2003-2004 Annual Report Women Building Better Communities

A member of www.jlchicago.org Junior League of 1447 North Astor Street Chicago, Illinois 60610 Letter from the President

very day, the Junior League of Chicago makes a difference to activities. Throughout someone in metropolitan Chicago. Through the tireless, unself- the year, the decisions to Eish and resourceful work of our members, we help a woman make these investments fight substance abuse, talk to a legislator about a critical social policy, resulted in many long or enable a teen mom go to college. Every day, we are women building and sometimes difficult better communities. board meetings. I want Not only do we make a difference today; we are training the civic to thank the wonderfully leaders of tomorrow. Becoming a trained volunteer is one of the things assiduous board of direc- that makes our organization unique among volunteer opportunities in tors for their thoughtful the Chicago area. risk-taking and their The JLC is special because of our extraordinary members. We are a strong commitment to member-run, volunteer-driven organization. JLC volunteers raise every the League’s future. dollar we spend, design and implement every project we run, write In the community, every paper that advocates for change, make every difficult budgeting we are proud that our decision, develop every web page, write every press release, and recruit, Signature Project, Next welcome, and train every new member. And we do it all with grace, Step for Teen Moms, successfully completed its five-year establishment compassion, and endless energy. plan and is now being run by the Chicago Child Care Society, in part- Like many non-profits, we have faced significant challenges this nership with the JLC and the University of Chicago School of Social year, to which we are responding with proactive plans for change. Services Administration. The JLC will continue to take a strong role in On the financial front, this past year was difficult. Our special-event the refinement and development of this pioneering mentoring program. fundraising efforts, though profitable, fell short of our projected goals. There were many other notable accomplishments throughout While it may be comforting to note that many other nonprofits face the year. similar problems in a very competitive and pressured environment, this • We researched the outcomes of our community projects, providing shortfall was a major reason for our operating deficit. To address our the JLC and its partners with quantitative evidence of our reach financial needs, we created a new three-year fundraising plan, devel- and effectiveness. oped by a dedicated group of active and sustaining members. This • Our advocacy efforts continued to improve the quality and acces- plan expands our fundraising focus through several key recommenda- sibility of childcare and early education. tions and action steps and serves as an important management tool in • We hosted more than 900 delegates from 294 Junior Leagues strengthening our financial stability. spanning four countries at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the Membership retention continues to be an issue for us, as it is for Association of Junior Leagues International. Junior Leagues around the country. As a result, dues revenue fell short • Project CON:CERN won the first “JL” Award for Community of budget and accounted for the other portion of our operating deficit. Impact from the Association of Junior Leagues International. We have re-invigorated our collection efforts and membership reten- We have many people to thank for our continued success: our tion endeavors to address these issues in future years. In addition, we members, JLC leaders, our Advisory Council, our community agency instituted new fiscal procedures to provide tighter controls around the partners, our many sponsors, and our staff. We are grateful for your accounting of our dues revenue. countless hours, guidance, generosity and expertise. On the positive side of the ledger—and it is a long column—there The Junior League of Chicago has been a powerful catalyst for is much good news to report. Our hard-working and dedicated man- change for 91 years. We are a unique volunteer organization and agement committee continued its excellent record of carefully manag- we welcome all women interested in making a positive impact in ing costs while providing outstanding service to the community and their communities. quality training to our members. We made significant investments in our headquarters facility, resulting in much-needed repairs and much-welcomed beautifica- tion. We also made a significant investment in a state-of-the-art, integrated computer system, which will be an invaluable tool for Nancy N. Snyder managing our financial and fundraising recordkeeping and reporting President, 2002-2004

2 2003-2004 annual report Hands-on Work in the Community

embers of the Junior League of Chicago are truly Women Building Better Communities, for community projects Mare at the core of the JLC. We are focused on positively affecting the metropolitan Chicago area through our 19 community projects, our 14 Done-in-a-Day projects and 8 Associate Member training projects. Through these projects this year, we teamed with more than 30 agencies to empower at-risk families, especially women and girls, through mentoring, advocacy, and education. For example, we mentored teen girls, helping them improve their self-esteem. Through advocacy, we were catalysts for change, working to enhance the programs of the agencies we support and improve the lives of their constituents. We worked with children Above: Eckhart Park Library to encourage a love of reading – an outlet for them to expand their minds. Right: Stanton Park Field House According to the Independent Sector, a volunteer’s time is worth $17.19 per hour. With our members devoting more than 200,000 hours to volunteer work in the JLC and in the community each year, we are essentially contributing more than $3.4 million per year to the community, over and above the $340,168 of monetary support that we provided to the community.

