Minna Lacey,Paddy Mounter | 64 pages | 01 May 2012 | Usborne Publishing Ltd | 9781409545934 | English | London, United Kingdom The Games | The Real Story of the Ancient Olympic Games - Penn Museum

Online Collections. The festival and the games were held in Olympia see 'Did you know' in the glossarya rural sanctuary site model shown here, courtesy of the British Museum in the western Peloponnesos. The Greeks that came to the Sanctuary of Zeus at Olympia shared the same religious beliefs and spoke the same language. The athletes were all The Story of The Olympics citizens of the city-states from every corner of the Greek world, coming from as far away as Iberia Spain in the west and the Black Sea Turkey in the east. The sanctuary was named in antiquity after Mt. Olympos see 'Did you know' in the glossarythe highest mountain in mainland Greece. In Greek mythology, Mt. Olympos was the home of the greatest of the Greek gods and goddesses. The ancient Olympic Games began in the BCwhen Koroibos, a cook from the nearby city of Elis, won the stadion race, a foot The Story of The Olympics feet long. The The Story of The Olympics track at Olympia is shown here. According to some literary traditions, this was the only athletic event of the games for the first 13 Olympic festivals or until BC. From BC, the Games were held in Olympia every four for almost 12 . Contrary evidence, both literary and archaeological, suggests that the games may have existed at Olympia much earlier than this date, perhaps as early as the 10th or 9th BC. What's that, you ask? A series of bronze tripods have been found at Olympia, some of which may date to the 9th century BC, and it has been suggested that these tripods may in fact be prizes for some of the early events at Olympia. Source: Deutsches Archaologisches Institut, Athen. Did you know Additional athletic events were gradually added until, by the 5th century BC, the religious festival consisted of a five- program. For a complete list of events, click here. For a complete list of modern Olympic Game location sites, click here. Shown here is the stadium entrance at Olympia. Any Winter Games? The first modern Winter Olympic games were held in in Chamonix, France. There was no winter Olympic festival in ancient . Separate Winter Games were first authorized in to be held inbut The Story of The Olympics to World War I they didn't occur untilin Chamonix. Starting with Lillehammer init was decided that every other year will be an Olympic year with Summer and Winter Games alternatingrather than holding Summer and Winter Games every 4th year. This was done to accommodate TV networks and audiences. The Modern Olympic flag of five linked rings, The Story of The Olympics with a primary color used in the flags of the nations competing in the games, was introduced in There is no ancient basis for this modern symbol. Detail from an Attic Red Figure Kylix, ca. Above them hang a discus in its bag and a pair The Story of The Olympics jumping weights called 'halteres. The coach or trainer stands to the left of the wrestlers, leaning on his staff and holding a long forked branch. Museum Object Number: MS The Olympic Games - HISTORY

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The terror attack came shortly before dawn. September 5,was the day the Olympic Games changed irrevocably. At a. By sunrise, a weightlifting coach and a wrestler had been murdered and nine Israelis were hostages. As tense negotiations began, the media tuned in and the world held its breath. Shortly after midnight, all the hostages were dead, slaughtered during a botched rescue attempt at a nearby airbase. For the first in the history of the Games, the Olympics were postponed for 24 . Pictures of the aftermath were chilling: a bloodstained bedroom -- the wall riddled with bullets -- and the charred, mangled wreckage of a The Story of The Olympics helicopter. But it was the sinister footage of a masked gunman on the balcony, menacing yet expressionless, that became the defining image of the Munich Olympics. However, there is another striking image that ultimately emerged from those Games -- so fleeting, and seemingly irrelevant, that nearly everyone missed it at the time. As the photographer clicked away at four sprinters in full flight on the track, neither he nor his subjects could have had any idea that the picture was destined to represent all that was good about humanity. Five years later, that The Story of The Olympics was placed on a rocket and blasted into space. In time, that spacecraft will be all that is left of our planet -- the only proof that we ever existed. But as their athletic portraits The Story of The Olympics sent hurtling through the cosmos, those four runners were totally oblivious to that fact. Running is the purest form of any sport -- nobody needs to explain the rules of a foot race. And sprinters are usually the biggest stars at any Olympic track meet; everybody wants to stake claim as