BOSTON BRUINS HEAD COACH CLAUDE JULIEN POSTGAME PRESS CONFERENCE On today’s game being a good gut-check win… It was a good win for us. I think our team as a whole, I said earlier to other people, for two periods, I thought we did a really good job of being on top of the puck, and not that we didn’t in the third, but they started pinching a little bit more. They were obviously trying to get themselves back in the game. Maybe our puck wasn’t coming out of our own end as well as it had in the first two. But overall I thought, playing on our toes, being on the puck all the time, and if we didn’t have the puck then we were at least on top of them. Took away their time and their space, and this is a team when, if you give them time and space, they can make a lot of things happen.

On seeing Jimmy Hayes get the monkey off his back… I’m sure he feels good about it. It’s been I don’t know how many games. I’m not going to speculate, but obviously it’s got to feel good when you’ve been looking for that for a while.

On how important Dominic Moore’s contributions are… Yeah, I think that’s the thing that, when you look at people that step up on different teams, and every year. Right now, Dom [Dominic Moore], I think he’s at six goals if I’m correct, and that’s a lot of goals for a guy that plays mostly fourth line and kills penalties. So, he’s a committed player. He’s a veteran player. He knows how to play it, and right now things are going well for him. So, when things go well for you, you continue to hang to it as long as you can. He’s been a real good contributor for us, especially when you know that we haven’t been scoring much, and opened the scoring tonight, and no doubt probably took a lot of pressure off of our team.

On what was the difference today that helped the Bruins score four goals… I think just we went back to a lot of things that we had done so well before. We’re throwing more pucks at the net. We were there around the net. We were not looking to pass around and play the perimeter o-zone game, but we really got to the inside, and we made things happen there. So, something we were doing earlier in the year, and it kind of slipped away from us, but did it better tonight.

On how Colin Miller helped out defensively today… He was good. It’s unfortunate that puck went off of his skate there at the end, but I thought he responded well. He came in and did a good job there, and skated the puck well, stuff like that. And he just has to make sure he doesn’t get discouraged on every little mistake that happens. I think he has a tendency to be hard on himself, but overall, I didn’t mind his game at all. I thought he responded well.

On if he has any update on John-Michael Liles…

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No, obviously he crashed in the boards, and I think the replay I saw, it might have been a knee to the head, so they were obviously evaluating him for that injury. But I was told he wasn’t coming back, and from there I don’t know what more is happening.

On how well the defense responded with John-Michael Liles out… They did a good job, the five guys, and there were a couple of times even, filled with four, with Torey Krug in the box for seven minutes. So our D, as a whole, I thought played really well, played a big role in our win tonight.

BOSTON BRUINS GOALIE TUUKKA RASK On if he noticed Jonathan Drouin out on the ice a lot today… He was carrying the puck in the last, in the third period there. But I mean, I guess I did. I try not to look at the names too much. I try to focus on the puck.

On how disappointed he is not to get the shutout… Well good thing I don’t have a bonus for that. It’s alright, it’s just a tough bounce there again but more than anything we kind of let down in the third. We stopped stopping for pucks and were kind of circling around a little bit and gave them too much space there, but we were very opportunistic today and got some goals, which is great.

On it being a full team effort out there today… Yeah, you know we have had a tough time scoring goals and I think that is something that we tried to put an emphasis on yesterday and a lot of it is mental and you don’t want to start squeezing your stick. The defense has been there for the most part and today, the killing in the first period, we killed two big penalties and again we got the lead and then extended the lead. So throwing pucks at the net is not a bad thing and today we got rewarded with a couple of goals.

On if this run is the best that he has played in his career… Umm… probably. The playoffs that one year. A lot of it is the team, nobody is going to play the game by himself, so I don’t want to talk about myself too much and today the team was great.

