Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Newspapers Collection


STUDY OF FLOWEKS. STARR'S PREMIUM was needed, or when at the close of the year it alas ! it was fated that the types should disap- THE BASIN OF THE ATLANTIC OCEAN.—The FOREIGN and DOMESTIC EXCHANGE began to be evident that my family accounts, point us in our moderate expectations, and the basin of the Atlantic Ocean is a long trough, reverend gentleman appeared as somehow re- It was very common with men who think Drigral like Dora's ' wouldn't add up,' then I used to separating the Old World from the New, and there is nothing rational that is not connected FORTES, say to my faithful friend and factotum, Anna, lated to " JYatural politics and Quebec morals." extending probably from pole to pole. This BANKING HOUSE At his Orphean President Pierce was " meditating on the af- with dollars and cents, to ridicule the study of MUSIC Buildings who shared all my joys and sorrows, 'Now if ocean furrow was probably scored into the solid lowers. " What good can come of it?" they Rooms, MAIN' For Frederick Douglass'..Paper. you'll keep the babies quiet, and attend to all fairs of Europe" instead of mediating in those crust of our planet by the Almighty hand, that Nos. 45, 47, =gp Street, affairs, thus accidentally placing him in a posi- ask. " Will it improve a man's fortune or ad- ! MY FRIEND. the things in the house for one day, I'll write a there the waters which he called seas might be vance his interest? Will it earn him his bread Rochester, New York. 49, 51, ~JIF Rochester, tion which, judging from his thoughtless acts, Up Stairs,) N. Y. piece, and then we shall be out of the scrape.' gathered together, so as to let the dry land ap- or make him a fortune?" They are greatly BY JENNY MARSH. And so I became an authoress! Very modest he cannot often occupy. The Arguentine pear and fit the earth for the habitation of man. Removed to 58 State Street, Mansion House Block. T^VERY PERSON in this vicinity, desirous mistaken who believe that no actual utility, in TT^XCHANGE on Cities in the United States, Great at first, I do assure you, and remonstrating very Confederation was transformed into " Augen- From the top of Chimborazo to the bottoij of J2j of purchaising a Piano Forte, will be more than I do not weep for thee, the common niggardly sense of the term, can be XL/ Britain, Ireland, Scotland, and Continental mid by visiting my Rooms, where they can by di- seriously with the friends who had thought it tine Consideration," and the "promise of a the Atlantic, at the deepest place yet reached Loved one and lost, haven" for the Black Sea fleet was tortured derived from the pursuits of taste. But grant- Europe. Sight Drafts on the American Exchange •ectly of the Manufacturer, save the commissions best to put my name to my productions, by way by the plummet in the northern Atlantic, the Bank, New York. Drafts drawn by Duncan, Sher- of an Agent, and select from the LARGEST AS- Casting wild murmurs on my lot God-given, : into the " promise of a heaven;" a promise the ing that they will accomplish none of these of getting up a reputation." distance in a vertical line is nine miles. Could man and Co., New York, on SORTMENT IN WESTERN NEW YORK—as I And dear hopes crost, sincerity of which some of the poor fellows useful purposes, we would encourage such "During my life at the "West I lived two the waters of the Atlantic be drawn off so as to ENGLAND. have constantly on hand from 20 to 40 finished in- And frowning back the smile that won to heaven have had the opportunity of testing. studies, as tending to fill up many hours of idle- struments, and from 50 to 100 others in process of miles from the city of Cincinnati, in the coun- expose to view this great sea-gash, which sepa- ness with an interesting and agreeable employ- [Tnion Bank of London, , London. construction, of various sizes,"patterns and prices, The one loved most Liverpool. try; and domestic service, not always to be The Catholic Church was spoken of, and the rates continents, and extends from the Arctic to ment. Every new amusement which can be Bank of Liverpool, from $230 to S700 each. They are manufactured found in the city, is next to impossible to be imps of the case would have it that " the in- the Antarctic, it would present a scene the most expressly for the Retail trade, and embrace 'Tis very true I never cease to miss thee, participated in without danger to the health or IRELAND. found in the country, even by those who are cense of her altars rises beneath the skins of rugged, grand, and imposing. Though glad hearts 'round me throng, the morals, provides an additional means for Royal Bank of Ireland, Dublin. 