Jock Serong | 1 pages | 28 Oct 2016 | Text Publishing | 9781911231035 | English | Melbourne, United Kingdom The Rules of Summary | SuperSummary

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently The Rules of Backyard Cricket Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See The Rules of Backyard Cricket Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. It starts in a suburban backyard with Darren Keefe and his older brother, sons of a fierce and gutsy single mother. The endless glow of summer, the bottomless fury of contest. All the love and hatred in two small bodies poured into The Rules of Backyard Cricket rules of a made-up game. Darren has two big talents: cricket and trouble. No surprise that he becomes an Australian sporting star of the bad It starts in a suburban backyard with Darren Keefe and his older brother, sons of a fierce and gutsy single mother. Until the day we meet him, middle aged, in the boot of a car. Gagged, cable-tied, a bullet in his knee. Everything pointing towards a shallow grave. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions 4. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Rules of Backyard Cricketplease sign up. This question contains spoilers… view spoiler [Spoiler alert!!! I must have missed something when I was reading this fabulous book I really enjoyed its suspense and its style Please point out my misunderstanding. Joel This answer contains spoilers… view spoiler [ I The Rules of Backyard Cricket as though the implication is that Wally did have something to do with Hannah's abduction and Darren misinterpreted what Craigo meant when he sa …more I feel as though the implication is that Wally did have something to do with Hannah's abduction and Darren misinterpreted what Craigo meant when he said, "You know what happened to Hannah. I'd have to reread it to piece it all together, but I think it's possible Hannah was abducted and moved overseas, whether to remove her from her mother, to get Darren out of her life, or just to put her where only Wally would have access to her because he's nothing if not a selfish, covetous jerk. The main thing that leads me to this conclusion is that odd business with Wally not being where the tour was and difficult to contact after his wife was attacked, as though he might have been setting things up at the other end. Not totally sure, of course, but the pieces fit well enough in my head. See 1 question about The Rules of Backyard Cricket…. Lists with The Rules of Backyard Cricket Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of The Rules of Backyard Cricket. Jan 12, Phrynne rated it really liked it. This was a very interesting one! To start with, the main character is telling the story from the boot of a car where he The Rules of Backyard Cricket bound and gagged and shot through one knee. Not a good way to be. His story begins in The Rules of Backyard Cricket backyard of his childhood home, playing cricket with his older brother and then carries The Rules of Backyard Cricket forward through the life he was living until just before things turned really bad. Hence the kneecapping and the car boot. It was all quite fascinating! The author writes beautifully about a childho This was a very interesting one! The author writes beautifully about a childhood growing up in suburban . He also portrays two very different careers in professional cricket masterfully to the point that even I was interested and I am not a fan. There were some gruesome bits, some very sad bits and quite a lot about relationships of many types. The ending was a twist that I half saw coming. I am not spoiling anything if I ask - how on earth did he think he would get away with it? A good book. Read it View all 11 comments. Shelves: australian-authoraaarc-netgalley-donefiction-adultmystery-crime-thrillerkindle. Bigger than drugs. Bigger than hookers and porn, because people shy away, they can smell the desperation. Cricket is supposed to have high standards. I enjoyed it in spite of all the cricket. You can skim the hit-by-hit details because Serong is such an accomplished writer and story-teller that anything important to the story is made clear. The lugging of equipment, the time spent away from home, the patience or otherwise of family and friends. The perks, the downsides. As kids, Wally and Darren Keefe were typical rough-and-tumble brothers, close in age and passionate about cricket. They spent every waking hour practicing in the backyard until they could try out for the local clubs. He and his brother are like a psychotic Shane Warne split in two — Wally, the dedicated, first-rate professional and Darren, the talented but hard-partying larrikin whose media coverage spills out of the sports pages and into the gossip columns. They know intuitively that we represent something latent on every suburban lawn where a newspaper lands. We are the inseparable siblings every parent worries for: The Rules of Backyard Cricket boy, bad boy. Total connection and fratricidal rage. Bless her—I was the bad crowd. So that leaves plenty of room for all kinds of funny business. And he shows that what happens on the road can certainly come back to bite you. The Rules of Backyard Cricket course, fame excuses a lot, and he shows us that too. View all 16 comments. May 24, Marianne rated it it was amazing. Before the line, all knowledge and habit is contributed by adults. How to eat with a fork, wash your face, wipe your bum. On the other side of the line, the magpie child starts to gather and collect from everywhere. How to swear. How to kiss a girl. Where you go to die. Darren Keefe lies in the boot of a car speeding along the Geelong The Rules of Backyard Cricket towards Melbourne, bound at the wrists and ankles with cable ties, a bullet wound to the knee, sharing the space with a shovel and bags of quicklime. To pass the time as he heads towards The Rules of Backyard Cricket almost certain and very probably violent death, he recalls the events of his life that have The Rules of Backyard Cricket to his current, unenviable situation. Clinging to memories. Rewinding them, replaying them. Wally as responsible, grave: a leader. Serong also touches on some perennial themes: loyalty, sibling rivalry, violence, sacrifice, infidelity and dementia. While it is not necessary to be an expert about the game or even a fan to enjoy this novel, a rudimentary knowledge of cricket will add to the appreciation of the The Rules of Backyard Cricket. But, as Serong states in his acknowledgements, the story could have been written with any professional sport as background. And the goings-on he describes are all too believable. Serong gives the reader a plot that at first seems predictable, but unexpected revelations will elicit gasps and a few twists will keep the pages turning to the shocking conclusion. A dad. So I collect the little clues she leaves. I go through private drawers sometimes, searching for his identity. Backyard cricket - Wikipedia

