Bruce Braley Roots. Iowa Common Sense.

Bruce Braley is a product of his deep Iowa roots. He worked on his family’s farm as he grew up, and then went off to college at Iowa State and the .

Bruce learned at an early age to treat people with respect, work hard, and build for the future. He’s taken those lessons with him to Washington, DC, a place that can use some Iowa common sense.

Bruce has used that Iowa common sense to become a leader in Congress. He works hard for us, treats his constituents with respect, and is helping us build for the future.

Please join us in supporting Bruce Braley for Congress.

An Iowa original. Bruce Braley

Iowa has a long history of producing great leaders.

They stand with us in the good times, and in times of trouble.

Bruce Braley is one of those leaders. He stands up for us in Washington, and stands with us in Iowa.

He’s there in the good times, and in the bad times.

Bruce shares the same values with Iowa’s credit unions, who stick with their members through good times and bad to build a better future and a stronger Iowa.

Please join us in supporting Bruce Braley for Congress. A leader we can count on. Paid for by the Iowa Credit Union League and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Bruce Braley th Works for Iowa Contact us at: ICUL, 1500 NW 118 St. Des Moines, IA 50325

1500 NW 118th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50325 Bruce Braley Leaders are hard to find in Washington, DC.

So when we find one, we need to keep him.

Bruce Braley is one of those leaders.

Iowa’s credit unions, with almost a million members statewide, were founded on the simple principle of “people helping people.” No one in the Congress represents that principle better than Bruce Braley.

Bruce Braley understands the unique role credit unions serve in improving the financial futures of Iowans. He’s been a tireless advocate for credit union members, and he has more than earned our support.

When leadership is in short supply, it’s time to stand behind those who shown the strength it takes to be a leader.

Bruce Braley is one of those leaders. Please join us in supporting Bruce Braley for Congress. Paid for by the Iowa Credit Union League and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Bruce Braley Contact us at: ICUL, 1500 NW 118th St. Des Moines, IA 50325 Works for Iowa 1500 NW 118th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50325 Paid for by the Iowa Credit Union League and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Bruce Braley th An Iowa Original Contact us at: ICUL, 1500 NW 118 St. Des Moines, IA 50325

1500 NW 118th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50325