On the play of the defense tonight with the injuries they have… They stepped up big tonight. We lost Johnny [John-Michael Liles] there and Adam [McQuaid] was gone for a couple of minutes and then Torey [Krug] got the penalty and we had to play with four defensemen and that’s never easy. So the guys did a great job not extending their shifts and not staying out there too long. Great effort by the defense.

BOSTON BRUINS FORWARD DOMINIC MOORE On how he felt when Jimmy Hayes couldn’t score a for so long and how relieved they were for him… Oh yeah. I think every player has been – a tough, tough stretch for him. We all, obviously, were pulling for him. He’s been working so hard and he really works his butt off every night so it was really great to see him get rewarded.

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On if they talked to him so he wouldn’t out too much pressure on himself… A little bit. Yeah, I think so. A little bit. Sometimes, you end up trying too hard. Like I said, we’ve all been in those types of situations. So, it’s great to see him get the monkey off his back.

On if he saw himself being second on the team in goals before the season… I don’t think I’m thinking about that, really, at all. I’m just trying to play my game and help the team. Obviously, fun to contribute as a line and, obviously, a big win for us today.

On everyone needing to contribute due to poor offense of late… Yeah. Obviously, we’ve been struggling to score goals of late. I think every goal is important in any game and we obviously want to start by defending well. But then, finding ways to create chances, finding ways to find the back of the net. We were fortunate enough to do that today.

On what the difference was today on offense… Tough to say. It’s easy to break it down after the game. But, I think when we can make some plays coming out of our zone, come out with possession a bit more, it allows us to get a little more possession going into their zone. I think if we continue to do that, we’ll have success.

BOSTON BRUINS FORWARD JIMMY HAYES On how it felt to get the monkey off his back… It feels really good. Like you said, it’s been a while. So, to be able to contribute and get a goal and step in the right direction, that’s what the plan is.

On if his celebration was to pull the monkey off his back… Yeah. It’s been a while. I think, where’s Haggs [Joe Haggerty]? Haggs usually knows how long it’s been, so hopefully he caught that one.

On if he knows the last time he scored a goal… I think it was, like, February, or something like that. You guys update me a lot, so it’s not bad to get one.

On if it was a relief to score… Yeah, it sure is. It’s been a struggle to score some goals here, so it’s a nice feeling.

On if it was nice to score given the way the team has struggled to score… Yeah, that was big. We’ve been struggling to score goals and to put a four-spot on a solid team like that, it’s a good step for our confidence and in the right direction.

On what the difference was on offense today… You could see, all the goals were right around the net. Pucks were getting to the net, lots of shots getting through, and lots of traffic. So, all four of those goals were right around the net. So, just those gritty goals, they’re going to continue to pay off.

On if the goal output is encouraging given that they were down to five defensemen…

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Yeah. To have a guy go down early in the game, you never want that, especially a great guy like Johnny [John-Michael Liles]. But, the team stepped up in that regard and we continued to battle hard and get pucks in deep and try to play down that end.

On what he did on his goal… Just drove the net and Krech [David Krejci] made a heck of a play and just deflected it to the far side.

On how playing with Dominic Moore has helped him… He plays a hard-nosed game. He gets a lot of pucks in, he wins a lot of faceoffs, and gives you an opportunity to start out with the puck. It’s been fun playing with him. He’s a lot more talented than people see in him. That’s his sixth goal of the season so, I mean, he’s doing something right here.

On what he thinks when Dominic Moore has six goals and he has none… It’s frustrating on my part not to score. But, as a teammate, I’d love for him to score 50 goals. If he scores 50 and we keep winning, no problem with that.

On how he stayed positive through the scoring drought… Just got to continue to work hard. You just have to put your head down and try to find a way to put a puck in the back of the net. I started to get some chances here lately and to get one to go in, it’s nice.

On what the key has been for him to get more chances the past six games… Just to continue to have that offensive mindset and put pucks to the net. I’m just trying to get as many pucks on net as I can and hopefully one will fall. Got one tonight.

