The Starts An Intelligent,"Progressive Newspaper TELEPHONE 365 SECOND STAR Business Office EDITION '1


SAN FRANCISCO, October 1C Miss Florence Scott of Honolulu nttempted to commit suicide by Jumping from PACIFIC FLEET PAYMASTERS TO DRAY $250,000 FROM FIRST NA- one of the Oakland ferry-boa- ts today. CATHGA The cause of her act Is said to have TIONAL BANK FOR PAY ROLL AND SUPPLIES AS THE FLEET been illness. Kl DOES NOT GO TO SAN FRANCISCO AN IMMENSE AMOUNT OF SUP- Miss Scott Is well known In this city, PLIES WILL BE TAKEN HERE. having been one of tho leaders In the INVESTIGATED UNDER FIRE BY REPUBLICANC PARTY CATHCART Y. W. C. A. and president of the Chris- tian Science Society here. She left for COMMITTEE AND SUSTAINED A RUMOR THAT CIVIC PEDS MAY The paymasters of tho Pacific licet it to change hands several times u. S. S. CALIFORNIA WIRELESSE S ADMIRAL SWINBURNE SECOND the Coast on the Alameda and was In In wlli draw rrom the National many cases before ENDORSE ACHI FOR MAYOR ADDS TO THE POLITICAL EXCITE- good health according to her friends. First it comes back Into SQUADRON WILL NOT REACH HERE TILL TOMORROW DES- Bank, the depository of the funds of the hands of tho First National and MENT CANDIDATES ARE BACKING CATHCART. tho Federal Government in this city, the other banking firms of the city, HAD CAST LO OSE AND HAD ,BEEN TROYERS BEEN PICKED UP the sum ot $250,000 during their pres- - The money brought In by tho re- - stay city, according to IN GREAT STORM COAL SHOR T. LIBEL IS ent lu this a cent sugar crop has eased conditions by AchI the Civic Federation candi-- the threat that It would all be pub-da- te statement made President I Tenney here so that capital Is plentiful. The for mayor. llshed it Cathcart didn't withdraw. Peck. Part of this will bo for tho rate of interest on commercial loans This is the amazing rumor that is The matter was taken up by J. P. pay roll and part will be used to pay Is about the same as it has been for Sho's blowing to the southard a reg- - accounts sent by wireless, been blow-ul- ar about town today, and there is good Cooke, A. F. Judd and V. 0. Smith, for an enormous amount of supplies, somo time past but on mortgages Is revolving storm, with a typhoon ing a straight south west gale, hut will be purchased grounds for it. Achi has long had and the committee came to the conclu-clos- e Theso here in much lower than has been known in the city touch and the second squadron of the soon hurricane weather was upon the OMAHA, Neb., October 16. An offi- and friendly relations with W. R. slon that there was nothing in the larger quantities than would have been for a long time before. Up to tho Pacific fleet is in the midst of it and men-of-w- ar seventy-nin- e knots she cer with the summons of the libel suit "charges" warranting asking tho caso It the fleet had sailed from past few months the rate of Interest on Castle, who is probably the most in- - their won't show tip here until tomorrow was blowing, says the wireless. which Governor Haskell, of Oklahoma, Cathcart to withdraw from here directly for San. Francisco. mortgages has been eight per cent or fluentlal member of the Federation the ticket day in Honolulu is felt something of has Instituted against William Ran- some - 0n tlle contrary, the committee This money will all come from the better, as an almost invariable rule, and of the Feds don't want eith- has So says a wireless despatch this the ed:je of the weather the second dolph Hearst broke in his stateroom ,Ittle respect for the charges. vaults of tho First National Bank but whllo ot late a number of instruments er .Lane or Fern. The Feds are ex- - morning received by Rear Admiral squadron is getting. as he was passing through this city In "iSe'cted to No request in any form whatsoever will bo distributed all through tho city, have been filed in which the Interest mako a declaration next Swinburne, aboard the flagship West Picking up the destroyers in a blow a train today and served him with the week, has heelx made by anyone that the merchants getting It and allowing was seven per cent. and it is actually possible that Cath Virginia, from Admiral Sebree aboard that m becoming a revolving terror is papers. it will he for Achi mayor. ca withdraw. "There is not trm for It will the California, the flagship of the sec no eac-- task, indeed it is "deliclously probably - slightest truth," he said this morning, be in favor of Long for couu- ond squadron. dangerous" as one of the fleet men ty attorney, he- - "in the Advertiser intimations I the federation having that The cruisers Washington, Tennessee this moinlng described It. and there Is come leading have been asked to withdraw. Ab A inured to forlorn hopes, California, with the destroyers likely to be partings of lines DOCK GETS ROUST solutely no such and nnd Tomorrow's Advertiser is' expected intimation has been Whipple, Truxton and Hopkins were breaking of hearts in the operation, to be a special Cathcart edition. The made to me. Fellow candidates have expected at noon today from Samoa One of the destroyers Is low on coal, morning paper is to open upon the come to me with expressions of where they were delayed three days too, and steam has to be kept up all county attorney who ap- - couragement and hope that I would BURNED FROM THE COURT than the first squadron, taking tho tii-i- In case of the parting of a pointed A. M. Brown deputy, with all stay on the ticket. I have never had later UAiini on coal, but the wireless talk between 240 - futhoiu hawser. It is not thought CHICAGO, III.. Hi. A bad R its well known vigor, and the fur is the slightest thought oC withdrawing, October m so tho West Virginia and the California the cruisers will suffer any, but It Is B V0 HaBsaHsin expected to fly. I wouldn't even consider such a pro- - flare among the docks on the Calumet Tsf a 9 hot lACII! DISCLAIMS THE AUTHOR this morning, when the lntter was fearful weather for the supplyship So- - property The stuff to bo published against position, even If the Advertiser threat- - river has destroyed worth hundred miles out, brings lace and the Httlo black devils of dos- - SHIP OF A VERY PECULIAR Cathcart was presented to the Repub- - ened to devote its whole "front page about three SUPREME COURT SUSTAINS THE tomorrow will trovers, demands of the deep, as thoy 1 EGAL county central committee. In to me every day until election." the information that DOCUMENT. lican ships are sight-- are affectionately termed, are probably ORDINANCE PASSED BY THE fact has been toted around for sev-- The Civics are expected to dawn before Sebree's it .t having the dance of their lives. eral days, by Advertiser men, with Wise for sheriff. COUNTY SUPERVISORS. If Charlie Achi, the "Laborula" can- Thp been cast loose Tho cruisers Pennsylvania, Colorado BURNED -- ilestrovers had TRAIN didate for Mayor, is not more success- 3, when the fury of the storm broke, as and South Dakota this morning moved The county ful lu his election than he was this were the destroyers of the first squa- - out from their berths in the harbor. DETROIT. Mil h.. n '')bor 10 A train automobile ordinance, ' mailing in the divorce suit which ho d.rn cast loose two days ueiore arrival iumub up uuuuuiubc uuwuc, m muim which was being rushed through with over which there has been considerable tomor-pii'ke- ' attempted to conduct before Judge HLBCTRIC RAILWAY the tows to be room tor the cruisers coming d refugees from a forest lire near this dispute ever since Its enactment, was here, but Sebree ordered Lindsay, he will not worry began to feel 'row. The West Virginia and Maryland city caught In flames held to be valid morning a tho other up again when it was the and this in candidates in any respect weather. It had, from remain at wnarves. fifteen lives wore lost. decision of tho Supremo Court in the whatever. like hurricane wir Tho libel filed In the Ngee case of the Territory vs. G. E. Schael'er. case of vs. Ngee, in which W. C. PEARL HARBOR The c:ilef objection to the ordinance Achi represents 10 the libelant, was was unconstitutionality, in the such a jrude piece ot its work Judge FLEET NOT brief which was filed by Thompson that Lindsay instructed the attorney ho the attorneys for the de- that would have noth- NEW FOURTH and demons, ing do This was knocked out by tho to with the case till papers were DIRECTORS OF RAPID TRANSIT COMPANY DISCUSS EXTENDING THE fendant. filed Supreme Court, tho opinion being which were understandable. TO GREAT NAVAL STAT.ION SITE PRELIMINARY There was LINE THE REPORTED written by Justice A. A. Wilder. but one ground given fci tho action which hold SURVEYS THUS FAR THROUGH CITY END OF ROUTE NO MA-- " The making of a distinction between would water, TOKIO, .lapan. October 1G. The that of non-suppo- UP residents and ts was and this was writ TERIAL YET ORDERED FOR EXTENSION. DIGEST WAKE yet been re ten in iVmericaii fleet has not held io be class legislation. In this such a manner that it would on a ported. It is sonny the coast and matter it Is held that since take Chinaman reading backwards It Is believed that Admiral Sperry is who are temporarily in the and a lawver tr mako UNITED STATES ATTORNEY RAW- CHILLINGWORTH MAKES AN AP- standing off awaiting better weather inything it. An important meeting of the direc- - liniinary survey work on the proposed Territory, are required to register their out of A second ground - making port. offered was tors of the Rapid Transit Company was line and have not as yet made any LINS ISFINISHING AN IMPORT- PEAL FOR MORE PUBLIC SPRIT- before cars, there is not enough difference that the libelant had been deserted for two years and a half. held yesterday afternoon, tho larger definite plans or sent out a single order ANT LEGAL WORK. ED INTEREST IN REPUBLICANS to make the law unconstitutional. Since the law in this Territory calls for proof o the time being taken up with for material. 'that must wait. How- - Tho second contention that the law part of desertion plans for building ever, is very likely that we providing that all local chauffeurs for three years, this was a discussion of the it will build Asblstant U. S. Attorney . of BOSNIA District is about time that the voters ts worthless. to Pearl Harbor. When asked for a a line to Pearl Harbor. The surveys "It must register whllo who T. Rawlins lias practically compieteu the Fourth District awoke to the Im Judgo Lindsay statement in regard to what was done as yet have been made only on this are In the Territory temporarily are read the riot act to the compilation oi a legal book which portance of tho campaign," Charles F. Achi in good shape, and then lat- Mr. L. Tenney Peck, the president of end of the work, going through the not required to, is class legislation. Is tho should be of the greatest possible be- Chilllngworth, tho Republican, chief ter disclaimed writing tho libel. Ho the company, said: Moanalua property of Mr. Samuel CUT OFF thrown out in tho following manner; nefit to the lawyers of this city. It is lieutenant, said this afternoon. was told that so far as tho court was "Wo are tsill at work with the pre- - Damon." "We are not required to put a forced a complete and carefully indexed di- "Tho Republican party supports Gov ST. PETERSBURG, October 10. A construction on language, In order to concerned he was the father of It and gest of the various points of law which ernor Frear in his excellent adminls body of Servian guerillas has burned obtain an absurd result wo are forced was certainly responsible. When tho have been decided In Hawaii, taking a of flavoring It with the Van Duzer tration. It has a legislative and a bridge and in this manner cut off to the conclusion that tho words are libelant was placed on the stand she in both the Federal decisions anu made statement ot Co.'s famous flavoring Extracts. All municipal ticket which are the best the capital of the Turkish province of meaningless and consequently do not a Interest, stating Supreme C E BAKING are invited to come in and try the cake those of the and Circuit and most representative of tho people Bosnia and Herzegovina. iffect the balance of the statute sec that tho libel had been prepared for pro- by with a cup of May's Old Kona Coffee. courts. The work is now in the among the tickets before the voters, tion. That being tho case there Is her "Manuel, the United tSates At- cess of revision, but has been sub- "Thretore, it is time that the Fourth absolutely no discrimination In this torney." II GAS RANG E BLOOD POISON PREVENTED. mitted to several of tho leading attor- District people turned out in larger section between what may be called neys of the city, who are high in com- They ought non-reside- chnuffours, FINE MEALS. There Is no danger from blood poison numbers to the meetings. JAPANESE resident and mendation of its value. to be present la full force at the Aala In the final matter, tho contention The combination lunch at tho Alex- Something now in tho cake-makin- g resulting from a wound when Cham- This book will include a complete meeting Saturday evening, to lend that the ordlnanco has been repeated, ander Young Cafe at 25c, 35c, 50c, and cooking de- berlain's Pain Balm is applied. is Park will bo introduced in the It digest of all the decisions of the Su- support to tho party and superseded or Impliedly repealed by 75c will suit everybody. monstration tomorrow morning in the an antiseptic liniment, and unless the their moral preme Court as well as a table of all measures under GREET FLEET the Territorial act of 1907, the court dining hall of tho Y. W. G. A. from Injury is very severe it will not leave a the men and thcRc cases which have heen cited by the standard." states that: "This poit of law was not Fine Job Printing, Star Office. 9:30 till 11 o'clock. The expert cook scar. For sale by all dealers, Benson, nubllcan TOKIO, October 10. Tho American local Supreme Court from other juris- night, Mr. Kaleiopu will states that: "This point of law was not will show how to bake the best cake Smith & Co., agents for Hawaii. On Saturday battleship fleet en route hero from dictions. Also a complete digest of all of his conduct with consequently cannot bo considered." on a gas range of the Honolulu Gas reply to criticisms Manila has been greeted by Japanese cases which have been decided In the measures at last ses- Tho fine of $25 Imposed by the Dis OUR NEW Co., and demonstrate the proper way Fine Job Printing, Star Office. regard to health warships off tho Island of Kyushu. Federal Court of this District and ot!s,on ot tho legIs,ature, trlct Court on a charge of heedless and . upheld all Hawaiian cases which have been Any cards of candidates, it left at furious driving Is therefore decided by the Circuit Court of Ap- Republican headquarters with Mr. Ka- and must be paid by the defendant. 