Meeting Date: Thursday, January 30, 2014.

Meeting Location: North Plains Senior Plaza Apartments, 31485 NW Kaybern St., North Plains, OR 97133.

Guests Present: Wayne Holm (Oregon-Canadian Forest Products).

Directors Present: Russ Sheldon (Knights of Pythias)-President, Mitch Ward (Individual)-Vice President, Cindy Hirst (Individual)-Secretary, Stewart King (Tri-Star Properties, Inc.)-Treasurer, Butch Kindel (Individual)-Director, Glenda McCann (Subsurface Technologies, Inc.)-Director.

Directors Absent: Justin King (Treasure Chest Antique Mall)-Director.

1. CALL TO ORDER. President Russ Sheldon called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.


Added agenda items. Item #5 b - Request from North Plains Parent Teacher Organization Item #5 c - Comments from Membership Renewals Item #7 d iv - Groundbreaking for Sunset Ridge Item #7 d v - Grand Re-Opening for Senior Center Item # 9 d - Clean Fuels Program Item # 9 e - Associate Membership for NP Farmer’s Market

ACTION: Motion by Stewart King to adopt the agenda with additions. Second by Mitch Ward. Vote: 6-0-0. Yes-Russ Sheldon, Mitch Ward, Cindy Hirst, Stewart King, Butch Kindel, Glenda McCann. No-none. Abstain-none.

3. PUBLIC TESTIMONY. No public testimony.


ACTION: Motion by Stewart King to accept the minutes for December 18, 2013, as written. Second by Mitch Ward. Vote: 6-0-0. Yes-Russ Sheldon, Mitch Ward, Cindy Hirst, Stewart King, Butch Kindel, Glenda McCann. No- none. Abstain-none.

5. REPORT FROM SECRETARY. a. Storage Shed Inventory. Follow-up on signs owned by Chamber and NPEA. Tuesday this week Cindy Hirst received all of the information needed to complete the Storage Shed Inventory. The list of Elephant Garlic Festival® Items will be sent over to the City to be included in the agreement between the Chamber and the City. Stewart King said that the blue tarp that is covering the elephant sign is his.

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b. Added Agenda Item: Request from North Plains Parent Teacher Organization. Renee Ramey, president of the PTO this year, is asking if the Chamber can send an announcement out to the businesses in North Plains about donation opportunities at the school. The e-mail in the agenda packet has a copy of the website attached. There are currently five projects that need funding and the PTO is trying to reach out to the whole community. Their request will be in the City’s Newsletter. Cindy Hirst is asking the Board for permission to send an announcement to all of the businesses in North Plains. Russ Sheldon asked if there is a link to the school on the website. Cindy Hirst said she would ask Martha DeBry to add the link. There was a consensus by the Board to send the announcement.

c. Added Agenda Item: Comments from Membership Renewals. The Membership Renewal forms had space for comments and asking business members if they were interested in serving on a committee. Cindy Hirst gathered this information and neglected to get a copy to all of the Board members. A copy is in the agenda packet.

6. REPORT FROM TREASURER. a. Financial Report through January 29, 2014.

Stewart King gave the financial report from December 19, 2013, to January 29, 2014. The activity from the last Board meeting:

Income: $499.26 Transfer from PayPal to the General Account. $793.00 Insurance Reimbursement. $.07 Interest for Money Market.

Expenditures: $44.00 PO Box rental. $420.00 Claey’s Catering. $86.41 Postage & Office supplies. $44.00 Geraldi’s for Chamber Lunch. $20.00 Virgin Mobile for Chamber Phone. $200.00 Registration for the Elephant Garlic Festival Names. $100.00 Visitor Center Rent.

Cindy Hirst asked Stewart King about the Visitor Center rent being deducted very late in the month. Previous months have been around the 15th. Stewart King said he would look at how the payment is set up at the Bank. Mitch Ward asked about the insurance reimbursement. Russ Sheldon said the rebate is a result in the change in policies. When the Chamber gave cancellation notice to the old company, the difference in the annual payment was reimbursed to the Chamber.

The General Fund Balance is $7,849.50. The Money Market Balance is $7,922.73. The Pay Pal Balance is $1.00. The Grand Total is $15, 773.23.

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ACTION: Motion by Butch Kindel to accept the Financial Report from the Treasurer. Second by Glenda McCann. Vote: 6-0-0. Yes-Russ Sheldon, Mitch Ward, Cindy Hirst, Stewart King, Butch Kindel, Glenda McCann. No- none. Abstain-none.

7. COMMITTEE REPORTS. a. 2014 Chamber Golf Tournament. Justin King not present. Russ Sheldon will talk with him about the activities of the Committees.

b. Speakers Committee. Speakers Scheduled: i. February 11 – Coggno Online Training. ii. March 11 – Business Oregon on E-Commerce Zone. Jennifer Knowles from the City of North Plains, was at the January Membership meeting. She said that Business Oregon was interested in connecting with the Chamber. This will be about North Plains being an e-commerce zone and how businesses can still participate through 2017. iii. April 8 – Pacific Continental Bank on Preparation for Loans/Credit Line. This was another item Jennifer Knowles suggested through her contacts. The Bank will not be giving a pitch for services, but is working in the area to help businesses be ready when they want to approach their bank for funding. iv. May 13 – Annual Meeting – Do we want a speaker? Russ Sheldon said he would rather give an annual report with the accomplishments and checklist items. This would be an update for the Members rather than a speaker. Since this is the Annual Meeting, ballots for director elections will also be counted. The Board agreed that no speaker would be scheduled.

c. Website Committee. Russ Sheldon said that Martha DeBry has the site up and running. There are areas that need a boost and more photos. Mitch Ward said he had forgotten about the request from Cindy Hirst to take photos of all the businesses for the site. He will do that when weather allows. Russ Sheldon said he would like to have a committee meeting in February to make an assessment of clean-up and where we need to take it. Cindy Hirst said that Martha DeBry is working on the online training . Russ Sheldon said he has some small items to check on, but we don’t want it to get stale. He wants to look at board and doesn’t want to duplicate too much what the City does. The Chamber needs to promote our businesses and make sure the information is correct.

d. Events Committee: i. Thursday Marketplace. Cindy Hirst said the Events Committee met the previous evening so she had all of the information to report since Justin King was not at the Board Meeting. In the agenda packet is version 2 of the budget and there will probably be a version 3 since there are still some “To Be Determined” items, specifically with the City because the insurance particularly needs to be clarified. Advertising still needs to be researched and disposal services needs to be discussed. The Events Committee is trying not to have too many sponsors because they don’t want to take away from the Elephant Garlic Festival®. However, a presenting sponsor would have their name on all the signs and ads.

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Michael Basile has offered $100 a week for the entertainment as well as helping to find groups. Vanessa Van Domelen has submitted a grant to New Seasons Market, as in previous years. This year she is asking for $16,000 plus another $200 for the Ice Cream Social. This grant is in conjunction with the Washington County Co-op. All expenses shown on the budget are based on the Farmer’s Market experience in the past and very conservative. Butch Kindel asked if the Thursday Marketplace would have its own website. Cindy Hirst said the Events Committee discussed this issue the previous night. The Farmer’s Market has their own website and the question is still unanswered. Cindy Hirst said the problem is finding someone to manage it. Right now Carolyn Levett is maintaining the Farmer’s Market website and Cindy Hirst will talk to her for suggestions. The Manage My Market website has all of the information posted as of this week and there was already a vendor signed up for the whole season. That is how vendors get to know about what is happening at the farmer’s markets around the County. The Events Committee is not sure about the phone lines yet, but will know more next week. Vanessa Van Domelen thinks everything can be wireless.