On if teammates said anything to him about his “monkey off his back” celebration… Yeah. [David] Backes tried to grab it. I think it was more of a joke that it was an elephant. I think I lost about 10 pounds there. I felt pretty good. Haggs, you catch that one? I was hoping you caught it. I threw it right up top for you. I was hoping you caught that one.

BOSTON BRUINS FORWARD RYAN SPOONER On the goal by Jimmy Hayes and the support from the rest of the team… Yeah he was thrilled. I think he has played great in the last six or seven games, he’s been getting a lot of chances and you know it’s just been a tough year and I’m happy for him and it was good to see.

On how satisfying it was to win the puck along the boards that lead to Dominic Moore’s goal… Yeah I think that’s the stuff that they kind of want to see so I guess I’m just going out there and just trying to play and I’m just happy that we scored too.

On being on the fourth line and working his way into a groove moving forward…

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Yeah I think I just got to go out there and just play and kind of have fun with it and I think for five or six games there I was not really playing the best that I can but again I just got to go out there and play and use my speed and all that kind of stuff.

On his aggressive approach to the game today… Yeah I mean, I felt I guess a lot better than I have in the past. I was playing a little bit I guess timid and kind of afraid but I’m 24 now so I just got to go out there and I just have to play and that’s what I’m going to do.

On the fourth line helping to win the game today… Yeah it was a faceoff win and we got the puck to the point there, it was Dom [Dominic Moore] and it was a great shot and I think it was the third goal there too you know I just kind of went to the net and [Jimmy] Hayes went to the net too and it was a great play. I’m just trying to stay as positive as I can and I’m just happy that we won. Again I’m just going to go out there and play and try to have fun with it and that’s what I’ve been trying to do.

On still being on the power play even though he has been dropped to the fourth line… There’s been games where I have been taken off the power play and I think that’s kind of a message to me that if I’m not playing how they want me to then they are going to take that away from me so at the end of the day, I think the power play is something that I do well and I think I can help out. So I think for me, again I just have to go out there and I have to play, use my speed and my skill and that’s what I have been trying to do.

On how satisfying it is to see the offense score four goals today… Yeah it’s been kind of a bit of a weird year. I mean we’ve had some games where we have had like 40 shots, we score once and then I think tonight we had maybe 30 [shots] and got four [goals]. I think as a whole, I think the year, I think we’ve created enough, we just haven’t really had the puck luck and it was extremely good to see that.

BOSTON BRUINS DEFENSEMAN TOREY KRUG On how encouraging this must be to have a result like this game with a lot of defenders hurt… Yeah, for sure you know we locked it down. They obviously had their share of chances, and when they did get their chances, Tuukka [Rask] stood tall for us so, you know definitely under the circumstances we did a good job of stepping up.

On if it was hard for him to sit in the box… Yeah I felt bad because, you know with five D out already and I got to go to the box for seven minutes and our D are double shifting for the first nine minutes of the period so you know they pick me up there it was a good job by them, impressive to watch. Our forwards also helped, I mean a lot of it falls on the defense’s shoulders but the forwards were getting pucks in deep and making it a little bit easier on them.

On if he felt like he had much of a choice in that situation…

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I probably could have skated away but it’s an emotional game right? I mean I try to feed on emotion and unfortunately I got in that situation and it didn’t help my teammates but they responded well.

On his shot on net… Yeah I mean if our forwards know that our D are looking to shoot first then they can start going into that slaughter and hopefully get those second chance opportunities. You know that’s a big key to offense, a lot of good teams do that. Every good team knows that if a defense gets a puck up there, they got guys crash the net and all of the sudden second and third chance opportunities, and that’s how you score goals in this league.

On if they had the patience to stick to their game plan for this game… You know before the game, I had that feeling where we would come out and show a strong game. It was just one of those moments where you know you lose a few games in a row and it was time to step up and our best players were good tonight and Tuuks [Tuukka Rask] did a heck of a job so it was a good game overall. And there is definitely some errors we can clean up, as always we are looking to improve our game but hopefully we can bottle up this energy and keep it going.

