Untold Chronicles

Cheetara and Lion-O: First Time

By Knight Writer

Author's Chapter Notes: This occurs when Lion-O first rescues Sho from the Lunattaks. Takes place within One Last War to Fight.

"I... I've never done this before," Lion-O said as the door to Cheetara's quarters in the Tower of Omens slid shut behind them. His heart thundered at the thought of what was to happen, his breathing short and quick. Anticipation tingled over every inch of his skin as she sauntered up to him. For the first time, he let his eyes feast openly on her curves. The swell of her breasts beneath the leotard he wanted to rip from her. The gentle lines of her hips... "Trust me," she said in reply, "it'll come naturally." She embraced him, drinking in his warmth as her hands slowly mapped the massive muscles of his back. The fear of losing him was gone, Sho having thankfully snapped out of Alluro's mind control before he could attack and likely kill the ThunderCats who had accompanied Lion-O on their rescue mission. Cheetara briefly thought of what Bengali and Pumyra were likely up to before her lips sealed onto his. They parted reluctantly before her hands traced over his shoulders to the clasps of his tunic. They parted with a clear snap and she stepped back to allow it to fall. "Moons of Thundera," she gasped. For the first time, she let those words free. She could read the nervousness on his face, warring with desire. This time, she would lead. Despite her tough and capable exterior, she preferred a man who could take charge, let her escape the image of a battle- hardened warrior. But, he wasn't ready for that just yet. Cougrix had been much the same way way back when. She reached out to his chest, carressing the rock-hard pectorals, then his abdomen. His hands slowly traced up her arms, trembling only slightly as they reached the straps of her leotard where they paused. "It's okay," she said with a throaty giggle, "one thing to remember is that clothes tend to get in the way." "Right," he said, "I knew that..." She cut off his words by way of planting a kiss on his chest, the first of several she rained down upon his torso. She felt her top begin to slide off of her shoulders, the breast supports in the front falling away from her nipples which the cool air made positively tingle. Cheetara once more stepped back from him as the top half of her leotard fell to her waist. His eyes on her breasts were a near physical presence and made her wish that his hands would take over. She was not dissappointed.

They're so... soft! Lion-O thought while his hands inexpertly explored her chest. Firm, too, and so warm! He felt her stiff nipples beneath his palms and wondered how they'd taste. New thoughts and ideas were rushing into his mind in the manner of a flood, washing away at his trepidation. Each time he'd snuck a look at her replayed in his memory, each imagined touch of her incredible curves, and the wonder of what other parts of her must feel like. All of those, here in the heat of the moment, were mere boyish fantasies compared to the real thing. He recalled Tygra's limited advice on this very thing - Has he ever done this? he thought - and tried his damnedest not to rush ahead, to plow into her. She was ready, and oh so willing, but he would not let himself... go to town, so to speak. With tentative motions, he eased his thumbs and forefingers to her nipples. The gasp which sounded from her encouraged him, emboldened him slightly. "I guess I'm doing this right," he said, more a question than a statement of fact. "When a woman makes that sound," Cheetara began, her breathing becoming a trifle hoarse, "you are indeed doing it right." She smiled at him, then, and he took it as invitation for another kiss. "Don't be nervous," she said afterward. "I don't want to rush this." Not a large lie, a goodly chunk of him wanted to throw her onto the bed and experience her in all her glory. "Do I detect the distinct aroma of bovine fecal matter?" "Huh?" "Bullshit," she said with another smile which became a pleasureful clenching of teeth due to his gentle attention to her nipples. "Am I that transparent?" The banter was calming his nerves, bolstering his confidence. She's talking like that for my sake, he realized. Such banter had never passed her lips. At least, so far as he knew. His grin mischevious, he leaned forward to replace his left hand with his mouth. He felt a shiver pass through her as he sucked in her nipple, careful to avoid scraping the sensitive flesh with his teeth as his other hand continued as before.