Butch Kindel asked who would be monitoring the budget and accounts. Cindy Hirst said that the Chamber needed to enter into some type of partnership with the Farmer’s Market. The City, Senior Center and Farmer’s Market had a partnership agreement and Cindy Hirst said she thinks there needs to be an agreement between the Chamber, the City and the Farmer’s Market because the City is providing a lot. That would clarify who would be doing what. She has looked at the agreement used in the last three years and all of the obligations are fairly well defined.

The question for the Chamber is what should be the percentage breakdown of the partnership between the Farmer’s Market and the Chamber. It can be a flat percentage, but how should it be figured. Cindy Hirst explained a method by which it could be based on the number of vendors, split by Farmer’s Market vendors and other vendors the Chamber may recruit. She asked what the Chamber Board would like to do and then an agreement can be put together.

Russ Sheldon thought it should be 60/40 since the Chamber is taking some of the risk. Is the City interested in more than just providing help? That is still a question to be answered. In the previous agreement, the City was not asking for any money to be returned to the City, only that the Senior Center covered all of the expenses. The request to the City is on the Council agenda for the meeting on February 18th. Cindy Hirst will use the prior agreement as a template and begin to put something together. The request to the City will be to use the right of way, close the streets and waive the fees.

ii. Grand Re-Opening for McDonald’s. Jim Monroe is very interested in the ribbon- cutting ceremony. He will contact Cindy Hirst when he has a better sense of the date. It might be another month or so. iii. After Hours at Rogue Brew Pub & Eatery. At the December meeting it was briefly discussed about a grand re-opening for the Rogue. Cindy Hirst said she thought an After Hours event would be better when he is ready. The date would need to be

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determined by Michael Basile because he is still working on some construction. The Board agreed that the event would be okay. iv. Added Agenda Item: Groundbreaking for Sunset Ridge. Cindy Hirst said this might be April or May. Cindy Hirst said that Jackson Union LLC has been a Chamber member for many years and since we have ribbon-cutting ceremonies for businesses, a ground-breaking ceremony for them would be appropriate. She did not want to extend the offer to Bob Bobosky and Don Maltase until getting approval from the Board. Stewart King asked if Polygon is a member, and Cindy Hirst spoke with Fred Gast already and the letter is in process. Stewart King said that would be the first step in the commercial process since there is some commercial sites out there. The Board agreed to the ground breaking. v. Added Agenda Item: Grand Re-Opening for the Senior Center. Cindy Hirst said the Events Committee discussed the Senior Center being under construction and if we are having a Grand Re-Opening for McDonald’s we should also do something for the Senior Center since they are also a Chamber Member. The Board agreed to have the grand re-opening.

e. Finance and Budget Committee: i. QuickBooks update. Glenda McCann and Cindy Hirst will meet next week to continue working on the 2013 entries. It is a time consuming job. Wayne Holm said that Amy at Oregon-Canadian has experience with QuickBooks and Glenda McCann can call on her if needed.

ii. 2014 Budget. The Budget information provided in the packet is the same as at what was approved by the Membership on January 14th. No further action will be taken until the 2013 accounting information is available. Russ Sheldon asked if the Thursday Marketplace budget was figured in. Cindy Hirst said that both the Thursday Marketplace and Golf Tournament figures were equal on the income and the expense side as a placeholder for now.

f. Nominating Committee: i. Draft of nomination form be completed by March 14th. The nomination form should be sent out by then. Cindy Hirst included in the agenda packet the letter and form that was sent out August 1, 2013, for filling the vacant director position. Wayne Holm said we first have to look at whose positions would be open. Both Glenda McCann and Cindy Hirst are in the positions that will be up for election. Cindy Hirst thought that the nomination e-mail should be sent out by Wayne Holm. Russ Sheldon said we need to get the current office holders to accept a nomination for a second term, then ask the general membership for nominations. Butch Kindel asked if you had to be a Chamber member and the answer is yes. Russ Sheldon said anyone who is not a member and wants to be nominated for a director position would have to join the Chamber and be accepted at the March 26th Board meeting. If someone wanted to vote at the election, their membership application would need to be submitted for approval before the Board’s April meeting. Russ Sheldon said the survey format is okay, but just a simple e-mail is okay also. Glenda McCann suggested telling businesses who are not Chamber Members about the election

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process. Butch Kindel suggested putting something in the City Newsletter about Chamber Memberships and the election. ii. Written nominations be presented at April meeting where verbal nominations can be put forward. At the April Membership meeting, the individuals who have been nominated in writing will be presented to the Membership. At that time verbal nominations can be accepted.

8. OLD BUSINESS. a. Memo of Understanding with Stewart King regarding Trademarked drawing of “Stinkee.” Russ Sheldon said this would remain on the agenda until we get everything in place. Stewart King spoke with his attorney who suggested an Assignment, and will work on drafting something. Stewart King sent his attorney a copy of the beginning draft of the Memorandum of Understanding, a copy of trademark and copy of the letter where he provided permission to use the drawing in 2014.

b. Online Training Courses for Members. Cindy Hirst said she is waiting for Martha DeBry to finish her work on the website. Cindy Hirst said there is no one else to make the presentation, so she will do that on February 11th. Stewart King asked if the presentation would include going into the website. Cindy Hirst said she needed to go to the Fire Department to check her connection. Russ Sheldon said that the Fire Department probably has some type of guest access. He said if not, he has his own hotspot that can be used. Stewart King said that there was a discussion several years ago about a wi-fi hotspot for the City. Russ Sheldon said the Knights had talked about it at one time. Cindy Hirst will follow-up with Martha DeBry.

c. Logo Design Follow-up. Cindy Hirst reported that she has not heard anything from James Atwood since the Membership meeting, but she didn’t expect to hear back from him yet.

d. Agreement with the City of North Plains regarding the North Plains Elephant Garlic Festival®. Cindy Hirst said the NPEA is still looking over their agreement, and then both agreements would go to the City Council. Martha DeBry was not sure when that would happen, but once there is City Council approval, the agreement would come back to the Chamber Board for final approval. The Chamber has done their work so far.

e. Update on Washington County Chamber Partnership. Russ Sheldon reported that there was no meeting in January. The next is February 26th and he will attend 11:30am to 1:00pm at the Beaverton Chamber of Commerce. [Date is actually February 25th and verified by the recording secretary.] Mitch Ward and Russ Sheldon attended the legislative event. There were a lot of politicians – representatives and senators and mayors from almost every City. It was a chance for introductions and networking. Very brief meeting where sponsors were introduced and the elected officials talked about what they planned for the legislative session that affected businesses. Russ Sheldon put in a brief request to Linda Moholt to discuss the lack of funding to North Plains. There has been an online discussion about Marijuana dispensaries to learn from other Chambers and cities what has been happening in their communities. He has asked the Partnership Board to discuss the North Plains Chamber funding issue at their next meeting. He will talk with Linda Moholt before that meeting.