On how he feels about Jimmy Hayes’ goal… Yeah you see the way the bench reacted, I mean he’s a good guy in this room and we are all pulling for him so I mean great for him to get on the board and hopefully he can keep it going as well.

On if he is surprised to see David Pastrnak get another goal… No. no surprise. Yeah he is obviously a tremendous talent and you know when we have him in the lineup, we can score a goal in any given moment in the game. That’s important to have because sometimes you get those big plays in order to change the tide of a game and he has been doing that for us so far.

BOSTON BRUINS DEFENSEMAN COLIN MILLER On how the defense played given they lost a defenseman… I thought the D did a great job, obviously it was pretty early on that we lost Johnny [Michael- Liles]. We did a good job responding. I think when you get down to five guys you’re not really thinking you’re just playing and sometimes that’s even better.

On how it felt contributing on the first goal… It was good. Obviously I think it’s hard for anyone coming back in after so long. I definitely felt slow off the bat – really slow [chuckles]. I got better as the game went on.

On being calm with the puck in dangerous areas… Yeah it gets easier with more playing time and stuff like that, you’re kind of in the game a bit more. Tonight went okay but would like to build on it hopefully in the next games.

On the team effort from the defensemen … An electronic version of this transcript can be found on the Boston Bruins media website: Email: [email protected] Password: media

Like I said before I think we did a good job. It’s tough with five guys but sometimes it’s easier to play. You’re just kind of playing you’re not thinking, sometimes that’s easy. Hopefully he’s alright though.

On how he stayed on top of his game after missing the last few… Skating and practicing obviously and getting the conditioning and stuff like that, I think sometimes when you sit out for that long you watch. Sometimes it looks easy from up top – probably where you guys [media] are watching – it’s not so easy down there. If you can kind of try to use that a little bit sometimes it helps.

On the team’s resiliency… Yeah, it was great, we needed a win. I thought the guys did a great job, the forwards coming back helping the D, definitely that kind of team defense. Tuukks [Tuukka Rask] was unbelievable again, it was good, we’ll look to move forward against Philly.

BOSTON BRUINS DEFENSEMAN KEVAN MILLER On what is was like being down to five defensemen… It’s just the situation that happened. There’s nothing you can do about it, it happens during the season. Like I said before, no one is going to fill [Zdeno] Chara’s spot. As a group we kind of need to collectively pick each other up and make sure we’re ready to go. I think we did a pretty good job of that.

On how much time he saw on the left side… I was kind of all over the place to be honest with you, we were switching. I think I probably played 90 percent on the left, there were times that I was on the right. We did a pretty good job of figuring that out.

On what his opinion is of right-shot defenseman playing on the left side… I’ve played it before. I played it a bit last year when we had that happened. It’s just something that coaches ask you to do and you go out there and do your best and figure it out.

On their success against the Lightning power play… We’ve been pretty good on the kill. We talked about it before the game they’ve got a powerful power play and they’ve been pretty good lately. We wanted to make sure we focused on having a good start and we just kind of rolled with it.

On if a game like today makes him feel like his game is where he wants it to be… It definitely helps, just kind of go out there and it’s the next up – go, go, go you don’t really have to think about it. This is definitely a trial by fire, you know what I mean? I’m trying to figure it out every game and get better. It’s going to be a little bit of process, but I think today helped.

On playing on the left side… It was good. I think as a group we did pretty good today. I think my partners made it easy on me and we did a good job moving the puck through the neutral zone, not messing around with it too

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much. I think a lot of this ended up on the left today, so as a whole I think we did a pretty good job.

