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REVIEWS Rolrl FOKDEO PECEMUR 6. I9!4 The Billboard S3 makes It her business to meet him She REVIEWS pretends that she is willing to marry him and gets him to go with her to the shack fly SHUMLIN outside the town where Jack is laying in wait. As Phil nears the place, howevei, the dog spies him, breaks loose from ^348 N.ASHLANO AVE,.CHICAGOJLL. the post to which it is tied and runs out •WAGES OP VIRTUE at Phil. He sees the trap laid for him. grabs Barbara in his arms and flies away Famoiu PUyeri-Laiky ROlrL FOKDEO YEARS from danger on his horse. The dog Eipciiiia catches up, however, and chews Phil rOOTBAa ATYDUR almost Into pieces. Mexican police, seek¬ At the outset It must be admitted that ing Jack, come upon the scene in time to SERYKX \\ ng>s of Virtut is a colorful photoplay, ^DIAGRAM AND ADVANCE SALE RACKS ^ hear Phil confess having killed Barbara’s which presents Gloria Swan.son in a new father and he is carted oft to the hoose- iiort of role—one which gives her un- gow. liinltid opportunity to display her It can be seen from this brief synopsis inniiily streak, tho it does nut make that there are several weak spots in the much demand on her capacity for por- story, but these are no obstacle to the tra'ing the heavier emotions. .What the enjoyment of the picture. i.icture lacks is that thing known as a The picture is based upon a story by i.un< h. It ends rather abruptly, without Jack Boyle. the etrong climax which seems to be -on the way but never arrives. If Mias "MARRIED FLIRTS” Swanson appeared in a film version of M„ih»r Qoote 1 suppose her large public would still go to see her and be perfectly Metro-Goldwrye Niti.-<llcd. but with those people who want to eee a good picture, regardless of who Here is a picture in which there is no the star is. Wagt* of Virtue Will not stir villain and which has no fight In It. It up any wild enthusiasm. will, therefore, be best for the theater In the cant with the star are Ben owner who must have a rough-and-tumble I,>i>n. Norman Trevor, Ivan LInow, struggle in every film to leave Married Arnutnd Cortes. Adrienne d'Ambricourt, FHrta strictly alone. But for any other Paul t’anser and Joe Moore. All are exhlbitor Married FUrta is a feature that good In their reai>ectlve parts. Linow, need give no worrimenL It is by no th. ex-wrestler whom It has been my means a record breaker, but It has a pleasure to praise several times before, wide appeal which will satisfactorily en¬ has a very Important part, which ho tertain all classes, from the masses who handles with great ease. Linow la a like certain pictures, but don’t know why Veritable giant of a man, and. to enter they like them, to tho smaller claas of into a sudden criticism of the dtre<-tlon. people who like only a few pictures and the sight of him being pommeled freely know why they like them. This latter In a tight with the comparatively infantile ■ ■■ class will not be overenthusiastlc, but it Ben Lyon Is a bit too much to swallow. ■ IB '*ill be sufficiently entertained. If not There is a limit to the abilities of even by the story then by the clever manner movie heroes. ^ in which it is delineated by actors and .Miss Bwanson plays the part of a gay, ■ 1^ ■ ■ 1 director. spirited Italian street dancer, who owes m Bm Tbe person who directed Married her life to a big brute of a man. Luigi, Plirta is none other than Robert O. whom she treats as tho ho were her 1 Vignola, the man who discovered how child. Luigi, being more or leas sought ■jnl to make Marlon Davies bearable. He has after by the police, takes his Carmelita P ■ the assistance of a fine cast of players, to Algiers, where he joins the Foreign a Including Pauline Frederick. Conrad;. Tt. Carmelita sets up a cafe, which KSwS Nagel. Mae Busch. Huntly Gordon, Pat- fk-'ii becomes the place where all the ^ •• terson Dial. Paul Nicholson and Alice soldiers of the Legion spend their leisure PLAYED SAME AS PIANO •NASS BAND VOLUME Hollister. Added to this there is a hours. A young American. Marvin, seek¬ banquet scene which slyly introduces ing dventure, joins the Legion and falls vur i t , such other Metro-<Ioldwyn stars as in love with Carmelita. She. however. Trit U OnD Norma Shearer. John Gilbert, Aileen tho she likes him. considers herself bound ly, Pringle. Mae Murray and others. to take care of Luigi. The latter, tho. _ The fatter parts fall to Miss Frederick. has, without Carmelita's knowledge, been AJ • C* Miss Busch and Nagel, and it would be cnurtinx a widow who owns another eafe. Deagan Bldg. CHICAGO difficult to say which gives the most LulgU hearing of Marvin’s attentions to finished performance. Miss Frederick, Carmrllta. waylay him and strips him 1. about whom the picture centers, does the of hla uniform. The penalty for loss of Capitol Theater when Don’s share of the work and gets the equipment is a terrible punishmenL con¬ IT was reviewed last utmost out of the character she plays. sisting of running around in a circle In Miss Frederick plays Mrs. Pendleton the hot African sun laden with heavy The story of The Silent Accuaer is Wayne, a lady of middle age. who Is so bags of sand, and Mar%-'n la rescued from very much the same aa the most recent obsessed with the ambition of becoming this only after Carmelita bribes bis Werner Brothers picture in which Kin- an author that she forgets all about her superior ofBcer to release him. Tin-Tin appeared, called Find Your Man. husband. She neglects her appearance A friend of Marvin in the Legion, an In both a murder la committed, of which and even forgets the occasion of her Kngllshnian named Bouie. challenges a dog is the only witness, and the marriage anniversary, than which there Lulrl to a duel, but later^withdraws hla ---- murderer is obsessed with a fear of the Is nothing more awful in the movies. invitation at the request of Carmelita. and makes *** dog and Is finally brought to justice by Her neglect has given her husband the Bouie, however. Inslats upon taking Car- lupposed to hold the secret his dumb accuser. There, however, the opportunity to dally with unattached mellta to the competing cafe, where he Douta of a shipment of gold, similarity between the two pictures ends, females, including one Jill WetherilL a shou'B her Luigi making love to the •rs trails them and enters find Your Man was a cheap, paltry, young lady who la determined to get madame. This convinces her that ahe the old man after the pang unintelligent production, not fitted to be herself a husband, even If she has to can give all her love to Marvin, and ahe and iMt the Black Hawk classed as better than third rate, while take some other woman's. Attending a d"-a so. But Luigi returns and fights liem. The Hawk escapes, Silent Aecuaer is interesting thruout. ball with her husband. Mra. Wayne la. with the allghtly built Marvin, whom he is about to kill, when Carmelita enters the combat and sticka a knife into the big i-- — , — brute’a back. Nobody tella the authorities h«en paralyzed, who killed Luigi and Carmelita and Marvin are left to be happy In their love. “i* pretty c The picture wae directed by Allen doctor pret Ihvan. and la baaed upon a etory by voleelMi man i Perclval Wren, adapted by Forrest 5** Halsey. daughter behind. We next meet Mrs. Wayne in France, Black Hawk tall where she is famous as Mrs. Paramor, TRIGGER FINGERS” the author of a sensational novel. She has divorced her husband and, with bw new position, has made of herself a very Film Booking Offices beautiful and sought-after woman. Acel- dentaly becoming acquainted with Perley Rex. who la In the same hotel on his honeymoon. Mrs. Paramor decides to revenge herself upon the now Mrs. Rex and proceeds to make Perley fall in love with her. They return to America on t^ same boat and the process of seduction continues all the way across the ooean. When Mrs. Paramor goes to live right near the home of the Rexes the young and impressionable Perley finds every excuse for being in her company. When Jill remonstrates with him Perley tells her that he has ceased to love her and intends to make Mra Paramor his wife. When Jill pays Mra Paramor a visit, recognizes her to be the former wife of Pendleton Wayne, and asks her to give back her husband, Mrs. Paramor’.s re¬ venge is complete. She becomes merciful, however, at the last moment and semi- Perley home with his wife. Then she .«:t- herself down and writes a letter to her divorced husband, whom she still loves and who has repeatedly asked her for¬ giveness. and tells him that she will r< - Metco-Goldwyn marry him. So all ends well. The picture ‘ Is made from the novel Mrs. Paramor, by Louis Joseph Vance. "THE PRICE OP A PARTY” AsMciatcd Exhibiiora .
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