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9. NEW BUSINESS. a. Chamber Plan for 2014. Russ Sheldon said he has not had a chance to put anything in writing. We should have a slate of things we want to do, lay out what we want to accomplish, but let’s finish what we started. He said we need a planning record of what we want to do, along with Committee assignments and what has been done. Then we can report back to the Membership. Stewart King suggested everyone do some goal setting and bring it back to the next meeting. Russ Sheldon said there are some things we need to finish like the accounting, the website and Thursday Marketplace. Wayne Holm asked about the Visitor Information Center signs. Cindy Hirst was planning to meet with Blake Boyles about the Visitor Center Signs and the Thursday Marketplace signs. That is on hold until Blake Boyles gets back to work. Each Board Director needs to come back with what they think should be a priority and then it can be put together in a plan.

b. Chamber Membership in the Oregon Festival & Events Association. Cindy Hirst reported that the Chamber became a member in 2013. At first she thought the Chamber may not want to be a member, but now with the planning of the Thursday Marketplace, maybe the Chamber should remain a member. Stewart King asked if the City was a member, and Cindy Hirst said she did not know, but the NPEA is a member. There is a website where events can be posted and maybe the City can promote their events there as well. Cindy Hirst will check with the City. Russ Sheldon suggested putting this expenditure into the Thursday Marketplace.

c. New Membership Application Approval – Rogue Brew Pub & Eatery. Stewart King asked about the processing fee on the new member application being reduced from $25.00 to $15.00. Cindy Hirst said she changed the amount because the Member wasn’t getting anything for $25.00

ACTION: Motion by Butch Kindel to accept the membership application from the Rogue Pub. Second by Mitch Ward. Vote: 6-0-0. Yes-Russ Sheldon, Mitch Ward, Cindy Hirst, Stewart King, Butch Kindel, Glenda McCann. No-none. Abstain-none.

d. Added Agenda Item: Clean Fuels Program. Russ Sheldon said that Mick Harris is reaching out to Chambers for help support the Clean Fuels program that will be expiring soon. Mr. Harris provided information and sent a draft form of a letter that can be sent to Bruce Starr to support the continuation of the Program. Cindy Hirst said that she went online after receiving the information from Russ Sheldon and found out what had happened in the last legislative session. In August when the legislature came back in session, it came up for a vote and Bruce Starr was a “no” vote. The vote was right down party lines with the Republicans on the “no” side, and Democrat Betsy Johnson crossed party lines to vote “no” so it would fail. Cindy Hirst couldn’t find anything good written about the program. All of the positive issues were from groups who supported the bill. was against the program. She said that before she could personally make a decision, she would want to know where Bruce Starr stands on the issue. Russ Sheldon asked her to send an e-mail to Bruce Starr asking about his position on this bill. She will reply to Mick Harris also.

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e. Added Agenda ltem: Associate Membership for NP Farmer's Market. Cindy Hirst thought since the Chamber would be entering into a partnership with the Farmer's Market, they should be members of the Chamber. That way they would be on our mailing list, attending meetings, etc. Russ Sheldon said it is the right approach to help bring the community back together and anywhere we can lend help we should. Cindy Hirst will send a letter and application to the Farmer's Market Board so they can make a decision.


Next Reqular Board Meetinq: Wednesday, February 26,2014,6:00pm at the North Plains Senior Center, 31450 NW Commercial St, North Plains. lt is an open meeting and all are invited to attend. lf the Senior Center is not open, the meeting will be moved to either the Plaza or the Knights.

Next Reqular Membership Meetinq: February 11,2014, 12:00 noon at Washington County Fire District #2 Conference Room, 31370 NW Commercial St., North Plains. The Coggno Online Training Courses will be introduced. lt is an open meeting and all are invited to attend. Bring a guest. l l.ADJOURNMENT. The meeting was adjourned at 7:23pm.

Minutes prepared by Cindy Hirst, Board Secretary, on February 15, 2014.

Attachments: NPCC Regular Board Meeting Notice for 01 -30-2014 Sent 01 -24-2014 NPCC Board Meeting LOCATION CHANGE 01-30-2014 Sent 01-30-2014 NPCC Board Meeting Agenda 01-30-2014 NPCC Regular Board Meeting 01-30-2014 Guest Sign-ln Request by North Plains Elementary PTO to Send Announcement NPCC Comments from Membership Renewal Forms 07-05-2013 NPCC Board Financial Report 01-29-2014 Speakers for March and April and May NPCC Proposed Thursday Market 2014 Budget v2 NPCC Proposed 2014 Budget NPCC Director Nomination 08-01 -2013 Oregon Festivals & Events Assoc lnvoice NPCC Membership Application Rogue Pub Clean Fuels Letter E-Mail NPCC Regular Board Meeting Minutes 01-30-2014 Sent 02-15-2014



Page 8 of 8 February 15,2014 NPCC Board Meeting Minutes\NPCC Regular Board Meeting Minutes 01-30-2014 North Plains Chamber of Commerce

From: North Plains Chamber of Commerce Sent: Friday, January 24, 2014 3:56 PM To: All North Plains Chamber of Commerce Members ([email protected]) Subject: DATE CHANGE - North Plains Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting



Thursday, January 30, 2014 6:00 pm At the North Plains Senior Center 31450 NW Commercial St. North Plains, OR 97133

All interested parties are welcome

1. CALL TO ORDER. – Roll Call

2. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA. - ACTION This is the time when any Director may add or delete items from the agenda.

3. PUBLIC TESTIMONY. Public Testimony will be taken from those who have signed up before the meeting. Limit is 3 minutes on any non‐ agenda item.


5. REPORT FROM SECRETARY. a. Storage Shed Inventory. Follow-up on signs owned by Chamber and NPEA.

6. REPORT FROM TREASURER. a. Financial Report through January 29, 2014 – ACTION

7. COMMITTEE REPORTS. a. 2014 Chamber Golf Tournament – Justin King b. Speakers Committee. Speakers Scheduled: i. February 11 – Coggno Online Training

1 of 0 ii. March 11 – Business Oregon on E-Commerce Zone iii. April 8 – Pacific Continental Bank on Preparation for Loans/Credit Line iv. May 13 – Annual Meeting – Do we want a speaker? c. Website Committee – Russ Sheldon d. Events Committee i. Thursday Marketplace. ii. Grand Re-Opening for McDonald’s iii. After Hours at Rogue Brew Pub & Eatery e. Finance and Budget Committee – Stewart King i. QuickBooks update. ii. 2014 Budget. f. Nominating Committee – Russ Sheldon i. Draft of nomination form be completed by March 14th. Nomination form should be sent out after that. ii. Written nomination be presented at April meeting where verbal nominations can be put forward.

8. OLD BUSINESS. a. Memo of Understanding with Stewart King regarding Trademarked drawing of “Stinkee.” b. Online Training Courses for Members – will be ready to introduce February 11th c. Logo Design Follow-up d. Agreement with the City of North Plains regarding the North Plains Elephant Garlic Festival®. e. Update on Washington County Chamber Partnership.

9. NEW BUSINESS. a. Chamber Plan for 2014. b. Chamber Membership in the Oregon Festival & Events Association c. New Membership Application Approval – Rogue Brew Pub & Eatery - ACTION


Next Regular Board Meeting: Wednesday, February 26, 2014, 6:00pm at the North Plains Senior Center, 31450 NW Commercial St, North Plains. It is an open meeting and all are invited to attend.

Next Regular Membership Meeting: February 11, 2014, 12:00 noon at Washington County Fire District #2 Conference Room, 31370 NW Commercial St., North Plains. The Coggno Online Training Courses will be introduced. It is an open meeting and all are invited to attend. Bring a guest.