111 KECENT IMrPROVEOTENTS willing to give the highest wages. So what was every clime," instead of skies, as it was written. The very ribs of the solid earth, with the Though love-warm lips in friendship's troth do kiss the moral improvement of society, inasmuch as SCOTLAND. of any value; or such a combination of excellen- to be expected for poor me, who had very little But the same day's work revealed the singular foundations of the sea, would be brought to Union Bank of Scotland, me, it serves to direct many minds from pleasures Edinburgh. cies in their Beauty, Finish, Strength (to keep in of this world's goods to offer? Had it not been fact that in an assembly of young girls, " all light, and we should have presented to us, at HOLLAND. tune,) Exquisite, Touch, Soft, Deep, Rich, Full, And happier days than these do softly wish me, for my inseparable friend, Anna, a noble-hearted had a kink of grace,'" which was an improvement which are liable to be accompanied with vice. one view, in the empty cradle of the ocean, " a Freres Nottebohm, Rotterdam. and Melodious Tones, has secured us the Yet I am all alone, English girl, who landed on our American upon kind. Adverting to C. M. Clay's speech at Though to a mere plodder in the common busi- thousand fearful wrecks," with that dreadful ar- ness of life it may seem almost ridiculous to be J. Konigswater, Amsterdam. THREE HIGHEST PREMIUMS With an unbroken silence in my heart, shores in destitution and sorrow, and clave unto Boston we found ourselves making the surprising ray of dead men's skulls, great anchors, heaps FRANCE. engaged with enthusiasm in naming and pre- at the New York State Fair in 1851, and induces the A silence ever cold, me as Ruth unto Naomi, I had never lived assertion, since he is not a Cincinnatian, that he of pearls and inestimable stones, which, in the Green & Cie, Paris. 7 Unless fond memories of thee do start through all the toil which this uncertainty and " boarded the modern Athenians," and worst serving a few insignificant wild flowers, yet this DcRothschild, Freres belief so often expressed b} those who have bought poet's eye, lie scattered in the bottom of the J. B. Green & Cie, Havre. or used them, that "THEY SURPASS ALL From sacred biers, and flit across my heart absolute want of domestic service imposed upon and most annoying of all, in an article copied very zeal may preserve many a youth from cor- sea, making it hideous with sights of ugly ruption and rum, whose passions might other- ITALY. OTHERS IN THE MARKET." With precious words of old. me. You may imagine, therefore, how glad I from an Eastern paper, describing the process fisT We rest their reputation ENTIRELY ON death. The deepest part of the north Atlantic wise lead him to seek the haunts of vice.— Maquay & Pakenham, Florence. was, when about a dozen families of liberated of casting something, the mischief-makers in- is probably somewhere between the Bermudas Gibbs * Cie, Genoa. THEIR MERITS—refer to thousands who are using negroes came and settled in our vicinity. They sisted upon saying that "the surface was skim- There are many pursuits which are useful in no —invite the most critical examination and compari- Yet weep I not for thee, and the Grand Banks. The waters of the Gulf Maquay, Pakenham & Cie, Leghorn. became my favorite resorts in cases of emer- med by ladies of all impurities;" we need not other way than by contributing to our pleasures. Pakenham, Hooker & Cie, son with any other—WARRANT them first best, Loved one so dear, of Mexico are held in a basin about a mile deep Rome. and to please you or no sale. When as thy chosen friend I stood gency. say that ladles was the proper word. Let plodding misers' and conceited sensualists GERMANY. in the deepest part. There is at the bottom of ridicule them, because they neither fill one's M. A. DeRothschild & Fils, Please "call, as we exhibit them with pleasure, Beside thy bier. " If anybody wants to have a black face look But enough for to-day. If there be any Frankfort. whether yon are prepared to purchase or not, at my the sea, between Cape Race in Newfoundland coffers, nor spread his board—they forget that Aug. Klose, Baden-Baden. Full well I know'with crushing, clinging pain, handsome, let him be left as I have been—in meek and moral man desirous of testing his ut- MUSIC ROOMS, No's 45, 47, 49, 51, (up stairs,) Or- and Cape Clear in Ireland, a remarkable steppe, one distinguished mark between men and brutes, Freres Schickler, Berlin. phean Buildings, Main Street, Rochester, N. Y. Thy folded hands would ne'er clasp mine again, bad health, in oppressive hot weather, with a most capacity for resisting temptation; any Freres Zimmern, which is already known as the telegraphic pla- is, that the latter pursue only the useful, while Heidleberg. Piano Fortes to rent. Nor charm the throbbing from my aching brow, sick baby in arms, and two or three other little Mark Tapley who wants to be jolly under the teau. A company is now engaged with the Auguste Klose, Carlsrube, the former are about equally employed in the Fred' K. Geisler, FREDERICK STARR. And break the shadows resting there e'en now. ones in the nursery, and not a single servant in most adverse circumstances; any individual, project of a submarine telegraph across the At- Cologne. Rochester, Dec. 1, 1854-ly. the whole house to do a single turn. And finally, who believes in the superior aggra- fanciful.