I was devastated by the ending of this book but not, perhaps, how Jock Serong wanted. As a mom and as a sports fan, it was very hard to accept what happened in the final scene of this intelligent, gripping noir thriller—a story of two brothers who grow up to be sports stars but lose The Rules of Backyard Cricket in the process. Darren is our narrator, the younger brother, the bad boy. Wally is the more contained and composed older brother. Raised single-handedly by their beloved mother when their footballer father ups stick and disappears, the Keefe boys spend endless hours practicing cricket in their Melbourne backyard, a setting for bonding and battling both. The boys are laser-focused on becoming professional cricketers, but poverty too often gets in the way. Morally, to [Wally], the theft of the balls was excused by sporting necessity: a matter of subsistence. He could rationalise it that way, and liberating the odd Slazenger from the ladies was a whole lot different than, for example, badging their cars. Which was something I did without regret. And right there you have an essential distinction between the Keefe brothers. I would do these things for the sheer joy of it. The problem for me is that the more times you do it and the more you get , the lower the expectations become. Correspondingly, the lesser the thrill. The brothers are both immensely talented, but as they The Rules of Backyard Cricket older, their career trajectories begin to diverge. Wild child Darren runs with a rough, hedonistic crowd, whereas Wally is his sober, upright opposite, settling down early with a wife and daughter. Again, as a sports fan and a mother, this was a really hard book for me to process. It reads very quickly, with solid prose and convincing dialog. The Keefe family dynamics are riveting and heartbreaking. The fucking Pope. Sport goes to the heart of everything. Bigger than drugs. Bigger than hookers The Rules of Backyard Cricket porn, because people shy away, they can smell the desperation. And it levels people like me with people like you. The Rules of Backyard Cricket you can play it, see, or you could. But I can play it. I like to think that things are getting better I mean, even the Pope has weighed in! Above all, though, this The Rules of Backyard Cricket a damn fine noir thriller. I wanted both to shake Darren and to hug him. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. About Author. She microblogs on Twitter dvaleris. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Backyard Cricket

If both of these books are anything to go by, this is an author with a keen eye for an unusual but extremely workable scenario. The depiction of cricket, from the Keefe brother's backyard contests, through to their District, State and ultimately Australian representation is brilliant. The careful use of tactics everywhere, the effects of micro-waving tennis balls for the backyard form, everything about the all consuming nature of the game and it's subtleties is gloriously depicted. The way that this sport provides a way forward for the two sons of a fierce single mother, her involvement, her constant presence behind them, and the dawning realisation that Darren comes to, of the sacrifices that their mother must have made, are perfect. Which does not sit well with the opening of this novel - starting as it does with a trussed up Darren in the boot of a car, at night, being driven somewhere to pay a hefty price for something. As the novel starts to switch backwards and forwards through the boy's childhood, and Darren's current predicament, a picture starts to emerge of two different and yet similar brothers. Darren's always been a bit of a The Rules of Backyard Cricket canon. A fierce player, erratic and undisciplined, he had potential and yet, ending up in the boot of a car has some sort of inevitability about it. The older brother, Wally, is a quieter, more reflective boy and man. A less flashy cricketer, he's The Rules of Backyard Cricket good enough to follow the same trajectory. Wally's the brother who makes it to Australian Captain. He's got the big house, the travelling lifestyle, the testimonial dinner on retirement. Darren was the one always in trouble for breaking team rules, the one with nothing much to fall back on when injury takes away his big chance at cricketing fame and fortune. There's a lot about the tensions between the brothers that come from them simply being brothers, and then there's that which comes from the intricacies of The Rules of Backyard Cricket cricket world. The difference between being a respected Test Player, and a bit of a one-trick showman in the shorter forms for example. Then there's the question marks over the game itself rearing their ugly The Rules of Backyard Cricket as the two men are stepping away from the game. All the way along there's Darren's voice - looking back at their childhood and the lives that they lived, and at his present - in that boot with its inevitable sense of doom, approached with determination and a calm level-headedness that's somehow apt. Darren might have been a mercurial customer in his youth, but he's no fool, and he's not prepared to lie in that boot and take what's coming to him without an argument. As the novel progresses, slowly and The Rules of Backyard Cricket, like a tactical battle against a good opposition test team, Darren works his way through his options, playing the timeframe, working the percentages. He's also calmly analysing what got him into this situation, and, as in any good cricket game, sometimes you can The Rules of Backyard Cricket the moves being played out, and sometimes they come straight out of the back of the bowler's hand. Darren, Wally and their mum used the game as a way out of a difficult background, something that gave them a chance of a better future. What they got was more like a rain-affected draw, in the final game of a tied five day test series. It starts in a suburban backyard with Darren Keefe and his older brother, sons of a fierce and gutsy single mother. The endless glow of summer, the bottomless fury of contest. All the love and hatred in two small bodies poured into the rules of a made-up game. Darren has two big talents: cricket and trouble. Until the day we meet him, middle aged, in the boot of a car. Gagged, cable-tied, a bullet in his knee. Everything pointing towards a shallow grave. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Review Written By. Karen Chisholm. Thursday, August 18, Jock Serong. Year The Rules of Backyard Cricket Publication. Your name. About text formats. The Rules of Backyard Cricket Preview.