111 peals and the United States Supremo "TTT 11 A . leiopu, will bo given by him to the ENTERTAINED Court. party runners for distribution In tho things One of the most important precincts. A policy in one of our Standard K-- will bo the digest of tho construction wa vftr A meeting of the Republican County of statutes. In every case where the Commiteeo for candidates will bo held BY KOMURA Supreme has called on to Court been at headquarters at five o'clock this aft give a construction of statute this 1C Komura, is the greatest SHOE Fire Insurance this emoon. for having certain misunder YOKOHAMA, October Is shown fully. Such a work has long entertain- standings explained, also to glvo tho Minister ot Foreign Affairs, been needed In this Territory and its party VALUE ever ottered to Companies an opportunity to offer sug ed tho Chamber ot Commcrco publication will bo awaited with a candidates at a gestions. which arrived on the Tenyo Maru men who do lots of Shoes great deal ot Interest. brilliant banquet. pays good dividends in Security; A thousand dodgers have been dis- tributed among workers for advertising walking and appreciate NEW AUTOMOBILE RATES. and, in case of fire, it will enahle tho meeting at Palama tonight. Comfort, Fit, and Ap ALL THE LATEST STYLES The Auto Liver will from this date Fifteen hundred dodgers have been DANCE AT - Tfou to cash your stock at a big reduco all automobile work 25 per cent. issued for tho meeting at Aala park pearance. advance. 1 passenger inside city limits Punahou tomorrow night. St., Wyllle St., or Karaehameha Schools There will bo an edition ot 1500 50 cents; calling $3 per SEASIDE HOTEL Now Showing or shopping pjimphlotts in Hawaiian, containing a It is a good investment. hour; continuous driving ? per hour; translation of tho resolution deposing $4 second, $3 for third. Around Island Kaea and a letter to voters attached Stock No. 4Q7. Prlco ?i.00, 510. E. Proprietor. Tol. - AT II. LEWIS, in order to acquaint voters with the THIS EVENING Hawaiian Trust No. C. reasons for that action. in honor of tho Pacific Fleet Absolutely BEAUTIFUL NEW GOODS. A danco Pure CnmianvM, NEW CROP Of JAPAN RICE. will bo given at tho Honolulu Seaside . Now pillow tops, stamped goods, and C j i L.B.Kerr&Co.,Ltd K. Ynmamoto wholesale dealer, is Hotel this evening. A special dinner Tito only baking powdor MANUFACTURERS' SHOE CO, a. natural linen bureau runners with B ROD Zn, expecting tho new crop of Tengu Japan will bo served In tho open lanal from ma do with Royal Qrapo Nrnnl Honolulu Department Store. cushion tops to match at Sachs. LIMITED. Ulu run Oil DDI Rico by tho next steamer which will be six thirty until eight. Music for both Cream of Tartar i tho very flr3t shipment this year for dinner and dancing will bo furnished Best cup or conoo m the city 1 this country. This is In keeping with by tho Kaal Glee Club. A cordial In No Alum, No Lime Phosphate ALAKEA STREET. Bakery. this enterprising, merchant's record. vitation to all is oxtonded. 1051 FORT STREET. ' 4


The steamer Manuka arrived this morning, bringing from Christmas Isl- Oceanic Steamship Company and tho shipwrecked passengers, ofil corn nnd crew of thlrty-llv- o Chinamen from the steamer Aeon, nnd also her HAWAIIAN ninll, consisting of liliO bags. passengers TIDKS, SUN AMI JIOON. Tile are Chaplain B. F. ARRIVE HONOLULU. LEAVE HONOLULU. 7 Asia Yokohama Patrick, U. S. N., his wife and chil- 1 Last Qtinrtor of the Moon Oct. 10th. Mi-n- . ALAMEDA OCTOBER- 23 ALAMEDA OCTOBER 28 0 China Sail Francisco dren, Riddle and Mrs. Yates, In-n- es Mai lactiii ALAMEDA '. .NOVEMUKU 1.1 ALAMEDA NOVEMBER 18 11 Moana Colonies Battle, Woods and Hellasro. Tho 'I -- 1 DECEMBER 9 I j. ! - Is rest of tho shipwrecked "party are Cap- ALAMEDA DECEMBER ALAMEDA. Sg 1 Sf 5 2 25 13 Alameda. .San Francisco JJiS c i i 14 Mongolia Yokohama tain Downle, First Male Thomns, Sec- Beretania Street near Aala a Mate Leek, Third Mnto Lancaster, Street. On mill after June 21th, 109S, tho SALOON rtATES between Honolulu s 5Al 1 i ft 14 Aorangl Victoria ond r Hi Chief Engineer Merrltt, Second Engi- and San Francisco will ho as follows: Manchuria San Frapcisco a7mT "ItT i. m. i. Jl. i: ji. j iiisc Engineer ROUND TRIP, $110.00. SJNGLE FARE, $65.00. 21 Hongkong Mnru..S. Francisco neer Irving, Third Thorn- 6:3oj ton, Fourth Engineer Ilastlo and tho In connection with tho sailing o tho nhovo steamers, tho Agonts arc 12 6:21 1.8 fi.20 11:00 12:00 5:50 8:15 21 Tcnyo Maiu Yokohama J MANUFACTURERS OF crow of thirty-fiv- e Chinese. prepared to Issue to Intending passengers coupon through tickets by any 25 Ililoulan San Francisco The left hero September 19 railroad from San Francisco to all points in tho United States and from 13 0:05 1.8 5:55 11:20 1:15 5:50 5:35 11.03 Dec. 1 Asia San Francisco Manuka : (Ml ) by steamship lino to all European Torts. 4 Alameda San Francisco to the relief of the castaways on MACARONI New York 2:4oj.V.57 5:3l' FOR PARTICULARS, APPLY TO 14 7:00 1.7 0.22 0:5.1 5 Korea Yokohama Christmas Islnnd, nnd found them nil I and 7 Mongolia San Francisco well nnd delighted beyond measure at 15 7 56 1.6 7:10 O.U.'i 4:38 5:57,5 .IH, 10:41 8 Makura Colonies aid coming so soon. (HOI Mrs. Patrick, tho wlfo of the chap- BUCKWHEAT ) 5:32' 12 Moana Victoria W. G. & Co., Ltd 10 11.00 1.5 0:50 0.40 5:60 5:58 11:41 lain, had given birth to a daughter tho Irwin 18 Tenyo Maru. . . .San Francisco j P. M. night previous to the arrival of the AGENTS FOR THE OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO. A. Jl.- 19 America Maru Yokohama 17 10.50 1.5 (1.30 1 :4.- 5:58 5:32, 23 Hllonian San Frnncisco Manuka. The largest and only incorporated concern of it kind Zm: 25 Tho skillful manner in which the 1 Alameda Snn Francisco in Honolulu. 18 11:05 5 0:30 7:00 0:3rt was handled by Captain rH' 2G Siberia Yokohama Manuka Morosby and his odlcers as she lay A new enterpriee launched by enterprising merchant!. Canadian-Australi- an Royal Mail Steamship Go Times of the tide are taken from the 28 Korea San Francisco U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey ta- all night off a dangerous shoro with strong current running and took on bles. The tides nt Kahului and Hllo STEAMERS TO DEPART. n 500 bags without the occur about ono hour earlier than at Date. Name. For. board of mall running in with the CANADIAN. great admira- Sleamers of the above line connection Honolulu. Honolulu standard time Is Oct. 15 Aorangl Victoria slightest mishap excited COMPANY between Vancouver, 13. C, and Sydney. among passengers led to PACIFIC RAILWAY 10 hours 30 minutes slower than Green- 14 Aorangl tion tho and K B. anTJ Brisbane, Q. Victoria Yiiin&rnoto N. S. W., and calling at Victoria, C. Honolulu their meeting and passing a resolution wich time, being that of the meridian 10 Marama Colonies AUSTRALIA. FOR VANCOUVER. of 157 degrees 30 of commendntlon. RALES AGENT. FOR FIJI AND minutes. The time 17 China San Francisco OCTOBER 14 At 7 in the morning the castaways MARAMA OCTOBER 10 AORANGI whistle blows at 1:30 p. m. which is 21 Mnnchuria San Francisco AORANGI NOVEMBER 14 MOANA NOVEMBER 11 the same as Greenwich, 0 hours, 0 min- safely embarked In spite of a Jumping 27 America Maru. . . . Yokohama DECEMBER 12 MAKURA DECEMBER 8 utes. Tho Sun Moon local sea, which made the bringing on board Tel. 399. Hotel St. near Nuuanu. P. O. 818 MOANA and are for ' 28 Alameda San Francisco Box tlmo for the whole group. of Mrs. Patrick especially a very diff- e 30 Hongkong Maru. .S. Francisco Will call at Fanning Island. icult feat ,and the whole party was Nov. 2 Siberia Yokohama brought away. 3 Hllonian San Francisco CALLING AT SUVA, FIJI, ON BOTH UP AND DOWN VOYAGES. Tho Aeon lies on an even keel 200 7 Asia San Francisco 7fr 1 yards from the beach, but her recov- 8 i$ I 9 China Yokohama it I Shipping m Port ery is hopeless, as the bottom is 11 Moana Victoria Theo. H Davits & Co., Ltd., Gen Agents knocked out and she is full of wnter. To ATTRACT THE JAPANESE 14 Mongolia San Francisco TRADE advertise In THB DAILY Given good weather, much of tho car- NIPPU JIJI, tho most popular and widely 11 Aorangl circulated evening paper amona (Army and Navy). Colonics go could be saved. tho Japanese colony. U. S. S. Iroquois , Moses, tug. 10 Yokohama - Steamship Company station Manchuria JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY with either language o! Japanese, Chi. American Hawaiian U. S. Collier Saturn, S. V., Aug. 31 15 Alameda San Francisco esse, Korean or English. U. S. From New York to Honolulu Weekly Sailings via Tehuantepec S. West Virginia, (flagship of 24 Hongkong Maru. . .Yokohama Rear Admiral W. T. Swinburne), 21 Tenyo Maru San Francisco SACK OF COLO Samoa, October 13. Dec. 1 Asia Yokohama The Nippu Jiji Co., Ltd., Freight ull Company's wharf, 41st Street, South U. 1 received at times at the S. S. Pennsylvania, Wilner, Sa- Hllonian San Francisco T. SOGA, Manager. Drooklyn. moa, Oct. 13. 5 Korea San Francisco FO A Phone Main 41 Hotel Street near Nnuana U. S. S. Maryland, Wood, 7 Mongolia STUDEN T FROM SAN FRAN. TO HONOLULU FROM SEATTLE AND TACOMA TO Samoa, Yokohama MEXICAN TO SAIL OCTOBER 20 HONOLULU. Oct. 13. S Makura Victoria COME UP TO THE U. S. S. South Dakota, Fox, Samoa, 9 Alameda San Francisco ALASKAN NOVEMBER 5 MEXICAN TO SAIL OUT. 10 STRANGER LEAVES $349 Oct. 13. WITH FROM HONOLULU TO SAN FRAN- ALASKAN TO SAIL NOV. 1 12 Moana Colonies CISCO. U. S. S. Preble, Freeman, Samoa, IS Tenyo Maru Yokohama PRESIDENT WHEELER AS GIFT ABOVE THE H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD., Oct. 13. 19 America Maru. .San Francisco MEXICAN ... .TO SAIL OCTOBER 31 OF UNKNOWN MINER. Agents, Honolulu. U. S. S. Parry, Larimer, Oct. 20 Siberia San Francisco - ALASKAN NOVEMBER 10 Samoa, Orpheum Fort Street 13. 25 Theater Freight Company's C. P. Morse, Korea Yokohama received at U. S. The working students Oresnwlch Street. General Freight Agent. S. Stewart, Smith, Samoa, Oct. 29 Hllonian San Frnncisco of the State t3. 30 Alameda San Francisco University at Berkeley have an un- U. S. S. Hull, McCoinmon, Samoa, Calling at Manila. known and generous friend "up in the Pacific Mail Co. Oct. 13. U. S. A. Transports will leave for hills somewhere." Steamship U. S. S. Colorado, Underwood, S. F., San Francisco and Manila, and will ar- President Benjamin Ide Wheeler was you Oct. 13. rive from same ports at irregular visited at his home Friday night by a If are looking for Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co. Fr .cruiser Catinat, from Marquesas, stranger who left with him a sack of Oct. 14. gold, containing $349 as a "grub stake" Toyo Kisen Kaisha S. S. Co. (Sailijig Vessels.) for some deserving student making his way through college. The messenger a Br. bk. Holywooa, Smith. Junin, THE LOG-BO- OK refused his own name, and declined to fetamem of the above companies leave May 7. will call at Honolulu and thli revealed the idntity of the donor of on or about the dates mentioned below: Am. bk. R. P. RItchet, S. F., Sept. 30. the strange gift, whom he would not lo- rt Am. sc. Robert Lewers, Aberdeen, SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2. Tho ov- FOR THB ORIENT. FOR SAN FRANCI8CO. cate more definitely than "up Sept. 30. erdue French barq La re- in the AMERICA MARU OCTOBER 27 CHINA OCTOBER 17 Banche is woods.'' Am .sp. Falls of Clyde, Gaviota, Oct. ported to have arrived Glasgow, SIBERIA NOVEMBER 2 MANCHURIA OCTOBER 21 at her 11. destination, from New Caledonia. The money was delivered in a worn CHINA NOVEMBER 9 HONGKONG MARU. .. .OCTOBER 30 Four new ovcrdues were posted yesterday, canvas bullion sack such as is com- Restaurant MANCHURIA NOVEMBER lC ASIA NOVEMBER 7 the names of mon in the mining districts. HONGKONG MARU. .NOVEMBER 24 MONGOLIA NOVEMBER 14 the vessels appearing un- The stranger told Dr. Wheeler orig- ASIA DECEMBER 1 TENYO MARU NOVEMBER 24 der tho heading, "Ships Overdue." in that it inally had contained $350, MONGOLIA DECEMBER 7 KOREA DECEMBER 5 1 1 these columns. but that he The Mails had taken TENYO MAR...U DECEMBER 18 AMERICA MARU.... DECEMBER 19 therefrom $1 to pay him for KOREA DECEMBER 28 SIBERIA DECEMBER 2G SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2. Captain his service, as agreed upon with the Campbell E. Babcock, quartermaster sender of tho gift. try the INCOMINli. in charge of the army transport Tho- "Maybe you tftink Ira a crank, and FOR FURTHER INFORMATION APPLY TO From Vancouver, toaraina, Oct, 10. mas, has been placed in temporary I don't blame you," said, the man to .1 From Orient, China, Oct. 1C. charge of the transport dock at tho the stranger. "I am simply acting for & From Orient, Manchuria, Oct. 20. foot of Folsom street, during the ab- another man. Just call the money a H. HACKFELD CO. LTD sence From S. F., Alameda, Oct. 23. of Col. Bellinger at Camp o. grub stake to give some young man a - From S. F., America Maru, Oct. 27. Captain Babcock expects to start in life. There are no terms at- OUTUOING. be sent out on November 5th as quarter- tached to the gift. Maybe some stu- master-captain flATSON NAVIGATION COMPANY Ear Vancouver, Aoraugi, 1 p. ni. today. of the Sheridan, dent needs books or instruments in For Colonies, Marama, Oct. 111. succeeding Captain Dengler. The Sher- his work. My man don't care to have N Is EW For S. Oct. 10. idan now en route from Manila and his name known." Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu. F., China, For S. F., Manchuria, Oct. 20. Nagasaki to this city. President Wheeler counted tho gold S. S. LURLINE OCT.iSTH NOV. 3RD For Orient, America Maru, Oct. 27. and finding tho amount as the stranger B. S. HELONIAN NOV. 25TH DEC. 1ST For S. F., Alameda, Oct. 2S. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2. The had stated, told him lie would turne n 8. 