9/18/80 [3]

Folder Citation: Collection: Office of Staff Secretary; Series: Presidential Files; Folder: 9/18/80 [3]; Container 177

To See Complete Finding Aid: http://www.jimmycarterlibrary.gov/library/findingaids/Staff_Secretary.pdf

..- 'J .. :.· •••• . . . , _

. , . .


'- .HOuse of '19'"'/�iI � ·:; .·f.� - \ '��>4. / \\, \ )._>-. ,..' r .?' JACK'S •' \ "'\" ·,

Parsons Blvd. at Jewel Ave. 3 0 Greek women hove a Flushing, N.Y. (212) 591-2525 natural senseof design, as shown In the traditional embroideries of .When Greece was overrun l'' by foreign conquerors and occupied 'l for hundreds of years, the artistic heritage of the people survived and 221Mool \ l)i ; found Its expression In the marvellous V.Aidredge come to /V (,� needlework done by the women. the from ) Now, GreekAmericans ore rediscov­ Greece to study costume ering the ancient designs and finding design, and In a short {--1 I out that they looksurprisingly modern... \ : space of time has virtu- ' · . . . \ .' ally become fairygod- 13 Rep"""""''"'John B

.· �- . . Republican challenge In his 22 years Broadway hit shows and . . . · In the Houseof Representatives. several movies. and you Speaker Tip O'Neill says that he sees will soon be able to "nothing but a bright future" for see her latest opulent Brode mas. He needs,however. to get creations for David Mer- reelected. Our corres­ rick's �xtrovoganzo. -..._ pondent. Yionnls Roubotls. spent a "Forty-Second Street" . . ' . , day on the campaigntroll with the (right). Remember, you y--·\ I House's golden Greek... sow them first in GREEK ACCENT... . I

------�------�� ------·--- - -l ! News------·------·--·------

2. Editorial "The DreamShall Never Die" o OurThanks I I I 1 3. CommunityNotebook Gallup SurveysGreek Orthodoxin America. 4. GreeceAt A Glance Nato PressureCooker o 011:The SearchIs On o A Delicate Balanceo Newslines I 6.CyprusReportWar ofWordsoTheUbyanConnectionoArchb1shopOpposesTalkso"NoLands toGiveAway" oU.N. Blunders 8. WashingtonRoundup A Plank For TheCypriots o Ahepa's 58tho Where'sGe orge? · . i I Issues 9. Politics '80 The Candidates AreThe Issue. . .. FROM THE PEOPLE WHO I 10. WhereTiley Stand PresidentJimmy carter o Governor Ronald Reagan o Representative John B. Anderson 11. GreekAmerican Politics AreWe GettingWhat We Want? TAUGHT THE REST OF THE WORLD 13. JohnBrademas The House'sGolden Greek Is a Republican Target ThisYear TO MAKEWINE. 16. OlympiaSnowe Congresswoman from 18. GeorgeChristopher TheFormer Mayor of San FranciscoTalks About Kiss inger, carter. Reagan and Greece. 19. JohnArtstotle Ph1111ps New Decade,New Politics 20. MarriageGreek-American Style SlickingTogether In The New Country. While the rest of the world was living in caves, the Gr,·cks invented the art AHractions of wincmaking. Nearly four thousand years The ago. And taught their neighbors everything 22. Costume Fantasies of TheoniAldredge V. FairyGodmother to Broadwayand Hollywood. 27. Under ThePalm Tree 1nChicago Splros Zakas' New Restaurant CombinesThe Tr.opicalWith The Palatial they knew. ... Well, almost everything. 30. GreekEmbroide:ry The Artistic Heritage of AncientGreece Was Preserved By Women The Loved Prism One sip ofDemestica, red or white, 34. Man Who Reggae A Greek Filmmaker Studies His RootsOwn Through The of Other Cultures. 37. The Game All's fairin love and war and you'll sec that the kept a few Kamaki secrets to themselves. 38. StavropoulosMeans Style A Style That Is Sumptuous.Sleek AndVery Expensive Demestica is the largest selling wine News in Greece. Choose the light dry brilliant 1 white. Or the rich mellow voluptuous red. 1 41 .Accent On People GreeksOn The Move And have exactly the right wine for whatever 1 42.Not To BeMissed Fuller's World War II o New AndNoteworthy o GavalasGets HisShow On TheRoad o Vi annes you're having. Exhibits at Elaine BensonGallery o What's New On The Fall Sit-Com Scene FoodAnd Wine Rheinland... Wine Lando Hail CeasarSalad! One of the wonders of Greece. /44. 1 46.Style LlghtUpYour Table Nobody Fits and 47. Books Language As ALife Forceo New Publications 1 48.Letters DEMESTICA. L ------···-- -·--·--· --·------· ·---· Prices Like Jack's .. ------�------·-- ·-·-- ... - ..- --·- -- --·------·----·-·- ---·------·-- ·----- A product of Achaia-Ciauss Wine Co ,Ltd., Pat;as, Gr�eci'.'lmportedby Carillon Importers,Ltd :, N.Y. L------' . 10019 •· CoverIll ustrationby John Theodore Thomsen, adapted from Theonl Aldredge'sV. costume designs . . .