the fastest in the world. Growing up in Trinidad in the s, the fastest kid in the neighborhood would run around the block to try and win a bag of white sugar, as much a status symbol as it was a delicacy. Byhe was tasting international success and was the toast of his country. He would depart Tokyo with a bronze, in the 4 x m relay. Four years later, he was disappointed not to be on the podium in Mexico City. The American sprinters had offered Roberts a glove, just in case he finished in the top three. He not only missed out on a coveted medal, but also the chance to appear in one of the most infamous pictures in the history of world sport. The Olympics changed forever in Early in the morning of September 5, eight Palestinian gunmen scaled the fence surrounding the Olympic Village and headed for the Israeli athletes. By sunrise, a weightlifting coach and a The Story of The Olympics had been murdered, and nine Israelis were hostages. A botched rescue attempt eventually ended in tragedy, and all nine hostages were killed. For the first time in the history of the games, the Olympics were postponed for 24 hours. Byhe was competing in the Olympics for the third and final time. In the second of the Olympics, he told CNN that he was training his camera on the commotion next door in the village, trying to focus on one of the Palestinian terrorists. He said he only ducked from view when a rifle was swung in his direction. In those days, the Soviets, Czechs, East Germans and Japanese gymnasts were vaulting up the medal tables; the Americans who are now almost totally dominant had yet to realize anything like their full potential. My legs straight? What is the Voyager? Olympic athletes compete in cycles of four. Every four years -- global pandemics permitting -- there will be a summer . Inthe m sprinters each had to negotiate four rounds of competition, the last of which would determine the medals. In every way, timing is key: Olympians seek optimal performance levels in the year of the Games, while in competition The Story of The Olympics speed up through the rounds, conserving energy to deploy in the final. On July 1,while those athletes were in the final countdown to Munich, NASA scientists were celebrating the approval of a new project The Story of The Olympics explore the outer solar system. Voyager was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity; it could only work while those planets were conveniently aligned, using the orbit of each as a stepping stone to speed up the probe in search of the next. Ed Stone, chief project scientist for Voyager, pictured in They would be launched two and two days apart in the summer of If the mission was successful, it would continue into interstellar space on a trajectory towards another star. Maybe, just maybe, one or both of the probes would be found by some other intelligent life form. Among the package of greetings from Earth: a series of poses by a gymnast on a balance beam, and four of the fastest men from our solar system - - The Story of The Olympics in time from round one, heat three of the m event at the Munich Olympics. NASA's Voyager 1 and 2 are the longest- flying spacecraft in history; 43 years after they launched, both are still going strong and sending back data as they explore interstellar space. Calculations show a rare opportunity will present itself in the late s, as the planets will align in a way that only happens once every years. Scientists see a chance to send a spacecraft to the four outer planets of the solar system. One copy of the Golden Record is attached to the probe, carrying the message of Earth. Two weeks later, Voyager 1 launches, with a second copy of the Golden Record. Though it launched second, it receives the name Voyager 1 because it will reach Jupiter and Saturn before its counterpart. Voyager 2 makes its closest approach to Saturn, taking new images of icy moons and terrain, which suggest geological activity and weather patterns. For the first time, Uranus is seen up close as Voyager 2 passes by the planet. Images from the probe reveal 11 new moons and measure temperatures lower than any other planet in the solar system. Voyager 2 reaches Neptune, making it The Story of The Olympics first to observe the planet and the first to visit all four outer planets beyond Earth. Voyager 1 becomes the farthest human-made object in space to journey from Earth. For the first time ever, a human-made object enters interstellar space. Both probes are expected to last long after Earth is gone, orbiting the Milky Way galaxy every million years. All had incredible stories to tell and some were making history, just by making it to the start line. Its people, known as Basotho, speak the language of Sesotho. Later The Story of The Olympics year, Lesotho sent a lone representative to compete in the Games, a year-old sprinter named Motsapi Moorosi. He was a curiosity in Munich; local media were keen to learn more about this new country