The Junior League of Chicago’s work in the community includes:

Mentoring Improving Job and Life Skills Working with those families in need, including women and teenagers, Assisting at-risk women, some with substance abuse problems, who can benefit from mentoring and role models and the homeless in building and enhancing job and life skills Project Name Agency Served Project Name Agency Served C.A.R.E. (Creative Avenues Raise Maryville Children’s Reception Center Family 2000 Kohl’s Children’s Museum Esteem) and the Maryville Teen Parenting Center HEARTH (Helping, Educating and Housing Opportunities for Women Project CON:CERN (Community Chicago Women’s Health Center, Reaching out to the Homeless) Outreach Network: Consulting Neighborhood Restorative Justice Journey to Independent Living The Chicago Christian Industrial and Educational Resources for Non- Institute, Lincoln Park Community League Profits) Shelter Sarah’s Inn Sarah’s Inn Childlife Assistants Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Woman-to-Woman Treatment Center The Women’s Treatment Center Next Step for Teen Moms JLC Signature Project with the University of Chicago Woman-to-Woman/Maternal Addiction Haymarket House Teen Girls Exodus Program Chicago Youth Programs, Inc. Woman-to-Woman/North Suburban Women’s Residential Services, Lake County Health Dept. Focus on the Child LeClaire-Hearst Family Resource Center

Encouraging an Appreciation of the Arts Done-in-a-Day Projects

Inspiring women and children to enjoy the arts JLC volunteers also serve the community through Done-in-a-Day Project Name Agency Served Connecting Kids to the Arts Kohl’s Children’s Museum (DIAD) projects which mobilize support and have an immediate Music Theatre Workshop Cook County Juvenile Detention Center impact in just one day. American Cancer Society • Bear Necessities Mad Hatters Children’s Theatre Project Chicago Public Libraries Pediatric Cancer Foundation • Bottomless Closet • Deborah’s Place Enhancing Education Day Shelter • LeClaire-Hearst Family Resource Center • Lincoln Tutoring and reading to children through various projects Project Name Agency Served Belmont Food Pantry • Music Theater Workshop • New Mom’s Thrift Eckhart Park Library Partnership Chicago Public Library, Eckhart Park Branch Shop • Omni Youth Services • Rock for the Kids • Sarah’s Circle • Junior Great Books Evanston Public Library and La Grange Public Library The Glass Slipper Project • The Linus Foundation • Y-Me National

Learning to Fly Home of the Sparrow, Inc. Breast Cancer Organization

2003-2004 annual report 3 Advocacy on Behalf of Women & Children LC members worked diligently advocating on behalf of women, children and the Jcommunity at large. Members continued to support important initiatives such as: • Welfare-to-work program • Early Childhood Education • Childcare Assistance Programs (in conjunction with Action for Children) • 2004 Springfield Lobby Day In the fall, the JLC’s Legislative Action Committee hosted a “Meet the Candidates Reception.” JLC members and the community enjoyed the opportunity to meet candi- dates for elected office at the local, state and federal levels before the November elec- tions. The LAC also provided information to members on how to register to vote and how to find their polling place. In the spring, our Legislative Action Committee members attended the Action for Children of Illinois’ Conference and Lobby Day in Springfield. The two-day conference Kelly Conmey (LAC) and Margaret Lawlis (LAC) included lobbying at the State Capital urging legislators to support the proposed bud- with State Senator Barack Obama at Lobby Day get increases for childcare funding, additional funding for Great Start, and legislation to in Springfield. strengthen the child product protection laws. The conference also included educational workshops, seminars, and a reception with legislators.

