitched "crease" for trim appearance. ites, "Jingle Bells" anll. "It's were identified as behnging f to James M. Barrett, of 1545 , $1600 Beginning to Look Like Christ. Fairholm. .. f mas." Fifty Sixth Grade Boys' I Mr. Barrett's mother, :\Irs, 1. Choristers will sing "Christ. James Barrett, reported that mas In Killarney," and "Carol her son's belongings had been Mai. 8. Pha~e Ode" '0, 157i Woodward Ave. • Delroit 68226-Phone 964.2300 oC the Drum." stolen on Monday, Novembcr "Snowfiakes and ....H 0 11 y 29, tram' his car ;parked in Wreaths" and "White Christ- a lot behind la950 Mnck. . mas"arirtwo selections chosen . Th.e.. Farms police .iu:e. un- I>y ..,the .."eo.mem'ber Elahth able to say if therll, Is any Grade Chorus which will also connection betwecn the re- combine with the Orch'estrfl covered property and the lawn on Saent-5aens "Praise Ye the damage, Lord oC Hosts." The popular Girls' Choir will sing four numbers, including "Carol of the BeDs," "The Carolers," "The Sleigh," and RECEIVED IHI5 WEE.! "Ring Those Christmas Bells." Anolher Ceature oC this festive Christmas program will be the Seventh and Eighth Grade Huge New Shipment Boys' Ensemble renditions of "Saints and Sinners," "Hurry Lord! Come Quickly," and "Jonah." .of Guitarisls Ron Burzinski, Steve Hendricks, SCott Oberskl, and Joe Cromwell combine their talents along with drum- mer Bill Austerberry on 'Jonah." The Massed Chorus will conclude the program with the ever popular, "0 Holy Night." Crafted to the exacting standards of the men All parents and Criends of Brownell Middle School are who select and wear them, French Shriner InvIted to attend this Cine pro. shoes exemplify the finest traditions of old gram. There wiU bc no admis' New England workmanship ... with the pe~- sion charged. StagIJ faction of styling s~ important in today's fast. POLICE TAKE COUaSE moving world. $32.95 Shores police and fire chief Available in French Shdner Sho~ Depfs, aI, Joe Vitale reports that officers Bruce Darlington. and Robert HICKEY'S Bensinger are altendlng a WHALING'S 17140 Kercheval course in accident investiga. * ;n the Fi,her Bid.. , in the Villolle lion at Michigan. S,ate Uni. WHALING'S OPEN EVENINGS 'TiL 9 ~udi1gSat. MEN'S SUNDAY Lot of new WARM-UPS, * PARKAS & PANTS fo, men, women and children ;n White Stag papular price range . Compleat Dec. 12th ~ Traveler I'tARRI"'(;TO~ ~ 345 Fisher Rd. ~m.-5 p.m. 2 .luggage lo- cr Travel

Us. Yew ""."Ie.,., lI.ster (Mr •• , Am.rican Expr.ss, Dinlrs

w s." ~ \ l.' ___ .-=-.....-.... -. ~ tt" t - ---- .' ," ',L ", ,. t' • 'I,j' ," .. Thursday, Dee:ember 9, 1971 Page Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Sometimes the fellow who I Argumenta eo.sue when two _ Plan your fut\lle carelldly ,] The be.t .Ub! in the wClrld ' knocu .nd rWII'w,y lives to people tr)' to keep eacb other -tbe biuer the summer nc •. b the oAe )'04 never have to 11 Traffic Case, Heard In Park Ma Bell Asks become an expert criUc. from llndln, out the trulh .. I (CMU.'" fna Pue 1) to drivlA" 3& miles In • 25- the .. me wu forfeited and Customer.A id perfect drivlnl record for 20 mUe .r ••. Thc vlol.Uoa oc. turned over to the ciiy treu. yean. curred 1Jl December 1988. She urer. Mkbl,.n Bell .•• y. It eou!d perfect ClBTIAS TI£E SAl1 SHOP Genevieve Stognlew, 66S paid $11.50. reduce oper.tlng cOiti by .t I Aablud. DetroU. pled iullty Robert Re.m. 2591$ &aJ.em Goodfellowf:l least 1.5 milliol1 • year .cro .. UIIVERSITY ..lIGIEYT SCHOOL r"I~'~::I:::P court, BoNville. pled ,ullty to ~ the .tate If more customera to open!al the door !Dto mo\' FIELD HOUSE - COOK ROAD 22420 Mack Ave.-St. Clair Shores apeeding 30 mUes lA • 25-mlle wo.'Jd consult their phone lJ:Ii traffic C'UlIa, an .ccident. I DAILY P.M. Her senteDee wa. 'Ulpended zone. He wu fined '15. boob before dialing "411" lor 4.' I (Ce!"U.lIeCl fna Pue 1) directory u.1.Itance . WUKENDS 10 A.M ••• P.M. bec.UJe of • perfect drivlJ:li Be •• , I • Lamp Repairing • Lamp Shade. I Robert V!ChWla', 817 record. CODlf!eld. pled IullLy to Woods PubUc S.fety Officers The problem, .ccording to • SuIcIr ...... • LampPa"" J.mes .SwaiA, 576 Lenox. drlvinl 35 mUel III • 25.mUe .Dd o\ber volunteer worken. Charlea F. Derr, Gener.l Traf. ~.. ).a- IDetrolt, pled ,ullty to .peed. are •. He cUd llOt appev aJWI The membera of the L10DI fic Manaler-Metro Are., a 50' tt• ..u - $1 ,... fM' Virginia and Joe Junek iDI 4.5 mllel ill • iw-mlle zolle, • bond of $25 wa. forfeited. who wW be .t their old CIOr. ucellive uae uf "4.11" service. and w.s fiDecl $30. P.ul Gray. 140M r.lrcrest, DeU include: Vente. Breyer, He said the service Ls growing I ProcHd. 10 o;d in sponso,ing the~ Hours 9:30 to 5:00 119.8150. C.mill. Adaw, 1025 Har. Detroit. pled Dot ,ul1t)' to '~bar.k,Lorne H. AyUDI. .t. r.te of 10 percent a year. v.rd. of the P.rk, pled guilt)' 11__ JulJUi L. Bernt, Dr. Tbeodore "Of the IOme 637,000 calls a speediDl 50 m... 1Il '0 »mlle BlDkowaki. Peter &BoIogn., clay DOWhlJld1ed b" our '4.11' zone. He wu fOWld ,ullty aDd n«:'y...... _. -" A • C.p , W• lter oper.tors around "the.late. p.id • fiDe aJMl COla of Eql~ht, Jr .• Hoa. Vlctor .bout hall are for numben $107.50. He must .tteDd the H. Debacke. Alfred~ EPitelll, which UA be fouod In current GrCIIN Polnte Driver Safety ADn!I W.. Gr'YDOr, ,Harry P. ~ectories'" Derr explained. "h.ipH" SChool. aee In an e1fort to. ~ontalA this Albert Gibbs. 14810 F1an. Ralph R. GeI1ter, Edward F. growth and encourage CUI. REMODWNG - ADDITIONS der., Detrolt, pled aullty to :".{llber, David KoPP. Howard tomers to check their director. . IJpenUsI ha c.r door lDto IDOY. J. Kr!eger. Geor,e H. Kretz. iN, be .taled that Kicblg.n COMMUCIAL - alilDINTIAL ml traffic:. He paid a :1JAe aDd I C h m. r, JKk LeitMuaer, Bell's "4.11" service concept a.tIor_. oo.Ie- AaCHITICTUtAL •• avlc, co8tl of $10. N!cholas J. Leto, Wllllam II. will DC)W be aimed primarilY ICHc...... 777.6840 [ We are aglow like a fairyland Euaene .!~~,p14.O'1 !:~. Lud ...... William H. Meleher, .t prov!dinI new numbers not ::c.::=r c-:': Evenings 881.97~o( Wood ,oeanJUnl. eci• .... ty Arthur O. K!Jeh, Judge Doua. llIted In current directories. I ,....-1 .... with exquisite chandeliers and to m.tinJ an improper left 1.1 P.WIOD, AlVUJ H. Peter., "Our operators will answer I; A~~r1:~e 21719 HARI'ER AVENUE I turn lA fRat t1l movlq traffle. Diamond T. PhiWps. '4.11' calla with the phrase C_rcW IIrYIcI Sf. CLAIR SHORES. MICH ... 8080 I home decors ... come free! c'UllA, .11. .cc!dl"Jlt. FiDe aDd J.cX. Piercy, Robert Su •. 'New Number Inform.lion.' ln' ..::.-- _ I costs totaled $10. Ant hOllY J. RI", EdmUftd J. .dcUUon. oper.tors will cle.rly , Bogl'r Klalt. 3920 Three Rea, Donald St.,Amour, Ralph tell c.llen wben the numbers I Mile drive, Detroit, pled guilty T. SC:bu~l, W.lter 5chwelk. they've requested are .lready ! to speedinJ 41 mil .. In a 25- art. Fred H. Steinhe1aer, EltaD llIted in tbe phone books." be I mUe .re'. He wu fined $40. H. Neld. Elton L. NokJ. Peter s.id. JectJrJ Frances Cr.p.retta, 1025 Leto, Hem')' J. V.nEckoute. "Recent surveys show that B.lfour, 01 the P.rt. pled FMI R. Walker. CharI .. W. about 10 percent of telephone aullty to drivinl 4.4.. mil .. lA Weller, Jr.; WDly W. VemPr, customen make about 50 per. I 22301 Kelly Rd. 773.4242 I a 25-mi1e ZODe.Fine and costl Ch.r!e. H: WDson, W.lter A. cent of .ll directory asslst8nce CHRIST MAS GIfT I Bet. 8 & 9 Mi. Rd. totaled $35. W!bon. Vero C. W.lrwille, and calls. That me.ns a majority SUGGESTIONS ••• Visit Us ROUIIJI'l Tell mer, 15210 Karl .zelgler. 01 customer. is bearinC the 9:30.5 p.m. WindmW Point drive, pled WOCIlh LlOGI p.rticipatlnl burdeD of cost for the small • T 'OP cnd SkHt Guns • Rifles--ol all calibers .1' j' guilty to spec!


Oul 01 a grauP-lh." .uit. ....ill $ell oul Sfa ...5588 Ihe final wind.up 01- SLOT CAR RACE SET *with "RED STUFF"

With Purchase of A uto Radios Be pressure custom fitted in Cl new pair of fiberglass Rosemount USE YOUR BANICAMEIICARD OR MASTER CHARGE CARD ski boots with a unique fitting materiol (RED STUFF). You just $52.50 SPORT can't believe the fit is so fanlastic. The Red Stuff is "f/iodized" $9.50 DRESS TO $17.00 with compressed air and injected into the boot. Stop. in today SHIRTS COATS SWEATERS 5 1970 CORONET-AM $4995 for a test fit. W~i1. Ihey Boor 1o.. ;o'.Ov' 1051 - luy S1988 Ideal Christmcu$688 ROSEMOUNT CLASSIC $150 P,. • TDX $190 Pr. o o'oup - Unlil01$288 _ral",,'ol (3;11, - Out of 011 ~ld """ 01- 1 1970 CHALLENGER- of/roup 01 - a group 01 only LADY ROSEMOUNT $155 P,. - FASTBACK $175 Pr. 95 2 FOR$5.00 FM MULTiPLEX $149 Bring in your present skis and we'li adjust your bindings to fit CUFF ALTERATIONS FIEF. - OTHER ALTERAnoNS AT COST 95 your new Rosemounts ... or if you'd like to select a new pair 1 1969 POLARA- AM-FM •...•...... $99 of skis and binJings. we carry t,em all! ' TO '6" TIES SIS.SlACKS $129.50 95 Men'. Dr... 28 TOPCOA TS 1 1969 POLARA- AM •... n ••••••••••••• $49 "1l.,olioMSlockt - No01 $7 Famou. nome $79 8 _n', lap' , 8 95 SKIS: K.2, Head, Kneissl, , Dynamic, Ihi, pric. - cooh while 1 1968 POLARA-:' AM .... '...... •..... $49 Siderall Hart, Rossignol, and morel 2 PAIR $14.00 Ih.y lo.! 01 Antennas, Bezels, and Installation Available BOOTS: lorlge, Raich'e, Rieker" Koflach, Henke ALL SALES FINAL - NO REFUNDS - NO EXCHANGES at Comparable Savings $12.00 FLARE M.N'•• UI'. SLACKS '50.00 Men', Sult~go at ...... •.. $29.88 $99.50 Men', Suit. go at •.•..... $64.81 ( famous nam. 648 $115.00 Men'. Suits 10 at $71... 8avarian Slay.Pr." -S Wash & W.or $130.00 Men', Suit, go at ' $...... $160.00 Men', Suits go at $94.8. IRI. OFn. I." •••• 'AN. Is', .972 O. WH.N Flore Slack. al ABOVI .OLD WHICH IV •• COM•• n.'1 Vil1a~e MIN'. SPO.' COAT. 1216 s. Gratiot (Ow ..... ShatJ) $52.50 Men', Spor1 Coon at ...••. $19." Road Race Sets Also Available 1+" II. M -.n ~ II' MIle, $60.00 Men', Sport Coots at $3~.88 ftIONE 463-3620 $65.00 M"n's Sport Coot. at ., •... $39." Without Purchase $995 $12.00 DRESS $79.50 Men's Spor' Coafs at $54.8' T", 1.94 .. SHIRTS $95.00 Men', Spor1 Coot. at $59." .....,... bit fftfflt 01.11 couini'S8 GTM. SltOPS OPIN . O,e.. Shi,u- 88 Out at a g'oup .e IIHIMitW NiIh EVININGS al - POINIE DODGE .• t...... , .,... Tit' • tlwlJM _ ...... INCL. SlT. 19391 MaCK fa ••7210 .... v...... ~. a-t_ I."" DIMn

t • ijo'- ,...... •. j'~ ." r ~'I' ., ..~ ~-"i'."'-"r.." .'0' _ .. ,- -r .. i

Thursday, December 9, 1971 G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Pige Fi"e ------_ .._--_ .. _-----_. __ .__._-_._~------,------'. NO LADY LUCK Gift Suggestion I, Catch Suspects SHS To Offer fule Concert Don't rely on Lady Luck WOODS TROPHIES AND GIFTS Fro", GPN High 'In Theft Cases The Annual Christmas CQ;-GirW-"Giee Club in "Cantate in place of a 200d babysitter. cert presented by the music Domine, and the A Cappella C~ildren left alane at heme The Parents C~b af Grasse 1 The camb~l!arts af the department of SQuth High Chair ill "NaweU Sing We," I mIght be trapped and help. Painte No.rth High Schao.l ~as Farms pQlice and detective School will be presented an both selectians are based Qn less if Cire or some other EngrOl:uble (;ifts Only, Include: a s~ggesllan far YQur ChrISt. I squall have salved, in one Tuesday, December 14, at 8 15th Cl!ntur)' werks. . emergency shauld strike. • Poo(R TANKARDS, 18 STYLES mas shopping list. They are, wei'k. three cases of breaking a'c1ock. in th~ gy.mnatarium. . 'lhe TQwerbe!les and Chora.' • PlWTIR-SIL VIRPLA n BOWLS offering 'NQrseman Glasses," I and entry. Th('y currently Vocal ~u.stC dl~ector ~n., leers will j:Jin in sang with eight.ounce turn b Ie r s em., have live suspeels in custody ard L.Rlccmto,. dlrec~ar af m. ! "The Sleigh" and "The Prince lope .. Sunder_ 10:00 to 4:00 • GOBLETS-TRAYS Dlalaned wilh lhe schaal's I awaiting their examinatian strumelltal mUSIC,am: Russell, af Peace." The Chair will af. WE DELIVER green Narseman crest. fQ~ 75 i dale, R",ed. have planned an aut- I fer several special selections • DESK sns fOR THE SPORT MINDED cents each Q. 12 fQr eIght I The first case salved was standmg, program. : including "The Infant Jesus,". • 0,.,. .. II ... .,.... • CROSS PENS dallars. i that af the attempted break. The Symphony ~rchestra,: the 'ONu t r ra c k e r Suite," 1 Orders t'an be telepho.ned i ing and enlry o.f Gene's Parly led by Mr. Reed, WIll present! "Heilig" and Sweet !tlary • CHARM - 1.0. BRACUETS to. Mrs, David Brier!)', 881'1 StQre, al 383 Kercheval. an the "Antiphonal Fantas~" by' Guard Thy Precious Child." ROSL Y N • ZIPJlO - RONSON liGHTERS 8268, stack is immediately lo'riday. NQvember 26. CQr. DelIo JQIO. Edgar Billups, Lisa Childress is the featured available. poral Otto. Wanert appre. ~~rist Church o.~gani~t. will salaist in "SW«it Mary. Guard MARKET Praceeds will go. to. Par

activities. The club recently I' Farms jail, awaiting their ex. ------_._------_._-----_ ..._._ ..------~ purchased a falding machine aminatiQn date. to. expedite schaal mailings. Farms police received a calli ~~~~~ I from a Lakeshere resident at ~~~~ 112:05 a.m. Frida)', No.vember 126, that someone had gained I entry into. his he use by break. DOES YOUR MONEY j ing the windaw abave the latch 01. lof a sun raem door. Patralman EARN LESS THAN 10 70 I John Kraiza was immediatel;.' dispatched to the area. where If "0. IIll' II illw,,1 82,1100 ,he spotted a pair af men. hid- 1 ing bulk)' objects Qn their per. ill (I lIil'I' 20 f(llllil~ (l11(lrl- l1u~nt houst, u••ar (;roSSl" Isans. crauched in the bushes. He was able to. apprehend ane ('llillll' t~(li 11lI~,. I(I'lc suspect an the spat, and ar. Irested the secand when the 82.000 i,. tlH' limit for mar. returned to. his house lat. er that night Bo.th suspects I are awaiting their examW!I- Countess Mara tian date. "'or t1I11rl' ;Il/I're,~titlg I The third case broken by the neckties ;IlJorIlHI/ iotl tl'l('llhu nl' Farms po.lice involved a pair 821-898;) IlIllrn iIII;(" !)- af men attempting to enter a Extraordinarily rich tones that 12 or <"('nilll:" fl-!) or Fair Acres residence en Wed. blend with colored shirts of every "rill' 10 nesday night, December 1. hue - distinctive "today" de- Farms palice received a call signs •.. superb craftsman. about 7:30 p.m. The Fair ship ... a II say "Countess Acres tesident reparted that a Mora, the finest!" THE NEW YORKER man had rung the doorbell, 1):~6 ilt'lll'III1"I'i('ld and when no.ene answered, he (;m,.~(, !'"ill/l' ..lJi. 1H2:W had summoned an acco.mplice, and the two. were currently at- ~~~~~ tempting to. break into the ~~ he use. Minutes later, Farms ------patrolman Donald Piloh appre .. hended ane suspect at the scene. At present. the athcr suspect is still being saught. Car Stereo Deck Stolen in Woods BOYS' .NFL OUTFIT LIONS eOl TS RAMS' An eight-track stereo. de~k HELMET " was stolen from an autamQblle ' Wednesday, December 1. SHOULDER PADS $1121 95 Officer Jahn Albrecht re- PANT .SHIRT ceived a report from Mrs. Paul D. Kelley, 421 Champine 'place, that someone had en- tered her parked car at W 0 rid s Recreation, 20422 HOCKEY. SKATES Mack,: and,.to.ok the deck. LANGE '1285 "'Altb'ough her vehicle ''Was ._ ~.C. TO ' ,IQ!l~~.- th.e, thief aPPl!renUy en\lirei1: through thesepara- BAUER 899.' tionand weather strippnig on ADtDAS the' right daar windaw and -righ,t rear windaw. The 'deck was valued at $120. ..

i BALLS .wILSON K28 ' Pierce School AIR FLIGHT RAM 3D $1O~.,Concert Dec. 15 The annual Pierce Middle Schoal .Christmas Concert will be held an 'Wednesday. De- ~OWLING BALLS cember 15, at 8 o'clack, in the school 8uditorium. Par. ::~NSWICK $1.795 ents are invited to.. ~o.ur the Countess Mara building fram 7:30 to. 8 Q'clack, EBONITE lOp The sixth and seventh grade vocal students will sing and sport shirts the baild 'and orchestra wiP (left) 65% dacron, 35'1'0 colton. In red, play several seasonal selee. bl ue, brown, 18.00 (right) Fine importee! EASTSIDE lians as well as several spe. SPORTING GOODS 2 • 2 voil e. In red, blue, brown, with white cialty numbers. ground, Sizes M,L,XL, 6462 VAN DYKE 'Members Qf the audience AT FORD FREEWAY will have an oppoi'tunity to DETROIT Ising alang with the perfarm- 20.00 WA 1.3550 ers. Hours: 9 to 6 p.m. I 'Refreshments will be served -_._-_._._------fallawing the pragram. .',:;:;<}; t:rfi..•. How to:' GROSSI ",.

~y Mail. tJ •

Just complete thitl c~u~n, enclose check and mail to: THEGROSSI POINIIN' ••. 99 Kercheval Ave., GroSi. Pointe, Mic:h':".236

Zero King r---~----~-~-~-~~--.One Year-Wllyn~ County and I O 51. Clair Sheres .... $6.00 Chesterton o Six Months ... _ $4.00 I 100% all.wool velour with I ( lustrous acrylic pile. lustrous alpaca pile collar, lining. The One Year - Out of County and I king of au/door coals. Sizes o nul of State .... $7.00 I 40 to 44, I o Six Months .... $5.00 I 100.00 I I o School Term-Sepl.-June ... $5.00 I I NAME r f,. ADORES;; I (IT\' [ 203 PIERCE ST" BIRMINGHAM 520 WOODWARD FISHERBUilDING Open every eveni ng (Monday thru Friday) until 9:00 Detroit stor .. open daily until 5,30 p.m, .I STAlE - - -. - - ZIP ------I'~r ~tarting ned Monday, open Monday, Wednesday, Frldcy until 6:30 p,m, 1 .....__ - - - '.- ...... -:,~ 4lllIla ..... -.,.I!lIIII'o":':.';) Thank You F01 Le'tin~"fJs$i~v.'~CiQ : . ~. " P.ge Six &ROSSE POINTE NEW 5 Thursdoy, December 9, 1971

UP IN SMOKE A good way to .top .mok. A f:;~~~A~~ney may INeal to Speak Aluminum Awnings ing - llDd liviDg - II to 100I1 be parted, but they ~o On Environment [ Obituaries command 8 lot of respect willie I smoke in bed. Rid yourseU ~?::t:~:~:; 16 Colors o! this careless habit now. they're teamed up. ------.-- Jamea Neal, dlJtrict esten. JACOB E. 1lUa0LD ,. 1earl, be praeUeed med!. several Grone Pointe po. Screen Porches , sion leader.resource develop. ,Funeral servkel for Mr. t.1lle 1Jl Js!I oftleel at lMlt UeeJDeJloand firemen attended , ment. of Wayne State Unlver- Harrold. '71, of 1851 CoUDtry Elit Warrell. He wa. a mem. tM fte&ional FIr(' abel Arson ; sity will 6peak 011 MoDday, Club drive, were beld 00 bel' of tile State aDd Covat)' TralDin, SChool for Macomb POINTE : December 13. froQl. 7:30 to saturday, Deeember ., !It the medical soeieUes, the Amer. County Wedneaday, Deeember A. H. Peten FUDera1 Home. lean Society of GeDera1 Prae. 1, and Thursday, December 2. 'I' 8:30 o'clock, at the War Me- S~reen & Sash, ,,-c. morial. on "Danger Sl,JDI of He died Wed8elday, Decem- t:ltiollen, .Dd a eharter mem. at Mount ClemenaIUgb School. I ber I, UI Hutzel HoIpitai, bel' of the Mlcld&a.a Induatrial The theme of the school was Auon from Howald John"n', • 1.-,,'. 'Em' iron mental Problem. - He II lurvivtd by his wife, Hyliene Soefety.Dr. Krebs bas.lc and advanced fire and : A Critical I.ook at Our COm. 20497 Ma(k Avenue TU 1-6130 : munity." Charlotte; • ICN!, Jobn; •.Ix was a '35 graduate of the Un!. ¥rlOll iIlyestigIUon.s, aDd the : Mr. Neal's presentat.loD II lJ'aadeb!Jdren; a brotber, Wll. verlity of Miehl,an. development of understanding the last in a series of seminara liam; a.'id two s!Mers, Dr. He fa survivtld by his wife, and cooperation between fire, Role Ella Herrold aDd Kn. Mary LoWae; two .oDS, Dr. pollee, abel WUlance services. i sponsored jointly by The War i Memorial and 1'be EducaUoa Staey Sharp. William and Char&e.; a daUJb. Park firemen attending the ,Memorial tributes may be ter, Carol)'ll; and two .isten. aebool included Chief Henry : Committee of Environmental Action Now (EAN). made to the oakland County lIemorial tributes may be De Clerelt, L!eutenlDt David AlIOd:at1oI&for Rebrded Chi1- lIIacie to the eott.le Hoapltal Taylor, Sergeant WiJ.llam HUD~ Mr. Neal was graduated drell, 264 South Tetelraph, DeveJopment FWid.. and Corporal Andrew BeIlOOt. from Michigan State Univer. at sity in 1915~ with a BS lD lDPoaUac. lDterment wal in H1gb1a.ad Farms polieemen parUcipat. Intenneftt was In Oakview Cemetery, !D YJ)lllaDtl, Mleh. In, !Deluded Detective Ser. Forestry. He receivedhll KS degree in 1965, majoliD& lD Cemetery. • a • 'tant George Van Tiem, .De. Forest Recreation IDd minor. • • • GI..BNN 8. toC&WOOD tective Joseph Miller, and PAUL D. «aWlS sa.FUDerll services for Mr. Detective Earl Field. I ing in Resource Development. He currently woru a If. 'FuMral .rvice. for Kr. 1.'lCkWOCld, 77, of 318 Moran The school was presented by Get Year 'Round Protection with I of be1d i county area in Resource De. GrubbI, '1'2, 20515 Vernier road, were on Friday, the Ulliversity of M.ichigan New Beautiful Vinyl Coated Mad were held on Tueaday, Decem~ 3, in the Verheyden Extenaion Service; the Fire i velopment which inciudes pro- S Dacron Fabrics : ~rammjng in are .. of natural Dee~mber 7, in the A. H. Funeral Home. He died Tues. Karshal Division of the Micb. Peters FI1Deral Home. He dled day in Cottlle HOIPital after igan State Pollce; the Division I resources, (forestry, fish, wild. We Come To Your Home 011 saturday, Deeember 4, in a lone Wneu. of Vocational Edueation, De- t~""t?\CM'\1 life, land, water, tOurUm aDd ~ free bvlmates! recreation and community re. st. John Hospital. Bon in Highland, Mic:b., partment of Education; the source dev~lopment.) . Mr. Gmbbl was on the reo Mr. Lockwood was .n iDa1*!- Michiglll Chapter of the Inter- He works closely with the liouJ le,al eotIACll of the tor for the Detroit EcliaoIl Com- Dational AssociaUoD of Arson Alcohol Tax DlvlJion of the pany for 47 years. He reUred Investigations, and local in. WE SERVICE' community officers of MidUgan GREA UR DETROIT "lO 7-0890 U.S. Trealury. He WII a ,r.d. when wu St•. He was a ttzested agencies and depart- McCulloch's new 61/2 Ib~ Stat" University to provide be 95 uate of George Washln,toll member of the Senior Men'. ments. J. C. GOSS COMPANY -6330 £. JEFfERSON Mini Mac 6. $129 with.,r~, & chain I them with information and UMvenlty, aDd the George Club of Grosse Pointe an~ a 1_ programs. He b particu1arl,y Wa.hiDIton College of Law. memher of the Grosse Pomte Tne world's lightest chain saw at the world's lightest. interested in asslstlDg com. .Formerly a res.ldent of Memorial Church. He had price is a great way to say Merry Christmas. Or gi~e him munities with inventorying re- Grolle Pointe Farms, Mr. served in the Navy during the Deluxe Mini Mac 6 Automatic, which automatically sources and plaMing for fu- Grubba fa survived by his wife World War I. ture. oils its. Q,wn.14~ bar and chain for longer wear. !t Helea; two JOIlIJ, Harmon, and IIr. Lockwood is sUlYived by At one time Mr. Neal WI! a Paul D.; aDd. da;lghter, Mzs. his wife, Bernice; ~ne son, handles 'as easily as an electric k.nife: ..yet.realty forester in South Carolina. zips through building jobs, tree-tnmmmg. fire- W. T. ZurSchmiede Jr. Donald J,; and a sister and Many of his professional papers lDterment was in the Wood. brother. the bright and the bold wood. have been published. lawn Cemetery. lDterment Wal in Oakwood For further information on • • • Cemetery in Saginaw, Kich. by Jarman ... flombuoyon,t The WOItd'. tnorII. Power 6 $ 184.95 the session, call TUxedo "* IlAaY E. LANGE • • • This is Ihe world'a besl-Mlling auper lightweight 1-7511. f'~ral aerviee. for Mrs. ETIIEL L IlVUDD chain IIW. ~ulll to prO'lSIionl1 atandard., yet at new version of the stroight 7 Ibs.' il'a so tight and maneuverable. anyone,can Lang, '71, of 1521 HaQl.pton Funeral servicel for JIll. use II. 14' bII, and chain ,UCH through an fl..lnch THE LIGBT road, were held on Saturday, Hubbard, 89, of 25 Elm court, log Inlusl6 uc- ami•. t,;, 20% It takes a clever mill *.0 dis. December 4, In,fhe A. H. Pe. were held on Monday, Deeem. lip blucher, great with grealer cunlng tinguish the differe~ce ~n ters FUDe1'a1 Home. She died ber 6, In the VerheYden Fu. capacity. gl.e him tlMl a millstone and a stePPing D.luxe Power Mac S 011 Tueaday, November 30; In neral Home. She died on Fri. todais clolhing colors. Aulcmatlc. which hulS" stone in life's patb. DeaCoDeliHoepUal. diy, December S, In St. AnDe's bar and chain, la .. II-oliing Bom in Canada, Mrs. Lang Convlllesc-ent Home. lor longer wear. was the wife of the late Fred- Born In Connerticut, Mrs. Ginger/brbss or blue/red erick. She 11 .survlved by 1I Hubbard il lurvived by her daUlhter, Mrs. Del p h in e daughter, Mrs. Gordon Skin• leother ~ith brass eyelets. $20. .Rieake. Sbe WIS. also tbe Iter; lon, Charles E. Jr.; sis. mother of the late Glenn and ter, Mrs. Jane Cavanaugh; the late Shfrley. and five ,randc:bildren aDd lDtennent 'Wal in Forest four .great-grandchildren. ,a.19815 Mack """"it~Ave. - TU 1-6233 Lawn Cemetery. IBterment was in Evergreen . in ,h. Woods .. 825 Woodward An. • 1 ALDEN• D.• XUMLElt• Cemetery. _ Pontiac III...... Funeral ae"1ees for Mr. TWO BIKES TAUN fOT injormaticm Kumler, 89, of 482 HldOOn David HelD, 783 Rivard, IIIMcCuIloch ....Iy getI th8 f()b done kindlll 'Clll1 lane, were held on Tuesday, called City police on 'MondllY, 33.. 9203 Deeember '1, in the A. H. December 8 to report the Peters Funeral Home. He died theft from his garage of two 00 Fr~ay, December 3, in mlnJ.blke •. One Woll! described Cottage Hospital. las >& blue and white trail bike . .Mr, Kumler ',ns a teacher with II black seat IInd a at Southeastem Hlf~ Sch~l, Brigg •.Stratton two .• peed en. and the allOClate director of gine, valued. at $155.95. The publlcatlol1t for the Detroit. otb er wal a home-made ~'. Board of Education. . ora",e and. ~hromll blke ..Witb elmer . He it lum. ved .byhll._.. wife, ~..BNand a Tecumseh I .... ~' .. ~~~~ ... , -tlllllM' •.'1JiI5'1:il1ies"'Mcf1ir1e ,~...... " f". Henry J. 'Reynold... 'ront UresHein told officers , Memorial tributes may be I th . . h . NSche,el's~ d totbe MichWrariCancer that. e tbeft. mu.t ave DC. ma e ... curred lIometime betwll8n 6 N GOLF\"O, . ," Society. p.m. on S~ay, 'December 15, ~~~~nt wa. In.Evergreen and 8:30------a.m., December 6. .Jacobsorrs .. AtJTOIIA'I10N HE_A_:_~~_t""'"~EIS_'f..., ~\,"")' DB. MLUAJI T. DEBS N .... FWWlral service. for Dr. The secret of aueeell lies in t,rying. to fllld a more efficient MEN'S STORE ~,"Mj,.ulel f,om all Kreb.,' 83, of 269 Kenwood e,OUrt, _w~ held on Monday, way of doing your work-not IN THE VILLAGE ., "tit. 'b;,;'e~" PHONE' J:>eCember8, 1Jt the Grosse rUllD1n, away from it. 1 37575')(ARPEIl,' MOUNT q£MENS PoLate Memorial Church. He .ili,I+'.t .t-9,4 ~"., North . 46SwS800 .dlediuddeDly .on Thursday, 500 Ff;,Not1tI of. Me". a-c...I'oritwaV. .neee"ber 2, ill Cottage Hos. pitaL Dr. Krebs had lerved .s I CorpcirateMedical Director of HEAfEDrEESOPEN the HudIoD Motor Car Com- WE'RalOPEN7 D4YSA WEEK-::-l0 A.M. to 5.:30 P.M. Piny from 1931 to 1N6. For Christmas SALE (CoaUa.cI tl'lllll Page 1) *,~GOLF with Christmas IIcUviUes. MORE THAN Ivy For How ..• Buy Ft,r Nexl YtGr •.• Buy for C1lristn!ft Gifts Poetry, Ia

VA 2.'070

1 .•. ; ,. . ,1.> . . "Ii rt pi 'tMi'dii='1+ii+ee" - . - i "i-a; '$ : , : : .,o , . \ i "", '1/' •.'"' .. 4Il ......

Thur$day, December 9, 1971 G R 0 SSE P 0,1 N TEN c W S IPW'P Plan Busy Holiday ISuspect Gives ------_....---- 'IMonth of Get-Togethers . Himself Away It's Happy Holidays ______A Farms policeman, while of dlscuulon 011 Tuesday, De. questioning a motorist on cember 28, at 8 o'clock, If Lakeshore about the excessive Again At .. · you're interested, call 882.3260 noise uf his car, Qn Sunday for reservaUoll.8. night, December 6, noUcd Wine, Cheese aDd Musical that a passenger was makinI' Sampler, Is on the acenda for a deliberate attempt to hide Wednesday, December 29, at 8 his face. o'clock, at Pat Clayton's home Patrolman Johannes Winter, in llUdgemoDt avenue. For becoming suspicious. asked to :J.i3cher ~ reservations call Pat at 881. see the passenger's ldentifka. 4M2. <:c.st is $l.50. tlon. The passenger produced I Clutlng out the month, and a birth certificate which iden. the old year, Is the New tified him as James Harry In. The Village Year's Eve Party on Friday, M.elchwn, 21.ye8rs-oLd, December 31, at 9 o'cluck, at At Ule rarms station, Patrol. the home 01 MatiJde Lavalle. man Winter checked the files CHESS SETS HUMMEL FIGURINES For reserv.uoos call 886-4159 f(;r the suspect, and discovered or 882-4148. Only 60 reserva. a James Edward Meldrum, of tious will be taken. Wear for. the same birthdate. who had mals if you like! Cost is $3 for been Issued a De.U'Oit traUic GAMES ANn PUZZLES membera and $6 for guests. warrant for his arrest. PARTY GOODS PWP Is u International, non- The Farms police turned profit, IIOD-sectarian, educa. E tional organi!ation devoted to over the suspect to Detroit I CANOL S .1 the interests and welfare of po_li_ce_, _ single parents and children. MUSIC BOXES You are eligible for memo GARBAGE ~:Pd~e~u :::a:a:::~~ ~ IBOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS II married Qatus. Age or cus- I 3 DAY IMPRINT SERVICE tOOy of children. is not a fac- GRINDER.i 3f.1[,NADE' tor for eligibility. elK Guests are welcome at all I. regular meetings. Admission 17047 KERCHEVAL is 25 cents for members and 50 cents for. associate mem- I bers and

~ '. ~

AM Pocket I A' PlIIII' 'IsshookslvinlSICC. ~ Portable Radio .~ ItStandlPd Fede'll Slvings ~~ ~ .~

\ ~ ~

Senior Citizens ~ ~ . To Repeat Trip ~ ~ ~ ~ Grosse Pointe War Memo. rial Association is scheduling a repeat Christmas trip to Frankenmuth for SenIor OlU- ~ ~ zens which was such a sUCcess last year. This year, the: trip will be made on Friday, De; ceinber 10. The chartered highway bus ~ r B' will leave ,the center, 32 Lake ~ ~ Shore, at 10 a.m. returning by A. nrawPoker and Blackjack Game.' 5:30•. Luncheon tilis year will Press start switch and cards hegin to be at quaint Bav.8rian Inn with roll. Push 5 bullons to stop. 60.2118 a choice of entree including B. Dice Machine, Pull lever to start chicken, veal or shrimp. dice moving, press buttons to stop, There will be a tour of ~ r ~ ~ Uses one I,C" c.ell. 60-2117 . Carling's Brewery with gen. erous free refreshments. And, C. Electro.Jackpot Slol Machine. Pull of course, there will be visits ~ f~~ teverto play and it begins to spin. to Bronners to shop for im. Press bull')ns to stop. '60-2119 . ported Christmas ornaments. One may also browse through ~ ~ 'Prlcel with asterisk will be slightly higher in all or most stores the cheese stores, wood work- due to Fed"ral surcharge and currency revalualion. ing shops and sausage makers. The day, including transpor. ~. ~ tation, meal 'and tours is $9 per person on 8 pre.pald basis. The group is necessarily lim- 19193 Mack Avenue ited. Detroit, Michig~n MODERN MIRACLE Over.confidence is the firm belief that eventually the im. . possible is going to happen . Charge It with Master Chatge or BankAmericard E,veryone has a chance until they lose the value of time. .I tI With a regular insured passbook savings account at Standard Federal you reap a profitable 5% per year 'r , ~ !I. ~. return on your money. And, when you save the easy passbook way, you save when you want to, how ~ ' , ~ much you want to, and your money isreadilv available. Standard Federal not only rays 1)% daily interest ~ I ~. on regular passbook savings accounts, but interest is compounded quarterly. Plus, daily interest is the I ~, easiest way qfsaving: it's exactly what it says-l,tour money earns5%'daily interest ;:rm the date of .. i ~. deposit to date of withdrawal. Nobody pays a higher rate of interest on insured regular passbook sav- ~~ ~, ;ngs accounts than we do. Stop by ,oon, You'll find u, nearby, , . where you're always welcome. ~

~ ------~ ?Jtt.' NORTH WEST EAST J. 1500 North Woodward, Birmingham 11540 Grand Rivar naar Southfield 14628 East Jnfferson at Manistiql ~. ). 99 West Maple. Birminaham 25712 Grand River near Beech Road 18530 East W.rren naar Outer r ~ . .. ~ 3700 West Maple. Bloomfield TWII. 14221 Greenfield near Grand RiveT 11511 Kelly Road at Whih,dr '. ' ~ . 2599 West Big Beaver Road. Troy 10641 Joy Road at Manor mOl Harper, St. Clair Shor8s ~4 " At john's Island,lNe've rekxated morc trees ;-', 940 filS! Long Lake Rood. Troy 24224 Joy Road near Telegraph 30700 Schoenherr, Warren fX than other .private Florida communities ~ ~ 1406 North Woodward. Royal Oak 16841 Schaefer Road near McNichol~ 3900 fourteen Mile Road, Warren ..~ ~~ 2&123Southfield Rd" Southfield 17230Farmington Road. Livonia OOWNTOWN Ol:TROIT fI..t~. have rertlO\ed. Our residents moved here ~~ 2940& Greenfield. Southfield 405 Griswold at Jefferson )'\~ to enj0' tll: environment. no!. displace it. ~. ------~! John's Island is that kind 01place, ~, 1~

~ ~ Write Roy D. Chapm Ill, Presidenl,

• !~o~~~s~~!?~r~e. Vero Beach, Florida ~2960, i ~ ~ ~ .

~1sIond Privacy.


~J '~ ." .11 •• p\'j )"""(\.)"::.;"""~,'.ti.:._A,,L,,J'~\'.M ,j~~~.\\.1 ~ ..\t(<<.~1:..J"A ,'_", :A:~"".• :.'.,t..,A: ...... u~,,;.