Cindy Hirst North Plains Chamber of Commerce Secretary 503-647-2207 (Chamber) 503-647-4600 (h) 503-314-5065 (c) 503-647-5840 (f) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

2 of 0 North Plains Chamber of Commerce

From: North Plains Chamber of Commerce Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 9:11 AM To: All North Plains Chamber of Commerce Members ([email protected]) Subject: North Plains Senior Center Board Meeting LOCATION CHANGE

The North Plains Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting tonight, Thursday, January 30, 2014, will be held at the North Plains SENIOR PLAZA Community Room, 31485 NW Kaybern St., North Plains. The Senior Center is being remodeled and is closed. The meeting will begin at 6:00 pm and the entrance is on Kaybern St.

Please park on the street on 314th or Kaybern. The parking lot is for residents only.

Cindy Hirst North Plains Chamber of Commerce Secretary 503-647-2207 (Chamber) 503-647-4600 (h) 503-314-5065 (c) 503-647-5840 (f) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Thursday, January 30, 2014 6:00 pm At the North Plains Senior Center 31450 NW Commercial St. North Plains, OR 97133

All interested parties are welcome

1. CALL TO ORDER. – Roll Call

2. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA. - ACTION This is the time when any Director may add or delete items from the agenda.

3. PUBLIC TESTIMONY. Public Testimony will be taken from those who have signed up before the meeting. Limit is 3 minutes on any non-agenda item.


5. REPORT FROM SECRETARY. a. Storage Shed Inventory. Follow-up on signs owned by Chamber and NPEA. b. Added Agenda Item: Request from North Plains Parent Teacher Organization c. Added Agenda Item: Comments from Membership Renewals

6. REPORT FROM TREASURER. a. Financial Report through January 29, 2014 – ACTION

7. COMMITTEE REPORTS. a. 2014 Chamber Golf Tournament – Justin King b. Speakers Committee. Speakers Scheduled: i. February 11 – Coggno Online Training ii. March 11 – Business Oregon on E-Commerce Zone iii. April 8 – Pacific Continental Bank on Preparation for Loans/Credit Line iv. May 13 – Annual Meeting – Do we want a speaker? c. Website Committee – Russ Sheldon d. Events Committee i. Thursday Marketplace. ii. Grand Re-Opening for McDonald’s iii. After Hours at Rogue Brew Pub & Eatery iv. Added Agenda Item: Groundbreaking for Sunset Ridge v. Added Agenda Item: Grand Re-Opening for Senior Center e. Finance and Budget Committee – Stewart King i. QuickBooks update.

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ii. 2014 Budget. f. Nominating Committee – Russ Sheldon i. Draft of nomination form be completed by March 14th. Nomination form should be sent out after that. ii. Written nomination be presented at April meeting where verbal nominations can be put forward.

8. OLD BUSINESS. a. Memo of Understanding with Stewart King regarding Trademarked drawing of “Stinkee.” b. Online Training Courses for Members – will be ready to introduce February 11th c. Logo Design Follow-up d. Agreement with the City of North Plains regarding the North Plains Elephant Garlic Festival®. e. Update on Washington County Chamber Partnership.

9. NEW BUSINESS. a. Chamber Plan for 2014. b. Chamber Membership in the Oregon Festival & Events Association c. New Membership Application Approval – Rogue Brew Pub & Eatery – ACTION d. Added Agenda Item: Clean Fuels Program e. Added Agenda Item: Associate Membership for NP Farmer’s Market


Next Regular Board Meeting: Wednesday, February 26, 2014, 6:00pm at the North Plains Senior Center, 31450 NW Commercial St, North Plains. It is an open meeting and all are invited to attend.

Next Regular Membership Meeting: February 11, 2014, 12:00 noon at Washington County Fire District #2 Conference Room, 31370 NW Commercial St., North Plains. The Coggno Online Training Courses will be introduced. It is an open meeting and all are invited to attend. Bring a guest.


Page 2 of 2 January 20, 2014 NPCC Board Meeting Agendas\NPCC Board Meeting Agenda 01-30-2014 ') J u 'c

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€ North Plains Chamber of Commerce

From: Renee Ramey Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 10:33 AM To: [email protected] Cc: Blake Boyles; ; tim alig; [email protected]; Ian Mitchell; Schneider, Jenny Subject: Raising community awareness for NPES projects seeking funding

Dear Cindy,

Here is a link to the North Plains Elementary school projects on DonorsChoose that are still seeking funding. Is there a way we can help get the word out to the local businesses that specific projects are looking for financial help? The contributions are tax deductible.

I've copied Martha, Karen, a teacher with a pending project, and the PTO officers, so they can see what we are doing.

Thank you for your help in this.

Renée Ramey NPES PTO Ways and Means 503-970-2185

1 of 0 The Membership Renewal Forms sent on July 5, 2013, asked the following question:

Goal for joining the Chamber – What do you hope to accomplish through your Chamber membership this year?

These are the responses received:

Just happy the train is back on the tracks!

Help bring the Senior Center into the loop in the City of North Plains.

Opportunity to serve the community as well as get to know others in the business community.

Be part of community since I work here. This involvement will grow, I hope, with my membership.

Stop demoting business and start promoting business.


Promote Impact Sign Co to North Plains businesses. Be a business partner.

Encourage business-to-business and local support of businesses in North Plains.

I like to know what is happening in the City and hear of any new businesses.

Networking and community involvement.

Increase membership and community support.

The Membership Renewal Forms sent on July 5, 2013, asked about Committee interests:

These are the responses received:

Cheryl Matschek – Bylaws, possibly help with input on website, perhaps Finance & Budget.

Robin Golden – Membership

Dr. Tom Tsui – Membership

Wayne Holm – Membership, Nominating, wherever you need help



December 19, 2013, to January 29, 2014 Golf Garlic Money General Tournament Festival Market PayPal Total

Bank Balance as of December 18, 2013 $7,471.65 $0.00 $0.00 $7,922.66 $500.26 $15,894.57

Ordinary Income/Expense Income 12/20/2013 - Transfer from PayPal to General Account $499.26 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $499.26 12/31/2013 - Insurance Reimbursement $793.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $793.00 12/31/2013 - Interest for Money Market $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.07 $0.00 $0.07

TOTAL INCOME $1,292.26 $0.00 $0.00 $0.07 $0.00 $1,292.33

Expense 12/19/2013 - #1136 Post Office Box Fee $44.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $44.00 12/20/2013 - Transfer from PayPal to General Account $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $499.26 $499.26 01/02/2014 - #1134 Claey's Catering $420.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $420.00 01/07-2014 - #1137 Postage & Office Supplies $86.41 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $86.41 01/15/2014 - #1138 Geraldi's for Chamber Lunch $44.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $44.00 01/16/2014 - Virgin Mobile for Chamber Phone $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20.00 01/21/2014 - #1139 Registration for Garlic Festival Names $200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $200.00 01/27/2014 - Visitor Center Rent $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100.00

TOTAL EXPENSE $914.41 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $499.26 $1,413.67

BANK BALANCE AS OF JANUARY 29, 2014 $7,849.50 $0.00 $0.00 $7,922.73 $1.00 $15,773.23

01/30/2014 North Plains Chamber of Commerce

From: North Plains Chamber of Commerce Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2014 7:11 AM To: Butch Kindel ([email protected]); Cindy Hirst ([email protected]); Glenda McCann ([email protected]); Justin King ([email protected]); Mitch Ward ([email protected]); Russ Sheldon ([email protected]); Stewart King ([email protected]) Subject: CHAMBER - Speakers for March and April and May

Categories: Printed-Needs Follow Up

Hello All,

I have arranged for speakers in March and April through Jennifer Knowles at the City of North Plains.

April will be someone from Business Oregon about the North Plains e-commerce zone that was set up in 2002 and will expire in 2017. Many North Plains’ businesses do not know about the benefits, one of which is tax credits for computers, printers, etc.