8. HILONIAN DEO. 23RD DEC. 29TH U. S. A. TRANSPORTS. score or more business men of this over to the board of regents to be used Thomas left Hon. 12. city who left in the liner Tenyo .Maru ns a loan fund for deserving ENGLAND for Manila, Oct. students. PASSENGER KATES TO SAN FRANCISCO: FIRST CABIN, $60.00. Logan at San :rran. last Friday, bound for Japan, arrived Tho man would accept no receipt, and Buford at Manila. safely at Honolulu yesterday morning, departed, satisfied. ROUND TRIP, ST CABIN, 5110.00. Flit Dlx at Seattle. on schedule .time. Some time today Sherman at S. F. the steamer will resume Its voyage, HUNGARY PLANS WAR ON Castle & Warren at Manila. leaching Yokohama on October 13th. SALOONS AND DRUNKARDS Y Cooke Limited, Agents Crook, from Hon. for Manila, Sept. Mail from the party of San Francis- BUDAPEST, September BAKER 2C The 24. cans will in all probability be receiv- Hungarian Government hns.determin-e- d Sheridan from Manila for S. F. Sept. 22. ed next Wednesday on tho America scientifically to attack tho drink Maru, Pipe which arrived at tho island port question in Hungary. Count Andras-s- y, Hotel Street, near ON-PACI- FIC baggage; "SHIPPING, Fort ARRIVING. about the same time as the Tenyo tho Minister of the Interior, who STORAGE, WOOD, Friday, October 15. has long been studying tho question, C. A. S. S. Aorangl, Phillips, from has created a National Couucll for TRANSFER CO,, LTD PACKING, COAL. 58 Colonies, 7:30 a. m. VANCOUVER, B. C, Sept. 2C Ad dealing with the evil. The work of vices reached officials of the Canadian the council will be to discover the Australian line yesterday that a re 126 KING ST. FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING DEPARTING. best and most effectual means for eli- Thursday, Oct. 15. ciprocal agreement had been entered minating drunkenness. S. into S. Klnau, for Kauai, 5 p. m. between the United 'States and Primarily there is to be a reform of New Friday, October 15. South Wales on tho question of all tho drinking shops. Budapest is Home Cooking C.-- passenger S. S. Aorangl, Phillips, for Van- certificates for steamships. full of "pallnka" shops where vile and couver, 1 p. m. The question has been under consid- destructive spirits are sold to work- BOOKED. eration for four years and until this men. agreement necessary Ice Cream & Per P. M. S. S. China, for San Fran was signed it was Tho evil of strong drink is to Pastries for be cisco, Oct. 1C Mrs. A. H. Robertson, the Australian liners running out demonstrated In scnools and of other Mrs. A. D. Lo Motto, Mrs. H. A. Field Vancouver to carry two sots of places, while a largo Institution is to equipment. Kingdom, Ca and child, Frank H. Brown, S. F. uur- - Tho United be built for dealing with drunkards and bank, R. A. Jordan, S. R, Jordan, C. nada and tho United States have a re providing -:-Off- ice a cure treatment. ml F. Schocnlng, Mr. and Mrs. Gallahan ciprocal understanding whereby they Printing recognize encli other's certificates, but and three children. NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA. no such thing was in force between A spoonful Australia and tho United States. of Dr. Miles' Restorative As a result when tho liners called Nervine after meals for a few days Is almost suro to distressing ysars printing office at Honolulu, which Is American terri rellove this Moderate Prices Ftr the Star's hat been a busy place. We have 1 FOREIGN complaint. gained a reputation for doing good work at fair price, and delivering tory, and took on passengers they had It strengthens tho nerves' of the Job when promlied. Few printing office, can make a almllar to carry two sets of life belts and oth- tho stomach, stimulates the secre elalm. With addition to our plant we are In a better condition er gear to comply with not only tho tions and accelerates the progress of than ever to handle commercial printing. Our three Linotype are Ml Australian demands but also those of digestion. Try It. If first bottlo does at your service for book and brief work. If you are not a Star STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. tho not benefit you get money back, so It us United States. Honolulu matrons will serve as customer, send n trial order; you will be pleated with the Date. Name. From. Tho agreement costs you nothlnc If it falls. mlncnt CHRONIC PAINS. result. Information that the Oct. 15 Aorangl Colonies had been arrived at was issued from patronesses assuring tho very best Thoso who suffer pain from chronic 10 Marama Victoria DANCE WITH THE C. P. O'S. possible) Washington hy H. Uhler. supervising tlmo to all attending. ailments will find that Dr. Miles' Antt-Pai- n 17 China Yokohama Inspector general, and In future New Arrangements aro under way to re Invitations will bo mailed within a Pills 21 relievo tho suffering. After Manchuria Yokohama South Wales will recognize American peat tho very successful dance given day or so. admission being strictly by Star Printing Office 23 tho first trial, they will "wonder how Alameda San Francisco certificates and tho United States wil last month by the chief petty officers these. From tho delighted expres- MoCandlsts Building. Telephone 365 27 America San Francisco they over managed to get along with- Maru.. recognize thoso of the southern cross. of the Pacific squadron. Townspeople sions heard on all sides at tho ono 28 Hllonian San Francisco out them. If first package falls to will loin with the committee that was given here last month, there bo 2 can benefit, your money back. 25 doses, 25 Nov. Siberia San Francisco SUVA (Fiji Islands), September 30. In charge of tho last ono, and pro- - no doubt of tho success of this one. cents. Never sold In bulk.

J '4h r, ij.J- - t t iiSSm&li, ' bill CTIHI'lli.lMtiillllHilH lipy""


POLITICAL NOTICES. POLITICAL NOTICES. DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. REPUBLICAN NOMINEES. I have been regularly nominated by I havo been regularly nominated by i tho Democratic County Convention for tho Republican County Convention tho ofllco of for the ofllco of n i IS PUBLIC REPRESENTATIVE OF THE MAYOR OF THE QtTY OF IDE $2000.00 FOURTH DISTRICT HONOLULU I request tho support of the and I request tho support of the and The Trouble Between China Japan electors. electors. and Why buy DUKE H. KAHANAMOKU. JOHN C. LANE. Has Been Peacefully I reguarly nomlnntcd by 1 have been regularly nominated by havo been Settled. such a costly ,W111 pay for a home In Kallhi. Now tho Democratic County Convention Clio Republican County Convention for tho offlco of for the ofllco of ATLANTIC FLEET PROGRESS. ? houso, throo bedrooms. Few minutes MAYOR FOR THE CITY AND REPRESENTATIVE OF THE handicap COUNTY OF HONOLULU FIFTH DISTRICT Two Explosions in Two States Cause walk from King street car line. and I request the support of tho and I requoat tho support of the Total Loss of Nino olcctor3. electors. Lot 76x100. JOS. J. FERN. EDWARD B. MIKALEMI. Lives. by I havo been regularly nominated by Owner is leaving Honolulu, Houso I have been regularly nominated tho Democratic County Convention tho Republican County Convention NEW YORK, October 1C The De- Wt0Z I tho offlco of offlco mocratic campaign fund has been made alono cost over $2000. for for tho of COUNTY AUDITOR, COUNT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE public. Tho contributions ot more OF OAHU. FOURTH DISTRICT than one hundred dollars number Why pay and I request tho support of tho elec and I would respectfully request tho 9072; under that amount, 115,305, The tors. support of tho electors. remainder from tho campaign of 1901 J. C. ANDERSON. $42,500. sum JOHN K KAMANOULU. amount? to Tho so far for useless I havo been regularly nominated by disbursed Is $225,902. weight? the Democratic County Convention I havo been regularly nominated by III high-powe- Republican County Convention r, light-weig- ht lllllMilMI for tho ofllco of tho FLEET EN ROUTE TO JAPAN. The strong, Franklins for the offlco of SHERIFF, COUNTY OF OAHU, TOKIO, Octobor 16. A tele- give you everything you can get in any heavy auto- COUNTY ATTORNEY. wireless and I request tho support of tho gram from Admiral Sperry announces mobile except needless trouble and wasteful expense. 24 BETHEL T. electors. and I reauest tho support of tho that tho fleet will arrive at Yokohama air-cool- electors. ed WILLIAM PAUL JARRETT. probably on tho 18th. The Franklin engine gets more power . JOHN W. CATHCART. The fleet will be greeted by Ja- out of its fuel than any other gas engine ever built. by the I have been regularly nominated I have been regularly nominated by panese warships oft Yoshu. the Democratic County Convention tho Republican County Convention The Franklin wood frame, aluminum bodies, for the office of cast-aluminu- m -- C. BREWER & CO., LTD, for the offlco of KANTAO TROUBLE SETTLED. parts chrome nickel-steel drive-sha- ft REPRESENTATIVE OF THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SEOUL, October 10. An amicable in fact the entire light-weig- ht construction is QUEEN STREET, FOURTH DISTRICT FOURTH DISTRICT1 and I request tho support of the settlement of tho Kantao Incident, stronger than the ordinary heavy construction. HONOLULU, T. H. and I reaucst the support of tho wherein Chinese and Japanese soldiers electors. The Franklin 95-mi- electors. came Into collision, lias been reached. record on 2 gallons of gasoline; the PAHAU. iS-da- y San New ROBERT K. A. D. CASTRO, Francisco to York record and the 39-ho- AGENTS FOR Chicago to New I havo been regularly nominated by GERMAN BALLOON SAVED. York record prove an efficiency sustained power Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Ono-m- ea I havo been regularly nominated by and endurance such as never was the Democratic County Convention 10. demonstrated by any other Sugar Company, Honomu Sugar tho Republican County Convention BERLIN, October The German for tho ofllco of automobile. Company, Sugar Company, office of balloon has been rescued from the Wailuku SUPERVISOR, COUNTY OF OAHU, for the Demonitrations by appointment. Any Franklin dealer will Company, SUPERVISOR, COUNTY OF OAHU North Sea. gladly Ookala Sugar Plantation and I request the support of the how you. An hour's ride will tell you more than we could Pepeekeo Sugar Co., Kapapala Ranch nnd I reauest the support of the describe in a hundred pages. electors. THE BALKAN PROGRAM. JOSEPH U. KUHIA. electors. DANIEL LOGAN, LONDON, October 10. A program H. H. Cbarlei M. Cooke President I have been regularly nominated by for tho Balkan conference has been FRANKLIN MFG. CO. regularly by Geo. H. Robertson. Democratic County Convention for I have been nominated determined upon. , M. ft Mir. the County Convention Y. H. Faxon Bishop.... Tres. ft Stcy. the offlco of the RoDubllcan Members Association I. iiei)eil Automobile Vi amifaatircr V. W. Hocfarlane Auditor DEPUTY SHERIFF, DISTRICT OF for the office of TWO FATAL EXPLOSIONS. 1 COUNTY OF OAHU, P. O. Jones Director HONOLULU, SENATOR. FORT COLLINS, Colorado, October T reouest the support of the C. H. Cooke Director and respectfully ask for the voting nnii 10. Six foreigners were killed and J. H. Gait Dlretcor support of the electors. electors. twenty-on- e Injured In a quarry explo JOHN A. HUGHES, All of the above named constltat CHARLES H. ROSE. sion hero yesterday. the Board of Directors. t i,o.. hoan rtiiriilnrlv nominated Dy bunUiMA, ualiromia. Uctober iti. I havo been regularly nominated by County Convention the Democratic County Convention tor tho Republican Three persons were killed yesterday for the office ot In an accidental explosion on the 4 SUITS FOR 1.50. the offlco of CLERK, COUNTY OF OF COUNTY Spreckeis ranch. iW will clean and press 4 suits SENATOR, COUNTY OAHU, OAHU, 1.60 you join our and I request the support of the elec- eaonth for f if elothsi and I request the suport of the elec tltanlng club. Good work guaranteed, tors. tors. Hall H. MOORE. E.0 . & Son, Ltd., Agents JOIN NOW. T. DAVID KALAUOKALANI, JR. T TELEPHONE 496. I have been regularly nominated by 01 i havo been recularly nominated by County Convention the Democratic the Republican County Convention tor Percy Hunter of Now South Wales, for the offlco of rho Ohio Clothes Cleaning Co. tho offlco of Loyd of Los Angeles and Alex- OF Childs Harrison Block. Beretanla nr Fort SENATOR, TERRITORY SENATOR, THIRD SENATORIAL Ton! attended the meet HAWAII. ander Hume DISTRICT, ing of Hawaii Promotion Commit and I request tho support of the the and I request the support ot tho elec- joined its discussions yes- electors. tee aid in LID tors. terday. ' FRANK R. HARVEY. W. QUINN. ilMRWl E. Mr. Bush save the information that J. P. COOKE, Manager. I have been regularly nominated by I have been regularly nominated by the Oceanic steamships Sonoma, Ven- tho Democratic County Convention tho Republican County Convention tura and Sierra wore being prepared for the office of for the office of for sea at San Francisco. Whether OFFICERS and DIRECTORS. SUPERVISOR, COUNTY OF QAHU, SENATOR, THIRD DISTUICT, this meant a resumption of the line and I request the support of the and I reauest tho suport of the to Australia was unknown. H. P. Baldwin Preildtm electors. Vlce-Preld- electors. s B. 1st nl Mr. Childs, who is the Committee J. Castle HENRIQUES. Walk W. H. McCLELLAN. ED W. M. Alexnnder..2nd nt agent for Southern California and the Vlce-Preid- by J. P. Cooke 3rd nt I hereby announce myself as an in- I havo been regularly nominated Federal agent In charge ot the Ha J. Waterhouse Treasurer dependent candidate for the offlco of the Republican County Convention waiian exhibit for Seattle, said he E. E. Paxton Secretary Treasurer for tho City and County of for tho office of had been informed by Secretary Wig O. REPRESENTATIVE OF THE Los Angeles Chamber o? W. Smith L. Director Honolulu. gins, of the G. R. Carter Dlrectoi FOURTH DISTRICT. Commerce, there there was definite GEORGE C. BECKLEY. W. R. Caatlo Dlrcowr ami I reouest the support of the assurance that within a year a steam- VER electors. ship line would be established between E. A. DOUTHITT. San Pedro and Honolulu. He also re- SUGAR FACTORS Latest Paquin Models I have been regularly nominated by lated his difficulties in trying to char- AND tho Republican County Convention ter one of tho Oceanic steamers for an of business men to Hono- C03IISSION MERCHANTS FOIt for the offlcea of excursion DEPUTY SHERIFF FOR lulu. HONOLULU Mr. Hunter described tho work of tho AGENTS FOR The Swellest Gowns and I request tho support of the Australians in procuring settlers and Hawaiian Commerical ft Sugar Com-pan- electors. tourists. Many Australians would CHRISTOPHER J. HOLT. come here for a visit if there were Haiku Sugar Company. I regularly nominated by more steam communication. Tho in- Pala Plantation. have been tho Republican County Convention terval of a month in tho trips of tho Men of U.S. Navy Wear Them Maul Agricultural Company. Canadian-Australia- n, of one line touching here, the Klhel Company. for the office Plantation COUNTY OF OAHU, was too long. Hawaiian Sugar Company. YOUNG BUILDING ROOM 72 TREASURER, and I renuets tho support of the Kahuku Plantation Company. KATHARINE OLIVER RECITAL. Kahulul Railroad Company. electors. Stratford-Upon-Avo- n (Eng.) HARRY VON HOLT Herald. Haleakala Company. well-know- Ranch BASKETS Miss Katharine Oliver, tho n Because they know Honolua Ranch. regularly nominated by NIEUE ISLAND I havo been American artist, delighted a . Republican County Convention tho largo Stratford audience with her Walk-Over- s BASKETS. offlco of are for the sketoJics of Drumtochty folk last even- Artistic Marked Ta- - REPRESENTATIVE, FOURTH ing. pas; Now DISTRICT Post Cards Miss Mario Corelll, who presided, the Best Alnahau; Makeo I request tho support of tho of and said, In Introducing tho speaker, that Union Pacific electors. Island. she knew from her own experience how J. C. COHEN. The World produces HAWAII & SOUTH warmhearted a Stratford audience sho desired Miss Oliver SEAS CURIO CO. I havo been regularly nominated by could be, and Money tho Republican County Convention to take away a very pleasant memory for the Railroad Alex. Young BldQ for tho offlco of of Shakespeare's town. Miss Ollyer's COUNTY AUDITOR, COUNTY rendering ot tho characters was re Style3 now Show- STOCK BOOKS CLOSED. OF OAHU. markably clever. Altogether she show All SUGGESTS and I request tho support ot tho elec ed herself to be a dramatic artist of HONOLULU BREWING & MALTING tors. raro ability. ing at Our Store CO.. LTD. JAMES BICKNELL. Seats on sale at Bergstrom Music Co. Miss Oliver's recltnl in tho Opera Tho stock books o'. tho Honolulu I nominated by for Note the Address, havo been regulany Monday evening October 19. Comfort Browing & Malting Co., Ltd., will bo tho Republican County Convention House closed to transfers from October 10th, tho ofllco for of TAKING NO RISK. 1008, to October 20th, 1908, both dates REPRESENTATIVE OF THE Straight up from the inclusive. FOURTH DISTRICT, Wordly Aunt "Seo hero, Edith! C. request That young man to whom you'vo en Three trains daily, through cars, WM. PARKE, and I would respectfully tho Naval Dock Secretary, support of tho electors. gaged yourself Is his future assur- and points. first second class to all W. SHINGLE. ed?" MEETING NOTICE. R. Niece "Oh, yes, auntie! Ho was Reduced rates take effect soon. Write child." Judge I havo been regularly nominated by baptized as a now. HONOLULU BREWING & MALTING tho Republican County Convention FROM CANADA. CO.. LTD. for the office of Walk-Ov- Mothers havo tho same terror ot er The meeting ot tho stock- SUPERVISOR, COUNTY OF OAHU. Look Out for the Sign annual croup In all countries, but Chamber- holders of the Honolulu Brewing & and I request tho support of tho J lain's Cough Remedy leads In popular- Malting Co., Ltd., will bo held at tho electors. S. 1 Booth ity for a prompt euro ot this dreaded offlco ot tho company, No. 535 Queen J. C. QUINN. n, Mrs. Thos. Matthew ot Calc-do- Honolulu, Oahu, on Tuesday disease. GENERAL AGENT.. Street, East Ontario, says: "I havo used f the twentieth day of October, 1003 I havo been regularly nominated by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy several at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. tho Republican County Convention V and I try to keep It in tho houso By order ot tho President, for tho office ot times, always. I can highly recommend it WM. C. PARKE, SUPERVISOR, COUNTY OF OAHU, troubled with croup." For L.B.KERR&GO., and I request support ot the for children No. 1 Montgomery Street, Secretary. tho electors. sale by all dealers, Benson, Smith & HONOLULU DEPARTMENT STORE . BAN FRANCISCO Fine lob Prlntmg. Star Office. NORMAN WATKIN8. Co., agents for Hawaii. 1L WMUWKW. WWW PPWHI VfWPi iWf IVWPPKW'MP "WW"'" 1'. wr our Ui HAWAIIAN flS Ail FRIDAY, OCTODEK 16, 1908. MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTEN- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 'TItio taj? TION TO FORECLOSE, First Circuit Territory of Hawaii. oeoooeoo9CoeeecQaoeoooooaooeeo0O9Osooeoao HawaiianDAILY AND SEMI-WEEKL- Y. AND OF SALE. In Probate At cliambcSrs. In the Matter of tho Estate of Antonio Published every afternoon (except Sunday) by the Hawaiian Stak NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN thnt. do Souza, deceased. jyx. CiuD House Newspaper Association. In accordance with law and by virtue jr. ruiNi; of the power of sale contained In that Order of Notice of Petition for Al- SUBSCRIPTION RATES. certain mortgage for Twenty-ilv- o Hun- lowance of final Accounts and Dis- GENERAL CONTRHGTOR (?25001 charge In this Estate. Local, per annum $ 8.oo dred Dollars made by Eliza Excavating, Grading, Hock nnd Cement Work 12.00 Dunbar (nee Lucas) and William Dun- On Reading and 'Filing the Petition Foreign, per annum bar, her husband, of Honolulu, Oaliu, Hauling nnd IMowing Payable in Advance. and accounts of Antonia do Jesus do to W. O. Smith, Guardian of Eric R. Souza, PLOWING is a specialty oj ours. We arc julhj equipped Sandwicn Entered at Pott Office at Honolulu, Hawaii, as second class mall natter. Executrix of tho Will of An- .1. Gay, or said Honolulu, date-- the tonio de Souza, deceased, wherein ifie with plows, harrows, disks, etc. of September 1D01, ami rec- v pnvn TP, Ron Subscribers who do not get their papers regularly will confer a favor 5th day asks to be $235.25 charges In Hono- allowed and g PRICES VERY REASONABLE " ' Telephone 365. orded In the Registry Oillco by notifying tho Otar Office JH7-31- herself with $235.25, and nsks the lulu, Oahu, In Liber 22C 011 pages 9, that fame may bo examined and approved, THIS IS THE LATEST CON The Supreme Court of The Territory of Hawaii has declared both THE the said V. O. Smith as such Guar- mort- and that a final order may be made of HAWAIIAN 8TAR (dally) and THE SEMI-WEEKL- STAR newspapers dian Intends to foreclose said COCTION OF OUR EXPERT gage breach of conditions therein Distribution of the property remaining circulation throughout the Territory of Hawaii, "suitable for ad- for t general contained, to wit, the ot In her hands to the persons thereto en AND BEATS ANYTHING ELSE vertising proceedings, orders, Judgments and decrees entered or rendered upon promissory titled, and discharging her from the principal due the all YET INVENTED. In the Courts of 'he Territory of Hawaii." note by said mortgage .ucure'l, there- further responsibility as such Execu any Indlvl there- trlx. Letters to TH HAWAIIAN STAR should not be addressed to in referred to, and the Interest ASIC IT. sum of FOR dUkl connected with the office, but simply to THE HAWAIIAN STAR, or to on, when due; the yilnsloal It is Ordered, that Monday, the 23rd having become due Septem- the Editorial or Business Departments, according to tenor or purpose. said note day of November A. D. 190S, at Malt being ft ber 5, 1003, and interest thereon o'clock n. m. before the Judge of said GEORGE F. HENSHALL ".MANAGER now unpaid since the Dtli day of March Court at tho Court Room of tho said All te Be- 1007. Extract is not a Beer but a TONIC to be depended the most Court at Honolulu Island of Oahu, bo FRIDAY OCTOBER iG, iyo8 Notice Is also hereby g:on that the upon as is verages our and the same hereby is appointed a Builder of Broken Down Systems. It at Soda Fountain. lands and premises in said mortgage as lm- - the time nnd place for hearing said neither a Beer nor an Intoxicant. BEFORE THE CONVENTION. and hereinafter described and the nmvemonts thereon and all rights, pri Petition and Accounts, and that nil persons Interested may Crawford proclaims himself In favor of Wise for Sheriff, Carlos Long vlleges and appurternances connected then and there uuc-- appear cause, any for County Attorney, and Hustace for Mayor, whom he declares will be therewith will be sold nt pumic and show If they - have, why nominated on the first ballot. The che-f- a expert claims to noia in nis nanu ttr,n in- snlil W. O. Smttii, Guardian tho same should not be at the granted, BENSON, SniTH & CO., LIMITHD. eleven out of the thirteen delegates from his precinct for Hustace. Adver- of Eric R. J. Gay, Mortgagee, and may present evidence as tiser political news article, September 14. auction rooms of James F. Morgan at to who are entitled to the said prop- JCixxxltecl It Is probable that Cathcart will be nominated, the only other candi- No S57 Kaahumanu Street in saw Ho- erty. And that notice of this Order, FORT STREET. date in the Republi:an garden mentioned being Carlos Long, ANOTHER nolulu, on Saturday, the 14th day of In ihe English language, be published HOTEL AND FORT STREET. IMPOSSIBILITY Advertiser political news article, August. 27. November 190S, at 12 o'clock noon of In the Hawaiian Star a newspapct on Carlos Long is said to be actively canvassing for support for Sheriff said day, in foreclosure. printed and published in Honolulu once chance to become the mort- the Republican ticket. He concedes that he has little The property covered by said a week for three successive weeks, tho and is now turning his attention to sold as afore-Kni- .i party's nominee for County Attorney, gage and Intended to be last publication to be not less than two office. Advertiser political news article, September 16. piece or par the other consists of all that weeks previous to tho time therein CENTENNIAL'S Carlos Long, too, has discovered that he can get no support in his efforts Ptieula, Hono cel of land situate at appointed for salr hearing. BEST. FLOUR. to land the County Attorneyship and yesterday he was fixing up a slate on aforesaid, known as tile lulu Dated at Honolulu, this 15th dhy of HENKY MAY & CO.. Ltd. which he was down as the party nominee for Sheriff with John Wise as his Mnmnatnnil lieillC .1 Dortldll of tllC lalld 22. October 1008. PHONE Deputy. Advertiser political news article, September 15. described in Land Commission Award No. 10S0C to Kamehameha HI bound- (Sgd) ALEXAND--.t LINDSAY JR., ! Begin- - Extra I Special Cathcart edition of the Advertiser Don't fail to ed and described as follows: Second Judge ot tho Circuit Court or read it tomorrow. nlntr at the North corner of tins 101 the First Circuit. adjoining land formerly belonging to Attest: uoun- - Don't Use Klseiy tno Lewers, Anthon and (Sgd) JOHN MARCALL1NO, The Republican party managers will make their next big meeting, "mag." S. 53" 00' E. G2 4 Go to the dary runs Clerk of tho Circuit Court of tho to be held in the Orphcum theatre, an unusually interesting one if they S. 31 45' W. 02 feet along kukui First feet, Circuit. Glasses will dispense with interpreting and have languages alternate in short Lane, N. S2 00' W. 13 feet along Ku-t- nl G3 Antonio Perry attorney for petition Unless you you addresses. Let there be say four of the best speakers, two in English Lane, N. G0 00' W. feet alon need them and when 31" 45' E. 113 feet to er. do need them be sure they lit you Wo and two in Hawaiian, given half an hour each, and the result will be Kukui Lane, N. the initial point, containing an area Its Oct. 10, 23, 30, Nov. 0. will givo you a thorough examination, far more satisfactory than interpretations. No orator can do himself of 0721 square feet more or less, and and it you don't need glasses will tell or his subject justice with an interpreter standing by his side, to make being the same premises devised to IN THE "CIRCUIT COURT OF THE you; it you do will sell you the best. him pause every third sentence for interpretation. said Eliza Dunbar by George Lucas First Circuit Territory ot Hawaii. by will duly probated March 22, 1S92, At Chambers In Probate. H. F, & TO THE PURE FEW ARE PURE, Probate Records No. 277S. In tho Matter of tho Estate of Herman WIMill CO,, LTD THINGS SOMETIMES. in United States Gold Terms cash Petzold, Deceased. Optical Coin; 10 payable at time of sale and Department. Order of Notice of Hearing Wilbur Crafts, who is reported from Washington as pressing the balance on delivery of deed. Petiilon for Administration. Brcckons charges, is the misguided reformer who was here a couple Deeds at the expense or purchaser. DR. F. SCHURMANN of years ago and ran afoul of Senator W. O. Smith and Governor Car For further particulars Inquire of W On Reading and Filing the Petition Optician. O. Smith, .Tudd Building, Honolulu. of A .H. R. Vioira of Honolulu al- tcr. Crafts made a lot of sensational and absurd statements about 11a Dated this ICth day of October, 190S. leging that Herman Petzold of being opium waiians addicted to the habit, and was triven a severe call W. O. SMITH, Honolulu died infestate at Honolulu ing down by Smith in the Senate. Other stuff this passing stranger Guardian of Eric R. J. Gay, on the 23rd day ot September A. D. STEINWAY had picked up about terrible local moral conditions was similarly treat Mortgagee. 1005, leaving property in tho Territory Fort near Hotel S STARR AND OTHER PIANOS. cd. It appears to be a trouble of many reformers that they arc a bit ots Oct, 10, 23, 30, Nov. 0, 13. of Hawaii necessary to be administer- Kl THAYER PIANO CO. 4 y - R56 St., Opp. over-read- to conclude that things are in terribly bad shape. As Puck- ed upon, and praying that Letters of fi Hotel Young Hotel. v m Phone 21S. put it 111 a rhyme a year or so ago : "To the pure almost everything's Administration issue to him gj TUNING GUARANTEED. rotten." This witty paraphrase of an old of It is Ordered that Wednesday tho 4th proverb contains a depth day trutli. of November A. D. 190S, at nine For a Art Th eater ! o'clocfi a. m., be and hereby is appoint- ed for hearing gald in PICTURES Petition the HAWAII SHOULD HAVE A DAY. WONDERFUL MOTION Court Room of this Court at Honolulu All kinds WRAPPING"PAPERS bringing to view scenes from which place persons and at time and all GOOD STEAK TWINES, PRINTING and WRITING A bulletin of the coining big Sound Exposition savs that six build T many lands and embracing. concerned may appear and show cause, PAPERS. ings are finished, six Hearing of any they have, why said Petition more are completion, and the work of AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- PAPER & should not be granted, and notice Coffee landscape gardening and road making is well advanced. Plans of the Comedy that Excellent 8UPPLY CO., LTD. States-mai- f of tills order shall be published once a five buildings of the United n building, Alaska. Hawaii, GEO. Q. TWO CHANGES EACH WEEK. week for three successive weeks in the GUILD, General Manager. Philippines and fisheries arc complete, and work on will be f a them start MONDAY AND THURSDAY. Hawaiian Star a newspaper published and Fort and Queen Streets. ed m October. Honolulu. 