Continual Training and Education key element of the JLC is training volunteers for successful and meaningful community service. Our members receive training and education as new A members, called Associates, and as Active members through our continu- ing education program, Junior League of Chicago University (JLCU). The process of training continues throughout a member’s career, with courses on topics such as “Mentoring Teen Moms” and “How to Chart Your JLC Future”. This year, 182 JLC Associates completed their courses through their year-long preparation and were promoted to Active status. Rae Stapleton was JLC Associate of the Year and she is now participating on the Associate Committee as a Project Chair for the Y-Me Candlelight Vigil. As with every year, the Associates joined with energy and commitment to the projects they developed and staffed including: Cabrini Connections Kids Connections, Done-in-a-Day, Girl Scouts, Mad Hatters, Next Step for Teen Moms, Off the Street Club, Stanton Park Field House, and Y-Me Candlelight Vigil. The revitalized JLC training room where such courses as JLC devoted $144,806 to member training and education, which was covered “Mentoring Teen Moms” and “How to Chart Your JLC Future” take place. through membership dues. Fundraising and Development unior League of Chicago members raised $437,580 through the Annual Fund, special events, corporate sponsorships, cookbook Jsales, and generous matching gifts. The net funds directly sup- ported our current and long-term community projects. Our Annual Fund had its best year ever, reaching its goal of $65,000. This represents more than an 18% increase over the previous year. It is now our largest fundraiser, and one that we believe can grow substantially in the future. To support our 19 Community projects, JLC development plans include a continued focus on Annual Fund and Corporate Relations. These initiatives, along with the Annual Fund and magnificent fundrais- Cynthia Altcantara and Carrie Scallen at this year’s Summer Soiree “A Night at the Greek Isles.” ers such as Windy City Nights, Summer Soiree, and Gazebo, support the JLC’s hands-on work with our many community agency partners.

4 2003-2004 annual report Financial Statements The audited statements show an overall increase in net assets est physical asset, our headquarters facility. of $85,688. Both our Community Project Development Fund The increases in those two funds are offset by a decrease in our T(CPDF) and Headquarters Fund (HQF) ended the year with operating account. Despite our careful cost controls, we had an oper- increases in excess of $100,000. However, in the CPDF, $130,968 ating deficit of $54,550, due to new accounting policies, a shortfall in of the increase is a temporary return of funds intended for the JLC our budgeted fundraising activities and a write-off in dues collection. signature project, Next Step for Teen Moms. These funds will not be Additionally, we invested in a complete upgrade of our computer sys- retained by the JLC and will be paid to Next Step over the near future. tems. Nonetheless, we are proud that we continue to provide sizeable The increase in the HQF was caused by a board-initiated transfer of $100,000 of excess cash from operating reserves, in addition to financial support to our community projects and our training initiatives. contributions earmarked for the headquarters building. That increase We remain a strong organization, with more than $1.23 million in allowed us to make needed and substantial improvements to our larg- cash, reserves and investments.

Condensed Statement of Financial Position Condensed Statement of Activities May 31, 2004 and Changes in Net Assets Assets (Revenue, Expenses, and Fund Balances) Fiscal Year Ended May 31, 2004 Current Assets: Revenue Cash and cash equivalents $249,949 Dues $368,825 Accounts receivable, net 144,563 Provisional course and other fees 14,675 Inventories 3,139 Special events 292,097 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges 27,623 Cookbook sales 58,975 Total current assets 425,274 Contributions 85,082 Investments 979,971 Refund of unused community program expense 130,968 Property and equipment (net) 237,720 Interest and unrealized gains (losses) 50,749 Total Assets $1,642,965 Other 1,426 Liabilities and Net Assets Total Revenue $1,002,797 Current Liabilities: Expenses Allocations to community programs $107,855 Program services $466,037 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 54,518 Supporting services 375,325 Deferred dues income - members 221,144 Dues to the Association of Total Current Liabilities $383,517 Junior Leagues International, Inc. 75,747 Net Assets: Total Expenses $917,109 Unrestricted: Increase in Net Assets $85,688 Board Designated: Net Assets, Beginning of Year $1,173,760 Operating Reserve $400,000 Net Assets, End of Year $1,259,448 Community Project Development Fund 612,766 Headquarters Capital Fund 107,098 Undesignated 119,584 Permanently Restricted 20,000 Total Net Assets $1,259,448 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $1,642,965

Financial data were extracted from our financial statements, audited by Legacy Professionals LLP, which are available upon request from the Junior League of Chicago, Inc., 1447 North Astor Street, Chicago, Illinois 60610, phone: 312-664-4462, fax: 312-664-1963.

