Faculty and Guest Artist Recital: 2003-04-14 -- Kenneth Tse, saxophone Audio Playlist Access to audio and video playlists restricted to current faculty, staff, and students. If you have questions, please contact the Rita Benton Music Library at
[email protected]. Scroll to see Program PDF MONDAY,4 ' APRIL 14, 2003, 8 p.m. ·.CLAPP RECITAL .HALL FACULTY ·RECITAL Cl.) :::, . ·:E Kenneth T~e, saxophone · Faculty Chamher Music Recital . Amy Appold, violin ~ Rose Cha_ncler, piano · · C ' Benja1nin Coelho, bassoon 0 ,. Mi€hael Duke, s~xophone * :c · Katherine Eberle, mezzo-soprano (.) ': Hannah Holm;n, cello , Cl.) Melan,e Tse, clarinet * DIVISION OF PERFORMING.ARTS COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS & SC IENCES * Guest pe1formers , C' E' KennethTse,saxophone · FACULTY. · PER FORMAN , ' Faculty Chamber Music recital APRIL 14, 2003, 8 .p.m. - CLAPP RECITAI,, HAL_L PROGRAM - Saxsounds III (Diminishing Returns) , Steven Galante (B. 1953) , for Two Alto Saxophones and Electronic De}ay _ Kenneth Tse, saxophone ' Michael Duke, saxophone* Le Chant du Veilleur Joaquin Nin (1878-1949) Arr. Jean-M arie Londeix Katherine Eberle, mezzo-sopmno Kenneth Tse, saxophone Rose Chander, piano , Partita Op. 100 . Juan Orrego-Salas (B. 1919) fo{· Alto Saxophone, Violin; Cello, ·and ·Piano r Allegro dedso e cantabile Allegretto Adagfo 'pe11sieroso Allegro decjso ·Amy App old, violin · Hannah Holman, cello Kenneth Tse, saxophone Rose Chander, piano INTERMISSION Le Petit Diwt David DeBoor Canfield (B. ·1950) -fcfrAlto Saxophone and Clarinet T./1e Chase · The Chaise Lou,-~'se ,