410. in Honolulu. PHONE Twenty-fiv- e . per cent of the work on the California building An Indian Love Story The Dated at Honolulu, Oct. 2, 100S. Square done, it being the only building Meal FOR SALE. state beside that of Oregon on which Cashier, Fire Cascades, Cooks ALEXANDER LINDSAY, JR., work is being clone. Much interest is being taken in California in t" T Fiance, Boats on the Nile, Second Judge of the Circuit Court of exposition and as usual, the slate will have one of the best exhibits Moons Gobling, or a Child's the First Circuit. French Ganges Brick setting sizes 4 on the ground. Due appreciation of this fact has been given by tho Dream, Jack of all Trades. Attest: ft. to 9 feet at right nrlces. Set no Exposition management and it has set aside Tune iq. iooo. as Cali JOHN MARCALLINO, ready for a fire. Zinc lined Redwood Clerk. Clean and fornia Promotion Committee day. The Committee has received a spe Bath tubs complete. Wind mill force 4ts Oct. 2, 0, 1C and 23, 100S. pumps, all brass cylinders. Largo cial invitation to visit tnc exposition on tins day and the Up-toDat- e invitation HOME COMFORTS. variety of special pipe and fittings. has been accepted. The Committee will have a special carry mosquito-proo- rooms. And the train to There is golf, and good living all tho f Prompt attention to ob work its. par. No la members and representatives of the various parts of the state to the time at Halelwa. Ladies and gen cuislno and service are on a plumbing. t::ke part thing is omitted and Manager Bidgood in the exercises of that day. tlemen who do not go around tho EMMELUTH & CO., LTD. This special train will be the finest that has ever carried a delega- Units will find enjoyment on the danc takes from his guests tho bother of ex- pressing a wish he anticipates them Meals at the Phone 211. 145 King Street tion out of California, and will be filled with one hundred representa- ing floor. Haieiwa spells comfort. And it is to be found everywhere all and makes good. tive men .who have been invited to participate in the trip. Tlv: train Lowest Prices WE BEGIN A will tc composed of Pullman and compartment sleeping cars, com about the place, from the big arm chairs on the verandas to tho bed in Fine Job Printing, Star Office, posite cars, two dining cars, and observation car, and every rj-ib- le in the city Clearance Sale arrangement that will insure comfort and pleasure of the party will OF be looked after to the smallest detail, so that from the time the train waiians on their tickets. Hawaiians heincr a majority of the voters, pujls out of San Francisco until it returns the members of the party this is natural and right. R. WILLIAM WAltHAJI, Proprietor will not have the slightest worry over matters of travel. l W. C. BREWER, Manager RUGS PORT ERRES .Arrangements will be made so complete that from the time of start- It is absolutely untrue that Mr. Cathcart has been asked to with ing to return, business men can be in close telephonic communication draw from the Republican ticket except by the Advertiser. The party wsln their home or business houses. Stops will be made at Portland managers have not asked it, nor have his fellow-candidate- s. On the COVERS, LUCE and Tacohia on the return trip, and a special trip around the Sound contrary, the most influential of the party leaders have urged him to will; be made on a steamer chartered for the occasion. make his campaign. It is also absolutely untrue that he has not been This trip is contemplated to give California one of .the greatest invited to take part in the party meetings. He has been invited. The MAINS, ETC, advertisements the State has ever had. and it will also carry out. tbq reasons why he has not yet made a campaign speech form a part of a ideal of having California Promotion Committee Day go down in the story that may yet be published. It is a most astounding bit of local .NEXT htstiry of Expositions as the most successful as well as the most unique political history and would make self- respecting Republican citizens gasp on record. Every county in California will have its representatives on with astonishment and indignation. The Advertiser surely ought to Monday, Aug. 12th the irain, and .every industry for which .the state is famed, as well. know why Cathcart has not made any campaign speech as yet. It is Why should not Hawaii have a day of her own also? Possibly we most extraordinary for that paper to charge that the reason is that the might send up a steamer excursion that would put California in the other candidates do not want him. shade. Instead of merely a train in constant telephonic communica- We have Nice tion, we might have ieamer talking thousands of miles by wireless. Carlos Long is nearer election today than any other candi- Hawaii day at the exposition ought surely to be a big notable one. date for County Attorney, and those who know what is going Materials t o on in his behalf, without reference to what is taking shape The Democrats arc very jubilant over the work that is being done against others, are well aware of that fact. Advertiser. Make up this bo, lid for Edings as candidate for county attorney. Carlos Long has absolutely not a ghost of a chance of election ex unoa cept upon one basis, that of a race-lin- e vote. There can be no other The Martin case decided yesterday by the Supreme Court did not possible reason for Hawaiians voting for him. As said before, the Newest Pat- i CHINESH NHWSPAPJBJI hold that the Edmunds Act is applicable to this territory, or is in force issue heh as made furnishes one of the best chances ever sriven to sec PUBLISHING AND here. The court especially declined to pass upon that question. The how the Hawaiian voters do keep their political faith. tern, 2 to 6 issue made on the facts did not include the right of the territorial leg JOB PRINTING. islature to enact laws covering the same ground with federal laws, for The Advertiser is pretty near this morning to repeating its asser years. the law of Hawaii tinder which the case was brought was not enacted tion of six weeks ago that Carlos Long, as county attorney, is an "im- since v No. 41 Cor. ot Bmltt and Hotel Ita. annexation. possibility." The sentence quoted by The Star followed one which ' A. had referred to Cathcart in uncomplimentary terms, and it then men- Koa Furniture The worst enemy of the Hawaiian race is the man who for the tioned Long as "another impossibility." This morning, while explain- sake q getting a job tries to lead Hawaiians into color line voting. ing this and other quotations the Advertiser savs its reporter "viewed UPHOLSTERINp AND REPAIRINQ Whenever in history that issue has been made, the result has been a the field with a clear eye." We grant that he did, and loss of ' franchise to the race making it. It has not been made here and beg to compliment him on having used his clear eye to perceive that E. W. WING CHOMG CO. need not be, for both the American parties have a majority of Ha- - tong was an impossibility. Jordan & Co., Ltd. Cor. King tnd BUitL P, O. Boi 1MB rtou yfinaf'.iwt.Hjii. ytnft-- '' - - - - -


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fit. (if Hip Snr.lptv I i ence of sixteen at Waikikl last night. Tliininnn tlinro to a A CItACKERJACK NUMBER. Amusements The Republican Central Committee noble Incentive to all good people (o I SMOOTH TOSSEO T Look out for tho Pacific Weekly to- is Issuing a pamphlet In Hawaii which patronize the Gipsy Encampment. H0US1D morrow. There will bo much of in- contains the resolution deposing' HAWAIIAN OPERA HOUSE terest to George Kaea from tho ticket for Re- the men of tho Pacific licet. 7 presentatives of the Fifth District, to Tho boxing situation will bo reviewed THE CAMPAIGN CRACKED PIPE OF MILES IN SEAS COMPANY. , gether with an address to the voters at length by an expert. An entiro explaining the action. SAN FRANCISCO, Ocl. 1. Tho lSk7 Despite insufficient advertising page will 1)0 devoted to live political is to bo a meeting of Repub- northern seas played one of their among was There gossip and comment, "It Is Said" will - Monday Evening, the native residents there HELD strango pranks when tliey cast upon 1 ..nro- lican candidates with tho County A0H1G bo bound to cause jfcnolulu Hawaii very Ka-dia- talk wherever read. a fair attendance at the Republi- the beach at Wood Island, near k, Committee at 5 o'clock this afternoon. Tho editorial page will article can rally at Moiliili last night. in southerneastern Alaska, a contain A. S. Kaleiopu will be at Republican S. S. Aorangl, Captain Phillips, this of merit by John A. Hcnshall, C. F. October 19th John Kealohu, a model chairman, cam- bottle drifted thousands of miles, driv-boa- rd headquarters until the end of the Bris-bah- e Maxwell, Will Sabin 'and pro- presided and E. Nahau opened the morning arrived from Sydney, from the bark Yosemitc, four other AT 8:15 paign to assist the workers and to an- Suva, Van- minent local writers. Altogether meeting with prayer. All the speak- and and sailed for years liefore. In those four years that the swer all inquirers about his bill in last couver and Victoria soon after 1 o'clock number will be the best that has yet ers were well received, their address-es- e Is botele drifted thousands of miles, driv- legislature on health matters which isused. Ready C a. ob- being short specific. this afternoon. en by tempest, by eddies, sucked been at in. and and on the -- lured the subject of attack him and Passengers Tfonolulu were Miss every news-stan- d jr along by currents. Then it rested tainable at in town. John Kamonoulu was the first to party. Ruby Ryder, Mr. and Mrs. John Hums, mount He followed by among the beach flotsam until found the stand. was .Miss M. W. Brett, A. Prlngle, J. Piin-gl- o Oliver by a fisherman in the employ of the A bargain J. A. Hughes, Win. Ahia, Norman S. V. Fraser. Among Huwiiiinn Lodge No. at Kallhl. Lot 7ti x Kaine and the Packers' Association. Watkins, J. C. Cohen, Win. Kane, D. through passengers Is Captain H. A. Alaska 100. New house of three bed- GPSES TO HOLD PROOF OF ITS AGE. F.& A. 31. Logan, J. C. Lane, H. M. von Holt, M. Fyres, who was aid de camp to rooms. Prico J2.000.00, . i, vagrant bottle was 33. o. John Wise, J. Bicknell, D. Kalauoka-lan- Northcote who was Governor Tho note in the Lord paper Fire "An Evening with Rohert Burns under Jr., E. A. C. Long and A. D. General of Australia. written on of The Western Thero will bo a Special meet- - Castro, tho last one finishing about ac- Extinguisher Company, with offices in lng of Hawaiian Lodge, No. 21, tho auspices of the Scottish Thistle REVEL TONIGHH Tho Aorangl was delayed by an r Punahou District. Several ten o'clock. engine room tho "Hayward Building," this city. It S F. & A. M., at its hall, Mason cident In her Just before any good properties Club." DEMOCRATIC MEETINGS. reaching Brisbane, cracking the main boro date of May lGth, without ic Temple, corner of Hotel and Alakea ranging in prlco Everything is in good shape and year, but what gave it evidence of age, Oc- from ?3,000.00 up. Rallies were held by the Democrats steam pipe and having to lay over at street THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING preparation the Gipsy Encamp beyond its weatherbureau appearance, 1G, l'JOS, at punchbowl and Palama, tho speak for Brisbane for a day. She had heavy tober 7:30 p. in. ment at the Moana Hotel this even- was tho fact that It is years slnco on sale at Bergstrom Music ers going from one to tho other. They weather from Suva. WORK IN FIRST DEGREE. Seats ing. will open at 7:30. thero was a "Hayward Building." Tho wero Peters, Sllva, Moore, Kuhia, It Manoa Valley. Choke build- Alvlnza Hayward built, at the cor- Members ofPaciniT Lodge, Oceanic Co. Ingham, There has been no entertainment of late Lodge, visiting ing lot on Fern, Anderson, Uluhl, Rose, ner of California and Montgomery and all brethren, are East Manoa Road - the kind better planned, or in which fraternally Invited to Rathburn, Watson, Jarrett and McClen- ATCHERLEY streets, a building was to bear attend. two minutes from tar line; nan. the plans more completely fitted the MS that By order of tho W. M. type, this one. Admission his name and remain a monument to good marine view. Prtte ?1,000. TONIGHT. than is K. R. G. WALLiACE, OrpheuinTheater free those attending being only re- his memory. But long before tho fire Republican Secretary. . Palama, opposite In quired to pay fifty cents for a badge u the building was sold to the Kohls and school. MAKES DENIAL dustrial they dance. This decoration will be became known as tho Kohl building, We have several applications m SATURDAY EVB, OCTOBER 17 Democratic Pauoa, Kallhf. going through the conflagration as worth preserving as a memento both Classified Advertising for furnished houses from re- Home Rule Kewalo. EDITOR STAR: Please recall your such. Tho Classic Athletic of a unique show and of the time it sponsible parties. If you havo a Event of the Seasbh SIDE SHOWS. takes place namely, the visit of the statement in your issue of Oct. 10th, REWARD TO FINDER. LOST note must furnished or unfurnished houso W. C. AchI, Laborula candidate for Pacific fleet. charging me with trying to boom This Indicated that tho Hawaiian coat of arms brooch at - have been atloat some years and gave for rent, consult lie. 15-Rounds-- Mayor, spoke at length to an audl- As tho proceeds will be' for the bene- - gen- Scasldo Hotel Sunday, Oct. 11. Return 15 Berkley as Delegate and that that beyond contents, ,lt an interest its to this office. Reward. tleman was a dupe of mine. Some or which read: . GLOVE CONTEST the Delegates at the Republican Con- The Western Fire Extinguisher Co., i WANTED. ' vention, I know, asked Mr. Ueckley to Ill and 112 Hayward Building. At onco, lady capablo of doing spo- -, Charlie Reilly accept tho Delegate candidacy, and I San Francisco, Cal., May 1C. cial detectlvo work. Must speak Ger WlTEBROKE TllllST" vs. CI know the reply was, "If Prince Cupid ON BOARD BK. YOSEMITE. man. Also Chinaman who cau read A CLEAN RED KID gets out of the field I will accept, but Finder returning this note Is entitled and wtito English. Call Rcom 32 2nd 1f a to one gallon whisky. Leahy ho announces himself candidate iloor Campbell Block. Corner of Fort and Merchant Sts. Joe he has worked and ho can have It. AUGUST J. HACKME1EH, Championship By cxifcrlenced hum, position on For tho Lightweight IX KERY I ASF. IX WHICH A HALL'S SA1K 11 S What we wanted him for was Mayor, 2218 Post St., San Francisco, Cal. plantation. Please address "J. R." this A Rattling Six-Rou- Preliminary i'.EF.X SU1JKCT TO FIRE, Nu MATTER IK)Y SE ERE ho was in good trim for tho con offer Is genuine. and Tills office. Between THE TEST. Till-- . CONTENTS HAVE BEEN FOUND TO vention up to tlireo days before that A call at 2218 Post street found at BE PRESERVED PRACTICALLY INTACT jpvent, when legal auvico was taken homo Mrs. R. Ilackmeier, mother