Cheetara felt the delicious heat slowly building in her core. She knew about the times he'd looked at her - At least he never tried to peek when I bathed in a lake, she thought - and at times had wondered precisely what fantasies had played in his head. Very likely, they had been typical boyish dreams of the me king, you subject variety. Or, so she'd thought. This night was about far more than finally being able to love him the way she'd wanted to ever since he'd passed her Annointment Trial, about more than finally having someone again in her life to see her softer and more intimate side. This was a vital step in his maturation, another step to him becoming a man in mind and heart that he already was in body... Even her musings were coming in groans of delight as his mouth and hand switched duties. She wanted him to never stop, to cover every inch of her with his wonderful kisses, yet she knew she had to guide him this time. She let him nuzzle her breast a few moments longer before grasping each side of his face and pulling him up for another kiss. "Why don't we take things a little further?" she asked. "What do you have in mind?" In response, she ducked down and trailed her tongue along the valleys of his abdominal muscles. The taste of him, so manly it nearly hurt, drove her further to the very top of his brief pants. It was something she'd imagined doing with him, something so intimate and visceral. She pushed him backward gently so his back fell onto his bed, his legs hanging off of the soft mattress. She looked up at him as she continued her delightful work. He was so ready, she noticed. I wonder why he hasn't ripped this thing yet, she thought as his bulge stretched the material to near-bursting. She eased this final barrier down, and his length emerged. She was briefly reminded of a flag pole and had to stifle a laugh. "Let me get comfortable first," she said. Cheetara stood before first removing her boots and then pushing the leotard down as slowly as she could. Naked, they faced one another and the honey flowing down her thighs was warm and redolent with her distinct fragrance. She felt her nether regions aching for what she saw, and told them not yet. Soon, but not yet. She eased onto the bed perpendicular to him, eyes locked on his throbbing manhood. Feeling more than a touch frisky, she slowly eased two fingers into herself teasing both him and herself and her honey began to coat her palm. Cheetara removed her digits with a soft sigh, already feeling him inside her.

Her hand slowly encircled him, and Lion-O only kept himself through a supreme effort of will. Her loosely-gripping hand eased up and down in the same manner his own had some nights when thinking of her. Has she done the same while thinking of me? he wondered, and that thought was blasted clear out of his head as her hand continued its motions. His hips bucked in time to her and strange noises escaped his throat. This... this was ENTIRELY different from the times he'd done it himself! The slick friction caused by her wet palm excited him further (I can't believe she did that!), and delaying his release demanded all of his willpower. Virtually the only useful thing Tygra had told him about the act itself was to make it last as long as he could. Given what Cheetara was doing down there, he doubted he could make it last long at all. That thought galvanized him. He WOULD ensure her pleasure, the other thing Tygra had told him about sex. Lion-O almost wished he'd gone to for such advice, or perhaps Lynx-O. He very nearly asked her about how she did such things when she lightly kissed the tip of his manhood. The power of speech, at that precise moment, jauntily flipped him the bird before running away while laughing like a madman. A long, low moan passed his lips in place of the question, in place of the very thought as her lips slowly descended upon him.

By Jaga, YES! she crowed as she filled her mouth with him. The taste of him and herself, the scent of his musk, awakened her in ways only Cougrix had before, and washed the memory into the rear of her thoughts as her own desire mounted to unprecedented heights. She slid down upon him until he was nearly in her throat before easing back up. She decided to forego her tongue for now, wanting to savor him inside her. Slowly, she descended again and the tip of him challenged her throat. She halted, sucking on him for all she was worth for a moment. She felt him throb between her lips, thinking that he would soon release. The sudden presence of his fingers at the entrance to her secret garden, though, proved that this would not be so easy. Cheetara was thrilled.

It's so HOT! he thought as his first two fingers slid without resistance into her opening. Cheetara parted her legs farther, granting him deeper access to her most intimate regions. Her walls gripped him, pulling his fingers in and releasing them reluctantly. The heat of her loins was nearly baking, the scent wafting from her making his heart race. Speech was impossible, for obvious reasons regarding Cheetara and from the near-overload of pleasure regarding him. She moaned, the tremors of her voice sending delicious sensations through his length while he explored her depths with his fingers. Cheetara's head began to bob up and down in time with the thrusts of his fingers and the pleasure very nearly overwhelmed him. Garbled cries escaped his throat and he knew he had to act soon or he would release before he was ready. Inspiration struck him in the manner of a load of bricks. Lion-O removed his fingers (ignoring the groan of protest from Cheetara) and grasped her by the hips. "Two can play THIS game," he drew enough breath to say before hauling her lower body upward. Her legs straddled his chest (her mouth still straddling that most delicate area of him) and he readied his tongue. He thought, if it works for me, it oughtta work for her! He was more right than he could know.

Oh... OH! Cheetara thought as her hips were swung about. She already missed his fingers, and was wanting more, when she realized what he was about to do. Where did he learn this?! she thought just before his mouth made contact. Lion-O was indeed a fast learner! What he lacked in experience, he more than made up for in enthusiasm as he lapped at her opening with gusto. His tongue made courageous forays into her channel from time to time, sending shivers of intense pleasure through her. This, she thought, isn't going to be as easy as I thought! Good! She felt her climax rushing onward, surprised that he hadn't reached his yet, as she matched the motions of her mouth to that of his tongue. His hands gripped her muscular rear, kneading the flesh in gentle grasps of his fingers. The very fingers she wanted to feel inside her again. Her pleasure built, then plateauxed. Lion-O's inexperience was working against him on this. It was time to fix that.