May will be someone from Pacific Continental Bank going through what a business needs to prepare before going into a lending institution for a loan or line of credit. They said this would not be a sales pitch, just information all businesses can use.

Business Oregon has many other topics on which they could speak, so we’ll invite them back later in the year for some other topic.

We need to start thinking about May, which is the annual meeting. Do we want to have a speaker, or make an Annual Report to the Membership? I’ll put this question on the Board agenda.

Cindy Hirst North Plains Chamber of Commerce Secretary 503-647-2207 (Chamber) 503-647-4600 (h) 503-314-5065 (c) 503-647-5840 (f) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

1 of 0 North Plains Chamber of Commerce Proposed Thursday Market 2014 Budget v2


Vendor Fees Arts & Crafts (15/wk@13 weeks) $2,600.00 Prepared Food (3/wk@ 13 weeks) $390.00 Produce (10/wk@ 13 weeks) $1,300.00

Sponsors Signs (5@$100) $500.00 Presenting $2,000.00 Entertainment: Rogue Pub $1,300.00

Grants New Seasons Grant for Market Sprouts $1,700.00 Ice Cream Social $2,000.00

Total Income $6,790.00


Community Garden Bed for Market Sprouts $10.00 Oregon Small Farms Conference $45.00 Annual State Business Registration for DBA Name $50.00 Market Insurance $0.00 Golf Cart Rental for Elephant Garlic Festival $90.00 Storage for Weekly Market Inventory TBD Website: Domain name - $18.17 Web Host - Just Host ($75/4 years- 2014 is 3rd year) $0.00 Domain name - new market name $20.00 ManageMyMarket website $150.00 Advertising: Graphic Artist for Market Poster/Postcards $250.00 Postcard Printing $280.00 Hillsboro Argus/Oregon Live TBD Highway Sign TBD City Entryway Signs TBD Utilities Electric $0.00 Analog Phoneline for SNAP Program (Season Only) $240.00 New Phone Line Installation for SNAP (Not needed) $0.00 Porta Potties (City will pay) $0.00 Garbage disposal TBD Entertainment Bands 13@$75 $975.00 Insurance TBD

Total Expenses $2,128.17

Net Income $4,661.83

Each Organization will be responsible for their own business expenses: Annual State Business Registration $50.00 Annual Filing with State of Oregon (formerly $10) $75.00 PO Box $44.00

Page 1 of 1 January 29, 2014 NPCC Events Committee\NPCC Proposed Thursday Market 2014 Budget v2 North Plains Chamber of Commerce, Inc.

Proposed 2014 Budget

Income Membership Dues Business Renewals $3,700.00 New $500.00 Individual Renewals $200.00 New $25.00 New Membership Processing Fee $90.00 Washington County Chambers of Commerce Partnership (hotel/motel tax share) FY 2013- 2014 $3,000.00 Washington County Chambers of Commerce Partnership (hotel/motel tax share) FY 2012- 2013 $3,000.00 Lunch Payments $550.00 Interest $0.60 Coggno, Inc. Online Courses $200.00 Golf Tournament $5,000.00 Thursday Marketplace $1,000.00

Total Income $17,265.60

Expenses Accounting (tax returns) (exchange) $100.00 Golf Tournament $5,000.00 Insurance $2,100.00 Logo Design Contract $1,000.00 Lunch Expenses $550.00 Office Supplies $100.00 Oregon Chamber of Commerce $100.00 Oregon Corporation Division Chamber Annual Registration $50.00 Oregon Garlic Festival Annual Registration $50.00 Postage $50.00 Rent for Conference Room (exchange) $100.00 Rent for Visitor Center $1,200.00 Software (QuickBooks) $100.00 Telephone $240.00 Thursday Marketplace $1,000.00 Website Fee (exchange) $100.00

Total Expenses $11,840.00

Net Income $5,425.60

Page 1 of 1 December 28, 2013 NPCC Budgets\NPCC Proposed 2014 Budget North Plains Chamber of Commerce

From: North Plains Chamber of Commerce Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2013 8:37 PM To: Undisclosed Recipient Subject: North Plains Chamber of Commerce Director Nomination

August 1, 2013

Dear Chamber Members:

Today we announce the resignation of Director Dennis Brown (Portable Welding & More) from the North Plains Chamber of Commerce Board. Dennis is stepping down to refocus more of his time and energy toward his increased business growth now that his new building is finished. The Chamber appreciates the contributions Dennis has made as Past President and Director.

The mission of North Plains Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is to use their passion for the community and diverse strengths to create opportunities and promote growth for prosperity.

Today, the Board is opening the Nominating process for filling the Chamber position vacated by Dennis.

If you are interested in helping us continue to create a vital organization, please consider nominating yourself or a qualified candidate from your business or a Chamber Member colleague. Please view the nomination form here: The form includes a list of the principal time commitments of a Director. The deadline for nominations is Friday, August 23, 2013. The survey form allows only one reply per e‐mail address. If you want to nominate more than one person, please contact Secretary Cindy Hirst at [email protected].

The slate of nominees will be presented at the Board meeting on August 28, 2013, and current Board members will select one person to fill the vacant position, who will take office immediately following the vote.

If you have questions or comments about the Board nomination process, please contact me, President Russ Sheldon at [email protected] or 503‐312‐1511.

Thank you for your continued involvement in and support of the North Plains Chamber of Commerce.


Russ R. Sheldon President

1 of 0 North Plains Chamber of Commerce Director Nominations Survey

North Plains Chamber of Commerce Director Nominations

*1. First name of individual completing this form (if different than nominee):

*2. Last name of individual completing this form (if different than nominee):

3. Phone number and e-mail in case we need to contact you to follow up on this nomination (if *different than nominee):



4. First name of nominee:

5. Last name of nominee:

*6. North Plains Chamber of Commerce Member nominee will represent:

7. Nominee's contact information:

Mailing Address/PO Box



Zip Code



8. Please verify that you can meet the time commitments necessary for effective service on the NPCC *Board.

The Board currently meets twelve times a year, on the last Wednesday of each month, 6:00 pm at the North Plains Senior Center, 31450 NW Commercial St, North Plains.

file:///C|/...s%2001-30-2014/North%20Plains%20Chamber%20of%20Commerce%20Director%20Nominations%20Survey.htm[1/30/2014 2:24:28 PM] North Plains Chamber of Commerce Director Nominations Survey

Director position #4 term expires May 13, 2014. You would be eligible for nomination for election to your expiring term as director in 2014.

Directors are expected to: a. Attend in person at least 75% of Board meetings each year. b. Attend in person at least 75% of Regular Membership meetings each year (the second Tuesday of each month at 12:00 noon at the Washington County Fire District #2 Conference Room, 31370 NW Commercial St, North Plains). c. Serve on at least one committee and attend in person at least 75% of the committee's meetings. d. The Business you are representing must maintain an active NPCC membership during your tenure on the Board. Yes, I/the nominee can meet these obligations.

I/the nominee am/is not sure whether I can meet these obligations.