2003-2004 annual report 5 2003-2004 Leadership

Board of Directors Management Committee Nominating Chair Award Winners Officers Executive Vice President Laura Anderson Associate of the Year President Betsy Sproul Rae Stapleton Nancy Snyder Parliamentarian Recording Secretary Jana Smith Founder’s Award Anna Musci Executive Vice President Michelle Miller Betsy Sproul Personnel Vice President Budget Vice President Kymberly Marrinson Stephanie Farvolden Outstanding Service Award Recording Secretary Elizabeth Vastine Anna Musci Sustainer Co-Vice Presidents Community Co-Vice Presidents Malia Beal Outstanding Sustainer Service Award Treasurer Ellen Baker Carol Novak Peggy Wood Bodine Marianne Phalin Julie Mann Treasurer-Elect Tracy Whitehead Directors Development Co-Vice Presidents Deborah Barr Angie Holleb Torch Award Advisory Council Liaison Director Anna Ludwig Deborah Hagman-Shannon Tracy Whitehead Advisory Council Phyllis Barker Kymberly Marrinson Education/Training Co-Vice Presidents Regina Wootton Diversification Director Daniel Bassill Alicia Morris Laura Cassidy Raymond Hall Stephanie Spindler Anne Ladky Starburst Award Current Issues Directors Nettie Leon Lasko Teresa Rudolph Information Technology Vice President Linda Beck Danielle Lazar Nicole Sloan Ruth Gallagher Carol McCann Annual Report Team Caroline Huebner Kathryn McKee Chairs: Amanda Bankes Legislative Action Vice President Michele Sparks Phil Ravid Katie Boscher Norma Weir Pamela Werner Beth Reissenweber Members: Sherry Abrahams Libbet Richter Kristine Meek Long Range Planning Chair Elect Long Range Planning Director Barbara Shaw Jennifer Martay Kathy Gorom Jerome Stermer Ruth Sweetser Marketing Co-Vice Presidents SPAC A Director Robin Tryloff Andrea Brown Lisa Shydlowski Cristina Ohr Cathleen McCann Brooke Wiseman

Membership Co-Vice Presidents Cynthia Curtis Michele Rosenbaum

Our Mission Thoughtful Risk-Taking—JLC provides training and a safe environment The Junior League of Chicago, Inc. is a metropolitan organization of for responsible and thoughtful risk-taking. women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the poten- Camaraderie—JLC is an organization where members enjoy their experi- tial of women, and improving the community through effective action ence, developing personally and professionally. and leadership of trained volunteers. The Junior League of Chicago, Inc. reaches out to women of all races, religions, and national origins Our Focus who demonstrate an interest in and a commitment to voluntarism. The Junior League of Chicago empowers at-risk families, especially women and girls, through mentoring, advocacy, and education. Our Vision The Junior League of Chicago will be a preeminent and innovative Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. (AJLI) organization of trained volunteers empowering diverse and dynamic AJLI Mission The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. is an organiza- women serving as catalysts to improve life in metropolitan Chicago tion of women, committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the through community partnerships. potential of women, and improving communities through effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively Our Values educational and charitable. The Junior League of Chicago Values are: JLC is passionate about the causes Commitment to the Community— AJLI Vision we support. Our commitment includes advocacy, development, collabora- Through the power of our association, Junior Leagues strengthen tion, and service. communities by embracing diverse perspectives, building partnerships Respect for Individuals—JLC members treat each other, those with and inspiring shared solutions. whom we work, and those we serve, with respect and dignity. Welcoming—JLC welcomes all women who wish to serve the community, AJLI Reaching Out embracing their ideas, differences, and contributions. The Association of Junior Leagues International Inc. reaches out to Mentoring—JLC members share their experiences and expertise with one woman of all races, religions and national origins who demonstrate another, and those we work with and serve. an interest in and commitment to voluntarism.