.-"IIl..- __ "'------..-...... -. -. ~_~~ m._-=~_•••••=••• mmstt7sE P17S7'.'S'zwmrt,ti'NWSO¥i'St¥'f ArtJ , , :, , ~.,.:. :" . '" " J Page Eight GROSSE POINTE NEWS Plan Christn ..as Play.concert 51. ,Paul students will give grades one through elibt. TbJJ One View From The C.apitdl. a performuee of the Nut. p 0 r t 10D of t"- program Is 8, ,...... ,. WIIHa ••• 8.,-. Ir. ~ eracker Suite, aDd the Glee under lbe d1tect.lon of crea. Club, wULpresent a Chrittmas Uve dramatics teacher, Mrs, .JUlt IS the flnt lIeav)' SDO~' wb1ch pubUc: illlntlAJ 11 per., Concert, on Thursda)' and Fri. 'Maureen PetUt. of the w!bter tov.reel tIIie m1~ duriag tieer. Malq4 day, 'December ,16 and 17, at ProfessIonal dance tea c:hers, ground lD La.iII,I••t week, tile from 7:00 1,11I.. to U.OO a ',III.. 7:30 o'clock, in the scbool Mrs. Dav2d Pethlck and Denbe H 0 u. e 8JlcI S e n a te tl91b' ,aDd frolll. 2:00 p.m. to 5.00 gymnasium, S ' th reached all'eemeat OIl a BIlOW" p.m.; may not operate wJtblJl The Glee Club, composed of czycula and handllDg e moblleregul8Uoll bUl aDd .. ~ 100 feet of a llide, U1 or akat, girit from grades five through cboreograph)'. It OD to the Goveroor for apo iIIl area; IDd may not \lie a eight, under the directiob of Primary students will per. provl!. SlIOwmob1Jeto hunt a ~lld bird Sister Pat Fitzgerald, will open form The D/lDCeof the Sugar Many months of work have' or ItUml!. tile program with carols. Plums. fourth grader. will do gone Into the final versioa .of In Idditloa to tbae lAd other Selections from Tchalkov. a RuuJan dlnC'~, and sixth this b.iU. wltls the ll.t several "'trlction. in the bUl, there sky's "Nutcracker Suite" Willi graders an Ar.bllb dance, weeu bei"l spent 011 tr)'in& wu 1Aciudeda ptovia1on allow- (oUow. Acting parts will be The Gir1J' Glee Club will to come up with a v~rIfOft.that !at a elt)', vllla,e or townah1p performed by s t u d e D t s ill close the program, both of the l;Iowe lad Seute to pus ord1Jla~~eI re&u1aUn& --- . - could concur OIl. BoUl had ear- the operatiOG of snowmobile. lIer thit year intl'odllcecl nt- 11 they meet the minimum reo l;1ons of their own relUlIUn, quirel'lleDtI of the state llw. .Smilev Brothers-, OPlN SUNDAY 1.5 Isnowmobiles. The ftnaJ nf' Tb6ae of you who enjoy this 'J flU PUlliNG 5101'111 a comprom1Je meuure IIIOrt IDd would l1ke a copy oC 'n aDd eacompaalel porUoal of the fiIIIl form of the bUlmlY; Olllon IIIIA\IHG ...... both of tbese t;!l1J. ,et OM by droppiilg, me a mo W ...... d ..... CHRISTMAS 1010 N 11011 I. 11l8OO NJ l/l7l For thole of you who parUc1. ,JlOte. I'I1.be hipPY to IUpply 1Io~, 9.30a,3O pat,., 111, or. are tb1nldll, of 'you with atopy. ' ~..:;a,f.~ GIFT Sow,d., 9.»~.3O tbJ. ~' taking up fait ,row14l. ----- 'i sPOrt. I'll try to blt some of tbe Ch .,. '» \ 6ALDWIN-BECHSTEIN-~ YAHAMA bleb 'pots 111 the new regula-. ar.1e ~rown tiou governlol these ve- To,Vi,it H.ere Grand PianG8 chIcles. , I Tbe re,istratJon fee will '0 No gift will lost 50 long or up as of .Januar)' l,lOTZ •. Tbe Groue P,oiAte Chll<:ten'. be enjoyed by sO many as a cost of a three year rcd,ttt~. Thelter it puttiDC il:t final fine Grand Piono . , , Try tion wlU be se. for I twO'y.ar touebta OIl Its bc.'UdIY plek. side b" side these three world rer.latraUOIl $t, aIId $I for ,a I .. ,. "You're It. (ioOd 'llan renowned makes . . . The one-year rerittr.tioft. 11Ifte CharIle 'Bl'Own," I ,two-act best is not the most costly, incrensed feel will tfOvlde reo IIlllllcal whicb wUI be preseo&. Prices from $1,995 veDue to eonatruct aDd. milD. e4 to .crosSe Pointe aDd De. tam tral1J. establiib a Itate- troit .. udlellce. for the Christ~ ------. ' wide .afet)' education pro,r.m mu'lioliday.. .. 1 ..... ,..,.___ and enforce the snowtnOb~Tbe del/(btful, heariwarm.' L • t G.. M'- laws., .' iDI ,Peanuts cbara~efJ Wil\ \ IF,or C""S mas IVlng, aile 'l'be bill ineludes Ill'Ovll- . -Grosse PciDteWar lIemo- LETTUA 31 fEITUIESt Written iDtO. 'tbi,a !Jew "Vi'.' ~ TU.. 1..75U: att~ ...PlIIICh fill Electric mobile b1ll ,were ,,~veral pro- '.. ..Joo.y T.OYilnd:., 'On ,the. I ., visioDl reJUJaUnl.'the oper•• In{l,,j ,TU 1.7075. -aDd, at Big Elect tric carnace ~on of these ve~cl,es..; IDclucled: JSO~1iLl\eJt8urant, HaMrd and. re Wfi. Iin the biD was' a: Pnma~' il.~ 'IV 889.0390. 'IF oth.er tl.o!l ••I.lltlOI whiFb prohibit. aD10fte .~ M!!miUon; reglrdin~party

,EiIllUt~s et'l'lrs !2 yeara. of Ire. 'fJjai.' ... ~at: jr~.~,. ~~c....,::~leaae C" : M. rs.. • pI"SSIOII cotltrtl Ull a, .. wmo&Mle (:~, publib Sf" Be1J201ds, Di~ ,TV Teach cllltr.1 la~ds •. t-sofo1ulWT !, _~,~. \ ,.,."~, ., ','". 5 Vear Warranty perIODS a.e 12~1., wm be No. '.,TboH,'takltig partJA tJse;plar I"" ~ulredto haY8atr"eerti.1 ~~e:Ton\. GebblelDCl:~ fie~te to oper.t, .thevebicJea' Jl)'aD ,U C~ a r 1 i e fl~,,; I without au.pery1d0ll. OIl. pu. - Jillc ,iI.colri B.roP.h.fl.. II LuCY.,:. C~.. i I lands, The ... requlnm.ti iR~~ and\Sue Wllhtlbllp :IQUANTAADDERS doeSn't app~ to operitioll'~ 'as Patty: left !crl.lt alld Ken , parent's property, -' ,i ~. ~l'JIer 'frill play SChroeder. I1Direct addition and Also Included' was a pr:o' .'.' BW Cha~OJl, ~re" Sha~ I sllfltraction holdine the anOwlnoblle "0 n_heeJ! and ~Jla~ wiD W, _. ~~.. iplicp~ea~~.ion tor .prim. fa~leDelUlent 'in seen II'SQoOpy. ¥In:1sWili ~ ... •• any .."roadwl>' aeeldellt" ~ eaactl!d '/ by. ~b .~4bie an~ 1 4isceunts ween a IIIOwmObiJel aDd autO- ~lbKee~a ....,.:\, .....- '. - percentages m,oon., The bill' ~. 'Mrs, ~yj. Beya,olds il direc- 1,Credit h.llnce roadway" U,),at poi1IoD ottilie ,tor ~ !producer, ')fr,. ,VJc.tI& sVear Warr~nty road which automobile. trayet HlDIeIl ,iI ,mUl!eal dlrec:tcr. OIi"tbtrebyenaa.riDc.thlt,. SIleO'.... .:.~_ a~ I>l Soptb Hiah .• . ".l11.~, $5'450 to $26500 ' snq",mobL1e operatOr gnot ~....-tra. ~ntlli: ~'kt I'ef~ __ 1iJ-, a~: C',;',:";"-,"", --.--.--..- '~WESERVICE WHAT WE 'SELl"l t::~d~::nteu:~~e~~:~jmphony Sets i or off-road area. ' C C GROSSE POINTE STA TlOMERS " Operators will as of JanuarY . '.enter. oncert 1 . . ,. & f i I, 1972; be required to bave a Al so: comp Iete 0ff Ice supp .le5 urn turel decal with their' reailq-atiOn The Detr,oitS y m ph 0 n'y . number, provided by the State, CbamberORheJtra UJider the 19834 Mack Ave. a"lxed to their luowmob11e.': dl.reeflon of Plerre Hetu Win I ONE BLOCK NORTH OF COOK ROAD The noise level of the iIIoW' present aSPe.:ial Christmas 'I mobUe mu.t Dot exceed 811cle- PI'OIl'lm of Renalasance music PHONE 884-7600 cibels and ~s of February:l, In,Grolse Pointe War IIl1mor. 'I . 1m, aU snowmobi1el maaufap. Jalll'rit. AudltorilDJl next r- - - - - With This Coupon Only - - - .... -, tured. or sold tnJ(lchilan mUlt ~sUy eveniJII;Deeem}ler I: FREE.th Pu _.,- . f l 36 I. nOfhe:~:a:~~~~:aev:;~14izt~~~~'~~'l>~~amwl1l WI Jmuse 0 . elt.ra. ..pro.\'lslo.,liS r~trl(lUnIl the. o~r. ~. Lu•...~:.I '.'Le. Tri.?lJI.~?e de. I • .• ation of. lnowmobU... They 1A,mour, T~~e~an. . Ove~. I • may not: be operated withIA ~ in D lIajor , Stravinsky s IITENSOR ELIlCTRIC. s18'S. 100 feet of a dwe1Un( betw'ello ..•Dum,~rton O~ks Goneerto " , PENCILSHARP.EMIR.... V.Iv" ~.2.s:~grgb.e~~.~.dtht~OO...JI\f.rl':..~~..t, f>..o,P':~s~~.er~~~Jon~=~~ \ I 0,* E • D .be a,,, • required to maintain. fOrviard lor Clarinet ami Cello". Re. L------______ef XP"lJS ee.m , . 1.1 movem~n~ of the,snowmo~,...... ,~.a:r$3l5Olerved seatsd.for the concert n-- .. ------.. ---_... may not ,operate. in in .area On ~orfbo:e~w~ 'wlsbtO liiake ." ra Ptls a gala'Jalid~com.Ple.~~ie- 'n,~ ninr. the Center iJ servinr, a .~ 'Benal'IID.c=e ..banqueF, before ,the concert hi tb.e beiut161Ily Christmas. deeoi'ated Criitlil ~a~1'll around the' ~U'le A '72 CADILLAC yule tree. The dinner wlllfea. ture theu-a,ditlonll wassaU bowl Ind even a roast. piilet. ;r:;IA (~';""W7rP The banquet IncludIng tax and lemee!. offered for just $5. • Tho•• who already have tic. THE DECISION IS YOlJRS ••• kets for theconeert ma)' make reservations .at the Center's ollle/! as well as purchase ton. YOlJMIGHT EVEN SELECT ceJ't tickets .there also. DiMer , is by, prepaid reservation onJY. Concert l~ck.ts will be sold It A PRE-DRIVEN CADILLAC the door as well as In\advance. Tbe 'best of highways will not help some folks go st~algbt. I \ Ir \ WE HA VE AN UNUSUALLY FINE SELECTION OF l~ATE MODEL CADILLACS, ESPECIALLY PRICED 1'0 MOVE THIS MONTH BUT BEFORE YOU BUY .. , \ .AI" BE SURE TO VISIT ,HlAna, COFFEY CADILLAC Ct. 31 80 E. JEFFERSON l i L07-6811 l.UlU lCIlCKlVAL • VA 2-9070


" -.,i ~~ ._ - .. ,4. "'. ~...... , '. ~. _~ ".' ft-_ .-=_...... _ - t ..,..,~~~''''''''''''''''_''- __ '''i_;''. _.,.., _S _4 __ ,..... , ...... '__ 4"4... _ ... _._._ ... _ •...- ... _._u...... ,...-----..-..,.-...-....--.....-~...__...... __...-~""~.'---'.. ..-....- , fI, ' • '. ,. ""1". ' j" "';:'~ .:' .""';,'" ',l'i~',"';;',,, -',-"".'.'.~." · ' ." '."',' "C,", ,", 'co ,,'1."';":"':' , ' ".,. .:... • . ,.. ., ., '..',- '''. ' • .. -.. . t . f""" 41 '. • ',' ¥

, f\ ThursB.yu t>eee!f'ber 9. 197,1 G RO SSE POI N TEN E W S Page Nine ( I,

Tc.e el'Olses tolkt 'have to It',' '.. d, !Wt ""true-lI6ually I' mented at Maire School. bear' 1J;e: often of th~1r OWl,l it'. weak, m~n who break Will Di,ClU8 Drug Program maklnt! .' ",om1se..' , HOPE Tree Orn~ments In-The-Making A Fed~ral narcotirl; al{ellt f Maire School PT4 will bold IDlvlJJoa', IaIJOIl ol1lcer to wW also be present. ita next meet1D( it 1:30 o'clock, So\Ith Hl&h Sehool, wlll dlscuss Refreshments will be ~erved 'W",r~PAY MORE? on Tuelday, December 14. the druI Mucation proaram, in the gymnllslum fOl1tlWing JOM XeDd.U, Y~uth Service, particularly ~~~ is imple. the meeting. ALL FU.Mm.•• ,'200/0 ,ABOVE COST ,w.,carry major bra~. You can lower UN~QUEFURNITURE 5~9-6334 the cost of loving "DecoratinQ Assistance' AVGUoble by40%. CAMP 'HAZA WITKA " . The Camp For Boys Arb"t'" Lake, MayJi,ld, Mich, ,' . '!'raver,e City 'Area CAMP MOVIES AND SLIDES Assembling "parts" for ornaments , GROSSE POIHTE I MRS. THOMAS VAN PELT, of Hamp- guests at the Hope Ship League's ton road, MRS. HOWARD WILLE'IT, WAR MEMO"AL Tree-Trimnjng Party will fashion and of Harcourt road, MRS. LEE TER. Dialing direct long ,:' DEC, 12,h 2-4 ;P,M. hang on the HOPE Tree Sunday, De- RILL, of Berkshire road, and MRS., distdnce, you , i THE JOSEPH GEM.IS "FA.llY cember 12, from 3 to 6 o'clock at the JOHN CROSS, of Beaufait road. Mrs. lower the cost of 5~).2~99 464.3167 Caucus CJub, are (left to right), MRS. Van Pelt and Mrs. Terrill are co- loving. By 40% if JERRY HINES, of Hunt Club drive, chairmen of this year's festivities. • • t ~' you dial direct Pointe Resident Will Present Policeman Halts anywhere within " Michigan weekddYs Caught in Raid Films of China Drinking Driver dfter five and week- Toughe~..t~~ ..~~,sand ends from five p.m. A Woods resident was olie Graham B. Steenb,oven, who George Northrop Letterman, Friday to five p.m. of 11 men arrested in raids ,lJ,~at,~old"Dd shock. lecl the delegation of Amerl. or 1034 Kensington, was ar- Sund~y. By 20% if Tuesday, November 30, in can tabl" tennis players to rested by Farms patrolman what authorities called a $10. Mainland China, will sbow PhUlp Migllo at 2:10 a.m., you direct didl milllon-a.year horse and sports rums of the trip at 8 p.m., F rid a y, December 3, and any other time. bet layoff operation in Wayne, Wednesday, December 15, at charged with dru.nlr. driving. You'll like the additional Oakland, and Macomb COUD. University.Uggett S c boo I, Patrolman Mig1lo spotted ties. advantage of paying by the Cook road. Letterman IS he was driving Jack L u ci d 0, 2008 Vlln Steenboven. presicl!l't of the slowly along 'Kercheval Friday minute, too. If you tdlk for one Antwerp, was arrested on an U.S. Association morning. Letterman was hav.- minute, you pay for one minute indictment issued Wednes. and vice.president of the Inter. iDg difficulty judgin, d1JtaJ2ces day, Nt.lVember 110, by the ... not three. You can maketwo national Table TellJlis Federa. and his 19'1' 1 Oldsmobile was. Oakland County. citizens grand llon, is employment and em. weaving between the curiJ alld people happy ... someone jury after. a month of evidence ploye. service, supervisor for center lin.. After Letterman you love dnd you ... so, collected by Oakland County Chrysler Corporation. turned onto Fisher, the patrol- J don tt hesi .. te to call! Prosecutor Thomas G. Plun- ,He and the American team man reported that he w•• kett's staff aDd Attorney Gen- were particlplttingin the world driving lert of the centerline. eral 'Frank J. Kelley's Organ. 1Itfe', how to direct dlilloni dlsunce InclllVe ized Crime Division, led by table tennis championship in The arrest was made at Ion. thru Fri. SIt. SUndlY Vincent Piersante, was pre. Naeoya, Japan, when they ac- the comer of Fisher and Lake. sented, cepted the Invitation to visit shore. Patrolman MlgUo. after 7AM 40% the People Republic of China 'trying to stop Lett.!rman twice, TO 20% 'The indictment c h a r g e s 5PM Lucido and the others with for a series of f r I end 1y finally had to block the motor- 40% 20% l M'M conspiracy to violate state matches. 1st's path. The driver had to $PM \ 11 PM During their visit they went be foreefuUy removed from TO 40% gambling laws. 7AM 40% State Police, Detroit pollee, to Canton, Shanghai and Pe. his car at the time of arrest, Wayne County Sherifrs De. king. They were granted an according to Mi&1io. Discount$ al51l apply to stat;on.to.slation calls in a,eas where direct dialing is nol yet available. partment, Southfield poUce, intervi~w with Premier Chou Letterman was tak~n to the En Lal, saw the Great wan of . ~ONY;S aDd agents of the' Internal China, .the Palace of the Em. Fanns station, where he reo D . . . ~'t Revenue service', Intelligence divlJion J'll,ade the arrests. press, a university and a fused to take the breath test. 14' I '. ',; people's commune. The pollee lJsued a violation ~..~ .Ph,../VH ~ii, , $69 95 a;~~a~o:~~er~:ei: SteenboveD will illustrate !JiB andre1elled the motorist on @ Michigan Bell wvea.. , er ~a d Oakland County Circuit Court talk with mm takep;exclualve- bond . pendiDg a courtapo 1,,~'... '. Iy for him by his Chineile ' ,. '. " . " 'before Judge Frederick C. Action?,opli"con'l renslSon~'srugVed:T~Hi;l\1oOW.IleCQuse it's built Zlem. hosts In Pe1dng. The pictures pearanee. '0 re$ist all kinds"!of weat},er;" ," . ,::';,. _" ',i~bv:. ..;.~~;}. ,I 11'. ~ ,~~ include Iu~'.5Ir~nsiJlp",l!)is;aiicigi.... ""morfcobly'sensiti.,.' ar Ireman visit of tbeAmerfealll!l. ::thur,,,;~~!,,",.'onil ~~F w.o~r ~~d (162.55:Me) fcr in"On'Recuperating Admission to th8 program &~~, louMf,om'ti,~TFMt8ioow il:h~. 65() milliwalfsof oulpul will be Uckets. obtainable free po_r OlId c to'g. 3" IpeOker. i, (, ',' " , 'Park !ire man, sergeant of charge, from 8:30 a.m. until PlU! ~:,y'~ ",!w d~-elop_'. lED. (Ugh; i:"'iltinll',o;!.d.j for correct Loren Anderson, 44, who suf- 4:30 p.m.,. Monday through lun'~ll'Ind,co',on An,d"Fe .sw\'chfor dnlt.froe FM.. . fered a heart attack Friday, Friday at the University'Lig. W~tk. ,on battery ~r ,ACco,d., '.' 1 . November 19, is currently re. gett School Reception office on ~,.w,y,0uknowwhy Jhil Sonyi5 going~I~c.~. . covering at Bon Secours Hos. the University Campus in Cook pital. road. . i ~,l fle maybe x:eleased around TU 1.1817:. : ,:', December 15, according to Hit' Ohta· .. ',. .. l Park C~ef .zIenry De C1erck. e p 0 I.n Although Anderson c 'a n not Kid ~ h" i bave IlI1Y visitors, get well ney l"'~ ac Ine. 'POIH,lE ElECTRONICS,CO. cards 'can be' sent to him at ,d' ~.~,.I: ',:', ~" ' - the Hospital, 468 Cadieux, in Tht: students of Monteith . 19755 MAQ( AVE", GROSSEPoINfI WooDs : .. .j. ,.',' , . : "~ j , • , .. room 11'10.' School recently completed a Anderson suffered his at ii Hour~:"', n.., fri,' ,.to '-T",., ,vt04:, ~. , hi , very successful drive In which Ii tack at the fire station after they collected 9,158 Berty returning frGm an alarm, Crocker coupons to be used In the purchase of a valuable Iife.saving kidney machine for a worthy recipient. Norman DuColn's first grade class spearheaded the drive. SusanoHanon made award ribbons which she presented to , the teachers of tbe w1Jming classes. Susan preaented the coupons to Lucien Snep, a kid. ney machine' recipient him. • self, who graciously has con. j IN YOUR "OW'N PROP •• 'Y • cented to act as one of lbe J .~ • • • • • area chairmen. John 'Hamel, principal or . CO,nstruclior;lcosts have riseh by 41 % in the past 1 years and real ,!state Monteith, was pleased w.th the values have increased acco~dingly. student's response to this cause. ;If youi~vestec(today, in i~provinlil your property (residential or commer- cilll) the value of your property will increase immediately and CONTINUE : to incr~ase alc,ng with the costs of construction and real estate. Park Firemen ,'Tf,e real estate you own is today's besl inve.tment. What would the value Nip IIome Blaze be, tOday, of a luxury automobile or a mink coat purchased 1 years ago? In Upon returning home from cOtflj)ad50n, an' improvement to your property wC>I.Ildhave INCREASED In a barber shop;- JamesW. Hlg. , ;:,:,1LU~ by 47 % ,over t~e same period!. ' gins, 1375 Grayton, discovered his house was on fire Thurs. JJF )'()u'ye bee~ thinJ(i~gof improving iyOur property, DO IT NOW! With day, December 2. The Park . ~nancing rates.. at, their present ..low .a.n.? constructions costs continuing to fire department answered his . lse, why hesitilte? . " . :, \ , , call and controUed the blaze within 15 minutes. ~, CUSTOMCRA~T will remodel tosuit'.you'r wants ... and we do the whof. The fire, ac.zordlng to Chief job, from pla~hing to finish, We protect you with straight forward advice, Henry De Clerck. apparently started In a kitchen rubbish .c:1etailed specifications,.Honest price and expert workmanship. Call today area, causing extenalve dam . obligation , 11111' .for a no consultation. age to the kitchen and smoke ~.f', , Tn, alono d~ll.dline. damage throughout the house. It's the ~oltday seaaon and somebody's givIng you something for The residence was empty when the fire started, possibly nothing. It's true. Tear out the coupon In this ad and you can ride a resulUng {rc;'11a sUU hot c1g. .------Lake Shore bus free, Saturday, December 18,1971. See holiday I Good for one I ;':C,'/U5TOMC DAFT aret in the rubbish area. decorations. Shop. Take the kids to see Santn (children under sIx . r ,.f' apful:r.uetion ' .&mpata}J ride free everyday). Get to know what friendly, dependable bus service Is Itke. For nothing . I FREE I ... &~IMODEuNG CONTUCTORS • IUIDIN1Il\&. &1 COMMDCIAL INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL ! 1-WAY RIDE I I ON ANY LAKE SHORE BUS I ~ ' c.w 881-1024 PIPING? Call VA 2-9516 for '-.' I SATURDAY, I · n .111'64 MACK AVE.-GIOSSI POINTE 41224 your NEW bUI.lChed~ Ul8l, '. ,..' .. . DECEMBER 10,1971. . "-' '/-C~I:A"dRS OF 'IDEAS FOR ADDED UVABILITY . I Give to driver when boarding. I SOUTHEASI.ERN MICHIGAN TAAN~RTATION AUTHOAtTY $."1 i .... I SERVING 'THIS AREA SINCE 1956 LAKE SHOR~ DIVISION ~~ • ..(jWJ ______t : r I


..... -. ... -----_-...-...------.---_ ... -- ... -----~--- ...... -..----...... _----- .. _------~---- -~~--,- --- - .£- -- Thursday. December 2, 1971.. P.ge Ten GROSSE POINTE NEWS TIP .TO MOTORISTS EXA.GGaATiON Awards Night Held at North Ulmer Named Mid.A.merican rhe key to traffic satety IB Tbere', tOme queatioD II to the responsLbWly of each and wbether f18h 11 braIn food, but every m"torlsl- good driving ft', • proven fact that &hl~ is the only formula. stimulates tbe lmagLn.atioa. The SIGN of the MERMAla&~" "Irs a Nautical Christmas 88 Kercheval on the Hill l-4. ~/ Grosse Pointe farms - 882-4600 at the Ship's W heeY' SIIP'S WHEn FOUl.WEATHER FOR SAFETY AFLOAT . SAILING BROWSE J"IIi1.J VOl' 10 CI SUITwit. the THE SHIPS HIDDEN HOOD WH EEL CHRISTMAS 39.50 V.lue ART SHOW • lor !den and Women • Walerprool a Windproof " st.1nand dirt repellent • !iooo:l II Uned and told. Into a Mat (ol1.r • Ideal for FOOT. WILLIAM. H'OU'SE fl

flOTATION JACIIT Miuen - Mate. All weath'er jacket that will keep a fuBy dressed adult afloat. Ideal (aU year-round) for on or off - shore wear. Navy or International Orange. !Men: \ S. M. L, XL $55. Women: S, \, M, L $55.


..... ~ NEXT. .SUMMER~ ••• AT. , ... I •.' ~ This Week's .~ Bell Ringers GUARANTEED '11PRICES 1 Prices EHectiv. Dec. 9th, .10th and 11th Closed Sundays as usual . II You Order Your ~ Air Conditioning Now \. • Closed Wed •• at 1 p.m, ~ I A Small down payment will assure ,I your family comfortable indoor il U,S,D.A, CHOICE living in 1972 and for many years 'j Park Police Nab to come. We'll toke your order now : MICHIGAN and install your air ,,-conditioning I' .WHOlE Furry Visitors system before next April! ... You . . , ,pay 1971 prices. We guarautee it' LEG Winter will often bring ani. You may never have an. oppor- mals to your back yard • • . tunity to' buy Carrier central air and in sometimes your house. conditioning at these prices ...J\nd we OHicers Hobert Michael and OF LAMB_ ,do meon the CClrritlrfamous.~pace- Ralph Moore of the Park p0- lice department .answered two age "round-one" ... It's\quiet, calls Monday, 'November 29, attractive, dependable . ..• and within a half hour regarding efficient, year after year. Coli us 931~ today. ,We'll provide. a r,o-obliga- squirrels in iocal residences .. U.S.D.A. GRADE A While unable to catch a ti0r'! survey of your home. But yo.u ' FRESH squirrel in one home, they have an O'bligation to' yO'uuelf. to. .faired better at ~he residence .coli today , .. and sav,,1 Installation CHICK'EN of Mrs.' Edward E. Sullivan, before April 1972 guerenteed. CHICKEN 529. Lakepolnte by helping "sweep" tbe furry one out a tul! room window with a LEGS 49~. broom. NO lACK WINGS 39~. Squirrels aren't the only ATTACHED creatures trying to escape the cold. Qpossum's 'have similar WilliAMS Refrigaration & Heating Inc. READY TO COOK ideas. Officers Paul Konifke and Collin La Londe of the 14711 HARPER PHONE TU 6.4848 Park police answered a call Wednesday, December 1, from STUFFE'D CENTER CUT Ray Whitelock, 860 Trombiey, and discovered an opO!lSumat the rear door of his home. PORK CHOPS The oUicl'.f6 snared him with a dog '!loose, ultimately turn. ing him \lVel' to the sanitation Just think of it. You'll never have to get down department. on your hands and knees to scrape arid scrub 95~. Besides the possibility of Momare the dirty, greasy insides of your oven again. squirrels and opossums trying Because today's modern Gas ranges have self. FRESH READY TO COOK to find a warm sanctuary. cleaning ovens. .' BREADED Lieutenant Henry Coonce of dirty Forget about baked-on splatters. And rock-like the ,Park poliee also mentioned spills. OXTAILS VEAL that raccoons are apt to be With a self.cleaning oven all you have to do Is FOR SOUP opportunists if a homc Isn't turn a knob and the messiest job in your home sealed uptight. .wark OR BRAISING CUTLETS (oven cleaning) takes care of itself. Giving you time to take cart: of the more pleasant things FREE.LOADERS in your life. Sometimes th'J early bird with a But a self-cleaning oven is just one good fea. 39fb. S11b~ only succeeds in scratching up Ihe worms for the late risers. ture in teday's modern Gas range. , LARGE 24 SIZE self. . With Gas you have the advantage of smokeless CAULIFLOWER Beware of the strings most closed door broiling. Infinitel1eat control. And promises have tied to them. best of all, total economy. Because a modern HEAD cleaning Gas range uses less Gas to do the same job A',/ ! And a Gas range costs about one.fourth a~ fl;/ ,r,~' FURNACES much to operate as an electric one. LETTUCE Gas So before the holidays, stop by your dealer & BOILERS or any Michigan Consolidated Gas Company 49~CH showroom, and buy a new Gas range with a FANCY, range. full range of features . CALIFORNIA . A new Gas range will save you Gas i:1ndmoney 29~EAD too. And remember-oven cleaning is no job for a fady

We Carry a Complete s."e1len of Fine Wi..... nd UqIlO" to Complement Every M.. I MICHIGAN CONSOUDATED Qualify and Service as always . . . GAS COMPANY - The future is greet with Gas I t

~ I .... " ."... •• ~....('.. ~~.~ ~",... ' ...... ,.,.... ,' .".~ ,' ~, ,.'. I -;' ",<' , •• ,(_, _, .F" • ~~ .,',', • L "_ ~ ~ .~. ,I, .. - . _. _ ...._~_.~~ ~ _-_._. ___=_.-. ""_-....&.o""" m=1 __ '~ _ _ _ _ ..-._ __ ..-..--..--.._=__ ..... _.-- _ .. .-.. _ _ s q ,u ••• ---~"-,.--" ~,.-- ... ---.-. -- ... ism $ •• e s • .

" Page Eleven Tftuooy. DK.e~ber 9. 1971 GROSSE POINTE NEWS it-Run Drl'ver Facl'ng Hearm' f1 down Kercheval to Provencal, Surdam got the d r i v e r H e where he was able to note the out of the Cllr, and pulled tile News Staff Has Helpfu I llceose number of the car. keys from the ignition. I Mrs. Donald Pierson, of Z95 a while 1971 Ford bit her 'M1nutes later, RQbert M. Farms policemen Ph 11j p Lincoln, called Farms pollce 1972 Cbevroillt, and continued Surdam, of 396 Provencl\l. saw Miglio and Clarence Reichling Hints for Cocktai I Time late Tuesday night, Novem. to speed down the street. a white car on the northeast brought the suspect, John Ed. By Pepper Whitelaw Ifavorite is BRA\JNSCHWEI. ber 30, to report a hit.aod.run A witneu to the accident. corner of hi.& property. The ward Smith, 60, of 1391 Lake. HoUday time -meaDScocktail 6ER SPREAD. accident at 340 Kerchp.val. Carl Eo Erse, of 171 Blair. driver was in the front seat, view, Detroit, to the station. parties. Cocktail parties mean 16 ounce pkg. Braun. According to Mrs. Pierson, moor court, chased the car and the car's lights were on. He was released on $400 bond. Idips and spreads And who schweiger ------, would know bettet about cock. 16 ounce pkg. cream tail parties and (ood than our cheese t ,,'"*' ti. very own advertising depart. dash of Worcestershire me~t? No o~e! So here ~re sauce , ,*t~ t*,17J~rs th~1t sugge.slloDS {or worltlng JA cup finely chopped miracles With COttage ctIeese. on,o Braunschweiger, C h e d d a r ... n ,Che~se and Crab Meat and ",tiream BrauacllweiJer ueI • * Cream Cheese h S 01 UIe CreAm cheese to. • '1 '. gether. M1I. lit OIl1ou ud dull ~ r"nr\M \ U Paula Valentino s u g g est s of Worcutershire Form iIlCo . .. ." " r-rc.v, CRAB MEAT AND CREAM Bill. oops !ten, Or other lie- ~ CHEESE SPREAD. sired lhape aDd spreld re- f' /.' ..' t! ~- 1 large pkg. cream cheese mlinial crealll claeese over I '-:;'.,'.' . .~I . . 7 . ,lpkg. frozen crab meat the top. Best served at room ~ 112 1 Let cream cheese set uW temperatue surrooded wUh I 19815 Mack ave., in the Woods It becomes room temperature. assorted crackers. I Fluff with SPOOB Ind mold iDto We hope -this will get your I I TU 1-6233 desired shape. Thaw crab hutiday seuon off to a good DOUGLAS F•• meat and squeeze aU excus start. ::~erco~:~ t~~:re:~ahc=:: F -',-c- CHRISTMAS '.EEI i. GIVE DAD FREmOM mold. Cover with coddaU aml Y oncert sauce of your cboice S f D 12 "The King of Trees'" 'rom . Mary Lorimer s u g g est s et or ec. I ~~~~~d~~::a~heese The fltst of a serills 01 Wm. J. ALLEMOII II SNfM SHOVELLING shredded family concerts will be held GA...... y I ''-is Winter Two 3-vunce packages at the Detroit Waldorf School. i rl cream cheese on Sunday, December 12, al 17727 MACK AVE. To'Uu2n:"9"O'8 'S'l I 4:30 o'clock in 2555 Burns •.

2 crumbledounce!; blue ch~ese drive,Kristen underJ. Deaver.the direction of I ~______I, 2 tablespoons finely The recorder, which Is an chopped green onion important part ot the Waldorf l' Cup dairy sour cream School chUd's dally acth"lty I 1 cup chopped nuts 1rom first grade on, will form ~ b Cream c: h ~e s e s together. the nucleus of the program. ,y Add onion aad sour' cream. It will be played in consort PHONE • MJx wen. Chill UDtl1 flrm.(Kirsten J. Deaver, Richard oJA:~E~~~~NS 931-6657 I. r~>,\ ARIENS When firm, place cheese mix. Geisler, J 0 S e p h Katz, LI '\ ture on wax paper. Shape iDto Miller, Susan 'Rosenberg) in • I 15.hlch lot. Roll ba oae eup 's let of 'Renalasanee dances, I '\,,", .1 ~E:t1i:;:at::~;Erfr~Precision and Production •~+~~iF YA~MAN I Lillian Carr ofiers a yummy harpsichord); together with I.' i' ,," , JACOBSEN ' COTTAGE CHEESE DIP. voice and harpsichord in a STRAIGHTEN' ING !II 1 cup small c.:rd cottage Cantata by Pepusch (Barbara !II _, "'II che~se Bailey, soprano; Kirsten J. '" 11 1 cup mayonnaise 'D e a v.e r, soprano recorder; • All types of Materials I 1 small onion, grated Sar~ '~dd, harPllichord~; and • SHAFTS • STRUCTURALSTEEL'.PlATES • TOOlS TORO i 1 Tbs. Worceslershire agam In a modern trio for .- BUll GEARS .AUTOMOTlVE PARTS • EXCAVATING I I sauce three rec:ordel'l written for AND CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT • ARMATURES• ' "/ .; 1 =~~o:~r :::'~I-a;aU~ CRANKSHAFTS AND DRIVESHAFTS • RODS AND r lsp. garlic salt I - • 1 tsp. celery seed . will a1Io ,inl two Italian VU. TUBING I Th' did. I ~t s! Blend an Ingrec1lenu lD !aDenaS with the 'reeorder '. . ere 5 a mo e an price .'. ;}'; blender or with electric 1It1J:., eMbDELS~".

J r:.' ce~:~s o~a~U:°~~' Adamo's ~~=~~:::'t a~~:~~ guaran:::T:::g::~ INSPECt~N OF PARTS:',', .....,.,'<. ,'Pfr'.oicmed 9 I BRANO\NEW $11'4 S i j J'~' / 'J.. ;, Park EmplQyes Oickinson 'Univer.ity. Tea. , I' To Get AW8rds nh~':';:b~':I,orjo=viv~-::1107 JOY ROAD - DURO IT, 4!204 - Pl.Ie 931-2620 I.. . ,. l' A Q.idrl.r C."'lJt1 01 S.,,;t. to o.'ro;1 (lnd' Surroundin", Ai.a, " " If '. ONLY 5 LEFT four of ber five ebildren to I "~ll::ll';A::tiillltRll:_~R=lR=l~_M_~" '" "I , ,>:I- . 'Six Park c:lty employees Berbhlre rold. She current. ;:::;...------;~ji~~j~~~i~t4'~-.i~fff~-(ffi~..- ...,'- '. ~~ STock'NO. will receive .ervice awards 1)' t,adlet at the Wakhlrf '. ~",,~~'f~;'f;;:J;'t':iJ~!/n/i;J:~,.~~--,....-t!':. Monday, 'Decemb:lr 13, 101- Teacher' TraiDlbg lnItltute, -, ~ 7. f;f \ . CUSTOM MONTEREY lowing the 7:30 p.m;. COUDCUIDd hu performed iD the De. 1466 " w;rH AIR .. meeting in' the MUJlicipal trolt area as .eU ariD New ~ Building, 15115 East Jeffer. York aDd New Jersey" Ind In N '"i MONTEREY PM 39 =',." , WITHOUT AIR ::~a~0r,:~~:~'t~~ :r:~~:t;e~;y-~-iv-e-W-ins ~hristtnfls TitHeis SONY Titn 3r " / awards to officer Donald Del ~~ ). ~ I, COUGAR ,) 1425, r~:c3~0:e~~~~li;:~~=~ Court Tourney t th' C,4 ~VRA CEN' TER WITH AIR ert,L. Heger, director f)f pub- " oe' nl'''~ . '. I 'l: 25 of ,:; lie s e r vie e. for yell'l; Our Lad)'Siar the Sea ::.~. COUGA'~ William Griesbeck. wa t e r Grade Scbool baUetbaD team .;~; 1726'; • department, for 20 )'ean; put together .. string of three , ' , WITH AIR Detective sergeant James La victories to wiD firat plaee I~ i 'Pratt, police departDleJlt. end boDou in a.e AuAln ThaW. '.~ 1 I,' ' Clarence 1Il1ltis, department giving TOurDamellt. \'" COUGAR of public: works, both for 111 Earlier vic:toriet over st. ~ )i WITHOUT AIR years »attbew. ell, .aDd St. Philo- ,,~ " Ea~h man will be presented mena, 55-~, aeut the Sailor .. 11 i" wlQta tie clasp ofa different ~ .th~ finals against a well. ';:uuY EQUIPPED MODELS " color representating the five- dISCiplined Sl. Joan of Arc t ,; ,,WITHOUT'ArR FROM $30P~. year designations. team. Ho.wever, the taller and t A retirement a war d will faste:- SaUors proved to be too H I' ~'~!: __L'AJ_u_ ' also 'be presented to Oscar muc:h for St. Joan .s they Sabbi, superintendent of the bullt up ,a 43-2Sthird quarter ~ C ~~,~ne.' electrical department, for 18 lead and eQUted home to I {} 130 klR(HEVAl,On The. Hill TU 1.5000 years of service. He will reo 51-42 vietory. ~c j ceive a watch. ReboUDdiDl by PbU Humes and Dave Davicl eDded up in , fast break aeorea by eo-e. , . tam Andy AgO&ta, Carl Meli and Dan Matzka. Co-captain, Doug Koepsell, was very effec. tive a~ both ends of the floor, grabbing key rebounds and . leading aU scorers in the II tournament with 37 'POints. i" Meeting Slated By School Board

The monthly meeting of the Grosse Pointe Board of Educa. tlon w11l be held at 8 p.m. on Monday, December 13. in the gymnasium of Monteith Ele. mentary School, 1Z75 Cook road. ' William J. Adams, president, will chair the session, Dr. 'rheos I. AnJerson, Superln. lendenl of Schools, will present Lovely MISS SONY invites you to see our complete line of beautiful SONY Color and his recommendations for the i trustees' Ictlon. Black and White TV sets, as well as a wide assortment of SONY radios and clock sets. Interesled citizens are In. vited to attend. • Pocket radios from 9.95 up BLOWER "BLOWS" I • Multi-channel radios from 24.95 up Officer Patrick Fag8n of the Woods pollee department reo • Clock radios from 19.95

Thursday, D.cember 9,' 1971 f Plge Twelve G RO S 5 E POi N TEN E W S , f ~'. ',Cheeky' Horse Bites Employe 1 Singles Group Store Receipu Tree Lighting A C1'ey gelding bit an e~. Porter. lB, that the oorse ~ad Meets Dec.18 Reported Lost Set for Sunday employe of the Groase Po.lnte bitten her on the cheek. Hunt Club, 6$S Cook, Sunday, Mias Forter was taken to Members and gue.ts of The An employe of a retail .tore SI. Paul Grade School's OV Teacher.Parent G u i I d will December 5. Cattace HOIp!tal and received I~=!~~~~~~a:mgl::t :' ~o::~~tc~heon ~ur~~~ hold Its traditional Tree Llgbt. Officer Richard Pr1elJ of JeVeral stitches. The horae gether for their tradit!'.>nal December 2, to report the 1011 ing Ceremony on Swsday, De. the Woodli police department Ihad aU IUs sbots, ineludlng Chrlalmu BuUet Dinner Party of a Natlonal Bank of Detroit cember 12, at 5 o'clock, on the r ceived I re""rt from Sue anU.tetanus. at the Regency Village Park money bag. They money bag steps aDd front lawn of St. .:..- ~ ""_'______ClubhoUBe on Saturday, De. contained cash receipts which P aul'.soOn.tbe.Lake.sbore. 1 J THE DETROT INSTITUTE Of AlTS _ cember 18. totalled dOle to $400. Mon.slgnor Francb CanJield.] A Conc.rt s..iet: Edith f,_n, choillnGA n.,... od Il.otnp I A fe.Uve livening is planned Mrs. Patrida LaCa~, of pastor will bless the C:brllt. including h 0 11 day gift ex. 36776 Harper, Mt. Clemens. mas tree. The Gil'b' Glee ORPHEUS IN THE UNDERWORLD: I challges, adult games, and recalled tak.iDS the money bag Club, under the dir~D of I dancing plus a reunion with from the store on Wedne.day Slater Pat Fitzgerald will lead CANADIAN OPERA COMPANY alumni of nine married couples evening, December 1. The fol. the community singing. -* F.II (oil on'1 o,(itH'ro . - . OH."bD

raint-by-number oJd-'a.hion.d wooci •I .We're Christm«u' tr •• ornam.nts of imported mahogany ... pre.cut and pre-printed with gOJngto numbers and guide lines on front and back. gIve Kit includes: 12 different Figures and you shapes, 5 Fasl.drying acrylic colors, point brush, gold.colored cords $14,000,000. For hanging, and illustrated inslrucutions. Complete. $3.