On if losing John-Michael Liles and then Torey Krug being in the penalty box affected their mindset… Next man up, we just need to figure it out. There’s nothing you can do at that point you just got to kind of go out there and do the best job you can. I think we did a great job handling it. On what allowed them to stay calm… We have a pretty good system that we follow and I think the guys kind of know the next man up over the boards is going to do the job. I think we just kind of rolled from there and figured it out.

BOSTON BRUINS DEFENSEMAN ADAM MCQUAID On how hard it was to play with five defensemen after John-Michael Liles’ injury… Yeah. Guys really stepped up. We had both Colin Miller coming in and Kevan Miller, missing a lot of time and getting back into the swing of things. Obviously, Brandon [Carlo] being a young guy and Kruger [Torey Krug] mixing things up a little bit and still bringing the offensive side that he brings. So, everyone did their thing, I guess. Yeah, it’s encouraging to see.

On Torey Krug’s fight bringing them down to four defensemen but giving them a lift as well… I mean, it’s not ideal when you’re down already. But, the emotional side of things and we were able to work our way through that and kind of – I don’t know if Kruger [Torey Krug] got Kruger going. But, he had a great game and like I said, we were able to work ourselves through that. So, in those situations, we were kind of trying to stay on the ice if we could and not get sucked in to taking penalties. But, yeah, we worked our way through it.

On what forwards did to take pressure off defensemen… Yeah, the forwards did a great job I think of – Tampa’s a fast team and when they were coming with speed, our forwards were doing a good job of creating turnovers and forcing guys to chip pucks in. When they can, they like to try and carry the puck in and attack, and they’re dangerous like that. Our forwards were great support tonight, it’s good to see.

On Tuukka Rask almost getting the shutout… Yeah. We were sort of joking around about it afterwards. He’s been so good for us and he’s, unfortunately, lost a few shutouts late in games. He’s been a backbone for us and comes up with the big saves when we need him to, and we’ll continue to need that from him.

On if he’s ever seen Tuukka Rask play better, aside from the … Yeah. I just know he’s playing exceptionally well right now and I’m happy for him. He’s focused and he always has the same demeanor regardless, and that’s the great thing with Tuukka [Rask]. He’s just the same guy that comes to the rink every day, regardless of how things are going. He brings that calm demeanor into the team and when he’s in net, I think that has a trickle down effect on the whole team.

TAMPA BAY LIGHTNING HEAD COACH JON COOPER On the solid effort by the team despite the end score... An electronic version of this transcript can be found on the Boston Bruins media website: Email: [email protected] Password: media

Yeah, our guys gamed it out. It was – really, it was just a nothing game, we were having a good road game, and then it was basically blown assignments. That’s the tough part. We lose the center on the first one, we allowed a position on the penalty kill goal, and then we were a little – we don’t make a hard play in front of the net, they tip it in. That was pretty much it. So, the big picture – the guys played hard and we just – every time we made a little mistake, they put it in the net. And that’s tough.

On Ben Bishop’s performance and the tough bounces... You’ve got to feel for him, because that first period he was solid. There wasn’t very many chances either way, but he was commanding, he was playing the puck, and then these bounces go in on him. That first one, you can’t allow two of their guys at the net and just have them swatting at pucks. We’ve got to help him out a little bit and I don’t know if we did.

On if he worries about Ben Bishop’s confidence after dealing with so many tough bounces... With anybody it’s – you play 82 games. There’s so many ebbs and flows, and the lows aren’t that low in the big picture and the highs aren’t really that high and you’ve got to kind of just stay the course. It’s not different than when a goal scorer doesn’t score in ten and everybody uses that, ‘Oh we’re gripping the stick too tight’, but it’s just, keep going to work and eventually goal scorers will score and guys that set up guys will set up guys and good goalies will stop pucks. That’s what happens. So, you’ve just got the weather through it.

On if he has an update on Ondrej Palat... I don’t know. I actually haven’t talked, but I don’t think – I don’t know; I’m not speculating. You know what happened the last time I speculated.

On if he knows what happened on the play that caused Palat to not return... No I don’t. I don’t. I’ve got nothing for you.

