Algebraic Number Theory, a Computational Approach

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Algebraic Number Theory, a Computational Approach Algebraic Number Theory, a Computational Approach William Stein November 14, 2012 2 Contents 1 Introduction 9 1.1 Mathematical background . .9 1.2 What is algebraic number theory? . .9 1.2.1 Topics in this book . 10 1.3 Some applications of algebraic number theory . 10 I Algebraic Number Fields 13 2 Basic Commutative Algebra 15 2.1 Finitely Generated Abelian Groups . 15 2.2 Noetherian Rings and Modules . 20 2.2.1 The Ring Z is noetherian . 24 2.3 Rings of Algebraic Integers . 25 2.3.1 Minimal Polynomials . 26 2.3.2 Number fields, rings of integers, and orders . 30 2.3.3 Function fields . 32 2.4 Norms and Traces . 32 2.5 Recognizing Algebraic Numbers using Lattice Basis Reduction (LLL) 35 2.5.1 LLL Reduced Basis . 36 2.5.2 What LLL really means . 38 2.5.3 Applying LLL . 39 3 Dedekind Domains and Unique Factorization of Ideals 41 3.1 Dedekind Domains . 41 4 Factoring Primes 49 4.1 The Problem . 49 4.1.1 Geometric Intuition . 50 4.1.2 Examples . 51 4.2 A Method for Factoring Primes that Often Works . 52 4.3 A General Method . 55 4.3.1 Inessential Discriminant Divisors . 55 4.3.2 Remarks on Ideal Factorization in General . 56 3 4 CONTENTS 4.3.3 Finding a p-Maximal Order . 57 4.3.4 General Factorization Algorithm of Buchman-Lenstra . 57 5 The Chinese Remainder Theorem 61 5.1 The Chinese Remainder Theorem . 61 5.1.1 CRT in the Integers . 61 5.1.2 CRT in General . 62 5.2 Structural Applications of the CRT . 63 5.3 Computing Using the CRT . 65 5.3.1 Sage ................................ 66 5.3.2 Magma .............................. 66 5.3.3 PARI . 67 6 Discrimants and Norms 69 6.1 Viewing OK as a Lattice in a Real Vector Space . 69 6.1.1 A Determinant . 70 6.2 Discriminants . 71 6.3 Norms of Ideals . 74 7 Finiteness of the Class Group 77 7.1 The Class Group . 77 7.2 Class Number 1 . 83 7.3 More About Computing Class Groups . 84 8 Dirichlet's Unit Theorem 87 8.1 The Group of Units . 87 8.2 Examples with Sage . 93 8.2.1 Pell's Equation . 93 8.2.2 Examples with Various Signatures . 94 9 Decomposition and Inertia Groups 99 9.1 Galois Extensions . 99 9.2 Decomposition of Primes: efg = n ................... 101 9.2.1 Quadratic Extensions . 102 9.2.2 The Cube Root of Two . 103 9.3 The Decomposition Group . 104 9.3.1 Galois groups of finite fields . 105 9.3.2 The Exact Sequence . 106 9.4 Frobenius Elements . 107 9.5 Galois Representations, L-series and a Conjecture of Artin . 108 10 Elliptic Curves, Galois Representations, and L-functions 111 10.1 Groups Attached to Elliptic Curves . 111 10.1.1 Abelian Groups Attached to Elliptic Curves . 112 10.1.2 A Formula for Adding Points . 115 CONTENTS 5 10.1.3 Other Groups . 115 10.2 Galois Representations Attached to Elliptic Curves . 116 10.2.1 Modularity of Elliptic Curves over Q .............. 118 11 Galois Cohomology 121 11.1 Group Cohomology . 121 11.1.1 Group Rings . 121 11.2 Modules and Group Cohomology . 121 11.2.1 Example Application of the Theorem . 123 11.3 Inflation and Restriction . 124 11.4 Galois Cohomology . 125 12 The Weak Mordell-Weil Theorem 127 12.1 Kummer Theory of Number Fields . 127 12.2 Proof of the Weak Mordell-Weil Theorem . 129 II Adelic Viewpoint 133 13 Valuations 135 13.1 Valuations . 135 13.2 Types of Valuations . 137 13.3 Examples of Valuations . 141 14 Topology and Completeness 145 14.1 Topology . 145 14.2 Completeness . 147 14.2.1 p-adic Numbers . 148 14.2.2 The Field of p-adic Numbers . 151 14.2.3 The Topology of QN (is Weird) . 152 14.2.4 The Local-to-Global Principle of Hasse and Minkowski . 153 14.3 Weak Approximation . 153 15 Adic Numbers: The Finite Residue Field Case 157 15.1 Finite Residue Field Case . 157 16 Normed Spaces and Tensor Products 165 16.1 Normed Spaces . 165 16.2 Tensor Products . 167 17 Extensions and Normalizations of Valuations 173 17.1 Extensions of Valuations . 173 17.2 Extensions of Normalized Valuations . 178 6 CONTENTS 18 Global Fields and Adeles 181 18.1 Global Fields . 181 18.2 Restricted Topological Products . 185 18.3 The Adele Ring . 186 18.4 Strong Approximation . 190 19 Ideles and Ideals 195 19.1 The Idele Group . 195 19.2 Ideals and Divisors . 199 19.2.1 The Function Field Case . 200 19.2.2 Jacobians of Curves . 200 20 Exercises 201 Preface This book is based on notes the author created for a one-semester undergraduate course on Algebraic Number Theory, which the author taught at Harvard during Spring 2004 and Spring 2005. This book was mainly inspired by the [SD01, Ch. 1] and Cassels's article Global Fields in [Cas67] ||||||||| - Copyright: William Stein, 2005, 2007. License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License Please send any typos or corrections to [email protected]. 