The Virginia Opossum: Our Only Native Marsupial

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The Virginia Opossum: Our Only Native Marsupial ALABAMA A&M AND AUBURN UNIVERSITIES The Virginia Opossum: Our Only ANR-1414 Native Marsupial he Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana), also known as possum, is an animal that can T be both a benefit and a nuisance to landown- ers. Known widely for playing dead when frightened, the opossum is a creature with a unique place among Alabama’s wildlife. As other animals are vanishing from forests in the United States, opossums appear to be flourishing due to their remarkable ability to adapt. Characteristics The Virginia opossum is a medium-sized mammal, weighing 4 to 13 pounds at adulthood. It has 50 teeth, which is more than most other mammals. Although they may live longer in captivity, opossums live only 1 to 3 years in the wild. The opossum’s face is white with a dark V-shaped marking, and its body is covered with dense gray underfur and long gray or black guard hairs. Opossums appear mostly white, gray, or black, depending on the color and density of these guard hairs. Cinnamon- colored and albino opossums have been documented as well. Opossums’ legs are usually covered with black hairs. The Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) is the only They have hairless black ears and white, black, or pink marsupial native to the United States. hairless paws. Their tails are mostly naked except for a few bristly hairs. With a prehensile (gripping) tail between her hind legs. Only females have marsupia. and an opposable (grasping) thumb on the hind foot, In females that have not had a litter, the pouch is this animal is well equipped. Although the Virginia small and not fully formed. Once a female is pregnant, opossum has plenty of features that makes it among the pouch enlarges to prepare for the birth of her the strangest of all our native species, the female’s young. The mother can close the pouch to protect her pouch is perhaps the ARCHIVEfeature that has captured our offspring once they have been born. imagination the most. Females usually begin reproducing during their first year of life. Most can produce two litters in that year, What Is a Marsupial? one in winter and one in spring, although some may The opossum is the only marsupial, or pouched produce three. Following a short gestation period mammal, that is native to the United States. Much like of only 13 days, the young are born. At birth, young kangaroos, opossums give birth to relatively undevel- weigh less than a hundredth of an ounce each and oped young that complete development inside the are about the size of a honeybee. The young climb to mother’s marsupium (pouch) located on her underside the marsupium without assistance, using their sense of smell. Because opossums can give birth to as many Despite their many interesting behaviors, opossums as 20 offspring at once and have an average of only are renowned for one in particular: playing dead when 13 nipples, not all of the young will survive. The only faced with danger. It is unclear at this time as to the ones to survive are those that are able to latch onto a true significance of this behavior. When threatened, milk-producing nipple within the pouch (and not all opossums appear to go into a catatonic-like state. nipples produce milk). On average, only about seven They drool and exude a noxious substance from their young survive. anal glands. This behavior helps keep predators from attacking. Although intriguing, this method of defense After about two months, the young are sufficiently is not the most common method that opossums developed to venture outside of the mother’s pouch. practice. Most often, opossums try to escape when After this, they can be seen hitching a ride on her back, confronted with danger. If cornered, opossums are although they do not hang from her tail suspended likely to gape and hiss or growl, revealing their 50 over her back as is popularly believed. Young opos- teeth, instead of playing possum. sums disperse and are able to fend for themselves at the age of 3 to 4 months. Habitat Behavior The opossum is a common inhabitant of North America. Native to Central America and the southern Opossums are terrestrial, meaning that they are United States, opossums have expanded their range ground-dwelling, but they also spend a significant northward over the past 100 years. Now, their range amount of time in trees. They use their prehensile tails extends as far north as Ontario, Canada. They occur to help them climb. However, in contrast to popular east to the Atlantic coast and west into the Great folklore and cartoons, opossums rarely hang by their Plains, mainly where trees and water occur together to tails, and they do not sleep in this position. Opossums form their natural habitat, or anywhere the presence are solitary creatures but are not territorial. Several of humans can support them. Populations also exist opossums, both male and female, may have overlap- along the Pacific coast from California to Washington, ping home ranges. Males do not seem to tolerate where they have been introduced. From there, opos- other males as much as they do females. Opossums sums expanded their range northward into British are nocturnal, preferring to forage at night rather than Columbia, Canada. Colorado, Idaho, Arizona, and New in the daytime. Opossums do not hibernate and even Mexico also have populations of opossums, although in the northernmost part of their range can be found there is some disagreement about whether or not these searching for food during the warmest part of the day populations were introduced. Their northward expan- during winter. sion is believed to be limited by cold weather because ARCHIVE Young opossums venture outside the pouch at about 2 Opossums may gape and hiss rather than play dead when months of age and disperse at 3 to 4 months of age. faced with danger. 2 Alabama Cooperative Extension System Opossums can live in many types of habitats. in northern parts of their range, opossums suffer from of animals, including crustaceans, reptiles, amphibians, starvation and frostbite on their ears and tails. birds, small mammals, carrion (animals that are already dead), and eggs. Insects, in particular, are a staple Opossums have a home range of 50 to 300 acres and food for opossums. They will also eat gardens and often live in forested areas with brushy cover and avail- crops (particularly corn) on occasion, but they are not able water. Open areas usually are avoided, although considered to be a significant threat to crops. They also opossums may make trips into these places to forage. have been known to raid chicken houses. In urban Opossums can live in rural, urban, and suburban areas, and suburban settings, they scavenge garbage and bird adapting easily to life among humans. Although they seeds, and, not surprisingly, they also enjoy pet food. do not hibernate, they will create sleeping dens in Many people have gone onto the porch to feed their cavities of trees or logs, sheds, barns, piles of building dogs and cats only to find an opossum cleaning out the materials, and crevices in rocks. Sometimes they ARCHIVEpet bowl. attempt to den in attics or under porches. Opossums are also food for many other types of Diet animals. Foxes, coyotes, bobcats, and great-horned Opossums are opportunists. They will eat almost owls are common predators of the opossum. And let’s anything. Their diet includes fruits, such as persim- not forget that humans sometimes eat opossums too. mons, apples, plums, blackberries, hackberries, wild grapes, and various nuts, but most of their diet consists The Virginia Opossum: Our Only Native Marsupial 3 Benefits and Uses Alabama Regulations Relating to Game, Fish and Fur- Bearing Animals, available at the Alabama Department As with many wildlife species that share space with of Conservation and Natural Resources website (www. humans, opossums may be considered as pests, but they do provide some significant benefits. For one, the opossum is an important fur-bearing species. Although Another benefit opossums provide is pest control its pelts are not as high in demand as those of some since two major components of the opossum’s diet are other species, they can be used as a substitute for insects and rodents. Opossum consumption of large more expensive furs. In Alabama, opossums are classi- numbers of insects and rodents therefore may help fied as fur-bearers and game and can be trapped and control damage to gardens and lawns. Because carrion hunted in accordance with state laws and regulations. is also a component of their diet, opossums may play Opossum hunting traditionally has been an enter- an important role in the delicate balance of nature as a taining sport for those who enjoy hunting with hounds. cleanup crew. The ‘possum hunt historically has engaged aristocrats Opossums are also of particular interest in the medical such as Franklin D. Roosevelt. field due to their rapid development, and studying At one time, it was much more common to hunt opos- them may provide insight into the care of premature sums for food than for sport. “Possum and taters” has babies and growth of organs. In addition, opossums been a well-known and inexpensive treat. For regula- have a natural resistance to snake venom due to the tions on trapping and hunting, refer to the current presence of a protein in their blood known as lethal toxin-neutralizing factor (LTNF). This protein has allowed researchers to find a better way to treat human snake-bite victims, and the treatment is now produced synthetically.
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