On the team playing more in the ‘dirty areas’ and if there is a tendency to play on the outside... Well first of all, it’s hard to tell a small guy to get to an area – a five-foot-nine guy to get through a guy that’s six-foot-four – but you have to use your skills, you have to use your speed, your compete, your tenacity and all those things, and I thought our guys did a lot of that. Like I said, it was blown assignments and that’s what ultimately resulted in pucks that went in the net. By no means it was an effort [issue]. I mean, guys were gaming it out; they worked it. It was just one of those games where everything they touched went in and nothing we touched went in. That was it.

On Jonathan Drouin’s play in today’s game... Well, I thought he had a strong game today and he warranted the ice time. It’s – when he’s skating and he commanded the puck tonight and he deserved the ice he got.

On Brayden Point’s play at center... Yeah, right now you’re looking to see what different guys can do in situations. Obviously what we were doing wasn’t working, so Point is a natural center so we put him there and once again he didn’t disappoint.

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TAMPA BAY LIGHTNING FORWARD TYLER JOHNSON On the team’s improved effort despite the end score... I mean, I thought we played better than we did last game for sure, but still wasn’t 100 percent and the Bruins are a tough team. They’re a team that doesn’t give you many chances and especially being down to them, it’s a tough team to come back against. Like I said, they don’t give you any chances, any space. They just kind of wait for you to make some mistakes and we had a couple of lapses there and they capitalized on it.

On why the team was able to create more scoring chances in the third period... I think a little bit of both. I think it’s very possible – obviously it’s 4-0 – so maybe they sat back a little bit more but at the same time I think we played a little bit more free-flowing, kind of our style, trying some different things and getting pucks to the net and it was kind of working – just some bounces here and there just didn’t go our way for that aspect, but for the first period we’ve got to generate more.

On having a stronger effort to start the game... I mean, I thought were skating and stuff but we just weren’t getting to the hard areas, so that’s a mental thing. That’s being able to compete and battle and will ourselves to those areas and we didn’t do that right away. I thought as the game progressed and it got going along we started to do that, but it was a little too late and we’ve got to do that right away.

On his personal game and if he’s playing with more speed and explosive skating... I feel good with my speed; I feel like I’m getting the puck more often. I felt like at the beginning of the season I was working and everything, but it just wasn’t quite in the right area, so I kind of had to get some rust off and had to get in those areas to be able to get the puck and be able to use my speed when I wanted to. It’s been better, just trying to work with the linemates and get some chemistry going and try to help each other out as much as possible.

On the tough bounce for Ben Bishop that went off his skate... We’ve had some tough ones; he’s had some tough ones. You mentioned just today, like one of the goals I think was a double tip. I mean, the other one, kind of a nothing shot and just hits my shin pad and kind of catapults right into the net. So, I feel bad for him for those but he’s been playing good for us; he’s been playing big. He’s always had our backs and now it’s our time to really step up and try to make it as easy as possible.

On Jonathan Drouin finding his game in the third period... Yeah, we know what we have in this locker room. We know we have a good team, so we’ve just got to play our system, play our skill, and use it for the full 60.

TAMPA BAY LIGHTNING FORWARD JONATHAN DROUIN On how they brought it later in the game… Yeah we started, maybe not waking up, but skating more in the third period. We were desperate, I think we were desperate from the get-go. It’s some definitely some bad bounces on our net, but again it just has to be more right when the get-go starts.

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On how they seem to be starting off slow… Yeah you know maybe we were playing outside too much lately. Yeah we are skilled players, we got to go out there and make their goalie a hard time to play. But again I thought we started doing that in the third and it kind of got paid off a little bit.

On if it seemed like a better effort.... Yeah well we are skating, we are competing, I guess there were some bad bounces but again not our best game but, way better in Columbus, but still got a long ways to go.