—Hovey's Mag. AUSTRIA. I watch the buds that blossom on thy bed, lantic. It is proposed to carry the wires along J. H. Stametz & Cie, Vienna. Frail, fading things like me, then, if they should see any good Aunt Frankie vating potency of toothache, and would like this plateau from the eastern shores of New- to know what can be worse than corns, let him SWITZERLAND. But rather mark the stars above my head, coming in, with her honest, bluff, black face, foundland to the western shores of Ireland.— He who is a good theoretical agricultu- Lombard, Odier & Cie, Geneva. THE EMPIRE. apprentice himself to the editorial trade, write Each one an angel guard above thy bed,— her long strong arms, her chest as big and The great circle distance between these two rist may be a very poor practical farmer. The Gaspard, Shurlthess & Cie, Zurich. FIRST CLASS BRITISH JOURNAL, stout as a barrel, and her hilarious, hearty a blind hand and read his proofs late at night two kiuds of knowledge, theoretical and practi- RUSSIA. A edited by George Thompson, late M. P.— And while I gaze, my yearnings are half fled, shore lines is 1,600 miles, and the sea along this This English newspaper is peculiarly suited to such laugh—perfectly dejig-hted to take one's wash- with his eyes half closed. If he survive the route is probably no where more than 10,000 cal, require, to a certain extent, a somewhat Wilson & Cie., St. Petersburgh. They are so like to thee,— revelations of the next morning, we will turn A. Mare & Cie, Moscow. American readers as desire to become familiar with ing, and do it at a fair price, they would appre- feet deep.—Lieut. Maury. different order of mind. But every practical the policy, the politics, and the institutions of Eng- Far up and very bright, ciate the beauty of black people. him out as invulnerable to grief and capable of farmer can be greatly benefitted by theoretical, CHINA. But very far from me. Oriental Bank Corporation, Hong-Kong. land, and with European affairs generally. It will " My cook, poor Eliza, was a regular epitome perusing "THE MONNIKINS."—Buff. Democracy. or " book farming" For instance a farmer has be a faithful exponent of popular progress, and the BIBLE ANKCTOTE.—The following is publish- Wetmore & Cie, Shanghai. of slave life in herself; fat, easy, gentle, lov- been accustomed to labor on a cold, clay soil.— Bank of England Notes, Drafts on New York. chronicler of all the important Reformatory move- How can I weep for thee, ed in a French newspaper : Let him move on to sandy soil, and practice in Letters of Credit, &c, cashed at our office. ments of the Age. Constant and ample notice will ing and loveable; always calling my modest be taken of the state of the Anti-Slavery question Loved one at rest, THE "DIGGER" INDIANS. A poor shepherd of the environs of Yvetot, fa- the same way as on the clay soil, and he spoils Canada, Western and other Uncurrent Money house ' The Place,' as if it had been a planta- Bought and Sold. on both sides of the Atlantic. The following ex- And wish thee here again, ther of a large family, for whose want he pro- his farm. tract from the Editorial Address embodies the fun- And toiling on in pain tion with seven hundred hands on it. Her way A friend, not long since returned from the Stocks on the Brokers' Board List, New York, of arranging her kitchen was at first like Di- plains, giving an account of the " Diggers"— vided with very great difficulty, purchased last Bought and Sold at Now York Brokers' rates Ol damenthl principles of the Empire: With thorns deep in my breast ? nah's, though she imbibed our ideas more rap- the most degraded and disgusting race on the summer from a dealer in old clothes, furniture, SORREL.—The presence of this production— Commission, and Money Loaned on Stocks, allow- " What I have been during the whole course of I love thee all too well, loved one, so blest my public life, that 1 shall ijifiexibly remain—the idly and seemed more ready to listen to my Western Hemisphere. They occupy a region &c, an old Bible, with a view to occupy his grass we are not permitted to call it—is an indi- ing^the usual margins. Collections made at cur- leisure evenings during the present winter.