Bccause otlr l':xdl,I1Ij!,('-i lI~un:d Alii') Club m('lIIiJl'r~ Ginger, Moondust, Opera Window, Electr;c are safer drivers, \1'(' 1"1\'1' '511.000,UOO wc l'x]}('(lcdIO pay Defroster, AM.fM Stereo, Pov,er Lodes, Tilt 0111 in accident c1

DETROIT AUTOMOBILE INTER. INSURANCE EXCHANGE ICtual size \\C \VJnt to do more for y.lU, Gro.m' I'(lilll(' /)il'isiull 15415 E. JEFFERSON PHONE 821.6300 Jacobsol'lS • I;""rw' 1/"'1,,,,1. II!!,. ?AiiJ,~,.1~ TOY DEPT. 130 K.rch.yal.on~th •• HI" TU 1.5000 ) , , , .. Thursdoy, O.c:,mber 9, 191\ GROSSE POINTE NEWS Pigi Thirt.. n # , POWBa-PL,\Y llle under AFS auspices in orlgLoated during World War Semkow Star, Car Damaged I A.FS Students To Take Tour other land! over the lilt ~ [ a. a volunteer ambulance The smanest tidbit of In. l' years. service. ~e .chola1'8hip pro. fomatJoD will be over.esUmat. With ~ymphony In Parking Lot Michigan American Field perienced (amU)' and .chool 'lbe American Field ServIce gralllJ were InItltuted In 1946. eel U given conOde.nUally. Service international scholar. 5 Po Iishe 0 nd udor Georg Cpl. Edmund Benthuys of ship students, including those i~ Shop in 0 Restful, 8el»kow will make h1J fir.t the Cfty of Groase Pointe po. baaed in The Pointe, from 22 Casual Atmosphere at appearances wltta the Detroit lice was on routine pattol 00 countries will tour the Ford S)'Dlpboay OrcMstra .t eon. Thursday, Dectmber 2. at 2:40 Rouge Plant and Ford Muse. certs th1a Thursday and p.m., when he was .topped um next Tuesday, December C1inl EoSlWood in Friday, December 9 and 10, by Grace I. Metzel, 15319 H..y- "PLAY MISTY COUNTRY in Ford Auditorium. den, Detroit. Mrs. Metzel told d4. FOR ME" Thursday'S eoaeert, part of the officer that her car had The group 'of AFS'ers and lot colot - ...... the relular subscription aeries, been damaged by the attend. their American brothers and Y.., .",11 k " 1to,.., of. 01 ant in the parkin I lot in back ...... bo~ HOUSE tUe. places at 8:30 o'clock • sisters will see the sleei planl of Jacobson's, 17030 Kerche. Sl'KIAL CHILDUN'S MAllNH ffU/1fnitu1te The Friday performance l.s the and automobile 8ssembly line, Saturday and $vnefay second ill the CoUee Collceru val. lUJlcb at the l'ord Museum Deol$ .,.n al '2:~S series Itld becios at 10:45 1Ji Mr.. Metz..~l .aid she wu cafeteria, browse through the the keginning Uv. Action - In Color New Locotlon the monililg. wa1tlDg to enter the loi, behind museum and view craH de. "rHI CAT" 15839 E. Wanen Ave. another vehlcle. The attend. monstrations. and semkow'. prOll'am wW COB' PNM: U~"7'7 et, Walter Willacker, s!gna1- "SANT A CLAUS CONOUIIS Men., ThullI., Fri. 9 I. 9 .ist 01 the SympboDYNo. M in This Is the second of three 0/ au,. 30th 'leu,. o/Je"vice THE MARTIANS" TUft., WH., Sal •• 10 6 C major, It. US, the so-called ed for the Cif in front of her tours plallDed for Michigan to move in, then indicated to The CoH.. la, iJ Alwa)" O~ sympbo4y of Kozart., AFS students by the Detroit' "Lim" Mrs. Metzel to enter also. '.As and the SympiloDy No. of Methropolltan AFS Boa rd. a Mrs. Metzel entered, Willacker Alexander Seriabin. subUUe4 Mrs. E. L. Cooper is in charge 10 gNJ~~epoinle rolled a steel sign ill frOftt of of aft'angements. "The DiviDe Poem." her car. Mrs. .Metzel hit the The "s11keo SOUDd" and algn and damaged the hood 'Mrs, J. V. Jenks, of Uni. "c r y a tal1ine clarity" of of her car. The attendant told versity plae:-, Mrs. Ai1hur I in ou,. new localion at Semkow's performaaees with Benthuys that be had inad. Schan, of Livonia, Mrs. Lewis A mer tea D orcbNtraJ bave vertently rolied the sIgn in Bradbury. of Pontiac, IInd l been widely pra1aed .lnee bl.s front of Mrs. Metze!'s ear. Mrs. W. R. Gillespie, of Dear. first appearaAees in thta co;;n. born, will accompany the try three years ato. group. Prior to that he had studied Center Holding In October the Board spOn. 81 Kercheval On-The-Hill with Tullio serafin and Bruno . surd a bus trip to Lansing. Walter and served as a con. Party for Kids The foreIgn students viewed ductor of the Leninltad t1le slate capitol and saw I legislators in s e s s i ()n. A, Philharmonic and the Bo1aho! Gros:le Pointe War :Mem- Telephone 886-4412 Downtown netroit tour will! Opera and IS coDductol' and orial's Youlh Council hu in. take place in April. : .artistic director of the NatJol1- vited Santa Claus to play bost a1 Opera of Warsaw. to an G::-osse Pointe c1lJldreo W hen the Metropolitan I CunenUy be is permanent from nursetY' l!chool through Board was formed ,12 years I conductor of the Royal Opera elemeutary grades in the ago its purpose was to raise I Christmas del!orated Crystal funds for international schol. TOLES REAL ESTAT'E House in Copenhagen. . Ballroom of the Ceoter this arships. Since that time ils) Tickell Ire avallable at $1, Sunday, December 12. duties have been expanded I $5, $4050, $4 aDd $3.150 at Ford to include sponsorship of trips Auditorium Box Office, 1161- Preced1Ilg Saota's party, 0700, all HudIoG'l and Grill. the Youth Theatre of the De. to broaden the AFS students'/ ~~~~fI~"~fj~ri~ifl~ifl~~~ifi~~~lItif!:~~~~~~~~ troit Art preu.nt knowledge of !Michigan and I ~ ue11', store•• Institute will the Detroit area. theMuzel puppets of Chicago 1------in a special Christmas per- AFS Families enjoyed a I Coflee Concert formance "The Littlest Angel" picnic in September on the' in Fries Theatre, at Z o'clock. grounds of the Orchard Lake I Set Tomorrow The puppets are large hand Presbyterian Church. A fare. puppets and the production well picnic will be planned I The Detroit Symphony Or- has great humor as well as in :Mayor June. I cbettra's bi&hlY successful wariIlth. Tickets to the show, The Metropolitan Board's, .... Coffee Concerti series contin- which last just under an hour, annual benefit will be a dill.' lieS this. F r id a y m 0 r tI hig are $1.2S. !ler and entertainment March. ( ~... December 10, at 10:45 o'clock Santa's party which follows 3at the Sentinel Cenler in Detroit. A talent party to .- an.ot/,~,.fiNal in Ford Auditorium with an ,at 3, fmds the Youth Council ppearance U1lder' guest-con- acting as Santa's helpers aDd screen AFS'ers and Americans · .. Abr08d ret1!rnees for the floor • ,I I .£. I dWlctor GeOrg semkow. offering cookies and coC

., , Welcomes YOUi' 7ravelling Guests ,.oo NINE MILE RD., at ,1.94 - Minut., From the Po;ntסס2 • 80 8E,WTlfUL AIR CONDITIONED ROOMS • HE/.TED POOL. COffEE SHOP A Well Priced Beginner's Home Facing lochmoor Club Fairways


It is localed on 0 nicely londscaped and fenced corner site, 40x 120 in size, and only takes obouf $8,000 to handle fa a $23,680 m, Itgage with interest ot 7~%. THIS IS ONE WORTH SEEING, MAY WE SHOW IT TO YOU? This well maintained four bedroom, three bath house is

A CAREER IN lEAL ISTAn ideal for a fomily who like something with a charming We would like 10 add :1 ,ol"men 10 our moln olfiee .ales .o.gcnizolion. Appli~o."IS difference. In the mid fifties. Coli us for on appointment to sl,ould be ,..,,11"d.(oled, ambiliou,. liV1lr>relerably in G.o". Po,nle or neorby, be wllI,ng 10 de.ole !uillime 10 t~e job and be belw"" 30-50 yea" of oge. ,'I. inlerested ~n,iaininll a see. iive, 50 year old welt establi,hed (ampany, where opportu~,h.s or. unl,mlled. call . ,Apartments $200 to $700 mo. M,. Birdsall, Tu 4.0600, From your own posh apartment, or the fantastic roof garden' penthouse"oungll, 19 stories O,ol'e Poin,. .. above. river level, you'll gasp at 3 Olli(e. - ... C-", the Greatest View around. See 3 r.ounties and one foreign lal1P. ____r-----'...;41,_~. Fo, unexcelled VIP service and WM. J., CHAMPION & COMPANY &;2)...II!IW_ ~ assistance plus 24-hour Guard, Doorman and Valet parking, REALTORS REALTORS Shoreline East is what you owe yourself. Models Open 11.7. Fnr TU 4-0600 appointment: 567.1175. 102 KERCHEVAL on-the-Hill TU 4.5700 MIM8ERS OF THE DI1110lT AND OIlOSSE POINTE IlEAL UTAn IOARD' Bunch olllcn In DETROIT _ GROSSE POINTE - ST. CLAIR SHORES - FARMINGTON SHORELINE EAST


. ... - ...... , , ., ~,jL,l"t., .....~,.U'."~A~~.i:L" l.1..."'.%,..'~ .1--:'" ,.1- '...~,t",~ _ ""- - - • yo .. ------..--' - --~------

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Page fourtH" GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 9, 1911 Gr<*e Pointe New& [Memorial Center Schedule I What Goes On, ANTEEBO PUBLlSHE~, INC, Whatj on OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL : ',' Open Dally 9:00 a.m. to' 9:00 p.m. at new GlOSSE POINTE FARMS, MICHIGAN 48236 (SuadaYI bullcI.iDg open 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.) leeoDd Clau POItll' Paid It DetrOit. IIlelJlu December 9-Deeember 16 Your Library FULLY PAID CIRCULATION * All Memorial lponsored aetlvtles open to the By Vlr,!A1a Leoll&rd , I GrOSH Pointe publle. Hospital equlpmen.t avall. .ft-IE t-Illt Phone TU 2.6900 able for free loan; crutches, wheel eham, heating It •• always a dell'ght to re. Dashing Through The Sno ...... here, there lampt .....d hospital "'_..~ ... AdmiJaionDay for our State IIltlll ..... 1Ik~.a Pr ... A.ModaUoa en4 N.tioD&1 Ir:ctltorIa1 ~UoD It"'~' ceive CHASE'S CALENDAR of Michigan occurs on Jao. and everywhere. Christmas shopphl~ can use up NATlOIU.L A,DVD'It8DIO aaPIIUIIMTA'ftVl. Week11 N'.wlper JL..,r_ataU .. , lIIc. GnOSSE POINTE GARDEN. C.ENTER AND OF ANNUAL EVENTS. AOlI1uary 26. On this date it be. energy better used on having holiday fun. Con. 4ft nttll Ar.DU', N•• YOlk IP, N_ York BYl'Ult "T300 LENDING LIBRARY CLOSED DURING DE- so we thought you migbt want came the 26th state in 1837. centrate your energy in' Grosse Pointe. The CHICAGO oma: US NortA MIcIIl'&D Areave PlIo... F1D&Dcla1 "fil4 CEMHER. to know what you have to All of January is designated merchants on the Hill have gathered the best of Tburlday Deeember 9 look forward to tluring the 811 Rook )lonth. The purpose everything from little to large, near and far. ROBDT B. EDG,'.R EDITOR and GENERAL MANAGU .10:00 a.m. Braille Transcription .-Mrs. John McNa. month of January. (We as. is "to recognize the popular. WlWAiI ADAMO ADVERTISING!tANAGER mara Instructor Bume that you have Decem. ity of the Rook game and to • JANET MUELLER , FEATURE PAGE, SOCIETY .12:30 p,m. Duplicate Bridge-Mrs. Marvin Bourget . ber. all sewed up, what. ~~th promote Rook tournaments in Convenience Inside And Out ... Grosse JA1!J:S J. NJAIM , _ NEWS Director ' Chrlst~as and lts festiVItIes the South a"d Southeast." And Pointe's newest condominium, The Jefferson PEPPER WHITELAW , NEWS • 4 00 B 11 t M Ell C I t t breathmg down your neck.) tet us not forget all of the Apartments, is located two blocks from the city ROGER A. "'AHA ,...... NEWS : p.m. a e - ~ry e~ oo~er, ns ruc or Once again W. 'R. Rabe has many football games that oc. park, three blocks from Grosse Pointe Village' .KATHY DUFF ...... ,.... NEWS • 4:00 p,m. Grosse Pomte Chtldren s Theatre Reo alUlounced Silent R e cor d LlWAN KARR _,._ _._ __ ADVIRTISING hearsal Week, from January 1-7. Pur. cur on January 1. shopping, twenty minutes from downtown Detroit MAIY LORIMER, ADVEr,TlSING • 6:30 p.m. Accounting 0601 - Thomas Wine, In. pose1 "Commemorating the CuckooDancing Week. Jan. by bus. A doorman parks your car. Exterior PAT ROUSSEAU ' ADVERTISING structor Invention of the Silent Record uary 16.22, is "to hc;)or thc maintenance, gardening al'd snow removal are PAULA VALENTINO . ADVElmSJ'NG 7:30 p,m. District Dental Society and the first Silent Record memory of Laurel and Hardy i arranged. Inside . . . insulated walls, floors, &AmY BRYEN ' ADVERTISING • 7:45 p.m. Adult Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, In. Concert, and providing period ~~~:Os!h:~ i:ehe~~nc:~ plumbing, windows insure maximum quiet. Fire JOHN M.cItINZII .., , BUSINESS structor of sllen~,ewhen Bllenc~is most week throughout the land as protection and three security systems guard ~ou JOANNE EASON ' ACCOUNTS while at home or away. Hot and cold running Grosse Pointe Cinema League needed. The event 15 spo~- their m<:'viesare n1ayed, and ALBERTAWILK£ CLWIFIED ADVERTISING • 8:00 p.m. 80red by Hush 'Records. Th15 r conveniences include individual heating and DOROTHY SOHUIANSKY CLASSIFIED.ADVERnSING • 8:00 & same period covers "Weeks" their antics greeted by con. cooling, ice makers and natural fireplaces, IETl'Y RAUGHT CLASSI..IED ADVERTISING 9:00 p.m. Thursday Night Dilnce CluhMr. and Week, which is to call atlen. temporary laughter." T his nAturally! Visit the model apartment open 12 to IlARIE KREINER ,.._ _ __ CIRCULATION Mrs. Ted Forrest, InstrUctors tlon to. all the weeks of im- gem is spoosol1!dby the New ------_ .._-- Friday, Deeember 10 portance in the foithcoming Original Dancing Cuckoos, 5 daily except Wednesday. Enter ~ither on Neff or- st. Clair ... 882-7708 or 886-4880. .10:00 a.m. Senior Citizens Trip to Frankenmuth year and inform the public once again headed by W.' T. Time to Break Silence • 4:00 p.m. Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor how thllY can participate, e.',' Rabe of Lake Superior State • • 4:00 p.m. Grosse Pointe Children's 'l'he ...tre Re. joy and aid each week that College. . \ Programmed For Fun ... When the City of Grosse Pointe Farms doubled hearsal they consider worthy." If curling Is your fancy, ,Computermatic Football, an its parking rates in the ~ity lot On.the.Hillthose o.f us B .. d Ad d K S Beginning January 2 aod hurry to Quebec City on Jan. adult game which everyone who work there were s11ent. When The Farms hiked • 7:00 p.m. egmnmg an vance arate- ang eJ£tending until January 8, uary 23 for the 59th Quebec Kyu Shim, Director we will honor Save the Pun International BOnSpiel. in the family will want to the cost of parking tickets, we still remained silent. play. It's thirty.five dollars When the city continued to permit car dealers to u~e • ~:90 p.m. Ballroom Dancing for 7th, 8th, and 9th Wee k, sponsored by the In addition to football, there grades-Mr. and Mrs. Ted' Forrest, In. Humor Societies of America. are 0 the r winter srorting at the Sign of the Mermaid, the free Jot in the back for its surplus ,inventory, we 75 KerchevaL . didn't remonstrate. When we have to get out of our structors If you are a whodunit buff, events. If you can get to Olso, cars to move shoppihg carts in order to park, we only • 8:00 p.m. Parents Without Partners you won't want to miss the N~rway, in time, you can at. Saturday, Deeember 11 Sherlock Holmes Birthday tend the MonolithCross Coun. Planning A Cruise? ...• First stop is Picard- mumble to ourselves. But the situation in the lot after Norton, 92 Kercheval to see the new cruiseweAr .10:00 a.m. Children's French-Mlle Henriette La. Breakfast on January 7 at try Ski Race on, January 8. the daylight hours forces U,!; to break our silence. Croix, Instructor the Algonquin in New York In Winnipeg.St. Paul there . . . shorts, swim trunks, sport jackets .. Doubie If you park your car at the rear. of the lot and City. Once again we have W. will be the International 500 knit is now a fashionable way to go. leave 'your office after 6 o'clock, YOU, ~~ 'barely see • . 9:30 a.m., T. Rabe at the helm, and Snowmobile Race from Jan. your hand in front of your face. Not to'mention the 11:15 a.m. & sponsored by the Old Soldiers uary 25.28. And' in Cttawa, • 1:15 p.m. Children's Art Classes-Carol Lachuisa, of Baker Street. 1rom January 28.30, there will Precious Little Gifts ... from the past are .fact th'at on cold winter evenings often there is so charming antique Imari ash trays from a new much thin ice all over the lot that you take your life Instructor Do you like to fly 11 kite? be a Winter Carnival. 11:00 a.m. & Then hurry on January 115 to For the entire month, we collection at DenIer. Prices start at ten dollars. in your hands just walking over to your car.. DenIer, 77 Kercheval will 'be open all day Satur- It would seem to us that the city solons C9uld take . 2:00 p.m. Grosse Pointe Children's Theatre pre- Philadelphia to participate in shall be celebrating National sents "You're A pood Man, Charlie the Benjamin Franklin Birth. Blood Donor Month, 'National day, December II. some of the revenue realized from the increase in Brown"-Mrs. Sydney Reynolds, Direc- day Kite Flying 'Competition. Color.do Beef Month, and it parking rates and tickets and use it to install better tor .Then from January '15-17, at will 'be the Louisiana Yam • For Santa Himself . . •. lighting and for the purchase of more foalt. We cer. .~U SandcasUe. Lido Be a c b, Supper Season. We're saving Dunhill pipes, pouches and tainly deserve that much! • 4:w to Sarasota, Florida, there is the the best until last - Inter. Children's Art Exhibit. for Parents lighters are now at the P.W. &:OQ p.m. of International Kiteruers' As. national BookYear (all year!) League Shop, 98 KerchevaL Carol Lachuisa's Students sociafion World Ohampionship beginning January :1, 1972. Sure to put a light in his 6:30 p.m. Suzanne Hopkins - Thomas Cornelius FlyofI. Thi~ is to determine The theme will. be "Books for Wedding Reception the world champion single All" and ls 'by UNESCOproc. eye. Public Schools in Focus kite fiyer in' aU classes of lamation. If we get further I. 7:30 p.m. Duplicilt~ Bridge-Mr. Marvin Bourget, • Director kites, regardless of country news on this, 'we'll pass it on The "In" Fragrance ... :Norell, a master By Dr. Theo. L ADderin, I· 9r origin.' to you. So you see, January fashion designer, has created a fr.bulous perfume SUlld~y, Deeember 12 Superfntendeut of PabBc Schools We have two eclipses com- is fa i r I y burgeoning with and Trail Apothecary has the complete and very 10:00 a.m. 1st Church of Understanding ing up. The first, an eclipse things to celebrate! 10:00 a.m. Anawim exclusive line. Packaged in sophisticated black The school system's Immer- education. (The full text of of the sun, Is on January 18 . Mrs. Sue Neff, Children's and white, prices go to fifty dollars. Sample it at and will .not be visible in Librarian at the Park Branch, sion in a maze of legal techni. the proposed Amendment ap. • 1:00 to 121 Kercheval. ealitlei continues. First, most pears on the reverse side of 4:00 p.m. Children's Art Class Exhibit-Students North America; the second, of reports thaI' for Thanksgiving this petition.) This proposal, of Carol Lachuisa the moon, on January 30, ~ril1 her story hour "regulars" had 5 readen are aware that the to be voted on at the Gefteral I 1:00 p.m. Haza- Witka be visihle in mos~ of North a special treat. One hundred Hamlin's Has . . . a fresh new supply of Wayne County Circuit COUI.tElection on November 7, 1972, • 2:00 p.m. Children's Christmas' Party feat~ring America. and thr~ of them saw a play Droeste's milk chocolate or bittersweet apples bas ruled that it does not have if adopt!!d, would alter the "The Littl~st Angel" with Ken Musial And what of birthdays? We en tit led T~NKSGIVING and Droeste's chocolates. The .apples \ make de. jurisdict'.on to decide the provisions . of the existing Pupp teers S t Clau nd refresh can honor Benjamin Franklin FARM about the symbols 'of lectable stocking stuffers ... 89 Kercheval ... GrOste P()inte 'education As' ArtIc1eIX, Section ll,' the full ments.e ,an a sa. on Jan'uary '17',Robert E. Lee Thanksgiving. The 6th grade TU 5.8400.. ' 1\ text of which appear. on the • 3 00 Sk' Hi M t' . h P ts f th. on January J7 (or January 19 class at thl) Christian Day • I : p.m. 1 ee mg Wit aren or ose in some states),' Ethan Allen's S hId th 1 d hi IOClation's suit attempt to re' reverse side of this petition." . th V'1 C 1 d t. c 00 ,~un er . e ea. ers 'p Just In Time . . . for Christmas. an our ..r~i_/. ~ver retroactive pay. during . With the launching. of the ogtng on e a1, 0 ora 0, np birthday ,on January 10; WU. of Mrs. Ernest Dunn, per. house~ to your house gift from a great n,ew col- MODd.y, Deeember 13 " Ham McKli1ley's on January formed'it. The ellildren made I Phase I of the Prep,:dent's petition drive, the Governor's lection of place mats and napkins which \have ".age.prlce freeze.. education reform crusade has 9:30 a.m. Weight Watchers of Eastern Michigan, 29; lMotart's on January 27; the ~cl!nery and wore pilgrim Inc. ' and Fradk1in D. 'Roosevelt's costume~. I'm sure everybody amved ~ at .Virginia Williams, 79 KerchevaL :: Second, Governor MillIken begullfor th9 third time. Th. Cancer Center .Workshop on January 30. had a g~eat tlmel Plastic, linen, drip dry, plain, reversible and has isted the Michigan SUo Governor is'seeking to collect .10:00 a.m. designs. Love those Vera's and Contessa's. preme Court to decide whether 265,610 signatures by next 12:00 noon Soroptimist .Glub of Grosse Pointe ------the state's current school fie July to put on the ballot a 12:00 noon Gross~ Pointe Pll.rk Garden Club night it took some ~ura,g!' to eoncerned. nancing formula is unconstl. constitutional aa;nendme'ftl'to . 12:15 p.m. Rotary Club of Grosse Pointe offer assistance to a total Yours truly, Four o'clock Tea ... will•• be served -Ii''.>. . lullonal. Indications arc that achieve state assumption of .12:30 p.m. Duplicate Bridge-Mrs. Marvin Bourget, stranger, and !his is the best John G. VlIn Zile at :'b.e Mer!Daid Gallery during these ~ the Supreme Court will accept school flnanee to eradicate Director" way I know of expressing my 292 Kerby Road ChIlly ChrIStmas shopping days. On I!' I the cue, but 1)oldoff on a de. dlsparitle. In funding from one • 1:15 p.m. Slymnastics-Ricky Dove, Instructor thanks. 'Mostpeople are indeed Grosse Pointe Farms Sunday, December 12. from 2 to 6 . I, .:..w 'clslon. until late spring. As I community ..nd another. • 4:00 p.m. ~lionaUy known.arlUit ~nd teacher, I... have said many times, the The Governor is stating that ~~l:~-;~~~~len Cooper, Instructor --U--'-1,-'-~-'h-"-''-'-'-~-'-'-'-'-"-"-'-~-'-'-'-'-'---I'--u'!-.-- BIll Ho~se Wlll. exhIbIt hiS work and IU~~ 7:00 p.m. i( ." .. : question bf timing Is crucial the mD~eyto (mance IIcbools the work o( hIS proteges. The Gal. f. ':j • 7:~0 p.m . The Ecology of Grosse Pointe - Mr. ;>;) ~~r1-- ~ 1l"" .~ us. Without the local prop. will come from the state un. Iery is open Thursday evening until 1 , .'. 'i James Neil "Danger Signs of Environ.....~l\, r1 ~ tt. f1, :~n!,n.r'." - y ~~. 10. .._ ...... r" erty tll" base and without a der his plan, but win be spent mental Problems" -;),; ~ c=J.j ~ 'Clearl, defined and welt at the discretion' of local ti'1 ~.¥I agreed upon alternatln, hew school boards. The Governor • 7:30 p.m. Let Us Talk Frenco Tonight - 'Mme The C~:ntry Chrillf~a. ~e. to th~ Citl' . • . • ~an local public education sur. claims that he Is In favor of Warren Wilklnson, Instructor Pine strung wirh popcorn and candles, gingham The ~ronz.e Door . . . is reopening very .to~l~ close to $400. local control along with "qual. 8:30 p.m. Grosse Pointe Theatre Meeting and checks, Raggedy Ann and Andy and ,lot. of soon and Isn't It great that it will be under the : third, we are receiving Ity and equality in education," Tuesday, December 14 festive. needlepointe kits, rug hooking patterns, capable management of Bill Jatronsen (better more'and more information on. a statement he uses in his morena", etc. Make your. an old fallhioned gift known as B. J.). Ownership, details and more specifics of the Governor's "meet.the.people.face.to. facti • 9:00 & Adult French Conversation - Mme giving Chri.rma •. news' will f.ollow. revl~ed program, including de. campaign" designed to gain 10:30 a.m. . . tails of ,'In initiative petition support for' h.li campaign for Bachrach, Instructor w. will be e1o.... Dec. 24 thrv Jan. 3 .. Service Guild Children's Hospital 16960' Harper Avenue Stop . . . at Stroh's Ic~ Cream Parlor and -drive being spearheaded by educallon reforM:- .10:00 a.m. lor 881-4363 Yoga-Norma Cheff, S.R.F., Instructor treat yourself to a soda, sundae or hot chocolate the Mirhigan Committee for At the moment I am forced .10:00 a.m. for extra energy while Christmas shopping on Quality Education, headed by to' withhold judgment on the 10:00 a.m. Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe-In. the Hill, , Dr. James Miller and Stephen Governor's latest program un. vestment Lecture Nisbet. The Initiative Petition tI1 I- have a clearer under. 12:00 noon Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe - Amendment to. the Constitu- standing of the d!talls and Ute Luncheon t10n states: "A petition to "alternatives" to the local 6:30 p.m. Optimist Club of Grosse Pointe amend Article IX, Section 8 property tal'>. 6:30 p.m. Kiwanis Club of Grosse Pointe ....------....---~~-1 of the Conf.tltutlonof the State However, my position on • 6.:30 p.m. Renaissance Banquet-'5 per person < I of Michigan proposing a 11mI. two cenlral Issues in the • IFisherman"s ~, ~A'\ 7:30 p.m. Grosse Pointe Chess Club tallen of 28 mllls as the maxi. malter Is clear: (1) I prefer • Duplicate Bridge I I mum tax imposed upon real to rc:lin as much decision. 7:30 p.m. Wharf ~.,;/ " Bnd tangible personal prop. making as possible at the 7:30 p.m. Weight Watchors of Eastern Michigan, I AND MOTOR INN MOTEL .~ ... ! erty, in anyone year; a pro- local level; (2) I favor im. Inc. hibltion upon the use of the proved l!dueational nppol'lun. '" 8:00.p.m. Detroit Symphony Chamber Music Or.: I On Il.e Scenic SI. Cla;r Rive, .,~ ~ chestra presents Christmas Renaissance 1 1.94 10 S,. Clair E.;,-2~ Mile. I local prop~rty tax lor public ity for aU the children 8nd Nor'l. of S,. Cloi,. Mich. education operating purposes youth of Michigan. But in no Concert ' • except for specialized pur. way do I advocate a lessening Wednesday, December 15." I. FINE GOURMET DINING ( poses and locally voted en. of local conlrol of education. Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe - - Coelc'oils - I'lehment programs within the I . 11:00 a.m. Cribbage II·SILAS WALkER 01 Ih. Keyboo,d 26 mllls; .1peclfled allocations THE COVERlJP Grosse Pointe Wom.an's Club Program by local governmental units,' Most folks could sUll.live on r 1:00 p.m. i for ~;~;i;~;'e~~WFOR and the legislative authority I a small income today 1£ they • 4:00 p.m. Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor B'asic Fifure Drawing,'for Senior High- CHRISTMAS & NEW YEARS to Impose an' alternative tax I didn't s;>endso much of their • 4:00 p.m. II structure 10 support pub11cItlme trying to keep it a secret. Robert Rathbun, Instructor I • Phone J .329.2236 FRI. & SAT • Child Psychology - Richard Brozovich, II •PRIME RIBS • SEAFOOD NIGHTS 1.~ 7:00. p.m. Instructor ...... ---...... ;...... ,....-1 II PARK IN OUR "ICE FREE" HEATED LOT ANNOUNCING i. 7:00 & Yoga-Charles Friday, SRF, Instructor . A SPECIAL . !. ~:~~p.~. Creativity With Your Camera-Joseph CHRISTMAS SEASON CONCERT II . p. Messana, Instructor I Adult Ballet-Mary EUenCooper, In-, December 14 (Tuesday) « 7:45 p.m. structor .. I' , ". . ...~. IF~~;B~~~-'-'l Thursday, December 16 RENAISSANCE BANQUET .012:30 p,m, Duplicate Bridge - Mrs. Philip Gibbs, I BOYS-GIRLS WEAR Director . I 6:30 p.m. in Holiday Decorated Cry~tol Ballroom , • 4 00 Halll!t-Ml!!'y Ellen Cooper, Instructor 16434 E. WARREN featuring !.;o : p.m. ATE. OU1'ER DRIVE Traditional Wassail 8(;wl and Roast Suckling Pig ,6:30 p.m. Accounting 0601 - Thomas Wine, In.1 The Wm.R.efIamilton Go, structor TU 4-7980 followed by I FUNERAL DIRECTORS M~n's Garden Club of Grosse Pointe Detroit Symphony Chamber Orc:he~tra I. 8:00 p.m. Since 1855 Specializing .. I WILLIAM R. HAMILTON II DAVID M. HAMILTON CHRISTMAS CONC~RT Letters to the Editor CLARENCE E. OtTER in advertised brands 8:09 p.m. Frie~ AuditOf;~1'n PIERRE HETU, Conducti~g J, lor 'nlants fhru size 14 Dear Sir: got out of her car and offered.I CHAPELS Dinner $5.00 per perlon Who says people are nol her' assistance" evcn to the I Reserved' (Concert) Seals $5 and 53.50 per persun concerned? exlcnt of dr1vlng me home. Detroit 3975 CAS! AVENUE • 831.2712 On the evening or November While I did, not rec;l"lre as. 1 Bil'l.ningham 820 EAST MAPLE • 644.6000 SHOWER GIFTS Cone,,' rickets available 01 For(J Aud. 801l Office (961- 23, while walking on Kerby sislance, I thanked ]j~'r' and in. 0700), 01/ Hud~on'5 and Grinnell',: road near Kercheval with my Iroduced myself and ast:ertain. Mon.; Thurs .• Sat, 9:30.6:00 P.M. Labrlllor, I fell \on the side. ed that her name was "Miss Fri., 9:30.8:00 P.M. Dinner relervalions and conc.rt tlclcels walk and sm8shea my glasses. Smale." ,She like so many at GrolS. Polnl. War IMmorial .. 181.7511 We welcOlllfMasler-Micltlp Iankar~-lanUmericard .' ,-' '. A young lady whom I don'l othcr young people today, was ...._~Ml... i... _ .. ... _ know and have never seen, vcry concerned. On a uark _ __ ...... t_~I'I __ • -- ..... __ .... __ .... __ ... , __ ...... -_ .. .. i I Thursday, December 9, 1971 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Pag' Fifteen Hunt Club Will Become. 'Montmartre' 1 GPYC Celebrates Commodore's Ball Merrie Olde England Rules in Great Hall as Mem. bers and Guests Gath.er to Honor Curl is C. Carmichael The Grosse Pointe Yacht Club became Bucking- ham Palace last Saturday evening as members and guests gathered to honor GPYC Commodore Curtis C. Carmichael at the traditional Commodore's Ball. Crystal chandeliers on white floral roping hung velvet ribbons and small WO.I.'I from the ceiling of the twinkling lights highlighted the foyer leading to the rotunda Great Hall where figures where Commodore Carm1chllel of 18th century children an':l his wife greeted party. ringed giant Christmas goers. . Greetings over the fire. Receiving with Commodore From Another Pointe Short and to place. and Mrs. Carmichael in front Christm

~, " . . " \ ~. , II .'. ~ 0 • I '\ '\ ... .e':'0 •• ~ IJJ:D ,..., \. ,, \ THE MITCHELLS 18554 Mack (bet.eell Calvin & leur.ilIe), Very fine Shellield turkey cover on Well & Tree platter with hot water heating unit below, Blue and white coverlet with eagle corners and eaglels along 2 Sides, beauhfu. con dilion. Small collection of painlings a promiJe by W. E. Allured. well known Detroit artist and illustrator, including sharp. birds, fauns, 01 o few world war 2 rrtOrine scenes. JJoliJag Other recently acquired items includes s,cveral pieces of (llamour Dedham Ware. towestoft tea caddy and plates,

Brass bUCKets, candle sticks, andirons and fenders. bross wood box, Jht shops of Beouliful ruby vase by Steuben. '1 3 Kerchevol Ave., Parking in rear C~ at Fisher Road TU 2-4724 Watt"1\"Pi~... I'lIn

P.ve Sixt.. n GROSSE POJNTE NEWS Thursday, December 9, 1971 Society News Gathered from All the Pointes April Bride Bride-Elect Commodore's Ball lights Up GPYC Quilts Topic For Quester, Members of Quester'. Grand Last mouth'. .peaker wu Mania Chapter w1l1celebrate Mr.. Ke!th Lelbbrand, who the Chrlatmu season this Fri. talked OD American qlijJt day, December 10, at the making at the home of Mr•• home of Jir.. Cllarlea E. J. P. Stuart .In :McMillan road. Fisher In Merriweather road. MI'I. LelbbrBDd b r 0 u I b t Each has been asked to bring samples of both plain. and OI1e of her own lraditional elaborate quUta. Members also family ornamenu to show and "contributed examples from describe to the group. their personal coUectiOl18.


':' Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.I Photo b,v P~uJ Gach ZeJ1lcer, of East Kings court, I Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Stew. have 'anr.ounced the engage. art. of North OXford road, are Mrs. Swetland Whitney. of I Lakeland aven.ue, and Charles 'ment 'of their eldest daugh. announcing the engagement of Robert Whitney, of St. Clair ter. RANDELLE SHERRILL. their daughter, UTHLEEN avenue, h:.ve announced the i to Herbert H. Clausen. Jr.. GRACE~ to James Edward • engagement of their daughter. "son of Atr. and !tlrs. Herbert r .lOilz. 1 JANE MONROE, to Alexander ',H. Clausen, of Washington. 'l'he bride-elect attends the ,Patlon Gage. ~on of Mrs. . J'ames Blean. of Trombley 'N. J. University of Michigan where '.I road, and Henry Gage of Uni. . she is aHlliated with Alpha The Grosse Pointe Yacht Club was versity place. The bnde-elect w.as gradu. Phi sorority. She WIS graduat. MRS. CARMICHAEL. Receiving with ,at,e

at the Frits iluditorium. 32 LaIl.shor., 011 I "":jl ,Satwday. Dee.lr 11th, 11:00 I. 7:00 p.m. ,i" QS:;i;~i~0~~~~;I Saturdly. 01<.., 11th, 11:00 & 2:00 p.m. I,;~i ' il ~;;~:~;~:r~::~~I Titkell available at Ihe War Memorial, TU 1.7511 ~ ,"' '!..' Punth t. Judy Tayland. TU 1.7075 ' . Big Boy Restauranl. TU 9.0390 ' '1 Adlllt. $2.50, SIud.nl. $1.25 , f . ~ , f You will be happy to hear that we just , ~ I i received some marvelous tennis dresses from ------~---;}~_-:;t:~/lant< I_ ~.: HEAD, QUANTUM and" TENNIS-WHITES '.:. I ,:~~ starting 'with the hard to find size 4's! You '1~j ; ~~;j are all set for your next round of tourna- ~m

i :~: ment ploy, ::!; Jl1 ' , \lll :f;': Seems ages since I have seen you (and it :::: The Timely Gift :::1 really is) to show you all the things that are ~1~ lone aller the excitemenl and t coming into the store, From our HOLIDAY :j;~ happinesl of that special day are over, your gift of a Tissot will bll '~~ and ALL OCCASION lONG dresses to the :~ll fondly remembered. Tissol watches have been acclaimed in ~: first of the resort-wear. in spite of my mo- :::: more than 120 counlries around .~ ~ .~:: tion sickness problem, one of these days I ~:: lhe world for their rare combin. ation of fine styling and lime • keeping dependability. That's why we recommend 'fissot ..1 ..~~e;~it"h~:~f~~~;:t;:h;r~/:e~~~~t;:~:;:~ ~ watches wilh confidence. Choose from 250 differenl TissollT,odels ~11 about in magazines and papers, ~m for men and women from $39,95 to $200. ~1i Now, I have heard, you can make longer );11 ~:: stops in fewer ports and play the golf ':.: courses for a couple of days. That would Itis Men's Afternoon Sunday, Dec. 12 make Sam happier and I would get q from 2-6 P.M. 'chance to wear the new golf shirts that are so good-looking, My' game leaves JVe have a sparklin~ collection something to be desired but I look the Ask for of clothes and ~~(ts especially selected part. free Tissot style to help you with Joltr Waiting to hear all the news about Cali- brochure. Christmas List ... fornia and Mexico. A-For him, a sell.wmding Seaslar wilh Best love,' day/datI' dial. Vl'lIo" lop, slainless steel back casl' , " $89.50

Pat B-For her, a yellow or whill' lop, slain- less sll'!!1 back case with matching dial and strap, .' $59.50 I~ touch of .Iegance " Valente Jeweler:! 1 ;1.':I:i.';1 63 K.rche¥al • Colonial Fed. Blel9'; ';••:;.•';:'.:;. Since 1934 qn-the.hlll-I86-37.1 X ~ 16601 E. Warren TU 1.4800 ;:;::::::;:::;:;:;:;':=:::;:::::::::::;:::::;:::::::::;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:~::.:::::::;:;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::~::::::::::::::~::::::::::;::~;~;~::::::;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;~;:;:;::: 375 Fisher Rd. ---....----_....---..-....' ...._---

j '. • T"ursd.y, Deeember 9, 1971 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Women's Page • • • by, of and for Pointe Women set road, Mr. lAd IIfI. 'ZUlu. Set Harmonie Concert Dec. 11 Kll1ammer, of Br1Jreliff drive, Quartet Ready For White Christmas Ball Katherine Wlmke, of Lake. Christmas Concert Murray Ann Engelhart, ie. dies' choruses are conducted .hore road, Leaa Z.t.llt, ell male lead in the Wind.or Llgbt by Herman A. Clein, of Maison Flaber road, JellllY DabriDl' Opera Association, will be road, a member, of the MUlie._ ",_ - , 0f BIaIrmoor _ .." For Woman's Club guest ao.loLst ,when Harmonie Faculty . at Grosse POwte and Helene Webb, of MIllO%' Club presenu its ann u a I North High School. Accompa. road ChrLstmas O>neert Saturday, mst is Christine Schlorff, of • Mrs. Bewley 0, Priestman Serves as Tea Hostess for December 11, at 8:15 o'clock. NeU road. AUred R. T.1'Irt, of North Holiday Program Featuring Songs by The Club, ~ocated in East Members of the ChOlUS"'1j Oxford road, la treaaurer of North High's Choraleers Gr.nd River avenue, Detroit. who live in The Pointe are. the club. LeoUud B.atleoa, was incorpOrated by special iIlclude Oil\) Strek, of Somer. of Birth lalle, J. I d1reelor. Members of the Grosse Pointe Woman's Club will a,.t of the Michigall Legisla. be entertained by the ~rosse Pointe North High School ture In 1152, making it the Choraleers at a meetmg next Wednesday, December oldest slnglng group in the HAIR REMOVAL 15 ' in the Crystal Ballroom of Fries Auditorium at the , state. Grosse Pointe War Memcrial. Its combined men's and Ja. .' The Choraleers are di•.~------ALlCE PACKARD teeted by Herman Clein, Shea, DOllald Daher and Mich. the SwmlD.daIe drive home Registered Electrologist has been ael Fazio. who associated of Mn. RobertRUlseU, bonor. DOCTOR'S REFERENCES with the Grosse. Pointe Accompanist will be Donald ing active members, 1Il1edges School System for many Sayers. Iftd their mothers. Mrs. Rich. I•• Wit" O..,~ ard Killer JI helping Mrs. c.... r'.. years. He is also. director Mrs. Vene L. Whims, P'O' of the BarmoDle Club gram chairman, will Introduce Russell with p1ms for the I 18050 Mock /We. By AppolntfMnt morn"In, get-toeether sched. Grosse Pointe Choral Group. , the group. Tea hostess Mrs. wed for Wednesday, Decem. Phone 882-3906 Choraleers Includes Robin Bewley D. Priestman and eo. ber 22. :Mazer, XaWeen 'l11ompson, hostesses Mrs. John V. Crane Gan Worley, CoDD.i~Howard, and Mrs. Robert King have Tracy .Allen, Bonnie Baker, chosen as their theme, "Love Becky Dawson, Gina S"agnali, is _." Linda Neale, Sheri Rhudolph, Assisting them will be com. for a fashion Christmas .•. at MARGARET RICE Cheryl Craig, Droolts HoUman, mittee members, the Mes. David Rauen, Thomas Bab. dames Arthur W. Anderson, cock, Robert Ambrose, Eric A I t maD, Carl Sierr, Mils Karl Anderson, John H. Car- JohaDlen, Victor Gross, John ter, A. J. Christie, Fred M. Photo by Eddie McGrath. Jr. ______ICOusins'i.eo Cowling, Russell They've been busy for months pre- MRS. JAMES J. HUMES, program K. Davis, Jr., James Doherty, .paring for the 18th Annual White chairman, (left to right), found time to Pointe Quester John E. Finch, W. R. Frizzell, Christmas Ball sponsored by the Font- find four magnificent new gowns for J. W. Harrison, Frederick S. bonne Auxiliary of Saint John Hospi. the party. It's to be presented Satur- Chapter Meets Jermain, Walter KaM, Robert tal, but somehow MRS. WOODROW day evening, December 11, at the King, Donald Leahy, Thomas WOODY, honorary chairman with Mr. Grosse Pointe Yacht Club, and will A. Maher, William J. N"lXOD, W d MRS CHARLES D. WOOD Mr.. Robert Palmer, of Stepb.eD.Olesak, lIilton Paw- 00 y,. A .. , benefit Saint John's new Coronary Lakeshore road, will be host- sat, Wilson Peeler, Hamilton general chairman, her co-chairman Artery Surgery Program. ess to tomorrow's meeting of Park, Rich.rd Sloner, Dick MUS. RICHARD A. SHALLA and the Gl'O$se Pomte Chapter of Warner, Edward L. Weoor ------.------Questers. The group gathers and 'Robert Whiteley. home of Mrs. Peter Higbie. Instilule who celebrate birth. Leonard Winzer. Friday, ~ember 10, at 10 ---- 'Each member brought a days during October, :Novem- Special feature will be o'clock for a short business Kappa Kappa Gammas handmade or speclally.pur- ber and December. session followed by Mrs. Ed. entertainment by the Honey- gar Hahn's program on Are Busy in December chased boutique item to be Ass i s tin g Rehabilitation tones cboral group of Grosse auctioned off that evening, Pointe North High School. Christmas ttaditions. with proceeds earmarked {or chairman Mrs. Gordon Tanner Earlier this fall several Christmas ~eetlngs around The Det-embel' meeting of the Rehabilltation Institute of at the fete will be Mrs. Allen Kappas acted as bostesses at a w.. nn bowl will precede the 'Detroit 'Alumnae Associa- IUD.chean. 'U";'. RI'Aha~d 'Uertz t' f K K G Delroit. N. Sweeny, Mrs. Harvey C. dedication ceremonies for the o>u" ... m. Ion 0 appa appa amma This evening, Thursday, !De. Fruehauf, 'Mrs. Richard $4,900,000 • d d i ti 0 n to the and Mrs. M. L. Van Dagens was held last Tuesday, De. cember 9, another birthday IRoland, lMrs. Glenn Forcier, Reba biUtatiOillnsUtute. _ar_e_&_s_sl_stin_g_th_e_h_os_te_s_s. C_embe__ r_7_,_in_th_e_,M_Ol'O_sS_fo_a_dparty will be given by the Mrs. Edward D. Maire, Mrs. Again this year Kappas will Kappas for patients at the Willard S m it h and Mrs. sponsor a Christmas coffee at MARTY WALLACE . is pleased to announce . her association with CHAFFEE-LANCASTER TRAVEL ""'1805 377 FISHER. (MEWS)



"'~E aul>O 1 NC:I ARTt!lT I N YOUR FRl1ll.~ WII-l &~ LOOKIN~ FOil. A EtIFT FROH T~E l(AIN~ DRY COMf'AN)I


.,our I CHRISTMAS BOUTIQUE hat many GifT IDEAS and af cau,,', all gifts w,opp.ef in ,h. inimilable Mo'gart' riet ma,",,, ... • 1 n. ,,!......

FULL LENGTH and the lightest in weight natural lynx coot. Silk stripe lining and belted. Fu, O,igin, U.S.A

add color to h.r home lif. with ch•• rful gifts Iik. th •••... Poin •• ttia sheared cotton terry set . for the holidays, a bright flowering of red blossoms on white background. 78 KERCHEVAL Hostess apron, $2. Fingertip towel, .75 19.72 wall calenelar hand appliqued on the Hill Oven mitt, each $1. Kitchen towel, 1.25 .on felt, a collection of delightful Grosse Pointe Farms designs to brighten the decor of Gny room. Each colorful 1O"Wx41" L calendar Jaoobsorrs complete with wall hanger. Each, $3. ~~ {j@)[[' fiIJD@ Du@DUU@

I. Thursday, Deeember 9, 1971 Pig. Eighteen GROSSE POI'NTE NEWS Society News Gathered from All the Pointes'

bride's uncle, and Russ Pet~r. friDged toast and brown tweed Fronlm-Walker Rite, Are Read Pointe Alph. Xi Delt.s Women A.rtists Sharon Cataldi Wed Nov. 27 son, a Claremont graduate. coat lor her daughter's wed. N.xt WednesdlY Mr. and Mrs. Peterson are ding. She carried a aiDlle ~"t To Close Year Plannlq to make their and. M1'I. Carl Anthony Nligel, presently attending graduate white rose. Mr. and Mrs. C bar I e s . u flower 1Irl, tH • b 0 r t home in Ootario, CaUl., wblle of Los Angele., alked his ~a'i schoo) at Michigan Stale Vni. The bridegroom's mother Youngs enlertained at a re. ell .. LIte-bklded pIIIk 1In. John Kirl1D, of Pro- .lee,. they complete gradua~ stu- ther to act al best man. In versity. wore a red wool suit trimmed ception 10 t bel r McK1nIey dre.. III .mall lace veDCa! road, wID hOlt mem. AUer en oetobei' meeting I I ell.... dies, she at SCripps College, the usher corpa were Angelo Mrs. Cataldi chose a toast in grey fox. She carrled two avenue bome following the cuffJ. I wedding of their daugbter, Geor1e SIJDOIl sentd u ben of the Groue POUsteChap- with artist Zubel Kachadoorlan Claremont, Calif., and he at Cataldi, ol Newark, DeL, the wool kn1t dress and a ma1cbiog white carnations. .• Gaye Marie W a I k e r, and best aaQ lor tbe bridtlfOOlD, ter 01. Alpha Xi Delta at a at bU atud10 and a November the Ull1versity of CalIfornia at Los Angeles, are Mr. ud Mrs. Donald James Fromm in S1. who ia tile lOA of Mr... eI Quo1ltmu Fuw)' meeting in trip to Bloomfield HIlls to see IIlllIl ••••• .:OClJl!lJiJlJlIlliIlilJii.::iIlIIlJIiliil.m:.:: •. 11I1fIIII.liIIIlllIIlllliiillllllilllli IIJI."iJilliILIIIIIIIIII._I.B Carl Anthony Nagel, Jr., who aJ••••••• John's Episcopal Church, De. Mrs. Carl of Belaqer lIer bome at 8 o'clock MoJlday. the weaving workshop of Rob- rnmm. were married in Saint Paul's. troit, Saturday, December 4. road, of tM JnndJOII of December 13. ert Kicld, the Detroit Society on. the. Lakeshore Saturday, For the 11:30 o'clock rites Mrs. ChatIM Fromm and Mr. AulItiag Mrs. Kirl1D will be 01: WomenPaintera and Sculp- November Z'f. the bride chose an Empire IDd 11ft. ..., Vuder RoMt, Kra. DeIUl.ls Berduono aM . The 11 o'clock rites at whlch .... I !Q'ND styled with lace leg-of. all 01 It"" road. lira. llichael .Kllch. ton will brlni the year to a ~IL ... mutton slee,'es and a lace' R1DI bearer was Xenneta EDterta1llment for the eve. eloM with a dlnner tomorrow, )(onslgnor Francis X. Can- f1ngtertip veil, Fromm. DJq blc1ud.. a wi, demoll.- Friday, December ,10, at the field presided were followed by a reception in the Grosse She was attended by her The bride 11 the crand •• tratioa by Kathy Fachione, Grosse .Pointe Hunt Club. ~L PoiDte War Memorial. -71t-T .1.Jters, Jean W..lker as maid daUlbter 01 Coloael and )(l'I. from Belle Jacob iD Grosse Cocktails will.be served from ol bonor, in a pink ChiHOD1 D. D. Martin, of VemI.r road. PoiDte. 6:30 to 7:30, dinner at 8 'Mrs. Nagel, the former ~-~~l Sharon LynD Cataldl, daugh- frock with a white lace bib, After. IIrief weddJJtr trip ----. o'clock. LouIs Redstone, one of white lace cuffIng her long the couple wW be at home In Groaae Pointe r",uth Hlib Detroit's top architects, an ad. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Dome~'O .leeves, and Barbara Youngs Detroit. vocate of the use of art in in. Emeat Cat.ldi, ol Neff road, School lZ'aQuate MIKE NEIL was graduated from Scripps I'l dustry an;! commercial build. is IfIIior co-captam of Wa)'lle mg whose paintings have been and is working as a high State Ull1versit)"s Um-'l2 exhibi~d at the J. L. Hudson school teacher wblle she pur. ewimmlDl team. Gallery, is guest lpeaker. sues graduate studies. AZAR FABU Coiffures Mr. 'Nagel, a graduate of I Claremont College, is also ;s proud to announce working, assoclated with Ax- , rowhead Products 10 !As An. @VE thot MR. BERRY WICK . geles, while he continues his formerly 01 a Grosse Point. and education. HER Salon, is now accepting For her wedding the tormer THE appointmenls al our Salon. WILLOW Miss Cataldi chose a long- 15300 Kercheval sleeved ivory peau de sole GALAXY ~ETROIT HILTON cor. Beaconsfield I gown and a mantilla of ivory 5th F1oo, Tet. 961.'''. Alencon lace falling from a lace.covered cap. She carried FOR ; a teardrop bouquet of baby mums, babY roses and ivory CHRISTMAS baby's.breath. GIFTC•• ,.ICAI.. Her honor attendants were For Jan., 1972 clalses or for all Mrs. Russ Peterson, a fellow .1 Scripps graduate, and. her I' decoupage supplies sisters, Jane and Jill cataldi. Mrs. 'Peterson wore a brown 5.... H40u .. 9::10 'iii 5:00 sUIt moire frock sashed with wHt-cloy cmcl n.uosday hen I... 7:00 'iii 9:00 . honey and. brown need1epointe. Mot,., Cite,,,. acc.p1eJ The honor maids chose identi. " ______~ __'___ _'_'_'-'-_,--_.. eal frocks of honey sUk moire. 'With All three carried dried nose- illYS of brown and honey Ch";:Jlma:J mums, baby's.breath and star. fiowers. .In minJ WOMEN'S DRESSES The bridegroom, son of :Mr. 12~ to 26~-8 to 20 - how delighted she Delta Gammas to Hold would be with this Shale.r Square-Bill Sims Paf Perkins Coffee-Auction Party en~hanting mink Travel Tolle Swirl shrug! Louks so The local alumna ,bsocIa- casual yet is so very City Seen. Puritan Forever Young tlon ol Delta Gamma will bold exquisite! Natural ParlcsMre Molly Goldberg its annual Christmas coffee and. petite auction Monday, &SSIAN Emba Tourmaline-. Hal Nobber Mod.1 (Snap Coal) Available in other . December 13, at the Village lane home of Mrs. Kenneth colors. $650. GIVE HER THE GALAXY FOR CHRISTMAS Kimmell. OUR PRECIOUS RUSSIAN 'SAIiI All area Delta Gammas are .Emba rt'll. lrademark SABLE . • . and then th.rei$ $O.ble. Rare and ISABELLE'S invited to join ~~ fun begin- 16434.E. WAIREN AVI. at E. Outer Dr. ning at 9:30 in the morning precioul feathe!.dyed Runion $Ob'-. 1M ulti. TU 4.7980 when members' handmade mote achievement in elellone •• If you'". r... ciled Mon., Thurs., Sol. 9:30.6,00 P.M. gift items, including jams, the $ummit of $uee.n. give her the 1I010..y Fri. 9:30.8.00 P.M. needlework and'baked goods, fo, Chriltmo$ ..• in the divine form cf 0 Koy Ano$ $able, SINCE 1910 • ~7 ADAMS EAST,DOWNTOWN Miehll10n Bonkord will be auctioried off to the bighest bidder. Proceeds go to Free Allendant Porking Adlac.nt 'To Store Ma.t., Cllo'lle Bonk ...... riecrd Delta Gamma's national pro. ject, Aid to the Blind. Kay Anos Furs It's poor polley to put things STARTING MONDAY, DICIMIIR 13th WE AME OPEN off until tomorrow-someone else is apt to do It today. 19216 MACK AVE, MOHOAV.tHlU NIDAY 'TIl' ',M. 'TIL CHRISTMAS Hours: Mon. Ifwu Sat. f:3D 'til , The fellow who attempts to ... SATUIO~YS'TIL 5:30 P.M. 1....'.,...._,".,,---..1'..... Thursday 'iii 1:30 follow the guidance of all oth. ers reaches the goal of none. B PI F DmlIlP'W77 mEr? 77 E, . ., ra, . PRE.HOLIDAY STOREWIDE OPEN EVERY NIGHT EXCEPT SATURDAY, CLEARANCE UNTIL CHRISTMAS AT 10TH STORES .. 33..\/3% lo60%0IIREG.'RICH . ' '. FALL, WlNTER AND HOLIDAY MERCHANDISE ••. • I., AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE YOUR WARDROBE NEEl)S, ~ TO MAKE YOUR GIFT SELECTIONS ... - - ~ ~ - ', COATS. .. PANT COATS, BOOT LENGTHS, IN MElTONS, SHETlANOS, wish her happy holidays ~ith Youth Dew I AND ETC.... ENTIRE STOCK I S fragrance gifts by Est.. Lauder ... all wrapped up and I ,$27.. 50 ~ ready to give in elegant blue velvet with golden ribbons. • - REG. 4S TO 80 - - - - A. Soap trio, $6. B,. Bath Oil, ~ oz. $5. - SKIRTS - - .- EANS & PANTS Eau de Parium Spray, 2 % ozs. $7. 6" to17'9 699~1199 REG. 10 TO 28 WERE II ';0 20 YOUR CHOICE OF LENGHTS ... MINI, WOOLS, DOUBLE KNITS, CORDUROY, BRUSH DENIM, VELVET . l K"~EE, BOOT, OR MAXI •.. GREAT . .. , j;:.STYLE AND COLOR SELECfIONS . .:.. I LOTS 1'0 CHOOSE FROM . ,',

- -- ...... -...... ~."...... -..,....._..-...... _.,.. 1------~.". , SWEATERS ... ". : SHIRTS & BLOUSES' . ' .' " ... 99 I I 3'9 ..8 7'9 to 10'9 1-I '. 0 REG. 7 TO 15 • REG. '2 to 18 SOLIDS, PRINTS, PATTERNS, IN A GREAT • SHETLANDS, ACRYLICS, CABLES,' ETC. Have Breakfast With Us ond e SELECTION OF FABRICS, STYLES,COLORS EXCELLENT GIFT ITEMS Enjoy the Convenience of ------Shopping Early. Our St. Clnir - Room Restaurant is open at 8:00 p.m. ..Jacob SonS


_~ ~ .. ---...... -...... -...-..JIlr._ ...... _~ ...... aM.-.-,.- _ se __ .- ...... ,. e•• t .. 'Cd we_e. G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Page N',de.s" l"ursd.y. D.eem~r 9. 1971 ------Women's Page • by, of and for Pointe Women • • -----_._------_._-'- .._--> ------_. --. David Allard, Jr Claims a Bride \ Betrothed Will Wed I Santa plans Stop For DBCYoungsters David Walter Allard, Jr., co the newlyww'l will return I 1011 of Mr. and Mrs. D. Walter to Detroit to make their home. i. . are the Mesdames Ross 5., Mills, Denne J. Osgood. Miltoll Alltrd, of RlcIgemont road, The bridegroom, like the bride Family Brune:h and Dinner Se:heduled Sunday, With Campbell, Jr., Charles L. Col. S, Osgood, Jr, and Arthur () c:lalmed Janic:e Diane Pawlow. a Western Michigan Univer. I .Id, daupter of Mr. and Mrs. slty graduate, is presently at. Mr. Claus on Hand During the Afternoon linson. Charles N. Ferry, Jack, A. Schmidt. Rlumi J. Pawlowsk.!, of De. tending Wayne State univer'l to Greet Boys and Girls ---- troll, a. his brlcle Saturday, sity Law School. December ., in St. LadislauB The former Miss Pawlowski I It'll be a "family affair" at the Detroit Boat Club I UNIQUE GIF1' IDEA Catholic Church. chose a white 18tin and Alen. this Sunday, December 12, when Miss Christmas Carol I Tbe6:30 o'clock c:eremony con lace gown for ber wed. I welClimes boys and girls, moms and dads, to DBC's II wa. followed by a reception at ding. I annual Children's Christma: Party. _ FOR IllS CHRISTMAS tbe Thomas Manor in East Detroit. Always be up and doing and Asp e ci a 1 holiday' After a vacation in Acapul. you'll never be counted oul. brunch. served from noon the moment. ror moms and Ito 2:30 o'clock, continuous dads to chemh through the .. ~~UII .. l!lIII~~~~ .... tJ1IIIJ.. -- ... entertainment from 1:30 years. to 4 and dinner from 3:30 Mrs. Sean Patrick ShaeUer, ! CHRISTMAS PREVIEW I to 8:30 o'clock, (with no cbairman of the party, and charge for small.fry under Mrs. MUton A. Manley, Jr., ,I DEC. 6th to DEC. 11th I three yearlj of age), is the co.chairman, have invited Dot, I I schedule of the day. The Balloon Clown,. to er~at'! OPEN 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. • Santa Claus will be on hand some of his fascln~tU1g aDJm~1 I to greet spirited striplings in friends .to en~ertam tbe chU. I UNUSUAL GIFTS AND DECORATIONS I Mr. and Mrs. Wasphy MU.I Photo b~' Eddie McGrath. Jr. their ,best attire, listen to their dren. HiS antics as he blows I FOI HOME 01 OFFICE • darri. of Harvard road, are Mr. and Mrs. Ramon J. Phil. requests and present each ~ whole menagerie ~to ex. I with a special gift. Photo- lSttnCe are sure to debght the I announcing the engagement of lips. of Young lane, are an. , legist., for CoH.. and Cookies the ir d a ugh t e r, LINDA nouncing the engagement of grapber Eddie :McGrath, Jr." young of heart and age. AUSTRIAN BACKSCRUBBER I their daughter, S H A RON will capture the wonder of, Assisting with party details Door Priz.s Will Be Served CAROLE, to Birney Lloyd Bickford, son of Mr. and Mrs. EILEEN, tl' '.arry L. Carroll, Austrians. who give a lot of thought 10 suen things, • Lloyd Bickford, of Hunt Club son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Bur- are great believers in a well scrubbed boe~" The dette Carroll, of Blissfield, ALE~ MOTOLIGIN & ASSOCIATES. ~~~~~iafe':{pe~it~oo~~ L~:o~s~ BACKSCRUBBr~ stimulates eurcul')tion and relaxes Mich. tense muscles. too. while you Scrub in tub or shower. FLORIS r AND GIFT SHOP I Pointe Board of Education. A I February wedding is planned. Heavy convas. 29"x4" with panel insert 01 sharI, • bewilching bristles, Sturdy hand grippers lor iuSI the 21709 KEUY RD. Bet. 8 and 9 Mite Rds. I ----- DRCWillFete ___ ~ .... .a right amount of pull. You don't have to be Austrlon, 171.6100 .. __ Y.l'!\i1eNorth .o!.~~tland.w Its Presidents BACKSCR:JBBERpampers internationally. $5.00 also in stripes $6. Grosse Pointe and East Si<1e IMPORTED CRISTAll SOAP, ... , .. 3 cakes $4 women who will be honored by the Detroit Review Club at the Women's City Club, Tues. day, December 14, include past-presidents Mrs. Aaron E. .llasel/line giji Il'rappi1l{!. a( 110 chargr. Wilcox, Mrs. Marvin C. I Dahnke, Mrs. Robert G. Kales, Mrs. Robert T. Harris, Jr., Mrs. Wynn Wakeman, Mrs. Benjamin Springborn and Mrs. carts~- L. James Keller. /Ill J..I-;HI.lIf."I II .• 0\ III/-" 1/11.1. (;lW.\\1-: /'01\/1-. ,. IH 11.\ , Other past.presidents to be j' honored are Mrs. Louis Hop. ping, Mrs. William Bundesen, Mrs. J. Robert Martin and Mrs. N. Conner Gunn. • Mrs. H. Lloyd Patterson, • ..'* DRC first vice-president, in charge of the Presidents' Day .. program, will introduce the honorees and Mrs. Marion H. Crawmer, DRC president, will garment-care gifts for him and her. act as oUicial hostess at the .. luncheon scheduled for noon boudoir and closet space savers for in the City Club's Crystal din. ing room. stay-at.homes and vacation traveler~. Christmas decorations will highlight the tables. Following luncheon will be ~ A. Setwel1's set of four wood trouser a special Christmas musical "'!t program at 1:30 o'clock. in the hangers with sure-gripper design. 4.75 club's auditorium. Mrs. Rob. ert Gerisch, music chairman, B. -Model Home's set of four padded, wlll introduce guest artists in. eluding Mary Lewis, Canadian shirred satin hangers, gift packaged. vocalist. ' Miss Lewis has been a Gold, coral, blue, avocado, white. $3. featured vocalist with the Windsor Symphony Orchestra, C. Men's set of three wood trouser the Detroit Opera Company, the Madrigal Choir, Chrysler hangers, finely crafted by Setwell. $3. Imperials, the Don Large Chorus and the Institute of D. Lattice-back valet of hardwood with Musical Arts. Pauliri.e Wright Hig'gins, Ca. nadian contralto, will also black vinyl upholstered lift-up seat. These are Couture Dress Fabrics, designed for and used by, appear. ,Besides being a well. Contoured hanger, rubber.edged trouser the most exclusive Fashion Designers. known performing artist she is instructor in operatic and B concert music. bar, jewelry tray. By Setwel!. $25. Pointer Charlotte Foraker will be the accompanist. After the prClgram there will be an old-fashioned Christ. mas exchange of gifts, with Christopher Gee, father of Mrs. Geriscb, acting as DRC . Santa Claus.

They are hard to believe bargains because they are work- NO REGRETS Jaoobsons room 'odds and ends' remnants! They are 'thoroughbreds' Live by the golden rule and I c ~@)[j@ 11@Cf 'li.Du@ Du@)O'Vi)@ you'll never have reason to of the fashion world at unbelievably low, low prices. apologi~e for your actions. ~

~ I1'tv C4At. ,w:ta.tJt>1- a n.w b.... d of b.a ••i. i. lookIng for a ho.,.., ~~ hoping to become a household pet for Christmas. Happily ~ "f~ mOi~~ aMi S~ .fI domesticated and perfectly mannered, this new species AND NOW AT adds a wildly exciting accent to any environment, - - Posing here, a menagerie from our collection of It~lian handcrafted and hand-finished ceramic wildlife. A. Tiger, 8" H. $40. B. Polar bear ice bucket, 14!4" H. $30, CALICO CORNERS~ C. Monkey, 14:!z" H. $30, D, Fierce jungle lion, 17:!z" L. $20. - - E. Koala bear, 11W' H. $25. F. Angora cat, 16" L. $30, See these exciting fabrics •I l made up into Glamorous Holiday Outfits \l Informal modeling THURSDAY and FRIDAY, DEC, 9th and DEC. 10th from 10 o'clock 'til3 o'clock In 80th Calico Corner Stores I _ - -- --~. Bloomfield Hills St. Clair Shores 1933 S. Tel.graph near Pontiac 25008 Little Mack at 10 Mile o F FE 2.9163 775-0078

Open 9:30 to 5:30 Daily JacobSonS Mon. Nites 'Ii/ 9:00 p.m. - Closed Sunday ~U@~ '('j'@l1' ~ DD@DUU@


~ _.-...~ . .. -..-. .. eM"" -. .. xe_ = ...... _ ...... __ ...... wOsrs x "bS". .w.ssse.str.m. m-e •• rr • __ .... _. GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursd.y, December 9, 1971 S'ociety News Gathered from All the Pointes

Foresight would be a gre.~er Polater MARTHA HUTl'ON Travel by Bus Laohing Allead Miss SadU8h Speaks J'OlVS virtue If le4I of It were devoted 11 presently a preD_tal Hy. Mrs. Walter S. Cytacki, II beaded organza. She wore a to fOI'1l.eelng problems that ,lene .lUcIent at Idabo Stale To Xmas Walk I To Spring Tea EJtelle Sadusk, daughter of Dr. and ~Mrs. J 0 lit! P h F. .aUn hat and carried yellow never arise, University, Poeatel1o. and rust chrysanthemums. "South Balla for &:bolar. SadUlk, of LlDeoln road, and Pointe,. are lavlled to take Joseph D. Beemer, Ion of Sb8 wu attended by her time out from the pre.boUday ship" 11 the theme ehosen for the Groa\\(! Polate South HJgh II,.. Brace Beemer, of Ox. ,bter, Eve Sadusk. Edward rush Ind give themselves a ford. Mich., IDd the late Mr. Gremly served as his nephew's treat next Tburlday, SChool lIother's Club Spdeg Decem- Beemer, were married Satur. best man. ber 16. A Ipedal bus. "Ru. BeDeOt scheduled for Wed- day, November 27, in Our dolpb'. RJ,," leav" the Grosse nesday, AprU 26. Ushers were Richard and CHRISTMAS Siviour Lutheran Church. Robert Beemer, the bride. PolDte War Memorial at 10: US At '1 recent meeUng in the that morning, headed for Rivard boulevard home of A reception at the LUUe groom's brothers, and Bill Birmingham - Bloomfield and 'lln. J. Alfred Grow, general Club followed the 2 o'clock Sidusk, the brlde', brothel'. the ,econd lDstallm,~nt of the c:halrman, eommittee mem. lites for whlch the bride chose Tt1e newlyweds will make CAIDS urn Chriatmaa Walk. bers ew;ed a eourse for this I gown of I n tl que ivory their home in Rochester. The fir,t lDstallment', going annual tea, fashioD show and lMM 011 rliht DOW, 1burlday, De- eemlter 9, right here In Grosle ca:e~iuIh1P Tea, a pop. r~--J ----,--d-G :,*,',--' 10% OFF Poillte. ular event, hi' tradiUoDll1y I For Fme ewe ry an , $ Beautiful olbum personolized cards The Walk 11 lponsored an- recel~ed generous lupport I S still oYOilobie in ample time nually by the Junior Women's from the community. Money e~ (fs AuoelaUOIl fM the II) e t r 0 it raised goes to provide a for Christmas mailing if ordered Symphony Orehutra. For only smoother saU, through • .::hol. I ~ by December Uth. $10 Dext ThursdaY'1 buas-era arsh.lp', to deserving grad- , Large Selection of ... receive tral\lportaUon door-to. uaUng SOuth 'High sentors who door to eaeh BlrmiDpam. need flaancial aid for eollege. Er •••• ee S~iee ' ..e. Bloomfield Chrlltmu Walk Bohemian Garnets bome, admission Uckets. hot Aways face the future real. Pri.ti .. l'offee, a delieious box lunch lIUcally-it takes just as much and other stones and a .pUt of eold duek. Uleri)' to wish as to plan. Deadline for re.ervaUolUl 11 VA 2.7100 tomorrow, :Frlday, December Social staliofte<). ~ _ POIM". MCH>Ogrorned palM' napkins, 10. The number to eall for bus newl '-"-". d\IO ~ -"eft. odocIr-ui"9 by hand on odd, o' tiekets 11 881-4173. SWEDISH Rings, Earrings, Watches lira ph. ~. "'-I printin;. ofnel ond lelt.rpr .. p

TAC 15e complete eleclronic syslem Ihot lu/omlticeJly keeps flesh tones neturel Ind pictures sharp. No mo,e jumping lip end down to Idjust controls ... you'll SOF~S: CII~IRS glt I perleclly.tuned picture-with tile right colors-on evelY chennel. every time I The n.w ultre.rectenguler end ultrl-brighl Mltrilc Tube-unlike meny (newly arrived) others-h., a bliCk, opaque subst.nce surrounding each color dot-r.sultlng In fir MIler plctur. contrast. shlrpness and f., mO/fl brightness. The n.w "'OM.","" Ch_" - ' ...... 'M"'" ~,••• '" 'Om". 1'/,:~'i'\ nents, ~ures better perlormlnce Ind g,elter reliability. And- _ '. convemenl Remole Control for UHF IVHF is optionally Iveneb'e, Included are floor samples & warehouse stock Tod"Y'1 molt beeutlful teble modell-In w~h .. lito ttgreat lIVings. It lell you turn youneton/off,ldjilsl volume 19" dlagonll melSure se... n.l A. Contempor ... y- ....,,'.. Ind .. !ectatltions -eli from the comfort of your elsy cheir. Iteven model &282. B. Ilrly AmerICl,,-modll &284, C. ' lutomttic811y luml off your'" Ift.r the Itltlon IOlves the Ilrl MMllterrene"'" Ityll",-model &2se. * GREAT SELECTIONS * Christmas is a time for Use Our Revolving Charge unique giving. s•• and Compor. Hundr.d, 01 Mod.l, of Faclary Direc" I'ric.J GUARANTEED DELIVERY FOR CHRISTMAS Select from original handcrafts and Christmas cards. (~raper's~~:il 20507 MACK AVE., at Beaufait TU 4..1440 SYLVIA'S 23020 MACK (Near 9 Mil", Rd.) 778-3502 19869 MACK Open Eve•. 'TII 9 P.M. Mon., Thurs., Fri. - Other Days rTii 5:30 P.M, Open Evenings, Mon" Thurs., Fri. - Closed Weds, H~. Hu,,:l",'.n lues, 1& Sat. 'til 5 p,m,

ssm 7 am ,,', .. " ~J \ .. ". "'i ,\. \" • \ < ..... ~,~," '0 " ;, , ., .. . -".

T.b~rsdaYtDecember 9., 1971 G R0 SSE POI N TIe NEW S Women's Page by, of and for Pointe Women --.------• • • bell, Mrs. Thomas P. Archer, Mr •. Cluk BeDDett, Mn. William Boales and Mrs. Warren Booth, amoD' otMn. T:~mo::~~v:a:l: '~b~tO:::~~~:e~:~:~ it 1__ F_r_O_m_A_"_o_t_h_e_r_P_O_i_"_te_o_f_V_ie_w __ 1 :~o~~Gi~~:~~:d~~~:'~ :'oluttre.cker," featuring the will be taped for evening . . Anoth.r T'I On MondlY- - - D titS B 11 C b d t i (C 61_ diP A warm, weleomlD, toue!lin the eentral entrance. e ro ervero a e~ om. roa cas. I onUilue rom age 11) hall eourtely of wreatu given by Mn, Geor"'e E. Cart. Mn. LYDJlMeNlu,btoa .. ~JLi.DJ aer It...... Phany and the DetrOIt Sym. The December 11 perform. I heroes Ml'. and Mrs. John Cross, of Beaufait road, It roaJ home Monday aftemoon for GfOIIe .U..r_ P, ony. Orchestra under the aDce was scheduled in respon. I who've volunteered to head the Clean.up committee I m1ll ud bow. of Ore,on holly donated by Mn. Rob- CMIItBIIlI direction of P~ul Freeman, h . • ert E. MeKean , .. and Guden Club'. Deeember meet1nI ud will be carried by WWJ.TV se to t e heavy demand lor - • • tea. • Mn. Frederlek H. KrOll .. ill dwfe of (Cbannel 4. as a special bour. Uckets for t"Vo performances Nlee-to-Know Note before we .. y farewen to Each Thom~son H(\me- resident- will receive a :::/efO'o long program at 8 o'clock of the ballet on December 4. HOPE Ship Leacue 1971 Tree-TrbnmlDg festivities: gnm. Mrs. Rlebard W. BleIuDaDn ad lIn, rie seecial "taa gift,' a tiny, sweet-smelling red and green A. Leben will uslst the botteu, Saturday evening, December Botb were sold out. The Puldng next to the Prnobseot Building In CoDIl'ftI pillow filled with balsam picked by Mr. and Mrs. Hef. 11. ~ecember 11 performance now street will be free Sunday Ifternooll for party.,oen. The actual performance willIS also sold out. • _ _ feran In Les Cheneaux Islands. ~e given before a live audience The telflclut will be sponsor. Ch • T.... Th H (Later, of course, on Christmas ~ve, there will be In Ford Auditorium at 11 ed by United States Steel ,.IhnI'.1 ~t ompson om. a number of other gifts for each resident, donated by - ~ __. Another delightful Christmas tradition, this one the board.) dating back to 1876, will be observed Sunday, when Board members, in addition to the president and 'r the board of trustees of the Thompson Home enter. vice-presidents, include Miss Hope Whitten, Mrs. Da. - -R"'!'E-T-C-H & SEW'" FABRICS taim the Home's retired lady residents and staff at vis, M1'5.Charles W. Adams, Mrs. William A. Walker, OPEN EVERY NIGHT EXCEPT tea from 4 to 6 o'clock. Mrs. Benjamin H. Long, Mrs. E. Irving Boo!.., Mrs. SATURDAY, UNTIL CHRISTMAS Built almost 100 years ago expressly as a dwell. Benson Ford, Mrs. Robert Duff, Mrs. Frederick Camp. ing for elderly women-and maintained with loving care by private sources ever since-the Home in West Hancock street, Detroit, stands as an historic land. mark as well as an excellent working facility. ElP£RIIICED .SIIG SERVICESII A charming and traditional afternoon has been planned bJ' board president Mrs. Ferdinand Cinelli, HOlES, HOSPITALS OR IIIJRSIIG HOlES of Voltaire place, and her three vice-presidents, Mrs. J. Jenness Newcomb, Mrs. Walter M. M~ek and Mra. All Hours - Anytime. George B. Hefferan. • • Specializing in GeriatriC$ Among their carefully- thought-out party dt:talls Male or Female Patients are ... A brimm!ng fruit puneh bowl arranged before the 1 Christmas tree. In the north pu!,r . . . 711-4124 718-6266 717.5926. I A tea table on a gold and sllv~r cloth IOlDed by Mrs. J. Vernor Davls,leaturlng a lovely arrangement of Mrs. Harold B. Tyree's erystal epergne with red eu. , nations and Christmas balls ..• a gift of diamond •... Three mantles In various rooms of the Home JIlr- the elegant gems and the ' .-Ji IT CERTIFICATE - A GREAT IDEA Grand Marais Club to Meet JANUARY thought behind the giving mean so much roR THE WOMAN WHO SEWS . The Grand Marais Garden are Mrs. Hamilton Park and Club's Christmas party will Mrs. Elmer RoUey. in beautiful jewelry. Need a gift id~a for C1 friend? If she sews, she'll IO'le be held next Monday. Decem. This meeting will eonsist of FUR SALE a gift certificate from S-T-R.E-T.C.H & SEW Fabrics. ber 13, at 12:30 o'clock in the a Christmas Workshop and For her. .. Washington road home of Mrs. the exchange of gifts among You.(:hoose the amount, she thooses the gift; so she's Donald Schuur. Co.hostesses members. 14 karat white s,u~.e,to get exactly what she wonts - with your como, PRICES I. p:1~ents. Give a gift certificate from S-T-R.E.T.C.H & gold pendant with S~.w Fabrics. It's easy to arrange, fun to give and NOW diamonds totaling ~ carat. $186. ~~~9t to get. Durin. Furs,byRob.,rt'. For him. . .massive ring of 14 karat yellow gold with LEARN A UNIQUE METHOD OF Pre-Chrl.tm •• Event SEWING ON KNITS. REGISTER NOW .diamonds totaling 1 carat. $420. FOR JANUARY CLASSES. MORNING, AFTERNOON, EVENING.