of Bright whlto boy for olllci. alttst Weber and Nelson from attornoys ana eacn gavo auvico tho writer of the note. Her sou is havo knowlcdgo of shorthand and WIRELESS to tho samo effect that Mr. Beck ley engaged in tho fishing industry, and typewriting. Address M. L. this At 12C Pounds 9 was not ellglblo to run as candidate tho Yosemlte bark sails far to tho TELEGRAPH for tho post. Wo throw up our hands Island, thousands For westward of Wood Good proposition for a ennvasser of Island linsiuetb'. TICKETS on sale at FItzpatrlck's arc good safes. There is no warping under heat of walls or and gavo our support to someone else tlio of miles to westward. ability. Address X, Offlce. doors, because are constructed by now in field, but not In tho samo AGO. Star Cigar Store, Hotel and Fort streets. they experts and thoroughly tho WRITTEN FOUR YEARS Itb Wo want you totrya-massagew- tested. party. "It must havo been four years ago A COMPROMISE VEHDICT. PRICES Stage Seats, $2.50; Re- our Electric Respectfully, my son, when ho came homo from Vibrator for that tired It was tho first case ever In served Chairs, J2, ?1.50 and ?1; Gal- that feeling tried MARY II. ATOHHKUSV. tho sen, told mo ho had thrown over and headacho. Nothing better Stony Gulch and tho Jury had sat for lery, 50c. -- In town. SOLD ONLY BY-- a note In n bottle to see whether It Union Barber Shop. hours arguing and disputing. At last George T. Clarko, tho secretary of ever would bo picked up," said Mrs. FOR RENT. they straggled back to their places, and I, H. Brown, Government Inspector tho Now South Wales Chamber or Ilackmeier. Two largo airy rooms. Suitable eith- tho foreman, a tall mountalncor, ex- for tho Breakwater, arrived In Hllo H. Hackfeld & Co., Manufacturers, did not speak heforo Northern fishermen declaro that tho er for lady or gentleman. Apply 1920 pressed tho general opinion: Ltd Commercial Club this noon, owing Yosemlte, lr going to tho fishing King street. "Wo he' last Wednesday. tho don't think ho did It," said HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. to tho non-arriv- al of tho Marama. grounds, would not pass nearer Wooo First class furnished rooms centra) slowly, ''for wo allow ho wa'nt thore, a a thousand or perhaps two wo O9OeoeO8OTO0O9C9CMTOQOOO3OlfO3.OIXCC;O3CXlO2COOS9CeOe Island than ly located. Hot and cold baths, Ar but think ho would uf he'd had tho Flno Job Prlnttno, 8tar Office. Fine Job Printing, Star Office. thousand miles. llngton Hotel, 215 Hotel St. chanst," '

'ait. -- E. nx THE HAWAIIAN STAlt, Fill DAY, OCTOBER 16, 1008. . I tho direction of women west of Now fifaajwaB- - nsrs awBa York was received by tho gcnernl pub- lic. DON'T v WORRY No waiting for waiters K l , fpgBPH - F OAKLAND, Sept. 20. The revolver They are with you hero v match between Henry A. Harris and Wo will buy your Diamonds, old C. F. Armstrong took plnco at tho watches and jewelry for spot Shell Mound ranges today and result- cash. ed In a victory for Armstrong. This match excited considerable Interest among tho local marksmen and a largo at- -i i v ra m Li inrv w Li m Prompt j rttma ni u n Service i n l u n n n n u m ti crowd was on hand to witness the J. CARLO shooting. From start to finish the 1018 Nuuanu Ave., ai-- ' Branch, Fort winner seemed to hnve the upper hand, St., near Hotel. too thin, or is los- - and when tho final scores were tabu- Best Cuisine l v2?$ lated Harris was In tho minority. The Notwithstanding that the aquatlo 3. WOMEN'S FOUR PAD. HAWN. loser challenged tho winner to a re- sportsmen were left up In the air by CANOE 1st, $10; 2nd, $4. turn match, to tnke plnco within tho We me interested course of next few weeks. 9e Jack Atkinson's going to Hawaii 4. FOUR PAD. MODERN CANOE tho Moderate Cost Vi ID lr WTM without leaving any memoranda re- 1st. $20; 2nd, $S; 3rd, $1. o regatta, they have got GRAVESEND, N. Y., Sept. 2C s, lative to a Fleet 5. SURF BOARD CONTEST IN program Harry Payne In tho Welfare of Your Eyes. together and arranged a fine BIG SURF Cup. a castoft from to come off on Sunday afternoon. Whitney's stable won the Oriental Vigor C. TOUR PAD. HAWN. CANOE Is 2tair will bo the list of off- handicap today In record time. All our knowledgo and skill Below found track 1st, $20; 2nd, $8; 3rd, $1. We are used to serving crowds It will reinovo all dandruff, icers and the program of events: This angular son of Sandrlngham, the REGATTA COMMITTEE S. A. 7. CANOE SAILING HAWN. CA- English stallion bred by King Edward, at your disposal. Seo us Now. and will give you thick, long, Walker, O. It. Angus, O. L. Sorenson. NOE 1st, $25; 2nd, $15. and Imported to this country by tho and satisfying the people. Our Cook- glossy, and beautiful hair. JUDGES A. A. Wilder, S. M. S. SIX PAD. HAWN. CANOES FOR late W. C. Whitney, ran tho mile and $1S; $C. Accept no substitute. Bo Robt. Atkinson. SAILORS $12; and three-sixteent- course In 1:59, a full ing appeals to persons who want some- Robert-sotiTE- CA CLERK OF COURSE A. S. li 0. CANOE SAILING MODERN .second raster man tno mane csiauusn sure you got Ayor's Hair Crawford. NOES 1st, $15; 2nd. $10; 3rd, $3. led by Stamina, his former stable mate, Vigor, and preserve the rich- STARTERS From Moana Pier, C. 10. SURF RIDING CANOE 1st, .September 18. In order to win Ange thing different but quite as good as $12; 2nd, $G. breaking ness and luxuriance oC your U. Wilson. lus had to make a heart From Hag opposite Crown's resi- 11. SURF RIDING CANOE FOR pace from start to finish. He ran the they get at home. $G. hair to an advanced period dence. Geo. S. Harris. SAILORS $12; first half mile In :47 5 and tho mile TIME-KEEPER- bo made with Outrigger 5, of life. S W. M. Johnson. Entries to In 1:37 a new track record for Club or S. A. Walker. Prejared bv Dr. 1. C. Ayer & Co. Lowrlt. Man., U.S. t H. E. Murray. the distance. 1. ROYS CANOE RACE Cup. Races to starjL promptly at 2 p. m. to 2. SIX PAD. HAWN. CANOE 1st Surf Board Contest Boards not We Always Have Variety prize $30; 2nd, $20; 3rd. $10. be over 8 ft. long. RAPID TRANSIT NEW ENGLAND CHAMPION MUTUAL LIFE I TENNIS IKES GOOD PLAY INSURANCE CO. Breakfast 6 to 10 WALLS DOPE P31 P3 ot Boston, Massachusetts The Baseball League came Luncheon 11 to 2 Can be made to look as fresh out of the season about $200 be- - New Policy as they ever did by the appli- hind, has been made The entries for tho tennis singles Al Castle and A. J. Lowrey appear to but this. good by generosity of the The contract embodies, In an cation ot a few pounds of our championship of tho islands closea the Dinner 5 to 8 be the strongest and In all probability Rapid Transit & Land absolutely COMPLETE and yesterday afternoon play will 'Honolulu and one of these two will play In the final Company, L. A. Thurston being PERFECi form, the principle start tomorrow afternoon at the courts against Cooke War- a meeting of strictly MUT'JAL llfo insur- 2 match either or the prime mover. At ot tho Pacific Tennis Club nt o'clock. - ance. stom- of tho H. R. T. & L. Co. held 4- The entry list is not as large as was ren. Lowrey has been ill with yesterday It was to pay expected, both Hllo and Maul falling ach trouble for the past few weeks and f voted Ice Cream and Cakes over to the trustees of the to send down any entries, though the Is not In his regular form, which LTD, It look as If Castle would win League $200. CASTLE & COOKE, You can have them tinted in date Iia dbeen specially set for their makes convenience. out. any color you choose with this - - AGENTS. It is apparently certain that tho Al Castle should beat Joe Cooke and mi 4- W 6 a. 4 Open m. until ll:30p, m. I durable and beautiful wall finish. fight for the championship will He be- Lowrey take Baldwin Into camp in tho Also representing Pine Job Prlntlno, Sta- - Office. W. L. Warren and Richard A. ptellmlnary round while Steere and tween Aetna Insurance Co. Cooke. The latter will beat L. S. Con-ne- ss Greenfield of Ewa will have a hard National Flra Iuuurance Co. with ease on the first day's play light, with the odds in favor of the Frntcrnnl Meetings Citizens Insurance Co. will also c.ean Ray RIetow up plantation man. and Protector Underwriters. without difticultj, his next match pro- The drawings are as follows: R. B. m bably coming against Warren, who RIelow (byo); L. S .Conness vs H. H. 1ARMONY LODGE NO 3, I. O. O. V Cooko; W. L. Warren vs Harold Cas- will play Harold Castle in his first Meets every Monday evening at 7:1 LIMITED. match probably C. G. Bockus in the tle; C. G. Bockus vs. S. M. Ballou; and In Odd Fellows' Hall, Fort Street, Vlt-Itln- A .L. vs J. P. Cooke; A. J. i177 S. King cond. for the latter siiould defeat Castle at- WAT.V.V.V.W.W.WAV.VV. Street. brothers cordially Invited to Hotel, near Lowrey vs S. A. Baldwin; F. E. Green- Port M. Ballon in the first round. tend. 5 Phone 775. In the second half ot the drawings field vs R. E. Steere. Finest Sodas BEN F. V1CKERS. N. G. J In tho Town. Come Try Them. j E. R. HENDRY. Sec. HONOLULU DRUG CO., LTD. S; HONOLULU LODGE 616, B. P O. E. V Soda Fountain. will meet their hall, King street, Cafe near Fort, every Friday evening. Bj Thurlow's order of the E. R. (Formerly Scotty's Cafe.) Cor. of Nuuanu and Merchants Streets HOLLY WM. H. McINERNY, 1. R. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT AND SUNDAYS. H. C. EASTON,' Secy. 1 GIL IB. Under the management of Al Thurlow, late Steward of the S. S. Alameda. HOURS 01 FIRST-CLAS- S MERCHANT'S LUNCH 25 Cents. DIVISION No. 1, A. C. . To Honolulu, T. H. Chicago Meets every first and third Wednes- SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MER day, at 8 p. m., in C. B. U. Hall, Fort CHANT3. From San Francisco, The Visiting cordially Street. brothers are CUGAR FACTOR 8 and GENERAL IN Fastest transcontinental train. Invited to attend. SURANCE AGENT8. FRANK D. CKEEDON, Pres. riOVED. JAMES T. CAREY, Sec. representing OVERLAND Ewa Plantation Co. WE HAVE MOVED INTO LARGER AND BETTER XXXXXB Walalua Agricultural Co., LU. QUARTERS, JUST TWO DOORS ABOVE OUR OLD Kohala Sugar Co. STORE IN THE YOUNG BUILDING. ALWAYS AHEAD Walmea Sugar Mill Co. LIMITED READY THE ROUGH RIDER CIGAR Apokaa Sugar Co., Ltd. WE'RE FOR A BIGGER BUSINESS THAN Electric lighted, Bullet, Li- Fulton Iron Works of St. Loul, EVER. Blake Steam Pumps. brary and Drawing room com- Fltzpatrlck Bioi. partment, observation car, with Weatons Centrifugals. and Babcock & Wilcox Boilers. dinner. Telegraphic news post Myrtle Clear Store. Green's Fuel Economizer. Hawaiian News Company, Ltd. ad on train. Marsh Steam Pumps. Matson Navigation Co. Alexander Young Building. Planters Line Shipping Co. New England Mutual Lifa burnt nce Company ot Boaton. - Aetna Insurance Co. 0mC0K00-0- FOR National Fire Insurance Co. Pacific Citizen's Insurance Co. (Hartford mN?& H fl agf Southern Vlio Insurance Co.) awl. Protector Underwriters ot tho PkojkIi To man arp of Hartford. BOXING IARNIVAL .NEW CHOP HOUSE. To Make You IRWIN & Go. F. John, Iat of the Manhattm . (. Lunch Rooms, has opened a new Ckoi CAMPAIGN I This Afternoon at 4 o'clock House on Hotel street near Nuuanu BANNERS Main Event. Fln.t class meals served at all noon POSTERS, ETC AGENTS FOR THE TRINKLE, U. S. S. MARYLAND, Champion of the Pacific HOFFMAN CHOP HOUSE. Elite Bldg. Phone 3U7 Royal Insurance Co. of , Eng. Scottish Union & National Ins. Co., of Fleet. Edlnburg, Scotland. VS. Homo and General Painting. Co. of FOX, U. S. S. PERRY, Champion of the Torpedo Flotilla. Notice. Commercial Union Assurance ' Removal -- London. 15 Rounds at 132 Pounds. , M. Ohta removed to C3(5 South Hotel Fire Insurance Tho Upper Rhine Ins. Co., Ltd. JACK McFADDEN, Champion of Honolulu, Street betwees Punchbowl and Bere-tanl- a. JOE LAHEY. WHO MIXES iT WITH CHARLIE REILLY. VS. WALLER, Champion of the U. S. S. Pennsylvania. "I think I have a good chance to beat fought beforo to a draw and I think, Atlas Assurance Company of 10 Rounds at 130 Pounds. Rellly, as my condition Is very good, as tllls 's fifteen, I will be able to get London E. O. HALL & SON, Proprietors. though I will have no excuse to make Now York Underwriters LTD., McCOLLOUGH, of Fort Shafter, Honolulu ' If he wins from mo Saturday night. I J0B LAHEY Agency VS. 1 uuuvu think I can llMlt. Mm In n "U is juu OpiUlUU Importers and Dealers In "CHUCK" CONNORS, of U. S. S. Pennsylvania. ln rtht ' """"S Providence Washington In- . " of the coming bout between him ana Automobiles and Auto Supplies, Re 6 Rounds at Pounds. Scrap Iron Co. as It is nard lor a fellow to get a lead surance Company 145 Cnarll0 UeUv at tne 0nmcum aalur. pairing and Storage. C. H. BROWN : : : : Manager in four rounas. That Is what wo day night. Sole Agents for the Pierce Great Ar- HALEKAUWILA ,STREET The B, F, Dillingham Co, Ltd, row, Franklin, Kissel Kar, Thomas, Independence Club Highest prlco paid for Old Brass, XXXXXITIXTTTTTTTTXrxXXXXrX yesterday morning, camo to a closo General Agents for Hawaii. Cadillac. Alakea. StrAfit. tonight In Scrap Iron ana all metals. tho Iaora park rink. The Fourth Floor, Stange .wald Building. Tickets on ale at Fashion Cigar attendance was tho largest since the 151 Merchant Street. Store. SPORTING SPOUTS opened, Telephone G42 P. O. Box 547 exhibition hundreds availing themsolves of tho opportunity of seeing IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE XXTXXXTXTTXTTTTTTTTXrrxXXi snnio of tho finest of the blue blood I IN NEWSPAPERS Y. WO SING CO. HE KNEW. dog aristocracy ot state. The dis t ANYWHERE AT ANYTIMQ tho ' FRUITS, WIRELESS STRIVES TO warn Tho Parson Nature Is not unllko OAKLAND .Sept. 20. With dis- Call on or Write GROCERIE8, her of a terrlblo West Indian tho play was a gratifying success and tho - some young men. tribution of nearly 100 trophies to ' VEGETABLES, ET WARN CRUISER OF GALE hurricane advancing toward Porto Rl- lady dog financiers under whoso man S C. DAKE'S ADYERTISIKG AGEECY California Butter, 40o lb; Coottn, Tho Deacon In what way? prize winning canines the first annual co from tho southward. Tho Prairie is agement the show was given were 134 Sansomo Street Butter, 80a lb.; Island Butter, He. Ik WASHINGTON, September 2li. All 250 Tho Parsori Nature begins her fan dog show of tho Ladles' kennel asso- carrying sailors for the PaclUo well pleased with the manner In which BAN 1186-118- 8 by painting things J FRAN0I80O, CALIF, Nuuanu Street the Atlantic wireless stations aro try fleet to Colon, where they will be sent . red. ciation of California, which opened the dog j first display ever made under Telephone Main 288. Box 111 lng to pick up the cruiser l'ralrle to to Panama and San Francisco. fi


Ask The at the Bar Honolulu For Brew