*9. I/the nominee consent(s) to being nominated for the NPCC Director position. Yes


Powered by SurveyMonkey Check out our sample surveys and create your own now!

file:///C|/...s%2001-30-2014/North%20Plains%20Chamber%20of%20Commerce%20Director%20Nominations%20Survey.htm[1/30/2014 2:24:28 PM] Oregon Festival & Events Associdion PO Box 2248 lnvoice Lebanon OR 97355 , hroice Date: vt21no13 86S451 -6332lfEx:86&50+321 2 hvoice Number: 88 i nfo @orego nfe stirmls. o rg

Norlh Plains Chamber of Comrherce, lnc. CindyHirst PO Box 152 Norlh Plains, OR 97133

termi Due Dde

Due January 1 01t01t2014

Description Quantity Rd; Amount Regular Membership 1 $100.00 $100.00 Subtotal: $100.00 tax: $0.00 Total; $100.00 Paymenucre.-#:H, $0.00 $100.00

Login to your wlember Center to pay online AND updile your member listing! '1 . G o t.r, l\\tr:i,qf!*,jIIt!!l!{nl!.i,qt!"! and enter your logtn and password.

Login: N PCha mber@ya ho o.r-:orn Password: XE46G


Thank you for yolr suppoft of the Oregon Festival & Events Association

Pl+ase ietiri-it ihis portion with yaur payrnent Member Name: North Plains Chamber ofCommerce. Lfc. Invoice #: 88 Payment Amount: $

Paym ent Method: il cnect #------lll Credrt Carcl l\4al(e all rhecks payable to Oregon Festiual & Events Association or enter credit car,l info nn atic n tt elow .

Enfer C,"edrl Card Eilling ,4ddress (inc_ zip code) AUUIE55 Ci ryrStat.A n------: ------:r=il [ aard 4i ____ Exr]. Dat+: CVV Code {3 or 4 dlgits on [:ack of card ] l',lame on [ard: _____ Signafure:

TFIE Conterence for Festivals & Events March 2, 3 &4, 2014 - Seaside Oregon -1\,l AGENDA ITEM #9 c


Ihe inf ormoiion obtoined OEtow wittEGTlor ind Membership Directory. the websife, ond oll conespondence. Preose do nof givefnformollon fitod you DA NCit wont pubfished, or indicate ff prtvab. Business or lndividuol's Nome:

Type of Business: Pv Owner/Monqger: conroct person ror chomb .r, {l tCkff€( {5*S rf € Physicol Address:

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Phone Number:


Website Address:

E-MoilAddress your of others in Business to be on the moiling list: Commiltee lnleresh (circleoll thot opply): t-IYlembenhip;' 2-Bfows; 3-Golf Toumoment 4- speokers; S-Flnonce & Budgel; 6-Events & Fundroiseo; i-w"ulir"--' Goolfor the - whol do you hope to occomprish ihrough yo_gr chomber rnembership?


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J North Plains Chamber of Commerce

From: Russ Sheldon Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 10:10 AM To: 'North Plains Chamber of Commerce' Subject: FW: For Russ - Clean Fuels Letter Attachments: Clean Fuels - Consumer Protection Measures[1].pdf; CFP Fact Sheet.pdf; Oregonians Speak Up for Clean Fuels.doc; NorthPlainsCoCDraftLetterCleanFuels.docx

Hi Cindy,

This gentleman (Mick Harris) called me about the attached request. He mentioned he has had no success calling the Chamber number that is on our website. I will check the number listed on website tonight to see to see if it is correct.

Please look it over and provide your thoughts about the request, when time permits. I mentioned to Mick that I would forward this to you for our consideration and further, that we may be in contact with him once we get a sense if we are willing to support this.



From: Mick Harris [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, January 27, 2014 11:02 AM To: [email protected] Subject: For Russ - Clean Fuels Letter

Hello Russ

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me today and I appreciate your consideration of this important issue.

My name is Mick Harris and I am working in Oregon to support the positive economic impacts of Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program. I sincerely hope to work together with the North Plains Chamber of Commerce in getting a letter to Senator Starr.

Senator Starr is an important voice in the Oregon Legislature, and we hope a letter from you will help underscore the economic importance of the Clean Fuels Program to your community and our state.

I lay out some of the benefits below. Submission instructions are below and a sample letter is attached.

What Is the Clean Fuels Program

1 of 0 Created in 2009, the Clean Fuels Program requires oil companies to reduce carbon pollution from their gasoline and diesel fuel by 10% over 10 years. By gradually adding homegrown clean fuels such as sustainable biofuels, electricity, natural gas, and propane into our transportation mix, we will support our local economy, create new jobs, cut carbon pollution, and lessen our dependence on Big Oil.

How the Clean Fuels Program Helps Oregon

 It will increase Oregon dollars and support Oregon jobs. Oregon doesn’t produce or refine oil, which means we spend more than $6 billion a year importing gas and diesel from multinational oil corporations. Instead, we should sustain our economic recovery by supporting jobs and keeping energy dollars here in Oregon, which the Clean Fuels Program will help us do.  It spurs economic investment. The program strengthens the market for clean fuels and will continue to draw new business investments and growth to Oregon. The program supports: clean fuels companies such as Pacific Biodiesel and ZeaChem with an Oregon presence; industries that provide forestry and agricultural material and components for new fuels; and the construction companies that will build and expand existing production facilities.  It creates jobs. Investment in Oregon businesses means the creation of Oregon jobs. According to an independent economic analysis by Jack Faucett Associates, the Clean Fuels Program can create as many as 29,000 jobs, which is a big win for our economy.  It will help lower gas prices. In the last 10 years fuel costs for Oregonians have nearly doubled, and we’re already paying higher than average prices for gasoline, a fact that hurts family and business. We pay even more when there is a problem in the production chain like a refinery fire. Creating more homegrown fuels that are less expensive will lower prices, saving Oregonians as much as $1.6 billion in fuel costs while protecting us against price shocks.

Contact Senator Starr Today

A “sunset” was built into the Clean Fuels Program that will end the program in 2015 unless the Legislature acts. Should the program end, Oregon families, businesses, and communities will never realize the economic opportunities and cost savings that can be achieved with clean fuels.

Please contact Senator Starr today to share your thoughts on the economic value of CFP and the positive benefit that the program has on your community.

A sample letter is attached for your consideration. Please personalize it as you see fit.

Once you are happy with the language, please email your letter to the Senator at [email protected]

It is important that we have copies of your email for our records. If you can either blind copy me on your email or forward your email once it’s sent to [email protected], we would be very appreciative.

We are trying to move quickly before the session resumes in February, so if you have any questions or need help, please let me know. I have also attached some additional documents for further reference. 2 of 0

Thank you so much for considering sharing your opinion about the economic value of the Clean Fuels Program, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

All the best,

Mick Harris


Fax: 503.465.3818

3 of 0 Oregonians Speak Up for Clean Fuels

“We spend hundreds of billions of dollars fighting wars “The sunset on the clean fuels program is creating an in distant lands, our economic stability is threatened by unnecessary barrier to investment in green energy and volatile oil prices, and we suffer from pollution thus stifling job creation. I believe we cannot let big oil throughout our communities—all to ensure we have a companies dictate our environmental and economic steady supply of gas…This July, even as the fireworks future. By passing the clean fuels program, Oregon can fade, let us rededicate ourselves to creating a clean new help lead the way toward energy independence and fuels future, one free of foreign control.” environmental well-being, protecting its natural beauty -Paul Evans, a former mayor of Monmouth and a while providing an economic stimulus to our state.” veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as -Alasdair Neilson, a resident of Portland, as quoted in quoted in The Register Guard the

“Inevitably, we will hear a long list of reasons why “[O]ne of the program’s benefits could be to ‘give a rewarding the producers of clean alternatives to oil is a boost to Oregon’s nascent biofuels industry.’ That bad idea. And equally inevitably, the opposition can be would be especially true in rural areas. As County traced to an obvious source: the oil industry, which is Commissioner Joe Laurance has pointed out, Douglas bound and determined to keep us dependent on its County has virtually unlimited potential for job creation, product. Don't be fooled. Our state is already a hub for energy production, and biofuels for years to come clean technology companies, and this program will keep because of its abundant supply of biomass.” money and jobs in our communities, rather than -Polly Stirling, a resident of Roseburg, as quoted in exporting them to other states or countries.” NR Today -Chris Dennett, director of the Pacific Northwest chapter of Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2), as quoted in The Oregonian “Since California enacted its low carbon fuel standard, Clean Energy—the largest purveyor of natural gas as a vehicle fuel in the nation—has grown from about 270 to “The Clean Fuels Program does not rely on any taxpayer nearly 1,000 employees in California as we’ve built new revenues. It does create market certainty and a fueling infrastructure for California’s nearly 37,000 platform for private sector investments. Knowing there natural gas-powered vehicles. We’re not alone. Virtually is a stronger demand for clean fuels on the horizon will every type of alternative fuel is investing heavily in spur development and investment in Oregon. With rising California because it has become an attractive place for petroleum prices and continued unrest in the Middle investment due to the low carbon fuel standard. Clean East, it's time for Oregon to get serious about capturing Energy is eager to invest in Oregon, as well. But the the benefits of a diversified transportation fuel sunset creates regulatory uncertainty and makes us wary economy.” to invest beyond our two existing fueling stations that -Gavin Carpenter, director of sales for SeQuential- will soon be open to the public in Oregon in Stanfield and Pacific Biodiesel, a Salem-based firm, as quoted in Central Point. Lifting the sunset will guarantee more The Oregonian investment in Oregon.” -Spencer Richley, policy and regulatory associate “The Clean Fuels Program is also an excellent economic with Clean Energy Fuels, as quoted in Sustainable development tool for Oregon. It will create Business Oregon opportunities for new jobs through the production of clean fuels, often using advanced fermentation processes “I've seen the oil industry use scare tactics to make I know a little something about. The program is good for consumers wary of alternative sources of energy. It's not new enterprise as well as Oregon’s existing climate- surprising that they're using the same approach here in sensitive industries like wineries, agriculture, fisheries, Oregon, claiming that a cleaner fuel would mean sticker forestry and skiing. We simply can’t afford not to shock at the pump. Nothing could be further from the support this program. Let’s show that the essence of truth, as several of the fuels that will be used to meet Oregon is alive and well in our legislature and make sure the program requirements—including natural gas, the Clean Fuels Program moves forward.” propane, ethanol, biodiesel and electricity—are actually -Sam Tannahill, co-founder of A to Z Wineworks in cheaper than gasoline and diesel at today's prices.” Newberg, as quoted in the Newberg Graphic -Gregg Semler, president and CEO of Lucid Energy, a

Portland-based firm, as quoted in The Oregonian

“During my time as an Infantry Officer in the U.S. Army, I “The only independent economic analysis conducted, by witnessed the national security threats posed by our Jack Faucett Associates, found the program would dependence on oil when I was deployed to Mosul, actually lower prices. This is supported by the basic Iraq….The success of programs like the CFP will drive economic theory that monopolies drive up prices, while innovation in the advanced biofuels, electric vehicle, increased consumer choice lowers prices. More options biogas and other clean fuel industries and develop a at the pump are a no-brainer win for Oregonians and movement towards clean energy. By promoting their pocketbooks. It's time to break Big Oil's investment in low carbon fuels, the Clean Fuels Program stranglehold on Oregon drivers by giving clean fuels the does more than just boost our economy—it helps keep level playing field they need to succeed.” America safe.” -Jim Houser, co-owner of Hawthorne Auto Clinic in -Nate Sandvig, a spokesman for Operation Free, as Portland and co-chair of the Main Street Alliance of quoted in the Oregon, as quoted in The Oregonian

“As we expand, however, we're investing initially in “[I]f SB488 does not pass, the CFP will go away and so California, not Oregon. Why? Because the market for will some of these job-creating companies. Lacking cleaner, lower-carbon fuels is secure in California under investment, start-ups will have a tough time making a go its innovative low-carbon fuel standard. The market in of it. And the more established, job-creating companies Oregon is far less certain because of the looming sunset will simply take their businesses elsewhere, to a state on a similar low-carbon fuel standard—the Clean Fuels that has more clean-fuel-friendly policies.” Program—that has yet to get off the ground.” -Jennifer Allen Newton, a Hillsboro resident and -Paul Koehler, vice president of Pacific Ethanol which president of Bluehouse Consulting Group, Inc., as has a plant located in Boardman, as quoted in The quoted in Oregonian “How high do the prices have to be before we change to “[The oil industry doesn’t] want a true marketplace or a renewable and more reasonably priced energy source? local production that would build strong momentum for By adopting the Clean Energy Program, SB 488, we can alternatives. They would rather our addiction to the switch to biodiesel, electricity, ethanol and propane, Mideast oil-based economy go on forever, even as their which are all more viable alternatives that can replace monopoly fuel prices get higher and higher and our hard- our use of oil. These options have less impact on the earned dollars are shipped overseas….Our energy planet and the wallet. Not only are they cheaper and security will only come from diversifying our energy better for the environment, they also create jobs in supply by relying on local production, especially when it Oregon. The Clean Fuels Program should be adopted by can be made from the residues from our farm fields and Oregon’s legislators to maintain a happy planet and forests.” happier Oregonian consumers.” -Harrison Pettit, a resident of Hermiston, as quoted -Meghan Payne, a resident of Oregon City, as quoted in the in the

“[O]ffering consumers additional energy choices will “We cannot pretend that climate change and our actually exert downward pressure on prices by breaking collective role in causing it do not exist. Instead, we can the oligopoly of the handful of companies with the do the patriotic and responsible thing and support means to extract and refine oil.” policies that both help lower our greenhouse gas -Alex Wall, a resident of Portland, as quoted in The emissions and help grow the Oregon economy. The Oregonian Clean Fuels Program is this common sense policy.” -Nik Blosser, chair of the Oregon Business “Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program is both flexible and Association, as quoted in the Portland Business realistic and could go a long way toward installing Journal Oregon in the U.S. vanguard of environmental leadership, which could be a boon to our economy….

Aren’t we all supposed to be working together toward a Quotations compiled by Oregon reduced dependence on fossil fuels for our children’s Environmental Council June 2013 from sake?” opinion pieces and letters to the editor -Rachel Kingsley, a resident of Roseburg, as quoted in published in Oregon newspapers over the last year. For more information, contact NR Today Angela Crowley-Koch.