. . .·-'•. . : ' · GREEKACCENT 1 . ' ''

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. /?� , .··•··.• .. . · . .. . :A.id�� Reeessioll' ' ,' ·, • I ,. ," ' .. , .... -��-·�-· ... 1 !

· .the christia lO

James M. Wall, Editor

407 South Dearborn Street , 60605 @E TU! 312-427-5380 home 312-279-7166

HF+t• 44 PIWBSiMWi@@A bMW MAWW#QflWWM! !iGIMQJQQMt@&SW6!M#9AM@AtiM:um#waaamzi

Resurgent Fundamentalism

John Scanzoni

Liberation and Countercultural Feminism

Rosemary Radford Ruether


!Electrostatic Copy W\!1sde for Pii'sGeflfatBol!ll Pu!l'pcees

Hyde and Hysteria ' '

Richard John Neuhaus

• Nuclear Reversal

• Convention 'Deja Vu' Vol. 38, No. 36 • Pages 2625-2672 • Sept. 6, 1980

The Evangelical Lobby (2627) [Salutations will be Bob Rackleff updated no later than Draft A-2: 9/17/80 5 p.m. on Thursday by Scheduled Delivery: Raul Tapia, x2601.] Thurs, Sept 18, 9 PM

Remarks to Hispanic Caucus Dinner

Made Electrostatic Copy n purposes for Preservatio

Chairman Roybal, distinguished members of Congress�

honored guests, "Es un gran placer para Rosalynn y para mi

estar aqu{ con muchas de nuestras amistades.

r'\ "Siempre nos sentimos bi�venidos entre los

no solamente por su calurosa.amistad sino tambi�n por su

lealtad a nuestros principios democr�tico�."*

"Para el beneficia de aquellos pocos que no entienden

espafiol voy a continuar en engl�s." For the benefit of those

few people in our country who do not speak Spanish, I want to : � continue my_ remarks in Engli h J C- . _

It is a real pleasure to speak before this third annual

* trans: It is a great pleasure for Rosalynn and me to be with so many of our friends. We always feel welcome among Hispanics not only for your warm friendship but also for your loyalty · to our democratic principles. Hispanic Causus �er 18, 1980 ;00 p





THAT tjlj,n,w.s ltE' coNTROLS THE HHITE HousE BuDGET.

SoJ I HAVE TO BE A GOOD PRESIDENT ..•oR CoNGRESSMAN RoYBAL ; � . PODRIA HACER QUE t1E CORTARAN EL Af{UA (t�IGH1 HAVE tW WATER CUT Made OFF), Electrost®tlc Copy oees for Preservation Purrp .•.

- 2 -

din�er to honor the achievemerits of the Congressional Hispanic

Caucus� ' The contributions· of Ed Roybal, Bob Garcia� Baltazar

Corrada, Kika de la Gar��,��h� Manuel Luj�n have served this

country well. \ \. �I

I have looked forward to this dinner for the chance to

share my concerns about our country and the human fabric that

binds together our diverse nation.

This nation has drawn h�avily from Hispanic contributions,

too many for me to enumerate tonight. But we should be

especially thankful for these Hispanic contributions -- a

tradition of strong, loving families� a belief in hard work�

a deep and enduring belief in God� and a burn'ing commitment � � to justice.�


This_dinner comes at a'critical time. In less than seven

weeks, the Americ�n people will choose the next President. But

the choice will be more than betw�en two candidates or two .,,

- 3 -

parties. Aniericans.·will choose between two very different futures.