cumstance was that many of thorn, HAVE YOtTR SHIRTS AND COLLARS axszrzxzzxzxzxxzxszsxxxzxB THE PONE BY when tho time for mourning was over, BILLETS AVAILABLE THE KNOX HATS M WIDOWS SILENT preferred to contlnuo to be silent wo- men and to discourse only by signs. Frond h I uunclry See them at ank of Hawaii A second grade examination to- - tnc with their new French dry cleaning TD DISGUST TWLEVE YEARS ON WATER positions of messenger, assistant, process. SILVA'G TOGGERY. LIMITED. WAGON, IS COURT AWAHD. 258 1491. weigher, sampler nnd verifier In me Beretania St. Phono Elks' Dldg., King St. Typo Writing Paper and all Offlco customs service in Honolulu will 03 Supplies. Incorporated Under the Laws of the WOMEN SEEKING TO ELUDE THE SACRAMENTO, September 20. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIXZXXXXB Territory of Hawaii. Twelve years on the water wagon wns held at the High school bulldi'ig o,i Call In and Inspect our largo slock. SPIRITS OF HUSBANDS MAKE the punishment meted out to John November 7. The places carry salar- ! CAPITAL, SURPLUS' AND PROFITS, THEMSELVES HIDEOUS. ies from ?V0 to $100 a month. Candi- I PRIMO Oahu Railway Moran this morning by Judge Hughes Wall, Nichols $1,028,982.39 for stealing two rigs while intoxicated dates must not Dp less tlmti 21 nor Co., Ltd Cor. Fort Mc LONDON, September 2C Among the from Sacramento residents to which he more than 55 years of age. Applica- and reliant Sts. complete form inns; bo hied t OUTWARD OFFICERS: curiosities of religious belief mention pleaded guilty. tions in larceny with John W. Short, secretary Ha- For Wnlanae, Wnlaiuu, and ChaB. M. Cooke President ed at the Congress of the History of On tho first charge of grand Kalniku Fol-so- civil service district, at Hono- Way Stations "J: 15 a. m., 3:20 p. in Vice-Preside- nt Religions, which met Oxford, per- must spend two years in waii P. C. Jones at Moran For City, Vice-Preside- before the hour of Pearl Ewa Mill and Way W. Macfarlane..2nd. nt haps the mose striking was related in and when that term Is over be lulu custom house, F. Stations t": 30 a.m., "9: 15 a.m.. ll:0j C. H. Cooke Cashier the section over which Professor Jns- - must spend ten years of his life in closing business on November 2. been given or a. in., 2:15 p. in., 3:20 p. m., u:15 p. 0. Hustace, Jr Asst. Cashier Philadelphia presided. abstinence from liquor or the Separate notice has PcpS p. p. trow of total m.. 50:30 m., m. B. Asst. Cash. & Secty the same time and til F. Damon Dr. Frazer told of tho Silent prison sates will reopen for mm. an examination nt For Wahiawa U:15 a. m. and 5:15 Z. K. Meyers Auditor Here inspec- all America and Tho second sentence was Imposed by place for the position of night p. m. At Bars M. Cooko. Widows of Northwest day. Board of Directors: Chas. where, partly with Judge Hughes and then withheld. If tor with a salary of ?3 a INWARD. P. C. Jones, F. W. Macfarlane, E. F. Central Australia drop of liquor for tlio Wal-alu- a Bishop, E. D. Tenney, J. A. McCand-leB- S, tho object of eluding and partly with Moran touches a Arrive Honolulu from Knhuku, NEW ARRIVALS IN SILK G000 Geo. R. Carter, C. H. Atherton, F. tho object of disgusting their dead next ton years after his two years' Lo ort Din. and Waianae S:3G a. m.. 5:31 p. m. For yean, mr lino of O. C. H. Cooke, F. B. Damon. husbands, was tho custom of widows term ho will bn rushed to Folsom. ,vour falls, you die. It is silk goods has Atherton, it When heart Arrive Honolulu Mill and In ways is short from Ewa been tho bit in town and our last to keen silence and various failing when your breath after Pearl City 17: 40 a. m., 8:3C a. m., periods dizzy irre- shipment pjved no exception. COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS DE- mako themselves hideous for NO DANGER. oxerclso, ff you have spells, 10:3S a. m., "1:40 p. tn 4:31 p. m., PARTMENTS. of mourning, which in sonio cases Don't be afraid to give Chamberlain's gular, pulso, fainting spells, pains In 5:31 p. m . 7:30 p. in. Iwakami & Co., - - Hotel St. lasted two years. Cough remedy to your children. It is chest, etc. Don't neglect theso symp- Arrive l.'cnohilu from Wahlawa Strict attention given to all branches Thero Is one particular tribe of Aus Intended especially for coughs, colds, toms, they develoD very fast. Glvo 8:3G a. m. I 5:31 p. m. EDZWOKIII TOBACCO QB0ID cough, it is your nourishment and strength Dally. Ex "uday. 3unday Only. of Banking aborigines, which extends this croup and whooping and heart . Two Best poking Tobaccos on the tralian The HalPhv.-- a two-ho- J daughters. medicine made for these dis- with Dr. Miles' Now Heart Cure, and limited, veto to tho mothers, sisters, the best (only first-cla- ss honored), Market. If train tickets JUDD BUILDING, FORT STREET. and mothers-ln-ia- so it often hap- eases. What makes it safe is that it savo complications. first bottlo leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 8:22 MYRTLE UAH STORE pens, a majority of the women in a contains no opium. Children like it. fails to benefit, money baclt. Few People llealize a. m.; returning, arrives in Honolulu and Claus Sprcckels. Wm. G. Irwin, are prohibited from speaking. For sale by all dealers, Benson, Smith That tlicir Hair is sick when it snows at 10:10 p. m. Tho Limited stops only .VITZPATRICK BROS, tribe City i 1 added that an odd cir & Co., agents for Hawaii. Fine Job Printing, Star Office. signs or tailing orr and that in ns nt Pearl and Waianae. Agents. Dr. Frazer G. C. SMITH, PhTinOr way crying nourish- P. DENISON, F. I n il (V II feeble it is lor U1UU iiiiiii nun in a II ment. Supt. G. P. & T. A CHOICE EGGS FOR HATCHING from PACHECO'S DANDRUFF KILLER y. PRIZE WINNER STOCK. HONOLULU, -- -- H. T. isinr quickly cleanses the scalp of all hum- "lomer Beretania and tt "Crystal" White Orpingtons, S. Gray v ors and dandruff, It arrests tho falling Dorkings, Black Minorcas, White Leg- Ban Francisco Agents The Nevada V...... 0: . 0: JAPANESE DRUGGISTS National Bank of San Francisco. off, imparts a healthy, natural color horns "Nonpareils," Brown Leghorn! to GENERAL MERCHANDISE nd Buff Wyandotte. DRAW EXCHANGE ON :... tho hair. vll K.'nds of Amoilcin Pfttont Mdl Orders filled in rotation and caroful-c- r FRANCISCO The Nevada Na- Sold by all druggists and at Pache-co'- s 8AN "'V clnOs at Low packed. tional Bank of San Francisco. Barber Shop. Phone 1!3. Price. & Smith's . WALTER C. WEEDON, LONDON Union of London 9 .? Bank, Ltd. Old Stan- Fine Jofc Printing, Star Office. P. O. Box 658. Honolulu. NEW YORK American Exchange Na The NOTICE. tional Bank. M Tho which CHICAGO Corn Exchangs National .o.. . All repairs left at our place must kind havo taken tho town dard for the by storm. Nothing Bank. ::: bo called for within 30 days or they finer. Tho best Lyonnals. OllWlD Cans thing In tho baby carriage line ever PARIS Credit ft will be sold to pay expenses. BERLIN Dresdner Bank. .V of things Invented. Big variety. best CO. HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA The ?'.. NEW OAHU CARRIAGE MFG. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking J Queen Street near River. CO., Lowers & Cooko Building J. HOPP & - Corporation. in the eating K 1 n c NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA . troot- Bank of New Zealand, ana iianK oi Australasia. ..' drinking VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Bank and of British North America. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING line. Just ask AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. Deposits Received, Loans Made on TOH Approved Security, Commercial and anyone where Travellers' Credits Issued. Bills of Ex- change Bought and Sold. the COLLECTING PROMPTLY AC- LfiLDfl. COUNTED FOR.

ESTABLISHED R 1830. King Street near Alalcea The Hawaiian Co Ltd BISHOP SCO. Telephone 390 Electric BANKERS

Commercial and Travellers' We beg to announce to our patrons Letters of Credit Issued on tho Bank of California and The Lon- and to all who are interested in the art don Joint Stock Bank, Limited, London. of cooking, that there will be a series of Correspondents for the Amer- 1 ican Express Company, and demonstrations at the Y. W. C. A. for Thos. Cook & Son. Interest allowed on term and the purpose of showing the right and Savings Bank Deposits. proper use of flavoring extracts, and the isthey will tell place of a gas stove in the household. LIMITED. old- 24,000,000.00 you. The ..:: de- Capital (Paid Up).. Yen " '41 The expert cook who will have charge of the Reserved Fund 15,050,000.00 Special Reserved Fund 2,000,000.00 est establish- !': monstrations has been sent by the Van Duzer Co., from HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA. ed restaurant New York to show the superiority of their Flavoring Branches and Agencies: .. inthe city. For Extracts. Toklo, TCobe, Osaka, Nagasaki, Lon .: don, Lyons, New York, San Francisco, Bombay, Hong Kong. Shanghai, Han tasty meals at The Demonstrations will bo hold every Tuesay, Thursday, andSaturdayJmorning. kow, Chefoo, Tientsin, Peking, New .. chang. Dalny, Port Arthur, Antung' ''. From 9:30 till 11 o'clock. Until further notice. Hslen, Llaoyang, Mukden, Tienllng, the lowest Chunschun. . Evoryono who ih interested in good cooking is cordially invited to bo present. The bank buys and receives Tor col- prices come lection bills of exchanges, IsBues Drafts and Letters of Credit, and transact a us. general banking business. and visit Honolulu Branch 67 King Street KING STREET PACIFIC PHOTO GALLERY Henry Befit Waverley Block. may i (17 Hotel St. makal side.) Around the Corner from Fort St. Photography In all Its branches, pic- tures enlarged. Fort Street. Phone 22 Kodak developing una printing a specialty. mom THE HAWAIIAN STAR FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 190S.

NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. the libel against the Manchuria whleu llawnllan Lodge Pago G was brought by the Pacific Commercial CURIOS I'robnte Notice Page 4 Cable Company In behalf of the bnbie-shi- p Mortgagee Notice Pago 4 Restorer. Tho decree gives the SUGAR QUOTATIONS Among Our New Arrivals are HAWAII AN and S AMD A N Hackfcld & Co Pago 5 cablcship tho sum of ?G2,C30.S0, of in Town t'nlon Pacific Transfer Co Page 2 Which $000.52 is Interest to date Horn PILLOW TOPS and Stamp- Largest Assortment Union Grill Page 7 tile tune mat. me decision making tue L. D. KeiT & Co Pace 3 award was rendered. ed Goods. Woman's Exchange Hnwail Shoo Co Pago 5 Governor Kroar, Commissioner New- 36" TEST LONDON BEETS ell mid Mrs. Newell, Land Commis- & Union Sts. Aek to see the New Linen Hotel TII& WEATHER. sioner Pratt aud Thomas Wight arriv- ed In Hllo from Puhalu last Saturday ft. Local OfTice, U. S. Weather Bureau, Date. Per Lb Per Ton. Price. Bureau Runners, and Cushion Co., evening. The Governor with Mr. and G W.G. Irwin & Ud Youuj Building. Sept. 15 9 shllllgs, pence. Mrs. Newell, Marston Campbell and G 4 Sept. 10 9 shillings pence. Tops Sub-age- to Match, in COMMISSION ASBHIS Williams left Sunday morn- S 1- -1 Natural iUGAR FAGI0R3, Honolulu, T. H., October 1G, 190S, Sept. 19 9 shillings, pence. ing for Kukulhaelc, Land Commission- 2 Temperatur a. S m.; 10 Sept. 21 9 shillings, 7 pence. b, ni.; a. er Pratt and Thomas Wight following Linen. President and Manager a. m.: and morning minimum. Sept. 22 9 shillings, 9 1 pence. Wm. G. Irwin.. Monday. It is stated that the Gov- nt 7G; 7G; 77; 77; 75. Sept. 22 98 cents.. John D. Snrechels. First ernor and party will return to Hono- 3. The New, Long Second nt Barometer reaoiug; absolute humid Sept. 23 9 shillings, 7 2 pence. Automobile W. M. diffard... lulu in the Mauna Kea tomorrow. H. M. Whitney Treasurer ity (grains per cubic fool); relative Sept. 24 9 shillings, 9 pence. President James F. Morgan of the G Richard I vers Secretary humidity and dew point at S a. in.: Sept. 25 9 shillings, pence. Yeils5 all colors. Chamber of Commerce has written to 1-- G. May Auditor !!0.03; 58. 90; 01; CI. Sept. 2G 9 shillings, 7 2 ponce. D. Secretary H. P. Wood regarding his Wind: Vctootty and direction at C a. Sept. 29 9 shillings, G pence. Some Beautiful New Ribbons. Trans-Misslsslp- pl Con- S 10 work nt tho 9 shillings, 5 4 ponce. AGENTS FOR m.; a. m.; a. m.; and noon: Oct. 5 gress. He was doing all ho could to G 20 17 12 12 G 9 shillings, pence. Francisco, E.; E.; E.; NE. Oct. Oceanic Steamship Co., San obtain the backing of the congress for G Rainfall Ourln;, Hours ending S a. Oct. 8 9 shillings 4 pence. Cal. tl subsidy bill. Mr. Morgan had m.: the ship 9 shillings 8 4 ponce , trace. Oct. 9 Phlla-delphla- candidacy of Honolulu for Daldwln Locomotive Works, Total wiuu movement during 24 nours waived tho 9 shillings, 9 pence. being the meeting place of the con- Oct. 12 . Pa. ended at noon: 342 miles 3.9'5 9 shillings 9 4 pence. gress in 1910, owing to the uncertainty Oct. 13 cents. Plantation Co., HIlo Sugar .. 9 10 2 pence. Hakalau WM. STOCKMAN, urge Oct. 14 shillings Company. Honolulu Plantation Co., Section Director. 'of steamship facilities, but would N. Sachs1 Dry Goods Ltd Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Co. Honolulu for the honor in 1911. He 8. Co., Sugar Plantation Co., Olo acknowledges the able cooperation of Kilauea NEWS IN A NUTSHELL. ToUaccoPiafitaiioo Co., Corner of Fort and Beretania Streets. walu Conipauy, Paauhau Sugar Plan L. E. PInkham with him at the James F. Morgan's Hawaiian tatiou Co., Walmanalo Sugar Co. Ilnnttoca Paragraphs That Give Condensed AUCTIONEER AND News of the Day. 8TOCK BROKER Capital Stock $100,000.00 Try a High Ball 5000 Shares Par Value $20.00 Eleven-foo- soda. , t shark at the Aquarium. Member ot Honolulu Stock and Bond made with our tV probate appears In Is notice this NO TOW ftxch&ngo. Subscription list now open at tho sue. WORKS Stock and Bond Orders receive office ot Detective Bureau Office, 32 eunio 1 11 prompt attention. ARM1TAGE This is the month for tho finest, COMPANf, LTD. Building. Information furnlshej relative to aU HARRY The Gipsy Encampment will open STOCKS AND BONDS. Stoolc tmOL. UCad. fattest EASTERN OYSTERS. Our TELEPHONE 71. at 7:30 evening. Urolcer R this TO SOUTH LOANS NEGOTIATED. Campbell Block, Merchant Street, For the next few weeks there Is to be mortgagee notice of intention to Prospectus may te had on last consignment was for men and the Y. W. C. A. foreclose appears this i&suc. O. 694. a demonstrator in in Phone 72 P. Box women who enjoy "Selects." building for the purpose roomsT Boston Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Parmelee leave The torpedo boat destroyers will not showing the ladles of the city how to for a visit to the Colo ot in the Marama make the lou& cruise to South Ame- nics. rica with the armored cruisers, ac- OAILYSTOCK HEPO T Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M. cording to the decision which has been will hold a special meeting this even' HOW AEON reached by the Naval Department. Between Boards: 20 Walalua $77.50; ing for work In First Degree. They will leave this city with the rest 50 Oahu Sugar Co., $27.75; $5000 Pala Cook The sailors of tho Pacific fleet are of the fleet and he picked up shortly Gs, $100". 