PoS(NLS1)058 http://pos.sissa.it/ ce of broad emission lines in their ds reveals strong similarities in the ant differences (e.g. in the central 1s are found. S 2201+044, and PKS 0521- solution near-IR images of the jet of ystem (MAD) at ESO VLT telescope. ectrum of the nearby BL Lac objects. se - NLS1, F and INFN e Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence. BL Lac objects with optical jets: PKS 2201+044, 3C 371 and PKS 0521-365. [email protected] We investigate the properties of the three BL365, Lac that objects, exhibit PK prominent optical jets. We present high re the first two, obtained with an innovative adaptive-optics s Comparison of the jet in the optical, radio, NIR and X-ray ban Despite some resemblances (e.g. in the radio type), signific morphology. A common property of these sourcesoptical is spectra the presen at variance with the typical featureless sp black hole masses and radio structures) with radio-loud NLS Speaker. ∗ . Liuzzo Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creativ ∗ c

E R. Falomo Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova-INAF (Italy) A. Treves Università dell’Insubria (Como-Italy), associated to INA Istituto di Radioastronomia-INAF-Bologna (Italy) E-mail: Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 and their place in the Univer April 04-06, 2011 Milan Italy PoS(NLS1)058 E uiet (RQ) the different field of view ed systematic ssified BL Lac the ground the chniques in the ′′ 57 me nearby BL Lac s together with the lifetime of the high × d to investigate their s because of the close ars, including BL Lac ′′ Demonstrator (MAD), ([11, 12], see also [10]). non-thermal continuum, g an innovative adaptive ). Moreover, the use of 2201+044 ([9]) using the in ([15]) and also s. high resolution MAD near- s of RL AGNs in which jets 2 .028) is a prototype Multi Conjugate Adaptive optics (MCAO) sys- ′′ However, jets in BL Lacs are often difficult to resolve at high frequencie We performed Ks-band observations of PKS 0521-365 ([4]) and PKS Radio loud (RL) Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), in the contrary to their radio q PKS 0521-365, PKS 2201+044 and 3C 371 are up to now the only three cla The advent of high resolution imaging facilities such as HST and Chandra allow counterparts, show prominent jets mainly observableobjects in and the flat-spectrum radio radio band. Blaz (FSRQs),are are relativistic an important and clas beamed insources the characterized observing by direction. weaknesssignificant This of is polarization, lines, the strong luminous, case compact rapidly for(e.g. flat variable so [18, 5]) spectrum plus, radio in some emission, cases, and by strong gamma emission ([1]). objects showing resolved optical jets.optics Near-IR (AO) observations camera (MAD) usin ofmorphological PKS and 0521-365 photometric and properties. PKSavailable data 2201+044 in We radio, were discuss optical, performe the andIR X-ray new data bands. and observation Here, our we results present on our the comparative analysis of these three source 2. MAD near-IR observations. BL Lac objects with optical jets. 1. Introduction searches for angular resolved multiwavelength counterpartsthe of radio detection jets of jetsadaptive in optics radio-loud assisted quasars imaging atnear-IR on high jet large properties ([6, telescopes ([16, 4]). permits 13, to 17] investigate from framework of the E-ELT concept and the 2nd Generation VLT Instruments tem which aims to demonstrate the feasibility of different MCAO reconstruction te alignment with the line offrequencies sight. depends This is both due on to theenergy the electrons limited fact producing angular that the the resolution non- detection thermal and of emission on of the the the jet jet. short at and pixel size’s detector of 0 European Southern Observatory (ESO) Multi-Conjugatemounted Adaptive at Optics UT4 (Melipal) of the Very Large Telescope (VLT). MAD (57 PoS(NLS1)058 E C2 (top panel) and the radio map at 15 s the position of the (subtracted) nucleus in t. In the bottom panel, the radio jet is shown esent near the core. The jet becomes resolved ar source has not been subtracted. A collimated observed by MAD in the Ks band (middle panel) 3 PKS 0521-365 from the core. See [4] for details. ′′ The contour plot of the jet of Figure 1: BL Lac objects with optical jets. both optical and near-IR bands. In the maps, N is up and E is lef transversely at less than 1 compared with the image of theGHz jet obtained observed in by R VLA band (bottom by panel). HST+WFP The large represent at the same angular resolution asjet the with near-IR the data. same The position nucle angle as the VLBI pc-scale jet is pr PoS(NLS1)058 E panel) and the radio map at 22.46 GHz 0.25 arcsec. Contour levels for the radio observed by MAD in the Ks band (middle ∼ ts the position of the (subtracted) nucleus in 100 and 200 mJy/beam. The peak level is 0.28 4 PKS 2201+044 HSTF28X50LP VLA 22.46 GHz MAD + VLT + Ks Contour plot of the jet emission of both optical and near-IR bands. The resolution of the maps is panel) compared with the imageobtained by of VLA the (bottom jet panel). observed The by red HST large (top cross represen image are 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 15, 30, 50, 60, Jy/beam. See [9] for details. Figure 2: BL Lac objects with optical jets. PoS(NLS1)058 E e; ese three BL 2]). ler factors and 2 we report the mblances with the t with an emission sion line. They are s ([20]). However, δ θ ot is observed in all nresolved and not all 044. For 3C 371 refer radio index and the FRI erg/s) 44 is the Doppler factor estimated for the nucleus; δ (kpc) (10 0.7 for all the cases, which is typical of the ∼ red to the presence of Narrow and Broad emission lines; ); Col. 3: BL Lac’s type: E is for typ erg/s unit; Col. 9: 5 44 linear dimension in the radio band expressed in kpc; Properties of PKS 2201+044, 3C 371 and PKS 0521-365. type type spectrum type dimension luminosity Table 1: is the viewing angle in degree. θ emission due to the losses inThe the SED jet (Spectral interaction Energy with Distribution) the of surrounding the medium. brightest knot is consisten dominated by a single synchrotron component. The detection of resolved optical jetsthe are viewing consistent angles with ([5]). estimates of the dopp The optical spectra of these BLsimilar Lacs to exhibit that weak to narrow and BL broad Lac emis itself for which a Seyfert 1-like nucleus is reported ([ The properties of the jets of the three sourcesThe are jet remarkable morphology similar. in optical, radio, NIR and X-ray bands has close rese presence of many knots (seebands Figs. from optical 1-2). to X-rays. In particular, the brightestThe spectral kn radio index of the brightest knot is Finally, these BL Lacs have some properties (e.g. the source’s spectral In the following, we summarize the main results of our comparative analysis of th Table 1 collects information on the properties of three sources. In Figs. 1- Object z Galaxy Spectral Optical/UV Radio Radio Fermi 3C371 0.051 E LBL N+B FRI 70 1.92 3.5 17 • • • • • PKS0521-365 0.055 E LBL N+B FRI 22 3.41 2.6 21 Col. 10: Col.1: name of the studied BL Lacs; Col. 2: BL Lac’s redshift (z PKS2201+044 0.027 E LBL N+B FRI 162 0.2 2.1 29 Col.4: LBL indicates Low frequency BLCol. Lac; 6: Col.5: FRI N+B is is for refe Fanaroff-Riley radio type; Col.7: BL Lac’s Col. 8: Gamma luminosity as infered by Fermi detection in 10 radio type) similar to thosethey of show radio-loud important NLS1s differences with with -like characteristic respect to the latters as they are not u Lacs: morphology in optical, radio, NIR bandsto for [14]. PKS 0521-365 and PKS 2201+ 3. Results. BL Lac objects with optical jets. 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