10% OFF JacobSoJs CATALOG CHRISTMAS CARDS FINE JEWELRY ....t. MAIN FLOOR Just 011I w.... left tll PtfHMlIlM CIlrim. c.nh. S.T.R.E. T.C.H & SEW™ A fr.. five year Christlnlls aIrtI ,.ster will ... • liven fo _h visitor. No purcMM '., .... I FABRICS Jieatl)cr 09 t17c 1iill !j 0936 Kelly ltd. 779-8220 Ea,' De',oi' PRINTERS - ENGRAVERS •f , , STORE HOURS: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mon. thru Thurs. SetCNlllFloor CoI.... 1 F.... 1WtI. U ICtfdltvll ..... IIlU i 9:00 to 5:30 Fri. and Sot. • of TU 1.7161 • • H-s: Mo!MIlIy thru TIM,. 10 •• I , . ~ ~------... _-.., Frillay .. Sat. 10 tll 4 s.Iiy 1 ,... 4 ,_.... from • collection of elegant • ... desIg .... IIn"erie come • • NOTRE DAME • .. ••••••••••••••• .., ••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~.- 01' PHil 8M II CY Imt :.:.:.:.:.;".:.::.:.:.:-:-:.:.:.:.:-:.:-:.:-..:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.: , :.: :.: t1 the gifts to compliment your good taste and her love TU 5021541 jj~j 9jx- iYt- Ol'teJ ~~i1 :'* of lovely thlrlgs ... gowns. • • . :.FROM OUR DISTINCTIVE I fljl rrr: eL.aw'le1eoM 12~Ll1allil .peignoirs and hostess fashions .a.. GIFT BOUTIQUE • i Ir~e r~ I'l:~ "l IUr'b ~ by Lucie Ann, Lilly Pulitzer. .iI I:::: lets you :::: and Eve Stillman. Shown: Im~ chan~e its 1~ lucie Ann's peignoir and gown like swirling. deep pink ijj!I color' to match .:1l~1 clouds of nylon.tricot. :::: your mood ::::: ~ ~ Gown, sizes 32-38. $38, ~ ~ I;;;~ " ~ Peignoir. sizes P,S.M.L $7&, ~.~;-j~, :.~:.:[..'.~Q.C~'t\. ~EJ.r.[ I .'\i/"" "~. '.)...~•..J I m1i4c.i .:11 i "

~ ' , ~~ ;j~l'."'G.~>"...... ;:.;f, I::=: available in assorted colors, $6. N y. ~ ~ ~ ::~ 'Jj .::=: Hundreds of other N ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ N Y. .N I ~ W I''( Unusual Gilt Ideas ~~ ~~ ~ N~~ ~ Hav. Breakfasl With Us and N ~ 'tlnct;'" Gihs from All l:lYIr .h. World I I Enjoy .h. Conv.nienc. of • A Compl.!. lIn. of Fine Cosm.titS • Russell Stov.r Call1fl.s Shopping Eorly. Our 5.. Clair • Compl ••• lilli Mon'lIO SlotiDII.ry • Ruslcroft 6r,,'11II Cerlh Room R.stauran' Is ope" at • Domes'ic & Imported Win.s & ChampCllMs il1 ~ 5ke.lItu MACK AlE. ~ 8,00 a,m. • Pockllll' liquor D" I.r :::: ler.... '.tl WHtls, ,I ' See Our Selection of ~~1 phere TU 4-1&15 I Jaoobsorrs 1:~~.;~~~_n;:;.;:!.;.;o~..:-:o ~,.;.:.:-: ,., :-:o!.:.:-:..~ ol•• ;. , ~!.' '~ , Fine Montag Stati.onery ...... r •••• ~-;f'f1 ,', •• ~ ••• 'iI. 7•• ,', ,', 'it" 9~•••II•....iI'T,..7.. i"' ",.".',..7.'H~ l 1

" ...t------\. " a.,;",.•-,,~~.,::-f.._-.,-,-:,a-., -.-. -p-p-..lIIlIl-'IIP_ P '-"Il ,.. a'll'.,O ' 'IIIIIIWC•. lIII'f*IbIl.". pepell"'''. 1!I•.f.,¥..'""' ~;:::Iibr~¥"""P $..,jllll#lIlII¥~.,..W '";a;. "1PlIfiiI.IIII"-l " "',.. " fl: ,. , .. ' ,.,. """'.ri.' ..I _, ••• f'lfI,..~!"$I!$,.i''''''.'''.'Ji''-S.'ij I I i ! Page Twenty.Two GROSSE POI'NTE NEWS Thursday. Oectmber 9, 1971 1 l I I Society News Gathered from All the Pointes I I JO$ieh Harmer OAR Meets Oecember II IIIR. aDd IOS. ROBERT E. MR. and MRS. ROBERT X. Martha Cook Breakfast Set BREITENBECHER, of Ver. SPRECKSELL, of Lakeview The General Josiah HOrular ence DeLand aDel Frances Previewing Tea Program I CbaPter, Dau,bter. of the Bidwell. "CbriItmu Cultoms The Mlrtha Cook AlulJ1J1le tic>J1, estabu.hed in 1035, Ib aIer roId, lIIDOunce the birth Ivenue. Paternal crlndp.,. ! of • 101I, ERICH ROBERT, ents are MRS. RICHARD l American Revolution, gather, in Coloma! Time," 1a the pro. Aasoclation of Detroit wW hold compo.ed of former UD1ver. for I meet1Dg and Christmas gram topic, Ibd lIary Hale Its annual Chrlatma. Break. slty of Mlc~an .tudentl wbo N.vember 215. Mrs. Breiten. COLOMBO, of Plymouth, and becller 11 the former JERE ROBERT A. BREITENBECH. tea 1D the West Grixdale will report 00 IIld MOW slides fast this Saturday, December spent their Junior "od aenior aveAue, Vetrol1, borne of &be of tbe DAR S c h 001 at 11, .t the Detroit Athletic yeln in -Martb. Cook, a reai. SPRECKSELL, daughter of ER, of Detroit. Mines Florence and Ruth Tamauee Club. dence hall requiring schol. IfS/DlHflAl'(O,MMfICl.tL Pendell this Saturday, Decem-' I A social hour L't. 11 o'cloc:k 'a.tic excellence. ber 11, at .12:30 o'clock. Honest statesmen never have will be foUowe..1 by luncheon The Enclish Gothll: build. eo:hOltuses will be Flor. I to call attention to the flct. It aDOnin the Georgian Room. lng, erected 111011115, WIS the ALDO'S Party proceech go tow a r d ,Ut of William Wilson Cook Martha Cook resldt:!It achol. who received his Bache~r of ort & decor ar.Wps. Arts and Baehelor of Llw, invites you to come The 125.member Associ.. degrees from MJchlllD before inspect one of Michigan', ...... forge,' collections of TlteOld Farmer's Almanac P,edids: STATUII 21 ICIIS Of SNOW FOR D£~ $3 t. $500. e Call Us FOfFIEE EST/MArE On Cem."t-I'losler-Po/yesl.r • IlASOH.ul! H5CU SNOW REMOVAL 10f This Wintef Season • LAYAWAY NOW POI P.te Magu.t & Sons - Phone 771-8360 CHltSYMA$ "II W. Dell', Halle t,-W.'N li., I," 31691 DeclultMlre loot. 13 & ,. /Ill ..... '11.3600 ~ "i. _ ... , fTסo~ ... ~»~ "''''''1o(~<~ ~«« ..<<««(~ ~ The Grosse Pointe MEomoria1Chureh Women's ~IConn,.e's Ji Special! Association has arranged for Grosse Pointe North High's 20.voice Pointe Chorale, accompanied by. and 0 h B ' .AL GI I ,,, HALF SUPS S195 Mrs. Alice Steinbach at the orglD, to perform nen n t e f oys a ..s ear Tuesday, December 14, at 1:30 o'clock 1n the Ch~h F'I.,J G ,1-1Co trfl ~ '> .r r G ~ formerly $4 10 S6-now...... • Sanctuary, as preclUde to the Auoclation'. annual lOrllia OlU aJ' ~ Largest Selection OJ vhrislmas ift ~ Christmas tea. Director BJRMAN A. KLINE, (left), (Fort lauderdale) ~ Items in this area J' will comment on the seleeUoDJ and IOleists. Audi. 1 SMILE. Y I FULL CHEMISE SLIP $295 ence participation in carol singing brinU the pro- It's the ''t formerly $5 10 $6-now. . • • . • . . .• gram to a close and the CbriItmu .pir1t into full Beach Club Hotel . focus. MRS. L. C. HOLLOMAN, (right), dtn1nI room Personally v chairman promises a festive tea with ChNtmu j 99 &- 6. ours goodies in Fellowship HaU. Tickets at '1 each may The Pol I $2 I (Mar ,~~~:rcJ:~aJ,-".) . be obtained from Mrs. Joseph Henry at the Church • nsett Q' ~ J _O_f_fl_.c_e.______• I .. the turn 01 the century. The IDd twice refuted hODOr.r)' HoIlclay Hotel &Villas """'------1Il'( .f residence WI! named ill hoD. dearees froln the UmvenJt.y. These resorts are distinguished by their WIN,AlE' ROu'GlraAndR~MlomeEN'S ~ or,'::. ~~~OOa~~ m;~:r.the pre~tJ(:I~ ~:.:J:~ ~~~~~~~~~~I~~~'r ~~~f1r~I~~n~f'~: I f ~ University Itl $8,643,370 Law I1Ul "oanoe .Miller Wllberd1u( side In the warm Florida sunshine. I au, ",,:,"':".w ~lOO:T$mJ.:::~::::::::,::::::::::::::::~:::::::n:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::It.:m~f~ P,'''', bot I l... "yu:~y:=:,t=. 1. ~~1~~;t#~~*~ 'O";~~;i~i: I, te~ ~"k~ fl ;:;;;:;~al ;:;~;;; Stewut Shelton, vic:e-ehaJr. 9 E..Huron • Chicago 60611 I t- onn,~ s · i e ~ .~::.~a~iorg9 1f11~ii . uci ieJpo 0 m111j Yachtswomen ma~servat1oDJ are helDg &c.800.621.8203 I ~ -(or Boys' and Girls' Wear 'I" ~iiiii 4~~ t 1!i1i!: Meet Tonight ~:i~nbyroa~~~:I~' 01 (TOLLFREE ~ Ample Parking in front and rear • :!:l:i: 'r-! Creaz;on; J G&lelica 1!~~f1:' __. ------~ _ n 23208 M k 9 Mil . :;;;:;: 5J !) ~ .;.;.;Yacbtswomen hold theu- Dn. If ac near e PR7-8020 :::::::'1 ,I . J'1 I ;::::::nual Christmas party at the w.;"...... ,~ ..,~... ,~".A. . .•••••. j 'St CI' Y ht Cl b t I ht "'1},,,,"~~~»»,,,,,)IO!>~~~-li'~ ::::::: 'here omethtnaIf c..xra ::::::', . air ac u ong, ------.------' 1f!j!~~ Atoui/he Service We QP'er 1[111j ~~~s~r~h~~c~~~ :~Si~~~ :::;:::1 . . "f~ ::::::by Mrs. LeRoy Strey, in chllrge :::::::•Extra talerued and experrenced dy/llts :::::::of festivities. The meeting be. . For the Finest :::;:::to choose from. .:.:.:gins at 8 o'clock. :::::;;2 .::::;: New president or the group, :::::::•Extra care and know how III beauty:::::: elected last month, Is Mrs. Seleetion of :::::::t,"eatment to (lccept and keep the lustre ::::;:Paul LusUck. ;Vlce.presldent Is We a're aglow like a fairyland !:l:!:; of healthy hair. ::::::Mrs. William- Flath, Jr. :;.:.:: :;:;:: 'Mrs. John Stevenson serves with exquisi'te chandeliers iJ.'nd Stille) LaDlPS ~f:i:;3. Extra effect and knowledge with' all ::;:::as. recor:1in~ secretary, Miss :::::::applications of tints and perms. :;::::!'rleda CurtiS as correspOnd. .,home decors . . . 'co'me see! Visit Drapers ;:::;:: :.:.:.: 109 secretary, Mrs. David ~:;:;;4, Extra consideration given to your likes :1:1:1: Marshall as treasurer and .Mrs. ::~::: and dislikes as an individual in all :::::::Norman Amberg as assistant ::~::: services rendered :::::::secretary.treasurer. thee.., :;::::: ' :;:;:;: Members.at.large .re Mrs. :::::;:5. Extra comfortable surroundings that :::::::Ch.arles Rei~llng and Mrs...... k /< I' h ...... W1Ulam Snuth

Thursday, Decemb~r 9, 1971

14-~:~~.':tNTED, i 5~1_!~ATI~~~~NTE~ Ic-FOR lENT- I 6-FOtl liNT, I 'A-FOI liNT, '0. lENT UNFURNISHED UNfUINISHED 16C-O",CIS INDEX TO SERVICE OFFERED I .______HIGH SCHOOL student reo ___ F_U_R_N__I_S_H_ED___ SMALL OFFICE in Chet 1 EXCELLENT palrs door bells. lamps. 882. 939 HARCOURT-Deluxe up. 29603 JEFFERSON, lZ HUe. PERFECT lor the traDlferred Samp80ll Travel Service ! OPPORTUNITY 7585. 1 Public Notice l1F Mobile Homel per. two bedrooms, ,'ne and 2 bedrooms. all electric !tit.. family, while lookin, for the Bu1IdiI1, 100 Kercheval. TU FOR REAL ESTATE ------. 11. Per$Onols 12 Acreage and Suburban half baths, family and din- chen. Open Sunday 1-5. TU house to buy. Ful1l1ahed. &oT!IO. I SALES }'EOPLE INSURED, Bonded -' Experl' ing kit. 11 Deatt- Notice 12A Commercial Property I enced domestic: help, house. rooms. Attractive 4.9150. VA 2.2313. three bedroom boule ill I ------1C Entertainment 121 Vocotion Prope,ty I WE HAVE 2 openings lor keepers, ourses, compan. chen. Garage. Lease at $27~. Grosse Pointe Farms. avail. GROSSE POINTE PARK. Of. Exeellent condition. Immed- (IN THE WATER EDGE. •• able January 15th to April flce or store with private 2 le1}olNotice 12C Farm~for Sole r sa~es peo~le in G r 0 5 S e ions .. vacation sltlers. party 21. Music Education iate polSsession. TU $-8861. that's SHORELINE EAST 15th. $500 per month. illc:lud. eotranee, air eoDditioned. 12D Lake and River Pomte Office. help. Call Lia. Superior 1 21 Tutoring APARTMENTS. By appoint. irlg all uUllties except tele. CD-VACATION IENTAL I.J Real E~tote I Thorough training Services. Inc., 883-0522. VALET PARKING, doormlD 2(: Hobby lnltruetion 131. Lots fOrSole * me.:lt. 58'1-1175. phone. A $300 ~urlty iIte- 1------program PAULINE'S Secretarlal Servo and guard aervlee at 2D Camps ' 131 Cemetery Properly ! SHORELINE EAST APART. qulred. and the deal must FOR RENT Incentive Bonus PJan ice - IBM seleclric typing RIVIERA TERRACE APTS. be finalized by January 6th. ACAPULCO _ completely air 21 Convalescent Core 13C Land Contracts * MENTS. By appof.atment 2' Schools 14 Reol Estate Wanted * Member or Grosse poinie resumes, terms papers, ad. 56'1.1175. Nine MUe and Jefferson Please eall Terry AIlderSOZ1: t'OndltloMd villa overlook. Real Eslate Board and dressing en,'elopes. staliJU. 3 lost and Found l"A Lots Wonted I Luxury apartment, two~. 1i6'l-8334 or 884.8200. In. bay: 2 bedroom, ter. .. Help Wonted General 14. ResorlsWonted I Macomb County Board cal data, invoIces. elc. 1~24 SHORELINE EAST rooms. two bathJ, carpet. ------race and .wlmmlni pooL lD• .... Help Wor;:ed Domeslic 14<: Real Estate Exchange I ol Realtors.Eastern De- Mack-TU 1.9420. APARTMENTS c:arport, heat aDd alr-eondi. PERFECTION terior deeorator funalshed . "I Services to £Jcchonge 15 BusinessOpportunity troit Real Estale Asso. ---H-A-V-E--N-U-R-S-E- "On the water's e. RoomWanted 21H Rug Cleaning MOTHER wishes babysitting. appointment. 58'7.1175. month. Call '.5:30 p.m. 962. AT 23 MILE ROAD apa1'tmeDt Oft the oeeu. WOULDN'T IT BE NICE TO colored TV, pool, exeellent 7. Room and Board 21-1 Pointing, Decorating DO SOMETHING:' Everyone M 0 n day through Friday. 5lIO' ext. U1. DOORMAN, VALET PARI[. Beauillully furnlahed one bed. beach...... Wanted 21J Wall Washing should. And being an Avon Pre-schoolers. Alter.Kerche. ING and guard aervice at GROSSE POINTE. 4 room room 1M kitchenette 'INrt. I 7C Garage Wonted 21K Window Washing RepresenlaUve is ideal. Take val area. 823.1177. SHORELINE EAST APART. upper. Refrlierator, stove ment with maid serviee and FURNISHED A.frame ill Bar. 7D SlOro". Space Wanted 21L Tile Work care of yo.ur famJly when WANT help with your Cbrist. MENTS. By appa.l.ntment. linen. Bridal suite also avail. bar SllrIn.s,. 10 miDutes to I Articles for Sale 21M Sewer Service you have to. sell Avon prod. and earpet.ln,. $175 a mcmth. Inas decorations? 2 boys 56'1.1175. heat included. 885-2493. able. Rooms by day or WHit. BoY'lle aDd Nubl. 315-151. IA Musical Instruments 21 N Asphalt Work ucts in your spare time. willing and able! 882-9116. Ask about our ruerv.tloM '18M. II Antiques for.Sale 21.0 Cement Work You'll find you gel more out ST. CLAIR Villa,e apart- 3 ROOM and bath income, for your out of town llIests. Ie Offic. E,qulpment 21' Woferproofing of life as an Avon Repre. CHRISTMAS lights installed. ments. near EasUand. ::i»103 $90 month, heat aDd hot Phone M9.9110. 10 a.m." FORT :LAUDEltDALE. New 9 "'rticles Wonted 21 Q Plaster Work sentative. Call now 881-4447. Heavy cleaning. decorating. E. 8 Mile Road, 1 and 2 water included. Adulta ot1ly. p.m. eoncIomlnlum. 0IIe bedroom, 10 Snowmobilesfor Sale 211l Furniture Repair Poi n t e references. 1125 bedroom, completely car- 882-73U., ocelli view, awimmiD, pool, 101. Motorcycles for Sole 215 Carpenter EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. Maryland. 821-6833. peted and appUances, ,1tart. ALTER ROAU, near Grone Jltlluary throqb Kay. LI 1. JOI Trucks for Sol. 21 T Plumbing & Heotiing steno to take complete ~ at $170. Immediate oeeu- 21215 ELEVEN MUe Road, Pointe. N 1c e 1y furD1ahecl. IlJl'7. charge of 3 girl office. 778. RELIABLE, mature, ex~rl. 11 Cars for Sol. 21' Janitor Service pancy. !ofanagel'll apartment St. Clair Shore.. I bed. . studio apartmenta only '110 ------1TA Cor Repair 21V Sliverp!otlng 8950. eneed chauffeur. Excellent 28 and 74. rooms, Z baths, buIIt.in Pool to $140 per month. ThiI.1Io A.FltAKE OIl South Arm Lake references. !lox 47~, St. 111 Cars Wonted to Buy ::l1W Dressmaking RETIRED or mJddle aged COli' PR 6.2182 778-140 with bath houn. $285 month. lDeludes the electricity aDd Charlevoix, furDIahed, I1eePI l1C Boats and Motors 21 Y Snow Removal Clair Shores 48083. Can Saturday. m.lne. gas. Partieularly niee for P1ow!D., lights, water pIe to live in, and manage LOWEll .2 bedroom flat, cen. ,+. l1D BootRepair 21% Londs(;oping income. 883-1383. RELIABLE LADY. will sit one perSOD. No pets. lD a Ineluded. $1,200. December 111 Trailers and Campers tral alr-eondiUon1nl. new LOWER 2 bedroom, $175 per nice quiet. peaceful neir~' throUlhApril. ltxceUent 1k1. with elderly. Pointes' refer. c:arpetiDl, newly decorated. month, heat includelice, Gro;;sse Pointe vate duty, fun or part time. Road. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, usual fumLshedapartmeDt, sleeps t. Not avall"ble De- Grosse Pointe Park 15115 E Jefierson experienced and excellent to elderJy couple for light SClle rcte: 12 words for....$1.75 • . . references. 3314868. natural fireplace, modern ideal for bachelor. $150 in. cember 11 throueh January TUxedo 2-5680 service. Stove, refrigerator I eluding utilities and guale. 2nd. 1185-9S2.S. .odditionol word eoch $ .10 kilchen. VA 1-{l366• wa.her. dryel:. Box N.I0. 4 week$ or mOre $1.50 W~TED - R.eceptionlst part I EXPERIENCED STUDENTS. AST SIDE Grosse PolDte News. 499-9307. GAYLORD AREA. - Lule. Retail rotc: per inch $3.20 II-TUTORING' h~e. doctor s office. East painting. landscaping, car- E modern. 211 Side. 886.2600. pentry. odd jobs. Reler. Piper. Bachelors welcoJne. 6I-ROOMS FOR lENT comfortable Chalet, 8 bed- <4 weeks or more $2.BO VERNIER ROAD - 4 room J'OOms, 3 batlaa. Available REMEDIAL READING SECRETARY for 0J;le :girl ences. 779-3203 after 12:30. 6 room lower, $200. 5 rooms upper. Adulta,.DO pets. TU LARGE llOOM, private bath week, week-eDd.. Start1q All grade levels a,nd adults. upper $175. 46'S.9M3 or 791- Call. Grosse Pointe. office. Must WIDOW will care for lady. 2150. l.lM7. for employed' person. Ref. I Jllluary 2. 881.1•. TUx!do. 2-6900 Individual illstructions. test- be .accurate !lnd have good Exeellent relerences. 526. ing and diagnosis. Planned typmg and shorthand speed. 9334 CK • DICKERSON LAKEVIEW - One bedroom erenCflS. 881-8185. PETOSKEY AREA. Ski Chal. 882.0720. • _ area, NEWS SALES_STATIONS programs in comprehen. apartment. .2 room!' fum- upper income in Detroit. let,.. bedrooms, 2 baths, DOWNTOWN AREA sion skills, word reeognition L.P.N. wishes employment in ished or )uaftirnished. Good $125. QUIET. pleasant room (or aIeeps 8. Fireplace. Avail. Granli Circul Park Newl Stand skills. auditory and visual DRIVER for pick-up service. older gentleman. Refereoees. able New Years week-end K.jeUlc New. Stand aoctor's office or clinic, In transportation. All utilities Johnstone 1:1 Johnstone perception skills. Richard 12-5. five days a week. East Detroit suburbs. 1 3'ear included. Adults only. No TU •. 2972. aDd durinr '.ki ".100. Mid. E. JEFFERSONTO CITY LIMITS B&./ltien Ed. S. 881-2170. 886.5130. experience ICU and CCU. pets. 822.1335 • 838.. 703 MATURE LADY. bea-.mul laDd 1117-631-o1T8or Petal- N.d.'. Gilt Sbop, IlIrlna Drlv. 20390 Harper at Laneaster, 2934587. ..Wi key 818-347.H18. .Del tbe IUverbou.. G ROSSE POINTE WOODs-::. GROSSE POINTE WOODS: room, privfteges. garagel Park Ph'rID'cy, E. Jeffenon and Harper Woods. 4A-HEL" WANTED the City L1m1l1 DOMESTIC 2 HIGH school students need 3 bedroom Colonial. 2I,i car Upper flat, 2 bedrooms, uo- Widows home. Good lubdi. CABIN lieu KUbor Sprinls, PRIVA TE TUTORING money for college. Will help attached garage, fa mil y furnished, central air. Call '1slon. 711-8833. nOrlh .of Goodhart. sleeps GROSSEPOINTE PARK room with fireplace, eating Paul Schwelt,wr, 88G-58OO. ab:. 'Januat'y throupMarch. Lou'. ,arty SIore, Cbarlevolx in LADY to elderly sit, light you with Christmas decora. work, live in, full time . lions, painting, odd jobs. space in kitchen, 1I,i baths, ROOM for working lady, near $110O. TU 1.1lI8ll. • ftd Llkepolllla YOUR OWN HOME References. 293-8635.or DR 821.374!i. Mark. vacant. Open Friday. Satur- SPACIOUS upper. Neff Road, good traospOrtaUon. Kitchen GROSSEPOINTE CITY day only. Short lease except. near shopping. firepl*cl'. privilege.s.References. 824. POMPANO ,BEACH, fqr rent Aller Parly Stor., M.ck .nd Ail subjects; all gradeil. 1-4858. I 0113. or aale.lmmacul~te, mod. Adull5 and ehildren. Cer. ------CHRISTMAS decorations. wall able. $275 per month, 2196 formal dining room. break. SI. CI.1r ena 2 1ledroom home In park Tb. Grol Shop, M.ck and Netf tUied teachers. IRONER. Halt day per week, washing. InterIor painting. I Hampton Road. 881-5246. fast room, 3 bedrooms, I~ Cunnln,b.m Dru, Store, Noire Call: permanent position. Refer. Joe or Frank. 882-8659. A ba ths, enclosed. pOrch, base. LARGE ROOM with ,ara,e, ute setUn., eomp!etely fur. Dam. .nd Kercbeval SHLAND. Lower mat'.tre person. Reference.. nlshed and equipped. Sunny Noire Dame fbum.cy, Kerche... l ences. 882-1171. I. 6 room ment. lavalory. TU 1,2233, and Noire Dam. DETROIT AND SUBURBAN 1------___ RESPONSIBLE high school I flat, $115. Waveney 3 room alter 5 p.m. on weekdays. .885-4.218. p.tio. ,10 minutea to beach. Bon Secour HOlpll.l, Cadieux TUTORING SERVICE HOUSEKEEPER - Live in. girl will baby sit. 886.954.8. apartment, utilities $100. 821. RealOnable. Photos. S85~ •nd X.umee 6833. C5C-OFFICE FOR RENT KE 7-4653 General housework. Cooking I 'SA-SITUATION, t.i'PPER INCOME. Que e n GROSSEPOINTE FARMS Street, near Harper and FORT LAUDERDALE on the ------for 5 children, all school DOMESTIC W ANTED to rent 2 or 3 bed- HAMPTON SQUARE oeeaO; ne.ar SheratoD Hotel. Bl'1"1 Dru, Stor•• Mackand age. Weekends off. Paid Chalmers. Living room, din. TOllralne room house. Relerences. TU BUILDING Perfect. One bedrOom aparl. R.ndi Medical Ph.rm.cy, M.ck MATHEMATIC TUTORING social security, vacation, 3 Ing room, kitchen, bath. one .nd Mor.n WOMAN WISHES 1:1eaning. 2.7035. 22811 Mack Ave. ment. TUxedo5-SlG2. . pOll. Office, Mack Ave.• nd by holidays. Experience. recent Relerences. Transportation. bedroom. newly decorated, W.nen Ph.D. Mathematician. reCerences essential. $75. Phone 923-2773 evenings. NEFF-Jefierson Terrace. 2 side drive and garage, heat The fiu8lIt new office buUdin, 'B.000 RATAN, Florida.' 2 Tr.U Phermacy, Kerch.val included. $135. 64S-07Oll. 1ft the area. Be sure and aee 10_..1__ . . on the Hili 886.8750 Box G.12, Gr?sse Pointe large bedrooms, 1~ baths, thl, olle if you arecoDl. iderm" _m, 2 hathJ. Available F.nne Drul', Kercheval .nd 1 News, Grosse Pointe. Mic:h, A.I cleaner wishes day work <:entral air eonditioning. car. • ~anl1ary 1st. Seasonal or FllIber Road cleaning or ironing. 899-294S. DEVONSHIRE. upper 5 room re.loeaUon. 33,000 square foot, yeariy. m.lWSl. -Z-e--H-O-B-B-y-----I. ~236. peted, complete kitchen with Schettler Dru'l. Fisher .nd built-Ins, carport $275. flat, garage.' No pets. 822. elevator, earpeting, all jerv'l M'um.e IRONING DONE neatly in my B8 Cunnlr"h.m Drugs. 1 MU. Road INSTRUCTION WANTED-Experienced eooks. 1.9033 884-4423 '3798. Ices, III idze suites. 30 day Cl-GAlAGE '01 lENT •nd Mack home. 773-2838. occuplncy. , Colt'le Ho'pltal, Kercheval -----.-.-- .---- wait res s e s and couples . and Muir REGISTER now for January.: Grosse Pointe Employment GROSSE POINTE FABMS, NEAR the Polntes. Excell~nt 1IM4518 GAR~GE for ear or boat ator. TjtUSTWORTHY, rei i a b I e Muir Road. Bla10', Restaurant, Mackand Day or evening classes., Agency, TUxedo 54576. young lady wishes work. e room lower location. Brick ranch, 3 bed. age, neu Jetfel'llOn. TU Ilourn.mouth $180 plus security. 921.3248 PROFESSIONAL ()FFICES - 2.1282. Merit Wood. Pharmacy, M.ck CREW ELL EMBROIDERY. ------Salurday, babysitting or rooms. lY.a baths, glls heat. and Bournemouth 886.4864. FULL or part time help for or 881.33'15 evenings. $230 per month. 171-2473. Grealer Maek-8Mlle Road. plain cooking. 4.8. To start cleaning. No men calls. 923. New modern facilities. UII to "-SHAll LIVING GROSSEPOINTE WOODS Deeember 17 il possible 2400. after 4. W AYBURN.Outer Drive, 4 HARCOURT. Upper Oat. 3 2.000 ,quare leet. Parking. QUAITIRS Groll, Point. Pharmacy. Mack IF-SCHOOLS room upper. all through about January 2. REFINED WOMAN wants utilities. bedrooms, bathroom and 772-8100. .nd Menchest.r LA 6.2800. ICARRIAGE HOUSE - eatate Harkness Pharmacy, Mack .nd ALL POINTS TU 1.4413 or TU 1.4631. Wednesda) and Saturday. lavatory. $275 mo!'.!h. Lochmoor MACK. AVE., Grosse Pointe on lake. Sbare, male, 20-30, DRIV1.NG SCHOOL : F-O-U-R-o-r-fj-y-e-a-C-te-r-no-o-n-s-pe-;Excellent reCerences. 933. 2 Howurd Johnson', Rut,"rant, BEDROOM upper llat, 7o MUIR ROAD. 3 bedroom Woods. suilable for deotlat. .'100. TlJ2.1l1O'7. M.ck and 8-Mlle 5664. Grosse Pointe Bob'. Drugl, Mack and ROllyn LEARN TO DRIVE I week to take over house. area, $110. brick ranch. $275 month. Call 888.1395. doctor or sale. rl:lpresenta. 7-WA"'TED TO RENT k~eping. Teen age children. EXPERIENCED woman d~: tlve. Unfurnished. Hoal, .... DETROIT AREA Ages 18 and up. Confidence 884.3522 call evenIngs HI.RCOURT. Spacious upper 51. John HOlpll.l, 7 Mile Road. instilled. Patient Instructors. I ' • sires days. Excellent ironer, GROSSE POINTE CITY - 3 flat. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, light. and water provided. WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 cleaner, reCerences. 571-6442. Parking available. Approxi. bellrooan houle, Reference •. D~~~~~~reDruls, M.ck .nd I X.way driving, help with COUPLE, experienced for gen. bedroom brlek, short term formal dining room. Newly Devonlhlre p~rmit and license. Winter I eral and cooking, boat cap. lease, security deposit. 275 deeorated. $275. mately 5tlO square feet. 773. TV ".7035. LADY wish 2 steady days. I per month. TU 5.2461. 8800. L :ea~o~~~~'{dacy.Mack.nd I' beglnni!rs and brllsh.ups. I tain and chauC~eur, lree to ReCerences. 821.9428. MAXON BROTHERS. INC. TU 2.8000 7C--GAIAGE WANTED MarYlandBeveule Shoppe,M.ck Call 729.2100. 7 days. I go South of Wmter. VA 1. PARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, HARPER WOODS-New build. - ---.----_ ntlr Muyl.nd ------0064 51-EMPLOYMENT - A PUI, .. Putts, Grayton and 4-HELP WANTED . _ all appliances. air condl. 2 ROOMS and bath, stOVDand In, on Expresswsy. Up to MACK.ALTER AREA. 885. AGEt"4CY 1'100Sll. ft. Private entrance. De72. Wamln \' GENERAL' /5-SITUATION WANTED 1I0ned. carpeted, carport. all refrigerator. All utlllties $75. ST. CLAIR SHORES ALL JOBS 100% FREE utllities. Call bdore '1 p.m. Available January 1st. VA Will divIde to .ull. 885-6700. I-AITICLIS FOR SALE I 778.8194. Manor Phlrm.cy, Great.r M.ck BEAUTICIAN - Experienced A 1 SECRETARIAL TO APPLICANTS 4-4818. M E 0 J C A L SUITE. 17712 and Rad M.ple tAna with Collowlng, Part Ume or - WI! want to be YOllr Sanla G Mack, corner of Unlvel'lllty CANDLE.MAKING WAX 30 La::t:::~~~~1t E.:;r~:lttrlcn full. Grosse Pointe Park. ROSSE' PO! N T E PARK. e19 NEFF - Lowcr duplex, I SERV ICE I Claus! See us tod8Y Cor a I ~ove in Ihls lovely clean II In Grosse Pointe. 3 eumlna. cenU pound, delivered. Com. -----.------823.6248. 13R2 GRAyTON merrier job . . . refrigerator. stove. carpet. Hon rooms plus consultaUon plete suppllu, wicks, colors. room upper lor C~,i.lstmas Ing throughout. $250. Adults. 1A-PERSONALS LADY to baby sit occasional Grosse Pointe Park HARRIET SORGE I or New Year occupancy. room. nurses' .tatlon. Wilt- scents, mold •• 882,5&22,372. 886.1133. Ing room. 822.1030. _5_19_7. _ -R-ES-E-A-R-C-H--w-ri-li-n-g--by--co-I.week ensds ~nd long ~~callon 882-0889 PERSONNEL AGENCY I ~lov2, reCrigerator, earpet. 350 Eastland Clr. ProC. Bldg., mg, garage Included. Only 714 NEFF, Grosse Poinle City. lege graduates. $3 per page. in the prmg. 2g r s one HARPER.PARKCREST. 1,400 I and seven. Elderly couple ---.------372-4720 $150 per month. Adults, no Upper Oat, 8dults only. No FURNITURE TV 4.9377. acceptable. References nec. NEED a baby sitler? Call The square feet. paneled, ear. CLEARANCE CENTER 5C-CATERING pets. Handy location. pets. Security deposit. Car. Sitters' Club. Licensed and ROBERT C. MOORE peting. 885.1411 or 882.5234. p4lted, puking. alr.condl. Honed. TU 4.4774. 1,000 lIeml 01 new furniture. lC-ENTERTAINMENT ....-=es=s::;;ar=y=.=884::;;-63=45::;;.===:;I bonded. 777.03T1. _ HOME CATERING since 1956. VA 2.5052 I ~_.._.- FARMS-3 bedrOl)m ranch. Manufacturers' close.out •. - SPACE AVAILABLE Imme

