Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area WWF South Africa Report Series – 2008/Marine/003 Project funded by WWF South Africa and NACOMA, in partnership with Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) Compiled by: Heidi Currie1, Kolette Grobler2 and Jessica Kemper2 with contributions from Jean-Paul Roux, Bronwen Currie, Nadine Moroff, Katta Ludynia, Rian Jones, Joan James, Pavs Pillay, Nathalie Cadot, Kathie Peard, Vera de Couwer and Hannes Holtzhausen 1Namibian Marine Ecosystem Project 1 Strand Street, P O Box 912, Swakopmund, Namibia Email:
[email protected] 2Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) Luderitz P O Box 394, Shark Island, Namibia Email:
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] JULY 2008 NAMIBIAN ISLANDS’ MARINE PROTECTED AREA Executive Summary In response to the worldwide depletion of many fish stocks and other marine resources, commonly associated with over-fishing, unsustainable harvesting practices and uncontrolled human impacts, a clear global thrust has emerged towards a holistic management approach that takes account of entire ecosystems, multiple sectors and various management objectives. The necessity of marine habitat protection to promote sustainable marine resource use and marine biodiversity conservation1 has recently been realized2 and a number of coastal states have embarked on the creation of networks of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). One of the primary purposes of MPAs is to facilitate fisheries management, particularly the management of components of marine ecosystems that are not protected by traditional fisheries management. MPAs are regarded as one of the essential tools in the implementation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF)3 management, a legal commitment in the SADC Fisheries Protocol, and a management approach embraced by the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR).