
by David Alvarez

Based on "ThunderCats" by

Address Phone Number EXT. PLANET OF THUNDERA - DAY Purple skies are obstructed with jets of fire. The planet cracks and shakes. An unstable core. Its seen its last sunset.

INT. THRONE ROOM - CONTINUOUS CLAUDUS, Lord of the ThunderCats, runs after his son -- CLAUDUS Lion-O! LION-O, 12, immature and headstrong. Long wavy scarlet-red hair, orange eyes, caramel colored coat, a blue armored leotard. He sprints away, throwing a tantrum. Claudus finally seizes him. LION-O It’s not fair! We can’t leave them behind! I’ll find capsules for them! Claudus squats down. CLAUDUS There are no capsules left. And they all must be reserved for the nobles of Thundera. LION-O But they’re my friends! CLAUDUS Lion-O... A leader shows the way rather than follow his own. Our people need you to be strong. Lion-O rips away in tears.

INT. PALACE - MOMENTS LATER Claudus frantically looks for Lion-O. JAGA, a friend and mentor, second in command, appears with a sense of urgency. JAGA Claudus, where’s Lion-O? We’ve wasted too much time already. CLAUDUS I’ll find him. Make sure the rest get to the flagship safely. 2.

The place rumbles. Pieces of the ceiling cracks and collapses. JAGA Be careful. Jaga and Claudus share a warriors handshake. Nearby, Lion-O hides inside a crawl space. Makes sure the coast is clear.

EXT. THE FLAGSHIP - LATER The sky swirls with fire. Blood red. THUNDERIANS flee in mass Exodus. Pieces of Thundera breaks and spit out into the cosmos. Lion-O runs with his two friends, WILYKIT and WILYKAT, 12, siblings with black streaks across their flamed hair, towards the sleek silver ship.

INT. THE FLAGSHIP - CONTINUOUS The trembling increases. A sonic BOOM as the engine powers up. The earth around them breaking. The last gasp of Thundera. Lion-O sneaks his friends on board. Jaga appears down the halls. JAGA There you are! LION-O (to Wilykit and Wilykat) Hide! They flee just as Jaga approaches. JAGA Where’s your father? LION-O He’s not here? We read a dark nightmare in Jaga’s eyes. Lion-O sprints for the exit. Jaga grabs him, holds him back. LION-O (CONT’D) NO! We need to go back! The Flagship ignites its thrusters and peels away. Through the window, he sees other VESSELS rise. But they’re struck by hot, unforgiving pieces of their home planet. 3.

Families watch as their home is destroyed. Lion-O retreats into Jaga’s arms, crying.

INT. SUSPENSION ROOM - LATER Jaga carries Lion-O, laying him down within his SUSPENSION CAPSULE. Lion-O sniffles, unable to stop the tears. LION-O It’s all my fault. JAGA Shh, sleep now. Jaga works the control board. Glass slides across Lion-O. A violent CLASH! The ship RATTLES. ALARMS SOUND. The whole cabin reverts to a red light. , blue with bat-like ears, chief mechanic/engineer, runs in, trying to catch his footing as the flagship sways. PANTRHO Jaga! It’s Plun-Darr. JAGA They found us... PANTRHO They’re boarding the ship. JAGA Get to the sword. Protect it at all cost.

INT. FLAGSHIP CORRIDORS - CONTINUOUS An EXPLOSION blows Thunderians back, swallowed by fire. Scolding beams fire in every direction from high-tech pistols. Smoke clears revealing the MUTANTS OF PLUN-DARR. Hideous colossal LIZARDS, drooling from sharp teeth. JACKALS in advanced armor, rabid. They burn holes in Thunderian WARRIORS. The small battle spreads into an all-out war. In the Mutants sights: “THE SWORD OF OMENS”. Pitted at its center is the Eye of Thundera, the source of all their power. Men and women of Thundera throw themselves in front of it, fighting, willing to die before seeing it taken. 4.

SSSLITHE, leading the pack, swats Thunderians, slashing them with his double-edged sword. Inches away from the Sword of Omens. He reaches out. Then -- A BLUR. Followed by a gust. The sword now GONE. CHEETARA, yellow hair, black spots, a female warrior, runs with the sword at an amazing speed. She’s tripped. Falling and dropping the sword. A MUTANT leaps for it. Panthro lurches forward, striking the Mutant with a pair of NUNCHUCKS with open-away cat-paws. Panthro picks up the Sword of Omens, sprints. A BLAST rips through his side, sending him off his feet into the wall. A JACKAL grabs the Sword. Turns to run but -- a BOLO WHIP wraps around it. SNAPS it out his hands and into TYGRA’s, orange with black tiger stripes. Tygra tosses it to Jaga who holds the Sword of Omens firm. His eyes stare through the handles apertures. The blade grows three times its size. JAGA Sword of Omens. Give me sight beyond sight. The Eye of Thundera generates an outward light. In that moment, he sees every move. Every action he needs to take to defeat the Mutants. Jaga lurches forward with the remaining Thunderians, striking them down with the sword, pushing Plun-Darr back.

INT. FLIGHT DECK - LATER The flagship has held up but the casualties were immense. Damage to the ship is evident. Black burning holes in the control center. The ship chugs, in distress. PANTRHO Autopilots toast. We’ll never be able to hit light speed. CHEETARA We could fly it manually. 5.

TYGRA It would take years. And without our navigation system who knows where we’ll end up. CHEETARA Then we’ll land it on the nearest planet. Panthro GROANS. They bicker, talking over each other. JAGA All of you. Return to your capsules. PANTHRO Jaga... JAGA Now. They do as they’re told. Jaga sits in the pilot chair, enables manual override. Steers the ship.

INT. LION-O’S SUSPENSION CHAMBER - CONTINUOUS Lion-O lies in hibernation. Unaware to the destruction and sacrifices made. Upon closer look, a blast has torn through his control board. It BLINKS: ERROR. CUT TO:


EXT. THIRD EARTH - DAY The FLAGSHIP spews BLACK SMOKE. Burning up in the atmosphere, tearing down from the heavens and CLIPPING a MASSIVE BLACK PYRAMID, a jet stream of COOLANT spurts from it’s hull.

INT. THE FLAGSHIP - CONTINUOUS A hole has torn into the sacred room that contains the Sword of Omens. The pressure SUCKS it out, spitting it into the sky as the Flagship descends on a crash course. ALARMS WAIL throughout the cabins. Parts of the ship break and TEAR OFF, whole SECTORS detach, spiraling into the foreign planet. Then -- 6.

BOOM! The Flagship collides into the ground, tumbling APART.

INT. LION-O’S SUSPENSION CHAMBER - CONTINUOUS The room is in shambles. Tech hangs from the ceiling. Wires exposed. CRACKLE of ELECTRICITY. SPARKS burst and set fire. The SUSPENSION CAPSULE steams. Expels GAS. The glass door slides open and -- LION-O, 22, thick build, muscular physique, fully grown, falls out. His suspension capsule only slowing rather than stopping his growth.

INT. BLACK PYRAMID - CONTINUOUS HIGH ANGLE -- down into the deep black abyss of the Pyramid. The coolant drips from it’s broken tip. CLOSE on a dry, blue, mummified jaw as the drops hit its lip. DUST launches out its mouth. Inside the blackness... RED EYES flicker and GLOW. FADE OUT.