It,....TWMtv-Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursd.y, Dec:ember 9, 1911 I I-AITICLIS 1'01 SA.... &-AITICLIS .01 SALI 1&-AITICLlS FOR SALE I-ARTICLlS FOR SALI I-ARTICLES FOI SALE 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE 9-ARTICLES WANTED ll-CAR$ 'OR SALE )1 0t.'ft1T YOUB FAJlILY n buY old t.V.'I, wotk.\DI ARTIFICIAL CbriJtmas treel, MEN'S DRESS CLOTHES, FULL lenath mink $i711. Per. FARBERWARE Polectrie broll. 1968 CORVETTE convertible, or _. "'.n..... used only once. TUx.edo size 40, rldlnl blbits, bowl. si.n lamb with Bawn Mar. Ilr rotlJlSerlt, like new, $40. PJANOS WANTED AM.F~ radio, stereo tape Lu1t« IeJedioD 01 or sat ., "0310. aowa, ill Are •."ale .1_..:= ...... Inl blU, hair dryer; m1scel. ten aroood hemline, $250. Call after 6 p.m. 884-1218. GRANDS, Spinets and Small syslem, 350 engine, excel- Frencb Provincial white sec. I h'. b lent condition. 331.7425, 331. CloWq, ACeI'.riII "lid TONI SAILER ald., 203, f.i.ber. laneouJ,. reasonlble and In retary, $1'1S. Small chest, FOR CHRISTMAS SChwinn I Upr,~. Cas . Hoci.llboW takID WAl'fl"ED - Old '\W, Iny ArtIe. 11&11, blndiD'M. $8G. Held ,oad coDdlt1on. 882.2451. $40. Red '1nd wbite silk Junior Stingray, exceUent I 6633. 01 t«W.l~ klDd, IJl)' eoDdiUon. VE 7-0506 cln IIkJJ, 210, b1Jld!np, $85. Botli DISTRIBUTORS CLOSE OUT chair, $25. TUxedo 1.7612. ccmditloD. 8'7" Head Mllter '61 VOl.vO M4 Sedan, $100. Monte, *.2154. LEE'S FASHION I exeeUetlt eondlUon. 881.W73. -New AustrIan erystal 1ew. skis, toe '1nd Roto- BOOKS, Art Objects Souaht. Needs work. TV 1.3687. MART. elry, miscellaneous eostume, YELLOW and red boy's five. mat heel. 180 Head 3G3's Browlers I'ways welcome. I MOVING TWO metallic do, caiel, I coat $12, sell $1.$3. TU 1. llpeed Screamer 1. ExceUent sku. Size 9 Relker boots. B. C. Claes 800k Sbop. Hisl DODGE, 1965, Monaco, 4-door .. Mack TU 1-8011 Itandard lize, brand new, $6 2&23 ALL ITEMS 1Dfine condition. condition, $SO. 881.'1709. size 7 Relker boots. 886. Ethel Claell, 16'l'0 Levere'te bardtop. Very clean. Good 10 to lI:SO Dai11; I'rl. 'W. each. Two dog beds, $:I each. . I 28M. (40216). WO 3-4287. tites. $375. TU 1.()917. flC' Selrl Frolt Free refril' £82.8848. HEAD 360 ,kiI, 205 centime. POKER TABLE, $111.Pain ted _' _ nuwOOD •. H.rdwood, -= erator, Sel" power lawn ------ters. Marker blmlln,s. Per. amolre, $3S; small oak side. MOY~NG SOUTH _ GrMnd. HAS YOUR daughter o.ut. 1989 BONNEVILLE 2. d 00 r wlaU. blrcb, $ZlI. frult wood, mower, reel type. 1e1f. F,AMlLY ROOM m1scellaolOus feet col1d1Uon.TU 2.'10311. board, $25. 884.150'5. father clock Queen Anne grown her doll bouse? Mme hardtop, air. cOlldilionmg, ... JtID41blI wood .2.110 propelled. Flrepllce screen aale; vacuum. odd pieces . Cherrywood' dropleaf table is dying for one. 881-6589. tinted glass, full power, Nt. 12.00 dellvery eIlar,e. aDd tools. Seln IDOW blow. furnJture. FrIday, Saturday, FOR CHRISTMAS-Man'. cus. BEAUrJlFUL beige Autumn , I door locks, remote outside 'rllW6M. er. OtAer mliceUanlOul, iI" 427 Lothrop. tomed de$lgned 5 Karat Haze mink stole, large sue, 48' d.lameter. Collector's 10A-MOTORCYCLES mirror, tilt steering wheel, cludlD, ,ardeDiD, i t ems. LIndy Star sapphire and $150. Black eo..., size 12, quality. Lamps, twin bed. FOR S'" LE clock, rear wiDdow defo", UNICEF GreetiD, Carda. 882. 888.2'712. GARAGE SALE, 9 I.m ..ll p.m., diamond ring $350 value. $23. ll83".llO94 room set. 881-4701. ------Str-h- '" ger, 12,500 miles. Excellent• 0 T•• i Siturday. Orlent.l rugs, pic. sell $175, single roll.a.wlY CUSTOM MADE recreation GIRL'S bIcycle, 26", $25. 8.1J I WIN A FREE Honda at : condition. $2,600. 884-1151. . tures and antique". 463 bed (new) $8, Malic Chef 4. Ice Cream Parlol on th WAGON' W'HEELS-Eaqu!re, BIG SALE room bar, includes 6O"x2'1" 4087. 1969 MUSTANG bardtop, 302, •"IlDOr. 36" gas stove $20, double Hill . Box Wll. Nlmeok1 SlaUon 2 WEEKS ONLY mirror wIth ftuorescent liIbt. lA-MUSICAL ed Y.8, automatic, power steer. (G), Grlnlte City, IUmols Y2 3-S-"-H-oor-P-O-m-T-el-ee-.tr-I'cstove lIonl drapes. 84" long $115. ing, M"xeo" back.bar for '71 HONDA 750-8" extend lng, power dise brakes, 1 In workln, order, $3S. TUx. TU 6.17&1 after 5. front end, 6,000 miles. $1.500 aoto. 12OFF atorage and vinyl uphouter'l INSTRUMENTS radio. Exceptional condi. ENTIRE STOCK edo 2.{)279. CHRISTMAS 'l'REE, 4' with eel formic a topped front bar, FIDDLERS _ Buy now for VA 4-6925. tion. always garaged, 30.000 PASTEL PORTRAI':.li 00"x43" wIth ice weU. 2 . t. d il HEAD 360's. Marker Roto- stand, llihls, trimmmgs. $111. matching bar stools. Excel. Chrl,tmas sale. G u It a r Sf HONDA, 1971, 9C. ExcelleD carefully mam ame m es, CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Toys, 11ft Items, blir produets, eolOiDft aDd perfum .. , tol. mats, Lange Pro., $1110. Excellent condition. 885-1863 lent condition. 88S.7126. $19.95 and up. Drum sets , condition. Best offer. 884 5,000.miles on new wi~e belt. -$15- r $99.9S and up. Use our la y ed tues. $1,495. 886.li~2, letry 11ft lets, shampoo. Other :\kiI and equipment. ROUND Queen JoJlDe table, 5 5003. by r . ~ IllloDl, quarts and pints), 884-2861. chairs and bostess cblir. Ex. MAGNUS Chord Org.n, $35' away plan or your Maste 1966 PONTIAC Catalina, 2- Stephel! Gyurieh 7 ft pool table $50 TU Chlrge or Bank Am~ricard '86 YAMAHA, 10OCC, $100. Dovelty watebes. Panty hOMe CHILD'S skis with Cubeo bind. ceUent condition. TU 5-1)783 1.3687. ,. Fiddlers Music, 16209 Mack Needs work. TU 1-3687. door bardtop, AM-FM. $550. 1m Stillbope ud hose. Box S03pS, ba, 881-2013.' 882.9178, after 5 p.m. ".- . Grolle Po1Jlte WoodI Ings and buckle boots, size _~ODERN WALNUT deluxe soaps. Boutique I tern I. KING-sIZE BED, best offer. l1-CARS FOR SALE TUxedo 1.3852 Candy. 6~. $40. 885-7090 after 6 bar with stools. walnut 779.9848, after 6 p.m. DRUM SE't, complete, used , OLDS '61 Cutlass Supreme, 2- p.n\. dresser. Yamaba skis, Sol. excellent condition. $95 '6BFORD Galaxie 500, exeel door, V-8, vinyl top" air, GRAM>FATHER eJoeb, mln- 15302 KERCHEVAL DINING room table, Sheraton oman binding. New Konica ANTIQUE F r en c h clock, 861.2662. lent condition, 35,000 miles. power steering, automatic, tel e1oeb, eudl:oo cloeka, old GROSSE POINTE PARK atyfe, bfautiIu1 mahoglDY came,'a Fl.4, wllrranty. TU lamps, glass table, chairs, . $I,i9f'. 888-6874. clean. 886.1150. eloeU and pocket wate. Hrs: 1()'5 finisb, seats 12. $100. 881. 1.2323. chest. Can non b a II lied, GUITAR. classical, folk, used , CADILLAC. 1971 Coupebe. repIJred. Pick "" IIId deUy. frames, mirrors, trunk, side. like new, $35. 861-2862. '71 GREl.'\oILIN, stick s'T1ifl, 9659. BREAKFRONT, English 1810. board. 822.1528. heater. Ville, fully equipped, .8,'~00 . er)' lD Po1Dte arel 0111)'. A1Io Complete Lionel "0" enliDe wbile '¥a1ls, radio, -Height 102", width 81", HAMMON Chord Organ, spin luggage rack. $1,700. 885. miles, ;5,900. TUxed04:S739: _ will pay Cllb for th... t,pe Ind six earl wIth filure 8 BEAUTIFUL new Belgium trick, attlclled to 4'xS' ply. larle h and embroidered depth 24". Top half has 4 SNOW TIRES Suburbanite, et size. Ex.cellent condition 3994. eloeU IDd old p 0 e k It 14-8.25 with wheels, 2000 $375. 882-643'7. Y A L I ANT, IS69, ~tandartl watcbell, 818-3011. wood top. Includes deeoupler IiJlen tableclotb, 12 napkins. glass doors with 4 shelves. Bottom half bas 5 felt lined miles. TU 6.2118. ' '69 FIREBIRD hardtop, aIr. transmission, radio, Ziebalt, aDd lienal swltchel, 'stltlcm, $95. TU 5-8953. HAMMOND T49S deluxe, 1971, 9,000 miles, excellent condi. four new tires. 526.31'46afler bouses, street lights. track drawers each side and two UNUSUAL Christmas gUll, 25" doors in center. Can be SEARS lightweight snow blow- like new. IlIcrifice, sav e Uon. 886.7134. 6 p.m., all day Saturllay. trestles .nd trauiormer, er, good fflr -moderate size 30%, askin, $1.791). '171 ' paintings, handcraft. From used in dining room or lib- ~. Also slot car trick: 8 driveway, $85 821.3910. 0287. "Wer.terner" TRIUMPH, 1969 GT~ Plus, '71 MERCURY $1 to .100; for Ippointment rlry. 823-3454. 1967 REBEL strliihts, 8 curves, lUard wagon, excellent condition, MARQUIS ralls. power pack, almost call evenin,s 6.' p.m. 884- DROPLEAF TABLE French m--O-M-A-S-'-O-R--G~AN.-- IA!slie ~~~~~,S'st:::~~Y~:~~i~~~t. j 08$7. GEORGIAN Silver Service for air, full power, 5,000 mile COLONY PARK Dew ril,er .lot car, 1/32 8, Circa 1780. Intludes 511 Provincial. drum table, love. speaker, Band Box and Play - warranty. $950. 884-8918after mint condition. 885-49Sf,' af- .cale, $111.881-7280 Ifter 8. BY EVELYN. 1>eeoupa,e sup- pieces, 8 r8re pistol-handled seat, pictures, 3 air condi. mate, excellent condition 6. , _ter 5:30 p.m. plies, sun,cltcbers, milk tioners, other knlck.knacks. Cost $2,000, sell $1,200. 268 JO pclM~r wgn. Alr-cond., 1RONRlTE. electric ,uitar Ind knives, 5 forks Circa 1745. CaDS, jewelry IDd gilts. Fea. TU .~. 2929. ~967 PONTIAC Tempest sa. CHEYROLET, 1970 KingswOOd p.•.• p.b., rock, 6,000 miles. amplifier. bowUn, ball aDd 823.3454'. tlll'inl pab!tlngs by Hardy, tion wagon. 6 cylinder, auto. wagon, automatic, POY"~r, bag, :nlcroac03lt, mlni.bike, THREE SAKS winter matern SLINGERLAND drum, all ae factory air, many extras, framed, $Z5lDd under. 1205 8MM WOLLENSA:K power ity dresses, size 14, never matic, good condition. $750. $3,995 skis, .sJd boots, 'H" motor. Wayburn. 8ZJ-8186. zoom movie eamerl, indoor cessories included, $2150.881- May need minor repair. 884. $2,695. TUxedo 1.0221. . " cycle h elm e t telea,'OIM!, worn. 881-3748. 7304. 8693. 'Imea, toys Ind sleds. 886- BARN SIDING-Authentic 1" lights. $30; Lionel tram set CHEVROLET, 1957. 886.0058. well t be red, blDd hewn, and table. ,Best offer. 881. FRIGIDAIRE custom Imperi ALTO SAXOPHONE wit h FRANK ADAM 8548. al built.in dlsbwasher, char 1966 CHRYSLER Newport, VOLKSWAGEN, . 19&1, $350. uturl1 timber, 1-463-2179. 0lMl1. case, excellent condition LINCOLN-MERCURY coal gny, exc&l1ent coodi 883.7090, after 6 p.m. automatic, power steering, 884~190. bra1l;es, air,' low mileage, ex. MAGNAVOX 19" TV, black CHlLD'S size 6, boots, skis, tion, $125. Pbone .after 6 '20777 GRATIOT 821- PLYMOUTH, 1967 Belvedere;' TED EWALD aad wb.lte with cart, UHd blndlDgs, $12; lize 4 boots, p.m. 8884519. CLARINET - Marten Freres cellent eondition $910. skis, $8. ~. 1734. two.(loor hardtop, pow e l' ~ST DETROIT very little, leas than 6 JIG SAW 18" with motor and B.lIat £bonite, with calO, steering, .utomatie, V-S,rlicll 'Excellent condition. 882-8118 CHEVROLET mOl!tbJ. $IS. TU 2-7'748 50 PACKAGES SylvlDia Blue. stlnd, $52.50. Bench saw 1988 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass condition, $975. 886-o'f25. PR 2.0200 morninp. dot lIuh cuba. Won II S", with motor, .tand and after 6 p.m. IS OVERSTOCKED Supreme convertible. Pow. OLDSMOBILE. 1965, 442, $3ro;' prize, ~ price, 75 cents per accessories, $135. 884~1. KALAMAZOO BASS amplW.. er steerine, brakes, win. GIFT coneethlll from estlte, paeka,e. Lots of 10 only. 821-8605. WITH CHEVROLETS .terUn, mirror, Jlde, Dres. RADIO.Phononiph, black alid er. Good condition. 882-0664. dow., radio, heater, $625. 8K-65T8. 779-8335. WITHOUT THE NEW dID and Armorf lamPi, Iter. white TV comb., Olympia CLAIUNET, recently recond!. JAGlJA'R. 1963 XKE. c,Qupe, tableware, jeweled typewriter. 884-7048. black exterior, black leather Un, . CHILD'S electrie ebord Ol'gIn tioDed, $50. Call lIllG.o058. 1968 CHEVROLET Impala V.8, PRICE INCREASE.' elsel. allicator haDdbap, from Gr1nDe1ll, 22 keys, like interior, chrome wire wheels. camera with flash, bardtop, power steering, deeorative vases,. imported new. Pald $145, asking $75. POLAIROID BORGM:'AN and GrlY baby LIke brand new, $1.500.Must I CHOICE OF MODELS Uke new, cost $90, sell $40. Ex.ceUeat condttlon. brakes, radio. Very clean, sell. 963.5048. woolen .carvel, bonehaadle 1IfK.0674. rrand. must sell. 779.9332. carvlDl let, alumlDum rout. Iroorite. $20. 886.3791, eve. 882-1576. . CORVETTE, 11168, 427, 400-: er. .ta!mes. skillet.. 881. CHRIS'IlMJASBUYS - Ampli. DiD" or Saturday. '66 SPITFIRE Trlum~h, $650, BUT TED EWALD fier, 'BelilOd Howell movie STRONGARONE Accordlan, horsepower, four. speed, con. 11M.. projector, liquor cabiDet, FIREPLACE WOOD, true 120 bass, brand De!". Beat or belt offer or Snowmobile vertlble, AM-FM, mags, Q. or '88 Chevrolet station full letlgth mink. coat, size cord, mixed hardwood, full oUer. Tony, TU ,5.8186. 80.15 . Polyglass, sideplpes, I BEFORE CHEVROLET SANTA'S <;IFI'S. Sheared wagon. 882-2955. Beaver coat, Brown Rabbit 10-12, 884-GJt. eord $22.50,. 'lAi cord $12. Hurst shifter plus L-88 bood, YOU BUY 15175 E. JEFFERSON Delh'ued Ind stacked. 824- SMAIL Walnut organ, double KARMANN.GHIA '67. 3eauU- $2,550. Must sell. 963.5048. coat, size 8. 888-0889. GAoRAGE SALE -,Remodeled 8943. . 'keyboard, foot pedals, $250. VA 1-2000 Mme, Hlmllton Wilber and ful condition. Belt offer GAL A X IE, 1969, twO.dOor" BE SURE SKIS-Head .flnd.rd, 20& CM, -884-2142. , over $800. '884-2248. llke new, poles. TO 5-2219. '81 dryer, refrigerator, elec. GAS fireplace, logs, coals narotop, 35,000 miles. $1,395; I, TO VISIT tric range, formica kitchen iron grate, g81 burner, com WALNUT Spinet piano and COMET, 19&1, automatic 886-6951. -' . MOVlNG-Se1lIng Coppertone top with sw, Z stGE, 1963-4 door, automa- . tion wa,on, $100. 882.8553. ...• TO 1.1311. for beginners. $60 with case. -" MARK III lJ84.8898. moor Blvd., TU 4-0475. tic 8, $225. Very good con------1965 PLYMOUTH, good con- TU 1.5178. C'OFFEY ditlon. 884-3418. dition. Snows. 881-9707. ANTIQUED dining TOOm set, Full pQWer, sterlo. cruise con- 40 YARDS carpetin, and pad. MAGNAVOX Color TV 23" mirror, electric guitar and pOrtable, .$99.95. Buying 'MARTIN Dl235, 12 strin, trol, reor defogger. White. dlnl, eoektall table. portable 1971 GREMLIN - Automll.tic a-mpllfler, tilt top tab Ie, console. TU 1.1311. with hard ease. $450. 771- 1968 CHEVROLET Biscayne; CADILLAC block toP. red Jeoth.r Int.- humidifier. llal-l451. air, power steering, sunroof. V.S, automatic, radio; clean.' carved -living ,room table, 4196. Extras. 886-2137. 886-4450. rlor. $1,095. 886.1877. i 3180 E. JEFFERSON . OIUGINAL oil paintings, ex. oak drop leaf table. 773.0119. EXQUSlTE Frencll Provincial quillte1y framed for that bedroom set (fruitwood). SNARE drum, like new, $55, CHEYROLET - Nova 350 SAVE $ $ $ IMPORTED electric Hurri. TU 4.9200. .case included. Call after '70 CAMARO, automatic with LO '.6811 , per Ion 11 CbrJstmas gift. Coupe, 8, automatic,power console. radio. power steer. ,From miniatures to 24x48 eane . lamps, crystal aDd 3:30 p.m. 885.1747. steering, power. brakes, sport cranberry glass, bird eage MARBLE TOP commode. Sac. ing. V'8, RaUye wheels. Parking, Drive In incb. 778-49611. wheels, c u s to m ilXterior, $2,000. a~I1.5346. FRANK ADAM on Itrond, canary or pari' riflce, floor sample. nJ • SI-ANTIQUES dark green, low milellge. ----- BABY <;RAND PIANO, Grand bet. TU (-4221. 9~. FOR SALE 775.3614. 1969 BUZCK Electra. Own a Raplds dining set, television, I LI NCOLN.MERCURY chairs, Chin8se f'ug 9'x12', BARBI,E DOLLS-4 doll., 2 DJ.NETl'E SET, .formlca top FURNITURE refInlsbed, reo lU1{urycar in excellent con. 1967 FORD - Country Sedan dition, for Christmas. $2,250. beds, s to v e, refrigerator, calleS, house, lots of clothes, table with leaves and 6 paired, stripped, !lny type of .tI"" 20777 GRATIOT Station Wagon, 10 passen. Private. 885.0385. . - laundry. Miscellaneou •. TU $25. TU 2.7980. chairs, $35. Good condition. caning. Free estimates. 474- ger, power steering, brakes, 1970 EAST DETROIT 1-0138, 7'73.1584. . 888-7346. 8953. _ OHINA-76 piece "Pin~ Cas. air, tinted glass, 390 engine. BUICK '62. good transporta. PR 2.0200 VOLVO WHEELS: 2 rims. tie," $35; ,mahogany book- GOLF CLUBS and bag, $45; DINING ROOM set, 6 ehairs, $aSS. 1007 Cadieux. 886-8151. tion, $200. 8:<3.4659. CADILLACS 6OOx15. TU 2.5324 .fter 6 ahelf, $55. TO (.7628. , rabbit fur coat, worn once, table and sideboard, quarter. CHEVY CAPlRIOE-4 door, MUSTANG "/0 Macb I 351. p.m. $56, size 10. 885-7841. sawed red oak, completely CHRISTMAS camera bargain. 1970, vinyl top, air.condltion. 4V 3 speed. Best offer. 88{ refinished also rocker and ing, power steering and 25 TO ' MAGNAVOX 11 t ere 0 reeord Brand new, never used SKI package for beginning 2136. glass door .bookcase, -All in brakes, stereo, 27,000 miles. CHOOSE FROM player, wainut flnlsh, dla. 'Minolta MG.16. All acces: skier. Ski pulls, boots, etc. ex.cellent condition. Phone '71 MERCURY mood needle, $15. Excellent sories, flash. Best offer over Lady's size 9 narrow, $75. Excellent condition. $2,200. '67 MUSTANG. fastbll~k, V.S, ALL MAKES Algonac 794.3822. 881-1542. 287, power brakes, steering. MARQUIS condition. 821.9820. $65. 885-4151. 881.2883. ."ND MODELS ANTIQUE love seat over 100 air. Good condition. Snows. BROUGHAM COUPE 5' GOL? SOFA, made by CONTEMPORARY dining GRAY WOOL carpet and pad, years old. Best offer. '.'Ux. CORVAIR, '65, good tires. Ex. $950. 881.8739 after 6. CONVERTI BLES, Franklin, 1Y.a yea,'s old. room suite. 8 ,pieces, wal. 14'x17', excellent condition, cellent running condition. Full power Gild oir. 1.300 edo 4.0310. 1966 PONTIAC Temp~~t au. Sheers, custom made, for nut; like new. Sacrifice. 884- $50; 1 paIr lined blue 882-4038. FLEETWOODS, miles. Midnight blue, rllolth- tomatic, power s t e e.r i n g. llvlng and dining rooms, 9193. drapes, a'x8'. 886.6085. SLIGH ,bedroom set. 5 pieces, Ing top and Interior. '66 OPEL OADETTE, $250 or Good condition. $700. 882: DE VILLES, brass rods. Wood folding "1897." Excellent condition. best oUer. 881-4387. 0596 after 6. $'4,195 door. 371.9803. PAIR tufted 'barrel back olive 2.PASSENGER BOB. SLED, 398-0889. ELDORADOS green chairs, $45 each. 886- desk, glass, china, glass '66 MUSTANG-2+2, 289, pow. llA-CAR REPAIR' ZENITH po~table 15" TV, 9781. , blowers parade cane, elec- OLD CLOCKS repaired. Rea- er steering, brakes. air con. blac~ and white, all chan. trlc roaster. wicker, Lincoln FRANK ADAM . HART Standard skis, 6'11" sonable. Free estimates, ditloned, automatic. TV 9- ITALY AUTO REPAlItING nels • nd .'.U F lollneont d1. , and ArroWback rockers. pi. t! $25 889-0483 Cable bindinlls, good c:mdi. p;ck up alld dellvery Grosse lK25. Specializing in Fiat and Volk!. McGLONE L' NCOLN-MERCURY on,. . tion. 884-7264. ano rolls, eoal stove, trunk, Pointe general Ilea. Call wagen, EUI.opeanand Amer- SONi' video tlpe sYBtem, all miscellaneous. S8turday, 10 823-6024. M'USTANG -Mach 1. 1970, 351, 4~arrel, 10,000 miles. ican far! repaired. IS831 20777 GRATIOT accessories, excellent condl- NAVY FITl'ED COAT, Lady's. o'clock. 900 Notre Dame, E. Warren at Buckingham. CADILLAC lion. 884.3390. 9.10, worn 8 times. to small Grosse Pointe City. GRAND PIANO In good con. Must sell. 884.6559. EAST DETROIT dltion by private party. Call 882-2780. 14550 GRATIOT for me. Cost $120, sell $45. BASEMENT SALE - Thurs. COATS '- Red. mink collar, 823.1914. 2&H5OO 9.5. 642.7393 eve. '63 VALIANT-5tation Wagon PR 2.0200 day and Friday. National 11B.-CARS WAN1ED 372-0380 $25, black (new), mink col. nings. 6 cylinder, automatic radio' sewing machine $35, mahog. heater, good tires,g~ con: TO BUY lar in front, $100. TU 4.9257. BUMPER POOL table new PAIR small white French ta- condition, slate top,' cost any bed frame $12, crystal dition. God second car. 881. WANTED-64, '65, '66'\ Mus- chandelier. Miscellaneous. bles, marb!e tops, $95 pair; PORTRAITS for Christmas. over $400, take $175. 881. 7304. tang, any condit!.m. B8~.4BI8" -- Color pastel by LeliPrance. 6312. 1266 Yorkshire, corner of (III paintings, noral S'tll111fe, ------_.~ 1971 CADILLAC $20. 823-4710. Vernor. 10.3. $6;;~ landscape of Lake 1965 CHEVELLE-Aulomatic, I JEEP CJ 5 or 6 or Toyota 1968 A'MFRICAN FLYER, com. Com 0, -laly, $90, both 2 door, air'conditioned. Good Landcruis~r. Good condition. EXECUTIVE CARS I ONE wbite lamp, lady's bowl. plete passenger and freight CRESTWOOD BASS With cord framed; set of very unusual second car, $400. 834.3265. 881.3084. Jng ball, musIcal Christmas train set, with accessorIes and case $40, ski boots, size and beautiful antique punch AND I CADILLAC tre! stand, outdoor ChrJst. (89 pieces). like new; Bruns. 10.6, $15. $7.50. 881.8739. cups, cranberry cut glass, in mas lights, outdoor picture. wlek man's boWling !ball brass holders and saucers. GUIDE TO GOODSERVICE DEMONSTRATORS COUPE DE VILLE CAR OWNERS I Only $24.80 88900610. shoes and bag; Ampro 8mni quarterly buys $20,000.$40 •. $60 . s~t; antIque cut glass ,bowl, $40. other small an. NOW I COTILLION WHITE FUR STOLE, wild mink, $285. projector and beaded screen. 000 Liability Property Dam. '.'VAn CHAUFFlIJ.ED JOANNA WESTERN 882.7206. Besl offer. TUxedo 5-0797. age for safe drivers. TU 1. tlques, serious buyers only, no dealers. 823-1914. AVAILABLE BLACK PADDED TOP 2376. LIMOUSINE WI NDOW SHADES. QUALITY seasoned fireplac; ELEC'r.RIC RANGE - Frigid. Clunlnr, Turning, Repalrlng FACTORY AIR. wood, guar8nleed to burn. aire, 40", 2 ovens, timer. Ex. GREEN vinyl reclining lounge aC-OFFICE EQUIPMENT PORCH SHADES 676-0914. cellent condition, $50. It'14. SIRYIC. CONDITION ING ______0761. chair, cost $176, like new, FOR SALE CUSTOM WtNDOW SHADES ROGER $8lI. 885.3618. FRlDEN calculator, perfect,. I NEW TIRES SMALL collection 01 old- pock. ANTIQUE Victorian MATC}'. THREE.PIECE Danish Curni- $100. 823.1914. et watches. Call 823.8024. ED bedroom set, wub stand GRA"{TOP ture. walnut, blue and olt. 100% ONE YEAR. STEEL typewrIter desk. com. RINKE 12,000 MILE 2 PAIR Cross Country skis with marble top and marble white co lor e d cushions. ptometer desk, 4 drawer .."' I Tile ,od boots, 6'4" and 6'7". backsplasb, mar b I e top $100, like new. Between 10. ,.Iftt.II'A,.. SALES AND SERVICE me, 2 combination file and WRITTEN WARRANTY Never used. TU 1.9436. dresser with framed tJlt mlr. 2. 988.3649. Grosse Pointe Cab 15011 KERCHEVAL CADILLAC ror. bed (headboard, foot. lockers. 884.9434. z.. t cf Aller • In tJh. Park ICE SKATES, C.C.M. Hockey, board and sides), all orlili. MOTOROLA combination 16-;" TU 1.;5300 TU Il-tooo size 6. Girl'. custom figures, nal finish, $350. TUxedo 4. black and while TV. AMI 9-.ARTICLES WANTED r.loted Monl1l)'1 CO. McGLONE size 3. Perfect condillon. 3739. FM rldlo and record player, blond cabinet. Voice M Mu. WE BUY old gold, jewelry and ~FI~r~DI~a.-r-w-ooo-- 882.B118 after 6 p.m. sliver. V 0 , u t' Jewelen, ""' .... K VAN DYKE SKIS. l.dy's Hart, metal, .le 2-speed tape recorder, Call TU 2.607.4 Bft. 11 Mil, Rd•. 22377 Moro.. ROld. MIl." m.pIt, •• h, .. II, ItMch, I 10. CADILLAC BOOKCASE 32"xl0"x41" ma. medium. Cubco bindIng •• model 710 A. Balomatic I hO'lny, coektall table oval, 71,la boots Ind rack, poles, to advertise Teltllhon, 14500 GRATIOT slide projector , 500 watt NEED repll~ement pieces. 1.... $24.00 FCIce c... De. Duncan Phyfe. Excellent $50. Play pen and paa, $6; Norilake "Ro.lmund" Pit. IIY.NCl. I 536.6260 or 757.0767 with 10 trays. All in very under Guide to 372.0380 condition. 882-8118 IUer 6 crib bumper pad., $1. VA good condition. Call ICter 8 tern cups, plates. TUxedo p.m. 3.09a6. p.m. 884.1218, 1-15113. 881-0292 Good Service I "j

" 0" " ., •• ...... " ~,' ". ..".. ~ ~." '.. " ,.. ,-:,'.,',' .. , '. I ~. • •• .,. "\ t •• " • • • '...... If' • , • "" .... ( • I' •• ~ • 1 I • I ' ...... 11 .. ~ ...... '" - ~..' .~. ~., ~ ..•.. '~.,,:.:... '.~./ _'-:'~'.2,'~'..:.~ .-Thursday; DeCember 9. 1971 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-Five

l1A-COMMIICIAL 12D-LAKE AND RIVEIt 13-REAL ESTATI U-IEAL iSTATE I U~IIAL ESTATE NOHITV PROPERTY '01 $ALl FOR SALE I FOR SALE Purdy and Associates TRAVERSE CITY, :WCHIGAN OPEN SUNDAY 2:30.5:00 S. EDGEWOOD 91 - FIRST McMILLAN. Nice 4.bedroom PRvUDLY PRESENTS MACK AVENUE Colonial. 31h baths, 2.car ga. Water froot is hard to find. OFFERING-Beautiful large OUR FIRST OI"'FERlNC,-On the water and a o:eal Clas. Colller x..mcobl. 132'xlOO' on Priced rigbt Is even harder. BEDFORD 810 - DlstincUve custom Ranch. 3 bedrooms, rage. Natural fireplace in EngUBb. Pnqueted floors sic. Th8l's only the beginning, It's a Colonial and ill IJDcom Ioaed for OffiCN. We believe we have worked 2 baths, fireplaces in Living Living Room and Recreation HIGBIE throughout first fioor. Over- perfect condition. There are four delightful family OD11larl' piece avallable in bard and found it. and famlly rooms. Central Room. Screened porch. New I bedrooms with four baths and sludy with fireplace GroNe Po1Dte Cny. sized den opens to sunny air conditioning. 2 car at. carpeting. FIRSI' OFFERING glasaed terrace. Four bed- on the second floor. Tht" first floor has everything; BeautUul stoDe terraced home tacbed garage with electric KARL DAVIES TU5-3220 rooms, 2th bathJ plus guest morning 1'(lOmand library. Call tor details and oh! on large lot close to sand Center EWance Colonial - door. Excellent location. 1m. WESTCHESTER. 3. bedroom beaches. 3 bedroom, full 3 bedrooms, 2~ baths plus quarters. English Colonial. baths The view is smashing. ' mediate possession. m ST. CLAIR SHORES, between paneled basement. Electric den. l':ating area In kitch- plus addlUonal shower. Good OPEN SUNDAY 2:30 TO 5:0G-1100 Devonshire. A E. DOYLE PLACE 19944 - truly traditional Colonial with great library with 8 &Ild 9 Ilarper and Shady eye garage door. On Penin. en. Under $45,000. LINCOLN 606 - FIRST OF. si~ rooms. New roof, new sula, close in. $38,500. Only a tflnsfer out of town aluminum outside trim. Na. fireplace on the first flour. The second floor has Lane. IN' frontage. Nice could separate thes'! happy FERING - COnvenIenUy 10'. BY APPOINTMENT tural fireplace. five bedrooms, plus three baths and the m.ster elli1Icalt. or ? Sumcner home, IDcludiDgboat homeowners from their cated center hall Colonial. FISHER RD. - 4 bedrooms, 3 bedrooms. bath 2nd floor. bedroom ha, a fireplace. 1100 Devonshire-Stop and COYKERCIAL bu11d1DawUlt. dock on 'torch River to dream bouse. Perfect set. ALLARD. Unique Cape Cod In see this g~m-you won't be sorry. 3 baths, ud family room ting for happy famlly living. 2 bedrooms, bath 3rd. LI. ed ill Grosse PoiDte, 1,000 Cbain O'Lakes. 2 acre Farms. Natural lireplace. mutual park adjoining. All make this an excellent buy. Lofty living rOOlllwith beam. brary and 1st floor lav. Nice SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT aquare feet or more with Newly decorated and car- Yllfd. Quick possession. Price Den plus Florida Room. 3- furnished. $18,600. ed ceUing. Family roolll and bedrooms, Lovely kitchen. LAKESHORE DRIVE-Located on Lake 51. Clair and a park1Dl. peted. $45,000. living room both have fire' -low 40's. true Georgian type Colonial. Even though it.s a little Brand new home, rough cut Must be seen inside. 2'tJ places. Atlractive ususn. ALINE 1831-Neat 3 bedroom car iaragl:. 11k balhs. older; the kitchen is ultra modern and 50 is the Call 886-1190 beams, stone fireplace, all COUN'I"RY OLUB LANE - ab)e mortga-ge. Easy walk Ranch. Fine recreaticil ;""1 almost new family room. The library is paneled and glass thermal pane sliding Great family home. Li'rge to Star of the sea Scbool. just a dandy room. Upstairs there's six bedrooms doors, on Torch River. bedrooms. 8 fireplaces. Li- with fireplace. Extra We BEDFORD. Gracious Brick 4. bath, Owner anxious. bedroom Colonial, wiO>addi. lor that la.~ge family or just If you like a lot of $30,500. brary and family room. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY A N IEL tional 5th bedroom and bath room. By the WilY, the ball room on th~ lhird floor ______E~na1l2 bedroom all furnished BISHOP ROAD - L a r g e LAKE SHORE ROAD-Quaint BISHOP t42l!-Roomv 4 hed. on tbird fla.'r. Large rooms. is great for entertaining. 12I-VACATIOH cottage, across road from t u d 0 r home, spacious Country Home in exemp18ry room English (amlly home Family room. a.car garage. LAKESHORE DRIVE-For the smallet family and al. PIOPERTY public access frontage on grounds. Den, family room condition. Great family liv. in excellent condition. Panel, I most brand new.Tbis unique home was built by Hi! led attic room. Su.n room, I ROSLYN. 3.bed.room Cont. Co- '0& SAU Torch Lake. Nice summer and library. 4 car garage Ing with ('Outstanding decor. . Micou, one of the best builders, and believe us, he place. $8,300. with 2 bedroom apartment. View of the Lake par ex. 1st floor lavalory, Screened lonial. 1th o8th, 2.car g... did a wonderful job, rIght down to the greenhouse terrace. Nicely carpeted. rage. Rt'creatkn Room. Good TORCH LAKE-ALDEN. ~ cellenl: 'Bedroom and bath and sauna. The house is immaculate interior wise- acre. of wooded rolling tel' Motel business including 10 BALFOUR ROAD - Cemer convenieDtly located on 1st Convenient to schools and asswnable mortgage. it's really great., rentals units and bouse on entrance Colonial: 4 large transportation. Under $40,' flool'. Three and two on sec. LAKESHORE DRIVE-Fascinating, Yes! All of the rain overlooking Torch Lake Torch Lake. BeauUful house bedrooms, 2. baths on 2n<:l on:!. 000.00. and Sballly Creek. S.veral attaches with 3 bedrooms, floor, 2 more bedrooms and major rooms in this home overlook the lake and ehOice building sites. Near 3 baths, center stone fire. bath on 3rd 1st floor 11. NEFF ROAD - First Offering BLAIRMOOR CT. 1f136-New. what a sight! The family room.js OJ) an angle and bolt laDd1DC, marina and place, all carpeted, utility brary. Low $50's. -Near E. Jefferson, two er Farm Colonial at reduced it has a great bar for that info.~mal t¥pc entertain. air p (Ir L An attractively room. Sandy Beacb, $12,000 family flat, three bedrooms. bargain price. 4 bedrooms. ing. There are two master bedrooms on the first priced prepe."ly at $16,500. or more possible income, FARM Colonial on a fa. two hl\ths each unit. Large family room with natural floor and on the second you ",111 find a superior For Information 011 this and $125 T 'Vorite street. Impeccable -living rooms witll fireplace fireplace. Good kitchen. At. guest room and bath plus a maid's sitting room and many other' fine Northern ,000. erms. throughout. 3 large bed- open to sunny family room. t:lched 2 car garage. Nice bath. There are so many spectacular details we don't MiChiJUl listinls -:all toll- 171 acres with approximately rooms, formal living room, Breakfast nook adjoins large lot. know where else to start, so c811on this one. f~ 1-800~-3313, Madelyn I mile of frontage on 42 and din i n g room. Large kitchen. Four car garage. LET'S GET OFF LAKESHORE and describe a terrific Mathews, Realtor, or Charlie acre lake. Property minutes kitchen with ample ealing W. CLAIRVIEW CT. 19958 - little house just meant for the beginners or rt!tirees. ShieldJ, .siodate, SteelTree from Traverse City, border. area. This must be seen. STEPHENS - In the Farms. Excellent oUering in 1....~ It's in the Woods and believeus-itspllrkles. Not Story with 3 bedrooms, 2 Pl:operties; Traverse City, iog 400 acres of State Land. Quiet corner lot adds dv- tlnly are there three bedrooms and a bath 01\ the Michigan. Ideal for large subdivision ENGLISH Cotswold cottage sired privacy. Sunny Florida baths, den or 4th bedroom. near the Village and City second floor, but there is II den and powder room or private estates, clubs, room cbeery setting for your Ce::tral Air Conditioning. on the first. If you want a cutie-inqlli,'e .about Park. Unique home for the lZD--LAKE AND RIVER trailer courts, camping sites Chrislmas tree. Three bed- New kitchen. Finished base- PEMBERTON, lW7 - Superb this one. KOPlITY or f u t u reinvestments. family - large living, din- rooms, three baths. ment. New carpets. Owner large 3 bedroom colonial, OWNER SAYS "sell" and we plan to do just that.Lo .. ------$1"l8,OOO~ ing rooms and library plus leaving City. Wants offer. c en t e r entrance paneled 4 bedrooms. Come in - en- LAKELAND-'French- Inspired cated on one of our ffner dead.end streets in the (Apartment Site) family room, lavatory on 315' of sand beach frontage joy. the interior. aN:hitecture has special eye S. RENAUD 1572 - Large 3 first floor, 2 full baths up S'ho",5-we can't resist telling you about the fiDe (ST. CLAIR on. Glen Lake, 5 rental r.urlts appeal. G r a c i 0 u s large bedroom, 2 bath Ranch with feat\lresof this one. It's English Tudor, a classic In RIVER PROPERTY) plus recreaUon room with plus large home.' Room for WHl'ITER - Colonial - rooms include four bed. panelled library and enclos. lavatory and shower, 2 .car its OW)lright. Th~ lof is nQt large. but adequate and INVESTORS ATl'ENTION: Central (;ntra~~e, 4 twin more cottages. $135 per rooms, tbree baths, den. ed terrace on loo'x14O' garage, by 8ppoJnhnent on.ly. from some of the Noms tliere's a peek of ,the lake. 2'.iI ac:ru on the st. Clair week minimum on cottages, bedrooms, 2~ 'baths, den Two car attached garage. sprlnklered and wooded lot. Five bedrooms lor op.eners and lets close with :I River" Zoned for MulUple home rents for $250 per and recreation room. Under AUached 2 car garage. Price LAKEPOINTE,. 1OO1-ldeal 3 fine family room and mOdern kitchen. Dwe1U.Dl. Township water week. $110,000, terms avail. $50,000. WINDMILL POINTE DRIVE -Well arranged home could Mid 40's. bedroom home in Grosse CLOVERLY' ROAD' seems to' be ,I p'o\iular street and and sewer. $120,000. Terms. able. Pointe ~ark, fur a low price KENWOOD RD. - Delightful provide 3 generation llving. WELLlNGTON PLACE 17 - why. not? It's tree Hned andthehome~ are ,plost (CLOSE TO of $18,500. Large dining gracIous. We .ofter you 111 Cloverly' and It's a fine Lovely all furnished chalet English Tudor - large Ii. Three fireplaces fox: cozy Newer Farm Colonial near ST. CLAIR, MICH.) room plus T.V. room. Don't home. Enl!1ishin design and. perfect in every ap- like home, 100' frontage on brary with fireplace, mod. winter evenings. Seven bed. Lake. Built 1963. 4 bed- 11 ACRES: With .cenlc Pine w8it call now. poinhnent-the owner has his heart and soul in this River frout",e. Good well SUldy lbeach, hOOded fire- ern kitchen 4 family sized rooms; five baths. rooms, 2 haths, powder place, 20 minutes from Tra- bedrooms, plus guest .and one. There are plenty of bedrooms for that large cared for older home. 3 bed- CLOVERLY - Country sized room, panelled and family family and live in help. It is just a family home and rooms, HlI. baths, atce kitch- ver!!e City. $38,SOO at foot maid's room. room. Att. 2 car garage. wooded lot eDclose~ this four II good one. Drive by....,.itwlll appc;Jl. . ell, basement, furnace. Ga. of Sugar Loa! Mt. ResOrt. Large lot. BETTY VINGI WASHINGTON RD. - De. bedroom Ranch .. Cheery fire- A LITTLE O~ THE. FRENCH in this one. Located close rage alld other buildings. Cement landscaped, stone sea. llghtful c e n t e r entrance place in Family room. Realtor to everything and ready for almost immediate oc- $29,000. wall, sand beach, 1~' froet. COlo~al. 3 large bedroolOs, DETROIT - Southampton - cupancy. Here is a three bedroom" two and a half age on. East Bay, new $'700 modernized kitchen with Silloway & CO. 20741 MACK AVE, !lItALD''1l:-EiiiG AGENCY furna~e, $500 new miniature corner lot Dr. Cbandler Park balh .charmer. That's the beginning. From the living 212 S .'Ihird St., breakfast room, formal din. Drive. Duplex with units room and dining room you lbolt out over a superior barn storage, $75 a year lIIg. New carpeting through. 884-7000 886-3210 St. Clair, Mich. Itealing, 6 miles from down- opening on separate corners yard designed we think, to emulate .f.atd\n de Tuil ... .' 329.2201 out. Quick occupancy. Low provide extra privacy. Fl!",! leries. Boy, is it beau.tiful lnSpring, 'Summer ana J town Traverse City. Fire. $4O's. Fall. ,. . r.. leona BOlIgs 329.3612 place, smokeless grill in rec- condition, separate base. . rs. Don E. Ron 329-4405 reation room, 2 'bedrooms. KENWOOD CT. - Center ment!. Garage &. Garden. HAVE YOU. ever wanted to live on a Goll Course, We . $29,900. ' entrance Colonial. 16 ft. GROSSE POINTE are in the unique position of offering you two homes ,..(1:,. . -one large and on(l .smallo Let's begin with the Almost 1 square mile of good library with fireplace, .3 JOHN s. BOURNEMOUTH. BeauU. We understand your CON. '. 'ST.. CLAIR RIVER - Callfor- nice bedrooms, 2~ baths. ful 3 bedroom Brick Colo. CERN 50 look at these smaller. It.s cute-only three bedrooms, but for la contemporary on spa. hunting, snowmobiling, or club land, near Lake City, Attached garage. nial. Central air condi- IMMEDIATELY AVAIL- the small family it's perfect. The terrace is some. 'OUI 300 ft., beautifully , $200 .per acre. GOODMAN tioning. Move in condi- ABLE homes now. thing else-looks. over a. bellutiful sprawling lawn . andscaped lot with d~ LAKE SHORE RD. - Near 93 Kercheval 886.3060 ! -~ .. tion. 886-4200. that goes on and on and on. The larger of the two space for s eve r a I boats. 90 acres on neafby lall:e with c. Yacht Club and S ho res BARRINGTON .. Cozy bun- is breathtaking. It really is two houses hi one. Dc- LARGE 4 bedroom brick "Wordk' cal1not doj\iSUceto 1,500' of frontage. $80,000. Park. Oulstanding in qual. GROSSE PTE. €OURT . galor with 4 bedrooms, 2 signed f()r ,inIol'mal .and formal taste. Designed .for .this comfor,table home with ity and desian. Paneled U- home,. new kitchen, paneled baths and 2.car garage. the large family. and' live.in mother or mother-in- 40 acres, Leelanau County,J,2 den, screened poreh;'15' lot. Brick Cape Cod on. quiet 15 rooms, 8565 sq. ft., in- brary and family room, Modem kitchen, library. law. There is so, much ml'lre, so why not call us wooded view of Lake Lee- 1109 Bia'hop. 882-G.651. street completely equip. cludinl1 bedrooms, 5 baths, lanau. $12,000. Terms. Mutschler kitchen. Ii large ped modern kitchen, for. sunroom and IIn Is h e d for the details? ' and 2 half ,baths for family bedroom I, 3 fuD, .2 half basemenl g i v earn pie 6215 Alpine Drive, Cabenae BARRINGTON 777 . mal dining room, two full THE THREE "Bs" , . . • and Ille.ta. Two bedrooms, baths. Central air. 4% car S'pacious 8 room brick. Center baths, plus rec. room and room and pleasant com- .' bath and sitting room com. Ranch Subdivision. ThIs year attached larale. fort. 886-5800. 655' BALFOUR-This is difCerentyet really traditional. around new home .is on a hall entrance Colonial, 1J,2 lav. in basement. Two We start with the basement. It's hard to find an lllete the service wing of baths, recreation room, ~ car attached garage. 1m. the home. A la~8e family large lot; complete electric LAKE SHORE RD. - Ex- BISHOP RD. A. most desir, authentic English Pub; but we have .it-too hard living, carpeted. throughout. quisite Jel!erson Colonial car brick garage, low au's. mediate occupancy. 886. able 3-bedroom eustom to describe. The first floor has two extra rooms- room with fireplace provides Allsume 5J,2 % mortgage. an area for relaxed llving 11,2 baths, 4 bedxooms, elec. in the Farms. lit floor 4200. ranch pro u Llly boasts a library and family room. ,The second floor has tric door. on garage, 17'x35' master bedroom suite, laun. Immediate posseaalon. large family room, 3 separate from tbe more for- HAMPTON. Elegant Colo- three master, b~drooms and b:Jth '(one with private oval heated pool. Redwood dry room, library • .2 bed- baths, attached garage ma! area' of the home. A DOR-CHAK nial beckons 3 bedroom elevator). There'are three' other bedrooms' on the fencing, 4' well. Walking rooms, 2 baths up. and .splendid, l'l'ge lot second floor also-good for children. ,. patio aDd. largepaol-avail. bome, carpeted thruout, distance from Ski arc a sur- REALTORS overlookin!llake. Be good .ble frum the family room tncludes dr~peries' and 1011 BUlCKINqHAM-English Tudor de~ignwHh larg~ rounded by ski mobUe CoUll' 885-4575 to yourself-see this home al well as the guest rooms Jarge Jot. It's available lot .for the lIidsto play. ball, hock.y,' etc. This is a - complete the beautiful try Sta te Land. Buy 8t BESKSHIRE, 1127--Exqulsite today! real family home. We offer Jive bedrooms, plus $35,500, $18,500 down, bal- immt'Ciiately to roast your settin.. Pl'ieed at $210,000. 4 ,bedrooms in mint condition. three and. 11 half ,baths. The first, floor' has, a great ance terms. HIGBIE chestnuts on the fireplace 846 LAKEPOINTE. You're Extras too numerous to dis- Three bedroom, brick home this Christmas. 886-4200. ahead in this 3.bedroom living room and dining room. plus lIbral'Y. Great : on the river north of St. We have many more homes, 84 Kercheval cuss-Must be seen! brick colonial featuring floor' plan. 'Tn the, basemel'\t there's a recreatiC:1 room. The occupancy on this one should be q,uick. ; Clair-$48,5OO. businesses and commercial ELLA RUTH & HOLLYWOOD. Sophisticat- carpeting thru-out, fire- buildings available. ed modern for casual fun place, glass enclosed pa- 1341 BLAlRMOOR COURT-Newer with great living Investment Property - 46th ASSOCIATES living. One story gray space. Actuall}', it'& hard to 'ind ..five bj!drooms In .' Let .Us Be of Service to You 886-7100 tio and mr.ny more out. , ,. ~cres on M.29 adjacent to TV 6-4060 or LA 7.6420 brick has 3 bedrooms and standing extras. A real. this slyle, so we feel that }\Ie are. offering ..some. ; .to RivClr. Dlsirict Hospital; REAL ESTATE attached garage, a panel- istlc price. OPEN SUN. thing a little different. Of cours!!, the kitchen is mod. . -mOre than 3,000' road front. . led den in basement and 2.5. 886-5800. ern and .there'sa nice eating area. 'TIle family age; over I,~ zoned cammer. COMPANY,. INC. a natural fireplace. For room Is truly family-semethlng to enjl'lY from the cial; water and sewer at 153J,2 E. FRONT ST. Grosse Pointe winter comfort there's a These Lovely Homes Invite moment you e"tef it. By the. way.' ihi~ home has front of property; $3,000 per J Your Inspection and Con. ' really been cared for, so please. expect the very best. power humidifier and acre. . . and 947-3585 OPEN .sUNDAY 2:3(1.5:00 KENWOOD COURT. Center carpeting on all floors. sideration. The following INCOME FOR SALE-On WimhJlIll Pointe Drive. A hall colonial of. special homes tho not avail.s.ble ----Mike Joynt...... 946.2()';5 LAKESHORE LANE 49 in Don't be sorry tomorroW good investmcnt whether you are buying it to live in BEADLE-CURRI ER charm. Four Bedrooms, -call today! 886-4200. immedialelycan be OCCu. Tom Joynt 94'-7198 the Shores Chofee ranch. one part and rent the other. or rent both. The lot :s AGENCY 2~ Baths. Fine country pied within a reasonable unique and out or the ordinary. 'rhe garage is in the '.'., Bill McQuade 947-4833 3 bedrooms, 2 Baths. Kitchen. Pan e 1e d Li. time period. Rea1tor--St. Clair-48079 Family room. Recreation LAKEPOlNTE. Lovely 4 rear and accessible. from two directions. Great! The I Dick Fouts 947.916'7 brary. Recreation room. Phone (313) 329-4200 J room. Many extras. Cen- bedroom center entrance N.' EDGEWOOD. Enduring upper and lower Hre almost identical. Two bedrooms Dick Nicolen 946.9431 $56,500. ,i Theta Fouts 947.9431 tral air conditioning. Colonial with Sun room. beauty Is yours-This J. ('ach with library. Ie you view this one interior and TONNANCOUR. Choice Living room with fire- bedroom ranch on large exterior, you will see how well built it is, Jane Martin 946.2777 MIDDLESEX 798 n ear Arnold Bohn 947-3155 French Provincial near place and dining room lot. Comfort and ease are $3B,500 will buy this fitle three bedroom located in the Windmill Pointe Drive. HOLIDAY lake. 5 bedrooms 41k are newly decorated. 886. assured by ce~ltral air. heart of G~osse Pointe Farms. This doesn't sound . CaJII Cod. Like new. 5 SF,'ECIALS YEAR AROUND snow frame baths of whIch 1 bedroom 4200. attached gar age, lawn like much until we throw in the nift>, den and two on exclusive Kassuba Lake bedrooms 31k baths. New and bath 8re on 1st floor. full baths. Now, doesn~t this sound good? It Is ... Kitchen with built.ins, sprinkler. Don't hesitate. I OCCUPANCY BY near Otsego Ski Club... bed. Central air conditioning. SADDLE LANE. Five bed. 886-5800. YOU DRIVE UP a winding street and turn into a private. .\ CHRISTMAS! rooms, 2 full baths plus 3rd first floor laundry, full rooms, family room, for. b8sement. Immediate oc- WHITflER. South of Jef- little cul.de:sac. What a locatloJl! However, let's. talk level 10ft. $65,000. Write clo mal dining room and ex. WASHINGTON. This spa- about the house. On lhe firs I floor you will find a Open Sunday 2.5 P.M. P.O. Box 130, Gay lor d, cupancy. ferson. Substantial Colo. cious 4.bedroom home First, an extra IIpecial 3 cellent location n ear beaulUully paneled library plus a family room that Michigan 49735 or call (517) nlal. 6 bedrooms 31k Grosse Pointe Hunt Club. musl be seen. Fireplace bedrooml1h bath Colonial BY APPOINTMENT brings the outsi-le In. The slep down master bedroom 732.9473. baths. Family room. $54,. Built In 1965. Many fine and carpeted lhru.out. in move.ln condition. The 500. is so different It wlll take your breath away. On the WESTLAND. Luxurious features. 886.4200. Large family room, can second floor you will find three full bedrooms and owner's anxious, the price 13-IEAL ESTATE 'Ranch designed for small assume pre s en t mort. hllS been ~~ol>ped and he BAR C LAY. Exceptional two baths, plus great storage area. Thetc'smoi'e ... FOR SALE family. Large Family WHlTl'IER. Four bedroom ga~e. This ~s truly a slg- wanls to see oUers! sophisticated ranch In se. CONVENTIONAL Center Entrance Colonial in perfecl room. Heated cluded setting. 3 Bed. brick center hall r.olonlal. nificltnt offering! 885.5800. 3938 HARVARD $28,500 SIX BEDROOMS FOR $50,000 pool. Central air condi. condition. The 'recreation room Is quite nice. but wail Rivard near Kercheval; colo. rooms 2 Baths. Every pro- Family room, 2 natural TOllRY RD. - Cozy 2.bcd. until you get to the first floor. The first t~(ng you tioning. Really special. fireplaces, carpeting Rnd 'J Next, a desirable ranch in nlal with four bedrooms, 2 vision for ent~rtainlng room brick bungalow with nolice Is the fine living room to the left and behind ~. lhe Woods just a few blocks baths on second floor; 2 bed. SHORECREST CIRCLE, M- and diverse hobbles. drapes - also featuring good expansion for 2 more It is the famlly room. Naturally. the dining reom \s large handy kitchen, 2 !rom the lake, also 3 bed. rooms, 2 baths on third floor; tractive ranch. 3 bed. rooms, separate dining on the right. The kilchen is to the rear and there is S1. CLAIR. Well modern. full baths, 2 lavs., 2 car rooms, but with 21h baths large yard, glassed.ln porch. roo:'lls 2 baths. Paneled lzed duplex near Maumee. r.lom. glassed porch, at- plenty o( eating space. The second' floor has four on the first floor. Other Walk to schools, waterfront Family room. Recreation attached garage, sprink. tached garage. 771.6000. bedrooms and two baths and of course tnere is much 6 rooms each. Good in. ler system, Ilnd central goodies 'include spacious park, "Village" and "Hill" room. vestment at $44,900. more, so please call. Idt~hen, l!xtraro.om, aUach. shopping centers. Phone 884. air. Handy lo shopping WE LLI NGTO N. Stately VACANT FOR SALE ed garage and an owner 9461 a!tei' 6:00 p.m. LAKESHORE. Be aut If u 1 BESKSHIRE. Large Center and schools. 886.4200. Manse-on s p raw I in g who wants out! lalell view. Solid built Hall Colonial. Built 1954. grounds, has 6 bedrooms, Lakeshore Drive 150' frontagc .., $75,000 Italian Villa. 4 bedrooms LEE COURT. A (ine trl. 4 full and 2 h81f ba ths- 85S ROSLYN NOW ~,9oo ON THE LAKE 4 bedrooms, 2'k baths. L8keshore Drive Irrl'g. $15,000 3J,2 baths plus maids Family room. Larl!e glass. level located. on an exclu- library and sewing room .. PROTECTED HARBOR- Audubon 0<,., ••• , 40' frontage-multiple , $10,ooQ FINE SEAWALL quarters. Library and sive court. Large family Overlooks both lake and I' And In the, Park, a charm. ed terrace. Scmers('t . . 100' frontage .... . $55,000 Ing older C,otonlal with lots We're told that .the architect S\ln Room. Many aUra.:. room on lower level. river, bas concrete sea. BALFOUR near lake. Lux. of bedrooms and baths to who designed this magnifi- live leatures. ' Walking distance to wall and outstanding ex' Berkshirc ., , 75' lrontage .., $16,000 urious Colonial. Many ex. suit • growing family but cent residence was sent to Grosse Pointe Schools. tras. Truly exclusive liv. HARBOR HILL. Superb tras. 4 bedrooms 3lf.. at a ~in.ll hOllse price. England to study English Access to two streels. ing. Ask for Mr. Bell, 773. Manor design, In order to Early American In se. baths of which 1 bedroom Inquire, 886-4200. 1880. Purdy & Associates 972 WESTCHESTER have perfect duplication, 4 eluded location. 4 bed. and bath are on 1st floor. Just $37,500 family bedrooms, .. baths, rooms 2J,2 baths. Paneled Family room. Den. Rec. sitting room wUh fireplace library with fireplace reatlon room. Central Air 889-0500 on 2nd floor. Paneled lib- and bar. FamUy room. conditioning .. Large heat- Strongman Central air conditioning. ed pool. Superior con. Clayton C.'. Purdy, Jr. rary with fireplace, beautl. SCHWEITZERI Many extras. struction with slate roof. Mary F. Schlaff James P. Danaher ful 40' solarium. All rooms 18780 MACK Marian J. Bode Sue Megowen Adelberg have Cine lake view. Beautl. Grosse Pointe Fai'ms Dorothy Meeker Barbara S. Davis Kelly ful grourids with utmost George J. Baer, II T. Raymond Jeffs privacy. MAXON BROTHERS,Inc. 21300 MACK & associates Virginia Jeffries-Commercial, Industrial and Properly TU 2.8()()(J Grosse Pointe Woods 889-0800 KARL DAVIES 83 KERCHEVAL . Management Division. 882.0899 TU 5.3220'