6 2003-2004 annual report 2003-2004 Donors

The Junior League of Chicago would like to thank the individuals and the corporations who contributed to our 2003-2004 fundraising efforts. Matching Boney, Dawn Draft Inc. Kiszka, Jim Pineapple Kiss, L.L.C Tabula Tua Contributions Boulder Ridge County Club East Bank Club Koch-Mrowicki, Mary Pinski, Dr. Kevin Tarantino’s Altria Brooks Shoe Service Eli’s Cheesecake Komen Place Health Club Tea Avon Foundation Brooks, Linda Elizabeth Adam Salon Kraft Foods Potash Supermarket Team Services Bank of America Brunner, Heidi Elizabeth Arden Krantz, Mr. & Mrs. Powell Kleinschmidt Tetra Pak Food Service BP Foundation Bumblebug Designs Elizabeth Ritz Designs Krispy Kreme Printer Teuber, Sherrie Bristol-Myers Squibb Burberry Emblazeon Kurr Salon Priya Yoga The Beach Club CNA Foundation Burger King Eric Hoffman Personal La Creperie Raintree International The Business Press General Re Corporation Burgess, Lyn Haley Fitness Systems Lakeshore Athletic Club / Vacations The Cooking & Hospitality Household International Butterfield 8 Erwin Laurie Jenkins Ralph Lauren/RL Restaurant Institute of Chicago J.P. Morgan Chase Bushma, Dawn Etcetera Lamberson, Susan Randolph Wine Cellars & The Etiquette School and Foundation Buzard, Elizabeth Nolan Eyre, Carla Lee, Paul & Kim The Tasting Room High Society Events Johnson Controls Café Luciano Fauber, Erin Leslie, Susan & Chris Ravisloe Country Club The Fireplace Inn Foundation Café Matou Ferris, Sonya Long-Kaake, Sunny Red 7 Salon The Franklin Mint Leo Burnett USA Caliterra Ferry, Angela Lawry’s The Prime Rib Red Bridge Graphic Design The Grand Hotel McDonald’s Corporation Calphalon Culinary Center Flat Top Grill Leinweber, Sarah Reeder, Mary The Greenhouse Spa Foundation Calypso Flower Firm Lekai, Jennifer Relax the Back The Northwest Passage Office Depot Card & Party Warehouse Four Seasons Chicago Little Soles Ridgley, Amanda The Orchard Hotel Pepsico Foundation Caring Hands Massage Four Seasons Resort Livingston, Marge Rosebud The Peninsula Northern Trust Co. Therapy Frank Lloyd Wright Lord & Taylor Rosenbaum, Michelle Charitable Trust Carissima Preservation Lori’s Designer Shoes Rosie’s Thomson & Morgan W. W. Grainger, Inc. Carlucci’s Fresh Lou Malnati’s Pizzeria Rouse, Nicole Seedsmen Yum! Brands Foundation Carnival Foods Fringe, A Hair Salon Louis Vuitton Royale of London Tiffany & Co. Carol’s Cookies Frito Lay Lowes Theatres Rudolph, Teresa & Pat Tilli’s Other Catering by Michael Fuente Luxe Salon Ruesch, Katy Time Rueve Cavanaugh, Jennifer Full Life Centers Magnolia Café Saab Exchange Timmons Georgette Klinger Contributions Caldwell, Laura Fun Times DJ, Don Wilson Manone, Vince Salon & Spa Blue Today’s Chicago Women A. M. Feldman Jewlers Cech, Brigid FurnitureKidz Manrico Cashmere Salisbury, Anne TOD’S C. V. Martin Foundation Celebrity Kids Ganz, Have Mark Brown Photography Salpicon Topo Gigio Ristorante International House Champro Sports George & Susan Marlowe Salvatore’s Torrefazione Italia Coffee New Century Mortgage Charlie Trotter’s Gibson’s Marshall Fields SanSali Swimwear Total Health / Dr. David Corporation Cheeca Lodge & Spa Gigi’s Closet McCaleb, Nancy Sappanos Paint and Cunningham River City Foundation Chicago Architecture Glamorous Goodies McCarthy, Katie Wallpaper Co. Train with Ron State Street Foundation Foundation Gold Coast Multiplex McDermott, Gia SaraBeth Vaughan Precious Trianiflou, Jody The Brickman Group Chicago Blackhawks Goldsmith, Mark McDonald’s Jewelry Trio Salon The Canterbury Shoppe Chicago Botanical Garden Grant Thornton, LLP Media Success Inc. Saucee & Savoree TRU Chicago Bulls Greater Michigan Avenue Metro Saussy Twirlyhead Studio In-Kind Donors Chicago Center for the Print Association Meyer’s Real Estate Schovance, Ellen Twisted Textiles 3 Com Chicago Children’s Grossman, Gary Michael’s