50; O. & old $6000 R. L. Co., with less effort by dropping the to Gipsy Encamp- they tow o. Invited attend the leave port, being $5,-10- after then .$100.75; $4000 Pioneer Gs, $104.00; 00 Hit stylc-kiutl-M- ii moro used aud adopting ment Moana tonight. ed to Magdalcna Bay. iiilili at the Hotel I; s Pioneer Gs, $101.00; $1000 Pioneer modern methods. This is the time hit n h in m tm lit Lodge No. C1C, B. P. O. E. At this point the target practice will uniuii(A EaS9fiB3 Gs, wlip.ii vouusr neonle must save their Honolulu 9 H II a f $104.00. meets evening at 7 o'clock. All take place and then the armored cruis- TELEPHONE 45. money. They should cook this Stock. Bid. Asked. visiting brothers are cordially Invited. ers will start for Panama and South Ewa Plant. Co 20.25 2G.75 Miss Mae Brown, a sister of Mrs. America, as the Star announced yes- The complete story of the wreck of Hawaiian Agrl 180.00 Ephralm C. Smith of Pearl City, lea terday, making long trip and not tho British S. S. Aeon on Christmas Hawaiian Com 95.00 es in the Marama for a visit of six getting back to Magdalena Bay till Island was brought to Honolulu this HUSTACE-PEO- K months with her folks In Australia. March 15, when they will got more Hawaiian Sugar 35.50 CO., LTD. morning by the S. S. Aorangi from ' Pacheco's Dandruff Killer quickly target practice. In the meantime the Honomu 140.00 Witha King's ran not cost a fuel that does cleanses scalp of all humors and officers of the destroyers will iavo Sydney, Brisbane and the Fljls, in brief Hond 13.50 14.00 Algeroba getting scarcer and the eom. is dandruff, It arrests the falling off and their own troubles, though they are as follows; McBrkyde 3.50 4.00 Phone 295. 63 Queen Street. P. O. Box aia the other islands costs you Oahu Sugar Co 27.875 28.00 bhia from Imparts a healthy, and natural color far happier than those on the larger The S. S. Manuka, Captain Morrisby, for a months cooking double that of They go probab- Dnknl.t 12.00 to the hair. vessels. will north, ...... t .. .1 . C ..n. tr..nn...... domestic - Tllpn-- u.nvcu nun. vuuluu.i:., rjlaa Sugar Co our Loyd Childs will visit Maui the end ly enlHnr- at. Snn first, nnil oi.a 4.0J Fanning and Christmas isl- - 19.75 ESTIMATES GIVEN ON ALL KINDS OF TEAMING 'of this mouth In the interest of the spending the entire winter on the Paauhau clfic on brought with Pepeekeo 143.00 Hawaii exhibit for the Alaska-Yuko- n Coast. ands, October l, and DEALERS Iti Exposition. While there ho will he the The supply and hospital ship Solace 'her Captain Downie and officers, crew ,AVa!alua Agrl 77.50 79.00 Inter-Islan- d 116.00 . guest of J. N. S. Williams. will leave this port with tho fleet but'and passenger of the steamer Aeon, Fire Wood, Stove, Steam and Blacksmith Coal H. R. T. & L. Co. Com GG.OU Why is the Cafe always will be detached at sea at such a time which was wrecked on Christmas proven week there Rub. as 30.00 Crushed Rock, Black White It will be this that full of customers? Because they servo that she may reach on Island on July IS last. . ,Nahiku and Sand. room more In - K- - & lj- - is less heat In the and the best of everything in spick and October 31. There she will get mail The passengers Included Mr. and Co 101.00 101.50 Garden Soil. tho oven than is the case when wood snan stvle for a moderate price. K. for the fleet and also a large amount Mrs. Patrick, nurse and maid, Mrs. Ho11, B- - & J1, C 21.00 or coal is used. William Warham, proprietor. of supplies, which she will hurry along Riddle, and Mr. Ellison, all bound for Haw. Pineapple 22.75 Hay, Grain, Cement. Etc., Etc. Finest dry and seasoned Ohia and to Magdalena Bay in time to catch Samoa, and six passage workers. Her Cal- - e- - Co Gs 100.00 Algaroba stove wood delivered prompt- - the cruisors. cargo consisted of one million feet of Haiku Gs 100.75 lv to all narts of the city by the The ofllcers ot the Pacific fleet feel Oregon and one million feet of red- - Houokaa 100.00 - II- - L- - Co. Gs & Drauina Co.. Ltd., Union-Pacifi- c Transfer Co., Ltd. OfTice rather down in the mouth about their wr)ml fnr npw Zealand and Svdncv; 100.73 uniu 122-12- 58. fixing - lOlaa Sugar Co. Gs 94.50 mi 0 King street. Phone mail, hut some manner ot this mnnnn foot nf timiior rn fWi.- fnr Antn. Bishop Street. Hall's Safes have proved their su- up will probably bo found out. The S;unoa anA SOo tons of general cargo Pacific Gs 100.00 GENERAL CONTRACTORS. . Gs periority in every-da- y use, and in case fleet is due to leave here on Thursday nii ,,nrto Pala 100.75 E- - I' 'Phone Office 281, OAHU TAILORING CO. fire-pro- not ar-- 'WalaluaAgri.Cs P. O. Box 154. of fire, their absolutely qual next while the next mail will j Aeon untn 99.75 Merchant Tailors. morning a tor by ti e ities have been demonstrated time nnd rive here till the observations were taken Fort St., Opp. W. G. IRWIN & CO., LTD. again, H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., Alameda. Having received but one ,.. i. rl... ., ., at oon on that day her position was Stand on tho Corner. agents. U1U1I 111 Hit, IJUrOl. 1U1 LJ UUJ r L11U nm, Clear 2 deg. 49 min. N. lat.; 158 dog. 58 mln. WORLD 'S We do all kinds of Teaming; deal in Crushed Rock", White an3 ,T. A. and men both hope that some vessel also Mort Oat and H. Mossman long.; to Apia, 13G9 miles. will be left hero to pick up W. distance bought a portion of the stock of it and then the Beretania and Emma Streets. have Christmas Island being 9G miles dls-- Black Sand, Broken Garden Soil, Etc. Company contain- rush through to catch the other Coral, the Hawaiian News tant. A course was set to pass isl- - L ed in the Merchant street store, and OnWQQDCHOPPNG and 25 miles to the S.E. There was a J SAFE A SPECIALTY. Catton, Weill & Co. business under the firm MOVING will continue fresh breeze blowing at S o'clock, fine & Mossman. I.IMITBD name of Oat clear weather with a moderate sea. U. S. Attorney General Bonaparte VERMONT MAN PILES UP FIVE At 9:30 p. m. the third officer was has written to the Chamber of Com- CORDS OF WOOD TAKEN FROM Engineers, Machinists, Blacksmiths on watch, and Captain Downie was merce, saying he will he glad to take-unde- and Boilermakers. nam- STANDING TREKS. consideration any suggestions also on tho bridge. At the hour i First class work at reasonable rates. may regard- ed breakers were observed ahead. The Hiokle Geo. B. McCIellan make Ware engines were sent full speed astern but Chafing Dishes with patent Ivory Enamelled Food Pans. Crumb ing the canned pineapple duty case. sm WINDSOR (Vt.), September 20. Trays and Scrapers. Cream and Sugar Sets (gold lined). Ice Water cuiflDi: she had too much way on. and she Edward Moot of Weatherstleld provea Deputy Attorney General Larnach ' Pitchers, Collapsing Drinking Cups, Pocket Flasks, Ice holders, Cock- struck the reef of Christmas Island on jvood-chopp- er Honolulu Iron Workss leaves this afternoon for Maul where himself the world's champion Shakers. dnuni. the S.E. end. The engines were at tail he will Jianale a number of cases for today when, in the presence A Complete Line of Bath Room Specialties. the Territory and will present me once stopped. There was a thick haze of railroad presidents, lumber kings There will be at least twelve nun- - over the land at the time. Soundings 3TEAM ENGINE3, 8UGAR MILLS, charges of perjury made against and millionaire New Yorkers, he urana dred men ashore this evening from the were at once taken, and there was chopped down five Ss 3LVtc3. TOILERS, COOLERS. IRON, BRA06 County Attorney Kulua to the cords of wood that COMPANY, Jury. five cruisers and four destroyers of found to be 8 feet of water forward and had been standing trees, put them in IEWIS HOUSHOLD EMPORIUM. AND LEAD CASTINGS. t A coroners report upon the ueatn the Pacific fleet In port. 20 feet each side amidships. So gent- - to stove lengths and plied them into .; rr: c i. t,ii, of a Japanese wno was killed on Octo- They commenced landing early this ly did she glide on to the shelving reef regulation piles, between sunrise and - Machinery of Every Description ber 8, tnrougn tne blowing up of a afternoon and are glad ot the oppor- that many on board who were In their sunset, and with an hour and a half Made to Order. Particular Attention boiler in tne wanikuii pumping sta- tunlty to get about town after the 'cabins never felt the shock. to spare. paid tof Ship's Blacksmlthlng. Job tion o ithe 1'ioneer Mill plantation limited leave and "little doing" in Sa-- I After a careful survey, orders were At tho end of the unprecedented Work Executed on Short Notice. on Maul, has oeen made to the Attor- moa. given to provision the boats and swing feat, several thousand dollars wore paid ney General's department. Before they leave here they will out the starboard boats all ready for to Maxwell Evarts, who had backed C. H. Tracy will speak at the Y. M. spend a couple of hundred thousand lowering. No land was vlslblo; there Moot's prowess with the ax against a Leading Hat Cleaners C. A. tonight on the subject of "Chris dollars. was nothing to he seen but the white half dozen cynics. The names ot the tian Citizenship." The lecture will The Walklki Regatta for the fleet, foam of tho seas breaking on the coral losers were not given out, but it Is un- Street Opposite Convent. Fort begin at nine o'clock. This is tho dances and receptions, boxing match rocks all around. derstood that among them wero L, second of a of talks on the es and baseball games, sight-seein- g At daybreak on Sunday, July 10, they F. LoreO, president of the Delaware series - Panamas, Porto lUcan, Felt and same subject by prominent local citi and shopping will now be under way, saw the rock-houn- d coast of Christmas and Hudson railroad, and L. A. Cool- Straw Hats cleaned and made to look zens. The men are anxious to get hold of Island some 200 yards distant from the Idge, assistant secretary of tho Unit- llko new by our specialist. The Oahu Young People's Union will Hawaiian taro-patc- h guitars, among wreck and at 0 a. m. the starboard ed States Treasury. ship and 10:30 a. m. Moot had cut down GIVE US A TRIAL. give a social tonight in Central Union other things of a local nature, and boat was lowered. Between At church for the Christian Endeavors and there aro a goodly number who when shore was a seething sea, with big eighteen trees ranging In length Irora their friends of the Fleet. It Is hoped tho fleet was last In port learned to boulders on the reef; there was no sixty to seventy feet and from nine The Two Jacks that all tho Chrlstlon Endeavorers and play Hawaiian airs, "Aloha Oe" and sandy beach. The second officer hav-hu- la to fourteen Inches diameter at tne City. Edworth Leaguerers of the city will Btralns. ing reconnoltered In the lifeboat, found base. Ho had chopped and split three The Most Popular Saloon in the mus- he present. Tho patrol from tho various ships, a little break abreast of the ship, antf and a half cords and he said his THE FASHION. good began. is minority stock- police city, came ashore this tho women were then landed after a cles were as as whon he Jack Scully, Prop. Jack Roberts, Mgr. It stated mat the to the progress holders ot the Ookala Sugar Company forenoon, hut they aro landed as a little trouble. Jt was seen that the During tho morning moot's noar Fort. Phone 482. hy 150 persons. Tie Excuse for Existence Hotel Street have taken legal advice and may op- matter ot form more than anythlns ship was practically a total wreck, was watched about 6la Sip's 2:30 p. m. Moot had llntsned pose in tho courts the plan of tho else, for the men are a'splendlly be- - work was at one commenced rigging At chopping and splitting the stlpulatea hul which has bought up a majority ot haved crowd. - up the boats and landing stores. In Fifty years ago the crockery business in the U. S. was of small im- - five cords of wood. the stock, to rescind the resolution for 'the morning all tho crew and passen- portance. Every general store gave it a wee little corner. a dissolution of tho company nnd to THE OLIVER RECITALS. gers wero landed. "Families who could afford fancy china, were few and those who PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 3. DIx keep tho plantation going. Katharine Oliver gave much pleas-- Later the engineer dug a wen. cared for it fewer still. Plain white was the prevailing table ware and en- attempt a a snake charmer, who was re Guaranteed Yesterday afternoon Judge Dolo uro to her audienco last night in her, After ono unsuccessful art pottery was heresay to the majority. tered tho final decree In the matter ot reading ot "Dr. Luke of tho Lahra-- , whaleboat, rigged with a gasolluo ." placing a consignment of snakes into With our expert cutter who has Just Fanning Island whence a box from which ho had liberated TTToday every woman wants to know all about the china and pottery she Her interpretation of Dr. Luke glne, made a passiou with rturned from the coast wo guarantee reported by the them at tho Wells Fargo office yes buys; where it is made and who makes it. It amounts to her. and tho insight she gave to life In tho Aeon's wreck was There are hundreds of makes aud brands. suit to fit. ro mry Ionoly wero masterly." One cable and the S. S. Manuka was terday, was fatally bitten by a flvo foot Labrador Hit rf quires intelligent snlcs people to explain the details. You can't orpect children will bny a fine hom. opportunity remains to hear Miss dered to stop at Christmas island to rattlesnake. Troxel thought all tho to know about these tlilnua. They don't. Easy terms. Oliver tho Kilohana Art League rescue the castaways, taking them to snakes had been "fixed" by tho removal We are still doing business at the old stand. . AHA11A CO., LTD. at T. rooms. Tomorrow evening suo of tho fangs, and said that even If tho f wui.auva. was Merchant Tailors. interpret tho great Shakespearian dra- - fangs wero not removed that he W. W. Dimond - - 53-5- 7 King St, Walty Bulldlns King Street RENT TRUST CO ma, "Henry the Eighth." Fine Job Pf .ntlng, Star Office.. "Immuno," but ho died today. &.Co.

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