Her mouth vanished, and Lion-O immediately missed its presence. "Lion...OOOOH!" she said, ending in a cry of passion. "Stop..." "What is it?" he asked, instantly afraid. "Where..." Cheetara took several deep gulps of air. "Where did you learn THAT?!" "I... just thought it was a good idea?" "It was. BELIEVE me, it was!" He heard her gasp several more times. "But, let me give you some advice." "I'm listening." "Look at me." "How can I not?" "Funny," she said with a chuckle. "At the very top. Do you see it?" Amid her black-spotted blonde hair, at the very tip of her moist, dripping lips, he saw a tiny nub of trembling flesh. What is that for? he thought before asking. "Yes. What is that?" Her honey was dripping from her entrance, glistening the pink folds of her womanhood. "That," she began, "is where you should focus your attention. And get those fingers back to work." "At once, my queen," he said. She nearly howled in pleasure as his mouth found that hyper- sensitive spot.

She devoured him once more, thankful that his length muted her shriek of pleasure. She kept her legs still as his fingers entered her once more. The trait of speed her clan possessed meant that the muscles in her legs and pelvis were incredibly strong. Cheetara fought against the urge to squeeze her legs as his fingers ventured deep within and his tongue teased her clitoris. The heat in her belly grew to an inferno, and she knew her climax was imminent. Lion-O's length throbbed in her mouth just before his seed exploded. She pulled away at the last second as jets of that viscous fluid arced into the air. Her inner muscles clenched tight as her own climax rushed through her, filling her with an incredible sensation before leaving her limp and breathing in ragged gulps. She dragged herself up his chest, yet not satisfied. Not yet. "I'm sorry," he said, "I should have lasted longer." "You did even better than I imagined," she purred, curling up next to him. "That was so intense." In fact, not even Cougrix had made her climax quite like that. Cheetara wondered if her emotions were clouding her memories of her first experience with him. She forced her former lover out of her mind. Cheetara curled up next to Lion-O, her hand coaxing his length awake again. "It was incredible, but we're not done yet." "Oh?" By way of reply, she stroked his length back to full attention. She said with her eyes sparkling, "Did you think this would be it?" "I'm not sure." Cheetara eased herself above him, anticipating the critical act. Her entrance sat poised at his length, her knees on each side of his hips and slowly massaged the tip between her labia. Top to bottom, letting the suspense build. Lion-O began a series of small twitches as she teased him relentlessly yet the act served a further purpose. Cougrix (I have stop thinking about him...) had been fairly well endowed, but had not been in Lion-O's league. Much as she was ready for him, she knew they would have to go about it slowly. She needed a chance to adjust to his size (I had no idea he was so big!) and that meant maintaining control. Gently, she eased herself down upon him and this time could not stifle the groan as his length lit off every nerve ending in her most intimate regions like fireworks at a festival. "Jaga's... CAPE!" The last came out a near wail of intense sensation as she reached the halfway point. There she paused, letting her walls adjust to such a massive object in her channel. "To think I used to BABYSIT you!" Lion-O appeared not to have heard a word, his eyes srunched shut and teeth gritted to stifle his own roar. "No," she admonished playfully when his hips began to move. "Let me do this my way." You'll tear me apart if I don't, she added silently with a broad inner grin.

Lion-O lay there, resisting mightily the urge to move as his entire being seemed focused on the appendage between his legs and the incredible moist heat which surrounded it. How the hell can it fit in there? he asked himself. He felt as if she might cut off his circulation and nearly lost himself again as her inner walls began to contract and shift. He opened one eye to find himself buried inside her completely. Cheetara's eyes were shut, her hands tweaking her nipples as she sucked breath through clenched teeth. A hiss in, a moan out. "Am I hurting you?" he asked, suddenly frightened. "No," she replied. "By all that's sacred, no! Just, let me get used to it." He caressed her stomach, her hips, every inch of her his hands could reach as she rested there atop him. "Keep doing that, oh my, oh my love, oh sugar!" She rose up, inch by sensuous inch, nearing the tip before easing back down. Lion-O threw his head back in ecstacy, forcing his hips to still themselves. "Just so you know, you're pretty impressive down there!" "Th... Thank youuuuuuOH DAMN!" She had touched down yet again, her hands now carressing every inch of his chest and stomach. Back up, then another sensual torture session as she slid down once more. "That... Oh, fuck ME!" "What do you think I'm doing?" she interjected with a lustful chuckle. "Now..." Up once more, and this time he steeled himself for the incredible pleasure of her downstroke. He found himself unable to speak for several minutes as she increased her pace. Gingerly, then quickly, then after several minutes eagerly. Lion-O roared out his passion, then fought to keep himself under control.