Catering Second City Ulta 4 Taste Appetizer Museum Haarlow, Laurel Mid-Town Tennis Club Segovia Salon & Spa Underwater People A Perfect Event Chicago Childrens Choir Harmony Mind*Body Fitness Miller, Ryan Seher, Amy Unilever Absolut Chicago Chop House Harray Caray’s Restaurant Mitre Shea, Courtney Unisource Worldwide Abt Electronics Chicago Cubs Hilton Cabo San Lucas Monagp, Ted & United Athletics ADCO Technology Solutions Chicago Home & Garden Hodges, Gail Moon Wink Oceanarium Universal Security Adobo Grill Chicago Martial Arts & Hollander Home Fashion Morris, Jenni Sheftel, Kristine Brooke Urban Oasis AG Place Fitness Holmes Morton Salt Sherwin-Williams Co. Urban She Ahern, Bob Chicago Mercantile Hoohobbers Morton’s Steakhouse Shopgirl Vanopdorp, Tina Al Sahara Exchange House of Blues Hotel Neiman Marcus Sierra Entertainment Village Toy Shop Alice’s Garden Huebner, Caroline Nelson Simply Inviting Designs Virginia Wolff, Inc. All Smiles Dental Chicago Rush Torrington New Century Mortgage Smart, Mary Vorwaller, Ava AM Feldman Chicago Social Magazine Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Corporation Smith, Cindi Vosges Chocolates Amanda Sudimack Studio Chicago Symphony at Gainey Ranch New York Magazine Smith Painting and W Hotels American Airlines Orchestra I-Candy Nine Decorating W.B. Olsen, Inc. American Club Chicago White Sox I-Design Salon Ninth Floor Design Studios Snyder, Nancy & Tim Walter E. Smithe American Male Barbers Chicago Blind Company IKON, Inc. NoMi Sofitel Warner Brother Records Anne’s Ink Chicago Beauty.com Illinois State Trooper North Beach Chicago Solstice Watson-Johnson, Anne Arcadia Knitting Classic Kids In the Bag by JB Designs, Northwestern University Southern Wine & Spirits/ Waveland Bowl Aria Invitations - Carlson Classic Optician Inc O’Brochta, Rory Romano Brothers Webster Wine Bar Craft Coach InterContinental Chicago O’Day Cache Spa 195 Webster, Marjorie K. Art & Science Concierge Preferred International House of O’Fame Restaurant Spare Time Inc Weddingslideshow.com Asa Beach Continental Styles Wine and Cheese Old Town Gardens Special Library Assocation, When I Was Your Age Asrai Gardens Cookie by Design J. Andrew Salon O’Meara Irish House Chicago Chapter Where Chicago ATA Cooking.Com J. Frank Glass One Group Mutual Funds Springfield Chamber of Whirlpool Corporation Auditorium Theater Cooper Tools Jamba Juice Orbitz Commerce Whitehead, Tracy S. Aylesworth, Rae Coqui Creations James A. Stein, D.D.S. Original Smith Printing Stanley’s Tap www.earthlygoods.com AZ Cradles of Distinction Jewels of the Sea Oscar Isberian Rugs Starbucks Coffee Wilson Sports Babies & Beyond Crate & Barrel Jim Beam P.F. Changs Starr, Tama Windy & Windy II Barbara’s Bookstore Creative Memories Junior League of Milwaukee Paisley Designs Starwood Hotels (Sheraton Windy City Fieldhouse Barnard, Vicki Crest / Tanya DeSanto DDS Joe’s Sports Bar Paris Kabat Catering Chicago) Windy City Upholstery BBJ Linens Crossen, Anne & Dan Peachtree Place Steely Pan Winerd Entertainment, LLC Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Cru Café & Wine Bar Joie de Soie Pearson Scott Foresman Stella Artois WNUA Bendel, Brenda Day Spa Just Friends Design Peerless Carpet Steve Quick Jewelers WTMX Beringer, Julie DC Design Kamehachi Peggy Notebaert Nature Stonegate Landscaping Wyndham Hotels & Resorts Biaggi’s Dee’s Restaurant Karyn’s Museum Stuart Rodgers Photography Yellow Clover Bistrot Margot Designs by Maida Kearney, Melissa Peninsula Chicago Subway Yovonovich, Michelle Bloomingdales Devlin, Jennifer Kendall College Penry, Kelly SushiSamba Zest Blue Plate Catering Discovery Toys Kevin Moore Petunia Pickle Bottom Sweet Pea’s Studio Bob Chinn’s Crabhouse Doblin, Amanda Kilborn, Justine D. Pier One Sweet Traditions, LLC Bolingbrook Golf Club Doodlebugs Kingston Mines Piggy Toes Swiss Army Luggage