— renTrates, and money remitted by Draft. ardent friend and supporter of Free-trade and the And if my tears do fall, suggestions than did that dignitary. She had of territory in and near the American Desert, cation of the lack of calcareous matter, for where Drafts on New York Bought and Sold, and money rights of industry—of the absolute and perfect lived through the whole story of a Virginia- Sunday evening, as he was turning over the equality of all religious sects—of the largest prac- 'Tis not for thee, sweet friend ; being driven from the neighboring sections by the lime in the soil is not deficient, sorrel will remitted to all parts of the United States and Can- raised slave's life. She must have been in her the other Indian tribes, who have the most ut- leaves, he noticed that several of them were grow. On all light,salicious lands,lime has conse- ada, by Draft or Certificates of Deposit. ticable increase of the independent political power 'Tis but the struggle of my weary soul, youth a very handsome mulatto girl. Her ter contempt and abhorrence of the race. They pasted together. I le immediately set himself Loans on Bonds and Mortgages, and Purchases of the people—of justice to our colonies, and espec- With yearnings that meek peace may not control, quently been found a most useful article, and ially to the conquered subjects of our vast Indian voice was sweet, her manners refined and agree- are dwarfish in stature, being seldom above five to work to separate those leaves, with great its application invariably attended with highly and Sales of Real Estate negotiated. Empire—of the exercise of the moral influence of That this long way might end, Interest paid on Special Deposits. able. She was raised in a good family as feet in height, dark complexion, lean, emaciated care ; but one can scarcely form a conception favorable results. And just in the ratio of its this nation in favor of the total and universal ex- And my torn feet pause at the golden gates, of the surprise of the man, when he found thus Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Agents, for the tinction of slavery and the slave-trade; and finally, nurse and sempstress. and shriveled, with a skin resembling leather, use, so far as our information extends, has been best Insurance Companies in the United States, anc When thou dost wait, my friend, carefully enclosed a bank bill of five hundred of the Christian principles of Peace—especially the " When the family became embarrassed, she laying iu folds over the body, and giving them the diminution of the sorrel crop. all losses promptly paid. substitution of pacific arbitration, in all interna- Still wearing the love-chain that binds our souls, was suddenly sold to be sent to a plantation in a truly hideous appearance. They wander francs, ($100.) On the margin of one of the WILLIAM BKECK, > BRECK & PERRIN, tional disputes, for the present senseless, absurd, The chain death could not rend. Louisiana. She has often told me how, without about, often in an entirely nude state, and have pages were written these words: "I gathered to- DAKIUS PERKIN. S Bankers. and bloody appeal to the sword; and the gradual no habitations of any description. Sometimes gether this money with very great difficulty; but overthrow of those gigantic military institutions of ROCHESTER, N. Y. any warning, she was forced into a carriage, and REF ERENCES: Europe which menace the tranquility of the world, saw her little mistress screaming and stretching they burrow in the sand for a night's lodging.— having none as natural heirs but those who Boots and herbs are their principal subsistence, have absolutely need of nothing, I make thee - A. ERICKSON, Pres't Union Bank, Rochester are the strongest bulwarks of despotism, and the For Frederick Douglass' Paper. her arms from the window towards her as she W. H. CHENEY, Pres't Eagle Bank, do.; H. S most formidable obstacles to the advancement of was driven away. She has told me of scenes which they dig from the ground with remarka- whosoever shall read this Bible, my heir." FAIRCIIILD, Rochester Bank, do.; J. GOULD civilization, and the triumphs of pure and undefiled GALILEO AND THE TELESCOPE. on the Louisiana plantations, and how she has ble dispatch, hence receive the appellation of Farmers and Mech's Bank, do.; A. M. EXCHANGE religion." often been out in the night by stealth, minister- " Diggers." The Diggers are a cannibal race, A COURT SCENE.—"William, look up! tell BANK, New York; R.H. SHERMAN, Cashier Hol- The terms to American Subscribers are Five BY LUKE LICHEN. eating human flesh whenever it can be obtained. lister Bank, Bufflilo; W. H. WHITING, Cashier ing to poor slaves who have been mangled or us who made you, William; do you know?" Genesee Valley Bank, Geneseo. 385-t Dollars per annum, to be paid in advance. Sub- How few persons, now when spectacles and teles- lacerated by the whip. From Louisiana she They also subsist on carrion, and indeed on any- William was considered a fool, screwing his scriptions will be received by Frederick Doug- thing that can undergo a digestive process.