Jock Serong | 304 pages | 16 May 2017 | Text Publishing Co | 9781925355215 | English | Melbourne,

Your name. See Wikipedia's guide to writing better articles for suggestions. Wow, what a heartwrenching book. He has crafted characters that ring so very true as individuals, while being symbolic of greater themes. Discovery Parks. The hoses and the boundary line are white. Retrieved 11 September Unlike cricket stadiums where they have a limitless sky to their benefit, here in gully taking the aerial route may not be a viable option due to the presence of terraces and balconies. Is it ever too late to repent? So how did Darren wind up in the boot of a car, cable-tied, and with a bullet-hole in his knee? Main articles: Bete-ombro The Rules of Backyard Cricket Plaquita. The ending was a twist that I half saw coming. I will admit, though, that the conclusion was a surprise. All the way along there's Darren's voice - looking back at their childhood and the lives that they lived, and at his present - in that boot with its inevitable sense of doom, approached with determination and a calm level-headedness that's somehow apt. But they are two very different brothers, Wally serious and conscientious who would go on to be the team captain and Darren the larrikin and party boy who would go on to be the team clown. Throughout the novel we observe everything from sibling rivalry, winner takes all, masculinity, the trappings of celebrity and humanity. This book is great. How important is talent compared to maturity and application? Sep 02, Suzie rated it really liked it Shelves: aussie-readersaustralian. The difference between being a respected Test Player, and a bit of a one-trick The Rules of Backyard Cricket in the shorter forms for example. Learn how your comment data is processed. The Rules of Backyard Cricket easy, entertaining read charting the rise and fall of an Australian sporting family tragically torn apart by greed, corruption, betrayal and unimaginable disloyality. As the novel starts to switch backwards and forwards through the boy's childhood, and Darren's current predicament, a picture starts to emerge of two different and yet similar brothers. Gagged, cable-tied, a bullet in his knee. There is no specified playing area in Gully cricket. Not withstanding that the first 40 pages are excellent. The entire playing surface is perfectly flat and level. With thanks to Text Publishing for this copy to read in exchange for my honest review. And around these themes a great little mystery goes on, with each chapter starting with the status of Darren who finds The Rules of Backyard Cricket tied, shot through the knee and locked in the boot of a car. If you enjoy an author who never seems to write the same book twice, I can recommend the works of Jock Serong, a Victorian based author who has to date published four books. Jock Serong lives and works in Southwest Victoria. It is so much more than the benign summer sport we love to have as background The Rules of Backyard Cricket our summer holidays. Hitting the ball backward and forward in their back yard, they learned everything they could while the competition between them was fierce. He's also calmly analysing what got him into this situation, and, as in any The Rules of Backyard Cricket cricket game, sometimes you can see the moves being played out, and sometimes they come straight out of the back of the bowler's hand. Brought up by their single mother who works all the hours God sends to provide for all The Rules of Backyard Cricket needs, and especially for their cricket. This novel works on so many levels: as crime fiction, as an analysis of important themes in our society, as a tender reflection on family and as a thriller — I did not see the twist at the end coming! Review Written By. I highly recommend you read this book and you don't need a great interest in Cricket to enjoy it, Cricket is the vehicle he uses to shape their lives and illustrate life in Melbourne in the 80s. Sep 28, Cam rated it it was amazing. Everything pointing towards a shallow grave. Although this novel is about cricket and growing up to play cricket for Australia, it could be any team sport in any country where sport is king. I am not spoiling anything if I ask - how on earth did he think he would get away with it? Wikimedia Commons has media related to Backyard cricket. On the The Rules of Backyard Cricket side of the line, the magpie child starts to gather and collect from everywhere. Wikimedia Commons. If you enjoy reading about cricket and you love suspense and backstabbing and secrecy and so on as well - my, you'll be in for a treat with this one. Jul 04, Calzean rated it it was amazing Shelves: crime-thriller-mysteryculture- australiaauthor-australia. A good book. Of course, fame excuses a lot, and he shows us that too. A fierce player, erratic and undisciplined, he had potential and yet, ending up in the boot of The Rules of Backyard Cricket car has some sort of inevitability about it. I could just stop there, but I'll attempt more. He also portrays two very different careers in professional cricket masterfully to the point that even I was The Rules of Backyard Cricket and I am not a fan.