On if he felt something clicked in the third period… No I just thought we were getting chances. Every time I stepped on the ice, the puck would find me to get a shot off so I was like alright, but umm yeah I want to shoot more, I want to get good shots and I thought me and [Brayden] Point did a good job at the end.

On how it seemed like he had a couple chances to get them in off of his skate… Yeah lately, they’re hard to get by where your stick is so Hedy [Victor Hedman] made a nice play, I think it hit my skate or something.

On Ben Bishop’s game… When it bounces like that, you feel for him because he’s been playing hard, you know he always has our back but yeah we got to bounce back from those so we’re playing the right way.

TAMPA BAY LIGHTNING GOALIE BEN BISHOP On what he thought of the game… You know we just got off to another slow start. We can’t wait until we are down three-nothing before we start you know bringing it to them. Obviously it was a good third period but it was already four-nothing and then we’re picking it up so it’s a little too little too late. We got to start games with a little more jam, we got to come with the attitude you know we want to win and we want to, you know we can’t just come out here and feel it out. I think we barely had any scoring chances in the first two periods.

On how they need to click in the beginning of the game, rather than the end… Yeah I mean we most likely played bad, but we need more I guess jam maybe I’ll use that word but we need a little more you know, I wouldn’t say effort but we just need a little bit more to start the game. We got to play with the lead, you know we are a better team obviously when we play with a lead. But too many times we are coming out and falling behind and trying to play catch up.

On the types of goals scored… You know it’s kind of been the story of the year. You know the bad bounce, the tips, you know goals off my own players you know so it kind of seems like it keeps happening every single game, but nobody is going to feel sorry for us, we just got to keep working and eventually the tides will turn.

On if it bothers him… An electronic version of this transcript can be found on the Boston Bruins media website: Email: [email protected] Password: media

Game in and game out it’s a little frustrating but at the same time you know nobody is going to feel sorry for you.

BOSTON BRUINS HEAD COACH CLAUDE JULIEN PREGAME MEDIA AVAILABILITY On whether there are any lineup changes … Maybe, after the warmup.

On if Zdeno Chara will go through pregame skate… No.

On whether or not Chara skated this morning… I think so. I don’t deal with players that aren’t healthy, so.

On how their game plan changes during a day game… It doesn’t change at all. It’s just guys get up and they come to the rink, I mean we’ve done this so many times and we’re going to do it some more again this year. It’s not a bad thing either – you get done early so you’re not looking to go to bed at one o’clock in the morning. When you have to unwind and everything else, those aren’t bad things. We don’t mind those afternoon games.

On whether Brad Marchand is healthy after blocking a shot yesterday… Yeah.

On if there is an increased emphasis to get tips in front of the net off shots from the point… Well I think if you get it on net that’s a start. I think jumping on those rebounds – there’s a lot of different things. I’m not going to get into that because that’s a long conversation. We have to improve our scoring – beginning of the year we were even a little bit better than we are right now at creating second chances and all that stuff and that’s a part of our game that has slipped a little bit.

On what he’s liked from his defense this season against fast teams… It’s not our defense; it’s our team as a whole. I think because we’re kind of playing a little tighter this year and trying to take away the space that normally some of those guys, players or team that like to play fast like to have. It really does come to the five guys. If we don’t have our forwards helping out there’s still a big gap there allowing for speed. I think that’s the part I’ve liked is that we’ve embraced that change this year.

On his relationship with Steven Stamkos and his thoughts on him being out… Well he’s had a lot of injuries from the time he broke his leg here to last year missing the playoffs and all that stuff. We know he’s a great player and those injuries – not only for them, but for hockey – people want to see those players play. It’s not something you like to see and you’re going to hear people say it’s nice to not have him against your team because he’s that good, but for the better of the game you want those guys to be playing. We’re trying to sell the game here and not worry about what this advantage can put another team in versus hoping that guys are injured. An electronic version of this transcript can be found on the Boston Bruins media website: Email: [email protected] Password: media