— % ^farmers* lass, Rochester, N. Y. copes are in such familiar and common use, reflect was sold into Kentucky, and her last master was face, and looking thoughtful and somewhat be- EXHIBITIONS AND LECTURES. upon the blessings conferred through the first, or the father of all her children. On this point Their weapons of warfare and defence are the wildered, slowly answered— ^HE undersigned proposes exhibiting the tomahawk and the arrow. They are a coward- the scientific value of the last GALILEO improved, she always maintained a delicacy and reserve " Moses, I s'pose." I Diorama of Uncle Tom's Cabin A BOOK FOR THE MILLION! ly race, seldom making an attack, except for RAISING COEN. in the principle cities, towns and villages in the if he did not invent the lens—a specimen of which which, though it is not at all uncommon among " That will do. Now," said Counsellor Gray, Northern States and Canada: and to accompany slave women, appears to me remarkable. the purpose of procuring food, and then only has been recently discovered among ancient ruins in case of great superiority of numbers. Their HOW MANY HILLS TO THE ACRE. addressing the Court, " the witness says he them with abundant evidence to the truthfulness of 3UitograpI)s for jfmfcom. in Italy. ' s'poses' Moses made him. This certainly is an the facts assumed by the author, in the work known Edited by JULIA GRIFFITHS, Secretary of " She always called her master her husband, mode of attack is to warily surround their vic- by that name, which will include the recital of some the Rochester Ladies' Anti-Slavery Society. Perfection of opticians' art, and spoke of him with the same apparent feel- tim, and simultaneously rush upon him. As The ground and the seed being ready, let the intelligent answer, more so than I supposed him most mysterious and thrilling incidents in the his- ing with which any woman regards her husband; next object be, to grow as many plants on the capable of giving, for it shows he has some tory of his own family. The flight of his parents "In the long vista of the years to roll, Beloved at core of human heart soon as he fires at one of the party, the others Let me not see my country's honor fade; As apple of an eye ! and it was not till after she had lived with me immediately transfix him with a volley of ar- acre, as will produce the greatest number of faint idea of Scripture. But I submit, may it •for freedom—their capture, and return to slavery— please the court, that this is not sufficient to their second flight; a history of their.lost boys Oh ! let me see our land retain its soul ! Thou givest sight to all purblind, some years that I discovered accidentally the rows, when they proceed directly to cut him up, bushels of corn, determining the distance of the Her pride in Freedom, and not Freedom's shade." justify his being sworn as witness in this case.— who were stolen and sold into slavery—the death Thus opening access to the mind, nature of her relation. I shall never forget eating what they desire, and carrying off the hills from each other and the number of spaces of one of them, and the redemption of the other how sorry I felt for her, nor my feelings at her in the hill accordingly. I have succeeded best No, sir, it is not such an answer as a witness one elegant large 12mo volume, containing That else would lack supply. residue for future use. They seem hardly to by the purchase of himself: and the final purchase Foriginal contributions from over Fifty of the humble apology—'You know, Mrs. Stowe, possess the characteristics of human beings, by having the space between the rows running qualified to testify should give." for the enormous sum of five thousand dollars. most popular and eminent writers, on the subject of Of fresh ideas, ever found, slave women can't help themselves.' She had and their identity as men, is questioned by their north and soutli about four feet, and the space " Mr. Judge," said the fool, " may I ask the The paintings comprising the scenes of " Uncle American Government and the true policy of the In this wide world, broad-cast around two very pretty quadroon daughters, with beau- trappers and hunters. Having the semblance ol between the rows east and west two and a half lawyer a question?" Tom's Cabin" arc the production of an eminen Nation, in respect to her Domestic Institutions, and tiful hair and eyes—interesting children, whom French artist, and show as large as life, and repre the future success and glory of the Republic, em- The circle of man's view ; the human form, they possess all the traits of to three feet, with four stalks in the hill. Plant- " Certainly," replied the Judge " ask him any I had instructed in the family school with my question you please." sent the most prominent scenes and characters