d _ ------...... _ ...... -...... • .. M ., ...... h we. 0 he • ttt'r ...... = xc • rt .. _c. pft',., Tw~.Six GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursd.y,' Oecember 9, 1971

U-lEAL ESTATE j U-REAL ESTATE I U-IEAL ESTATE 1 U-IEAL ISTATI I U-aEAL ESTATI U-IEAL mATI WE KNOW OF NO REASON why )'Our fam.lly CIll't be FO. SALE I FOR SALE FOR SALE '01 $AU SAU 'C>a $AU 111by Cbr1Jtmu. This five bedroom bo....e 111the 'oa Fal'llll is ln the procus of belltg VICIted Ind is MACK.7 MILE section, nea~ ., OWNER Inust sell. 470 Me. GRAYTON - 4 bedt~-; yea min. for a tiew oWller. Kapillcent detalla Grosse Pointe. A cute.~ 1337 Sunnlngdale GROSSE POINTE FARMS - Kinley, Farm •. Move in con. WESTCHESTER-7118. • bed. 2* balhl, modem kltchen: throupout aad fireplaces In both the llv.I.a&room room ranch. FIl11 basement. Drive J Large condominium with 5 dition. 881.214Q'or 772.1239. room contemporary with Uv. $41,900. 882.6888. alld Ubllry. Prictd to be looked over, Dot overlooked. gas heat, side drive, garage. , bedrooms, 3~ blthS, up- I In" dlniDJ, family room, Handy to bus. Oroy $18,800lo':ERLOOKING Golf course'j dated kitchen, full base-, UNIVERSITY den and Ubrery on flrs t GR SSOSSEKe'nPmOolrNeT.ET..Vf.~O'bedDS., OPEN SUNDAY 2:ao.S to setlle estate. unmaculate condJtlon. 4 bed. ment. floor. 2 baths. Recrea onU 1 2 ".n:" 'TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY, and we're room ranch, 2~ baths, new A "buy" at the newly reduce:! room. All large rooms. In. room Colon1aI, 1~ baths. ROBERT C. MOORE I kitchen. attached gar.ge. i HARPER WOODS - Dam. price, tbJs bome wllb 3 very cludes carpets and drap!!s. large family room, two-car tc:ltaUc over th!I center hall coloDial at 947 VA 2.5052 loo'x240' lot. For appoint. man. Sbarp brick bungalow, lar,e bedrooms, 1~ mod. Ideal for lara fa mil y. i garage, ex.cellent condition. Lake Sbore Road. The super .•lud famJ1y room I e with III rich paneling and fireplace I.s the 21158 VAN K. center entrance ment. . ' central alt, 3 bedrooms, erlliud baths and a den (or PRICE REDUCED. 881.5189. family foeal poilll. Separate dinln, room. colonial, circular stairway. ' full y carpeted, finlshed .th bedroom) on 1st fkHlr 13A-LOTS FOI SALl formal living room and Ireat kitchen and a • bedrooms, 3 full baths, Call 886-1190 I basement, garage. sholl1d sell fast. Step-saver WM. W, QUEEN _ price ta, 01 $M.500 combine to make this beautiful Coppes Kit c hen J"OCHMOOR - 3 tedroom kitchen with dishwasber, -..141 CARMEL, LANE - Pre,Ule a pretty packaae that caD be wrapped u:> for with buiJtins, tiled asement, I A N IEL r brick rinch, finJshed base. for m 1c a counters, mllny r . FarD1J locaUoD, (lverlook.lr1g elrly delivery. partially carpeted. i ment, garage. Vacant. Own. cabinets. ! MIDDLESEX, 625. H bed. lake. Sale or trade. 881-2257. 11/777 WEDGEWOOD. 4 bed.j , er anxlous! KARL DAVIES ' room Farm Qllonial, 2~ IF YOU'VE BEEN PEEKING about lookJ.na for sane. rooms, 2~ baths, circular j --' --,I VERNIER ROAD _ Right on TU 5.3220 I bathJ, 2 family rooms, living LAKELAND n ear JeUerson. \ thilla with trem'Ddoll5 curb appeal, aDd oroy requite stairway. partially carpet. GROSSE POINTE WOODS -< I the Gl'oSle Pointe border. I , I room, dlnIng room. New car. lOOx17. feei. $21,500. two bedrooms, then may we ,unest you treat your. ed .•. Coppes Kitchen with H~mpton Road. 2 bedroom ' line. Brick bun,.low. Fire. 1266 G RAY TON ROAD.. petl.ng. By owner. 823.{)131. BALFOUR. 100 feet ne.r lake, self 10 this white,' elapboud coloroal in the city. blUlt.1D5. : brIck, gas heat, 1~. car ia. ' place, large upstairs, 2 bed. Grosse Poln'e Park. 5 bed-, Open Sunday 2.5. $15,000. The low lo;v price of $28,800 mak,. it .11 wortbwhiJe. SCHULT2 HOMES ! rage, ~tove. refrIgerator, rooms, basement, garage. room brick colonial, newly GROSSE POI NT E FARMS. d I Iaund~. Close to schOOls, decorated, natural fireplace, ST. CLAIR SHORES Lake Shore Road near Pro. START WITH four bedroomJ, add a den, two baths. Open Sunday 2.5 [sboppmg. $25,500. Owner. PAT BURTON 2 car garage, corner lot. 1m- venca!. Il7x230 feet. dining room, living room with fireplace, :lna a kitchen with buUt.1n ealib, a..ea. Make certain B8l.9033 884-4423 TU 1-0136, '173-1584. TU 6.8400 mediate possession. Open On Rio Vista. 3 bedroom, 1~ there's a two.caraara,e all the 60' wide lot aDd a Sunday, 2-5 or calI owner bath ranch, witb family McKINLEY. 4OXIl. feet...... &IN> TROMBLEY. D u pIe x site. fenced .ide and back yard. Now put it within SANTA SAYS - HURRY FIVE BEDROOM HOME Ior appolnt mellt _-..-11 or room, large screened porch walkin, distance of the Vill8ge and price it under NEAR LIGGETI' SCHOOL 886~1118. a:"d atuc:hed two.car ga. $12,500. $34,000. Total these all up and we'l1 met:t you at YOU CAN MOVE IN BEFORECHRISTMAS II year old home In the Woods, I rage. Kitchen has built In MAXON BROTHERS, INC. 781 Notre Dame. , excellent condition, centralj :MIDDLESEX - Looking for a range, oven and dlspoul. 882~ ATTENTION: Out of town buyers. Check tbest! features air conditiorong, electronic dream house? see this cus. AU carpeted aOO draped. GREAT FAMILY ROOM, central air, and flexible floor compare mini down payment, quick possession, shar; tilter, gara~e door opener. tom bullt 4 bedroom home Basement beautifully fmlsb. plan, are features In this bandS'>me off.the.heavy- colonial. 3J,2 bedrooms, plus bath, family room and ; Drapes, carpeUng etc. Avall. with every desirable feature ed with wet ,bar. Only 11 GROSSE POINTE FAlUfS- traJ1lc.route Woods ranch, near V.L, Barnes and lav. on first floor. Walk to schools, shops, St. Claire I, able for Inlml!diatecccu- you could want including years old and priced to seU. Star of The Sea. Parish, 1338 Grayton. pancy. 884-7706. pool. McKinley - Ideal residential , lot. Excellent locaUon to . IF A MINI-ESTATE is what you're looking for, picture HAMPTO~ RD.• GROSSE POINTE SHORES. Sparkling 'I , 1823 ANITA _ Extra lar,e R. W. SMITH, broker-884-354.5 schools and shoppin,. a five "bedroom English Tudor on I,~ of an acre, " ranch with 3 Cll!)' fireplaces, fonnal dining room, SCENIC, 40 ACRES I kitchp.n and attractive price, ~ bloek fro-.n the lake. First floor contains a huge 2 bedrooms, IIf. baths, library, rec. room, 2¥.1 car BROWN CITY make this 3 bedroom home FOR SALE by owner. nuee- 6 lots borderlni on Lake. dining room, living room, with natural fireplace, at.ttched. garage, electric door opener, fenced yard Beautiful rolling land partly a must see. $18,800. I bedroom Coloni.l, Hi baths, shore and Moross. Attrac. panelled library. large kitchen and a breakfast room. tlvely priced. With patio. wooded. 2,600' ri~er frontage OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 air-conditioned, fen c e d • i There's much more iJ\cluding q,Jick possession. ' n on fast running river, 3 bed. yard, fully carpeted, finished WM. W. QUEEN 204 RIDGEMONT is a real surprise package. From the BUCKINGHAM 41~Price reduced--St. Claire Parish. room brick farm home, large 1191 FAIRHOIME _ Spacious basement, $36,900. BM.5764. 88H141 curb you might Dever guess that inside are three Dutch Colonial, 4 .bedrooms plus bath, large livIng barn, $35,600. Land contract semi.ranch. 3 bedrooms on GROSSE POINTE SHORES- bedrOOmJ, two beautifll1 batbs, a family room with room N.F.P., di~g room, den, Kitchen eating terms. nice lot. Move !'l condition. A III' a r d winning designers fireplace, jazz;' kitchen with plenty of eolting sllace. area. Walk to ClaIre school, 10% down plu! closing CAMERON PLACE, 105x124. costs. LANPHAR'S REALTOR Georgian Colonial. Arehitect a super basement and all equipped with year-round WILCOX Excellent loeation with lake 1.724.2J40 Imlay City 884-3550 landscaper &lnd interior deco. temperature control. We'll open the package ... view. Priced to sell, term. FIRST OFFERING rator ereated this new i bed- Ivailable. \ . ccme look. COLONIAL - 3 bedroom, 2~ WAYB'ORN-5-5 flat. 45 foot 550 LAKEPOINTE-Custom built English Colonial lea- baths, den. 19991 Wedgewood room showplace. Complete SEE WHAT' FRESH REDECORATING and a new turing la~ge livi~g ro~m. with natural fireplace. lot. Owner will finance. VA with elegant furnJ.ahinl, car- UNIQUE REALTY Drive. Owner. 881.7866. 4.5657. kitcben have done it) th1s all brick two story house Modern kitchen WIth built.ms. Formal dining room peting aDd draperies, lo- 778-4900 It 25f Merriweather. A paneled and beated room on breakfast room with bay, powder room and sW: cated near the lake on beau- ON A lovely street, Grosse the second floor makes for I fine bobby room or room. Second floor-6 bedl'O(Jms, 3 baths rec. room tifully landscaped and wood- small Illurth bedroom. Ready to into next ed lot. Offered by owner. Pointe Woods, Glen Arbo.r mov\? tiled with fireplace, sprinkler system, ~et:ently re- LIGHT YOUR FIRE Lane. Call 839-8100. week. decorated. Grellt house for large lamily. Assumable ElJ'ly POSBeUiOD.Attractive $23,000 mortgage at 6~ %. Call for appointment. in the natural fireplace at the Jefferson Apartments, mortaage f1nancinc. For ap. 16-1'ETS FOR SALE ON, BEDFORD ROAD is another five bedroom with Grosse Pointe's newest condominium. Relax IDd be polntment VA 1}-I(rlO, 889. stair. to a full attic. This one boasts generously pampered. A door man parks your car, received 0394, alter 6. 9 MONTH dog, loves children. prClporUone'd rooms, " library and a large kitchen your paaagea and stores your groceries ln a spet'ial Puly.Silkyfi'errier . Reason. which hiS been revamped. The basement is a GEORGE PALMS refrigerator if you are not at home. There is 110 need able. 886.9179. showplace and just the place to keep the kids under. to arrange 'now removal or exterior maintenance. RIVER HOUSE CO-OP foot. Bottle this one Ind we'll label it sold. REALTOR )faximu:n insll1ation insures a qttiet environment. Studio apartment for sale. TWO BLACK female peodles. Y~u: iee maker a~d wet bi.r are ready for enter- New kitchen with breakfast 13 weeks old, A.K.C. 372. TU 6-4444 tauung. Plan • trIp. Three security systems will bar. Many other extras. :un. \' . A Family Business For Over A Century guard your apartment.home. Of course, it's so $89.a5 monthly payment in- -; pleasant there you may a.;t want to leave. Be ('lie NEED temporary home 10r cludes all utilities. For ap. one or two cats. Call TW R. G. EDGAR of the 38 owners. Visit the maciel apartment 17111 pointment call 822.{)566 or .1-7492. East Jefferson. Enter aD Neff or SI. Clair. 0peJi 12 881-7006. to 5 dally except WedneSday. 882.7708 or 886-4880. PERSIAN kittens, ',Cameos and & AS$OCIATES I OPEN SUNDAY, 2.5 Torties, shots and papers. If Your Choice 19783 Ida Lane West. Situlted 885.5672. 153 KEItCHEV AL 886-6010 on quiet Grosse Politte SI. woul~ be an attractive 3 bedroom l~batb Colonial with HANDSOME Chihuahua look- Family Room on a traffic.free tree lined street in t.he / This attractive 3 bedroom brick ra~h with an assum- ing lor a girl friend. TU Farms, then we' urge you to insist on seeing this leading j 6.6789. candidate. Value priced at only $39,500. able $31,000 mortgage hilS a GROSSE POINTE large living room, (or mal POODLE puppy, beautiful, WHEN YOU TH!NK OF REAL ESTATE dining room, Florida room, VERY SPECIAL center RANCH with nothing to do 'dark apricot, A.K.C., excel. eat.in kitchen with dishwash- Mother-in-law hall COLONIAL in prime but move in - 3 bed. lent quali~. 776.9729. THINK OF Farms location. Living rooms, large I u n n y er and finished basement living with you? Here's a roomy home on Three Mile r~tn and paneled library kitchen, famlly roo m, with "recreation i-or,;ri.Ex. OLD ENGLISH Sheep dog, Drive that may be just the answer for her . , . and with fireplaces;. kItchen paneled games room and cellen,~ ,co nd it ion. Owner 1 year old. 889.0188. ". " .. : ) you.. Her own sujte on the first floor .• bedrooms and 3 p a'n try and built.ins, .2 ear attacbed garage. tr.ns~erred and anxious' to baths upstairs for you. Beamed ceilings, music loom master bedroom with .Montieth School close by. sell. Call to See. 886.9014. BLACK Labrador retreiver large kitchen, etc. Priced at only $43,500. Quick posses: fireplace plus 3 family, puppies, excellent bloo4 liJ\~, sion. 6O'x250' lot. Good vahle. $35,900. TU 1-6300. I TAPPAN bedrooms, 31,2 baths and NEW FIVE BEDROOM especially female," whose se~ants' quarters. A LOTHROP - Newly dec- father was Canadian field HOI HOI HO cboice offering at $97, orated and carpeted 4 Designed with a family in trial Champion and mothe\' Priced to sell quickly, ,3 bedroom brick ranch with up. Friendly and Inviting 500. TV 4-0600. bedroom in the Farms. mind, built with the quality was runner up in American dated kitchen, recreation room with bar, almost new Ranch home quietly resting on a secluded treed lot in Terrace, 2 car garage construction and materials National Field Champilllf cerpetlnz. Excellent condItion, 7. MUIR ROAD. LAKEPOINTE - AUrac. and SP!ie1oUJ lot. High ship. $75 each. Call ~im 641. Grosse Pointe' Woods within easy walking distance of tive 4 bedroom, 21,2 bath you expect from us. Secluded Barnes or Star of Sea schools. 3 bedrooms. BeautUul quality throughout. TU street South of Jefferson. 5085. , CHRISTMAS DELIVERY English COLONIAL with 1-4200. family room with Ben Franklin firp.place. 2 car attached attractive low Interest I FREE KI'ITENS to a good Immediate possession, 3 bedroom ranch in the Woods garage. Particularly appealing to those who enjoy true TWO ELMSLEIGH LANE home, six weeks old, trained. with large kitchen, beauUfully finIshed basement, large mortga,e. Kitchen with ENGLISH MANOR on Earh' American architecture. $54,900. breakfast nook, den and Windmill Pointe Drive. 4 GROSSE POINTE CITY 885.3618. r yard, 1370 NEWCASTLE. ! terrace. A fine iamily large family bedrooms, Open daily, Sunday 2-4:30 BEAUTIFUL AKC B,a s S'!l~ SA,:NTA'SFAMILY PItESENT home well priced. TU 1. 3¥.1 baths and servanh' Understated Elegance. 4200. quarters over garage. male, one year old. $75, with Good " bedroom home dellgned for full family livability Brick walled front courtyard. A rear view best reveals Elegant paneled living WAL TER H ~/tAST CO terms. 1-693.1334. :': It modest price, within walldng di$tance to all schools. FIR S T OFFERING of Owner very anxious, reduced price, 406 FISHER. the, spaciousness 8nd 'graciousness of this superbly de. room with fireplace and 882-1401 168-'ET GROOMINGl,.. signed and constructed home in Grosse Pointe City. soUdly built one owner balcony, family roo m, SURPRISE YOUR WIFE Included are 1 bedrooms. 4~ baths, 25 foot library, home on Westc:tester _ sun room, large break. 1869 STANHOPE. 2 bedrooms, ~ROOMING - SChnauzers $7, 3 car heated garage, etc. . . . 4 bedrooms, 21A1batbs, fast room aDd pantry, den. attached garage. By ap. Roodles $8, Schnauzer stud " 4 bedroom, 2¥.1 bat~ c(>lonial at end of court off Wedge. den plus sun room, new. Many luxury features in- I pointmcnt. 881.8443. service. 888-4882. wC'Jd; neu Liggett School. BUilt 1983, 27 foot family ly modernized kitchen cluding excellent boat room with pegged floors abd fireplace, lovely library, Lakeland and additional quarter .. facilities. 1'0 4.Q600. dining room, 2.ear attached garage, 922 AVON COURT. on 3rd floor and over ga. Perfect package to suit your family. This altractive COLONIAL in the Shores TOP OF YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST rage. $48,900. 'W 1.6300. H 5 bedroom 3~ bath Colonial has the goods to make llvin~ - Newly d.ecorated in II FIRST OOTERSG A~~~! ~~,m>. ,..."t1, 1123 ", BRYS, specially priced deluxe 3 bedroom ranch r~ally eni.oyable. Den and family room, large kitchen, ELFORD COURT - Sharp beautiful taste and ready \naintained. Three large bedrooms, separate break. with extra large rooms, IfJx20 ft. family room with fireplace 111 master bedroom. etc.... all resting on a 3 bedroom, 1¥.I bat h for that someone who I fast room, first floor lav, recreation room, two' car Ilr"place. good kitchen, 2.car attached ilarage. beautiful 176 foot wide lot. Immediate possession. RANCH in tbe Woods. wants one of the finest I garage. Under $40,000. Large Jiving room with homes in the Pointe. 6 FOR THE WO)fA~ WHO HAS F.VERY'rHING A .Joy To Live In! fireplace, kitchen built. bedrooms, 4'A1 bat h s, I BALFOUR 841-A charming villa in the Park with four Tastefully decorated 3 bedroom ranch with spacious ins, b rea k f a s t nook, fino breakfast room, .2 bedrooms, three baths, a modern kitchen and library. JIving and dining areas, situated on beautiful lot In the Nestled among large homes on exclUsive Windmill games room with fire. Clr attached garage, spe- Spacious grounds and a very well cared 'for home. Woods and Shores (with park pasles for both). Price Pointe Drive, this distinctive Colonial is well buUt and place. TV 4.0600. cial healing 8'1d many I See our picture ad on Page 13. . reduced, 505 ROSLYN, ~eautlfully finl~hed. 4 bedrooms, 21h baths, library with other special features. ftreplace, family room, elc, . . . Privacy assured by LOTHROP in prime "rural" We're proud of this ofter. RENAUD 152Q-Move your family for Christma's into this CHRISTMAS SHOPPING? deep landscaped iot. $77,500. Farms setting - Out- ing. $135,000. TU 1-6300. lovely farm colonial. In move in condition. A dream Holidays 11I'111be warm and cheery In 5 bedroom, 3J,!z standing 4 bedroom, .2 family room for your Christmas tree and ',loads of SHORECREST CIRCLE _ bath English featuring two.story living room, lar,(e dining bath TRI.LEVEL Con- room for all toys. Locllted on a street of fine homes room, library, spacious new kitchen, new paneled recrea. Middlesex temllorary with family Lovely 3 bedroom, 2 and priced at $130,000. bath luxury RANCH with tlon room with fireplace, large lot. Excellent condition, Slate. roof, copper gullers, and the rich genuine paneling room, l00x237 foot site LAKECREST LANE 23-New England charm near the 1305 WHI'M'IER. 'with magnificent view hath paneled family and are Just 3 reasons why you're apt to enjoy living in this outstanding activities lake on a dead end street. This four bedroom, two spacious English Tudor home. Large lot. 5 bedrooms, 3~ and 2 car attached ga- and a half bath beauty has an extra large living A BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS PACKAGE baths ... $61,500. rage. Only $64,500. TU roo m ('1fJx32), sauna room, new furnace and and dining room. , Get all wrapped up In this 4 bedroc:n, 21h bath colonial 1.6300. on plus 100 ft. lot, northwest corller, JEFFERSO:'ol Jc 2 car attached garage. HAWTHORNE IISS-HAVE YOU ~ISSED SEEING BERKSHIRE. Large livIng room, formal dining room, Luxury Colonial NOTTINGHAM - Cuslom One of our finest one. THIS fine four bedroom, two bath hOllSe. It has unusual breakfasl room, family room, ExcellenUy located. decorated and c:larming story offerings and it's central air con~itloning, two car garage,. You can Tree shaded, with private heated SWimming pool and 3 bedroom COLONIAL, close to the lake. Under move .right in. C..o\LL US, WE'LL BE HAPPY' TO BE HOSTESS WITH THE MOSTESS pool house in the back yard. Four generous size" bed- especIally appealing to $70,000. TU 1.6300. SHOW IT TO YOU. rooms, mahogany paneled faml1y room separate den SpaclDus and graclous house in excellent condition for a family interested in an. ANITA - Pez:feclly kept large kitchen with complete buill.ins .'. . Beautifully tiques and quality con. HU"TINGTON 21227-HARPER WOODS. NOW here is large family at realistic price. 5 bedrooms, 31h 'hath 3 bedroom, 1¥.I bath face decorateu and landscaped. Plush carpeting. Every im. strucllon. Parquet floors an exceptionally large tBnch with three bedrooms English located near the lake and waterfront parlls, brick RANCH near Ferry Bnd a good size family room. Attached garage. 719 LAKEPOI~TE. aginable extra. Just 20 easy minutes driving time to in living room, dining downtC'wn business. $78,000. Fllr those who demand the School. Family room, I)fMEDIATE POSSESSION )fAY BE HAD. room and family room. cozy fireplace, g am e s best. TU 1-4200. TOO BIG TO WRAP area in basement and FLATS Two family flat on beautiful HARCOURT 780.82 with ENGLISH 21h story de. aUnched gar II g e. Mid SOMERSET 1346-FIRST OFFERING of this all brick each unit offering living room, large dining "L", ~odern signed lor large family $30's. TU '1.6300. six and six. Two car garage, 2 natural fireplaces kitchen, 2 spacious bedrooms and family room. nO\l' When You Really Care clln I - 4 bed roo m s, 21,2 two gas furnaces .. Excellent condition. ' for complete InformllUon. I about making a sound investment in the purchase of a COLONIAL .ne8r Mason home . . . you should begin your search by selecting baths, plus third floor School, wilh 3 bedrooms, TROMBLEY 90B-Beautiful flat, one of the most spacious ENJOY THE MAGIC OF CHRIST)fAS a broker who takes an interest in providing a profes. quarters, lamlly room, '11k baths, family room, Income properties In all the Polntes. Each unlt has I sional service. One whO is dedicated to all phases of his terrace, remodeled kitch. fireplace and gar age. three bedrooms, two baths, den and breakf,'St room. ~ in spacious 3 bedroom, 1~ bath colonial, excellent floor en and 2 car attached ga. plan entertaining, cheerful kitchen for holiday baking, I profession, one who does his homework daily. Owner. transferred. Good Extra large Uvlng and dining rooms. natural fIre. : We believc in the value of accurate appraisals. We rllge. OIlers invited. Tt' value. $33,800. TU 1. places, thr!'!e car garage. Third floor includell two : bonus gIft of aIr conditioning Included, 1731 NEW. i 1.6300. CASTLE. ! provide you with sounder direcUon as a result of a 6300. bedrooms and bath. , dedicated approach to our business. , If you want to save lime and get ,better results ... VACANT " I we suggest you start your housing search with one of JEFFERSON & HAaCOURT-Zoned for multiple dwell. : lour consultants today. JOl-INSTONE & ing. CClmplete plans available., : TAPPAN JOHNSTONE , I BORLAND. McBREARTY REALTORS CHAMPION , ,• 884-6200 REALTORS The Hallmark of Broker Dependability Realtor . to Kercheval . On.the.Hill 395 Fisher Road Ttt 6.3800 We're here to help YOU! TU. 4-5700 •, 102 KERCHEVAL • "ON THE HIJ,L" ,:

