-'j :. , .... '.) :... "; .,..... ,.:.~.. 'f . " Home of the New, All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Vol. 32- No. 49 EntHe4 as Seeond C~ ltattc-rat tbe GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, DECEMBER 9, 1971 Uc Per Copy 28 Pages- Two Sections-Section One --------------------------------------------_.POll Olllee at De,roll. M1c~n __ ._------- M.OOP.rV .... Plan Fought HEADLINES MSU Alumni Club Helps Three Worthy .O~ganizations Edison Explains (Jf the By Residents WEEK OfOldbrook I A, Compiled bU the Its Position In Council Tells Adjacent Gro,,. Point, NelM I Property Owners to Set. i Rate Hike Fight tie Argument With De. Thursday, December Z vfll:>per Palombit IN AN INDIRECT SLAP AT THE PAY BOARD, the Price Municipalities Band Together to Oppose Proposed By Kathy Daff I~ Commission announced Wed- nesday it bad approved a pat- Increase in Costs of Street Lighting; Oldbrook lane residents, tern-setting col:1-price increase Would Raise Taxes who are concerned over that would absorb less than By Pepper Whitelaw the possible redevelop- two-thirds of the rer'!nt 15 per. ment of the old Wood- cent wage hike for miners. tDuring the past week,' four of the five Pointes house estate property, at. While carefully avoiding any have entered into an administrative action against tended the regular meet. critical comment of the wage the proposed hike in street lighting requested by the ing of the Farms council control panel, Price Conll'nis. Detroit Edison Company. They joined dUes, villages on Monday, December 6. sion Chairman C. Jackson and townships throughout Edison's service area in this .The Woodhouse estate had Grayson made clear that his action including Livonia, Harper Woods, Troy, High. been bought several years ago group is going to use the Pay land Park, Farmington, Royal Oak, Dearborn, Plym. by a develope(, Rudolph Pa. Board's 5.5 percent plly boost guideline in determing price outh and Monroe. ~ lombit, who first intended to increases. Participation in this action C,hr:Qtmas divide ,the land into five lots. .1 .. (II • '$ involves each of the IOC81units '" J,O Since Oldbrook lane is a agreeing to share in all costs, 'private street, .the residents EARL L. BUTZ, 62, who I which inClude the legal servo Takes Over have to 'provide their own servd as Assistant Secre- ices of Bodman, Longley" street pavmg and drainage ! tary of Agriculture under Bogle, Armstrong and Dahling system, and they were eon- th~ Eisenhower administra.' tion. was confirmed by the and the accounting expertise The Pointe eerned that the five proposed I of the firm of Larkin, Chapski lots would overburden the Ie. Senate Thursday as President and Company. cluded lane. The residents Nixon's new Secretary of Agri. culture. Butz was confinned .Proportioned costs will be Young and Old Busy: would not s~gn the agreement by a slim margin of 51.-44, determined by the ratio of the Merchants Helping Make necessary for Mr. Palomblt to and was sworn in as the suc- city's DetroIt Edison street. subdivide' the estate into fin cessor ui Clifford :\1. Hardin. lighting charges for the, year The Season Bright lots. Photo ~ Eddle McGralh, Jr. ended June 30, urn, and each Cut Down to 'I1lree (0 0 (0 The Michigan State University Alumni Club, FLEe; MRS. ALEXANDER GOVuSTES, Founda.' portion Is not to exceed $3,000. By Pepper WhItelaw' Currently, the redeveloper is Friday, December 3 in keeping with the holiday spirit of giving, has ciOll for Exceptional Children; MSU Alumni Ciub The Woods, Farms aM Park Christmas Street is open attempting to subdivide the HOUSE AND S E N ATE presented three worthwhile area organizations with president JOHN STRONGMAN; (sitting, left to resolutions include the $3,000 In.the.Village. T win k I e estate into three loti. One lot NEGOTIATORS, convinced checks for $100 each. They include the Northeast -right), are MRS. GEORGE CRANE, Northeast Guid- limitation, however. the City r ht klin 0 would eontain the old Wood. that 'President Nixon would Guidance Center, Family Life Education Council ance Center and MRS. JAMES GOTHAM, vice. altered the resolution to read 19 s are spar g n. house mansion, while, two new veto a tax bill carrying any (FLEC) :md The Foundation for Exceptional Chilo president MSU Alumni Club. Any:graduate of MSU "not to exceed $1,000." The the-Hill. Win do w s are lots would be apportioned, campaign fun d provisions'l dren. Pictured at the presentation are, (standing interested in joining the Alumni Club should con. Shores received the proposed ablaze- with the ,message However, several different ~~~~i~e Tr::Sd:ill t~s~po~:~ left to right), WILLlAM~PORTER,president of tact Mr. Strongman at 889-0800. resolution at its last reg'.tlar of Christmas. Merchants faetions of Oldbrook lane were meetlng and placed it. on file, have outdone themselves present at the Farms CouncU any campaign financing plans ' J taking no action. this year with their color- meeting to ,'{:10testthe aetlans. P~~~i::~~r ~to~97~ ~~C~i~~:~ Goodf,ellows. EdllOli Contaeted ful .reminders that there Phil Gralews~, a resldent Thieves Take 'Living Civics' Teaches The NEWS contacted Detroit are only 16 more shupping of OJdbrook, even though his of the compromise tax 'bill, . .. '.' . .' .,' .' d . .. house hal~ .. L,.lr.u~a~. 