in bellished with twelve splendid Steel Plate Portraits, Beyond which telescopes descry brutes. They are remarkable tenacious of life, ed in this way the ground can be worked be- the work. comprising the following distinguished characters, children. and accounts almost incredible are often related tween the rows each way, with the cultivator " Wai, then, Mr. Lawyer, who do you s'pose Vast verge of all immensity, In order to render our labors more effectual anc who are among the contributors to its pages :— of this peculiarity. The truth of the following and the plow, which cannot be done with drilled made you?" create more general interest and benefit, we pro Existing long, yet new. " Time would fail to tell you all I have learn- Hon. Wm. H. Seward; Rev. H. W. Beecher; ed incidently of the slave system, in the history incident is vouched for on credible authority.— rows. " Aaron, I s'pose," said the Counsellor, imitat- pose the following arrangements, viz:—To give one Lewis Uappan; Rev. A. L. Brown; half of the receipts to any Church or Society, or of various slaves who came into my family, and An attack having been made on a party ol JIOW MANY GRAINS TO THE HILL. ing the witness. Hon. Gerrit Smith; Harriet Beecher Stowe; For mortals' marvel, as sublime abode, regularly appointed committee by the public, who Wm. 11. Brown; . Hon. J. R. Giddings; (In His ubiquity,) of GOD, of the workings of the underground railroad', hunters and traders crossing the American In planting, drop not less than five, nor more After the mirth had somewhat subsided, the will provide a place, secure an audience, and defray Desert, and who were nearly reduced by starva- Prof. C. L. Reason; Hon. Horace Greeley; To whom true FAITH can see which I may say ran throughmy barn." than six kernels in the hill, if the seed be good, witness exclaimed— the expenses incident to the meeting. Frederick Douglass; Rev. E. H. Chapin. tion and thirst, the Diggers were worsted, and a and cover from one to two inches with mellow " Wai, now, we do read in the good book An arrangement by which every Church or So Through nature, by His might reveal'd, number of them shot. One of them who had ciety. in tke country may replenish their funds, ait From the array of talent brought into requisition; And which bad been, from age, conceal'd, TYPOGEAPHICAL VEXATIONS. dirt, and press the foot on each hill in passing, that Aaron once made a calf but who'd a and incorporated in this work, the Publishers confi- received a rifle ball through his body, raised their pastors, or whatever other benevolent objec dently look for an immense sale of the "Auto- GSLILEO ! but for thee— if the ground be dry. thought the tarnal critter had got in here?" th.it commends itself to public patronage. There is probably no class of persons engaged himself up in a sitting posture, aimed his toma- Let such then who would help the cause, hel] graphs," and can, without fear of overrating its in labor, whose petty annoyances are so fre- hawk at one of the whites, throwing it in such PULL OUT UNNECESSARY STALKS. merits, commend it to the whole American public, Who, with the lens, restored to sight A DOCTOR THAT WAS A DOCTOR.—A self-suffi- themselves, and help us in our feeble endeavors to as the most complete and attempt to Store than a, prison, in solar light, quent or so exercising, as editors. Dealing as a precision as to cut his hunting cap from his A/tej: the corn fa up, and out of the way o: enlist the public car to the cries of bleeding hu cient humbug, who took up the business of a manity, go at once to work, communicate imme lay before the world matter, intrinsically valuable, To NEWTON'S ken display'd, they do with words, syllables and letters, in the head. The other, iu turn, walked up to his an- insects and birds, pass between every two rows physician, had a deep knowledge of the healing on a subject so engrossing the minds of the people, tagonist, and deliberately shot him through the diately with us preparatory to an exhibition. Heaven's hosts, in constellated sky, use of which exactness is imperative and inac- and carefully pull out all over four good stalks art, was once called to visit a young man af- and so much sought and needed by the friends of head, and left him for dead. Soon after, on We shall not however confine ourselves to tha humanity, and the opposers of every speices of Op- Revolving 'round THE DEITY, curacy inexcusable, they are constantly subjected in ewli hill. flicted with appoplexy. Bolus gaized long and deplorable and humiliating aspect of the coloret to the torture of seeing their most earnest efforts turning around, ho perceived the Digger, with pression, under whatever garb it assumes, or name For orbic light and shade. YIELD PER ACRE. hard, felt his pulse and pocket, looked at his man's case, represented in that