(I 1:" Thursd-r, D~emHr 9, 1971 (; RO 5 S E POI t:I TEN E W------_._------S Twenty-Seven 1CSt-PET GlOOMING 111-'AIN'TING AND llL,.;-TILl WORK 11S-CAIPINTlI III I Up ROles." Eacb elrl attend. of Beaufort ud flown from ------.----\ DICOlATIHG · t' Ing will reeeive one Ion,. South Carolina to Puerto Rico FINEST Cultured Marble HARRY SIUTH Short and t0 The Poln e stemmed Amerlean Be.uty by the unit. to the orphanace, ,.' SILVER SHEARS PAINTING. Deat, experieDf!ed. produets. Bath tubl, faee BUILDING CO. 1'OIe. man.,ed by 7().year-old MRS. PET SALON relerencea. ,..alCHlable. After bowl •• T.ble, cOlm1lr. b.r ' 'Estab1lJbed in • • • CARMEN DIAZ. 5. 1'\1 I.S3OI. W.ll w•• bine. topa. Sills. p.aell. Groase Pointe Are. SInce 1837 I ....-.am GUAR~TEED RESULTS - ...... &. ., ~" , ' Stepbella road, DON HIRT, of -- _ ... " ... " ~..... 1.:500 pound. 01. chIldren's boulevard, M.A. in Curric:u. 'LicenseCi CODtractor movlq. M.terial, workm.ll, COMPLETE MASONRY • BaJlour road, and ANNE In Educ.tIon; aDd MARK J. clothing, toys IDd scftool sup. lum; and RONALD A. HEIN. DOERN ~ONSTRUCTION 'lJIhIa!'lt-Jo"="an.nteecl.For eet1. REPAIRS 881-1024 HENRY, of Uwversitv place, POHNL. 01. Anita avenue, in piles. col1ec:tt'd by unit per. RICHS. of Hunt Club drive. PR 3-6500 wiLLi.uI FORSYTHE New IIld Repairs are members of the ~Westem Advertla1D~. • • IOnnel aDd concerned cltlzel2ll M.S. in 'Botany. 20A ""A'.PIT. "'VI ....G VAlley NI01 e Brick. Block. StaDe ------Mleblian UniversJty Sym. KR. IDd MRS. THOMAS -- _....1------·C~mellt Work Modernizationpilony Orchestra which pre. ROBERT QUILTER, III, of I....--C-A~,'-P-ET-LA-YIN-G-- TED'S w.n paper remO\m" • W.terprootine Mills Its 1971 C1l.riJtmll COD. Stll1tOll laDe. .llDOUIlee the CITY OF CROSSE POINTE NJiW AND OLD ! exdUllvely. Free eillimate.. • Tuck PoiAtiaI I(ORE VALUE I. )'Our eert, fe.twin,( a performance b1rtb of • son, THOMAS ROB. Stali' carpet S2IIfted lDJured. "N5I. "PORCHES A SPECIALTY" money. AdditioU. kitehel1l, of Beelhoven's Ninth Sym. ERT QUILTER. IV,Novem. WAYNE COUNTY. MICHIGAN Repair. of A1l1'7Pel . IINTERIOR. aDd exterio~ •• '.to '1'11.1253 An'ER 6 P.M. dormer.. baaemtllt., bath. phony. this SWlday. December ber 16. M.... Quilter is the • B .. - ...... ,rooms. w.n removala. No 12, at 3 o'clock in WKU's for Ill. e r v ....THY BRADY. CI,.ret. IU'JII ...... OVeD m•. Flee utlm.tef'. Quality C .....IZZO CONST."UcnON j b too aU to ._- ~ ~ A 0 am or .... ,.. J.m .. W. Miller AudilorJlIf\l. d..... Io(er. 01. MR •• Dd MRS. ALSO m.terials used. Free eet1- /lJ1 types of CelDeJlt .nd B 01" "'R INC • • --- NE,W,,.CJJtPET .S.ALES mates. LA 7-5311 alter I. Brid: Work I un E BI':,.n,os • EDKUND M. BRADY( of Sun. NOTICE OF REQUEST TO a1kJ Ollce moSU5 FLORENCE LED Y A R D. nInldale drJve. P. t e r p a I Sample~: ~ la ALL AROUND paintiq and Driyeway., patiol, W • Eveninla un 11.TV 1'" d.u,hter of MRS. WILLIAM ,r.ndpareDtJ .re MR. and Your Home wall wUhlq. Inaured. Jeue • te P ~, ehiJDDey repaJr, LEDYARD. of Dy.r l.ne. lw MRS. THO MAS ROBERT VACATE STREET. BOB 'TRUDEL P.... VAlley 2.7M8 ne- 'w~terproof1Dl. QUALITY WORK by carpen. been aeleeted by the student QUILTER. JR. of Blalnnoor ,i :'. TtJ' 5-0701 IWlp AD tJpu of exc.vatlDl ter with oyer 20 years expel'. body to serve IS one 01 the court. Notice is hereby given that the c:ouncil of il--MOV~c; • COMP~ d- •.,.... P.. ~k ::=: i... ce In Grosse Pomte. 0. .arlalld bearers during the • • • the City of Grosse Pointe at its meeting scheduled 5T- AGE ... -..... chens remodeled. buem ... tJ 42Dd annual "Hlnllng of the ELIZABETH LAN D E R Sf VIV\ perbu ..... leaured; 1UU1Il' 885-0812 paneled. room addltlou. ete, G,..ns" Pl'Olram .t Temple daugbter of DR. and MRS. for December 20. 1971 will consider; a request to KEN'S}(QVING-Local, wI). teecL AI SChIMlder. TV 1~ DE SENDER CollIcientiOUl. SmaU joIlt BueD Cone,e. a four.year JAMES W. LANDERS, of vacate Caroline Avenue between Cadieux and . urbl. One piece or bouaefu1, GEORGE S. CALLY CONSTRUCTION .cceptable. TU ~. 8M- fuUy.aerredited Uberal arts SUJU1lngdale driye. bas beell •; Low ra~l. TV. z-asao. P.lDtin.. pallel'banliDl aerY. Chimney repair. brick, block 17.. /!Ollele for womell In Denver, ,pled,ed by PI Beta Phi soror- Notre Dame 18 a public street. Said meeting will . ~IA-:o'JAHO SIIVICE in, thJs eommwdtJ' over ~ ;r':h",~:~~~ -C-U-ST-R-ED-C-O-N-STR-u-cn-a-N-Colo. • • • ~an~J1e~~~h~~:~ty~ be held at the Municipal Offices. 17147 Maumee )'ears. . penter work ANNA HUSBAND, of Calvin freshman. Avenue, beginning at 8:00 o'clock P.M. PIf\N<;l_.- ~ING. ud repair. !.1.7_ After I p.m. VA Z-6liG' 822.1201 Complete remodeHna IIervlee. aVtllue. direetor of the De. • • • . mg. 'IhOm•• PeWt. IM-2501. PROFESSIONAL Floor Saad.. Adci1tioDI.reereailoD room, troJt CommUDity IIl:Ilc School, ChOMn to participate in the ,COIllPI:lETll: p 11II 0 lIernee. iIIt aDd flnisbln•. Specializ. 21'-WATEIPIOOFING .u..opeaded Cellini'. earpea. ill one 01 the jud,,, for a Stratelic Air Commud's elite T•. W. KRESSBACH ~ '/ TwiliJ.. ftbulldin., refiJlisb. lnI hi d.rk 1t1liDinl. ' 'SuppIJ ONTARIO CONSTRUcnON try. No job too small. Re- Piano Competition SllOl1Iored Combat Compet1t1011.t KcCoy City Clerk , Ing. de.moth1llg.llI. mb e r own pclwer." Call for fret 88l-MOO Pair, a ,peelalty. LieenJed b1 the PJIDO' Techn1eian', AIr Force Balle. Fla .• Decem. : ,~a~,o ,TedmiclanJ Gulld. B. estlma.te. W. Abrab.m, TW W.terprocltIDc IIlIUNd. m.2U4 Guld, open to atudents In ber 12 through l'f is Staff 5er. Publish GPN 12.9.71 and 12.16.71 :~~ecli},'131.~~ 1~. UD4erplll footiIII pUbJJe or private acbools. ,eut JOHN W. KOCH. a 1968 i' _ ..Ieeave in al1I Il'.dn seven through 12, with. NolTe Dame !Ugh School gr.d. ZIt-SEWING MACHINE KURT O. BAEHR B"'r-w • w CARPEN'l'ER-Door replace- hl a 75-mUe radius of Detroit, u.te who h.s completed "'Yell ", ,,;.SE~VICI , CUSTOM Paintlnl and J)eew. lIIIured IJeeued ment.Dd locks. ibelva, wilh flnt place .w.rd • $100 mODth.' duty in Vietnam, son 'ti'EWING MACHINE ...... irI.' .tlnr,. W.U paper1Da. Guu. CAlIAP~ OOofNwSTIl. =: ~C::i::,,~~ eslimatel. United State. Saving. Bond of ~R. and MRS. GEORGE CITY OF .w.... •...~~...... ~ --o.l_ •• ~. La ..".... 1 aDd eoaslder.Uon for u ..... H. Kodl. of Seve"" road. All, .,"",' all maku, . AU ...-... ~~ -...... • Guaran6--" • Re.-"b'~ ..- • • • • l-Snl - - ... pearuce with the Detroit L parts, .toeked. !ne estJ.. l.lceJl8ed aDd IDIurecl l1T-PLUMBING AND Symphor:ly Orchestra. JlJDY BROWN, daughter vf "m.:tea.;88;Z.l881. R. ir' T. ' PROFESSIONAL ~12 HEATING • • • MR•• nd MRS. JOSEPH J. ~.J'ointt J,.... 1I1e-ELICT-iIoICAL palntln(lDterior aDd ex. Receivillg B.ebelor of Arts BARTON, of Severn road, was '.. ~ ft terlor. Free .. tim.tea. t62 BASEMENTS WATERPROOF. LARRY'S CUSTOM decrees from Mlchi,an State recently elected to tbe House • S.IYICE Roland. G r 0 ., e Pomle ED-Re.lOIIable rates. work. PLUMBING AND HEA'1'ING Vniven1ty durlnl fall term Couneil board of her residence NOTICE EcTJtlCAL 'Repairs. Majc)r FIrDl.I. 882-4588. ~~p ,.r~Z:O~eed. 881. .Re~~=::~ eol!1DleftCfJmentexercises De. h.n.t the Ullivenlly of Mlch- and minor. 8M-54'l1or 1Bt.lpAINTING _ Wa"-~~.I-,. Water Beatera-A./O. Smitb cember. were RONALD J. (gill, where she 11 a pre.Law I: 2750, Whiter r,.tel. Pir;.'tiS7, 2-1-Q---P-LA-ST-E-.-W-O-I-K, - Perm.~'.- and Rbeem DeMUNT£R, of MOWltVernon fretbm.n. and Is serving as TO TAXPAYERS I -- road, with bonora, and ROB. chalrmall of.the Deeember 11 CANNON, ELECTRIC, Pit , 7-5879. SPECIALIZING hi repaifa for Glusllne . ERT J. PLANCK of Neff StodtweU H.n C!.nutmas for- The 1971 County and School Tax is now pay- COMPLETE ELECTRICAL IC Ie C PAINTING--Interior 18 )'tll'l~ er•• ~te4. TV 1.7410 road, In Te1evlaioD Pet Radio: mal. "Everything'. Coming r:",.SERVICE . and exterior, waU paperm, Clean. JimBlaekweU.: VA FOR. CLEAN aDd 4WeDdable GARY W. HABERKORN, of able at the City: Office.9Q ~KerbyRoad, Grosse' . ~ESIp'~ . 11 .... I.~ .Re~-ble 110111' ---'-, ..a.ll .JIIOYtnII1IIl .. Audubon road •• nd NICOLAE Pointe Farms, MichJglln 48236. OMMERCW,;, INDUSTRIAL ;:e. =.. i"";'ears" . I.': PiUi8ING aDd BiATIN~ ,...... 2M-I741 exper~nce. VE ~1. Zla--ruINITUII Plumblq Lk:eue, #oaae, Ev.Luthllan 1E-:..$TORMs AND ------~-- UPAI~ TUxedo '-'812. St. Paul Ev. Payment without penalty may be made up to 1,SC.IINS MILlS ., ELEGANCE IN PLUMBING repaIrS. Major Churoh and including February 14, 1972. Vftlllar .... It Wedlewoo4 )~~I\JUO, ~ONSTItUCTIQN'Painting-Decorating ClIItom~~~ deco- and miIIor, 1M-H7il«'" Latkan Church Dml, 0_ Polak Woo4 L.... ,. Beginning Februa.ry 15th, a 4'lo c.olledtion ,<... ..' . 881-4400 . C W ..L rit1.. fabriea; JII'OCeuJou1 Z7SO. c...... TV ....,...,. ~ '"pj ood .•iId 'sleelwmdow,. reo .... usto~ o~....' DeedlepaiDt IIlOUIlt1Dl. tapes- fee wJUbe added as provided by law. "j)J.cem'lItw!'th IltwWtwin. 268-2525 tria IJId ,ard; cbA1rI IIId 21V-IILVEIPLATING w. 1!Wlg You to Worship 011111. WOI'IbIp .:10 IIId With UI 11:00 1.1II. i__dow hardw.re.Permltse •• y . .. . atoola In atoek. EWALD. • SUver and (;old PlatinJ ~ 8cIbool s:so Pay your taxes before February 14, 1972, batleaDiD. of boUa .Jdu of the e.tabUahecl I•• 1_ lCer. • 0xldb:1D, aDd Repalrinl 1:30 • 10:'5 WonbJp I ..... P. Klpp1el' .b«lasa ,froll" iIpldectl the P Ie G .PAINTlNG,CO. We ebe't.l at EutlaWII. VABeJ' • Br ... Polla!I1DI. Laequerfq 8:30 Sunday School (1.18) a..,.. DPid~r. and avoid the ,collection fee. hoUJt!;'illsUl.ted or're&War do .11 phases Of . interior 2 • Fireplace Ixtura retialabed 10:. Sunday SChool (1-8) "-11111'" . . . . alld ' exterior paintlq dlf __ -811II3_.______• Copper poIisbJag and hdin( AIIt. ."'r .... cu.... W. IItIlINcIc The City office will close on December 31, ftsurtd r L1cellled rel'l;1r~. There ia,'. dif Ji'lJRNlTUnJl: repair, e.n1nI. LEEBERT ~i . ,~. .,. ... ference - ql.\allly.8854," ruth. aDtique. ao ex. .... le&Mtl L...... y~.... GROSSlt POINTE 1971, at 12:00 Neon. Tax bills. postmarked on or Jlblo.oFI ..GSElViCI ifter 1 p.m. Free elt1Dl.te. perieD<'e.PR 8.4IlIO. SILVERSMITHS . IGI0 CHARLEVOIX WOODS before December 31; 1971, and received by JJnu, .w,;',l\OOF'~ GUTI'~ 1t()U I Z1J-WALL 'W.\SHING Z15-CAIlPENTEIl a b10ekl wut of Chalmen The G..... Poh'" ary 3. 1972, will be receipted as .ofDecember 31, ~5=.Wkm,.dlimDe' repaln IEXPERT. w .)J washJl'll .1Id DOING .U tJpet of c.rpeatr)' VA 2-'7318 ~I Prt/6t,t.";an. ~.'!. ' , Gulle,. clealled. pilDtiq. Free estimates. 3 work, re mod e I hi•..aWe 1971. ,>\DVANC~M:=NANCE I year, ellP.tr1e1lce. room,.. porelIU •. Small or 21W-D.ESSMAK'NG 240 Chalfonte .t Lothrop e~u,.c~ 9:30 .,m.• nd 11:00 a.m. ItHO MACK AVE. at TORREY FLO'RINE STALLARD ~EWRooFS ~~UP~irl. MAr~~~~NCE hi. jo~a:~~free. ~f:R'm~~~~DdG:~e Worship services and ROAD ...... 1 City of Grosse.Pointe.Farms ., Gutters elelned nd,r.p.ir. "ae:.oa77 MR FIX.IT stuek door? Ad. PolDte Plrk; VA 1.2131. Church Scbool Wonhlp Ser'lce 10 1.1Il. CbI1d can &hnl II_ I Treasurer I . ed. Insur(ld. ' ------1 di io l1.bell rUti "Caring" Advent WOT.hip .'.FAMOUS WALL WASHING ~1rI~ DO c';"::ter ;:':; E:r::m~.~tir:~:.c:: Crib .nd Kindergarten Tbroulh Music Published Grosse Pointe News, pecember 9, 1971 . Mt,\INTENANCE PA7.NTlNG • DECORATING maU, re.~Dlble, Mpend' Ill.rinteed, 331-seT9. Facilities AvaUable Dr. John Olert, Jr. " 838~77 . HOME MUNTENANCE able. "1at. Rev. Roy R. B.tebeo •• D.D. prelchllt. ELMER T. LABADIE. CHRISTOPHER ALTERATIONS. Experienced fOR. TV do 2 2064 'I Wlll pick up and deliver Stepllea L. Stenaer. Pastor ROOF. AND' GUTTER WORK ..xe • . CONST. CO. \me TU 1-3889. THE GIOSSE POINTI CALL:,BICH~RD WILLERTZ !,WALL WASHING, no streak: Modernization. Al~l'Iti SEAMSTRESS-Experienced IAnlST CHUlCH CITY OF , 50 ROSLYN ROAD TUl.8170' ine, drop cloths, .verale .\ddlUonl .Fami11 Room. Made to order drellm.klng, e;,.,.. P."'te U"lte4 • IILIe at MJeIr bedroo sa kit h $10 Kitcheft .nd Hecre.tloD Areu METHODIST CHUICH GNIIe Pobate Wooc1. A~L. TYIt~ roofin" lutter. Promp~' Call • f~ ee~. 5:00: E.tate Maintenance .lleraUoDs. Europeall train. ,2" ...... r... I,,"',., .... to "01""''' IIICIPl u•• Jng,carpentry, caulking. Re- TV 1.5306 JAMES BARKER ed. C.ll TV 2.1820. ':45 A.M. (;to_St 1Pointt limnS 116-2111 CHURCH SCHOOL pairs .a, lIpedalty. small johs . 1123.8585 023-8587 FUR REMODELING _ Fix MI"Ut ... 11:00 A.M. well'O,,!,e~,., Ucenaed. In. WALL WASHING, reason. I your fur aDY.• lyle or .h.pe """" A. TII_ MICHIGAN ------N-- .:15 FAMILY WORSHIP MORNING WO!U;'lIIP sured. Custred ConstructlOll. able. free estim.tes. York- H. F. JENZE ind It will come out like SUVICI: '/:00 P.M. 792.2244. ' shire Window Cleaninl. ... BUILDING new. Also aUerations. Good Church School for nun. EVENING WORSHIP 411')' throu,h ,Ixth ,ride •• Rev. J.ek Fullard, 21tt-R.ltG (WNING I' . 74111,~.Q8N. Home .nd Industrial repairs. result. guaranteed. 882~ 10:15Church School tor ,rader BIDS WANTED .ven throulh twelve. Interim Plltor _. . . . .UK-WINDOW Add Itlol2l, atUes completed. Adult HlIllnl" Ind ell•• Rey. Robert R.dcllffe, CARPET and Up h 0 15 t e r y I WASHING Poreh enelosure., i'lcreatiOD IEXlPERIENCED dressmaker cuHlon ,roup •. MiDi.ter of Chrl.tian STATUTORY, FIDELITY I Cleaning. FUl1lJture Repllr. • room., garagel repaired. will do alterations. furs .nd 11:15 WORSHIP SERVICE Church Ikhool for nun- Education Insured. ,! A,OK Window Cleaners. Sf!rv. TV 1.D744 777-6840 rellnln, .. Call LA 1.()(U5. ery lhrourh Klnderllr. , Ice on Itorms and screens. . - tell. AND MONEY AND t FA.MOUS I Free Istlmltel. 1110 II t h I, CARPENTER-All types ft. 2IY-SNOW'REMOVAL MAl NTENANCE ratell. 521.2459. . Illlr and remodeUne. Carl -B r LL CROTHERS Flnt Church of Watson, LA 8.5501. . I Unitariani8m: An Open, SEC\jRITIES INSURANCE 839-0377 G. OL'MIN ANt> SON --- __ '_,___ WINDOW CLEANING I Ii Attie. • Poreh EnelOlure. . Forward.looking Religion. Understanding CARPET, I.nd upholstering I SERVJCE • AdditiODS • Kltchella LANDSCAPING AND SNOW Sealed bids fot' furnishing statutory. fidelity deaning. 'Don Piche Jr. 294" FREE ESTIMATES G.r.let " REMOVAL R,Ue'oul Science and money and securities insurance will be reo I • The Unitarian Chur(h Dlseusslon 10 •. m. 7172, 7'75.IU44. WE ARE INSURED • Commerelal bulJdine' PR 2.1798 .fter 6 p.m. ceived at the City Hall, 90 Kerby Road, Grosse Hcrrll C. Meserue, 1Itinister LeSIon 11 I,m. 211-PA;HTIMG AND I 372~3022 I J 1M SUTTON 'SNOW REMOVAL - Depend •.1 It'tsN 'allllt War Pointe Farms, Mkhigan, 48236. unLU 11:00 a.m. DECORATING I. I ,1817 Brys Drive able, experienced. Cleared 17150 Maumee at Neff M...... I.1 I YORKSHIRE Window Clean. TU •. 2942 TU 2.2"361 within 8 hours of d.ybreak 11att. on Tuesday, Der.ember 14, 1971. at which time "Think God That Law Day PAINTE~S-Experienced. In. I Ing. Reasonable. Free estl'I-~------1 Good r.tes. Free estimate Church School 10:30 a.m. all bids' will be publicly opened and read aloud. terjor, exlerior,wlISh walls" mate.. Insured. 882.7418, I REMODELING Tony. TU 5-61116;Pine, V,A Is Every Day" windows, etc. 82300856. : 88lJ-08lM. Kitchens • Additions H457. Sunday Service 11 a.m. F. 'Iff""".rt C.II Specifications and quoting forms may be ob. Recreation Rooms • Porches 'ty, SIIt". Sall,4't DJ), Ind Rellalrs THOMAS LANDSCAPING Sermon: "Christ .. 112.5327 tained at the office of the City Manager during 'SIRVICINC THI CROSSE POINTES LieenMd • Insured CO. Dr. Hlrry Meserve office hours, 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., Monday .FOR OVER V2 CENTURY ONTARIO SNOW REMOVAL through Friday. CONS:TRUCTION I BY THE season. resldenllal. commercial. On can storm SI. Jam.. St Mlch•• I'. 881.4400 service. 881'()292. The Council'reserves the right to reject' any If'" Sty" " _._------1- EpllOol'll Church "tcft4 ,. ,'tffc... or all bids and to accept the bid deemed to be to RE~6~E~G 2. Z--LANDSCAPING I Luth.ran Church 20"15 SlIlI .. Ittt.1e P.ttl the best interest of the City of Grosse Pointe WA ..... 1'RIMMING, removal. .pray:: I McMIIIe.. .. K.rc""I' G_ PeIII" W..- Farms. lng, feedln, .nd stump re BY B.P. TU 40511 Th. Ite\'. tel • ., H. Yeeml", IM~", . KIT C HEN Alteration. movil. Free e.Umat ... COm • Raetor FOR.MICA TOPS. New Cab. plete tree .ervlee. eal Flem .:00 I.m. ZIlehlriit CARROL C, LOCK Ch.l.. U ..1c AII ..StH. .114 [net Styles In COLONIAL Ing Tree ServIce, TUJredo ':30 Ind 11:00 1m. servl~. 10:00 am. C1toral J:ul.'flwul .nd ludie Styl.. " COUNTRY, Medllerr.ne. 1.11050. .:30 I.m. Sund.)' School Sirmon Chu~h DEPUTY CITY CLERK an, Provlael.l and Modern. ------"--- IN_I')' for Small Children) SdIool - Inrant. lJINullt lUMIX' Hlttt F E ES"IM~TES ,,~ TREE and .tump remov.l- RE" n 371 eorrective prunlnr.. Elltem It... Gte,.. E. k.m, Published-Grosse Pointe News, MEIlENBACHER FENCE CO. 1 11:30 '.m. E u c h Ir lit tt4U1 FAMILY rooml Ire my lpe'l Tree service. Aa .... eriYlI Itl •• All" ,. HI'" HymM and Short issue of December 9. 1971. 1~) HAIP.I IISIDDtTIAL, INDUSTRIAL dalt)', BIK.MTl or 884.2750, service. 'l73.0e00. Ad .... P'9- Twenty.. ight GROSSE POINTE NEWS _._-----_.- Thursday, December 9, 19~_ * * * Feature Page * * ------_._------.------_._------* * * Icvenl$, and breakfast Is served Ir------, Pointer of t nterest un "closed" days for the ~~Sl.1 who. 1\'ltere and ,,'I.ainoi dents. I" (fJ-Ockets on a League dormitory atmospbere, the large but very liveable ~ormal Colomal reSidence white pant costume. For the golfer there 15 it swinging II though. The University Clu~ of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Kaiser, dramlltica1Jy situated yellow dress with short pants and a 19th hole insignia provides lot them. on the shores of Lake St. Clair, grounds beautifully on the pocket. It's a breeze light and easy care. i No Typical Day .iandscaped, rolling lawn sloping gently toward the Follow the sun fashionably at Walton.Pierce. i There's no such thing as a water. . . Typical Day in the Life 01 • • Beatlty Bar News • ... '" at '"Leon is the display of! i University Club Manager Ed .... Inside there's a foyer of Italian marble and beautiful gi/table jewelry from contemporary to an-: Grenard. crystal, and l!l that foyer there's a 200.year.old cande- tique reproductions. Fine fashion belts, too. P.S. Christ- . Sure, his schedule's easier now than it was in Galesburg- labra in a silver stand, imported from Europe . . . mcI eve and New Year's eve bookings are being taken. that club was closed only two Among living room treasures are a lOO.year-old French peT$onally by your stylist. Other appointments are' days of the year, Memprial clock-boy, an 18 karat gold lamp that has been in the bein(f booked at. the cler-k. Call TU 4-9393. : Day and Labor Day-but it's family for at least 95 years, a 336-year-olrt painting ... still a flexible schedule, de. "Y.. Better Witch •Out • . _•YOIl won't bave to cry. I * '" '" pending on what's going on . • • The green.and.gold family room with its We're &eUla,you wliy. Sllttl <.1111. b. come to MJcbeIJe's.I when. Y.. bow w-.e !lOt beeD slftpla,. You !mow whose beeD j Spanish candelabra bus a Mediterran~an flavor • • . In December, there's AL. The dining room, too, with its silk-l)aneIJed walls, is a.ake. YCMIbow the CUyor III whole ,oocl. So come ID for WAYSsomething going on. .oedMI, ute: With mea aDd wom'tD !asMOIl,a lore. Come The University Club's annual done in shades of green and gold •.• The green-and. "y • eertUlCl&e for MleIteUe', I. Siudl's favorite store." black tie Christmas dinner. magenta kitchen features walls painted to match its .,. EUeerl .ofMIdalIe', Bou~lIe, 17'" Mull AveDue.Mlcbelle', -Phc;to by EddIe McGrath. Jr. dance is tomorrow night. draperies-and a conveyor for sending trash directly • W h Opell Moliday throU(h Friday IInUl 8 p.m. for Ed Grenard, CCM, of Somerset Road, Manager of the University Club. The annual Cbildren's Chi;St. out to the garage! •.• CUiltIlll,IIIoPJUI. mas Party is Saturday, De. '" ~ '* . *. • • By Janet Mueller ,~,~------cember 18, the annual memo . .. The powder room is green with gold fixtures, The Thermador M.cro.wa~e Portable Oven: . . They <7alled the University Club Golf Party at Elizabeth, 6, (no need to note bers' Tom and Jerry Party the library burnt orange and gold with walnut panel. would ma~e a w0!1derful ChrJstmas presen~ .. Micro- the Detroit Golf Club "Eddie Grenard Day" this year. how proud Grandpa Grenard Thursday, December 23. ling and Roman striped draperies ... wave c.ooking re.quu-es ~nly on,e-f~urth the .tlme And not only did no one aSk.why-everyone wondered is 01 them!). publishes mag. Have Something New • • * U~U'I And the wives of members ally need~ ~y convenhon~l cookmg. Imagme a fl~e why no one had ever thought of doing it before. azines and annuals for the . . . Upstairs, the bedrooms are done in oranges, pound roast m only 25 mmutes, a baked potato 10 Ed Grenard'1; quite a guy.' Detroit Boat Club, the Detroit 01 the Club's entertainment committee have come up with greens, blues, golds and browns, with some unusual six minutes. With the ~ermatronic you <:an,cook in He came to the Univer,;i~y throughout the country. (Cor. Yacht Club. the Grosse Pointe furniture hardware . • • There's a Zebra rug from shallow metal pans. Put It on wheels and It IS moved Club in July. 19~. It was hiS nell for example) and the Yacht Club. Lochmoor Club, something new this year: The from, the kitchen to the family room or to the patio. third job as a club manager CeriiCica~ionCommittee start. the Engineering Society of D£;. "first" annual University Club Africa in the gold-and-whlte master bedroom, where Christmas Mart, featuring me. door knobs in the dressing area are antiques, chests See it at Mutschler Kitchens, 20227 'Mack Avenue. since gradu~tion, c~m laude, ed while he was a board memo troit S~r'ved With Fleet tropolitan area spel"'llty shop are built.in and Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser share FIVE ... • • from Knox t;ol1ege 10 1931. ber finalized during his presi. In Martha's Closet ... 373 F,isher Road, you'll find He'd maj?red in Chemistry den~y, through which manag. Jack went from Michigan boutiques set up in the Club closets ..• next Wednesday, December delightfu~ decoupage purses whtch always make great '" I and E~ucatlon,. but 1931 ~as ers ace urn u I ate "points." State University, where he 15. * * Christmas presents. Many are designed to travel South the height of the ~epr~ss!on. awarded on the basis of formal majored in Communications, The ladies thought ahead Or consider ... Mr. and Mrs. Henry Earle's white fter the holidays. There wer~ no jobs 10 hiS field education, experience, partici. into the Navy, and wound lip to the extent of mailing out stucco Italian townhouse in Cloverly road, authentic a '" .... MR.f),' tor men WIthMasters degrees, patioo in Association activities with the Sixth Fleet in tbe right.size che(k lists so their to .the iast detail of its fine antiques and priceless art let alone lowly ~llchelors: et. ..I., toward professional Mediterranean, putt.jngout the men will have something more obJects ... ..:;-e...::~ae-: ~~ta~~;.' ::: O:a: There were no Jobs, penod. CCM (Certified Club Manag. paper fo~ the Ad.lmral. than "she's about that, (nod. . '" 0-1Iet! 011 . FlorJU'J Gold Coast. Call tbem So when Ed, who'd workeel er) desi~nation. I !Ie edits all hiS club .m~~. ding in the direction of a . . . A crystal chandelier overhangs the Earles' ,.. his way through school in res. Those are contributions to azmes, and dGl!s~e majority for information •.• 881.:_. ... '" ~. taural'!ts, hotels and dubs, in. be proud of Ed Grenard is of the photographiC work for sa!esgirl), height," to go on.' two-story black and white entrance area ••• Their . ., cluding the University Club Tbank.You from lke . them in his own basement So much for the all.Cll'b living room is a bright pastorale ot piJ!,ks, yellows, South.bo.und. Gifts ... from Hlc~ey s are the ev~r in Springfield, ill., was of. He's proud too of a thank- darkrOllm. pre.Christmas ev~nts, Th~re's mauves and pale blues . • • Their library a place of popular dlstmcttve LaCoste golf shIrt. They, come In fered the managership of that you note from President Eisen- Ed Grenard has been: n also a spate of pnvate hobday warmth and "homeliness," repository for bronze cher- a handsom'e assortment of colors, are eaSIest care, I ~pringfield.University Club, he hower. When E:l was presi. membe~ of Grosse Pomte af1fairlhse"d'. t f 11th' b ubs purchased in Italy, Waterford comootes, Leich n ml s 0 a IS usy- ri t ~ it'D -d bi d and cost eleven dollars ... 17140 Kercheval. Jumped at It. dent of the national club man. MemorzalChurch for 20 years. ness, Ed Grenard has no reo p n s, a ~ueen Anne. m rr:r, an ..que res en r, s .. • • • We'll Never Know agers Eisenhower was presi. He pr~senlly serves on the grets about his choice of a . .. . Give Nostalgia ... via a replica 0/ a pot belly Hl)w Mr. Grenard would dent of the United Stat",s and Church.5 ~utreach C~uncil. g career no re"rets about his . . . Their dmlng room walls are covered "-':lth stove which is actually a night light. They are six have done if he'd made Edu. Ed, impressed by Eisenhower's 't Bofwlm 15 fone of htl.sfavoHr'decisio~ to l:ave Galesburg hand-painted silk and a French crystal' chandelier . d I t th tl .. h' 'II h' h' 1 fl I e arms 0 recrea Ion. e dollars and come m many ecorator co ors a e ca Ou 15 career we never emp aSls on p YSlc.a ~ness, bowled with the University for the University Club of De. Icenters the ceiling over their mahogany dining table Notre Dame Pharmacy know. As a club manager, he wanted to present him WIthan "'I b f b t roil troit. ... In their kitchen, with its adjoining bar ~rea, there's ;. * ... rates nn A.plus. honorary life membership in v ~ or a ou .. years. , He stayed in Springfie'd un. the Association SWitcheda few years back to Enjoys It All a touch of whimsey: Cats adorning the refrigerator ... Cbrt,tm.. Sho!plDg . .. . UD be • pJea"Dt experIence til 1938, when 'William1Roulo Th", man&ge~of the Army. the, Detroit Rotary. League, "I enjoy the hospitality, the ...... • '.' - U you let ....coblon sPeJ'lC.'uaJ Shopper take care of asked him to take over' man- Navy Club a nalional board (he s been a DetrOit Rotary people," he says. "I enjoy ... Carved Florentine pedestals and chandeliers everyone OD yoar C1lrlstn:,IJJ1~t.C.~I her .t 882.7000. agership of the Galesburg member, d~murrec. "He won't member since 1950), and last this Club. We have a tremen. of gold decorate their upstairs landing • • • One, of . (Ill.) Club. Eddie knew Gales. acclipt it. He's withdrawing' year Was a member of the dous amount of atmosphere. the Earles' bedrooms is., rose and white with blue 1 The Kaleidoscope ... focusl:'s on a -l-f.I>I:i\ burg. He'd graduated from from everything." team ,that. won the Rotary We're small, people here are "" " newsehlction of desk accessories which high school there. . But Ed persisted ... and championship. known for themselves, their accents, a Chinese screen and garden benches adjoin- (I school, not for what they do, lng its bathroom area ... Another is done in pink and include mod wood or colorful mache, I He went to Galesburg, and Eisenhower was delighted to They Love To Travel • "The people I work with on white cheeks, stripes and patterns . . . ~~~~:sn~J:n~i~n~Ol~:~:rS:.aJ~~~~s I~t~e~ -. _ ~i~~~e~o~:.-e O~~ti~fI~:. ~~~~ ~~;e~:m~:r::i: ..plated honor. T~~,::te~~~al;~ot~~~~:~~ the board could be my sons. • • ... 16135 Mack at Bedford. . ~ agcrs under whom Ed had Last year the Food Industry and Scotland three. tllne~ - Take George Parker, III, last ... Their master bedroom is pink and white, too, . '" * ... worked his way t h r 0 u g b Council,a br:mch of the Great. Jane has a speCIal frl~nd' year's president : . , Why, I with a Meissen mirror above the dresser ... and the Take Time Out ... Wednesday for tunch at the school, gave him another call. er Detroit Chamber ot Com. there,. a retired .schoolteacher served under his dad." morning room, all shocking pinks and pale 'mauves; b Bill 'Roulo bad gone from merce, presented' awards to wh.o hves now 1!1 Bath-and Tbat's some career. with its day bed and beautiful pink chaise lounge, . Golden Lio"n and enjoy a fashion show presente~ y Galesburg to Detroit, to man. 12 Individuals for their con. tWice to the Canb~e.an. That's some guy. holds a Chippendale card table with gold.engraved Martha's Closet. It's a great way to restore your energy age the University Club of De. trlbutlons lo the local foor! t !-as~yearl th~y ~slted .\us . legs ... and add to your wardrobe. troit. and hospitality business. Ed na. ugoSaVla, "reece and .. . .. I ••• Once again, he wanted his Grenard was the club manager ~e Greek Islands and Tur. Expert. Say'; •. eyebrows are the foundation for tbe pr.ize trainee .to follow him. cited by the CouncU' y. 'b d h I/egad, ii No wonder . . . there's a lot of traffic in The J Pointe today! . . . And there's still time to join the .hoIe look In make.up. Some women can wear them dls. So Ed G en d t th 'Po f . 11 h" ane seen aroun 1 e tlnetlvely ,tyled and some wear them best ,roomed in tbe UniversityrCI~~ i~al~~stoJe:' gu/ esslona y, e s qUite l! ~orld ~ith th.e English.Speak. o"ly I'd car-foot parade, for tickets for the Christmas ,Walk, Dormal de,lgn. Stop in at Edward Nepl, lHQ Mack Avenue, fFlrson~venue. He's been there Personally, 'he's not too bed ~~~aUte~yl~nH'WeIwthouldtEd, UMor: sponsored annuallv by the Junior Women's Associa. • nd fJlJd out the look thlt's rilht for you. Remember tbe e...er slDce. either. . ou aveh eenb gone to tion for the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, are avail •. eyehrows Clll set the tone for.your entire mlke.up ptan. Call ~e~ame CCD Manager Has. Great~st Fa~l!y ~~t ~~~r~,~l"~~lytosOcc::eChaw~~ able at each home on the tour . TU 4.88$8for an IPpoln~me"t. ... W!lham Ro~l() went on to He thmks hiS famlly s the a club manager can be awav ...... mana~e the t,;ount~y Club of great.est. . . from his club at anyone time. the Besides the Kaisers and the Earles ... Dr. and Forgot . . . to order. your Christmas .... i)etrolt for about eight years. .Hes terrIbly proud of h.15 But there's a trip to Phoellil( Mrs. Robert Borchak, of Renaud road, the John E. cards in time? The Sphere, 19849 Mack .E~ Grena~dwent on too, but WIfe,Jane, who lef~colleg.em in the Grer,ardsl JlOst.Christ. fabulous. Danahers, of Cloverly road, the Don F. Jensens, of Avenue has a fine selection of boxed wlthm the framework of the 1931,(that Depresswn again!), mas future and next s m e m Rivard boulevard, the Ervin A. Steiners, Jr., of Vol. cards for fast'local imprinting. I) University Club managership, after only two years, taught in will find them once a:ain j~ Sa/mar instead!" tairp. place, and the Cletus J. Wellings, of Renaud - III ... '" t? the I:.:lights of his profes-' a rural school .until.~he. an~ the 'fetons, at Triangle X road, ,are showing their houses . . . The Posh Studio ... proudly announces Molty, slOn. Ed. were. mamed, retired Ranch. 40 miles south of Yel- Detroits' Finest! . I d . th t f h' t l' He served as president of unlll thClr son Jack was lowstone • All Color TV's -~------one of Pr0'lse Po~ntes ea ers tn e ar 0 atr s y tng the Detroit Club Managers As. grown, decided to try work . Mr. Rossman To Take Bride has re]omed the~r staff. If you are already a fan 0 f sodation in 1950.and as presi. in her Held once more, took , . H~ Favorl/e Plac:e . • Heated Pool Mollys, we know that you are o.ware of the latest look dent of the Club Managers a joll in the library at Pierce '1 T1R1l~leX Raneh 15 J~st • Sauna 'Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cam. rance Peter Rossman, son o{ in coiffures. If you for any reason haven't met MO!ly, I Association of America in School-and in 1950.wentback abo~t. Ed Grenard's favorlle • Restaurant-24 hrs. isa, of Detroit, bave announced Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Ross. yet, give yourself a treat. Call 886.1377 for appomt. 1955. to Wayne State Umversily to Plac,~In the 'Yholeworld. th;)engagement of their daugh. • Presidential Suite m~n. of Merriweather road. ment' I While on the board of the get her degree. It s a workmg.~ude ranch. ter, Randee Carolyn, to Ter. A July wedding is planned, . ... '" • latter organization, he was in. She's been librarhn at War. ~ place for f~mllJes to ya.ca. Tlke ~he time to stc\p In at Ed Maliszewski r86501 strumental in the creation and ren WoodsHigh Schoolfor the tlon, ~here ~ldSystart ndmg MEETING Ma"k Av~n~e' and see the wonderful new line of c:a~~tlng design of two very important past four years. athseaSry kas sRI~. aUfcan fJTo~t ROOMS ~ , dill I"w'lngs" f the t' I A He's proud of Jack to h e na elver rom fl. he'. recently unpacked. Called Burl1nlton House, a v son " 0 . na 1008 sso.". , ' 0, w. 0 allg Ie X or climb the m u' 01 Burlington Industries it comes in all colors styles and elation: The Club Management dldn t want to be a club man. t. , t k k t. ~ n. /I,'/wi,', f"I",I,,".' '.'111/ J'I'II'e" . ~'A~. . . 'ibru. ' 'Institute, an educational pro. ~ger,}ut still ended up in the t~~n\V?I~ a e pac TipSmto '" '" .. gram of workshops lor work. fIeld. I erness. BALMAR MOTEL . Ing managers and lectures and Jack, who lives in Shel. . E(} and Jane have been go. Golden Gifts . , . by Stylebuilt have arnved at tours of clubs.in.operation {or bourne road with his wife and mgThtherdef~tr10 yeaIrs. 3250 E. Jefferson Ave, E.-LLEMON. WrJght's Gifts and Lamps, 18650 Mack Avenue. students in hospitality schools two children, Mark. 10 and . ey on ~ver p an to slop. Bathroom accessories in gold filigree include soap ------._ December IS Ed Grenard's ILJLO 7-7000 dishes, glass holders, waste paper baskets, comb, busillst lime of year. "We A' E I ~~ ONWARREN brush and mirror sets and clocks. make shopping for Christmas decorations easy and j)robilbly do twice as much • • ~:{I~.'IlI.:!~:" * '" ... fun. They will also be open until 8:30 p.m. Monday business during December as • DIner. Club I ~I

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