When you sort th�ough many of the specific issu�s before

us, the choice will be this: Will we continue to strive toward

justice and fairnessi Or will we turn away· from that long :0C.: strugg

I know which choice you would make. The formation. of the

Hispanic Caucus, the issues you have championed in Congress,

and your individual careers all testify to an unwavering

struggle for justice. In that struggle, you have not only

advanced the cause of Hispanic�� you have enriched

and str�ngthened this country.

Long and freedom are·

not a safe harbor •. obligcition .to struggle for

and renew these values

You and I joined together four years ago to bring our ... ··�··-�· • ... ..-·� ...... --.....�-....-�- ...- .. ----·-·� ...... -�

Msde - 4 - Electrostatic Copy Pe.ntl'po�es felT Presef\latlon

country closer to economic justice. We made a commitment that jJ�O")"\. every £an and Homa-n in this country should have the chance to

work, to feel useful, to have a decent life. \ �0/ <

Together, we expanded jobs and training programs. We

have targeted hundreds of millions of dollars in direct job

assistance for Hispanic workers •.And we sent to Congress a

major new youth �employment program -- it is near passage


The sum of these efforts -- new jobs is our proud-..

accomplishment. Since I took office, 1. 2 million more Hispanic

men and women are on the job. Nearly five million Hispanics �aj� 4'a(�/;�

are now employed one out of every five § them Can credit ---- ,

ST:l:i:". eSfl-R � t Ob.QO!..SSL£P�J�· oe-bess--4:t;.t;;o�tE:-ikFree-eo�c�o�nH;o�HIR-;i�ea-ee�x1=p�atTf1�• the 1as t 3-1 I 2 years •

Two years ago, we joined together to enact the Humphrey-

/h?d � »� Ne k//)/

Hawkins Act - - reste:ting oar goe:l of fttll omploymgRt TR.is

y..ear1 .,,e -are rebuild� the economic base for full employment. .··,! I

- 5 - Electrostatic Copy Msde for PresenFatBon Purposes tJU/L--

I just a�Aeed �maj�r new program to revitalize

American industry- � will create a million new jobs in

two years -- jobs in growing, competitive industries. It

will increase productivity, encourage innovation, and help

communities and workers hurt by economic changes.

Our commitment to jobs and justice demands that we help kl- modernize American industry1 �t it also require� tltttt we

solve our economic problems with careful regard for the human M"'d.� consequences, We are determined to share burdens fairly, to

• : _\ � protect the poor and elderly while ··•e rei>�Hd <'>d" eeQRQ

" --n--�-·w"�_..-··•·• "- �OW/1� ,In�,!?'o We recognize that economic progress in this ee1tLU!'¥- h&r;.

�OJ� hand-in-hand with progress toward economic and social

justice. ear IlatieR is better aAd stn�r:lger hecaq:;e of it.

ARd we are capable of mucb greater progress on both counts.

""'� As long as I am President, t!Hilre will be AothiflEj less

e. tbaR a-full eG�witwQnt to enfor� civil rights laws that Elect.rrostatUc Copy Msde - 6 - PutpOHS tor Preservation

enable people to work up to their full capacity, to find

decent housing, to eat in any restaurant, to vote fxQ�ly �d 1 J; b ;:u- � a/�.ee.

[! have a full ommitment to protect the rights of

people who encounter

police perform often heroically,

is abused. If that

abuse is in civil right, no

matter who is is the violator -- I

will make certain tha fully enforced. We have

and that policy has

helped us 1j dU! tCJ/IIIf1,� I As a resultA all Americans now know that the Government

- of the United States is on their side. TR-a ..L is �JFPsre I am

�ed, w.>-t:lt your help, to k

.. ' ''----r•

I am equally determined to ensure justice in the Federal rh� court system. With your help, � quadrupled the number of � - 7 -

tr/jlOift)�[ �

Hispanic Federal judges -- more than a.y other President.( �L�� � "

and I am not done yet.

These are lifetime appointments, and these judges will

exert their influence on our system of justice for generations

I am committed to securing for all children in America

an equal chance to learn, to dream� to excel.