1-"'~~ ':m~~.~~lt;l:.~~~tD~m:~~~~ $30,000 Loot Student.s How to.&l~-_ ,8oL1~Pa;pe~"."...~rJ~,.!~i~r~~~ l:n: With.'~:atJis' adom:~ ~~e:m:r:~~ th~\~~b,~~ • tic party leaders. h-ad de\llsed F 'H A R ihI C.. h f bU ff. id each lamp -t. '!be tradJtioa. the s ~ c q n.d redevelopment ~e campaign funding provi. rom Olne s. espons e ItlZens S 1 M da ~:{~~e~ J~he\n~r:~~:' ~:re al red halJ.gingll'a. plan. He Clall11ed that)sehad Slon, whIch would amount to a e on V beIb-~e t a treasury-paid campaign fund -------- .. t d tr t li htln '11 cIously on the lug!,! tree iD not e.v~n seeD the apeeml'.n gran e , s ee. g g .WI front of Wright Kay's In-the- descrIbIng Palombit. plans. of as much as $20.4 million J.oseph A. Schoenith Resi- Panels of Experts, Discussions and Special Informal Lions Conduct Annual still be two.and-a.hallpereent Village whlcb required that aU the next year. The Democratic Features Employed; One Participant Writes . below other services, ill' Edi. " 'Oldbrook residents sign lJefore party is currently carrying a dence ill Lakeshore Rd, Grateful Letter Campaign to Raise Funds son's rate structure, He said San~ Claus has th~ key.to any redevelopment eouId eom- $9 million deficit left over S~ene of Robbery; to Help Needy; Woods that the increase should have the Ctty of Groslle Pomle I1V- mence from. the 1968 presidential ,Safe Carted Away ,By Pepper Whitelaw Has Own Drive been requested long before ('u to him by City Manager He Pointed out that he will electton. C" I h h d T d t d t this, since in fact street light. ~omas KrellS~ach on bls ar- be personally affected 'by any · .. I -- lVlCS C asses ave c ange. a ay s u en s are ing for the suburbs has been rlval In-the.Village shopping redevelopmeDt, since his prop. Saturday, December , One of the biggest break. taught "living" civics. That is, not just what the rights By Roger A. Waha subsidized. He uld if the Pub. area, tucked neatly in his bag. erty carries an easement ulld THE DETROIT BOARD OF ing and entries in Grosse and duties of. citizens and government are, but how to Monday, December 13, IIc Se...vice CommIssion sees Mea'. Night Over as an access route 'to the EDUCATION recommended Pointe Shores history was i cope with these rights and duties as responsible citi- is the day! fit to pel'mIt this kind of sub. "Men's Night" has come Woodhouse estate. Friday that suburban school reported to police on Wed- Izens. ~ . ,For early that morning sidizing Edison wili continue and gone and only the twinkle Cites P,.t ladcleatl districts be .included in any nesday, November 24, by The most recent example of fice' Charles Art, trainer for Grosse Pointe Lions will to do it but that Edison does in the eyes of the sales clerks Mr. Gralewski was also irate plan designed to desegrega!e Lee Schoenith. this "new" thinking is a BO~ber, the dog trained to mark their 42nd annual not have the prerogative to and the beauUf.a1ly wrapped over not being notified about the metropolitan De tr? It Schoenith told officers that seminar just completed !or detect drugs; Detective Earl Goodfellow newspaper sale :~~f:I~~~iS kind of subsidy gifts hidden in closets remain past activitles in Oldbrook schoo}s. ThiS recommendatlO~, sometime between November ninth grad~r~ at South HIgh Fields oC the Farms Police in the area. The NEWS then contacted a ~fn~at nIght when man was (CoIttlnued oa Page 2) submlttpd to Federal Jud"e 14 and November 24, someone School by ClVtcSteachers Burl Department, who discussed Stephen J. Rot~ only hours entered his parents' (Mr. and Von Allmen and Carl Lord. the drugs scene as viewed by "H a w k e r s" from the representative oC the Michigan Shoppers are buzzing around ------ J:'eCorethe deadh!,e. set by the Mrs. Joseph A.) home at 585 The unit was on substance local police and who showed Lions Club, representing Public Service Commission who The Block and Fisher road Police Capture ~udge ~or submiSSion .of an ,Lakeshore, 'and removed a abuse and f~~ture~ prominent a display of dangerous drugs the Park, City, Farms, and said that it is true lhat for buying colorful "in" items for lnte~r~tlOn plan, co~tams no safe containing thousands of leaders famlhar WIth the drug and narcotics I Shores, and the Woods years street lighting has been those special people on their Wanted Fugithr e speCifiC plan.
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