2003-2004 annual report 7 2003-2004 Donors

Annual Fund Donors $101-$249 Annette Nikolich Kelly Hull Meggan Zabel $2000 Ellen Baker Mr. & Mrs. William Nolden Julie Jensen Ann Zavarella Elizabeth Guenzel Paige Ben-Dashan Dr. Holly Noonan Holly Jespersen Tracy Bauer Bodenmann Margaret Mary O’Neill Jennifer Johnson House Improvement Sarah Bornstein Dottie Pattishall Mrs. Taylor l. Kennedy $1500 Fund Janet Buckstein Heather Pyle Danielle Kenney Linda Beck & Eric Estes $5070 Lynd Corley Berkley Ricketts Christine Kidder Ann Bettendorf Freeman Tracy Whitehead Ann Dudley Carol Schulz Niven Kingwill Erin Fauber Maryellen Schwartz Sandra Kirkby $1000 Mrs. William Goodyear Janet Sennott Melissa Keblusek $3000 Gwen Allen Charity Haines Liz Sharp Holly Kopec The Miller Cooper Charitable Holly French Bambi Huyler Annette Stover Monique Kraft Trust Ruth Gallagher Jennifer John Elizabeth Tabaka Margaret Levenberg Mr. & Mrs. John P. Grube Mary Judd Kristin Tichy Rose Leversha $1000 Sherry John Justine Kilborn Mary Timmons Stephanie Lippian Beth Waldo Nancy Masterson Barbara Kugler Nan Vaile Anna Lovis Mary Martha Mooney Jennifer Lamson Jamie Van Vuren Kimberly Lowrie $820 Kristen Pettit Susan Leslie Susan Viti Suzanna Mahoney Nancy & Tim Snyder Cindy Sargent Marcie Love Lisa Weiland Julie Mann Courtney Shea Ellen McCarthy Mary Colllins White Cathleen McCann $500 Kathryn Simpson Laura Metzger Sarah Woelfl Carol McGregor Carol Novak Mary & Brad Smart Mary Lee Montague Allison Youngblood Jean Middleton Kathleen Overholt Susan Younkle Cynthia Miller $300 $750 Lauree Personette Rebecca Zanatta Alicia Morris Caroline Huebner Nancy & Tim Snyder Judith Shaw Diane Zwilling Nominating Committee, Sustainer Investment Club Michele Sparks Beth Shields 2003-2004 Nicole Sloan Claire Noble Under $100 $250 $500 Jana Smith Laura Anderson Betsy Noxon Jean Smith Berghoff Deborah Barr Mrs. Edgar J. Uihlein Rory & David O’Brochta Lisa Appleby Kymberly Marrinson Elizabeth Nolan Buzard Pamela Werner Anne O’Connor Amy Baker Norma Weir Amy Dickinson Amy O’Keane Malia Beal Regina Wootton Katherine Hickey $100 Serena Yuen Beltz Ngozi Okorafor-Johns Elizabeth & Mark Hurley Cecelia Abbott Julie Beringer Elizabeth Ottsen Christine Jack Beth Assif Judith Bissell Janet Owen $100 - $249 Ann Brinkman Michelle Kerr Jill Augustine Lynn Boucher Molly Painter Julie Drewniak Anna Musci Betty Brittingham Beata Boodell Mrs. B. Michael Pallasch Angie Holleb Roberta Olshansky Christina Caglar Christina Bosas Jennifer Perucca Courtney Shea Shirley Ryan Laura Lance Carreira Karen Bourbulas Sarah Personette Marilee Hopkins Mrs. John B. Snyder Betsy Crosswhite Margo Browne Janelle Petersen Susan Leslie Betsy Sproul Dottie Currie Christina Brunt Anna Porter Sandra Michelau Tammy & Eric Steele Melody Drake Kimberly Burt Carol Evans Poynter Anna Musci Deena Schencker Walchirk Julie Drewniak Elizabeth Busscher Kristine & Scott Prugh Julie Pfeiffer Tracy Whitehead Anne Edwards Jill Anne Ciminillo Toya Rice Courtney Shea Carla Jane Eyre Cindy Clendenin Anne Rockey Beth Shields $250 - $499 Mary Jo Fairbanks Heather Coleman Gloria Rolighed Betsy Sproul Dora Aalbregtse Anne Ferri Emily Collins Anne Romano Maureen Wilbrandt 2004 Associate Class Helen Flanagan Melissa Corley Michele Rosenbaum Kathy Wilkerson Kim Beard Elizabeth Foster Chris Crum Victoria Russo Debra Beck Roxanne Freel Cynthia Curtis Nan Sagooleim Mary Boyer Heather Gardner Megan Dunne Valee Salone Under $100 Ann Brinkman Deborah Hagman-Shannon Suzy Ennis Kris Schneider Mary Amory Courtney Cavatoni Lorill Ann Haynes Cheryl Evert Jennifer Schubeck Malia Beal Alexandra Cooney Andra Heller Kathryn Ferguson Jennifer Sennott Linda Beck Ann Dudley Lisa Hirschkorn Brandy Fernow Brittany Sever Julie Beringer Mr. & Mrs. C. Luther Fors, II Carolyn Husemoller McLaurin Files Shannon Smith Heidi Betz Kathy Gorom Jackie Jackson Laurie Flight Lois Simpson Sarah Bornstein Raymond Hall Carolyn Johnson Lou Furrer Bridget & Philip Spagnola Laura Cassidy Francia Harrington Suellen Johnson Kate Gamewell Stephanie Spindler Ruth Gallagher Angie Holleb Nagawa Kakumba-McKitty Heather Geon Lori Stanovich Kathy Gorom Missy Jacobus Constance Keller Sue-Gray Goller Lindsay Suthard Emily Jennings Anne Kelly Margaret Lawlis Mrs. Preston Goodyear Kim Terracina Michelle Kerr Kim Lee Mrs. Homer Livingston Margaret Graff Niki Terranova & Dr. David Annie Logue Kimberly Masius Stephanie Leese Barbara Grant Cunningham Cathleen McCann Mary Lou Matthews Mary Ann Lillie Pat Griffin Lisa Tesarik Alison Phillips Megan McCleary Annie Logue Jennifer Groszek Pia Norman Thompson Michele Rosenbaum Ann McDermott Sunny Long-Kaake Jeana Grunzel Kendra Thornton Marianne Phalin Michelle Miller Kara Longo Lyn Haley Anne Tuohy Kris Schneider Ann Nerad Anna Ludwig Nicole Halloran Elizabeth Vastine Brittany Sever Elizabeth Parker Linda Lumpkin Toni Harkness Brooke & Greg Walters Lisa Shydlowski Susan Patten Debbie & Reese Marcusson Mary Hanley Cindy Waters Jana Smith Marianne Phalin Jennifer Martay Ricquel Harper Anna Webb Michele Sparks Karen & John Pickford Peggy Martay Judy Harris Anne Weber Pamela Werner Mrs. William D. Sanders Gia McDermott Natalie Harrison Mrs. John Whalen Allison Youngblood Lisa & Mike Shydlowski Julianne Migely Sandra Heath Nancy Willis Verneta Simon Katherine Miller Jennifer Hegener Hilary Witzelben Norma Weir Leslie Munger Angela Hoops Kate York Judy York Alexandra Nichols Jamie Hull Dodie Young

Every effort has been made to report all 2003-2004 contributions fully and accurately. We apologize for any errors or omissions and ask that donors forward any corrections to the Administrative Director at Junior League of Headquarters. Thank you for your understanding and for your generosity to the Junior League of Chicago.

8 2003-2004 annual report