work. it bears; nor do they contemplate a demand for it defeated and their well-intended labors marred a portion of his brains protruding, ffom his But we promise at- no distant date, a new pro for a day, and then throw it carelessly by, but that skull, taking aim at him with his knife. He tongue and his wife, and finally gave vent to gramme of very distant "scenes, representing no Ah ! when will SCIENCE teach mere man, by the recusant types, which are never tired of I have harvested one hundred and twenty the following opinion: the impressions it shall make, will stamp it with sprang aside, in time to avoid the weapon), and bushels shelled corn from the acre planted in only an entirely original, but a far more hopeful as an impress that shall light up in the hearts of its With mental vision, how to scan, making mischief, and, like little demons of con- " I think lie is a gone fellow." pect of the black man, than has ever been present tradiction, as they are, of disturbing, reversing, then completely riddled him with balls. An this way; if the soil be rich, the ears will be readers, a flame so lasting that it will only die away God of the universe ! that place "No, no!" exclaimed the sorrowful wife "do ed to the American public. with the causes that enkindled the fire. turning and twisting ideas into nonsense, facts hour afterwards, he yet breathed! The Dig-large; if not, they will be small. It is neither egotism, nor yet flattery, in us to Whence centrally THY power sustains, gers are rapidly diminishing in numbers, as is not say that." The work will be got up on superior white paper By general PROVIDENCE, which reigns into fables jokes into seriousness and pathos into An acre will contain about two thousand say, that this mode of giving instruction possesses and printed on clear, large type, and substantially bathos. There is no composition so good that the case with most other Indian tribes. One "Yes," returned Bolus, lifting up his hat and the doable merit of engaging those two most im Throughout all time and space ; seven hundred hills planted four feet apart each his eyes heavenward at the same time, "yes, I and elegantly bound—and as a whole, will equal in they cannot render it stupid, none so feeble cannot recall to mind their appearance except portant faculties that man possesses—the mind am its mechanical execution, any previous issue from way, the same acre will contain three thousand do say so; there arn't no hope, not the loaxtost the sight at the same time, and making an ineffaca which they cannot utterly subdue, and, though with feelings the most revolting.—Iowa Times. six hundred hills planted four feet by three.— the Press of the country, and will be afforded at And every cycle that shall be might; he's got an attack of the nihilfit in his ble impression. It is not as being necessarily de the extremely low price of $1 25 in plain muslin; Component of eternity they possess all power for evil, they never make From" 100 to 129 ears of corn will shell a pendent and degraded, then, that we shall confine a mistake in favor of improvement. They are lost frontis"—" Where?" cried the startled wife. our exhibitions of his character. $1 50 gilt edges; #2 full gilt sides and edges. For countless worlds above, bushel, say 120 to the bushel. " In his lost frontis, and he can't be cured Early orders arc respectfully solicited, which will perverse in the extreme ; pewter, brazen-faced Now if an acre average but one ear of corn There have been places where, and times when And for Galileo's planet, too, NEVEE INSULT A STKANGER. without some trouble and a great deal of pains. the black man of modern times has proven himsel be filled with promptness imps; as provoking as they are stolid, and fit *% Copies will be sent by Mail, and Postage pre- Which he restor'd to sages' view, to the hill planted four feet apart each way, the You see his whole planetory system is deranged; the patriot, the statesman, and the warrior. As such agents of the father of plagues. yield will be 22J bushel*; if two ears to the then, let him be known to the world, that it mai paid, on receipt of price by the Publishers. And—despite Popes—will move 1 * Not many years ago, one of the gorgeous fustly, his voxpopuli is pressin' on his advalorum; WANZER, BEARDSLEY & Co. Job has been held to have possessed patience, palaces of the Hudson Eiver was moving hill 45 bushels; if three ears to the hill 67£ acknowledge it, and to our youth, that they mai secondly, his catacarpial cutaneous has swelled imitate their example and copy their virtues. Rochester, N. Y., * When rising from his knees, and renunciation and that he did take the loss of cattle, deaths proudly up the rolling current, freighted with bushels, and if four ears to the hill 90 bushels considerably, if not more: thirdly and lastly, his ALDEN, BEARDSLEY