Fact Sheet

Clean Fuels – Consumer Protection Measures

Oregon Clean Fuels Program Deferrals determine the availability of credits and evaluate The 2009 Legislature passed House Bill 2186, whether the program goals can be met. If DEQ’s establishing the Clean Fuels program. In this evaluation shows that standards cannot be met, DEQ legislation, the Legislature included a consumer would modify the compliance obligations of the protection measure to ensure that the program program accordingly based on the nature of the Air Quality Division th would protect consumers from potential fuel potential fuel shortage. DEQ would implement this 811 SW 6 Avenue Portland, OR 97204 supply shortages or price increases. deferral in advance by issuing a deferral order. Phone: (503) 229-5388 (800) 452-4011 This white paper outlines how the consumer Deferral for emergency shortages in low Fax: (503) 229-5850 protection measures would function if the Contact: Cory Wind carbon fuel Legislature lifts the sunset to fully adopt the The purpose of this deferral is to respond to Clean Fuels Program. emergency disruptions in the existing fuel supply attributed to unanticipated production or Three Consumer Protection Measures transportation problems. For example, if there was a

There are three types of deferrals that would failure at a major production facility of low carbon address the potential effects of fuel supply fuels, DEQ would analyze the impact of the shortages and price increases: disruption, the standard and the number of available  Forecasted deferral (prevents a fuel supply credits. If fuel suppliers could not comply with the

shortage in the next year); standard, then DEQ would quickly modify the  Emergency deferral (responds to an compliance obligations. unanticipated short term fuel supply shortage); Deferral for increased fuel price due to the

 Fuel price deferral (reduces or suspends Clean Fuels Program requirements that cause price increases while The purpose of this deferral is to protect Oregon fuel adjustments are made to address the consumers by ensuring that the price of fuel in underlying causes). Oregon remains competitive with neighboring states. Each month, DEQ will compare Oregon’s fuel prices

Forecasted deferral to comparable prices in neighboring states. If (prevent fuel shortages) Oregon’s fuels prices are more than 5% higher than neighboring states, DEQ will investigate price trends and other factors to see if the price changes can be

explained. If the Oregon Clean Fuels program were found to be the cause of the increasing price trend, DEQ would recommend that the Environmental Consumer Quality Commission modify the compliance Protection obligations of the program to mitigate the cost increase until the underlying cause is corrected.

Emergency deferral Price deferral Timing of deferrals (respond to fuel outages) (adjust program) DEQ can issue deferrals addressing fuel supply problems quickly (within a few days to weeks), The consumer protection measures are designed without Environmental Quality Commission action. A fuel price deferral would require commission to ensure that as Oregon transitions to a lower- carbon fuel infrastructure, the cost of doing so approval. If necessary, the EQC could call a special will not adversely affect consumers. meeting within a few days to issue a deferral based on fuel price.

Deferral for forecasted shortages in low For more information please contact: carbon fuels The purpose of this deferral is to prevent fuel Cory Ann Wind (503) 229 5388 shortages by suspending or modifying the low

carbon fuel standard as needed if DEQ finds Alternative Formats there will be an inadequate supply of low carbon Alternative formats of this document can be made fuels. Each year, DEQ would conduct a forecast available. Contact DEQ’s Office of Communications of current and expected low carbon fuel supplies, & Outreach for more information at (503) 229-5696. Last Updated: 12/26/2012 By: Margaret Oliphant DEQ 12-AQ-058

Homegrown fuels, dependable jobs, and smarter choices for Oregonians

Why We Must Act Doing nothing is the most expensive option

Oregon has no control over oil markets, which makes our state’s economy vulnerable to price spikes from geopolitical unrest or supply disruptions like the 2012 fire that shut down a Washington State refinery and caused Oregon gas prices to jump 18 cents.

In 2012, Oregonians sent more than $6 billion out of state importing gas and diesel. We’re running out of “conventional” petroleum, and new sources—such as tar sands—are more expensive, dirtier, and more dangerous to extract. Air pollution from tailpipe emissions hurts our health and contributes to cancer and heart and lung diseases. Here in Oregon, transportation accounts for the largest share of our annual greenhouse gas emissions, and climate impacts threaten our drinking water, agriculture, coastal communities, and health.

Economic Benefits Saving drivers money, creating jobs

• Oregonians would save up to $1.6 billion in fuel costs, putting more money back in the pockets of working families and local businesses.1 • Between 800 and 29,000 jobs could be created, especially benefitting the construction industry. • Personal income could grow up to $2.6 billion.2 • The Gross State Product could increase by as much as $2.1 billion. Oregon’s trade balance will improve if we create opportunities for investment in locally produced fuels.3

Advantages of the Clean Fuels Program • Substantially reduces global warming and other air pollution associated with transportation fuels • Creates a market for clean, local fuels that will create jobs throughout the state • Includes protections to ensure consumers don’t pay more at the pump • Encourages innovation by not locking us in to specific fuel types • Allows businesses to chose most flexible, lower cost options

The Clean Fuels Opportunity There are better options for a stable economy and cleaner air

In 2009, the Oregon Legislature authorized the Clean Fuels Program, which requires that our transportation fuels become cleaner and 10% less carbon-intensive over time. It creates demand for sustainable biofuels, electric vehicles, natural gas, and other clean, low-carbon fuels. Many innovative fuel companies have been drawn to Oregon by this rule and are already investing in the state. The program will help Oregon diversify transportation fuel supplies, spur demand for local products (including forestry and agricultural materials and Oregon’s burgeoning electric vehicle industry), create jobs, and reduce oil dependence. Many of these fuels are lower cost than oil, and the Clean Fuels Program will help scale up the infrastructure needed to make more of these fuels available.

Continued Support Nearly 120 businesses and organizations support the Clean Fuels Program. However, multinational oil companies are trying to stamp out this innovative initiative. The Clean Fuels Program is set to expire in 2015, cutting off Oregon from the potential benefits. Please help us speak to the value of the Clean Fuels Program.

1 Economic Impact Analysis of the Low-Carbon Fuel Standard Rule for the State of Oregon. Jack Faucett Associates, Inc. January, 2011. 2 Ibid. 3 Ibid. LETTERHEAD

January XX, 2014

The Honorable Bruce Starr 900 Court Street NE, S-411 Salem, OR 97301

Dear Senator Starr,

The North Plains Chamber of Commerce is writing today to emphasize the numerous positive economic benefits that Oregon’s Clean Fuel Program (CFP) can bring to North Plains and our greater Oregon economy. This is an important program for Oregon’s economic future, and I do hope you will carefully consider the positive benefits of the CFP as talks continue around lifting the 2015 sunset.

Our organization believes in business, community, and support. We strive to spearhead initiatives to help grow our local business environment and believe that the CFP will help foster a vibrant local economy. North Plains has a rich history of agricultural industry and we believe that the sale of feedstock waste, a byproduct of this industry, would be an economic boost for our community.

As you are well aware, our state sends vast sums of money, more than $6 billion a year, out of state to import gas and diesel. I think we can all agree that if that money was invested here in Oregon in ways that would support Oregon businesses and communities that would be money better spent.

Spurring Oregon economic development is exactly what CFP has done and will continue to do if the program continues. It has created a market for clean, homegrown fuels that businesses will rise to fill. The industry sectors that stand to gain from a robust clean fuel industry here in Oregon extend well beyond producers of alternative fuels and, if allowed to continue, CFP can be an engine of job growth and economic development for Oregon. We encourage you to think about the economic opportunity inherent in this program as you ponder the future of CFP.

California has an established market for clean fuels and new technology thanks to their low carbon fuel standard. And, Washington is likely to move forward with approving a similar program of their own. We have a head start on Washington and an opportunity to compete with California if we act now. There are jobs and economic development dollars to be had—and continuing the CFP will help Oregon capture those opportunities.



North Plains Chamber of Commerce

From: North Plains Chamber of Commerce Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2014 2:36 PM To: All North Plains Chamber of Commerce Members ([email protected]) Subject: North Plains Chamber of Commerce Regular Board Meeting Minutes from 01-30-2014 Attachments: NPCC Regular Board Meeting Minutes 01-30-2014 Sent 02-15-2014.pdf

Attached are the minutes from the Chamber Board Meeting on January 30, 2014.

Please let me know if you are not able to open the file.

Cindy Hirst North Plains Chamber of Commerce Secretary 503-647-2207 (Chamber) 503-647-4600 (h) 503-314-5065 (c) 503-647-5840 (f) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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