Z ;/e�A�t..A­ . There is a saying in Spanish, �La ffiara educaci6n A hjo 1 (_ /o � 4�veRt�d es la ruina de las naciones. � Negleeting �he

/o .u<-<- Jj,k� �� \ education o> the yonng is the ruin of nations. "" ( / --

That is why �981 reqn'ist fM' Federal aid to education

is 73 percent,Ri�Re� Llitee-quartets higher than the last � A� request We increased education A

spending for Title I, Head Start, college student aid --

program after program that help disadvantaged children get

an equal education. THE WHITE HOUSE


September 18, 1980 E9ecb'o$'t2!tlc Copy M�de Purpo�ss for Preservation


SUBJECT: Hispanic Caucus Dinner Speech

As we discussed this aft n n, I suggest -- and Al McDonald, Dick Moe and Bob Beckel co ur -- that you include a reference in your speech tonight to gan's apparent support for a bracero program. I sugge t 1 uage along the following : lines:

"The undocumented aliens issue is one of the most difficult and important facing our Nation. That is why I have asked Father Hesburgh to head the Presidential Commission developing recommendations on this subject. I have not seen their recommendations yet, but I can assure you that under my Administration there will oeu� be a bracero program. Li\Rd .the--s� �;er ; --� • befefe� my pas it ioa i you� a ppl a 11c

----- ·--

(' * Reference to Reagan's claiming that the applause muffled f ( his original statement of his position. - 8 - f§ectrostatlc Copy M9dat for PrE9seNst�on fl�fposes

That is also why I have a firm commitment to bilingual

education. Too many children do not learn, too many are

scared to speak up in class, too many drop out of schools ��

that do fiGt speak their language )

Working together, we have doubled requested funds for

bilingual programs in the past three years.

Let me add that I stand with you against the �- AJ,Ij,.,M 4�c/�/ wfle:4 / ttf/�c/

�atteffipt te prevent the Department of Education from

enforcing regulations on bilingual programs -- even after �

the Supreme Court has ruled that children have a right to � such programs. �be Ashbrook Amend�ent is a disgraceful

attempt to play politics with the civil rights of our children, y� and IA..«HI \Jorldn� with ConEJreos to defeat

.... ·· ··· (/� . �'() niU// /.uu<- �\ I am Q] so cammj tted to appoi..e government officials Y...... ___� :;/� who understand the diverse needs of our people. Since taking

�ffia€7 we appointed more than 200 Hispanic Americans to high - 9 -

posts in my Administration, more than any other president. 7,//XU- � It;1)/o/

Th€y occupy so�9 of etH most 1JIIpor tan t posts. I appe i R ted /1/ ,. �c/ /;, � tJ�-vaA-e.J eVU � �/ Leonel Castille B:� the fltst Mispattic eve"t to gerve B:s �;;��q��;r::�53:F Z:� I -appointed isl:l. sueees8or, P�B:LL Gat c !a, and we ar:e \torltiRg to �e� /%. 4- /e� breaJt: the Bepnhl i can effort te hold ap his cont1rmat1on. I

appointed Victor Marrera as Undersecretat;y of Iloasillg and Orf5an

DevelopmeuL, and Richard Rios a8 Director of the CommuRit�

Services l\dminigtrat ion. '/{

I also made a commitment to achiev an accurate census � d � 1

W,ith your help, I bel1eve we wrill have an accnrate final com�.

nOlA) � we must begin the next step ensuring fair apportionment I\

of legislative districts to allow full participation of

Hispanic citizens in our system of government -- especially ,..-·· { ({J in Congress. I urge you to take up that challenge at once. f j .....__------Finally, I-ham� aeeu deeply cutttlllitted to tft:9 purs�:ait of. Electrostatic Copy M�«ie - 10 - for Preaew�tlon Pli!Q1»0sa«�

peae�,. �r the past 3 1/2 years, our nation has been at peace.

We have pursued peace not only for ourselves, but for other

nations. We took the historic step toward a new relationship,

based on mutual respect, by concluding the Panama Canal Treaty.

In the Middle East, we brought a historic treaty to two

ancient enemies, Egypt and Israel. We have once again raised

the banner of human rights and given hope to all those who

� ( '1 love freedom \ (.)