on the scene. The small African nation of Lesotho The Story of The Olympics its first Olympian to Munich in But Motsapi Moorosi, a year-old sprinter, was representing more than just his country: he was the first Black athlete from Southern Africa to complete at the Games in 68 years. Family handout. He told his family The Story of The Olympics a television station ran a quiz The Story of The Olympics if anybody knew what Lesotho was; the story goes that more than one reply guessed it was an Italian wine. A humble young man with an easy smile and a ready laugh, his name was synonymous with speed. However, his journey to Munich was about much more than just Lesotho. Moorosi The Story of The Olympics ran in three Olympic races -- a heat in the m and the first two rounds of the m - - but he was a trailblazer in more ways than he could ever have imagined. When the school day was over in Taiwan, Su Wen-ho would work in the fields near his village, tending the crops; but he was dreaming of much bigger things -- the chance to The Story of The Olympics an athlete and compete on the world stage. Su made two trips to the Games; inhe finished last in his m heat, his only race in Mexico City. There was some excitement in his m quarterfinal in ; confusion over start times meant two of the medal favorites -- Americans Rey Robinson and Eddie Hart -- arrived late, leaving them disqualified and heartbroken. Meanwhile, Su made it to the quarterfinals of both the m and m events in Munich. Sport is a means of uniting humanity, breaking down barriers -- and nowhere is that more apparent than at the Olympic Games. Athletes mingle, being exposed to other languages and learning to respect other cultures. For many athletes and sports fans, the world just seems a little bit smaller. But what if your interest lies above the horizon? What if you think there might be a whole other form of intelligence out there among the stars? How would you go about trying to communicate with them? Frank Drake pictured in his Cornell office in Courtesy Frank Drake. With the dawn of the space race in the s between the US and the Soviet Union, he had an opportunity to try and learn more -- working on projects to fasten messages to rockets that were being dispatched to the heavens. Recalling events that took place almost half his lifetime ago, the year-old Drake was a leading voice on a team that had The Story of The Olympics figure out how such a communication might work, but much more importantlywhat should we say? Despite hitching a ride on American spacecraft at the height of the Cold War, the Golden Record was intended as a message from all of Planet Earth. With this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the team chosen to pick the contents of the record tried to paint a diverse picture of humanity. Just like the ultimate prize at the Olympics, the disc would be cast in gold; accompanying the The Story of The Olympics would be spoken greetings in 55 different languages, various sounds including the songs of a humpback whale, and a series of photographs depicting the story of Earth. You might think that such a profound and meaningful quest would have come with a price tag to match its ambition, but in truth, it was barely The Story of The Olympics afterthought. In contrast, the mission to introduce humanity to the universe was cooked up by a handful of people in just six weeks. He has always tried to remain grounded. I thought this could bring some kind of success. International success quickly followed; two Olympic gold medals in Munich plus four European titles made him a national hero. The Ukrainian sprinter was the poster boy of the Munich Olympics. In the m final, he took home the gold medal. But for all his accomplishments, it will be the photo snapped during the first round of that event that will outlive us all, fitting of his nickname: "Chelovek Raketa," or "Rocket Man. Having become the first European man to win the Olympic sprint double a feat only previously achieved by North Americans he was now being mentioned in the same breath as Yuri Gagarin, the first The Story of The Olympics in space. I walked this path and wrote it down in history. But by the time he got to the Montreal Games inhe was a marked man -- literally. Moments before the m final, he was informed that a threat had been made against his life and that there was a sniper in the stadium; remarkably he summoned up the courage to run the race and still took home the bronze. Four years previously, in the Munich Games marred by the dreadful terror attack, he was closer than he would have liked to the threat of violence -- he said he witnessed some of the terrorists scaling the fence with assault rifles and his accommodation block was just meters from the targeted Israeli team. As terror struck, the Ukrainian-born sprinter was already the star of the Games; to be the fastest man in the world and a double Olympic champion is the dream of any athlete.