7 8 CONTENTS Acknowledgement: This book closely builds on Swinnerton-Dyer's book [SD01] and Cassels's article [Cas67]. Many of the students of Math 129 at Harvard dur- ing Spring 2004 and 2005 made helpful comments: Jennifer Balakrishnan, Peter Behrooz, Jonathan Bloom, David Escott Jayce Getz, Michael Hamburg, Deniz Ku- ral, Danielle Li, Andrew Ostergaard, Gregory Price, Grant Schoenebeck, Jennifer Sinnott, Stephen Walker, Daniel Weissman, and Inna Zakharevich in 2004; Mauro Braunstein, Steven Byrnes, William Fithian, Frank Kelly, Alison Miller, Nizamed- din Ordulu, Corina Patrascu, Anatoly Preygel, Emily Riehl, Gary Sivek, Steven Sivek, Kaloyan Slavov, Gregory Valiant, and Yan Zhang in 2005. Also the course assistants Matt Bainbridge and Andrei Jorza made many helpful comments. The mathemtical software [S+11], [PAR], and [BCP97] were used in writing this book. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0400386. Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Mathematical background In addition to general mathematical maturity, this book assumes you have the following background: • Basics of finite group theory • Commutative rings, ideals, quotient rings • Some elementary number theory • Basic Galois theory of fields • Point set topology • Basics of topological rings, groups, and measure theory For example, if you have never worked with finite groups before, you should read another book first. If you haven't seen much elementary ring theory, there is still hope, but you will have to do some additional reading and exercises. We will briefly review the basics of the Galois theory of number fields. Some of the homework problems involve using a computer, but there are ex- amples which you can build on. We will not assume that you have a program- ming background or know much about algorithms. Most of the book uses Sage, which is free open source mathematical software. The fol- lowing is an example Sage session: sage: 2 + 2 4 sage: k.<a> = NumberField(x^2 + 1); k Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 + 1 1.2 What is algebraic number theory? A number field K is a finite degree algebraic extension of the rational numbers Q. The primitive element theorem from Galois theory asserts that every such extension 9 10 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION can be represented as the set of all polynomials of degree at most d = [K : Q] = dimQ K in a single root α of some polynomial with coefficients in Q: ( m ) X n K = Q(α) = anα : an 2 Q : n=0 Algebraic number theory involves using techniques from (mostly commutative) algebra and finite group theory to gain a deeper understanding of the arithmetic of number fields and related objects (e.g., functions fields, elliptic curves, etc.). The main objects that we study in this book are number fields, rings of integers of number fields, unit groups, ideal class groups, norms, traces, discriminants, prime ideals, Hilbert and other class fields and associated reciprocity laws, zeta and L- functions, and algorithms for computing with each of the above. 1.2.1 Topics in this book These are some of the main topics that are discussed in this book: • Rings of integers of number fields • Unique factorization of nonzero ideals in Dedekind domains • Structure of the group of units of the ring of integers • Finiteness of the abelian group of equivalence classes of nonzero ideals of the ring of integers (the \class group") • Decomposition and inertia groups, Frobenius elements • Ramification • Discriminant and different • Quadratic and biquadratic fields • Cyclotomic fields (and applications) • How to use a computer to compute with many of the above objects • Valuations on fields • Completions (p-adic fields) • Adeles and Ideles Note that we will not do anything nontrivial with zeta functions or L-functions. 1.3 Some applications of algebraic number theory The following examples illustrate some of the power, depth and importance of al- gebraic number theory. 1. Integer factorization using the number field sieve. The number field sieve is the asymptotically fastest known algorithm for factoring general large in- tegers (that don't have too special of a form). On December 12, 2009, the number field sieve was used to factor the RSA-768 challenge, which is a 232 digit number that is a product of two primes: 1.3. SOME APPLICATIONS OF ALGEBRAIC NUMBER THEORY 11 sage: rsa768 = 123018668453011775513049495838496272077285356959533479\ 219732245215172640050726365751874520219978646938995647494277406384592\ 519255732630345373154826850791702612214291346167042921431160222124047\ 9274737794080665351419597459856902143413 sage: n = 33478071698956898786044169848212690817704794983713768568912\ 431388982883793878002287614711652531743087737814467999489 sage: m = 36746043666799590428244633799627952632279158164343087642676\ 032283815739666511279233373417143396810270092798736308917 sage: n*m == rsa768 True This record integer factorization cracked a certain 768-bit public key cryp- tosystem (see, thus establishing a lower bound on one's choice of key size: $ man ssh-keygen # in ubuntu-12.04 ..
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