Friday, July 31, 2020 Home-Delivered $1.90, Retail $2.20
TE NUPEPA O TE TAIRAWHITI FRIDAY, JULY 31, 2020 HOME-DELIVERED $1.90, RETAIL $2.20 ARDERN NAMED PAGES COVID-19 6,9,10,14,16 to embraCING local businesses WORLD’S MOST • ISOLATION ESCAPEE SAYS SHE HAD NO CHOICE ELOQUENT • COVID-19 TEST REFUSALS FRUSTRATE DOCTORS • US RECORDING ONE DEATH EVERY MINUTE LEADER • TRUMP WANTS PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION DELAYED PAGE 6 • ANOTHER DARK DAY FOR VICTORIA - 13 DEATHS FEATURE INSIDE TODAY CURRENT EVENT A space capsule-sized, cylindrical magnet that will have 100,000 times the strength of Earth’s magnetic field once ramped up is lowered into Matai Research’s module. Based on Gisborne Hospital’s grounds, the module will house Matai Research’s state-of-the-art MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) machine, a General Electric Healthcare 3-Tesla. While workers readied the magnet to be craned out of its plywood hut on the back of a truck, another truck delivered a shipping container to the site. The MRI’s components will be stored in the container while the machine is assembled. Assembly will take about a week, after which the machine will be filled with liquid helium. This will keep the machine cool enough for the electric current to flow around the tube with zero resistance. The coolant provides the level of superconductivity required to enable generation of high-intensity magnetic fields in the MRI scanner. Once installed, the MRI machine will be tested so it is ready to go live on September 7. Picture by Liam Clayton We have gone far and ‘wide, engaging with over 1200 people in our region WELLBEING FOCUS —Paul Reynolds’ by Andrew Ashton Mr Reynolds said that in the past, an communities, following a year-long period sustain investment into facilities alone.
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