---�·---.. -'

Our principles of human rights extend to the people of

Puerto Rico and their right to self-determination. I have

made my position clear, and I will repeat it tonight.

:r M¥ AdministratioR will re�pect the w4sfie� of the people �

of Puerto Rico about their future status WbateuQr tfie� 1

d:ecision, it:::.wi"tl be theirs. Ny l\dmiRistra.tion !olill ,;erk

w-ita Paer to Jticali leaders to M'lstn:e tnat the degisioR is EVsctll'Oti'hntlc Copy M�de - 11 - for PreseNatlon Purpo�ss

ma.d9 d�SJ:Aocra.ti rally a.t:ld peacefully. I will s�pport that I� eieie� and I will urge Congress to support

When over a hundred thousand Cubans fled Castro's oppression,

_we did ROt t�1m o�r baclt:3 oc th8e8 d9sperate pgopl e We fiewe �

treated them with compassion and decency -- at the same time

trying to enforce our laws against those who would exploit

the yearnings of divided families. �Rted lie have tRQ

a task Rot yet complete� We have not forgotten the burden

on communities affected by the sudden influx of Cuban refugees.

We are committed to providing the assistance needed by

communities to ensure a workable, humane resettlement.


In our own Hemisphere, the United States was once identified

with the staus quo and with dictatorships -- more interested


in stability than in j ustice. /!!:ttJer my Ad�iRis tra ti� we

are once more identified with ideals -- human rights, social - 12 - E�ecttrostatlc Copy Msde for Pll'eserv�tBorn PYv-poMe

justice, peaceful, democratic change. Because we have shown

respect, we now can receive it. This has done more to enhance . � '-

� •. 20 u.s. influence in Latin America th brandishing � big stick J muht� kn�/q- I am especially pleased with the inereaoin�±y �e�pQctfol

relationship we are developing with Mexico. I was proud to

appoint the first Mexican-American ever to serve as our

ambassador to Mexico, Julian Nava.

so meant a commitment to

a strong defense.

increased defense spendin roved our strength and

readiness. Our milit y strength second to none. j;n;7.,£/ .J n?e� Let me add that ee�errmJ, I uill meet at: the �vhi:-te

Reuse with six of the 36 Hispanic-American recipients of the

Congressional Medal of Honor. Tbis ceromerry is part of oor

effort atlrin9 Ilispanjc Heritage Week to highligbt the many 'lM--r:e A�e.J cQ.Dtrihutions of MispaRie A:mericau�. It ovill alee � remind II It/e. /

1,...... -· - because ___we have devoted ourselves to putting them in � ontrast our commitment to j ustice and fairn

stated positions of the Republican nominee. is a stark

contrast, indeed. )���-�¥w�

He opposed the 1964 Civil Righ s Act. He opposes the ��.\l ��� Equal Rights Amendment. ses our welfare reform proposal · :

He opposes national He opposed Medicare. He v�

opposes bilingual educa He opposed the unionizing of farm

workers. He oppose affirmative action programs. He opposed

He opposes the Windfall Profits

Tax. He proB ses instead tax windfalls for the wealthy. - 14 -

Throughout his campaign, he has promised s a future of

freedom. But it is a bleak and

the rich and powerful could enjoy e�·fre�dom for the

comfortable to ignore suffering, evade responsibility, to

tolerate inequities.

We face the real P. the Republican candidate

will win -- unless e turn out the majority.of American voters

who share the v of the Democratic Party. We need to work

Hispanic voters to the polls, especially in

I ask for your help tonight to keep alive the

dreamed aboutj

Let us .remember· the words of Robert Kennedy, when he � said, "Nations around the world look to us for le�dership

not merely by strength of arms but by the strength of our

convictions. We not only want, but �e need the free exercise

of rights by every American. We need the strength and talent - 15 -

of every American. We need, in short, to set an example of

�� z__ freedom for the world -- and for ourselves

1- cl d/ n() ye-1 flla4e We have�€ar to go before �o�li�ing our dreams for the

American people. Yet we have come too far already to turn

back. We have worked hard together and put our hearts

into this struggle.

Let's rededicate ourselves tonight to that struggle.

Let's join together in making this great country of ours

even greater. (/ \

/) # # # \ /

--�------,-- !Eisctro!iltatlc Copy f��;;.:b

for P!'eservatlon Purp:.:· : �,