By Thundera! Cheetara thought. Her honey now liberally coated her thighs and his pelvis with yet more pouring out with abandon to ease his way inside. Each repetition became easier and more pleasureful. Her motions became easier, the fire in her belly and her groin becoming an inferno. All thoughts of Cougrix vanished like morning fog as her rhythm grew in tempo, nearly became frantic as she raced for climax again. With her eyes screwed shut in desire, she didn't see Lion-O sit up. His masculine chest was suddenly pressed against hers, an arm about her back and a hand on her bottom. She screeched in surprise as he suddenly stood up and her arms and legs wrapped about him on instinct. "What..." "I think," he said and his breath tickled her ear deliciously. She felt as if every inch of her body was now an erogenous zone. "I think I should take a more active part in this, don't you?" The confidence in his voice, where had it come from?! She had never heard such a tone in his words! She hung in space, his arms and all of her limbs holding her upright, and his other hand appeared on her buttocks. Cheetara re-adjusted her grip on his shoulders and howled as his length shifted inside her. She gazed into his eyes, confident and loving all at once, and she fully trusted herself to him. "What do you have in mind, my king?" she asked in as coquettish a voice she could manage with so much of him buried inside her and passion raging in her blood. She gasped in wonder as his hands lifted her up, and sank her back upon him. She tightened the grip of her legs about his hips, her fingers locked behind his neck. Cheetara stared into his eyes as she was raised and lowered in a steady pattern. She wailed in tremendous pleasure, throwing her head back before latching onto him tighter and nuzzling his throat. From that angle, he was agititating her clitoris directly and she felt release rushing toward her. "Are... are youOHDON'TSTOP!... sure... I'm your first?" she breathlessly asked between motions. "My one and only." "What... did... AH!... Tygra... JAGA'SCAPETHATISSODAMNAMAZING!!... teach you?!" It hit with the suddenness and severtity of an earthquake. She felt herself explode from between her legs, her teeth clamping down on Lion-O's shoulder before her lips and tongue swept over it in apology. Still he thrust into her, stoking the fires of orgasm once again. "None of this," he said at last, "I just thought it... would be a good idea... By Thundera, you feel so damn GOOD!" "You... do... too!" was all she could manage as she tried her hardest to match his thrusts, yet was completely at his mercy. I thought I'd have to lead him by the hand... or other parts... all night! she thought as the ecstacy grew again. Where did this come from?! She could only let herself go, surrender to the moment as another climax rocked her to the core. Then another. Her orgasms seemed to come in rapid fire, her cries of passion echoing in the confines of his chambers. Without warning, she felt their weight shift and the soft surface of the bed met her back. She looked up at him, leaning abover her, and wondered at how she'd been so utterly conquered. And, she saw with delight, he wasn't done yet. "Not bad for my first time?" "Not at all," she said once she'd gathered enough breath. "Keep going, my love." Cheetara lay atop the bed, thankful for its softness as he thrust into her once more. She accepted him with no difficulty, only with great pleasure. He leaned down, raining kisses on her breasts, her lips, her throat, everywhere he could reach as his pace increased. His thrusts grew more frantic, her hips rising up to meet him with increasing force. She felt him throb within her and knew his release was imminent. She reached toward the apex of her sex, stroking her clitoris in an attempt to rush her own climax. She wanted, no, NEEDED to reach it with him. Their lips met, tongues nearly dueling as the ultimate rush raced ever onward. At last, she felt his release inside her a scant second before her own, now unnumbered, orgasm rocked her to the core and tore a scream from her throat. Lion-O collapsed atop her, both breathing heavily and neither able to move. After an indeterminate stretch of time, they slid themselves farther up onto the bed. The night carried a chill through the window which was banished by the sheets curling up around them. "That was..." Cheetara began, "Incredible..." "Let me rest for a minute," he said, "and we can go again. If you want, that is." She did. Oh, did she ever. "I need some rest myself, love," she replied. The fire within had settled to a pleasant warmth which flowed in gentle waves through her body. Oh, how she had missed this feeling! Lying naked with a man she dearly loved in the aftermath of lovemaking. The scent of their intwined musk both lulled her and made her want more. So very much more. Down, girl, she thought. They lay in the warmth of each other, and her thoughts began to drift. To her entrance into her official ThunderCat training at fifteen. How proud her parents had been to produce another in the family's fine tradition of ThunderCats... On seeing him outside of the suspension capsule, she had been struck by his handsome body. On his passing her Annointment Trial, the crush had deepened into love. Now, lying beside him as naked as the day she was born, she had to wonder about fate's strange machinations. But only until he kissed her lips again. She responded eagerly, her energy returning in full force. "I get the feeling we're going to miss first light," she said playfully. "Is that a bad thing?" "Oh, no." They did, in fact, sleep past first light that day. And neither of them cared a whit.